DS - WhitePapers - Links Management in 3DEXPERIENCE DesignEngineering Apps

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White Paper

Design / Engineering Applications

3DS.COM © Dassault Systèmes

Version 1.0 - 12/3/2014

Written by: Sumit MATTOO
Validated by: Mandar BHAT
Edited by: Véronique LECOEUR

White Paper

Executive Summary
The management of Links and Relations is important in understanding the
relation between the components under a Tree Structure; how they are
dependent on each other and what impact could a change in one entity have
on the other. This paper covers the concept of Link Foundation, commonly
experienced Relations in Design/Engineering Applications and the
management of the Links and Relations. The goal is to provide a consolidated
document to help users in identifying the Relations generated and in
effectively managing them.

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White Paper


1. Links Foundation............................................................................................................ 4
1.1. PLM Core Modeler Overview ...................................................................................... 4
1.2. Aggregation Link and Instance Reference Link........................................................... 4
1.3. Identifying Links and Relation ..................................................................................... 5
1.4. Difference between Link and Relation ........................................................................ 5
2. Common Link Types ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Contextual Links ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1. Contextual Masks ................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Engineering Connection ........................................................................................... 10
2.3 Assembly Symmetry Links........................................................................................ 12
2.3. Implement Connections ............................................................................................ 12
2.4 Paste Special Links .................................................................................................. 14

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2.4. Drawing Links ........................................................................................................... 15
2.5. Knowledgeware Links............................................................................................... 16
2.5.1. External Parameter: .............................................................................................. 16
2.5.2. Design Table:........................................................................................................ 17
2.5.3. Resource Table: ................................................................................................... 18
2.6. Publication Link ........................................................................................................ 19
2.7. Material Link ............................................................................................................. 19
3. Working with Edit Links and Relations ......................................................................... 20
3.1. Edit Links & Relations Dialog Box............................................................................. 20
3.1.1. Relation Filters ...................................................................................................... 21
3.1.2. Delete Pointing Component .................................................................................. 21
3.1.3. Isolate Link ........................................................................................................... 21
3.1.4. Open Pointed Component..................................................................................... 22
3.1.5. Synchronize Link .................................................................................................. 22
3.1.6. Disable/Enable Synchronization............................................................................ 23
3.1.7. Manual Reconnection ........................................................................................... 23
3.1.8. Automatic Reconnection ....................................................................................... 23
3.1.9. Apply Proposed Action .......................................................................................... 24
4. Document History ........................................................................................................ 24

White Paper

1. Links Foundation

1.1. PLM Core Modeler Overview

Basic linking mechanism in 3DEXPERIENCE Design / Engineering Apps is governed

by PLM entities, as they are created and linked by a pre-designed mechanism.
PLM Core Modeler Overview:

The PLM kernel consists of three layers as illustrated by the following figure, from the
bottom to the top:

 The PLM Meta Model Foundation, where the Entity-relationship model is

defined along with PDM concepts.
 The PLM Core Model, a specialization of the Meta Model.
 The Component Models, which are in turn specializations of the PLM Core

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1.2. Aggregation Link and Instance Reference Link

A PLM component is defined as a single entity with its identification, to which are
appended PLM information units like extensions, vault links, relations and lists.
PLM core model consists of 6 basic entities with pre-defined behaviors
 Reference
 Instance
 Port
 Connection
 Representation Reference
 Representation Instance

There are three kinds of possible relations:

 Aggregation
 Instance Of
 Referencing

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In summary, here is the figure that illustrates all the PLM Core components and how
they fit together:

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1.3. Identifying Links and Relation

In 3DExperience, Links and Relations can be identified from Action Bar using Tools –
Links and Relation

1.4. Difference between Link and Relation

 Link is a dependency created and used to transmit geometric, parametric and

positional information between components whereas Relation is a set of links that
are specified between components within a product. A relation consists of a
combination of a pointed component (the pointed component may be complex,
i.e. a combination of more than one component e.g. a path of instances), a role
and a category. The relation is stored in the pointing component.

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 Although a relation is referenced in the database, a link object is not referenced.

 The path to the components specifies a relation; the path to the elements
underneath components specifies a link.
 When an element that belongs to a component is deleted, the link is broken but
the relation is not broken as the component is not deleted. Any change made to
the component is reflected in the relation status marked as "desynchronized".
 Relations are synchronized during a PLM Update.

2. Common Link Types

2.1. Contextual Links

Interfacing parts are designed using elements from one another so that they match
correctly with each other. This type of design is called as Contextual Design.
“Keep link with selected object” is a setting that allows creating a link with selected
object. This option is selectable from Tools / Option as shown in the image:

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In 3DEXPERIENCE R2014x Design / Engineering Apps the link works as explained below.
Following Relation Roles are generated while creating any Contextual Link.

1) Context – Indicates the path of the Instances under which Contextual Links have
been created.
2) Import- Indicates the Relation with the Original Contextual reference.
3) Import (Link) - It is the Link with the actual Imported External References.

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2.1.1. Contextual Masks

Three occurrences of contextual product exist (these masks are applied in the tree on
products and representations):

- Contextual Occurrence. This mask defines the context. This icon shows that the
reference is contextual and this occurrence is the context.

Example: Create a pad inside a 3Dshape using up to Last surface and use the
surface of another 3DPart inside the Assembly. An External Reference will get
created and the 3D Shape will get converted into Contextual instance.

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- Out of context Occurrence. If you instantiate a contextual product from its root context
to another root context, the product becomes out of context and icon becomes yellow. This
icon shows that the reference is contextual and this instance is out of context instance.

Example: Copy and Paste the contextual Instance in another Product.

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- Instance of the contextual Occurrence. This occurrence is an occurrence of the

context. The geometry of this instance is connected with the contextual instance
(contextual link).

Example: Create a Physical Product and Insert a Contextual Reference inside it.

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- Not a contextual Occurrence. This instance is not an occurrence of the context. Its
reference is contextual to another instance. This instance is not used in the context

Example: Create an out of Context Instance and then delete the Original Contextual
Reference. The out of Context Instance will change into Not a Contextual Instance.

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2.2. Engineering Connection

Following are the relation roles which are created when we create an Engineering
connection between two components:

1) Impacted By
2) Impacts On
3) Support

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Impacts on relation are created with the Component which moves as a result of engineering

Impacted by relation is created with the Second component involved in connection which is

Support Link is created with other features involved in the Engineering connection like the
Axis, face etc.

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Which component would move in the Engineering connection and thereby which component
will have impact on and which component would be impacted by, is decided by the
Engineering Connection Definition box.

However if the user selects the option of automatically position Components, both the
components are identified by Impacts On.

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If the engineering connection is created between a child product of the active product and a
product that does not belong to the active product, then a contextual engineering connection
is created which is identified by the contextual Link.

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2.3 Assembly Symmetry Links

While working with Assembly Symmetry various Links and Relations are generated which
are displayed as below:

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1) Global Import: This is the Relation generated between the Global Import Set created
under the symmetric 3D Shape with the original 3D shape.

2) Original Instance: This identifies the Relation with the Original Instance.

3) Symmetric Instance: This identifies the Relation with the Symmetric Instance created.

4) Original product: This is the Relation with the Original Reference Product.

5) Symmetric Product: This is the Relation with the Symmetric Product created.

2.3. Implement Connections

Implement Connections are used to connect requirements, functions, logical components
and physical components. The implement relation identifies the purpose of these elements.

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Whatever object you first select when creating an implement link, the implement relation is
always created from the lower level abstract category to the higher level abstract category.
In other words:

A physical product implements a function, a logical component or a requirement.

A logical component implements a function or a requirement.
A function implements a requirement.

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An Implement relation can be created among the following RFLP components:

White Paper

2.4 Paste Special Links

A PartBody can be pasted from one Physical product to another physical product in the
following three types:

1) Paste or Paste Special-As specified in part Document: If features are pasted using
the regular paste or paste Special-As specified in part Document, all the features are
copied and no link is maintained to the source file.

2) Paste Special-As Result: If features are pasted using Paste special- As Result, the
geometry is copied (without features) and no Link is maintained to the source file.

3) Paste Special-As Result with Link: If features are pasted using Paste Special-As
Result with Link, the geometry is copied (and not the features) and the link is
maintained to the source file. These links are identified as Import Links. This
operation takes place beyond a context, unlike contextual links.

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2.4. Drawing Links

Following are the Relation Roles which are created while generating Drawing View of any

1) Is a View Of
2) Is projected
3) Result

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View of:

 It identifies the Link of the root Product with the Drawing.

 Link from a Bill of Material to the product reference.


 It identifies the Link of the actual 3D representation/3D Shape with the drawing.
 Link to 3D Axis system feature for a view associated to an axis system.
 Link to Part Design Thread features that have a symbolic representation in the view.


 It identifies the Link of the resultant View generated with the Physical Product.
 Links to the product instances listed in the Bill of Material.

Apart from these Links, any interactively created modifications on the drawing like Addition
of Datum Surface or Text with Leader are added as Extended Specification Links.

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2.5. Knowledgeware Links

2.5.1. External Parameter:

Whenever an External Parameter is created driving the geometry, following Relation

Roles are created:
1. Context: Indicates the Relation with Root Product(Contextual Reference).
2. Import: Indicates the Relation with Knowledge Engineering Specification.
3. Import (Link): Indicates the Imported External Parameters inside the 3D Shape.

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It must be noticed that Links are generated only with External Parameters and not
with normal parameters (generated in the representation Context).

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2.5.2. Design Table:

While generating a Design Table either with pre-existing file or current parameter
value, a “Design table source file Link” is generated between the Excel/Text File and
the Physical Product.

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2.5.3. Resource Table:

If some data is being accessed by a Resource table a set of links and relations
are generated:

1. Parametric Relation: It indicates the relation with the Physical Product under
which the Resource is inserted.
2. Parametric Relation Link: It is the Link generated between the Rule/Action
accessing the Resource from the Resource Table and the Physical product.
3. Resource: It indicates relation with the resource which is imported in the
Physical Product.
4. Resource Link: It is the Link generated between the Imported Resource and
the Resource Table.

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2.6. Publication Link

On creating a publication of a feature e.g. face or Axis, a Publish Link is established between
the published feature and the pointing Physical Product or 3D shape.

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2.7. Material Link

When a Material is attached to the Product or 3D Shape a “Core/Covering Material Link” and
“Material to Reference Link” are created between the “Product/3D Shape” and the “Material
Database” respectively.

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3. Working with Edit Links and Relations

3.1. Edit Links & Relations Dialog Box

Edits Links and Relations is the primary tool used to diagnose incidents on links and
Edit Links and Relations dialog box comprises the following sections/commands as shown in
the image:

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The dialog box is divided in four areas that provide the following information:

 The Components and objects involved in the Relation and Links.

 The detailed status for each level of the product structure indicated either by a green
thumb or red thumb or a white cross in red background under the Status column.
 The role can be like:
Impacts on
Impacted by
 The proposed action to solve the detected issue at each level under the proposed
action column.

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3.1.1. Relation Filters

“Relation filters” is used to filter links or relations. With the help of relation filters, user
can determine whether roles and status should be hidden or visible.

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 In the Role frame, the available items list is dynamic according to roles found in the
Links & Relations dialog box.
 In the Status frame, the available items list is fixed.
 The “AND” and “OR” options define if you want to apply the Role AND Status filters
or the Role OR Status filters.
 Add Filter and Remove Filter allow you to move items from one list to another.
 To reset to the default filter, click Reset.

3.1.2. Delete Pointing Component

This action is applied to pointing component (Not applied on Relations or Links). It

will delete the pointing component and all its relations and its links. It has the same
behavior than “Delete” command accessible by contextual menu on each feature.

3.1.3. Isolate Link

Isolate Link is used if user wants to isolate any unwanted Link from the List. However
when you isolate any relation, all its links are isolated as well.

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3.1.4. Open Pointed Component

This is used to open pointed PLM components in a link or a relation.

 When no relation is selected, open pointed component is available only if

there is at least one pointed PLM component that is not open in the session.
When pointed PLM components are not already open, the components are
opened in the session in an editing context.
 When at least one relation selected, Open pointed component is available
only if there is at least one pointed PLM component in the selection that is not
open in session. When pointed PLM components are not already open, the
components are opened in the session in an editing context.
 Open pointed component is not dedicated to open a pointed component
but to load a pointed component in the session. When all pointed components
are already loaded in the session, Open pointed component is not

3.1.5. Synchronize Link

Synchronizing links and relations involves copying geometrical elements after an

import operation. You can synchronize links and relations manually or automatically.

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When links or relations cannot be synchronized, the Selection Assistant dialog box appears
to help you synchronize them. It helps you diagnosing link or relation issues as well as
identifying the conditions under which a link or a relation will be synchronized.

The synchronization process affects the status of a relation. The table below describes the
symbols that indicate the following situations:

Symbol - Meaning
Status icon

The relation is synchronized.

The relation is synchronized. The relation references a minor version of the

component that differs from the previously minor version initially used when
the relation has been created.

The relation is synchronized and the synchronization is turned off.

The relation is not synchronized.

The relation is not synchronized and references a minor version that is not the
current "minor" of the pointed component.

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Symbol - Meaning
Status icon

The relation is not synchronized and the synchronization is turned off.

The relation is not loaded in the current session. The pointed component
exists in the database.

The relation has been broken in the current session. The relation status has
not been saved to the database.

The relation has been broken. The relation status has already been saved to
the database.

3.1.6. Disable/Enable Synchronization

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Using this option, user can turn on/off the synchronization of a relation for a
geometrical import so that this relation is ignored during the PLM Update.

3.1.7. Manual Reconnection

Reconnecting mechanism allows you to restore relations between components. It

applies to relations that can be broken, not opened, or verified (solved).

User can reconnect relations manually provided that the pointed components are of
the same type: a 3D shape with another 3D shape, a product with another product. It
is only available when a component is selected. It is also possible to replace the
context of a contextual link.

3.1.8. Automatic Reconnection

Relations can also be automatically reconnected when another version (major, minor,
evolution) of the missing pointed component is found in session. The purpose of this
action is to assist end-user to automate as much as possible the reconnect of the

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The Reconnect Assistant dialog box will appear when at least one alternative
component is found in session.

Select a compatible component in the Proposed Alternatives section of the

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Reconnect Assistant dialog box. The relation is reconnected.

3.1.9. Apply Proposed Action

Apply proposed Action directly opens the Reconnect Assistant if there is any
proposed action in the Edit Links & Relations dialog Box.

4. Document History

Date Revised By Changes/Notes

1.0 12/3/14 Original

White Paper

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