European Literature

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French Literature inherited their love and order of amenability

to reason from the Romans. The common themes for their Gaea Mother Earth
literary works talked about goodness of human nature. The
language of French literature possesses clear and grace for both
poetry and prose. Phoebe Ruled the Mood with Atlas
French Literary Writers
Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant was the Coeus Titan of Intelligence
“Greatest Master of Modern Short Story.” He
wrote the famous short story, “The Necklace”
Oceanus Father of Oceanid
-The Necklace tells us about the negative effects of
pride and vanity and emphasizes the importance
Tethys Mother of all Rivers and Seas
of being content with what one has.
Anatole France (1844-1924), pseudonym for
Hestia Goddess of Health and Fire
Jacques Anatole Francois Thibault is a novelist and
Le Jongleur de Notre Dame or Our Lady’s Juggler is Demeter Goddess of Harvest

about a monk who was mocked for juggling before

the statue of the Virgin, but the statue came to life  Zeus Supreme, of S ky and Thunder

and blessed the juggler for his gift.

VICTOR HUGO “Les Miserables”, talking about Ares God of War

French revolution became one of the most

influential novels in the world.  Hades God of the Underworld

The greatest names in Italian literature are Dante, Hephaestus God of Fire and Forged
Petrarch, and Bocaccio. Most of the writings of
Italian literature possess goodness and true beauty Hebe Served wine and nectar to the Gods
of love. Italian literary writers showcase love for
Christian virtue, faith and sharing in both prose and
Apollo God of Sun , Music, Poetry,
Dante Alighieri - “Father of Italian Literature.” 
When he was nine, he met a girl of his age, Beatrice Hermes God of flock, Roads, Trading etc.

whom he had fallen in love with and became his

lifelong love and inspiration in many of his writings Aphrodite Goddess of Love

and considered her as the mirror of “Divine

Comedy” as a vision and one of the greatest  Atlas God who Supported Heaven
monuments of human genius. 
GREEK LITERATURE Epimetheus After-thought
Literature works drew their tales about heroes, folk
stories, songs, and legends which were handed Prometheus Fore-thought
down  orally through different generations.
Philosophy and religion were  recast in the modules
Maia Mountain Goddess
of beauty in their mythology. The Greeks honor
gods and goddesses because it was believed that
Poseidon God of the Sea
the universe created the gods. 
Three Periods of Greeks Literature
1.The first period covers the Pre-Homeric Age and Hera Goddess Of Marriage And The Queen
Of All God And  Goddesses
the Homeric age extending from the remote
antiquity to the age of Herodotus (484 B.C)  
2.The second period coincides with the Athenian
Period to the Golden Age of Pericles, from the age
of Herodotus to the death of Alexander of Great
(323 B.C.) 
 3.The third period is the Period of Decline that to
the enslavement of the Greeks by Rome and
extends to A.D. 1453

Spanish Literature
 Uranus Sky God and Father of the Titans
Early Spanish literature began from the wealth of Midsummer Night’s Dream Group of people who
folklore which was handed down orally from the went to the woods in the Kingdom of the fairies
past, many years after its composition.
-The story talks about the lengths we can go for
El Cid campeador El Cid which was known to love
be the greatest epic of -“Life is but a dream”
Spain narrates the greatest adventure story of
Spaniards and was the oldest piece of writing in Macbeth
Spanish literature. 
-The Scottish play or Tragedy of  Macbeth
Miguel de Cervantes
which was a Renaissance scholar, teacher at the -Accounts from Holinshed’s Chronicle
University of Salamanca, who was known to be  the
“Greatest Lyric Poet of Spain” who was famous for “What’s done is done”
his work “Don Quixote” which marked the turn “Out, damned spot,
from the extravagance of medieval romance to Out, I say!”
humor and realism of daily life.
The Tempest
Celts were considered to the first people of -The final play of William Shakespeare
England. It was a tribe from whom English literature
owes “The Legend of King Arthur” and “The -Moral dilemma of colonization
Knights of the Round Table” 
-which was an epic of a long narrative poem and
other poetic works were left. Norse also brought
along a culture-enriched literature with medieval
prose  and poetry from Europe. 
-The quest to fight Grendel, his mother, and the
dragon guarding unending treasure.

Canterbury Tales written by Geoffrey Chaucer, also

known as the Father of English Literature during the
14th century. 

The Legend of King Arthur King Arthur was a

legendary Celtic Briton who led battles against
Saxon invaders of Britain. Arthur obtained the
British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil
sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard
on Christmas Eve

Romeo and Juliet Written by the “Greatest Poet

and Playwright of England” and “Bard of Avon”,
William Shakespeare. His other works include
Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and Merchant of Venice.


-Revenge story of a son for his father


“To be or not to be”

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