Action - Term

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A wide range of activities are included in community action, which is sometimes referred to as "social

action" or "community engagement." The goal of these activities, the role that the community plays, the

kinds of activities involved, their size, and how they fit into the council can all be different. They all

involve a greater level of citizen involvement in the planning, design, and implementation of local

services. Putting communities at the center of their own local services is the goal of community action.

There are a number of goals that can be accomplished by involving communities in the design and

delivery of services..


The need for local participation and the organization of local residents to meet the challenges facing

their communities is of increasing importance. Extension professionals and policy-makers are more

frequently faced with the task of establishing programs in settings characterized by conflict among

different groups of stakeholders with very different needs, values, and policy preferences. In many

communities, these conflicts are often rooted in differences between groups that seek to protect

community quality and those that seek to exploit local resources (especially the local workforce and

natural resource base) as a means of achieving economic development. Equally common is the

consistent transfer of responsibilities for services from government agencies to the private community

sector. Such conditions have resulted in local residents taking on a greater role in providing services and

planning for future needs.  In response to the pressures and changes in our communities, activists,

grassroots social change organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and coalitions of

concerned community groups have emerged to shape and guide the development process. Similarly

organized local residents have played instrumental roles in identifying new development options in

localities that historically were presented with few such options. Small scale civil society organizations

(SCSOs) sometimes develop in communities with holistic responses to community needs (McGovern,

2013; Olson and Brennan, 2018; Olson and Brennan, 2017). These and other types of community-based

action in these and other settings is seen as essential to community development and to the social and

economic well-being of the locale.



Both resident interaction and community action are necessary for the development of a community. According to

Williamson (1991), the term "community action" refers to the process of forming social connections in order to

pursue common community interests and preserve local life. Because it encompasses deliberate and constructive

efforts designed to satisfy the general requirements of all local residents, community action is regarded as the

foundation of the process of community development. A more comprehensive approach to community

development is provided by this process, which represents a variety of local interests (Wilkinson, 1991). As a

result, the goal of the action process is to make the community as a whole better and to bridge any divides that

may exist (class, race, social), which typically result from an emotional or social need (Phillimore & McCabe,

2015). Local action involves people working together to pursue their common interests and focusing on the

improvement of social well-being as part of the process of community development.

The capacity of individuals to unite and work toward common objectives exemplifies this power. At the point when

different people and their associations connect with each other, they start to commonly comprehend the

necessities and needs that are normal to all inhabitants (Wilkinson, 1991; 2011 by Bridger, Brennan, and Luloff;

2013 McGovern; McCabe and Phillimore, 2015). The ability to maintain community identities, maintain local

control over decision-making, and address individual development requirements is made possible by this action. It

is essential to social and community well-being.


The existence of community action draws attention to the fact that the power to transform and change a

community often lies in the hands of local people working together (Gaventa, 1980; 2011 by Bridger,

Brennan, and Luloff; 2018 by Olson and Brennan; 2017 by Olson and Brennan; 2013 (McGovern). The

process of establishing relationships that improve the adaptability of local people within a shared territory

is what is meant to be referred to as community action and the development that follows from it. People's

ability to manage, utilize, and enhance the resources they have at their disposal for addressing local

issues demonstrates this adaptive capacity (Wilkinson, 1991; 2011 by Bridger, Brennan, and Luloff;

2003, Luloff and Bridger; 2015, Phillimore and McCabe; 2013 (McGovern). Every community has the

potential for such collective action as long as individuals care about each other and the community in

which they live. This ability lets you tell the difference between real communities and simple groups of


Community action must focus on the growth of the community as a whole, not just its constituent parts,

in order to have an effect on social well-being (Summers, 1986; Robinson and Christenson, 1989; 1991

Wilkinson; 2013 McGovern; 2018 by Olson and Brennan; 2017 (Olson and Brennan). The process of

community action can be seen to encompass a great deal more than merely individual efforts and

actions (Wilkinson, 1991; 2007 by Seyfang and Smith; 2013 (McGovern). The most successful initiatives

involve a series of steps aimed at resolving specific issues and bringing residents closer together. This

process can be broken down into five stages of success: initiation, sponsorship organization, goal

setting, recruitment, and implementation (Wilkinson, 1970; 1991, Wilkinson):

 Promoting awareness of the issue associated with the action is the primary focus of the first

stage, initiation. When members of the community recognize and define a problem or need as a

need and begin to discuss it as a potential focus for group action, this initiates and spreads


 The organization of sponsorship is the primary focus of the second stage. The structures,

organizations, and resources that are available both within and outside the community are the

subject of this step. These aspects play a crucial role in determining what the needs of the

community are and how to tackle perceived issues.

 The development of a strategy and goal setting is the third stage. At this stage, action goals are

created and strategies for achieving community-decided objectives are identified.

 The fourth stage entails recruiting and mobilizing the necessary resources, which include people,

funds, and supplies. Members of the community have a wide range of experience, abilities,

funding, resources, networks, and other assets that are essential to achieving the community's

goals. The success of community action initiatives is significantly influenced by how these

resources are organized and utilized.

 The application of these resources to the implementation of plans to achieve the desired

objectives is the final stage. At this point, particular actions are taken, evaluated, adjusted, and re-



The emergence of community and community action should not be interpreted as evocative or idealized

representations of local harmony and solidarity (Wilkinson, 1991; 2011 by Bridger, Brennan, and Luloff;

2003, Luloff and Bridger; 2013 McGovern; 2018 by Olson and Brennan; 2017 (Olson and Brennan).

Focused and deliberate action, on the other hand, is entirely different. Diverse social groups interact with

one another, often with opposing or at least distinctly divergent points of view, and action results.

Cooperation works with the approaching together of such gatherings to survey their normal and general

requirements. They then develop action plans that will benefit everyone involved and, ultimately, the

community as a whole.

It cannot be overstated how crucial it is to organize diverse local residents to influence local

development. Programs that are more effective and successful can be developed by providing a

comprehensive assessment of the local conditions that takes into account all community members.

Development can build on the unique conditions and character of the community thanks to the guidance

and input of local residents, and local decision-making can continue in the area. All of these factors

create an atmosphere in which active residents directly influence the community's well-bein


Bridger, J.C., Brennan, M.A., and Luloff, A.E. 2011. "The Interactional Approach to Community",
Chapter 9, p. 85-100 included in J. Robinson and G. Green (eds.), New Perspectives in Community
Development. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

Christenson, J. A. and J. W. Robinson. 1989. Community Development in Perspective. Ames, IA:

Iowa State University Press.

Gaventa, J. 1980. Power and Powerlessness:  Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley.

Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Luloff, A.E., and J. Bridger. 2003.  Community Agency and Local Development.  Pp. 203-213
in, Challenges for Rural America in the Twenty-First Century, edited by D. Brown and L.
Swanson. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press.

McGovern, Pauline. 2013. "Cross-sector partnerships with small voluntary organizations: some

reflections from a case study of a mutual support group." Voluntary Sector Review 4 (2): 223-240.

Olson, B. and Brennan, M.  2018. "From Community Engagement to Community Emergence: The
Holistic Program Design Approach."  International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and
Community Engagement. 5(1): 5-19. 

Olson, B. and Brennan, M. 2017.  "From Community Engagement to Community Emergence:  A

Conceptual Framework and Model to Rethink Youth-Community Interaction".  In:
 The Comprehensive Handbook for Community Development. R. Phillips and B. McGrath, Editors.
Taylor & Francis Publishers. 

Phillimore, J., & McCabe, A. 2015. Small-scale civil society and social policy: the importance of
experiential learning, insider knowledge and diverse motivations in shaping community action.
Voluntary Sector Review, 6(2), 135-151.

Seyfang, G., & Smith, A. 2007. Grassroots innovations for sustainable development: Towards a new
research and policy agenda. Environmental politics, 16(4), 584-603.

Summers, G. 1986. "Rural Community Development." Annual Review of Sociology. 12:341-371.

Wilkinson, K. 1970. "Phases and roles in community action." Rural Sociology. 35 (1): 54-68.

Wilkinson, K. 1991. The Community in Rural America. New York, NY: Greenwood Press, 1991.

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