3 Historia del
Cielo y de la Tierra, MS. See vol. iv., p. 289, for addi
tional notes respecting this author.
9 Un estudio de inuchos ratos (mas de treinta anos). acorn paiiado de la
. . .
constante aplicacion con qne me dedique d entender las frases de que nsaron
los Indios en sn primitive gentilismo, principalniente en la historia que de
su establecimieuto en esta region que nosotros llamamos America, escribio
Votan, la cual consegui, de les mismos Indios (qnienes me la franqueaTon),
y sobre todo, la conveniencia que resulta de una prolixa combinacion dc la
sitnacion dc aquella ciudad (Palenque), de la disposicion y arquitectnra de
sus ediftcios, de la antigiiedad de sus geroglificos, y finalmente de las pro-
ducciones de su terreno, con las noticias que, a costa de porfiadas diligen-
cias, habia adquirido; crei que me tenian en estado de despertar un sistema
nada nuevo, pero olvidado. Ordonez, MS., in Brasseur de Bourbourg,
Cartas, p. 7.
Ordonez, as represented by Cabrera Teatro, p. 96 claims that the
name Tzequiles has precisely the same meaning as Nahuatlacas in the
Nahua dialect, and he applies the name to a Nahua rather than a Maya
people, with much reason as will appear later, although Brasseur is of a
contrary opinion. Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., p. 70.
Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mex., torn, i., p. 165; See on Votan and his empire,
besides the works that have been mentioned in this chapter, Juairos,
Hist. Guat., p. 208; Clavigero, Storia Ant. del Messico, torn, i., pp. 150-1,
torn, iv., pp. 15-16; Boturini, Idea, pp. 114-5; Brasseur de Bourbourg,
Popol Vuh, introd; Id., Esquisses; Id., Palenque; Fontaine s How the
World was Peopled,]). 136; Tschudi s Peruvian Antiq., pp. 11-15; Dome-
nech s Deserts, vol. i., p. 10, et seq.; Levy, Nicaragua, p. 4; Priest s Amer.
Antiq., pp. 248-9; Beaufotfs Mex. Illust., pp. 218-21; Farcy, Discours, in
Antiq. Mex., torn, i., div. i., p. 43.
"This is the
origin of the ancient history of Quiche.
Here we write the annals of the past, the beginning
of all that has taken place in the city of Quiche,
among the tribes of the Quiche nations. Behold we
bring about the manifestation of what was in obscu
rity, its first dawning by the will of the Creator and
of the Former, of Him who begets and of Him who
gives being. Their names are Hunahpu Vuch
shooter of the blowpipe at the opossum, Hunahpu
Utiu shooter of the blowpipe at the coyote/ Zaki
Nirna Tzyiz great white pricker, Tepeu the dom-
inator, and Gucumutz the plumed serpent; Heart
of the Lakes, Heart of the Sea, Master of the Ver
dant Planisphere, Master of the Azure Surface.
Thus it is that these also are named, sung, and cele
brated the grandmother and the grandfather, whose
names are Xpiyacoc and Xmucane, preserver and pro-
tectrice twice grandmother and twice grandfather, as
follows an account, which has already been
presented in a condensed translation, of a time when
all was and there was yet no earth, and no
living thing, only the immobility and silence of a
boundless sea, on the surface of which floated the
Creator and his companion deities named above, in
cluding Gucumatz, the plumed serpent. Then the
light appeared and the earth with its vegetation was
created by Gucumatz and the Dominator at the word
of Hurakan, Heart of Heaven, the Thunderbolt.
Life and fecundity were given to the animals and
birds, who were distributed as guardians of the for
ests and mountains, and called upon to speak and
praise the names of those that had made them; but
the poor animals, after efforts twice repeated, could
not obey, and were assigned a position far below that
which they had been intended to fill. Two attempts
at the creation of intelligent beings followed, both
failures. First man was made of earth, and although
he could speak, he was intellectually stupid and
physically clumsy, unable to stand erect, and soon
mingled with the water like a man of mud. He was
destroyed by the disgusted creators. The sorcerers,
Xpiyacoc and Xmucane, grandmothers of the sun and
of the moon, were consulted in the second creation,
and the chief of Toltecat is mentioned in addition to
the names already given. Lots were cast, all needful
precautions were taken, and man was made again of
Popol Vuh, pp. 1-5; Ximenez, Hist. Ind. Guat., pp. 4-5.
It is I who
destroy the mountains," he said; but it was the will
of Hurakan, the thunderbolt, that his pride also
should be humbled, and the order was given to Hun-
ahpu and Xbalanque. They found him at his favor
ite employment of overturning the hills, enticed him
eastward to exhibit his skill and overthrow a partic
ularly high mountain which they claimed to have
seen, killed a bird with their blowpipe on the way,
and poisoned it with earth before it was given Cabra
kan to eat. Thus was his strength destroyed; he
failed to move the mountain, was tied, and buried.
Thus ends the first of the four divisions of the Po-
pol Vuli Next we are to hear something of the
birth and family of Hunaphu and Xbalanque. The
recital is, however, to be covered with mystery, and
Carchah is the name of an Indian town in Vera Paz.
30 Casa lobrcga, maison, tcncbrctisc. It will be remembered that Votan
is said to have established a House of Gloom at Hueliuetan. See p. 160.
resuscitating O s dogf,
o burning O
the royal .palace; then a man was made the subject
of their art, Hunahpu was cut in pieces and brought
to life by Xbalanque. Finally, the rnonarchs of Xi
balba wished to experience personally the temporary
death; Hun Came, the highest in rank, was first
killed, then Vukub Came, but life was not restored to
them the two shooters of the blow-pipe had avenged
had fallen.
32 The
place whence the brothers started to contend against the princes of
Xibalba, seems to have been Utatlan in Guatemala see vol. iv., pp. 124-8
for Gumarcaah the Quiche name of that place is said to signify house
of old withered canes. Moreover, Torquemada and Las Casas have pre
served the tradition that Exbalanqnen (Xbalanque) set out from Utatlan
for the conquest of hell. Monarq. Ind., torn, ii., p. 53; Hist. Apologctica,
MS., cap. 125. Xibalba doubtless had the signification of the infernal
regions in the popular traditions.
Popol Vuh, pp. 68-192; Ximenez, Hist. Ind. Guat., pp. 29-79.
34 See vol.
ii., pp. 716-7.
3 * See
p. 172.
Popol Vuh, pp. 245-7; Ximenez, Hist. Ind. Guat., pp. 98-9.
39 Notes to Popol Vuh, pp. Ixxxv, ccliv.
was or Panoaia,
called Panutla, place where they
arrived who came by sea, now corruptly called Pan-
tlan (Panuco) and from this port they began to follow
foja. Boturini, Catdlogo, pp. 17-18. M. Aubin, qui possede les copies
faites par Gama et Pichardo, ajoute au sujet de ce document: "Cette
histoire, composee en 1563 et en 1579, par un ecrivain de Quauhtitlan
et non par Fernando de Alba (Ixtlilxochitl), comm.e 1 a era Pichardo,
n est guere moins precieuse que les precedentes (in Brasseur s list), et
remonte, annee par annee, au moins jusqu a Fan 751 de J.C. A la suite
de ces annales se trouve 1 histoire anonyme (! Histoire des soleils), d oii
Gama a extrait le texte mexicain de la tradition sur les soleils." Bras
seur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., p. Ixxix. Id., Popol Vuh, p.
Chichime or dogs, a transformation which may not improbably have
Or, as Brasseur suggests, adopting the customs of the people in order
to obtain the entree of
Tonacatepetl and the secret of their agriculture.
Molina, Vocabulario, translates the name, red ant.
49 Codex
Chimalpopoca. in Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn,
i., pp. 53-9, 70-1.
Id., p. 117.
Sahagun, Hist. Gen., torn, i., lib. iii., p. 264, torn, iii., lib. x., p. 136:
Camargo, Hist. Tlux.,\\\ Nouvclles Annettes des Voy., 1843, torn, xcviii.,
pp. 135-7, is the only author who differs materially in his account of the
arrival and establishment of the Olmecs and Xicalancas. He states that in
company with the Zacatecs they came from the Seven Caves, passed through
Mexico, Tochimilco, Atlixco, Calpan, and Huexotziiico, founding their chief
settlement in Tlascala where the village of Natividad now stands. See vol.
iv.,pp. 478-9, for notice of ruins. Gomara, Conq. Hex., fol. 299-300, also
brings these nations from the Seven Caves.
great size. Most other writers of this class accept
more or less literally the tradition of the giants who
were the first dwellers in the land, deeming the dis
covery of large bones in various localities and the
scriptural tales of giants in other parts of the world,
to be sufficient corroborative authority. Veytia thinks
the Quinames as having been killed while eating and drinking, by the
Tlascaltecs who had taken possession of their arms. He says they yielded
125; Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 66, 153-4; Id.,
Popol Vuh, pp. Ixviii., cxxvii.; Id., Esquisses, p. 12; Granadps y Galvez,
Tardcs Amer., pp. 15, 21; Bios, Compend. Hist. Mcx.. p. 5; Pineda, in Soc.
Mex. G-eog., Boletin, torn, iii., p. 346; Pimentcl, in Dice. Univ., torn, x.,
p. 610.
Mex. Antiq., vol. v., p. 172; Ixtlilxochitl, in Id., vol. ix., pp. 200,
ottgli s
459; Gondra, in Prescott, Hist. Cong. Mex., torn, iii., pp. 45, 69; Vcytia,
Hist. Ant. Mej., torn, i., pp. 15, 18, 153; Boturini, Idea, pp. 113-14; tium-
boldt, Melanges, p. 553; Id., Vues, torn, i., p. 114; Popol Vuh, p. cxxv. ;
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 153, 301-3; Orozco y
Berra, Gcografia, p. 132; Gallatin, in Amer. Ethno. Soc., Transact., vol.
i. , p. 167.
Quetzalcoatl however
60 is not named.
CorUs, Cartas, p. 86.
vol. iii., pp. 248-87. The story of his visit to the Olmecs is told in Ixtlilxo-
chitl, in Kingsborougli, vol. ix., pp. 206, 459; Vcytia, Hist. Ant. Mej., torn,
i.,pp. 155-6, 161-204.
Boturini, Idea, p. 135; Clavigero, Storia Ant. del Messico, torn, iv.,
p. 52, torn, i., p. 147. Between Chiapas and Zacatecas is a vast space, of
which the only notion given us by history is the fact that the Olmecs, Xi
calancas, and Zapotecs lived in the region of Puebla and Tlascala. They
were the primitive peoples, that is, the first known. Orozco y Berra, Geo-
grafia, pp. 124-5. The Xicalancas founded Atlixco and Itzucan, but mi
grated to South America. The Olmecs who had been driven to the gulf
coasts followed them. Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mcx., torn, i., p. 242. The
Xicalancas possessed the country before the Chichimecs, by whom they
were regarded as enemies. Ixtlilxochitl, in Kingsboroitgk s Mcx. Antiq.,
vol. ix., p. 461. Mexicans, Culhuas, Tepanecs, Olmecs, Xicalancas, Taras-
cos, and Chichimecs wereall of the same race and language. Camargo,
Hist. Tlax., in Nouvelles Annales des Voy., 1843, torn, xcviii., pp. 131,
135, 138. See also Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp.
67, 196, torn, iii., p. 9; Bradford s Amer. Antiq., pp. 200, 213; Hellwald,
in Smithsonian Eept., 1866, p. 337; Midler, Rciftcn, torn, iii., pp. 33-4.
The Olmecs passed from Mexico to Guatemala, which they conquered.
Alcedo, Dice., torn, iii., p. 374. Palenque, the oldest American city,
Brasseur de Bourboiiry, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 180-8; Popol
I-tt/t, pp. cxlii-iii.; Boturini, Idea, pp. 37-41; see also references in vol.
iii., p. GO, ct seq.
On the Otomis, sec Clavigero, Storia Ant. del Mcssico, torn, i., pp.
147-8, torn, iv., p. 51; Veytia, Hist. Ant. Mej., torn, ii., p. 39; Alegrc,
Hist. Comp. de Jesus, torn, i., p. 90; Ixtlilxochitl, in KiagsborongJCs Mex.
Antiq., vol. ix., p. 210; Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mex., torn, i., p. 243;
Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 156-9, 196, torn, ii.,
p. 235, torn, iii., p. 56; Motolinia, in Icazbalceta, Col. de Doc., torn, i., p.
9; Orozco y Bcrra, Gcografia, pp. 120, 136-7; Pimentel, Cuadro, torn, i., pp.
117-18; Gondra, in Prescott, Hist. Conq. Mex., torn, iii., p. 20; Prichard s
Nat. Hist. Man, vol. ii., p. 512.
Sahagun, Hist. Gen., torn, iii., lib. x., p. 136, heads a paragraph Ol-
mecas, VixtotiandMixtecas, speaking of all together, and applying to them
the name Tenimes, or those who speak a barbarous tongue. Orozco y Berra,
Geografia, pp. 120, 125, 133, speaks of the Uhnecas or Mixtecs, and
thinks they were driven from their former position by the first Nahua in
vasion, driving out in turn the Chuchones. He pronounces the Miztec
and Zapotec kindred tongues, and states that these nations joined their
fortunes from an early period. Veytia, Hist. Ant. Mcj., torn, i., p. 150,
says the Zapotecs are reported to have come with the Olmecs and Xica-
lancas. Clavigcro, Storia Ant. del Messico, torn, i., p. 150; Brasseur dc
Bourbourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., p. 154; Id., Popol Vuh, p. cclv.; Gar
cia, Origen de los Ind., pp. 327-8; Mayer s Mex. Aztec, etc., vol. L, p. 98;
Hclhuald, in Smithsonian Re2)t., 1866, p. 337; Pimcntcl, Cuadro torn i
p. 37.
70 See vol. iv., p. 425, et seq.
wise Toltecs, both the astrologers and those of other
arts, assembled in Huehue TJapallan, the chief city
of their dominion, where they treated of many things,
the calamities they had suffered and the movements
of the heavens since the creation of the world, and of
many other things, which on account of their histories
having been burned, have not been ascertained further
than what has been written here, among which they
added the bissextile to regulate
O the solar vear with the
of this migration to the effect that the Toltecs were banished from their
country, sailed and coasted on the South Sea, arrived at Huitlapalan or
Huitlapatlan the Gulf of California, or a place on the coast of California
in 387 A. D., coasted Xalisco, arrived at Guatulco, then at Tochtepec or
Turlitepeque on the North Sea, and finally at Tulancingo. Pp. 206-7, 459-60.
On the Toltec migration see Ixtlilxochitl, in Kigsborougli?s Mex. Antiq.,
vol. ix., pp. 321-4; Veytia, Hist, Ant. Mej., torn, i., pp. 6-33, 139, 157,
205-21, 231; Clavigero, Storia Ant. del Messico, torn, i., p. 126, torn, iv., pp.
46, 51; Torquemada, Monarq. Ind., torn, i., pp. 36-7; Boturini, Idea, pp.
136-7; Carbajal Espinosa, Hist. Mex., torn, i., pp. 216-18; Brasseur de Bour-
bourg, Hist. Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 100, 126; Popol Vuh, pp. civ., clix-xi. ;
Id., Esquisscs, pp. 11, 13-14; Gallatin, in Amer. Ethno. Soc., Transact.,
vol. i., p.203; Bradford s Amer. Antiq., p. 202; Miiller, Reisen, torn, iii.,
pp. 91-7.
Alvarado, in Ternaux-Compans, Voy., serie i., torn, x., p. 147; Id.,
in Ramusio, Navigationi, torn, iii., fol. 303.
Ixtlilxochitl, in Kingsborough s Mex. Antiq., vol. ix.,
p. 446.
Cartas, pp. 31-4; Id., Popol Vnh, pp. clix-clxi. Brasseur gives a report
of the ruins of a northern Tula in California, which of course is unfounded.
He thinks the 6patas, Yaquis, Mayos, and Tarahurnares are remnants of
the old Toltec populations in this region. He does not attribute the ruins
of the New Mexican and Arizona group to the Toltecs, at least not at this
early period. Bradford also, Amer. Antiq., p. 202, speaks of the first age
as diffusing population from the centre through the north, to return in a
reflux of numerous tribes in the second age.
Las Casas, Hist. Apologetica, MS., cap. 123; Torquemada, Monarq. Ind.,
torn, ii., 52; Vcijiia, Hist. Ant. Mcj., torn, i., p. 237; Hcrrera, Hist,
Gen., dec. iv., lib. x., cap. ii. Tcrnaux-Compans. in Nouvclles Annalcs
des Voy., 1843, torn, xcvii.., pp. 31-6. Perez, in Landa, Relation, pp. 420-3;
Id., in Stephens Yucatan, vol. ii., pp. 4C5-9; Brasseur de Bourbourg, Hist.
Nat. Civ., torn, i., pp. 68, 76-80, 126-7; Id., Popol Vuh, pp. Ixxix, clv.-vi.;