Introduction To Artificial Neural Network

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M. Tech 1 st Sem CSE, 2020



Introduction to Artificial
Neural Network

The Nervous System:

• The human nervous system can be broken down
into three stages that may be represented in block
diagram form as:

• The receptors collect information from the

environment – e.g. photons on the retina.
• The effectors generate interactions with the
environment – e.g. activate muscles.
• The flow of information/activation is represented by
arrows – feedforward and feedback.
• In this course we will be primarily concerned with
the neural network in the middle.


The generic biological neuron

Some Basic Components of Biological Neurons

• The majority of neurons encode their activations or outputs

as a series of brief electrical pulses (i.e. spikes or actions).

• The neuron’s cell body (soma) processes the incoming

activations and converts them into output activations.

• Dendrites are fibers which emanate from the cell body and
provide the receptive zones that receive activation from other

• Axons are fibers acting as transmission lines that send

activation to other neurons.

• The junctions that allow signal transmission between the

axons and dendrites are called synapses.


Characteristics of Biological Neuron

• Low speed processors (ms) with limited computing

– Massive parallelism.

• They can learn and generalize from training data –

so there is no need for enormous feats of

• They are particularly fault tolerant –“graceful


• They are very noise tolerant.

A simplified model of human brain

Mathematical representation or Computational

models of neurons


Mathematical representation or Computational

models of neurons


• But we do not want simple summation, but answers.

• The neuron calculates a weighted sum of inputs and compares
it to a threshold. If the sum is higher than the threshold, the
output is set to 1, otherwise to 0 / -1.

The structure of Artificial Neural


So, What are Artificial Neural Networks ?

• Neural Networks (NNs) are networks of neurons, as found in

real (i.e. biological) brains.

• Artificial Neurons are crude approximations of the neurons

found in brains.
ü They may be physical devices,
ü Or Purely mathematical constructs.

• Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are networks of Artificial

Neurons, and hence constitute crude approximations to parts
of real brains.
ü They may be physical devices, or simulated on
conventional computers.


What are Artificial Neural Networks ?

• From a practical point of view, an ANN is just a parallel

computational system consisting of many simple processing
elements connected together in a specific way in order to
perform a particular task.

• One should never lose sight of how crude the

approximations are, and how over-simplified our ANNs are
compared to real brains.

Characteristics of ANN
Why are ANN worth studying vis-a-vis personal
• ICs are extremely powerful computational devices (10 -3s) but
Neurons may not as powerful as ICs (10-9 s).

• But Massive parallelism makes them very efficient.

• They can learn and generalize from training data – so there is

no need for enormous feats of programming.

• They are particularly fault tolerant – this is equivalent to the

“graceful degradation” found in biological systems.

• They are very noise tolerant – so they can cope with situations
where normal symbolic systems would have difficulty.

History Of ANN

• 1943 McCulloch and Pitts proposed the McCulloch-Pitts

neuron model.

• 1949 Hebb published his book The Organization of

Behavior, in which the Hebbian learning rule was

• 1958 Rosenblatt introduced the simple single layer

networks now called Perceptrons.

• 1969 Minsky and Papert’s book Perceptrons

demonstrated the limitation of single layer perceptrons,
and almost the whole field went into hibernation or


• 1982 Hopfield published a series of papers on Hopfield


• 1982 Kohonen developed the Self-Organising Maps that now

bear his name.

• 1986 The Back-Propagation learning algorithm for Multi-Layer

Perceptrons was rediscovered and the whole field took off

• 1990s The sub-field of Radial Basis Function Networks was


• 2000s The power of Ensembles of Neural Networks and

Support Vector Machines becomes apparent.

Application of ANN: Pattern Analysis

• Pattern analysis- The automatic detection of patterns in data
from the same source.
– Make predictions of new data coming from the same source.
– Data may take many forms: images, text, records of commercial
transactions, genome sequences, family tree.

• Pattern is a composite of traits or features characteristic of

an individual.

• Pattern analysis is done using any of the following methods:

1. template matching,
2. statistical methods,
3. syntactic methods and
4. neural networks.
5. Etc…


“Hot” Applications

• Recommendation systems
– Amazon, Netflix

• Targeted advertising

Application of ANN: Classification

• Given a set of items that have several classes, and given

the past instances (training instances) with their associated
class, Classification is the process of predicting the class of
a new item.

• Example: A bank wants to classify its Home Loan

Customers into groups according to their response to bank
advertisements. The bank might use the classifications
“Responds Rarely, Responds Sometimes, Responds

Application of ANN: Classification

• Face recognition example


Application of ANN: Classification

• Fingerprint recognition example

Application of ANN: Regression

• Regression- Predicting the value of random variable y from
measurement x.

• Finding a relationship (a function f(x)) between the input and

output training data generated by an unknown but fixed

Application of ANN: Regression

• “Regression deals with the prediction of a value, rather than

a class.”

– Example: Find out if there is a relationship between smoking patients

and cancer related illness.

• A simple approach:
– Given values: X 1, X 2... X n
– Objective predict variable Y
– One way is to predict coefficients a0, a1, a2
– Y = a0 + a1X 1 + a2X 2 + … anX n
• Linear Regression


Application of ANN: Clustering

• Partitioning a given dataset with known or un-known
distribution into homogeneous subgroups.

• Example: Insurance company could use clustering to group

clients by their age, location and types of insurance
• Object categorization/classification from remote sensed
image example

• Neural network: A comprehensive review by Simon Haykin
• Neural Computing - An Introduction by R Beale, T Jackson.
• Neural Network Design by Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth, Mark H.
• Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition by Christopher M. Bishop.
• Neural Networks-Algorithm, Applications and Programming Techniques,
James A Freeman, David M. Skapura

Easy book:
• Introduction to Neural Networks Using Matlab 6.0 by S. N. Sivanandam, S.
N Deepa, Tata McGraw-Hill.

For Lab- PGCSE-192A :

• Introducing to MATLAB Programming toolbox and simulink by Jaydeep
Charavorty, Universities Press
• Introduction to Neural Networks Using Matlab 6.0 by S. N. Sivanandam, S.
N Deepa, Tata McGraw-Hill.

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