Introduction To Neutrosophic Reliability Theory
Introduction To Neutrosophic Reliability Theory
Introduction To Neutrosophic Reliability Theory
52-61, 2021
3 Dept. Math and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Gallup, NM, USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence:[email protected]
Reliability is one of the most important indicators of the quality of any system or product, ranging from the
simplest machines as a product in any factory to the most complex system, such as phone or aircraft or missile
engines, etc. The accuracy of these products indicates their high reliability, and therefore the customer or business
owner will have confidence in products and will request more quantity. To reach the highest level of accuracy for
the reliability of any system, the corresponding data must be very accurate. For this purpose, we proposed to add
accuracy to reliability by adding data that contains more pieces of information about a specific product or
problem. We introduced a new logic (Neutrosophic logic) of data instead of classical logic which gives us more
accuracy of data that contain indeterminacy such as extremist, vague, and unclear data. We defined the
neutrosophic reliability according to the modern neutrosophic logic by constructing a neutrosophic reliability
function. We have used the type of series as an application of neutrosophic reliability and introduced some
examples. Neutrosophic reliability theory can be applied in computer science and decision support systems.
Keywords: Neutrosophic probability, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic reliability, Neutrosophic random variable,
classical reliability, neutrosophic series reliability.
In a world full of indeterminacy and therefore the traditional set with its boundaries of truth and false has not infused
itself with the ability to reflect reality. For this reason, neutrosophic found its place in contemporary research as an
alternative representation of the real world. Established by Florentin Smarandache [1, 2, 10, 11, 12], neutrosophy
was presented as the study of "the origin, nature, and scope of neutralities, as well as their interactions with different
identical spectra". Salama et al. introduced the neutrosophic crisp set theory and many applications in computer
science and information system in [3-6] and [18-26]. The theory of reliability is considered as a collection of
measures, mathematical systems, improving methods used to obtain solutions to some problems of prediction,
estimation, optimal survival probabilities, expected life, or the life distributions of elements of the system. In (2020)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
Received:January 30, 2021, Accepted: May 28, 2021
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
Smarandache et al. introduced an approach for the reliability of data contained in a single-valued neutrosophic
number and its application [32,33].
Reliability theory also considers some of the problems related to calculating the actual probability of providing
some systems at ( a certain time or at an optional time, or through a portion of the time during) which some systems
are operating efficiently and accurately. that is, reliability of the system is a measure of a system's ability to operate
successfully under conditions and for a specific period with the recent development in production systems, products
have become more complex in their manufacture (a collection of components that work as an integrated system),
which increases the probability that they will collapse if one component fails in them. One of the most important
things in maintaining the system's reliability is the use of highly reliable components. In the classic procedure, we
have encountered many problems in determining the reliability of any electrical system, device, product, etc. For
example, some data are lost or the value of one of the vehicles is unclear or the basic component on which the
system works are not identified (indeterminacy), or one of the paths of an electrical or electronic loop may be
unclear or not specified, however, we need the reliability to be more exact and clear. In this case, we use the modern
procedure to redefine the reliability according to neutrosophic logic introduced by Smarandache in 1995 [9], as
neutrosophic logic allows dealing with all previous cases and others with high flexibility. Neutrosophic logic is
considered as a generalization for the fuzzy logic and intuitionistic fuzzy logic [9, 10], and the fundamental concepts
of neutrosophic set and Neutrosophic set introduced by Smarandache in [8, 9, 10]. Smarandache extended the fuzzy
set to the neutrosophic set [10, 11, 12], introducing the neutrosophic components T, I, F, which represent the
membership, indeterminacy, and non-membership values respectively, where] -0, 1+ [is the non-standard unit
interval. In this paper, we presented the concept of reliability according to neutrosophic logic and called it
neutrosophic reliability. Neutrosophic reliability is a new tool and one of the most important indicators in measuring
the quality and reliability of systems in all fields.
2. Fundamentals
Neutrosophy theory is applied in different aspects of life to solve problems related to indeterminacy, such as
mathematical, engineering, geography, medicine, psychology [9].
Definition 1 [10]
Neutrosophy is a generalization of dialectics (that depended on <A> and <anti- A> only), however in neutrosophic
theory considered every entity <A> tends to be neutralized and balanced by < anti-A> and < non-A> entities - as a
state of equilibrium. In a classical way <A>, <neut- A>, < anti-A> are disjoint two by two. But, since in many cases
the borders between notions are vague, imprecise, <A>, <neut- A>, <anti- A> and <non- A> may have common
parts two by two, or even all three of them as well.
Definition 2 [8,9]
Let U be a universe of discourse; then the neutrosophic set A is an object having the form
Where the functions T, I, F: U → ]−0,1+[ define respectively the degree of membership, the degree of
indeterminacy, and the degree of non-membership of the element x ∈ U to the set A with the condition: - 0 ≤ TA
(x)+IA (x)+FA (x) ≤ 3+.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
Definition 3 [7,8]
Let X be a space of points (objects) with generic elements in X denoted by x. An interval neutrosophic set A in X is
characterized by truth-membership function, indeterminacy-membership function, and falsity-membership function.
For each point x in X, we have that TA (x), IA (x), FA (x) subset [ 0 ,1].
Defination 4 [12]
Neutrosophic random variable is a random variable with some indeterminate if suppose Ω is a sample
space of neutrosophic random experiment such as is function define on Ω, such that the domain or
codomain or the relationship between them may contain some indeterminacy,
:Ω →ℛ∪ (2)
Definition 5 [12,14]
Neutrosophic probability (or likelihood) is a particular case of the neutrosophic measure. It is an estimation of an
event (different from indeterminacy) to occur, together with an estimation that some indeterminacy may occur, and
the estimation that the event does not occur.
(E) = ( chance that event E occurs, indeterminate chance that E occurs or not, a chance that event does not occur)
3. Classical Reliability
Reliability function
Let denote the lifetime of a system, the reliability of that system at the point in time , that
( ) = ( > ), it is called the reliability at the time , and we can define it as the probability that the time at
which the system could fail is greater than .
We can find the reliability by cumulative distribution function for a random variable as:
Example (1) Suppose that the company offers a two-year guarantee of its product. So the probability of this product
operates as expected during the guarantee should be large. As a measure of reliability, probability can be used to
indicate the life of that product (not failed). Let is denoted the time of life product will not fail during this period,
for example, if R= P( > 720 days), that is: This standard is a useful indicator for measuring how this product does
its intended function.
If R= 0.999, this means that one in a thousand units can fail for two years.
Example (2) What is the probability of mission success, if seven helicopters are sent on a mission and five must
succeed for a mission to be successful? Bearing in mind that the probability of a certain type of helicopter surviving
a mission is 0.9 [15].
If the number of successes is 5 or more, this indicates to the mission will be a success. Hence, the probability of
mission success or mission reliability is:
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
( )= =
Let be a Neutrosophic random variable representing the time of the system failure, and t be the
interval of the operation of this system. We defined the reliability according to Neutrosophic probability
as follow:
( )=∫ ( ) =
( > ), where can be an interval or set or neutrosophic number maybe
contain some indeterminacy, and ( ) is the neutrosophic probability distribution.
Alhasan, Florentin (2019), define Weibull distribution according to neutrosophic logic as:
( ⁄ )
( )= , >0
Such that, the parameters of Weibull distribution as a number neutrosophic. that is, it may be a set or interval.
Suppose the product be an electric generator produced with a high capacity of the trademark that has a Weibull
distribution with parameter α=1, β=[1.5,2].
Estimate the reliability of the electric generator after the expiration of a five years warranty operation.
The neutrosophic reliability is:
( ⁄ )
( )=
when β= 2 and α=1
(5) = ( ⁄ ) = 10
Thus, the reliability of the electric machine operation after 5 years has the range between [14 × 10 , 10 ].
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
In figure(1), the graph of the system is a neutrosophic graph since it contains the edge < 5,4> is indeterminacy edge.
The device is considered successful if there is a successful path from the source to the sink. The device will be
considered as indeterminacy if at least one path is indeterminacy (unclear) from the source to sink in this case the
device is unsuccessful. We define the neutrosophic reliability according to modern logic (neutrosophic logic) as
The reliability for any system at the time t is denoted by R(t ), where t < T can be defined as the probability of
the operation of the system within the interval [0, t].
Let's define the structure-function of neutrosophy reliability based on the classical reliability after adding the new
component which is the indeterminacy component to truth and falsity components.
( , ,……, )= ( ),
1 [0, ]
( )=
0 [0, ]
The neutrosophic reliability is a triple function (truth, indeterminacy, falsehood) that indicates the status of the
device (works, indeterminacy, not work) given the status of each component as in the following:
∶ {0,1, } → {0,1, }
Such that,
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
1 [0, ]
= [0, ] (5)
0 [0, ]
The performance of the device is measured by the triple random variables, that is
1 [0, ]
( )= [0, ] (6)
0 [0, ]
The reliability of a component is the probability that the component is working correctly. The component of
the device is indeterminacy probability denoted by , and the component failure probability, , is the probability
that the component has failed (not working). And we can denote the triple components as follow:
= { = 1} ,
= { = 0} and
= { = } (7)
( ) = { ℎ( ), ℎ( ), ℎ( )} = ( , , ),
where T, I, F are standard or nonstandard subsets of the nonstandard unitary interval ]-0, 1+[, and T is the chance
that X occurs, denoted ch(X); I is the indeterminate chance related to X, ch(neut X ); and F is the chance that X
does not occur, ant(X).
Using the reliability neutrosophic to improve system reliability, such as series, parallel, composed series-parallel, or
When we configured the reliability of the system, for example, type series: that is in a series system, a failure of any
component in the series system, implies failure for the whole system.
If we have of the components, which contains some indeterminacy components implies the system is a failure.
That is if at least one of the components that are indeterminacy is a failure.
Let , ,…, , … , are components of the system (device), if consider that component is indeterminacy
maybe more one, and =1,2,…, i,..,n.
( )= … ..
If the series system is successful, the structure-function must be equal to (1,1,1), otherwise, it's a failure. To find the
reliability neutrosophic series its equal to the neutrosophic probability that all the components in the series system
are true.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
Example (4)
Suppose a device is series types contains 4 components and the components have exponential lifetimes and give
constant failure rate of each component, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4 respectively per 20 days,
In classical reliability, ( )=
( )= .
If we suppose the 1st component is A, then = 0.00247
( )= .
, the 2nd component is B, then = 0.0183
( )= .
, the third component is C, then = 0.1353
( )= .
And the fourth component is D, then
( = 20) = . . . . . ( )( )
Hence . . . = = = 2.06115 × 10
Now, if these components have the neutrosophic exponential distribution and neutrosophic time series [13, 14], in
this case, we can consider the constant failure rate is an undetermined number or set or internal which forms the
number Neutrosophic, if the constant failure rate in each component as [0.28,0.32], [0.17, 0.28],[0.09, 0.17], [0.32,
0.42] respectively per 20 days.
Therefore, to find the Neutrosophic reliability of the above components, A, B, C, and D as follow:
( )= [ . , . ] ( )= .
, if = 0.28 implies that = 0.00369
( )= .
if = 0.32 implies that = 0.00166
( )= [ . , . ] ( )= .
, if = 0.17 implies that = 0.03337
( )= .
if = 0.28 implies that = 0.00369
( )= [ . , . ] ( )= .
, if = 0.09 implies that = 0.16529
( )= .
if = 0.17 implies that = 0.03337
( )= [ . , . ] ( )= .
, if = 0.32 implies that = 0.00166
( )= .
if = 0.41 implies that = 2.746 × 10
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
6. Some Applications
1- In the design of an electric cable Extension, the Direct Current which
contains three, L, N, and E, is the earth, when the Loop Electric Circuit for
work, we need to only L and N without E, in this case, we consider E is
indeterminacy line.
9- The use of Neutrosophic reliability in knowing the reliability of the devices used for early detection of the
Corona COVID 19 virus, as well as the devices for examination (such as a swab, oximeter, laser, or
thermal devices for measuring temperature), as well as the reliability of data in modeling Scientific
mathematical to study the type of virus or study the virus series.
10- In communications, we need high reliability for quality image compression or message encryption.
Example (5)
To ensure that the vehicle engine works at full capacity and gives the required services, there are three essential
factors that we need to consider which are the production of sparks, fuel circulation, and flow of air.
Production of spark. The spark plugs generate the sparks inside the engine. The engine needs to have an efficient
quantity of sparks to ensure that the engine works efficiently reliability. If any of the plugs work inefficiently, it will
negatively impact the overall performance of the engine.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 52-61, 2021
Fuel circulation. If there are any issues with fuel intake as a result of a blockage in the fuel injections or
malfunctioning of any of the injections or shortage in fuel pumping as a result of issues with the fuel pump, it would
impact the overall performance of the engine as this will impact the quantity of fuel inside the engine.
6. Conclusions
To obtain a high level of reliability of any product such as the system of machine or medicine, engineering,
psychology, a measure of statistic or mathematic, etc. we need accurate and whole data. In this paper, we proposed a
new concept whith neutrosophic reliability that depends on classical data and indeterminacy data together. This
means that we need to study all data including vague, unclear data. We defined the structure-function for reliability
according to the modern logic duch as "neutrosophic logic" that depends on triplet functions (truth, falsehood,
indeterminacy) and it’s using neutrosophic probability. The series of neutrosophic reliability was also discussed in
this paper and some examples were illustrated.
For future work, we’ll apply the neutrosophic reliability to improving many methods of reliability in networks,
(series or parallel or compound ) systems, and many other fields that require high accuracy (high reliability ) in its
systems. And we can find the neutrosophic reliability for any distribution (Expositional, Gamma, Normal, etc.) and
any probability function.
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DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5033829