Complementary Products
Complementary Products
Complementary Products
commuter chins But the chip is only part of a larger system, and most of us a
rcad havc more processing power than we need to run our favorite application
Thus.outpacing conmpeting chip makers 1S not enough: Intel must also engineP
demand for its next-generation chips. So Intel is on the lookout for complemen.
tors: It has teamed up with MCI to provide more bandwidth for networks. It is
working with others to develop interactive games on the World Wide Web. Intel
is even venturing
outside its core business to ensure that essential
get off the ground. As desktop
for Intel's newest chip, the Pentium Pro. That is
takes off, so, too, will demand
more than $100 million in
why the company has invested
is a hundred-year-old
developing Proshare, a video-phone product. There
analogue to Intel's strategy. At the turn of the century, the
car was a
technological revolution. But the value of a car-and hence the de-
mand for one-was
limited the by
lack of many essential
products: roads, gas stations, mechanics and more. The complementary
did not leave the fledgling auto makers
the Lincoln
development of these markets to chance. For
example, through
Highway Association, they helped promote
Entering complementary business requires that
a highway construction.
ing little differently. You cannot
a companies do their account-
measure the profitability of the two
independently, nor can
you demand that each pay its own way. The
to ask is
whether you are maximizing the right question
ESSes. For example, subsidizing Proshare makes profitability of the two busl-
sense for Intel: Increased $ales
r the Pentium Pro will more than make
up for anything the conpany on
. . . Managing complements is a smarter way of doing business, and there
LT SS possibilities. Michelin tires and Michelin Guides; Ikea and
ulark cards and in-store reading lasses; play arcas
mg and bookstores and coffee Dals. Le tify-
assembling complements is often the best way to compete.