Information System Based On Multi-Value Classification of Fully Connected Neural Network For Construction Management

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023, pp. 593~601

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v12.i2.pp593-601  593

Information system based on multi-value classification of fully

connected neural network for construction management

Tetyana Honcharenko1, Roman Akselrod2, Andrii Shpakov3, Oleksandr Khomenko4

Department of Information Technologies of Design and Applied Mathematics, Kyiv National University of Construction and
Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
Academic Work and Regional Development, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
Educational and Methodological Work, Department of Management in Construction, Kyiv National University of Construction and
Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine
Academic Affairs and Integrated Development, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This study is devoted to solving the problem to determine the professional
adaptive capabilities of construction management staff using artificial
Received Mar 27, 2022 intelligence systems. It is proposed fully connected feed-forward neural
Revised Nov 10, 2022 network (FCF-FNN) architecture and performed empirical modeling to
Accepted Nov 21, 2022 create a data set. Model of artificial intelligence system allows evaluating the
processes in an FCF-FNN during the execution of multi-value classification
of professional areas. A method has been developed for the training process
Keywords: of a machine learning model, which reflects the internal connections
between the components of an artificial intelligence system that allow it to
Artificial intelligence “learn” from training data. To train the neural network, a data set of 35 input
Construction management parameters and 29 output parameters was used; the amount of data in the set
Machine learning is 936 data lines. Neural network training occurred in the proportion of 10%
Multi-value classification and 90%, respectively. Results of this study research can be used to further
Neural network improve the knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Tetyana Honcharenko
Department of Information Technologies of Design and Applied Mathematics,
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
31, Povitroflotsky Avenue, Kyiv, 03037, Ukraine
Email: [email protected]

Nowadays artificial intelligence becomes one of the defining start technologies, which is being
worked on in a significant number of areas with regard to the possibility of its implementation. According to
the research with P. Boucher at the front, artificial intelligence is defined as a system that simulates human
behavior by analyzing the environment and performing functions, with a certain degree of autonomy, to
achieve pre-formed goals [1]. Thus, artificial intelligence is a systemic definition that includes machine and
deep learning, peculiarities of which are revealed while artificial intelligence models’ learning.
The study provides a scientific basis for the application of artificial intelligence technology to
determine the professional adaptive capabilities of construction management staff. If we base the
development of an artificial intelligence information system for multi-value classification on the results of
youth vocational guidance tests, it will improve the diagnosis of professional selection and will be able to
provide recommendations for improving the productivity of professional implementation [2]. The level of
trust of young people in the artificial intelligence when it comes to the questions of career guidance, choosing

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594  ISSN: 2252-8938

a professional direction or profession according to their wishes, aptitudes, capabilities, and so on, is then
Ukrainian scientists Jaber and Palamarchuk analyzed the introduction of artificial intelligence
elements in organizing and processing the results of professional orientation. In their work [3], they
suggested a structure and methodology for constructing an intellectual system of the vocational guidance for
the youth. Polish scientists Szymański et al. [4] study the multi-label classification process. The paper [4]
presents a multi-value classification for solving several or multiple output values. Scientists note that such a
classification should be applied in system cases that have multiple input and output classes, the classification
of which, respectively, is necessary.
Scientists from Nigeria Owoseni et al. [5] established the usefulness of Adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system in predicting outcomes of events, processes or systems from their numerical datasets. The
authors described mathematical details and proposed an improved Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
that uses an agglomerative-based clustering ensemble of fuzzy c-means to help extract rules from a given
dataset that represent a system. The work [6] of Turkish scientists Acun et al. states that the practical
implementation of the decision tree for machine learning has much more nuances due to the significant
number of input and output parameters, which will lead to poor predictability due to weak data normalcy. In
research papers [7]–[11], the authors propose a multi-label classification that predicts the high efficiency of
the neural network learning model and the quality of the output classifications in large-scale projects.
Accordingly, each multi-value classification task contains its stratification by several parameters and its
quality indicators. It also manages a data set with several parameters, performs regression and training by
several parameters, and can represent the parameter space [12].
Shin and Karniadakis [13] suggests that machine learning with a teacher has a certain list of input
data that a specialist wishes to use in an artificial intelligence model to denote the initial information. The
paper [14] notes that machine learning without a teacher has only input data, where the model forms its
structure. Research papers [15]–[17] explore the regression of machine learning applied in the traditional
determination of cause-effect relationships between variables. Thus, the standard category of machine
learning with a teacher is a classification task, which is one of the most popular methods for determining
cause-effect relationships between variables in the form of a decision tree.
Ojokoh et al. [18] applied big data technologies, analytics and artificial intelligence to accomplish
complex tasks at levels beyond human skills. They proposed the use of artificial intelligence-based ensemble
learning technique for validating the engineering properties of material. Sarumi et al. [19] developed an
efficient intrusion model for preventing network intrusion attacks in real-life application scenarios using data
analytics and machine intelligence. Few researchers attempted optimizing machine learning algorithms in
[20]–[22] using open-source systems. Research papers [20] and [23] suggest to solving the problem to
determine the professional adaptive capabilities of construction management based on a multidimensional
data model. The studies [24] and [25] are devoted to the use of fuzzy logic methods to assess the impact of
adaptability factors on the effectiveness of change management at construction industry enterprises.
This study aims to develop a model of artificial intelligence that will solve the problem of multi-
label classification of determining the professional adaptive capabilities of construction management staff.
To achieve the research goal, it is necessary to investigate aspects of neural networks and their multi-value
classification, develop a fully connected feed-forward neural network (FCF-FNN) architecture and perform
empirical modeling to create a data set.


Having analyzed the works and studies of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, we have developed a
model of an FCF-FNN to perform the multi-value classification. Figure 1 shows the architecture of the
developed FCF-FNN model. A neuron consists of synapses that provide communication between the inputs
and the neuron kernel, which, in turn, processes input signals and uses the Axon to transmit the processed
information to the output of the neuron, that is, to the neuron of another layer. The significance of input flows
is adjusted through synapses that correct the weight that influences the state of the neuron’s kernels. Equation
for determining the state of the neuron kernel,

𝑆 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 ⋅ 𝜔𝑖 (1)

where n is number of input neurons; 𝑥𝑖 is value of the corresponding ith neuron; 𝜔𝑖 is weight of the
corresponding ith synapse.

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 593-601

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  595

Equation for determining the value of the output neuron (Axon),

𝑌 = 𝐹(𝑆) (2)

where 𝐹 is activation function of input neuron processing (Axon).

Figure 1. The architecture of an FCF-FNN model

The study uses the following activation functions that are suitable for multi-value classification:
rectified linear unit (ReLU) and Softmax. The ReLU activation function allows for the optimal and
productive use of resources displayed in the minimal involvement of neurons that have a simple derivative,
where all negative values are 0 and positive 1. Shin and Karniadakis recognize one specific issue with using
this activation feature, which is called “The Dying ReLU”. This problem occurs when ReLU neurons become
inactive and only output the value 0 for any input neuron [13]. This indicates that the neuron is dying,
depriving the model of further learning and reducing the accuracy of the classification results. Figure 2 shows
a diagram of the ReLU activation function.

Figure 2. Diagram of the ReLU activation function

The Softmax activation function is usually used in the multi-value classification tasks. The
advantage of using this function is that the sum of all input neurons will be equal to 1. Thus, the output
values for the function are in the range from 0 to 1, which correspond to each output neuron, which is ranked
by the probability of output, and whose highest probability, by default, is used in the program. The overall
result of this function is a comprehensive prediction of all output neurons, considering the patterns of input
neurons. Equation for determining the value of neurons of the softmax group,

Information system based on multi-value classification of … (Tetyana Honcharenko)

596  ISSN: 2252-8938
𝑒 𝑗
𝑦𝑖 = ∑𝐾 𝑧𝑖 (3)
𝑖=1 𝑒

where j = 1,…,K and determines the number of the output neuron; ∑Ki=1 ezi is adder of all neurons of softmax
group; ezi is exponent of the output value of the neuron softmax group.
The basis of the neural network model is an forward neural network (FNN) multilayer perceptron,
one of the basic fundamental architectures of neural networks, occurring when the signals are propagated
exclusively from input layers to output. This architecture confirms the complete connection of the neuron to
all neurons of the previous layer. Based on the research of Miljanovic [9], he chosen architecture is
straightforward enough, which is determined by the transfer of information from inputs to outputs without the
use of cycles.
The study suggests referring to the classical Titanic problem, which forms a decision tree according
to the classification and prediction of smaller subgroups. The work of Turkish scientists Ekinci et al. [6]
states that the practical implementation of the decision tree for machine learning has much more nuances due
to the significant number of input and output parameters, which will lead to poor predictability due to weak
data normalcy.
Thus, the classic Titanic problem, based on the ticket price, age, class, sex, and several other
parameters, allows you to determine the probability of a person’s survival. The Problem is solved by
predictive analysis. Kakde and Agrawal claim its essence lies in using computational methods that
characterize the pattern in large amounts of data [16].
Therefore, it is logical that the prediction of survival in the Titanic problem is performed on
different combinations of static features. That is why, to implement artificial intelligence in the organization
and process the vocational guidance for secondary school students, the data analysis model is previously
considered. This model comprises categories with the input and output data on which the artificial
intelligence model will be taught. Figure 3 shows the model and categories of artificial intelligence data
analysis. Accordingly, a quantitative sample of respondents sets a threshold value for a set of tests for
training the model. Input and output descriptions are normalized and partially presented in Table 1. It is
worth noting that the list of professional areas has a primary source-the National Career system of Great
Britain [14], which was significantly adapted for the study needs.

Figure 3. Model and categories of artificial intelligence data analysis research

As part of the study, the training data set is formed by a comprehensive survey. To train, the model
uses the results of a survey. The respondents have already worked in a particular professional field they find
interesting. Thus, an empirical study reveals the normalizability of the sample for training the machine learning
model, as well as for further classification and forecasting the outcomes for those respondents who have not yet
decided on a professional direction. The information about them will also be obtained from the survey.
A functional model based on the IDEF0 methodology has been developed to describe the operation
of the information system and the processes taking place within it. Figure 4 shows diagram for model of
FCF-FNN, which allows evaluating the processes occurring in an FCF-FNN during the execution of
multi-value classification. The FCF-FNN model has a comprehensive description of the information system.
Input arrow “SCV file” is a set of information type int64 about a person undergoing professional orientation.
The output data of the system is:
a. An SCV file containing add-ons by the performed multi-value classification by professional areas and
can be exported for use in other information systems;

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 593-601

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  597

b. DataFrame is a table that saves the data and allows for viewing processed data and data for further
c. An H5 file is a file of an artificial intelligence model that has undergone appropriate training and can be
exported for implementation to another information system.

Table 1. Description and characteristics of machine learning model data

Description and characteristics of machine learning model data
No data
Name of the data
parameter Description Characteristics
0  1 , when max_ Age corresponds
1 Age Respondent's age (full years) max_ Age
to the value of the maximum age of respondents
Percentage of self-confidence that takes the 0  1 , when max_ q corresponds to the
10 AT max_ q
maximum value of 100
maximum value of 100
TT 2
Percentage of caution that takes the 0  1 , when max_ q corresponds to the
11 TT2 max_ q
maximum value of 100
maximum value of 100
Indicator of a realistic professional RPT
0  1 , when max_ PT corresponds to
12 RPT personality type that takes the maximum max_ PT
value of 14 the maximum value of 14
Indicator of an intellectual professional IPT
0  1 , when max_ PT corresponds to
13 IPT personality type that takes the maximum max_ PT
value of 14 the maximum value of 14
Indicator of an artistic professional APT
0  1 , when max_ PT corresponds to
14 APT personality type that takes the maximum max_ PT
value of 14 the maximum value of 14
Normalized indicator of the professional
direction “Charity and voluntary work”
Normalized indicator of the professional
35 EM EM
direction “Engineering and manufacturing”
Normalized indicator of the professional
37 H H
direction “Healthcare”
Normalized indicator of the professional
50 SC SC
direction “Social care”

Figure 4. Model of FCF-FNN

The “User” and “Software” arrow define the data transformation mechanisms (signal system
guidance elements). The arrows validation_split (VS), batch_size (BS), activation (AC), optimizer (OP),
epochs (EP) are the tools for implementing the data transformation. VS determines how to regulate the
percentage of training data to test them. BS determines the number of rows of data that will be fed to the
model during one epoch. AC (activation function) defines the type and manner of numeric data processing.
OP determines the optimization algorithm by which the model will work. EP defines the number of repeated
passes of study on training data sets. Figure 5 shows an algorithm for the training process of a machine
learning model, which reflects the internal connections between the components of an artificial intelligence
system that allow it to “learn” from training data.

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Figure 5. Algorithm of the machine learning model training

To create a data set for subsequent training, we used 35 input parameters and 29 output parameters
obtained empirically by research input and multiplication, preserving the mathematical median of the results.
The amount of data in the set equals 936 rows of data. Neural network training occurred in the proportion of
10% and 90%, respectively.
The total training time was approximately 30 minutes, with 2 approaches for 100 epochs and 1 for
1000 epochs. The average duration of one epoch is 1 second of real-time, with 20 lines of data per learning
epoch. According to the results, it is logical that the model has already finished learning by the 300th general
epoch. However, an additional overtraining check was performed. As a result, the model did not begin to
degrade rapidly over 700 overtime periods and was able to maintain the accuracy of the answers. Figure 6
shows a success of training the model.
Figure 7 shows a mistake-ratio curve on the training and test sets, which means the neural network
works correctly, minimizing the number of mistakes after sufficient learning time. According to the empirical
study data, a number of real data of respondents was obtained, which made it possible to find out their
compliance with a certain professional profile. Table 2 shows two popular results, namely respondents no. 10
and no. 35, with the following probabilities. The overall results of each respondent of the study have an ultra-
high accuracy of giving priority professional directions because the system performs ranking according to the
highest compliance with the values of 1. Respectively, “weak” by nature professional directions can have the
value “number e-19”. However, in the cases similar to respondent’s no. 35, it is worth considering even
“weak” manifestations of professional trends, because an alternative allows the individual to better
understand themselves.
The respondents who are still looking for a job have demonstrated that the profession they have
obtained coincides with the results of the experiment based on artificial intelligence. According to the study
carried out, we consider it appropriate to recommend involving a developed artificial intelligence system to

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 593-601

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  599

offering career guidance to the future university students. Besides, our research results can be used to further
improve the knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional realization.

Figure 6. Diagram of the correct answers ratio on training and test sets for a period of 1000 training epochs

Figure 7. Diagram of the mistake ratio for a period of 1000 epochs

Table 2. Interpretation of neural networks results

Interpretation of neural networks results
Respondent's identification no
Professional direction profile Probability of successful professional implementation
EA 94.6%
10 EU 3.5%
EM 0.9%
CVW 99.9%
SC 0.0000033%

The study proposes a solution to the problem of multi-value classification for determining the
professional adaptive capabilities of construction management staff. The performed empirical modeling for
creating a dataset confirms the adequacy of the FCF-FNN model to solve the problem. The proposed neural
network architecture is straightforward, defined by the coherent transmission of information from inputs to
outputs without the use of loops. When designing the Model, 2 activation functions were used: ReLU and
Softmax, which made it possible to rank the results of a multi-valued classification of professional areas by
priorities in the range of values from 0 to 1. The constructed model contains 128 Dense input layers (35 input
parameters), 1256 hidden Dense layers, with an arbitrary dropout sample reduction of 60%, 80%, 60%, and
then the data are sent to 29 output neurons of the softmax group. The authors consider it is possible to
Information system based on multi-value classification of … (Tetyana Honcharenko)
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develop a neural network model for the formation of a national database that will store “digital portraits of
the individual”, according to which employers will be able to set specific requirements for staff of
construction management. Such “digital portraits of the staff ” can serve as both a virtual summary and a
portfolio at the same time.

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Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 12, No. 2, June 2023: 593-601

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938  601


Tetyana Honcharenko PhD, Associate Professor, Kyiv National University of

Construction and Architecture, Department of Information technologies of design and applied
mathematics, Department of Information Technologies. She has published 55 scientific
papers, of which 14 are Scopus indexed. She is jury`s member of the All-Ukrainian Student
Olympiad on programming. Scientific interests: Artificial Intelligence Systems, Computer
Aided Design (CAD), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Geographical Information
Systems (GIS), Internet of Things (IoT), multidimensional information objects, mathematical
analysis in construction. She can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Roman Akselrod is Vice-rector for academic work and regional development in

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. He is full member of the
Academy of Construction of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Academy of Technology. He has the
title of "Honored Worker of Services" and "Honorary Worker of Housing and Communal
Services of Ukraine". Scientific interests: Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Building
Information Modeling (BIM), Artificial Intelligence Systems, Geographical Information
Systems (GIS), business planning and economic justification for energy-efficient construction
projects. He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Andrii Shpakov is Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of the

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, PhD in Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Construction Management. He has published 75
scientific papers. Scientific interests: Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Building
Information Modeling (BIM), renewable resource technologies and green energy. He can be
contacted at email: [email protected].

Oleksandr Khomenko is Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Integrated

Development of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, PhD in
Economic Sciences, Associate Professor. He has published 35 scientific papers. Scientific
interests: Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Building Information Modeling (BIM), cost
optimization in construction and contract activities, green energy. He can be contacted at
email: [email protected].

Information system based on multi-value classification of … (Tetyana Honcharenko)

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