An Application of Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices For Finding The Disease in Plants

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Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm

Volume: 03 Issue: 03 December 2014 Pages: 202-204

ISSN: 2278-2397

An Application of Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrices

for Finding the Disease in Plants
A.Virgin raj1 , A.Riganabanu2
PG and Research Department of Mathematics

St.Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous), Cuddalore, India.

E-Mail:[email protected],[email protected]

Abstract- In this paper, we extend Sanchez’s approach in eijgijfij.The interval matrix denoted as [E,F], whose ij th entry
agricultural field to find the disease of the plant by using the is the interval with lower limit eij and upper limit fij, that is [eij,
representation of an interval valued fuzzy matrix as an interval fij]The basic operation on IVFM
matrix of two fuzzy matrices.
For A = (aij) = ([aijL, aijU]) and
Keywords- Fuzzy matrix, Interval Valued Fuzzy Matrix B=(bij) = ([bijL, bijU]) of orderm x n their sum denoted as A + B
(IVFM) is defined as
A + B = (aij + bij) = [(aijL + bijL), (aijU + bijU)]
Then addition is,
The concept of Interval Valued fuzzy matrix (IVFM) is one of A + B = max {aij, bij}
the recent topics developed for dealing with the uncertaіnities =[max {aijL, bijL}, max {aijU, bijU}] (2.1)
present in most of our real life situations. The parameterization For A = (aij) m x n and B = (bij) n x ptheir product denoted as AB is
tool of Interval valued fuzzy matrix enhances the flexibility of defined as
its applications. Most of our real life problems in Agriculture
AB=(cij) = ,i=1, 2 . . . .m
fertilizer, management environment and Social Sciences often
involve data which are not necessarily crisp, precise and j=1,2 . . . . p
deterministic in character due to various uncertainities
associated with these problems, such uncertainties are usually =
being handled with the help of the topics like probability, fuzzy
sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, interval mathematics and rough
sets etc. The concept of IVFM as a generalization of fuzzy
matrix was introduced and developed by Shyamal and pal
[4],by extending the max. min operations on Fuzzy algebra F =
[0,1], for elements a, bϵF, a+b=max {a,b} and a. b=min
{a,b}.letFmnbe the set of all m× n Fuzzy Matrices over the (2.2)
Fuzzy algebra with support [0,1].We have represented an If A= [AL, AU] and B= [BL, BU]
IVFM A=(aij)=([aijL,aijU]) where each aij is a subinterval of the
interval [0,1], as the Interval matrix A=[A L, AU] whose ijthentry Then,
is the interval [aijL, aijU], where the lower limit A L=(aijL) and the A + B =[ AL + BL, AU+ BU]
upper limit AU = (aijU) are fuzzy matrices such that ALAU. AB=[ALBL, AU BU ](2.3)
AB if and only if aijL≥bijL and aijUbijUif and only
In particular if aijL=aijU and bijL = bijU Then (2.1) reduces to the
A. Definition standard max.min composition of Fuzzy matrices.
Let a matrix A = [aij] mxn whereaijϵ [0,1], 1 і  m and l  j  n.
Then A is fuzzy matrix.Note:-All fuzzy matrices are matrices III. APPLICATION OF INTERVAL VALUED
but every matrix is not a fuzzy matrix. FUZZY MATRICES FOR FINDING THE
B. Definition
The IVFM denote the set of all interval valued fuzzy matrices, Suppose S is a set of plant growth, D is a set of diseases and C
that is, fuzzy matrices whose entries are all subintervals of the is a set of cultivation, construct an interval valued fuzzy matrix
interval [0,1]. (F, D) over S, where F is a mapping F:D  (s), (s) is a
set of all interval valued fuzzy sets of S. A relation matrix, R 1
C. Definition is constructed from the interval valued fuzzy matrix (F,D) and
For a pair of fuzzy matrices [E,F] where E & F are fuzzy mxn called plant growth – disease matrix. Similarly its compliment
matrices. i.e., E=(eij), F=(fij) and eij, fijϵ[0,1] further eijfijfor (F, D)C gives another relation matrix, say R 2, called non plant
1і m and 1 j  n. Thus the fuzzy interval matrices or growth – disease matrix.Again we construct another interval
interval fuzzy matrices contain all matrices G=(g ij) such that valued fuzzy matrix (F1, S) over C, where F1 is a mapping
(gij) takes its value in between e ij&fij. i.e, Gϵ [E,F] implies given by F1:S (c). This іnterval valued fuzzy matrix gives
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 December 2014 Pages: 202-204
ISSN: 2278-2397

another relation matrix Q called cultivation plant growth  matrices of the IVFM (F,D) and(F,D)C respectively.
matrix. Then we obtain two new relation matrices T1 = Q R1  R2 = 1 – R1 = [1-R1U, 1-R1L]
and T2 = Q R2 called plant growth cultivation matrix and non  Input the IVFM (F1,S) over the set C of cultivation and
plant growth cultivation matrix respectively. write its relation matrix Q.
 To find the relation matrices
Now, T1 = Q. R1 (3.1)  T1L= QL.R1L and T1U= QU.R1U
T2 = Q. R2 (3.2) (ii)T2L=QL.R2L and T2U= QU.R2U

 Then we get
Let T1 = [T1L, TIU], Q = [QL, QU], R1 = [R1L, R1U], T2= [T2L, T2U]
 (ііі)T3L=QL. (J – R1L) and
andR2 =[R2L, R2U], be the representation of the form (2.1) for
 T3U = QU. (J-R1U)
the IVFM T1, Q, R1, T2 and R2. Then by using the IVFM
operation (2.4) in (3.1) and (3.2) we get,  (iv) T4L= QL . (J-R2L) and
 T4U = QU . (J – R2U)
T1L = QL. R1L and T1U = QU .R1U (3.3)  To find ST1L, ST1U, ST2L and ST2Us
T2L = QL . R2L and T2U = QU . R2U (3.4)  To findthe Scores ST1 and ST2
Let us define the Non – disease matrices T 3L, T3U, T4L and
T4Ucorresponding to T1L, T1U, T2L and T2Urespectively as Find

T3L = QL .(J –R1L) and T3U = QU .(J–R3U) (3.5) SK =

T4L = QL . (J – R2L) and T4U = QU . (J – R2U) (3.6)
Then we conclude that the cultivation c i is affected from the
Where J is the matrix with all entries ‘1’ now disease dk.
(8) If Sk>1 then go to step one and repeat the process, if S K<1
then stop.Case Study -Suppose there are three cultivations
ST1L = and
paddy, wheat and moongdal in an Agriculture with plant
growths Dwarf plant, Tall plant, no leaf, no growth problem.
Let the possible diseases relating to the above plant growth be
ST1U = (3.7)
triticale disease and nematodes. We consider the set S={e 1, e2,
∀i=1,2,3 and j=1,2 e3, e4} as universal set, where e 1, e2, e3, and e4represent the
plant growth Dwarf plant, Tall plant, no leaf, no growth
problem respectively and the set D={d 1, d2} where d1 and
ST2L = and
d2represent the parameters triticale and nematodes respectively.

Suppose that,
ST2U = (3.8)
F(d1)={<e1,[.7,1]>,<e2,[.1, .4]>,<e3,[.5, .6]>, <e4,
[.2,.4]>}F(d2)={<e1,[.6,.9]>,<e2,[.4,.6]>, <e3,[.3,.6]>,<e4,
∀i=1,2,3 and j=1,2
[.8,.1]>}.The Interval valued fuzzy matrix (F,D) is a
parameterized family [F(d1), F(d2)] of allinterval valued fuzzy
We calculate the score ST1 and ST2 for and against the diseases
matrix over the set S and are determined from expert
Agriculture documentation. Thus the fuzzy matrix (F,D) gives
an approximate description of the interval valued fuzzy matrix
ST1= (3.9)
agriculture knowledge of the two diseases and their plant
growth. This interval valued fuzzy matrix (F,D) and its
∀i=1,2,3 and j=1,2
complement (F,D)C are represented by two relation matrices R1
and R2 called plant growth – disease matrix and non plant
ST2= (3.10) growth disease matrix respectively. given by,
∀i=1,2,3 and j=1,2
d1 d2
Now if (3.11)

occurs for exactly (ci, dk) only, then we conclude that the R1 =
acceptable hypothesis for cultivation ci is the disease dk. In case
there is a tie, the process has to be repeated for cultivation c i by
reassessing the plant growth. and
d1 d2
A. Algorithm
 Input the interval valued fuzzymatrices (F,D) and (F,D) C
over the set S of plant growth where D is the set of
diseases. Also write the Agriculture knowledge matrixR 1
and R2 representingthe relation
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 December 2014 Pages: 202-204
ISSN: 2278-2397

and T2 = [T2L, T2U]From equations (3.3), (3.4), (3.5) and (3.6)

we have,
R 2=
d1 d2 d1 d2

By our representation (2.1) we have, T1L = & T1U=

d1 d2

R1L= &R1U=
d1 d2 d1 d2

T2L = & T2U=

R2L = & R2U=

1 2 1 2

d d d d
Again we take C={C1, C2, C3} as the universal set where C1,
C2and C3 represent cultivation respectively and S={e1, e2, e3, T3L= & T3U=
e4} as the set of parameters suppose that,
F1 (e1) = {<C1, [.6, .9]>, <C2, [.3, .5]>, <C3,
[.6, .8]>} d1 d2 d1d2
F2 (e2) = {<C1, [.3, .5]>, <C2, [.3, .7]>, <C3,
[.2, .6]>} T4L = & T4U=
F3 (e3) = {<C1, [.8, .1]>, <C2, [.2, .4]>, <C3,
[.5, .7]>} and
F4 (e4) = {<C1, [.6, .9]>, <C2, [.3, .5]>, <C3,
[.2, .5]>}. Now, from equations (3.7) and (3.8) we have,
d1 d2
The Interval valued fuzzy matrix (F1,S) is another
parameterized family of all interval valued fuzzy matrices and
gives a collection of approximate description of the cultivation S T1L= & ST1U =
– plant growth in the Agriculture. This interval valued fuzzy
matrix (F1,S) represents a relation matrix Q called cultivation
plant growth matrix given by, 1 2 1 2

e1 e2 e3 e4
d d d d
ST2L = & ST2U =
By our representation (2 .1) we have, Q= [QL, QU]
e1 e2 e3 e4

QL= and
We calculate the score for and against the diseases ST1 and ST2
from equations (3.9)
and (3.10) we have,
e1 e2 e3 e4
d1 d2 d1 d2

QU =
ST1 = & ST2 =

Now, for equation (3.11) we have the difference for and

Then combining the relation matrices R1L, R1U and R2L, R2U
against the diseases by IVFM method.
Separately with QL and QU we get the matrices T 1 = [T1L, T1U,]
Table 1
Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR) International Journal of Computing Algorithm
Volume: 03 Issue: 03 December 2014 Pages: 202-204
ISSN: 2278-2397

ST1 ~ ST2 d1 d2

C1 .1 .2

C2 .2 .0

We conclude that cultivation C3 is affected from the disease d1

and cultivations C1 and C2 both affected from disease d 2.From
the above table 1, we conclude that Sanchez’s approach can be
applied to studythe various diseases in plants by using the
representation of an interval valued fuzzy matrix as an interval
matrix of two fuzzy matrices.

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