Stat2100 Exer9 de Gracia Milbert R

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Milbert R de Gracia

BSAC 2-2

Excersie #9

1. Determine whether there is significant difference in the selling price among diesel and petrol type
of cars.

Independent Samples T-Test

Independent Samples T-Test

    Statistic df p

selling_price Student's t 2.68 58.0 0.010

Claims: There is significant difference in the selling price among diesel and petrol type of
cars. (Mean1 =/ Mean2 )
Step 1
Ho: Mean1 = Mean2
Ha: Mean1 =/ Mean2 ( claim)

Step 2
The test to use is independent-samples t-test since the assumptions such
as homogeneity test (Levene’s test = 0.489)
Since the alternative hypothesis is μ1 ≠ μ2, therefore the tail of the
distribution is two-tailed test
Level of significance: α = 0.05

Step 3: Formulate the decision rule

• Reject Ho if P-value < α = 0.05

Step 4: Determine the P-value

• Based on the result of jamovi, the P-value for Independent-samples T-test
is 0.010.

Step 5: Make a decision (whether to reject or not the Ho)

• Since P-value is less than α = 0.05 , reject Ho

Step 6: Interpret the results

At 5% level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that there is significant difference in the selling price
among diesel and petrol type of cars.

2. Determine whether there is significant difference in the km driven among diesel and petrol type of cars.
Independent Samples T-Test
Independent Samples T-Test

    Statistic df p

km_driven Student's t 2.18 ᵃ 58.0 0.033

ᵃ Levene's test is significant (p < .05), suggesting a violation of the assumption of equal variances

Claims: There is significant difference in the selling price among diesel and petrol type of
cars. (Mean1 =/ Mean2 )
Step 1
Ho: Mean1 = Mean2
Ha: Mean1 =/ Mean2 ( claim)

Step 2
The test to use is independent-samples t-test since the assumptions such
as homogeneity test (Levene’s test = 0.028)
Since the alternative hypothesis is μ1 ≠ μ2, therefore the tail of the
distribution is two-tailed test
Level of significance: α = 0.05

Step 3: Formulate the decision rule

• Reject Ho if P-value < α = 0.05

Step 4: Determine the P-value

• Based on the result of jamovi, the P-value for Independent-samples T-test
is 0.033.

Step 5: Make a decision (whether to reject or not the Ho)

• Since P-value is less than α = 0.05 , reject Ho

Step 6: Interpret the results

At 5% level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that there is significant difference in the km driven
among diesel and petrol type of cars.

3. Determine whether there is significant linear relationship between selling price and km driven.

Correlation Matrix
Correlation Matrix

    selling_price km_driven

selling_price Pearson's r —  
  p-value —  

km_driven Pearson's r -0.275 —

  p-value 0.034 —

Step 1
Ho: There is no significance linear relationship between Selling price and KM driven
Ha: There is significance linear relationship between Selling price and KM driven

Step 2
The Test to use is Pearson correlation since both of the variables are continuous
Level of significance: α = 0.05

Step 3: Formulate the decision rule

• Reject Ho if P-value < α = 0.05

Step 4
Based on the result of jamovi, the value of the Pearson correlation is -0.275 and the P value is 0.034

Step 5
Since the P value is less than a=0.05, reject Ho

Step 6
At 5% level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that there is a significant linear relationship between
selling price and km driven.

4. Create regression equation to predict the selling price using km driven as explanatory variable.
Interpret the slope, intercept and

Linear Regression
Model Fit Measures

Model R R²

1 0.275 0.0755

Model Coefficients - selling_price

Predictor Estimate SE t p

Intercept 819038.35 96232.81 8.51 < .001

km_driven -2.33 1.07 -2.18 0.034

The regression equation is

y= 819,038.35 + -2.33 (km driven)
Interpretation of the slope
819,038.35 is the estimated value of the selling price when the km driven is zero
-2.33 is the estimated decrease in the average value of the selling price as a result of a one-unit charge to km driven.

5. Determine whether fuel type and type of transmission are related.

Contingency Tables
Contingency Tables


fuel Automatic Manual Total

Diesel 17 13 30

Petrol 9 21 30

Total 26 34 60

χ² Tests

  Value df p

χ² 4.34 1 0.037

N 60    


Step 1
Ho: Fuel and transmission are not related
Ha: Fuel and transmission are related

Step 2
The test to use is Chi-Square test of association since the goal is to find the relationship among qualitative variables
levek of significance : a=0.05

Step 3
Reject Ho if P-value < a=0.05

Step 4
Based on the result of jamovi, the P-value for chi-square test of association is 0.037

Step 5
Since P value is less than a=0.05, reject Ho

Step 6
At 5% level of significance, there is enough evidence to conclude that fuel and transmission are related.

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