What Resistor Should Be Used As A Safety Precautionary Measure Against

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What resistor should be used as a safety precautionary measure against

overheating of the circuit? C. fusible resistor
D. metal filrn resistor
16. A film-type resistor said to have smaller tolerance. How will this type of

resistor Al benefit rsis:esthe circuit?Ivoern

The by these resistors is dependent on the power ratinß
B. The resistor is stable thus providing a more stable resistance value. C.
They can operate and give the indicated resistance even at higher

17. Which is NOT a possible combination of color bands in a resistor?

A. brown, black, red, silver D. C. yellow, red, red, yellow, red, redyellow, red

18. The tolerance band of a resistor is gold. Which of

the following is TRUE? A. The resistor can give an additional 5% of the actual
resistance that it can

A. The resistor can give a 95% value of the actual resistance that it can
offer. C. Both A and B.

19. When a resistor is connected to a circuit, eventually current will flow

through it. What will be the amount of current that exits through its other
terminal? A. Increased in value C. Still the same value B. Decreased
in value D. Becomes infinite

20. Is it possible to have a resistor with no tolerance value? A. Yes, especially

for resistors that offer fixed resistance. B. Yes, especially for resistors that
offer varying resistance.
A. No, tolerance value indicates a safe operating condition for the resistor.
D. No, tolerance value indicates the minimum and maximum resistance

Resistors are electronic components used to resist the flow of electric

current in a circuit. They have a stated value of resistance. Resistors are passive
components. They cannot amplify or increase voltage or current signals. But they
are the most essential part of any electronic circuit. They are also used in
conjunction with other components like inductors and capacitors to process
signals in many ways.
Note: it is hard to set the battery at the specified voltages, you
can set it at any value you want. But make sure that in each
case, you designate a constant value. Do not forget to record
the new values of the voltage.
Table 2. Relative Temperature in a Resistor
Resistance (O) Voltage Temperature
(Use the color code
0.2 3
0.4 3
0.6 3
0.8 3
0.2 6
0.4 6
0.6 6
0.8 6
c 0.2 9
0.4 9
0.6 9
0.8 9
0.2 12
0.4 12
0.6 12
0.8 12
Color: Red- cold Orange- slightly cold Yellow- slightly hot White- hot Guide Questions.
Use a separate sheet for your answers.

1. Based on the simulation, what is the purpose of a resistor in a circuit?

2. How does the resistor perform its function?
3. Why do you think a resistor can resist the flow of current?
4. What happens to a resistor with a low resistance value if connected to a circuit
with a high voltage source?

What is It
A resistor is a passive electrical component that can resist the flow of
charges in a circuit. In the simulation in the previous activity, it was portrayed as if
elements in the resistor are blocking the passage of electrons. Similarly, inside a
resistor, electrons collide with ions, slowing the flow of electricity and lowering the

current while producing heat. Insulators are materials that resist the flow of current.
But a resistor is a device that can introduce precisely controlled amounts of
resistance in a circuit.

Table 3 shows information about the symbols/ schematic diagram for resistors
and the notation.
Table 3. Resistor
Elec@ggiggymbol and Notation

(Source: https://www.circuitstoday.com/resistors-and-types-of-resistors)

In general, a resistor is made of insulating material as the core or

resistive element, an insulating paint for the outer coating, and connecting leads
for soldering. The type of resistor depends on the core material used.
Cm Leads
For example, the resistive
element in a carbon composite
resistor is made of a mixture of
finely ground carbon dust or
graphite and a nonconducting
QJtaing Mataial Cxbon ceramic powder to bind it all

Figure I. Carbon Resistor

(Source: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/resistor/res_l.html)

In a wire-wound resistor, the AlunmumBodyfor Coding resistive

material is an insulating I-Eat
Dssapabon ceramic rod running
through the middle with a copper
wire wrapped around the outside.
How does this affect the resistance
value of the resistor? Remember
that the resistance in a material is
affected by three factors: length,
area, and resistivity. In the case of
the coppe+lountng wire in a wire wound resistor, the Feet longer the wire is
(greater number of Reststve Metal Wire turns) and the thinner it is, and the
greater the resistance is.
Figure 2. Wire-wound Resistor (Source:

Some Parameters in Resistors
• A resistor's Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) tells how much
its value changes as its temperature changes. It is usually expressed in ppm/
C (parts per million per degree Centigrade) units.
• Tolerance is the percentage of error in the resistor's resistance, or how
much more or less you can expect a resistor's actual measured resistance to
be from
its stated resistance. A gold tolerance band is 5%
tolerance, silver is 10%,

• The power rating of a resistor defines the maximum

energ a resistor can safely dissipate.
These parameters are discussed thoroughly in Lesson

What's More
Activity 2. What is in a Resistor?
Direction: Complete the given table to describe the
structure of a resistor.
Component/ Function/ Examples of
Part Purpose Materials
Used for
this Com
Core Resistive
Outer Coatin
Types of Resistors

Various type of resistors is constructed using

different resistive materials. Likevhse, each type has
its specific use.
Resistors can be linear or nonlinear. Linear
resistors have a resistance value that changes with the
applied temperature and voltage. These are devices that
produce a voltage drop across themselves when a current
flows through them. There are two types: fixed

resistors and variable resistors. Fixed resistors have
a fixed and defined electrical resistance that is not
adjustable. Examples of general-purpose fixed resistors
are carbon film, metal film, wire-wound, and surface
mount technolow (SMT) resistors. Variable resistors
have ohmic resistance values which can be adjusted
either mechanically or electronically. Examples are
potentiometer and rheostat.
Nonlinear resistors arc those types where the
electric current flowing through them changes with the
exchange in applied voltage or temperature and does not
change according to Ohm's Law.


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