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Learning Applications based on

Semantic Web Technologies


Doctoral thesis
Stockholm, Sweden 2012
TRITA-CSC-A 2012:13 KTH School of Computer Science and Communication
ISSN 1653-5723 SE-100 44 Stockholm
ISRN KTH/CSC/A--12/13-SE Sweden
ISBN 978-91-7501-534-7
Tryckt av Eprint AB 2012

Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan framlägges till
offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i medieteknik torsdagen den
22 november 2012 klockan 10.00 i sal F3, Lindstedsvägen 26, KTH Campus, Stockholm.
© Matthias Palmér, 2012
The interplay between learning and technology is a growing field that is often referred to as
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Within this context, learning applications are software
components that are useful for learning purposes, such as textbook replacements, information
gathering tools, communication and collaboration tools, knowledge modeling tools, rich lab
environments that allows experiments etc. When developing learning applications, the choice of
technology depends on many factors. For instance, who and how many the intended end-users
are, if there are requirements to support in-application collaboration, platform restrictions, the
expertise of the developers, requirements to inter-operate with other systems or applications etc.
This thesis provides guidance on a how to develop learning applications based on Semantic Web
technology. The focus on Semantic Web technology is due to its basic design that allows
expression of knowledge at the web scale. It also allows keeping track of who said what,
providing subjective expressions in parallel with more authoritative knowledge sources. The
intended readers of this thesis include practitioners such as software architects and developers as
well as researchers in TEL and other related fields.
The empirical part of the this thesis is the experience from the design and development of two
learning applications and two supporting frameworks. The first learning application is the web
application Confolio/EntryScape which allows users to collect files and online material into
personal and shared portfolios. The second learning application is the desktop application
Conzilla, which provides a way to create and navigate a landscape of interconnected concepts.
Based upon the experience of design and development as well as on more theoretical
considerations outlined in this thesis, three major obstacles have been identified:
The first obstacle is: lack of non-expert and user friendly solutions for presenting and editing
Semantic Web data that is not hard-coded to use a specific vocabulary. The thesis presents five
categories of tools that support editing and presentation of RDF. The thesis also discusses a
concrete software solution together with a list of the most important features that have
crystallized during six major iterations of development.
The second obstacle is: lack of solutions that can handle both private and collaborative
management of resources together with related Semantic Web data. The thesis presents five
requirements for a reusable read/write RDF framework and a concrete software solution that
fulfills these requirements. A list of features that have appeared during four major iterations of
development is also presented.
The third obstacle is: lack of recommendations for how to build learning applications based on
Semantic Web technology. The thesis presents seven recommendations in terms of architectures,
technologies, frameworks, and type of application to focus on.
In addition, as part of the preparatory work to overcome the three obstacles, the thesis also
presents a categorization of applications and a derivation of the relations between standards,
technologies and application types.

I want to start by thanking my supervisor Ambjörn Naeve for his support over the years. His
ideas and visions, although at times a bit hard to reach or realize, have always been inspiring and
provided a purpose for the work we have done together. I also want to thank my other
supervisors over the years, initially Yngve Sundblad and lately Marko Turpeinen for providing
the structured guidance that have been so important to be able to finalize this thesis.
My former colleague and long time friend Mikael Nilsson have been an unending source of good
advice and interesting discussions. The work we have done together have been truly fun and
exhilarating and I hope we will get the opportunity to work together in the future. I also deeply
appreciate the collaboration with other colleagues in the research group: Fredrik Enoksson for his
persistence, attention to detail and his never ending pop-cultural references that I sometimes have
to google to understand. Hannes Ebner for his knowledge on a broad range of technologies, for
acting as an information filter by going through hundreds of news feeds daily and for being a
fellow skeptic. Erik Isaksson for the stringency in the discussions which have helped me to
sharpen the argumentation in certain areas of the thesis. And finally for Fredrik Paulsson for his
brutal honesty from afar.
I also appreciate my colleagues at Uppsala Learning Lab as you have all become good friends
and the numerous times when you have pushed me forward by curiously inquiring about my
progress. I am especially grateful for the support and understanding from Mia Lindegren who has
allowed me to complete my thesis in parallel to other tasks. A special thanks goes to Henrik
Eriksson, Jöran Stark and Jan Danils who have all spent so much time developing software that
this thesis in part reports upon.
On a more personal note, I want to thank my parents for their support and acceptance of my
sometimes geeky behavior during my upbringing. I appreciate all the lively discussions we have
had, they have helped me to form a critical attitude. I am also grateful for the resistance my
sisters put up when wanted to share my fascination with math. Realizing that interest in a topic
does not necessarily follow from facts or logic gave me both an interest and a hint of the
challenges of the learning process. I also want to thank my relative Maria for always being there,
listening and providing valuable feedback to my inquires about life and philosophy.
I am very grateful for my children, Vilmer and Alma, who have allowed me, from time to time,
to drop the adult character and enjoy the simple act of childs play again. They have also
laboriously taught me patience and humility in the uniqueness of life. But most important, I want
to thank Kajsa, my loving partner, for appreciating me for who I am and supporting me all the
way through this endeavor. I love you and our children dearly.
Finally, I want to mention my grandfather Affe (Alfred Palmér) who early in my life gave me the
curiosity and the feeling that anything was possible. The days we spent tinkering in the old
school transformed into workshop, taking things apart, building new things from steal and wood
or doing math at the kitchen table have been fundamental in forming who I am today. These days
were the best learning experience I have ever had, although there was no teaching, only doing.
Affe, you are long gone by now, but I will try to pass your enthusiasm and curiosity to the next
generation. Also, with this thesis I am trying to take small steps towards more interesting
learning applications that can eventually support learning by doing and including mentors in the

Abstract........................................................................................................................... 1


Included Papers..............................................................................................................6

1. Introduction................................................................................................................1
1.1 The Purpose of this Thesis....................................................................................................2
1.2 Problem Definition..................................................................................................................2
1.3 Methodology...........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Terminology............................................................................................................................4
1.4.1 Generic terms.......................................................................................................................................4
1.4.2 Acronyms..............................................................................................................................................4
1.4.3 Terminology of Developed Software....................................................................................................6
1.5 How to read this Thesis..........................................................................................................6
2. Using Semantic Web for Learning Applications.....................................................9
2.1 Perspectives on Learning.......................................................................................................9
2.2 Semantic Web Basics..........................................................................................................10
2.3 RDF Supports Objective Metadata......................................................................................12
2.4 RDF Supports Subjective Metadata.....................................................................................13
2.5 RDF Supports an Evolving Human Discourse.....................................................................14
2.6 The Semantic Web and Design Principles for Learning Applications..................................14
2.7 The Implicit Requirements of the Semantic Web.................................................................20
2.8 Summary..............................................................................................................................20
3. Architectures, Technologies and Application Types............................................21
3.1 Web Architecture..................................................................................................................21
3.2 Semantic Web Data.............................................................................................................23
3.3 Service-Oriented Architecture..............................................................................................24
3.4 REST....................................................................................................................................25
3.5 Resource Oriented Architecture...........................................................................................27
3.6 Linked Data..........................................................................................................................28
3.7 Applications Types...............................................................................................................29
3.8 Summary..............................................................................................................................32
4. Two Semantic Web based Learning Applications................................................35
4.1 EntryScape - a Personal and Collaborative Portfolio Suite.................................................35
4.1.1 The purpose of EntryScape...............................................................................................................35
4.1.2 How EntryScape works......................................................................................................................36
4.1.3 Added value of Semantic Web...........................................................................................................39

4.2 Conzilla - a Concept Browser..............................................................................................40
4.2.1 The purpose of Conzilla.....................................................................................................................40
4.2.2 How Conceptual Browsing and Conzilla Works................................................................................41
4.2.3 Added value of Semantic Web...........................................................................................................44
4.3 Identifying major Obstacles..................................................................................................45
4.3.1 Obstacle 1...........................................................................................................................................45
4.3.2 Obstacle 2...........................................................................................................................................46
4.3.3 Obstacle 3...........................................................................................................................................46

5. Presenting and Editing RDF...................................................................................47

5.1 Tool Categories for Presenting and Editing RDF.................................................................47
5.2 Presenting and Editing RDF in Graph Based Interfaces.....................................................49
5.3 Presenting and Editing RDF in Forms.................................................................................50
5.4 Related Initiatives for Configurable RDF Forms..................................................................51
5.5 Six Iterations Towards Configurable RDF Forms.................................................................53
5.5.1 SCAM Portfolio Metadata Editor version 1........................................................................................53
5.5.2 The SHAME library.............................................................................................................................54
5.5.3 SCAM Portfolio Metadata Editor version 2........................................................................................56
5.5.4 SHAME 2............................................................................................................................................57
5.5.5 Ajax-SHAME.......................................................................................................................................58
5.5.6 RForms...............................................................................................................................................59
5.6 Summary..............................................................................................................................61
6. Read/Write Resource and RDF Framework...........................................................63
6.1 Breaking Down the Second Obstacle..................................................................................63
6.2 Existing Solutions.................................................................................................................64
6.3 Four iterations......................................................................................................................66
6.3.1 SCAM 1 - efolio..................................................................................................................................66
6.3.2 SCAM 2...............................................................................................................................................67
6.3.3 SCAM 3...............................................................................................................................................69
6.3.4 SCAM 4 - also known as EntryStore.................................................................................................71
6.4 Summary..............................................................................................................................73
7. Recommendations...................................................................................................75
7.1 Rely on the Web Architecture...............................................................................................75
7.2 Commit to REST and get guidance from ROA....................................................................76
7.3 Expose your information as Linked Data.............................................................................76
7.4 Base your application on a read/write RDF framework.......................................................76
7.5 Build Web Applications first..................................................................................................77
7.6 Build RESTful Ajax Web Applications..................................................................................77
7.7 Use a framework to help you present and edit RDF............................................................77
8. Conclusions.............................................................................................................79
8.1 Research questions.............................................................................................................80
8.2 Contributions of this thesis...................................................................................................82
8.3 Future Work..........................................................................................................................82

9. Summary of Papers.................................................................................................85
9.1 Paper 1: E-Learning in the Semantic Age............................................................................85
9.2 Paper 2: Semantic Web Meta-data for e-Learning – Some Architectural Guidelines.........86
9.3 Paper 3: The SCAM framework - helping semantic web applications to store and access
9.4 Paper 4: Conzilla – a Conceptual Interface to the Semantic Web......................................88
9.5 Paper 5: Annotation profiles: Configuring forms to edit RDF...............................................89
9.6 Paper 6: A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata Management Framework.................89
References..................................................................................................................... 91

Papers............................................................................................................................ 95

Included Papers
Paper 1
Palmer, M., Naeve, A., Nilsson, M. (2001), E-Learning in the Semantic Age, Proceedings
of the 2nd European Web-based Learning Environments Conference (WBLE 2001),
Lund, Sweden, October 24-26, 2001.
Paper 2
Nilsson, M., Palmér, M., Naeve, A. (2002), Semantic Web Meta-data for e-Learning -
Some Architectural Guidelines, Proceedings of the 11th World Wide Web Conference
(WWW2002), Hawaii, USA.
Paper 3
Palmer, M., Naeve, A., Paulsson, F. (2004), The SCAM framework - helping semantic
web applications to store and access metadata, Proceedings of the European Semantic
Web Symposium (ESWC 2004). Heraklion, Greece, May, 2004, Springer, ISBN 3-540-
21999-4 .
Paper 4
Palmer, M., Naeve, A. (2005), Conzilla – a Conceptual Interface to the Semantic Web,
Invited paper at the 13:th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Kassel,
July 18-22, 2005.
Paper 5
Palmer, M., Enoksson, F., Nilsson, M., Naeve, A. (2007), Annotation profiles:
Configuring forms to edit RDF, Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin
Core and Metadata Applications, Singapore 28 - 31 August 2007.
Paper 6
Ebner, H., Palmer, M. (2008), A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata Management
Framework, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mashup Personal
Learning Environments (MUPPLE08), 388. 14-17, Maastricht, The Netherlands,
September 2008.

A summary of each paper and the papers themselves can be found at the end of this thesis.


1. Introduction
Traditional learning environments, including most formal learning environments at schools and
universities, support information flowing from the teacher to the students. Even though there are
other didactic methods, the basic lecture style is still to read and write before the students. The
students then normally copy as much as possible of what they hear and see. The course usually
ends with a test that shows that the students have learned the presented material - or perhaps just
learned to mimic.
The first incarnation of the web was very much like traditional teaching. A few
people/companies/organizations were producing content and many others were consuming it.
However, changes of attitudes toward web-usage, as well as improvements in web tools and
technologies have lead to drastic changes in behavior. This development is often referred to as
Web2.0. In contrast to merely being passive web-consumers, many people are now actively
participating in social networks, creating and providing content as well as comments on what
others have contributed. At one end of the spectrum, this corresponds to the day-to-day
communication between people that have moved into the digital domain. Moreover, this
communication has been scaled up to a to potentially global arena. At the other end, the
traditional human discourses between privileged scholars, intellectuals, journalists, and
politicians have now been democratized.
There are no reasons why traditional learning environments would not be affected by this
development. In fact, the online community is driving an evolving discourse, by constantly
creating new material, as well as commenting and communicating around a vast array of topics.
There is a need to reap the benefits of this discourse for learning purposes and combine the new
learning activities of the online community with the traditional learning activities that still need
to happen in the classroom. Therefore, a change is needed in both pedagogy and technology.
From the pedagogical perspective this includes shifting the role of the teacher from the
traditional knowledge preacher/filter, towards more of a knowledge coach (Naeve, 2001a). From
the technical perspective, there is a need for tools and technologies that can support more
complex discourses in a way that creates overview while preserving depth and context. This
complexity increases the need for multiple interpretations to coexist without forcing consensus.


Semantics is about interpretation, which is necessary to create shared understanding. Hence, it is

easy to see the potential capacity of Semantic Web technologies for supporting a global network
of teachers and learners in such interpretative activities.
This thesis discusses the benefits of using Semantic Web technology for building learning
applications. It focuses on the technical perspective, more specifically on how various aspects of
Semantic Web technology can enable people to express themselves and communicate with
increased precision on a growing and changing range of topics. It identifies three important
obstacles to using Semantic Web for building learning applications. The thesis also addresses the
identified obstacles by showing how they can be overcome in practice.
The obstacles have been investigated using two different application domains for experiments.
One is e-portfolios that aim to help individuals and groups to create and organize a wide range of
resources, including online web resources and uploaded files such as learning material,
comments, reflections, formal competency descriptions etc. The other problem domain is
concept browsing (Naeve, 2001b)(Naeve, 1999) which aims to support the exploration,
expression, communication and collaboration around concepts and their relations.

1.1 The Purpose of this Thesis

The starting point is a vision rather than a problem statement. This vision can be expressed as:
Learning applications based on Semantic Web technologies will allow people to express
themselves and communicate with increased precision on a growing and changing range of
The vision has been one of the main motivators for the research presented in this thesis. Of
course, it is neither disproved nor conclusively supported by the work of this thesis, although,
section 2 provides a discussion of the benefits of focusing on Semantic Web technology for
learning applications. Inspired by this vision the main purpose of this thesis is therefore:
To provide guidance for development of learning applications based on Semantic Web
The main target groups are practitioners such as software architects and developers but also
researchers in fields such as TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning) and CSCL (Computer
Supported Collaborative Learning).

1.2 Problem Definition

From the main purpose the following two research questions are derived:
I. What are the main obstacles when building Learning applications based on
Semantic Web technologies?
II. How can these obstacles be overcome by using state-of-the-art web technologies and


The obstacles identified by the first question are summarized below, since they set the scene for
the organization of the rest of the thesis. They are motivated by the long-term practical
experience of developing learning applications. Two of these applications are introduced in
chapter 4, where the obstacles they highlighted are identified and discussed in more detail. In
summary, the obstacles are:
1. Lack of non-expert and user friendly solutions for presenting and editing Semantic
Web data that is not hard-coded to use a specific vocabulary.
2. Lack of solutions that can handle both private and collaborative management of
resources together with related Semantic Web data.
3. Lack of recommendations for how to build learning applications based on Semantic
Web technology.
Of course, this list is not complete, and the concrete obstacles depend on the problem domain.
Hence, in other problem domains, new obstacles may surface and one or several of the ones
listed above may turn out to be unproblematic.
The second question, how to overcome the obstacles, is addressed throughout the thesis by a
combination of experiences from practical development as well as from more theoretical
concerns that are raised and discussed in this thesis and its included papers.

1.3 Methodology
The author has participated in the design and development of several learning applications of
which two are discussed in section 4. During the development of these learning applications, the
three obstacles introduced above have crystallized over time. Despite the fact that the obstacles
have been derived from needs in specific learning applications this thesis argues that they have a
wider relevance. The author has identified, refined and tried to find solutions to overcome the
obstacles through an iterative process of research and development.
The first two obstacles are very concrete as they correspond to lack of solutions to concrete
problems. In this case the author has been part of an iterative process to design and develop
solutions for the obstacles. Each iteration corresponds to a more or less mature phase of the
solution that has been deployed and undergone some form of testing. Since none of the solutions
are standalone learning applications but rather constitute reusable parts of other learning
applications, the author has not conducted separate field evaluations of the systems with a wide
range of different users.
However, qualitative feedback from real users and/or developers are discussed in the analysis
that is provided for each iteration. The analysis also contains discussions on software architecture
including ideas and principles, major shifts in development, and similarities and differences with
respect to other initiatives when they exist.
The last obstacle considers a lack of recommendations for how to develop Semantic Web based
learning applications. During the work on this thesis the author has gradually refined and
sometimes changed his position on what he believes should be considered good
recommendations based on both theoretical concerns and practical experience. One example is
how the final recommendations differ from what was recommended in the first paper. Several of
the changes in beliefs are also reflected in the above mentioned iterations.


This thesis is based on work performed within several different projects from 2001 to 2011.
Some of the projects have been EC-financed research projects such as ProLearn, LUISA and
ROLE, while others have been based on collaboration with industry/authorities partners such as
the Swedish Educational Broadcasting company, and the Swedish National Agency for Education
which have resulted in technology being used in real world situations. There have also been
funding from Wallenberg Global Learning Network (WGLN), Vinnova, as well as some support
from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Uppsala University (more specifically Uppsala
Learning Lab) and Umeå University.
Finally, some of the iterations have corresponded to more fundamental changes which have led
to peer reviewed publications. The most important publications where the author has contributed
a major part are the papers upon which this thesis is based.

1.4 Terminology
This section acts as a reference for the reader. First, it provides explanations of the generic terms
used. Second, it explains acronyms that are used in more than one place. Third, it provides a
terminology and short overview on the software upon which the experimental part of this thesis

1.4.1 Generic terms

Application a piece of software that includes a graphical user interface that
provides a way for people to perform tasks.
Web application an application that utilizes web technologies and runs in a web
browser that resides either on a desktop or on a mobile device.
Learning application an application intended to be used primarily to perform tasks that
benefit learning.
Resource anything that may be identified by a URI. This includes web pages
as well as abstract things, such as the concept of a circle, or physical
objects, such as persons or cars.
Information resource a resource such as a web page, the essential characteristics of which
can be conveyed in a message.
Data a piece of information that can be handled by a piece of software
that knows about the syntax used.
Metadata a piece of data that is intended to be interpreted as statements about
a resource.

1.4.2 Acronyms


Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - a group of technologies used to realize web
applications that provide functionality without necessitating page loads. The
definition of the term is no longer accurate, since the underlying requests for data
are required neither to be asynchronous - nor to use XML as a data-format.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets - a language to describes the look and formatting of
documents that are written in markup languages such as HTML and XML.
DSP Description Set Profile - a machine-processable expression for specifying which
metadata terms to use (Nilsson, Miles, Johnston, & Enoksson, 2007).
HTML HyperText Markup Language - a markup language used for expressing web pages.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol - an Internet Official Protocol Standard for retrieving
web pages, among other things.
LOM Learning Object Metadata - an IEEE metadata standard for describing so called
learning objects, which is the name given to resources that are intended to be used
for learning.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation - a light-weight data-interchange format, which is
based on the object-literal expression in JavaScript.
JSP JavaScript Server Pages - a templating mechanism in Java, often used to simplify
the generation of HTML pages.
LMS Learning Management System - a software application that is intended for the
administration, documenting, tracking, reporting, and delivery of learning.
OWL Web Ontology Language - a language based on RDF, which is used to formally
describe ontologies, that is, classes, instances and their relations.
QEL Edutella Query Language - a logic-based query language developed for the
Edutella p2p network. QEL is expressed in RDF. See (Nejdl et al., 2002).
RDF Resource Description Framework - a framework for representing information in
the Web. RDF provides a formal semantics for expressing facts about resources.
RDFa RDFa provides attributes that allow RDF triples to be embedded into HTML.
RDFS RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema - a language for
defining vocabularies in RDF. RDFS is less expressive than OWL.
REST Representational State Transfer - an architectural style describing the web. REST
was introduced by Roy Fielding in (Fielding, 2000).
ROA Resource Oriented Architecture - a software architecture that complies with
REST. ROA was introduced by (Richardson & Ruby, 2007).
RPC Remote Procedure Call - a way to request services from a computer program over
a network via some protocol. The RPC approach is common in SOA.
SOA Service Oriented Architecture - an architecture where software components are
developed as independent services to facilitate interoperability and loose coupling.
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol - a protocol often used to realize SOA on the web.


SPARQL SPARQL Query Language for RDF - a W3C-recommended query language for
searching after information in RDF graphs.
URI Uniform Resource Identifier - an Internet Official Protocol Standard for
describing global identifiers of resources.
URL Uniform Resource Locator - a subset of URIs that, in addition to identifying
resources, also provides information about how to locate them.
XForms XForms - a markup language for generating forms that can edit XML instances.
XML Extensible Markup Language - a document-centric markup language for encoding
a wide variety of data structures.
XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol - a protocol for real-time
communication that supports instant messaging, multi-part chat, presence, etc.

1.4.3 Terminology of Developed Software

Conzilla a learning application in the form of a Concept browser, where Context-
maps containing concepts and concept-relations are navigated.
Development started 1999.
Confolio a learning application in the form of an ePortfolio allowing uploaded files
and linked to web resources to be described with metadata.
Development started 2008.
EntryScape another name for Confolio.
SCAM portfolio an earlier version of EntryScape.
Development started 2001.
RForms RDF Forms - a framework for presenting and editing metadata.
Development started 2010.
SHAME Standardized Hyper Adaptable Metadata Editor - earlier version of
RForms. Development started 2002.
EntryStore a framework for storing resources and their metadata (originally referred
to as SCAM 4). Development started 2008.
SCAM Standardized Contextualized Access to Metadata - an earlier version of
EntryStore. Development started 2001.

1.5 How to read this Thesis

This thesis contains three major parts; (i) introduction and overview, (ii) formulation and
discussion of the research questions analyzed, and (iii) the papers upon which the thesis is based.
The first part (i) contains chapter 1-3, where chapter 1 is what you are reading now, that is, an
overall introduction, purpose, problems, methodology etc. Chapter 2 gives an introduction to the
core Semantic Web technologies and describes how some of their characteristics can be


beneficial for learning applications. Chapter 3 provides a background as well as a discussion of

how architectures and technologies are related to Semantic Web technology and various types of
The second part (ii) corresponds to chapter 4-8, where chapter 4 introduces two learning
applications and answers the first research question by identifying major obstacles. Chapter 5
addresses the first obstacle by discussing how to present and edit RDF both by looking at
existing solutions and by going through six iterations of development of the SHAME/RForms
framework. Chapter 6 addresses the second obstacle dealing with how to read and write RDF and
resources first by breaking down the obstacle and looking at existing solutions and second by
going trough four iterations of the SCAM/EntryStore framework. Chapter 7 addresses the third
obstacle by listing seven recommendations based on theory and practice including the work on
the learning applications and the work done to overcome the obstacles. Chapter 8 provides
conclusions and future work.
The third part (iii) contains the six papers on which this thesis is based, as well as a short
introduction to each paper, including information about where it was published, the author's
contributions etc.


2. Using Semantic Web for

Learning Applications
As discussed in the introduction, the main focus of this thesis is how to build learning
applications based on Semantic Web technologies. Not to motivate why Semantic Web
technologies provide a solid base for building learning applications. In spite of this, it is
worthwhile to briefly describe some of the added values for learning applications that are
inherent in this approach. In order to do so we need to understand:
1. what the Semantic Web is about and what kind of useful characteristics it has.
2. how present and potential characteristics of learning application are related to different
perspectives on learning that are inherent in some of the major educational theories.
Hence, this chapter starts with a brief overview of educational theories. Then, we go through the
basics of the underlying technologies of Semantic Web. After that we explore a bit deeper by
discussing three important aspects of the Semantic Web: objective metadata, subjective
metadata, and the support for evolving human discourses. An attempt is made to understand the
nature of learning applications from the perspective of these educational theories, and to identify
some of the added values of Semantic Web technologies when building learning applications.
Thereafter, we take a brief look at the implicit requirements of the Semantic Web. The chapter
ends with a summary.

2.1 Perspectives on Learning

To attempt a general investigation of how educational theories relate to learning applications
would be a formidable undertaking. Even restricting our attention to the most dominant
educational theories would be out of scope for this thesis, since it has a largely technical focus.
Instead we concentrate on certain perspectives of educational theories that share a common


According to (Greeno et al., 1996) educational theories can be divided into three perspectives
based on the way you look at knowledge and learning. Including only the learning aspect 1, these
perspectives can be described as:
Behaviorist/empiricist - learning is a process of forming and strengthening associations among
mental or behavioral units. Feedback, intended to strengthen certain associations, is given to the
learner based on the outcome of learning activities. The activities are often organized in a logical
manner, from simple to more complex units of behavior.
Cognitive/rationalist - learning is about understanding concepts and theories through mental
processes. The important sub-area of constructivism considers learning to be a form of
understanding aided by an active process of construction rather than a passive assimilation of
information. The learner is supposed to work with concrete material that can be manipulated to
illustrate conceptual principles. Misconceptions can be useful stepping stones towards gradually
becoming more attuned to the characteristics of the domain. General cognitive abilities such as
reasoning, planning, and language comprehending are vital and complementary to more domain-
specific approaches to solving problems.
Situative/pragmatist-sociohistoric - learning is about getting accustomed to, and improving, the
successful participation of the learner in the social activities of a community. Learners start as
beginners and develop their knowledge by actively participating in the community, although their
activities are often initially somewhat peripheral. Over time, when learners progresses, their
actions are perceived more and more central to the community and begin to add to the practice. It
is argued that a learner's identity is in part formed by active and successful participation in a
community of practice. Hence, becoming a more central participant of a community can be a
powerful motivation for learning.
(Greeno et al., 1996) also states at page 16 that the perspectives "help to frame theoretical and
practical issues in distinctive and complementary ways". Therefore, it is likely that when
developing learning environments/applications, it would make sense to simultaneously consider
several of these perspectives.
The perspectives introduced are not unique and others have chosen different discriminating
dimensions for the categorization of educational theories. For instance (Ertmer & Newby,
1993) suggests that behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism are the major perspectives on
learning. However, the distinction is relatively small, since it is mentioned that constructivism
can be considered as a branch of cognitivism, a perspective which is in line with (Greeno et al.,
Before returning to educational theories in section 2.6 we will take a look at what the Semantic
Web is about (section 2.2) and what it offers with respect to supporting knowledge-building
discourses (section 2.3-2.5).

2.2 Semantic Web Basics

Many of the useful characteristics of Semantic Web follow from the metadata language allowing
expressions to be combined effortlessly. Other characteristics are inherited from the Semantic
Web being rooted in the regular web. For instance, the unified approach to referencing resources

1 The knowing and motivation/engagement aspects are left out.


via URIs2, allows anyone - not just the owners - to express statements on resources. Furthermore,
the vocabularies used to make statements about resources follow the same principles allowing
them to be used and extended by others in an evolutionary manner.

Figure 1: RDF graph with two statements, resources are depicted as ellipses and literals as

At the base of Semantic Web is RDF, Resource Description Framework (Manola & Miller,
2004). An RDF expression consists of a set of statements, where a statement is a fact about a
resource, for example title, description, creation date, or a relation to another resource. A
statement can be seen as a very simple sentence in natural language following the pattern
"subject predicate object" where subject and predicate are resources while the object is either a
resource or a literal3. In figure 1 we see two statements in graph notation, and in table 1 the same
statements are listed in a plain three-column layout.

Table 1: RDF graph with two statements, quoted strings are literals.

Subject Predicate Object

http://example.com/sheldon http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name "Sheldon Cooper"
http://example.com/sheldon http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/knows http://example.com/leonard

Since statements can be represented in a three column table layout they are sometimes referred to
as "triples" and repositories containing RDF-graphs as "triplestores."
RDF can be represented in various formats such as RDF/XML (Beckett, 2004) and Turtle (Becket
& Berners-Lee, 2011) both of which can be used for exchanging RDF graphs between systems.
Below is the RDF graph from above (depicted in figure 2 and listed in table 1) shown in the
turtle format:

2 URI stands for Uniform Resource Identifier which is an Internet Official Protocol Standard for describing global
identifiers of resources, see http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt. The more well-known acronym URL stands for Uniform
Resource Locator which corresponds to a special kind of of URI, which - beyond identity - also provides a mechanism
for locating and retrieving representations of resources. For example, the URL of a web page (using the http URI
scheme) allows the web page to be located and retrieved. In contrast, the URI of a book (using the urn:isbn URI
scheme) only provides an identity, which may be used for ordering a copy of the book - but not for directly retrieving a
digital representation of it.
3 A literal is either a string, a string with a language, or a string with a datatype.


@prefix ex: <http://example.com/> .

@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .

foaf:name "Sheldon Cooper" ;
foaf:knows ex:leonard .

To be able to address a specific set of triples within a larger RDF graph, the concept of a Named
Graph was introduced in (Carroll, Bizer, Hayes, & Stickler, 2005) and has subsequently been
included in other standards such as the SPARQL Query Language (Prud’hommeaux & Seaborne,
2008). Named graphs is best understood as a forth column in a table view, consider extending
table 1 above, containing identifiers for the Named graph the statements belong to. The Named
Graph identifiers are always URIs.
One of the first things you need to do before you can start using RDF to express facts is to decide
on a vocabulary to use. The vocabulary is typically a set of URIs to use for predicates, such as in
the example above foaf:name and foaf:knows, but also URIs such as foaf:Person that are used to
differentiate between different types of resources. To formalize the vocabulary it is suitable to
use the RDF Vocabulary description language, also referred to as RDF Schema (RDFS)
described in (Brickley & Guha, 2004). Another option is to use the Web Ontology Language also
referred to as OWL, described in (Motik, Parsia, & Patel-Schneider, 2009), that provides a richer
set of tools for describing classes, properties, individuals, and data values.

2.3 RDF Supports Objective Metadata

The need to express objective metadata, such as title and author of a resource, is a natural part of
the publishing process that will not go away. In this process it is common to rely on one or
several metadata specifications or metadata standards that defines terms to be used in the
metadata expressions. Two examples of metadata specifications that can be useful when
expressing authoritative metadata are Dublin Core terms4 and IEEE/LOM5. Dublin Core terms
are easily expressed in RDF, since its abstract model, the Dublin Core Abstract Model 6, largely
resembles RDF with properties and values used to describe resources. The IEEE/LOM
specification, on the other hand, has an abstract model that closely resembles the XML infoset 7
with element-in-element that are harder to translate to RDF. Despite this, in (Nilsson, Palmér, &
Brase, 2003) an RDF binding of the IEEE/LOM specification has successfully been introduced.
The RDF expression of IEEE/LOM has later been taken up within the Joint DCMI/IEEE LTSC
Taskforce8. Although no final specification has been produced, there is a draft mapping between
IEEE/LOM and the Dublin Core Abstract Model which indirectly gives an RDF expression.
It could be argued that this lack of a definitive expression of IEEE/LOM in RDF is a hindrance
for using RDF in the learning domain. However, there are other factors to take into account. For
example, in his thesis From Interoperability to Harmonization in Metadata Standardization.
(Nilsson, 2010) makes a detailed analysis of the problems regarding metadata interoperability
across metadata standards and points to several problems with syntactical approaches based on

4 http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
5 http://ltsc.ieee.org/wg12/20020612-Final-LOM-Draft.html
6 http://dublincore.org/documents/abstract-model/
7 http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-infoset/
8 http://dublincore.org/educationwiki/DCMIIEEELTSCTaskforce


XML. Nilsson argues that a common abstract model and an accompanying schema model should
be used when expressing metadata standards and points out that the only realistic candidate as of
today is RDF and RDF Schema.
Given that relevant metadata standards have reasonably stable expressions in RDF, they have the
potential to support objective metadata. However, there is also the important question of
authority (which can be assumed to imply truthfulness). This concerns who stands behind the
metadata and what credibility they have for their issued statements about the resource in
question. The fact that a specific metadata standard is used to state more or less objective facts
about resources does not make a specific metadata record authoritative. But, if the metadata
record can be retrieved from the same origin (as indicated by their URIs) as the resource it
describes it should probably be considered authoritative. However, in general this is not the case
and one has to rely on trusting specific content/metadata providers instead.

2.4 RDF Supports Subjective Metadata

As described in paper 2, one of the most severe misconceptions about metadata, is the idea that
metadata only should be used to to express objective information. In contrast, metadata can be
used to express subjective information, such as comments, opinions, tags, ratings, reviews etc.
Even though established metadata standards like IEEE/LOM can be used for this purpose, it is a
clumsy tools for the job. Especially if you consider the scenario that subjective information is
expressed over a prolonged period by different users, and perhaps also across different systems.
In such cases it is not realistic to repeatedly collect the subjective information into a single
authoritative metadata document (which is the predominant assumption of how these standards
are to be used. See paper 2 for a longer discussion of the document centric view on metadata).
Consider the example of tagging. A single resource may be tagged by many different users. The
reasons for providing each tag may differ, and even if the tag is the same for different users, there
is no guarantee that the intended meaning is the same. Hence, just collecting the tags into a single
authoritative metadata document makes no sense. Still, it would be valuable if the tags related to
a resource could be connected and the intentions behind each tag could be made clear. One
initiative that aims for this is the MOAT project 9 (Meaning Of A Tag), described in (Passant &
Laublet, 2008). MOAT is a good example of how RDF technology can be used for supporting the
expression of subjective metadata.
An older project which is capable of expressing subjective metadata using RDF technology is
Annotea, which is described in (Koivunen, 2005). Annotea provides a solution for annotating
web documents, or even parts of web documents. Simply put, the client, which is typically a
browser plugin, connects to an Annotea server from where relevant annotations are retrieved and
displayed on top of the currently shown web document. New annotations, private or shared, can
be pushed to the Annotea server by the client. Note that the annotations can represent different
things, in (Koivunen, 2005) annotations, bookmarks, and topics are mentioned.
Both MOAT and Annotea are nice initiatives, but they only solve rather specific problems
regarding subjective metadata. A more generic approach for taking care of subjective metadata is
provided by EntryScape/EntryStore which is discussed in section 4.1 and chapter 6.

9 http://moat-project.org


2.5 RDF Supports an Evolving Human Discourse

Let us list three fundamental and important characteristics of RDF that are relevant when used
for supporting an evolving human discourse:
Talk about anything - statements can be made about any resource, that is anything that has been
given an identifier, often in the form of a URL. Examples include not only web pages but also
physical objects like cars, people, and books in a library as well as ideas or abstract objects like
the concept of a perfect circle.
Unlimited set of terms - there are no conceptual bounds on what can be expressed, if there are
no established terms that match your need, you can simply invent them yourself on the fly. Of
course, there is no guarantee that such new terms will be understood directly by others, but this is
similar to all other languages, including spoken languages like English.
Reuse terms in new contexts - you can combine any terms you like, if someone introduced or
defined a term and you find it useful, you can use it. But if you use it in a way that is not
coherent with the original intention, the result may be confusing - just like any other misuse of
One difference with respect to natural languages is that even though RDF is powerful in it's
expressiveness, it always consists of sets of simple statements, that is, no complex sentences to
parse. Another difference is that the use of globally unique identifiers, in the form of Uniform
Resource Identifiers (abbreviated as URI), avoids unnecessary ambiguities when referring to
resources. Unfortunately this also makes RDF less readable for humans, but as RDF should not
be exposed to end users directly this is not a real problem.

2.6 The Semantic Web and Design Principles for Learning

Many have argued the case for using Semantic Web technologies for learning. For example both
(Anderson, 2008) and (Ohler, 2008) claim that the added value originates from the use of
intelligent agents that fetch and aggregate information. This is largely in line with the original
vision of Tim Berners-Lee, see (Berners-Lee, Hendler, & Lassila, 2001). However, there are
other values for learning that can be provided by the Semantic Web.
We now continue the discussion started in 2.1 and examine how the three learning perspectives
presented there have been broken down by (Greeno et al., 1996) into six design principles for
learning applications10. For each principle we discuss which added values Semantic Web
technology could provide in relation to presently prevailing (non-semantic) technologies.
Moreover, an attempt is made to quantify the added-value into three levels
The design principles listed below are named (b1)-(b3) for the behaviourist/empirist perspective,
(c1) for the cognitivist/rationalist perspective and (s1)-(s2) for the situative/pragmatist-
sociohistoric perspective11.
Design principle (b1) - Routines of activity for effective transmission of knowledge

10 The design principles are actually stated for learning environments but this includes learning applications.
11 The naming conventions are taken from (Greeno, Collins, & Resnick, 1996).


"Learning activities can be organized to optimize acquisition of information and

routine skill. In learning environments organized for these purposes, learning
occurs most effectively if the teaching or learning program is well organized,
with routines for classroom activity that students know and follow efficiently."
(Greeno et al., 1996) p. 27
Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as Moodle and Blackboard, excel at supporting
well (= strongly) organized instruction, often with a focus on the needs of the teacher. They
provide an authoritative source for getting hold of learning material, testing your knowledge, and
providing overall guidance of the expected learning activities. Many standards have been
developed to support interoperability between LMS:es. The most known is probably the SCORM
standard12 introduced by ADL13 as a collection of technical standards for describing, sequencing,
packaging and executing learning material. It is feasible to improve upon these standards by
expressing them in RDF. For example, an early attempt for describing learning object in RDF
was made by (Nilsson et al., 2003). Such RDF-based expressions of learning objects (and maybe
also for tests, sequencing of learning objects etc.) definitely have the potential for broader reuse
within more general contexts, which do not necessarily involve learning. However, it is not
realistic to think that, within the near future, major LMS:es would switch from SCORM to
another standard expression. This is due to two reasons: First, achieving compliance with
SCORM in existing LMSes has taken a long time (and is still 'patchy'). Second, to this date, the
achieved reuse due to SCORM compliance has not been impressive (Gonzalez-Barbone &
Llamas-Nistal, 2007).
From this we conclude that incremental improvements of existing learning technology standards
are probably not a sufficient motivation to trigger an uptake of Semantic Web technologies in
major LMS:es. Although the pressure to integrate with web content in general may push LMS:es
to better support Semantic Web or similar technologies (such as for instance RDFa 14 and
Hence, we conclude that the added value of applying Semantic Web for design principle (b1) is
minor, at least as long as the main supportive technology for these kind of activity-routines are
Design principle (b2) - Clear goals, feedback and reinforcement
For routine learning, it is advantageous to have explicit instructional goals, to
present instructions that specify the procedure and information to be learned and
the way that learning materials are organized, to ensure that students have
learned prerequisites for each new component, to provide opportunities for
students to respond correctly, to give detailed feedback to inform students which
items they have learned and which they still need to work on, and to provide
reinforcement for learning that satisfies students' motivations.
(Greeno et al., 1996) p. 27
From a technological perspective, the distinction between design principle (b2) and (b3)
(presented in the next paragraph) is too small to motivate a separate discussion and therefore
both design principles will be discussed together below.

12 http://www.adlnet.org/capabilities/scorm/scorm-version-1-2
13 Advanced Distributed Learning is an initiative originating in the Unites States Department of Defence,
14 RDFa provides a way to embed RDF triples into HTML.
15 Schema.org is an initiative to allow simple markup of web pages in a way recognized by major search providers.


Design principle (b3) - Individualization with technologies

Acquisition of basic information and routine skills can be facilitated by using
technologies, including computer technology, that support individualized
training and practice sequences.
(Greeno et al., 1996) p. 27
An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is a kind of expert system that tries to combine knowledge
of the student (the learner model), knowledge of the topic (domain model) and good teaching
practices (pedagogical model) to provide individualized instruction. ITS systems appeared in the
middle of the seventies and interest peeked in the late eighties for two major reasons (Reeves,
1998): First, a lack of impact on mainstream education and, second, technical difficulties
inherent in building student models and facilitating human-like communications, difficulties
which had been greatly underestimated by proponents of this approach.
In addition to Intelligent Tutoring Systems, there are also Adaptive Educational Hypermedia
Systems (AEHS) that, based on information collected around an individual, try to provide a
personalized experience by individually adapting the available navigation paths through some
material. In the nineties, both ITS:es and AEHS:es changed their focus in order to accommodate
web based systems, in recognition of the growing importance of the web. According to
(Brusilovsky & Peylo, 2011), when ITS:es and AEHS:es were refocused as web-based systems,
they were found to have a large overlap. Consequently, a new area called Adaptive and
Intelligent Web-based Educational Systems (AIWBES) was introduced in order to provide a
more systematic view on the techniques of ITS, AEHS, as well as on a range of other related
Although not always using this term AIWBES, many have argued for the use of Semantic Web to
improve upon AIWBES techniques, such as (Aroyo & Dicheva, 2004), (Henze, Dolog, & Nejdl,
2004), (Devedzic, 2004), and (Devedžic, 2006). Within the area of ITS, ontologies can be used to
capture various learner-, domain- and pedagogic models. These ontologies, and data expressed
with the help of them, can be shared across systems, which provides added value when problem
domains overlap and become increasingly complex. Within the area of AEHS (and ITS as well)
using ontologies may help to avoid the so called "cold start problem" 16 by reusing learner models
across systems. In addition, interoperability aspects of Semantic Web technologies make more
learning material available for AIWBES systems, a fact which should allow for better adaption to
learners needs.
However, despite the fact that AIWBES systems have been around for a long time, there seems
to be little or at most moderate uptake. Hence, this thesis argues that there is only moderate
added value of Semantic Web with respect to design principles (b2) and (b3).
Design principle (c1) - Interactive environments for construction of understanding
Learning environments can be organized to foster students' constructing
understanding of concepts and principles through problem solving and reasoning
in activities that engage students' interests and use of their initial understandings
and their general reasoning and problem-solving abilities.
(Greeno et al., 1996) p. 27

16 When a learner enters a new system the learner model is empty and the learner needs to either provide information in
some way, for instance by taking a test, or accept initially week personalization.


From a technological perspective, the distinction between design principle (c1) and (s1)
(presented in the next paragraph) is too small to motivate a separate discussion and therefore
both design principles will be discussed together below.
Design princple (s1) - Environments of participation in social practices of inquiry and
Learning environments can be organized to foster students' learning to
participate in practices of inquiry and learning and to support the development
of students' personal identities as capable and confident learners and knowers.
These activities include formulating and evaluating questions. problems,
conjectures, arguments, explanations, and so forth, as aspects of the social
practices of sense-making and learning, including abilities to use a rich variety
of social and material resources for learning and to contribute to socially
organized learning activities, as well as to engage in concentrated individual
(Greeno et al., 1996) p. 27
According to (Jonassen, 1999) a Constructivist Learning Environments (CLE) is a system where
a problem17 drives the learning - rather than a topic. A CLE should provide a context for the
problem, as well as a representation or simulation of it that should be both appealing and
authentic18. In addition, there should also be a way for students to actively work and familiarize
themselves with the problem in a practical manner. (Jonassen, 1999) continues by looking into
three kinds of tools19 that are useful in a CLE. Students need to find information to gain deeper
understanding of the problem, and they can do so by using information-gathering tools that
predominantly work with the web. Moreover, students need to be able to actively work, develop
and construct solutions to the problems, and therefore they need knowledge construction tools
such as for example visualization and knowledge modeling tools. Finally, in order to support
teamwork among students, there is a need for conversation and collaboration tools.
A natural question to ask is whether CLEs can be turned into unified environments in analogy
with how LMS:es are constructed today 20. One strong argument against the idea of a CLE as a
unified environment is that the tools mentioned above are diverse and hard to integrate. The
alternative, to replace them with smaller, dedicated tools that fit into such a unified environment
would require a lot of effort. The resulting tools would most probably not appear authentic,
which is an important requirement of constructive environments. Although, with the arrival of
Web2.0, it has become more feasible to aim for some form of unified CLE, since tools are
increasingly available as online services, a fact which sometimes allows them to be embedded
into other environments.
Semantic Web can provide added-value for CLEs in several ways. If Semantic Web technologies
were used more broadly in markup of web-pages, it would substantially improve the
effectiveness of information-gathering tools. For instance, the Schema.org initiative mentioned
above helps search engines to improve search results based on Semantic Web information 21.
Moreover, if knowledge creation tools were based on Semantic Web technologies, the integration
with CLEs would become easier, since there would be less need to develop support for new APIs

17 For simplicity the word 'problem' is used in the text, it may also be a 'question', an 'issue', a 'case', or a 'project'.
18 Authentic in the sense that it is realistic and relevant for the current context and hopefully also in the future.
19 Note that they represent aspects that are not mutually exclusive.
20 Where tools are developed specifically for each LMS.
21 For example, Googles knowledge graph in part originate from Schema.org based markup, the effect is (at this point in
time) improved searches with disambiguation and fact sheets for recognized entities.


for every tool. One example of a knowledge creation tool is provided by Conzilla (see section
4.2), which uses RDF to produce new knowledge as well as to relate to existing knowledge. This
use of RDF makes Conzilla compatible with a larger ecosystem of Semantic-Web-enabled
knowledge construction tools22.
It is important to emphasize that Semantic Web technologies can be instrumental in handling the
interoperability problems between various web2.0 systems, see (Bojars, Breslin, Peristeras,
Tummarello, & Decker, 2008). The approach, termed Social Semantic Web, has been discussed
further by several others such as (Jeremic, Jovanovic, & Gasevic, 2011) and (Breslin, Passant, &
Decker, 2009).
In summary, there is a real possibility that Semantic Web will provide a major added value to
design principles (c1) and (s1), especially since the set of Web2.0 technologies is still growing.
Design principle (s2) - Support for development of positive epistemic identities
Learning environments can be organized to support the development of students'
personal identities as capable and confident learners and knowers. This can
include organizing learning activities in ways that complement and reinforce
differences in patterns of social interaction and in expertise brought by students
of differing cultural backgrounds.
(Greeno et al., 1996) p.27-28
Today, online identity for many people is fragmented across different social networks and
(social) web sites. This fragmentation may be intentional since it serves a way to reveal different
facets of a user's personality. However, it can also be harmful since people often need to spend a
lot of time in forming their relationships and building their reputation. This problem has been
discussed in more detail, for example in a chapter on trust and privacy in (Breslin, Passant, &
Vrandečić, 2011). Here it is also argued that Semantic Web may remedy the situation by allowing
better control of which identities to keep separate and which to merge.
Social networks of today allow the forming of identities by establishing relations to others as
well as exposing activities in the form of positive feedback 23, status updates, or longer texts for
others to see. Social Networks with a more professional touch, such as LinkedIn, also allow
people to provide a resumé. However, to support the collection of resources that you care about
in general - be it links or documents that you have produced - current social networks in general
have little to offer. E-portfolios may be useful here, and the example of Confolio/EntryScape (see
section 4.1), shows that Semantic Web technology can be useful by allowing a wide range of
In summary, Semantic Web technologies have major potential for providing added value for this
design principle (s2). This is mostly due to the large use of social networks and the capability of
Semantic Web technologies to strengthen the identities of participators in learning situations.
Having thus discussed all of the design principles, we now summarize our findings in table 2,
including the estimated potential added values and the corresponding aspects of RDF that these
values depend on.

22 Such as for example Protégé and IsaViz, unfortunately not many other such tools exists at this point in time.
23 Positive feedback take different forms on different social networks, for example Facebook's "like" and Google's "+1".


Table 2: Design principles for learning environments together with potential added value from Semantic
Web and which aspects of RDF used. OM stands for Objective Metadata, SM for Subjective Metadata
and EHD for Evolving Human Discourse, see sections 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 respectively.

Design Principles Added value of Semantic Web Based on

b1 Minor OM
b2-b3 Moderate OM
c1-s1 Major OM, SM, EHD
s2 Major OM, SM

From the above discussion it is clear that there is substantial benefits in using Semantic Web
technologies for learning, especially from the cognitivist/rationalist (c1) and situative/pragmatist-
sociohistoric perspectives (s1)-(s2). In addition it indicates that subjective metadata and evolving
human discourse are more interesting aspects of RDF than supporting the expression of objective
metadata, although the latter is a necessary foundation for the former.
This conclusion is also in line with the vision stated in the introduction of this thesis:
Learning applications based on Semantic Web technologies will allow people to
express themselves and communicate with increased precision on a growing and
changing range of topics.
Although expressed differently, the overlap of this vision with cognitive/rationalist and
situative/pragmatist perspectives are quite clear. Moreover, the vision is partly based on the
Knowledge Manifold architecture, introduced in (Naeve, 2001a), that outlines a somewhat
different approach to learning in a networked environment. It emphasizes the creation of
knowledge as an interconnected conceptual 'patchwork' constructed by different "knowledge
gardeners" that maintain their individual "knowledge patch". Learners can find their way through
this "knowledge patchwork" by conceptual browsing, using tools such as introduced in (Naeve,
2001b). In this way, the knowledge manifold architecture can be used to build communities of
learning/practice where the participators can communicate and build upon each others'
knowledge in many different ways.
The idea of an Knowledge Manifold architecture has been used as an inspiration for how the
Semantic Web can be used for learning, leading to the idea of a Human Semantic Web (Naeve,
2005), which was discussed already in paper 2. More broadly, chapter 2 of paper 2 argues that a
Semantic Web-based architecture can allow metadata to be subjective and non-authoritative,
evolving, extensible, distributed, flexible and conceptual.
However, this thesis claims that in the end, no matter which perspective one applies on learning,
the new digital possibilities all carry with them an increased need to support more complex forms
of human communication and interaction. In this context, Semantic Web arguably has an
important role to play.


2.7 The Implicit Requirements of the Semantic Web

It is interesting to consider what would happen if the starting point of this thesis was not
Semantic Web technology based on RDF but rather the aspects of RDF described in this chapter
reformulated as requirements. Any approach to express information in the learning domain
would at least need a way to state facts around things that could be identified globally in a unique
manner. It would also need mechanisms to define new vocabularies and extend existing ones. To
make sense of such vocabularies, their meaning would have to be understood by many parties,
and a practice to evolve the corresponding discourse by introducing new vocabularies would be
highly beneficial.
It could be argued that such a solution would share many of the traits of the Semantic Web of
today. Moreover, from a pragmatic perspective there is much to gain from building upon what
has already been established, since there are already tools to use, existing knowledge among
developers etc. Furthermore, Semantic Web technology is defined within the W3C 24 that drives
the laborious process of reaching community consensus around recommendations. This indicates
that you need really good reasons for trying to establish new technologies that largely overlap
with already existing W3C recommendations, since these recommendations have been discussed
and modified back and forth among stakeholders to fit a range of different needs and

2.8 Summary
This chapter has provided a brief presentation of three major perspectives on educational
theories, as well as a brief introduction to Semantic Web technologies, more specifically to RDF.
We have seen how important aspects of RDF can be used to support (i) objective metadata, (ii)
subjective metadata, and (iii) an evolving human discourse. From the perspective of the
presented educational theories, the aspects (ii) and (iii) have been concluded to be the most
important with respect to the derived added value of Semantic Web technologies for building
learning applications.
Related to the three perspectives on educational theories, six different design principles for
learning applications have been discussed, with a focus on the added values of using Semantic
Web technologies. It has been shown that there is some added value within each of these
principles, although the largest benefits have been identified for design principles derived from
the cognitivist/rationalist- and the situative/pragmatist-sociohistoric perspective.
Finally, this chapter has discussed what would happen if the starting point of this thesis was not
the current Semantic Web, but rather the need to express facts around things that have globally
unique identifiers, as well as a few other related requirements regarding the process of
incrementally defining terms. The conclusion drawn was that the resulting technology would
probably be similar. Moreover, the importance of the consensus building process within W3C
that had led to the current design of Semantic Web technologies should not be underestimated.
This thesis argues that it is (i) the useful characteristics of RDF, (ii) the potential added value of
Semantic Web from a learning perspective, and (iii) the pragmatism of relying on something that
is already widely known that makes Semantic Web a good basis for building learning

24 W3C stands for World Wide Consortium, more information can be found at http://w3.org/.


3. Architectures, Technologies
and Application Types
The previous section has provided theoretical arguments for how Semantic Web technologies can
be useful for learning applications. This section will provide background knowledge of
architectures and technologies as well as a new categorization of applications into types that will
come in handy when reading this thesis and applying its results.
In addition, this chapter will also provide some insight in how the various technologies and
architectures relate to each other as well as to the application types. Since Semantic Web
technology is based upon the Web Architecture, which will be described in section 3.2, we will
use the Web Architecture as the point of departure. It will also be used as a "simplest common
grounds" when comparing how architectures and technologies relate.

3.1 Web Architecture

The Architecture of the World Wide Web, (Jacobs & Walsh, 2004) is a W3C recommendation
since December 2004. According to this document the architecture of the web can be divided into
three bases:
Identification - conceptual resources are given global identifiers according to the URI
specification. Many resources, such as web pages and images are information resources, that is,
they have representations that can be sent as messages.
Interaction - communication between agents over a network involves URIs, messages and data.
The communication is facilitated via a range of web protocols.
Formats - provide agreement of how to express representations of resource states. Such an
agreement includes both a syntax to encode data and a semantics prescribing how it should be
used. The web architecture provides no restrictions on which formats to use, although reuse is
encouraged in order to increase interoperability.


Figure 2: The Web Architecture and other related architectures and technologies.

In figure 2 these three bases of the Web Architecture are depicted in the background, with other
architectures and technologies on top. When architectures or technologies have common ground
they are drawn so that they overlap. Even though the figure is quite detailed there are areas where
it falls short, although hopefully the overall message of how the architectures and technologies
overlap should be reasonably clear. The figure, especially all the abbreviations, will not be
explained here, but is intended only as orientation material. The reader is encouraged to return to
this figure when reading about specific architectures and technologies in the following
The web architecture document proceeds to outline 5 principles to capture the fundamental
properties of the web, 3 constraints that are consequences of the design choices made, and 24
best practices that, if followed, are believed to increase the value of the web. These principles
and constraints carry more weight and are especially important to consider when new web
technologies are developed. The W3C utilizes a community consensus process where the
standards it develops are always reviewed by the member organizations 25, before being approved.
Consequently, the standards are anchored among the practitioners and technology providers

25 At the time of writing there are 345 members organizations at W3C.


when released, and therefore they often have a high impact. The following statement (taken from
section 1.1 of the recommendation) further elevates the importance of the Web Architecture
document in a broader sense:
This document describes the properties we desire of the Web and the design
choices that have been made to achieve them. It promotes the reuse of existing
standards when suitable, and gives guidance on how to innovate in a manner
consistent with Web architecture.
For the purpose of this thesis the Web architecture is important both as a precursor for the
semantic web (see section 3.2) and as a good choice for building applications for learning (see
section 3.7).
In the following sections we will discuss how various technologies and architectures relate to the
Web Architecture. The principles, constraints and best practices of the Web architecture are
introduced when needed for the discussion. For a complete listing the reader is referred to the
Web Architecture recommendation (Jacobs & Walsh, 2004).
To simplify the discussion below, the terms utilize and integrate are introduced with respect to
Web architecture. That a technology or architecture utilizes the Web Architecture means that it
relies on the three bases, that is, identifiers, interactions, and formats as prescribed in the Web
Architecture recommendation. That a technology or architecture integrates with the Web
architecture means that it follows the best practices: identify with URIs, link identification, web
linking, and generic URIs. To put it more plainly, integration means that resources should be
identifiable by URIs and that the formats used should allow expression of links, or relationships,
by using those URIs.
It is argued in this thesis that technologies and architectures that both utilize and integrate with
Web Architecture are better equipped to strengthen and complement each other than those that
only utilize or have no relation to Web Architecture at all. In the last section of this chapter,
section 3.8, all the relations to the Web Architecture are summarized and visualized in a diagram.

3.2 Semantic Web Data

Let us now take a brief look at how Semantic web data, that is, RDF, relates to the Web
Architecture. For those readers who need a short introduction to RDF section 2.2 should be
enough; for a longer treatment see the RDF primer (Manola & Miller, 2004). The following
generic statement introduces the W3C recommendation on RDF concept and abstract syntax
(Klyne & Carroll, 2004):
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing
information in the Web.
RDF represents information by making statements on resources via their identifiers, that is, their
URIs. The statements can be joined together into larger graphs allowing more complicated
expressions to form. This is possible due to the fact that there are well defined rules for joining
two graphs without changing the semantics. A consequence is that the graph can be distributed
and ownership of parts of the graph can be handled by the same principles as the web itself, that
is, via the IANA URI scheme registry and the DNS. There are several ways to locate RDF
graphs: they can be embedded in various other forms of markup formats, accessed directly via


HTTP or searched via the SPARQL protocol for querying large RDF datasets. There are several
interchangeable formats for transporting RDF graphs, the most widely known is the RDF/XML
format, which is a W3C recommendation, see (Beckett, 2004). We can now conclude that:
1. RDF utilizes all three bases, identifiers, interactions and formats of the Web Architecture.
2. RDF integrates with the Web Architecture, since RDF data, the RDF statements, makes
use of URIs to express relationships between resources.
Another strength of RDF is that statements can be made about resources which have no digital
representation, for instance physical objects. This seems to break the Web architecture's best
practice of available representation. However, the W3C note on Cool URIs for the Semantic
Web, see (Sauermann & Cyganiak, 2008), provides guidelines of how to circumvent this problem
by using either hash URLs26 or the HTTP status code 303 see other.

3.3 Service-Oriented Architecture

Web Services have proven to be a powerful tool for defining interfaces to various systems.
However, their use together with Semantic Web technology is less impressive. One reason may
be that RDF semantics has a declarative character (stating facts on resources) while Web Service
semantics has a procedural character (invoking methods at a distance). More specifically:
The semantics of RDF is about how to interpret statements on resources. This is quite different
from the semantics of a Web Service which is bound to the actions it performs when invoked.
This means that Web Services in general have no understanding of resources, nor for that matter
of statements about resources. Clearly, it is possible to define specific Web Services that have
knowledge of resources and statements of resources, but it is not prescribed by the Web Service
Let us dig deeper by taking a look at the W3C note on Web Services Architecture, see (Booth et
al., 2004), where a web services is defined as:
a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine
interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-
processable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web
service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP-messages,
typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with
other Web-related standards.
Web Services provides a standard way of interoperating between different software applications,
running on a variety of platforms and/or frameworks. The software applications that use a web
service should do so in accordance with a shared meaning, semantics, of what the real world
effects of using it are. Hence, the semantics of web services are about the actions that are
described using the Web Service Description Language, WSDL. Consequently, a SOAP-message
- a piece of data, transported via a web service - is used to identify and provide necessary
information to allow the action to be invoked via the web service.
The Web Service architecture utilizes the Web Architecture in the sense that it relies on
identifiers to identify web services, web protocols to carry the interactions, and formats to
encode the actions as data. However, it is questionable whether the Web Architecture principle of
safe retrieval is fulfilled. Safe retrieval means that it is possible to retrieve resource
26 Hash URLs are URLs that have a part of the address after a hash ('#') character.


representations in a manner which has no side-effects. The latest version of the SOAP standard
includes the request message exchange pattern that supposedly fixes this gap. The idea is that
implementors should distinguish resource retrieval from other RPCs (Remote Procedure Call),
map them to URIs and support plain HTTP GET to retrieve them instead of HTTP POST with a
SOAP header. Unfortunately, since this approach is not mandatory, few implementors provide
support for this feature (see for instance section 3.2 in (Newcomer, Laskey, & Hégaret,
2007) where this is discussed). Hence, in practice Web Services only partially utilize the Web
Furthermore, there is no requirement that the exchanged data, that is the SOAP-messages, use
URIs to link to other resources. Hence, Web Services do not integrate well with the Web
Architecture either.

3.4 REST
The REST (REpresentational State Transfer) architectural style was introduced by Roy Fielding
(Fielding, 2000) and is widely claimed to be the architectural style of the Web. Although,
somewhat surprisingly, this does not mean that all of its constraints have been adopted by the
Web Architecture as described in the W3C recommendation (Jacobs & Walsh, 2004). According
to Fielding, an architectural style means a set of architectural constraints. REST consists of 6
architectural constraints, of which one is the uniform interface which has four additional
interface constraints. In table 3 the constraints are listed and shortly explained. If matching
principles, constraints, and practices of the Web architecture exists, they are listed in the third
column. Note that since REST is an architectural style and not an actual architecture or
technology we cannot really claim that REST utilizes or integrates with the Web Architecture.
However, table 3 and the following discussion aims to shine some light on the similarities and
differences with respect to the constraints.

Table 3: REST constraints explained and compared with the Web Architecture.

REST Explanation Web architecture

Client-Server Clients initiate communication with a -
server over a network.
Layered Allows services and complexity to be -
system hidden behind interfaces.
Stateless Every request must contain all -
information needed to understand it.
Code-on- Allows richer clients without changing -
demand the underlying system.
Cache Responses should include caching * Safe retrieval -Principle
constraints to improve network


Uniform Standardized interfaces improve * See four sub-constraints

interface simplicity, visibility of interactions and below
decoupling of implementations from the
services they provide. The uniform
interface is described further by the
following four sub-constraints:
- Identification Resource identifiers are used to * Global identifiers -Principle
of resources consistently identify a resource over * Identify with URIs -Practice
time, for example in interactions * URIs Identify a Single -Practice
between components. The identifier of a Resource
resource may be used to gain access to * Avoid URI aliases -Practice
zero or more resource representations. * Consistent URI usage -Practice
URI opacity
- Manipulation Components perform actions on a * Reuse representation -Practice
of resources resource by using a representation to formats
through capture the current or intended state of * Available representation -Practice
representations that resource and by transferring that * Consistent -Practice
representation between components. representation
- Self- In addition to representation data a * Metadata association -Practice
descriptive message should contain control data that
messages defines the purpose of a message
between components. It may also
contain metadata for both the
representation and the resource,
independent of the representation.
- Hypermedia An application, viewed in a browser, * Link identification -Practice
as the engine moves from one state to the next by * Web linking -Practice
of application someone examining and choosing from * Generic URIs -Practice
state alternative state transitions (links) in the * Hypertext links -Practice
current set of representations.

From this overview, let us focus on those REST constraints that are not covered in the Web
Architecture. First, the Web Architecture cannot restrict to client server interactions without
breaking compatibility with Web Services, XMPP 27, peer-to-peer networks etc. Second, in the
context of networked based systems the layered system constraint is limited to the combination
with the client-server constraint according to Fielding (see section 3.4.2 in (Fielding, 2000)).
Hence, there is no reason to reflect the layered system constraint in the Web Architecture either.
Third, a large portion of the web is today driven by software that keeps application state in
sessions on the server-side which directly contradicts the stateless REST constraints.
Consequently, the Web Architecture cannot adopt this requirement without excluding a large part
of the current web. Fourth, the code-on-demand constraint is actually an optional constraint of
REST and is not covered explicitly in the Web Architecture. However, there is a best practice that
prescribes separation of content, presentation, and interaction for data formats that taken

27 Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, see http.//xmpp.org


together with a section on extensibility points in the direction of code-on-demand. Finally, it is

worth noticing that most of the uniform interface constraints are covered by best practices rather
than the more heavyweight principles.
From this comparison it is perhaps not surprising that the Web Architecture recommendation
does not state a relation to, or even mentions REST. Going through revisions of the document
shows that REST was originally included but was removed late in 2002 28. A likely explanation is
that the rise of, among other things, the Web Services standards resulted in a need to
accommodate them as part of the Web Architecture. And since Web Services does not fulfill the
architectural constraints of REST, the Web Architecture - which seems to be a kind of umbrella
for the work done in W3C - could only include parts of the architectural constraints of REST. In
fact, the only compulsory constraints that overlap between REST and the Web Architecture are
the use of global identifiers and safe retrieval. However, even though the Web Architecture does
not enforce REST, it certainly accommodates REST.

3.5 Resource Oriented Architecture

The ROA (Resource Oriented Architecture) was introduced in 2007 (Richardson & Ruby,
2007) for building Web Services that are in line with the REST principles. An important reason
for introducing ROA was that REST only provides a set of architectural constraints and not an
architecture in itself. Practitioners have been arguing over the correct approach to realize the
constraints of REST, leading to heated debates as well as to slightly different approaches. With
ROA, Richardson and Ruby collected best practices into a consistent and concrete architecture
that covers common needs when building Web Services according to REST constraints. ROA
tries to follow the constraints of REST, although presented in a slightly different way.
...I introduce the moving parts of the Resource-Oriented Architecture: resources
(of course), their names, their representations, and the links between them. I
explain and promote the properties of the ROA: addressability, statelessness,
connectedness, and the uniform interface. I show how the web technologies
(HTTP, URIs, and XML) implement the moving parts to make the properties
In table 4, an approximate mapping is provided between the parts and properties of ROA with the
constraints of REST. In addition, ROA is constrained to the use of HTTP, URIs and XML
(together with other capable formats). These additional choices of technology matches the two
remaining REST constraints that are not explicitly mentioned in the table, that is, the client-
server and the layered system constraints.

Table 4: Approximate mapping between ROA and REST

ROA parts & properties REST constraints

Resources Identification of resources
Resource names Identification of resources
Links between resources Identification of resources

28 REST still remains in the reference list though, certainly an oversight.


Resource representations Manipulation of resources through representations

Self-descriptive messages
Addressability Identification of resources
Statelessness Statelessness
Uniform interface Uniform interface
Connectedness Hypermedia as the engine of application state

Again, it should be noted that ROA is not an attempt to describe the whole web, rather - just as
the title "RESTFul Web Services" says - it focuses on the programmable web.
In the terminology introduced in section 3.1, it is clear that ROA both utilizes the web's
resources, interactions, and formats and integrates well due to its focus on links between
resources as well as its connectedness requirement. Richardson and Ruby proceed further by
providing a generic process for designing a service. This process provides guidance for how to
split the problem space into RESTful resources and decide which interaction the resources
should support.

3.6 Linked Data

By combining the hyperlinked character of the Web Architecture with RDF, we get the Linked
Data initiative, see (Berners-Lee, 2006) and (Bizer, Heath, & Berners-Lee, 2009). Linked Data is
defined by the following rules:
1. Use URIs as names for things
2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.
3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information, using the standards (RDF,
4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more things.
Since the introduction of the Linked Data initiative in 2006, many datasets have been made
available according to these rules. And since they link to each other, the result is a big
interconnected web of data which is growing every day. Note that Linked Data is sometimes
referred to as the web of data. Clearly, Linked Data both utilizes and integrates with the Web
Linked Data has remained a web of read-only data, but a range of initiatives have appeared lately
that suggest mechanisms to write data back. Tim Berner-Lee wrote a design note in 2009 on how
he conceives that Linked Data could be made writable (Berners-Lee, 2009). He suggests two
approaches, first outlining how documents containing RDF can be written back using HTTP PUT
and second how to change individual triples by sending update requests to the server via
SPARQL Update messages. The document approach has since been inlcuded in the SPARQL 1.1
Graph Store HTTP Protocol, see (Ogbuji, 2012). The SPARQL 1.1 update, see (Gearon, Passant,
& Polleres, 2012), is a language that is supposed to be used in an RPC-like fashion via the


SPARQL 1.1 Protocol for RDF, see (Feigenbaum, Williams, Clark, & Torres, 2012). SPARQL
1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol on the other hand takes the RESTful approach and outlines how
to retrieve and modify named graphs using HTTP methods directly.
It could be argued that Linked Data is a natural consequence of focusing on HTTP and URIs and
properly following the REST constraints (especially the hypermedia as the engine of application
state constraint, see table 3 in section 3.4 above, which is somewhat overlooked in many
RESTful implementations of today).
The most common format used for exposing Linked Data is RDF/XML. However there are other
alternatives. One alternative is to use RDFa, see (Adida, Herman, Sporny, & Birbeck, 2012), a
technology to enrich HTML with semantics which can be extracted and turned into an RDF
graph. However, this pinpoints a difficult point regarding how to design the Linked Data layer. If
the starting point is to expose Linked Data as a Web Service for various applications to consume
and one of the formats one can get is RDFa-enriched HTML, then all is well. Developers can
'browse' the Linked Data RESTful web service and choose cleaner data formats when they start
to develop, if they so prefer.
However, if the starting point is a range of web pages forming a web application which is
enriched with RDFa, then other applications, with a different focus, may have problems with
accessing the needed information in a suitable manner. Furthermore, if the web applications
evolve, as they often do, due to change of user needs, new functions, improved design etc., then
the data expression changes as well which might break other applications. RDFa can still be used
for structuring data within an application without considering the added value of interoperability
and reuse in new contexts. Without considering these added values it can be argued that simpler
in-page data-structures such as semantic HTML, XML or JSON can serve the application's needs
just as good as RDFa. This would weaken the case for Linked Data.

3.7 Applications Types

This section will look into a range of different application types that are relevant in the learning
A general observation is that a low threshold for starting to use an application increases its
chances for reaching its target audience, at least when there is no mandate or possibility to
enforce usage. One implication of this fact is that web applications have a lower barrier for use
than desktop applications since they do not require users to download something before they can
start. This is not true for web applications that rely on browser plugins, unless the latter can be
assumed to be installed already, which today means Flash or maybe the Java plugin. This does
not mean that web applications provide the only viable option, but in many situations they
constitute the first exposure that the learners may later depart from with more dedicated desktop-
or mobile applications.
The mobile platforms have a somewhat different situation, since much effort has gone into
making it easy to find and install mobile applications via various application stores, such as
Apple's Appstore and Google Play. But unless the application is to be provided exclusively on a
mobile platform, it is still important to consider web applications as well. Especially since many
web applications can be made cross-platform from the start, ranging from traditional desktop
environments to mobile platforms.


Figure 3: Various application types

Another reason for focusing on web applications is that the web has become the natural place to
seek information, communicate, and collaborate. As learning applications often include handling
information, communicating and collaborating, by analogy, it is natural for users to expect a
web-based solution for learning applications as well.
Figure 3 presents and outline of a possible categorization of applications. If we ignore the catch-
all native application type, all the other types mentioned above are intended to be networked
applications. Furthermore, the application types are intended to follow the client-server
architectural constraint according to the classification established by (Fielding, 2000).
Native Applications are usually installed directly in an operating system and make use of
graphical user interface (GUI) frameworks such as MFC 29, Cocoa30, Swing31, GTK+32, etc. in
order to provide a unified look-and-feel. Each native application stores its data locally and can
usually not be run on other operating systems without extra development efforts.
RPC Native Applications are native applications that rely on the Web Architecture for
interacting with backends, but not on a web runtime environment such as a web browser for
generating the user interface. That this category is named RPC Native applications simply means
that the application uses RPC-style web services to interact with underlying services. Hence, just
like SOA mentioned above, RPC Native Applications utilize, but do not integrate with, the Web

29 MFC is the Microsoft Foundation Class Library in C++.

30 Cocoa is a framework for developing native application on OS X.
31 Swing is part of the Java Foundation Classes and contains an API for developing graphical Java applications.
32 GTK+ is a multi platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces in C and C++, originally developed for Linux.


Architecture. Today, thanks to the higher demands on access from multiple devices and the cost
of maintaining several architectures in parallel, many native applications are turning into RPC
Native Applications, at least if they require network access.
Web Applications rely on a web runtime environment such as a browser to render the user
interface based on technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All users that have Internet
access can potentially use these applications; since the data is usually stored on the server. Web
applications can be further subdivided into static webpages, progressively enhanced, RPC Ajax,
and RESTful Ajax web applications.
Static Web Pages Web Applications was the first type of web applications that emerged when
web developers gave sets of web-pages a unified look-and-feel and introduced user interaction
via HTML forms. The distinguishing criteria with respect to the progressively enhanced, Ajax,
and RESTful web applications are the lack of any advanced use of JavaScript to achieve dynamic
behavior outside of page reloads. The static web-page model remains a valid candidate for web
application development, especially when the demands for reliability and support for old or
simple clients is a requirement.
Progressively Enhanced Web Applications are web applications built using the progressive
enhancement technique that was introduced in 2003, see (Champeon & Finck, 2003). The basic
premise is to provide a user interface based on simple web pages that should work in all
browsers, even simple browsers such as those provided by non-smartphone mobile environments
and screen readers. However, in more capable browser environments, the web pages are
enhanced via scripting techniques in order to provide a richer experience. A vital part of the
progressive enhancement technique is to design web pages cleanly and to use the markup of
HTML to emphasize the meaning of the content. For example, utilizing the "H1" element for
headers rather than a semantically free "DIV". This will help simple browser environments such
as screen readers to present the content correctly as well as help developers to address the right
piece of content when enhancing the experience via separate styles and functionalities. The
approach is sometimes referred to as semantic html and even though the author has found it hard
to locate the origin of the term, many of its principles can be traced back to the W3C's Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines (Chisholm, Vanderheiden, & Jacobs, 1999). Hence, progressive
enhancement, if done right, provides improved accessibility.
RPC Ajax Web Applications are a form of rich web applications that provide functionality
without exposing the user to page reloads. The common principle of RPC Ajax web applications
is that they communicate with the server in the background via RPC calls and change the web
page via scripting technologies when new data is received. The result is a web application that
has a look and feel that is much closer to desktop applications and often makes use of richer user
interaction principles such as drag and drop, dialogs, notifications etc. The term Ajax was
introduced in 2005, see (Garrett, 2005). Ajax was originally AJAX which stood for
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML but today also includes other scripting technologies as well
as other formats for data retrieval. The reliance on RPC for interaction with underlying services
makes this category of applications similar to the RPC native applications. Hence, as described
above, they utilize the web architecture but do not integrate well with it.
RESTful Ajax Web Applications are similar to RPC Ajax web applications with the difference
that interaction with the server is done via RESTful web services rather than via RPC. This
category both utilizes, and integrates well with, the Web architecture and can be designed to
work with Linked Data.


RESTful Native Applications are native applications that uses RESTful web services . They
have a strong relationship with RESTful Ajax web applications. In fact, web applications that
need to be ported to other devices such as mobiles or tablets could be built as native applications
relying on the same RESTful services that the web application relies on.
Clearly, from the descriptions above, all the application types except two types of native
applications utilize the Web Architecture. If we also exclude the RPC Native Applications and
RPC Ajax Web Applications, we are left with those application types that integrate with the Web
Architecture, that is, those that use the linked character of the web.

3.8 Summary
In this chapter we have seen how a range of technologies are related to each other. The starting
point has been the Web Architecture and how the Semantic Web data relates to the Web
Architecture. We have also seen how SOA utilizes, but does not integrate well with, the Web
Architecture, which makes it a poor choice when working with Semantic Web data. In figure 4
an attempt has been made to visualize the relations as arrows. Since SOA only utilizes the Web
Architecture, the arrow is labeled with an 'U' as well as emphasized by a dashed line. The other
architectures and technologies both utilize, and integrate with, the Web Architecture, and hence
the relations are shown as arrows labeled with 'U&I'.

Figure 4: Relations between architectures, technologies and application types

The figure also shows the application types introduced in section 3.7 and how they relate to the
various architectures and technologies. First, ROA supports application types that are based on
RESTful principles. Second, SOA supports the two RPC-based application types. Third, the
static web pages and progressively enhanced web applications rely on the Web Architecture
directly since they, by definition, work only with data already included in the page. That is, they


are not allowed to make use of any web services, neither RPC style or RESTful, in order to
request additional data. All these relations to the application types are shown as arrows labeled
with 'S', indicating which architecture that supports each application type.
There are also a few relations around Linked Data that in figure 4 for simplicity is shown as
support relations. First, a support arrow indicated that Linked Data relies on Semantic Web for its
expression. Second, two support arrows points from Linked Data to the RESTful applications
indicating that Linked Data fulfills enough of the REST architectural constraints (globally
identifiable resources with retrievable representations in standardized formats that connect to
each other in a hyperlinked manner) to be easily consumed by RESTful applications.
In principle, Linked Data can be consumed by other application types as well. One possibility is
to have a server-side proxy that provides indirect RPC-style access to Linked Data. However, this
is not the natural approach, since it either requires a specific proxy for each situation or a generic
solution that would resemble a reimplementation of the web as a web service. Hence, there is no
arrow between Linked Data and the RPC-based application types in the figure. Another
possibility would be to have an arrow between Linked Data and progressively enhanced web
applications, since Linked Data can be embedded within web pages using RDFa. However, as
discussed in section 3.6, this is in general not a fruitful approach due to conflicting needs
between how to design a web application and how to design a reusable web service. Hence, no
arrow there either.
Finally, let us address the lack of arrows between Semantic Web and other application types than
the RESTful application types (implicit from Semantic Web supporting Linked Data). The
argument in this chapter is that if the integration with the Web Architecture is weak, then the
integration with Semantic Web will also be weak. This is why there are no arrows from Semantic
Web to the RPC-style applications. Furthermore, the argument above, stating that embedding
Linked Data in web pages is not always the best approach when developing progressively
enhanced web applications, is valid for Semantic Web as well. Generally speaking, Semantic
Web data can of course be included in web pages in a human readable format, which would
indicate some form of consumed by relation. However, this is a too generic feature, since it
applies to all other data expressions as well and does not mandate a consumed by arrow to either
static web pages or progressively enhanced web applications from Semantic Web.


4. Two Semantic Web based

Learning Applications
In this chapter we will introduce two Semantic Web based Learning Applications. Each
application will first be introduced and after that the added value of relying on Semantic Web
technology will be discussed. The final section will introduce three obstacles that have been
identified during the development of the applications.

4.1 EntryScape - a Personal and Collaborative Portfolio Suite

EntryScape is a web application that has been developed in close supervision and in part by the
author since 2001 and gone under different names such as efolio, SCAM Portfolio, Confolio and
finally EntryScape. The web application has been discussed shortly in paper 2, 3, and 6.
EntryScape is an Ajax web application that depends on RESTful services provided by the
accompanying back-end solution EntryStore, see section 6. However, since the following sub-
chapters will not go deep in technicalities on how the system was implemented we will use
EntryScape to refer to them both.

4.1.1 The purpose of EntryScape

Originally EntryScape was supposed to be used in strictly educational scenarios, as a hybrid
between an archive for teachers and a personal portfolio for learners. Due to the iterative
development, today there are a number of other scenarios that EntryScape supports. However,
the educational scenarios have received continued support and have been vital in driving the
design and development forward. In the educational scenarios under consideration, both teachers
and learners were given their own virtual space, an e-portfolio, where they were able to upload
files and collect resources in the form of links. The resources were then organized into folders,


which could be shared selectively in order to enable collaboration, or shared publicly for anyone
to see. The teachers and learners could link to each others' material in order to reuse it - or
contextualize it by providing additional information.
There are many perspectives on the use e-portfolios. For instance, in (Lorenzo & Ittelson, 2005),
a distinction is made between student, teaching and institutional e-portfolios. Another perspective
considers whether the primary purpose of the e-portfolio is to support the collection of the
learner's work, support deep learning via reflection and other techniques, or be more oriented
towards assessment of the learner, see (Barrett & Wilkerson, 2006). EntryScape has not been
explicitly developed to target any of these perspectives, although the use cases have largely been
centered on supporting the collection of work material - for both the learner and the teacher - as
well as on supporting collaboration.
Much emphasis has also been placed on standards and the portability aspect. Learners should be
able to "take their portfolios and leave", that is, move their portfolio from one provider to
another. For instance, this can be useful when a student ends her studies at a university and starts
to work in a company. Her transferred e-portfolio can be a useful asset, both for showing
established skills as well as providing a good tool to support her continued learning.
Today there are many e-portfolio systems as well as more general-purpose collaboration
platforms. Two of the more popular ones are Google Drive 33 and Dropbox34. Let us list a few
features of EntryScape that are not present in either of these. EntryScape has support for:
1. handling metadata beyond simple title and description.
2. linking to web material.
3. handling resources that are not documents.
4. handling relations between resources.
5. defining groups that can form communities and be used for access control.
A more comprehensive comparison with currently available systems is out of scope for this
thesis, although a rough categorization of systems that are related to the underlying EntryStore is
carried out in section 6.2.

4.1.2 How EntryScape works

In a typical installation of EntryScape, users are given portfolios where they can organize
information. The approach taken is that information is captured in entries which pair resources
with corresponding resource information, that is, metadata. Each entry also contains other useful
administrative information such as access control, date of creation etc. A large part of
EntryScape's flexibility is the wide range or resources allowed. For example, resources can take
the form of uploaded files, linked material on the web, physical objects in the world like the
Eiffel Tower, or less tangible objects like the concept of a circle, or a fictional character like

33 Google Drive, formerly known as Google Docs, is a platform for managing files, most prominently known for the
support for real-time authoring of text documents, presentations and spreadsheets. See http://docs.google.com/.
34 Dropbox is a platform for storing and sharing files. The most well-known strength of Dropbox is that it keeps the files
synchronized across various platforms and devices. See http://dropbox.com/.


This flexibility allows even the portfolios themselves, folders, users, and groups to be expressed
as entries in EntryScape although they do receive special treatment by the system to enforce
special rules, for example that the folders must form a strict hierarchy without loops.
When a user enters the EntryScape application he can choose to visit a range of portfolios as well
as user and group profile pages. When navigating to a specific portfolio the topmost folder will
be shown with its contained entries displayed in a list, see figure 5. Depending on the nature of
the resource described by the entries, there will be links to web pages, download options for
uploaded files, or sub-folders that can be navigated into etc. Selecting an entry yields a more
detailed view. The detailed view (on the right) shows the resource information at the bottom and
an embedded view of the resource at the top, in figure 5 a video from YouTube is embedded and
in figure 6 a presentation from SlideShare is embedded. If no embedded view is possible an
representative icon will be shown to convey the resource's character. Furthermore, some
resources may not have a digital representation and can neither be embedded or accessed
separately, in such situations the detailed view will be the main attraction.

Figure 5: Portfolio view of the Organic.Edunet installation of EntryScape, see http://oe.confolio.org.

To provide an overview, there is a location bar that shows the path to the current folder and
within which portfolio it belongs (such a location bar is often referred to as breadcrumbs). In
figure 6, the location bar shows that we are looking at the "Top" folder in the portfolio named
"YouTube - Viticulture".
In figure 6 we see that it is also possible to bring forward a tree of the folder structure when
needed. This is done by clicking the leftmost icon in the location bar. Figure 6 also shows how
the folder view can be changed to display entries as icons instead of rows in a list.


Figure 6: Portfolio view in icon mode and with folder tree visible. The selected entry is a SlideShare
presentation which has been automatically embedded in the detailed view on the right.

Each entry may be kept private or shared with others. Hence when a user logs in, he might see
additional entries that have been shared with him or to some group where he belongs. In the
profile page all portfolios and folders to which a user has special access are listed for better
overview, see figure 7.

Figure 7: Profile view of the author of the thesis with information on participation in groups, which
portfolios and folders he has access to and recently added or modified material.


To create new or modify entries in a portfolio there are context menus available over each entry
in the folder listing (as indicated by the drop-down symbol after each entry in figure 5). Which
kind of resources - as well as which metadata that can be provided - is configurable in
EntryScape. Figure 8 shows a dialog where metadata is provided for a resource according to the
IEEE/LOM standard.

Figure 8: Metadata editing dialog for an entry. The fields are from the IEEE/LOM standard mapped
to Dublin Core. Information on the Coverage field is shown after a click on the label.

4.1.3 Added value of Semantic Web

In section 2.5 it was claimed that RDF can help people to communicate. EntryScape largely
realizes this claim by:
1. Allowing anything to be talked about by referencing a wide variety of resource types,
including uploaded files, existing resources on the web physical resources etc.
2. Flexibility in which terms that are used by relying on an editing framework, see section 5
on RForms and other metadata editing frameworks, that replaces development effort with
a set of configuration steps. This allows administrators of EntryScape installations to reuse
existing terms in new configurations that was not originally foreseen as well as create new
terms when needed.
3. EntryScape can be configured to allow users to create new terms in the form of SIOC
concepts and reference from other entries. This way of creating new terms is somewhat
limited but avoids the configurations steps that are better suited for administrators with
knowledge of metadata standards.
In section 2.3 it was discussed how RDF can support objective metadata. In EntryScape there is
already support for a range of metadata standards such as IEEE/LOM and Dublin Core via the
RForms configuration mechanism. Furthermore, when a file is both uploaded and described in
EntryScape, the metadata will have the same origin as the resource and will therefore be


perceived as authoritative. However, for links, or large installations with many users it will be a
question of trust. EntryScape does provide provenance information (author and contributors, date
of creation etc.) as a necessary piece of the puzzle.
Another important feature of EntryScape is that entries can contain both user provided metadata
and reference external metadata. This is especially useful when contextualizing resources by
complementing the authoritative metadata. For example, a user can re-purpose a generic resource
in a learning context by adding metadata that provides the learning aspect that was not present in
the authoritative metadata.
In general, referencing authoritative metadata improves the quality of the information in the
system by making information available that would otherwise not be present. It also minimizes
the risk of mistakes when manually providing the information. References to external resources
and their resource information is especially useful when integrating with existing search services
such as library systems that have rich metadata already.
Finally, section 2.4 discussed how RDF supports subjective metadata. The whole idea of giving
users their own portfolios where they can keep their own semantic web data is fundamental to
providing subjective metadata. But also the support in EntryScape to express various forms of
comment, ranging from simple rating to a well structured review. The Comments are by
themselves represented as entries in EntryScape and kept in the commenter's own portfolio. This
both strengthens the richness of the users own portfolio as well as allows the user to return to old
discussions easily.

4.2 Conzilla - a Concept Browser

Conzilla (Naeve, 1999) is a Java application that has been developed since 1999. The first
implementation of Conzilla relied on XML documents for representing context-maps and the
concepts and concept-relations. The second version of Conzilla replaced XML with RDF in
anticipation of the benefits of Semantic Web for learning applications as discussed in section 2.6.
It also reduced the amount of specific solutions in favor of reusing established standards and
vocabulary, especially with respect to how to reference and describe resources. Conzilla version
2 is discussed in paper 4, while earlier versions were discussed shortly in paper 1 and 2. Conzilla
has been gradually improved over the years and today has a lot of features, some of which go
beyond the scope of this thesis. The following subsection will briefly explain how concept
browsing works and how Conzilla supports it. The last subsection describes how relying on
Semantic Web technologies has made Conzilla a better tool for learning.

4.2.1 The purpose of Conzilla

Conzilla is an implementation of a so called concept browser (Naeve, 2001b), which aims to
create overview of an information landscape without loosing depth. Overview and depth are
achieved by creating maps that display concepts and their relations at different level of detail.
The maps can be can be horizontally connected by using the same concept in different maps or
vertically connected by zooming in on the details of a concept by providing a detailed map.


A concept browser can be used to clarify your own thoughts on a thorny topic, which
corresponds to systemic learning35. Or, it can be used as a collaborative tool to clarify conceptual
similarities and differences among the participants. It can also be used as a presentation tool
where the order of the presented content can be chosen at the time of presentation.
An important consequence of the reuse of concepts is that the maps can be connected and
gradually expanded by collaboration with others. This supports a continuously evolving human
discourse that can result in an ever growing network of knowledge (by connecting new
information with old ideas in a way that does not force consensus). See section 2.5 and 2.6 for a
longer discussion of how this relates to learning applications and Semantic Web.

4.2.2 How Conceptual Browsing and Conzilla Works

Conceptual browsing allows you to investigate contexts-maps, concepts (including concept-
relations), and content. A context-map graphically presents a selection of concepts and concept-
relations that ties the concepts together. Every context-map, concept and concept-relation should
come with at least some descriptive information (metadata) for example name, description, target
group, purpose etc. To support multilingual context-maps, parts of the metadata expressions
containing string values can be translated into one or several additional languages. In addition to
metadata, concepts and concept-relations may be enriched by adding relations to content, often in
the form of web resources. Each content resource should be described with metadata as well,
although typically with other metadata fields than those used for concepts, concept-relations and
context-maps. In figure 9 a context-map shows a UML-style 36 diagram of the relations between
natural-, whole-, rational-, real-, and complex numbers. The figure shows both metadata (a
floating semi-transparent box) and content labels (sidebar on the right with green background)
for the 'whole number' concepts.

Figure 9: Context-map showing different types of numbers. For the whole numbers
concept, metadata is shown as a popup and content labels are shown on the right.

35 According to David Hestenes, systemic learning means that concepts derive their meaning from their place in a
coherent conceptual system. For further details see [naeve et. al. 2005].
36 UML, Unified Modeling Language, is a visual modeling language in the field of object-oriented software engineering.


A context-map may be built in a single piece, but it may also be an aggregation of parts:
• Layers – if a context-map becomes too complex it might be beneficial to break it down
into different layers with the basics in one layer and extra information in additional layers.
There is a layer panel where visibility of the layers can be managed.
• Contributions – it might seem strange at first, but anyone is allowed to contribute to a
context-map by including additional concepts or concept-relations, or for that matter
providing additional metadata. Just as for layers, there is a contributions panel where the
origin of the contributions can be seen and their visibility managed.
Figure 10 shows a context-map with 6 layers where the user has selected the second layer from
the top in the layer panel which has resulted in corresponding concepts and concept-relations
being marked in the context-map (in a red/pink color).

Figure 10: A context-map about different types of numbers divided into 6 layers. Two layers are
made visible by the user and the second layer is selected which is shown by a red/pink color.

Figure 11 show a context-map which has both layers and contributions. Just as for layers the
visibility of contributions can be controlled by the user. A user that finds an interesting map may
chose to make a contribution and if he so prefers, publish it for others to find, see (H. Ebner,
Palmér, & Naeve, 2007) for a deeper discussion on how collaboration around context-maps is


Figure 11: A context-map which, in addition to layers, also has contributions from others than the
original author. The contribution is selected and shown in a red/pink color. The map is shown with
another color-theme that uses a white background which works better with the Dialog Mapping
modeling style which contains both icons and thin dotted borders around the concepts.

Also note that the context-map in figure 11 uses another modeling style, in this case it is the
Dialog Mapping style (Conklin, 2005) that has been mimicked. Finally, there are two
mechanisms that allow users to navigate between context-maps:
• Concepts appear in different Context-maps – A concept (and concept-relation) is not
owned by a context-map, instead it is an independent entity which might be included in
many maps. Hence, from a single concept it is possible to detect a list of context-maps
wherein it occurs, this is sometimes referred to as the contextual neighborhood of the
concept (or concept-relation).
• Context-maps can contain hyperlinks to other context-maps – In each context-map a
concept or concept-relation occurrence may have a hyper-link to another context-map.
In figure 12 it is shown how it is possible to navigate to another context-map via the contextual
neighborhood of a concept. Note that the selected option "Different types of numbers" is the
context-map shown in figure 9 and 10. Figure 12 also shows the URI of the current context-map,
a tool-bar with icons for zooming, navigating back and forward in the conceptual browsing
history, changing language, bringing forward layers and contributions etc. There is also the
option of switching to edit mode, via the pen icon, that allows the user to modify his own
context-map or, if the context-map was initiated by someone else, make a contribution to it.


Figure 12: A zoomed context-map where the user checks which context-maps this concept occurs in.

The figures in this section (figures 9-12) are taken from the internal modeling work of the
research group of the author and they are selected because they demonstrate clearly how Conzilla
works. For examples of how Conzilla has been used within an European learning network 37, see
(Maillet, 2008).

4.2.3 Added value of Semantic Web

Before we go into the added values of using Semantic Web for Conzilla, we shortly describe how
RDF is used to represent concepts, concept-relations, content and context-maps. First, a concept
a resource in an RDF graph that has been brought forward by the context-map. Second, a
concept-relation corresponds to a triple in the RDF graph that connects two concepts appearing
in the context-map. Third, content components are resources connected to concepts via properties
recognized as content relations. Fourth, context-maps consist of sets of layout resources that
provide concepts or concept-relations with a graphical appearance. Note that a context-map may
collect concepts, concept-relations and content from more than one RDF graph. Furthermore, the
context-map itself may be distributed into several RDF graphs. A more complete description of
how RDF graphs are used for representing context-maps can be found in paper 4.
Let us now briefly revisit the benefits listed in section 2 starting with how RDF helps people to
communicate. The following three characteristics of RDF was identified to be important for an
evolving human discourse, see section 2.5. This is how Conzilla and context-maps supports
• Talk about anything - a context-map allows anything to be exposed as concepts, concept-
relations if it is a relation, or content and be described with metadata as well exposed
relations between concepts.

37 More specifically the Network of PhD students in the TEL research area created within the PROLEARN Network of
Excellence was operational between 2004 and 2008.


• Unlimited set of terms - new concepts, concept-relations and content may be formed at
any time and be given meaning by relations and descriptive metadata.
• Reuse terms in new contexts - concept, concept-relations or content may be used in
different context-maps with different purposes.
Second, section 2.3 states that RDF can be used to express objective metadata:
• Established metadata expressions - the properties used to describe concepts, concept-
relations and content may be chosen from established metadata standards such as Dublin
Core or IEEE/LOM to increase interoperability. The SHAME/RForms metadata authoring
framework is used in order to produce correct expressions. See section 5 for more details.
• Exposing the origin of metadata - when a context-map is assembled from different sources
there is a mechanism to separate each contribution visually and investigate its provenance.
The provenance includes origin, date of creation, and additional meta-information that the
author included during the publishing phase to aid in understanding the purpose and
trustworthiness for the corresponding information.
Third, in section 2.4 it is stated that RDF supports the expression of subjective metadata.
• Re-purposing existing knowledge - since context-maps allows multiple RDF graphs to be
combined it can be used to provide a subjective view on existing knowledge.
• Flexibility in collaboration - context-maps can be created by a single author, assembled
from a range of independent contributions, or built collaboratively.
In addition, by relying on a standard for knowledge expression, the information expressed by
Conzilla can be re-used by other applications without special knowledge of what a context-map

4.3 Identifying major Obstacles

The applications EntryScape and Conzilla did not materialize overnight, in fact they are the
result of many months, or even years, of development, testing and also more theoretical
concerns. Naturally, some parts of the development went smoothly, while other parts turned out
to be real obstacles that needed separate attention before the work on the application could
continue. Three obstacles stand out more than others and are introduced below.

4.3.1 Obstacle 1
Both EntryScape and Conzilla have been hindered by the need to both present and edit a wide
range of Semantic Web data. Both applications target non-experts (people that have little or no
knowledge of RDF, the format for expressing RDF, or for that matter issues around metadata
interoperability) and need to provide user friendly solutions for editing metadata. Both
applications initially had metadata editors that were hard-coded to specific vocabularies, but as
new requirements was formulated more flexibility was needed. Let us summarize the obstacle in
a single sentence:
Lack of non-expert and user friendly solutions for presenting and editing Semantic Web
data that is not hard-coded to use a specific vocabulary.


Both applications depend on SHAME/RForms as mentioned in paper 3, 4, and 6 as well as

discussed in some detail in the implementation chapter in paper 5. See section 5.5 for a longer
treatment of how the solution has emerged over time from a range of different needs.

4.3.2 Obstacle 2
Development of EntryScape has been hindered by the need of a stable platform for working with
resources and their metadata. From the start there was a need to share material with others,
search effectively, link as well as upload resources, keep track of when, what and who did
something etc.
Development of Conzilla has been hindered by lack of good solutions for managing related
content resources and support for collaboration. A solution for collaborating around Context-
maps was developed. Although the idea of how to achieve collaboration is sound, the actual
implementation is too specific and will be hard to maintain. Management of content resources is
yet not realized in Conzilla.
The obstacles from EntryScape and Conzilla share a common ground which can be roughly
summarized in the following sentence.
Lack of solutions that can handle both private and collaborative management of resources
together with related Semantic Web data.
The application chapter in Paper 3 and the use case chapter in paper 6 both describe how
SCAM/EntryStore has been motivated by the needs of digital portfolios/Confolio/EntryScape.
See section 6.3 for a longer treatment of how SCAM/EntryStore have been developed over time
in response to changing needs and new technologies maturing. Future development of Conzilla is
expected to integrate with a solution such as EntryStore, which is also mentioned in the
conclusions of paper 4.

4.3.3 Obstacle 3
Both EntryScape and Conzilla have been developed iteratively where dependencies to various
technologies have changed in response to new insights. In Conzilla the switch from application
specific XML to RDF and from a fixed metadata editor to a configurable metadata editor are
representative of this process. In EntryScape the switches from triplestore to quadstore and from
static web page applications relying on server-side templates to RESTful Ajax Web Applications
compatible with Linked Data are representative.
All these changes of technologies correspond to new insights of improved approaches for
integrating with Semantic Web Technology, as well as for making better learning applications. To
change from one technology to another is often a big step that requires a sacrifice of previous
effort. Not having the insights needed, or not gaining them quickly enough is clearly an obstacle
for development. Although new technologies will be developed resulting in new and perhaps
better ways of developing learning applications, it would be beneficial to have a set of
recommendations that guide software architects and developers when building learning
applications based on Semantic Web technology. The obstacle in a sentence:
Lack of recommendations for how to build learning applications based on Semantic Web


5. Presenting and Editing RDF

The focus of this chapter is how to overcome the first obstacle:
Lack of non-expert and user friendly solutions for presenting and editing
Semantic Web data that is not hard-coded to use a specific vocabulary.
To overcome this obstacle we first provide an overview of four different categories of tools that
can be used for presenting and editing RDF data. We will see that the first two categories, syntax-
and ontology-based tools do not provide viable solutions to overcome the obstacle. This is due to
the fact that they are neither targeting non-experts nor are they as user friendly as would be
needed. The last two categories, graph- and form-based tools, require deeper treatments and are
discussed in separate sections. The following two sections focus on configurable RDF forms. The
first section gives a brief discussion of related initiatives. The second section presents six
iterations of development on the SHAME/RForms framework for configurable RDF forms
during the period 2002 to 2011. For each iteration, new features, validation and lessons learned
are discussed. The final section of the chapter provides a summary.

5.1 Tool Categories for Presenting and Editing RDF

We start by looking into existing tools for presenting and editing RDF data. To provide some
structure, the tools have been grouped into four categories, of which the two last ones will be
further analyzed in the sections below. The categories are based on which approach the solutions
take for modifying the RDF data. They are:
Perhaps the most common way to edit RDF manually is to use a text editor such as Emacs 38. If
the focus is on the RDF/XML format, XML editors can be used, although they do not provide
much guidance as the XML Schema for RDF/XML is quite vague. Neither do syntax-based tools
meet the user friendly or the non-expert requirement in the first obstacle.
38 http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/


When the need arises to create an ontology, many authors turn to specific tools that hide the
specifics of how to express an ontology in RDF. One of the most commonly used tools is open
source ontology editor Protégé39. There are also commercial alternatives such as Altova
SemanticWorks40. Both tools allow authoring of ontologies as well as instances of these
ontologies. However, this does not cover all kinds of RDF data. One such non-covered example
is given by RDF data that is expressed with the help of Dublin Core terms. As indicated by its
name, this type of RDF data is a set of terms rather than an ontology. If Dublin Core was to be
transformed into an ontology, just to allow ontology editors to work better with RDF data that
uses it, it would impose restrictions on Dublin Core terms that would exclude many of the
scenarios that it is aimed to support. In general, ontologies are useful for well-specified domains,
but they are not always the best choice for broader, widely reusable vocabularies.
Furthermore, ontology tools are primarily targeted towards people that need to author ontologies
rather than learners or teachers that just need to provide/annotate some data. Hence, ontology
tools do not meet the user friendly and non-expert requirement of the obstacle either.
Tools that visualize RDF data as graphs are plentiful, often relying on graph visualization
libraries such as Graphviz41. However, tools that also allow editing of the RDF data visually are
less frequent. IsaViz42 is perhaps the most widely known graph tool for editing RDF data.
Conzilla, as described in section 4.2.3, can also be used for editing RDF data, although this is not
its first priority of use.
Whether graph-based tools for presenting and editing RDF data are good enough with regard to
the non-expert user friendly requirement of the obstacle can be discussed. A longer treatment
follows in section 5.2 below. Let us just observe that there are often parts of RDF data that it is
better to show in lists, tables or trees views than in a graph view.
Finally, tools that expose RDF data in forms are perhaps the most common. There are initiatives
ranging from vocabulary-specific HTML forms to fully configurable RDF Form solutions. Foaf-
a-matic43 is a typical example of vocabulary-specific HTML form, since it allows users to create
a personal profile expressed in the Friend Of A Friend vocabulary (FOAF). SAHA metadata
editor, see (Kurki & Hyvönen, 2010), on the other hand uses the vocabulary definitions together
with specific directives in a separate XML file to configure the form. The latest version of
SAHA, SAHA 3, is at its base a progressively enhanced web application as the RDF data is
fetched from the triplestore and transformed into HTML on the server side. The
SHAME/RForms framework has large similarities to SAHA 3 using vocabulary definitions in
combination with a dedicated configuration. But they differ both on expressibility of the
configuration and on the architectural level where the latest iteration, RForms, has evolved into a
Javascript library that can be embedded in different kinds of Web applications. The iterations of
SHAME/RForms will be discussed in more detail in section 5.5.
The Fresnel display vocabulary, see (Pietriga, Bizer, Karger, & Lee, 2006), is an interesting
initiative for presenting RDF that unfortunately cannot easily be generalized to the editing case 44.
Basically, Fresnel allows a set of graph patterns, lenses, to match parts of RDF graphs according

39 http://protege.stanford.edu/
40 http://www.altova.com/semanticworks.html
41 http://www.graphviz.org/
42 http://www.w3.org/2001/11/IsaViz/
43 http://www.ldodds.com/foaf/foaf-a-matic


to a predefined algorithm. After a set of lenses has captured all RDF data to present, each lens
provide instructions for how to present the matched data, including layout and stylesheet
The form-based approach seems to have the possibility to support non-experts in a user friendly
manner, that is, at least the requirements for the obstacle seem to be fulfilled. In section 5.3
below the form-based alternatives are discussed in more detail.

5.2 Presenting and Editing RDF in Graph Based Interfaces

One of the fundamental differences between RDF and XML is that RDF is a language that can
express graph data (with directed and labeled arcs), while XML provides a tree-based45 data
structure. Hence, it is tempting to suggest a graph-based interface for presenting and editing
RDF. The IsaViz tool provides graph-based editing, including clever mechanisms for zooming,
and laying out large graphs. However, there is also functionality for suppressing parts of the RDF
graph and display it in a form-like manner instead via the GSS (Graph Style Sheets) introduced
in (Pietriga, 2003). This is quite useful if there are properties that have string values rather than
referencing other resources.
Conzilla is also a tool that allows presentation and editing of RDF graphs, although indirectly.
There were attempts to allow Conzilla to expose entire RDF graphs, making both blank nodes
and strings visible in the Context-map. However, those attempts were abandoned for two
reasons. First, there are technical limitations regarding how to uniquely reference blank nodes
and literals (IsaViz has the same problems but overcomes them by copying the RDF graph into a
separate more capable format than RDF/XML), see paper 4 for a deeper treatment. Second, it did
not make sense from a usability perspective to clutter Context-maps with parts that were better
presented in a form-like manner. The solution for Conzilla was to show only resources identified
by URIs (concepts) and statements where both subject and object were resources identified by
URIs (concept relations). The rest of the RDF graph is shown as information around concepts in
a form that can be brought forward when needed, the only exception being labels that are shown
inside of the concept boxes.
Presenting and editing parts of RDF graphs in graph-based interfaces can be done in many ways,
and the approach taken in Conzilla is discussed in depth in paper 4. It is quite clear though, that
graph-based interfaces can never provide the only solution to the outlined obstacle, even if they
successfully fulfill the non-expert and user friendly requirements. The reason is simply that
graph-based interfaces do not integrate well in the overall design of many other applications. For
instance, the majority of web applications provide input of data via forms and a graph-based
interface would stand out too much and perhaps draw attention away from the main activity. It is
also a question of accessibility and efficiency in producing the RDF data. For instance, it is not
obvious how to input data in a graph-based interface using solely the keyboard.
Furthermore, from a more intuitive standpoint, graph-based interfaces often have a different feel
to them than editing data in a form. They indicate simplicity and invite people to experiment in a
way they would not do if the data was in a form. Hence, if the application developer does not
want to indicate that the RDF data is less formal and correct than other information it is perhaps

44 An attempt was made as part of the LUISA project to develop an editing extension to Fresnel, the approach is outlined
in the first version of Deliverable 3.2: Annotation Profile Specification. The approach was later abandoned and the next
version of the deliverable focus on a separate specification corresponding to iteration 4, that is, SHAME2.
45 Tree-based data structures are similar to graph-based structures with the added constraints that there cannot be any
loops and there must be at most one in-bound arc to each node.


better to stick with form-based solutions. One exception to this is when the RDF data to edit has
a truly relational character, and is also a crucial part of the application. In this case graph-based
interfaces make more sense. Consequently, we now focus our attention on how to present and
edit RDF data in forms.

5.3 Presenting and Editing RDF in Forms

There are many established solutions that expose information in forms, including pure HTML
forms and XForms46. The majority of these solutions rely on an underlying information model - a
specification of fields, vocabularies to use, validation of data etc. - to be available when applied
in a specific setting. The information model serves as input to developers when constructing the
form. If the information model changes after the form is finished, a developer has to be involved
again to make sure that the latest version of the information model is accurately reflected in the
The information model for XML is the XML info-set, which is a tree of elements with attributes.
Hence, a form for editing any kind of XML would be very generic. XML editors often allow
users to narrow the XML instances they want to edit by specifying an XML Schema. The
XForms W3C recommendation goes one step further by providing a standardized way for
developers to restrict to a smaller set of XML instances and foreseen interactions by using a
combination of XML Schema, the XForms model structure, and specific form controls.
Likewise, the unrestricted information model for RDF leads to very generic forms that expose
the statements of an RDF graph flatly or possibly as a set of interconnected trees. Another
possibility is to develop a presentation/editor form that is targeted towards a specific expression
in RDF, for instance the Dublin Core set of terms. These two approaches are referred to as fixed
respectively generic categories of RDF presentation/editor forms in paper 5 (where they are
called annotation tools).
However, neither approach is satisfying. First, the generic form approach does not provide
enough guidance for regular users, although perhaps it is useful for experts. Second, the fixed
approach does not fit well with the aims outlined in section 2 of this thesis, since the
expressiveness and flexibility gained by using RDF would be hindered if a developer must be
involved every time the need arises to express something new.
What is needed for RDF is configurable forms, similar to XForms as a configurable mechanism
to construct forms for XML. There are substantial differences though. Although XForms can
have a focus on xml instances that often coincide with entire documents, a configuration for RDF
must match sub-structures from a graph. Furthermore, the practice to mix vocabularies in new
ways, for example when expressing Linked Data, requires a mechanism to express restrictions
valid in a certain context that the existing vocabulary definition languages OWL and RDF
Schema are not suitable for. In addition, there are needs such as providing order among
properties, suitable labels, cardinality restrictions, expressing form controls etc. Since the
requirements are many and sometimes quite detailed, we group them into categories. The
following four categories are taken from paper 5 although with a slightly different wording:

46 XForms is a W3C recommendation to incorporate forms for editing XML in other markup languages such as XHTML,
ODF or SVG, see (Boyer, 2009).


Category Description of category

Completeness includes support for editing arbitrary RDF, including support for datatypes,
language literals, blank nodes, RDF containers and collections . However,
every RDF graph does not necessarily fit in a single form, especially when
there are loops in the RDF graph. The configuration mechanism of the form
should specify which parts of the RDF graph to edit/present and which to leave
Structure includes cardinality constraints and order of selected RDF graph structures. A
direct correspondence between the graph structure and its presentation in the
form should not be enforced. For example, it should be possible to hide a
complicated graph structure with intermediate resources from the end-user, and
it should be possible to introduce pedagogical/cosmetic categories when the
graph-structure is too flat.
Interaction includes hints on how to choose values from vocabularies/ontologies, e.g.,
check-boxes, radio-buttons, drop-down menus, or search-dialogs. It also
includes mechanisms for string validation according to datatypes, control of
auto-complete mechanisms etc.
Presentation includes multilingual labels and descriptions to aid the user in deciding how to
edit. Font, color, indentations, borders, and everything else that has to do with
appearance is also included here.

5.4 Related Initiatives for Configurable RDF Forms

First, let us note that XForms is not an option for configurable RDF forms, simply because RDF
is not XML. Concretely, there is no canonical expression of RDF in RDF/XML. Hence, to use
XForms, even for a very restricted vocabulary, would require a preparation step where perfectly
valid RDF/XML would have to be rewritten into a specific expression just so that a specific
XForms-based editor would understand it. However, XForms is still an interesting and relevant
technology to gain inspiration from when looking at configurable RDF forms.
Now let us briefly consider RDF Schema, OWL and DSP (introduced below) as possible
configuration mechanisms.
RDF Schema
Let us consider the completeness category introduced above. RDF Schema provides a way to
define vocabularies in terms of classes, properties and their domains and ranges. In the best
scenario, an RDF Schema would model a specific domain quite well and allow forms to be
generated to edit class instances. But in order to edit RDF data that contains generic properties
such as those defined by Dublin Core terms, the RDF Schema does not help. See also the
discussion about ontology editors in section 5.1 above. Furthermore, there are also problems with
RDF collections and containers, since there is no way in RDF Schema to indicate what the
restrictions are of the member resources (for instance whether or not they are all instances of a
single class).


For the other categories, structure, interaction and presentation, RDF Schema provides nearly no
guidance except for labels and descriptions. It is important to notice that RDF Schema is not
worthless from the configurable RDF Forms perspective. It does contain relevant information,
but, it needs to be complemented.
OWL, Web Ontology Language, is a more powerful language than RDF Schema although its
main objective is the same: to define classes and properties and how they relate. From the
perspective of configuring forms the only added value is that OWL provides cardinality
restrictions on properties.
DSP, Description Set Profiles47, is an initiative from Dublin Core to formalize application
profiles, see (Nilsson et al., 2007). DSP provides a way to describe how various properties
should be used in a specific context. It does so by listing which properties that should be used
together, and it provides restrictions more specific than those given when the properties were
originally defined.
Regarding the completeness category, DSP is defined in terms of the Dublin Core Abstract
Model, but there is a mapping to RDF which is reasonably complete. Hence, DSP manages to
describe most RDF data with a few exceptions such as RDF containers and collections.
In the structure category DSP provides cardinality restrictions just as OWL does, it also provides
information on which structures that should correspond to separate forms, and which parts that
should be kept within a single form. This goes beyond what OWL provides. But in the
interaction and presentation categories, DSP is weaker than RDF Schema and OWL, since it does
not provide any labels or descriptions.
From this we note that none of the above initiatives on their own, or even in combination, covers
the requirements of the configuration mechanism we seek. However, as they do contain relevant
information that should not be duplicated, a configuration mechanism should only complement
them with additional information, and not replace them. For instance, the SAHA metadata editor
is a good example of this where the configuration mechanism is a combination of an RDF
Schema with a custom XML file containing additional information used to generate the user
We now briefly look at SAHA before diving into the details of the development of
SHAME/RForms. To start with, SAHA edits instances of classes, hence to some extent it has the
same limitations as an ontology editor with regard to editing instances. However, this seems to be
a limitation of how its configuration mechanism is triggered, rather than a fundamental limitation
of the system. One of SAHA strengths is in the interaction category where it can indicates when
to use a search interface, when to load alternatives from an ontology, when to allow local
instances to be created, etc. On the other hand, SAHA is not as capable when it comes to the
structure category. It does not support cardinality restrictions and what is shown in the user
interface is always in direct correspondence with the expression in RDF. In the presentation
category, SAHA draws information from RDF Schema to generate appropriate labels and
descriptions. Additional styling is achieved by changing the server side templates, that is, outside
of the configuration mechanism.

47 http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-dsp/


5.5 Six Iterations Towards Configurable RDF Forms

The following subsections outline six iterations of development of configurable RDF forms
ranging from 2002 to 2011. Each iteration corresponds to a more or less mature phase in the
development process which has been validated in one or several real settings that are outlined in
a validation section. From each iteration experience from development, deployment, testing,
adaption to specific needs etc. are summarized in a "lessons learned" section.
The author has been involved in the design and development of all iterations except the first.
Interested readers are welcome to investigate iteration 2-5 at the sourceforge page for SHAME:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/shame/ and iteration 6 at the google code page for RForms:

5.5.1 SCAM Portfolio Metadata Editor version 1

The first steps towards a configurable metadata editor was developed as part of the SCAM
Portfolio. The aim was to provide a range of appropriate metadata editors for different types of
resources. The type of metadata supported was only direct property value pairs that had a
corresponding RDF expression. The configuration for an editor was provided by a Java class that
specified an ordered list of properties together with the information whether the property pointed
to a literal or a resource, if multiple values were allowed, and if the input field should allow one
or several lines of text. The rendering was performed using JSP (Java Server Pages is a
templating mechanism for generating web pages). The editors provided in the default installation
contained a few combinations of Dublin Core properties.
The first version of the SCAM Portfolio and its metadata editor was deployed and used in
teaching at two departments at Uppsala University. The teacher education department used the
system as a way to help the future students gain better knowledge of how to use technology in
teaching. The department of archiving and library science used the system both as an archive
system and as e-portfolios for the students.
Both departments gave feedback on usability and technical shortcomings of the system,
especially with respect to how to maintain the system in a longer perspective, for example with
respect to backup and administrative user interfaces.
Lessons learned
Since the configuration step required writing code, this version was, in practice, a fixed RDF
editor, although the first steps had in fact been taken towards making it configurable. However,
since changing the metadata editor required involvement of developers, the flexibility of using
RDF was not yet materialized.
Furthermore, the added value of reusing established vocabularies to achieve interoperability was
also quite weak, since there was no interaction with other systems. The only benefit was
regarding compliance with standards, but since the import/export was not realized, the benefit
was only theoretical.


The simple metadata representation with direct properties from the resource quickly became a
limitation of the system. For instance it did not allow metadata according to the IEEE/LOM
standard to be expressed. Hence, support for editing more complicated structures quickly became
a requirement.

5.5.2 The SHAME library

To address the shortcomings of the SCAM Portfolio metadata editor, a separate reusable Java
library was developed see (Eriksson, 2003). The library was later named SHAME, which stood
for Standardized Hyper Adaptable Metadata Editor. The new library was improved in several
• Introducing a new configuration mechanism - The mechanism introduced for
configuring RDF editors relied on the combination of a RDF query and a form template
that were connected via variables. The configuration mechanism is explained in (Eriksson,
• Introducing a format for the configuration mechanism - The query was represented
using a simplified version of the RDF representation of the Edutella Query Language, see
(Nejdl et al., 2002). Note that SPARQL did not exist at that time. The format resembled
the reification mechanism in RDF, except that some of the subjects, predicates and object
resources were considered to be variables rather than fixed values. A new RDF expression,
based on RDF Collections, was introduced in order to capture the internal structure of the
form template.
• Query by example - Since the SHAME configuration mechanism consisted of a query, it
was a natural step to allow an editor to act as a query form. First, a user selected a suitable
SHAME form, second, he filled in some of its fields, third, the edited, and now more
specialized, query was executed (for instance sent out on the Edutella network), and
finally, the results were nicely formated using the original SHAME form.
• Multiple views - In accordance with the MVC 48 pattern, the model was separated from the
view. The model, termed form model, was introduced as a layer on top of the result of
executing the query. This made it easier to develop several functionally equivalent views,
utilizing different UI-rendering techniques.
• Java Swing-based view - By utilizing a range of ready made components from the Java
Swing library, both an editor and presenter was developed. In figure 13, the Swing-based
view of SHAME is used to edit a piece of content using the IEEE/LOM configuration.
• Editing SHAME forms with SHAME forms - A special SHAME form was developed
that could edit arbitrary (non-recursive) form-templates. Since a form-template is a tree
with unknown depth, this required a recursive construction in both the query and form-
template. In principle it was possible to edit the query in a SHAME form, but it was rather
awkward. Hence, the RDF-editing capabilities of Conzilla were used instead.

48 Model-View-Controller is a design pattern.


Figure 13: SHAME form realized as a Java Swing application showing IEEE/LOM.

The SHAME editor was integrated into Conzilla where it replaced the ImseVimse fixed metadata
editor49 that was hard-coded to work with IEEE/LOM. A few different metadata configurations
were created for concepts, concept-relations, content, and context-maps.
A search interface to the Edutella network, the SHAME-consumer, was also developed. It
provided users with a list of pre-created queries, each appearing as a form which could be partly
filled out in the query-by-example style, see (Eriksson, 2003). The results received were
displayed with the same form.
During the work with the Swedish Educational Broadcasting company (UR) four media
pedagogues marked up around 10 000 media items using a desktop application based on
SHAME. Specific effort was spent on interaction with the SCAM 2 repository, see section 6, and
allowing media items to be connected via drag-and-drop into the SHAME form.
Finally, the SHAME configuration mechanism was used to formalize the first RDF expression of
IEEE/LOM, see (Nilsson et al., 2003).
Lessons Learned:
The introduced configuration mechanism successfully allowed editing of tree-like RDF
structures. Other RDF structures certainly exist, but they are not easily handled in form-like
interfaces. Hence, the restrictions of SHAME regarding what it can edit were, already from the

49 http://sourceforge.net/projects/imsevimse


start, quite reasonable, and they have not been challenged later. A major improvement was the
separation between form-model and the view that rendered the form, since it both turned out to
be quite natural and also allowed great flexibility in construction of views.
The management of many SHAME forms was somewhat awkward, since it involved keeping
pairs of RDF files together.
To edit SHAME forms with SHAME forms, although possible, turned out to be a bit too complex
and fragile, especially with regard to the graph part. This pushed the development away from the
RDF representation of QEL and in a longer perspective away from having the query separate
from the form-template. However, this was not realized until the last iteration, RForms.

5.5.3 SCAM Portfolio Metadata Editor version 2

The second version of the portfolio metadata editor incorporated the SHAME library and
extended it to make it more useful in a web setting. The following improvements were made:
• Formlets for managing forms - To simplify form management, formlets were introduced
in order to give an identifier, name, and description to a query and form-template pair. The
formlet could also contain references to vocabularies needed by the form-template.
• Aggregating formlets - The process of joining RDF editors together required a careful
merging process where both the queries and the form-templates were merged in parallel.
With the introduction of formlets, the management and formalization of this merging
process was simplified.
• Mapping formlets to types - A single editor does not fit all situations. Hence, a way to
trigger different formlets for different type of resources was introduced. The types were
required to be organized into a subclass hierarchy. Consequently, for a given resource of a
specific type, a SHAME editor could be constructed by aggregating formlets specified for
the given type and all of its super-classes.
• HTML Form-based view - A JSP-based editor and presenter was developed that
transformed the form model into a HTML Form. Structural changes, such as duplicating
or removing structures, required page loads that performed operations on the form model
and then re-rendered the page.
Despite the fact that the system had undergone a major rewrite the portfolio installations at two
departments at Uppsala University were upgraded with a few minimal conversion steps. The new
more capable metadata editor could also edit the old RDF data without problems. This was
strong indication that the foreseen added value of RDF, with good choice of vocabularies as a
stable and interoperable language, was indeed realized.
The new system was also installed at KTH, where around 400 media students were given e-
portfolios over the course of several years. Several experiments were undertaken during this
time, for example with new types and metadata expressions for describing concepts. This was
made possible by the configuration mechanism of SHAME which allowed experimentation
without changing the base system.


Originally the online media library for UR (the Swedish Educational Broadcasting company) had
a hard-coded website that collected out specific metadata fields. This media library was also
made available in the portfolio view and hence via the new web-based metadata editor.
Experiments were made where teachers and students reused material and provided their own
metadata on top of the authoritative metadata authored by UR.
Lessons Learned:
It became simple to configure a wide range editors by writing many small formlets capturing
individual triples or small structures starting with a single outgoing property, for instance
dc:creator pointing to a blank node with outgoing triples.
The configuration mechanism was now powerful, but no longer simple. Hence, there was a need
for proper documentation by SHAME-form authors.
The HTML Form-view via server-side languages such as JSP required a lot less effort to
maintain than the Java Swing-based view. It also integrated better with other web frameworks
due to the power of CSS. However, the page reload during the editing process proved to be an

5.5.4 SHAME 2
SHAME 2 was a partial rewrite of the original SHAME library that, in addition to a clean-up of
the code, tried to unify terminology and provide documentation:
• RDF graph always correct - A dependency tree is introduced as part of the
matching/editing engine so that it reacts to user interaction and immediately inserts or
removes parts of the graph if the validity of the latter is changed.
• SPARQL support - The QEL language option was gradually phased out in favour of
SPARQL queries. A distinction from regular SPARQL semantics was that the OPTIONAL
modifier was assumed on all paths from the root. It could therefore be left out, which
simplified the writing of the queries.
• Annotation Profile specification - The SHAME-form configuration was renamed
"Annotation Profile". The name was intentionally close to the established term Application
Profiles. In addition, the query part of the Annotation Profile was now referred to as the
graph pattern.
• Formulator: An Annotation Profile editor - A Java application was developed that could
edit the Form template and graph pattern of a formlet. It could also be used to assemble
formlets into compound formlets.
This version of SHAME was the basis on which paper 5 was written as well as the more formal
description of Annotation Profiles as deliverable 3.2 in the LUISA project, see (Palmér,
Enoksson, & Naeve, 2007). Fredrik Enoksson has also written a licentiate thesis on the subject
(Enoksson, 2011).
The improvements in this iteration were mostly preparatory and did not lead to the development
of new end-user applications or deployment in new scenarios. However, the formulator was very
appreciated among those who developed Annotation Profiles, since it made the process of
constructing Annotation Profiles both less time consuming and less error prone.


Lessons Learned:
A major improvement was the use of a dependency tree for keeping the graph minimal and
correct at all times. This turned out to be useful for debugging purposes, for better user interface
design, since auto-save could be better supported, as well as for simplified integration with other
software components.
The support for recursive queries was abandoned, since it gave rise to very complicated checks in
the dependency tree.
The term Annotation Profile did cause some confusion since the term "Annotation" has slightly
misleading connotations. It indicates appending or commenting on something which is more
specific than the general activity of providing statements on resources which is what RDF offers.
If so needed RDF can support annotation or commenting, but then only by using specific
vocabularies with appropriate semantics.
Explaining how Annotation Profiles works was not a simple task. The possibility of having
different formats for both the graph-pattern and form-template is a nice feature, but it also
complicated the design by introducing additional terminology.

5.5.5 Ajax-SHAME
Up to this iteration, SHAME was a library that had to be bundled with the application developed.
Now the effort was made to also expose SHAME as a service.
• Annotation Profile service - This service made Annotation Profiles easily accessible over
HTTP in a specific JSON format. Upon requesting an Annotation Profile, the service
would load all dependencies and build a single Annotation Profile. This also included pre-
calculating and including all choices needed from the vocabularies inline in the format.
• Form-model service - This service exposed form models over HTTP in a specific JSON
format. To request a form-model you had to specify which Annotation Profile to use,
which resource to edit, and where to find the corresponding RDF.
• Separating form-model service from RDF storage - An attempt was made to allow the
form-model service to communicate with remote RDF storage solutions. Solutions like
SPARUL50 and plain RESTful updates of named graphs were tested.
• Javasscript-based view - A Javascript library was developed. From a form-model and an
Annotation Profile it rendered the user interface via DOM manipulations. The editing
process modified the form-model directly in the client and communicated with the form-
model service via Ajax requests.
Within the LUISA project51 two testbeds, one at a department at Université Henri Poincaré and
the other within a division of the EADS aviation company, made use of Ajax SHAME to update
their Learning Object Metadata repositories. The repositories were maintained independently and
access was only provided via an extension of the SPARQL protocol. This separation was crucial
in order to allow parallel development within the project. The approach of using Annotation

50 SPARUL or SPARQL/Update, an update language for RDF, was a member submission to W3C in july 2008,
http://www.w3.org/Submission/SPARQL-Update/ it has been superseded by further development of SPARQL.
51 LUISA project at the European Commission site: http://cordis.europa.eu/ist/kct/luisa-synopsis.htm


Profiles to configure the editor was also crucial since it allowed changes to the ontology quite
late in the project. In the end, only a few hundred learning objects were authored. This was
considered a success since the project aimed to demonstrate new technology rather than broad
roll-out and uptake.
Ajax SHAME was also ported to Confolio/EntryScape and used in both the project Organic
Edunet and HNet, where, in total, several thousands of resources were edited. After some initial
and easy-to-solve problems with browser compatibilities, Ajax SHAME was successfully used to
edit quite extensive amounts of metadata on resources, metadata that also made use of large
Lessons Learned:
The Annotation Profile service needs to support managing and creating Annotation Profiles. This
will avoid having to publish the Annotation Profiles on specific URLs or update the entire
service just to update an Annotation Profile.
The separation of the form-model service from the RDF-storage turned out to be more
complicated than anticipated, especially since protocols like SPARUL was not mature enough. At
the time the approach with remote update of entire named graphs seemed to be the best
alternative, since the alternatives sometimes tend to pollute the RDF storage, see discussion in
(Enoksson, Palmér, & Naeve, 2007).
By sending form-models back and forth, the business logic for SHAME is in part duplicated on
the client side, which should be avoided.

5.5.6 RForms
The experience from the earlier iterations clearly demonstrated the need to simplify. Hence,
RForms, short for RDF Forms, was produced as a more or less a complete rewrite in JavaScript.
The configuration mechanism and the terminology was also simplified:
• New configuration mechanism - The configuration mechanism, termed RForm-
templates52, was introduced as a structure in JSON. The mechanism resembles the form-
template structure but with inline information about properties and constraints that was
previously contained in the graph pattern.
• JavaScript RDF API - A Javascript API that provides utility functions for working with
RDF/JSON. Including a simple statement search and a cross-graph statement assertion.
• JavaScript matching/construction engine - The engine uses the RForm-template to
match parts of an RDF graph and as a result produces a tree of bindings. These bindings
can be considered to be a kind of instantiation of the RForm-template, which to a large
extent resembles the form-model from SHAME. But it also incorporates the
characteristics of the dependency tree, since it is responsible for keeping the RDF graph
• Match-all mode - It is possible to load a range of RForm-templates and for a given RDF
graph ask the system to generate a RForms-template that covers as much of the graph as
possible. This is useful for instance when the RDF data originates from another system
and vocabularies are mixed in an unknown manner. The match-all mode resembles how
Fresnel works, although it also allows editing. Note that it is possible to combine the
52 http://code.google.com/p/rforms/wiki/ConfigurationFormat


match all mode with a required RForms-template making sure that certain parts of the
form is always available. This is especially useful when editing a resource from scratch as
the form would otherwise be empty.
Ajax-SHAME has been replaced with RForms in EntryScape and the installations for the
projects Organic.Edunet, Hnet, Voa3r, and TelMap have been updated without any significant
A converter has been developed to semi-automatically generate RForm-templates from various
RDF Schemas, including Dublin Core, FOAF and Schema.org. Another converter combines DSP
expressions with RDF Schema information to produce enriched RForms-templates. These
conversions were accomplished much quicker than previous conversion attempts in SHAME,
since the RForms-templates expressions are easier to work with than previous expressions.
Lessons Learned:
By moving the matching/construction engine to the client side, the form-model format and the
form-model service could be removed altogether. Hence, RForms can now run without server-
side support, which is demonstrated on the google code page. This makes the integration with
other web applications much more smooth, since the only requirement is to include the
JavaScript, provide a RForms-template and use the API to launch forms for presenting or editing
RDF data.
Furthermore, by merging the graph-pattern and the form-template the two-step process of
matching a RDF graph to a form-model was reduced to one step. The resulting code-base is
smaller and easier to maintain. This simplicity out-weights the benefits of having a clean graph-
matching step based on SPARQL.
RForms needs to better define the API it exposes to the web application it is embedded in. It also
needs to better support relations between resources exposed by the web application for instance
by triggering search dialogs or support cut and paste between the surrounding web application
and text fields in RForms. It is also a challenge to present such related resources that are only
referenced with a URI in the graph being presented. Suitable labels for related resources are often
maintained in other RDF graphs that will need to be loaded separately to avoid showing URIs to
related resources directly in the form.
There is still a need for a service where RForms-templates can be constructed and assembled into
various constellations (the Annotation Profile Service mentioned in the previous iteration was
never complete and it does not work well with RForms-templates). The service must support
collaboration in the form of copying or assembling RForms-templates from other RForms-
templates. The need has only to a small extent been alleviated by converters from other formats.
There is also a need for a service that can generate choices (based on constraints in the RForms-
template) from established vocabularies, since this is probably a bit to computationally expensive
to do in Javascript on the client side, especially for large vocabularies.


5.6 Summary
In this chapter we have gone through various ways to edit and present RDF data. The
requirements of non-expert and user friendly solutions made us discard the syntax and ontology-
based solutions. Graph-based solutions remains a possibility, but perhaps not the preferred choice
when developing learning applications, especially not in a web environment. Hence, the focus on
form-based solutions, more specifically on configurable form-based solutions. When going
through related initiatives, there were neither any existing configuration mechanisms, nor actual
solutions that were found to be good enough. Consequently, the focus shifted to six iterations of
the the SHAME/RForms framework, which was developed with the requirements of
configurable forms in mind.
The three first iterations are mainly about expanding the capability and flexibility of the editors,
proving that a configurable editor did provide enough value in comparison to static and generic
editors. The fourth iteration, SHAME 2, was about maturing the framework, while the last two
iterations focused on simplifying and moving to a more lightweight web environment.
With this drive towards simplicity, certain functionality has been sacrificed. For example,
recursive forms, query by example, the Java Swing view and the separation between graph-
patterns and form-templates.
The major features of the framework that has been accomplished, refined, and which remain in
the last iteration described above can be summarized as:
1. A configuration mechanism that is easy to understand and work with.
Introduced in iteration 2, improved in iteration 4 and 6.
2. Configurations that can be assembled from smaller dedicated configurations, sometimes
referred to as formlets.
Introduced in iteration 3, improved in iteration 4 and 6.
3. Support for match-all mode, where many configurations, formlets, are combined to match
as much as possible of a given RDF graph.
Introduced in iteration 6.
4. Model and view separation, which makes it possible to have multiple presentation- and
editing views.
Introduced in iteration 2, improved in iteration 6.
5. RDF expressions are always minimal and correct according to the configuration.
Introduced in iteration 4.
6. A stand-alone Javascript library that is easy to integrate in web applications, taking an
RDF graph and a configuration as input.
Introduced in iteration 5, improved in iteration 6.
There are also features that have been requested but not yet realized. The first and most
important is an envisioned service for managing RForms-templates. Second, a service for
generating choices from large vocabularies. Third, an established protocol to remotely update
RDF repositories. Although, from the perspective of RForms, this is the responsibility of the
surrounding web application, it would still be beneficial to have a stable protocol, since it would
make API design easier53. Fourth, better support for managing relations to other resources so that

53 The SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol mentioned in section 3.6 may be the right protocol for the task.


RForms can work better with the surrounding web application. Here RForms can take inspiration
from the configuration options used by the SAHA metadata editor. However, since RForms does
not have its own dedicated RDF storage service as SAHA has, these configuration options will
probably look a bit different.


6. Read/Write Resource and

RDF Framework
The focus of this section is on how to overcome the second obstacle identified in section 4.3:
Lack of solutions that can handle both private and collaborative management
of resources together with related Semantic Web data.
This chapter will start by breaking down the second obstacle into requirements that can be
addressed individually. Second, it will look at existing solutions and why they are not good
enough. Third, the four iterations of SCAM are presented, especially how the consecutive
improvements closely zoom-in on overcoming the obstacle. Fourth, the chapter concludes with a
summary of the findings.

6.1 Breaking Down the Second Obstacle

We start by clarifying the second obstacle by breaking it down into a set of requirements.
Whether a single system, or a set of components in a larger platform, will meet these
requirements does not really matter. However, for simplicity we will assume that the
requirements apply to a platform. The requirements are:
1. Manage any RDF - Since the vision that has helped to identify the obstacle states that
applications should allow people to express themselves on a growing range of topics, it is
not enough to support a fixed and limited set of properties. Hence, the requirement is to
allow any RDF to be expressed.
2. Manage Chunks of RDF - preferably in a manner that is suitable for describing
individual resources. The chunks must be easy to access without hindering queries that
span multiple chunks. Keeping track of provenance of each chunk is also important. This
requirement is further elaborated in papers 3 and 6.


3. Manage resources - some of the resources that are addressed via URIs will have digital
representations that need to reside somewhere. Clearly, some of the digital representations
already exist on the web and cannot be managed by a single system. But those resources
that are provided by the users themselves, like uploaded pictures or text documents, need
to be stored somewhere. Providing support for managing these resources in the same
platform that holds the corresponding RDF-graph has several benefits, including
enforcement of access-control and ease-of-use by not forcing people to switch systems
and keep them synchronized.
4. Manage web linking - URIs are needed for allowing linking to both resources and chunks
of Semantic Web data. This requires coining new unique URIs when appropriate and tying
the resource and the appropriate chunk of Semantic Web data together via links. This will
allow regular people, not only knowledge representation specialists, to express themselves
in a scalable manner.
5. Manage private and shared information - at its core the platform must support
individuals and groups in managing information. For instance, this means that each person
and group should have a place to store information. Furthermore, fine-grained access
control mechanisms should provide a cornerstone for forming collaboration around both
resources and associated Semantic Web data.
These requirements are not exhaustive, but they follow reasonably well from the vision, and the
perceived obstacle, and they also correspond to the needs observed during the four iterations of

6.2 Existing Solutions

Today there are many systems/platforms that are relevant in the sense that they meet several of
the requirements. For example, to make an attempt to find all that match for example two or
more of the requirements would be a daunting task. Instead, we will take the approach of
focusing on categories of systems/platforms, and by looking at representative examples we will
see which of the requirements they fulfill, see table 5 for an overview.

Table 5: Categories of systems and which requirements they fulfill

Requirement Triplestore DAM ePortfolio

1. Manage any RDF X
2. Manage chunks of RDF X
3. Manage resources X X
4. Manage web linking X X
5. Manage private and shared information X


Triplestores are perhaps the most obvious category, since they all provide a way to manage RDF
graphs via programming language specific APIs. In addition, most of the modern triplestores
such as Apache Jena54, Sesame, and Virtuoso, also provide access via protocols such as SPARQL
over HTTP. Clearly, by design, triplestores fulfill the first requirement of managing any RDF.
The second requirement of managing chunks of RDF is supported by those triplestores that
provide support for named graphs and an accompanying protocol for managing the named
graphs. For example the SPARQL Update or the alternative RESTful SPARQL Graph Store
HTTP Protocol could be used. The other three requirements are not supported at all.
Digital Asset Management
Digital Asset Management, or short DAM, is a category of systems that ingest, store, annotate,
catalog, publish and distribute digital assets. A digital asset is often considered to be images and
other multimedia but could also include documents and other resources that have digital
representations. Hence, DAM systems fulfill the third requirement of managing resources. Since
they also provide support for publishing the assets, they do provide URIs and can be said to have
reasonable support for the fourth requirement of web linking.
With respect to metadata, DAM systems are often quite rigid with support for only a few bits of
information that should be handled manually, such as title and description, together with more
administrative information such as size, modification date and version control. In addition, a
DAM system provides specific support for the metadata it can extract from the assets, such as the
EXIF tags found in images. A few systems are more flexible, such as Fedora Commons that
allows new sets of metadata to be supported and by default has support for Dublin Core. It also
uses RDF internally to encode the relations between the assets, and the same is done by the
Nuxeo DAM. Still, neither the first nor the second requirement on managing RDF can be said to
be supported in the DAM systems of today, since there is no generic support. There is hope for
the future here though, since the Apache Stanbol project 55, described as a set of components for
semantic content management, attempts to provide semantic services that can be used to enhance
content management systems.
The main use case of DAM systems is to support organizations in managing their assets, either
for use internally in the organization or externally to communicate with customers or the public.
Hence, the fifth requirement of managing private and shared information is seldom fulfilled.

The final category we will take a look at is ePortfolios. The focus of ePortfolios systems is to
maintain a private archive of material that can be used for work and learning, for reflection on
progress, and for showcasing achievements. Many systems offer the possibility to configure
different views for showcasing in different settings. The distinction with respect to a DAM
system is the focus on the individual and the communication among people. This includes
functionality to collaborate, comment, assess etc. Hence, ePortfolios fulfill the requirement of
managing private and shared information. In addition, they also fulfill the requirements of
management of web links and resources just like DAM systems but in a less elaborate manner.

54 Jena was initially developed by HP (Hewlet Packard) but was converted into an Apache project in 2012.
55 http://stanbol.apache.org/


The ePortfolios of today, like Mahara 56 and desire2Learn ePortfolio57 do not support RDF.
However, for the quite recent Leap2A specification for ePortfolio interoperability 58 - which is
supported by Mahara - a Semantic Web version of the specification called Leap2R is in progress.

6.3 Four iterations

In the following sections four iterations of development are discussed. The requirements
introduced above are addressed more or less from the start. An exception is the weak support for
managing RDF in the first iteration. The focus is on how the requirements have been
implemented, especially on problems and weaknesses.
The direction of development has been guided by attempting to overcome the focused obstacle in
two ways. First, by providing a specific solution, an ePortfolio that helps people to create and
manage resources and their Semantic Web data, both privately and in collaborative settings.
Second, by trying to establish a platform upon which a range of such solutions can be built.
The author has been involved in the design of all iterations and heavily in the development of the
last iteration. The interested readers are welcome to investigate iteration 1 and 2 at the
sourceforge page for SCAM: http://sourceforge.net/projects/scam/. Iteration 3 has unfortunately
no publicly accessible code repository. Iteration 4 is accessible at google code under the
EntryStore project: http://code.google.com/p/entrystore/.

6.3.1 SCAM 1 - efolio

The first incarnation of SCAM, sometimes referred to as the efolio, was built with the aim to be
something between a personal portfolio and an organizational archive for material. The typical
scenario was to support teachers in providing uploaded or linked material to their students. The
students had their personal portfolio as well, and they could collect the material they needed from
the teacher's portfolio or from elsewhere.
The system was built using java servlets and JSP (Java Servlet Pages) technology so that it could
be deployed in any servlet container. Underneath, it relied on a database for the metadata and
other structured information and a filesystem to store uploaded files. Even though RDF was used
internally for storing metadata for each resource, the platform only exposed the 15 Dublin Core
properties. A resource could be either a link, an uploaded file, or a folder.
In addition to the HTML view of the efolio, the folder structure was exposed via WebDAV 59 for
supporting mounting the efolio as a networked folder. This would allow better integration with
the desktop by supporting things like drag-and-drop, and access to the efolio material from
within desktop applications such as word processors.
The first version was deployed and used in teaching at two departments at Uppsala University.
The teacher education department used the system as a way to help the future students gain better
knowledge of how to use technology in teaching. The department of archiving and library
science used the system both as an archive system and as personal portfolios for the students.

56 http://mahara.org/
57 http://www.desire2learn.com/
58 http://www.leapspecs.org/2012/2A/specification.html
59 WebDAV is an extension of HTTP to support collaboration in editing and managing documents on HTTP-servers.


Both departments gave feedback on usability and technical shortcomings of the system,
especially with respect to how to maintain the system in a longer perspective, with respect to for
example backup and administrative user interfaces.
Two important - and early recognized - limitations was the lack of good search and
backup/restore capabilities. Neither limitation was addressed in the first version, due to the
choice of using RDF for the representation, which brought along a new set of challenges.
WebDav PROPFIND method was the first interoperability problem encountered, since it required
a mapping from simple Dublin Core to the live properties of WebDAV. A real nuisance with the
WebDav protocol was the need to choose a single name for a resource, when, for instance, there
could be several titles in different languages. The solution was to introduce a special property
that stored a name for a resource that was set initially with the title, but which had to be modified
independently later. This also solved the problem of not allowing illegal characters in URIs.
The architecture was not very flexible, for instance the user interface was generated via JSP that
communicated directly with the database by means of a small help library. Furthermore, the
web.xml mapped directly from URIs to the JSP driven pages that were supposed to answer each
request. This turned out to be a bit inflexible when the application needed to be changed or new
separate user interfaces were required. As an additional consequence, there was no separate
access to the data, for instance via RMI60 or Web Services.
Finally, the editing framework used, the SCAM Portfolio metadata editor v1, had severe
limitations and only included support for simple RDF structures.

6.3.2 SCAM 2
SCAM 2 was more or less a rewrite where much effort was spent on scalability, and modularity.
Paper 3 introduces SCAM 2 and discusses it in detail. The following list outlines the main
• Switch to a mature triplestore with a mature triplestore (the Jena package was chosen,
which at the time was supported by HP) the amount of triples that can be managed
efficiently improved. There is also a wider range of ready-made functionality to rely on,
for instance RDF graph search via several different query languages.
• SCAM Records and Contexts introducing an algorithm to collect triples together by
starting from a resource, and following the natural direction of triples until a non-blank
node is found. SCAM Contexts corresponded to a set of SCAM records that need to be
managed together, in fact coinciding with the portfolio concept. Access control was
provided on both records and contexts.
• Enterprise Java provides an environment for enterprise software, an environment where
large-scale, multi-tiered, reliable, and secure network applications can be built. SCAM 2
exposed an API as session-beans with bean-managed persistence that connected to the
underlying triplestore.
• Modular architecture was mainly achieved by introducing a configurable workflow
engine, the SCAM controller, that allowed a range of reusable commands to be composed
into command chains. A chain ended by handing over to JSPs that generated views that
60 Remote Method Invocation is the object oriented approach for doing RPC in a java environment.


relied on information assembled earlier in the chain. Hence, when creating new
applications, it is often enough to configure new command chains from existing
commands and provide new JSP pages to generate the views of the application.
Furthermore, to simplify development of the JSP pages, a range of specific taglibs were
provided to act as a set of UI building-blocks.
• Simple and advanced search in the form of free-text search and more advanced graph-
queries. Both search options could be executed either against single portfolios or against
the entire repository, and they were realized using a modified implementation of the
RDQL language61 that respected access control rules.
• All data in the graph. In addition to storing the metadata for a resource, also the folder
structure, access control and provenance information were stored in the RDF graph. With
this change, only uploaded files, user- and group definitions as well as login credentials
were kept separate from the graph. The folder structures were expressed using RDF
collections in a manner which was supposed to be compatible with the IMS Content
Packaging Model62.
• Improved metadata editing was achieved with the SCAM Portfolio Metadata Editor
version 2, as introduced in section 5.5.3 above. Several editors were provided per default,
for instance based on Dublin Core and on IMS metadata to complement the IMS Content
Packaging expression of folders.
• Backup/restore functionality for each portfolio was accomplished by storing all
metadata, that is, metadata for every file, link, folder etc. in a single large RDF/XML file
together with a directory containing all uploaded files. This folder structure could be used
for reverting back to an earlier state or moving the portfolio to another installation.
SCAM 2 was used as part of the Folio thinking project at KTH where around 400 media students
were give personal portfolios over the course of several years. Many of the students used the
system as a convenient way to transport files from their home computer to the school. Hence, one
of the questions that was raised repeatedly concerned the continuity of the installation, that is, for
how long time could the students rely on the system being available.
SCAM 2 was also used as a basis for the online media library for the Swedish Educational
Broadcasting company. Four specialists worked full time to curate information about educational
programs on radio and television using a specialized desktop tool that connected to the
repository. The result was shown as an advanced search interface, where the public could search
via a range of specific semantic search options. In a more experimental approach, specific
themed collections were constructed by a range of experts who re-purposed material by linking
to material in the public part of another portfolio. Plans to offer this functionality to the public,
for instance targeting teachers, were unfortunately never realized.
The installations showed that an RDF backend could be used in real settings with a quite high
load. However, a number of scalability issues remained, mainly due to the way the triplestore
was used:

61 RDQL - a query language for RDF, see http://www.w3.org/Submission/RDQL/, it was later superseded by SPARQL.
62 A zip file with a manifesto in XML introduced by the IMS consortium, see


• How to do free text searches efficiently. Initially, SCAM used RDQL which pulled up
large parts of the database into memory just to perform substring matches on literals. Even
though this improved in later versions of Jena, with pushing more of the queries to the
database, the performance needed to be checked carefully. Still, as can be seen in later
chapters, to support good text search, a separate solution like Apache Lucene 63 that
maintains a dedicated index is a necessity.
• Querying several portfolios efficiently at the same time. Keeping all portfolio data in a
single graph was not acceptable since it would lead to conflicting metadata expressions, or
that only one person could express something about a given link. Keeping the portfolios
separate was the only solution, although it required substantial changes and a deviation
from how Jena used relational databases for storing RDF. The effect was that it was hard
to upgrade and therefore diminished the benefits of relying on a stock triplestore.
• How to bring up all metadata for a single resource efficiently. Since SCAM 2 relied on
Jena, which had no fourth column to group the triples together, bringing up all related
triples required several requests to the database until all relevant triples had been found.
This problem is discussed in detail in paper 3.
In addition to these scalability aspects, the modularity improvements also had their problems.
• Moving to the enterprise java platform introduced a lot of complexity at a time when the
standard was still young. Some parts of it was beneficial, such as the security model,
concurrency control and support for remote procedure call. But important parts, such as
the use of entity beans and transactions in distributed applications, were hard to realize
due to the graph-like character of the underlaying data model, as exposed by the
• Deployment of SCAM in an Java EE application server, JBoss 3.2.1 64, turned out to be
both complicated and a bit fragile with many manual steps, especially when upgrading.
Whether the reason was lack of maturity in the application server, lack of documentation
or inexperience by developers and system administrators in handling application servers
does not really matter. What does matter is that people, both within the development
project and external parties, were uncomfortable with the deployment process.
• The introduction of a controller layer, the SCAM controller, greatly simplified
development of new applications. However, maintaining a controller framework proved to
be a substantial task in itself. It is therefore better to rely on existing libraries such as
Apache Struts65, or Open Symphonys WebWorks66, since it would likely lower the amount
of code to develop and make the library more focused.
Overall, the focus on a more modular design in SCAM 2 allowed for many different applications
to be realized in theory, although in practice the system was hard to install and maintain.

6.3.3 SCAM 3
The third iteration of SCAM encompassed a shift toward pragmatism, that is, SCAM 3 should be
easy to install, configure to specific needs, and maintain.

63 http://lucene.apache.org/
64 http://www.jboss.org/
65 http://struts.apache.org/
66 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebWork


• No more enterprise Java - the architecture of SCAM changed to depend only on Java
servlet containers rather than full-blown application servers. Since very little new code
had to be written to support this change, it indicated that for SCAM the added value of
relying on Java EE application server functionality was small and easily replaced with a
few key libraries.
• Established controller framework - the SCAM controller was replaced with the
OpenSymphony Webwork controller framework. This both reduced the amount of code to
maintain in SCAM and provided richer and more reliable functionality.
• Change of templating language - the Java Server Pages templating language was
replaced with Velocity, which forces a stricter separation between view and business logic,
since it does not allow generic inline code. This stricter separation made it easier to reuse
business logic when building new applications.
• Separation of repository and application - yielding better flexibility in deploying
applications upon a single repository. In situations where no new business logic was
required, new applications could be realized without programming. It was enough to
provide new velocity pages, localization files, and specify which metadata to use.
• Simplified metadata configuration - to allow quick setup of new applications, a
simplified metadata editing framework was created that only supported a subset of what
SHAME offered.
• Support for metadata federations - to participate in metadata federations support for
harvesting protocols such as OAI-PMH67 and a variant of SQI68 called Fire, see (Paulsson,
2009), was introduced.
• Feed support - all folders were exposed via RSS, and, if the content was appropriate, also
as Podcasts.
The SCAM 3 based portfolio application was installed at Umeå University and used in a few
courses. At the time of writing, around 500 students have portfolios in the installation.
The repository part of SCAM 3 has been used as a base for several other applications. For
example, a search service for science and technology, a search service for math, and a generic
embeddable federated search service for school resources in Swedish. The separation of
repository and application turned out to be useful for quickly trying out new application ideas,
which could later be carefully tweaked to meet specific needs.
The pragmatism worked in the sense that with the new design, applications could be quickly
built and more easily maintained. To a large extent, SCAM 3 showed that it was possible to
overcome large parts of the obstacle. However, at the time when SCAM 3 had matured, the
world had moved on and it was clear that new challenges had arisen:
• Ajax could be used to build more appealing web applications and mashups. It just required
that the data needed to be exposed somehow.

67 http://www.openarchives.org/pmh/
68 Simple Query Interface


• Exposing Semantic Web data via SPARQL endpoints and as linked data was now the
recommended practice.
• References to external metadata and enhancement of harvested metadata required a more
advanced model.

6.3.4 SCAM 4 - also known as EntryStore

SCAM 4 was a complete redesign and has since been renamed to EntryStore as a reaction to the
focus on entries. The new design also included the use of Named Graphs and the exposure of the
Semantic Web data as read/write Linked Data. The ePortfolio application was completely
redesigned as a RESTful Ajax Web application and now termed EntryScape to match with
EntryStore. Below are listed some of the central characteristics of EntryStore listed, see also
paper 6 and (Hannes Ebner & Palmér, 2012):
• Use of named graphs - an entry (formerly referred to as SCAM record) was captured as
three things, a resource, a Named Graph that contained metadata about the resource, and
the administrative information of the entry, also expressed as a Named Graph. The
administrative information contained access control, provenance and the characteristics of
the entry.
• Five type schemes - the type schemes were identified to capture the various aspects of
entries. LocationType was used to express if the resource and metadata were managed
locally. RepresentationType was used to distinguish between resources that had digital
representations and those that were only providing identities for physical objects, abstract
ideas etc. BuiltinType was used to distinguish between specially treated resources, such as
folders, and general resources that the system had no special knowledge about. As always,
the well-known mimetype was used to describe the format of the resource. Finally, an
ApplicationType was reserved for allowing the Applications built on top of EntryStore to
define their own types, maybe to trigger special behavior.
• RESTful API - EntryStore was extended to provide access via a RESTful API, where
resource, metadata, and administrative information was made accessible on separate URIs.
• SPARQL and Apache Solr - a SPARQL endpoint was introduced to allow searching
against the triple space. The Apache Solr library69 was included to provide efficient search
against a set of common metadata fields, as well as against the URIs used and the types of
the entry.
EntryStore was first used in the Organic.Edunet project (H. Ebner et al., 2009)70 where the aim
was to provide educational material on organic agriculture in Europe. Its first purpose was to
serve as an aggregator of Learning Object metadata from several other (non-semantic web)
repositories. Hence, when the metadata was harvested, it was transformed into RDF and exposed
as entries with remote metadata. The second purpose was to allow content experts to go through
the material and enhance it with additional metadata fields, most specifically using an ontology
for organic agriculture. EntryStore also served as a repository where content authors described

69 http://lucene.apache.org/solr/
70 Under the name of Confolio, see http://oe.confolio.org


and sometimes uploaded new content. Finally, EntryStore was harvested by a portal that
provided various forms of search-based access to the content, including advanced semantic
In the Hematology Net project (H-net) EntryStore was used 71 to handle competency descriptions
of hematology experts in Europe (mostly medical doctors). This was achieved via an expanded
personal profile containing references to a range of topics paired with a competency level. The
EntryStore also contained educational resources that could be tagged with the same
(competency) topics and also a corresponding topic-based search.
Both Organic.Edunet and H-net used the EntryScape application for managing the content. But
experiments havs been performed with other applications. For instance, a smaller OpenSocial
Gadget has been developed that exposes a simple folder view of content.
By exchanging the dependency from the Jena triplestore to Sesame 72, a range of different RDF
storage solutions became available. This is due to the Sesame SAIL API (Storage And Inference
Layer), which is supported by several third-party high-performance RDF stores, such as Bigdata
and Virtuoso.
Since SPARQL has no knowledge of access control, a separate repository containing only public
metadata was introduced to allow queries to be executed without risking to expose protected
data. The drawback with this approach is that protected non-public data that the user is
authorized to see will not show up in the results. The only feasible alternative is to rewrite
queries on the fly to take into account that all triples matched in a query must reside in Named
Graphs that the user had authorization to. However, this approach has several problems. First, it
requires that the access control rules can be expressed in a SPARQL query, second the resulting
queries would not be as efficient. Since the added benefits of this approach was considered
smaller than the cost of development and expected poor results regarding efficiency, it was not
considered worth the extra effort. Instead, the focus shifted to enhance the Solr index so that
most queries could be answered there.
The development in SCAM 2 and SCAM 3 towards a platform, where a range of different
applications can be built on top of a common service, culminated with EntryStore. In fact,
EntryStore does not contain a single line of application-specific code. The only remaining reason
for deploying EntryScape on the same server as EntryStore is the lack of support for cross-site
scripting in the browsers that are in use today. With better support for CORS 73, this limitation
will slowly fade away. If needed there are workarounds to overcome this limitation in a shorter
perspective. Note that this is not a problem when developing RESTful AJAX native applications,
for instance on mobile platforms.
The SPARQL Graph Store HTTP Protocol, (Ogbuji, 2012), resembles part of the RESTful API
offered by EntryStore and should be supported in a future version.

71 Under the name Confolio, see http://hematology.confolio.org

72 http://openrdf.org
73 CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, see W3C draft at: http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/


6.4 Summary
From the start the four iterations of development have addressed the second obstacle as well as
the derived requirements. Even though the requirements have been more or less fulfilled from the
start, the technical solutions applied in each iteration have had their strengths and weaknesses.
Most of the strengths have been successfully carried along to later iterations where also many of
the weaknesses have been successfully addressed. The most important features of the latest
iteration, EntryStore, are:
• Reuse an existing triplestore (in fact a quad store)
Introduced in iteration 2, improved in iteration 4.
• Manage RDF on the level of entries and contexts.
Introduced in iteration 4, improves upon work in iteration 1 and 2.
• Describe the character of an entry via five orthogonal type-schemes.
Introduced in iteration 4, improves upon work in iteration 1 and 2.
• Manage a resource and its metadata in a single entry, containing related RDF, provenance,
access control and other control information.
Introduced in iteration 4, improves upon work in iteration 2 and 4.
• Support graph-based (SPARQL) and text-based (Solr) search.
Introduced in iteration 4, improves upon work in iteration 2.
• Support backup- and restore functionality.
Introduced in iteration 2.
• Offer a RESTful API, Linked data support and SPARQL-endpoints
Introduced in iteration 4.
The known weaknesses of the last iteration are:
1. The RESTful API is yet not aligned with existing initiatives, such as SPARQL Graph
Store HTTP Protocol, (Ogbuji, 2012), Atom Publishing Protocol, or Leap2R.
2. Support for inference is still lacking.
3. Support for migrating between vocabularies is lacking.
4. SPARQL queries only work against public data.
5. There is no version control of Semantic Web data.
It should be noted that weakness one, two and three can and will be addressed as soon as
possible. Weakness four and five are more problematic since there are technical challenges that
need to be resolved regarding access control in SPARQL queries, as well as how to uniquely
address parts of RDF graphs.


7. Recommendations
This chapter will focus on recommendations for how to build learning applications based on
Semantic Web technology. This corresponds to the third obstacle identified in section 4.3:
Lack of recommendations for how to build learning applications based on
Semantic Web technology
The recommendations are based on experience from practical development of learning
applications, including the iterations described in section 5.5 and 6.3. They are also the result of
theoretical work reported in the papers, especially paper 1, 5, and 6. The relations derived in
chapter 3 between architectures, technologies and application types have been crucial in finding
the appropriate formulations of the recommendations.
The recommendations are targeted towards learning application by having a focus on flexibility
of a wide range of different knowledge expressions, both subjective and objective, while, at the
same time considering how to best support communication and collaboration around them. If the
focus would have been on building applications for a more specific domain, perhaps targeting a
specific user group, the recommendations would almost certainly have been different. For
instance, it is likely that the recommendations would have had a higher focus on how to work
with ontologies, support inference, and compatibility with legacy systems.
Note that the recommendations deviate from the e-learning framework described in paper 1. The
main reason is that at the time of writing, technologies such as Semantic Web and Web Services
were still young, and the suggested e-learning framework was more based on theory and
expectations on how the technologies would pan out, rather than on practical experience.

7.1 Rely on the Web Architecture

You should always rely on the Web Architecture when building learning applications.
Specifically, if there is a need to provide stable identifiers, use URIs, if there is a need to
transport data, use established web protocols, preferably HTTP. Furthermore, it is recommended
that your offering is discoverable on the web, so that it can be found via search engines, linked to
from web pages, recommended in social networks etc.


But perhaps most importantly, the Web Architecture is a requirement for Semantic Web
technologies, specifically exposing learning data as resources which can be referenced and
turned into targets for statements via their URIs.

7.2 Commit to REST and get guidance from ROA

Build your learning applications using the REST architectural style and lean on the best practices
of ROA when more concrete advice is needed. REST and ROA carry with tem a deeper
integration with the web architecture, especially when working with resources and resource
representations that incorporate links to other resources.
There are many added values of REST and ROA, for instance simplicity and scalability. From
the Semantic Web perspective the focus on resources and their representations is perhaps the
most important. Since REST proscribes a quite sparse uniform interface, that is, the methods of
HTTP (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE), the semantics is concentrated to the resources and how
they are related. The focus on relations between resources matches the declarative character of
RDF (stating facts on resources). In comparison, Web Services has a procedural character
(invoking methods at a distance), which cannot be captured directly in RDF without first
introducing a new vocabulary for services.

7.3 Expose your information as Linked Data

In addition to REST and ROA, use linked data in the form of RDF to express your structured
data, instead of inventing your own data expressions. Also connect your data by referring to
resources in other linked data datasets. These connections will strengthen the value of your data
and, if your data is openly available, will increase its chance of being reused in new settings.
As linked data is expressed in RDF, there is a range of formats to choose from. In light of the
recommendation below on "RESTful AJAX Web Applications", a lightweight format suitable for
consumption in JavaScript clients is preferable, such as JSON-LD or RDF/JSON.
To maximize interoperability it is encouraged to reuse existing terms (element and value
vocabularies) whenever possible. Only invent new terms when what you need to say is different
or more specific than what can be expressed with existing terms. Remember that URIs should
not be visible to the end-users, hence, consistency in choice of terms (e.g. similar URI
namespaces) is not a reason for introducing your own terms.

7.4 Base your application on a read/write RDF framework

Use an existing framework for handling RDF if you learning application needs anything like
access-control, manage resources together with their metadata, keep track of provenance, free-
text search in addition to a SPARQL endpoint etc. The framework you choose should, as a
minimum, provide a RESTful API that allows CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, and
Delete) for managing RDF as linked data.
The EntryStore framework has served the purpose for the learning applications mentioned in this
thesis, but there are other candidates. Note that a triplestore such as Sesame is not enough, since
it does not provide a RESTful API for manipulating RDF as linked data.


7.5 Build Web Applications first

You should offer your learning application as a web application if possible. This lowers the
threshold for learners to start using your application. It also allows you to make your application
cross-platform from the start, ranging from traditional desktop environments to mobile platforms.
Another reason for choosing web applications is that the web has become the natural place to
seek information, communicate, and collaborate. As learning applications often include handling
information, communication and collaboration, by analogy, it is natural for users to expect a
web-based solution for learning applications as well.

7.6 Build RESTful Ajax Web Applications

When building web-based learning applications use the RESTful Ajax approach rather than the
static web-page, progressive enhancement or RPC Ajax approaches. In practice this means that
the web application should be loaded as an initial HTML web-page with associated CSS and a
JavaScript. Later, in response to user interactions or initiated Ajax requests, the application can
change the user interface via D-HTML techniques. Naturally, the application should minimize
page reloads and do all asynchronous communication with the server via RESTful calls.
A clear benefit of relying on the RESTful Ajax approach is that the application can work directly
with the Semantic Web data. There is no need to introduce a new API or new data expressions
which would be the case if the learning application relied on the RPC Ajax approach. The
RESTful Ajax approach also has the benefit of allowing the learning application to load
Semantic Web data from other sources with the same basic understanding of data.

7.7 Use a framework to help you present and edit RDF

Use a framework for editing and presenting RDF if your learning application needs to present
arbitrary RDF, edit non-trivial RDF, or needs to be flexible with respect to what to edit. In
general, to support changing requirements, the framework should not be tied to a specific
standard. Instead it should rely on a configurable mechanism for expressing which element and
value vocabularies to use. Such a framework is especially useful when the developers of the
application are not used to work with Semantic Web technologies, or when they are not experts
on which vocabularies to use in each situation.
The RForms framework (and its predecessors) have served these purposes for the learning
applications mentioned in this thesis. To the authors knowledge at the time of writing, there are
no other independent frameworks74 that allow editing and presentation of RDF in a configurable

74 The SAHA metadata editor is close, but it is restricted to work with a specific solution for storing RDF.


8. Conclusions
Work that would lead up to this thesis began in 2001, the same year when Tim Berners-Lee
coined the term Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001). At this time the web was beginning to
mature, with capable web browsers and relatively stable specifications of the standards involved.
But no one had heard of concepts like Web2.0 or Ajax, and very few had tried to write a blog or
join a social network.
Over the last decade computational technologies have changed dramatically, which is most
prominently visible in how the web has evolved. There have been many forgotten debates over
competing technologies, although some refuse to be settled, such as the SOA versus REST
debate. Within the area of Semantic Web there is another debate between those that advocate the
use of ontologies and those that focus more on the web part of Semantic Web, typically arguing
for the approach of Linked Data.
From the discussions, especially in chapter 3, it is evident that the author has been influenced by
these developments, and from the perspective of Learning Applications based on Semantic Web
technology has found arguments to take part in some of these debates. Some of the results are
described in chapter 7 - in the form of recommendations.
Regarding the overall structure, this thesis started with a vision of how Semantic Web technology
could provide a basis for better learning applications, with respect to expressibility and quality of
conversation on a growing range of topics. To make the vision more credible, in chapter 2 the
thesis has discussed the flexible nature of RDF and how this can benefit learning.
In Chapter 3 architectures and technologies relevant to Semantic Web were thoroughly discussed.
Since Semantic Web technologies are firmly based in the Web Architecture, it was argued that
the Web Architecture is a good point of reference to which all other architectures and
technologies can be compared. The comparison focused on how architectures utilize and
integrate with the Web Architecture, where utilize means relying on the web architecture to
transport data, while integrate means using the concept of resources and URIs internally in order
to make the architecture or technology become part of the web. The main result of this discussion
was that Web Services do not integrate with the Web Architecture, and the implication of this
important fact is that Web Services are less suited - than for example REST-based approaches
such as Linked Data - to be used in combination with Semantic Web technologies.


Chapter 3 also introduced seven categories of applications, called application types, and
discussed how they relate to the architectures and technologies. The final result of this discussion
is a derivation of the relationships between architectures, technologies and application types. The
most clear result is that RPC-based application types are less useful in combination with
Semantic Web technology, since they are related to Web Services. The conclusions of the
derivation are drawn as part of the recommendations presented as a response to obstacle 3.

8.1 Research questions

The main goal of the thesis - to provide guidance for development of learning applications based
on Semantic Web technologies - led to two research questions:
I. What are the main obstacles when building Learning applications based on
Semantic Web technologies
II. How can these obstacles be overcome using state-of-the-art web technologies and
The first research question was addressed in chapter 4 where three obstacles were identified
based on problems encountered during development of the two learning applications EntryScape
and Conzilla. The second research question was addressed in chapters 5-7, that is, one chapter
per obstacle. The text below shortly summarizes how the obstacles have been addressed - and to
some extent overcome:
Obstacle 1: Lack of non-expert and user friendly solutions for presenting and editing
Semantic Web data that is not hard-coded to use a specific vocabulary.
The solution introduced in chapter 5 is an independent configurable framework for presenting
and editing RDF. The framework has gone through 6 iterations of development, and the last
iteration is called RForms. The major implemented features of the framework were shortly
summarized in section 5.6 as:
1. A configuration mechanism that is easy to understand and work with.
2. Configurations can be assembled from smaller dedicated configurations, sometimes
referred to as formlets.
3. Support for match-all mode, where many configurations, formlets, are combined to match
as much as possible of a given RDF graph.
4. Model and view separation, which makes it possible to have multiple presentation- and
editing views.
5. RDF expressions are always minimal and correct according to the configuration.
6. A stand-alone JavaScript library that is easy to integrate in web applications, taking only
an RDF graph and a configuration as input.
For the learning applications Conzilla and EntryScape, the framework has proved to be useful
and has helped to overcome the obstacle, as discussed in section 4.3. Even though this is no
guarantee that the framework will be of use in other settings, it is recommended to consider the
six features above when looking for presentation and editing solutions for RDF.


Obstacle 2: Lack of solutions that can create new, and manage existing, resources and related
Semantic Web data, both privately and in collaborative settings.
This obstacle is addressed in section 6 by breaking it down into five requirements: manage any
RDF, manage chunks of RDF, manage web linking, manage resources, and manage private and
shared information. The solution presented, EntryStore, meets the requirements more or less by
design. Furthermore, as discussed in section 6.4, the following features of EntryStore are
considered to be the most important:
• Reuse an existing triplestore (in fact a quad store)
• Manage RDF on the level of entries and contexts.
• Describe the character of an entry via five orthogonal type-schemes.
• Manage a resource and its metadata in a single entry, containing related RDF, provenance,
access control and other control information.
• Support graph-based (SPARQL) and text-based (Solr) search.
• Support backup- and restore functionality.
• Offer a RESTful API, Linked data support and SPARQL-endpoints
The portfolio system EntryScape, a RESTful Ajax web application, is built upon the generic
services offered by EntryStore, proving its value. The Conzilla application does not yet use
EntryStore, but future versions will probably do so, since this would solve a few known
problems. Furthermore, when building learning applications based on Semantic Web
technologies - even if EntryStore is not chosen as a basis for development - the requirements and
features discovered may provide useful guidance.
Obstacle 3: Lack of recommendations for how to build learning applications based on
Semantic Web technology
In chapter 3 a range of relevant architectures and technologies were analyzed. The main outcome
was a derivation - see figure 8 - of how architectures and technologies support each other and
various application types. This derivation, together with the experience gained during the
iterative development accounted for in this thesis, have led to seven recommendations described
in chapter 7. The recommendations are:
1. Rely on the Web Architecture
2. Commit to REST and get guidance from ROA
3. Expose your information as Linked Data
4. Base your application on a read/write RDF framework
5. Build Web Applications first
6. Build RESTful Ajax Web Applications
7. Use a framework to help you present and edit RDF
This thesis acknowledges that when it comes to choosing an appropriate technology for a specific
project there is no absolute truth, there are simply so many factors involved, not the least the pre-
existing knowledge of the developers involved. Nevertheless, this thesis does try to provides a


well thought through rationale for why these recommendations are given. They also fit well
together, as is shown by both practical development and the more theoretical derivation in
chapter 3.

8.2 Contributions of this thesis

The major theoretical contributions of this thesis are:
Seven application types - section 3.7
Derivation of standards, technologies & application types - section 3.8
Three obstacles for building Semantic Web based learning applications - section 4.3
Five categorizations for solutions to edit/present RDF - section 5.1-5.4
Five requirements on solutions for managing resources and RDF - section 6.1
Seven recommendations for building Semantic Web based learning applications - chapter 7
As regards the practical development that has formed the background of this thesis, the author
believes that both SHAME/RForms and EntryStore/EntryScape are sound frameworks that can
be of use to a wider community. This has already been demonstrated in the case of EntryScape,
as evidenced by the Organic.Edunet and the H-net projects.

8.3 Future Work

It is evident that there is a lot of future work with regard to the learning perspectives presented
(and not presented) here, and how these perspectives can be more effectively and efficiently
supported by technology.
However, as pointed out in chapter 2, the focus of this thesis is technical. Hence, we will now go
through a few open issues of technical character that the author considers to be of relevance for
the topic of this thesis, as well as a few anticipated further developments of the frameworks
described above. Although not demonstrated in this thesis, it can be expected that some of these
issues are of importance for enhancing the conversational quality of the learning process.
Editable Linked Data - Perhaps one of the most important open issues is how to make linked
data editable. The SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol, (Ogbuji, 2012), seems very
promising, but it just provides part of the solution, since it lacks access control and provenance.
The recently launched Linked Data Platform Working Group 75 is an interesting forum for raising
these and other issues that have been encountered during development of SCAM/EntryStore, as
well as the discussion around overcoming obstacle 2.
Model for entries - Closely related is the issue of stabilizing the expressions used in EntryStore
for controlling how entries are managed. In paper 6, the type schemes were introduced, shortly
stating if a resource is an information resource or not, whether a resource is available on the web

75 http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp


or is an uploaded resource in EntryStore, whether there is external metadata etc. Preliminary

work has started on an RDF Schema 76, but more work is needed, especially in order to better
connect to other models such as the W3C provenance model 77.
Hide that URI - A less specific issue concerns how applications should avoid to show the URIs
of links to resources when presenting Linked Data resources. Assuming that there is a label
within the linked-to resource, how can the application can get a hold of this label in an efficient
manner. Pre-fetching all resources that are "one step away" is certainly possible, but for RESTful
Ajax Web applications this is risky, since it may result in too many requests, affecting both
reliability and speed. An alternative would be to establish the principle that services that offer
linked data should regularly cache all resources that are linked to from a given resource. And
when a resource is requested with a specific parameter, or HTTP header, the linked-to resources
are included as well. A syntax like Trix or Trig 78 could be used, where the original resource can
be the default graph, and each linked-to resource can be a Named graph.
Overlapping vocabularies - One of the practices of Linked Data is to reuse and mix
vocabularies in order to increase interoperability. But, what happens when multiple overlapping
vocabularies exists? For example, the recent Schema.org 79 initiative introduces new vocabulary
that overlaps largely with many other vocabularies such as Dublin Core terms and FOAF. Is it the
provider of Linked Data that is responsible for providing multiple vocabularies to maximize
understanding for simpler consumers? Or is it the consumers' responsibility to be smarter and
understand as many vocabularies as possible? Could a solution be that Linked Data providers use
a single preferred vocabulary and only provide the additional vocabulary when a commonly
agreed-upon parameter or HTTP header is provided, again using an appropriate format such as
Trix or Trig. This would at least make updating Linked Data in a RESTful style more intuitive,
since it would be possible to perform a PUT with what you received from a GET without
polluting the data set.
Generating RForms-templates - Experiments have already been carried out to generate
RForms-templates from RDF Schema and DSPs, see section 5.5.6. However, the results are
seldom perfect, since additional information is missing, for instance, which fields that should be
edited in text-areas with multiple lines, the order of presentation, and which kind of form-
controls that should be used. When only RDF Schema is used (which is common), even more
information is missing. Clearly it is possible to generate RForms-templates and then edit them
manually, but if the vocabulary is updated regularly, such as for instance for the Schema.org
vocabulary, this quickly becomes unmaintainable. In this case it might be useful to have another
kind of configuration that only complements what can be found from RDF Schema or DSPs.
This kind of complementary configuration format may be more important in the long run than
the RForms-template itself. An interesting option would be to investigate if the DSP format can
be extended or allow extensions to fill these gaps. However, the approach taken has to fit with
the actual process, that is, it has to take into account who is going to provide the extra
information. That is, if it is the same person that provides the RDF Schema, the DSP, or someone
else altogether.
Library of RForms-templates - Another possibility would be to provide a service for managing
a library of RForms-templates. For each vocabulary, a range of different RForms-templates could
be maintained. The goal would be that such a service should be maintained by a community of
experts, preferably people involved in standardization or responsible for maintaining the

76 http://code.google.com/p/entrystore/wiki/ReM3
77 http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/
78 http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/TriG/
79 http://schema.org/


vocabularies. The added value would be simplicity for developers, making it easy to add support
for various vocabularies. Perhaps presentation and editing interfaces can even be embedded
directly from this service.
HATEOAS for Linked data - One of the architectural constraints of REST is that "hypertext as
the engine of application state", often shortened as HATEOAS. This principle has far-reaching
consequences regarding how to develop web applications, and raises quite a lot of controversy.
For instance, there is a strong movement toward building RESTful web services using custom
JSON-based data-structures that cannot be used without out-of-band knowledge 80. That is, not all
knowledge is encoded in the response in order for a generic client to know how to proceed. A
combination of Linked Data formats, such as JSON-LD or RDF/JSON, with site-wide
instructions for how to work with resources such as WADL 81 or the Web Host Metadata 82 RFC,
may provide a way forward. Also, via content-negotiation, the Linked Data format can quite
simply be embedded into a HTML page that bootstraps into a web application via a standardized
JavaScript library that understands the Web Host Metadata or WADL. Such a generic web
application would not be very user friendly, but it would provide users with interaction
possibilities and fulfill the HATEOAS requirement, without sacrificing the usefulness of the
data-structures when constructing more specific RESTful Ajax web applications. This approach
needs further elaboration, development and testing in order to verify that it can be said to fulfill
the HATEOAS requirement. It is perhaps even more important that there is added value, for
instance simplified testing, for developers that today create RESTful services without the
HATEOAS constraint being fulfilled.
Future of semantics - Recent developments indicate that Semantic Web technologies are slowly
becoming more mainstream among developers. The most prominent examples are the industry-
backing of the Schema.org initiative, and how the so-called knowledge graph helps to provide
better search results in Google searches. But how will this affect the use of vocabularies and web
application development? Will the requirement to show up in the knowledge graph overshadow
the need for more precise expression? That is, will it be more important to chose a vocabulary
that is understood by search engines than to chose a vocabulary that better expresses what you
want to say? Will search engines force us to use RDFa (a way to embed RDF statements in
HTML) in progressively enhanced web applications, or will they understand Linked Data
directly? Will they perform content-negotiation to get the Linked data version if both RDFa and
Linked Data exist in parallel?
Improved recommendations - The current recommendations for building learning applications
based on Semantic Web technology will hopefully provide a good start as a common base for a
wide range of platforms. But more specific recommendations could be provided for learning
applications if they are targeted towards mobile platforms, the widget format, browser plugins,
appearance in application stores etc. The recommendations can probably also be made more
specific if open issues as those listed above are resolved.

80 The opposite, in-band knowledge means that the knowledge on how to use the data-structures is encoded in the
messages, typically via a combination of understanding HTTP and a format (indicated by the Internet media type) that
conveys information on which operations that are allowed and on which resources.
81 http://www.w3.org/Submission/wadl/
82 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6415


9. Summary of Papers
The following sections provide a summary of each paper, including bibliographic information.

9.1 Paper 1: E-Learning in the Semantic Age

Year: 2001
Authors: Matthias Palmer, Ambjörn Naeve, Mikael Nilsson
Published: Proceedings of the 2nd European Web-based Learning Environments
Conference (WBLE 2001), Lund, Sweden, October 24-26, 2001.
Contribution: The author of this thesis wrote the paper with input and corrections
from the second and third authors.
The paper provides an appropriate starting point for the thesis, since it gives an overview of the
main learning technologies at the time of writing, outlines a few problems ahead, and suggests a
general direction of research. Hence, the paper is more of a position paper with a visionary and
sometimes argumentative character than a standard, result-oriented research paper.
The paper discusses a few of the current standards and initiatives in the learning technology
domain, such as SCORM and MIT OKI, notably how they are intended to be used in LMS:es.
Several problems with LMS:es are identified, largely concerning the lack of flexibility for
supporting new pedagogical approaches and learning tools. These problems center on how to use
metadata in a collaborative setting, for example in comments, ratings, and reviews.
As an alternative solution, a learning framework consisting of five layers is introduced: a
transport layer, an exchange layer, a semantic layer, a service layer, and an application layer.
There is also a framework control layer, where services can be registered using for instance
WSDL. Since the learning framework would be based on the principles of the Semantic Web, it
would be more open-ended than comparable LMS:es that often use a few fixed standards. The
paper then describes some existing applications such as Conzilla, Edutella and the Virtual
Workspace Environment (VWE) and discussed how they fit into the learning framework.

In retrospect, the paper is visionary with respect to how Semantic Web


technology can be used for learning. However, the learning framework

introduced here has not been pursued further. One reason is the
suitability of relying on Web Services in combination with Semantic
Web technology. Another reason is that the suggested framework would
depend on a few centralized solutions which is problematic since there
exist no central authority today that could take on the responsibility of
maintaining those solutions.

9.2 Paper 2: Semantic Web Meta-data for e-Learning – Some

Architectural Guidelines
Year: 2002
Authors: Mikael Nilsson, Matthias Palmer, Ambjörn Naeve
Published: Proceedings of the 11th World Wide Web Conference (WWW2002), Hawaii,
USA, 2002.
Contribution: The author of this thesis was mainly responsible for the introduction,
background and requirements chapters while the second author was mainly
responsible for the design and implementation chapters.
The first part of the paper discusses some common misconceptions regarding the nature of
metadata. The second part focuses on how to create, publish and retrieve metadata. It is argued
that non-authoritative metadata, such as comments, ratings, etc. will often be created in small
inter-connected chunks and will therefore require more flexible editors. Different approaches for
storing metadata are also discussed in the, touching on central server approaches and contrasting
with how it could work in p2p networks.
The paper continues in a more practical manner by discussing a few concrete tools such as the
p2p network Edutella, the conceptual browser Conzilla and the digital portfolio system SCAM
portfolio83 for managing content and describe it with metadata. Finally, the paper introduces a
learning scenario where these tools are used in a novel way.
The discussions regarding the nature of metadata in this paper are still valid and important. The
ideas regarding the role of digital portfolios and how a concept browser can be of use are also
still valid. However, the envisioned p2p infrastructure Edutella, for managing educational
metadata has not been realized. The Edutella infrastructure gained a lot of attention but there was
little need for this kind of solution. For instance, Edutella relied on the assumptions that there
would be a multitude of small metadata providers that frequently would connect and disconnect
from the p2p network. However, such intermittently connected providers have still not
materialized, at least not until the time of writing of this thesis. Moreover, there were also
unresolved problems regarding for instance how to route queries to parts of the network that
contained the most relevant metadata.

83 SCAM portfolio was later renamed to Confolio and then to EntryScape.


9.3 Paper 3: The SCAM framework - helping semantic web

applications to store and access metadata
Year: 2004
Authors: Matthias Palmer, Ambjörn Naeve, Fredrik Paulsson
Published: Proceedings of the European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWC 2004).
Heraklion, Greece, May, 2004, Springer, ISBN 3-540-21999-4
Contribution: The author of this thesis wrote the paper with input and corrections
from the second and third authors.
The paper introduces SCAM84, a metadata management system. The main contribution of the
paper is that it introduces two levels of granularities for managing metadata: SCAM records and
SCAM contexts. A SCAM context consists of a set of SCAM records that are advantageously
administrated together, for instance all records that are controlled by a single user by an
organizational body. A SCAM record is defined via a graph algorithm called anonymous closure
that starts from a resource in an RDF graph and extracts a suitable sub-graph. This definition
makes record independent of any specific metadata schema, such as Dublin Core or LOM, while
at the same time capturing a relevant metadata record of a single resource. Such a record could
for example describe a news item, a learning resource, a person etc. In addition, SCAM provides
access-control on both SCAM records and SCAM contexts.
In parallel to the access-control solution, SCAM also provides generic metametadata, where
information such as type of resource, date of creation and modification is stored. The
metametadata and the access-control are expressed as small graphs inside of each SCAM record.
This is practical but the semantics is somewhat dubious, an issue which is discussed in the paper.
SCAM is built as a J2EE application on top of the JBoss platform, and it uses the Jena triplestore
as back-end. There is also a middleware layer, which provides useful building blocks for
constructing a variety of applications on top of SCAM. At the time when the paper was written,
there was approximately 10 different applications built using SCAM. One of them was the
SCAM portfolio, which also relies on the SHAME metadata editor framework.
The paper presents solutions that could bridge the gap between what pure triple stores - such as
Jena, Redland, Sesame etc. - offered at the time of writing, and what applications - such as digital
portfolios - would need for large-scale and many-user metadata management. Note that Named
Graphs was not invented at the time the paper was written. See paper 6 for how Named Graphs
and other ideas have been incorporated in SCAM version 4. However, the basic idea of having
two levels of granularity for managing RDF is still relevant.

9.4 Paper 4: Conzilla – a Conceptual Interface to the Semantic

Year: 2005
Authors: Matthias Palmer, Ambjörn Naeve
Published: Invited paper at the 13:th International Conference on Conceptual

84 Since the time of writing, the SCAM acronym has been changed to mean Standardized Contextualized Access to
Metadata. Later it has been renamed EntryStore.


Structures, Kassel, July 18-22, 2005

Contribution: The author of this thesis wrote the paper with input and corrections
from the second author.
This paper describes the second version of the tool Conzilla that aims to support building and
presenting networked knowledge structures that can enhance the learning process in various
ways. Conzilla is an implementation of a Concept Browser. It creates overviews of concepts and
concept-relations in what is referred to as Context-maps. A Context-map can be expressed using
different graph-based diagram styles. As a concept browser, Conzilla also supports the
association of concepts (or concept-relations) with content-components, which is most often used
to provide concrete examples of what a concept (or concept-relation) stands for. Content-
components, concepts, concept-relations, as well as the Context-maps themselves, are described
with metadata according to established standards. In order not to clutter the view of the Context-
map, such metadata is not permanently exposed. Instead, metadata is exposed upon request in a
separate form-like interface, which is generated via the configurable metadata-editing framework
SHAME, see paper 5.
An important feature of a Concept Browser that distinguishes it from many other initiatives is the
support for navigation between Context-maps. The navigation can be mediated explicitly via
hyperlinks on concepts and concept-relations. It is also possible to navigate between two
Context-maps whenever at least one concept has been reused and appears in both maps.
The graph-based nature of Context-maps, the need for public identifiers in order to allow reuse,
and the need for metadata expressions using established standards are all strong arguments for
using RDF. The paper shows how they have influenced the second version of Conzilla, which has
switched to using RDF for representing Context-maps. The paper also discusses the implications
of this switch on the design of Conzilla.
One of the major points of the paper is the division of the RDF expression into three layers
concerned with respectively information, presentation, and style. The presentation layer of a
Context map contains layout information of the map. The style layer provides information on
how to style concepts and concept-relations based on their types. Finally, the information layer
contains representations of the actual concepts, concept-relations, and content-components. More
specifically, any metadata that provides information that is not part of the graphical presentation
belongs to the information layer. It is the information layer that is most likely to be understood
by other (non-Concept-browser) applications. And conversely, existing information expressed in
RDF can be complemented in Conzilla with layout and style to be visualized as concepts,
concept-relations and content-components within one or several Context-maps.
The paper discusses at some length how references between the presentation and the information
layer becomes problematic when they are not expressed in the same RDF graph. The paper also
mentions that Conzilla could benefit from integration with an RDF-based storage-and-access
solution such as SCAM. Even though this discussion exceeds the scope of this thesis, the design
of version 4 of SCAM described in paper 6 is intended to simplify such integration.
Finally, the paper presents a comparison with other tools, both from the perspective of conceptual
browsing and from the perspective of RDF editing. Both perspectives highlights features where
Conzilla was unique (at the time of writing).


9.5 Paper 5: Annotation profiles: Configuring forms to edit RDF

Year: 2007
Authors: Matthias Palmer, Fredrik Enoksson, Mikael Nilsson, Ambjörn Naeve
Published: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata
Applications, Singapore 28 - 31 August 2007
Contribution: The author of this thesis was mainly responsible for the introduction,
background and requirements chapters.
This paper introduces the Annotation Profile Model (AP model) as a configuration mechanism
for metadata editors. In order to make effective use of the strength of this model in the editing
process, three user roles are introduced. First, the AP-author describes new APs based on his or
her expertize in metadata schemas/ontologies and various knowledge domains. Second, the AP-
facilitator is responsible for selecting and making specific annotation profiles available, perhaps
based on the characteristics of the tasks and the end users involved. Third, the AP-end-user edits
the metadata. Note that the same person may take on more than one role.
The paper describes the AP model in detail, including its two fundamental constituents: the
Graph Pattern and the Form Template. The Graph Pattern resembles a query language and is
responsible for both capturing and creating sub-graphs of RDF triples. Existing RDF query
languages, such as SPARQL and QEL, have been successfully used as syntax - albeit with a
different semantics, which avoids the quite verbose expressions that would otherwise be needed.
The Form Template provides a tree of form items that references the variables in the Graph
Pattern. It also provides order, grouping, interaction hints, multilingual labels and descriptions, as
well as hooks for external style sheets etc.
The paper also describes the process where an Annotation Profile is used to match RDF data into
an form. This chain of instructions includes three intermediate steps. First, the graph pattern is
matched against the RDF data, which yields a hierarchy of Variable Bindings. Second, the
variable bindings are used to instantiate the Form Template into a Form Model, where parts of
the Form Template are duplicated or left out, depending on the amount of matched RDF data.
Third, the Form Model is used to generate an actual graphical user interface.
The paper concludes by pointing out that the SHAME framework is written in Java and includes
an application front-end based on the Swing framework and a web front-end that is generated via
the server-side template language named Velocity. At the time of writing of the paper, another
implementation based on RESTful principles and other Web2.0 techniques was foreseen. It has
since been realized within a successor to SHAME called RForms.

9.6 Paper 6: A Mashup-friendly Resource and Metadata

Management Framework
Year: 2008
Authors: Hannes Ebner, Matthias Palmer
Published: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Mashup Personal
Learning Environments (MUPPLE08), 388. 14-17, Maastricht, The Netherlands,
September 2008.
Contribution: The author has written the paper collaboratively with a special
responsibility for the sections on RDF design and the Confolio use case.


The focus of the paper is on the fourth iteration of the SCAM framework (SCAM 4), which is a
framework for managing resources and metadata together. A new design, with entries in contexts,
is introduced. This design goes beyond what was possible with the version described in paper 3 -
both with respect to the RDF expressions and the location of the resource and its metadata. There
is also a focus on the usefulness of the framework from a mashup perspective, where application
developers are able to reuse the framework and concentrate on user interface development.
The design is focused on three types. The representation type conveys whether or not the
resource is an information resource. The built-in type is used to specify if the character of the
resource is known to the framework. Examples are given by resources such as 'list', 'user', and
'group'. The location type, provides information about where the resource its corresponding
metadata are located. For example, a location type of local means that both the resource and its
metadata is maintained locally within the framework, while a location type of reference means
that both the metadata and the resource are external to the framework.
The paper also describes an RDF expression which relies heavily on named graphs. A RESTful
API that can access the information in the framework is also introduced. The paper ends with
some details of an implementation (SCAM 4) and an application (Confolio) built on top of the
The development of the SCAM framework did not stop when the paper was published. One of
the main developments after the publication is the formalization into a model (expressed in RDF
Schema), called the Resource and Metadata Management Model (or ReM³ for short).


Adida, B., Herman, I., Sporny, M., & Birbeck, M. (2012). RDFa 1.1 Primer. W3C Working
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Anderson, T. (2008). The theory and practice of online learning. (T. Anderson, Ed.)Issues in
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Aroyo, L., & Dicheva, D. (2004). The New Challenges for E-learning: The Educational Semantic
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Barrett, H., & Wilkerson, J. (2006). Conflicting Paradigms in Electronic Portfolio Approaches:
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