Metal Cutting & Machine Tools

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I. Understand the basic parameters in the metal cutting operation Appreciate different types of
chips formed in metal cutting ,their relevance in manufacturing
II. Calculate analytically the forces and other parameter associated with orthogonal cutting
Understand tool wear and tool life and the variables that control them Know the various
cutting fluids and their application methods
III. Understand the importance of lathe, its many varieties and basic structure of centre lathe
Choose various aids that are used to locate and support work pieces in a lathe.
IV. Understand the various methods used to carry out the taper turning operations and thread
cutting operations in a lathe .Utilize the capstan and turret lathe for different parts
Understand different types of automatic lathe and their application methods. Understands
operation of shaper, slotter and planer
V. Understanding about drilling and grinding and basic structure and various aids that are used
to hold and support the job.

S No Question Taxonomy

1 (a) Describe basic elements of machining.
comprehension 1
(b) Explain briefly mechanics of chip formation.
2 (a)Explain the geometry of single point tool
(b)Angles related to single point cutting tool. Explain the knowledge 1
3 Explain briefly about formation of chip. knowledge 1
4 Explain different types of chips formed while machining comprehension 1
5 (a) How does a built up edge is formed
knowledge 1
(b) Explain its effect
6 a) Explain the mechanics of orthogonal cutting
comprehension 1
b) How chip size vary from machining to non machining
7 a) Draw merchant force diagram
knowledge 1
b) resolve the forces related to it

8 Explain cutting speed, feed and depth of cut knowledge 2

9 Give formula for cutting power in a metal cutting machine and
explain about Material removal rate and Specific energy and its knowledge 2
10 (a) Discuss about tool life
comprehension 1
(b) What you mean by machinability
11 a) what is a cutting fluid explain different type
comprehension 2
b) Explain about tool materials
12 a) The tool signature is given as follows 6-6-5-10-5-5-0.8
label each in the diagram applying 1,2
b) Explain ideal properties of cutting tool materials
13 With respect to hot/red hardness list the cutting ability of
following cutting tool materials
a) Borazon
b) Cermets
c) Carbide understanding 2
d) Satellite
e) HSS
f) High Carbon Steel
g) Low carbon steel
14 a. It is required to machine a shaft whose diameter is 80 mm
with cutting speed of 50m/min determine
i. Spindle speed in rpm
ii. Feed in m/min
Problem solving 1
iii. Depth of cut
iv. MRR
b. Establishment the relation between the Pz, Py, and Px and
draw a virtual diagram
15 what is zero rake angle positive rake angle and negative rake
comprehension 1,2
angle explain diagrammaticall
16 Explain different zones of heat generation knowledge 1,2
17 Explain 2D and 3D machining knowledge 1,2
18 In orthogonal cutting of mild steel component if the rake angle
of the tool is 10˚ and shear angle is 30˚. Find the chip thickness Problem solving 2
19 Determine the cutting speed and machining time per cut when
the work having 35mm diameter is rotated at 200 rpm. The feed 2
given is 0.2mm/rev and length of cut is 60mm
1 Explain the working principle of lathe comprehension 2
2 What is a lathe what are the types of lathe analysis 1
3 Explain about work holding devices and tool holding devices comprehension 1
4 Explain the process of tapper turning comprehension 2
a) Explain diagrammatically the thread cutting on lath,
b) Explain relation between pitch on lead screw and pitch on
5 comprehension 1,2,3
the work piece, RPM and number of teeth on spindle gear
and lead screw gear
Calculate suitable Gear Train to produce 4 mm pitch on work
6 analysis 2
piece by using of 11 mm pitch lead screw.
7 List out various lathe attachments knowledge 2
8 Explain about principle feature of automatic lathe comprehension 1
9 Comparison between a turret and capstan comprehension 3

Explain the difference between single spindle and multi spindle

10 knowledge 1
11 What are different operations performed on lathe explain briefly comprehension 2
In a HSS tool 18-4-1 in the chemical composition explain each
12 applying 1,2
chemical constituent and effect on properties
13 Write the tool layout for hexagonal head bolt applying 2
Explain about bar feeding and work stoppers
14 applying 1,3
Explain about collet arrangement for work holding device
1 Explain the working principle of shaping and types of shaper comprehension 2
Explain the working principle of slotting and operations
2 analysis 1
performed on it
3 Explain the principle of planner and types of planner machine comprehension 2
Describe the operation of quick return motion in mechanical
4 comprehension 2
5 Write the difference between shaping and planning machine comprehension 1
a. Explain the types of drilling machine that are used in
6 machine shop knowledge 3
b. state the working principle of drilling machine
What are the different types of drills used explain the function
7 comprehension 1
of each of the drill type
8 What do u mean by boring and types of boring machine comprehension 2
Show with neat sketch a twist drill and label the important
9 knowledge 1
What are the work holding device of boring and drilling
10 comprehension 3
11 Explain the cutting parameters in Shaping machine comprehension 1
Give a brief classification of mailing machines and explain the
1 analysis 3
principle of milling machine
What are the various types of milling cutters used in milling
2 knowledge 4
Differentiate between up milling and down milling explain their
3 comprehension 4
What is difference between compound indexing and differential
4 knowledge 1
What are the various work holding devices in milling explain
5 analysis 1,4
their advantages
6 Explain briefly about lapping process and honing process knowledge 2
7 Compare lapping and honing operations comprehension 3
8 Specify the honing parameters for good honing process comprehension 1,2
What do u mean by broaching explain principle related to
9 knowledge 5
broaching and types of broaching machines
10 Give advantages and limitations of honing and lapping comprehension 2
1 How is grinding different from other machining operations
analysis 5
explain its applications in view of capabilities
2 Specify different grinding machines knowledge 1
3 What are the different types of abrasives used in grinding
comprehension 2
wheel explain them
4 How is abrasive is selected for grinding operation knowledge 3

5 Mention various types of bonds used in making of

analysis 5
grinding wheel also mention their application
6 Describe grinding wheel structure with a neat sketch knowledge 5
7 Compare grinding honing and lapping comprehension 5
8 What are the advantages and limitations of using centre
comprehension 5
less grinding
9 Describe dressing and balancing in grinding requirement
knowledge 1,5
in grinding
10 Briefly describe about tool and cutter grinding machine comprehension 5

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