Eapp Week 4

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Background Information for Learners

Generally, academic writing is formal, objective, and technical. It is formal by avoiding casual or
conversational language, such as contractions or informal vocabulary. Also, it is impersonal or objective
by avoiding direct reference to people or feelings, and instead focusing on factual information. It is
technical by using vocabulary specific to the discipline.

Different disciplines also have different styles and structures of writing. For example, some disciplines,
such as in the humanities, expect longer paragraphs, which include topic sentences to show how your
argument is structured. Other disciplines, for example in the sciences, expect short paragraphs, with no
topic sentences, which are denser in information.

As a student and a professional in the future, you must distinguish how various disciplines write their
academic texts. English as a language is used for many purposes, both in the professional and academic
setting. As a spoken language, English is better understood in a conversational, matter-of-fact manner,
although formality is still observed. In written form, English in academic text uses more sophisticated
vocabulary, adapts a formal tone, reflects objectivity by focusing on the information, and has a rigid
technical structure often prescribed by the professional organization publishing the text.

To be a good academic writer and an effective reader of academic texts, you must learn the specific
styles and structures for your discipline, as well as for each individual writing task.

ACADEMIC TEXT: How is this different from common, creative text?

An academic text is a reading material that provides information which include concepts and theories
that are related to the specific discipline. Academic writing in English is linear which means it has one
central point or theme with every part contributing to the main line of argument, without digressions or
While a creative text aims to entertain, an academic text aims to inform, to argue a specific point, and to
persuade. Its structure requires sophisticated use of language. our tasks will include writing for
assignments, exams, and reports. There is an expected quality in your use of language and structure of
There are five important features of language used in academic texts:

Formality reflects the dignified standpoint of your writing as a member of the academic community. This
means that since your audience are fellow members of the academic community, the language you use
requires precision to make it a “legitimate” piece of academic writing.

Formality can be achieved through the following ways:

1. Avoiding colloquial words and expressions such as stuff, a lot, thing.
2. Avoiding contracted forms of modals such as can’t, doesn’t, shouldn’t. Instead, choose
their expanded forms such as cannot, does not, should not.
3. Avoiding two-word verbs such as put off, bring up, look up. Instead, choose their
formal and one-word counterpart such as postponed, mention, admire.
4. Avoid using abbreviated forms such as ASAP, c/o, dept. Instead, choose their expanded
terms such as as soon as possible, care of, department.

Objectivity in academic writing requires an impersonal manner. The writer must distance himself from
the discussion by being impartial and factual. Objectivity can be achieved through the following:
1. Avoid the use of personal pronouns such as you, I and we. Instead, refer to the person
as to their profession or role.
Example: We measured the liquid accurately.
The researchers measured the liquid accurately.
2. Avoid emotive language that shows biases and lessens
Example: The researchers were disappointed with the outcome of the study.
The researchers did not expect the results.
3. Place emphasis on the information rather than the writer or the
reader. Example: How can we solve the problems?
There are certain methods to be discovered to solve the problems.

Explicitness allows readers to trace how the various parts of the text are related. This can be achieved by
the use of signaling words.
The government hopes to provide assistance to the workers affected by the temporary closure of business
establishments. However, certain procedures and protocol must be followed before a budget is released.

The study revealed modified solution 1 is an ideal preservative for the muscles and organs of the
specimen. Similarly, the data revealed that the solution is good for preserving the specimen for up to five

Caution requires a writer to avoid making generalizations. Academic texts provide knowledge build from
proven theories and concepts. You must not include statements which are incorrect and misleading.

Structure in the sentences of academic texts must show a level of complexity that reflects sophistication
of an academic writer. Combining ideas effectively, nominalization, and using passive construction are
some ways to achieve structure suitable for academic writing.
Example: The typhoon was a disaster. It caused loss of life. It caused massive property damage also. It
changed the landscape of the town.

The typhoon was a disaster that caused loss of life, massive property damage, and permanent changes in
the landscape.
Learning Competency with Code:

 MELC: Differentiating language used in academic texts from

various disciplines (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-2)
 CG: Differentiating language used in academic texts from
various disciplines (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-2)


Welcome to the enhanced modality of learning in the 21st century! This will be the new normal of
learning for this school year while we face this pandemic. This module was specially crafted to
maximize your learning even as we do not engage in face-to-face teaching.
I encourage you to stay focused as you are directed with five activities so you can understand the most
essential competencies in English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Particularly, this learning
activity sheet deals with the development of reading strategies for academic texts by learning to
differentiate the languages used in academic texts in various disciplines.
A learning contract is also included so we can set an agreement to complete this activity.
Before we start, I would like you to complete the following statements below:

What I •
know: •

What I •
already •

What I •
want to •



AGREEMENT: By signing the contract, you are hereby accepting the responsibility to
finish the activity package and submit it to your teacher () on ().

Load up your armor by being familiar with these texts!

An academic text aims to inform, which is why it focuses on information instead of entertainment. Its
writing style, while creative, focuses on being factual and objective.
Read the following passages carefully. Then, decide whether the passage is an academic text reflecting
formality and objectivity by writing Formal, or a literary text by writing Fiction.


(Formal or Fiction)
1. If the purpose of reading is established early on, the reader will
save time and improve comprehension skills.

2. He turned at the sound of his name. Beyond the light, he could his
friend, waving a fabric that resembles a flag. She was smiling widely.

3. Synthesizing involves combining ideas and findings of multiple

sources in order to make an overall point. Instead of summarizing
the main points of each source, it involves looking for similarities
and differences between the sources.

4. Raul Tan Sim, 35, reported a crime of theft exactly 4:17 in the
morning of July 12. Eight minutes after the call, one patrol car
ridden by Henry G Solan and Orlan K. Bugat responded to the call.

5. However, the seemingly unresolved problem in English grammar

proficiency in grammar still poses a greater need for a more effective
strategy in teaching English grammar. Several strategies which have
been claimed as either ineffective or effective both by different
beliefs had been held responsible for the unresolved problem in
English grammar proficiency.

6. I could use some comforting words right now, or a cup of coffee. I

really need some break here. The work assigned to me is breaking
me apart. I thought it was important, but it was only for show.

Engage and gear up!

As a future , I want you to read the following texts carefully.

Then, choose from the options the correct discipline where the text belongs. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided on column marked Choices.

Academic Text Choices

The growing popularity of wearable devices for leisure activities, A. Biology
professional sports and monitoring medical conditions has led to B. Chemistry
increasing interest in the development of batteries that are flexible C. Literature
enough to sit inside such devices. Until now, most research in this D. Performing Arts
field has concentrated on modifications to the ubiquitous lithium-
ion batteries found, for example, in mobile phones. However, these
batteries – like the alkali ones in torches and alarm clocks – can
self-discharge, particularly when left unused for a long time. Your Answer:

Friedrich Nietzsche notably referred to the Russian novelist Fyodor A. Biology

Dostoevsky as “the only psychologist from whom I have anything to B. Chemistry
learn.” Dostoevsky’s ability to encapsulate the darkest and most C. Literature
twisted depths of the human psyche within his characters has had a D. Performing Arts
profound impact on those writers operating on the periphery of
society. Through research on his writing style, biography, and a
close reading of his novel Notes from the Underground I am
exploring the impact of his most famous outcast, the Underground
Man, on counterculture writers in America during the great Your Answer:
subculture upsurge of the 1950s and 60s. Ken Kesey, Allen
Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac employ both the universal themes
expressed by the Underground Man as well as more specific
stylistic and textual similarities.

As productions turn away from resurrecting museum pieces, A. Biology

integrating costumes from two different historical periods has B. Chemistry
become more popular. This research project focuses on what C. Literature
makes costume integration successful. A successful integration D. Performing Arts
must be visually compelling, but still gives character depth and tell
the story of the play. By examining several Shakespearean theatre
productions, this paper has pinpointed the key aspects of each
costume integration that successfully assist the production. Your Answer:

Advance your stance by recognizing differences!

One of the skills of a good reader is to recognize a formal, objective, explicit and well- structured text.
Read the instructions in every section, and write your answer on the spaces provided.
A. Underline the words or expressions considered as colloquial or informal.
Example: The technical equipment needed a lot of tuning up.
Answer: The technical equipment needed a lot of tuning up.
1. Experts determined that a lot of health ingredients come from Korea.
2. Cauilan got together with Dr. Corpuz in conducting a study effectively enhancing
the fixation process of cadavers for dissection.
3. Writing can’t be done effectively if you don’t burn the midnight oil.
4. Parenting is a 24/7 job.
5. The council brought up the issue on awarding special recognition to students
B. Examine the following expressions and think of ways to reduce the impact of
the statements.
Example: The audio-visual component of the seminar was lousy.
Answer: The audio-visual component of the seminar must be improved.
1. He has bad breath. Answer:
2. You need to eat this to be healthy. Answer:
3. The different steps taken led to their failure. Answer:
4. All the fish died. Answer:
5. What a disappointing result for a whole term’s worth of study.
C. Combine the sentences to make their structure complex and better fit
for academic writing.
Example: The company reported yearly profit growth.
The company’s yearly profit growth stabilized in 2012.
Answer: The company reported that yearly profit growth stabilized in 2012.
1. The government’s deal with the public transport company was not successful.
The government’s deal with the public transport company will cause delays
in projects.
The government’s deal with the public transport company will result in unsatisfied citizens.
2. Scientists conducted experiments.
Scientists examined the effects of algae on biodiversity.
Because of this, scientists observed that algae increased marine life activity.
3. There was a rice shortage.
The rice shortage affected a number of Asian countries.
The rice shortage showed how unpredictable nature can be if we continue to be apathetic about
improving rice production.
D. Restructure the sentences by using passivization.
Ex. The agency has released the list of qualified applicants.
Answer: The list of qualified applicants has been released.
1. Marketers need to make a quota every month to maintain sustainable growth.
2. Nurses conducted workshops for those far-flung areas on health and sanitation.
3. A number of students reported several cases of theft within the area.
4. Guitar players constantly practice to ensure fault-free performance.
5. The company acquired a number of contractors to render service to its

Refine your skills in analysis!

This time, read an excerpt of a research abstract and identify the mistakes committed in each
paragraph. You may opt to mark the error(s) by underlining them, then write your revised version on
the second column. Based on the principles learned, specify the area of error (language feature of
academic text) you encountered on the box indicated.

We use English as a medium of instruction, especially in
English-related subjects. It has been an issue in education. The
effectiveness of conveyance determines the learning outcomes
of the students. Proficiency in English skills has been brought
up as a great determinant in becoming employed. English skills
proficiency includes writing. Also, it includes reading
comprehension, and a good working vocabulary. This could be
applied or used in practical working environment such as
writing communications, interpersonal activities and
interpretation and relaying instructions.
There are students who are really bad at grammar, so teaching
grammar among students of English has become more stressful
over the years as both teachers and students face the need to
constantly use varying teaching styles and strategy to conform
to the students’ learning styles.
Traditionally, English teachers would go all-out English in
teaching grammar – any use of code-switching was frowned
upon. This is due to the belief that a student should adapt to the
language even while learning it.

Area of Errors Encountered


Nurture your knowledge!

There are two academic texts below that are written for different disciplines. Read each of them
carefully and determine the specific discipline that published these two texts. Write an analysis of
their differences by focusing on the following elements: use of vocabulary, sentence structure, and
topic sentence.



In the Holy Qu’ran’s version, there was no Joseph, nor a star. There was no gold, or myrrh, or
frankincense. Only Jesus and Mary and a palm tree.

There was a story that arrived on Philippine shores at least 356 years before the arrival of the
Spaniards to bring in the initial vestiges of the Christian belief system to the Filipino people. The
story was that of the birth of Iesa, the Islamic name of Jesus, as described in the Holy Qu’ran. There
was no manger. It was a birth with no magnificent star in the night to lead no three magis, who bore
no gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. There were no shepherds. There was no Joseph. But there
was a tree, a palm tree, and flowing water.

The story started with Maryam withdrawing, in seclusion from her family, to a place facing east.
There, the angel Jibrael appeared before her in the form of a man. Appalled, she said that she sought
refuge with God. The angel replied he was only a messenger of God, sent to announce the gift of a
righteous Son. But she could not possibly have a son, she said, since no man had touched her and
that she had not been unchaste. The angel answered that God did this as a sign to mankind, and that
this matter was already decreed.

And so, Maryam conceived the Child, and went to a far off place. When the appointed time came,
the pains of childbirth drove her beneath the shade of a date palm tree, lamenting, “Would that I had
died before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight.”

Then a cry from below came—unclear still whether it was the Child or Jibrael—telling her not to
grieve, and that the Lord had provided a stream of water under her. And if she would just shake the
tree, fresh ripe dates would fall upon her. She was told to eat and drink, and if she would see a
human being, she should say that she had vowed a fast unto the Most Beneficent and not speak to
anyone that day.

- EXCERPT, “The Story of the Other Nativity”, Dr. Jesus B.

Peralta, https://ncca.gov.ph/2015/12/22/the-story-of-the-other-nativity/


The baseline design of the 50-kilogram micro-satellite is assigned to Tohoku University while
Hokkaido University is tasked with the payload and thermal design.

The payload subsystem includes a high-precision telescope (HPT) with 3-meter spatial resolution
and bands R\G\B\NIR. The HPT will provide surface reflectance data with its derived products
which will be used mostly for damage extent determination during disasters and calamities. It can
also be used for imaging natural and cultural heritage sites.

The second payload is a space-borne multi-spectral imager (SMI) with liquid crystal tunable filter
(LCTF), which has an 80-meter spatial resolution. The LCTF allows for image capture to be taken
at 10 nanometer increments from 420nm – 650nm for the visible range and 700nm – 1050nm for the
near infrared region. Space products derived from this payload can be used to determine the health
and composition of the ocean, identify distribution and magnitude of harmful algal blooms, and
monitor coastal ecosystems.

With a spatial resolution of 7 kilometers, the wide field camera can used to complement current
weather forecasting capabilities. This sensor can potentially image cloud formations and typhoons.
Other subsystems included are command and data handling, attitude determination and control,
telemetry tracking and command, and power supply system.

- PHL Microsat, https://phl-microsat.upd.edu.ph/diwata1

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