Week 7 - Intercompany Sales of Inventory
Week 7 - Intercompany Sales of Inventory
Week 7 - Intercompany Sales of Inventory
Downstream Upstream
Subs. 1 Subs. 2
Notes :
1. Downstream : penjualan dari Induk ke anak. Tidak memunculkan akun NCI karena
seluruh laba/rugi yang belum terealisasi (unrealized gain/loss) ditanggung parent.
2. Upstream : penjualan dari anak ke induk. Memunculkan akun NCI karena penjualan
memunculkan laba/rugi yang belum teralisasi. Yang ditanggung parent hanya
sebagian (sebesar % akusisi) saja. Sedangkan sisanya ditanggung NCI (pihak luar)
Profit (loss) on Intercompany Sales of Inventory
1. Realized : Inventory sudah dijual ke pihak ketiga, laba/rugi sudah bisa
2. Unrealized : Inventory belum dijual ke pihak ketiga, laba/rugi belum bisa
Jurnal Eliminasi Upstream Sales
Transaksi Cost Method Equity Method
Eliminasi Dr. Sales Dr. Sales
intercompany sales Cr. Purchases Cr. Purchases
Eliminasi Dr. Ending Inventory (I/S) Dr. Ending Inventory (I/S)
intercompany Cr. Inventory (B/S) Cr. Inventory (B/S)
profit in ending
Mengakui Dr. Beginning RE-P Dr. Investment in S
intercompany Dr. NCI Dr. NCI
profit yang telah Cr. Beginning Inventory Cr. Beginning Inventory
Consolidated Income
a. Subsidiary
Net Income = XXXXXX
+/+ Realized Profit = XXXXXX
-/- Unrealized Profit = (XXXXX)
Adjusted Income = XXXXXX
To CI (% Akuisisi) = XXXXX
b. Parent
Net Income = XXXXX
+/- Income From Subs = XXXXX
+/+ Realized Profit = XXXXX
-/- Unrealized Profit = (XXXX)
-/- Dividend Income = (XXXX)
Ci in Consolidated Income = XXXXX
NCI in Consolidated Income = XXXXX
Consolidated Income = XXXXX