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Micro Project Report


Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints

Under Course
Theory of structures (22402)

Submitted by,

Vishakha Pawar(16) Payal Jadhav(13)

Bhavesh Bhandure(18) Atharva Dhanwate(15)
Omkar Bhagat(14) Durgesh kirange(17)

Guided by
PROF. Ganesh Kawale
Lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering

Academic Year


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This is to Certify that this Micro project report

“prepare the simple truss showing members and joints”

Theory of structures (22402)

Submitted by,
Vishakha Pawar(16) Payal Jadhav(13)
Bhavesh Bhandure(18) Atharva Dhanwate(15)
Omkar Bhagat(14) Durgesh Kirange(17)

Students of Second Year Civil Engineering Department

In 2021-22
As a part of Micro project work as prescribed by
The Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
And that I have guided him/her/them for the said work from time to time
And I found him/her/them satisfactorily progressive.
And that, they said work has been assessed by me and I am satisfied that the same is up
to the standard envisaged for the level of the course.

Prof.Ganesh kawale Prof. B.S Dhande Dr. R. S. Narkhede

Project Guide Head of Department Principal
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Annexure –II
PART A –Micro-Project Report

Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints

What is a truss?

A truss is one of the major types of engineering structures and is especially used
in the design of bridges and buildings. Trusses are designed to support loads,
such as the weight of people, and are stationary. A truss is exclusively made of
long, straight members connected by joints at the end of each member.

2.0 Aim of Micro Project

There are countless objectives that can be achieved through the acquisition,
visualization and analysis of point clouds. This Instructable will explain how to
calculate the effects of a force on a truss. It will teach you how engineers
determine the strength of bridges and determine their maximum weight capacity
on a small scale. This Intructable will use concepts from classical physics and

3.0Course Outcomes Integrated

a) We understood the effects of forces on a truss.

b) We also came to know to determine support loads on the trusses

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed.

We all studied about the simple truss its members and joints. Everyone took the
responsibility of finding the information of this topic.
Vishakha (rollcall18) collected information on trusses and its joints
Then Bhavesh(rollcall18) collected information on trusses members and its joints.
Atharva(rollcall15) collected information on trusses. Payal (rollcall13) collected
images.Vishakha (rollcall18) did the typing work. And finally made the presentation.
3.0 Action plan

SR. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of

No. Start date Finish date Responsibl
e Team
1. Collected the images. 15/4/2022 16/4/2022 Payal
2. - - - Omkar

3. Collected information on trusses 16/4/2022 21/4/2022 Vishakha

members and joints. pawar
4. Collected information on trusses 21/4/2022 26/4/2022 Bhavesh
members and joints. bhandure
5. Collected information on 26/4/2022 28/4/2022 Atharva
trusses. . dhanwat
6. - - - Durgesh

5.0 Actual Resources Used

SR. Name of Specifications Qty Remarks

No. Resource/material
1. Laptop Word doc.

2. Pages For taking prints. -

3. Website -
0.1 Outputs of the Micro-Projects

What is a truss?

A truss is one of the major types of engineering structures and is especially used
in the design of bridges and buildings. Trusses are designed to support loads,
such as the weight of people, and are stationary. A truss is exclusively made of
long, straight members connected by joints at the end of each member.

What to expect from this Instructable

This Instructable will explain how to calculate the effects of a force on a truss. It
will teach you how engineers determine the strength of bridges and determine
their maximum weight capacity on a small scale. This Instructable will use
concepts from classical physics and math.
Step 1: Examples of Trusses

Trusses are used in the construction of nearly every road bridge you will encounter
in your city's highway system. The 3 main types of trusses used in bridge design
are Pratt, Warren and Howe. Truss type differs only by the manner and angle in
which the members are connected at joints.

Bridge trusses can also be unique, and made of multiple types of truss designs.

The Golden Gate Bridge has a unique truss incorporated into its design.

Step 2: Trusses, Joints and Forces

Example of simple truss

This diagram is an example of a simple truss. A simple truss is one that can be
constructed from a basic triangle by adding to it two new members at a time and
connecting them at a new joint.

Example of joint

In this diagram, points A,B,C,D,E,F and G are all joints. A joint is any point at
which a member is connected to another, typically by welding, pins or rivets.


The weight that each joint bears can be represented by a force. A force is defined
by physics as an objects' mass multiplied by it's acceleration. In the case of a
stationary truss, the acceleration taken into account is that of gravity. Therefore,
the forces that a truss absorbs are the weight (equal to mass multiplied by gravity)
of its members and additional outside forces, such as a car or person passing over
a bridge. In the diagram of the simple truss, the forces are represented by black
arrows in units of Newtons.

A Newton is the International System of Units (SI) derived unit of force.

Method of joints

The method of joints analyzes the force in each member of a truss by breaking the
truss down and calculating the forces at each individual joint. Newton's Third Law
indicates that the forces of action and reaction between a member and a pin are
equal and opposite. Therefore, the forces exerted by a member on the two pins it
connects must be directed along that member.This will be more clearly seen in the
next few steps.

The analysis of the truss reduces to computing the forces in the various members,
which are either in tension or compression.
Step 3: Using Trigonometry

To calculate forces on a truss you will need to use trigonometry of a right triangle.
A right triangle is a triangle in which one angle is equal to 90 degrees. If the
angle is 90 degrees, the two sides of the triangle enclosing the angle will form an
"L" shape. A 90 degree angle is typically denoted in diagrams as a square in the
corner of the triangle. A right triangle is the basis for trigonometry.

The side of the triangle opposite the 90 degree angle is known as

the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is always the longest.

Using either of the remaining angles, you can name the other sides of the triangle.
We will declare the other angle as the Greek letter theta until we calculate its

the "opposite" side is opposite angle theta. (diagram)

the "adjacent" side is always next to angle theta. (diagram)

With these equations, you can calculate the side length of a triangle if the angle
theta is known.

You can also calculate the angle theta if the side lengths of the triangle are known.
to do this you will use the inverse of the sin, cos or tan function. The inverse trig
functions are denoted by "sin−1 (x), cos−1 (x), tan−1 (x)," and can be found on

most scientific calculators. An example of calculating the inverse is shown in a

photo above.This trigonometry will be applied in the Instructable when solving for
forces. Inverse functions will be used frequently to determine angles based off the
dimensions of the truss.
Step 4: Draw a Free-body Diagram of the Entire Truss

A free-body diagram is a diagram that clearly indicates all forces acting on a body,
in this case the body being the truss.

As an example, consider this crate suspended from two cords. The forces exerted
at point A are the force of tension from the cord on the left, the force of tension
from the cord on the right and the force of the weight of the crate due to gravity
pulling down. These forces are represented in the free body diagram as Tab, Tac,
and 736 Newtons, respectively.

As an example of a free body diagram of an entire simple truss, consider this truss
with joints A,B,C,D. This truss will be used as an example for the next few
steps. Force P, represented as the downward arrow, is representing the weight of
the truss and it is located at the truss' center of gravity. Point A is connected to the
ground and cannot move up, down, or left-right.

Therefore, point A experiences what is called a reactionary force. This is a force

is that is exerted on point A that prevents A from moving.Point B also experiences
a reactionary force, but the support at point B only prevents the structure from
moving up or down. Therefore, the reactionary force at B is only directed upward.-
supports that have only an upward or downward reactionary force are represented
in the diagrams with a rounded bottom or round wheels.
-you will use trigonometry to break the reactionary force at A into horizontal and
vertical components

Step 5: Solve for Reactionary Forces of Truss

Using the free-body diagram you have just drawn of the entire truss you will solve
for the reactionary forces.

To do this you will write three equations. These equations come from the fact that
the truss is stationary, or unmoving. In order for the truss to remain stationary, the
forces it experiences in the horizontal direction must cancel each other out, and
the forces in the vertical direction must also cancel out.

The first equation is written for the forces in the vertical direction. We will denote
downward forces to be negative and upward forces to be positive. The vertical
forces are all added together and set equal to zero.

The second equation will be written for the forces on the truss in the horizontal
direction. We will denote forces to the right to be positive and to the left to be
negative. Similarly, the horizontal forces will be added and set equal to zero.

The third equation is the sum of the moments of the forces acting on the truss.
A moment is a measurement of the tendency of a force to make the object rotate
around a fixed point. A moment is equal to the force multiplied by its perpendicular
distance from the fixed point.
For our fixed point, we have chosen A. The point at which the moments are
summed is arbitrary, but the best choice is a point that has multiple forces acting
directly on it. Forces that act directly on the point not considered in it's moment
equation. We chose point A because the vertical and horizontal components of Ra
are therefore not considered in the equation. The sum of the moments about the
fixed point are added together and set equal to zero.

If the force acting on the body will cause the body to rotate counterclockwise, such
as Rb in this case, it is considered positive. if the force causes the body to rotate
clockwise, it is considered negative.

Using these three equations and substitution we can solve for reactionary forces of
the truss.

Step 6: Locate a Joint with Only Two Members

After solving for the reactionary force, the next step is to locate a joint in the truss
that connects only two members, or that has only 2 unknown forces. Based on
the simple truss used in the last step, this joint would be either A or B. The
choice of this joint is up to you, as long as it only connects two members.

We will choose joint B.

After choosing your joint, you will draw another free-body diagram. This free body
diagram will correspond to the joint alone and not the entire truss.

Each member is represented as a force arrow.

Step 7: Determine the Unknown Forces of the Joint

This is the step that will also involve the use of your calculator and trigonometry. In
order for the truss to remain stationary, the forces on each joint from every
direction must cancel each other out. If a force is directed at an angle, like in the
case of some members of a truss, the force can be broken into a vertical and a
horizontal component.

To calculate the forces on the joint, you will sum the horizontal forces and set them
equal to zero. Seperately, you will sum the vertical forces and set them equal to

A force directed to the right will be positive and a force directed to the left will be
negative. A force directed upward will be positive and downward will be negative.

Joint B is only acted on by one purely horizontal force, represented by Fbd. Force
Fbc is acting on the joint at and angle, which means it has both horizontal and
vertical components (blue and orange dashed lines in photo denoted as FbcX and
FbcY) . To determine the components separately we will use trigonometry of a
right triangle.

Using your calculator and the sine and cosine functions, you will be able to solve
for FbcY and FbcX. The unknown angle,Z, can also be calculated by using Sines
and Cosines and the length of the members .Now that the forces on the joint have
been broken into horizontal and vertical components the two summation equations
can be written as shown. You can now solve for the forces at joint B.
Step 8: Repeat This Procedure Until the Forces in All the Members of the
Truss Have Been Found

Using the free body diagrams of the other joints, as shown in the diagram, you will
repeat the process on the next joint with only two unknown force components.

You should continue with this procedure until you have calculated the force in
each member.

** note: when drawing free-body diagrams of the joints with unknown force
members, the direction( the force pointing away from the joint or towards the joint)
in which you draw the force is arbitrary. Your calculations will give you a negative
or a positive number designating the real direction of the force.
Step 9: Full Example

This is an example of a full analysis of a simple truss by the method of joints.

7.0 Skill Developed / learning out of this Micro-Project

By performing the micro project based on simple truss its members and joints,
we learned about This Instructable will explain how to calculate the effects of a force
on a truss. It will teach you how engineers determine the strength of bridges and
determine their maximum weight capacity on a small scale. This Intructable will use
concepts from classical physics and math.
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Vishakha Nilesh Pawar Enrollment No. 2007760136

Name of Programme: - Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title: - Theory of structures Code:-22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9-
) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target

as per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of
7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Vishakha Nilesh Pawar Enrollment No:-2007760136

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Payal Shashikant Jadhav Enrollment No. 2007760131

Name of Programme:- Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code:- 22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as

per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Payal Shashikant Jadhav Enrollment No:-2007760131

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Bhavesh Sanjay Bhandure Enrollment No. 2007760139

Name of Programme:- Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title :- Theory of structures Code:- 22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as

per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: : Bhavesh Sanjay Bhandure Enrollment No:-2007760139

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Atharva Sharad Dhanwate Enrollment No. 2007760135

Name of Programme:- Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title :-Theory of structures Code:- 22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
No. assessed ( Marks 1 - ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as

per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: : Atharva sharad Dhanwate Enrollment No:-2007760135

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.
Process Assessment Product Assessment Total
Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Omakar Sanjay Bhagat Enrollment No. 2007760133

Name of Programme:- Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title :- Theory of structures Code:- 22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent

No. assessed ( Marks 1 - ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as

per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Omakar Sanjay Bhagat Enrollment No:-2007760133

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:-Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….

MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Durgesh Ketan Kirange Enrollment No. 2007760138

Name of Programme:- Civil Engineering Semester:- Fourth Semester
Course Title :- Theory of structures Code:- 22402

Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Course Outcomes Achieved

We came to know about the simple truss and its members and joints.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent

No. assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ( Marks 4 - ( Marks 6 - ( Marks 9-
) 5) 8) 10 )
1 Relevance to the course

2 Literature Survey /
Information Collection
3 Project Proposal

4 Completion of the Target as

per project proposal
5 Analysis of Data and
6 Quality of Prototype/Model

7 Report Preparation

8 Presentation

9 Defense
MET’s Institute of Technology, Polytechnic, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Durgesh Ketan Kirange Enrollment No:-2007760138

Name of Programme:-Civil Engineering Semester: Fourth Semester
Course Title:- Theory of structures Code: 22402
Title of the Micro-Project: Prepare the simple truss showing members and joints.

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part A - Project Project PartB - Project individual Marks
Proposal Methodology Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva
(2 marks) (2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks) 10

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution in first 3 columns & individual
evaluation in 4TH columns for each group of students as per rubrics.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member………………………………………………….


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