The Metamorphica Revised

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revised edition

johnstone metzger
The Metamorphica

the metamorphica revised
Written, revised, and published by Johnstone Metzger.
Cover art and batsnail logo by Nathan Jones.
Interior illustrations by Andrew Gillis, Ariel Cayce,
George Metzger, Johnstone Metzger, Nate Marcel,
and some dead people.

Vancouver, Canada.
December, 2016.

First edition published 2012.

Table of Contents
Introductions 5 After the Fall 157
Post-Apocalyptic Mutants 158
Mutations Tables 7 Beastlings 159
Directions 7 Hyperevolved Animals 160
The Mutation Table Index 7 Mutant Hordes 161
Body: Form Table 8 Mutant Plants 166
Body: Functions Table 10 Plant Societies 169
Mind: Behaviours Table 12 Post-Apocalyptic Mutations 170
Mind: Cognition Table 13 Scavenged Pieces of the World 172
Psychic Powers Table 14
Supernatural Attributes Table 15 The Ficto-Technica 181
Artifacts of Ficto-Science 182
Mutation Descriptions 19 Aspects 184
Body: Form Mutations 20 Effects 189
Body: Functions Mutations 36 Forms 191
Mind: Behaviours Mutations 54 Prefixes 196
Mind: Cognitive Mutations 64 Qualities 201
Psychic Powers 70 Suffixes 205
Supernatural Attributes 86 Magic Items 208
Adjectives 214
Additional Tables 133 Features 215
Appearance Change Table 134 Purposes 217
Body Part Table 134 Shapes 218
Colour Table: Basic 135
Colour Table: Extended 135 Popular Science 221
Creature Tables 136 Experiments in Secret 222
Amphibians and Reptiles 136 Four-Colour Heroes 223
Aquatic Animals 137 Super Powers Table 224
Birds 138 Uplifted Animals 226
Fantastic Animals 140 Xenobiology 228
Fantastic Peoples 141
Mammals 142 Swords of the Chaos Lord 231
Other Animals 143 Slaves to Chaos 232
Plants 144 The Blessings of Demon-Gods 233
Detrimental Mental Mutations 146 Demons 234
Detrimental Physical Mutations 147 Motivations 236
Favourable Mental Mutations 148 Infernal Characteristics 237
Favourable Physical Mutations 149 Summoning Mishap Table 255
Materials 150
Monster Parts 151 Bibliography 258
Monster Powers 152
Mutant Features Tables 154 Index 260
introduction to the original edition
This book is a collection of biological, psychic, and supernatural mutations, all grouped into
tables so results can be randomly selected, using dice. These tables can be used to generate
random mutations and mutant creatures, or the descriptions of these mutations can be used
as an influence to spur creative thinking. The Metamorphica has been designed to work with
a variety of different types of role-playing game campaigns, from top secret government
experiments and post-apocalyptic wastelands to four-colour superheroes and the chaotic
sorceries of dark fantasy. Because of this, it does not contain any specific rules—you and your
gaming group will need to decide exactly how these abilities and features are represented in the
rules you use in play.
In the regular tables, mutations have been grouped into categories. Those affecting the
body have been grouped into mutations affecting form and function, those affecting the
mind have been separated into behaviours, changes affecting cognition, and abilities of an
obviously psychic nature. As well, there is a large selection of supernatural mutations, covering
both magical abilities and super powers. At the end of the book is a collection of additional
tables, alternate tables, and instructions for creating specific types of characters. These are, like
everything else in this book, optional aids that you may find useful.
A few technical notes are in order. Some mutations have sub-tables that determine
specific characteristics; these have been included in their descriptions. If the details of a
mutation specify multiple die sizes, the smaller die represent a more “realistic” setting, while
the larger die sizes represent more supernatural options. This book follows the tradition of war
gaming and refers to individual mutants as “it,” as if they were miniature figurines and not
actual people or fictional characters that possess a gender. The reader is encouraged to mentally
supply suitable genders as necessary.
Finally, as lengthy as this book is, the reader may yet feel that something is missing—a
crucial entry, perhaps, or a favourite mutation result. If such is the case, the reader is encouraged
to cross out entries that are displeasing, inappropriate for a specific campaign setting, or have
simply become boring through overuse, and substitute new, custom entries that are more
appealing. While it is hoped that The Metamorphica will have broad appeal and utility, some
will find that, in order to be usable, it must itself undergo the process of mutation.

February, 2012.

introduction to the revised edition

Looking back on it, over the following years, I decided I was unhappy with some aspects of
the original version of this book. So I changed them. I added a few things as well—not just
a few new mutations or tables (although there are plenty of those), but more setting-specific
procedures, including an entire new section on technological devices called The Ficto-Technica,
and new illustrations to help signpost the different sections.
The Metamorphica is a much better book now. If you found the original version useful, I
sincerely hope you will find the revised edition even more so.

October, 2016.
Mutation Tables

If you already have procedures for generating a mutant character, or are adding individual
mutations to an already-existing character, you may proceed directly to the mutation tables.
If you need procedures to generate specific types of characters, such as anthropomorphic
animals, demons, monstrosities from the swords and sorcery genre, mutant plants, psychics,
secret experiments, superheroes, or warped, alien life forms, you can find those in the setting
chapters in the second half of the book.
If a mutation’s description directs you to use the body part table, colour tables, creature
tables, or either detrimental or favourable mutations tables, these can be found in the
Additional Tables chapter.
To generate a random mutation, simply roll 1d1000 and consult the mutation tables.
To generate random mutations from specific categories, use the following procedures:
• For behavioural mutations, roll 1d100+400.
• For cognitive mutations, roll 1d100+500.
• For mental mutations, roll 1d300+400.
• For mental mutations not including psychic powers, roll 1d200+400.
• For mutations affecting physical functions, roll 1d200+200.
• For mutations affecting the physical form, roll 1d200.
• For physical mutations, roll 1d400.
• For psychic powers, roll 1d100+600.
• For supernatural attributes, roll 1d300+700.

the mutation table index

► Roll 1d1000 and consult the table listed: page number
8 1-200 Body: Form 8
10 201-400 Body: Function 10
12 401-500 Mind: Behaviours 12
13 501-600 Mind: Cognition 13
14 601-700 Psychic Powers 14
15 701-1000 Supernatural Attributes 15
page number
8 mutation tables
body: form table
► Roll 1d200 for physical form mutation: page number
20 1 Aesthetically Attractive 45-46 Extra Fingers and Toes 24
2 Alopecia 47 Extra Joints
3 Alternate Locomotion 48 Extra Orifices
4 Amorphous 49-50 Extremely Thin
5 Animal Feet 51 Eye stalks 24
20 6-7 Antennae 52-54 Fangs 25
21 8-9 Anthropomorphic Animal 55-56 Feathers
10 Antlers 57 Fin
11-12 Armour 58 Flaking Skin
13 Atrophied or Malformed Part 59 Flippers
21 14 Backwards Parts 60-64 Fur
22 15 Beak 65 Fused Ribs
16 Bestial Face 66 Gliding Membranes
17 Birthmark 67-68 Hairless
18 Body Barbs 69 Headless
19 Boils and Sores 70 Hemihypertrophy
20 Bristles 71 Hideous Appearance
21 Bulging Eyes 72 Hooks 25
22-23 Cat’s Eyes 73 Hopper 26
24 Changing Colours 74-75 Horns
22 25 Cilia 76 Huge Beard
23 26-28 Claws 77-78 Huge Head
29 Clothes 79 Hump
30-31 Clubfoot 80 Hunchback
32 Complex Mouthparts 81 Internal Weapon
33 Covered in Orifices 82-83 Large Ears
34 Crown 84-87 Large Size 26
35 Diffused Organs 88 Leaves 27
36 Doppelgänger 89 Limb Loss
23 37 Double Mouth 90 Limb Transference
24 38 Emotionally Attractive 91 Long Face
39-40 Enormously Fat 92 Long Legs
41-42 Exotic Genitalia 93 Long Neck
24 43-44 Extra Eyes 94 Long Nose 27
page number
mutation tables 9

page number
27 95 Long Tongue 139 Skull Face 32
27 96 Loose Skin 140-143 Small Size
28 97 Mane 144 Snout
98 Mostly Hairless 145 Soft Crest
99 Multiple Arms 146 Steatopygia
100 Multiple Heads 147 Stomach Orifice
101 Multiple Legs 148 Strange Ears
102 No Ears 149 Strange Interior Organs
103 No Eyes 150 Strange Texture
104 No Nose 151-154 Strangely-Coloured Eyes
28 105 No Skin 155-158 Strangely-Coloured Hair 32
29 106-107 Oddly-Shaped Tongue 159-163 Strangely-Coloured Skin 33
108 One Eye 164 Stubby Digits
109 Overgrown Body Part 165 Sympathetic Biomorphism 33
110-113 Patterned Skin 166-170 Tail 34
114 Physically Immature 171 Taller
29 115-116 Pigment Deficiency 172-173 Tentacles
30 117 Pincers 174 Thick Skin
118 Pinhead 175 Tongueless
119-120 Pointed Head 176 Toothed Skin
121 Pouch 177-179 Transparent Eyelids
122 Protective Eyelids 180 Trunk
123 Puny 181-182 Tumours 34
30 124 Quills, Spines, or Thorns 183 Tusks 35
31 125 Radula 184 Twisted Frame
126 Re-Arranged Face 185 Vestigial Wings
127 Redundant Vital Organs 186 Walking Head
128-130 Reverse Pedalism 187 Warty Skin
131 Rigid Crest 188 Weapon Hands
132-134 Scales 189-191 Webbed Digits
135 Scars 192-193 Whiskers
136 Sexually Attractive 194 Wide
137 Short Legs 195-199 Wings
31 138 Siamese Twin 200 Wrinkled Skin 35
page number
10 mutation tables
body: functions table
► Roll 1d200+200 for physical functions mutation: page number
36 201-202 Adhesive Touch 256 Gas Bag 40
203-204 Allergies 257 Gas Emission 41
205-206 Ambidextrous 258-259 Gills and Lungs
207 Anaerobic 260 Hangover Resistance
208 Aquatic Adaptation 261-262 Heightened Hearing
209 Bad Breath 263-264 Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste
210-212 Bioluminescent 265-266 Heightened Sense of Touch
36 213 Blind 267-268 Hemophilia
37 214 Blood Substitution 269 Hermaphromorph
215 Buoyancy 270 High Body Temperature
216-217 Chameleoline Skin 271-272 High Pain Threshold
218 Chronic Pain 273 Hollow Bones 41
219 Cocoon 274 Horrible Stench 42
220-221 Cold Blooded 275 Hyperadrenal Gland
222-223 Colour Blind 276 Hyperopia
224 Cracking Joints 277 Immune to Disease
37 225 Deaf 278 Immune to Poison
38 226 Decreased Agility 279 Increased Agility
227-228 Decreased Metabolism 280 Increased Appendix Size
229 Decreased Physical Stamina 281 Increased Heart and Lung Size 42
230 Decreased Physical Strength 282-283 Increased Metabolism 43
231 Defensive Barbs 284 Increased Physical Stamina
232 Diabetes 285 Increased Physical Strength
38 233 Disease Carrier 286 Increased Susceptibility to Illness
39 234-235 Double Jointed 287 Independently Focusable Eyes
236-237 Early Maturation 288 Infected
238 Efficient Digestion 289 Infertile
239-240 Electrical Generation 290 Inflation
241-242 Electromagnetic Disruption 291 Infravision
243 Enhanced Musculature 292 Ink 43
244-245 Enlarging Mouth 293 Intersex 44
246 Excretion 294 Kidney Stones
247 Explosive Death 295 Light Dependency
39 248 Extensible Limbs 296 Light Generation
40 249 Fast Hair Growth 297 Light Sensitivity
250 Fast Movement 298 Long Life
251 Finesse 299-300 Low Pain Threshold
252 Fragrant 301 Low Sex Drive
253 Frog Tongue 302 Malleable Body 44
254 Fruit 303 Malleable Features 45
40 255 G-Tolerance 304 Microscopic Vision 45
page number
mutation tables 11

page number
45 305 Mute 352 Shapechanger 50
306 Myopia 353 Shedding
307 Nerve Cut-Off 354 Short Life
308 No Pain Receptors 355-356 Silent Movement
309 No Sense of Smell or Taste 357 Silk Production
310 No Sense of Touch 358-359 Slow Healer 50
311 Oversexed 360 Slow Movement Speed 51
312 Parapegic 361 Slow Reaction Time
313-314 Parasite Infestation 362-363 Sonar
45 315 Parthenogenesis 364 Sonic Blast
46 316 Performance Enhancement 365 Sound Mimicry
317 Permeable Skin 366-367 Speech Impediment
318-319 Pheromones 368 Spinning
320 Photosynthetic 369 Spore Cloud
321 Poison Glands 370 Sprint
322 Poison Susceptibility 371 Stiff Joints
323 Poor Dexterity 372 Strong Skeleton 51
324-325 Poor Respiration 373 Structural Weakness 52
46 326 Pouched Cheeks 374 Suckers
47 327 Powerful Jaws 375-376 Telescopic Vision
328 Powerful Legs 377-378 Temperature Resistance
329-330 Prehensile Feet 379-380 Temperature Sensitivity
331 Prehensile Hair 381 Thin Skin
332-333 Premature Aging 382 Total Healing
334 Prey Scent 383 Toxic
335 Protected Senses 384 Toxin Resistance
336 Pseudopods 385 Trail of Slime
337 Quadriplegic 386 Tremor Sense
47 338 Quick Reflexes 387 Tunnel Vision 52
49 339 Radar 388 Ultravision 53
340 Reflective Surface 389 Uncontrollable Flatulence
341-342 Regeneration 390-391 Venomous Bite
343 Respiratory Filters 392 Ventriloquist
344 Roots and Vines 393 Vents
345 Rotating Body Part 394 Voluminous Lungs
346 Rotting Flesh 395 Vomits at Will
347 Rubber Bones 396 Water Dependency
49 348 Rubbery Skin 397 Water-Soluble Skin
50 349 Saliva Substitution 398 Weak Spot
350 Salt Drinker 399 Wet Skin
50 351 Sanitized Metabolism 400 Wounding Genitals 53
page number
12 mutation tables
mind: behaviours table
► Roll 1d100+400 for behavioural mutation: page number
54 401 Addicted 449 Largesse 59
402 Addictive Personality 450-451 Mania
403 Always Afraid 452-453 Manic Depressive
404 Anxious 454 Masochism
405 Assimilationist 455 Mental Block Defence Tactic
406 Berserker 456 Migratory
54 407 Blood Rage 457 Motherliness
55 408 Breakdowns 458 Multi-Stage Lifespan
409 Burrower 459 Multiple Personalities 59
410-411 Carnivore 460 Narcolepsy 60
412 Code of Honour 461 Nightmares
413 Compulsive Behaviour 462-463 Nocturnal
414 Compulsive Liar 464 Obsessive
415 Contrarian 465 Omnivore
416 Controlled by Stars 466 Outbursts
417 Daylight Stasis 467 Pacifist
418 Deep Sleeper 468 Paranoia
55 419 Degenerate Gambler 469 Periodic Amnesia 60
56 420 Dependency 470-471 Phobia 61
421-422 Depression 472 Physical Coward
423 Dominant 473-474 Physical Self-Loathing
424 Drone 475 Pyromania 61
56 425 Drone Producer 476-477 Restricted Diet 62
57 426-427 Eating Disorder 478 Ritualistic
428 Egg Layer 479 Sadism
429 Excessive Sleeper 480 Schizophrenia
430 External Digestion 481 Sexual Fetish
431 Faith 482 Sexual Neurosis
432 Fear of Sacred Objects 483 Sexual Prowess
57 433 Fits and Seizures 484 Short Fuse
58 434 Glossolalia 485 Shuddering
435 Hallucinations 486 Shy
436-437 Headaches 487 Silly Voice 62
438-439 Herbivore 488 Silly Walk 63
440 Hibernating 489 Sleepwalking
441 Highly Social 490-491 Slovenly
442 Hoarder 492 Sociopathic
443 Honest 493 Strange Sound
444 Hunting Instinct 494 Stuttering
445 Hypochondria 495 Submissive
58 446 Hysterical Injury 496-497 Territorial
59 447 Irrational Hatred 498-499 Tidy
59 448 Kleptomania 500 Vengeful 63
page number
mutation tables 13
mind: cognition table
► Roll 1d100+500 for cognitive mutation: page number
64 501-502 Animal Friendship 550-551 Increased Brain Size 67
503 Anticipation 552-553 Increased Empathy
504-505 Attention Deficit Disorder 554-555 Increased Intellect
506 Autobiographical Memory 556-557 Increased Social Aptitude
507-509 Body Sense 558-559 Increased Willpower
510 Computer Brain 560-562 Insomnia
511-512 Cultural Flexibility 563 Intuition
513-514 Decreased Awareness 564-565 Linguistic Aptitude
64 515-516 Decreased Empathy 566-567 Linguistic Mimic 67
65 517-518 Decreased Intellect 568 Lucid Dreaming 68
519-520 Decreased Social Aptitude 569-570 Math Brain
521-522 Decreased Willpower 571-572 Mechanical Intuition
523-524 Directional Sense 573 Memory Palace
525 Disciplined 574 Mental Blockage
526 Dreamless 575 Mindless
527 Dual Attention 576-577 Natural Leader
528-529 Dual Brain 578 No Visual Memory
530-531 Dyslexia 579-580 Quick Learner 68
65 532-533 Earthquake Prediction 581-582 Radio Communication 69
66 534 Editorial Evaluation 583 Romantic Rapport
535 Eidetic Memory 584-585 Sense Interference
536-537 Emotionless 586 Slow Learner
538 Enhance Mutations 587-588 Social Perception
539-540 Enhanced Nervous System 589 Socially Inept
541-543 Enhanced Senses 590-592 Spatial Perception
544 Genetic Memory 593-594 Speed Reader
545-546 Heightened Olfactory Memory 595-596 Time Sense
547 Hive Mind 597 Transfer Memories
66 548-549 Increased Awareness 598-600 Weather Sense 69
page number
14 mutation tables
psychic powers table
► Roll 1d100+600 for psychic power: page number
70 601 Animal Control 648 Inhibiting Field 78
602 Anti-Charisma 649-650 Levitation 79
603 Attack Reversal 651 Life Leech
604-605 Aura Reading 652 Light Manipulation
70 606 Block Senses 653 Magnetic Control
72 607-608 Cause Fear 654-655 Mass Mind 79
609 Cause Insanity 656-657 Mental Blast 80
72 610-611 Cause Pain 658-659 Mental Suggestion
73 612-613 Charm 660 Mind Attack 80
614-615 Clairaudience 661-663 Pain Broadcast 81
616-618 Clairvoyance 664 Precognition
73 619 Commanding Voice 665-666 Psychic Broadcast
74 620-621 Confuse 667-668 Psychic Cultural Adaptation
622 Create Emotions 669-671 Psychic Detection 81
74 623 Cryokinesis 672-674 Psychic Empathy 82
75 624 Death Field Generation 675 Psychic Invisibility
625 Ectoplasmic Hands 676 Psychic Mirror
626-628 Emotional Projection 677-679 Psychic Vampire 82
75 629 Enter Mind 680-681 Psychoanalyze 83
76 630 Erase Memories 682 Psychometry
631 Familiarity 683 Send Dreams
632 Fire in the Head 684-685 Sixth Sense
76 633-635 Firewalker 686 Stunning Blast
77 636-637 Heal Brain 687 Summon
638-639 Healing 688 Symbiotic Control 83
640 Heat Drain 689-691 Telekinesis 84
77 641 Hostility Field 692 Telekinetic Flight 84
78 642-644 Hypnotic 693-696 Telepathy 85
645 Illusionist 697 Teleport
646 Illusory Surroundings 698 Teleport Object
78 647 Implant Memories 699-700 Time Distortion 85
page number
mutation tables 15
supernatural attributes table
► Roll 1d300+700 for supernatural attribute: page number
86 701 Ability Transfer 760-761 Control Machines 93
702-703 Absorb Inanimate Properties 762-763 Control Plants 93
704-705 Absorb Mental Properties 764 Control Reputation 94
706 Addictive Smoke 765 Corpse Psychometry
86 707 Air Swimmer 766 Cosmic Awareness
87 708 Alteration Ray 767 Create Darkness
709-710 Alternate Inorganic Form 768-769 Create Gas 94
711 Animal Enmity 770-771 Crossbreed 95
712-713 Animal Shapechange 772 Crystalline Body
87 714-715 Animate Objects 773 The Cure
88 716 Animated Skin 774 Danger Teleport
717-718 Animated Tattoos 775 Darksight
719 Arcane Knowledge 776 Demonic Appearance 95
720 Arcane Tracking 777-780 Demonic Phenomena 96
721-722 Armoured Skin 781 Demonologist 100
723 Astral Projection 782 Density Control
88 724 Aura of Disgust 783 Devolver
89 725-726 Aura of Fear 784 Dimensional Instability 100
727-728 Aura of Light 785-786 Dissent Parasite 101
729 Aura of Unease 787 Divine Avatar
730 Bag of Creatures 788 Divisional Body Segments
731 Become Two-Dimensional 789 Duplication
732-733 Bend Light 790-791 Eat Anything
89 734 Bio-Tech Assimilation 792 Elasticity
90 735 Blurry 793 Electrical Travel 101
736 Book 794 Elemental Body 102
90 737 Book-Viewing 795 Energy Absorbtion
91 738 Brain Washer 796-797 Energy Blast
739-741 Breath Weapon 798-799 Energy Negation Field 102
742 Burning Body 800 Energy Redirection 103
743 Burning Inside 801 Energy Sensitivity
744 Cannot Cross Running Water 802 Entropic Precision
91 745 Cause Sleep 803-804 Ethereal Projection
92 746 Chaos Vector 805 Evil Eye
747 Charred Body 806 Exorcist
748 Compulsive Counting 807 Explode Objects
749 Computer Link 808 Eye Scrying 103
750-751 Conjuration 809 Face of a Demon 104
752 Control Clocks 810 Face of a Demon-God
753 Control Crowds 811 False Body 104
92 754-755 Control Earth 812 Featureless Face 105
93 756-757 Control Light 813 Flaming Skull Face
93 758-759 Control Liquid 814 Flammable Skin 105
page number
16 mutation tables
page number
105 815 Fleshcrafter 875 Mind Cannibal 111
816-817 Force Field 876 Molecular Disruption
818 Force Shield 877 Molecular Sense 111
819 Fortune Teller 878 Multiplication 112
820 Freezing Body 879 Mutagen Producer
821 Gaseous Form 880-881 Mutant Detection
822 Ghost Talker 882-883 Mystical Third Eye 112
105 823 Glittering 884 Nightmare Portal 113
106 824 Glow 885-886 No Reflection
825 Hallucinatory Possessions 887-888 No Shadow
826 Halo 889 Object Bound
106 827-828 Heal Others 890 Object Mimic
107 829 Historical Viewing 891 Painkiller
830 Homunculus 892-893 Patronage 113
831-832 Illusion Generation 894 Perfect Regeneration 114
833 Illusory Features 895-896 Petrifying Gaze 114
107 834-835 Immortal 897 Physical Mimic 115
108 836-837 Immune to Cold 898 Planar Travel
838-839 Immune to Energy 899 Possession 115
840-841 Immune to Heat 900 Power Duplication 116
842-843 Immune to Illusions 901-902 Power Source
844 Immune to Weather 903 Power Theft
845 Incorporated Objects 904-905 Pyrokinesis
846 Infinite Endurance 906-907 Radioactive 116
847-848 Inspiring Aura 908 Removable Eyes 117
108 849-850 Intangibility 909-910 Repulsed by Food
109 851 Internal Portal 911 Sacred Aura
852 Invincible Buddha 912-913 Saturated with Magical Energy
853-854 Invisibility 914 Secret Communication 117
855 Invulnerable 915 Seep 118
856-857 Invulnerable to Weapons 916-917 Sense Evil
858 Iron Teeth and Nails 918-919 Sense Fear
859 Irritating Touch 920-921 Sense Good
860 Kinetic Absorbtion 922-923 Sense Lies 118
861-862 Liquid Form 924-925 Sensitive to Metal 119
109 863-864 Magic Resistance 926-927 Sensitive to Sunlight
110 865 Magical Affinity 928 Shadow Walk
866 Magnetic 929 Silhouette 119
867 Manikin 930 Skinwalker 120
868 Manipulate Gravity 931 Speak with Animals
869 Material Transparency 932 Spell Ability
110 870 Mazewalker 933 Spirit Enemy
111 871-872 Mechanoid 934-935 Spirit Medium
873 Mercreature 936-937 Stable Balance
111 874 Metal Skin 938 Stigmata 120
page number
mutation tables 17
page number
120 939-940 Superhuman Charisma 971-972 Transformation 129
120 941-942 Superhuman Intellect 973 Translucent
121 943 Superhuman Perception 974 Transmute Matter
944-945 Superhuman Reflexes 975 Transparent Flesh
946-947 Superhuman Speed 976 Tunnelling
948-949 Superhuman Strength 977 Two Bodies 129
950-951 Superhuman Toughness 978 Unbound 130
952 Susceptible to Possession 979-980 Undead
121 953 Symbol Bondage 981 Unwilling Medium
122 954-957 Taboo 982-983 Vampiric
124 958-959 Telepathic Communication 984-985 Walk on Water
124 960-963 Telltale 986 War Sense 130
127 964 Temporal Instability 987-991 Weakness 131
965 Tomb Bondage 992-993 Weather Manipulation
127 966 Total Chameleon 994-997 Werecreature
128 967-968 Totem Animal 998 X-Ray Vision
969 Trackless 999 Zombie Master
128 970 Transform Material 1000 Zone of Silence 131
page number
20 a
body: form mutations
1 Aesthetically Attractive
This mutant’s physical appearance exemplifies the properties its species considers visually
pleasing, regardless of whether this inspires sexual desire or not. Other mutations it has may
or may not spoil this effect.

2 Alopecia
This mutant experiences uneven hair loss. If the hair grows back, there is a 1 in 3 chance that
it has no colour in it.
► Roll 1d6 for type of alopecia:
1 Allergy-based hair loss. 3-4 Periodic bald patches.
2 Hereditary spot baldness. 5-6 Stress-induced hair loss.

3 Alternate Locomotion
Instead of walking on two legs (or whatever is normal for its species), this mutant has some
other form of locomotion. Its old method of travel is no longer effective.
► Roll 1d10 (or 1d12, or 1d20) for replacement method of travel:
1-3 Legs of some other creature (roll 13-15 Body of another creature, except
on creature table). for head (roll on creature table).
4-7 Quadruped. 16 Bouncing.
8-10 Slithering. 17 Fronds.
11 Mass of tendrils or tentacles. 18-19 Hovering.
12 Pseudopods. 20 Teleporting.

4 Amorphous
This mutant is a blob, probably without distinguishable limbs or extremities.
► Roll 1d4 for extent of movement:
1 Can creep or slither. 3 Can roll around.
2 Can form temporary limbs to move. 4 Can’t move without help.

5 Animal Feet
This mutant has the feet of some other creature.
► Roll on the creature table or 1d6 here for type of animal feet:
1 Bird feet. 3 Mammalian paws. 5 Stumps.
2 Hooves. 4 Reptilian claws. 6 Tentacles.

6-7 Antennae
This mutant has a set of two or more antennae extending from its head, which it can use to feel
and possibly smell and taste or otherwise augment its various senses.
► Roll 1d4 (or 1d6) for what senses the antennae have, in addition to touch:
1 Hearing and vibration sense. 4 Vibration sense and visuals.
2 Smell and taste, and vibration sense. 5 All mundane senses.
3 Vibration sense only. 6 Sense magic and the supernatural.
a-b 21
8-9 Anthropomorphic Animal
This mutant appears to be an uplifted or anthropomorphic, talking mutant animal. Roll on the
creature table to determine what kind of animal.
► Roll 1d8 for anthropomorphic appearance:
1-3 Body is half-human, facial features are all creature.
4 Human that resembles the creature.
5-6 Half creature, half human.
7-8 Same as creature (ignore this result for one of either hands or pedalism).
► Roll 1d4 for hand development:
1 Clumsy hands. 3 Human hands.
2 Dexterous creature hands. 4 Same as creature.
► Roll 1d6 for pedalism:
1-2 Fully bipedal. 5 Stooped bipedal.
3-4 Half creature, half human. 6 Same as creature.

10 Antlers
This mutant has antlers growing out of its head.
► Roll 1d8 for type of antlers:
1 One single antler-like horn. 4-6 Rack of sharp antlers.
2-3 Rack of dull antlers. 7-8 Rack of velvet-covered antlers.

11-12 Armour
This mutant is protected by an armoured exterior.
► Roll 1d6 for type of natural armour:
1 Bone plates (harder). 3 Hard shell (hardest).
2 Carapace (hard). 4 Scales (soft).

13 Atrophied or Malformed Part

One or more parts of this mutant’s body are atrophied or malformed.
► Roll 1d6 for number of atrophied or malformed parts:
1-3 One part. 4 Three parts. 5-6 Two parts.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d8 (or 1d12) here for each atrophied or malformed part:
1-2 Arm. 6 Genitals. 9-10 Leg.
3-4 Face or mouth. 7 Hand. 11 Tail or other.
5 Foot. 8 Head. 12 Wing or other.

14 Backwards Parts
One or more parts of this mutant are attached backwards—the opposite way they are attached
on others of the same species.
► Roll 1d6 for number of backwards parts:
1-3 One part. 4 Three parts. 5-6 Two parts.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d6 here for each backwards part:
1-2 Arms. 5 Genitals. 9-10 Head.
3 Feet. 6 Hands. 11 Legs.
22 b-c body: form
15 Beak
This mutant has a beak instead of the mouth that is normal for its species. If it normally has a
beak, now it has two.

16 Bestial Face
This mutant has a face that perfectly or superficially resembles that of some other animal. Roll
1d8 on the creature table to determine what type of animal.

17 Birthmark
This mutant has a prominent birthmark resembling a wine stain, or other appropriate
discoloration. Roll on the body part table to determine which location is most marked.

18 Body Barbs
Bone spurs grow out of this mutant’s skin, and can be used as weapons.
► Roll 1d6 for location of body barbs:
1 Back. 4-5 Hands and/or feet.
2-3 Elbows and/or knees. 6 Head.
► Roll 1d4 for shape of body barbs:
1 Dull. 3 Sharp.
2 Pointed. 4 Sharp and pointed.

19 Boils and Sores

This mutant’s body is covered in painful and irritating boils and sores that leak fluids and are
prone to infection.

20 Bristles
This mutant has coarse bristly hair all over it that offers some small amount of protection.

21 Bulging Eyes
This mutant’s eyes are large and bulbous.

22-23 Cat’s Eyes

This mutant’s pupils are slit like a cat’s eyes, increasing its night vision.

24 Changing Colours
This mutant physically changes colour, based on temperament and temperature. Roll
1d6 times on either the basic or extended colour table for a range of colours.

25 Cilia
This mutant, or part of it, is covered in tiny, movable, hair-like appendages or tentacles that
probably keep it free from dirt and constantly move food toward its mouth.
► Roll 1d6 for cilia coverage:
1 Back. 2 Front. 3-4 Full body.
5-6 Roll twice on the body parts table: cilia cover the mutant from the first
location to the second.
body: form c-d 23
26-28 Claws
This mutant has claws that can be used as weapons.
► Roll 1d4 for type of claws:
1 Bird-like talons. 3 Retractable claws.
2 Claws made of scales. 4 Sharp, iron-hard nails.

29 Clothes
This mutant appears to be wearing clothes, but this is actually just the appearance of its naked
skin. It can still wear clothes over top of its garment-resembling skin, of course.

30-31 Clubfoot
One of this mutant’s feet is deformed and gimpy. It is probably shorter than the other, impedes
proper movement, and makes shoe purchasing more difficult.

32 Complex Mouthparts
This mutant has additional complex parts around its mouth, like an arthropod. This can
include external chelicerae, mandibles, maxillae, a proboscis, a radula, or other parts.

33 Covered in Orifices
This mutant’s body is covered in orifices.
► Roll 1d12 for type of orifices:
1 Anuses. 5-6 Eyes. 10 Nostrils.
2-3 Cloacas/Urethras. 7 Large pores. 11 Siphons or valves.
4 Ears. 8-9 Mouths. 12 Vaginas.

34 Crown
This mutant has a crown of bone or fleshy material encircling its head.
► Roll 1d10 for resemblance:
1 Bone or cartilage. 4 Erectile tissue. 7 Noses.
2 Coral. 5 Eye stalks. 8-9 Other material.
3 Ears. 6 Fingers or toes. 10 Tongues.

35 Diffused Organs
One or more of this mutant’s organs are diffused, spread out in a larger system within the
mutant’s body, instead of concentrated in one space. This makes the organ(s) much more
resistant to injury, as it can continue to operate when a part of it is wounded.
► Roll 1d8 for diffused organ or organs:
1 Bladder and kidneys. 5 Liver and pancreas.
2 Brain. 6 Lungs and respiratory system.
3 Heart and blood circulation. 7 Sense organs.
4 Intestines and stomach. 8 Two organs or sets of organs.

36 Doppelgänger
This mutant looks exactly like one or more other individuals it may or may not know.

37 Double Mouth
This mutant has an interior mouth inside of an exterior mouth. The interior mouth may or
may not be extensible. It cannot be seen when the exterior mouth is closed.
24 e body: form
38 Emotionally Attractive.
This mutant’s physical appearance has a tendency to inspire feelings of empathy, sympathy, and
emotional attachment in other members of its species. It might be cute, pathetic-looking, or
just aesthetically pleasing in a way that puts others at ease.

39-40 Enormously Fat

This mutant is so corpulent that it can no longer run and likely has trouble walking.

41-42 Exotic Genitalia

This mutant’s sexual organs include unusual shapes and structures, and may include erectile
tissue in various places all over the body or in strange locations.

43-44 Extra Eyes

This mutant has more eyes than normal.
► Roll 1d6 for number of additional eyes:
1 1d6+1 extra eyes. 3-5 One extra eye.
2 Four extra eyes. 5-6 Two or three extra eyes.

45-46 Extra Fingers and Toes

This mutant has more fingers and toes than is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d8 for number of extra digits:
1 1d3+1 extra digit on each hand and foot.
2 2d6 extra digits, each randomly assigned to a hand or foot.
3 One extra digit on each foot.
4-6 One extra digit on each hand.
7-8 One extra digit on each hand and foot.

47 Extra Joints
This mutant has one or more extra joints in its limbs.
► Roll 1d3 (or 1d4) for limbs with extra joints:
1 Arms only. 3 Legs only.
2 Arms and legs. 4 Other limbs only.

48 Extra Orifices
This mutant has one or more additional orifices of some kind. Roll on the body part table for
location of each extra orifice.
► Roll 1d4 for amount of additional orifices:
1 1d4+1 extras. 2-3 One extra. 4 Two extras.
► Roll 1d6 for type of orifice:
1 Anus or cloaca. 3 Eye. 5 Nose or nostril.
2 Ear or valve. 4 Mouth or siphon. 6 Urethra or vagina.

49-50 Extremely Thin

This mutant can’t maintain a normal body weight for its species, and is very thin.

51 Eye Stalks
This mutant’s eyes are on the end of stalks, which may or may not be semi-retractable.
body: form f-h 25
52-54 Fangs
This mutant has dangerous teeth.
► Roll 1d4 for type of fangs:
1 Long canines. 3 Rat-like incisors.
2 Needle-like teeth. 4 Retractable canines.

55-56 Feathers
This mutant has feathers on part or all of its body.

57 Fin
This mutant has a fin protruding from its back or head, which helps it swim.

58 Flaking Skin
This mutant has full-body dandruff due to dry and flaky skin.

59 Flippers
This mutant has flippers instead of either arms and hands, or both arms as well as legs.

60-64 Fur
This mutant has fur covering all or most of its body.
► Roll 1d4 for type of fur:
1 Long fur. 3 Short, soft fur.
2 Short, bristly fur. 4 Thick, curly hair.

65 Fused Ribs
This mutant’s ribs are fused together, forming a bony plate across the upper torso.

66 Gliding Membranes
This mutant has membranes or flaps of skin between its limbs that, along with hollow bones,
allows it to glide after jumping from heights.

67-68 Hairless
This mutant has no hair, fur, or feathers anywhere on its body.

69 Headless
This mutant has no head. Its face is located on its chest or some other part of its body.

70 Hemihypertrophy
One side of this mutant’s body is significantly larger than the other, resulting in an unattractive
lack of symmetry. Limbs on one side are longer and stronger than those on the other side, and
facial features are distorted.

71 Hideous Appearance
This mutant’s appearance is deformed in some way that makes it universally repugnant to
others of its species.

72 Hooks
This mutant has hooks on its hands and/or feet, made of bone, cartilage, horn, or other
material, that it can use as weapons, or to make climbing much easier.
26 h-l body: form
73 Hopper
This mutant has one large, powerful leg that it hops around on. Maybe two legs.

74-75 Horns
This mutant has one or more horns growing out of its head.
► Roll 1d12 for type of horns:
1 Mass of intertwined horns. 6 Three or more small horns.
2 -3 One large horn. 7-9 Two large, curved horns.
4 One small horn. 10 Two large, straight horns.
5 Three or more large horns. 11-12 Two small horns.

76 Huge Beard
This mutant has an enormous beard growing out of its face.

77-78 Huge Head

This mutant’s head is larger than what is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d4 for head size:
1-2 ×2 normal. 3 ×3 normal. 4 Inconsistently larger.

79 Hump
This mutant has one or more humps on its back that store food and water, allowing the mutant
to go without for extended periods of time.

80 Hunchback
This mutant’s back is twisted and hunched, making it slightly more difficult to move.

81 Internal Weapon
This mutant can produce a weapon from its own body, or transform part of its body into a
weapon. The mutant can produce a single weapon, or one weapon per limb. These weapons
can be hidden when not in use.
► Roll 1d4 (or 1d6) for type of weapon:
1 Club (blunt, jagged, or spiked). 4 Spear or piercing weapon.
2 Flail, lash, or whip. 5 Explosive weapon.
3 Knives or sword-like blades. 6 Ranged weapon.

82-83 Large Ears

This mutant’s external ears are 1d10+1 times as large as normal for its species, or if its species
does not have external ears, this mutant does. Because the ears direct sound, this can result in
an increased ability to detect and identify specific noises.

84-87 Large Size

This mutant is larger than normal for its species.
► Roll 1d4 for size increase:
1 ×1.5 normal size. 3 ×3 (triple normal size).
2 ×2 (double normal size). 4 ×4 (quadruple normal size).
body: form l 27
88 Leaves
This mutant is covered in leaves.
► Roll 1d12 for type of leaves:
1 Barbed leaves. 7-8 Grass.
2-3 Coniferous needles. 9-10 Perpetually green leaves.
4-5 Deciduous leaves. 11 Razor-edged leaves.
6 Fronds. 12 Saw-edged leaves.

89 Limb Loss
This mutant has fewer limbs than is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d4 (or 1d6) for what limb is missing:
1 Arm. 3 Hand. 5 Tail or other.
2 Foot. 4 Leg. 6 Wings or other.

90 Limb Transference
This mutant has limbs in places they normally are not.
► Roll 1d6 for number of transferences:
1 1d4+1 parts. 2-5 One part. 6 Two parts.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d8 here to determine transferred part:
1-2 Arm. 4 Head. 7 Mouth.
3 Eyes. 5-6 Leg. 8 Other part.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d10 here to determine its new location:
1-2 Back. 5 Foot. 8 Head.
3 Chest. 6 Groin or hip. 9 Knee.
4 Elbow. 7 Hand. 10 Stomach.

91 Long Face
This mutant’s facial features are elongated to an extreme amount, giving it a long face.

92 Long Legs
This mutant’s legs are freakishly long, allowing it to move up to 50 per cent faster.

93 Long Neck
This mutant’s neck is at least 1d3+1 times as long as is normal for its species.

94 Long Nose
This mutant’s nose sticks out much farther than is considered extreme for its species.

95 Long Tongue
This mutant’s tongue is at least 1d4+1 times as long as is normal for its species.

96 Loose Skin
This mutant’s loose, baggy skin hangs off in folds and rolls, almost appearing to be melting.
28 m-n body: form
97 Mane
This mutant’s head is framed by a mane of hair, flesh, or other organic material.
► Roll 1d8 for type of mane:
1 Mane of feathers. 5-6 Mane of hair like a lion.
2 Mane of fleshy tentacles. 7 Mane of barbs, quills, or spines.
3-4 Mane of hair like a horse. 8 Membranous mane like a lizard.

98 Mostly Hairless
This mutant still has hair on the top of its head, but little or no hair on the rest of its body. It
may or may not have eyebrows and/or a small patch of pubic hair, but cannot grow a beard.

99 Multiple Arms
This mutant has more arms than is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d10 for number of extra arms:
1 1d6 extra arms. 3-4 Four extra arms. 7 Three extra arms.
2 2d6 extra arms. 5-6 One extra arm. 8-10 Two extra arms.

100 Multiple Heads

This mutant has additional heads.
► Roll 1d6 for number of extra heads:
1-3 One extra head. 4 Three extra heads. 5-6 Two extra heads.

101 Multiple Legs

This mutant has more legs than is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d10 for number of additional legs:
1 1d6 extra legs. 3-4 Four extra legs. 7 Three extra legs.
2 2d6 extra legs. 5-6 One extra leg. 8-10 Two extra legs.

102 No Ears
This mutant has no ears.
► Roll 1d6 for extent of earless-ness:
1-2 No ears except vibration sensors.
3 No ears whatsoever, internal or external.
4-6 No external ears (just holes in head).

103 No Eyes
This mutant has no eyes in its face.

104 No Nose
This mutant has slits for a nose instead of any external organ.

105 No Skin
This mutant has no skin protecting its fat, muscles, and internal organs from the environment.
Either it has a hardy immune system or it uses some form of artificial skin.
body: form o-p 29
106-107 Oddly-Shaped Tongue
This mutant’s tongue is not the normal shape for its species.
► Roll 1d8 for type of tongue:
1 Extremely thick. 5 Hollow.
2 Extremely long. 6 Parasitic organism.
3 Extremely short. 7 Sharp and blade-like.
4 Forked or pincer-shaped. 8 Tentacle.

108 One Eye

This mutant has a single, cyclopean eye in the centre of its face.

109 Overgrown Body Part

One or more parts of this mutant’s body have grown to a larger size than normal.
► Roll on the body part table or roll 1d6 here for overgrown body part:
1 Arms. 3 Hands. 5 Legs.
2 Feet. 4 Head. 6 Torso.
► Roll 1d4 for size of overgrown body part:
1 ×1.5 normal size. 3 ×3 (triple normal size).
2 ×2 (double normal size). 4 ×4 (quadruple normal size).

110-113 Patterned Skin

This mutant’s skin (or fur) is patterned in multiple colours that are otherwise natural to the
mutant’s species.
► Roll 1d20 for type of pattern on skin:
1-2 Banded. 12-13 Small spots.
3 Belted. 14 Patchy.
4-5 Camouflage pattern. 15-16 Small spots.
6-8 Different colour face or head. 17-19 Striped.
9-11 Different colour hands and feet. 20 Whorled.

114 Physically Immature

This mutant looks like a child, and will always appear pre-pubescent no matter how old.

115-116 Pigment Deficiency

This mutant has less pigmentation than others of its species. This can make the mutant acutely
vulnerable to sunburn, and there is a 1 in 3 chance of severe eye conditions accompanying
non-cosmetic albinism.
► Roll 1d6 for type of pigment deficiency:
1 Cosmetic albinism; pale skin, red eyes, and white-ish fur or hair.
2 Cyclical vitiligo; seasonal or stress-based partial loss of pigmentation.
3 Non-segmental vitiligo; partial lack of pigmentation.
4 Ocular albinism; no pigment in the eyes and reduced eyesight.
5-6 Oculocutaneous albinism; no pigment and reduced eyesight.
30 p-q body: form

117 Pincers
This mutant has crab-like claws, with two digits each, for hands.

118 Pinhead
This mutant has a shrunken, tiny head. This affects brain size and mental capacities.
► Roll 1d6 for impairment caused by pinhead:
1-2 Minor impairment.
3-5 Serious impairment (mental capacity is halved).
6 Total impairment (mutant is barely able or completely unable to think).

119-120 Pointed Head

This mutant has a pointed or cone-shaped head.

121 Pouch
This mutant has a pouch of skin, like a marsupial, or a similar compartment in its body.

122 Protective Eyelids

This mutant has additional, protective eyelids made of chitin, bone, or other material more
durable than the mutant’s skin. They protect the mutant’s eyes from harm.

123 Puny
This mutant is shrivelled and weak, its muscles wasted and withered and its body as small as
one-half normal size. The mutant’s physical capabilities are reduced by at least one quarter.

124 Quills, Spines, or Thorns

This mutant’s back (or other area) is covered in spiny quills that provide protection and can be
used as weapons. There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant will be able to project these quills, spines,
or thorns 2d4 times each week before they must be regrown.
body: form r-s 31
125 Radula
Instead of a tongue, this mutant has a toothed, chitinous ribbon like the radula of a mollusc,
which can be used to scrape and cut food. It is still capable of speech, although its speech may
sound quite different from that of other creatures.

126 Re-Arranged Face

This mutant’s face is completely re-arranged. Even though it still has all the normal facial
features, they are all in completely different locations than is normal.

127 Redundant Vital Organs

This mutant has multiples of one or more vital organs, so that if one is damaged, the mutant
is less aversely affected.
► Roll 1d8 for organ that is redundant:
1 All internal organs. 5-6 Lungs.
2-3 Heart. 7 Reproductive organs.
4 Kidneys, liver, and pancreas. 8 Stomach.

128-130 Reverse Pedalism

If the mutant is normally bipedal, it becomes a quadruped. If the mutant is normally
quadrupedal, it becomes a biped. If the mutant has a different form of locomotion, reverse the
limbs normally used for movement and manipulation.

131 Rigid Crest

This mutant has a crest on top of its head, made of rigid flesh, bone, cartilage, horn, scales, or
other such materials.

132-134 Scales
This mutant’s skin is covered with scales.

135 Scars
This mutant bears prominent scars as a result of an over-production of scar tissue, a skin
disease, or treatment of some other condition.

136 Sexually Attractive

This mutant is considered attractive in ways that make it sexually desirable to other members
of its species, regardless of whether it conforms to standards of aesthetic beauty or not. This
mutant needs not be photogenic to be sexually attractive, either.

137 Short Legs

This mutant’s legs are abnormally short, cutting its normal movement rate and jumping
distance by at least half.

138 Siamese Twin

This mutant has two bodies joined together at birth, which may or may not be two different
people. Other mutations and powers may belong to both or either twin.
► Roll 1d6 for type of twin:
1 Back-to-back conjoined twin. 3 Parasitic twin.
2 Head-to-head conjoined twin. 4-6 Side-to-side conjoined twin.
32 s body: form
139 Skull Face
This mutant’s face resembles a skull, with either no skin on it, or only a small amount of skin
that does not prevent the skull from showing through.

140-143 Small Size

This mutant is a miniature version of its normal race.
► Roll 1d4 for new size:
1 -¼ (a quarter smaller than normal). 3 ⅓ (one third normal size).
2 ½ (one half normal size). 4 ¼ (one quarter normal size).

144 Snout
This mutant has an elongated, snout-like face.

145 Soft Crest

This mutant has a crest on top of its head, made of flesh, flexible cartilage, feathers, loose scales,
or other non-rigid materials.

146 Steatopygia
This mutant’s ass, hind quarters, or abdominal segment is extraordinarily large.

147 Stomach Orifice

This mutant has an extra orifice near its stomach that can consume and regurgitate food.

148 Strange Ears

This mutant has odd-looking ears.

149 Strange Interior Organs

The inside of this mutant’s body is completely different from that of others of its species, and
its internal organs make no sense according to its exterior appearance.

150 Strange Texture

This mutant’s skin feels like some other substance.
► Roll 1d12 for type of skin texture:
1 Bark or plant material. 7 Hard or soft plastic.
2 Brick, dirt, or stone. 8 Metal.
3 Crystal. 9 Rough fabric.
4 Foam. 10 Sand or sandpaper.
5 Geometric patterns. 11 Smooth and slippery.
6 Glass. 12 Soft fabric.

151-154 Strangely-Coloured Eyes

This mutant’s eyes are an odd colour, and may not even have a visible iris or pupil. Roll on
either the basic or extended colour table to determine dominant colour.

155-158 Strangely-Coloured Hair

This mutant’s hair is an odd colour. Roll on either the basic or extended colour table.
body: form s 33

159-163 Strangely-Coloured Skin

This mutant has skin that is patterned in one or more strange colours. Roll on either the basic
or extended colour table for each part of the pattern.
► Roll 1d20 for skin pattern:
1-3 Disruptive camouflage pattern.
4 Front and back different colours.
5 Left and right sides different colours.
6 Limbs coloured differently from body.
7 Multi-coloured lozenges (1d6+1 colours).
8 Multi-coloured dots, freckles, or splotches (1d6+1 colours).
9-12 Single colour.
13-14 Single colour spots or freckles.
15 Single- or multi-coloured squares.
16-17 Tiger- or zebra-like stripes.
18 Transparent skin.
19 Unreflecting skin (looks black).
20 Zigzag stripes.

164 Stubby Digits

This mutant has short and stubby fingers and toes.

165 Sympathetic Biomorphism

The physical form of this mutant changes to comply with the individuals it associates with,
even if that shape has more limbs and sense organs. After a certain time, depending on speed,
its will resemble those around it in shape, though its cosmetic appearance will not change.
► Roll 1d4 for speed of biomorphic changes:
1 Several days. 3 Several months.
2 Several hours. 4 Several weeks.
34 t body: form
166-170 Tail
This mutant has a tail.
► Roll 1d8 for type of tail:
1-2 Long tail. 5 Scorpion tail (with venom).
3 Mace tail. 6-7 Short tail.
4 Prehensile or tentacle tail. 8 Snake or other legless creature.

171 Taller
This mutant is 1d10×10 per cent taller than the normal maximum height for its species. The
mutant’s other dimensions are not proportionally filled out.

172-173 Tentacles
This mutant has tentacles.
► Roll 1d8 for location of tentacles:
1 Tentacles instead of arms. 5 Tentacles on back of body.
2 Tentacles instead of hair. 6 Tentacles on front of body.
3 Tentacles instead of legs. 7 Tentacles on head or face.
4 Tentacles on arms and legs. 8 Tentacles on two locations.
► Roll 1d4 for size and precision of tentacles:
1 Large and clumsy. 3 Small and clumsy.
2 Large and dexterous. 4 Small and dexterous.

174 Thick Skin

This mutant’s skin is particularly thick and durable.
► Roll 1d4 for what makes its skin so thick:
1 Additional layer of durable material. 3 Hardened outer layer.
2 Blubber. 4 Thick dermal layer.

175 Tongueless
This mutant has no tongue.

176 Toothed Skin

This mutant’s skin is covered in small scales that resemble sharp teeth, which can be used to
cut and saw, and make it uncomfortable—even dangerous—for others to touch the mutant.

177-179 Transparent Eyelids

This mutant’s eyes have an additional pair of transparent eyelids, such as nictating membranes,
that protect the eyes from damage without unduly impairing vision. These eyelids can be
tinted, to aid vision in bright light, or designed to filter out certain colours.

180 Trunk
This mutant has a prehensile nose, like the trunk of an elephant.

181-182 Tumours
This mutant suffers from large tumours that grow on its body.
body: form t-w 35
183 Tusks
This mutant has large teeth protruding from its lower jaw.

184 Twisted Frame

This mutant’s body shape is twisted and bent, making normal movements and posture difficult
or even impossible. This reduces agility, co-ordination, and reflexes by half.

185 Vestigial Wings

A small, useless pair of wings sprouts from this mutant’s back or shoulders.

186 Walking Head

This mutant has no appreciable torso between its head and limbs and so appears to be a
walking head.

187 Warty Skin

This mutant’s skin is covered in warty growths.

188 Weapon Hands

This mutant has hands formed in the shape of weapons.
► Roll 1d8 for type of weapon hands:
1-2 Blades. 4 Hook. 7 Scissors.
3 Blunt weapon. 5-6 Pincers. 8 Stingers.

189-191 Webbed Digits

This mutant’s hands and feet are webbed, allowing it to swim faster.

192-193 Whiskers
This mutant has long whiskers on its face that it uses to aid perception.

194 Wide
This mutant is 1d10×10 per cent wider than others of its species, but is normal-sized in all
other respects.

195-199 Wings
If this mutant is already armless, it has wings in addition to any other limbs.
► If the mutant has arms, roll 1d4:
1 Mutant has flexible wings instead of arms that can function like hands.
2-3 Mutant has normal wings instead of arms.
4 Mutant has wings in addition to arms.
► Roll 1d8 for type of wings:
1 Alien wings. 5 Glider wings.
2 Avian wings. 6 Gossamer wings.
3 Bat wings. 7 Insect wings.
4 Dragonfly wings. 8 Other kind of wings.

200 Wrinkled Skin

This mutant’s skin is covered in thick, pruny wrinkles, lines, and creases.
36 a-b
body: functions mutations
201-202 Adhesive Touch
This mutant has microscopic suckers and hooks on its hands and feet, and perhaps other areas
of its body, which allow it to stick to walls and walk or crawl on ceilings.

203-204 Allergies
This mutant is extremely allergic to some common substance or group of substances.
► Roll 1d20 for allergenic substance or substances:
1 A specific food type. 11 Most drugs.
2-3 Animal fur. 12 Natural fabrics.
4 Dust. 13 Nuts.
5 Feathers. 14 Paint and/or soap.
6 Fruits. 15 Perfume.
7 Insects. 16 Petroleum products.
8 Iron or silver. 17 Plastics.
9 Latex. 18-19 Pollen.
10 Leather. 20 Synthetic fabrics.

205-206 Ambidextrous
This mutant can use both sides of its body with the same ability as a right-handed person using
their right hand (or leg).

207 Anaerobic
This mutant does not require oxygen and does not breathe air or water.

208 Aquatic Adaptation

This mutant’s body is adapted to living underwater. It may have gills or a blowhole, flippers, a
tail, or any other feature that would help it function aquatically.

209 Bad Breath

This mutant’s mouth exudes a horrifying stench, which it cannot mask or alleviate in any way.

210-212 Bioluminescent
Part of this mutant’s body generates a cold, softly glowing light. Choose a colour, or roll on
either the basic or extended colour table. There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant can change the
colour of its bioluminescence.
► Roll 1d6 for bioluminescence trigger:
1 Arousal/excitement. 4-5 Glows in the dark.
2-3 At will. 6 Stress-induced.

213 Blind
If this mutant has eyes, they do not work.
b-d 37
214 Blood Substitution
Instead of blood, this mutant has some other substance in its veins.
► Roll 1d3 (or 1d6, or 1d20) for type:
1 Amoeba or protoplasm. 11 Lava or molten metal.
2 Hemolymph fluid. 12 Leeches or maggots.
3 Respiratory proteins. 13 Mercury.
4 Acid. 14 Noxious gas.
5 Ichor. 15 Powder or sand.
6 Poisonous venom. 16 Spirits.
7 Black bile. 17 Urine.
8 Electricity. 18 Vomit.
9 Fire. 19 Water.
10 Gasoline. 20 Wine.

215 Buoyancy
Because it has an air bladder it can inflate, or because of its cell structure, this mutant floats in
water, even fresh water.

216-217 Chameleoline Skin

This mutant’s skin can change colour to mimic its surroundings, providing camouflage when
it is not moving quickly.

218 Chronic Pain

This mutant has pains in its body that never go away. It must take large quantities of drugs in
order to get any relief, though some days the pain is worse than others.

219 Cocoon
This mutant may create a cocoon out of secretions and whatever else it needs, and is then able
to hibernate inside it.

220-221 Cold Blooded

This mutant either suffers from poikilothermia, or it is naturally cold-blooded, like a reptile. It
will be adversely affected by temperatures lower than 30°C (86°F).

222-223 Colour Blind

This mutant cannot distinguish between certain colours.
► Roll 1d4 for type of colour-blindness:
1-2 Dichromacy (green and red look the same).
3 Monochromacy (mutant sees in black and white).
4 Tritanopia (blue and green look the same; violet and yellow look the same).

224 Cracking Joints

This mutant’s joints are constantly cracking as it moves, making it hard to move silently. This
is not painful to the mutant in any way, and does not wear down the joints.

225 Deaf
This mutant is unable to hear.
38 d body: functions
226 Decreased Agility
This mutant’s physical co-ordination, flexibility, and sense of balance are far lower than the
average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

227-228 Decreased Metabolism

This mutant’s reactions are slightly slower than normal. It may also suffer from a weakened
immune system, an increased susceptibility to cold, brittle hair and nails, constipation, dry
skin, irregular menstruation, poor memory, and unexplained weight gain.

229 Decreased Physical Stamina

This mutant has lower than average stamina, endurance, and toughness.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

230 Decreased Physical Strength

This mutant’s muscles are weaker than what is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

231 Defensive Barbs

When threatened, this mutant can raise dangerous barbs, horns, spikes, or spines upon its skin.
These function as weapons and protection, and are concealed when not in use.

232 Diabetes
This mutant has a problem with high blood sugar levels, probably due to an inability to
produce insulin or a resistance to it. Diabetes can cause blindness, heart disease, obesity, and
other health problems, including diabetic ketoacidosis, which can be fatal if untreated.

233 Disease Carrier

This mutant is the carrier of an infectious disease.
► Roll 1d3 for infection’s effect on mutant:
1 The mutant betrays minor symptoms.
2 The mutant is completely unaffected.
3 The mutant suffers the full effects short of death.
► Roll 1d8 for symptoms:
1 Bone rot. 5 Pulmonary infection.
2 Flesh rot. 6 Sores and wounds.
3 Inflammation. 7 Tumours.
4 Neurological damage. 8 Weakening.
► Roll 1d8 for vector:
1 Airborne. 5-6 Ingestion.
2-4 Fluids/sexual contact. 7-8 Touch.
body: functions d-e 39
234-235 Double Jointed
This mutant is able to twist its limbs into surprising positions owing to a superior flexibility.

236-237 Early Maturation

This mutant matures quickly, finishing puberty and reaching physical adulthood at half the age
as is normal for its species.

238 Efficient Digestion

This mutant digests biomass more efficiently than normal, allowing it to eat more types of
organic material than is normal for its species, and cutting down on the amount of waste
products it produces.

239-240 Electrical Generation

This mutant is able to produce an electrical charge that shocks anyone touching it. This charge
may be transmitted through water and other conductive materials.

241-242 Electromagnetic Disruption

This mutant disrupts any electronic devices in its presence, unless those devices are specially
shielded against such interference.
► Roll 1d6 for range of disruption:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 Always on. 3 Requires concentration.
2 At will. 4 Stress-induced.

243 Enhanced Musculature

This mutant’s strength and reflexes are increased by half. Corresponding muscle functions, like
grip and leaping distance, are likewise increased.

244-245 Enlarging Mouth

This mutant’s mouth and throat can stretch, allowing it to swallow things its own size.

246 Excretion
This mutant excretes a substance on its skin.
► Roll 1d10 for type of substance excreted:
1 Acidic. 5 Numbing agent. 8 Paralytic.
2 Lubricant. 6 Other effect. 9 Sticky.
3-4 Hallucinogenic. 7 Pain-killer. 10 Toxic.

247 Explosive Death

When this mutant dies, it explodes, as do sizable parts of is body when they are removed.

248 Extensible Limbs

Some of this mutant’s limbs can stretch and elongate, to 1d4+1 times their normal length.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d6 (or 1d8) here for which limbs can extend:
1 Arms. 5-6 Neck.
2-3 Arms and legs. 7 All limbs.
4 Legs. 8 Wings.
40 f-g body: functions
249 Fast Hair Growth
This mutant’s hair and nails grow 2d6 times faster than is normal for its species. By extension,
this applies to fur, feathers, horns, and other similar body parts.

250 Fast Movement

This mutant moves much faster than others of its species.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of speed increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

251 Finesse
This mutant’s manual dexterity is much better than others of its species, and its fingers are deft
and light.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of finesse increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

252 Fragrant
This mutant exudes a noticeably pleasant odour that most others of its species find attractive
and/or relaxing.
► Choose a fragrance or roll 1d12 here:
1 Bark or leaves. 4-5 Flowers. 9 Honey.
2 Candy. 6 Food. 10-11 Perfume.
3 Cleanliness. 7-8 Fruit or seeds. 12 Vanilla.

253 Frog Tongue

This mutant has a very sticky tongue, which it can extend out of its mouth about twice its own
length, and wrap around objects or drag them into its mouth.

254 Fruit
This mutant produces a biological product in a form that can be safely harvested, such as fruit
or resin.
► Roll 1d10 for type of fruit:
1 Anti-radiation medication. 6 Radioactive.
2 Explosive. 7 Sedative or tranquilizer.
3 Immune system booster. 8 Tasty food.
4 Mental booster. 9 Toxic poison.
5 Poison antidote. 10 Two properties or other effects.

255 G-Tolerance
This mutant has an easy time adapting to changes in gravity. It functions well in zero-G
environments, and withstands high-gravity pressures much better than others of its species.

256 Gas Bag

This mutant has a gas bag attached to the back or top of its body, which can be inflated enough
to allow it to float through the air. It takes several moments to inflate, and will be of little use
mitigating the effects of short falls, but can be inflated in time to prevent death from falls
greater than a hundred feet (30m). The gas bag does not provide any way to move through the
air, and the mutant may be at the mercy of wind currents.
body: functions g-h 41
257 Gas Emission
This mutant can emit a cloud of gas that envelops it and affects anyone in its presence.
► Roll 1d8 for type of gas:
1 Black and oily. 5 Paralytic.
2 Hallucinogenic. 6 Pleasant perfume.
3 Irritant. 7 Stinking.
4 Narcotic. 8 Toxic poison.

258-259 Gills and Lungs

This mutant has both gills and lungs, so it can breathe in water and on land.

260 Hangover Resistance

This mutant never has hangovers, and quickly recovers once its liver has neutralized toxins.

261-262 Heightened Hearing

This mutant’s hearing is extremely well-developed, allowing it to filter, pinpoint, and identify
specific sounds with ease, and notice much quieter sounds than others of its species.

263-264 Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste

This mutant can identify odours up to a hundred feet (30m) upwind and a hundred yards
(91m) downwind, follow trails, identify individuals by smell, and sense contamination and
poison in food when tasted. The mutant is also more sensitive to pheromones and toxic gases,
but not to what would be considered “bad” smells.

265-266 Heightened Sense of Touch

This mutant’s somatosensory system is so acute it can pinpoint the sources of faint vibrations,
sense minute changes in temperature, and obtain more information about objects by touch
than other members of its species.

267-268 Hemophilia
This mutant’s blood lacks coagulating agents, and so any cuts will continue to bleed until the
mutant is dead or the wounds are artificially sealed.

269 Hermaphromorph
This mutant is able to change sex at will. This process does not necessarily affect the mutant’s
gender identity.
► Roll 1d6 (or 1d10) for the time changes take:
1-2 A day. 4 Hours. 7-9 Minutes.
3 Half a day. 5-6 Several days. 10 Seconds.

270 High Body Temperature

This mutant’s body temperature is much higher than normal, and it can suffer from heat
exhaustion in very warm environments.

271-272 High Pain Threshold

This mutant is never stunned or incapacitated by pain. It can still feel pain, and is inconvenienced
by it, but its mental and physical functions remain unimpeded.

273 Hollow Bones

This mutant’s bones are hollow, being both lighter and weaker.
42 h-i body: functions
274 Horrible Stench
This mutant smells incredibly bad according to almost all other living creatures. There is little
or nothing the mutant can do to alleviate this smell, which resembles rotting meat, except
perhaps to try drowning it out with other scents.

275 Hyperadrenal Gland

When this mutant is subjected to stress, the adrenaline produced by its body is more effective
than normal, and the boost to its physical effectiveness is very noticeable. After the adrenaline
high wears off, the mutant experiences a period of weakness and shaking.

276 Hyperopia
This mutant cannot see objects clearly when they are close enough to be within reach.

277 Immune to Disease

This mutant is not susceptible to disease, either from bacteria, viruses, or latent genetic flaws.

278 Immune to Poison

This mutant is immune to toxins and poisons, and any life-threatening drug.

279 Increased Agility

This mutant’s physical co-ordination, flexibility, and sense of balance are far greater than the
average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

280 Increased Appendix Size

This mutant’s appendix is able to neutralize normally-deadly poisons, but can rupture if too
much pressure is applied to the abdomen.

281 Increased Heart and Lung Size

This mutant’s stamina is doubled due to its powerful heart and lungs. The mutant can hold its
breathe for at least ten minutes at a time.
body: functions i 43
282-283 Increased Metabolism
This mutant requires more nourishment than others of its species, but this increase in appetite
will never cause it to gain any significant amount of weight.

284 Increased Physical Stamina

This mutant has higher than average stamina, endurance, and toughness.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

285 Increased Physical Strength

This mutant’s muscles are much stronger and denser than what is normal for its species.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

286 Increased Susceptibility to Illness

This mutant is exceedingly vulnerable to diseases, viruses, and bacterial infections.

287 Independently Focusable Eyes

Each of this mutant’s eyes can focus independently without it being unduly distracted.

288 Infected
This mutant is infected with a bacteria, fungus, or parasite of some kind.
► Roll 1d6 for symptoms affecting the mutant:
1 Full symptoms. 3-4 No detrimental symptoms.
2 Mild symptoms. 5-6 Only visible symptoms.
► Roll 1d6 for vector:
1 Airborne. 4 Not infectious.
2 Fluids/sexual contact. 5 Prolonged exposure.
3 Ingestion. 6 Touch.

289 Infertile
This mutant is either sterile, or has an incredibly low fertility rate.

290 Inflation
This mutant is able to increase the appearance of its size, either by an expandable hood, frill, or
ruff, or by puffing itself up, inflating loose, stretchy skin with air, gas, or liquid.

291 Infravision
This mutant can see radiated heat, allowing it to differentiate between temperatures on sight,
and function relatively normally in the dark.

292 Ink
This mutant can produce a cloud or jet of blackish ink from its mouth or other orifice.
44 i-m body: functions
293 Intersex
This mutant displays a mix of features considered typical of either male and female sexes, but
not usually both, or is otherwise near the middle of the dimorphic spectrum.
► Roll 1d6 for type of intersexuality:
1-2 Ambiguous genitalia.
3 Internal and external sex characteristics of (what are usually) different sexes (or
even the sex of a different species).
4 No secondary sex characteristics.
5 Secondary sex characteristics but no reproductive organs.
6 True hermaphrodite, has fully functioning male and female sexual organs. If
the mutant is normally asexual, it has the sex organs of another species.

294 Kidney Stones

This mutant is prone to passing stones that form in the kidneys and cause excruciating pain.

295 Light Dependency

This mutant requires an external light source to live and will begin to die if left in total darkness.
No amount of light will blind or otherwise hinder this mutant.

296 Light Generation

This mutant can generate light at will. Choose a colour or roll on the basic or extended colour
► Roll 1d4 for type of light generated:
1 Blinding flashes. 2 Directed beams. 3-4 Phosphorescence.

297 Light Sensitivity

This mutant’s eyes are highly sensitive to light. It is blinded by normal daylight, but can see
normally in dim light.

298 Long Life

This mutant, unless killed, will live about twice as long as others of its species, and will not
suffer the effects of aging until very late in its life.

299-300 Low Pain Threshold

This mutant is extremely sensitive to pain.

301 Low Sex Drive

This mutant has an unusually low libido, even if it is fertile (though it may not be). It has little
or no desire to mate with members of the opposite sex or engage in recreational sexual activity
of any sort, and will be bored when attempting to do so.

302 Malleable Body

This mutant can bend, twist, and collapse its body, squeezing through small spaces and being
comfortable in awkward positions. Any hard parts of the mutant’s anatomy, like skeleton or
shell, are extremely flexible, but not fragile.
body: functions m-p 45
303 Malleable Features
This mutant can reshape its own appearance by the application of pressure, using fingers and
other implements to give itself a new face, move fat and muscles around, and reshape skin
details. The mutant chooses when to be malleable, but must shape itself by hand.

304 Microscopic Vision

This mutant can see tiny objects clearly, if they are close.

305 Mute
This mutant has no vocal cords or speech-producing organs, and cannot talk.

306 Myopia
This mutant cannot see clearly past 1d10+10 feet (1d3+3m).

307 Nerve Cut-Off

This mutant can deaden its own nerves at will, so that it feels no pain or other sensations.

308 No Pain Receptors

This mutant is unable to feel pain, though it retains a normal sense of touch otherwise.

309 No Sense of Smell or Taste

This mutant has no olfactory senses, and cannot smell or taste anything. The mutant will still
be affected by piquant food, poisons, and irritants, however.

310 No Sense of Touch

This mutant is almost totally unable to sense by touch, but still feels pain.

311 Oversexed
This mutant has an unusually high libido and desires sexual activity at all times. It may pass up
activities necessary for survival in order to obtain sexual satisfaction. This increased sex drive is
entirely biological in nature, not psychological.

312 Paraplegic
This mutant is paralysed below the waist.

313-314 Parasite Infestation

This mutant’s body is infested with one or more parasites.
► Roll 1d6 (or 1d10) for type of parasite infestation:
1 Cloud of flies. 6 Worms.
2 Insect hive. 7 Alien creature.
3 Nest of crawling bugs. 8 Demon or supernatural being.
4 Nest of snakes. 9 Ghost or other undead.
5 Tongue replaced by parasite. 10 Intelligent alien colonists.

315 Parthenogenesis
This mutant may reproduce on its own, without requiring another member of its own species.
The offspring will be a clone, the same as an identical twin. This mutation probably requires a
womb or similar reproductive organs.
46 p body: functions
316 Performance Enhancement
This mutant can enhance its own mental and physical performance for a short amount of
time by concentrating and expending great amounts of energy. Speed, strength, and each of
its senses can be enhanced, usually in order to reach a certain short-term objective, but this is
extremely draining, and will leave the mutant tired and hungry.

317 Permeable Skin

This mutant may absorb water and oxygen through its skin like an amphibian. This allows the
mutant to breathe and drink underwater.

318-319 Pheromones
This mutant exudes pheromones.
► Roll 1d8 for pheromone function:
1 Attracts prey. 4 Inspires fear.
2 Causes disorientation. 5-6 Inspires lust.
3 Inspires aggression. 7-8 Marks territory or trails.
► Roll 1d4 for pheromone trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 3 At will.
2 Always on. 4 Stress-induced.

320 Photosynthetic
This mutant extracts nutrients from air, soil, and water by absorbing energy from sunlight.

321 Poison Glands

This mutant has glands that excrete poison.
► Roll 1d6 (or 1d8) for poison location:
1-2 Bite. 4 Injector. 6 Spit or spray.
3 Claws. 5 Secretion. 7-8 Kiss.

322 Poison Susceptibility

This mutant is exceedingly vulnerable to poisons and toxins, and levels that will only make
others of the same species sick will kill this mutant.

323 Poor Dexterity

This mutant’s manual dexterity is much worse than others of its species, and its fingers do not
display finesse.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

324-325 Poor Respiration

This mutant’s respiratory system is weaker than normal. It must rest after even short periods
of strenuous activity or pass out, and cannot hold its breathe for more than several seconds.

326 Pouched Cheeks

This mutant’s cheeks are elastic and its mouth may be used to carry a great deal of food or
other objects.
body: functions p-q 47
327 Powerful Jaws
This mutant’s jaw and mouth muscles are extremely well-developed and dense. It can easily
crush bone between its teeth.

328 Powerful Legs

Because of its powerful leg muscles, this mutant can move at double normal speed and jump
three times as high and far as normal.

329-330 Prehensile Feet

This mutant’s feet are as dexterous as hands, with toes and possibly a thumb that are capable
of fine manipulation and grasping.

331 Prehensile Hair

This mutant’s hair can move and grasp objects at the mutant’s direction.

332-333 Premature Aging

This mutant ages quicker than normal, appearing about twice as old as it actually is.

334 Prey Scent

This mutant gives off a scent that attracts predators.

335 Protected Senses

One or more of this mutant’s senses is protected from over-stimulation. Disorienting stimuli
and attacks against this sense have no effect on the mutant.
► Roll 1d6 for senses that are protected:
1 Balance and direction. 4 Smell and taste.
2 Hearing. 5 Two senses or other sense.
3 Pain and touch. 6 Vision.

336 Pseudopods
This mutant can project temporary tentacle-like appendages from its body. It appears otherwise
normal when not employing any pseudopods.

337 Quadriplegic
This mutant is paralysed below the neck.

338 Quick Reflexes

This mutant’s reaction speed is far quicker than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).
body: functions r 49
339 Radar
This mutant can sense and broadcast radio waves in order to determine the shape of its
surroundings. These radio waves do not pass through solid objects or liquids.
► Roll 1d8 for range of radar:
1 A couple miles (3km). 5 Five hundred miles (800km).
2 A hundred feet (30m). 6 Six hundred yards (550m).
3 A hundred miles (160km). 7 Ten miles (16km).
4 A hundred yards (91m). 8 Twenty miles (32km).

340 Reflective Surface

This mutant’s skin or other covering reflects heat, light, and electro-magnetic energy, including
harmful laser blasts and nuclear energies. It may or may not be as shiny as a mirror.

341-342 Regeneration
This mutant can heal faster and more effectively than others.
► Roll 1d6 for effectiveness of regeneration:
1-2 Injuries heal several times faster than normal, and lost limbs grow back.
3 Injuries heal within days instead of months, and minutes instead of hours.
4-6 The mutant’s limbs will grow back if severed.

343 Respiratory Filters

This mutant has filters in its lungs, esophagus, or at some other point in its respiratory system.
It is immune to airborne bacteria, drugs, toxins, and viruses.

344 Roots and Vines

This mutant has roots and vines that can burrow into the ground and absorb nutrients, as well
as keep the mutant attached to solid objects.

345 Rotating Body Part

One or more of this mutant’s body parts can rotate a full 360 degrees.
► Roll on the body part table or 1d4 here for rotating body part or parts:
1 Arms and legs. 3 Head.
2 Hands and feet. 4 Waist.

346 Rotting Flesh

This mutant’s flesh is prone to rotting—becoming putrid and foul-smelling, dripping fluids
and falling apart easily. Without constant medical attention, the mutant will die.

347 Rubber Bones

This mutant’s bones are soft and rubbery, making it harder to stand up straight and use its
muscles properly. Strength is halved, but the mutant can fit into tight spaces easier. The mutant
is injured less by blunt impacts, due to shock absorption, but suffers more from crushing and
squeezing, since these bones provide less protection to internal organs.

348 Rubbery Skin

This mutant’s skin is hard and rubbery and slows it down a little, especially in cold weather.
50 s body: functions
349 Saliva Substitution
This mutant’s saliva has some additional property that it is immune to, but other are not.
► Either roll on the blood substitution table or 1d8 here for property of saliva:
1 Acidic. 5 Paralytic.
2 Analgesic. 6 Piquant.
3 Dries as a solid mass. 7 Poisonous.
4 Hallucinogenic. 8 Webbing strands.

350 Salt Drinker

This mutant suffers no ill effects for drinking salt water instead of fresh water.

351 Sanitized Metabolism

This mutant has virtually no foreign bacteria or parasites in its digestive system, which produces
natural enzymes to break down food in place of these organisms. Its immune system may be
correspondingly weak, forcing it to live in a special or artificial environment.

352 Shapechanger
This mutant can change its shape and appearance.
► Roll 1d10 for type of shape-changing:
1 The mutant can conceal its other mutations and appear normal.
2-3 The mutant can mimic another species (roll on the creature table).
4 The mutant has a multi-stage life cycle.
5-7 The mutant has two forms and can switch between at will (roll on the creature
table for second form).
8-9 The mutant is diurnal, with one form during the day and another at night (roll
on creature table for second form).
10 The mutant suffers from uncontrollable shape changes.

353 Shedding
This mutant sheds its skin.
► Roll 1d4 for type of shedding:
1 Regular moulting of whole skin. 3 Skin constantly flakes off.
2 Skin can be shed as necessary. 4 Skin constantly peeling.

354 Short Life

This mutant will only live half as long as others of its species, but it will not age prematurely.

355-356 Silent Movement

Due to soft pads on hands and feet, and a modified physiognomy, this mutant makes almost
no sound when it moves.

357 Silk Production

This mutant can produce strands of very strong silk, like that of a spider or silkworm. These
can be smooth or sticky, and can be used to climb, form a web, or bind prey.

358-359 Slow Healer

This mutant’s ability to heal is impaired, for whatever reason. It takes twice as long as is normal
for its species to recover from injuries, fatigue, and illness.
body: functions s 51
360 Slow Movement Speed
This mutant cannot travel on its limbs as fast as others of its species.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

361 Slow Reaction Time

This mutant’s reaction speed is far lower than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

362-363 Sonar
This mutant emits high-frequency sound and listens to the reflections in order to navigate its
surroundings. It can operate normally in darkness, and knows the shape of its surroundings
within a hundred feet (30m). Creatures and devices able to detect high frequencies will be
alerted to the mutant’s presence when it uses sonar.

364 Sonic Blast

This mutant can project a concentrated blast of sound that stuns and deafens those targeted.
This mutant can also be very loud.

365 Sound Mimicry

This mutant can closely mimic any sound it hears.

366-367 Speech Impediment

This mutant’s mouth has an awkward shape—perhaps because of a cleft lip and/or palate, too
many teeth, oddly-shaped teeth or bones, or gaps where teeth failed to develop—giving it a
distinctively thick speech impediment.

368 Spinning
This mutant can spin at high speeds without becoming dizzy or disoriented. While spinning,
the mutant’s senses are impaired but still functional.

369 Spore Cloud

This mutant can emit a cloud of spores that irritate the eyes, skin, and throat of those caught
within it, and possibly helps it reproduce.

370 Sprint
This mutant may sprint at incredibly fast speeds over short distances, up to five times as fast
as normal for its species.

371 Stiff Joints

This mutant’s limbs and joints are stiff and hard to bend. The mutant moves in a jerky,
ungraceful manner, cannot run at full speed, and has trouble with manual dexterity.

372 Strong Skeleton

This mutant has extremely hard bones that can withstand as much kinetic force as steel.
52 s-t body: functions
373 Structural Weakness
This mutant’s bones and other hard parts are structurally deficient and more prone to breaking
and fracturing than normal.

374 Suckers
This mutant has visible suckers that help it grip and hold things.
► Roll 1d8 for location of suckers:
1 Almost all over. 5-6 Tips of fingers and toes.
2-4 Hands and feet. 7-8 Underside of body.

375-376 Telescopic Vision

This mutant can see clearly for up to two miles (3km) and still distinguish individuals.

377-378 Temperature Resistance

This mutant can function normally in temperatures that others of its species find too hot
or cold. It takes longer to freeze to death or suffer heat exhaustion, but cannot withstand
temperatures that boil water or freeze flesh.

379-380 Temperature Sensitivity

This mutant is acutely vulnerable to extremes of heat and cold, and will become weak and
sluggish before others do.

381 Thin Skin

This mutant’s skin is thin and brittle, making it easier to penetrate or tear.

382 Total Healing

This mutant has the ability to replace all its cells rapidly, which takes a span of one day for every
hundred pounds, and requires the mutant to eat constantly throughout. This process sheds
skin, regrows lost limbs, and purges the body of radiation poisoning and toxins. When the
process is finished, the mutant is weak and exhausted, and must rest for several days.

383 Toxic
This mutant’s flesh and organs are highly toxic to most other animals.

384 Toxin Resistance

This mutant is unaffected by normally-lethal levels of most or all toxins, poisons, and drugs.
This is not total immunity, but much higher doses are required for effect.

385 Trail of Slime

This mutant secretes slime as it moves along the ground.

386 Tremor Sense

This mutant can sense movement through vibrations in the ground and other solid matter.
► Roll 1d6 for range of tremor sense:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 A hundred yards (91m).
3 A couple miles (3km). 6 Half a mile (800m).

387 Tunnel Vision

This mutant his little or no peripheral vision.
body: functions u-w 53
388 Ultravision
This mutant can see into the ultraviolet range, which makes radiation and electro-magnetic
energy visible. The mutant is immune to welder’s flash, but will be almost blind in space, due
to the abundance of vacuum ultraviolet.

389 Uncontrollable Flatulence

This mutant has intestinal difficulties that cause it to fart a lot.

390-391 Venomous Bite

This mutant’s bite is enhanced by venom.
► Roll 1d3 for type of venom:
1 Necrotic venom. 2 Paralytic venom. 3 Toxic poison.

392 Ventriloquist
This mutant can throw its voice, without moving its lips or appearing to make noise at all.

393 Vents
This mutant has vents in its skin that release air, steam, or other gases.

394 Voluminous Lungs

Due to its expansive lung capacity and other adaptations, this mutant can hold its breath for
up to an hour.

395 Vomits at Will

This mutant may projectile vomit. There is a 1 in 3 chance this vomit is harmful enough to be
used as a deadly weapon.

396 Water Dependency

This mutant’s skin must be kept moist by immersion in water at least once every 1d4 hours. If
its skin dries up, it will crack and split painfully, becoming vulnerable to infection.

397 Water-Soluble Skin

This mutant’s skin lacks cohesion and will dissolve if immersed in water.

398 Weak Spot

This mutant has a particular weak spot. If this spot is struck at all, the mutant will be stunned,
paralysed, or even killed. Roll on the body parts table to determine where this weak spot is.

399 Wet Skin

This mutant’s skin is coated with a layer of fluids, secreted by special glands.

400 Wounding Genitals

This mutant’s genitals cause wounds, either because of barbs, coarse texture, grinding parts,
stingers, teeth, or other features.
54 a-b
mind: behaviours mutations
401 Addicted
This mutant is physically addicted to a drug or some other substance that normally has
physiological and/or mind-altering properties.
► Roll 1d6 for availability of drug or substance:
1-2 Commonly available. 5 Not commonly available.
3-4 Commonly available but 6 Only one source exists.
proscribed or stigmatized.
► Roll 1d6 for frequency of necessary use:
1-2 Daily. 5 Twice a week.
3-4 Several times a day. 6 Weekly.
► Roll 1d8 for type of drug or substance:
1 Antidepressant. 5 Sedative.
2 Hallucinogenic. 6-7 Stimulant.
3-4 Narcotic. 8 Two properties.

402 Addictive Personality

This mutant is prone to addictive and compulsive behaviours.
► Roll 1d6 for the most dominant type of addiction or compulsive behaviour:
1 Alcoholism. 4 Gambling.
2 Drugs. 5 Obsession or other behaviour.
3 Food. 6 Sex.

403 Always Afraid

This mutant lives in a perpetual state of fear, which can only be relieved by the heavy use of

404 Anxious
This mutant is often nervous, prone to introspective self-doubt and worry.

405 Assimilationist
This mutant modifies its behaviour to fit group dynamics and social norms. It may or may not
accept a society’s ideology, but it can mimic normative beahviour with relative ease. It does
not gai any great insights into culture by doing this, however, nor is it better at manipulating
culture simply because it is able to fit in.

406 Berserker
When this mutant engages in significant acts of violence, it is subject to furies and will remain
violent until exhaustion forces it to stop. The mutant can engage in simple acts of violence such
as one-on-one duels, without triggering the berserk state, but battles with multiple opponents
on either side will make the mutant go berserk.

407 Blood Rage

This mutant is prone to rages whenever it is harmed or injured. If enraged, the mutant will fight
against the perceived cause of its injuries until either the threat or the mutant is neutralized.
b-d 55
408 Breakdowns
This mutant is subject to bouts of irrational behaviour. There is a 10 per cent chance it will
suffer a breakdown when confronted with a stressful situation.
► When the mutant breaks down, roll 1d6 to determine its behaviour:
1 It attacks the largest and/or most threatening individual present.
2 It attacks the weakest and/or the most vulnerable individual present.
3 It attempts to commit suicide.
4 It falls down and sobs uncontrollably for several minutes.
5 It stands in place, screaming, for several minutes.
6 It tries to wreck any valuable objects present.

409 Burrower
This mutant prefers to live and sleep in a burrow underground.

410-411 Carnivore
This mutant is an obligate carnivore, depending solely on animal tissue for its diet, which can
include fish and insects. It gains little or no sustenance from devouring plant matter.

412 Code of Honour

This mutant feels the need to live by well-defined rules, and obeys a strict code of behaviour it
has learned from an external source.

413 Compulsive Behaviour

This mutant engages in compulsive behaviour, repeating certain actions and performing set
rituals. It may realize what it is doing, but is unable to stop without supreme effort.

414 Compulsive Liar

This mutant is constantly telling lies, exaggerating, and making up stories.

415 Contrarian
This mutant is compelled to oppose others and take an antagonistic stance, even if only to play
“Devil’s advocate” to a position it agrees with.

416 Controlled by Stars

This mutant’s mental state and behavioural patterns can be mapped to the moon and stars. As
the stars migrate across the heavens, they influence the mutant’s biological state.

417 Daylight Stasis

This mutant is asleep and inactive during the day.

418 Deep Sleeper

This mutant sleeps very deeply. Awakening prematurely is extremely difficult, and the mutant
will be groggy and disoriented until it can continue sleeping.

419 Degenerate Gambler

This mutant is addicted to gambling. It will try to continue gambling even after going broke.
56 d mind: behaviours
420 Dependency
This mutant is physically dependent on a chemical, drug, or other substance to maintain a
functionally normal life. The mutant is not addicted—this substance is actually required or the
mutant will suffer negative physical and/or mental effects and could possibly die.
► Roll 1d6 for availability of substance:
1-2 Commonly available. 5 Not commonly available.
3-4 Commonly available but 6 One source.
proscribed or stigmatized.
► Roll 1d6 for frequency of necessary use:
1 Daily. 3 Every two weeks. 5 Twice a week.
2 Every few hours. 4 Monthly 6 Weekly.
► Roll 1d6 (or 1d10) for ill effects:
1 Hallucinations and psychosis. 6 Poltergeist effects.
2 Magical persecution. 7 Unconscious psychic attacks.
3 Mental incapacitation. 8 Uncontrolled mutation.
4 Physical wasting. 9 Vulnerability to illness.
5 Physical weakness. 10 Vulnerability to possession.

421-422 Depression
This mutant is prone to bouts of depression and melancholy, during which it suffers from low
energy, suicidal impulses, and general unhappiness.

423 Dominant
This mutant prefers to be the most active member in any social interaction or relationship it
participates in. This may or may not extend to dominating the decision-making as well.

424 Drone
This mutant dislikes making decisions on its own, and must be ordered to do anything
important. It will internalize even complex lifestyle ideologies, and continue such behaviour
when not subjected to an authority figure. This mutation can also mean the mutant is a sterile
worker drone, or that it has been domesticated.

425 Drone Producer

This mutant produces sterile drone offspring, either sexually or asexually. These drones are
much smaller than the mutant and not very creative, independent, or intelligent, and are only
capable of performing one or two general tasks.
► Roll 1d8 for drone ability to specialize:
1-3 Drones can be specialists (roll one specialty) or labourers, but not both.
4-5 Drones can each perform one of 1d3+1 different specialties.
6 Drones can each perform one or two of 1d4+2 different specialties.
7-8 Drones can only perform unskilled labour.
► Roll 1d10 for possible drone specializations (if any):
1 Administration. 6 Foraging and scouting.
2 Child rearing. 7 Habitat construction.
3 Defence. 8 Production of art or culture.
4 Fighting (one style). 9 Skilled labour (one skill).
5 Food production (one food). 10 Unskilled labour.
mind: behaviours e-f 57
426-427 Eating Disorder
This mutant has an eating disorder and the body image problems that accompany it.
► Roll 1d6 for general type of eating disorder:
1 Anorexia. 3 Geophagy or pica. 5 Overeater.
2 Bulimia. 4 Guilty eater. 6 Picky eater.

428 Egg Layer

This mutant reproduces by laying eggs, incubating its young in cocoons, or producing spores,
which are fertilized either inside or outside the female. The fetus develops within the egg,
which may grow or remain a uniform size, while it is outside the female’s body.

429 Excessive Sleeper

This mutant requires about twice as much sleep as others of its species.

430 External Digestion

This mutant cannot digest its food internally. Instead, it vomits stomach acids onto its food,
then devours the resulting slurry.

431 Faith
This mutant has a biological predilection to feel connected to a higher power, a guiding plan,
and a structured, unified cosmos.

432 Fear of Sacred Objects

This mutant is repelled and disgusted by sacred or religious objects and symbols. It will not
willingly approach or touch a religious icon, and will flee from those brandishing them.

433 Fits and Seizures

This mutant has a 5 per cent chance of suffering a fit or seizure when stressed.
► Roll 1d8 (or 1d10, or 1d12, or 1d20) for the kind of seizures:
1 Catatonia. 4 Epilepsy. 7 Narcolepsy.
2 Delusions. 5 Hallucinations. 8 Stroke.
3 Fainting. 6 Hysteria. 9-20 Magical.
58 g-h mind: behaviours
434 Glossolalia
This mutant can “speak in tongues,” uttering nonsense, speech-like syllables with some ritual
preparation. There is also a 5 per cent chance it will do this during a stressful situation.

435 Hallucinations
This mutant is prone to hallucinating.
► Roll 1d8 for the usual cause of hallucinations:
1 Bright lights and loud noises. 5 Lack of food (a day or more).
2 Crowds. 6 Lack of sleep (a day or more).
3 Dehydration. 7 Sexual arousal.
4 High-stress or violent situations. 8 Time alone.

436-437 Headaches
This mutant is prone to painful migraine headaches which are usually exacerbated by stress.

438-439 Herbivore
This mutant is unable to digest meat, and must subsist on a diet of plant material.

440 Hibernating
This mutant tends to hibernate during adverse environmental conditions, increasing its food
intake beforehand, and burning the fat while in hibernation.

441 Highly Social

This mutant prefers to exist within a group, and dislikes being alone. It might prefer packs,
herds, or simply refuses to be active on its own, and must be part of at least a pair.

442 Hoarder
This mutant compulsively hoards objects, and refuses to throw things away.

443 Honest
This mutant will not lie or deceive others.

444 Hunting Instinct

This mutant is dominated by a powerful urge to hunt and kill. The mutant may be fixated on
a specific creature or type of person.

445 Hypochondria
This mutant obsesses over imaginary afflictions and illnesses it does not have.

446 Hysterical Injury

Under stress, this mutant believes it is afflicted with some sort of wound, loss of sight, touch,
or hearing, inability to move property, or some other injury it does not have.
mind: behaviours i-m 59
447 Irrational Hatred
This mutant has an irrational hatred of something, and will become enraged upon encountering
it or thinking about it too much.
► Roll 1d8 for type of thing hated:
1 Authority figure or institution. 5 Specific class, culture, or race.
2 Common situation. 6 Specific occupation.
3 Common type of object. 7 Uncommon situation.
4 Roll on creature table. 8 Uncommon type of object.

448 Kleptomania
This mutant feels compelled to steal.

449 Largesse
This mutant does not consider material possessions to be of great importance, and will happily
part with them in order to help or assist other people.

450-451 Mania
This mutant is prone to bouts of manic hyperactivity, which may cause exhaustion, obsessive/
compulsive behaviour, recursive thinking, an inability to concentrate, and even psychotic

452-453 Manic Depressive

This mutant is prone to alternating manic and depressive phases.

454 Masochism
This mutant enjoys pain and likes to be degraded, hurt, and humiliated.

455 Mental Block Defence Tactic

When this mutant has an unpleasant or violent experience, there is a chance it will block the
source from its mind and refuse to acknowledge it in the future, even if it once again becomes
a threat or a cause of stress.

456 Migratory
This mutant is constantly moving from one location to another, because it is nomadic, sensitive
to environmental changes, or possessed by wanderlust.

457 Motherliness
This mutant tends to mother people, making them feel safe and cared for. In its presence,
worried, frightened, and irritated people grow calm and contented, especially children.

458 Multi-Stage Lifespan

This mutant will exist in more than one form over the course of its lifespan. At the very least,
it has one form when immature, and metamorphoses into another when it reaches adulthood,
but it could have more than two stages.

459 Multiple Personalities

This mutant has one or more additional personalities that may or may not share the same
memories or be aware of each other, but will always act differently.
► Roll 1d6 for number of extra personalities:
1 1d6+2 extra. 2 One extra. 3 Two extra.
60 n-p mind: behaviours
460 Narcolepsy
This mutant is vulnerable to spontaneously falling asleep when subjected to stress.
► Roll 1d6 for likelihood of falling asleep under pressure:
1 1 in 6 chance. 2-4 5 per cent. 5-6 10 per cent.

461 Nightmares
This mutant is prone to terrifying nightmares, and often wakes up screaming, drenched in
sweat. The mutant may dread falling asleep or resort to drugs to sleep soundly.

462-463 Nocturnal
This mutant is nocturnal, normally sleeping during the day. It can see well in poorly-lit
conditions short of total darkness, and is rather sensitive to light. If the mutant is already
nocturnal, it becomes diurnal.

464 Obsessive
This mutant can becomes fixated on things, until they consume its every waking hour.

465 Omnivore
This mutant’s digestive system is so hardy it can eat any organic material without ill effects,
including spoiled meat, contaminated water, and the waste products of other creatures.

466 Outbursts
This mutant is prone to unsettling outbursts while under stress, which may include spontaneous
dancing, obscene gestures, salacious or caustic language, inappropriate touching, incontinence,
and, most especially, denial.

467 Pacifist
This mutant cannot take violent action, even in self-defence.

468 Paranoia
This mutant is prone to fits of paranoid delusions that it is being persecuted.

469 Periodic Amnesia

This mutant is vulnerable to bouts of stress-triggered amnesia.
mind: behaviours p 61
470-471 Phobia
This mutant has an unreasoning and overwhelming fear of something, and will either be
paralysed in terror upon encountering it, or noisily distressed and will attempt to flee.
► Roll 1d100 for object of fear:
1 Abandoned places. 53 Injury.
2 Aliens. 54 Language or words.
3 Animals. 55-64 Loud noises.
4 Bacteria. 65-66 Machinery or technology.
5 Beds. 67 Magic.
6 Being abducted. 68 Men or women.
7 Being alone. 69 Monsters or mutants.
8 Blood. 70 Music.
9 Bridges. 71-78 Open spaces.
10 Bugs and insects. 79 Pain.
11 Cats. 80 Pins and needles.
12 Children. 81 Plants.
13 Clowns. 82 Poison.
14 Cold. 83 Radiation.
15-19 Crowds. 84 Rain, storms, and wind.
20 Darkness and night. 85 Religion.
21 Dead things. 86 Reptiles.
22 Depth or the sea. 87-88 Roll on the basic colour table.
23 Dirt. 89 Roll on the extended colour table.
24 Disease or infection. 90 Roll on the creature table.
25 Doctors. 91 Sex.
26 Dogs. 92 Sinning.
27-36 Enclosed spaces. 93 Slime.
37 Fire. 94 Snakes.
38 Flying. 95 Space.
39-41 Foreigners or strangers. 96 Spiders.
42 Fur or hair. 97 Touching.
43-50 Heights. 98 Water.
51 High speeds. 99 Weapons.
52 Home confinement. 100 Whatever you see first when you
look up from this page.

472 Physical Coward

This mutant suffers from combat paralysis, is deathly afraid of personal, bodily risk, and is
virtually usually unable to enter into physically dangerous situations and conflicts.

473-474 Physical Self-Loathing

This mutant feels a distinct dissatisfaction with, or even hatred of, its own body. It may feel it
is the wrong size, shape, or sex, that it does not look the way the mutant would like it to, or
that parts of it must be removed. The mutant may also, or instead, feel alienated inside its own
skin, like it does not belong there.

475 Pyromania
This mutant feels compelled to set fires.
62 r-s mind: behaviours
476-477 Restricted Diet
This mutant can only gain sustenance from a small category of food.
► Roll 1d6 for type of food:
1 Bugs. 3 Carrion. 5 One type of plant.
2 Cannibal. 4 Live animals. 6 Rocks.

478 Ritualistic
This mutant makes use of ritual phrases, gestures, and actions in all areas of its life. It adapts
to new rituals with ease.

479 Sadism
This mutant enjoys hurting and degrading others.

480 Schizophrenia
This mutant is prone to disintegrating thought processes, hallucinations, paranoid delusions,
psychotic episodes, and social impairment. There is no standard pharmacological cure.

481 Sexual Fetish

This mutant is sexually fixated upon a specific object, circumstance, or type of person.
► Roll 1d12 for fetish:
1 Alien fantasies. 7 Rape fantasies.
2 Bondage. 8 Roll on the body part table.
3 Cuckold fantasies. 9 Roll on the creature table.
4 Dominance. 10 Specific item of clothing.
5 Gendered clothing. 11 Specific occupation.
6 Incest fantasies. 12 Submission.

482 Sexual Neurosis

This mutant’s sexual impulses deviate from the norms of its species in some way.
► Roll 1d6 for type of sexual neurosis:
1-2 Asexual. 4 Non-normative compulsion.
3 Fear of sex. 5-6 Oversexed.

483 Sexual Prowess

This mutant is exceptionally talented in the arts of sex (lovemaking and/or mating, depending
on species). This may or may not be apparent from its appearance.

484 Short Fuse

This mutant has trouble controlling its anger, tends to be very touchy, and is prone to fly into
rages under stress, or when it feels it is being attacked or criticized.

485 Shuddering
This mutant shakes uncontrollably and cannot sit still.

486 Shy
This mutant is extremely uncomfortable around strangers, will avoid them, and tends to be
quiet and unassertive when it has to interact with them.

487 Silly Voice

This mutant has an odd, even humiliating, manner of speaking.
mind: behaviours s-v 63
488 Silly Walk
Others think this mutant has an odd way of walking. Maybe it is always dancing, skipping,
crab-crawling, or walking on the balls of its feet even out of high-heeled shoes.

489 Sleepwalking
This mutant is prone to walking in its sleep, and may even perform complex actions in such a
state. The mutant does not remember what it has done when it awakens.

490-491 Slovenly
This mutant cannot be bothered to keep its appearance up, nor does it take care to tidy up its
surroundings or living area. Cleanliness and orderly surroundings mean nothing.

492 Sociopathic
This mutant is unable to feel empathy or sympathy for other individuals it is not already close
to, or who do not benefit the mutant in some direct and concrete manner.

493 Strange Sound

This mutant emits strange sounds.
► Roll 1d4 for type of sound:
1 Attractive sound. 3 Threatening sound.
2 Strange speech. 4 Uncontrollable sound.

494 Stuttering
This mutant cannot speak without stammering and stuttering, especially under stress.

495 Submissive
This mutant is uncomfortable with obvious leadership roles and prefers to leave either the
decision-making or the action—or both—to others.

496-497 Territorial
This mutant stakes out its own territory and is fiercely protective of it, driving away any
unwanted intruders. If the mutant is already territorial, it becomes expansionist.

498-499 Tidy
This mutant instinctively takes good care of its appearance, keeps itself well-groomed, and
tends to keep its surroundings neat and tidy.

500 Vengeful
This mutant harbours deeply ingrained negative feelings towards those it feels it has been
wronged by. This mutant will carry a grudge indefinitely and always seek to take revenge when
the opportunity arises.
64 a-d
mind: cognitive mutations
501-502 Animal Friendship
This mutant has a natural talent for handling animals. No animal will harm this mutant except
in self-defence, and will often be calm and friendly. Does not apply to monsters.

503 Anticipation
By concentrating on a particular target, this mutant can anticipate their future actions. The
mutant can predict a target’s actions for a duration that equals the amount of time it spends
examining that individual’s behaviour, or the products of their behaviour, including writings
and artworks. If the mutant does not examine the target directly, it can only anticipate what
the target intended to do at the time the works considered were created.

504-505 Attention Deficit Disorder

This mutant is unable to concentrate on a single task for long periods of time, is easily
distracted, and usually forgets what it is supposed to be doing.

506 Autobiographical Memory

This mutant can remember everything that happened to it, and can recall episodes and events
from memory in complete form.

507-509 Body Sense

This mutant is acutely aware of how well its body is functioning. It knows its own physical
activity levels, nourishment requirements, chemical balances, and fatigue levels better than
most detection machines do.

510 Computer Brain

This mutant’s brain can perform complex calculations at the same speed as a supercomputer.
The mutant can mentally compute probabilities, count cards, analyze data, run simulations,
and remember massive amounts of information, accessing it at lightning speed.

511-512 Cultural Flexibility

This mutant is able to mingle and associate easily with people of any race, creed, social status,
or cultural background, due to its ability to accept alien cultural patterns and mimic such
behaviours without needing to criticize them. Other people feel at ease around the mutant and
are generally non-judgmental of its presence.

513-514 Decreased Awareness

This mutant’s ability to perceive its surroundings is worse than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

515-516 Decreased Empathy

This mutant’s ability to empathize with other creatures is stunted or non-existent, although it
can still be sympathetic to, or ideologically allied with, them.
d-e 65
517-518 Decreased Intellect
This mutant’s mind moves slower than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

519-520 Decreased Social Aptitude

This mutant’s ability to understand and perform social norms is much worse than is average
for specimens of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

521-522 Decreased Willpower

This mutant has less willpower than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of decrease:
1 ×¼ (decreased to one quarter). 3 -⅓ (decreased by one third).
2 -½ (decreased by one half ). 4 -¼ (decreased by one quarter).

523-524 Directional Sense

This mutant is always aware of its spatial position, which way is north, and where objects in
its presence are located. The mutant can also detect what has moved in an area it has been to.

525 Disciplined
This mutant is not easily distracted when it knows what it is doing and has a regimen or
schedule to follow. The need to improvise can break this intense focus.

526 Dreamless
This mutant requires sleep, but does not dream.

527 Dual Attention

This mutant may concentrate on two completely different tasks at the same time, devoting as
much attention to each as a member of its species would normally only be able to devote to
one. The performance of these two tasks is restricted by physical limitations, of course. If this
mutant also has Dual Brain, it can perform four tasks at the same time.

528-529 Dual Brain

This mutant has two brains, but not necessarily two heads. Each brain has different mental
mutations (determine randomly which brain has which mutation), and psychic attacks against
this mutant must succeed against both brains to succeed at all. There is a 1 in 3 chance that this
second brain will impair the first brain and cause the mutant to occasionally exhibit different
personalities, suffer from insomnia, and fall into fits of insanity.

530-531 Dyslexia
This mutant is dyslexic, and has difficulty reading and writing, and processing visual symbols.
This mutant must work harder than others to master written language.

532-533 Earthquake Prediction

This mutant can sense seismic activity, and knows when an earthquake or other disruption is
about to happen. It can also sense weaknesses in the structural integrity of buildings.
66 e-i mind: cognition
534 Editorial Evaluation
This mutant is extremely adept at evaluating the causes and processes of its own failures
and less-than-successful projects, as well as identifying what aspects of an undertaking were
substantially more successful than others, and how to continue in the same vein.

535 Eidetic Memory

This mutant has perfect recall and can peruse its memories like films or photographs.

536-537 Emotionless
This mutant does not feel extremes of emotion; not anger, despair, fear, nor joy. It still has some
small semblance of emotional life, such as annoyance, contentedness, enmity, and friendship,
but these are highly intellectual compared to normal human emotions.

538 Enhance Mutations

This mutant can double the effects of other mutations, mental or physical, by concentrating.
This is extremely draining, and the mutant will require rest and nourishment after using it.

539-540 Enhanced Nervous System

This mutant’s senses are increased and its reaction times are lowered, but it can suffer from
sensory overload on occasion.

541-543 Enhanced Senses

This mutant’s brain is able to process sensory information much more efficiently than is normal
for its species.
► Roll 1d6 for which senses are enhanced:
1 Balance. 3 Smell and taste. 5 Two senses.
2 Hearing. 4 Touch. 6 Vision.

544 Genetic Memory

This mutant retains the memories and some of the knowledge of one or more of its ancestors.
It may also display personality traits related to these memories.

545-546 Heightened Olfactory Memory

This mutant can recognize individuals, locations, and substances by scent, and can remember
exactly where and when it smelled a specific scent before.

547 Hive Mind

This mutant’s mind is joined with those of two or more other individuals. All members of
the hive have a common purpose when they are together, and may have more effective means
of communication between each other. When members of the hive split up, their cognitive
abilities and identities begin to fracture.

548-549 Increased Awareness

This mutant’s ability to perceive its surroundings is better than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).
mind: cognition i-l 67
550-551 Increased Brain Size
This mutant has a larger-than-normal brain, doubling its mental capabilities.
► Roll 1d6 for head size:
1 Skull is normal-sized. The over-sized brain is located in two or more places.
2-3 Skull is normal sized, but the brain is under pressure, causing occasional ataxia,
disorientation, hallucinations, memory loss, migraines, psychotic episodes,
and/or strokes.
4-6 Skull size is increased to compensate for the over-sized brain.

552-553 Increased Empathy

This mutant is far better able to empathize with other creatures than others of its species.

554-555 Increased Intellect

This mutant’s mind moves faster than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

556-557 Increased Social Aptitude

This mutant is cognitively better at understanding and performing social norms than the
average specimen of its type is.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

558-559 Increased Willpower

This mutant has more willpower than the average specimen of its type.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the amount of increase:
1 ×2 (doubled). 3 +⅓ (increased by one third).
2 +½ (increased by one half ). 4 +¼ (increased by one quarter).

560-562 Insomnia
This mutant has problems falling asleep and staying asleep. In serious cases, this may lead to
impaired health and mental abilities, hallucinations, and even psychotic episodes.

563 Intuition
This mutant is subconsciously aware of others’ true intentions, and can always react quickly to
their actions. It will never be surprised or caught off-guard by someone it knows.

564-565 Linguistic Aptitude

This mutant has a flair for languages, finding it easy to learn and remember new languages and
dialects, spoken and written, without a lot of practice.

566-567 Linguistic Mimic

This mutant picks up the verbal quirks of whoever it is speaking to, and retains the ability
to tailor its own speech to the person it is speaking with. This puts others at ease around the
mutant, helping to convince them that the mutant has their best interests in mind, and shares
the same opinions and world view.
68 l-q mind: cognition
568 Lucid Dreaming
This mutant is aware when it is dreaming, always retains full knowledge of its own identity
when dreaming, and can enter a dream-state while awake, without any apparent lapse in
consciousness. This gives it a much greater ability to tell what is real apart from what is unreal.
Mind-altering drugs, illusions, psychic intrusion, and mind control have a much lower rate of
effectiveness against this mutant.

569-570 Math Brain

This mutant can easily comprehend vast swathes of abstract information and mathematical
relationships, allowing it to excel in various scientific fields.

571-572 Mechanical Intuition

This mutant is much better at figuring out mechanical and technological devices than others of
its species. It can also learn mechanical and technical skills much quicker.

573 Memory Palace

This mutant has a detailed location inside its own imagination. Memories are keyed to specific
parts of this location, and can be recalled perfectly if the mutant imagines itself entering this
memory palace and retrieving them.

574 Mental Blockage

This mutant’s mind refuses to acknowledge something, even though it is real. The mutant’s
conscious mind is unable to perceive what is blocked.
► Roll 1d6 for the subject of the blockage:
1 Location. 3 Social custom. 5 Type of object.
2 Past event. 4 Type of creature. 6 Type of person.

575 Mindless
This mutant is a mindless automata, incapable of even the simplest thoughts.

576-577 Natural Leader

This mutant possesses a natural charisma and the ability to lead and inspire others without
being resented for giving orders. Others tend to respect it and look to it for guidance.

578 No Visual Memory

This mutant cannot make memories out of visual information, and cannot recall the appearance
of anything it has seen before. This does not affect the mutant’s recognition memory, and it
will recognize people and things it has seen before, but will be unable to visualize anything it
is not seeing.

579-580 Quick Learner

This mutant has an increased aptitude for learning certain types of skills. The mutant will
progress in these areas at least twice as fast as others.
► Roll 1d10 for type of skills that are easier to learn:
1 Administration and management. 6 Music.
2 Arts and crafts and design. 7 Scientific skills.
3 Athletic performance. 8 Social skills.
4 Business-oriented skills. 9 Technical and mechanical skills.
5 Mathematics. 10 Writing skills.
mind: cognition r-w 69
581-582 Radio Communication
This mutant can communicate by sending and receiving radio waves.
► Roll 1d6 for bandwidth mutant uses:
1 Any radio frequency.
2-3 One group of frequencies (AM, FM, etc).
4 One large group of frequencies (HF, MF, etc).
5-6 One specific frequency.
► Roll 1d4 for range of radio communication:
1 A couple miles (3km). 3 Fifty miles (80km).
2 A hundred miles (181km). 4 Twenty miles (32km).

583 Romantic Rapport

This mutant easily establishes bonds of trust, friendship, and love with others who would be
romantically interested in its sex or gender.

584-585 Sense Interference

This mutant can sense when external forces are acting upon its brain. Any sort of energy field
or wave, psychic interference, or radiation that affects this mutant will be detected.

586 Slow Learner

This mutant learns much slower than is average for its species.

587-588 Social Perception

This mutant is much better at picking up on non-verbal cues, body language, and subtle
emotional displays, including tone of voice and choice of words. The mutant is acutely aware
of changes in the emotional states and demeanours of others.

589 Socially Inept

This mutant has trouble picking up on social cues. Because of this cognitive debility, the
mutant tends to interpret everything literally, and is oblivious to subtlety.

590-592 Spatial Perception

This mutant’s awareness of the spaces around it is hyperacute. It can intuitively understand
acoustics, depth, and distance in its environment, can easily memorize and navigate interior
spaces, and is a good judge of the trajectories of moving objects within space.

593-594 Speed Reader

This mutant has good pattern-recognition skills and can process certain visual information at
high speeds, allowing it to read text several times faster than is normal for its species.

595-596 Time Sense

This mutant’s brain has a built-in chronometer, and it always knows exactly how much time
has passed, even after being asleep or unconscious.

597 Transfer Memories

This mutant can copy its memories and transfer them to others by encoding them into a
physical substance it produces, which can be ingested or otherwise consumed.

598-600 Weather Sense

This mutant always knows what the weather will be like, often days in advance.
70 a-b
psychic powers
601 Animal Control
This mutant may summon animals within range and command them, so long as the mutant
concentrates. Animals that fall victim to this power may develop an immunity or resistance to
it later. This power does not work on humans, uplifted animals, or fantastic creatures.
► Roll 1d6 for range of control:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Half a mile (800m).
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Twenty miles (30km).
► Roll 1d4 (or 1d20) for the types of animals that can be controlled:
1 All animals. 8 Carnivores. 15 One family only.
2 Invertebrates. 9 Fish. 16 One species only.
3-4 Vertebrates. 10 Herbivores. 17 Reptiles.
5 Aquatic animals. 11 Insects. 18 Scavengers.
6 Arthropods. 12-13 Mammals. 19 Two types.
7 Birds. 14 Mutant animals. 20 Vermin.

602 Anti-Charisma
Other creatures feel repelled and disgusted by this mutant’s presence.

603 Attack Reversal

Psychic attacks made against this mutant have a 1d10×10 per cent chance of being reversed,
and taking effect against the attacker instead.

604-605 Aura Reading

This mutant can perceive Kirlian auras, which reveal a rough and vague picture of a person’s
temperament, mental state, physical and mental capabilities, psychic abilities, and connections
with other people. The mutant can turn this ability on and off at will.

606 Block Senses

This mutant can psychically block a target’s sensory organs from communicating with their
brain, thus making those senses inoperable.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of block:
1 Half an hour. 5 Several minutes.
2-4 Requires concentration. 6 Several seconds.
► Roll 1d4 for range:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Touch.
► Roll 1d8 for senses blocked:
1 All senses except one. 5 Smell and taste.
2 Balance. 6 Two senses.
3 Hearing. 7 Touch (and pain).
4 Other senses. 8 Vision.
72 c psychic powers
607-608 Cause Fear
This mutant may psychically cause others to feel fear, simply by concentrating.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect of the fear:
1-2 Closest dozen (or 2d10) individuals within range.
3 Everyone within range.
4 Single target only.
► Roll 1d20 for range of the fear:
1 A couple miles (3km). 11-13 Mutant must see the target.
2-3 A hundred feet (30m). 14 Target must hear the mutant.
4 A hundred yards (91m). 15-16 Target must see the mutant.
5-7 Eye contact. 17 Target must smell the mutant.
8 Half a mile (800m). 18-20 Touch.
9-10 Mutant must be able to sense the target.

609 Cause Insanity

This mutant can cause others to experience insanity, inducing in them hallucinations, paranoia,
and phantom voices. Targets will grossly misread social cues, and react to their own fantasies
more readily than they will to reality.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect of insanity:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Everyone within range.
3-4 Single target only.
► Roll 1d20 for range of insanity:
1 A couple miles (3km). 11-13 Mutant must see the target.
2-3 A hundred feet (30m). 14 Target must hear the mutant.
4 A hundred yards (91m). 15-16 Target must see the mutant.
5-7 Eye contact. 17 Target must smell the mutant.
8 Half a mile (800m). 18-20 Touch.
9-10 Mutant must be able to sense the target.

610-611 Cause Pain

This mutant may induce crippling pain in others, simply by concentrating.
► Roll 1d10 for area of effect of pain:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Closest dozen (or 2d10) individuals within range.
3-4 Closest half-dozen (or 2d6) individuals within range.
5 Everyone in sight within range.
6-7 Everyone within range.
8-10 Single target only.
► Roll 1d6 for range of pain:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-4 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.
psychic powers c 73
612-613 Charm
This mutant can favourably influence a target’s opinion of it through psychic mind control.
Those influenced will react to the mutant as to a good friend, trusted confidant, respected
mentor, or awe-inspiring celebrity figure.
► Roll 1d4 for range of charm:
1 Eye contact. 3 Target must smell mutant.
2 Requires conversation. 4 Touch.

614-615 Clairaudience
This mutant can psychically hear far-off locations without actually being there.
► Roll 1d4 for clairaudient ability:
1 Mutant can overhear a location it knows.
2 Mutant can overhear a location, person, or topic it knows.
3 Mutant can overhear a person it knows.
4 Mutant can send hearing “roaming.”
► Roll 1d6 for range of clairaudience:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Half a mile (800km).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5 Twenty miles (30km).
3 Anywhere in the world. 6 Unlimited range.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 At will. 3 Requires props and/or rituals.
2 Requires concentration. 4 Requires trance state.

616-618 Clairvoyance
This mutant can psychically view far-off locations without actually being there.
► Roll 1d4 for clairvoyant ability:
1 Mutant can send vision “roaming.”
2 Mutant can view a location, person, or topic it knows.
3 Mutant can view a location it knows.
4 Mutant can view a person it knows.
► Roll 1d6 for range of clairvoyance:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Half a mile (800km).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5 Twenty miles (30km).
3 Anywhere in the world. 6 Unlimited range.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 At will. 3 Requires props and/or rituals.
2 Requires concentration. 4 Requires trance state.

619 Commanding Voice

This mutant can speak with a special tone of voice that makes people listen and obey, as long
as they can understand the language. Victims of this power may resist if they are ordered to do
something that violates their world view or that they would never do otherwise.
74 c psychic powers
620-621 Confuse
This mutant may psychically cause confusion and disorientation in another living target.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect of the confusion:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Closest dozen (or 2d10) individuals within range.
3 Closest half-dozen (or 2d6) individuals within range.
4 Everyone in sight within range.
5 Everyone within range.
6 Single target only.
► Roll 1d20 for range of the confusion:
1 A couple miles (3km). 11-13 Mutant must see the target.
2-3 A hundred feet (30m). 14 Target must hear the mutant.
4 A hundred yards (91m). 15-16 Target must see the mutant.
5-7 Eye contact. 17 Target must smell the mutant.
8 Half a mile (800m). 18-20 Touch.
9-10 Mutant must be able to sense the target.

622 Create Emotions

This mutant can influence the emotions of others within range, psychically causing them to
experience specific emotional states.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect:
1-2 Closest 2d10 creatures in range. 4 Everyone within range.
3 Everyone in sight within range. 5-6 Single target only.
► Roll 1d4 for emotional range:
1 One category of emotions. 3 Two categories of emotions.
2 One specific emotion. 4 Two specific emotions.
► Roll 1d6 (or 1d8) for physical range:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5-6 Touch.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 7 A couple miles (93km).
4 Sight. 8 Half a mile (800km).
► Roll 1d8 for trigger:
1 Always on. 4-6 Requires concentration.
2-3 At will. 7-8 Stress-induced.

623 Cryokinesis
This mutant can psychically raise or lower temperatures in a location by concentrating. A mass
of inorganic material the size of the mutant can be heated or cooled.
► Roll 1d6 for effect:
1-2 50°C (90°F) every few minutes. 4 50°C (90°F) every hour.
3 50°C (90°F) every few seconds. 5-6 50°C (90°F) per minute.
► Roll 1d6 for range of temperature manipulation:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5 Touch.
3 Fifty feet (15m). 6 Twenty feet (6m).
psychic powers d-e 75

624 Death Field Generation

This mutant can psychically leech the life forces of everyone within about fifty feet (15m),
leaving them at death’s door. The mutant then falls unconscious for 1d20 minutes.

625 Ectoplasmic Hands

This mutant can create ghostly arms, hands, tentacles, or other limbs that can manipulate
objects as if they were physical hands within range. These insubstantial limbs can move
anywhere within the mutant’s sight. They cannot be damaged, but they do disappear when the
mutant stops concentrating.
► Roll 1d4 for range of ectoplasmic hands:
1 Fifty feet (15m). 3 Three feet (1m).
2 Ten feet (3m). 4 Twenty feet (6m).

626-628 Emotional Projection

Everyone within range feels the same emotions that this mutant is feeling, to a lesser degree.
► Roll 1d6 for range of projection:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Sight.
3-4 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 3 At will.
2 Always on. 4 Stress-induced.

629 Enter Mind

This mutant is able to enter the mind of another person, wander through worlds created
by their conscious, subconscious, and unconscious minds, and peruse their thoughts and
memories. The mutant is normally asleep, unconscious, in a trance state, or otherwise barely
aware of its physical body during this process.
► Roll 1d6 for range:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Sight.
3-4 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
76 e-f psychic powers

630 Erase Memories

This mutant can erase short memories from a target’s mind. The mutant must know what the
memory is, by either having been present or been informed about the memory, or it can erase
whatever memory the target is recalling when the power is used, if any.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of amnesia:
1 Permanently. 3 Several hours. 5 Several weeks.
2 Several days. 4 Several months. 6 Several years.
► Roll 1d6 for range:
1 Eye contact. 4 Sight.
2 Fifty feet (15m). 5 Touch.
3 Requires communication. 6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d4 for speed of erasures:
1 As long as the memories being erased. 3 Several minutes.
2 Instantaneous. 4 Several seconds.

631 Familiarity
This mutant psychically influences strangers it meets to think they have met before and are at
least vaguely familiar with each other. This encourages them to act more favourably than they
would otherwise. Targets will pick up on cues the mutant gives and agree with them. Only later
will a target realize that they had not, in fact, met the mutant before.

632 Fire in the Head

This mutant can put a mental “fire” into the mind of another individual, causing them to suffer
great pain and confusion. This mental fire is also contagious, and can be passed on to others
whose minds connect with the target, and possibly with those who converse with the target.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of the mental burning:
1 Half an hour. 4 Several hours.
2 Requires concentration. 5 Several minutes.
3 Several days. 6 Several seconds.
► Roll 1d8 for range to implant fire:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6-8 Touch.

633-635 Firewalker
This mutant may enter a liminal trance state in which it becomes invulnerable to many
forms of harm. It can walk across burning coals, reach into boiling liquid, and swallow razor
blades without suffering harm. The mutant must specify what tasks it will undertake before
it enters the trance state. While entranced, it will perform those tasks and remain unharmed
unless deliberately attacked. If the mutant is unable to perform its declared tasks, it regains
consciousness and any danger effects it immediately.
psychic powers h 77
636-637 Heal Brain
This mutant can heal mental disorders, behavioural problems, and neurological chemical
imbalances in others. The mutant may also encourage the target’s brain to heal from massive
physical damage, but this takes months at the very least.
► Roll 1d4 for duration of relief from problems:
1 Lasts several days. 3 Lasts several months.
2 Lasts several hours. 4 Lasts several weeks.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which healing can occur:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Sight.
2-3 Requires communication. 5-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d8 for speed of healing:
1-2 Takes several days. 6-7 Takes several minutes.
3-5 Takes several hours. 8 Takes several seconds.

638-639 Healing
This mutant is able to boost the immune system and healing capabilities of another individual
by reducing its own, or by expending its own energy.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which healing can occur:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3-4 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.

640 Heat Drain

This mutant can drain the heat of other living creatures to sustain itself. If enough heat is
drained, the victim dies.
► Roll 1d8 for area of effect of heat drain:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Closest dozen (or 2d10) individuals within range.
3-4 Closest half-dozen (or 2d6) individuals within range.
5 Everyone in sight within range.
6 Everyone within range.
7-8 Single target only.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which heat can be drained:
1 Fifty feet (15m). 3-5 Touch.
2 Sight. 6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d6 for speed of heat drain:
1-2 5°C (9°F) every few minutes. 4 5°C (9°F) every hour.
3 5°C (9°F) every few seconds. 5-6 5°C (9°F) per minute.

641 Hostility Field

This mutant emits a psychic field that makes everyone in range irritable and quarrelsome.
► Roll 1d6 for range of field:
1 2d10 miles (3d10km). 4 A hundred feet (30m).
2-3 A couple miles (3km). 5-6 A hundred yards (91m).
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 3 At will.
2 Always on. 4 Stress-induced.
78 h-i psychic powers
642-644 Hypnotic
This mutant is able to hypnotize others once it catches their attention.
► Roll 1d6 for what the mutant uses to hypnotize:
1-3 Gaze.
4-5 Shifting skin patterns or display of movements.
6 Sounds, in or out of the audible range.

645 Illusionist
This mutant can create false images in the minds of others. Victims believe they see, hear, or
otherwise experience something that is not actually real. If multiple individuals are affected,
they may not all experience exactly the same thing.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect of illusions:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Any individuals within sight and range (mutant’s discretion).
3-4 Single target only.
► Roll 1d6 for range of illusions:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.

646 Illusory Surroundings

This mutant is able to alter its view of its own surroundings, creating a full-sensory illusion of
an environment it finds more aesthetically pleasing than reality. There is a 1 in 3 chance the
mutant can share this illusion with others in its presence.

647 Implant Memories

This mutant can implant false memories into the mind of a target.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which memories can be implanted:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 Eye contact. 5-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for speed of implantation:
1 Several minutes per memory.
2 Several seconds per memory.
3-4 Takes as long as the length of the memories to be implanted.

648 Inhibiting Field

This mutant emits a psychic dampening field, within which no psychic powers can function,
or reach into from the outside. Psychic powers this mutant has are exempt, but others may also
use those same powers inside the field as well.
► Roll 1d10 for range of field:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 A couple miles (3km).
3 2d10 miles (3d10km). 5-6 A hundred yards (91m).
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1 Always on. 4-5 Requires concentration.
2-3 At will. 6 Stress-induced.
psychic powers l-m 79
649-650 Levitation
This mutant can levitate itself, telekinetically moving up and down, or hovering in space.

651 Life Leech

This mutant can drain the life energies of those surrounding it.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Everyone in sight within range.
3 Everyone within range.
4 Single target only.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which life can be leeched:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
2-3 Seven feet (2m). 5-6 Touch.

652 Light Manipulation

This mutant is able to psychically alter the characteristics of nearby light, causing fluctuations
in brightness and colour, and causing some items to become more or less visible, depending
on how light waves move around and over them. These effects require concentration, and the
mutant must be able to see or sense the light affected.

653 Magnetic Control

This mutant can sense and manipulate magnetic fields to repel, attract, or manipulate ferrous
objects and other materials affected by such fields.
► Roll 1d6 for precision of magnetic control:
1 Better than digital precision. 4-5 Poor precision.
2-3 Normal digital precision. 6 Slower precision is good.
► Roll 1d6 for range which magnetism can be controlled:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Sight.
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5 Six hundred yards (550m).
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d4 (or 1d8) for strength of magnetic effects:
1 ×½ (half normal physical strength).
2 ×2 (double normal physical strength).
3 ×3 (triple normal physical strength).
4 ×4 (four or more times normal physical strength).
5 Several dozen tons.
6 Several hundred tons.
7 Several thousand tons.
8 Several tons.

654-655 Mass Mind

This mutant can create a subconscious mental link between those it touches. Everyone involved
in this link will find their biological and mental rhythms syncing up, and may use any psychic
power that any of the others possesses, and that power’s strength is proportionately increased
by the number of individuals so linked (doubled by a link between two individuals, tripled by
a link between three, etc).
80 m psychic powers

656-657 Mental Blast

This mutant can project a blast of harmful and disorienting psychic energy.
► Roll 1d6 for range of mental blast:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-5 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Twenty foot radius (6m radius).

658-659 Mental Suggestion

This mutant is able to implant commands into the minds of others with whom it communicates.
These suggestions may be direct and immediate commands, or they may be subtle and triggered
later by specific circumstances, which are harder to resist. The less aware a victim is, and the
weaker their will, the more effective these mental suggestions will be.

660 Mind Attack

This mutant can psychically attack a target’s mind and permanently impair it, reducing a
random mental capability by 10 per cent. The victim is aware of both attack and attacker.
► Roll 1d6 for range of attack:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-4 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d8 for speed of attack:
1 A few moments of concentration.
2-3 Instantaneous but mutant cannot use mental powers for another 1d6 hours as
it consumes the stolen mental capability.
4-6 Instantaneous but mutant is incapacitated by drug-like high for 1d6 minutes.
7 More than an hour of concentration but victim is alerted only at the end.
8 Several minutes of concentration.
psychic powers p 81
661-663 Pain Broadcast
This mutant psychically broadcasts all physical pain it feels to everyone else within range.
Targets feel the same pain the mutant feels.
► Roll 1d6 for range of broadcast:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Half a mile (800m).
3-4 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Sight.

664 Precognition
This mutant has the ability to see visions of the future.
► Roll 1d6 for the usual type of precognitive experience:
1 Clear visions of future certainties.
2 Clear visions of possible and preventable futures.
3 Horrible visions of failure and death.
4 This mutant’s “precognition” is really the ability to calculate probabilities to a
superhuman degree.
5-6 Vague prophetic visions.

665-666 Psychic Broadcast

Whenever this mutant stops moving around, it psychically broadcasts its presence and identity
to all sentient creatures within range.
► Roll 1d4 for range of broadcast:
1 A couple miles (3km). 3 A hundred yards (91m).
2 A hundred miles (160km). 4 Anyone the mutant can see.
► Roll 1d6 for speed of activation:
1-2 Several days. 4 Several minutes.
3 Several hours. 5-6 Several weeks.

667-668 Psychic Cultural Adaptation

This mutant psychically adapts itself to the culture, attitudes, and mannerisms of those around
it, if there are a dozen or more people of a similar culture within range. This adaptation will
gradually overwhelm the mutant’s own personality, and if it is not separated from people, it
may be unable to resume its own personality.
► Roll 1d6 for range of culture that is adapted:
1 A couple miles (3km). 3-4 Five hundred yards (460m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Half a mile (800m).

669-671 Psychic Detection

This mutant can detect and pinpoint psychic (or supernatural) abilities being used anywhere
within range, and knows if anyone it sees or touches within range is psychic. The specific type
of psychic ability cannot be identified until it is used, though this mutant can tell if an ability
is latent or not.
► Roll 1d8 for range of detection:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Requires conversation.
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5-6 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 7-8 Touch.
82 p psychic powers
672-674 Psychic Empathy
This mutant can psychically sense others’ emotions. It cannot read minds, but can sense the
general nature of what others are feelings.
► Roll 1d6 for range of empathy:
1-3 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Sight.
4 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.

675 Psychic Invisibility

This mutant may turn invisible by concentrating. This effect includes the mutant’s clothing
and equipment, but not large, cumbersome objects it is carrying.
► Roll 1d6 for the mutant’s method of invisibility:
1-2 It bends light around itself (causing faint distortions).
3-5 It clouds the mind of a single observer (can still be recorded by machines).
6 It clouds the minds of all observers it is aware of.

676 Psychic Mirror

This mutant’s mind copies and imitates thought patterns. Any psychic intrusions directed at
it are directed back at the intruder, though this does not negate the original intrusion. If this
mutant can read minds, it can also imitate them, camouflaging its own thoughts.

677-679 Psychic Vampire

This mutant drains the capacities of other living things without physical means.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect:
1 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
2 Closest half-dozen (or 2d6) individuals within range.
3 Everyone in sight within range.
4 Everyone within range.
5-6 Single target only.
► Roll 1d4 for benefit of vampirism to mutant:
1 No benefit.
2-3 The mutant is energized through vampirism.
4 The mutant obtains sustenance only through vampirism.
► Roll 1d12 for drained characteristic:
1 Anger. 7 Passion.
2 Happiness. 8-9 Physical strength.
3-4 Health. 10 Sanity.
5 Intellect. 11 Two characteristics.
6 Memory. 12 Virtue.
► Roll 1d4 for range of vampirism:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Touch.
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1 Always on. 4 Hunger-induced.
2 At will. 5 Requires concentration.
3 Fatigue-induced. 6 Stress-induced.
psychic powers p-s 83
680-681 Psychoanalyze
This mutant can sense psychological trauma in another individual, and determine the roots
of their problem. The mutant cannot read minds, necessarily, but it can sense the nature and
cause of behavioural problems and personality disorders.
► Roll 1d6 for range of psychoanalysis:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
2-3 Requires communication. 5-6 Touch.

682 Psychometry
This mutant can sense the history of any object it touches, understanding its workings, purpose,
origins, where it has been and who has touched it. The stronger the emotions expressed around
and towards the object, the more obvious they will be to the mutant.

683 Send Dreams

This mutant can influence the dreams of a sleeping target, sending images and communiqués,
or inducing terrible nightmares.
► Roll 1d4 for range of dream sending:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Touch.

684-685 Sixth Sense

This mutant has an uncanny ability to detect impending danger before it becomes obvious to
the mutant’s other senses, which improves its reaction times and makes it acutely suspicious.

686 Stunning Blast

This mutant may emit a psychic blast that stuns all sentient creatures within range.
► Roll 1d6 for range of blast:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (90m). 6 Touch.

687 Summon
This mutant can psychically compel someone to come to it, as long as the mutant has met
them before. They must travel on their own, however, which may take some time.

688 Symbiotic Control

This mutant can attach itself to another living creature and subsequently over-ride that
creature’s nervous system, allowing the mutant to take control. As long as the mutant does
nothing, it may control the other creature’s actions. Should a symbiotically controlled creature
die, the mutant will suffer serious shock and may also die.
84 t psychic powers

689-691 Telekinesis
This mutant may move objects and exert kinetic force simply by concentrating.
► Roll 1d6 for telekinetic strength:
1-3 ×2 (double normal physical strength).
4-5 ×3 (triple normal physical strength).
6 ×4 (four or more times normal physical strength).
► Roll 1d6 for precision of telekinesis:
1 Better than digital precision. 3-4 Normal digital precision.
2 Exacting, robotic precision. 5-6 Poor precision.

692 Telekinetic Flight

This mutant can psychically move itself through space by concentrating. It can fly, hover, and
levitate at will.
► Roll 1d6 for approximate top speed:
1 25mph (40km/h). 4 200mph (322km/h).
2 50mph (80km/h). 5 500mph (805km/h).
3 100mph (161km/h). 6 Speed of sound.
psychic powers t 85
693-696 Telepathy
This mutant can read the minds of other sentient creatures and/or send telepathic messages
composed of thoughts and emotions. Actual language is not translated between individuals,
but images, feelings, and intentions can be understood across culture barriers.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect:
1-2 Any individuals within range (mutant’s discretion).
3 Everyone within range.
4 Everyone within range that the mutant knows personally.
5-6 Single target only.
► Roll 1d6 for direction of transmissions:
1-2 Read minds only.
3-4 Send and receive information at the same time.
5 Send information only.
6 Send or receive but not at the same time.
► Roll 1d6 for range of telepathy:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 A hundred miles (160km).
2 A couple miles (3km). 5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for the type of information that can be transmitted:
1 Emotions, images, and intentions (but not language).
2 Emotions only.
3 Language only (untranslated).
4 Thoughts, emotions, intentions, sensations, and untranslated language.

697 Teleport
This mutant has the ability to disappear and reappear in another location.
► Roll 1d6 for contents that can be teleported:
1 Own flesh only. 5 Self and 1d3 others.
2-4 Own self and gear. 6 Self and 1d10 others.
► Roll 1d6 for precision of teleportation:
1 Exact places the mutant can see or sense.
2 Exact places the mutant has been to before.
3 Exact places the mutant has never been to but knows exist.
4 Near places the mutant can see or sense.
5 Near places the mutant has been to before.
6 Near places the mutant has never been to but knows exist.

698 Teleport Object

This mutant is able to teleport small hand-held objects within sight into its own grasp. Moving
objects, such as those in the hands of others, are harder to pinpoint and teleport.

699-700 Time Distortion

This mutant can distort its own perception of time, causing it to slow down or speed up. This
does not allow the mutant to move faster or slower, but it can make long waits and boredom
much easier to endure, and the mutant’s reactions much more efficient.
86 a
supernatural attributes
701 Ability Transfer
This mutant can give another individual one of its own abilities or powers on a temporary
basis. The mutant cannot use this ability while it is loaned out.
► Roll 1d8 for duration of ability transfer:
1 As long as mutant is conscious. 5 Several hours.
2 Mutant must concentrate. 6 Several minutes.
3 Recipient must concentrate. 7 Several seconds.
4 Several days. 8 Until cancelled by mutant.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which abilities can be transfered:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d6 for speed of ability transfer:
1-2 Instantaneous. 4 Requires several minutes.
3 Requires several hours. 5-6 Requires several seconds.

702-703 Absorb Inanimate Properties

This mutant can absorb any or all properties of inanimate material it touches. There is a 1 in 3
chance that objects whose properties are absorbed will be damaged.
► Roll 1d10 for duration, after physical contact ends, that inanimate properties are retained:
1 A day. 5-6 Several dozen minutes.
2-3 Less than a minute. 7 Several hours.
4 Several days. 8-10 Several minutes.

704-705 Absorb Mental Properties

This mutant can absorb memories and psychic or supernatural powers from living creatures
it touches. There is a 1 in 3 chance that the victim will suffer harm, shock, or other ill effects.
► Roll 1d10 for duration, after physical contact ends, that mental properties are retained:
1 A day. 5-6 Several dozen minutes.
2-3 Less than a minute. 7 Several hours.
4 Several days. 8-10 Several minutes.
► Roll 1d10 for trigger:
1-3 Always on. 8-9 Requires concentration.
4-6 At will. 10 Stress-induced.
7 Random (2d4×10 per cent chance each time).

706 Addictive Smoke

This mutant can exude a cloud of fumes that make those breathing it crave an addictive
substance which can be smoked. These fumes are also carcinogenic.

707 Air Swimmer

This mutant can swim through the air at will, as if it were water, which usually makes it appear
to be floating.
a 87
708 Alteration Ray
This mutant can project rays that alter the physical properties of their targets. There is a 2 in 3
chance that the mutant can reverse these alterations by the same process.
► Roll 1d4 for duration of alteration:
1 Several days. 3 Several minutes.
2 Several hours. 4 Several years.
► Roll 1d4 for range of ray:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3 Half a mile (800m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Sight.
► Roll 1d10 for type of alteration:
1 Density/weight. 6 Other effect.
2 Growth. 7 Shrinking.
3 Intangibility. 8 Size alteration.
4 Invisibility. 9 Transformation.
5 Mutagenic. 10 Two alterations.

709-710 Alternate Inorganic Form

This mutant can transform at will into another form that is not organic.
► Roll 1d10 for substance that mutant can switch to:
1 Electricity. 4-5 Ice or stone. 8 Machine.
2 Fire. 6 Light or radiation. 9 Metal.
3 Gas. 7 Liquid. 10 Synthetic material.

711 Animal Enmity

Normal, mundane animals dislike this mutant and refuse to touch it. If forced to do so, they
will attack in order to escape.

712-713 Animal Shapechange

This mutant may assume the form of another animal, and can move around and act as if
it were that animal. The mutant does not gain any special powers or mutations, and each
animal form is unique—the mutant cannot mimic specific animals. This takes several seconds
of concentration and a great deal of energy to perform, so the mutant may be exhausted and
hungry when it transforms back.

714-715 Animate Objects

This mutant can imbue inert objects with energy and cause them to move around on their
own, as the mutant directs.
► Roll 1d10 for duration of animation:
1-3 Concentration. 6-7 Several minutes.
4 Half an hour. 8-9 Several seconds.
5 Several hours. 10 Until cancelled.
► Roll 1d6 for number of items that can be imbued at a time:
1-2 1d4 items. 4 Half a dozen items.
3 A dozen items. 5-6 One item.
► Roll 1d8 for range within which objects can be imbued:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6-8 Touch.
88 a supernatural attributes
716 Animated Skin
This mutant can shed its skin, and then have it move around and perform simple tasks. The
skin’s strength is equal to 1d8×10 per cent of the mutant’s normal strength.
► Roll 1d3 for duration of animation:
1 A full day. 2 Several days. 3 Several hours.

717-718 Animated Tattoos

This mutant is covered in highly-detailed sub-dermal images from its imagination, dreams,
subconscious, and memories. These tattoos move and change.

719 Arcane Knowledge

This mutant possesses extensive repositories of knowledge that defy belief. It knows at least a
little something about every possible topic. The more common the knowledge is, the more this
mutant knows about it.

720 Arcane Tracking

This mutant can track down any individual, no matter where they are, as long as it possesses an
object or some item that once belonged to them, or they had contact with.

721-722 Armoured Skin

This mutant may strengthen its skin at will, turning it into protective armour that appears
strange and unusual—bone, glass, ice, metal, or plastic, for example. While the mutant’s skin
is armoured, it suffers from an impaired sense of touch and does not feel pain. The mutant can
switch between its normal and armoured skins at will.

723 Astral Projection

This mutant can project its conscious spirit out of its body, through space and into other
planes of existence. This spirit is connected to the mutant’s body by a silver threat that must
remain intact for the spirit to find its way back from other planes. The mutant’s body remains
comatose while its spirit is roaming.

724 Aura of Disgust

This mutant projects feelings of disgust into the hearts of those around it.
► Roll 1d8 for range of disgust:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Anyone the mutant can see.
3 2d10 feet (1d6m). 6-7 Anyone who can see the mutant.
4 Anyone in the same room. 8 Touch.
► Roll 1d6 for strength of disgust:
1 Amplifies existing bad feelings. 4 Revulsion.
2 Loathing of all other individuals. 5 Self-loathing.
3 Physical nausea. 6 Vomiting.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 Always on. 3 Requires concentration.
2 At will. 4 Stress-induced.
supernatural attributes a - b 89
725-726 Aura of Fear
This mutant projects fear into the hearts of those around it.
► Roll 1d6 for range of fear:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Ten feet (3m).
3 Sight. 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d8 for strength of fear:
1-2 Creeping dread. 5 Paranoia-inducing unease.
3 Crippling fear. 6-7 Revolting horror.
4 Fight, flight, or freeze response. 8 Suspenseful terror.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 Always on. 3 Requires concentration.
2 At will. 4 Stress-induced.

727-728 Aura of Light

This mutant glows with an strange aura of light. Choose a colour, or roll on either the basic or
extended colour table.
► Roll 1d10 for trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 6 Location-dependent.
2 According to a celestial cycle. 7-8 Requires concentration.
3-4 Always on. 9 Situation-dependent.
5 At will. 10 Stress-induced.

729 Aura of Unease

This mutant’s presence makes other creatures feel uneasy. It is a very subtle effect.

730 Bag of Creatures

This mutant’s physical form is like a bag containing nothing but inhuman creatures, which
may come spilling out when it is cut. Otherwise, the mutant appears normal. Roll on the
creature tables for the type of things that dwell inside.

731 Become Two-Dimensional

This mutant can flatten itself and become two-dimensional. While in this form, the mutant can
interact with its surroundings as either a three-dimensional being or a two-dimensional being,
which allows it to squeeze into and through tight spaces. The mutant can switch between two-
dimensional and three-dimensional forms at will.

732-733 Bend Light

This mutant can bend and shape light, allowing it to make objects appear to be in places other
than where they actually are, or to make them invisible. This requires some concentration.
► Roll for range of light-bending:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3 Fifty feet (15m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Sight.

734 Bio-Tech Assimilation

This mutant can assimilate biological technology into its own body. Any bio-tech so assimilated
requires no outside power source and functions at the mutant’s mental command.
90 b supernatural attributes
735 Blurry
This mutant can become blurry at will. While blurry, it is hard to look at and see properly, and
hard to interact with physically. The mutant cannot be properly grasped or held by non-blurry
creatures because it feels like it is vibrating.

736 Book
Part or all of this mutant is shaped like, or attached to, a book.
► Roll 1d6 for extent of bookish-ness:
1-2 A part of this mutant’s body is in the shape of a book.
3-5 This mutant is fused with, or permanently attached to, a book.
6 This mutant’s whole body is a book.

737 Book-Viewing
This mutant can read what is written in any book in existence, simply by looking in another
book of a similar type. By looking in a notebook, this mutant can look through the pages of
every notebook in existence. The same for hardcovers, softcovers, stapled books, scrap books,
and other types of written works. The mutant cannot see the pages of books that have been
destroyed, and the mutant must know what book it wishes to look at.
supernatural attributes b - c 91
738 Brain Washer
This mutant can alter the brain chemistry of a captive person. Over the course of several days,
weeks, or months—depending on how many changes the mutant is making—the target’s mind
is erased, reshaped, and reprogrammed. Small changes require days, deeply-ingrained and
cultural traits take weeks to change, and completely altering a person’s identity and memories
takes months. This requires constant supervision, but the mutant may employ subordinates
for basic tasks. The stronger the target’s will, the harder the process is and the more chance it
can be reversed, given time.

739-741 Breath Weapon

This mutant can spew a hazardous substance from its mouth.
► Roll 1d4 for frequency of breath weapon attacks:
1 At will. 3 Once every few hours.
2 Once every day or so. 4 Once every few minutes.
► Roll 1d20 for type of breath weapon:
1-2 Acid. 11-12 Frost. 16-17 Poison.
3 Darkness. 13 Gas. 18 Sandstorm.
4 Eldritch blast. 14 Lightning. 19 Sticky slime.
5-10 Fire. 15 Plasma. 20 Wind.

742 Burning Body

Part or all of this mutant’s body is on fire. There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant can turn this
power on and off at will.
► Roll on the body parts table or 1d12 here for extent of burning:
1 Back or torso only. 6 Insides only.
2-3 Hands and/or feet only. 7 Limbs only.
4-5 Head only. 8-12 Whole body.

743 Burning Inside

This mutant is burning hot on the inside, having fire for blood or being filled with liquid rock
or metal. The mutant feels normal on the outside.

744 Cannot Cross Running Water

This mutant will not willingly cross a moving body of water that it can see, hear, or smell.

745 Cause Sleep

This mutant can put others to sleep.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect:
1 Any targets within range (mutant’s discretion)
2 Closest 1d6 targets within range.
3-4 Single target only.
► Roll 1d4 for range within which targets can be put to sleep:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Touch.
92 c supernatural attributes
746 Chaos Vector
Supernatural powers used on or in the presence of this mutant have a 2 in 3 chance of going
haywire, producing unlikely or impossible phenomena instead of, or in addition to, their
normal effects.

747 Charred Body

This mutant’s body appears to have been burned to ashes.

748 Compulsive Counting

When a mass of small objects are strewn in front of this mutant, it is compelled to stop and
count them, regardless of what else is happening.

749 Computer Link

This mutant can mentally communicate, send, and receive information from computers and
electronic devices, without being harmed by viruses or malware.
► Roll 1d6 for range of computer link:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for speed of computer link:
1 Instantaneous. 3 Requires several minutes.
2 Requires half an hour. 4 Requires several seconds.

750-751 Conjuration
This mutant can conjure small, inanimate objects into its hands, from out of thin air. These
items must be generic items, not unique, and must be small enough to be hidden within the
mutant’s hand. The mutant can pull slightly larger objects out of a hat or other container, as
long as they are not bigger than the mutant’s own head.

752 Control Clocks

This mutant has the ability to change the display of any clocks within range, and to set off any
alarms installed in those clocks.
► Roll 1d6 for range of clock control:
1 A couple miles (3m). 3 A hundred yards (91m).
2 A hundred feet (30m). 4-6 Sight.

753 Control Crowds

This mutant may influence the emotional states of large groups of people. The crowd must
be within sight of the mutant to be affected. The mutant can calm a crowd and cause it to
disperse, or create a riot against the target of its choice.

754-755 Control Earth

This mutant may control the earth underneath it, commanding rocks, soil, and mud to move,
crack open, explode, or re-shape itself, as long as the mutant concentrates. Any earth the
mutant can see or touch may be affected.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect of earth control powers:
1-2 Dozens of square yards or metres, and several thousand pounds.
3 Hundreds of square yards or metres, and several dozen tons.
4-6 Several square yards or metres, and several hundred pounds.
supernatural attributes c 93
756-757 Control Light
This mutant may control visible light within range.
► Roll 1d4 for precision of light control:
1 Change colours and brightness of light.
2 Create moving illusions.
3 Create visible but static illusions.
4 Make objects invisible or appear to be elsewhere.
► Roll 1d6 for range of light control:
1 A couple miles (3km). 3 A hundred yards (91m).
2 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Sight.

758-759 Control Liquid

This mutant may control a mass of liquid it can see or sense within range, causing it to move
through space or re-shape itself. This power works only on open liquids, not liquids that
constitute living organisms or that are mixed in semi-liquid solutions.
► Roll 1d6 for precision of liquid control:
1-2 Mutant may exert constant kinetic force across the whole liquid mass equal to
its own physical strength.
3 Mutant may exert constant kinetic force across the whole liquid mass equal to
several tons (thousands of kg).
4-5 Mutant may exert gravitational but not kinetic force on liquid.
6 Mutant may exert kinetic force in sharp bursts or pulses.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which liquids can be controlled:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 A hundred yards (91m).
3 A couple miles (3km). 5-6 Sight.
► Roll 1d6 for types of liquid that can be controlled:
1 Any and all liquids. 3-4 One type of liquid only.
2 Natural liquid mixtures. 5-6 Water only.

760-761 Control Machines

This mutant can telepathically control computers and other technological machines.
► Roll 1d4 for range within which machines can be controlled:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Touch.

762-763 Control Plants

This mutant can control the actions of plants within range.
► Roll 1d4 for effect on plants:
1 Mutant may cause plants to move, grow, and mutate rapidly.
2-3 Mutant may cause plants to move telekinetically.
4 Plants do the mutant’s bidding within their capabilities.
► Roll 1d8 for range of plant control:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Half a mile (800km).
2 A couple miles (3km). 5-7 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 8 Touch.
94 c supernatural attributes
764 Control Reputation
This mutant can make or break someone else’s reputation. Simply by meeting with the target,
the mutant can apply the reputation of its choice to them, and for as long as it wishes, this new
reputation, good or bad, follows the target wherever they go. The mutant can only affect one
target at a time, and once its influence is removed, the target’s reputation is left in their own
hands, though any false accusations are easily uncovered for what they are.

765 Corpse Psychometry

This mutant can examine a corpse or severed body part and know the circumstances of its
death or removal. The mutant experiences those circumstances in a vision or hallucination, and
may be overwhelmed or mentally detached from its surroundings.
► Roll 1d6 for strength of visions:
1-2 Mutant experiences the circumstances intellectually.
3-5 Mutant experiences the entire circumstances vividly.
6 Mutant is always overwhelmed by the experience.

766 Cosmic Awareness

This mutant can sense the movements of cosmic entities, the shifting of dimensions, events
that occur on a galactic scale, and disturbances in the force.

767 Create Darkness

This mutant can create a palpable sphere or mass of darkness that light is completely unable to
penetrate. The mutant must be able to see or touch this darkness’ point of origin.
► Roll 1d6 for maximum diameter of effect:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3-4 Ten feet (3m).
2 A hundred yards (90m). 5-6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d6 for range of darkness:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3-5 Self.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Twenty feet (6m).

768-769 Create Gas

This mutant can create some kind of gaseous substance to form within its presence.
► Roll 1d6 for basic type of gas:
1-2 Fog. 4 Mist.
3 Invisible gas. 5-6 Smoke.
► Roll for 1d12 extra effects of gas:
1 Corrosive. 7 No additional effects.
2 Depressant or narcotic. 8 Paralytic.
3 Flammable. 9 Prevents detection.
4 Hallucinogenic. 10 Stimulant.
5 Irritant. 11 Toxic.
6 Narcoleptic. 12 Two additional effects.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which gas can be created:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4-5 Gas comes from mutant’s body.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Seven feet (2m).
supernatural attributes c - d 95
770-771 Crossbreed
This mutant appears to have been bred with some other creature (roll on the creature table).
► Roll 1d4 for dominant form:
1 Creature, but 1d3 body parts still resemble the mutant’s original form (roll on
the body part table for each).
2 Fully-integrated compromise. Has the shape of one, appearance of the other.
3 Miss-matched parts from each.
Roll 1d4 for the form of each of the mutant’s head, lower body, upper body,
and each arm and leg: 1 compromise with the creature’s appearance and
the mutant’s form; 2 compromise with the creature’s form and the mutant’s
appearance; 3 fully creature; 4 fully mutant.
4 Mutant, but 1d3 body parts now resemble the creature’s form (roll on the body
parts table for each).

772 Crystalline Body

This mutant’s body is made of crystal. Edged and penetrating weapons are mostly ineffective.
There is a 1 in 3 chance that damage suffered by the crystalline body does not heal. You may
roll on either the basic or extended colour table for hue.
► Roll 1d4 for crystal’s effect on biology:
1 Mutant has the option of biological functions but they are not necessary.
2 Mutant must now consume minerals and mineral-infused liquid as food.
3 Mutant must sleep but otherwise retains no biological functions.
4 Mutant retains all normal biological functions for its species.

773 The Cure

This mutant cures any diseased creature it touches.

774 Danger Teleport

This mutant instinctively teleports away from danger, to a safer place within range.
► Roll 1d4 for range of teleportation:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 A hundred yards (91m).
2 A couple miles (3km). 4 Half a mile (800km).

775 Darksight
This mutant can see perfectly in total darkness, but is blinded by light. It sees light as darkness,
and darkness as light. Shadows are reversed, but twilight looks almost the same.

776 Demonic Appearance

This mutant has the body of a particular race of infernal creature.
► Roll on whatever table you consider appropriate or 1d8 here for type of demon:
1 Demonic beast or creature. 5 Incubus or succubus.
2 Demonic steed. 6 Lesser demon.
3 Flying demon. 7 Random demon.
4 Greater demon. 8 Water demon.
96 d supernatural attributes
777-780 Demonic Phenomena
Strange supernatural occurrences follow this mutant wherever it goes, lending its presence a
strange atmosphere, without inconveniencing it. Roll 1d4 for number of phenomena.
► Roll 1d200 for each phenomenon:
1-2 Animals are disturbed and hostile.
3 Animals give birth to stillborn young.
4 Animals kill their young, and sometimes each other.
5 Animals speak in tongues.
6 Art and drawings move and change.
7 Artificial lighting causes sunburns.
8 Bile and blood fill the mouths of others.
9 Birds (and other animals) sing backwards.
10 Birds fly backwards.
11 Blades leap out and cut people near them, on occasion, especially when held.
12-13 Blood drips down the walls.
14-15 Boxes, containers, doors, and windows open on their own, even if locked.
16 Buildings fall into disrepair and ruin.
17 Buttons and clasps fall off clothes, belts become unbuckled.
18-19 Candles snuff out and fires die.
20 Children cry and become sick.
21 Clocks and watches cease to mark time.
22 Clocks and watches run backwards.
23 Clouds of locusts.
24 Colours change their hues.
25 Complex mathematical formulas appear on walls, and are correct.
26 Complex mathematical formulas appear on walls, and contain subtle flaws.
27 Complex technology ceases to function.
28 Corpses rise and commit violent acts.
29 Dairy products spoil and become poisonous.
30 Day and night reverse when the mutant is inside (not when outside).
31 Dead children appear in distant doorways.
32 Dead people arrive, but do not speak.
33 Dead people call on nearby telephones.
34 Different eras of radio and television are broadcast over appropriate devices.
35 Different eras of radio and television are broadcast over inappropriate devices.
36 Dirt accumulates on others and cannot be cleaned off.
37 Distant screams, long and loud, but very far off.
38-39 Doors and windows slam shut by themselves.
40-41 Doors lock on their own.
42 Drugs lose all effects.
43 Earthquakes and tremors occur.
44 Eggs hatch with strange inanimate objects inside them.
45-46 Electronics malfunction loudly.
47 Every window seems like it has a ghostly figure behind it.
48 Fingers and hands get caught in doors.
49 Fires burn cold.
supernatural attributes 97
50 Fires burn in strange, vivid colours.
51 Fires rise and burn out of control.
52 Fires speak in whispered pleas.
53 Fish and/or lizards encased in blocks of ice can be found in remote corners.
54-55 Flies gather.
56 Fog.
57-58 Food and drink spoils.
59 Food bleeds, sometimes screams.
60 Food loses all nutritional value.
61 Four phenomena combined.
62 Fungus and mould grow quickly over surfaces.
63 Furniture rearranges itself when no one is looking.
64 Ghostly music.
65 A ghostly radiance glimmers from the exposed flesh of others.
66 Ghosts can be heard voicing complaints.
67 Glass cracks in strange patterns.
68 Graffiti appears on random surfaces.
69 Gravity reverses itself at random, on occasion.
70 The hair and nails of others grow faster.
71 A high-pitched note.
72 Holy symbols break.
73 Hot and cold sensations are reversed.
74 Houses the mutant stays inside become cluttered and disorganized.
75 Ice forms on the surfaces of water and other liquid.
76 Inanimate objects attack people at random, on occasion.
77 Insects encased in amber appear on desks and tabletops.
78 Insects and vermin gather.
79 Large objects move on their own.
80 A light rain falls, even indoors.
81 Lightning strikes randomly, but never strikes the mutant.
82 Lights become brighter and tinted a certain colour (roll on a colour table).
83-84 Lights dim and gloom spreads.
85 Lights flash in the sky.
86-87 Liquid falls upwards and pools on the ceiling.
88 Liquids become alcoholic.
89 Liquids taste dry and no longer quench thirst, no matter how much is drunk.
90-91 Liquids taste like blood.
92 Magical symbols appear as welts or scratches on exposed flesh.
93 Magical symbols draw themselves on random surfaces.
94-95 Metal rusts and wood rots.
96 Mirrors do not reflect people.
97 Mirrors reflect only murderers.
98 Mirrors reflect the past instead of the present.
99 Money becomes worthless (gold turns to lead, paper rots, etc).
100 Monitors display phantasmagorical scenes.
101 A monstrous dog is seen on the other side of doorways and windows.
98 supernatural attributes
Demonic Phenomena
102-103 Nothing will burn in the mutant’s presence.
104 Objects fall from shelves.
105 Obscene drawings appear on canvas, paper, and other such materials.
106 Old people and children start coughing and have trouble breathing.
107 Old people suffer heart attacks and strokes.
108 Others become aroused and desire sexual gratification.
109 Others feel ghostly hands sexually harassing them.
110 Others feel nauseous.
111 Others feel random stabs of pain.
112 Others feel their skin crawling.
113 Others get nosebleeds.
114 Others have nightmares.
115 Others have the feeling they are being watched.
116 Others see remote glimpses of people they know.
117 Others shiver and tremble.
118 Others slowly appear more and more diseased.
119 Others suffer stigmata.
120 Others weep incessantly.
121 Paint and wallpaper peels off.
122 Paint becomes or stays wet.
123 People look sickly and unwell.
124 People trip in doorways and on stairs when not paying strict attention.
125 Peripheral hallucinations afflict others.
126-127 Pictures and wall hangings tilt and become crooked.
128 Plants grow quickly into twisted forms.
129 Plants wither and die.
130-131 Prayers and declarations of love cannot be spoken.
132 Prayers cause poltergeist-like effects and disturbances.
133 Puddles of blood form on floors.
134 Puddles of slippery, flammable oil form on floors.
135 Radio and television broadcasts become scrambled.
136 Random distant scenes can be seen on reflective surfaces.
137 Recordings play backwards and reveal hidden messages.
138-139 Scratches appear on doors, furniture, and walls.
140 Scuttling sounds.
141 Seeds sprout thorny, twisted plants that grow incredibly fast.
142-143 Shadows behave differently than those who cast them.
144 Shadows flicker and distort.
145 A sickly sweet smell.
146 Silhouettes of strange figures stalk the walls.
147 The skin of others flakes and peels.
148 Small bones and gruesome trinkets appear in the pockets of others.
149 Small crystals grow on others’ skin.
150 Small inanimate objects float away on occasion.
151 Small primitive organisms crawl out of cracks in walls.
supernatural attributes 99
Demonic Phenomena
152 Small objects move on their own.
153 The smell of blood.
154 The smell of burning flesh.
155 The smell of burnt paper and hot metal.
156 The smell of feces and urine.
157 The smell of ozone.
158 The smell of rotting meat.
159-160 The smell of sulfur.
161 Smoke.
162 Snatches of sound without connection to each other or anything else.
163 The sound of a child singing eerily.
164 The sound of flies.
165 The sound of movement, knocking and glass breaking.
166 The sounds of torture.
167 Sparks arc across metal.
168 Speakers and monitors broadcast what others see and hear.
169 Spilled blood soaks into the ground or whatever else it touches.
170 Statues fall over, pain in their expressions.
171 Strange moons and stars can be seen in the sky, even during the day.
172-173 Strong emotions cannot be described or expressed in words.
174 The sun moves backwards in the sky.
175 Swirling winds full of sand.
176-177 The taste of ashes in the mouths of others.
178 Technological devices break far too easily.
179-180 Temperatures fall.
181 Temperatures fluctuate from one extreme to another.
182 Temperatures rise.
183 Things break much easier.
184 Three phenomena combined.
185 Thunder and lightning, only outside.
186 Time appears to move backwards for objects and strangers.
187 Time appears to move backwards on the other side of windows.
188 Two phenomena combined.
189 Vehicles break down, crash, or spin out of control.
190 Vermin die.
191 Water drips constantly, from faucets or anything else.
192 Water heats and boils.
193 Water pools on the floor, seemingly from nowhere.
194 Wax melts into strange shapes.
195 The weak-willed and depressed commit suicide.
196 Whispering voices can be heard, but never found.
197 Wind and storms.
198 Writing disappears.
199 Writing is corrupted and rearranges itself.
200 Writing switches to a different language.

781 Demonologist
This mutant can summon demons and similar extra-planar beings. The less powerful the being,
the greater chance it will appear and be forced to obey one command the mutant issues to it.
The mutant may create summoning and binding circles, but does not necessarily have the
power to banish a demon, unless that is its one command.

782 Density Control

This mutant can alter the density of a target creature, whose size changes to the same degree.
An increase in density causes the target creature to shrink; a decrease causes it to grow.
► Roll 1d4 for area of effect:
1 Others and self; range is touch. 3 Others only; range is touch.
2 Others only; range is sight. 4 Self only.
► Roll 1d6 for maximum duration of change in density:
1 Half a day. 5 Several hours.
2-4 Requires concentration. 6 Several minutes.

783 Devolver
This mutant can cause others to devolve along evolutionary lines, at first stripping them of
their mutations, then causing them to devolve into ancestral forms.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of devolution:
1 Permanent. 3 Several hours. 5 Several weeks.
2 Several days. 4 Several minutes. 6 Several years.
► Roll 1d4 for range within which targets can be devolved:
1 2d20 feet (2d6m). 2 Sight. 3-4 Touch.
► Roll 1d6 for speed of change:
1 Instantaneous. 4 Several minutes per alteration.
2 Several days per alteration. 5 Several months per alteration.
3 Several hours per alteration. 6 Several weeks per alteration.

784 Dimensional Instability

This mutant may step outside the time stream and/or dimensional continuity for short
moments, disappearing and reappearing in the same location, or nearby, some time later.
► Roll 1d6 for length of disappearance:
1 Several hours. 4-5 Several seconds.
2-3 Several minutes. 6 Up to an hour.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1-2 At will. 3 Regular intervals. 4 Stress induced.
supernatural attributes d - e 101
785-786 Dissent Parasite
This mutant is physically and/or psychically energized in the presence of conflict, and will
attempt to pick fights and instigate disputes between others.

787 Divine Avatar

This mutant has a direct connection to a divine intelligence, and can manifest that divinity’s
characteristics at will. Choose a divinity or roll on whatever table you consider appropriate.

788 Divisional Body Segments

This mutant can remove one or more body parts, which move and function independently.
► Roll 1d6 to determine how the mutant’s body can be divided:
1 Any part of the body can be removed, up to 1d3 body parts at a time.
2 Only head can be removed, with or without spine and internal organs attached
to it, which can act like limbs.
3-4 Only limbs or parts of limbs can be removed, up to 1d4 at a time.
5-6 Roll 1d3 times on the body part table to determine what is removable.

789 Duplication
This mutant can separate into two identical beings, both with the same mind. These two bodies
may act independently, but always retain the same sentience and share the same knowledge and
sensory information. These two bodies can become one again at any time.

790-791 Eat Anything

This mutant can consume, digest, and subsist on anything it can fit into its mouth.

792 Elasticity
This mutant can bounce like a ball, as well as bend and stretch its body, even tie itself in knots,
as if it were made of rubber.

793 Electrical Travel

This mutant can transform into electricity and travel along electrical currents.
102 e supernatural attributes
794 Elemental Body
This mutant has a body composed of some inorganic or inert substance.
► Roll 1d6 for change trigger (if any):
1-2 Elemental body is permanent.
3-4 Mutant can change part or all of its body at will.
5 Mutant can switch between normal and elemental bodies at will.
6 Mutant can switch between bodies by performing rituals.
► Roll 1d21 for type of elemental body:
1 Bone. 8 Ice. 15 Stone.
2 Clouds or mist. 9 Lava. 16 Three elements.
3 Crystal or glass. 10 Liquid. 17 Two elements.
4 Electricity. 11 Metal. 18 Water.
5 Fire. 12 Oil. 19 Wind.
6 Fog or smoke. 13 Plastic. 20 Xylem.
7 Gas. 14 Sand. 21 Yogurt.

795 Energy Absorption

This mutant absorbs harmful radiation, electricity, heat, and lasers directed at it and converts
them harmlessly into light, psychic emanations, radio broadcasts, or some other effect.
► Roll 1d4 for amount of energy absorbed and converted:
1 ×1 (all). 3 ×⅓ (one third).
2 ×½ (one half ). 4 ×¼ (one quarter).

796-797 Energy Blast

This mutant can emit a blast of energy.
► Roll 1d6 for source of energy blast:
1-2 Eyes. 3-5 Hands. 6 Somewhere else.
► Roll 1d8 for type of energy:
1 Disintegration ray. 5 Lasers.
2 Electricity. 6 Magical energy.
3 Fire. 7 Harmful radiation.
4 Heat. 8 Withering entropy.
► Roll 1d4 for range of energy blast:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 A hundred yards (91m).
2 A couple miles (3km). 4 Sight.

798-799 Energy Negation Field

Non-organic sources of power emission stop working near this mutant, due to a field emanating
from it. Devices begin working again once the mutant leaves. Properly shielded devices are not
affected. What constitutes “properly shielded” depends on the field’s nature.
► Roll 1d8 for range of energy negation field:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.
supernatural attributes e 103
800 Energy Redirection
This mutant is able to consciously absorb electricity, heat, lasers, light, and microwaves and
redirect it outwards at will. This energy must come in contact with the mutant.
► Roll for amount that can be redirected:
1 ×1 (all). 3 ×⅓ (one third).
2 ×½ (one half ). 4 ×¼ (one quarter).

801 Energy Sensitivity

This mutant suffers pain and hallucinations in the presence of non-organic energy sources,
broadcasting equipment, or transmission facilities.
► Roll 1d4 for range of energy sensitivity:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3 Fifty feet (15m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Twenty feet (6m).

802 Entropic Precision

This mutant can find the weak points in any structure or living creature. When targeting these
weak points, the mutant can cause much greater amounts of damage, and cause things to
collapse and fall apart.

803-804 Ethereal Projection

This mutant is able to project its mind and perception out of its physical body, and roam the
world in the form of an ethereal, ghost-like version of itself. This body is invisible, intangible,
and cannot affect the physical world, but it can move about and perceive things. This ethereal
body may also fly at great speeds, and hover in space.

805 Evil Eye

This mutant’s gaze levies a curse when it so chooses.
► Roll 1d8 (or 1d9) for type of curse:
1 Disease. 4 Insanity. 7 Sterility.
2 Financial ruin. 5 Misfortune. 8 Withering.
3 Impotence. 6 Ruined reputation. 9 Youth is ruined.

806 Exorcist
This mutant may expel any non-corporeal or extra-planar beings it encounters. Ghosts,
demons, incarnate gods, and aliens from other dimensions are all affected by this ability, which
requires obvious rituals and takes between several seconds and several hours, depending on the
strength of the being to be expelled.

807 Explode Objects

This mutant can charge inanimate objects with a type of potential energy that causes them to
explode violently on impact. This energy dissipates after several minutes.

808 Eye Scrying

When this mutant gazes into the eyes of another creature, it may see a few moments of whatever
those eyes saw before they started looking at the mutant, or the last moments the creature was
alive, if they are the eyes of a corpse.
104 f supernatural attributes
809 Face of a Demon
This mutant has the same face as a particular race of demon.
► Roll on whatever table you consider appropriate or 1d6 here for type:
1-2 Demonic beast or creature. 4 Greater demon.
3 Demonic steed. 5-6 Lesser demon.

810 Face of a Demon-God

This mutant has the same face as a particular, unique demon or chaos god. You may choose one
or roll on whatever table you consider appropriate.

811 False Body

This mutant’s actual body is immobile, and lies still and inert somewhere, but is able to project
a false image of itself. This image appears like the mutant in all respects, is fully corporeal, and
is able to move around like normal. The mutant will not be permanently harmed or killed
unless its immobile body is harmed.
► Roll 1d8 to determine the false body’s connection to its immobile counterpart:
1 Cannot go farther than a couple miles (3km).
2 Cannot go farther than a hundred miles (161km).
3 Cannot go farther than a thousand miles (1,609km).
4 Must return to sleep.
5 Must return monthly.
6 Must return weekly.
7 Must return yearly.
8 No contact is necessary.
supernatural attributes f - g 105
812 Featureless Face
This mutant has a featureless face, which, strangely enough, does not affect its ability to see,
smell, speak, or eat.

813 Flaming Skull Face

This mutant’s face or whole head is the image of a flaming skull.

814 Flammable Skin

This mutant’s skin is dry and flaky. If exposed to heat higher than 30°C (86°F), the mutant

815 Fleshcrafter
This mutant can cause a target’s body and physical features to become malleable and then
reshape them, either by exuding a liquid or through some kind of magical energy.

816-817 Force Field

This mutant can create an invisible sphere of force. Objects that strike the field bounce off. The
field lasts as long as the mutant concentrates.
► Roll 1d6 for range of field:
1 Anywhere within sight.
2-4 Around self only.
5-6 Touch, but the force field may then be separated from the mutant.
► Roll 1d8 for size of force field:
1 Fifty feet (15m) in diameter. 5-7 Ten feet (3m) in diameter.
2-4 Seven feet (2m) in diameter. 8 Twenty feet (6m) in diameter.

818 Force Shield

This mutant can create a shield or wall of invsible or visible force not more than ten feet (3m)
away. It is large enough to cover the mutant’s body on one side. Objects that strike the shield or
wall bounce off. The shield or wall moves with the mutant and lasts as long as they concentrate.

819 Fortune Teller

This mutant may divine future events for another individual, through a crystal ball, tarot cards,
palm reading, tea leaves, or some other systematized ritual. These foreshadowings are usually
vague and cryptic, but can occasionally be strong and clear impressions of future events.

820 Freezing Body

This mutant is able to make its body so cold that moisture in the surrounding air freezes on its
surface through deposition, coating the mutant in a layer of ice. There is a 1 in 3 chance that
the mutant cannot control this ability.

821 Gaseous Form

This mutant can change its body into gas, and still move around.

822 Ghost Talker

This mutant may communicate with ghosts and other spirits, and if it knows the name of a
ghost or spirit, can summon and command it 2d4×10 per cent of the time.

823 Glittering
This mutant is glittery and shimmering.
106 g - h supernatural attributes
824 Glow
This mutant glows. Choose a colour, or roll on either the basic or extended colour table.
► Roll 1d3 for brightness:
1 Bright glow. 2 Dull glow. 3 Soft glow.
► Roll 1d8 for trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 6 Glows in the dark.
2-3 Always glowing. 7 Requires concentration.
4-5 At will. 8 Stress-induced.

825 Hallucinatory Possessions

This mutant’s possessions appear different than they really are. When the mutant wears,
handles, or uses an inanimate object or item, it gains some illusory characteristics.
► Roll 1d12 for hallucinatory properties of mutant’s possessions:
1 Battered and worn. 5 Dirty and gross. 9 Luminous.
2 Branded. 6 Expensive. 10 Old.
3 Clean and new. 7 Gaudy. 11 Strange or alien.
4 Dangerous. 8 Harmless. 12 Stylish.

826 Halo
This mutant possesses a glowing halo around its head. Choose a colour, or roll on either the
basic or extended colour table.
► Roll 1d10 for trigger:
1 According to a biological cycle. 7 Location-dependent.
2-3 Always glowing. 8 Requires concentration.
4-5 At will. 9 Situation-dependent.
6 Glows in the dark. 10 Stress-induced.

827-828 Heal Others

This mutant can cause wounds to close and injuries to heal.
► Roll 1d6 for range of healing:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d6 for speed of healing a single patient:
1 About an hour. 4 Several hours.
2 Half an hour. 5 Several minutes.
3 Less than a second. 6 Several seconds.
supernatural attributes h - i 107
829 Historical Viewing
This mutant may view images of past occurrences. The mutant is limited to occurrences that
happened in its present location, which appear as ghostly images superimposed over the
mutant’s normal vision. The mutant can hear and smell faintly, but not touch.

830 Homunculus
This mutant can produce a miniature version of itself, about a hand’s span high. The mutant
can control this homunculus and sense what it senses. If the homunculus is killed before its
duration is up, the mutant will be severely shocked. There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant can
produce more than one homunculus at a time.
► Roll 1d10 for creation time of a homunculus:
1 A day. 4-5 Half a day. 8 Several hours.
2 A minute. 6 Half an hour. 9 Several minutes.
3 An hour. 7 Several days. 10 Several seconds.
► Roll 1d10 for duration of homunculus’ activity:
1-2 A day. 5 A year. 8 Several days.
3 A month. 6 An hour. 9 Several hours.
4 A week. 7 Half a day. 10 Several weeks.

831-832 Illusion Generation

This mutant may create illusions within range of any of its own senses.
► Roll 1d4 for autonomy of illusions:
1 Illusions may move while mutant concentrates.
2 Illusions may not move.
3 Illusions may perform pre-programmed commands.
4 Mutant may command illusion to move at will.
► Roll 1d8 for maximum duration (illusions may be dismissed earlier):
1 A day. 5 Permanent.
2 An hour. 6 Requires concentration.
3 Half a day. 7 Several minutes.
4 Half an hour. 8 Until dismissed by mutant.
► Roll 1d4 for number of senses affected:
1 All senses. 2 Two senses. 3-4 Three senses.
► Roll 1d8 for senses affected (if necessary):
1 Balance. 5 Other senses.
2 Hearing. 6 Sight.
3 Mutant’s choice (choose once). 7 Smell and taste.
4 Mutant’s choice (each time). 8 Touch.

833 Illusory Features

This mutant has one or more features that are visible but are illusions. Roll 1d1000 on the
mutation chart. If the mutation is not visible, roll again and combine the results until it is.

834-835 Immortal
This mutant does not age or grow old once it is an adult, has no need for food or sustenance,
and will not die unless killed by violence or illness.
108 i supernatural attributes
836-837 Immune to Cold
This mutant may function normally at all temperatures above absolute zero and below normal
human body temperature.

838-839 Immune to Energy

This mutant is unharmed by electricity, lasers, radiation, and other dangerous energy rays.

840-841 Immune to Heat

This mutant is not harmed by heat, fire, combustion, or high temperatures.

842-843 Immune to Illusions

This mutant is never affected or deceived by illusions, either magical or psychic.

844 Immune to Weather

This mutant is able to ignore the effects of the weather whenever it chooses to do so. It can stay
dry in the rain or warm in the snow, and does not have to tan or burn in the sun if it doesn’t
want to.

845 Incorporated Objects

This mutant has one or more inanimate objects incorporated in its body. These can be crystals,
pieces of art, stone, or metal, furniture, tools, or any other inanimate objects.

846 Infinite Endurance

This mutant may function at a normal level indefinitely and never gets tired, even from
constant physical exertion, except for rare moments of rest or sleep to recover from stress,
injury, or very strenuous activity.

847-848 Inspiring Aura

This mutant psychically inspires those around it.
► Roll 1d6 for range of inspiration:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 The sound of the mutant’s voice.
2 Sight. 4 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for strength of inspiration:
1 Amplifies courage. 3 Inspires teamwork.
2 Fanatical loyalty. 4 Negates fear and doubt.
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1 Always on. 4 Requires concentration.
2 At will. 5 Requires mutant to speak.
3 Requires communication. 6 Stress-induced.

849-850 Intangibility
This mutant can move through solid matter while concentrating.
► Roll 1d4 for effect if the mutant becomes tangible while inside solid matter:
1 Matter is violently displaced. 3 Mutant is fused.
2 Mutant is displaced and injured. 4 Mutant is harmlessly displaced.
supernatural attributes i - m 109
851 Internal Portal
This mutant has a portal to another world, dimension, or plane of existence inside its body.
In order to access this portal, the mutant must be physical opened, which is probably quite
harmful to it, or would-be travellers must access its insides psychically.

852 Invincible Buddha

This mutant can become almost invincible by concentrating and doing nothing but meditating.
While meditating, the first attack after a pause is reflected back on the attacker, who suffers all
damage the mutant would have suffered. If this mutant is subject to multiple simultaneous or
immediately subsequent attacks, it only reflects half the effects of the second attack, a third of
the effects of the third attack, a fourth of the effects of the fourth attack, and so on. If there is
a pause between attacks, the next attack counts as a first attack.

853-854 Invisibility
This mutant is able to become unseen at will, and will not show up on visual recording or
detecting devices.

855 Invulnerable
This mutant is unharmed by physical effects, including kinetic force, the full spectrum
of electromagnetic radiation, and a lack of air, water, or nourishment. The mutant is still
vulnerable to magic and psychic interference.

856-857 Invulnerable to Weapons

This mutant is unharmed by all weapons except for one type.
► Roll 1d8 (or 1d10) for the only kind of weapon that will harm this mutant:
1 Bare hands. 4 Bullets. 7 Holy weapons.
2 Blades. 5 Flaming weapons. 8 Silver.
3 Bronze. 6 Gold. 9-10 Magic weapons.

858 Iron Teeth and Nails

Just like a witch. Iron nails grow very slowly, but will occasionally require filing, while iron
teeth do not get cavities. If removed, they cannot be used to establish an arcane connection.

859 Irritating Touch

This mutant’s flesh contains a substance that is irritating to most others of its kind, and possibly
other creatures as well. Unless they take protective measures, those touching the mutant or
things it has touched may experience itchiness, rashes, or uncomfortable feelings.

860 Kinetic Absorption

This mutant absorbs half of all kinetic force applied to it and converts it harmlessly.

861-862 Liquid Form

This mutant can become liquid, transforming its normally solid body into a plasmoid,
malleable form that moves as the mutant wishes.

863-864 Magic Resistance

This mutant has an innate resistance to magic, which is ineffective [1d6+4]×10 per cent of the
time. This applies to all magic used against the mutant directly, not physical effects caused by
magic directed at other targets.
110 m supernatural attributes
865 Magical Affinity
Because of your fey nature, magical creatures and faeries treat you like one of their own, and
do not flee your presence or attempt to lead you astray.

866 Magnetic
This mutant is unusually magnetic, and light-weight metallic objects will stick to its skin.

867 Manikin
In place of a face, this mutant has either a miniature replica of its own upper body, including
torso, arms, and what its face should look like, or the upper body of some other creature.

868 Manipulate Gravity

This mutant can increase or decrease the gravitational pull at any point within range.
► Roll 1d6 for precision of gravity manipulation:
1 Mutant must be conscious and point may move.
2 Mutant must be conscious and point may not move.
3-4 Mutant must concentrate and point may move.
5-6 Mutant must concentrate and point may not move.
► Roll 1d4 for range of gravity manipulation:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Seven feet (2m)
2 A hundred yards (91m). 4 Sight.

869 Material Transparency

This mutant can cause inert, physical materials to appear transparent.
► Roll 1d10 for duration of transparency:
1 A day. 4 Half a day. 7-8 Concentration.
2 A minute. 5 Half an hour. 9 Several hours.
3 An hour. 6 Permanent. 10 Several minutes.
► Roll 1d6 for extent of transparency effect:
1 A hundred cubic feet (3m3). 4 One cubic mile (4km3).
2 A hundred cubic yards (77m3). 5 One discreet item.
3 Hundreds of cubic yards/metres. 6 Ten cubic feet (0.3m3).
► Roll 1d6 for range within which material can be made transparent:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.

870 Mazewalker
This mutant never gets lost in a maze, and can aways find its way around confusing
environments, and it may find it difficult to notice when environments are confusing for
others to navigate.
supernatural attributes m 111
871-872 Mechanoid
This mutant is partly or completely mechanical.
► Roll 1d12 for extent of mechanization:
1-2 Legs become tracks, wheels, or other mechanical contraption.
3 No legs, mutant hovers technologically.
4-6 Partly mechanical (roll 1d6 times on the body part table; ignore duplicates).
7-8 Mostly mechanical (roll 2d6 times on the body part table, duplicate parts
indicate the mutant has multiples of that part).
9-12 Whole body.
► Roll 1d8 for type of technology:
1 Basic wooden mechanism; cogs and gears.
2-3 Clockwork.
Roll 1d10 for primary composition: 1-2 crystal; 3 flesh; 4-7 metal;
8 plants or wood; 9 stone; 10 two components.
4-5 Early industrial.
Roll 1d6 for type: 1 alchemical; 2-3 combustion; 4 electrical; 5-6 steam.
6-7 Late industrial.
Roll 1d6 for type: 1-3 combustion; 4-5 electrical; 6 nuclear.
8 Post-industrial.
Roll 1d10 for type: 1 atomic; 2 bio-technological; 3 electrical;
4 electro-chemical; 5 electro-magnetic; 6 fission; 7 fusion; 8 gravitic;
9 photonic; 10 quantum.

873 Mercreature
This mutant has gills, fins, scales, and a fish tail or tentacles instead of legs. It is adapted for
living underwater, not on land. It also looks like a fantastical creature of legend.

874 Metal Skin

This mutant has metal skin that can move just as well as normal skin, but is heavily armoured.
This does not affect the mutant’s senses in any way.

875 Mind Cannibal

When this mutant devours the blood, bones, or flesh of another individual, it gains some of
their knowledge, memories, and, if they have any, psychic powers. Memories can be gained
even through drops of blood, but significant abilities require the whole body be consumed.

876 Molecular Disruption

This mutant can disrupt the molecules of a solid mass, causing it to fall apart. This takes an
extraordinary amount of energy, and the mutant needs rest and food when done. Only one
solid mass can be affected at a time, whether it is natural, organic, or artificially created.
► Roll 1d6 for range of disruption:
1 Sight. 3-5 Touch.
2 Ten feet (3m). 6 Twenty feet (6m).

877 Molecular Sense

This mutant can sense the exact molecular composition of anything in range.
► Roll 1d8 for range of molecular sensing:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-4 Taste.
2 Sight. 5-6 Touch.
112 m supernatural attributes
878 Multiplication
This mutant can create 1d10 copies of itself by temporal or material displacement. If any of
these doubles are killed, the mutant will be unconscious for 1d100 minutes per copy that is
killed when the duration has elapsed. On any roll of 100, time itself unravels.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of multiplication:
1 1d10 minutes. 4 A couple minutes.
2 1d100 minutes. 5 Less than a minute.
3 1d6 hours. 6 Once ever.

879 Mutagen Producer

Animals that consume parts of this mutant’s body, or any substance it produces, soon develop
mutations of their own.

880-881 Mutant Detection

This mutant can detect the presence of other mutants within range, and can tell if anyone
within range is a mutant or not.
► Roll 1d6 for range within which mutants can be detected:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-4 Sight.
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Touch.

882-883 Mystical Third Eye

This mutant can open a mystical third eye on its forehead. When the eye is closed, it cannot
be detected; when open, it gives the mutant special powers that can affect everyone the third
eye can see.
► Roll 1d6 for powers granted by mystical third eye:
1 Perceive the presence of magical or mystical beings and energies.
2 Project light which has calming and healing properties.
3 Read auras and sense emotions.
4 Sense evil, good, and lies.
5 Use a random psychic power (re-roll detrimental powers).
6 Use a random supernatural ability (re-roll detrimental abilities).
supernatural attributes n - p 113
884 Nightmare Portal
This mutant possesses, inside its mind, a doorway to a world full of horror. It suffers from
nightmares, but no other ill effects. Others are not as safe, however, and those using any sort of
mentally invasive psychic powers on the mutant risk being consumed by nightmares.

885-886 No Reflection
This mutant does not appear in reflective surfaces. It cannot be filmed or photographed, but
will appear on digital video recordings.

887-888 No Shadow
This mutant does not cast a shadow. Light appears to pass right through it, and be reflected
by it at the same time. Anyone studying this phenomenon with powerful, hi-tech sensors will
probably go insane and try to build a machine that destroys life.

889 Object Bound

This mutant’s soul is located in some physical object. Harming the object harms the mutant,
and possessing it gives power over the mutant.

890 Object Mimic

This mutant can reshape its body to mimic any common, mundane immobile object. The
mutant may not move in this form but retains 1d4 senses and may change back at any time.
► Roll 1d4 for maximum size of object mimicked:
1 ×1 (the mutant’s normal size). 3 ×3 (three times mutant’s size).
2 ×2 (twice mutant’s size). 4 ×4 (four times mutant’ size).
► Roll 1d4 for minimum size of object mimicked:
1 ×0 (any visible size). 3 ×⅓ (one-third mutant’s size).
2 ×½ (half mutant’s size). 4 ×¼ (one fourth mutant’s size).

891 Painkiller
This mutant can dull the pain that other creatures feel, just by touching them.
► Roll 1d4 for duration:
1 Concentration. 3 Several minutes.
2 Several hours. 4 Skin contact.

892-893 Patronage
This mutant is somehow in tune with one of the gods of chaos, who shows favour to it. The
mutant gains one or more of its patron’s mutations, determined at random, plus 1d3 special
gifts from the table below. Roll on whatever table you think appropriate to determine which
chaos god is the patron, or create one using the greater demon procedures (see page 235).
► Roll 1d6 to determine patron’s gift:
1 1d3 pieces of demonic equipment (see page 234).
2 1d10 additional mutations (roll 1d1000 for each).
3 Large retinue of followers (roll on fantastic peoples table for type, page 141).
4 One demonic attribute (see page 234).
5 Roll once each on gifts of chaos and sorcerous emnants tables (see page 233).
6 Small retinue of followers, numbering 2d10 or some other appropriate number
(roll on fantastic animals table or fantastic peoples table for type).
114 p supernatural attributes

894 Perfect Regeneration

No matter how grievous the wounds it may suffer are, this mutant will regenerate completely
and be back to normal, given time.
► Roll 1d6 for speed that wounds and injuries heal at:
1 A full day. 3 Within days. 5 Within minutes.
2 A full week. 4 Within hours. 6 Within seconds.
► Roll for strength of regeneration:
1 Mutant regenerates if any parts are left unburned.
2-3 Mutant regenerates if still alive.
4-6 Mutant regenerates if fed.

895-896 Petrifying Gaze

This mutant can turn living beings into stone with a look. There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant
can reverse this process and restore those it has petrified.
► Roll 1d8 for duration of petrification:
1 Days. 3 Months. 7 Weeks.
2 Hours. 4-6 Permanent. 8 Years.
► Roll 1d10 for possible targets of petrification:
1-2 Anyone who makes eye contact.
3 Anyone who sees the mutant.
4-6 Anyone who sees the mutant’s face.
7 Everyone the mutant looks at.
8 Select individuals the mutant looks at (mutant’s discretion).
9-10 Select individuals who make eye contact (mutant’s discretion).
► Roll 1d10 for speed of petrification:
1-4 Instantaneous. 7 Requires just over an hour.
5 Requires half a day. 8 Requires several minutes.
6 Requires half an hour. 9-10 Requires several seconds.
supernatural attributes p 115
897 Physical Mimic
This mutant can physically reform its body to copy that of a creature it is touching.
► Roll 1d4 for duration of mimicry:
1 As long as mutant concentrates. 3 Until mutant reveals itself.
2 Until mutant is stressed. 4 Until mutant uses another
mutation or power.

898 Planar Travel

This mutant can facilitate travel to other planes of existence by creating a doorway.
► Roll 1d8 for duration doorway stays open:
1 A day. 4 An hour. 7 Several hours.
2-3 A minute. 5-6 Half a minute. 8 Several minutes.
► Roll 1d6 for size of doorway:
1 A hundred foot square (9m2). 4-5 Thirty foot square (3m2).
2-3 Ten foot square (1m2). 6 Three foot square (0.3m2).

899 Possession
This mutant can send its consciousness into the body of another individual, and control them.
► Roll 1d6 for duration of possession:
1 Half a day. 3 Several days. 5 Several minutes.
2 Half an hour. 4 Several hours. 6 Until reversed.
► Roll 1d6 for original body’s state during possession:
1 Mutant is distracted but can still sense original body.
2-4 Mutant’s body is comatose, seemingly asleep.
5 Mutant’s body is unmoving, but seemingly awake.
6 Mutant switches consciousness with target.
► Roll 1d20 for possible targets of possession:
1-3 Animals only. 10 Other mutants only.
4-5 Any living creature. 11 People of the same race only.
6 Older people only. 12 People of the same sex only.
7-8 One category of animal only. 13-19 People only.
9 One type of creature only (roll on 20 Younger people only.
the creature table).
► Roll 1d6 for range of initial possession:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Target must see mutant.
2 Eye contact. 5 Touch.
3 Sight. 6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d8 for speed of possession:
1 Instantaneous.
2-3 Requires complicated rituals lasting over an hour.
4-6 Requires complicated rituals lasting several minutes.
7 Several minutes, no rituals required.
8 Several seconds.
116 p - r supernatural attributes
900 Power Duplication
This mutant can duplicate a special power possessed by another individual.
► Roll 1d6 for duration duplicate powers last:
1 Requires concentration. 4 Several minutes.
2 Several days. 5 Until reversed.
3 Several hours. 6 While conscious.
► Roll 1d4 for number of powers that can be duplicated:
1 1d4+2 at a time. 2-3 One at a time. 4-5 Two at a time.
► Roll 1d8 for range within which powers can be duplicated:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 4 Sight.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 5-8 Touch.

901-902 Power Source

This mutant is able to power certain technological devices with its body.
► Roll 1d6 for power type:
1 Electrical. 3 Magical energy. 5 Radiation crystal.
2 Light waves. 4 Nuclear power. 6 Two or other.

903 Power Theft

This mutant can steal magical and supernatural powers from other individuals. While the
mutant is able to use the power, the target may not.
► Roll 1d8 for duration of theft:
1 As long as mutant is conscious. 5 Several hours.
2 Half an hour. 6 Several minutes.
3-4 Requires concentration. 7-8 Several seconds.
► Roll 1d6 for number of powers that can be stolen:
1 1d3+2 at a time. 2-4 One at a time. 5-6 Two at a time.
► Roll 1d10 for range within which powers can be stolen:
1-2 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 6 Intimacy.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 7 Sight.
4-5 Eye contact. 8-10 Touch.

904-905 Pyrokinesis
This mutant is a firestarter, able to control any fires it can sense, and psychically call fire into
existence within range.
► Roll 1d6 for range of fire control:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 3-4 Fifty feet (15m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 Twenty feet (6m).

906-907 Radioactive
This mutant emits dangerous levels of harmful radiation.
► Roll for length of exposure that may cause cancer, weakness, and death:
1 Days. 3 Minutes. 5 Weeks.
2 Hours. 4 Months. 6 Years or decades.
supernatural attributes r - s 117
908 Removable Eyes
This mutant can remove its eyes and still see through them. There is a 1 in 3 chance the eyes
can move around on their own once detached.

909-910 Repulsed by Food

This mutant is physically repulsed by a certain type of food that is probably rather common.
Coming into contact with this type of food will produce a serious allergic and psychological
► Roll 1d10 for type of food that repulses:
1 Cooked food. 5 Nuts.
2 Dairy. 6-7 One common food item.
3 Grains and cereals. 8 Raw, uncooked food.
4 Meat. 9-10 Roll on the plant table.

911 Sacred Aura

This mutant projects the feeling that it is holy and sacred into the hearts of those around it.
► Roll 1d6 for emotional character of, or evoked by, the sacred aura:
1 Calmness and reverence. 4 Innocence and purity.
2 Desire for betterment. 5 Religious ecstasy.
3 Guilt and shame. 6 Sublime majesty.
► Roll 1d6 for range of sacred aura:
1 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Ten feet (3m).
2 Fifty feet (15m). 5 Touch.
3 Sight. 6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1-2 Always on. 4-5 Requires concentration.
3 At will. 6 Stress-induced.

912-913 Saturated with Magical Energy

This mutant’s body and soul are infused with magic. It also gets a Taboo and a Telltale.

914 Secret Communication

This mutant is able to leave messages, of any sort, that only specific individuals will receive.
The mutant can write messages, record them to film, or just speak them aloud, and they will go
unnoticed by everyone except whoever is specified as the proper intended recipient.
118 s supernatural attributes
915 Seep
This mutant can seep into objects or solid matter, sharing its mass with nonliving objects.
There is a 1 in 3 chance the mutant can seep into objects smaller than itself.
► Roll 1d6 for sensory ability while “seeped”:
1-2 Mutant can hear what occurs outside the matter it has seeped into.
3 Mutant can see and hear what occurs outside the matter it has seeped into.
4-6 Mutant senses nothing.

916-917 Sense Evil

This mutant can sense malicious, negative, anti-social, antagonistic, and “evil” intentions.
► Roll 1d6 for range of evilness detection:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Sight.
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5 Target must see mutant.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 At will. 3 Requires gestures.
2 Requires concentration. 4 Requires obvious rituals.

918-919 Sense Fear

This mutant can tell if someone within range is afraid.
► Roll 1d6 for range of fear detection:
1-3 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 5 Sight.
4 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 Always on. 3 Requires concentration.
2 At will. 4 Requires obvious rituals.

920-921 Sense Good

This mutant can sense helpful, positive, constructive, and “good” intentions.
► Roll 1d6 for range of goodness detection:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Sight.
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5 Target must see mutant.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 At will. 3 Requires gestures.
2 Requires concentration. 4 Requires obvious rituals.

922-923 Sense Lies

This mutant can sense falsehoods, deceptions, and lies.
► Roll 1d6 for range of lie detection:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 Sight.
2 A hundred feet (30m). 5 Target must see mutant.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 Touch.
► Roll 1d4 for trigger:
1 At will. 3 Requires gestures.
2 Requires concentration. 4 Requires obvious rituals.
supernatural attributes s 119
924-925 Sensitive to Metal
This mutant cannot stand the touch of a specific type of metal, and takes additional damage
from weapons made of this metal. Exposure to this type of metal will evoke feelings of fear and
rage in the mutant.
► Roll 1d8 (or 1d20) for metal that triggers sensitivity:
1 Bronze. 9 Black. 15 Heavy.
2 Copper. 10 Christian. 16 Metalcore.
3 Gold. 11 Death. 17 Nu or rap metal.
4 Iron. 12 Doom. 18 Power.
5 Lead. 13 Fusion. 19 Speed.
6-8 Silver. 14 Glam. 20 Thrash.

926-927 Sensitive to Sunlight

This mutant is vulnerable to sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause a reaction within minutes.
► Roll 1d8 (or 1d10) for mutant’s reaction to sunlight:
1-2 Bursts into flames and burns. 5-6 Petrifies (reverses in darkness).
3 Explodes. 7-8 Turns to ashes and dust.
4 Melts. 9-10 Becomes a gateway to hell.

928 Shadow Walk

This mutant may step into one patch of darkness and step out of another.
► Roll 1d6 for maximum range of travel through shadows:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3-4 Seven feet (2m).
2 A hundred yards (91m). 5-6 The other side of a wall.

929 Silhouette
This mutant’s body, and anything it wears or carries, refuses to reflect light, making it appear
to be a completely black silhouette.
120 s supernatural attributes
930 Skinwalker
This mutant may don the flayed skin of another and assume their appearance.
► Roll 1d10 for reversibility of mutant’s new appearance:
1 It becomes part of a repertoire and can be assumed at any time.
2-4 It is permanent.
5 It lasts for up to 1d6 days, or when skin is discarded.
6 It lasts for up to 1d6 hours, or when skin is discarded.
7 It lasts for up to 1d6 weeks, or when skin is discarded.
8 It lasts for up to 1d6 years, or when skin is discarded.
9-10 It lasts until discarded.

931 Speak with Animals

This mutant may speak to animals, in their own language, if any. The level of conversation
depends on the type of animal and the kind of game you are playing.

932 Spell Ability

This mutant has the ability to cast a particular spell at will. The more powerful the spell is,
the more exhausted the mutant will be after casting it. Choose a spell, or roll on any table you
consider appropriate.

933 Spirit Enmity

This mutant attracts the ire of ghosts and other bodiless spirits, who will haunt it and attempt
to harass it to no end. It is also more vulnerable to ghosts than others are.

934-935 Spirit Medium

This mutant can summon a ghost or spirit and allow it to speak through its mouth. The
mutant enters a trance state once the ghost or spirit has been summoned. The séance lasts
for up to several minutes, or until the mutant becomes exhausted. This process is very taxing.

936-937 Stable Balance

As long as this mutant is in contact with the ground, it cannot be knocked over or lose its
balance against its will.

938 Stigmata
This mutant is prone to bleeding through its skin, without having wounds.
► Roll 1d8 for the location of stigmata:
1 Bloody sweat. 4-5 Hands and feet.
2 Eyes (tears of blood). 6-7 Hands, feet, and torso.
3 Hands. 8 Mouth.

939-940 Superhuman Charisma

This mutant is unnaturally alluring, and always inspires trust, empathy, and compassion in
others. It is an excellent leader simply by virtue of its emotional influence on others.

941-942 Superhuman Intellect

This mutant is able to retain, recall, and process information at far greater levels than normal
for its species. Its brain essentially functions like a supercomputer, instantly performing
calculations and recalling any and all information the mutant has ever learned.
supernatural attributes s 121
943 Superhuman Perception
This mutant is aware of all physical occurrences within range, via any appropriate sense(s).
► Roll 1d6 for range of superhuman perception:
1-2 A couple miles (3km). 4 Fifty miles (80km).
3 A hundred miles (181km). 5-6 Twenty miles (32km).

944-945 Superhuman Reflexes

This mutant’s conscious movements operate at an efficiency rate well within the top percentile.
It always reacts to anything it can perceive, and always at the highest level of effectiveness. This
power does not allow it to actually move itself any faster, however.

946-947 Superhuman Speed

This mutant can run or otherwise move at superhuman speeds.
► Roll 1d6 for top speed:
1-3 Several hundred miles (or km) per hour.
4 Several times the speed of sound.
5-6 Speed of sound (340.29m per second).

948-949 Superhuman Strength

This mutant has vast physical strength.
► Roll 1d6 for amount the mutant can lift:
1-2 Several dozen tons. 4 Several thousand tons.
3 Several hundred tons. 5-6 Several tons.

950-951 Superhuman Toughness

This mutant’s skin is well nigh invulnerable.
► Roll 1d6 for the degree of toughness of the mutant’s skin:
1 Corundum. 3-5 Steel.
2 Diamond. 6 Titanium carbide.

952 Susceptible to Possession

This mutant is exceptionally vulnerable to possession and psychic mental intrusion.

953 Symbol Bondage

This mutant’s life force is tied to a symbol, on an object, another person’s body, or on a building
or other structure. If the symbol is damaged, so is the mutant, and if the symbol is destroyed,
the mutant will die.
122 t supernatural attributes
954-957 Taboo
This mutant has some sort of supernatural restriction placed upon its actions.
► Roll 1d100 to determine the mutant’s taboo:
1-2 Becomes weak and powerless if its hair is cut.
3 Burned by perfume.
4 Can always be found by those it has harmed.
5 Can be summoned and bound by commonly-known magical spells.
6 Can be summoned and bound by its true name.
7 Can only communicate in writing except in one specific location.
8 Can only eat stolen food.
9 Can only say a creature’s true name, never an alias or false name.
10 Can only sleep when sung to.
11-12 Can only sleep when surrounded by earth.
13 Can only speak in rhymes.
14 Can only speak in riddles.
15 Can only speak to those it intends harm to.
16 Can only spend money gained by honest work.
17 Can only tell a lie in whispers.
18 Can only tell lies at night.
19 Can squeeze blood from a stone; can drink nothing else.
20-21 Cannot approach the sound of bells.
22 Cannot approach unbidden once it is seen.
23 Cannot be intimate with someone until defeated by them in a contest of skill.
24 Cannot betray or harm someone who genuinely likes it.
25 Cannot betray someone else’s lies.
26-27 Cannot break an oath.
28 Cannot commit violence during daylight.
29-30 Cannot cross a threshold without announcing its presence.
31 Cannot eat food cooked by anyone other than slaves.
32 Cannot eat in the presence of others.
33 Cannot enjoy music.
34-35 Cannot enter a private home uninvited.
36-37 Cannot enter holy ground or scared precincts.
38 Cannot enter the home of a nursing mother.
39-40 Cannot harm someone who is innocent of sex and violence.
41 Cannot harm someone who knows its name.
42 Cannot harm someone who wants to die.
43 Cannot harm someone whose name it does not know.
44 Cannot harm someone whose name it knows.
45 Cannot give something that has not been asked for.
46 Cannot leave a room while anyone looks at it.
47 Cannot look upon what it finds beautiful.
48 Cannot love someone without misfortune following them.
49 Cannot open doors for itself.
50 Cannot refuse a request for aid.
supernatural attributes 123
51 Cannot repeat a secret told in confidence.
52 Cannot see colour in artificial light.
53 Cannot see through glass.
54 Cannot sleep for a full day if it sees the sun rising or setting.
55 Cannot speak in a normal voice; can only shout, sing, or whisper.
56 Cannot speak unless asked a question.
57 Cannot speak without feeling pain.
58 Cannot speak without weeping.
59 Cannot tell a lie.
60 Cannot tell the truth about itself.
61-62 Cannot tell the truth unless whipped and beaten.
63 Cannot touch a bleeding person, except with implements, tools, or weapons.
64 Cannot touch a person during the day.
65 Cannot touch another with kindness.
66-67 Cannot touch holy objects or symbols.
68 Cannot use a tool or weapon without breaking it.
69 Cannot use supernatural powers during the day.
70 Cannot use supernatural powers for a full day after having sex.
71 Hypnotized by music.
72 May not steal from the dead.
73 May not steal from the living.
74 Must always examine symbols of death.
75 Must ask before taking something; cannot take it if refused.
76 Must attack anyone who is rude to it.
77 Must bathe in a specific river once a year or die.
78-79 Must be polite to anyone who is polite to it.
80 Must carry a difficult burden wherever it goes.
81-82 Must count small objects scattered in front of it.
83 Must disobey any direct command given by an authority figure.
84 Must drink any liquids offered.
85 Must give any corpse encountered a proper burial.
86 Must give money to anyone who asks for it.
87 Must grant first request made of it while at a rural crossroads.
88 Must graze like cattle for food.
89 Must guard a certain location from intruders.
90 Must kill anyone who sees its face.
91 Must obey a polite request.
92 Must obey any command repeated three times quickly.
93 Must obey any direct command given by an authority figure.
94 Must obey any written contract signed in blood.
95 Must obey anyone who beats or whips it.
96 Must provide sanctuary to anyone who asks for it.
97 Must write on half the items it ever touches.
98-99 Nauseated and offended by the smell of some common thing.
100 Nauseated by the sight of blood.
124 t supernatural attributes
958-959 Telepathic Communication
This mutant is able to read the minds of people while they are communicating, and determine
their meaning and intentions, regardless of the language they are speaking. It can also project
its own intentions and meanings into the minds of others, negating any language barriers
between them. The result is universal communication with other sentient beings.

960-963 Telltale
Some unnatural feature marks this mutant as supernatural, subtle as it may be. If a mutant
with a telltale does not have any other supernatural attributes, give it one (roll 1d300+700).
► Roll 1d100 to determine the mutant’s telltale:
1 Animals cry out in fear when the mutant speaks.
2 Animals hate the mutant during the day, and fear it at night.
3 Anyone the mutant kills becomes undead and seeks revenge.
4 Anyone the mutant touches becomes magnetized.
5 Birds near the mutant speak its thoughts.
6 Blades becomes dull when the mutant touches them.
7 Children become fascinated by the mutant.
8 Children do not believe the mutant is real.
9 Dust the mutant touches glows.
10 Fires extinguish at the mutant’s touch.
supernatural attributes 125
11 Glass and metal vibrate and whine when the mutant speaks.
12 Glass breaks when the mutant speaks in anger.
13 Hard, solid objects become warped when the mutant laughs.
14 Inanimate objects move away from the mutant of their own accord.
15 Inhuman features push through the mutant’s skin when it is angry.
16 It is always darker around the mutant than anywhere else.
17 Liquids evaporate at the mutant’s touch.
18 Machines break when the mutant touches them.
19 Metal tarnishes when the mutant touches it (any metal).
20 Movies talk to and become interactive with the mutant.
21 Objects age when the mutant touches them.
22 Objects will occasionally bleed after the mutant has touched them.
23 Omens of the mutant’s intention manifest before its arrival.
24 Parts of the mutant turn to glass or metal when removed (hair, nails, etc).
25 People who don’t believe the mutant exists cannot see it.
26 Plants grow wherever the mutant stands.
27 Plants move and try to grab the mutant.
28 Plants touched by the mutant become poisonous.
29 Plants wither when the mutant touches them (including food).
30 Printed words the mutant reads become scrambled and unreadable.
31 Rain burns the mutant.
32 Rooms become dark when the mutant leaves them.
33 Serpents take comfort in the mutant’s presence and touch.
34 Soft objects jiggle and vibrate when the mutant speaks.
35 Sunlight burns the mutant.
36 The mutant appears ugly or repulsive in direct sunlight.
37 The mutant becomes freezing cold when displeased.
38 The mutant coughs up small creatures.
39 The mutant coughs up strange, inanimate objects.
40 The mutant cries blood when it is sad.
41 The mutant dies if it touches unicorn semen.
42 The mutant does not show up on film or digital recordings.
43 The mutant eats massive amounts of food, as well as inedible objects.
44 The mutant experiences pain as pleasure, but only at night.
45 The mutant growls like an animal when emotional.
46 The mutant has additional limbs in the dark.
47 The mutant has an extra nipple, a “witch’s tit.”
48 The mutant has horns, hooves, and a tail when struck.
49 The mutant is crowned by a halo of (real) fire when angry.
50 The mutant is often mistaken for a dead relative.
51 The mutant is often mistaken for someone else.
52 The mutant leaves monstrous or animal footprints in its wake.
53 The mutant looks completely normal when more than one other can see it.
54 The mutant looks like a child when not in the presence of magic.
55 The mutant looks monstrous under black light.
56 The mutant looks monstrous when using supernatural abilities.
126 supernatural attributes
57 The mutant never actually touches the ground.
58 The mutant sheds its skin like a snake.
59 The mutant smells like death.
60 The mutant speaks with two voices at once.
61 The mutant turns to stone in sunlight (effect is temporary).
62 The mutant winces in pain when it hears its own name.
63 The mutant’s blood glows.
64 The mutant’s blood turns to swarming insects when it hits the ground.
65 The mutant’s breathe covers things in frost.
66 The mutant’s eyes become animal eyes at night.
67 The mutant’s eyes glitter like jewels.
68 The mutant’s eyes glow when it becomes emotional.
69 The mutant’s footprints blight and ruin bare earth and crack stone.
70 The mutant’s footprints form letters and words.
71 The mutant’s hair and clothes are disturbed and tousled by a wind that exists
for no one else.
72 The mutant’s hair becomes thrashing serpents when angry.
73 The mutant’s hands become claws when it commits violence.
74 The mutant’s heartbeat can be heard faintly by everyone in sight.
75 The mutant’s nose grows when it lies.
76 The mutant’s reflection breaks and cracks mirrors and reflective metal.
77 The mutant’s reflection etches itself in mirrors and reflective metal.
78 The mutant’s shadow leaves a film of dust on whatever it lingers on.
79 The mutant’s shadow leaves traces of blood wherever it lingers.
80 The mutant’s shadow is a different shape (animal, monster, etc).
81 The mutant’s shadow, when cast by sunlight, burns itself into surfaces.
82 The mutant’s skin feels strange but looks completely normal.
83 The mutant’s tongue is discoloured.
84 The mutant’s touch causes orgasms.
85 The mutant’s touch causes pain.
86 The mutant’s touch causes pregnancy in females.
87 The mutant’s touch causes rashes.
88 The mutant’s touch robs inanimate objects of their beauty.
89 The mutant’s touch stains the skin of non-magical creatures.
90 The mutant’s touch warps glass and metal.
91 The mutant’s touch warps stone and wood.
92 The mutant’s voice cuts through all other sound.
93 The mutant’s voice echoes and reverberates whenever it speaks.
94 The mutant’s voice is totally inappropriate, considering its appearance.
95 The mutant’s words become fire when it is angry.
96 The sound of the tide coming in can be heard whenever the mutant arrives.
97 Thunder can be heard whenever the mutant is hit or struck.
98 Water turns to dust at the mutant’s touch.
99 Whatever the mutant says carves itself in nearby objects.
100 Whatever the mutant touches changes colour.
supernatural attributes t 127
964 Temporal Instability
This mutant has a habit of leaving its own time, and travelling backwards or forwards in time
for episodes of varying lengths, as experienced by the mutant.
► Roll 1d6 for distance of travel, in time:
1 Many years into the future. 4 Several days or weeks into the past.
2 Many years into the past. 5 Several months or years into the future.
3 Several days or weeks into the future. 6 Several months or years into the past.
► Roll 1d6 for length of instability:
1 A single event. 4 Several minutes.
2 Several days. 5 Several weeks.
3 Several hours. 6 Until the next trigger.
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1 At will. 4-5 Stress induced.
2-3 Regular intervals. 6 When harmed.

965 Tomb Bondage

This mutant must sleep interred within the earth, preferably in its own grave or the earth of its
homeland. Sleeping above ground reduces its capabilities and makes it more erratic.

966 Total Chameleon

This mutant can change colour to mimic its surroundings, including more than just its physical
form—all clothes, gear, and whatever the mutant is touching also change colour.
128 t supernatural attributes
967-968 Totem Animal
This mutant has a supernatural link with another animal (roll on the creature table).
► Roll 1d4 for mutant’s ability to communicate with totem:
1 Can communicate telepathically, up to a couple miles (3km).
2-3 Can communicate normally with totem animal(s).
4 Cannot communicate with totem animal(s).
► Roll 1d6 for number of creatures mutant is linked with:
1-2 All animals of this type.
3-4 One particular animal of this type who is the mutant’s companion.
5 One particular animal of this type that does not associate with the mutant.
6 One particular animal of this type that is the mutant’s enemy.
► Roll 1d4 for powers granted by totem:
1 Mutant and totem animal’s lives are linked.
2 Mutant can temporarily assume totem animal’s abilities by concentrating.
3 Mutant has behavioural characteristics of totem animal(s).
4 Totem animal(s) will assist or interfere with the mutant’s activities.

969 Trackless
This mutant leaves no trace of its presence behind it, and so it cannot be tracked. It leaves no
footprints, no heat signature, no scent, and no detritus behind, unless it wishes to.

970 Transform Material

This mutant may transform one type of material into another.
► Roll 1d12 for original material:
1 Bone. 5 Natural fabrics. 9 Synthetic fabrics.
2 Ceramics. 6 Plastic. 10 Valuable metal.
3 Crystal or glass. 7 Rubber. 11 Wood.
4 Leather. 8 Stone. 12 Worthless metal.
► Roll 1d10 for quantity of material that can be transformed:
1 1d6×10 pounds per hour, one hour minimum time.
2-3 1d6×10 pounds per minute, one minute minimum time.
4-5 1d6×100 pounds per hour, one hour minimum time.
6 1d6×100 pounds per minute, one minute minimum time.
7 Up to 1d6×100 pounds instantaneously.
8-10 Up to 2d6×10 pounds instantaneously.
► Roll 1d6 for range at which material can be transformed:
1 1d10×10 feet (1d6×5m). 3 Sight.
2 Seven feet (2m). 4-6 Touch.
► Roll 1d20 for resulting material:
1-3 Crystal or glass. 10-11 Plastic.
4 Fleshy organic substance. 12-13 Rubber.
5 Leaf- or plant-like fibre. 14-18 Stone.
6-8 Non-valuable metal. 19 Valuable metal.
9 Oil. 20 Wood.
supernatural attributes t 129

971-972 Transformation
This mutant can change its shape in any manner, but cannot change its mass. Mimicking
specific people, life forms, or objects requires it to know exactly what they look like.
► Roll 1d6 for transformation speed:
1 A few hours. 5 About an hour.
2-3 A few minutes. 6 Half a day.
4 A few seconds. 7-8 Half an hour.

973 Translucent
This mutant is see-through, but still visible. Its internal organs may or may not be visible.

974 Transmute Matter

This mutant can slowly alter the molecular structure of matter, changing its properties and
making it into some other substance.
► Roll 1d6 for transmutation speed:
1 Mutant’s volume per day. 3-4 Mutant’s volume per month.
2 Mutant’s volume per hour. 5-6 Mutant’s volume per week.

975 Transparent Flesh

This mutant’s flesh, and all organs and body parts except for its bones, are transparent, like
clear glass or even more so. The mutant appears to be an animated skeleton when naked.

976 Tunnelling
This mutant can burrow through the ground at surprising speeds, moving earth slightly slower
than walking speed. It can also burrow slower to accommodate a group of people.

977 Two Bodies

This mutant has two identical bodies that share the same mind that exists in both bodies, and
sends telepathic signals between them. They are not two separate people.
130 u - w supernatural attributes
978 Unbound
This mutant cannot be bound by mortal means, not by ropes nor chains nor human hand.
Only magical or supernatural bonds, hi-tech energy fields, or other sufficiently advanced
means can contain this mutant and render it immobile.

979-980 Undead
This mutant has died, but is still animated and sentient. It can be physically destroyed, and its
soul can be put to rest by arcane or divine intervention, but it cannot be killed in the same ways
as mortals are, and it does not require normal sustenance.

981 Unwilling Medium

This mutant is especially vulnerable to possession by spirits, demons, and other supernatural
intelligences that are able to invade the mind.

982-983 Vampiric
This mutant feeds on others of its own species for nourishment.
► Roll 1d6 for type of substance required for sustenance:
1-2 Blood drinker. 5 Fuelled by others’ suffering.
3-4 Cannibal. 6 Vital energy drain.

984-985 Walk on Water

This mutant can walk across the surfaces of water and other liquids as if they were completely
solid whenever it so chooses.

986 War Sense

This mutant can sense all arguments, conflicts, hostilities, and violent actions within range.
► Roll 1d6 for maximum range of war detection:
1 A couple miles (3km). 4 A thousand miles (1,609km).
2 A hundred miles (161km). 5 The extent of the local language.
3 A hundred yards (91m). 6 To the nearest body of water.
supernatural attributes w - z 131
987-991 Weakness
This mutant has some sort of Achilles heel, a weakness against which it is mostly powerless. It
can be a colour, metal, time of day, a specific activity, type of person, or whatever. If the mutant
has supernatural or special powers, its weakness may require specific circumstances to function,
or may not function in specific circumstances.

992-993 Weather Manipulation

This mutant can influence local weather patterns by concentrating. Small changes in weather
take several minutes to effect, significant and long-lasting changes take hours, and turning
cloudless skies into thunder storms may take as long as a few days. This mutant can change
cloud cover/precipitation values, temperature, and wind velocities separately.

994-997 Werecreature
This mutant changes shape at certain times, having two different shapes that it switches
between. For its second form, roll twice on the creature table and either combine them or
choose the more dangerous result. There is a 1 in 3 chance this form is anthropomorphic.
► Roll 1d6 for shapechange trigger:
1 Annual or solar cycle. 4 Lunar or monthly cycle.
2 At will. 5 Lunar or random cycle.
3 Diurnal cycle (night and day). 6 Stress-triggered.

998 X-Ray Vision

This mutant can see through matter, like an x-ray machine.
► Roll 1d6 for range of x-ray vision:
1-3 As far as the mutant can see. 5 Up to a hundred yards (91m).
4 Up to a hundred feet (30m). 6 Up to two miles (3km).
► Roll 1d6 for trigger:
1 Always on, restricts normal sight. 4-5 Requires concentration.
2-3 At will, doesn’t restrict sight. 6 Stress-induced.

999 Zombie Master

This mutant may create a zombie servant from the corpse of a recently-dead person or from a
living person it has captured. This process takes several days, but when complete, the mutant
has a zombie servant that obeys its every command. The zombie is unable to speak, think
creatively or independently, and has no will of its own, but it can grab and hold people.

1000 Zone of Silence

This mutant can stop the production and distribution of sound within its presence.
► Roll 1d6 for area of effect (radius):
1 A hundred feet (30m). 4 Ten feet (3m).
2-3 Fifty feet (15m). 5-6 Twenty feet (6m).
► Roll 1d6 for zone’s trigger:
1 Always on. 4-5 Requires concentration.
2-3 At will. 6 Stress-induced.
► Roll 1d4 to determine what sounds can be heard within the zone:
1 Bass sounds only. 3 Whispers only.
2 Total silence. 4 White noise only.
134 additional tables
appearance change table
Use this table to introduce drastic changes to a mutant’s appearance.
► Roll 1d8 for change in appearance:
1 Add a body part (roll on the body part table) of another creature (roll on the

creature table). If the substituting creature does not have that body part, the
new body part is either humanoid or resembles the mutant’ physiology, but
appears to resemble the substituting creature cosmetically. Choose where to
put the new body part or roll on the body part table.
2-3 Add one or more cosmetic features from another type of creature (roll on the
creature table).
4-5 Change a body part (roll on the body part table) to the same part of another
creature (roll on the creature table). If the creature does not have that body
part, only the body part’s superficial appearance changes.
6 Remove a body part (roll on the body part table).
7 Roll on all the tables in one category of the mutant hordes section.
Roll 1d8 to determine which category: 1 Appearance; 2 Arms; 3 Body;
4 Eyes and ears; 5 Head; 6 Legs; 7 Lower facial features; 8 Other limbs.
8 Roll on the mutant features tables and add that feature.

body part table

For quadrupedal mutants, “arms” means front limbs and “legs” means back limbs. For
hexupedal mutants, “arms” means (roll 1d6) either 1-4: front limbs, or 5-6: middle limbs, and
“legs” means (roll 1d6) either 1-4: back limbs, or 5-6 middle limbs.
► Roll 1d100 for body parts:
1-3 Abdomen. 52-57 Pair of arms.
4-8 Abdomen and legs. 58-60 Pair of ears.
9 All limbs. 61-64 Pair of eyes.
10-13 Back/spine. 65-67 Pair of feet.
14-15 Buttocks. 68-70 Pair of hands.
16-20 Chest. 71-76 Pair of legs.
21-24 Face. 77-79 Right arm.
25-27 Genitals. 80 Right ear.
28-32 Head. 81-83 Right eye.
33-35 Left arm. 84 Right foot.
36 Left ear. 85 Right hand.
37-39 Left eye. 86-88 Right leg.
40 Left foot. 88-90 Shoulders.
41 Left hand. 91-93 Tail.
42-44 Left leg. 94-96 Torso and arms.
45-48 Mouth. 97-98 Torso and head.
49-51 Nose or snout. 100 Torso, head, and both/all arms.
additional tables 135
colour table: basic
► Roll 1d12 (or 1d18) for colour:
1 Black. 7 Pink. 13 Dolm.
2 Blue. 8 Purple. 14 Jale.
3 Brown.
4 Cyan or turquoise.
5 Green. 11 White. 17 Smaudre.
6 Orange. 12 Yellow. 18 Ulfire.

colour table: extended

► Roll 1d100 for colour:
1-2 2 colours shifting. 35 Glowing colour. 68 Puce.
3 Amber. 36 Gold. 69 Pumpkin.
4 Apricot. 37 Green. 70 Purple.
5 Aqua(marine). 38 Green-yellow. 71 Red.
6 Auburn. 39 Grey. 72 Red-brown.
7 Azure. 40 Indigo. 73 Red-violet.
8 Beige. 41 Iridescent colour. 74 Rose.
9 Black. 42 Ivory. 75 Ruddy.
10 Blue. 43 Jade. 76 Russet.
11 Blue-green. 44 Jale. 77 Rust.
12 Blue-grey. 45 Jet. 78 Salmon.
13 Blue-violet. 46 Khaki. 79 Scarlet.
14 Brass. 47 Lavender. 80 Sea green.
15 Bronze. 48 Lilac. 81 Sepia.
16 Brown. 49 Lime. 82 Silver.
17 Bright green. 50 Magenta. 83 Sky blue.
18 Buff. 51 Mahogany. 84 Sparkly colour.
19 Burgundy. 52 Maroon. 85 Tan.
20 Cerulean. 53 Matte colour. 86 Tangerine.
21 Charcoal. 54 Mauve. 87 Taupe.
22 Chartreuse. 55 Metallic colour. 88 Teal.
23 Copper. 56 Mustard yellow. 89 Terra cotta.
24 Cream. 57 Ochre. 90 Turquoise.
25 Crimson. 58 Octarine. 91 Ulfire.
26 Cyan. 59 Off-white. 92 Ultramarine.
27 Dolm. 60 Olive. 93 Umber.
28 Drab. 61 Orange. 94 Verdigris.
29 Emerald. 62 Orange-red. 95 Vermillion.
30 Forest green. 63 Peach. 96 Violet.
31 Fuchsia. 64 Periwinkle. 97 White.
32 Garrow. 65 Pink. 98 Wisteria.
33 Ginger. 66 Pink-orange. 99 Yellow.
34 Glossy colour. 67 Plum. 100 Yellow-green.
136 additional tables
creature tables
These are lists of more commonly-known creatures. Entries may cover more than one species,
under either a common family name or a colloquial name, and may be interpreted as generously
as desired. Each entry on the creature table has its own table of creatures.
► Roll 1d10 (or 1d12) to determine creature table by type:
+ 1-2 Amphibians and Reptiles
3 Aquatic Animals
9 Other Animals
10 Plants
4 Birds 11 Fantastic Animals
5-8 Mammals 12 Fantastic Peoples

amphibians and reptiles

This table includes dinosaurs, but not birds.
► Roll 1d100 for amphibian or reptile:
1 Adder. 39 Draco lizard.
2 Agamid or dragon lizard. 40-41 Fan-throated lizard.
3-4 Alligator. 42-43 Fire-bellied toad.
5 Allosaurus. 44 Frilled lizard.
6 Alpine salamander. 45 Frog.
7 Ankylosaurus. 46 Gecko.
8 Axolotl or mole salamander. 47 Gila monster.
9 Bearded dragon. 48 Glass frog.
10 Blind snake. 49 Glass lizard or glass snake.
11 Boa constrictor. 50 Greaved lizard.
12 Brachiosaurus. 51 Green frog or green toad.
13 Brontosaurus. 52 Hairy frog.
14 Bullfrog. 53 Iguanodon.
15-16 Caiman. 54 Komodo dragon.
17-18 Chameleon. 55 Lizard.
19-20 Chuckwalla or iguana. 56-57 Marine iguana.
21 Coast horned lizard. 58-59 Megalosaurus.
22-23 Cobra. 60 Monitor lizard.
24 Collared lizard. 61 Mudskipper
25-26 Common basilisk or Jesus lizard. 62 Newt.
27 Common toad. 63 Oriental garden lizard.
28 Coral snake or milk snake. 64 Pachycephalosaurus.
29-30 Crocodile. 65 Plated lizard.
31-32 Desert horned lizard. 66 Pliosaurus.
33 Dimetrodon. 67 Poison dart frog.
34 Dinosaur. 68-69 Psychoactive toad.
35 Diplodocus. 70 Pterodactyl.
36 Draco lizard. 71 Python.
37 Fan-throated lizard. 72 Rattlesnake.
38 Fire-bellied toad. 73-75 Rhinoceros iguana.
additional tables 137
76 Salamandrid. 88-89 Tortoise or turtle.
77-78 Skink. 90-91 Tree frog.
79 Snake. 92 Triceratops.
80 Snapping turtle. 93 True toad.
81 Stegosaurus. 94-95 Tuatara.
Tyrannosaurus rex.
85 Thorny devil. 98-99 Viper.
86-87 Toad. 100 Water dragon.

aquatic animals
► Roll 1d100 for aquatic animal:
1 Algae. 32 Hatchet fish. 68 Remora.
2 Amphipod. 33 Horseshoe crab. 69 Salmon or trout.
3 Angelfish. 34 Ichthyosaurus. 70 Sardine.
4 Aquatic worm. 35 Isopod. 71 Sea anemone.
5 Armoured snail. 36-37 Jellyfish. 72 Sea cucumber.
6 Arrow worm. 38 Killer whale. 73 Sea lion.
7 Barnacle. 39 Kiwa or yeti crab. 74 Sea nettle.
8 Barracuda. 40 Koi. 75 Sea slug.
9 Barreleye fish. 41 Lamprey. 76 Sea snake.
10 Beluga whale. 42 Leafy seadragon. 77 Sea spider.
11 Blowfish. 43 Leech. 78 Sea turtle.
12 Carp. 44 Lionfish. 79 Sea urchin.
13 Catfish. 45 Lobster. 80 Seahorse.
14 Clam or mussel. 46 Lungfish. 81 Seal.
15 Clownfish. 47 Marine dinosaur. 82 Seamoth.
16 Cnidarian. 48-49 Mollusc. 83-84 Shark.
17 Comb jelly. 50 Monkfish. 85 Shellfish.
18 Copepod. 51 Napoleon wrasse. 86 Snailfish.
19 Coral. 52 Narwhal. 87 Sponge.
20 Crab. 53 Nautilus. 88-89 Squid.
21 Crayfish. 54-55 Nudibranch. 90 Squidworm.
22 Cuttlefish. 56-57 Octopus. 91 Starfish.
23 Diving beetle. 58 Otter. 92 Stone fish.
24 Dolphin. 59 Oyster. 93 Sturgeon.
25 Double spined urchin. 60 Parrotfish. 94 Swordfish.
26 Eel. 61 Piranha. 95 Trilobite.
27 Fathead. 62 Polychaete worm. 96 Turbot.
28 Fish. 63 Porpoise. 97 Walking catfish.
29 Flatworm. 64 Prawn or shrimp. 98 Walrus.
30 Flying fish. 65 Psychedelic frogfish. 99 Whale.
31 Hagfish. 66-67 Ray. 100 Zebrafish.
138 creature tables
► Roll 1d100 for amphibian or reptile:
1-2 Albatross. 51 Plover
3 Anthropornis. 52 Oriole.

+ 4 Apteryx.
5 Archaeopteryx.
6 Bee-eater. 55-56 Owl.
7-8 Blackbird. 57 Parakeet.
9 Budgie. 58-59 Parrot.
10 Buzzard. 60 Partridge.
11 Cardinal. 61 Passerine.
12-13 Chicken. 62 Peacock.
14 Condor. 63 Pelican.
15 Cormorant. 64-65 Penguin.
16 Crane. 66 Pheasant.
17-18 Crow. 67 Pigeon.
19 Cuckoo. 68 Puffin.
20 Dodo. 69 Quail.
21 Dove. 70-71 Quetzal.
22-23 Duck. 72-73 Raven.
24-25 Eagle. 74 Roadrunner.
26 Emu. 75-76 Robin.
27-28 Falcon. 77 Rook.
29 Finch. 78 Sandpiper
30 Flamingo. 79 Seagull.
31 Goose. 80-81 Shrike.
32 Goshawk. 82-83 Sparrow.
33 Grouse. 84 Sparrowhawk.
34-35 Hawk. 85 Spoonbill.
36 Heron. 86 Starling.
37-38 Hummingbird. 87 Stork.
39 Ibis. 88 Swallow.
40-41 Jay. 89 Swan.
42 Kea. 90 Tern
43 Kestrel. 91 Thrush.
44 Kingfisher. 92 Toucan.
45 Kiwi. 93 Turkey.
46 Loon. 94-95 Vulture.
47 Macaw. 96 Whiskey jack.
48 Magpie. 97 Wildfowl.
49 Maleo. 98-99 Woodpecker.
50 Moa. 100 Wren.
140 creature tables
fantastic animals
► Roll 1d100 for fantastic animal:
1-2 2 animals combined. 53 Hunting horror.
3 Al-mi’raj. 54-55 Hydra.

+ 4 Amphisbaena.
5 Androsphinx.
6 Bakeneko. 58 Kelpie.
7-8 Basilisk. 59-60 Ki-rin.
9 Behemoth. 61 Kobold.
10 Bhole/Dhole. 62-63 Kraken.
11 Brown Jenkin. 64 Lamassu.
12 Bugbear. 65 Leviathan.
13 Bunyip. 66-67 Manticore.
14 Cat from Saturn. 68 Nightmare.
15 Catoblepas. 69 Oneirovorous moth.
16 Cerberus. 70 Ophiotaurus.
17-18 Chimera. 71 Orb of light.
19-20 Cockatrice. 72 Orthrus.
21 Dahu. 73 Ourobouros.
22 Direwolf. 74 Pegasus.
23-25 Dragon. 75 Peryton.
26 Drop bear. 76-77 Phoenix.
27 Elemental animal. 78 Prismatic cloud.
28-29 Eye Fucker. 79 Roc.
30 Fafnir. 81 Salamander.
31 Feathered serpent. 82 Sasquatch.
32 Fenrir. 83 Shedu.
33 Flying polyp. 84 Shoggoth.
34 Foo dog. 85 Simurgh.
35-36 Gargoyle. 86 Skvader.
37 Ghast. 87 Sleipnir.
38-39 Giant animal. 88 Splintercat.
40-41 Griffin. 89 Tarasque.
42 Gug. 90 Thunderbird.
43 Gynosphinx. 91-92 Undead animal.
44 Helhest. 93-94 Unicorn.
45 Hellhound. 95 Wild haggis.
46 Hippalectryon. 96 Wolpertinger.
47-48 Hippocamp. 97 Wyrm.
49 Hippogriff. 98 Wyvern.
50 Hound of Tindalos. 99 Yeti.
51-52 Human-headed animal. 100 Zoog.
creature tables 141
fantastic peoples
► Roll 1d100 for type of fantastic person:
1 2 people combined. 53 Lich.
2-3 Angel. 54 Living shadow.
4 Banshee.
5 Beastman.
55 Living statue.
56 Lizardman.
6 Cactoid. 57 Maenad.
7 Centaur. 58 Magician.
8-9 Creature-headed human. 59 Merfolk.
10 Cyclops. 60-61 Minotaur.
11 Dark elf. 62 Mummy.
12 Demigod. 63 Naga.
13-14 Demon or devil. 64 Nereid or undine.
15 Djinn or efreet. 65 Nightgaunt.
16 Doppelgänger. 66 Offidiyya.
17 Dryad or nymph. 67 Ogre.
18-19 Dwarf. 68-69 Orc.
20 Elder thing or great race. 70 Pagan god.
21-22 Elf. 71 Penanggalan.
23 Enchanter/Enchantress. 72 Pixie.
24 Erinys, fury, or nemesis. 73 Plant-headed human.
25 Fairy. 74 Puppet.
26-27 Faun or satyr. 75 Rakshasa.
28 Flesh golem or revenant. 76-77 Roden.
29 Ghost, wraith, or spectre. 78 Saint or bodhisattva.
30-31 Ghoul. 79 Sasquatch.
32-33 Giant. 80 Serpent person.
34 Gnole. 81 Sin eater.
35 Gnome. 82 Siren.
36-37 Goblin. 83-84 Skeleton.
38 Golem. 85 Sorcerer/Sorceress.
39-40 Gorgon. 86 Sphinx.
41 Green man. 87 Sprite.
42 Hag or witch. 88 Tengu.
43 Halfling. 89 Treeman.
44-45 Harpy. 90-91 Troll.
46 Hobgoblin. 92 Valkyrie.
47 Homunculus. 93-94 Vampire.
48 Icthyocentaur. 95 Wendigo.
49 Incubus or succubus. 96 Were-creature.
50 Kitsune. 97 Werewolf.
51 Lamia. 98 Wizard.
52 Leprechaun. 99-100 Zombie.
142 creature tables
► Roll 1d100 for mammal:
1 Aardvark or anteater. 47 Hyena.
2 Antelope. 48 Ibex.

+ 3 Ape or gorilla.
4 Armadillo or pangolin.
Jaguar, leopard, or panther.
5 Auroch. 51 Jerboa.
6 Baboon or chimpanzee. 52 Kangaroo or wallaby.
7 Badger. 53 Koala.
8 Bandicoot. 54 Lemur.
9 Bat. 55 Lion.
10-11 Bear. 56 Mammoth or mastodon.
12 Beaver. 57 Marmoset.
13 Bison or buffalo. 58 Mink.
14 Black-footed cat. 59 Mole or shrew.
15 Boar. 60 Mongoose.
16 Bull/cow. 61 Monkey.
17 Camel. 62 Moose.
18 Caracal or lynx. 63 Mouse.
19 Cat. 64 Mule.
20 Cheetah. 65 Muskrat.
21 Chinchilla. 66 Naked mole rat.
22 Chipmunk. 67 Opossum or possum.
23 Cougar, mountain lion, or puma. 68 Orangutan.
24 Coyote. 69 Ox.
25 Deer. 70 Pig.
26-27 Dog. 71 Platypus.
28 Donkey. 72 Prairie dog.
29 Elephant. 73 Racoon.
30 Elk. 74 Rat.
31 Ferret. 75 Red panda.
32 Fox. 76-77 Rhinoceros.
33 Gazelle. 78 Sabre-tooth tiger or smilodon.
34 Giant panda. 79 Sheep.
35 Giraffe. 80 Skunk.
36 Glyptodon. 81 Sloth.
37 Goat. 82 Slow loris.
38 Gopher. 83 Snow leopard.
39 Guinea pig or hamster. 84 Squirrel.
40 Hare or rabbit. 85 Tamarin monkey.
41 Hedgehog or porcupine. 86 Tapir.
42 Hippopotamus. 87 Tenrec.
43-44 Horse or pony. 88 Tiger.
45-46 Human or neanderthal. 89 Warthog.
creature tables 143
90 Water buffalo. 96 Wolverine.
91 Weasel. 97 Wombat.
92 Wild cat. 98 Woolly rat.
93 Wildebeest. 99 Yak.
94-95 Wolf. 100 Zebra.
other animals
► Roll 1d100 for mammal:
1 Amoeba. 50 Jumping spider.
2-3 Ant. 51-52 Lacewing.
4 Aphid. 53-54 Ladybird or ladybug.
5 Bark beetle or leaf beetle. 55 Leafhopper or planthopper.
6-7 Bee or bumblebee. 56 Louse.
8-9 Bee-killer. 57-58 Mantis.
10 Beetle. 59 Mayfly.
11 Bush-cricket or katydid. 60-61 Millipede.
12-13 Butterfly. 62 Mite.
14 Butterworm or Chilean moth. 63 Mosquito.
15 Caddisfly. 64 Moss piglet or water bear.
16-17 Caterpillar. 65-66 Moth.
18 Cave spider. 67 Punctate flower chafer.
19-20 Centipede. 68-69 Scarab.
21 Cicada. 70-71 Scorpion.
22 Cockroach. 72 Scorpionfly.
23 Crane fly. 73 Silkworm.
24-25 Cricket. 74-75 Slug.
26 Darkling beetle. 76-77 Snail.
27-28 Dragonfly. 78 Snakefly.
29 Dung beetle or ground beetle. 79-80 Spider.
30 Earwig. 81 Stag beetle.
31-32 Firefly. 82-83 Stick bug.
33 Fire ant. 84-85 Stonefly.
34 Flatworm. 86 Tadpole.
35-36 Flea. 87 Tarantula.
37 Fluke or tapeworm. 88-89 Termite.
38 Fly. 90 Thorn bug or treehopper.
39 Froghopper or spittlebug. 91 Tick.
40 Fruitfly. 92 Velvet worm.
41-42 Grasshopper or locust. 93 Waxworm or wax moth.
43 Grub or maggot. 94 Weevil.
44-45 Hornet or wasp. 95-96 Weta.
46 Hoverfly. 97 Whip scorpion.
47-48 Jewel beetle or jewel bug. 98 Wolf spider.
49 Jumping bristletail. 99-100 Worm.
144 creature tables
► Roll 1d200 for plant:
1 Acacia. 44 Citrus tree. 87 Hydnora.
2 Acanthus. 45 Climbing plant. 88 Ice plant.

+ 3 Aloe.
4 Angel trumpet vine.
5 Anise. 48 Conifer/Evergreen. 91 Juniper.
6 Apple tree. 49 Corn/Maize. 92 Kauri tree.
7 Apricot. 50 Corpse flower. 93 Kava.
8 Artichoke. 51 Cotton. 94 Kelp.
9 Asparagus. 52 Cucumber. 95 Khat.
10 Aspen. 53 Cypress. 96 Knotweed.
11 Ayahuasca. 54 Dahlia. 97 Kudzu.
12 Azalea. 55 Daisy. 98 Laurel.
13 Bamboo. 56 Damiana. 99 Lavender.
14 Banyan tree. 57 Dancing grass. 100 Leaf of God.
15 Baobab. 58 Dandelion. 101 Legume.
16 Barley. 59 Date palm. 102 Lemon tree.
17 Basil. 60 Deciduous tree. 103 Lettuce.
18 Bean. 61 Dogbane. 104 Lily.
19 Berry. 62 Dragon blood tree. 105 Liquorice.
20 Birch. 63 Dream herb. 106 Longan.
21 Blackthorn. 64 Ebony tree. 107 Lotus.
22 Bladderwort. 65 Eggplant. 108 Lychee.
23 Bok choy. 66 Eucalyptus. 109 Magnolia.
24 Boxthorn. 67 Fennel. 110 Mandrake.
25 Bramble. 68 Fern. 111 Maple tree.
26 Broccoli. 69 Fig. 112 Melon.
27 Bush. 70 Flax. 113 Mescal bean.
28 Cabbage. 71 Flowering plant. 114 Millet.
29 Cacao/Cocoa. 72 Flypaper trap. 115 Mimosa.
30 Cactus. 73 Foxtail. 116 Mint.
31 Cane. 74 Fruiting plant. 117 Mold.
32 Cannabis/Hemp. 75 Fungus. 118 Monkey-puzzle tree.
33 Carpet weed. 76 Garlic. 119 Morning glory.
34 Carrion flower. 77 Giant hogweed. 120 Moss.
35 Carrot. 78 Ginko. 121 Mushroom.
36 Cauliflower. 79 Goosefoot. 122 Myrtle.
37 Cedar. 80 Gourd. 123 Nettle.
38 Celeriac. 81 Grape vine. 124 Nightshade.
39 Celery. 82 Grass. 125 Nutmeg tree.
40 Chestnut. 83 Green algae. 126 Oak.
41 Cholla. 84 Hawthorn. 127 Oat.
42 Cilantro/Coriander. 85 Hazel. 128 Okra.
43 Cinchona. 86 Holly. 129 Olive tree.
creature tables 145
130 Onion. 154 Rice. 178 Sunflower.
131 Onyanga. 155 Root vegetable. 179 Sweet potato.
132 Orchid. 156 Rose. 180 Sweetbay.
133 Oregano. 157 Rose of Jericho. 181 Tea.
134 Palm tree. 158 Rubber tree. 182 Terragon.
Passion flower.
137 Peach tree. 161 Samphire. 185 Toadstool.
138 Pear tree. 162 Seaweed. 186 Tomato vine.
139 Pea. 163 Sedge. 187 Tree.
140 Pepper vine. 164 Shallot. 188 Tuber.
141 Persimmon tree. 165 Shrub. 189 Turnip.
142 Peyote. 166 Skunk cabbage. 190 Vegetable.
143 Pine tree. 167 Smartweed. 191 Venus fly trap.
144 Pipal tree. 168 Sorghum. 192 Vine.
145 Pitcher plant. 169 Squash. 193 Walnut tree.
146 Pomegranate tree. 170 Stone fruit. 194 Water willow.
147 Poppy. 171 Succulent. 195 Weed.
148 Potato. 172 Sugarcane. 196 Wheat.
149 Pumpkin. 173 Sundew. 197 Willow tree.
150 Radish. 174 Sunflower. 198 Wormwood.
151 Redwood. 175 Succulent. 199 Yam.
152 Reed. 176 Sugarcane. 200 Zucchini.
153 Rhododendron. 177 Sundew.
146 additional tables
detrimental mental mutations
► Roll 1d100 for detrimental mental mutation: page number
54 1 Addicted 51 Hysterical Injury 58
2-3 Addictive Personality 52-53 Insomnia 67

+ 54
Always Afraid
Irrational Hatred

54 6-7 Anxious 57-58 Mania

64 8-9 Attention Deficit Disorder 59-60 Manic Depressive
54 10 Berserker 61 Masochism
54 11 Blood Rage 62 Mental Block Defence Tactic 59
55 12-13 Breakdowns 63 Mental Blockage 68
14 Carnivore 64 Mindless 68
15-16 Compulsive Behaviour 65 Multiple Personalities 59
17 Compulsive Liar 66 Narcolepsy 60
18 Contrarian 67-68 Nightmares 60
19 Controlled by Stars 69 No Visual Memory 68
55 20 Daylight Stasis 70-71 Obsessive 60
64 21 Decreased Awareness 72 Outbursts
64 22 Decreased Empathy 73 Paranoia
65 23 Decreased Intellect 74 Periodic Amnesia 60
24 Decreased Social Aptitude 75-76 Phobia 61
65 25 Decreased Willpower 77-78 Physical Coward 61
55 26-27 Deep Sleeper 79-80 Physical Self-Loathing 61
55 28 Degenerate Gambler 81 Psychic Broadcast 81
56 29 Dependency 82 Pyromania 61
30-31 Depression 83 Restricted Diet 62
56 32 Drone 84 Sadism
65 33-34 Dyslexia 85 Schizophrenia
57 35-36 Eating Disorder 86-87 Sexual Neurosis
37 Excessive Sleeper 88 Short Fuse
38 Fear of Sacred Objects 89 Shuddering 62
57 39-40 Fits and Seizures 90 Sleepwalking 63
58 41 Glossolalia 91 Slovenly 63
42 Hallucinations 92-93 Slow Learner 69
43-44 Headaches 94-95 Socially Inept 69
45 Herbivore 96 Sociopathic 63
46 Highly Social 97 Strange Sound
58 47 Hoarder 98 Stuttering
77 48 Hostility Field 99 Territorial
58 49-50 Hypochondria 100 Vengeful 63
page number
additional tables 147
detrimental physical mutations
► Roll 1d100 for detrimental physical mutation: page number
36 1-2 Allergies 52 No Eyes 28
20 3 Alopecia 53 No Nose 28
Atrophied or Malformed Part
Backward Parts
No Pain Receptors
No Sense of Smell or Taste
36 6 Bad Breath 57 No Sense of Touch 45
36 7 Blind 58 No Skin 28
22 8 Boils and Sores 59 Paraplegic 45
37 9 Chronic Pain 60 Parasite Infestation 45
23 10 Clubfoot 61 Physically Immature 29
37 11-12 Colour Blind 62-63 Pigment Deficiency 29
23 13 Covered in Orifices 64 Pinhead 30
37 14 Cracking Joints 65 Poison Susceptibility 46
37 15 Deaf 66 Poor Dexterity
38 16 Decreased Agility 67 Poor Respiration 46
17 Decreased Metabolism 68 Premature Aging 47
18 Decreased Physical Strength 69 Prey Scent 47
19-20 Diabetes 70 Puny 30
38 21 Disease Carrier 71 Quadriplegic 47
39 22 Electromagnetic Disruption 72 Rotting Flesh 49
24 23 Enormously Fat 73 Rubber Bones 49
25 24 Flaking Skin 74 Sanitized Metabolism 50
25 Flippers 75-76 Short Legs 31
25 26 Hemihypertrophy 77 Short Life 50
41 27-28 Hemophilia 78 Slow Healer 50
25 29 Hideous Appearance 79 Slow Movement Speed 51
41 30 High Body Temperature 80-81 Slow Reaction Time 51
41 31-32 Hollow Bones 82 Small Size 32
42 33 Horrible Stench 83 Speech Impediment 51
26 34 Hunchback 84 Stiff Joints 51
42 35-36 Hyperopia 85 Strange Internal Organs 32
43 37 Increased Susceptibility to Illness 86 Structural Weakness 52
38 Infected 87 Stubby Digits 33
43 39-40 Infertile 88-89 Temperature Sensitivity 52
44 41 Kidney Stones 90-91 Thin Skin 52
42 Light Dependency 92 Tongueless 34
44 43 Light Sensitivity 93 Tumours 34
27 44 Limb Loss 94 Tunnel Vision 52
27 45 Loose Skin 95 Twisted Frame 35
44 46-47 Low Pain Threshold 96 Uncontrollable Flatulence 53
45 48 Mute 97-98 Water Dependency
45 49-50 Myopia 99 Water-Soluble Skin
28 51 No Ears 100 Weak Spot 53
page number
148 additional tables
favourable mental mutations
► Roll 1d100 for favourable mental mutation: page number
70 1 Animal Control 51 Increased Willpower 67
64 2-3 Animal Friendship 52 Intuition 67

+ 54
Light Manipulation
70 6 Attack Reversal 55-56 Linguistic Aptitude 67
64 7 Autobiographical Memory 57 Linguistic Mimic 67
70 8 Block Senses 58 Magnetic Control 79
64 9-10 Body Sense 59 Mass Mind 79
72 11 Cause Fear / Insanity / Pain 60 Math Brain 68
73 12 Charm 61 Mechanical Intuition
13 Clairaudience 62 Memory Palace 68
14 Clairvoyance 63 Mental Blast 80
73 15 Commanding Voice 64 Mental Suggestion 80
64 16 Computer Brain 65-66 Natural Leader 68
74 17 Confuse 67 Precognition 81
18 Create Emotions 68 Psychic Cultural Adaptation 81
74 19 Cryokinesis 69 Psychic Detection 81
64 20-21 Cultural Flexibility 70 Psychic Empathy 82
75 22 Death Field Generation 71 Psychic Invisibility
65 23-24 Directional Sense 72 Psychic Mirror 82
25 Disciplined 73 Psychoanalyze 83
26 Dual Attention 74 Psychometry 83
65 27 Earthquake Prediction 75-76 Quick Learner 68
75 28 Ectoplasmic Hands 77 Radio Communication 69
66 29 Editorial Evaluation 78 Romantic Rapport 69
66 30 Eidetic Memory 79 Send Dreams 83
75 31 Emotional Projection 80 Sense Interference 69
66 32-33 Enhanced Senses 81 Sexual Prowess 62
75 34 Enter Mind 82-83 Sixth Sense 83
76 35 Erase Memories 84-85 Social Perception 69
36 Familiarity 86-87 Spatial Perception
76 37 Firewalker 88 Speed Reader 69
66 38 Genetic Memory 89 Stunning Blast 83
77 39 Heal Brain 90 Summon
77 40 Healing 91 Symbiotic Control 83
66 41-42 Heightened Olfactory Memory 92 Telekinesis 84
78 43 Hypnotic 93 Telekinetic Flight 84
44 Illusionist 94 Telepathy 85
78 45 Implant Memories 95 Teleport / Teleport Object 85
66 46 Increased Awareness 96 Tidy 63
67 47-48 Increased Empathy 97 Time Sense 69
49 Increased Intellect 98 Transfer Memories
67 50 Increased Social Aptitude 99-100 Weather Sense 69
page number
additional tables 149
favourable physical mutations
► Roll 1d100 for favourable physical mutation: page number
36 1 Adhesive Touch 52 Long Life 44
20 2 Aesthetically Attractive 53 Malleable Body 44
3-4 Ambidextrous
5 Anaerobic
Malleable Features
Microscopic Vision
20 6 Antennae 56 Nerve Cut-Off
36 7 Aquatic Adaptation 57 Parthenogenesis 45
21 8-9 Armour 58 Performance Enhancement 46
37 10 Buoyancy 59 Permeable Skin
22 11 Cat’s Eyes 60 Pheromones
37 12 Chameleoline Skin 61 Poison Gland 46
38 13 Defensive Barbs 62 Powerful Jaws 47
23 14 Diffused Organs 63 Powerful Legs
39 15 Double Jointed 64-65 Prehensile Feet
16-17 Efficient Digestion 66 Prehensile Hair
39 18 Electrical Generation 67 Protected Senses 47
24 19 Emotionally Attractive 68 Protective Eyelids 30
39 20 Enhanced Musculature 69 Quick Reflexes 47
21 Enlarging Mouth 70 Quills, Spines, or Thorns 30
39 22 Extensible Limbs 71 Radar 49
40 23 Fast Movement 72 Redundant Vital Organ 31
24 Finesse 73 Reflective Surface 49
25 Fragrant 74-75 Regeneration
40 26 G-Tolerance 76-77 Respiratory Filters 49
41 27 Gas Emission 78 Sexually Attractive 31
28 Gills and Lungs 79 Shapechanger 50
29-30 Hangover Resistance 80 Silent Movement 50
31-32 Heightened Hearing 81-82 Sonar 51
33-34 Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste 83 Sonic Blast
35-36 Heightened Sense of Touch 84 Sound Mimicry
41 37-38 High Pain Threshold 85 Sprint
26 39 Hump 86 Strong Skeleton 51
42 40 Hyperadrenal Gland 87 Sympathetic Biomorphism 33
41 Immune to Disease 88 Telescopic Vision 52
42 Immune to Poison 89-90 Temperature Resistance
43 Increased Agility 91 Total Healing
42 44 Increased Heart and Lung Size 92-93 Toxin Resistance 52
43 45 Increased Physical Stamina 94 Transparent Eyelids 34
46 Increased Physical Strength 95 Tremor Sense 52
47 Independently Focusable Eyes 96 Ultravision 53
43 48 Infravision 97-98 Venomous Bite
26 49-50 Internal Weapon 99 Ventriloquist
44 51 Light Generation 100 Voluminous Lungs 53
page number
150 additional tables
► Roll 1d100 for material:
1 Aerogel. 34 Flint. 67 Onyx.
2 Alabaster. 35 Foam. 68 Paint.

+ 3 Aluminum.
4 Amber.
5 Amethyst. 38 Glass. 71 Pine.
6 Asbestos. 39 Glue. 72 Plastic.
7 Ash. 40 Gold. 73 Powder.
8 Bamboo. 41 Granite. 74 Pumice.
9 Bark. 42 Graphene. 75 Quartz.
10 Basalt. 43 Gypsum. 76 Resin.
11 Blood. 44 Hair. 77 Rubber.
12 Bone. 45 Ice. 78 Ruby.
13 Brick. 46 Ink. 79 Salt.
14 Bronze. 47 Iron. 80 Sand.
15 Burlap. 48 Ivory. 81 Sap.
16 Carbonite. 49 Kevlar. 82 Sapphire.
17 Cardboard. 50 Lacquer. 83 Shell.
18 Cedar. 51 Lead. 84 Silk.
19 Cellulose. 52 Leather. 85 Silver.
20 Cement. 53 Leaves. 86 Skin.
21 Ceramic. 54 Limestone. 87 Slate.
22 Chalk. 55 Linen. 88 Soap.
23 Charcoal. 56 Lodestone. 89 Soil.
24 Cheese. 57 Mahogany. 90 Sulfur.
25 Clay. 58 Marble. 91 Syrup.
26 Copper. 59 Meat. 92 Turquoise.
27 Coral. 60 Mercury. 93 Vapour.
28 Cotton. 61 Metal. 94 Velvet.
29 Cream. 62 Mucus. 95 Vinyl.
30 Diamond. 63 Nacre. 96 Water.
31 Dust. 64 Nylon. 97 Wax.
32 Emerald. 65 Obsidian. 98 Wood.
33 Fiberglass. 66 Oil. 99 Wool.
100 Yarn.
additional tables 151
monster parts
To quickly generate the basic shape of a monster, with or without mutations, roll 1d8, 1d10,
1d12, and 1d20 todetermine its manipulatiors, movement, posture, and sensory organs.
Optionally, roll 1d6 to determine how many segemnts the monster’s body is divided into.

Manipulators +
► Roll 1d10 for monster’s manipulating appendages:
1 All-too human hands.
2 Flexible tentacles.
3 Groups of small, flexible tentacles.
4 Inhuman hands, with a different number of fingers and/or thumbs.
5 Numerous pointy spines, like the feet of insects or centipedes.
6 Opposing flaps or digits that can grasp objects between them.
7 Paws whose digits can curl around objects but not otherwise manipulate them.
8 Relatively rigid or inflexible tentacles.
9 Socket of muscle that can hold objects inside it.
10 Two opposed digits with little flexibility that can grasp like a clamp or mouth.

► Roll 1d8 for monster’s style of movement:
1 Flies or hovers. 6 Slithering.
2-4 Legs. 7 Walks on hands or pseudopods.
5 Muscular contractions or tendrils. 8 Wings.

► Roll 1d20 for monster’s body shape:
1-4 Animal posture (roll on the creature tables).
5-7 Humanoid posture.
8-10 Bipedal but inhuman.
11-12 Quadrupedal but alien in movement.
13 Tripedal without trisected symmetry.
14-15 Radially symmetric.
16 Curled over itself.
17-18 Tubular shape.
19-20 Two postures.

► Roll 1d12 for monster’s sensory organs:
1-2 Animal sensory organs. 8 Prominent antennae.
3 Appendages touch everything. 9 Prominent ears.
4-5 Human sensory organs. 10 Prominent eyes.
6 Multiple inhuman sensory organs. 11 Prominent probing tongue.
7 No recognizable sensory organs. 12 Prominent snuffling nose.
152 additional tables
monster powers
Use these tables to quickly generate the combat profile of a monster, before or after using other
tables to give it descriptive features.

► Roll 1d20 for monster’s signature method of attack:
1 Absorbtion. 8 Drains vitality. 15 Poisonous gas.
2 Causes fear. 9 Electrical shocks. 16 Poisonous touch.
3 Causes pain. 10 Grasping limbs. 17 Psychic invasion.
4 Crafted weapons. 11 Grinding. 18 Stabbing.
5 Crushing. 12 Magical spells. 19 Sticky projectiles.
6 Cutting. 13 Natural weapons. 20 Venom.
7 Dart-like projectiles. 14 Noxious fluids.

Damage Types
► Roll 1d20 for damage type that a monster causes, is immune to, or is especially vulnerable to:
1 Acid. 8 Fire and heat. 15 Piercing.
2 Blunt trauma. 9 Gases and vapour. 16 Plants.
3 Cold or frost. 10 Lightning or radiance. 17 Psionics.
4 Confusion or madness. 11 Magical effects. 18 Sound.
5 Crystal or glass. 12 Metal. 19 Starvation.
6 Cutting. 13 Paralysis. 20 Stone.
7 Disease. 14 Petrification.

► Roll 1d10 for monster’s general defensive strategy:
1 Agile and quick, but unarmoured. 6 Lightly armoured and durable.
2 Camouflage, but no armour. 7 Lightly armoured and fast.
3 Fast healer, but poorly armoured. 8 Lightly armoured, but slow.
4 Heavily armoured and fast. 9 Protected by noxious presence.
5 Heavily armoured, but slow. 10 Very poor defences.

► Roll 1d20 for monster behaviour:
1 Attacks and kills to prove superiority. 11 Lives only for conflict and war.
2 Breeds and domesticates others. 12 Manipulates others from the shadows.
3 Captures and enslaves others. 13 Persuades others to do its bidding.
4 Collects others for trophies. 14 Persuades others into betrayal.
5 Dominates by supplying a resource. 15 Reproduces parasitically.
6 Feeds off others parasitically. 16 Ruins the environment.
7 Finds amusement in suffering. 17 Seizes the fruits of others’ labour.
8 Hinders cognitive abilities of people. 18 Steals the possessions of others.
9 Hunts specific (types of ) victims. 19 Wants to share its own suffering.
10 Kills and eats people. 20 Works to destroy social organization.
additional tables 153
► Roll 1d100 for monster’s traits:
1 Amorphous. 35 Hallucinogenic. 69 Rotting flesh.
2 Angry. 36 Hissing. 70 Rubbery.
3 Atrophied. 37 Hoarder. 71 Sadistic.
4 Beaked.
5 Bestial face.
38 Hooks.
39-40 Horns.
Scabrous. +
6 Bloated. 41 Hypnotic. 74 Scars.
7 Bloody. 42 Ink. 75 Scent.
8 Burning. 43 Insectile. 76 Screeching.
9 Burrowing. 44 Intoxicating. 77 Scuttling.
10 Cannibal. 45 Invasive. 78 Shell.
11-12 Claws. 46 Jaundiced. 79 Skinless.
13 Crest. 47 Liar. 80 Slimy.
14 Croaking. 48 Limbless. 81 Slithering.
15 Crumbling. 49 Mandibles. 82 Snout.
16 Crystalline. 50 Many eyes. 83 Sonar.
17 Deceptive. 51 Melting. 84 Spines.
18 Diseased. 52 Membranous. 85 Sticky.
19 Emaciated. 53 Metallic. 86 Suckers.
20 Emotionless. 54 Mindless. 87 Suggestive.
21 Exoskeleton. 55 Mottled. 88 Tail.
22 Eyeless. 56-57 Nocturnal. 89 Tentacles.
23 Eye stalks. 58 No reflection. 90 Thorns.
24 Faceless. 59 No shadow. 91 Translucent.
25-26 Fangs. 60 Open sores. 92 Trunk.
27 Filthy. 61 Parasitic. 93 Tumours.
28 Fish-like. 62 Poisonous. 94 Tusks.
29 Freezing. 63 Pollen. 95 Veiny.
30 Frost-rimed. 64 Possessed. 96 Waxy.
32 Gaseous. 65 Radula. 97 Webbed digits.
32 Glittering. 66 Ravenous. 98 Wings.
33 Glowing. 67 Reeking. 99 Withered.
34 Hairy. 68 Reptilian. 100 Writhing.
154 additional tables
mutant features tables
These two tables create bizarre features for mutant creatures. Roll once on each table to create
a combination of an adjective and a noun, then apply that feature to the mutant.
► Roll 1d100 for a pair of adjectives and choose one:

1 Additional / Extra 39 Fantastic / Psychic
2 Adhesive / Sticky 40 Fearful / Petrified
3 Alien / Inhuman 41 Feathered / Furry
4 Analgesic / Painful 42 Festering / Scabby
5 Angular / Jutting 43 Fiendish / Phantasmal
6 Atrophied / Gushing 44 Filthy / Perverse
7 Baleful / Menacing 45 Flaccid / Limp
8 Beautiful / Gorgeous 46 Flaming / Smoking
9 Bellowing / Cackling 47 Fluctuating / Hallucinatory
10 Bestial / Octopoid 48 Folded / Wrinkled
11 Bloated / Corpulent 49 Forked / Pronged
12 Blubbery / Flabby 50 Fragrant / Pungent
13 Blurry / Hazy 51 Ghastly / Jaundiced
14 Bony / Skeletal 52 Ghostly / Luminescent
15 Bright / Moaning 53 Gigantic / Massive
16 Bulbous / Spherical 54 Glowing / Shiny
17 Coarse / Rough 55 Gossamer / Membranous
18 Colourful / Radiant 56 Grasping / Ungainly
19 Colourless / Pallid 57 Grim / Pus-filled
20 Concealed / Small 58 Hideous / Ugly
21 Conical / Pointy 59 Hissing / Muttering
22 Corrosive / Glutinous 60 Horned / Spiny
23 Crested / Webbed 61 Humming / Noisy
24 Crystalline / Icy 62 Hypnotic / Mesmerizing
25 Cyclopean / Wandering 63 Infected / Warty
26 Cylindrical / Tubular 64 Invisible / Poisonous
27 Dangerous / Invasive 65 Iridescent / Metallic
28 Dark / Shadowy 66 Immaterial / Transparent
29 Dead / Necrotic 67 Incongruous / Jumbled
30 Decorated / Resplendent 68 Large / Sluggish
31 Deformed / Misshapen 69 Lazy / Waving
32 Disgusting / Loathsome 70 Long / Stalked
33 Dripping / Oozing 71 Lumbering / Shuffling
34 Dry / Withered 72 Lumpy / Mottled
35 Elastic / Plastic 73 Malevolent / Malignant
36 Enveloping / Numerous 74 Malformed / Warped
37 Evasive / Quick 75 Monstrous / Obscene
38 Fanged / Thorny 76 Multiple / Silent
additional tables 155

77 Neon / Vivid 89 Prehensile / Tentacled

78 Noxious / Reeking 90 Puckered / Sour
79 Oily / Slippery 91 Pulsating / Throbbing
80 Oval / Round 92 Reflective / Smooth
Quivering / Restless
Pale / Sickly
Reptilian / Scaly
Restless / Running
83 Palpitating / Vibrating 95 Rigid / Stiff
84 Parasitic / Slimy 96 Rubbery / Viscous
85 Pasty / Waxy 97 Sinewy / Veiny
86 Peculiar / Strange 98 Slithering / Undulating
87 Perfect / Sharp 99 Spongy / Squishy
88 Porous / Seething 100 Thrashing / Writhing

► Roll 1d100 for noun:

1 Antennae 35 Genitals 68 Shell
2 Antlers 36 Hair 69 Shin(s)
3 Anus 37 Hand 70 Siphon
4-6 Arm(s) 38-39 Hands 71 Skeleton
7 Back 40-41 Horn(s) 72-73 Skin
8 Beak 42 Jaw(s) 74 Slime
9 Beard 43 Joint(s) 75 Snout
10 Bones 44-46 Leg(s) 76 Sores
11 Brain 47 Lower body 77 Spine
12 Branches 48 Lump(s) 78 Spines
13-14 Breast(s) 49 Machine 79 Spot(s)
15 Chest 50 Maggots 80 Stinger
16 Cilia 51 Mandibles 81 Stripe(s)
17 Claw(s) 52-53 Mouth 82 Suckers
18 Ear(s) 54 Mouths 83-84 Tail
19 Eggs 55 Nails 85 Talon(s)
20-22 Eye(s) 56 Neck 86 Teeth
23 Exterior 57 Nipple(s) 87 Tentacle
24-25 Face 58 Nose 88-89 Tentacles
26 Feathers 59 Oil 90 Thigh(s)
27 Feet 60 Organ(s) 91 Toe(s)
28 Fin(s) 61 Pincer(s) 92 Tongue
29 Finger(s) 62 Proboscis 93 Tongues
30 Flower(s) 63 Pseudopod(s) 94 Tumour(s)
31 Foliage 64 Saliva 95 Upper body
32 Foot 65 Scales 96 Urine
33 Frond(s) 66 Scent 97-99 Wing(s)
34 Fur 67 Seed(s) 100 Wrapping
the Fall
158 after the fall
post-apocalyptic mutants
After the fall of civilization, life goes on. Altered and changed by the apocalypse and the
leftover pollution, strange new creatures re-shape the food chain. Designed by machines
that have no masters now, tailor-made organisms run amok and spread all throughout the
biosphere, displaying their superiority over species that cannot cope with this shattered, new
environment. The kinds of mutations that afflict your post-apocalyptic characters depend on
what kind of mutants they are.

Human Psychic
If your mind is the only thing that sets you apart from what humans used to be like, you can
either roll for 1 psychic power and 1d4 mental mutations (roll 1d300+400 for each); or roll for
1d4 favourable mental mutations and 1 detrimental mental mutation.

Mutant Animal
AF If you are a newly-evolved animal species, you can use either the Anthropomorphic Animal
mutation, the Hyperevolved Animals procedures (page 160), or even the Uplifted Animals
procedures (page 226). You may keep your mutant as is, or add additional mutations as if you
were a mutant human or a human psychic.

Mutant Human
If you are a human who was born or became mutated, you can either roll for 1d4 mental
mutations (roll 1d300+400 for each) and 1d4 physical mutations (roll 1d400 for each);
or you can roll for 1d4 favourable mental mutations, 1d4 favourable physical mutations,
1 detrimental mental mutation, and 1 detrimental physical mutation.

Mutant Plant
If you are a new form of highly-mutated plant, use the Mutant Plants procedures (page 166).

Pure Strain Human

If your genetics have not been mutated by the apocalypse, you still get 1 behaviour that is
caused by the stress of your new environment (roll 1d100+400).

If you are an optimized human specimen, newly emerged from a stasis chamber to find the
world in ruins, you get 1 behaviour, 1d4 favourable mental mutations, and 1d3 superbeing
mutations from the following table.
► Roll 1d12 for superbeing advantage: page number
20 1 Aesthetically Attractive 7 Increased Agility 42
36 2 Ambidextrous 8 Increased Heart and Lung Size 42
39 3 Double Jointed 9 Increased Physical Stamina 43
40 4 Finesse 10 Increased Physical Strength 43
40 5 G-Tolerance 11 Quick Reflexes 47
41 6 High Pain Threshold 12 Strong Skeleton 51
page number
after the fall 159
Reasons for Post-Apocalyptic Mutant Populations
The conceivable factors driving an apocalyptic collapse are nearly endless, but this table can
at least provide you with a reason for mutants to exist, whether they are ubiquitous or rare.
► Roll 1d20 to determine the cause of mutations:
1 Alien technology used by humans.
2 Alien technology used or discarded by aliens.
3-5 Biological and/or chemical weapons.
6 Celestial phenomenon (orbital change, solar flares, space dust, etc).
7-8 Chemical by-products or toxic waste.
9 Dimensional or temporal instability.
10-11 Man-made radiation.
12-13 Mutagenic disease.
14 Post-apocalyptic biological experiments.
15-16 Pre-apocalyptic genetic engineering.
17 Pre-apocalyptic nanotechnology.
18 Psychic disease. AF
19-20 Solar radiation.

These procedures create mutant creatures of less-than-human intelligence. They can be horribly
mutated animals, highly efficient predators, or enfeebled evolutionary dead-ends, but they are
meant to resemble strange beasts and should be treated as such.

If the beastling is land-based or subterranean, roll on the creatures table. If the beastling is a
flyer, roll on the birds table. If it’s a marine beastling, roll on the aquatic animals table. Then,
the following:
• Add the Crossbreed mutation.
• Add 1 behaviour and 1d6 physical mutations.
• Roll on the appearance change table or add mutant features until you are happy.

► Roll 1d10 for the beastling’s shape and movement:
1-2 Crawling or slithering body. 5 Polyhedron or die-shaped body.
3 Flat or plastic body. 6-9 Quadrupedal or similar.
4 Flying or levitating and legless. 10 Spherical body.

► Roll 1d6 for the beastling’s size:
1 Bear-sized. 3-5 Dog-sized.
2 Cat-sized. 6 Human-sized.

Special Abilities
Add 1 favourable physical mutation and 1 detrimental physical mutation. If the mutant is an
alien, demonic, or magical, add 1d6 mutations (roll 1d1000 for each).
160 after the fall
hyperevolved animals
When the age of humanity is over, who will inherit the Earth? Use these procedures to create
the animals who have evolved their own civilizations, claiemd our ruins, or built their own
world devoid of the sentient reasoning so familiar to us.
To make a hyperevolved animal, first choose a type or roll 1d8 on the creature table.
Assume the creature has become roughly bipedal, has the ability to manipulate tools, and is at
least half the size of a human normally. Then decide whether it has a human-like society or if
it is a new type of predator intent on ruling the biosphere.

Alien Predators
Hyperevolved predators should also have 1d6 favourable physical mutations, 1d6 behaviours
(roll 1d100+400 for each), and 1d6 other mutations (roll 1d700 for each). You might also roll
up another creature and give this predator all the advantageous abilities that second creature is
known for. Finally, decide how this predator’s society threatens what is left from before.

AF ► Roll 1d6 for the threat posed by alien predators:

1 Biological parasites. 4 Land polluters.
2 Genocidal domination. 5 Slave exploiters.
3 Hive colonies. 6 Xenoformers.

Animals that have evolved to fill the civilized niche have human-like intelligence and reasoning,
language and culture, and their own technology. Additionally, give the mutant 1d4 mental
mutations (roll 1d200+400 for each) and either the Anthropomorphic Animal mutation (see
page 20), or assume it retains its animal appearance but is bipedal and speaks, and roll on the
following table to determine the dexterity of its hands.
► Unless the animal already has functional hands or prehensile extremities, roll 1d4 for hand
1 Animal extremities (the mutant cannot grasp objects).
2-4 Fully prehensile hands.
5-6 Partially prehensile hands.
7 Additional set of arms with prehensile hands.
8 Other manipulating appendages other than hands.

► Roll 1d8 to determine what kind of civilization these manimals have:

1 All apsects of their culture have evolved independently of humans.
2-3 Culture and technology are both cobbled together from human leftovers.
4-5 Having fully usurped human civilization, they now live like we used to.
6 Technology is scavenged from the ruins of humanity, but the culture is new.
7 They inherited human civilization and have advanced beyond it.
8 They live with human technology but do not yet understand it.

Manimals can also be generated using the Uplifted Animals procedures (see page 226),
especially if the full uplift option is chosen and all tables are used.
after the fall 161
mutant hordes
The following procedures generate strange-looking, but roughly humanoid creatures. These
hordlings are meant to appear threatening, repulsive, horrifying, and pitiable, and the tables
reflect that. The eight categories used to describe hordlings have been organized so you can
roll multiple dice of different sizes at the same time, consulting a different table for each one:
Appearance: Demeanour, hair or skin colour, skin appearance, and skin colour patterns.
Arms: Arm quantity, arm resemblance, hand resemblance, and hand matching.
Body: Back appearance, body odour, body posture, body shape, overall body resemblance
(bipedal), and overall body resemblance (quadrupedal).
Eyes and ears: Ear appearance, ear quantity, eye appearance, eye colour, and eye quantity.
Head: Head adornment, head resemblance, head shape, and prominent facial features.
Legs: Foot appearance, gait, leg appearance, leg quantity.
Lower facial features: Mouth appearance, mouth size, neck appearance, and nose appearance.
Other limbs: Strange limbs, tail length, tail shape, wing quantity, and wing resemblance.

Roll 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, and 1d20 for to determine general appearance.
► Roll 1d8 for demeanour:
1 Aggressive or savage. 5 Loud.
2 Arrogant or haughty. 6 Menacing.
3 Composed or dignified. 7 Nervous and scared.
4 Drooling and gibbering. 8 Twitchy.
► Roll 1d12 for hair or skin colour:
1 Black-brown. 5 Green. 9 Olive green.
2 Blue-purplish. 6 Greyish. 10 Pinkish.
3 Bright red. 7 Jaundiced. 11 Russet-red.
4 Brown. 8 Off-white. 12 Tan or transparent.
► Roll 1d20 for skin appearance:
1 Bald. 11 Leprous.
2 Blubbery. 12 Pockmarked.
3 Bristled. 13 Ridged.
4 Bumpy. 14 Scaly.
5 Chitinous. 15 Slimy.
6 Furry. 16 Smooth.
7 Hairy. 17 Spiny.
8 Human-like. 18 Uneven patches of hair.
9 Knobbly. 19 Warty.
10 Leathery. 20 Wrinkled and folded.
► Roll 1d10 for skin colour patterns:
1-2 Banded or belted. 7 Splotchy.
3 Geometric patterns. 8 Spotted.
4-5 One colour. 9 Striped.
6 Solid patches. 10 Whorled.
162 after the fall
Roll 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 to determine what the arms are like.
► Roll 1d8 for arm quantity:
1 Five or more arms. 4 One arm. 6-7 Two arms.
2-3 Four arms. 5 Three arms. 8 Two-ish arms.
► Roll 1d10 for arm resemblance:
1-2 Animal-like. 5 Long and thin 8 Short and thick
3 Graceful. 6 Multi-jointed 9 Telescoping
4 Insectile. 7 Muscular 10 Tentacles
► Roll 1d12 for hand appearance:
1 Barbed or clawed. 5 Long and soft. 9 Talons.
2 Human-nailed. 6 Many-fingered. 10 Tentacle-fingered.
3 Knobbly and hard. 7 Pincers. 11 Webbed.

AF ►
4 Large, thick-fingered.
Roll 1d6 for hand matching:
8 Small. 12 Withered and bony.

1-4 All alike. 5 All different. 6 One is different.

Roll 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, and 1d20 to determine what the body is like.
► Roll 1d12 for back appearance:
1 Bristly. 5 Humped. 9 Ridged.
2 Finned. 6 Hunched. 10 Spiked.
3 Hairy. 7 Knobbly. 11 Spined.
4 Huge wings. 8 Maned. 12 Vestigial wings.
► Roll 1d20 for body odour:
1 Alcoholic. 8 Gangrenous. 15 Rotting meat.
2 Bloody. 9 Gasoline. 16 Skunk.
3 Burning. 10-11 Mouldy or musky. 17 Smoky.
4 Cheese-like. 12 Ozone. 18 Sweaty.
5-6 Fecal or fishy. 13 Perfume. 19 Urine.
7 Fermentation. 14 Pleasant. 20 Vomit.
► Roll 1d8 for body posture:
1-4 Bipedal or stooped. 5-6 Crawling. 7-8 Quadrupedal.
► Roll 1d10 for body shape:
1 Barrel-like. 4-5 Muscled or thick. 8 Rubbery.
2 Broad or wide. 6 Narrow or thin. 9 Short.
3 Grossly fat. 7 Round. 10 Tall or straight.
► Roll 1d6 for overall body resemblance (bipedal):
1 Ape or monkey. 3 Bat or bird. 5 Human or skeletal.
2 Bear. 4 Cat or dog. 6 Reptilian.
► Roll 1d6 for overall body resemblance (quadrupedal):
1 Amoeba. 3 Crab- or spider-like. 5 Insectile
2 Centipede. 4 Horse. 6 Rodent-like.
mutant hordes 163
Eyes and Ears
Roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 to determine what the eyes and ears are like.
► Roll 1d10 for ear appearance:
1 Animal ears. 6 Large and fan-like.
2 Bulbous. 7 Large and pointed.
3 Cauliflower. 8 Small and knobbly.
4 Huge but humanoid. 9 Small and pointed.
5 Large and drooping. 10 Small and round.

1-2 Animal ears. 5 Large and drooping. 8 Small and knobbly.
3 Bulbous. 6 Large and fan-like. 9 Small and pointed.
4 Cauliflower. 7 Large and pointed. 10 Small and round.
► Roll 1d4 for ear quantity:
1 Four ears. 2 3-4
Lots of ears. Two ears.
► Roll 1d12 for eye appearance:
1 Compound. 7 Large and round.
2 Dead. 8 Multiple eyeballs or pupils.
3 Eyestalks. 9 Small and almond-shaped.
4 Flat. 10 Small and slitted.
5 Huge and protruding. 11 Sunken eyes.
6 Insectile. 12 Swivel-stocked.
► Roll 1d6 for eye colour:
1 Amber. 3 Blue or purple. 5 Glossy black.
2 Blank white. 4 Burning red. 6 Greenish.
► Roll 1d8 for eye quantity:
1 Five or more eyes. 3-4 Three or four eyes.
2 One eye. 5-8 Two eyes.
164 after the fall
Roll 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, and 1d20 to determine what the head is like.
► Roll 1d20 for head adornment:
1 Antlers. 7-8 Frills or ruff. 14 Lumps.
2 Bald. 9 Hat or helmet. 15 Mane.
3 Bristles. 10 Hood. 16 Ridge(s).
4 Crest or peak. 11 Horns. 17 Shell.
5 Crown. 12 Knobs. 18 Short hair.
6 Feathers. 13 Long hair. 19-20 Spikes or spines.
► Roll 1d10 for head resemblance:
1 Ape- or monkey-like. 5-7 Human or vaguely human.
2 Bat-like. 8 Roll on the creature table.
3 Bird-like. 9 Snake-like.

4 Crocodilian. 10 Weasel-like.
► Roll 1d12 for head shape:
1 Ass-shaped. 5 Conical. 9 Ovoid.
2 Asymmetrical. 6 Cubical. 10 Small.
3 Bulbous. 7 Discoid. 11 Spherical.
4 Bullet-shaped. 8 Flattened oval. 12 Wedge-shaped.
► Roll 1d8 for prominent facial features:
1 Collapsed face. 5 Pointy face.
2 Giant beard. 6 Scars, sores, or wounds.
3 Multiple faces. 7 Very large face.
4 One feature missing. 8 Very small face.

Roll 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 to determine what the legs are like.
► Roll 1d12 for foot appearance:
1 Clawed. 5 Long. 9 Splay hoofed.
2 Fully hoofed. 6 Many-toed. 10 Suckered.
3 Human-like. 7 Pointy. 11 Talons.
4 Large and wide. 8 Prehensile toes. 12 Webbed.
► Roll 1d10 for gait:
1 Confidently striding. 4 Hopping or shuffling. 7-8 Skulking.
2 Dancing or stomping. 5 Lumbering. 9 Sneaking.
3 Gliding or running. 6 Shambling. 10 Stepping daintily.
► Roll 1d6 for leg appearance:
1 Insectile. 3 Short and bowed. 5 Springing.
2 Long and thin. 4 Short and massive. 6 Telescoping.
► Roll 1d8 for leg quantity:
1 Five or more legs. 4 Three legs.
2-3 Four legs. 5-8 Two legs.
mutant hordes 165
Lower Facial Features
Roll 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 to determine the lower facial features.
► Roll 1d10 for mouth appearance:
1 Crushing teeth. 6 Mouth like a sucker.
2 Large teeth. 7 Saw-edged teeth.
3 Long canines. 8 Small ridged teeth.
4 Mandibles. 9 Small white teeth.
5 Many small fangs. 10 Tusks.
► Roll 1d6 for mouth size:
1-2 Huge 3-5 Large 6 Tiny
► Roll 1d8 for neck appearance:
1 Long and thick 5 Short and thin
2 Long and thin 6 Thrust forward
3 No neck apparent
4 Short and thick
Very thickly muscled
Wattled AF
► Roll 1d12 for nose appearance:
1 Animal nose 5 Long and pointed 9 Snouted
2 Flat and misshapen 6 Mass of warts 10 Tiny
3 Hanging snout 7 Narrow and beaked 11 Trunk-like
4 Huge and bulbous 8 Slits only 12 Wide, protruding.

Other Limbs
Roll 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 to determine what any other limbs are like, if present.
► Roll 1d12 for strange limbs:
1-2 Antennae. 7 Polyp(s) or pseudopod(s).
3 Cilia. 8 Proboscis.
4 Extendable head. 9 Segmented, crane-like limb.
5 Large spines. 10 Tentacle(s).
6 Ovipositor. 11-12 Waving fronds.
► Roll 1d6 for tail length:
1-2 Long tail. 5 Thick tail.
3-4 Short tail. 6 Tiny tail.
► Roll 1d10 for tail shape:
1-2 Barbed. 5 Goat or pig. 8 Prehensile.
3 Cat or dog. 6 Horse. 9 Snake-like.
4 Clubbed. 7 Lion. 10 Stinger.
► Roll 1d4 for wing quantity:
1 Many wings. 2 One wing. 3-4 Two wings.
► Roll 1d8 for wing resemblance:
1 Bat-like. 5 Membranous.
2 Bird-like. 6 Multiple pairs of wings.
3 Fan-like. 7 Penguin-like.
4 Insectile. 8 Pterodactyl-like.
166 after the fall
mutant plants
Animals and supernatural beings are not the only living organisms to exhibit mutations and
evolutionary change. The procedures here are skewed towards producing active and mobile—
perhaps even intelligent—plants, but can also create strange new strains of herbs, shrubs, and

Begin by creating a plant hybrid. Roll twice on the plants table. This mutant plant has all the
properties of both entries. If you want your mutant plant to resemble another type of creature,
roll on the creature table for it, then add special plant mutations. Otherwise, roll for cognition,
communication, motility, reproduction, and senses.

Mutant plants may develop nervous systems and even brain-like organs. Animal and human

AF intelligence are somewhat relative, however—the plant may be completely alien when
compared to normal Earth creatures. As a general rule, if the plant has animal intelligence,
it has instincts and decision-making powers, but no visual imagination or complex language.
If it’s mindless, it has no brain or cognitive organs—it reacts to stimuli, but does not think.
► Roll 1d6 to determine cognitive development:
1 Animal intelligence.
2 Animal intelligence plus 1d3 cognitive mutations.
3 Human intelligence.
4 Human intelligence plus 1d3 cognitive mutations.
5 Mindless.
6 Plant has whatever level of intelligence it needs to employ 1d6 random cognitive

Unless the plant is mindless, it probably has some way of communicating with others.
► If the plant is intelligent, roll 1d4 for animal intelligence, or 1d10 for human intelligence, to
determine powers of communication:
1 Able to produce chemicals, pheromones, or a similar substance for
communication, but has no complex language.
2 Able to produce sound, but has no language per se.
3 Unable to communicate.
4 Uses 1d3 psychic powers to communicate (roll 1d100+600 for each).
5-6 Audible language.
7 Chemical language.
8 Telepathic Communication (as the mutation).
9-10 Telepathy (as the mutation).
after the fall 167
One of the most notable attributes of mutant plants is their ability to move.
► Roll 1d8 for motility:
1 Alternate Locomotion (as the mutation).
2 Animal-like form (roll on creature table).
3 Crawling, peristalsis, or slithering.
4 Crude limbs.
5 Humanoid form.
6 Immobile.
7 Pseudopods or tendrils.
8 Response movements only.

A mutant plant may exhibit one or both of the reproductive strategies of the two plants it

resemble, or it may have evolved a competely different method, like those listed below.
► Roll 1d12 for reproductive strategy:
1-2 Alternation of generations (without pollination).
3-4 Asexual seed or spore production (with either meiosis or mitosis).
5-6 Horizontal gene transfer.
7 Requires parasitism.
8-10 Requires pollination.
11 Parthenogenetic spawning of live young.
12 Sexual reproduction (without pollination).

All mutant plants have a sense of touch. If the plant has intelligence, it can also feel pain. If it’s
photosynthetic, it can sense any sunlight that falls on it. If it’s carnivorous, it may have a sense
of taste. If it’s mobile, it has a sense of balance. Additional mutations may add senses beyond
those rolled on the table below, and any mutation that increases or decreases a certain sense
ensures that the plant possesses that sense.
► Unless the plant is mindless, roll 1d10 to determine which senses it has:
1 All senses (hearing, sight, smell, etc). 6 Sight.
2 Hearing. 7 Sight and smell.
3 Hearing and sight. 8-9 Smell.
4-5 Hearing and smell. 10 Touch only (no other senses).

Special Plant Mutations

If the mutant plant is not interesting enough, add any or all of the following:
• 1d4 mental mutations (roll 1d300+400 on the mutations table).
• 1d4 physical mutations (roll 1d400 on the mutations table).
• 1d6 mutant features.
• 1d6 special plants-only mutations (see next page).
168 after the fall
Special Plants-Only Mutations
These plant-specific mutations are not new mutations. They have been specifically selected
from the other mutation tables as particularly appropriate for mutant plants. All of these
entries can be found in their proper sections in the main lists.
► Roll 1d100 to determine plant-specific mutation: page number
1 +1d3 cognition mutations. 49 No Pain Receptors. 45
2 +1d3 psychic powers. 50 Nocturnal. 60
36 3-4 Adhesive Touch. 51 Omnivore. 60
20 5 Alternate Locomotion. 52-53 Parasite Infestation. 45
36 6-7 Aquatic Adaptation. 54-55 Parthenogenesis. 45
21 8 Armour. 56-58 Pheromones. 46
36 9 Bioluminescent. 59-61 Photosynthesic.
22 10 Body Barbs. 62 Poison Glands.
64 11 Body Sense. 63 Poison Susceptibility. 46

AF 22
12-13 Bristles.
14-16 Carnivore.
64 Prehensile Hair.
65 Prey Scent.

22 17 Changing Colours. 66 Protected Senses. 47

22 18 Cilia. 67-68 Quills, Spines, or Thorns. 30
55 19 Daylight Stasis. 69-71 Regeneration. 49
38 20 Defensive Barbs. 72-74 Roots and Vines. 49
66 21 Emotionless. 75 Salt-Drinker. 50
39 22-23 Extensible Limbs. 76 Silk Production. 50
40 24-25 Fragrant. 77-79 Spore Cloud. 51
26 Frog Tongue. 80-81 Strange Interior Organs. 32
40 27-29 Fruit. 82 Strange Texture. 32
41 30 Gas Emission. 83 Strangely-Coloured Skin. 33
66 31 Genetic Memory. 84 Sympathetic Biomorphism. 33
66 32 Heightened Olfactory Memory. 85-86 Temperature Resistance. 52
41 33 Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste. 87-88 Temperature Sensitivity. 52
41 34 Heightened Sense of Touch. 89 Tentacles. 34
66 35 Hive Mind. 90 Toothed Skin. 34
25 36 Hooks. 91 Trail of Slime. 52
42 37 Horrible Stench. 92 Tremor Sense. 52
42 38 Immune to Disease. 93 Trunk. 34
43 39-40 Infected. 94 Tumours. 34
27 41-43 Leaves. 95-96 Twisted Frame. 35
44 44-46 Light Dependency. 97-98 Water Dependency. 53
44 47 Long Life. 99 Weather Sense. 69
45 48 Nerve Cut-Off. 100 Wrinkled Skin. 35
page number
after the fall 169
plant society
Once plants mutate enough to gain sentience or other behaviours that allows them to compete
with humans and human-like creatures, they too will fight to forge a new world from the ashes
of the old.
► Roll 1d6 for plant’s ability to assimilate human civilization:
1 Can absorb living human minds and what they hold.
2 Can learn languages and culture at rapid speed, but not technology.
3 Can learn technology quickly, but not languages.
4 Independently-developed technology, plants ignores humanity.
5 Machines can learn human language and culture for plants.
6 Slow to understand human culture, language, and technology.

Plant Motives
What drives sentient and near-sentient plants into the company of humans and other animals?
► Roll 1d12 for plant motivation: AF
1 Animal slaver. 11 Human stand-in.
2 Assimilationist hybrid plant. 12 Inter-species symbiote.
3 Builder of a vegetation fortress. 13 Invasive growth.
4 Carnivore hunter. 14 Medical plant.
5 Collector of fallen mutant plants. 15 Mercenary.
6 Colonizer of human lands. 16 Plantware merchant.
7 Diseased, cure-seeker. 17 Refugee from herbicidal atrocity.
8 Flower seller. 18 Seed distributor.
9 Gardener-for-hire. 19 Servitor plant.
10 Gardener of sacred land. 20 Would-be compost heap.

Plant Social Issues

► Roll 1d10 for the primary issue concerning plant society:
1 Accelerating soil aridation. 6 Parasitic insect swarms.
2 Divine right of trees. 7 Pirate plant nations.
3 Herbivore migration patterns. 8 Religious-like cults.
4 Horticratic upward mobility. 9 Trickle-down sunlight economics.
5 Overproliferation of spores. 10 Xylo-fungal war of attrition.
170 after the fall
post-apocalyptic mutations
You may prefer to roll on this table instead of the main table for mutations, when playing in
a post-apocalyptic setting.
► Roll 1d200 for post-apocalyptic mutation:
1 Able to drink any liquid safely. 46 Crustacean-like antennae.
2 Abnormally large size. 47 Crustacean-like exoskeleton.
3 Adhesive skin. 48 Dead eyes.
4 Alcoholic blood. 49 Discolouring touch.
5 Alligator skin. 50 Disrupts electrical devices.
6 Always twitching. 51 Dripping slime.
7 Amphibious skin. 52 Electrical resistance.
8 Anaesthetic touch. 53 Emits a cloud of spores.

9-10 Animal teeth. 54 Emits radiation.
11 Antlers that shrink or grow at will. 55 Emotions determined by astrology.
12 Anus on forehead. 56 Extendable eyestalks.
13 Ape-like arms. 57 Extendable limbs.
14 Appears to be half centipede. 58-59 Extra limbs.
15 Archaeopteryx wings. 60 Extremely noisy.
16 Asymmetrical body. 61 Extremely tall.
17 Attracts lightning (is immune). 62 Exudes gas or smoke.
18 Beautiful smell. 63 Eyes are removable.
19 Bellowing voice. 64 Eyes like clams.
20 Big hair. 65 Face is half permanent gas mask.
21 Blowhole for a mouth. 66 Face like a triceratops.
22 Body is home to parasitic hive. 67 Face on chest (no head).
23 Body opens up to reveal 68 Face opens up to reveal monstrous
monstrous interior. interior.
24 Broadcasts radio waves constantly. 69-70 Feathers.
25 Bulging, googly eyes. 71 Fingers are tongues.
26 Burning mouth. 72-73 Fins.
27 Can change physical appearance. 74 Fire resistant.
28 Can create a cocoon. 75 Flaming eyes.
29-30 Can mimic sounds. 76 Flexible bones.
31 Can smell fear. 77 Frog-like tongue.
32 Can track by scent. 78 Generate electricity like an eel.
33-34 Cannibal. 79 Giant beak.
35 Can’t stop talking. 80-81 Gills.
36 Changes sex cyclically. 82 Glows in the dark.
37 Chitinous exterior. 83-84 Growls like an animal.
38-39 Claw-like fingers. 85 Grows armour plates at will.
40 Cold as ice. 86 Hallucinogenic spit, sweat, tears.
41 Colour-changing chameleon skin. 87 Hand fused with metal gauntlet.
42 Concealed pair of arms. 88 Has memories of past lives.
43-44 Covered in fur. 89 Head can rotate all the way around.
45 Crest of scales. 90 Head like a cauliflower.
after the fall 171
91 Hears radio waves. 147 Psychedelic skin of shifting colours.
92 Hibernates. 148 Psychic eyes.
93-94 Hidden retractable tentacles. 149-150Psychic vampirism.
95-96 Hideously scarred. 151 Pulsating veins.
97 High-pitched screaming noises. 152 Really skinny waist.
98 Hive mind. 153 Regenerates.
99-100 Huge ears. 154-155Retractable claws.
101 Huge lung capacity. 156 Runs on all fours.
102 Huge tusks jut from sides of jaw. 157 Sees infrared and ultraviolet.
103 Hypnotic voice. 158 Shark teeth.
104 Inhuman parasite creates odd desires. 159 Shell that can be hidden inside of.
105-106Insect-like antennas. 160-161Short tail.
107 Insect-like eyes. 162 Skin like bark.

108 Invasive psychic blast. 163 Slithering movements.
109 Iridescent wings. 164 Slurping proboscis.
110 Joints bend in any direction. 165 Small third arm.
111-112Large horns that are very stylish. 166 Smooth skin like glass.
113 Lays eggs (maybe in other creatures). 167 Snouted face.
114 Likes to feel pain. 168-169Sonar sense.
115-116Long, prehensile tail. 170 Sounds like scuttling bugs.
117-118Looks like an animal. 171 Spins webs.
119 Looks like a child, isn’t. 172 Spits acid.
120 Lower half of body is an animal. 173 Squirts ink.
121 Massive brain. 174 Stretchy, loose skin.
122 Metallic skin. 175 Striped skin.
123 Moth-like wings. 176 Suckers on hands and feet.
124-125Mottled skin. 177 Surrounded by mist.
126 Mouth like an insect. 178 Tastes like ashes.
127 Multiple feet on each leg. 179 Telepathic mind-reading.
128 Multiple joints in limbs. 180-181Tentacles.
129 Multiple mouths. 182 Thick blubber.
130 Multiple stomachs. 183-184Third eye.
131 Multiple well-coordinated legs. 185 Thought projection.
132 Never sleeps but still dreams. 186 Throbbing tumours.
133 Never touches the ground, hovers. 187 Tongue is an eel.
134 No extreme emotions. 188 Transparent skin and organs.
135-136Obsessed with death. 189 Tree-like branches covered in scales.
137 Oily suckers on inside of limbs. 190-191Two arms, four hands.
138 Partly robotic. 192 Two heads.
139 Photosynthetic wings. 193 Voice breaks glass.
140 Plants grow from body. 194 Vomits digestive juices.
141 Plants grow in footsteps. 195 Water-storing organs.
142 Pockets of skin. 196-197Webbed fingers and toes.
143 Poisonous spines. 198 Wheels instead of feet.
144-145Prehensile feet as good as hands. 199 Witch’s mark.
146 Produces fruit and seeds. 200 Worm-like growths on half of body.
172 after the fall
scavenged pieces of the world
Mutants who wander the post-apocalyptic landscape have all sorts of strange pieces of gear, and
are prone to finding more.
► Roll 1d1000 for scavenged item:
1 2-prong fork. 42 Barbed wire. 83 Bottled water.
2 AC unit. 43 Barber’s chair. 84 Bowie knife.
3 Adjustable wrench. 44 Barometer. 85 Bowls.
4 Adrenaline pen. 45 Barrel. 86 Boxer shorts.
5 Aeroplane. 46 Baseball bat. 87 Boxing gloves.
6 Air compressor. 47 Baseball cap. 88 Bra.
7 Air freshener. 48 Baseball glove. 89 Brandy.
8 Air gun. 49 Baseball pitcher. 90 Brass hookah.
9 Air raid siren. 50 Basketball hoop. 91 Brass nameplate.

AF 10 Alarm clock. 51 Bath mat.

11 Aluminum cylinder. 52 Bath salts.
92 Brass watch.
93 Briefcase.
12 Aluminum foil. 53 Bath towel. 94 Broken bed.
13 Ammunition. 54 Bathroom scale. 95 Broken glasses.
14 Amplifier. 55 Batteries. 96 Broken guitar.
15 Animal head. 56 Beach umbrella. 97 Broken mirror.
16 Animal trap. 57 Bear trap. 98 Broken shrine.
17 Antacid tablets. 58 Belt buckle. 99 Broken spectacles.
18 Anthrax. 59 Bicycle bump. 100 Bronze statue.
19 Anti-freeze. 60 Bicycle reflector. 101 Broom handle.
20 Anti-glare goggles. 61 Bicycle. 102 Broom.
21 Anti-rad serum. 62 Bike helmet. 103 Bubble gum.
22 Antibiotics. 63 Binoculars. 104 Bucket of paint.
23 Antique coins. 64 Bird cage. 105 Bullhorn.
24 Art book. 65 Black paint. 106 Bundle of furs.
25 Asbestos gloves. 66 Bleach. 107 Bungee cords.
26 Ashtray. 67 Blender. 108 Bunsen burner.
27 Assault rifle. 68 Blood pressure kit. 109 Butane lighter.
28 Astrological charts. 69 Bloody footprints. 110 Butter knife.
29 Attaché case. 70 Blow dryer. 111 Buttons.
30 Automobile. 71 Blowtorch. 112 C4.
31 Aviator’s goggles. 72 Blue jeans. 113 Cake knife.
32 Aviator’s uniform 73 Board game. 114 Cake mix.
33 BBQ grill. 74 Boat. 115 Calculator.
34 Baby car seat. 75 Body armour. 116 Calendar.
35 Baby stroller. 76 Bolt cutters. 117 Caltrops.
36 Backpack. 77 Bonding glue. 118 Camcorder.
37 Bag of cement. 78 Bonding-glue. 119 Camouflage.
38 Bag of chips. 79 Book. 120 Camping cookware.
39 Baking soda. 80 Bookcase. 121 Camping stove.
40 Ballpoint pen. 81 Boomerang. 122 Can of soup.
41 Bar soap. 82 Boots. 123 Can opener.
after the fall 173
124 Candle-lit shrine. 170 Cigar. 216 Crash helmet.
125 Candle. 171 Cigarette lighter. 217 Crayons.
126 Candy bar. 172 Cigarettes. 218 Credit card.
127 Cane. 173 Circuit board. 219 Crock pot.
128 Canine skeleton. 174 Circular saw. 220 Croquet set.
129 Canned meat. 175 Civil War sabre. 221 Crowbar.
130 Canoe. 176 Claw hammer. 222 Crystal ball.
131 Cans of beer. 177 Cleaning rags. 223 Crystal goblets.
132 Cans of food. 178 Climber’s kit. 224 Cuckoo clock.
133 Canvas tent. 179 Climbing axe. 225 Cups and saucers.
134 Car stereo. 180 Climbing gear. 226 Curtain rod.
135 Car tires. 181 Cloak. 227 Cutting board.
136 Car transmission. 182 Clock radio. 228 DVD player.

137 Car battery. 183 Clown shoes. 229 Dart.
138 Cargo ship. 184 Cluster bomb. 230 Dartboard.
139 Carnival mask. 185 Cocaine. 231 Day-glow vest.
140 Carpet steamer. 186 Cockroaches. 232 Dead dog.
141 Carved stone idol 187 Cocktail shaker. 233 Dead watch.
142 Carving knife. 188 Coffee beans. 234 Decanters.
143 Carving set. 189 Coffee cup. 235 Deep fryer.
144 Case of whiskey. 190 Coffee pot. 236 Deep-freeze box.
145 Cash register. 191 Coffee spoons. 237 Dehydrated rations.
146 Cassette tape. 192 Coffee thermos. 238 Dentist’s chair.
147 Cast iron kettle. 193 Coffin. 239 Depth finder.
148 Catcher’s mitt. 194 Coin sorter. 240 Desk calendar.
149 Cedar chest. 195 Collared dye. 241 Desk.
150 Ceiling fan. 196 Cologne. 242 Dessert forks.
151 Cell phone. 197 Colour television. 243 Dessert plates.
152 Cello. 198 Coloured pencils. 244 Dessert spoons.
153 Cellophane tape. 199 Combination lock. 245 Detonator.
154 Ceramic mug. 200 Comforter. 246 Diamond ring.
155 Chainsaw. 201 Comfy chair. 247 Diapers.
156 Champagne. 202 Comic book. 248 Dictionary.
157 Chandelier. 203 Compass. 249 Digital camera.
158 Charred book. 204 Compressed air. 250 Dinner forks.
159 Cheese wheel. 205 Computer disk. 251 Dinner knives.
160 Chewed pencil. 206 Computer monitor. 252 Dinner plates.
161 Children’s book. 207 Condoms. 253 Dirty magazines.
162 Children’s doll. 208 Cookbook. 254 Disco ball.
163 Children’s tea set. 209 Copper pipes. 255 Dish soap.
164 Child’s bike. 210 Copper wire. 256 Dish towels.
165 Child’s car seat. 211 Cordless drill. 257 Diving suit.
166 Chinese checkers. 212 Cordless mouse. 258 Dog collar.
167 Chocolate syrup. 213 Corn-cob pipe. 259 Dog food.
168 Christmas lights. 214 Cowboy hat. 260 Dog leash.
169 Chromed watch. 215 Crack. 261 Dog muzzle.
174 after the fall
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
262 Dog whistle. 307 Fake fur coat. 351 Gameboy.
263 Door knob. 308 False eyelashes. 352 Garbage bags.
264 Double boiler. 309 False teeth. 353 Garbage can.
265 Doughnut maker. 310 Fertilizer. 354 Garden hoe.
266 Down-filled parka. 311 Fiberoptic cable. 355 Gas grill.
267 Dressed mannequin. 312 File organizer. 356 Gas mask.
268 Dresser drawers. 312 Filing cabinet. 357 Gas tank.
269 Dried food. 313 Film canister. 358 Gasoline.
270 Drill set. 314 Film. 359 Gears.
271 Drill. 315 Fire axe. 360 Generator.
272 Drivers license. 316 Fire extinguisher. 361 Ghetto blaster.
273 Drone. 317 Fireplace. 362 Glass beads.

274 Drum kit. 318 Fireworks. 363 Glass cleaner.
275 Dryer. 319 First aid kit. 364 Glass egg.
276 Drying rack. 320 Fish forks. 365 Glass eyes.
277 Duct tape. 321 Fish knives. 366 Glass sculpture.
278 Dud grenade. 322 Fish tank. 367 Globe.
279 Dustpan. 323 Fishbowl helmet. 368 Glove.
280 Earphones. 324 Fishing rod. 369 Glue.
281 Earpiece. 325 Flare gun. 370 Gold crown.
282 Ecstasy pills. 326 Flashlight. 371 Golf balls.
283 Electric blanket. 327 Flat screen TV. 372 Golf cart.
284 Electric fan. 328 Flavoured almonds. 373 Gong.
285 Electric guitar. 329 Floor waxer. 374 Gorilla costume.
286 Electric iron. 330 Flour sifter. 375 Grappling hook.
287 Electric piano. 331 Flower vase. 376 Gravy boat.
288 Electric razor. 332 Foam rubber sheet. 377 Gravy ladle.
289 Electric stove. 333 Folding chair. 378 Greenhouse.
290 Electric toothbrush. 334 Folding chairs. 379 Gumball machine.
291 Electric wheelchair. 335 Folding tree saw. 380 Gun cleaning kit.
292 Electrical cable. 336 Food processor. 381 Hacksaw.
293 Electrical tape. 337 Football gear. 382 Hair curlers.
294 Electrical wiring. 338 Football. 383 Hairbrush.
295 Electronic speller. 339 Fountain pen. 384 Hairdryer.
296 Empty magazine. 340 Framed picture. 385 Halloween mask.
297 Enamel mug. 341 Fresh corpse. 386 Hammer.
298 Encyclopaedia. 342 Frisbee. 387 Hand air pump.
299 Entrenching tool. 343 Frozen foods 388 Hand bell.
300 Envelope stuffer. 344 Frozen robot. 389 Hand crossbow.
301 Eraser. 345 Fruit bowls. 390 Hand grenade.
302 Exercise bike. 346 Frying pan. 391 Hand mirror.
303 Exercise machine. 347 Full body mirror. 392 Hand mixer.
304 Extension cord. 348 Fungicide. 393 Hand soap.
305 Eyeglasses. 349 Funhouse mirror. 394 Hand towels
306 Fabric softener. 350 GPS unit. 395 Hand-drawn erotica.
after the fall 175
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
396 Handcuffs. 441 Iron cage. 486 Lawn mower.
397 Hang glider kit. 442 Ironing board. 487 Lead box.
398 Hard candy. 443 Jackhammer. 488 Leaf blower.
399 Hardhat. 444 Jeans. 489 Leather bag.
400 Harmonica. 445 Jet pack. 490 Leather belt.
401 Harp. 446 Jigsaw puzzle. 491 Leather boots.
402 Hash oil. 447 Joke snake can. 492 Leather pouch.
403 Hazard light. 448 Journal. 493 Leather sofa.
404 Hearing aid. 449 Joy buzzer. 494 Leather vest.
405 Heavy flashlight. 450 Juicer. 495 Letter opener.
406 Heavy mittens. 451 Jukebox. 496 Life jacket.
407 Hedge clippers. 452 Jumper cables. 497 Life vest.

408 Helicopter. 453 Jumpsuit. 498 Light bulb.
409 Helium tank. 454 Jungle gym. 499 Light bulbs.
410 Herbs and spices. 455 Kaleidoscope. 500 Lighter.
411 Heroin brick. 456 Keelboat. 501 Lightsaber.
412 High-heels. 457 Kevlar helmet. 502 Liquid soap.
413 Hockey gear. 458 Keyboard. 503 Locket.
414 Hockey puck. 459 Keys. 504 Love letter.
415 Hockey stick. 460 Kid’s squirt gun. 505 Lubricating oil.
416 Holiday lights. 461 Kitchen knife. 506 Luger pistol.
417 Honey. 462 Kitchen mixer. 507 Lunar lander.
418 Hospital gurney. 463 Kitchen scale. 508 Luncheon plates.
419 Hot plate. 464 Kitchen sink. 509 Luxury sedan.
420 Hour glass. 465 Knife block. 510 Machine parts.
421 Hubcap. 466 Knife sharpener. 511 Macramé scarf.
422 Hula hoop. 467 Knife. 512 Magazine.
423 Human eyeball. 468 Knitting needles. 513 Magnetic compass.
424 Human skull. 469 LED light bulb. 514 Magnifying glass.
425 Hunting rifle. 470 LSD. 515 Mail hauberk.
426 Hypodermic. 471 Label maker. 516 Mannequin.
427 Ice bucket. 472 Ladder. 517 Man’s deodorant.
428 Ice fishing gear. 473 Ladle. 518 Man’s razor.
429 Ice maker. 474 Lamp shade. 519 Map.
430 Ice pick. 475 Lamp. 520 Maple syrup.
431 Infant coffin. 476 Land mine. 521 Marble pedestal.
432 Inflatable raft. 477 Land rover. 522 Marble statue.
433 Infra-red flashlight. 478 Laptop. 523 Marbles
434 Inner tube. 479 Laser carbine. 524 Marijuana.
435 Insect repellent. 480 Laser pen. 525 Marshmallows.
436 Instant noodles. 481 Laser pistol. 526 Mascara.
437 Instruction manual. 482 Laser pointer. 527 Masking tape.
438 Insulated case. 483 Laser printer. 528 Matches.
439 Insulin pen. 484 Lathe. 529 Measuring cup.
440 Insurance papers. 485 Laundry soap. 530 Meat grinder.
176 after the fall
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
531 Metal briefcase. 576 Mustard gas. 621 Photos.
532 Metal can. 577 Nail clippers. 622 Physician’s coat.
533 Metal charcoal grill. 578 Nail file. 623 Piano.
534 Metal cheese slicer. 579 Nail gun. 624 Pickled fetus.
535 Metal file. 580 Nails. 625 Pickup truck.
536 Metal foo dogs. 581 Napkins. 626 Picture book.
537 Metal helmet. 582 Needle and thread. 627 Picture frame.
538 Metal lug wrench. 583 News magazine. 628 Picture hangers.
539 Metal lunch box. 584 Newspaper. 629 Pie server.
540 Metal pipe. 585 Night-vision goggles. 630 Pillow.
541 Metal railing. 586 Nuclear bomb. 631 Pills.
542 Metal rod. 587 Nuts and bolts. 632 Pinball machine.

543 Metal shears. 588 Nylon backpack. 633 Ping pong table.
544 Metal sign. 589 Nylon fishing line. 634 Pinking shears.
545 Meth lab. 590 Nylon rope. 635 Pinot noir.
546 Microphone 591 Nylon tent. 636 Pipe wrench.
547 Microphone stand. 592 Oil lantern. 637 Pistol stock.
548 Microscope. 593 Oil painting. 638 Plastic bag.
549 Microwave oven. 594 Opium. 639 Plastic baseball.
550 Military medals. 595 Organ. 640 Plastic bottle.
551 Milking machine. 596 Outboard motor. 641 Plastic box.
552 Miner’s helmet. 597 Oven. 642 Plastic coat hanger.
553 Mini fridge. 598 Paint. 643 Plastic container.
554 Mixing bowls. 599 Paintball gun. 644 Plastic cord.
555 Model airplane. 600 Paper clips. 645 Plastic crate.
556 Moonshine. 601 Paper shredder. 646 Plastic dinnerware.
557 Mop bucket. 602 Paper. 647 Plastic garden hose.
558 Mop. 603 Paperback novel. 648 Plastic lunch box.
559 Mortar shells. 604 Parking meter. 649 Plastic plant.
560 Mosquito netting. 605 Party game. 650 Plastic purse.
561 Motion detector. 606 Peeler. 651 Plastic sandals.
562 Motor oil. 607 Pen pistol. 652 Plastic soldiers.
563 Motorcycle helmet. 608 Pencil sharpener. 653 Plastic spork.
564 Motorcycle. 609 Pencil. 654 Plastic table knife.
565 Mouldy cheese. 610 Penknife. 655 Plastic tarp.
566 Mountain bike. 611 Pepper mill. 656 Plastic torso.
567 Mousetrap. 612 Pepper shaker. 657 Plastic trash can.
568 Mouth wash. 613 Perfume. 658 Plastic tubing.
569 Movie camera. 614 Permanent marker. 659 Plastic tulips.
570 Multipurpose knife. 615 Persian carpet. 660 Platters.
571 Mummified child. 616 Phonograph. 661 Play money.
572 Mummified hand. 617 Photo album. 662 Pliers.
573 Mushrooms. 618 Photo booth. 663 Plush toy.
574 Music CD. 619 Photocopier. 664 Pocket calculator.
575 Music box. 620 Photograph. 665 Pocket mirror.
after the fall 177
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
666 Podium. 711 Riot shield. 756 Scuba gear.
667 Poetry. 712 Road barricade. 757 Secret bunker.
668 Pogo stick. 713 Rock saw. 758 Segway.
669 Poisonous snakes. 714 Rocket launcher. 759 Serving bowl.
670 Porcelain bathtub. 715 Roll of black silk. 760 Serving dish.
671 Portable radio. 716 Rolls Royce. 761 Serving fork.
672 Portable stove. 717 Rolodex. 762 Serving platter.
673 Portable table saw. 718 Roulette wheel. 763 Serving spoon.
674 Powdered milk. 719 Rubber ball. 764 Serving tray.
675 Power cord. 720 Rubber boots. 765 Set of files.
676 Power drill. 721 Rubber gloves. 766 Set of hinges.
677 Power motor. 722 Rubber hip waders. 767 Sewing kit.

678 Prescription. 723 Rubber poncho. 768 Sewing machine.
679 Pressed flowers. 724 Rubber straps. 769 Sex doll.
680 Price tag gun. 725 Rug. 770 Sex toy.
681 Printer. 726 Rusty bicycle. 771 Shag carpet.
682 Projector. 727 Rusty knife. 772 Shampoo.
683 Pruning shears. 728 Rusty nail. 773 Shopping trolley.
684 Pump sprayer. 729 Saddle. 774 Shovel.
685 Punching bag. 730 Safe. 775 Shower curtain.
686 Punching clown. 731 Salad plates. 776 Shrink wrap.
687 Puppet. 732 Salad servers. 777 Signal flags.
688 Puzzle cube. 733 Salamander. 778 Silver body suit.
689 Pyjamas 734 Salon hair dryer. 779 Silver bracelet.
690 Rabbit’s foot. 735 Salt shaker. 780 Silver chest.
691 Radar detector. 736 Salted nuts. 781 Silver coins.
692 Radar gun. 737 Samurai sword. 782 Silverware set.
693 Radiation suit. 738 Sandwich bags. 783 Six-pack of beer.
694 Radio cell phone. 739 Sandwiches. 784 Skate ramp.
695 Radio receiver. 740 Satellite dish. 785 Skateboard.
696 Radio. 741 Saucepan. 786 Skeleton key.
697 Radioactive mutant. 742 Sausages. 787 Skeleton.
698 Radioactive zombie. 743 Saxophone. 788 Ski mask.
699 Razors. 744 Scalpel set. 789 Skillet.
700 Rectal thermometer. 745 Scanner. 790 Skis.
701 Red boxing gloves. 746 Scented candle. 791 Sled.
702 Red laser pointer. 747 Sci-fi novel 792 Sledgehammer.
703 Refrigerator. 748 Scissors. 793 Sleeping bag.
704 Religious tracts. 749 Scotch tape. 794 Slide projector.
705 Remote control. 750 Scotch whisky. 795 Slide show screen.
706 Replica sword. 751 Scouring pads. 796 Sliding door.
707 Restaurant menu. 752 Scouring powder. 797 Slippers.
708 Revolver. 753 Scout knife. 798 Slot machine.
709 Riding bull. 754 Scrap metal. 799 Slotted spoon.
710 Riding lawn mower. 755 Screwdriver. 800 Slow cooker.
178 after the fall
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
801 Smashed jewellery. 846 Stone wheel. 891 Theatre spotlight.
802 Smelly hoodie. 847 Stopwatch. 892 Thermal socks.
803 Smelly sock. 848 Stray kitten. 893 Thermal underwear.
804 Smoke detector. 849 Stuffed falcon. 894 Tiger balm.
805 Sneakers. 850 Stuffed lion. 895 Tile cleanser.
806 Snow blower. 851 Sub-woofer. 896 Time capsule.
807 Snow boots. 852 Submarine. 897 Tin of lozenges.
808 Snow shoes. 853 Subway map. 898 Tire iron.
809 Snuff box. 854 Sugar spoon. 899 Tire-pressure gauge.
810 Soccer ball. 855 Sugar tongs. 900 Tire.
811 Socket wrench set. 856 Suitcase. 901 Toaster oven.
812 Soda can. 857 Sunglasses. 902 Toilet bowl cleanser.

813 Soda siphon. 858 Surgical unit. 903 Toilet brush.
814 Soda streamer. 859 Survival knife. 904 Toilet paper.
815 Sofa cushion. 860 Survival matches. 905 Toilet plunger.
816 Soft drink bottle. 861 Swim goggles. 906 Toilet.
817 Solar watch. 862 Swimming pool. 907 Tool vest.
818 Soup bowl. 863 Swimsuit. 908 Toolbox.
819 Soup spoon. 864 Swiss army knife. 909 Toothpaste.
820 Space heater. 865 Synthesizer. 910 Toy blaster pistol.
821 Spark plug. 866 TV camera. 911 Toy catalogue.
822 Spatula. 867 TV remote. 912 Toy dog.
823 Spectacles. 868 Table fan. 913 Toy helicopter.
824 Spice rack. 869 Table lamp. 914 Toy periscope.
825 Spicy crackers. 870 Table saw. 915 Toy ray gun.
826 Sports scoreboard. 871 Table. 916 Toy space gun.
827 Sports trophy. 872 Tablecloth. 917 Toy train set.
828 Spray bottle. 873 Tablet computer. 918 Toy water pistol.
829 Stagnant water. 874 Tactical shield. 919 Trabant car.
830 Stained glass. 875 Talking doll. 920 Track lighting set.
831 Stained mattress. 876 Tank. 921 Traffic light.
832 Staple gun. 877 Tape dispenser. 922 Trench shovel.
833 Stapler. 878 Tarot deck. 923 Tricycle.
834 Steak knife. 879 Taxi mileage meter. 924 Trombone.
835 Steel ball bearings. 880 Tea kettle. 925 Trophy.
836 Steel chain. 881 Tea pot. 926 Tuba.
837 Steel drum. 882 Tea towel. 927 Turpentine.
838 Steel mirror 883 Teaspoons. 928 Tweezers.
839 Steel spoon. 884 Telephone directory. 929 Typewriter.
840 Steering wheel. 885 Telephone. 930 USB drive.
841 Step ladder. 886 Telescope. 931 Umbrella.
842 Stereo speaker. 887 Telescopic scope. 932 Universal gym.
843 Stick grenade. 888 Television. 933 VCR remote.
844 Stone flower box. 889 Tent. 934 Vacuum cleaner.
845 Stone sundial. 890 Textbook. 935 Vegetable dishes.
after the fall 179
Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk Scavenged Junk
936 Vending machine. 958 Water skis. 980 Wire cutters.
937 Viagra pills. 959 Water sprinkler. 981 Wireless keyboard.
938 Viking longship. 960 Water-bubble level. 982 Wireless router.
939 Vinyl patching kit. 961 Webcam. 983 Witch costume.
940 Vinyl record. 962 Wedding cake. 984 Wood carving tools.
941 Violin. 963 Wedding dress. 985 Wood glue.
942 Vision tester. 964 Weed whacker. 986 Wood saw.
943 Voodoo doll. 965 Weights. 987 Wooden bricks.
944 Waffle iron. 966 Welder’s gloves. 988 Wooden chair.
945 Wagon. 967 Whetstone. 989 Wooden door.
946 Walkie talkie. 968 Whirlpool. 990 Wooden mug.
947 Wall plug timer. 969 Whisk. 991 Wooden spoon.

948 Wall thermometer. 970 Whiskey. 992 Wooden stake.
949 Wallet chain. 971 White board. 993 Wooden toy.
950 Wallet. 972 White vinegar. 994 World map.
951 Wash bucket. 973 Window cleanser. 995 Wrench.
952 Washing machine. 974 Window fan. 996 Wristwatch.
953 Wasps’ nest. 975 Windshield scraper. 997 X-ray machine.
954 Waste basket. 976 Wine cooler. 998 Yarn.
955 Water cooler. 977 Wine glass. 999 Yo-yo.
956 Water heater. 978 Wine rack. 1000 Zippo lighter.
957 Water purifier. 979 Wine.

182 the ficto-technica
artifacts of ficto-science
Artifacts based on fictional scientific laws and disciplines are built out of parameters, which
you generate using random tables. Parameters can be subdivided into several categories. Half
the parameters are functions, which include the aspects table (containing both applications
and domain), the effects table, and the forms table (containing both devices and objects. The
other types of parameters are properties, which includes the prefixes table (separated into arts
and sciences categories), the qualities table (separated for artificial and organic entries), and
the suffixes table.
Once you have introduced a particular parameter into your game, as part of an artifact of
ficto-science, if you want to avoid repetition, cross it off the list and write in an entry of your
own invention.

The Basic Method

If you require ficto-tech items of no particular type, generate a compound property and a
compound function, in that order, then decide what it does based on its name.

Basic Method = [compound property] + [compound function]

Compound Properties Table

► Roll 1d6 for property generation method:
1 [1d3 prefixes] + [quality].
2 [1d3 prefixes] + [suffix].
3 [1d3 prefixes] + [suffix] + [quality].

4 [1d3 qualities].
5 [1d3 qualities] + [1d3 prefixes] + [quality].
6 [1d3 qualities] + [1d3 prefixes] + [suffix].

Compound Functions Table

► Roll 1d10 for function generation method:
1 [1d3 aspects] + [effect].
2 [1d3 aspects] + [effect] + [form].
3 [1d3 aspects] + [form].
4 [1d3 aspects] + [form] + [effect].
5 [effect] + [application aspect] + [form].
6 [effect] + [form].
7 [effect] + [form] + [domain aspect].
8 [form] + [application aspect] + [effect].
9 [form] + [effect].
10 [form] + [effect] + [domain aspect].

The All-Table Gonzo Method

If you are of a vastly superior interstellar race, a traveller from another dimension, or you are
just too xkxyqã!tse//lhi for humans to comprehend, roll once (or twice) on each table and sub-
table and combine the results to taste. You may separate the final results into multiple pieces
of ficto-tech.
the ficto-technica 183
The Corrupt Arts
If you are a degenerate aesthete, a product of unethical experiments, or a student of arcane
pseudo-science, shunned by your peers and everyone else because your research is so far beyond
their puny intellects, use the following table, then embellish it with up to 1d4 qualities (see
page 201). If you generate a prefix you feel does not represent your morals, reverse the letters
and spell it backwards. If you are directed to roll on the forms table, always use the objects list,
never the devices list.
► Roll 1d6 for generation method of items from the corrupt arts:
1 [1d3 arts prefixes + quality] + [effect] + [object form].
2 [1d3 arts prefixes + quality] + [domain aspect + effect] + [object form].
3 [1d3 arts prefixes + quality] + [compound function].
4 [1d3 arts prefixes + suffix] + [aspect + effect] + [object form].
5 [1d3 arts prefixes + suffix] + [compound function]
6 [1d3 arts prefixes + suffix] + [effect] + [object form].

If you are a modifier of organisms and a purveyor of biological technology, or your race is
possessed of internal, living mechanisms similar to what the feeble humans build as external
prosthetics, use the following table to generate the parameters of your material culture.
► Roll 1d12 for generation method of genotech devices:
1 [1d3 organic qualities] + [application aspect] + [effect].
2 [1d3 organic qualities] + [application aspect] + [effect] + [device form].
3 [1d3 organic qualities] + [domain aspect] + [effect].
4 [1d3 organic qualities] + [domain aspect] + [effect] + [form].
5 [1d3 organic qualities] + [prefix + suffix] + [domain aspect] + [effect].
6 [1d3 organic qualities] + [prefix + suffix] + [domain aspect] + [effect] + [form].
7 [artificial quality] + [1d3 organic qualities] + [application aspect] + [device form].
8 [artificial quality] + [1d3 organic qualities] + [domain aspect] + [effect] + [form].
9 [organic quality] + [prefix + organic quality] + [domain aspect] + [effect].
10 [organic quality] + [prefix + organic quality] + [effect] + [form].
11 [prefix + organic quality] + [1d3-1 application aspects] + [effect].
12 [prefix + organic quality] + [1d3-1 application aspects] + [form] + [effect].

The Pure Sciences

If you are a paragon of modern science, charged with the pursuit of Truth in order to glorify
Reason and improve the lot of your fellow beings, or if you and your comrades feel driven to
explore the furthest reaches of the universe, use the following table.
► Roll 1d8 for generation method of products of pure science:
1 [1d3 science prefixes + quality] + [domain aspect + effect] + [device form].
2 [1d3 science prefixes + quality] + [effect] + [device form].
3 [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [compound function].
4 [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [domain aspect + effect] + [device form].
5 [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [effect] + [device form].
6 [application aspect] + [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [domain aspect + effect]
+ [device form].
7 [application aspect] + [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [effect] + [device form].
8 [quality] + [1d3 science prefixes + suffix] + [compound function].
184 the ficto-technica
Robotic Metal Machine Mechanisms
If you are a robot or a synthetic being, wielding the power of artificial mechanical forces and
silicon-based technologies, use this table to generate your devices.
► Roll 1d6 for generation method of metal machine mechanisms:
1 [1d3 artificial quality] + [application aspect] + [device form].
2 [1d3 artificial quality] + [compound function].
3 [1d3 artificial quality] + [science prefix + suffix] + [compound function].
4 [artificial quality] + [science prefix + suffix] + [device form] + [effect].
5 [artificial quality] + [science prefix + suffix] + [domain aspect] + [device form].
6 [science prefix + artificial quality] + [compound function].

Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Parenthetical additions are optional. Aspects
have been separated into two categories: applications restrict the use of artifacts to certain areas
(usually conceptual), and domains specific what is being acting upon. If you need to randomly
determine which sub-table to consult, roll an extra die: odd = applications; even = domains.
► Roll 1d200 for aspect:
Application Aspects Domain Aspects
1 acidic / corrosive 1 accretion
2 acoustic 2 action
3 administered 3 administration
4 admission(s) 4 air / gas

FT 5
analysis / data
angst / regret
7 ambiguous 7 animal / body / human
8 ancillary 8 anomaly
9 apocalyptic 9 answer
10 applied 10 anxiety / nerve(s)
11 approximation 11 aptitude
12 arcane 12 area / zone
13 army / infantry 13 art
14 arrest 14 atom / molecule
15 arrival 15 atrocity
16 astral 16 audio / video
17 atmospheric 17 bacteria / fungus / mold
18 attack 18 beam / laser / maser / ray
19 auxiliary 19 behaviour
20 bake / cook / feed 20 blood / ichor
21 ballistic / projective 21 brain / mind
22 bathyspheric 22 business
23 battle 23 can / containment / jar
24 biologic 24 capacity / load
25 bunco 25 chain / link / sequence
26 bypass 26 chaos
27 call / howl / screech 27 chemical / drug / toxin
28 care 28 circuit / circuitry
artifacts of ficto-science 185
Application Aspects Domain Aspects
29 cavalry / equestrian 29 circulation
30 cellular 30 cloud / steam / vapour
31 change 31 club
32 chase / pursuit 32 code / cipher
33 choke / strangle 33 collection
34 city / urban 34 collision
35 civilian 35 colony
36 clinical 36 combustion / fire / flame
37 close 37 communications
38 collect 38 comparison
39 colonization 39 compliance / obedience
40 combat 40 component
41 combo 41 computation / equation
42 commando 42 conductance
43 commercial 43 consciousness
44 conditional 44 conversion
45 conquest 45 crystal / glass / jewel
46 corporate 46 culture
47 cosmic / galactic 47 current
48 cover 48 cyclone / tornado / whirlwind
49 crack / elite 49 dark / darkness
crime / criminal
day / daylight
death / life FT
52 cubical 52 defeat / failure / fault
53 culinary 53 defence
54 curse(d) 54 degeneration
55 cut / groove 55 depth
56 decline / fail / flop 56 design
57 defence / defensive 57 destruction / holocaust
58 demonstrational 58 detonation
59 departure 59 dimension
60 destructive 60 dirt / earth / soil
61 direct(ional) 61 disease / infection
62 discovery 62 display / illusion / image
63 display / visual 63 disruption
64 diurnal 64 distance / length
65 drag / tow 65 dream
66 drop / fall 66 dust / powder / sand
67 dry / thermal 67 effect
68 dupe 68 electricity / voltage
69 engineering 69 electron / neutron / proton
70 entry / re-entry 70 emission
71 ergodic / ludic / play 71 emotion / feeling(s)
72 erotic 72 energy / force / power
73 escape / evasion 73 enterprise
186 the ficto-technica
Application Aspects Domain Aspects
74 espionage / spy 74 equilibrium
75 evolutionary 75 fabric / garment / textile(s)
76 excise 76 facsimile / fake
77 far/long 77 fatigue / stress
78 fight 78 fear / horror / terror
79 finite 79 feedback / loop
80 flight / fly 80 fertility / fertilization
81 forage / search 81 fever
82 free 82 field
83 government 83 fission / fusion
84 grab / pull / stretch 84 flesh / meat / skin
85 gross 85 flow / fluid / liquid
86 group / union 86 flux
87 guide(d) 87 food / nutrient(s) / sustenance
88 hand / hand-held 88 frame / skeleton
89 heavy 89 frequency / wavelength
90 high-pressure 90 gas / smoke / vapour
91 historic 91 gate / portal / wormhole
92 holographic 92 ghost / soul / spirit
93 hydrospheric 93 gold / money / wealth
94 imperial 94 graft

FT 95
infernal / hellish
harmony / melody / rhythm
97 infinite 97 heat / temperature
98 input 98 hormone / pheromone
99 instant 99 idea / notion / thought
100 internal 100 imagination / memory
101 invasion 101 industry
102 inverse 102 information / intelligence
103 joke / trick 103 infra-red
104 jump 104 injection
105 kill / murder 105 injury / wound
106 kinetic 106 intensity
107 launch 107 intention / motivation
108 license(d) 108 labour
109 lift 109 layer / level
110 light 110 law / protocol / rule
111 lithospheric 111 leisure / pleasure
112 live 112 letter / message
113 local 113 light / lightning
114 low-pressure 114 location / terrain
115 magic(al) 115 lust
116 manual 116 luxury
117 marine 117 machine / machinery
118 maximum 118 management
artifacts of ficto-science 187
Application Aspects Domain Aspects
119 medical / medicinal 119 mass / matter
120 mental 120 material(s)
121 military 121 measurement
122 minimum 122 metal / mineral
123 mnemonic 123 movement / transfer
124 mobile 124 mucus
125 modal / modular 125 music / noise / sound
126 molecular 126 night / nightmare
127 monastic 127 nucleus
128 musical 128 number
129 national 129 office
130 nautical 130 organ / organism
131 naval 131 paper / parchment
132 nocturnal 132 paralysis
133 notional 133 particle
134 occult 134 patient / target / victim
135 oceanic 135 pattern
136 official 136 photon
137 optical 137 picture
138 orbital 138 place / premises
139 output 139 plague
plant / wood FT
142 parasite 142 plasma
143 pay / sale 143 plastic / rubber
144 peak / point 144 plumbing / tubing
145 personal 145 polymer
146 physical 146 presence
147 pick-up / take-out 147 probability
148 portable 148 projection
149 practice(s) 149 protection
150 precision / precise 150 pulse
151 professional 151 quality
152 prototype 152 quark / quasar
153 psionic 153 radar / sonar
154 push / release 154 radio
155 race 155 radius
156 reconnaissance 156 rain / water
157 regional 157 rate
158 relaxation / rest 158 reality
159 return 159 recoil
160 rescue 160 record
161 restraint 161 recursion
162 reverse(d) 162 reduction / shrinkage
163 rural 163 research
188 the ficto-technica
Application Aspects Domain Aspects
164 sabotage 164 resistance
165 safety 165 resolution
166 scare 166 retraction
167 secret 167 retrieval
168 seek and destroy 168 revelation
169 serial 169 reversal
170 service 170 revolution
171 shared 171 river / sea
172 shock 172 rock / stone
173 siphon 173 security
174 skill 174 sight / visibility
175 speed 175 signal
176 stay / wait 176 silence
177 strategic 177 simulation
178 strip 178 sleep
179 student / study 179 space
180 subterranean 180 speed / velocity
181 supply 181 stain
182 surgical 182 star / sun
183 surround 183 stasis
184 survey 184 storm / thunder / weather

FT 185
string / thread / wire
187 technical 187 tachyon
188 temperate / tropical 188 theory
189 temporal 189 time
190 terrestrial 190 translation
191 test 191 transmission
192 think 192 tsunami / surf / wave
193 tool / work 193 ultra-violet
194 transform(ational) 194 vacuum
195 transit / travel 195 vector
196 twist / warp 196 vice
197 ultimate 197 violation
198 underground 198 vortex
199 underwater 199 waste
200 utility 200 x-ray
artifacts of ficto-science 189
Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Italicized suffixes may be changed from -ing to
-er / -or to indicate the purpose of a device, or vice-versa to indicate a process. As participles or
adjectives, with -ing or -ed suffixes, these effects can also be used as qualities.
► Roll 1d200 for effect:
1 abrading / sander / smoother 41 cloning / mimic / mimicking
2 absorbing 42 coating / plating
3 accelerator 43 coder / codifying / encoder
4 accreting / adding 44 coercing / persuading
5 actor / director 45 collaborator
6 activator / starter 46 collating / sorter
7 advancing / mobilizer 47 collider / rammer
8 agitating / quivering / shaker 48 colonizing / invader
9 altering / changer / converter 49 colouring / shading / toner
10 alternator 50 combining / integrating
11 amplifier / amplifying 51 communicator
12 analyzer / scanner 52 computing
13 animating 53 concealer / hiding / masking
14 arming / equipping 54 condenser / reducing
15 atomizer / granulator 55 constraining / restrainer
16 attenuator / dampening 56 consuming
17 attracting / retractor 57 controller / managing
18 automating
19 beamer
58 cooker / feeding
59 co-ordinator / synchronizer
20 blackening / darkener 60 copier / copying / replicator
21 blaster / blower 61 correcting
22 bleeder / drip / dripping 62 corroding / eroding
23 blocker / brake / braking 63 counting / numbering
24 blooming / flowering 64 counterfeiting
25 bomber / exploding 65 creating / producer
26 bore / borer / excavating 66 crystallizing
27 bonding / linking 67 decomposing
28 breaking / wrecking 68 defender / protecting
29 broadcasting 69 deflector / repelling
30 burner / combusting 70 depressor / tamp / tamping
31 burrowing / digger 71 designer / planning
32 casting / shaper 72 decreasing / weakening
33 chanelling / conductor 73 destroyer / eraser
34 charger / energizing 74 detecting / sensor
35 chaser / pursuing 75 detonator / trigger / triggering
36 chipping / fracturing 76 diffuser / dissolving
37 choking / press / pressing 77 digitizing
38 chopping / cutting 78 dimmer / fader / mixer
39 classifier / classifying 79 discriminator
40 cleaning / sterilizer 80 displacer / distributor
190 the ficto-technica
081 disruptor / interrupting 127 instructor / learning
082 dissection / opener / splitting 128 intensifier / intensifying
083 distorting 129 interceptor / jamming
084 divider / separator / strainer 130 inverter
085 dominating 131 judge / judging / moralizing
086 doubler / simulator 132 lighting
087 drawing / pulling 133 liquifier / liquifying
088 dreaming / sleeping 134 limiting / preventing
089 dredger / groover / routing 135 looping / rolling
090 drill / drilling / rotating 136 lubricating
091 driver / mover 137 machining
092 dryer / heater 138 magnifier / magnifying
093 duplicator / fabricator 139 manipulator
094 effector / infecting 140 mapping / surveyor
095 emitting / radiator 141 massaging / messaging
096 encasing / enclosing 142 measuring / ruler / timer
097 encircling / enveloping 143 miniaturizing / shrinking
098 enlarger 144 modulator
099 entrenching / trenching 145 monitor / monitoring
100 evaporator / vapourizer 146 multiplier / multiplying
101 exaggerating / increasing 147 negotiator
102 exciter / stimulator 148 numbing / tranquilizer

103 extending / projector 149 organizing
104 extinguisher 150 packaging / processor
105 extracting / mining 151 paralyzer / slowing
106 fertilizing 152 paring / pruning
107 filing / filler 153 perforator / puncturing
108 filter / filtering 154 picker / selector
109 finder / locator / searching 155 plasticizing
110 firing / incinerator 156 poisoning
111 fixer / treating 157 polishing / staining / waxing
112 flowing / gushing / oozing 158 preserving / sustaining
113 fluctuating / oscillator 159 pressurizer
114 foaming / thickening 160 printer
115 forecasting / predicting 161 programmer
116 generator / regenerating 162 propelling / pushing
117 grabbing / grappling / grasping 163 pulping / smashing
118 grinder / scraping / sharpener 164 pulsating / pulser
119 hissing / lurking / slithering 165 punch / puncher / punching
120 humanizing / localizing 166 raising / re-animator
121 hypnotizing / mesmerizing 167 reader / reporter / speaking
122 incorporator 168 receiver / transceiver / tuner
123 indicator / pointing / signalling 169 recorder
124 inducer / influencing 170 redacting / subtracting
125 inductor / pump / pumping 171 referencing
126 injector / piercing 172 refitting / repairing
artifacts of ficto-science 191
173 reflector / refracting 187 synthesizer
174 reinforcing / strengthening 188 tap / tapping
175 repulsing / reversing 189 teleporter
176 resisting 190 testing / working
177 riveter / stapler / sticker 191 theorizing / thinking
178 sampler / sequencer 192 thrashing / thresher
179 secretor / vomiting 193 tracer / tracker
180 sheeting / shielding 194 transfering / transporter
181 solidifier / solidifying 195 translator
182 sounder 196 transmitting
183 sprinkler / washer 197 transponder
184 stencil / stenciling / typesetting 198 twist / twisting / warping
185 strip / stripping / trimmer 199 viewing / visualizer
186 supplier / supplying 200 wiring

Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Forms have two categories: devices and objects. If
you need to determine which sub-table to consult roll an extra die: odd = devices; even = objects.
► Roll 1d200 for form:
Device Forms Object Forms
1 agent 1 acid / chemical

3 alarm / bell / siren 3 ammunition
3 analogue 3 amulet / medallion
4 android 4 animal / monster
5 animation 5 anvil
6 antenna 6 artifact
7 antidote 7 bag / sack
8 apartment / flat 8 ball / planet / sphere
9 apparatus 9 band / belt / strap
10 appendage / arm / limb 10 bar / club
11 appliance 11 barrel / keg
12 area / zone 12 basin / sink
13 arena / circus 13 basket / bin
14 armature 14 bathtub
15-16 armour 15-16 battery
17 array 17 beam
18-19 arsenal / weaponry 18-19 bed
20 artillery 20 bell
21 assistant 21 blade / knife / sword
22 attachment 22 blanket
23 axe / edge tool 23 board / pad
24 bandage 24 body
25 bank / database 25 bone
26 barn / silo 26 book / folio / tome
27 base / headquarters / lair 27 boots / sandals / shoes
192 the ficto-technica
Device Forms Object Forms
28 boat / raft / ship 28 bottle / jar
29 bomb / explosive / grenade 29 bowl / saucer
30 boulevard / road / street 30 box / chest
31 bow / sling 31 brace(s)
32 brain / head 32 bracelet
33 button 33 bracket / fixture / sconce
34 cable 34 brazier / censer
35 cage / jail / prison 35 bridge
36 camera 36 brooch / pin / tag
37 cannon / catapult 37 brush
38 car / truck / van 38 bucket / pail
39 carriage / coach 39 bulb
40 cast / mold 40 bureau / desk
41 cell / dungeon / oubliette 41 bust
42 chamber / room 42 cabinet / drawer
43 chariot / sled 43 candle / light
44 chassis / skeleton 44 cane / stick
45 circuit 45 canister / crate
46 clock / timer / watch 46 canteen / flask
47 closet / wardrobe 47 cap / hat
48 cocoon / pod 48 card

FT 49
conduit / pipeline
carpet / rug
cart / wagon
51 console 51 case
52 construct / construction 52 casket / coffin
53 contraption 53 chain
54 control 54 chair / couch
55 craft / vehicle 55 chalice / cup / glass
56 crane / hoist 56 chime(s)
57 crank / lever 57 chip
58 creation / creature 58 chisel
59 crucible / furnace / inferno 59 church / shrine / temple
60 cruiser 60 cigar / cigarette
61 curtain(s) 61 cloak / robe
62 cutlery / utensil 62 clone / duplicate
63 cycle 63 cloth / sheet
64 decoy / lure 64 clothes / fashion / ware
65 depository / repository 65 cloud / storm
66 device 66 coaster
67 dial 67 coil / loop
68 dike / levy 68 compound
69 doorway / gate 69 cone / cylinder
70 dreadnought 70 container / tub
71 drive 71 cord / rope
72 drone 72 core
artifacts of ficto-science 193
Device Forms Object Forms
73 drug 73 crib / manger
74 engine / motor 74 crown / tiara
75 equipment 75 crystal / prism
76 experiment 76 cube
77 eye 77 dais / platform
78 facility 78 dart / needle / pin
79 factory / works 79 decanter / flask
80 fan 80 disc
81 faucet / tap 81 discharge
82 fence / wall 82 door / hatch / panel
83 field 83 drum
84 file 84 dust / powder
85 flare 85 earring(s) / nose ring
86 forceps / tongs 86 egg / globe / orb
87 fork / spoon / spork 87 eight-ball
88 fortress / stronghold 88 element
89 frame / lattice 89 enclosure
90 freezer / fridge 90 envelope / package
91 fuse 91 face / helmet / mask
92 gadget 92 figurine
93 gasket 93 fin
fluid / liquid FT
96 grill 96 foam
97 gauge 97 food
98 guardian / sentry 98 fuel
99 gun / rifle 99 gas
100 hallway / passage 100 gauntlet / glove
101 hammer / mace 101 gazebo / pavilion
102 handgun / pistol 102 gem / jewel
103 harness 103 germ / organism
104 harrow / loom 104 gland
105 heart / organ 105 glasses / visor
106 hole / mine 106 goggles
107 home / house 107 grate
108 hookah 108 grid
109 implant 109 gum
110 implement 110 hive / mass / swarm
111 instrument 111 hood
112 jack 112 hook
113 keyboard 113 horn / siren
114 kiosk 114 human / life-form
115 kit 115 image / picture
116 laboratory 116 jacket / jersey / vest
117 ladder 117 jewellery
194 the ficto-technica
Device Forms Object Forms
118 lair / pad 118 journal / notebook
119 lamp / lantern 119 junk
120 lathe 120 lance / spear
121 lock 121 lens
122 machine 122 letter
123 magnet 123 line / wire
124 manual / textbook 124 lozenge
125 mechanism 125 magazine
126 medicine 126 mantle / stole
127 membrane 127 map
128 mesh / web 128 matter / metal
129 meter 129 mattock / pick
130 mill 130 maze
131 missile / rocket 131 mirror
132 modem / phone 132 money
133 muscle(s) 133 mountain
134 name / word 134 necklace / torc
135 net / network 135 pan / skillet
136 nose 136 paint / pigment
137 outlet 137 painting
138 oven / stove 138 pamphlet / paper

FT 139
pen / pencil
parasol / umbrella
141 pincers / tweezers 141 philtre / phylactery
142 piston 142 pill / tablet
143 plan 143 pillar
144 plant 144 pipe / tube
145 pliers / snips 145 placard
146 plug / socket 146 plate / platter
147 pocket / pouch 147 poster / print
148 printer / typewriter 148 pot
149 probe 149 purse / shoulder bag
150 project 150 pyramid
144 pump 144 receptacle
145 puzzle 145 replica
146 plug / socket 146 plate / platter
147 pocket / pouch 147 poster / print
148 printer / typewriter 148 pot
149 probe 149 purse / shoulder bag
150 project 150 pyramid
151 pump 151 receptacle
152 puzzle 152 replica
153 rail(ing) 153 ring
154 ray 154 rock / stone
155 record 155 rod / staff / wand
artifacts of ficto-science 195
Device Forms Object Forms
156 refuge / sanctuary 156 saw
157 relay 157 scabbard / sheath
158 restraints 158 scarf
159 safe / vault 159 screen
160 satellite 160 sculpture
161 scale 161 serum
162 scissors 162 shadow
163 shaft 163 shark
164 shell 164 shelf
165 sensor 165 shield
166 sherpa 166 shovel / spade
167 ship / shuttle 167 shroud / veil
168 shop/workshop 168 skull
169 skate(s) 169 slab / table
170 spanner 170 soap
171 station 171 spike
172 stencil 172 sponge
173 stereo 173 spool / wire
174 storage / store 174 spring
175 structure 175 stage
176 switch 176 stairs
stall FT
179 tank 179 staple
180 tape 180 statue / statuette
181 tentacle 181 stool / tripod
182 terminal 182 strap
183 throttle 183 substance
184 tool 184 suit
185 torch 185 suite
186 tractor 186 symbol / talisman
187 trailer 187 tail
188 train 188 tank / vat
189 trap 189 throne
190 turbine 190 ticket
191 unit 191 tile / token
192 vacuum 192 top
193 valve 193 tower
194 vent 194 tray
195 vice / vise 195 trough
196 wedge 196 trousers
197 window 197 trowel
198 wing 198 urn / vase
199 wizard 199 wave
200 work-room / yard 200 wheel
196 the ficto-technica
Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Use part or all of a symbol or elements full
name. Remove vowels as necessary. Prefixes are separated into two different categories: those
more applicable to arts, and those denoting a scientific nature. If you need to randomly
determine which sub-table to consult, roll an extra die: odd = arts; even = science.
► Roll 1d200 for prefix:
Arts Prefixes Science Prefixes
1 a- / ab- / abio- 1 A- / a-
2 abyssa- / abyssio- 2 ab- / abio-
3 acra- / acrio- 3 absorba- / absorbio-
4 activa- / activio- 4 aerio-
5 alco- 5 Ag- / agrio-
6 am- / ana- / analio- 6 al- / alio-
7 ambi- / imbi- / ombi- 7 algaeo-
8 anarchio- 8 alka- / alki-
9 anato- 9 α- (alpha-)
10 andra- / andro- 10 am- / an- / ana- / anio-
11 anti- 11 anthra- / anthro-
12 aqua- 12 anti-
13 arche- / archio- 13 Ar- / arc- / argio-
14 asa- / asio- 14 astra- / astro-
15 asphyxia- / asphyxio- 15 aural-
FT 16
B- / b-
18 bi- / bio- 18 Ba-
19 bubo- / bubuo- 19 batho- / bathyo-
20 caesaro- 20 Be-
21 cafe- / cafio- 21 β- (beta-)
22 cala- / calio- 22 Bi-
23 canonio- 23 bio- / biol-
24 cantio- 24 bota- / botanio-
25 cauldro- 25 Br-
26 cena- / cenio- 26 C- / c-
27 centio- 27 carbio- / cartio-
28 chtho- / chthonio- 28 Ce- / cereo-
29 ci- / cy- / cycla- / cyclio- 29 celaphico- / celaphio-
30 co- / col- / com- / con- 30 chemio- / chemico-
31 colo- / coloro- / colou- 31 chlorio-
32 comba- / combio- 32 chroma- / chromio-
33 contra- / contro- 33 Cm- / cnio- / gno-
34 conva- / convio- 34 Co- / com- / con-
35 copa- / copio- 35 combina- / combino-
36 corpa- / corpo- 36 compu- / computo-
37 cosmico- / cosmio- 37 copra- / copro-
38 crea- / creo- 38 cora- / core- / corrio-
artifacts of ficto-science 197
Arts Prefixes Science Prefixes
39 crypta- / cryptio- 39 Cr- / chroma-
40 cthu- / cthulhio- 40 crinio-
41 cubico- / cubio- 41 crya- / cryo-
42 cyber- 42 crystallio-
43 daguerreo- 43 cyto-
44 d- / de- / dea- / deio- 44 D- / D/- / d-
45 demonio- 45 de- / des-
46 destructo- 46 Δ- / δ- (delta-)
47 di- / dia- / dio- 47 dendra- / dendrio-
48 dis- / dispo- / dys- 48 destructio-
49 dual- / duo- 49 dia- / dio- / dis- / disa-
50 echo- / eco- 50 dual- / duo-
51 eda- / edio- 51 Dy- / dys-
52 el- / em- / en- 52 E- / e-
53 epista- / epistio- 53 electra- / electrio-
54 ex- / exa- / exe- / exio- 54 emio- / enio-
55 extra- / extrio- 55 embryo-
56 fantastico- / fantastio- 56 endo-
57 forna- / fornio- 57 enthalpio-
58 full- / fully- 58 epio-
59 giga- 59 ε- (epsilon-)
go- / goe- / goetio-
η- (eta-)
Eu- / euria- / eurio- FT
62 gor- / gorgo- 62 exa- / exe- / exio-
63 graeco- 63 expla- / explio-
64 gratio- 64 extendo-
65 gyna- / gyno- 65 F- / f- / f-
66 ha- / he- / hi- / hya- 66 Fe- / ferrio- / iro-
67 harma- / harmio- 67 G- / g-
68 hege- / hegeo- 68 Γ- / γ- (gamma-)
69 hema- / hemio- 69 genea- / geneo-
70 herba- / herbio- 70 geo-
71 hetera- / hetero- 71 gravio-
72 holio- / holy- 72 gyra- / gyrio-
73 homio- 73 H- / h-
74 hyper- 74 haematio- / hemio-
75 hypna- / hypnio- 75 He- / helio-
76 idyl- / idylli- / idyllo- 76 hexa- / hexio-
77 il- / ill- / illo- / im- / in- 77 hista- / histio-
78 infer- / inferna- / infernio- 78 holo-
79 info- / infor- 79 hybo- / hypo-
80 insani- / insano- 80 hydra- / hydrio-
81 insectio- 81 hyper-
82 inspira- / inspirio- 82 I- / i- / io-
83 inte- / inter- / interro- 83 il- / im- / in-
198 the ficto-technica
Arts Prefixes Science Prefixes
84 ire- / ira- / irio- 84 info- / infor- / infra-
85 IX- / ixia- / ixio- 85 intra- / intrio-
86 kako- 86 isa- / iso-
87 laser- / maser- / taser- 87 J- / j-
88 lithio- 88 jet-
89 lucio- / lusio- 89 K- / k-
90 ludi- / ludo- 90 κ- (kappa-)
91 luna- / lunio- 91 kine- / kino-
92 ma- / mala- / malio- 92 Kr-
93 magma- / magmal- 93 L-
94 mania- / manio- 94 Λ- / λ- (lambda-)
95 masta- / mastio- 95 La- / lanthio-
96 matra- / matrio- 96 laser- / laserio-
97 mechani- / mechano- 97 logico- / logio-
98 media- / medio- 98 Li- / lithia- / lithio-
99 mega- 99 M- / m-
100 menta- / mentallo- / mento- 100 macro-
101 meta- 101 magnetico- / magnetio-
102 metro- 102 masa- / masio- / mass-
103 mezza- / mezzo- 103 maser- / maserio-
104 mona- / moni- / mono- 104 matereo- / meteorio-

FT 105
morpha- / morphio-
medico- / medio-
micra- / micro-
107 muta- / mutio- 107 minera- / minerio-
108 mytho- 108 mio- / mu- / mya- / myo-
109 necri- / necro- 109 Mn- / mneo- / mnemio-
110 nega- 110 Mo- / Möbia- / Möbio-
111 neo- / neu- / noe- / non- 111 morphia- / morphio-
112 neutra- / neutrio- 112 μ- / u- (mu-)
113 nihil- / nihilo- 113 N- / n- / n!-
114 nomi- / nomo- 114 nano-
115 null- / null-o- 115 nava- / navio-
116 nympha- / nympho- 116 Ne- / neolio-
117 o- / or- / orio- 117 neura- / neuro-
118 ob- / op- / ope- / opio- 118 No-
119 octa- / octo- 119 ν- (nu-)
120 oli- / oly- / omio- 120 nuclea- / nucleo-
121 omni- / omnio- 121 null- / null-o-
122 on- / ona- / onio- 122 numis- / numisma-
123 onta- / onto- 123 O- / o-
124 opera- / operio- 124 oceania- / oceanio-
125 orga- / orgio- 125 Ω- / ω- (omega-)
126 ortha- / orthio- 126 optico- / optio-
127 pala- / palio- 127 orbico- / orbio-
128 pan- / pana- / pano- 128 organico- / organio-
artifacts of ficto-science 199
Arts Prefixes Science Prefixes
129 para- / paran- / pari- 129 Os- / oso- / ossio-
130 parti- / porta- / porto- 130 P- / #P- / p-
131 patrio- / petro- 131 palaeo- / pale-
132 per- / peri- 132 pan- / pania- / panio-
133 phila- / philo- 133 pathio-
134 phra- / phro- 134 Pd- / ptera- / ptero-
135 pio- / pyo- 135 peda- / pedio-
136 plane- / planio- 136 pera- / perio-
137 poli- / polo- / poly- 137 pharma- / pharmaco-
138 porno- 138 Φ- / φ- (phi-)
139 poro- / porosio- 139 photo-
140 posa- / posi- / post- 140 physica- / physico- / physio-
141 prana- / pranio- 141 Π- / π- (pi-)
142 praxi- / praxo- 142 plasma- / plasmio-
143 prima- / primio- 143 Pm- / promo-
144 pro- 144 Po- / polio- / poly-
145 proba- / probio- 145 Pr- / pra- / pro-
146 propa- / propio- / propyla- 146 psi- / Ψ- / ψ-
147 prota- / proto- 147 Pu-
148 pseuda- / pseudo- 148 pyra- / pyrio-
149 psychi- / psycho- 149 Q- / q-
pytha- / pythio-
qua- / qui- / quo-
quadra- / quadri-
quinta- / quinte- / quinto- FT
152 quasi- 152 R- / r-
153 quin- / quis- / quixo- 153 Ra- / radia- / radio-
154 re- / rea- / real- / reor- 154 re- / rea- / reo- / reor-
155 redacti- / redacto- 155 reducta- / reductio-
156 red- / redi- / reti- 156 Rh- / rhode- / rhodio- / rodeo-
157 restora- / restoro- 157 rho- / ρ-
158 retro- 158 Rn-
159 rhombi- / rhombo- 159 robota- / robotio-
160 robo- 160 S- / s-
161 rota- / roto- 161 servio-
162 sado- 162 sigma- / Σ- / σ-
163 sani- 163 Sm-
164 sata- / satanio- 164 solara- / solario-
165 saxa- / saxio- / sexio- 165 sphygma- / sphygmio-
166 scala- / scalio- / scaly- 166 statistio- / statistico-
167 schizo- 167 strata- / strate- / stratio-
168 scripta- / scripto- 168 sylva- / silvio-
169 self- / selfi- 169 sym- / syn-
170 semi- 170 T- / t-
171 simo- / simu- / simul- 171 Ta-
172 sin- / sinistra- / syn- 172 tachy- / tachyo-
173 socio- 173 τ- (tau-)
200 the ficto-technica
Arts Prefixes Science Prefixes
174 sola- / solio- / solip- 174 taxe- / taxio-
175 soma- / somatio- 175 Tb- / turbo-
176 sophi- / sopho- 176 Tc- / technio- / technico-
177 sporae- / sporio- 177 tectia- / tectio- / tectico-
178 state- / statio- 178 tele- / telea- / teleo-
179 stega- / stego- 179 terra- / terrio-
180 stereo- 180 topio-
181 sub- 181 tensio-
182 super- / supper- 182 Θ- / θ- (theta-)
183 testa- / testio- 183 Tl-
184 thea- / theo- 184 trypta- / tryptio-
185 thermo- 185 U- / u-
186 ti- / to- / tu- / ty- 186 ultra- / ultro-
187 titani- / titano- 187 uni- / uno-
188 traffic- / traffick- / traffico- 188 V- / v-
189 trans- / transio- 189 vectio- / vector-
190 tri- / tria- / trio- 190 visco- / viscos-
191 tyrrana- / tyrrano- 191 vira- / virio- / virolo-
192 un- / uni- / uno- 192 vulcanio-
193 ur- 193 W- / w-
194 vagi- / vegi- 194 X- / x-

FT 195
velo- / veloci-
venti- / vento-
Xe- / xero-
Ξ- / ξ- (ksi- / xi-)
197 vi- / vio- / violo- 197 Y- / y- / υ- (upsilon-)
198 vita- / viti- / vitri- / vitro- 198 Z- / z-
199 vibra- / vibro- 199 zeta- / zetio- / ζ-
200 xena- / xeni- / xeno- 200 zoo-
artifacts of ficto-science 201
Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Parenthetical additions are optional. Qualities
have been separated into two different categories: those signalling artificial or man-made
forces, and those resulting from organic processes. If you need to determine which sub-table to
consult randomly, roll an extra die: odd = artificial; even = organic.
► Roll 1d200 for quality:
Artificial Qualities Organic Qualities
1 abstract 1 abominable
2 activated / de-activated 2 absurd / incongruous
3 additional / extra 3 adhesive / sticky
4 adjustable 4 agonistic / war-like
5 administrated 5 alien
6 advanced 6 amorphous
7 algebraic 7 amphibian
8 altered / processed 8 anaerobic
9 amazing / incredible 9 angry / violent
10 amplified 10 animated
11 analytical 11 antediluvian
12 ancient 12 appalling / atrocious
13 angular 13 ashen
14 anti-gravity 14 avian / winged
15 arithmatic / numeric(al) 15 awesome / magnificent
baleful / glaring
base / vile
18 assisted 18 beautiful / hot
19 astounding 19 bellowing / loud
20 atomic / nuclear 20 big / enormous
21 attached / linked 21 bilious
22 automated / automatic 22 biological / organic
23 banded / bonded 23 bipedal
24 basic 24 blasphemous
25 better / superior 25 blind / deaf / senseless
26 bionic 26 bloody / sanguine
27 black / black-and-white 27 bright / vivid
28 black-market 28 brutish
29 blasted / wasted 29 bulbous / knobbly
30 booby-trapped 30 cadaverous / skeletal
31 boxed / encased 31 calm / solemn
32 brand-name 32 changeable / transformed
33 brass / bronze 33 chained / coiled
34 brittle / rigid 34 chaotic
35 broken / smashed 35 clean / sober
36 built / constructed 36 cloned / grown
37 bullet-proof / impervious 37 cloudy / effervescent
38 censored / redacted 38 coarse / rough
202 the ficto-technica
Artificial Qualities Organic Qualities
39 ceramic 39 cocooned
40 chop-shop 40 comical / funny
41 chambered 41 confusing / odd
42 charged 42 conical
43 closed / looped 43 conscious / intelligent
44 colossal / monumental 44 corrupt / sordid
45 colourless 45 crazy / gonzo
46 complex / complicated 46 cream / creamy
47 compliant / tolerant 47 created / made
48 computational 48 crimson / scarlet
49 concentrated / dense 49 crystalline
50 concussive / explosive 50 cultural / social
51 condensed 51 dead
52 connected / fused 52 deathless / immortal
53 contained 53 debased / debauched
54 continuous / cyclical 54 deformed
55 controlled 55 degenerate / deviant
56 convenient 56 delirious
57 convoluted 57 depressed / melancholy
58 co-ordinated 58 deranged / insane
59 counterfeit 59 desiccated / withered

FT 60
diabolical / evil
dire / fiendish
62 cylindrical 62 dirty / unclean
63 dazzling 63 diseased / infected
64 deadly / perilous 64 disfigured / mutilated
65 deafening / loud 65 disgusting
66 decorated / tattooed 66 disordered / disorderly
67 defended / fortified 67 dodgy / flaky
68 developed 68 dominant / sadistic
69 differential 69 druidic / holistic
70 diffuse 70 drunk / inebriated
71 digital 71 dwarf
72 discordant 72 dynamic / effusive
73 displaced 73 ecstatic / spiritual
74 displayed 74 edible / tasty
75 dissolved 75 embryonic / zymotic
76 distorted 76 enigmatic / mysterious
77 duplicate / replicated 77 enthroned
78 durable 78 equipped
79 dusty 79 ethereal / intangible
80 elastic / stretchy 80 evasive
81 electric / electrical 81 evolved
82 elemental 82 fabulous / fantastic
83 empty / vast 83 faceless / nameless
artifacts of ficto-science 203
Artificial Qualities Organic Qualities
84 enclosed 84 fecund / fertile
85 endless / eternal 85 fibrous / sinewed / sinewy
86 energized 86 filthy / foul
87 engineered 87 fish-like
88 enlarged / gigantic 88 foaming / foamy
89 erect / vertical 89 forbidden
90 experimental 90 fragrant / pungent / smelly
91 extended / extensive 91 fundamental / intolerant
92 fake / illusory 92 fungous
93 fenced / gated / walled 93 gargantuan / huge
94 fiery 94 ghastly / ghoulish
95 flammable / inflammable 95 gilled / striped
96 flat / horizontal 96 gloved
97 fractured 97 glutinous / jellified
98 frictionless 98 greasy
99 functional / instrumental 99 greenish / greyish
100 gaseous / vaporous 100 hazy / turbid
101 generated / produced 101 helmeted / masked
102 globular / spherical 102 hormonal
103 glowing / radiant 103 horned / horny
104 golden 104 horrible / terrible
hybrid FT
107 hydraulic 107 hypnotic / mesmerizing
108 hypothetical / theoretical 108 immoral / obscene
109 immaterial 109 immortal
110 immense 110 inaudible / quiet
111 immobile / unmoved 111 incoherent
112 implanted / integrated 112 infested
113 incomplete 113 inhuman
114 inert 114 intoxicating
115 inferior / worse 115 iridescent / rainbowed
116 injectable / injected 116 jade / jaded
117 inorganic 117 jaundiced
118 invincible 118 limbic
119 invisible / transparent 119 liquefied
120 irreversible 120 literary / lyric / poetic
121 jewelled 121 lithe / sleek
122 large / massive 122 loathsome
123 lawful 123 luminescent
124 leaky 124 mad / psychotic
125 linear / straight 125 malevolent
126 logical / reasonable 126 malignant
127 lone / singular 127 mammalian
128 magnetic 128 masochistic
204 the ficto-technica
Artificial Qualities Organic Qualities
129 mathematical / statistical 129 mauve / purple / violet
130 metallic 130 membranous
131 milled 131 menacing / ominous
132 miniature 132 mighty / strong
133 molten 133 mindless / stupid
134 monitored / observed 134 monstrous / wretched
135 motorized / transistorized 135 moral / nauseating
136 nebulous 136 morbid
137 negative / positive 137 mottled / spotted
138 networked 138 mummified / preserved
139 noiseless / silent / soundless 139 mutant / mutated
140 noisy / sonic 140 mystic / mystical
141 objective / subjective 141 natural
142 oiled / oily 142 nervous
143 open 143 nightmarish / oneiric
144 organized / systematic 144 nonsensical / peculiar
145 ornamental / toy 145 noxious / toxic
146 oval / round 146 orphic
147 packaged 147 outlandish / strange
148 parallel 148 outlaw / renegade
149 pneumatic 149 pale / sallow

FT 150
pallid / wan
paralytic / paralyzed
152 power / powered 152 parasitic
153 precision 153 pasty / whitish
154 pressurized 154 perverse / perverted
155 prime / pure 155 photosensitive
156 printed 156 pineal
157 prismatic / scintillating 157 pliable / weak-willed
158 pristine / stainless 158 pnakotic
159 programmed 159 poisoned / poisonous
160 projected / projectile 160 prodigious / stupendous
161 prosthetic 161 profane / sacrilegious
162 protected / shielded 162 psychic
163 radioactive 163 puckered / sour
164 rational / scientific 164 putrid / repellent
165 rechargeable 165 quadruped
166 recorded 166 quiescent / willing
167 rectangular / rhomboid 167 rangy / statuesque
168 red / violet 168 re-animated / resurrected
169 reduced 169 regenerative
170 refitted / repaired 170 reptilian
171 remote / wireless 171 repulsive / ugly
172 retractable 172 resplendent / splendid
173 rhythmic 173 round / tubular
artifacts of ficto-science 205
Artificial Qualities Organic Qualities
174 rifled / weaponized 174 sedate(d) / tranquil(ized)
175 ringed 175 sensual
176 robotic 176 sentient / thinking
177 rotary 177 serpentine / viperous
178 sealed / secure 178 sexual / sexy
179 semi-automatic 179 shadowy
180 shafted 180 shelled
181 shiny / sparkly 181 silky / smooth
182 silver 182 slippery / wet
183 simulated / staged 183 slow / sluggish
184 solid / solidified 184 small / tiny
185 standardized 185 spectral / unseen
186 static / unchanging 186 stimulated
187 sterilized 187 super-human
188 structural 188 supernatural
189 symbolic 189 syrupy / viscous
190 symmetrical 190 tentacled
191 synthetic 191 three-way
192 technological 192 unknowable / unknown
193 three-dimensional 193 unsingable
194 translated 194 unwashed
vague / weak
vertiginous FT
197 tuned 197 violent
198 twisted / warped 198 voluminous
199 two-dimensional 199 waxen / waxy
200 vehicular 200 webbed

Choose one of the entries separated by slashes. Add or swap -al, -ian, -ic, -is, and -ist endings
as required. Suffixes must be combined with prefixes.
► Roll 1d200 for suffix:
1 -able 13 -bial / -bian
2 -active 14 -bitic / -lytic
3 -al / -alpic / -alpine 15 -bolic
4 -archal 16 -borg
5 -astic 17 -cal / -cle
6 -atic / -itic 18 -cast / -cyst
7 -ation / -lation / -sation 19 -cation / -gation
8 -atric 20 -cator / -gator
9 -axial 21 -centric
10 -bang / -bong 22 -cephalic
11 -baric 23 -ceptional / -ceptive
12 -based 24 -chiastic / -chistic
206 the ficto-technica
Suffixes Suffixes
25 -chloric / -chloride 69 -ist / -mist / -nist
26 -class / -classical 70 -itis / -ity
27 -cline 71 -ium / -nium
28 -cological 72 -izer / -lizer
29 -congregational 73 -labe / -labial
30 -cooled / -cooling 74 -lastic / -mastic / -tastic
31 -corean / -korean / -gorean 75 -lated / -mated / -nated
32 -corn / -cron / -crom 76 -lation
33 -corneal 77 -lesian / -lesion
34 -dactylic 78 -lic
35 -delic / -dylic 79 -line
36 -demic / -temic 80 -lithic
37 -denominational 81 -logical
38 -dental / -mental 82 -logue
39 -derm 83 -loid
40 -desic 84 -lological
41 -dimensional 85 -lurgical / -turgical / -urgical
42 -dine 86 -lysis / -lysistic
43 -directional 87 -machean
44 -doxical 88 -mal
45 -ductive 89 -maniacal

FT 46
-erratic / -oradic / -oratic
-esian / -mesian / -nesian
48 -ferian / -feric / -phorous 92 -matic
49 -fied 93 -mation / -nation
50 -forte 94 -max / -mix / -rax / -rex
51 -genic 95 -meric
52 -gic / -tic 96 -metic / -mitic
53 -gogic 97 -metric
54 -gonal 98 -metry
55 -gonist 99 -mial / -mian / -nial / -nian
56 -gorastic 100 -mic / -nic
57 -graphic 101 -monial
58 -grational 102 -monic
59 -gressive 103 -morphic
60 -harmonic 104 -mote / -motic / -motional
61 -heated / -heating 105 -neal
62 -hibitor 106 -nemic
63 -holic 107 -nemic / -netic
64 -ial / -ian / -lial / -lian 108 -nic / -nical
65 -ic / -ica / -ical 109 -nid
66 -ide 110 -nine
67 -ing / -ling / -ning / -ting 111 -noid
68 -is / -ous / -us 112 -nomic
artifacts of ficto-science 207
Suffixes Suffixes
113 -nophonic 157 -spheric
114 -numistic 158 -ssential
115 -oid 159 -sthetic / -thetic
116 -ol / -ole 160 -stic
117 -opian 161 -stine
118 -optic 162 -structional
119 -orphic 163 -suasion
120 -paedic 164 -syndicalist
121 -pedal 165 -syst
122 -phagic 166 -taxic
123 -philic / -philogical 167 -tal / -tol / -thal
124 -phobic 168 -tanian / -tanium
125 -phonic 169 -tanic / -tonic
126 -phrenic 170 -tantic
127 -plane / -pline 171 -taph
128 -pompic 172 -tarian
129 -portional 173 -tarium / -torium
130 -positional / -positioning 174 -tation
131 -potamic 175 -teria
132 -pranic 176 -tesian
133 -probonic 177 -thetical
-real / -rean / -rian
-tion / -tional FT
136 -rectal 180 -toid
137 -read / -red 181 -tological
138 -ric 182 -tomic
139 -ring 183 -tone
140 -roman 184 -topic
141 -ronic 185 -torial
142 -sal / -sol / -sole 186 -tortional
143 -sapien 187 -tron
144 -sational 188 -tropic
145 -saurus 189 -typal
146 -scopic 190 -valent
147 -septic 191 -vasive
148 -sian / -tian 192 -versal
149 -sic 193 -version
150 -sis 194 -violet
151 -site / -sitic 195 -vocational
152 -sive 196 -wave
153 -somatic 197 -yogic
154 -sonic 198 -zonal
155 -sophical 199 -x /-y
156 -specific 200 -zoid
208 the ficto-technica
magic items
Items created by magic are not the same as those based on science—even imaginary science—
and the procedures here reflect that. They can be used for items that are also living creatures,
or possessed by them, items that are good for fantasy-style “adventuring,” and items that create
their own special effects unrelated to the rest of the setting.
According to Arthur C. Clark, though, “any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic,” so these procedures can also be used for hyperadvanced science
fiction devices, in addition to fanciful enchantments and arcanotechnologies.

Demon-Possessed Items
Determine the item’s demonic qualities on the table below, then roll for what the item is. If it is
not a mundane item, use the living item procedures, if it is not possessed by a specific demon,
or the magic item procedures, if it is. Demons can be found on pages 234-236.
► Roll 1d10 for item’s demonic qualities:
1 Exhibits 1d3 Telltales. 6 Possessed by a demonic steed.
3 Exhibits 1d4 Demon Phenomena. 7 Possessed by a demonic familiar.
4 Exhibits 1d4 Telltales. 8 Possessed by a greater demon.
5 Exhibits 1d6 infernal characteristics. 9 Possessed by a lesser demon.
6 Exhibits all of the above. 10 Possessed by a random demon.

Living Items
To create an item that is also alive, roll 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12 on the following tables, and
add either 1d4-1 mental mutations (roll 1d200+400 for each) or 1d4 non-physical mutations

FT (roll 1d600+400 for each). Then generate the object just like any other magical item, be it
armour, equipment, or a weapon.
► Roll 1d10 for amount of sentience:
1 Alien, inhuman intelligence.
2 Animal intelligence.
3 Dream-like sentience.
4 Emotional capacity only, does not think.
5-6 Genius-level intelligence.
7-8 Human-level intelligence.
9-10 No mind or emotions.
► Roll 1d6 for communication:
1 Emotional telepathy. 3-4 Spoken language.
2 Physical impulses only. 5-6 Telepathy.
► Roll 1d12 for perceptive abilities:
1-2 Can only access user’s senses. 7-8 Human senses and magical senses.
3 Can only perceive magic. 9-10 Magical senses access user’s senses.
4 Hearing and touch only. 11 Magical senses access user’s mind.
5-6 Human senses. 12 Sight, hearing and touch only.
► Roll 1d8 for required sustenance:
1 Consumes blood and flesh. 4-5 Feeds off user.
2 Consumes regular food. 6-7 Needs no sustenance.
3 Drinks souls. 8 Requires sunlight.
the ficto-technica 209

Magical Adventuring Gear

Arcane equipment specifically designed for adventuring creates an effect that changes the
way the user interacts with game rules. First, generate the effect, then which rules or part of
the game is modified, if it is not already obvious. It should be part of, or all of, the section
determined by the table below. If you require a level of effect, determine the acceptable range
and roll a die that falls within it.
► Roll 1d20 for effect of magical equipment:
1 Allows the user to access or interact with specific rules, or force someone else
to interact with them, from a distance that would otherwise prevent it.
2-3 Allows the user to avoid the negative effects of specific rules.
4-5 Casts a spell or spell-like effect.
6 Contacts another being, deity, location, or person.
7 Creates an emotion or reaction in the user.
8 Forces someone else to suffer the consequences or difficulties the user would
suffer because of specific rules.
9 Forces the user to ignore the positive effects of specific rules.
10-11 Gives the user an advantage or bonus to rolls concerning specific rules.
12 Gives the user control over a creature or element.
13 Gives the user a disadvantage or penalty to rolls concerning specific rules.
14-15 Increases one ability or capability of the user.
16 Stores spells for the user.
17 Summons a creature or element.
18 Transfers to the user the advantage or benefits someone else enjoys with regards
to specific rules.
19-20 Transports the user to another location.
► Roll 1d20 for rules category:
1 Casting spells and/or using magic. 11 Inflicting or suffering harm.
2 Communication and languages. 12 Influencing others and morale tests.
3 Crafting items and testing skills. 13 Light sources and vision.
4 Disease and/or poisons. 14 Managing money or other resources.
5 Encumbrance. 15 Movement.
6 Evasion and pursuit. 16 Reactions of NPCs.
7 Foraging, hunting, and scavenging. 17 Research and scholarly work.
8 Getting lost and navigation. 18 Searching for hidden things.
9 Healing and/or sleeping. 19 Sleeping.
10 Hunger and thirst. 20 Stealth and surprise.
210 the ficto-technica
Magical Armour
Roll for the type of armour and then for its powers. If the armour grants a bonus, determine
the proper range and roll a die that falls within it.
► Roll 1d20 for armour type:
1 Amulet. 11 Leather garment.
2-3 Bracers. 12-13 Mail shirt.
4 Breastplate. 14 Mail suit.
5 Cloak. 15 Partial suit of plate.
6 Consumable paint. 16 Piece of clothing.
7 Full suit of plate. 17 Sash or veil.
8 Greaves. 18-19 Shield.
9-10 Helmet. 20 Tattoable ink.
► Roll 1d12 (or 1d6, or 1d8+4) for armour’s powers:
1 [adjective] + [feature] + armour.
2 [adjective] + [purpose] + armour.
3 [feature] + armour.
4 [purpose ] + [feature] + armour.
5 [shape] + armour.
6 Armour grants a defensive bonus.
7 Armour grants a defensive bonus against magic.
8 Armour grants immunity to one type of damage.
9 Armour grants immunity to all non-magical types of damage except one.

10 Armour grants the bearer 1d4 mutations when worn.
11 Armour increases the capabilities of the bearer when worn.
12 Armour is cursed and imposes penalties on the wearer.

If you have armour that defends against a specific type of attack, use this table to determine
what type of harm or damage that is.
► Roll 1d12 for damage type:
1 Blunt trauma. 7 Fire / heat.
2 Cold / frost. 8 Magic or psychic powers.
3 Corrosion (acidic or basic). 9 Necromantic life drain.
4 Cutting weapons. 10 Paralysis or petrification.
5 Electrical or lightning. 11 Piercing weapons.
6 Fear, panic, or madness. 12 Radiance.
magic items 211
Magical Equipment
First determine what powers this piece of equipment has, or what it is called, then determine
its physical form, if that is not yet obvious, by using the shape table or the tables below.
► Roll 1d12 for equipment’s powers:
1 [adjective] + [feature] + equipment.
2 [adjective] + [purpose] + equipment.
3 [adjective] + [purpose] + [feature] + equipment.
4 [feature] + equipment.
5 [purpose ] + [feature] + equipment.
6 [shape] + equipment.
7-9 Adventuring gear.
10-12 Paraphernalia.
► Roll 1d6 for equipment type:
1-3 Consumable: The equipment, or the magic in it, is consumed when used, and
supplies are limited.
4 Structure: The equipment cannot be carried or transported easily, unless it
moves itself.
5-6 Transportable: The equipment can be carried, worn, or otherwise transported
on the user’s person.
► Roll 1d8 for consumable equipment:
1-3 Drink or potion. 6 Incense or smoke.
4 Dust or powder. 7 Ink, oil, or paint.

5 Food or herbs. 8 Ointment or salve.
► Roll 1d20 for equipment in the form of a structure:
1 Boat or raft. 11 Hut.
2 Carriage or coach. 12 Monolith.
3 Cart or wagon. 13 Passageway.
4 Ceiling or wall. 14 Room.
5 Chair or throne. 15 Shelf or table.
6 Chest or drawers. 16 Ship.
7 Door. 17 Shrine or temple.
8 Floor or ground. 18 Tomb or vault.
9 Furnace or oven. 19 Tower.
10 House. 20 Window.
► Roll 1d20 for transportable equipment:
1 Amulet or necklace. 11 Cloak or robe.
2 Bag, purse, or sack. 12 Figurine.
3 Belt. 13 Gauntlets or gloves.
4 Book or scroll. 14 Gemstone.
5 Boots or shoes. 15 Hat or headgear.
6 Bottle, flask, or jar. 16 Lens or mirror.
7 Bowl, pipe, or pot. 17 Musical instrument.
8 Bracelet or ring. 18 Piece of clothing.
9 Brooch. 19 Rod, staff, or wand.
10 Candle. 20 Tool or utensil.
212 the ficto-technica
Magical Weapons
Roll for the type of weapon and then for its powers. If the weapon grants a bonus, determine
the proper range and roll a die that falls within it.
► Roll 1d12 for weapon type:
1-2 Arrow, bow, or crossbow. 6-7 Dagger or knife.
3 Axe or hammer. 8 Lance, javelin, or spear.
4 Bullet or firearm. 9 Pole arm or staff.
5 Club, flail, or mace. 10-12 Sword.
► Roll 1d12 (or 1d6, or 1d8+4) for weapon’s powers:
1 [adjective] + [feature] + weapon.
2 [adjective] + [purpose] + weapon.
3 [feature] + weapon.
4 [purpose ] + [feature] + weapon.
5 [shape] + weapon.
6 Weapon grants a bonus to attack and/or damage rolls when used in combat.
7 Weapon grants a defensive bonus.
8 Weapon grants the bearer 1d4 mutations when wielded.
9 Weapon is cursed and imposes penalties on the wielder.
10 Weapon offers a new close combat attack (roll for damage type).
11 Weapon offers a new ranged attack (roll for damage type).
12 Weapon reveals information to the wielder.

If you have a weapon that inflicts a special type of attack or damage, use this table to determine
FT the type of harm or damage caused.
► Rol l1d20 for damage type:
1 Blunt trauma. 11 Magic.
2 Cold / frost. 12 Necromantic life drain.
3 Corrosion (acidic or basic). 13 Paralysis or petrification.
4 Cutting weapons. 14 Piercing weapons.
5 Darkness. 15 Poison.
6 Dehydration / desiccation. 16 Psychic invasion.
7 Disease. 17 Putrefaction.
8 Electrical or lightning. 18 Radiance.
9 Fear, panic, or madness. 19 Sound and vibration.
10 Fire / heat. 20 Starvation.
magic items 213
Magical paraphernalia changes the way the user experiences certain circumstances, feelings,
senses, or situations, which may or may not affect activities important to the game. Generate
the item using one of the other procedures (armour, equipment, weapon, the forms table, or
the shapes table), then use these procedures to create its effect. If you require a level of effect,
determine the acceptable range and roll a die that falls within it.
► Roll 1d10 for effect on the experience:
1 Causes the experience to happen.
2 Changes the user’s experience into some other experience.
3 Diminishes the experience for the user.
4 Increases the experience for the user.
5 Makes the user impervious to the experience.
6 Makes the user indifferent to the experience.
7 Negates this experience for the user.
8 Ruins this experience for the user.
9 Transfers the experience from the user to someone else.
10 Transfers the experience to the user from someone else.
► Roll 1d20 for experience or feeling affected:
1 Anger, hate, and rage. 11 Friendship and love.
2 Anxiety, doubt, or paranoia. 12 Happiness and joy.
3 Confidence or pride. 13 Hearing and sound.
4 Curiosity. 14 Imagination or memory.
5 Death. 15 Literature.
6 Desire, greed, or lust.
7 Dreams and nightmares.
Odour and smell.
Reverence or worship.
8 Eating, drinking, or taste. 18 Romance or sex.
9 Envy, jealousy, or resentment. 19 Sadness.
10 Fear, horror, or terror. 20 Sight and vision.

Random Magic Items

To create a magic item from scratch, roll for its name on the following table. Once you have
generated the terms, decide on which element indicates the noun, then arrange the modifiers
around it, either in front, as in [modifiers] + [noun], or behind, by adding “of ” or similar
words, to create [noun] of [modifiers].
If the name generated is not descriptive enough, add an adjective to the noun or one of its
qualities. If the name lacks a noun, roll once on the shapes table and use the result.
Finally, give the item some magical powers and properties, based on its name. Use the
previous magic item generation procedures for inspiration.
► Roll 1d12 for random magic item:
1 [adjective] + [feature] + [feature]. 7 [purpose] + [feature].
2 [adjective] + [purpose] + [feature]. 8 [purpose] + [feature] + [feature].
3 [adjective] + [purpose] + [shape]. 9 [purpose] + [feature] + [shape].
4 [adjective] + [shape]. 10 [purpose] + [shape].
5 [feature] + [feature]. 11 [purpose] + [shape] + [shape].
6 [feature] + [shape]. 12 [shape] + [shape].
214 the ficto-technica
Use these words to modify the noun of a magic item. Or use the qualities from Artifacts of
Ficto-Science instead (see page 201).
► Roll 1d100 for adjective:
1 aberrant 34 fractured 67 perfidious
2 alchemical 35 gyrating 68 perverse
3 ancient 36 hellish 69 pestilential
4 aquatic 37 helpful 70 planar
5 arcane 38 hideous 71 pleasant
6 armoured 39 illusory 72 prismatic
7 astral 40 impervious 73 prodigious
8 audible 41 incandescent 74 quavering
9 beguiling 42 instantaneous 75 radiant
10 bejewelled 43 interposing 76 resplendent
11 bloated 44 invincible 77 restorative
12 blurry 45 invisible 78 revolting
13 burning 46 irrational 79 sallow
14 cacophonous 47 lawful 80 seething
15 ceremonial 48 living 81 serpentine
16 chaotic 49 loathsome 82 sleepless
17 coarse 50 lordly 83 spectral

18 corrosive 51 luminous 84 stupefying
19 cosmic 52 maddening 85 subtle
20 dancing 53 magnificent 86 terrifying
21 dazzling 54 malevolent 87 thirsty
22 delirious 55 membranous 88 throbbing
23 diffuse 56 molten 89 translucent
24 endless 57 murmuring 90 true
25 enervating 58 nebulous 91 uncontrollable
26 esoteric 59 noxious 92 undead
27 evasive 60 ominous 93 unknown
28 excruciating 61 oozing 94 unnatural
29 expert 62 ornate 95 unspeakable
30 false 63 otherworldly 96 untiring
31 fearsome 64 pallid 97 vengeful
32 filthy 65 peculiar 98 vile
33 forceful 66 perceptive 99 voracious
100 wretched
magic items 215

Features can be used as nouns, adjective, qualifiers, or whatever else you want them to be.
► Roll 1d200 for feature:
1 acid 23 blood 45 curse
2 aether 24 bone 46 darkness
3 air 25 boon 47 death
4 alabaster 26 brimstone 48 demon
5 alchemy 27 brine 49 destruction
6 amber 28 bronze 50 disease
7 ant 29 butterfly 51 disturbance
8 anti-magic 30 camel 52 doom
9 ape 31 cat 53 dream
10 apocalypse 32 centipede 54 dust
11 ash 33 chaos 55 eagle
12 assassin 34 charm 56 earth
13 aura 35 clay 57 echo
14 badger 36 cobra 58 eel
15 bane 37 cold 59 energy
16 bat 38 constrictor 60 esoteric
17 battle 39 copper 61 falcon
18 bear 40 crab 62 feast
19 beast 41 crane 63 fire
20 beetle 42 crocodile 64 firefly
21 bile 43 crow 65 fissure
22 blight 44 crystal 66 flame
216 the ficto-technica
Features Features Features
67 flesh 112 monkey 157 silver
68 flower 113 moss 158 skin
69 fog 114 moth 159 sleep
70 force 115 mud 160 slime
71 fox 116 mule 161 slug
72 frost 117 murder 162 smoke
73 fungus 118 music 163 snow
74 ghost 119 mutation 164 song
75 glamer 120 nausea 165 soul
76 glass 121 nectar 166 sparrow
77 goat 122 night 167 spider
78 gold 123 nightmare 168 spirit
79 guard 124 oath 169 squid
80 guide 125 obsidian 170 star
81 hawk 126 octopus 171 steam
82 heat 127 oil 172 stench
83 honey 128 oracle 173 stone
84 hornet 129 order 174 strike
85 horse 130 owl 175 sun
86 hound 131 panther 176 swine
87 ice 132 pearl 177 tar

FT 88
90 insect 135 poison 180 tiger
91 iron 136 power 181 toad
92 ivory 137 psyche 182 treasure
93 jackal 138 quicksilver 183 unicorn
94 jade 139 rain 184 vampire
95 jellyfish 140 rat 185 venom
96 lava 141 rose 186 vermin
97 leech 142 rot 187 vine
98 light 143 rust 188 voice
99 lightning 144 salamander 189 void
100 lion 145 salt 190 water
101 locust 146 sand 191 wave
102 lynx 147 sap 192 weasel
103 magic 148 scorpion 193 whale
104 mantis 149 scream 194 whisper
105 memory 150 secret 195 wind
106 metal 151 sentinel 196 wine
107 miasma 152 serpent 197 winter
108 milk 153 servant 198 wolf
109 mind 154 shadow 199 wood
110 mist 155 shark 200 worm
111 mole 156 silent
magic items 217
These words generally reflect what a magic item is supposed to be used for, and can be used to
modify either the noun or a quality attached to it. Or change the -ing ending in order to use
the purpose in a different manner.
► Roll 1d100 for purpose:
1 absorbing 34 empowering 67 piercing
2 accelerating 35 enchanting 68 polymorphing
3 altering 36 enlightening 69 pursuing
4 assaulting 37 enraging 70 questioning
5 attacking 38 ensorcelling 71 radiating
6 attracting 39 entangling 72 ravaging
7 awakening 40 enveloping 73 ravishing
8 bewildering 41 expanding 74 rearranging
9 binding 42 fighting 75 rebounding
10 blazing 43 floating 76 reflecting
11 blinding 44 flying 77 rejuvenating
12 blinking 45 freezing 78 repeating
13 blossoming 46 grasping 79 repelling
14 breathing 47 growing 80 restoring
15 burrowing 48 haunting 81 restraining
16 channelling 49 healing 82 revealing
17 charming 50 hindering 83 reversing
18 choking
19 commanding
51 hovering
52 identifying
84 revolving
85 scorching
20 concealing 53 imprisoning 86 scrying
21 condemning 54 inverting 87 sealing
22 consuming 55 invigorating 88 shielding
23 correcting 56 jumping 89 shrinking
24 creeping 57 levitating 90 slashing
25 crushing 58 liquefying 91 soothing
26 cultivating 59 mesmerizing 92 summoning
27 curing 60 mocking 93 sweeping
28 deafening 61 multiplying 94 transmuting
29 defending 62 nullifying 95 transporting
30 deflecting 63 numbing 96 transposing
31 devastating 64 obscuring 97 vaporizing
32 diminishing 65 opening 98 walking
33 disguising 66 petrifying 99 warding
100 withering
218 the ficto-technica
These words usually constitute the noun of a magic item, though they can be used as modifiers
instead, or combined into compunds.
► Roll 1d200 for shape:
1 amulet 42 coffin 83 hand
2 anvil 43 coil 84 hat
3 arc 44 coin 85 heart
4 armour 45 colossus 86 helix
5 arrow 46 column 87 helm
6 axe 47 comb 88 horn
7 barricade 48 compass 89 hourglass
8 beacon 49 cone 90 idol
9 beam 50 cord 91 image
10 bell 51 craft 92 incense
11 belt 52 crown 93 jar
12 blade 53 cube 94 key
13 blast 54 cup 95 knife
14 blessing 55 disk 96 lamp
15 blob 56 doll 97 leaf
16 bolt 57 door 98 lens
17 boot 58 drum 99 lock

18 bottle 59 elemental 100 manacle
19 bowl 60 emanation 101 mantle
20 box 61 enclosure 102 mark
21 bracelet 62 explosion 103 mask
22 bracer 63 eye 104 maze
23 brain 64 face 105 mirror
24 brazier 65 fan 106 monolith
25 breastplate 66 feather 107 mouth
26 bridge 67 field 108 necklace
27 brooch 68 finger 109 needle
28 broom 69 fist 110 net
29 burst 70 flask 111 noose
30 cabinet 71 flute 112 ointment
31 candle 72 fountain 113 orb
32 card 73 gate 114 painting
33 carpet 74 gauntlet 115 path
34 cascade 75 gaze 116 pattern
35 casket 76 gem 117 phylactery
36 censer 77 glove 118 pillar
37 chime 78 golem 119 pillow
38 circle 79 grip 120 pipe
39 claw 80 guise 121 pocket
40 cloak 81 halo 122 portal
41 cloud 82 hammer 123 prism
magic items 219
124 pulse 150 shoe 176 throne
127 pyramid 151 shroud 177 tome
128 ray 152 sigil 178 tongue
127 razor 153 sign 179 tooth
128 regalia 154 skull 180 torch
129 rift 155 slipper 181 torrent
130 ring 156 song 182 touch
131 road 157 spade 183 tower
132 robe 158 spear 184 trap
133 rod 159 spectacles 185 tree
134 rope 160 spike 186 tunnel
135 rune 161 spiral 187 veil
136 salve 162 splinter 188 vial
137 saw 163 spray 189 vortex
138 scabbard 164 staff 190 wall
139 scarf 165 steed 191 wand
140 sceptre 166 storm 192 ward
141 scissors 167 strand 193 weapon
142 scroll 168 stream 194 weave
143 seal 169 strike 195 web
144 sentinel 170 swarm 196 wheel
145 shaft 171 sword 197 window

146 shard 172 talisman 198 wing
147 sheet 173 tendril 199 word
148 shell 174 tentacle 200 zone
149 shield 175 thread
Popular Science

222 popular science
experiments in secret
It’s always a good idea to conduct highly dangerous, cutting-edge biological experiments in
secret. But even covert military test facilities can be discovered by diligent investigators, and
every once in a while some back-room meth lab science project produces something… unusual.
From alien abductees to psychic school children, from super-soldiers to cloning technology, if
they can keep it a secret, they will. Will you? The kinds of secrets you have to keep depend on
the experiments conducted.

If you were exposed to experimental mutagenic substances by complete accident, you notice
1 behavioural mutation now (roll 1d100+400) and develop 1d6+1 random mutations later
(roll 1d700 for each).

If you are an extra-terrestrial being, either conducting experiments, or being subjected to them,
you can use any of the formats in Appendix 4.
beastlings, demons, mutant hordes, mutant plants, uplifted animals, xenobiology
mayeb there’s a random table for which set of procedures you use?

If you have been mutated by experiments or the substances produced by them, you start with
1d4 mutations, and you develop 1d4 mutations later (roll 1d600 for each).

If the experiments have increased your psychic potential, or have been conducted to harness
it, you get 1d4 mental mutations (roll 1d300+400 for each) and 1d4 psychic powers (roll
1d100+600 for each).

Test Subject
If you were on the receiving end of a lengthy and strenuous experimental test process, you get
1 behavioural mutation (roll 1d100+400), 1d3 experimental mutations (roll 1d700 for each),
and 1d3 mental mutations (roll 1d300+400 for each).

Unstable Experiment
If you were exposed to extreme mutagenics, when you escape into a stressful situation, you
develop 1d4 mutations immediately (roll 1d700 for each). Every 1d6×10 minutes, you must
roll another 1d6, and if you roll higher than the number of mutations you currently have, you
gain a new one (roll 1d1000 for it). Once you can no longer roll higher, your body and mind
stabilize, but if you encounter more mutagenic material, increase the die size by one (from 1d6
to 1d8, or 1d8 to 1d10, etc), until you are rolling 1d20.
popular science 223
four-colour heroes
From caped crusaders and vigilante detectives to national icons and legions of crime-fighters,
there are those who realize the great responsibilities that come with their extraordinary powers.
Mutated by chemicals, radiation, or unstable genetics, they garb themselves in outlandish
fashions and strike terror in the hearts of evil. How many mutations your superhero sports
depends on his or her origin story.

Hero by Design
If you were built by scientists in a lab, you get 1d3 behavioural mutations (roll 1d100+400 for
each) and 1d4 super powers.

Mutant Hero
If you are a heavily-mutated superhero, roll ten random mutations (1d1000 for each) and
choose five of them to keep. If you roll the same mutation twice, it does not count as a separate
mutation—you may keep whatever sub-details you wish of either version, or you may invent
amplified effects if the mutation has a simple description.

Superior Human
If you are an example of Homo sapiens superior, you get 1d6 random mutations (roll 1d1000
for each), but re-roll any detrimental mutations after the first. If you have only one mutation,
you may choose to keep or re-roll any detrimental mutations.

Themed Hero
If you are a superhero with a central theme, you get 1d4 random mutations (roll 1d1000 for
each), and then you add a super power that fits thematically with the mutations you rolled.
Pick one from the super powers table or invent your own.

Traditional Hero
Whether or not you are also a mutant, if you are a traditional superhero you get 1d4 super
powers and the Weakness mutation.

Unintentional Origins
Not every hero starts out with heroic intentions. Some are forced into the role.
► Roll 1d10 for unintentional origin story:
1 Alien encounter.
2-3 Forced experiments.
5-6 Natural mutation.
7-9 Scientific accident.
4 Mutagenic disease. 10 Secretly an alien.

Weird Origins
Some heroes are stranger than others.
► Roll 1d6 for weird origin story:
1 A magical blessing, curse, or spell grants special powers.
2 A strange device or set of equipment grants special powers.
3 Chosen by a powerful, but extremely secret, organization.
4 Chosen by alien or mystical beings with a flawed understanding of humanity.
5 Experimented on by a mad scientist, who may or may not be human.
6 Powers are the result of insanity.
224 popular science
super powers table
► Roll 1d100 to determine power or suite of powers: page number
86 1 Ability Transfer.
86 2 Absorb Inanimate Properties.
86 3 Absorb Mental Properties.
36 4 Adhesive Touch.
87 5 Alteration Ray.
87 6 Alternate Inorganic Form.
70 7 Animal Control, Animal Friendship, and Speak with Animals. 120
87 8 Animal Shapechange.
87 9 Animate Objects.
21 10 Anthropomorphic Animal.
64 11 Anticipation and Intuition. 67
88 12 Arcane Tracking.
21 13 Armour and/or Armoured Skin. 88
20 14 Attractive (Aesthetically, Emotionally, and/or Sexually). 31
89 15 Bend Light and Control Light. 93
73 16 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance. 73
23 17 Claws and/or Fangs. 25
64 18 Computer Brain, Math Brain, and Superhuman Intellect. 120
92 19 Control Earth, Liquid, Machines, or Plants. 93
94 20 Create Darkness and Shadow Walk. 119
94 21 Create Gas.
74 22 Cryokinesis, Immune to Cold, and Immune to Heat. 108
101 23 Duplication or Multiplication. 112
101 24 Eat Anything.
101 25 Elasticity.
102 26 Elemental Body.
102 27 Energy Absorption and/or Reflective Surface. 49
102 28-29 Energy Blast.

PS 39
66 30 Enhanced Musculature, Enhanced Nervous System, and Increased Metabolism. 43
31-32 Enhanced Senses.
103 33 Explode Objects.
105 34 Force Field and/or Force Shield. 105
105 35 Gaseous Form or Liquid Form. 109
77 36 Heal Brain or Heal Others. 106
41 37 Heightened Hearing, Sense of Smell and Taste, or Sense of Touch. 41
41 38-39 High Pain Threshold and/or Nerve Cut-Off. 45
78 40 Hypnotic.
107 41 Illusion Generation or Illusionist. 78
107 42 Immortal.
108 43-44 Immune to Cold, Energy, Heat, or Illusions. 108
42 45 Immune to Disease and Immune to Poison. 42
66 46 Increased Awareness and Increased Social Aptitude. 67
67 47 Increased Brain Size and Increased Intellect. 67
page number
page number
67 48 Increased Empathy and Increased Willpower. 67
43 49-50 Increased Physical Stamina and Increased Physical Strength. 43
108 51 Infinite Endurance.
43 52 Infravision and Ultravision. 53
108 53 Inspiring Aura, Natural Leader, and Superhuman Charisma. 120
108 54 Intangibility.
109 55 Invisibility.
56 Invulnerable to Weapons.
57 Invulnerable.
109 58 Kinetic Absorption.
26 59 Large Size.
44 60 Light Generation and Light Manipulation. 79
79 61 Magnetic Control.
110 62 Manipulate Gravity.
111 63 Metal Skin.
45 64 Microscopic Vision and Telescopic Vision. 52
114 65 Perfect Regeneration, Regeneration, and/or Total Healing. 52
46 66 Performance Enhancement.
46 67 Pheromones.
115 68 Physical Mimic and/or Transformation. 129
116 69 Power Duplication or Power Theft. 116
47 70-71 Protected Senses and Superhuman Perception. 121
82 72 Psychic Empathy.
82 73 Psychic Invisibility.
83 74 Psychometry.
116 75-76 Pyrokinesis.
49 77 Radar and/or Sonar. 51
118 78-79 Sense Evil, Fear, Good, or Lies. 118
83 80 Sixth Sense.
32 81 Skull Face.
51 82 Sonic Blast.
Stable Balance or Unbound.
Superhuman Reflexes. PS

85-86 Superhuman Speed.

87-88 Superhuman Strength.
121 89 Superhuman Toughness.
84 90 Telekinesis and Telekinetic Flight. 84
124 91 Telepathic Communication and Telepathy. 85
85 92 Teleport and/or Teleport Object. 85
127 93 Total Chameleon.
128 94-95 Totem Animal (and 1-4 of that animal’s abilities).
128 96 Transform Material or Transmute Matter. 129
129 97 Transformation.
131 98 Weather Manipulation and Weather Sense. 69
35 99 Wings.
131 100 X-Ray Vision.
page number
226 popular science
uplifted animals
These procedures will randomly generate the most obvious physical and mental characteristics
of an animal that has been given human features and intelligence in the name of science.

Begin by selecting an animal, or roll 1d10 (or 1d12) on the creature table. This animal has been
modified in some way, to make it more human-like—this is called an “uplift.” Roll on the table
below or choose which way the animal has been uplifted, although the exact specifics of why it
happened are the responsibility of each individual campaign.
► Roll 1d6 for type of uplift:
1 Brain uplift: Animal form is retained, but roll for size and speech, and add
1d3 cognitive mutations (ignore Mindless).
2-3 Combat uplift: Animal appearance is retained, but roll for hands, posture,
size, and speech.
4-6 Full uplift: Roll for hands, looks, posture, size, and speech.

► Unless the animal already has functional hands or prehensile extremities, roll 1d4 for hand
1 Animal extremities (the mutant cannot grasp objects).
2-3 Fully prehensile hands.
4 Partially prehensile hands.

The mutant may retain its animal features, it may appear to be a human-animal mix, or it may
appear mostly human, with faint traces of its animal origins. If the animal is already a human,
“animal” features means it devolves to resemble a fetus or smooth-featured space alien, and a
mix means it devolves slightly less than that.
► Roll 1d6 to determine looks:
1-2 Animal.
3 Fully mixed animal-human hybrid.
4 Human.

5 Mostly animal, with a very slight human resemblance.
6 Partially mixed hybrid: 1d3 body parts resemble the animal, 1d3 body parts
resemble a human (roll on body parts table for each), the rest is fully mixed.

The mutant may retain its normal animal stance, whether that is quadrupedal or invertebrate,
or it may develop a more human-like posture.
► Roll 1d6 for posture:
1 Animal.
2-3 Partially upright (may stand, but upright walking is difficult).
4-5 Fully upright.
6 Mixed upright (moves as a human or animal, whichever the situation calls for).
popular science 227
► If the animal is larger than a human, roll 1d6 for its new size:
1 -2 Human size. 4-5 Slightly larger than a human.
3 Normal animal size. 6 Slightly smaller than a human.
► If the animal is larger than half the size of a human but not larger than a human, roll 1d6
for its new size:
1-2 Human size. 5 Slightly larger than a human.
3-4 Normal animal size. 6 Slightly smaller than a human.
► If the animal is smaller than half the size of a human, roll 1d6 (or 1d8) for its new size:
1-3 Half human size. 5-6 Slightly smaller than a human.
4 Human size or slightly bigger. 7-8 Much larger than a human.

► Roll 1d6 for speech development:
1 No ability to speak. 4-5 Fully human speech.
2-3 Partial human speech. 6 Strange, but human, speech.
► If a mutant animal is incapable of human speech, roll 1d6 for psychic abilities:
1 1d3 abilities (roll 1d100+600 on psychic powers table for each).
2-3 No psychic abilities.
4-5 Telepathy (as the mutation, see page 85).
6 Telepathy (as the mutation) and 1d3 other psychic abilities (roll 1d100+600
on the psychic powers table for each).

Uplifting Factors
If you do not already have a specific reason for animals to be uplifted, and perhaps further
modified by mutations, this table provides a list of motivations that could create animals that
act like humans.
► Roll 1d10 (or 1d12) for cause of uplift and mutations:
1 Accidental genetic engineering.
2 Biological agents, used as mutagenics and/or weapons.
3 Biological or chemical waste by-products.
4 Chemical agents, used as mutagenics and/or weapons.
5 Deliberate genetic engineering by academics or medical professionals. PS
6 Deliberate genetic engineering by commercial or independent interests.
7 Deliberate genetic engineering by government.
8 Deliberately applied radiation or other mutagenic energy.
9 High amounts of radiation in the environment.
10 Nanotechnology, applied intentionally or unknowingly.
11 Dimensional instability.
12 Deliberate genetic engineering by aliens.
228 popular science
Use these tables before or after any of the other character generation methods in this book to
create alien life forms that are probably best suited to environments hostile to human life. The
beastlings and mutant hordes procedures are particularly recommended.

Basic Composition
► Roll 1d6 for the alien’s basic physical composition:
1 Carbon-based, but not Earthlike. 4 Incorporeal or psychic form.
2 Earthlike carbon-based life. 5 Liquid or plastic form.
3 Gaseous or gossamer form. 6 Silicon-based life.

The alien will have requirements based on its natural habitat, which may or may not include
water and oxygen or other gases.
► Roll 1d6 for primary type of nourishment the alien needs:
1 Detritus or inorganic material. 4 Light or other energy.
2 Emotion, memory, or thought. 5 Other complex life forms.
3 Gaseous material only. 6 Simple organic material.

Natural Habitat
This can be used as a blanket description of the alien’s home planet, or just its particular
environment. Cold and hot can be within the limits of human tolerance, or far beyond.
► Roll 1d8 for environment:
1 Cold and dry (no liquid water). 5 Hot and dry (no liquid water).
2 Cold and wet (water or gases in 6 Hot and wet (water in liquid or
liquid form). vapour form).
3 Garden world. 7 Outer space.
4 Gas giant. 8 Parasite.

► Roll 1d6 for type of procreation strategy:
1 Asexual reproduction. 4 Multi-stage life cycle.

PS 2 Asexual or sexual options.

3 Genetic parasite.
Sexual, with numerous sexes.
Sexual, with two sexes.

Reproductive Strategy
► Roll 1d6 for method of producing offspring:
1 At will, few offspring. 4 Cyclical, many offspring.
2 At will, many offspring. 5 Many cannibalistic young.
3 Cyclical, few offspring. 6 Reproduces once, many young.

Reproduction Method
► Roll 1d6 for type of gestation:
1-2 Eggs or similar sealed incubator. 5 Live young, external incubator.
3-4 Live young. 6 Pollen or seeds.
popular science 229
Social Structures of the Alien
Roll on each table that you don’t already have an answer for, and then at least once on the
technological area table for areas that are both advanced and underdeveloped, compared to the
general level of technological sophistication.
► Roll 1d6 for basic social structure:
1 A large group has authoritarian control over society.
2 A large group has unequal influence and privilege in society.
3 A small group has great influence over a society of individuals.
4 A small group has authoritarian or totalitarian control over society.
5 Society is fractured into many groups, alternately competing and cooperating.
6 Society is in a state of flux or war.
► Roll 1d10 for general level of technological achievement:
1 Artisinal, non-industrial machinery.
2 Digital era computing, information storage, and robotics.
3 Early industrial devices and similar power sources.
4 Incongruous technologies side-by-side.
5 Interstellar travel.
6 Iron age.
7 Late industrial production levels by analogous methods.
8 Remnants of advanced technology still in use but production methods lost.
9 Early spacefaring technology.
10 Stone age.
► Roll 1d20 for technological area that is advanced or underdeveloped:
1 Agriculture. 11 Materials.
2 Architecture. 12 Medicine.
3 Biology. 13 Pharmaceuticals.
4 Chemistry. 14 Physics.
5 Communications. 15 Planetology.
6 Computing. 16 Psychology.
7 Engineering. 17 Robotics.
8 Gastronomy. 18 Therapeutics.
9 Genetics.
10 Manufacturing.
19 Transportation.
20 Weapons.
Swords of the
Chaos Lords

232 swords of the chaos lords
slaves to chaos
A great war rages across the disordered wastelands and the many hells of the lower planes,
where countless battlefields lay strewn with fallen heroes. These are the champions of chaos
who proved unworthy to conquer foes for their infernal patrons. Even those who still survive
have lost themselves to the lords of chaos. Great demon-gods they are, who dwell in the midst
of an infernal maelstrom of primal, seething madness, forever bent on destroying the staid
patterns of law and order. What sort of gifts they grant you depends on what sort of follower
you are.

Chaos Champion
If you have sworn yourself to follow a demonic patron or chaos god, your soul is forfeit and
doomed. You get 1 Demonic Phenomenon (page 96), 1 Telltale (page 124), 1d4 gifts of
chaos (ignore Chaos Spawn), and 1d6 random mutations (roll 1d1000 for each). If you roll a
mutation you do not like, you may replace it with a mutant feature instead.

Chaos Sorcerer
If you have sworn yourself to demonic powers or chaos gods in exchange for arcane power, you
get a demon familiar (see page 235), 1 gift of chaos, 1 Telltale, and 1d6 mutations (you may
roll either 1d1000 or 1d600+400 for each). If you roll a gift or mutation you do not like, you
may replace it with a mutant feature instead (see page 154).

Chaos Spawn
If you are a miserable, degenerate spawn of chaos, you can start by either using the beastlings or
mutant hordes procedures, or by applying the Crossbreed mutation (page 95) to a normal human
or animal. Then you get 1 Demonic Phenomenon, 1d6 mutant features, 1d6 Telltales, and
1d6+6 random mutations (roll 1d1000 for each).

If you are an actual demon of some kind, use the demon procedures (demonic steed, familiar,
greater demon, lesser demon, or random demon) on pages 234-236.

If you are a wizard prone to summoning demons and negotiating pacts with them, as eager as
you are to gain the powers of the infernal realm, you are not required to have any mutations,
marks of chaos, or the like. You might want to create a familiar, and perhaps either a lesser
demon you have made a pact with, or a random demon. Decide on your method, or methods,
of summoning demons and gaining their favour, or determine that randomly.
► Roll 1d10 for method of summoning demons:
1 Alchemy. 6 Pilgrimage to unholy sites.
2 Circles of protection. 7 Human sacrifice.
3 Pagan nature worship. 8 Nightmares.
4 Drug-induced trance states. 9 Self-harm rituals.
5 Ecstatic dance. 10 Spells in ancient books.
swords of the chaos lords 233
the blessings of the demon-gods
Those who serve the powers of chaos enthusiastically or skillfully enough are granted boons
for their efforts.

Gifts of Chaos
While the power of chaos inevitably warps and changes all those who come in contact with it,
there are also specific boons and rewards granted by demons and chaos gods to their followers.
► Roll 1d10 to determine gift: page number
54 1 Berserker or Blood Rage. 54
232 2 Chaos Spawn (gain Crossbreed, 1d6 mutant features, and 1d6+6 mutations).
208 3 Demon-possessed armour or weapon.
104 4 Face of a Demon or Demon-God (if rolled more than once, mutant may 104
have multiple faces or heads).
107 5 Immortal, or an Immunity of choice, or Invulnerable to Weapons. 109
148 6 Roll on the favourable mental mutations table.
149 7 Roll on the favourable physical mutations table.
237 8 Roll on the infernal characteristics table 1d4 times and incorporate the results.
154 9 Roll on the mutant features tables.
224 10 Roll on the super powers table.
15 11 Roll on the supernatural attributes table (1d300+700).
121 12 Superhuman Reflexes, Strength, or Toughness. 121
page number

Sorcerous Remnants
The continued use of chaotic magic inevitably twists the shape of the magician, and they end
up with one or more of the following mutations.
► Roll 1d30 when magical saturation reaches a tipping point: page number
154 1 1 mutant feature. 16 Electromagnetic Disruption 39
13 2 2 cognitive mutations (1d100+500) 17 Hermaphromorph 41
12 3 3 behaviours (1d100+400). 18 Infected 43
237 4 4 infernal characteristics. 19 Iron Teeth and Nails 109
20 5 Aesthetically Attractive 20 Magical Affinity 110
36 6 Allergies 21 Malleable Body 44
20 7 Alternate Locomotion 22 Malleable Features 45
87 8 Animal Shapechange 23 Parasite Infestation 45
70 9 Anti-Charisma 24 Patronage 113
37 10 Blood Substitution 25 Shapechanger 50
72 11 Cause Insanity 26 Strange Sound 63
22 12 Changing Colours 27 Sympathetic Biomorphism 33
92 13 Chaos Vector 28 Telltale 124

95 14 Demonic Appearance 29 Tentacles 34
96 15 Demonic Phenomenon 30 Transformation 129
page number
234 swords of the chaos lords
Demons are twisted creatures of the inferno—almost any mutant feature is appropriate
to include in descriptions of their appearance. The five types of demons included here are
demonic steeds, familiars, greater demons, lesser demons, and random demons. You can also
create demons by using the beastlings and mutant hordes procedures and adding demonic
attributes or infernal characteristics.

Demonic Attributes
All demons have the supernatural mutations Dissent Parasite, Hostility Field, Immortal,
Immune to Disease, Immune to Poison, and Invulnerable to Weapons, as well as being
accompanied by at least one Demonic Phenomenon and exhibiting at least one Telltale. Most
demons also have one or more particular mutations that are exceedingly common amongst
their ilk.
► Roll 1d10 to determine a demonic attribute:
88 89 1 Aura of [Disgust, Fear, or Light] 6 Immune to Heat 108
73115 2 Commanding Voice or Possession 7 Superhuman Reflexes 121
96 3 Demonic Phenomena or Telltale 8 Superhuman Strength
108 4 Immune to Cold 9 Superhuman Toughness 121
108 5 Immune to Energy 10 Telepathic Communication 124
page number

Demonic Equipment
Use this table to determine what kind of accoutrements a particular demon is equipped with.
► Roll 1d20 for demonic equipment:
1 Demon-possessed armour. 11 Living armour.
2 Demon-possessed equipment. 12 Living equipment.
3 Demon-possessed weapon. 13 Living weapon.
4 Demonic fortress. 14 Magical armour.
5 Demonic steed. 15 Magical equipment.
6 Earthly domain or fortress. 16 Magical weapon.
7 Greater demon follower. 17 Retinue of beastlings.
8 Infernal domain. 18 Retinue of damned souls.
9 Infernal throne or palanquin. 19 Retinue of hordlings.
10 Lesser demon follower. 20 Retinue of lesser demons.

Demonic Steed
Begin with a random creature and add the mutation Crossbreed. Make the steed horse-sized
and quadrupedal if it isn’t already. Then, the following:
• Add 1d3 demonic attributes, in addition to the mutations all demons have.
• Add 1d3 mutant features and one Telltale for each.
• Add 1d4-2 pieces of demonic equipment (minimum none).
• Add 1d3 random mutation (roll 1d1000 for each) and a demonic phenomenon for
SC each. If the steed has a particular demonic patron, you may replace an unwanted
mutation with a random mutation possessed by the patron.
A steed may be equipped with demonic, living, or magical armour (and perhaps other gear)
if its rider has additional sets. A steed may not command a fortress, throne, or palanquin, but
may lead a retinue and control domains.
swords of the chaos lords 235
Begin with a random creature. If it’s the size of a cat or dog, keep it as is. If not, add the
mutation Crossbreed and change its size to that of a cat or dog. Then, the following:
• Add 1 demonic attribute, in addition to the mutations all demons get.
• Add 1d3-1 piece of demonic equipment.
• Add 1d4 random mutation (roll 1d1000 for each) and a Demonic Phenomenon or
Telltale for each. If the familiar has a particular demonic patron, you may replace an
unwanted mutation with a random mutation possessed by the patron.
• Roll for a motivation. If the result would make it difficult for this demon to act as a
familiar, add a second or even third motivation.
A demon familiar always knows where its master is, and is able to communicate telepathically
with them, if it chooses to do so.

Greater Demon
Start by creating a body shape for the greater demon.
► Roll 1d4 to determine the greater demon’s starting shape:
1 Human.
2 Roll on the creature table.
3 Roll on the fantastic animals table.
4 Roll on the fantastic peoples table.

Then, the following:

• Add the Crossbreed mutation.
• Increase the demon’s size to that of a human if it is smaller than that. If the demon does
not already have them, add horns, wings, and a tail.
• Add 1d6+1 demonic attributes, in addition to the mutations all demons have.
• Add 1d4 mutant features and a Telltale for each.
• Add 1d6 pieces of demonic equipment and a Demonic Phenomenon for each.
• Add 1d6+6 random mutations (roll 1d1000 for each). If the greater demon has a
particular demonic patron, you may replace up to three unwanted mutations with
random mutations possessed by the patron.
If the greater demon is a patron chaos god itself, commanding demonic legions and beholden
to no higher power, you may also roll once on each of the following tables: the beneficial
mental mutations table, the beneficial physical mutations table, the demonic attributes table,
the psychic powers table, the super powers table, and the supernatural attributes table.

Lesser Demon
Roll on the creature table or the fantastic peoples table and add the mutation Crossbreed.
Make the demon human-sized if it isn’t already. Then, the following:
• Add 1d3 demonic attributes, in addition to the mutations all demons have.
• Add 1d3 mutant features and a Telltale for each.
• Add 1d4-1 pieces of demonic equipment and a Demonic Phenomenon for each.
• Add 1d6 random mutation (roll 1d1000 for each). If the demon has a patron, you
may replace one or two unwanted mutations with random mutations possessed by the

Roll for a motivation. SC
236 swords of the chaos lords
Random Demons
Begin by rolling infernal characteristics and do not stop until you think you might understand
this demon and know how to use it. Then roll for a motivation, if you need one, and give this
demon any demonic attributes and demonic equipment it needs to be fully fleshed out, or roll
for them, if you feel like it.
You can also start with a beastling, demonic steed, familiar, greater demon, or lesser
demon, and simply add infernal characteristics, or replace a random number of its mutations
with infernal characteristics.

Demons are the corrupters of humanity, the antithesis of civilization and the social lives
of mortals. As such, they need to have goals to follow, so they do not end up becoming
stereotypical cardboard-cutout villains.
Greater demons are dedicated to managing their infernal domains, feuding with others,
and advancing any number of plans to corrupt mortals based on their interests, so they do not
require specific motivations. Demonic steeds are usually too busy being steeds to follow any of
these motivations. Familiars, lesser demons, and random demons may benefit from focusing
on one of these motivations, however.
► Roll 1d20 for a demon’s motivation:
1 Infernal phenomena follow this demon around; its only goal is to keep moving.
2 This demon is wantonly cruel and violent, with no set plan.
3 This demon cares not for the material world of mortals and wreaks chaos in a
manner that vacillates between petty and distracted.
4-5 This demon has been charged with promoting a specific sin, before all others.
6 This demon has been charged with the ruination of a specific person, either to
tempt or discredit them.
7 This demon helps the rich and powerful exploit their fellows.
8 This demon inspires the careless expenditure of industrial resources without regard
for the future or other people, so that they are used up to no good purpose.
9 This demon inspires carnal depravity, heartbreak, and/or abominations of birth.
10 This demon inspires envy and jealousy of others, which should grow into spite.
11 This demon inspires greed, hoarding, and inequality of resources.
12 This demon inspires mortals to commit murder.
13 This demon inspires mortals to war against each other, in whatever way possible.
14 This demon inspires sloth and laziness, so that normal problems become
15 This demon is dedicated to creating famine by encouraging irresponsible usage
of agricultural resources.
16-17 This demon targets a specific occupation or profession and tempts them into sin.
18-19 This demon targets a specific social class and tempts them into sin.
20 This demon’s goal is to spread disease.

swords of the chaos lords 237
infernal characteristics
These characteristics can be used to give demons more personality, or they can be the sole
means of generating a demonic spirit, whether summoned or not.
► Roll 1d1000 for infernal characteristic:
1 Accompanied by the sound of water. 42 Can foretell the future.
2 Always appears distracted. 43 Can induce astral visions in mortals.
3 Always whispers. 44 Can locate what a mortal has lost.
4 The Ancient Enthroned. 45 Can make mortals blind or deaf.
5 An ancient man with no eyes. 46 Can make solid objects melt.
6 An angel with black wings. 47 Can make the air thinner.
7 Appears as a bartender. 48 Can only speak in flatteries.
8 Appears as a blackbird or thrush. 49 Can only wreak ruin and sorrow.
9 Appears as any type of woman. 50 Can read minds and create illusions.
10 Appears in the form of a cat. 51 Can smell gold from miles away.
11 Appears wearing antiquated armour. 52 Can speak to animals.
12 An archer with golden arrows. 53 Can take the form of a black cat.
13 An armed soldier with a lion’s head. 54 Can transform mortals into birds.
14 Attended by ghostly trumpeters. 55 Can turn any metal into gold.
15 The Bane of Fools. 56 Can turn living creatures into stone.
16 A barbed whip. 57 Can turn stones into snakes.
17 A bearded man. 58 Carries a bloody flail.
18 A beautiful maiden dressed in white. 59 Carries a pair of red hot brands.
19 A beggar with too much pride. 60 Carries a skull.
20 A bird made of stone. 61 Carries a toy bird.
21 Black hood and black leather. 62 Carries a winter cloak in summer.
22 The Black Mirror. 63 Carries a wooden staff.
23 A bloated, thin-limbed old crone. 64 Carries an ancient tome.
24 A bloody, broken nose. 65 Carries carved pieces of stone.
25 A body covered in scales. 66 Carries snakes in hand.
26 A brewer who pickles mortals. 67 Causes earthquakes and storms.
27 A bright red face. 68 A centaur with a huge bow.
28 The Brightest Star. 69 A charming, dapper man.
29 Brilliant green eyes. 70 Chief Executioner of Hell.
30 A bull with a human face. 71 Child of Famine.
31 Can appear as a terrible monster. 72 A coach driver, armed to the teeth.
32 Can become a crow, deer, or raven. 73 A collection of ugly vipers.
33 Can cause hallucinatory experiences. 74 Commands both fire and water.
34 Can change form at will. 75 Commands one legion of hell.
35 Can change metals into silver. 76 Controls the element of water.
36 Can change people into animals.
37 Can change shape and age.
77 Covered in a caul-like membrane.
78 A crippled child. SC
38 Can command fire to its bidding. 79 A crow covered in blood.
39 Can destroy landscapes with a word. 80 Crushed flowers.
40 Can either banish or inflict disease. 81 A dapper gentleman.
41 Can find anything buried in the earth. 82 Dark hair and a rakish goatee.
238 infernal characteristics
83 A darkly-countenanced man. 129 A giantess.
84 A dead unicorn. 130 Gives birth to savage dogs.
85 Dedicated to famine. 131 Gives birth to serpents.
86 Delights in petty cruelty. 132 Glowing hands.
87 Delights in terrorizing farmers. 133 Glows in the dark.
88 Demands human sacrifices. 134 The Great Destroyer of Cities.
89 Demands the sacrifice of children. 135 Grinds the mountains down.
90 Demon of the Frozen Earth. 136 A haggard stonecutter.
91 Demon of the Raging Fires. 137 Hair tied in ribbons.
92 A demon of the sea. 138 A hairless mare.
93 Destroyer of Dreams. 139 The Hand of Glory.
94 A diseased, rotting lion. 140 Hands Full of Ire.
95 A dog with wings. 141 A handsome knight in plate armour.
96 A dove with razor-sharp talons. 142 A handsome page.
97 A dragon with the face of a man. 143 Has a cultured tongue.
98 Dressed as a priest. 144 Has a snake instead of a tongue.
99 Dries up rivers and rends forests. 145 Has an effeminate face.
100 Drinks tea constantly. 146 Has jagged, poisonous fangs.
101 Eats cats. 147 Has power over storms and rain.
102 Emasculator of Wizards. 148 Has total control over fire.
103 The Emperor of Flames. 149 Hates animals.
104 The Empty Coffin. 150 Hates dogs.
105 Encrusted with salt. 151 Hates the law in all its forms.
106 The Endless Reign. 152 The head of a lion atop five goat legs.
107 Enjoys amputating limbs. 153 The Heart of Lies.
108 An enormous wild boar. 154 The Heart of Winter.
109 Exalted and Feared. 155 The Heart’s Yearning.
110 Excels in herbalism and poisons. 156 A heartless man that never smiles.
111 Eyes like a shark. 157 High Lord of the Air Above.
112 The eyes of an insect. 158 Hooks hang from the ceiling.
113 The Face of All Your Fears. 159 A horse covered in serpent scales.
114 The Fallen One. 160 A huge river serpent.
115 The Feasting Hound of Battle’s End. 161 Hums eerie melodies.
116 A fire-breathing snake. 162 Illustrious Deceiver.
117 Fires die in this demon’s presence. 163 Induces envy in mortals.
118 The Flayer of Slaves. 164 The Infinite Destruction.
119 Floats through the air. 165 The Insidious Serpent.
120 The Flowering Blade. 166 Insults the poor and needy.
121 Fondles gemstones as if nervous. 167 The Irreverent Blasphemy.
122 Four legs and two wombs. 168 Is a capable scientist.

SC 123
Frog-like croaking.
Fruits bleed in this demon’s hands.
Is a master of industry.
Is a torturer.
125 The Funeral Seller. 171 Is afraid of holy symbols.
126 A gemcutter, perpetually hunched. 172 Is terrible at practical matters.
127 A giant bird with brilliant plumage. 173 Is vulnerable to magic rings.
128 A giant, multi-coloured serpent. 174 It That Feeds.
infernal characteristics 239
175 The Judge of Hell. 221 The Ocean of Filth.
176 King of False Worship. 222 Often speaks in riddles.
177 King of Locusts. 223 An old crone dressed in black.
178 King of the Four Directions. 224 An old man with a long beard.
179 Knows all human languages. 225 An old woman with long grey hair.
180 Knows all that happens on rivers. 226 One hand is a stump.
181 Knows chemistry and medicine. 227 Openly hostile to childbirth.
182 Knows everything about dragons. 228 A painter, flecked with paint.
183 Knows herbalism and medicine. 229 The Pale Eyes.
184 Knows mystical secrets. 230 A pale woman.
185 Knows the magic of the stars. 231 Passes through all solid objects.
186 Knows where treasures are hidden. 232 The Patron of Anger and Vengeance.
187 A land of fire and snow. 233 Pebbles fall from the sky.
188 The Last Kiss Ever. 234 The Perpetual Nightmare.
189 Leers at men and women both. 235 The Phantom Queen.
190 Likes to beat children. 236 A pilgrim with a hoarse voice.
191 Likes to eat people. 237 A pimp and a panderer.
192 Likes to fight people. 238 A plague-ridden, dying man.
193 A lion with the wings of an eagle. 239 Pontiff of Blasphemy and Murder.
194 A lioness with eagle wings. 240 Prefers to scavenge upon battlefields.
195 Long golden hair. 241 A pretty man riding a winged horse.
196 Lord of the Terrestrial Sphere. 242 A priest with strange grey skin.
197 The Lord of War. 243 The Prince of Lies.
198 The Luminous Void. 244 A prisoner’s chains.
199 A man with the head of a dog. 245 Produces noxious fumes.
200 A man with the head of a lion. 246 Provides useful familiars.
201 A man with the head of a snake. 247 The Queen of Crawling Things.
202 The Master of Degenerate Gamblers. 248 Queen of witches.
203 A merchant holding a snake. 249 The Radiating Twilight.
204 The Merciless Jewel. 250 A ratcatcher, eating rats raw.
205 Metal rusts in this demon’s presence. 251 Rather good at strangling people.
206 Metal teeth. 252 The Ravaging Swine.
207 A midwife with dirty hands. 253 The Record Keeper of Hell.
208 A mighty peacock. 254 A red deer with a fiery tail.
209 The miller’s wife. 255 A red-eyed banker.
210 Mistress of the Wolves. 256 A red-haired man or woman.
211 The Most Passionate. 257 Rides a giant snake.
212 The Most Primal Wyrm. 258 Rides a giant viper.
213 A mouth full of insects. 259 Rides a lizard.
214 A multi-headed dragon. 260 Rides a piebald horse.
A muscular man with blue skin.
Music causes this demon pain.
Rides a red horse.
Rides a single-humped camel.
217 Music plays when this demon walks. 263 Rides a slavering, hateful bear.
218 A mutilated courtesan. 264 Rides a tiger.
219 A naked man resting on a grave. 265 Rides upon a huge black horse.
220 The Obsidian Blade. 266 A robed scholar.
240 infernal characteristics
267 Ruler of a whole order of demons. 313 That Which Can Never Be Complete.
268 The Sable Fist. 314 That Which is Terror.
269 Sapphire and opal rings. 315 This demon can swallow anything.
270 Scaly hands. 316 This demon has golden orbs for eyes.
271 A scarred and pitted face. 317 This demon is constantly weeping.
272 The Scavenging Raven. 318 This demon is easily distracted.
273 The Scintillating Blade. 319 This demon is made of crystal.
274 The Scribe of Pain. 320 This demon is preternaturally quiet.
275 A serpent woman, hissing constantly. 321 This demon often speaks in tongues.
276 Servant of None. 322 This demon spits acid from its mouth.
277 A servile, obsequious baboon. 323 This demon stays away from water.
278 A set of golden scales. 324 This demon stutters when it talks.
279 A shokeeper who sells nothing. 325 This demon taps its foot.
280 A sickly goat. 326 This demon’s body is a cage.
281 The Sign of Evil. 327 This demon’s brain is exposed.
282 Sits upon a demonic throne. 328 This demon’s feet are savage talons.
283 A skinless monkey. 329 This demon’s touch inspires apathy.
284 A sleek black panther. 330 Too many beady eyes.
285 The Sleepless Watcher. 331 Translucent skin.
286 A slim, tired-looking man. 332 Two black eyes.
287 A small, aggressive dog. 333 The Unapproachable Ruin.
288 Smells like coffee. 334 The Unguarded Fate.
289 Smells like sour apples. 335 The Unholy Light.
290 Smells like vinegar. 336 The Unpraised.
291 Smells of the ocean. 337 The Unquenchable Thirst.
292 Snakes for legs. 338 The Unredeemed.
293 A sneering troubadour. 339 The Unstained.
294 A snorting bull with bat wings. 340 Uses insects as messengers.
295 A soldier riding a horse. 341 A very large man riding a dragon.
296 Sovereign of the Abyss. 342 A wealthy student.
297 Speaks in a raspy, painful whisper. 343 Wears a crown.
298 Speaks in a throaty whispering voice. 344 Wears silk and ermine.
299 Speaks softly. 345 The whip, the chain, the iron cage.
300 Speaks to animals. 346 Will occasionally go berserk.
301 Speaks well of revolutionaries. 347 Wind blows all around this demon.
302 Spits fire. 348 Wind blows all around this demon.
303 The Splendour of Oblivion. 349 A winged wolf with a scorpion tail.
304 The Star that Falls. 350 The Wisdom of Darkness.
305 Steals familiars from other wizards. 351 A withered and desiccated man.
306 Steals jewellery. 352 A woman covered in sores.

SC 307
Stone crumbles at this demon’s touch.
A stumbling leper.
A woman made of obsidian.
A woman robed and hooded.
309 The Surface of Glass. 355 A woman with the wings of a hawk.
310 A swarthy man. 356 A woman with two swords.
311 A tax collector, venal and sly. 357 A young knight riding a crocodile.
312 A terrible leopard. 358 A young man with white hair.
infernal characteristics 241
359 Able to create one specific emotion in mortals.
360 Accompanied by all manner of musicians.
361 Accompanied by a carpet of writhing snakes.
362 Accompanied by demonic cats, rats, and snakes.
363 Accompanied by hailstones that have small worms inside them.
364 Accompanied by a hideous buzzing sound.
365 Accompanied by hordes of black moths.
366 Accompanied by many debauched and lusty companions.
367 Accompanied by one thousand and one flies.
368 Accompanied by the smell of camels, orange blossoms, and the desert sands.
369 Accompanied by the sound of bells, both great and small.
370-371 Accompanied by thunder and lightning.
372 Accompanied everywhere by the sound of dripping water.
373-374 Advises summoners to resort to violence.
375 An aged scholar, laden down with books and scrolls.
376-377 Always knows exactly what mortals are feeling.
378 An amphibious man, with eyes scattered all over his body.
379 An androgynous youth dressed in finery and jewels.
380 An angel with the head of a lion, the feet of a falcon, and the tail of a hare,
though these last two can be hidden by flowing robes.
381 An angel, dressed all in purple, with white and purple wings.
382-383 Animals feel pain in this demon’s presence.
384 Answers questions regarding the private affairs of any and all aristocrats.
385-386 Anyone killed in this demon’s presence becomes an angry ghost.
387 Anyone in this demon’s presence feels sharp needles of pain at random intervals.
388-389 Anyone who prays in this demon’s presence will vomit insects.
390 Appears as an amalgam of various earthly avians, in a gigantic form.
391 Appears as a bull with the wings of a hawk, but can be commanded to assume
the form of man with strong magics.
392 Appears as a child of any gender with angel wings, riding a dragon.
393 Appears as a handsome man or woman, often wearing a crown, dressed as a soldier.
394 Appears as a king, with all the symbolic trappings at hand.
395 Appears as a man dressed all in black, always equipped with silverware cutlery
and all the dishes necessary for a bountiful feast.
396 Appears as a man or a camel, depending on whether the summoner wishes to
travel to the mystical desert of dreams upon his back.
397 Appears as a man who has been stabbed any number of times, the hilts of
swords and knives still protruding from his body.
398 Appears as a mermaid, either beautiful or hideous, as is her wont.
399 Appears as a normal person and pretends to be a spirit medium.

400 Appears as an old man or a boy, carrying a large hourglass filled with pale
desert sand who makes ominous predictions whenever the sand runs out.
401-402 Appears as a person of a profession that makes the summoner uneasy.
403-404 Appears as a person of the highest social class.
405-406 Appears as a person of whatever gender makes the summoner least at ease.
407 Appears as a queen who has been murdered—hanged, stabbed, burned, what
have you—and floats in the air, a foul wind swirling all about her.
242 infernal characteristics
408 Appears as a ravaged and mutilated king riding a pale horse.
409 Appears as the summoner’s exact mirror image, but with a different voice.
410-411 Appears as an ugly person of whatever gender the summoner is attracted to most.
412 Appears as a vision of stars and pentacles.
413 Appears as a woman using all the most recent technologies and cultural
innovations the societies of the world have to offer.
414 Appears as either a man or woman, but always someone in the prime of their
life, and always occupied by a book.
415 Appears as living spheres or winged globes that can grow and shrink in size.
416 Appears as some combination of a lion, a goat, and a snake, but is always changing.
417 Appears as some kind of half-human, half-fish creature.
418 Appears as the corpse of a man, cold as ice, with snakes writhing inside his clothes.
419-420 Appears as the stereotypical image of an angel, whatever that might be for the times.
421-422 Appears as whatever kind of authority figure the summoner is supposed to
respect and fear.
423 Appears as whatever type of person puts the summoner most at ease.
424 Appears clad in metal armour and luxurious animal furs.
425-426 Appears disguised as a woman the summoner knows.
426 Appears in the form of a child, and grows older over the course of a day, until
it is a decrepit corpse at midnight.
427 Appears in the form of a drowned girl, though she can create the illusion of
healthy life for limited periods of time.
428 Appears in the form of a man, mauled and bleeding, carried around in the
mouth of a bear.
429-430 Appears in the guise of one of the summoner’s closest relatives, friends, or
lovers, and acts dispassionate and bored.
431-432 Appears in the guise of someone recently deceased, that the summoner knows.
433 Appears only upon the water, never the land.
434-435 Appears to be a supporter of a cause the summoner hates, fears, or dislikes.
436 Appears to be half-human, half-animal.
437 Appears with a bowl of seafood and eats from it languidly.
438-439 Appears with the head and feet of a goat.
440 Appears with wings and a flaming third eye on forehead.
441 An armoured angel with glowing peacock wings.
442 An armoured woman with stumps instead of feet, riding a lion.
443 Assumes the form of a beautiful young man or woman for short periods of
time in order to seduce a mortal.
444 A bearded man with an enormous erect phallus.
445 A beautiful angel riding a chariot made of fire.
446 A beautiful maiden who lures men into dangerous places where they die.
447 A beautiful woman with flowing, golden tresses.

SC 448
Bestows wisdom for a time to a summoner.
A black crane that speaks in a booming voice.
450 Blood drips from the walls and mortals suffer stigmata in this demon’s presence.
451 A bloody, viscous fluid leaks from this demon’s mouth at inopportune times,
staining anything it touches and solidifying rapidly.
452 The Boatman of Hell who ferries souls across its many rivers.
infernal characteristics 243
453-454 A brilliant light shines from behind this demon.
455 Can appear as a cat, a man, or a toad—or any combination of the three.
456 Can become ghostly and intangible at will.
457 Can become human in appearance, if harangued about it long enough.
458 Can boil and churn the seas and destroy mortal’s creations upon the shores.
459 Can build high walls and towers with a wave of a hand.
460 Can call lightning down from a clear sky.
461 Can cause both vertigo and minor gravitational anomalies.
462 Can cause mortals to age or grow younger.
463 Can change into an ordinary-looking cat and serve the summoner as a familiar.
464 Can change water, wine, blood, oil, and vinegar into each other and likes to
use this as a prank.
465-466 Can clothe itself in illusions to accompany the summoner in polite company,
but will always act most stern and severe.
467-468 Can command animals, which causes them pain.
469 Can control the wind and the clouds and bring storms.
470 Can control winds and storms and seas, and never tires of drowning men and
overturning ships.
471 Can erect wondrous houses, castles, and towers.
472-473 Can extend a mortal’s lifespan to three hundred years.
474 Can fetch superior horses for the summoner, or steal money.
475-476 Can find a familiar animal for the summoner.
477 Can find and command snakes of all kinds.
478 Can give an account of any soul who died in sin, for it knows them all.
479 Can impart the knowledge of rhetoric and oratory to a summoner so they can
sway the hearts and minds of others.
480 Can induce both hunger and vomiting in mortals.
481 Can inflict sores and wounds from a distance.
482-483 Can instantly transport the summoner to a new location.
484 Can make a man appear monstrous so his fellows attack and kill him.
485-486 Can make barren women fertile again, but their children will be demons.
487 Can possess the bodies of the elderly and often uses them to communicate.
488 Can produce valuable gemstone and transform lead into gold, though these
illusions never last long.
489 Can produce waves of light in any colour.
490 Can reanimate corpses and make them answer questions truthfully.
491 Can restore dead people to life—though they will be marked by infernal taint.
492-493 Can see the past of any location.
494-495 Can show the summoner what is inside the ancient tombs of forgotten empires.
496 Can show the summoner where hidden papers are located.

497 Can spot cheats and thieves, recover stolen goods, and find hidden treasures.
498-499 Can sprint at amazing speeds by running on all fours.
500 Can summon rains of fire upon the summoner’s enemies.
501-502 Can transmute metals into gold and water into wine.
503 Can treat disease or transfer it from person to person.
504 Can turn coal into gold and vice versa.
244 infernal characteristics
505 Carried upon a palanquin by emaciated, sunburnt albinos.
506 Carries a sharp knife and rides a pale horse.
507-508 Carries a torch or lantern and is an inveterate arsonist.
509-510 Carries a vast supply of plants, herbs, and poisons.
511 Carries all sorts of idols and amulets and graven images.
512 Carries red-hot brands and pokers and delights in arson.
513 Causes envy, irritation, and a desire for vengeance.
514 Causes things to decay and meat to rot with a glance.
515-516 Children cry in this demon’s presence.
517 Claims to be a god of fertility and vegetation.
518-519 Clocks run backwards in this demon’s presence.
520 Clothing is painful to wear in this demon’s presence.
521 Collects the eyes of children who suffer from smallpox and attaches them to a
pillar in the middle of an infernal palace.
522 The colours fade from objects that this demon touches.
523 Commands a cruel hawk and enjoys tormenting a summoner’s enemies with it.
524 Commands a retinue of minor imps or condemned souls.
525 Commands minions to steal any book or scroll from any library.
526 Compliments given in this demon’s presence cause pain to the speaker.
527 Compulsively writes on anything within reach.
528 A crazed woman with necklaces of body parts and hands full of weapons.
529 Creates lust and rage in humans with but a touch.
530 Creates trouble for the summoner, then repeatedly saves them by using
invisibility, instant transportation to another place, or powers of persuasion.
531 A crippled woman, lusty, petulant, and forceful.
532 A dark-skinned warrior, mounted on a large, black stallion.
533 Declarations of love or friendship made in this demon’s presence always come
out wrong and sound like insults.
534-535 Delights in turning summoners invisible so they can watch how others betray them.
536 Demands human sacrifices, preferably children killed at night and fed to owls.
537 Does not like the light, and this is no affectation.
538 Doors become stuck or locked in this demons presence, but it can open them easily.
539 A dove that speaks in a scratchy monotone.
540 Dresses in long, mustard yellow wrappings and bronze chains.
541 The Duke of Defeat, the Lion of Loss.
542 Eager to gossip about other demons and reveal the truth of their origins, but
most of it is clever lies.
543 An eagle, falcon, or goshawk on the demon’s arm.
544 Emits a stench so bad that no mortal can bear it.
545-546 Encourages mortals to commit sexual assault.

547 Encourages the institution of slavery and cruelty towards slaves.
548 Encourages the sin of grave robbing above all else.
549 The End You Have Been Longing For.
550 Enjoys drinking the blood of the living and eating the flesh of the dead.
551 Enjoys killing people at noon on sunny days more than anything else in the world.
552 An enormous sea monster of infinite size.
infernal characteristics 245
553 An enormous wolf, with dangling, engorged genitals and a tongue that lolls
from its mouth and scrapes the grounds.
554-555 Everything becomes heavier in this demon’s presence.
556 A fearsome wolf with a raven’s head and a serpent for a tail.
557 A fierce dragon that is also part man and part scorpion.
558 A fire in the exact shape of a man, without smoke.
559 Fires and other light sources snuff out in this demon’s presence unless it carries
them in hand.
560 Fires burn a sickly green colour in this demon’s presence.
561 Fires burn in strange colours when this demon speaks.
562 Fond of kidnapping, rape, and treasure, but little else.
563 A fully-armoured knight with no person inside the armour.
564 The Gate Through Which All Sinners Must Pass.
565 A giant serpent that is covered in smaller serpents and attended by dragons.
566 A giant serpent, always in total darkness.
567 A gigantic fly with sixty-six mouths, six hundred wings, and six thousand eyes.
568 A gigantic yellow leopard with blazing eyes, the face of a man, and long knives
instead of forepaws.
569-570 Gives birth to all manner of biological abominations that never live more than
a few days but always attempt mayhem.
571 Glass turns back into sand when demon looks at it.
572 A gloomy sour-faced man, either dressed in a black cloak or armour.
573 A goat with the hindquarters of a fish or serpent.
574-575 Gold turns into lead in this demon’s presence.
576 A golden or iridescent scarab of any size, floating in the sky or crawling in the
dungeons below.
577 A great sea monster with many heads, including the heads of serpents, women,
and dogs.
578 A great sea serpent, its body covered in numberless crab-like legs.
579-580 The ground shakes when this demon walks.
581 A hairless man with mouths on his hands.
582 A handsome youth infected by a crazed, manic energy.
583 A handsome youth with a crown of flowers in his hair.
584 Has a collection of children’s eyes and likes to show them off.
585-586 Has a supernatural influence over a single element (fire, water, stone, weather, etc).
587 Has excellent knowledge of all sciences but is even more accomplished at poetry.
588 Has minions whose forms change constantly.
589 Has the head of an elephant with two trunks and seven tusks.
590 Has two stars on its head where horns made of light can grow.
591 Hates all buildings made of stone—they are evidence of too much pride, for
man should live in the dirt and grovel.
Hates fornication and enjoys punishing lovers.
Hates to see the colour purple on mortals, and will rage against them.
594 He Whose Name is a Killing Word.
595 The head of a bull, the tail of a fish, and snails for legs.
596 A hermaphroditic bull with a human face, six legs, and enormous genitalia.
597 A horse the size of a dog with a stag’s head, an elephant’s feet, and a boar’s tail.
246 infernal characteristics
598 A horse with the horns of an elk and a ram.
599 A huge woman, at least twice as tall as a man, with pitch black skin, covered in
peacock feathers.
600 A hulking mass composed of pieces of seemingly-random land animals.
601 A hunched woman with hair growing all over her body.
602 If any kind of force is used against this demon, glass breaks, plants wither and
die, and food spoils.
603 If summoned at dawn, this demon will perform tasks for the summoner
immediately, otherwise, it will wait for hours, making excuses.
604 If this demon is confined or limited by magic, blood will rain from the sky.
605 If you feed this demon the hair or nails of a person, they suffer any wounds the
demon suffers, except they can die and this demon cannot.
606 An impassioned man in black and gold robes.
607 An imperious man carrying a silver-inlaid wooden chest full of disease.
608 In direct sunlight, this demon’s skin slowly turns to poison ashes and flakes off,
contaminating its surroundings.
609-610 Inanimate objects move away from this demon of their own accord, as if
fleeing in terror.
611 Indoor spaces around this demon rearrange themselves into mazes slowly, and
stay jumbled-around even after it is gone.
612-613 Induces apathy and inaction in mortals, weighing down their bones, and
snuffing out their passionate spirit.
614 The infernal enforcer of agreements made between thieves.
615-616 Inflicts all manner of pain and suffering upon the summoner’s captives.
617 An ingeniously constructed mechanical man.
618 Inspires lust in mortals, inflaming their passions and commanding them to go naked.
619 The intestines of dogs gain a life of their own in this demon’s presence,
crawling out and strangling their hosts, and sometimes others.
620 Is a great forester and has earned the enmity of all tree spirits everywhere.
621 Is an excellent architect, carpenter, and mathematician.
622-623 Is eager to show the summoner how to procure the love of women.
624 Is especially fond of philosophy and uses this subject to confuse and deceive
625 Is fond of making all sorts of mechanical wonders, though its favourites are all
traps that wound anyone examining them.
626 Is fond of making nearby people invisible to the summoner.
627 Is fond of minting coins, but is an inveterate counterfeiter.
628 Is fond of transporting corpses from place to place, especially places where the
living will accidentally stumble upon them.
629 Is intensely interested in fashion, marriage, and music.
630 Is powerless against amulets made of obsidian.

631 Is powerless before a summoner who wields a hazel wand.
632 Is usually summoned in order to ward off other spirits.
633 It grows cold and dark in this demon’s presence.
634-635 It will lie and deceive constantly unless commanded properly by the summoner.
636 Knows about the movements of the stars and the strange gods that dwell
within them.
infernal characteristics 247
637 Knows all about insects and vermin and can set them any task.
638 Knows all forms of magic but is contemptuous of its practice.
639 Knows all manner of crafting and is a skilled philosopher.
640 Knows all manner of manual skills, as well as all subjects taught at universities.
641 Knows all the arts and sciences of mortals.
642 Knows all the doings that happen to the south, but nowhere else.
643 Knows all the stars and will take a summoner to visit them.
644 Knows every work of philosophy and astrology ever written by heart.
645 Knows everything there is to know about war and all battles ever fought.
646 Knows how to steal and balks at no task the summoner sets it to.
647 Knows its way around the forests, rivers, and streams of every land.
648-649 Knows of treasures guarded by other spirits and demons.
650 Knows whenever someone invents some new tool or technique.
651-652 Light dims and dies as it comes near this demon until only twilight remains.
653 Likes to dig up corpses and switch their graves.
654 Likes to grant wishes to summoners and then punish them for whatever they
wish for.
655-656 Likes to inspire bloodshed and devour human flesh.
657 Likes to prolong sieges, make soldiers march endlessly to no purpose, and see
crops engulfed in flames.
658-659 Likes to steal treasures from great kings and lords, and bring war to towns and cities.
660 A lion with the head of a donkey and the sultry mouth of a woman.
661 A lion with the head of a man or donkey.
662 A lion-faced man with scissors for hands, riding a large and muscular horse.
663 A lion-headed man riding a black horse and carrying vipers.
664 A magistrate with long, dark hair and a stern brow.
665 Makes a great show of being scared of light but this is sham.
666 A male hyena with the head of a slug and human breasts.
667 A man dressed in simple desert nomad attire or an ascetic’s loincloth.
668 A man in chains covered in desert sand.
669 A man or woman with brightly-coloured bird’s wings and the head of a leopard.
670 A man or woman, plain or handsome, but always angry.
671 A man who acts like he is in constant pain, always hobbling, rubbing his
joints, and grimacing.
672 A man with a winged lion sigil emblazoned upon his clothes.
673 A man with blue skin, a green beard, and the odd animal feature.
674 A man with dark metal skin that screeches when he moves.
675 A man with great teeth, two horns, and a sword.
676 A man with no skin, covered in writhing snakes.
677 A man with one eye, one arm, and one leg.

A man with talons for feet, the head of a bull and the head of a ram sprouting
from his shoulders.
A man with tattoos of stars all over him.
680 A man with the head of a bull and gills on his neck.
681 A man with the head of a hawk and bony plates covering his torso.
682 A man with the legs and beard of a goat.
248 infernal characteristics
683 Mates with mortal dogs in order to disgust mortals and make them give birth
to monsters.
684-685 May command mortals that are not the summoner, if their will is weak.
686-687 May sign fake contracts with summoners.
688 A mermaid with an upside-down face.
689 A mild-mannered old man riding a two-headed crocodile.
690 A morbidly obese woman with a gaping mouth.
691-692 Mortals can sense this demon’s presence and it infernal nature.
693 Mortals cannot run in this demon’s presence.
694 Mortals crave alcohol in this demon’s presence.
695-696 Mortals hear voices in their heads in this demon’s presence, urging them to
commit acts of evil.
697 Mortals in this demon’s presence age ten times as fast as normal, though their
hair and nails do not grow.
698 Mortals must crawl in this demon’s presence.
699-700 Mortals see shadows and movement out of the corners of their eyes in this
demon’s presence, but there is nothing there.
701-702 Mortals taste blood and iron in this demon’s presence.
703 Mortals this demon wants to humiliate speak backwards in its presence.
704-705 Mortals who employ this demon’s services find they develop animal features
after every task completed.
706 A muscular red-haired man with blades embedded in his flesh.
707 A normal man accompanied by phantom candles.
708-709 Objects become dirty in this demon’s presence.
710 Objects float in the air around this demon.
711-712 Objects move slowly on their own in this demon’s presence.
713 Octopus tentacles peek out from under this demon’s feathers.
714 Offers to create towers or tear down an enemy’s walls.
715 An old man wearing clothes made of rotting meat.
716 Out of water, this demon crawls across the ground and cannot actually stop
touching it.
717 Persuades mortals to worship severed heads.
718 A pitiful, broken man and constantly behaves like the village idiot or an addle-
minded jester.
719 Plants grow blood-red flowers in this demon’s presence and twist into obscene shapes.
720-721 Plants wither and die in this demon’s presence.
722 A powerfully built man with very dark skin.
723 Puts people into an iron coffin to take them away.
724 The Ravaging Mother Who Devours Her Own Young.
725-726 Reveals the summoner’s secrets to others at every opportunity.
727 Rivers run red with blood (or appear to) in this demon’s presence.
SC 728
A roughly-made humanoid with spindly limbs, blank features, and no genitalia.
Ruins anything crafted by mortal hands with but a touch.
730 A scarlet bird that sings sweet but haunting songs in the voice of a child.
731 The screams and roars that come from this demon are deafening.
732 A scribe with scaly skin, dressed in clothes of an ancient style.
infernal characteristics 249
733 Seems to fall asleep at odd times, especially in the middle of a conversation or
when receiving instructions.
734 Silver turns into ashes in this demon’s presence.
735-736 Sleeping mortals have nightmares in this demon’s presence.
737 The Sleepless Dragon That Waits Forever.
738 A slight, ineffectual adult man of indeterminate age—he looks like someone
who looks young for their actual age.
739 A soldier dressed all in red except for a golden crown.
740 A soldier wearing red armour and apparel.
741 A soldier, diseased and heavily armed, riding a pale, sickly horse.
742 Sometimes this demon’s skull cracks open and its blood spills upon the
ground, turning into a black, viscous oil.
743 The sound of rushing water accompanies this demon, and actual water in its
presence heats up.
744-745 Spaces and object seem too large around this demon.
746 Speaks all languages and cannot be commanded by the summoner for longer
than one full cycle of the moon.
747 Speaks in a clear but subtle voice full of believable lies.
748 Speaks in a harsh whisper that can always be heard, even by the deaf.
749 Speaks in riddles about hidden things and mathematics.
750 Speaks mystically of many hidden things.
751 A stern-faced king who rides a pale horse.
752-753 Any still water in this demon’s presence births disease-ridden mosquitoes.
754 A strong and imposing man, always taller than the summoner, always overbearing.
755-756 Sugar turns to salt in this demon’s presence, and wine into vinegar.
757 A summoner too weak to resist this demon’s power will be crushed or drowned.
758 A tall, hunched man swathed in dark robes.
759 A tall, muscular man with a flowing beard who is constantly wet.
760 Tells obscene jokes that are not funny.
761 The text of legal contracts changes in this demon’s presence.
762 A thin man riding a pale horse that has a serpent for a tail.
763-764 Things move in the skies above this demon.
765 This demon acts paranoid, and tries to get others to buy into its persecution complex.
766 This demon always brings part of its infernal domains with it to earth.
767 This demon appears as a carrion-eating animal.
768 This demon argues compulsively against any statement made in his presence.
769-770 This demon brings storm clouds and thunder wherever its goes.
771 This demon can be imprisoned inside a bronze container.
772 This demon can call storms at sea to travel inland to its location.
773 This demon can cure a disease by taking it upon its own body, or it can take an
illness off itself and pass it to a mortal.
This demon can do all the same things every other demon can do, just not as well.
This demon can drown men with its bare hands, as sea water constantly flows off it.
776 This demon can only be summoned through an open gateway to another plane
of existence.
777 This demon can split its body into two parts—any two parts—that move and
function independently.
250 infernal characteristics
778 This demon cannot be entreated or reasoned with unless offered a foe to battle
and destroy.
779-780 This demon cannot disguise its nature or appear as a normal human.
781 This demon cannot enter a house uninvited if anyone is home.
782 This demon cannot enter a seafaring craft.
783 This demon cannot lie to mortals in words, so it pretends to have trouble
speaking. Whatever this demon steps on turns to stone and crumbles to dust.
784 This demon cannot perform acts of violence, and concentrates on other sins instead.
785-786 This demon cannot touch sacred objects.
788 This demon casually spreads vile rumours in every conversation.
789 This demon catches flies and bugs out of the air.
790 This demon causes mortals in its presence to weep or cry.
791 This demon changes shape so rapidly that its form can hardly be identified.
792 This demon claims to live at the centre of the earth, amongst fire and brimstone.
793-794 This demon conjures small object into its hands.
795 This demon constantly locked in battle with the other demons who would
encroach upon its terrain.
796 This demon coughs up small creatures that scurry off and then melt into
poisonous pools of blood.
797 This demon demands sacrifices for its favours, but those foolish enough to
provide them will find no benefit to it.
798-799 This demon demands that huge temples be built to honour it.
800 This demon desires to eat elephants and serpents.
801-802 This demon does not speak with a human voice, but communicates
telepathically. Speaking directly into the minds of mortals.
803 This demon eats with its hands and hates cutlery, even going so far as to harass
anyone who seems amenable to using a fork and knife.
804 This demon has a great mane like a lion and eyes made of fire.
805 This demon has a limited precognitive ability to see the future.
806 This demon has a shadow that pilfers small objects.
807 This demon has a single short, black horn on its forehead.
808 This demon has been cursed to roam until the day of judgment.
809-810 This demon has black wings with sharp edges.
811 This demon has fungus and mould growing all over its clothes, and leaves
samples wherever it goes.
812-813 This demon has great strength and often crushes valuable objects in its grip.
814 This demon has no reservations about revealing how it fell from grace, or how
other demons began their infernal careers.
815 This demon has no shadow and no reflection, but snakes are never very far away.
816 This demon has no shadow and three reflections.
817-818 This demon has no tongue, but can still speak.

SC 819
This demon has snakes entwined around its neck and head.
This demon has someone else’s shadow, not its own.
822 This demon has spirit servants that spy on people.
823 This demon has the body of a man, the legs of a giant toad, and the wings of a bat.
824 This demon has the heads of a dog and a crocodile sprouting from its shoulders.
825 This demon has the sound of trumpets to announce it.
infernal characteristics 251
826 This demon has wings covered in feathers made of skin.
827 This demon imitates the speech patterns of mortals in order to mock them.
828 This demon is accompanied by a host of ghostly musicians and it shouts and
roars in order to be heard above them.
829 This demon is almost blind and deaf on the material plane and will
accidentally set things on fire.
830-831 This demon is always taller than any mortal in its presence.
832 This demon is arrogant and grants wisdom that is always flawed.
833 This demon is attended by a multitude of birds.
834 This demon is attended by a retinue of dwarves, whom it punishes mercilessly
and constantly with a whip or a red hot brand.
835 This demon is best used as protection against other demons and spirits, for it
hates them almost as much as itself.
836-837 This demon is compelled to blaspheme when confronted by religion of any kind.
838 This demon is completely covered in hypnotic, multi-coloured scales.
839 This demon is covered in garish, unruly feathers.
840 This demon is cursed to constantly devour human flesh and will pester the
summoner to feed it. It is not picky about who it eats.
841 This demon is first and foremost an agent of war, eager to dispatch men to battle.
842 This demon is half woman, half sea serpent, covered in tumours.
843 This demon is impossible to communicate with or control through reason.
844 This demon is made of darkness and the body that accompanies it is only there
to provide a voice.
845 This demon is made of fire, and all manner of illusions dance within it.
846 This demon is most skilled at dispatching men to war, filing towns full of
soldiers and weapons, and causing strife between armies.
847 This demon is powered by a fearsome rage.
848 This demon is prone to removing its internal organs, which look strange and alien.
849 This demon is so deformed that it is hard to look at.
850-851 This demon is surrounded by a cloud of flies.
852-853 This demon is vengeful and never forgets a slight.
854 This demon is very lusty and uses obscene language.
855 This demon is very tidy and vain, immune to the accumulation of dirt, and
suffers no wounds except when its physical form is killed.
856 This demon lasciviously masturbates with items the summoner hands it.
857 This demon leaves small, empty snail shells wherever it goes.
858 This demon likes to tell peoples’ fortunes and give them bad news.
859 This demon lives in forests and likes to lure unwary travelers into caves and
attack them.
860-861 This demon must drink blood in order to animate its physical body when it is
animated on the material plane.
This demon must pace across whatever surface it stands upon, unable to stay still.
This demon often lights itself on fire for effect, and is immune to burning. SC
864 This demon plays knife games with its hands, moving faster than any mortal
can but never cutting itself.
865 This demon pretends to be a barber, but has no real skill at it.
866-867 This demon pretends to be the summoner’s servent when they are not around.
252 infernal characteristics
868 This demon produces mist when it moves and noxious clouds of smoke and
gas when it stands still.
869 This demon rips off its own fins and shapes them into small creatures.
870 This demon scribbles obscene and pornographic graffiti on the walls and
furniture wherever it goes.
871 This demon spends a summoner’s money without their permission.
872-873 This demon spreads disease where it goes.
874 This demon sticks pins underneath its fingernails and flagellates itself with a
barbed lash. Mortals feel nauseous in this demon’s presence.
875 This demon talks about patricide at every opportunity.
876 This demon tears its skin off constantly, even though it heals back in moments.
877 This demon ties small red threads to various objects.
878-879 This demon undertakes all tasks set by the summoner with no verve or vigour,
often bungling them.
880 This demon wears a golden belt around its waist.
881 This demon weighs souls against feathers, and never is a soul light enough to
escape judgment.
882-883 This demon will give lavish gifts that eventually turn to ashes.
884 This demon will give truthful answers to questions about secrets and sacred
things, but on other topics, it will invent and dissemble.
885 This demon will not understand commands, and can only be goaded into
attacking others.
886-887 This demon will not undertake to make life better for anyone, no matter how
much the summoner cajoles it.
888 This demon will only ever appear indoors, and is accompanied by a total
darkness in which light cannot exist.
889 This demon will stab out its eyes at random intervals, screaming hysterically
and begging forgiveness.
890 This demon would much rather stab people with rusty knives than anything else.
891-892 This demon’s alluring voice deceives by its very nature.
893 This demon’s appearance is often ruined by random attacks of cold air and
snow that follow it around.
894 This demon’s back is covered in a multitude of wings, perhaps one from each
type of earthly creature.
895 This demon’s blood and flesh are euphoric drugs, and very addictive.
896 This demon’s blood glows with an unearthly light.
897 This demon’s blood permanently stains whatever it touches.
898 This demon’s body is incredibly cold and frost forms on nearby surfaces.
899 This demon’s body is infected by strange creatures that resembles a cross
between a wood louse, a peach, and a lobster.
900 This demon’s body is missing strips of flesh that have been peeled off.

901 This demon’s body is that of a man, skin cracked and dry.
902 This demon’s clothes appear to be made out of coral.
903 This demon’s dance causes the earth to shake and buildings to collapse.
904 This demon’s demeanour is always of the most disagreeable sort—almost as if it
wants to be dispatched back to hell out of sheer disgust.
905-906 This demon’s eyes blaze with fire, as if they were mirrors facing funeral pyres.
infernal characteristics 253
907 This demon’s face is just a huge mouth.
908 This demon’s favourite trick is to show the summoner the creation of the world.
909 This demon’s flesh dissolves in water, and it will horrify mortals by destroying
parts of its body and then acting like a cripple.
910 This demon’s flesh is always covered in soot and ash.
911 This demon’s followers handle poisonous snakes.
912 This demon’s footprints, when seen, are those of random animals.
913-914 This demon’s gaze causes mortals to shiver.
915 This demon’s great lungs can blow huge gusts of wind and shout very loudly.
916 This demon’s great weakness is the power of wands made from ash or oak.
917 This demon’s greatest delight is crushing mortals beneath its many feet.
918 This demon’s greatest joy is to sink ships laden with soldiers and weapons of war.
919 This demon’s hallucinogenic venom is so powerful that merely staring at its
hypnotic scales for too long can send a mortal into paroxysms of fear.
920-921 This demon’s hands turn to claws when it is cruel.
922 This demon’s heart is black with murderous rage.
923 This demon’s helmet can detach and fly through the air, belching flaming oil
upon its foes.
924 This demon’s limbs reach as far as it wants them to.
925 This demon’s only concern is to deceive men.
926 This demon’s pockets are full of intricate machines.
927 This demon’s presence causes snows and rain.
928 This demon’s saliva numbs all feeling.
929-930 This demon’s scream can deafen mortals.
931 This demon’s skin is perpetually rotting.
932 This demon’s skin looks normal but feels like pumice rock.
933 This demon’s specialty is abusing children.
934 This demon’s surroundings slowly turn to ashes and dust.
935 This demon’s sword can kill even if imprisoned in a protective circle.
936 This demon’s thoughts can escape into the minds of mortals, their hideous
maliciousness causing an incapacitating terror.
937 This demon’s touch can cut like a knife.
938-939 This demon’s touch causes pain to mortals.
940 This demon’s touch causes things to dry up and shrivel.
941 This demon’s touch invariably causes living mortals to vomit.
942 This demon’s touch is burning hot to wood and other dead things.
943-944 This demon’s touch is freezing cold to living things.
945 This demon’s touch is like acid, fire, and razors.
946 This demon’s touch makes a man clever, for a time.
947 This demon’s vermilion-coloured hair is arranged in a tall crest upon its head.

948 This demon’s voice echoes from a great distance after it speaks, and it silently
mouths its own repeated words.
949-950 This demon’s voice echoes no matter where it is.
951 This demon’s weakness is that it cannot harm children, but can be harmed by
them, and is even burned by the touch of their skin.
952 This demon’s words etch themselves into wood and stone in her presence.
254 infernal characteristics
953 Thorns grow from them this demon’s leavings.
954 Those who drink this demon’s breast milk are paralysed.
955 Thunder and lightning and tempestuous storms accompany this demon
wherever it goes.
956 Time seems to crawl in this demon’s presence.
957 Touching this demon causes mortals to gain hideous mutations.
958 Trees and plants bend and twist in this demon’s presence.
959 An ugly, hairy dwarf with misshapen, bandy legs.
960 Understands the songs of birds, the barks of dogs, and the voice of the rivers
and streams.
961 A vagrant with bat wings and the head of a dog, which can speak normally.
962 A vain man, dressed in fancy clothes and makeup.
963 Vermin die in this demon’s presence, drowning in wax that spontaneously
forms in their lungs and internal organs.
964-965 The voices of dead people follow this demon around.
966 A voluptuous woman, her fine features marred by hate and arrogance.
967 Vomits large pieces of sod and dirt and stomps them into the ground.
968 Any water in this demon’s presence incongruously changes temperature.
969-970 Water tastes like urine in this demon’s presence.
971 A wealthy man, his hair gone white with age but his body’s strength undiminished.
972 Whatever this demon’s shadow rests on for more than a minute begins to melt.
973 When this demon drinks a person’s blood, it gains their memories.
974 When this demon speaks only ashes come out of its mouth.
975 Will always warn the summoner about hostile wizards (it knows them all).
976 Will create the illusion of love between a man and a woman, then remove this
magical influence after days or weeks and sow discord between them.
977 Will deceive and dissemble unless commanded properly.
978 Will encourage the summoner at every turn to behave like a monarch with
absolute authority and to challenge all authority others claim to have.
979-980 Will endeavour to set men to fighting and war, and will be less than
enthusiastic about all other tasks the summoner asks of it.
981-982 Will make young, beautiful strangers fall in love with the summoner.
983 Will occasionally strike out at people with sharp rocks.
984 Will show the summoner what any other mortal has written in secret.
985-986 Will teach the arts of witchcraft in exchange for sacrifices.
987-988 Wine turns to dust in this demon’s presence.
989 A winged dog with a puny, shrivelled body.
990-991 Winter follows this demon where it goes.
992 A woman covered in rose thorns, with a scorpion’s tail.
993 A woman with grey skin and glowing eyes.
994 A woman with the horns of a ram and a bull, and flaming eyes.
SC 995-996
Wombs in this demon’s presence become permanently barren.
Wood in this demon’s presence is transformed into glass.
998 Wounds putrefy when this demon looks at them, filling up with worms and
flies immediately.
999 A young boy or girl with angel’s wings, riding a two-headed dragon.
1000 A young girl of average appearance and conservative dress.
swords of the chaos lords 255
summoning mishap table
Conjuring infernal creatures is dangerous work, and can easily go wrong.
► Roll 1d100 for summoning mishap:
1 The air around the summoning area feels thick and heavy and everyone moves
at half their normal speed.
2 All churches within 1d10 miles collapse.
3 All of the summoner’s hair falls out.
4 All plants within 1d10 miles of the summoning wither and die.
5 All standing water within 1d10 miles of the summoning evaporates.
6 An ancient, terrible cult is made magically aware of the summoner’s identity
and whereabouts.
7 An angel arrives to punish the summoner for hubris and blasphemy.
8 Blood pours down the nearby walls.
9 Boils and sores break out all over the summoner’s body.
10 The dead within a mile of the summoning rise from their graves.
11 Dead, twisted trees sprout from the ground, their limbs showing the agonized
features of the souls of dead witches.
12 Demon manifests as part of the summoner’s body.
13 Demon manifests inside the summoner’s mind.
14 The earth around the summoning is rendered barren and infertile for all time.
15 Eight demons arrive, one at a time, one each day, in the same spot.
16 The entire area around the summoning for 1d10 miles in every direction is
covered in a thick layer of frost.
17 An interplanar portal opens and the legions of Hell pour forth en masse.
18 Magic now makes the summoner feel like there are bugs underneath their skin.
19 Nearby animals arrive and attack the summoner.
20 A rain of fishes, frogs, or lizards accompanies the summoning.
21 A random acquaintance of the summoner takes ill and dies.
22 A random member of the summoner’s family dies.
23 A random person is summoned instead of the intended spirit.
24 The sky above the summoning is rent asunder and lightning cascades down to
the ground engulfing anyone nearby not standing within a summoning circle.
25 The sky above the summoning splits and the light of heaven pours down to
reveal the summoner’s blasphemy.
26 The smell of sulphur in the area is chokingly overpowering.
27 The summoned demon is already upon the Earth somewhere—and switches
places with the summoner.
28 Summoner ages 1d20 years.
29 Summoner always feels too hot after performing magic from now on.
30 Summoner appears to friends as a foe and to foes as someone they do not
recognize for two weeks and one day.
31 Summoner awakens the next morning, in bed beside a corpse. SC
32 Summoner becomes hunchbacked.
33 Summoner becomes sterile, though it may still be possible to have demon children.
34 Summoner becomes younger, by 1d20 years.
35 Summoner can no longer abide the touch of gold or silver.
256 swords of the chaos lords
Summoning Mishaps
36 Summoner can no longer drink alcohol. It is poison.
37 Summoner can no longer drink unadulterated water. It is poison.
38 Summoner can no longer eat cooked food. It is poison.
39 Summoner can no longer enjoy food. It tastes like ashes.
40 Summoner can no longer enter a house or other dwelling uninvited.
41 Summoner can no longer speak words of kindness until exorcised.
42 Summoner can no longer stand the touch of cold iron.
43 Summoner can now see ghosts, but not interact with them.
44 Summoner can only sleep during the day from now on, and must be awake all
night, every night.
45 Summoner develops a “witch’s mark.”
46 Summoner develops a random mutation of the mind.
47 Summoner develops a random physical mutation.
48 Summoner develops a slow, wasting disease, whose symptoms only summoned
demons can mitigate.
49 Summoner develops a terrifying hunger for human flesh that must be satisfied,
if only once.
50 Summoner develops an unnatural thirst for human blood that must be
satisfied, if only once.
51 Summoner develops stigmata.
52 Summoner forgets the last 1d10 years.
53 Summoner forgets the last 1d20 months.
54 Summoner gains 1d4×100 pounds of weight.
55 Summoner gains a club foot.
56 Summoner goes berserk and attacks the nearest person.
57 Summoner is always cold to the touch after performing magic from now on.
58 Summoner is blacklisted by Hell and can no longer summon demons.
59 Summoner is carried off by flying demons.
60 Summoner is now a werewolf.
61 Summoner is turned to stone.
62 Summoner loses half their body weight and appears emaciated if still alive.
63 Summoner loses the ability to feel one random emotion.
64 Summoner must complete an autobiography, to be deposited in the libraries of
Hell, within the month, or die.
65 Summoner must feed the summoned demon one pound of flesh or be struck dead.
66 Summoner must have sexual congress with another mortal while possessed by
the summoned spirit to avoid being permanently possessed.
67 Summoner must have sexual congress with the summoned demon to avoid
being harmed.
68 Summoner must murder someone else or be haunted by the summoned spirit
SC 69
for life.
Summoner must physically wrestle the summoned demon or spirit for
70 Summoner must sacrifice all their wealth to complete the summoning.
swords of the chaos lords 257
Summoning Mishaps
71 Summoner must walk through Hell for 1d100 days in order to reach the
summoned demon and make a deal. No demons attack the summoner during
this trip unless attacked themselves.
72 Summoner now carries an infectious disease but suffers no symptoms.
73 Summoner now sees locations where a murder has been committed as they
looked just after the crime, and cannot shake these hallucinations.
74 Summoner now vomits profusely every morning and again at every dusk.
75 Summoner receives an unpleasant prophecy of future events.
76 Summoner reeks of death from now on.
77 Summoner speaks in tongues to anyone but the summoned spirit for a week
and a day.
78 Summoner splits into two almost-identical beings, one of which is inhabited
by the summoned spirit.
79 Summoner suffers nightmares from now on.
80 Summoner takes on the summoned demon’s appearance when the sun goes down.
81 Summoner’s 1d6 most hated foes are all informed by letter of the summoned
demon’s intentions to murder them.
82 Summoner’s blood turns to clear liquid of a random type.
83 Summoner’s body becomes covered in brands.
84 Summoner’s body is possessed by the summoned spirit. Summoner’s soul
transferred into the body of a random animal.
85 Summoner’s clothes attempt murder of their own volition.
86 Summoner’s face is paralysed for 1d100 days.
87 The summoner’s flesh becomes malleable for one day and night, then sets.
88 Summoner’s hair turns bone white in an instant.
89 Summoner’s mouth spits forth a random object from the far future.
90 Summoner’s shadow leaves and does who-knows-what for 1d10 days.
91 Summoner’s tears turn to blood, always, from now on.
92 Summoner’s teeth and nails turn to iron.
93 Summoner’s voice changes to something totally incongruous, considering their
appearance and demeanour.
94 The summoning actually lasts 1d100 days and no one from the outside can tell
it is happening or interfere in any way.
95 The summoning is accompanied by clothes made from human skin that the
summoner must wear for 1d100 days or fall ill and die.
96 The summoning is accompanied by the resurrection of one random foe slain
by the summoner.
97 The summoning is surrounded by a wall of fire that produces thick, acrid smoke.
This fire dies down by itself after the summoning, but takes a while to do so.
98 A thick fog accompanies the summoner and never quite leaves.

99 Two demons are summoned—one lesser, one greater—but the summoner can
contain only one of them. The other is unleashed upon the world.
100 When the summoning is over, the summoner is standing in some distant
location, 1d6 days before the summoning began.
All of the following works influenced or inspired The Metamorphica in some way:

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Dungeon Master Guide, edited by Dave “Zeb”
Cook (TSR, 1989).
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide, by Gary Gygax (TSR, 1979).
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual II, by Gary Gygax (TSR, 1983).
Aeon Trinity, by Andrew Bates et al. (White Wolf, 1997).
“At the Mountains of Madness,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Astounding Stories 16, no. 6, and
Astounding Stories 17 nos. 1-2 (Street & Smith Publications, 1936).
Buttery Wholesomeness, by Daniel Thron, Todd Shaugnessey, and Chris Elliot (Dirt Merchant
Games/Black Dog Game Factory, 1995).
Call of Cthulhu, 4th ed., by Sandy Petersen and friends (Chaosium, 1989).
Carcosa, 2nd ed., by Geoffrey McKinney (Lamentations of the Flame Princess, 2011).
Central Casting: Heroes of Tomorrow, by Paul Jacquays (Task Force Games, 1989).
The Colour of Magic, by Terry Pratchett (Colin Smythe, 1983).
Dark Heresy, by Owen Barnes, Kate Flack, and Mike Mason (Black Industries, 2008).
DC Heroes Role Playing Game, by Greg Gorden et al (Mayfair Games, 1985).
deadEarth Players Handbook, 2nd ed., by J. T. Smith and Chris Hagness (The Game Crafter, 2002).
Dictionary of Mu, by Judd Karlman (2006).
Don’t Rest Your Head, by Fred Hicks (Evil Hat Productions, 2006).
Don’t Lose Your Mind, by Benjamin Baugh (Evil Hat Productions, 2008).
“The Double Helix Connection,” by Michael Brown, in Dragon 109 (TSR, 1986).
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, by H. P. Lovecraft (Arkham House, 1943).
“The Dreams in the Witch House,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Weird Tales 22, no. 1 (Popular
Fiction Publishing, 1933).
Dungeons & Dragons: Fantasy Adventure Game Basic Rulebook, edited by Tom Moldvay (TSR, 1981).
Dungeons & Dragons: Fantasy Adventure Game Expert Rulebook, edited by Dave Cook (TSR, 1981).
Empire of Satanis, by Darrick Dishaw (2005).
Encounter Critical, by S. John Ross (Cumberland Games, 2004).
The Random Esoteric Creature Generator: For Classic Fantasy Games and their Modern
Simulacra, by James Edward Raggi IV (Goodman Games, 2008).
Evil Ascending, by Michael A. Stackpole (Game Designers Workshop, 1991).
Fantastic Four 1-102, by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (Marvel Comics, 1962-1970).
Freak Legion: A Players Guide to Fomori, by Bill Bridges et al (White Wolf, 1995).
Freebooters on the Frontier, by Jason Lutes (Lampblack & Brimstone, 2015).
“Gamma Terra Revisited,” by Kim Eastland, in Dragon 194 (TSR, 1993).
Gamma World, 1st ed., by James M. Ward and Gary Jaquet (TSR, 1978).
Gamma World, 2nd ed., by James M. Ward, David James Ritchie, and Gary Jaquet (TSR, 1983).
Gamma World, 4th ed., by Bruce Nesmith and James M. Ward (TSR, 1992).
Gamma World, 7th ed., by Richard Baker and Bruce R. Cordell (Wizards of the Coast, 2010).
Geek Love, by Katherine Dunn (Alfred A. Knopf, 1989).
“The Grotesque,” by Joe Mcdaldno (2011).
GURPS Basic Set, 3rd ed., by Steve Jackson (Steve Jackson Games, 1991).
GURPS Bio-Tech, by David Pulver (Steve Jackson Games, 1997).
“Hazards of Prophecy,” by Arthur C. Clarke, in Profiles of the Future (Harper & Row, 1962).
Heroes Unlimited, 2nd ed., by Kevin Siembieda (Palladium, 1998).
“How Green Was My Mutant,” by Gary Gygax, in Best of Dragon 1 (TSR, 1995).
Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, by Bruce R. Cordell (Malhavoc Press, 2004).
Icons, by Steve Kenson, Walt Ciechanowski, Morgan Davie, and Gareth-Michael Skarka
(Adamant Entertainment/Cubicle 7, 2010).
Immortal: The Invisible War, by Ran Ackels (Precedence Publishing, 1994).
Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth 1-37, by Jack Kirby (DC Comics, 1972-1976).
Kindred of the East, by Robert Hatch et al (White Wolf, 1998).
The King in Yellow, by Robert W. Chambers (F. Tennyson Neely, 1895).
Kult, 1st American ed., by Gunilla Johnsson and Michael Petersén (Metropolis, 1993).
Kult Player’s Companion, by Terry Kevin Amthor and James Estes (Target Games, 1996).
Lamentations of the Flame Princess: Weird Fantasy Role-Playing Grindhouse Edition, by James
Edward Raggi IV (Lamentations of the Flame Princess, 2011).
Lyonesse: Suldrun’s Garden, by Jack Vance (Miller/Underwood, 1983).
Magic Burner, by Luke Crane (BWHQ, 2008).
Magical Burst, by Ewen Cluney (draft, 2011).
Marvel Super Heroes, by Jeff Grubb and Steve Winter (TSR, 1984).
“Maze Rats,” by Ben Milton, in Odditional Materials (Lost Pages, 2015).
Metamorphosis Alpha, by James M. Ward (TSR, 1976).
Monster Burner, by Luke Crane (BWHQ, 2004).
Mutant Future, by Daniel Proctor and Ryan Denison (Goblinoid Games, 2008).
Mutant Omega, by Dyson Logos (draft, 2010).
Mutants in Orbit, by James Wallis and Kevin Siembieda (Palladium, 1992).
“Mutations Unlimited,” by Kim Eastland, in Dragon 131 (TSR, 1988).
Mutilator: Survivors of the Wasteland, by Toren Atkinson.
Noctuary, by Thomas Ligotti (Carrol & Graf, 1994).
“Omega World,” by Jonathan Tweet, in Polyhedron 153 / Dungeon 94 (Paizo Publishing, 2002).
Paranoia, by Daniel Seth Gelber et al (West End Games, 1984).
Perdido Street Station, by China Miéville (Macmillan, 2000).
Planet Algol, by Blair Fitzpatrick (
The Players Guide to the Sabbat, by Steven C. Brown (White Wolf, 1992).
Pollen, by Jeff Noon (Ringpull, 1995).
Post-Apocalyptic Hero, by Steven S. Long (DOJ, Inc., 2007).
Postmodern Magick, edited by John Tynes (Atlas Games, 2000).
Realm of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness, by Bryan Ansell, Mike Brunton, and Simon Forrest
(Games Workshop, 1988).
Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned, by Rick Priestly and Bryan Ansell (Games
Workshop, 1990).
The Seclusium of Orphone of the Three Visions, by D. Vincent Baker (Lamentations of the
Flame Princess, 2013).
“The Shadow Out of Time,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Astounding Stories 17, no. 4 (Street &
Smith Publications, 1936).
Sorcerer, by Ron Edwards (Adept Press, 2001).
Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat, by Steven C. Brown (White Wolf, 1993).
Supplement V: Carcosa, by Geoffrey McKinney (2008).
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness, by Erick Wujcik (Palladium, 1985).
Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, by Erick Wujcik (Palladium, 1989).
Underground, by Ray Winninger (Mayfair Games, 1993).
Unknown Armies, by Greg Stolze and John Tynes (Atlas Games, 1998).
The Vampire Players Guide, 2nd ed., by Andrew Greenberg et al (White Wolf, 1993).
A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Lindsay (Methuen & Co., 1920).
Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, by Rick Priestly (Games Workshop, 1987).
“The Whisperer in Darkness,” by H. P. Lovecraft, in Weird Tales 18, no. 1 (Popular Fiction
Publishing, 1931).
“Why is this Mutant Smiling?” by John M. Maxstadt, in Dragon 96 (TSR, 1985).
The X-Men, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby (Marvel Comics, 1963-2011).
Zot! 1-36, by Scott McCloud (Eclipse Comics, 1984-1990).
260 a-b
Ability Transfer, 86. artificial qualities. See qualities table,
Absorb Inanimate Properties, 86. 201-205.
Absorb Mental Properties, 86. arts prefixes. See prefixes table, 196-200.
Addicted, 54. aspects table, 184-188.
Addictive Personality, 54. Assimilationist, 54.
Addictive Smoke, 86. Astral Projection, 88.
Adhesive Touch, 36. Atrophied or Malformed Part, 21.
adjectives table, 214. Attack Reversal, 70.
Aesthetically Attractive, 20. Attention Deficit Disorder, 64.
agility. See Decreased Agility, 38; Increased attractiveness. See Aesthetically Attractive,
Agility, 42; Twisted Frame, 35. See also 20; Emotionally Attractive, 24; Fragrant,
dexterity. 40; Sexually Attractive, 31; Strange
Air Swimmer, 86. Sound, 63.
albinism. See Pigment Deficiency, 29. Aura of Disgust, 88.
Allergies, 36. Aura of Fear, 89.
Alopecia, 20. Aura of Light, 89.
Alteration Ray, 87. Aura of Unease, 89.
Alternate Inorganic Form, 87. Aura Reading, 70.
Alternate Locomotion, 20. Autobiographical Memory, 64.
Always Afraid, 54. awareness. See Body Sense, 64; Cosmic
Ambidextrous, 36. Awareness, 94; Decreased Awareness,
ambiguous genitalia. See Intersex, 44. 64; Direction Sense, 65; Increased
Amorphous, 20. Awareness, 66; Intuition, 67. See also
amphibians and reptiles table, 136. perception.
Anaerobic, 36. Backwards Parts, 21.
Animal Control, 70. Bad Breath, 36.
Animal Enmity, 87. Bag of Creatures, 89.
Animal Feet, 20. Beak, 22.
Animal Friendship, 64. beastling tables, 159.
Animal Shapechange, 87. Become Two-Dimensional, 89.
Animated Skin, 88. behavioural mutations table, 12.
Animated Tattoos, 88. Bend Light, 89.
Animate Objects, 87. Berserker, 54.
anorexia. See Eating Disorder, 57. Bestial Face, 22.
Antennae, 20. bibliography, 258-259.
Anthropomorphic Animal, 21 Bio-Tech Assimilation, 89.
Anti-Charisma, 70. Bioluminescent, 36.
Anticipation, 64. birds table, 138.
Antlers, 21. Birthmark, 22.
Anxious, 54. Black Senses, 70.
appearance change table, 134. Blind, 36.
application aspects. See aspects table, Blood Rage, 54.
184-188. Blood Substitution, 37.
Aquatic Adaptation, 36. Blurry, 90.
aquatic animals table, 137. body: form table, 8.
Arcane Knowledge, 88. body: functions table, 10.
Arcane Tracking, 88. Body Barbs, 22.
Armour, 21. body part table, 134.
Armoured Skin, 88. Body Sense, 64.
artifacts of ficto-science tables, 182-184. Boils and Sores, 22.
b-d 261

bondage. See Sexual Fetish, 62. conjoined twin. See Siamese Twin, 31.
Book, 90. Conjuration, 92.
Book-Viewing, 90. Contrarian, 55.
Brain Washer, 91. Control Clocks, 92.
Breakdowns, 55. Control Crowds, 92.
Breath Weapon, 91. Control Earth, 92.
Bristles, 22. Controlled by Stars, 55.
Bulging Eyes, 22. Control Light, 93.
bulimia. See Eating Disorder, 57. Control Liquid, 93.
Buoyancy, 37. Control Machines, 93.
Burning Body, 91. Control Plants, 93.
Burning Inside, 91. Control Reputation, 94.
Burrower, 55. Corpse Psychometry, 94.
Cannot Cross Running Water, 91. Cosmic Awareness, 94.
Carnivore, 55. Covered in Orifices, 23.
catatonia. See Fits and Seizures, 57. Cracking Joints, 37.
Cat’s Eyes, 22. Create Darkness, 94.
Cause Fear, 72. Create Emotions, 74.
Cause Insanity, 72. Create Gas, 94.
Cause Pain, 72. creature tables, 136.
Cause Sleep, 91. Crossbreed, 95.
Chameleoline Skin, 37. Crown, 23.
Changing Colours, 22. Cryokinesis, 74.
Chaos Vector, 92. Crystalline Body, 95.
chaotic characters, 232. Cultural Flexibility, 64.
charisma. See Anti-Charisma, 70; Natural The Cure, 95.
Leader, 68; Superhuman Charisma, 120. Danger Teleport, 95.
Charm, 73. Darksight, 95.
Charred Body, 92. Daylight Stasis, 55.
Chronic Pain, 37. Deaf, 37.
Cilia, 22. Death Field Generation, 75.
Clairaudience, 73. Decreased Agility, 38.
Clairvoyance, 73. Decreased Awareness, 64.
Claws, 23. Decreased Empathy, 64.
Clothes, 23 Decreased Intellect, 65.
Clubfoot, 23. Decreased Metabolism, 38.
Cocoon, 37. Decreased Physical Stamina, 38.
Code of Honour, 55. Decreased Physical Strength, 38.
cognitive mutations table, 13. Decreased Social Aptitude, 65.
Cold Blooded, 37. Decreased Willpower, 65.
Colour Blind, 37. Deep Sleeper, 55.
colour tables (basic and extended), 135. Defensive Barbs, 38.
Commanding Voice, 73. Degenerate Gambler, 55.
Complex Mouthparts, 23. demon-possessed items table, 208.
Compulsive Behaviour, 55. Demonic Appearance, 95.
Compulsive Counting, 92. demonic attributes table, 234.
Compulsive Liar, 55. demonic equipment table, 234.
Computer Brain, 64. Demonic Phenomena, 96-99.
Computer Link, 92. demonic steeds, 234.
Confuse, 74. Demonologist, 100.
262 d-f index

demons, 232, 234-236. Emotionally Attractive, 24.

Density Control, 100. Emotional Projection, 75.
Dependency, 56. Emotionless, 66.
Depression, 56. empathy. See Decreased Empathy, 64;
detrimental mental mutations table, 146. Emotionally Attractive, 24; Increased
detrimental physical mutations table, 147. Empathy, 67; Psychic Empathy, 82;
device forms. See forms table, 191-195. Sociopathic, 63; Superhuman Charisma,
Devolver, 100. 120.
dexterity. See Finesse, 40; Poor Dexterity, Energy Absorption, 102.
46; Stiff Joints, 51. See also agility. Energy Blast, 102.
Diabetes, 38. Energy Negation Field, 102.
Diffused Organs, 23. Energy Redirection, 103.
Dimensional Instability, 100. Energy Sensitivity, 103.
Directional Sense, 65. Enhanced Musculature, 39.
Disciplined, 65. Enhanced Nervous System, 66.
disease. See The Cure, 95; Disease Carrier, Enhanced Senses, 66.
38; Evil Eye, 103; Immune to Disease, Enhance Mutations, 66.
42; Increased Susceptibility to Illness, 43. Enlarging Mouth, 39.
Disease Carrier, 38. Enormously Fat, 24.
Dissent Parasite, 101. Enter Mind, 75.
Divine Avatar, 101. Entropic Precision, 103.
Divisional Body Segments, 101. epilepsy. See Fits and Seizures, 57.
domain aspects. See aspects table, 184-188. Erase Memories, 76.
dominance. See Sexual Fetish, 62. Ethereal Projection, 103.
Dominant, 56. Evil Eye, 103.
Doppelgänger, 23. Excessive Sleeper, 57.
Double Jointed, 39. Excretion, 39.
Double Mouth, 23. Exorcist, 103.
Dreamless, 65. Exotic Genitalia, 24.
Drone, 56. experimental mutant characters, 222.
Drone Producer, 56. Explode Object, 103.
Dual Attention, 65. Explosive Death, 39.
Dual Brain, 65. Extensible Limbs, 39.
Duplication, 101. External Digestion, 57.
Dyslexia, 65. Extra Eyes, 24.
Early Maturation, 39. Extra Fingers and Toes, 24.
Earthquake Prediction, 65. Extra Joints, 24.
Eat Anything, 101. Extra Orifices, 24.
Eating Disorder, 57. Extremely Thin, 24.
Ectoplasmic Hands, 75. Eye Scrying, 103.
Editorial Evaluation, 66. Eye Stalks, 24.
effect table, 189-191. Face of a Demon, 104.
Efficient Digestion, 39. Face of a Demon-God, 104.
Egg Layer, 57. Faith, 57.
Eidetic Memory, 66. False Body, 104.
Elasticity, 101. familiar characters, 235.
Electrical Generation, 39. Familiarity, 76.
Electrical Travel, 101. Fangs, 25.
Electromagnetic Disruption, 39. fantastic animals, 140.
Elemental Body, 102. fantastic peoples, 141.
index f-h 263

Fast Hair Growth, 40. Hangover Resistance, 41.

Fast Movement, 40. Headaches, 58.
favourable mental mutations table, 148. Headless, 25.
favourable physical mutations table, 149. Heal Brain, 77.
Fear of Sacred Objects, 57. Healing, 77.
Feathers, 25. Heal Others, 106.
Featureless Face, 105. hearing. See Antennae, 20; Block Senses,
features table, 215-216. 70; Clairaudience, 73; Deaf, 37;
ficto-science. See artifacts of ficto-science Enhanced Senses, 66; Heightened
tables, 182-184. Hearing, 41; Protected Senses, 47; Zone
Fin, 25. of Silence, 131.
Finesse, 40. Heat Drain, 77.
Fire in the Head, 76. Heightened Hearing, 41.
Firewalker, 76. Heightened Olfactory Memory, 66.
Fits and Seizures, 57. Heightened Sense of Smell and Taste, 41.
Flaking Skin, 25. Heightened Sense of Touch, 41.
Flaming Skull Face, 105. Hemihypertrophy, 25.
Flammable Skin, 105. Hemophilia, 41.
Fleshcrafter, 105. Herbivore, 58.
Flippers, 25. hermaphrodite. See Intersex, 44.
Force Field, 105. Hermaphromorph, 41.
Force Shield, 105. Hibernating, 58.
form mutations table, 8. Hideous Appearance, 25.
forms table, 191-195. High Body Temperature, 41.
Fortune Teller, 105. Highly Social, 58.
Fragrant, 40. High Pain Threshold, 41.
Freezing Body, 105. Historical Viewing, 107.
Frog Tongue, 40. Hive Mind, 66.
Fruit, 40. Hoarder, 58.
function mutations table, 10. Hollow Bones, 41.
Fur, 25. Homunculus, 107.
Fused Ribs, 25. Honest, 58.
G-Tolerance, 40. Hooks, 25.
Gas Bag, 40. Hopper, 26.
Gas Emission, 41. Horns, 26.
Gaseous Body, 105. Horrible Stench, 42.
Genetic Memory, 66. Hostility Field, 77.
geophagy. See Eating Disorder, 57. Huge Beard, 26.
Ghost Talker, 105. Huge Head, 26.
gifts of chaos table, 233. human psychic characters, 158.
Gills and Lungs, 41. Hump, 26.
Gliding Membranes, 25. Hunchback, 26.
Glittering, 105. Hunting Instinct, 58.
Glossolalia, 58. Hyperadrenal Gland, 42.
Glow, 106. hyperevolved animals, 160.
greater demons, 235. Hyperopia, 42.
Hairless, 25. Hypnotic, 78.
Hallucinations, 58. Hypochondria, 58.
Hallucinatory Possessions, 106. hysteria. See Fits and Seizures, 57.
Halo, 106. Hysterical Injury, 58.
264 i-m index

Illusion Generation, 107. Invincible Buddha, 109.

Illusionist, 78. Invisibility, 109.
illusions. See Control Light, 93; Illusion Invulnerable, 109.
Generation, 107; Illusionist, 76; Illusory Invulnerable to Weapons, 109.
Features, 107; Illusory Surroundings, 76; Iron Teeth and Nails, 109.
Immune to Illusions, 108. Irrational Hatred, 59.
Illusory Features, 107. Irritating Touch, 109.
Illusory Surroundings, 78. Kidney Stone, 44.
Immortal, 107. Kinetic Absorption, 109.
Immune to Cold, 108. Kleptomania, 59.
Immune to Disease 42. Large Ears, 26.
Immune to Energy, 108. Large Size, 26.
Immune to Heat, 108. Largesse, 59.
Immune to Illusions, 108. Leaves, 27.
Immune to Poison, 42. lesser demons, 235.
Immune to Weather, 108. Levitation, 79.
Implant Memories, 78. Life Leech, 79.
Incorporated Objects, 108. Light Dependency, 44.
Increased Agility, 42. Light Generation, 44.
Increased Appendix Size, 42. Light Manipulation, 79.
Increased Awareness, 66. Light Sensitivity, 44.
Increased Brain Size, 67. Limb Loss, 27.
Increased Empathy, 67. Limb Transference, 27.
Increased Heart and Lung Size, 42. Linguistic Aptitude, 67.
Increased Intellect, 67. Linguistic Mimic, 67.
Increased Metabolism, 43. Liquid Form, 109.
Increased Physical Stamina, 43. living items tables, 208.
Increased Physical Strength, 43. Long Face, 27.
Increased Social Aptitude, 67. Long Legs, 27.
Increased Susceptibility to Illness, 43. Long Life, 44.
Increased Willpower, 67. Long Neck, 27.
Independently Focusable Eyes, 43. Long Nose, 27.
Infected, 43. Long Tongue, 27.
infernal characteristics, 237-254. Loose Skin, 27.
Infertile, 43. Low Pain Threshold, 44.
Infinite Endurance, 108. Low Sex Drive, 44.
Inflation, 43. Lucid Dreaming, 68.
Infravision, 43. magical adventuring gear tables, 209.
Inhibiting Field, 78. Magical Affinity, 110.
Ink, 43. magical armour tables, 210.
Insomnia, 67. magical equipment tables, 211.
Inspiring Aura, 108. magical paraphernalia tables. See
Intangibility, 108. paraphernalia tables, 213.
intellect. See Decreased Intellect, 65; magical weapons tables, 212.
Increased Intellect, 67; Superhuman magic items tables, 208-213.
Intellect, 120. Magic Resistance, 109.
Internal Portal, 109. Magnetic, 110.
Internal Weapon, 26. Magnetic Control, 79.
Intersex, 44. Malformed Part. See Atrophied or
Intuition, 67. Malformed Part, 21.
index m-p 265

Malleable Body, 44. mutant hordes tables, 161-165.

Malleable Features, 45. mutant human characters, 158.
mammals table, 142-143. mutant plant characters, 158.
Mane, 28. mutant plant tables, 166-168.
Mania, 59. mutation table (main), 6.
Manic Depressive, 59. Mute, 45.
Manikin, 110. Myopia, 45.
Manipulate Gravity, 110. Mystical Third Eye, 112.
Masochism, 59. Narcolepsy, 60.
Mass Mind, 79. narcolepsy. See Fits and Seizures, 57.
materials table, 150. Natural Leader, 68.
Material Transparency, 110. Nerve Cut-Off, 45.
Math Brain, 68. Nightmare Portal, 113.
Mazewalker, 110. Nightmares, 60.
Mechanical Intuition, 68. Nocturnal, 60.
Mechanoid, 111. No Ears, 28.
Memory Palace, 68. No Eyes, 28.
Mental Blast, 80. No Nose, 28.
Mental Blockage, 68. No Pain Receptors, 45.
Mental Block Defence Tactic, 59. No Reflection, 113.
Mental Suggestion, 80. No Sense of Smell or Taste, 45.
Mercreature, 111. No Sense of Touch, 45.
metabolism. See Decreased Metabolism, No Shadow, 113.
38; Increased Metabolism, 43; Sanitized No Skin, 28.
Metabolism, 50. No Visual Memory, 68.
Metal Skin, 111. Object Bound, 113.
Microscopic Vision, 45. object forms. See forms table, 191-195.
Migratory, 59. Object Mimic, 113.
mind: behaviours table, 12. Obsessive, 60.
mind: cognition table, 13. Oddly-Shaped Tongue, 29.
Mind Attack, 80. Omnivore, 60.
Mind Cannibal, 111. One Eye, 29.
Mindless, 68. organic qualities. See qualities table,
Molecular Disruption, 111. 201-205.
Molecular Sense, 111. other animals table, 143.
monster parts tables, 151. Outbursts, 60.
monster powers tables, 152-153. Overgrown Body Part, 29.
Mostly Hairless, 28. Oversexed, 45.
Motherliness, 59. Pacifist, 60.
motivations (of demons), 236. Pain Broadcast, 81.
Multi-Stage Lifespan, 59. Painkiller, 113.
Multiple Arms, 28. Paranoia, 60.
Multiple Heads, 28. paraphernalia tables, 213.
Multiple Legs, 28. Paraplegic, 45.
Multiple Personalities, 59. Parasite Infestation, 45.
Multiplication, 112. parasitic twin. See Siamese Twin, 31.
Mutagen Producer, 112. Parthenogenesis, 45
mutant animal characters, 158, 160. Patronage, 113.
Mutant Detection, 112. Patterned Skin, 29.
mutant features tables, 154-155. perception. See Social Perception, 69;
266 p-r index

Spatial Perception, 69; Superhuman Prey Scent, 47.

Perception, 121. See also awareness. Protected Senses, 47.
Perfect Regeneration, 114. Protective Eyelids, 30.
Performance Enhancement, 46. Pseudopods, 47.
Periodic Amnesia, 60. Psychic Broadcast, 81.
Permeable Skin, 46. Psychic Cultural Adaptation, 81.
Petrifying Gaze, 114. Psychic Detection, 81.
Pheromones, 46. Psychic Empathy, 82.
Phobia, 61. Psychic Invisibility, 82.
Photosynthetic, 46. Psychic Mirror, 82.
Physical Coward, 61. psychic powers table, 14.
Physically Immature, 29. Psychic Vampire, 82.
Physical Mimic, 115. Psychoanalyze, 83.
Physical Self-Loathing, 61. Psychometry, 83.
pica. See Eating Disorder, 57. Puny, 30.
Pigment Deficiency, 29. pure strain human characters, 158.
Pincers, 30. purposes table, 217.
Pinhead, 30. Pyrokinesis, 116.
Planar Travel, 115. Pyromania, 61.
plant society tables, 169. Quadriplegic, 47.
plants table, 144-145. qualities table, 201-205.
Pointed Head, 30. Quick Learner, 68.
poison. See Blood Substitution, 37; Breath Quick Reflexes, 47.
Weapon, 91; Create Gas, 94; Excretion, Quills, Spines, or Thorns, 30.
39; Fruit, 41; Gas Emission, 41; Immune Radar, 49.
to Poison, 42; Increased Appendix Radioactive, 116.
Size, 42; Poison Glands, 46; Poison Radio Communication, 69.
Susceptibility, 46; Saliva Substitution, Radula, 31.
50; Toxic, 52; Toxin Resistance, 52; random demons, 236.
Venomous Bite, 53. See also toxin, random magic items table, 213.
venom. Re-Arranged Face, 31.
Poison Glands, 46. reasons for post-apocalyptic mutant
Poison Susceptibility, 46. populations table, 159.
Poor Dexterity, 46. Redundant Vital Organs, 31.
Poor Respiration, 46. Reflective Skin, 49.
Possession, 115. reflexes. See Enhanced Musculature,
post-apocalyptic mutants, 158-159. 39; Enhanced Nervous System, 66;
post-apocalyptic mutations table, 170-171. Intuition, 67; Quick Reflexes, 47; Sixth
Pouch, 30. Sense, 83; Slow Reaction Time, 51;
Pouched Cheeks, 46. Superhuman Reflexes, 121; Twisted
Power Duplication, 116. Frame, 35
Powerful Jaws, 47. Regeneration, 49.
Powerful Legs, 47. Removable Eyes, 117.
Power Source, 116. Repulsed by Food, 117.
Power Theft, 116. Respiratory Filters, 49.
Precognition, 81. Restricted Diet, 62.
prefixes table, 196-200. Reverse Pedalism, 31.
Prehensile Feet, 47. Rigid Crest, 31.
Prehensile Hair, 47. Ritualistic, 62.
Premature Aging, 47. Romantic Rapport, 69.
index r-s 267

Roots and Vines, 49. Skinwalker, 120.

Rotating Body Part, 49. Skull Face, 32.
Rotting Flesh, 49. slaves to chaos, 232.
Rubber Bones, 49. Sleepwalking, 63.
Rubbery Skin, 49. Slovenly, 63.
Sacred Aura, 117. Slow Healer, 50.
Sadism, 62. Slow Learner, 69.
Saliva Substitution, 50. Slow Movement Speed, 51.
Salt Drinker, 50. Slow Reaction Time, 51.
Sanitized Metabolism, 50. Small Size, 32.
Saturated with Magical Energy, 117. smell. See Antennae, 20; Block Senses,
Scales, 31. 70; Enhanced Senses, 66; Heightened
Scars, 31. Olfactory Memory, 66; Heightened
scavenged pieces of the world table, Sense of Smell and Taste, 41; No Sense
172-179. of Smell or Taste, 45; Protected Senses,
Schizophrenia, 62. 47.
science prefixes. See prefixes table, 196-200. Snout, 32.
secondary sex characteristics. See Intersex, Socially Inept, 69.
44. Social Perception, 69.
Secret Communication, 117. Sociopathic, 63.
Seep, 118. Soft Crest, 32.
seizures. See Fits and Seizures, 57. Sonar, 51.
Send Dreams, 83. Sonic Blast, 51.
Sense Evil, 118. sorcerous remnants table, 233.
Sense Fear, 118. Sound Mimicry, 51.
Sense Good, 118. Spatial Perception, 69.
Sense Interference, 69. Speak with Animals, 120.
Sense Lies, 118. Speech Impediment, 51.
Sensitive to Metal, 119. speed. See Fast Movement, 40; Performance
Sensitive to Sunlight, 119. Enhancement, 46; Powerful Legs, 47;
Sexual Fetish, 62. Quick Reflexes, 47; Slow Movement
Sexually Attractive, 31. Speed, 51; Slow Reaction Time, 51;
Sexual Neurosis, 62. Sprint, 51; Superhuman Speed, 121.
Sexual Prowess, 62. Speed Reader, 69.
Shadow Walk, 119. Spell Ability, 120.
Shapechanger, 50. spines. See Quills, Spines, or Thorns, 30.
shapes table, 218-219. Spinning, 51.
Shedding, 50. Spirit Enmity, 120.
Short Fuse, 62. Spirit Medium, 120.
Short Legs, 31. Spore Cloud, 51.
Short Life, 50. Sprint, 51.
Shuddering, 62. Stable Balance, 120.
Shy, 62. stamina. See Decreased Physical Stamina,
Siamese Twin, 31. 38; Increased Heart and Lung Size, 42;
Silent Movement, 50. Increased Physical Stamina, 43.
Silhouette, 119. Steatopygia, 32.
Silk Production, 50. Stiff Joints, 51.
Silly Voice, 62. Stigmata, 120.
Silly Walk, 63. Stomach Orifice, 32.
Sixth Sense, 83. Strange Ears, 32.
268 s-t index

Strange Interior Organs, 32. Teleport Object, 85.

Strangely-Coloured Eyes, 32. Telescopic Vision, 52.
Strangely-Coloured Hair, 32. Telltale, 124-126.
Strangely-Coloured Skin, 33. Temperature Resistance, 52.
Strange Sound, 63. Temperature Sensitivity, 52.
Strange Texture, 32. Temporal Instability, 127.
strength. See Decreased Physical Strength, Temporal Instability, 127.
38; Enhanced Musculature, 39; Increased Tentacles, 34.
Physical Strength, 43; Performance Territorial, 63.
Enhancement, 47; Psychic Vampire, 82; Thick Skin, 34.
Superhuman Strength, 121. Thin Skin, 52.
Strong Skeleton, 51. thorns. See Quills, Spines, or Thorns, 30.
Structural Weakness, 52. Tidy, 63.
Stubby Digits, 33. Time Distortion, 85.
Stunning Blast, 83. Time Sense, 69.
Stuttering, 63. Tomb Bondage, 127.
submission. See Sexual Fetish, 62. Tongueless, 34.
Submissive, 63. Toothed Skin, 34.
Suckers, 52. Total Chameleon, 127.
suffixes table, 205-207. Total Healing, 52.
Summon, 83. Totem Animal, 128.
summoner table, 232. touch. See Adhesive Touch, 36; Antennae,
summoning mishap table, 255-257. 20; Block Senses, 70; Enhanced Senses,
superbeing characters, 158. 66; Heightened Sense of Touch, 41;
superhero characters, 223. Irritating Touch, 109; No Sense of
Superhuman Charisma, 120. Touch, 45; Protected Senses, 47.
Superhuman Intellect, 120. Toxic, 52.
Superhuman Perception, 121. toxin. See Create Gas, 94; Excretion, 39;
Superhuman Reflexes, 121. Fruit, 41; Gas Emission, 41; Hangover
Superhuman Speed, 121. Resistance, 41; Heightened Sense of
Superhuman Strength, 121. Smell and Taste, 41; Immune to Poison,
Superhuman Toughness, 121. 42; Poison Susceptibility, 46; Respiratory
supernatural attributes table, 15. Filters, 49; Total Healing, 52; Toxic, 52;
super powers table, 224-225. Toxin Resistance, 52; Venomous Bite,
Susceptible to Possession, 121. 53. See also poison.
Symbiotic Control, 83. Toxin Resistance, 52.
Symbol Bondage, 121. Trackless, 128.
Sympathetic Biomorphism, 33. Trail of Slime, 52.
Taboo, 122-123. Transfer Memories, 69.
Tail, 34. Transformation, 129.
Taller, 34. Transform Material, 128.
taste. See Antennae, 20; Block Senses, 70; Translucent, 129.
Enhanced Senses, 66; Heightened Sense Transmute Matter, 129.
of Smell and Taste, 41; No Sense of Transparent Eyelids, 34.
Smell or Taste, 45; Protected Senses, 47. Transparent Flesh, 129.
Telekinesis, 84. Tremor Sense, 52.
Telekinetic Flight, 84. Trunk, 34.
Telepathic Communication, 124. Tumours, 34.
Telepathy, 85. Tunnelling, 129.
Teleport, 85. Tunnel Vision, 52.
index t-z 269

Tusks, 35.
Twisted Frame, 35.
Two Bodies, 129.
Ultravision, 53.
Unbound, 130.
Uncontrollable Flatulence, 53.
Undead, 130.
unintentional origins table, 223.
Unwilling Medium, 130.
uplifted animals tables, 226.
Vampiric, 130.
Vengeful, 63.
venom. See Blood Substitution, 37; Tail, 34;
Venomous Bite, 53. See also poison.
Venomous Bite, 53.
Ventriloquist, 53.
Vents, 53.
Vestigial Wings, 35.
vitiligo. See Pigment Deficiency, 29.
Voluminous Lungs, 53.
Vomits at Will, 53.
Walking Head, 35.
Walk on Water, 130.
War Sense, 130.
Warty Skin, 35.
Water-Soluble Skin, 53.
Water Dependency, 53.
Weakness, 131.
Weak Spot, 53.
Weapon Hands, 35.
Weather Manipulation, 131.
Weather Sense, 69.
Webbed Digits, 35.
weird origins table, 223.
Werecreatures, 131.
Wet Skin, 53.
Whiskers, 35.
Wide, 35.
willpower. See Decreased Willpower, 65;
Increased Willpower, 67.
Wings, 35.
Wounding Genitals, 53.
Wrinkled Skin, 35.
X-Ray Vision, 131.
xenobiology tables, 228-229.
Zombie Master, 131.
Zone of Silence, 131.
the end.

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