Samsung Rsg307aa Series Refrigerator Fast Track Troubleshooting v1 2011 SM
Samsung Rsg307aa Series Refrigerator Fast Track Troubleshooting v1 2011 SM
Samsung Rsg307aa Series Refrigerator Fast Track Troubleshooting v1 2011 SM
Sales Mode
No Compressor Operation
Press the Settings
Icon on the screen,
scroll to the second
page of the menu and
toggle the setting
Press Freezer button one Press Freezer button a Press Freezer button a Press Freezer button a
time at the Test Mode to second time to Force third time to Force Low forth time to Force De-
Force Compressor High frost of Fridge & Freezer,
Speed Run, measure fan Sales Mode, No Compressor Operation measure defrost voltage
and Compressor volt- at main PCB
Press Power Freeze & Freezer temp buttons
ages at main PCB
simultaneously for 3 sec ( you will hear a “Ding
Dong”) to remove or put into Sales Mode. When in
Refrigerant Charge the Sales Mode the Display will show "OF" "OF"
R134a 5.64 oz. Removing power will not cancel this mode.
Sealed System
Refrigerator Room Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector The voltage at MAIN PCB
failure. Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F. Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
DEFROST SENSOR Ref. Defrost Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector failure. The voltage at MAIN PCB
OF R ROOM Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
This error indicates the Refrigerator Evap Fan is not spinning at the Fan voltage at MAIN PCB
correct RPM or the fan feedback line is open. shall be between 7V~12V
I/M FUNCTION This error indicates the Ice tray has not returned to level after an ice
Replace I/M
ERROR(R on Twin I/M) harvest. The error is displayed after three failed attempts.
Refrigerator Room defrost heater- open or short-circuit, connector Disconnect defrost connector
failure, or defective temperature fuse/bi-metal. Defrost on over 80 from PCB, check resistance
PANTRY-DAMPER- Sensor system in Pantry Room errors Disconnect heater connector
HEATER ERROR from PCB, check resistance
PANTRY-SENSOR CR Room Sensor Error- This can be an open or short-circuit, contact The voltage of MAIN PCB
ERROR failure. Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F. Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
Disconnect heater connector
WATER HEATER Error is displayed when the water reservoir tank heater is open or
from PCB, check resistance
ERROR shorted
Ambient Temp. Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector failure. The voltage at MAIN PCB
Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
Freezer Compartment Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector The voltage at MAIN PCB
failure. Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
Freezer Room Defrost Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector The voltage at MAIN PCB
failure. Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
This error indicates the Freezer Evap. Fan is not spinning at the Fan voltage at MAIN PCB
correct RPM or the fan feedback line is open. shall be between 7V~12V
This error indicates the Condenser Fan is not spinning at the correct Fan voltage at MAIN PCB
RPM or the fan feedback line is open. shall be between 7V~12V
FRENCH DOOR ICE Ice Room Sensor Error- open or short-circuit, connector failure. The voltage at MAIN PCB
ROOM SENSOR Cause is also a temperature reading > 122°or < -58 ° F Sensor between 4.5V~1.0V
F-DEFROSTING Freezer defrosting heater- open or short-circuit, connector failure, or Disconnect defrost connector
ERROR defective temperature fuse/bi-metal. Defrost on for over 80 minutes from PCB, check resistance
FRENCH DOOR ICE This error indicates the Ice Room Compartment Evap. Fan is not Fan voltage at MAIN PCB
ROOM FAN ERROR spinning at the correct RPM or the fan feedback line is open. shall be between 7V~12V
Uart ERROR This error is not applicable, if the error is detected during diagnostic
No Repair Necessary
COMMUNICATION testing please ignore it.
Communication error within the Main PCB Replace main PCB
Check wiring in door &
Communication between the Main PCB and Keypad cabinet, Panel PCB, Main
Compressor & System Operation Testing
Compressor not running
1. Activate Forced Compressor Operation, wait 2 minutes (in case of high head pressure)
2. If compressor doesn’t start, check CN75 for 2.5vdc (if not there replace Main PCB)
3. If voltage is OK, remove power, disconnect CN03 (Inverter PCB) and check resistance to the
windings. Aproxametly10 ohms. If not correct , inspect wire harness, if OK replace compressor.
4. Disconnect CN02 (SMPS PCB), check resistance to Overload , if open replace overload.
5. Now use Blinking Lamp to trouble-
CN102 AC in
1, GRY. N
2, S/BLU. L1
U, V, W OLP is in AC line
CN103 to Main
1‐2; YEL, PNK. 12
3; PRP. 5Vdc
4‐5; BLU, RED. GND
LED Blinking Frequency Test Replace
Check the Inverter PCB & Comp Connectors OK,replace Inverter PCB, if same,
Starting Failure
Relay Connectors replace compressor