FEA - Unit 3,4 & 5 - Assignment Questions

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1. Define two-dimensional scalar variable problem.

2. How will you modify a three-dimensional problem to a Tow-dimensional problem?
3. List out the application of two-dimensional problems.
4. Express the shape functions associated with the tree noded linear triangular element
and plot the variation of the same.
5. Why a CST element so called?
6. How do you define two dimensional elements?
7. Explain QST (Quadratic strain Triangle) element?
8. With suitable examples and the governing equation distinguish between vector and
scalar variable problems.
9. Formulate the (B) matrix for CST element.
10. Express the interpolation function of a field variable for three-node triangular
11. List out the CST and LST elements.
12. illustrate the shape function of a CST element.
13. Define LST element.
14. Express the nodal displacement equation for a two dimensional triangular elasticity
15. Show the transformation for mapping x-coordinate system into a natural coordinate
system for a linear spar element and for a quadratic spar element.
16. What do you understand by area coordinates?
17. Define Isoperimetric elements with suitable examples
18. Explain shape function of four node quadrilateral elements.
19. Explain geometric Isotropy.
20. Write the Lagrange shape functions for a 1D, 2noded elements.
1. Develop the element strain displacement matrix and element stiffness matrix of a
CST element
2. Determine the shape functions for a constant strain triangular (CST) element.
3. The (x, y) coordinate of nodes i, j, and k of triangular elements are given by (0, 0), (3,
0) and (1.5, 4) mm respectively. Evaluate the shape functions N 1, N2 and N3 at an
interior point P (2, 2.5) mm for the element. For the same triangular element,
obtain the strain-displacement relation matrix B.

4. Calculate the value of pressure at the point A which is inside the 3 noded triangular
element as shown in fig. The nodal values are Φ1 = 40 MPa, Φ 2 = 34 MPa and 3 = 46
MPa. point A is located at (2, 1.5). Assume the pressure is linearly varying in the
element. Also determine the location of 42 MPa contour line.
(0, 0) 1
3 (2, 5)
(2, 1.5)

(4, 0.5)

5. Find the temperature at point (1, 1.5) inside a triangular element shown with nodal
temperature given as Ti = 40˚C, Tj = 34˚C and Tk = 46˚C. Also Calculate the location
of the 42˚C contour line for triangular element shown in fig.

6. Calculate the element stiffness matrix and thermal force vector for the plane stress
element shown in fig. The element experiences a rise of 10˚C

7. For a 4-noded rectangular element shown in fig. Calculate the temperature point (7,
4). The nodal values of the temperatures are T1 = 42˚C, T2 = 54˚C and T3 = 56˚C and
T4 = 46˚C. Also determine 3 point on the 50˚C contour line.
8. A 3 noded triangular element as shown in fig Calculate the temperature at the point P
(4, 3), given that the temperatures at nodes 1, 2 and 3 are 75˚C, 90˚C and 60˚C

(2, 2)
3 (3, 6)

(7, 4)

9. Develop the shape function derivation for a two-dimensional quadratic element.

10. Evaluate the partial derivatives of the shape function at ζ = 1/2, η= ½ of a
quadrilateral element, assuming that the temperature is approximated by bilinear.

1. Define 2D vector variable problems?

2. What problems are considered as 2D vector variable problems?

3. List out the various elasticity equations.

4. Define plane stress and plane strain.

5. Discuss ‘Principal stresses”.

6. Discuss the difference between the use of linear triangular elements and bilinear
rectangular elements for a 2D domain.
7. Define axisymmetric solid?

8. Distinguish between plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric analysis in solid
9. Specify the machine component related with axisymmetric concept.

10. Discuss axisymmetric formulation.

11. Develop the Shape functions for axisymmetric triangular elements

12. Explain about finite element modeling for axisymmetric solid.

13. Develop the Strain-Displacement matrix for axisymmetric solid

14. Write down Stress-Strain displacement matrix for axisymmetric solid

15. Write down Stiffness matrix for axisymmetric solid

16. Explain plane stress conditions.

17. Explain constitutive relationship for the plane stress problems.

18. State whether plane stress or plane strain elements can be used to model the
following structures. Explain your answer.
a. A wall subjected to wind load
b. A wrench subjected to a force in the plane of the wrench.
19. Define a plane strain with suitable example.

20. Define a plane stress problem with a suitable example.


1. Develop elasticity equation for 2D element

2. Develop shape function for axisymmetric triangular elements
3. Develop Stress-Strain relationship matrix for axisymmetric triangular element
4. Develop Strain-Displacement matrix for axisymmetric triangular element
5. Calculate the global stiffness matrix for the plate shown in fig. Taking two triangular
elements. Assume plane stress conditions

6. Calculate the stiffness matrix for the axisymmetric element shown in fig E= 2.1 x 10
N/mm and Poisson’s ratio as 0.3

7. Calculate the element strains for an axisymmetric triangular element shown in fig the
nodal displacement are. u1= 0.001, u2 = 0.002, u3 = -0.003, w1 = 0.002, w2 = 0.001
and w3 = 0.004 all dimensions are in mm.

8. For an axisymmetric triangular elements as shown in fig. Evaluate the stiffness

matrix. Take modulus of elasticity E = 210 GPa. Poisson’s ratio = 0.25. the
coordinates are given in millimetres.
9. The nodal coordinates for an axisymmetric triangular element shown in fig are given
below. Calculate the strain-displacement matrix for that element

10. A long hollow cylinder of inside diameter 100mm and outside diameter 120mm is
firmly fitted in a hole of another rigid cylinder over its full length as shown in fig. The
cylinder is then subjected to an internal pressure of 2 MPa. By using two element on
the 10mm length shown calculate the displacements at the inner radius tame E = 210
GPa. μ = 0.3

1. Define Isoparametric element?

2. Differentiate between Isoparametric, super parametric and sub-parametric elements.

3. Define Isoparametric formulation?

4. Explain the Jacobian transformation?

5. Give the shape functions for a four-noded linear quadrilateral element in natural coordinates.
6. Describe the Jacobian of transformation for two-noded Isoparametric element.

7. List out the advantages of Gauss quadrature numerical integration for Isoparametric element?
8. Discuss about higher order element.

9. Discuss about Numerical integration

10. Discuss about Gauss-quadrature method.

11. Differentiate between implicitly and explicitly methods of numerical integration

12. Differentiate between geometric and material non-linearity.

13. List out the significance of Jacobian transformation?

14. Define Isoparametric element with suitable examples.

15. Develop Stress- displacement matrix for Four noded quadrilateral element using natural
16 Develop Stiffness matrix for Isoparametric quadrilateral element

17. Define Newton cotes quadrature method

18. Distinguish between trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s rule

19. Distinguish between trapezoidal rule and Gauss quadrature.

20.Explain the transformation for mapping x-coordinate system into a natural coordinate system
for a linear spar element and for a quadratic spar element.
1. Develop the shape functions for a four-noded Isoparametric quadrilateral element.
2. Develop Strain-Displacement matrix, Stress-Strain relationship matrix and Stiffness
matrix for Isoparametric quadrilateral element
3. Calculate the Cartesian coordinates of the point P which has local coordinates ε = 0.8
and η = 0.6 as shown in figure

4. For the four noded quadrilateral element shown in fig determine the Jacobian and
evaluate its value at the point (1/2, ½)

5. Evaluate the Jacobian matrix at the local coordinates ε=η= 0.5 for the linear
quadrilateral element with its global coordinates as shown in fig. Also evaluate the
strain-displacement matrix.

6. For a four noded rectangular element shown in fig Calculate the following
a. Jacobian matrix b. Strain-Displacement matrix c. Element strain and d.
Element stress.
7. Find the integral I= using Gaussian quadrature method with 2
point scheme. The Gauss points are ±0.5774 and the weight at the two points are
equal to unity.
8. Evaluate the integral

9. Evaluate the integral I= using three point Gauss

10. For the element shown in fig. Calculate the Jacobian matrix.

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