Noise Levels in Urban and Rural Settlements of Bhubaneswar - A Case Study - Ingles

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p-ISSN: 0972-6268

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology (Print copies up to 2016)

An International Quarterly Scientific Journal Vol. 21 No. 1 pp. 231-239 2022
e-ISSN: 2395-3454

Original Research Paper

Original Research Paper Open Access Journal

Noise Levels in Urban and Rural Settlements of Bhubaneswar: A Case Study

G. Ayush*, A. J. Elizabeth*, V. V. Patil*† and M. Herlekar**
*School of Sustainability, XIM University, Bhubaneswar, Harirajpur-752 050, Odisha, India
**Department of Environmental Science, The Institute of Science, Dr. Homi Bhabha State University, Mumbai-400 032,
Maharashtra, India
†Corresponding author: V. V. Patil; [email protected]

Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech.
Website: Noise is an underestimated threat that can cause several short- and long-term health problems. It is
increasingly becoming a potential hazard to health, physically and psychologically, and affects the
Received: 10-06-2021
general well-being of an individual. The objective of the current study was to examine noise levels at
Revised: 29-06-2021
Accepted: 14-07-2021 ten different locations in the city of Bhubaneswar, Odisha State, India based on the land use pattern in
urban and rural setup. The paper focuses on deploying geospatial techniques using ArcGIS desktop
Key Words: to perform better sampling and further interpolate the statistical data using the Kriging technique to
Noise generate a surface representing the distribution of noise levels in various areas. In addition, a health
Health impact survey enabled us to understand the perspectives of the people in and around the monitoring
GIS location where health issues like stress, headache, hypertension, and sleeping disorders emerged as
Urban and rural settlements some of the most common issues faced. Noise levels were in the range of 43.0 to 74.5 (A) Leq. in rural
areas and 61 to 96.5 dB (A) Leq in urban areas. In the current study, noise levels in rural and urban
areas exceeded the recommended noise limits as per The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control)
Rules, 2000.

INTRODUCTION Several studies in the recent past indicate that noise levels
have crossed the set limits in India. 27 sites were monitored
Sound occurs due to changes in air pressure inside the ear for noise level around a sensitive zone for 24 hours (Khai-
canal that cause our inner ears to vibrate and produces the wal et al. 2016). It included various categories viz. outdoor,
auditory sensations which our brain interprets as sound. indoor, road, and residential areas. The noise level ranged
Noise pollution is any unwanted or disturbing sound that from 45 dB to as high as 120 dB exceeding the prescribed
harms the health and well-being of humans and wildlife (Jain daytime standard for the sensitive zone. Further, a pan India
et al. 2015). This type of interference often causes discomfort study was conducted at 35 locations between 2011 and 2014
in residents, which sometimes ends up being hazardous. (Garg et al. 2017). These 35 locations were distributed among
The effects of noise are seldom catastrophic and are often commercial zone (14 locations), Industrial (5 locations),
only transitory, but adverse effects can be cumulative with residential (7 Locations), and the silence zone (9 Locations).
prolonged or repeated exposure and can significantly impair This study was constructive in ascertaining the magnitude of
the quality of life (Capetown, n.d.). annual average ambient noise levels, noise abatement action
Noise is an undervalued danger causing a lot of short- plans, and the formulation of revised ambient noise standards
and long-term health problems (WHO n.da). Noise expo- in Indian scenarios. Further noise levels were measured at
sure among vulnerable groups, such as children, is an area 227 sites of Malda, West Bengal, India, covering major
of major concern (Jamir et al. 2014, Khatik et al. 2019). roads, some important nodes, railway stations, bus stops, rail
Excessive noise interferes with people’s daily activities at crossing, commercial area, and residential area (Das et al.
work, school, home, and leisure time. It can disturb sleep, 2019). The recorded noise levels varied between 25dB to 83
cause cardiovascular and psychophysiological effects, reduce dB. The study concluded that noise annoyance is sensitive to
performance, and provoke annoyance responses and social age, sex, economic folks, and facing the window to the road.
behavior changes (WHO n.db). Since there are direct links Out of the total study area, 9.94% area has emerged as the
between noise and health, identifying sources of loud noise most vulnerable area to noise exposition.
will assist the administration to abate high noise problematic Bhubaneswar’s foremost challenges include rapid un-
areas, thus becoming compliant with city and other noise planned development, especially construction, increasing
criteria and ordinances as defined by CPCB (2010). pollution from vehicles and commercial establishments,
232 G. Ayush et al.

road dust and other fugitive emissions, and significantly Noise Monitoring Equipment and Measurement
higher noise levels (Bisht 2021). In India, though noise levels Frequency
are measured at the community level, limited studies have
been published on the health effects of noise levels (Jamir The Phoenix Professional Sound Level Meter SM-10 was
et al. 2014). With this background, the research focuses on used for data collection. The instrument, once powered by
monitoring noise levels in rural and urban settlements of 3 AAA batteries, provides a lifespan of 50 hours. It uses a
Bhubaneswar city. The data is further analyzed statistically ½ inch electret condenser microphone that converts sound
and geographically to generate noise pollution maps. Noise pressure levels to electrical signals, displaying them in deci-
mapping is one of the new methods to assess noise levels, bels on a four-digit LCD module. The equivalent noise level
and it helps plan to control noise pollution effects (Olayinka (Leq) was calculated by estimating the average noise levels
2013). Several studies have warranted the importance of collected from a sampling location 4 times at an interval of
GIS-based noise mapping to make informed decisions related 4 minutes. The monitoring at each location was carried out
to its management. GIS can be beneficial in identifying the twice during the first and second rounds of sampling.
noise intensity, building density, and spatial layouts of the Data Collection for the Spatial Distribution of Noise
buildings (Yuan et al. 2019) Levels
In India, along with air pollution, increasing sound levels
The latitude and longitude readings on the sampling as
is also a public health concern. Despite high noise levels,
described above were collected using a GPS device, the
many people are not aware that it is hazardous to their health.
‘Garmin eTrex® 20x.’. The sampling was performed for
Therefore, a survey was carried out to understand health
ten days over two months during 2020 (February-March).
risk perception among residents due to noise pollution. The
way people perceive health impacts will help in mitigating The 60 sampling locations (10 sampling locations
noise levels. monitored at six different points each) formed a baseline


Study Area
A total of 10 sampling areas were identified for data col-
lection, with five of them constituting rural fabric and five
areas representing urban fabric. The five rural areas were
villages chosen within a proximity of 5 km. from XIM Uni-
versity, New Campus. Jamukoli and Niranjanpur are villages
in Khordha District, whereas Kakudia, Bahelipada, and
Harirajpur are in the Puri district (Fig. 1a). All five villages
have agricultural operations throughout the year. Probable
sources of noise pollution in and around rural areas include
brick factories, mining and laterite stone cutting, sand min-
ing, poultry, and movement of vehicles. Occasionally festive
and private celebrations also contribute to the noise levels.
The five urban areas were identified in the urban fabric
by determining different land use patterns, namely - commer-
cial, residential, kerbside, mixed and institutional (Fig. 1b).
Subsequently, for each location, six spatially spread points
were identified for data collection, allowing for mapping a
representative model. Palashpalli is a residential area close to
the Biju Patnaik airport; Jagmara is an institutional area close
to Khandagiri, a tourist place. Nuasahi is also a kerbside
area close to National Highway 5. Mancheswar represents
an industrial area with small and medium scale industries,
automobile service stations. Fig. 1a and 1b further depict the
sampling locations in rural and urban areas. Fig. 1: Study area and sampling locations a) Rural area, b) Urban area.

Fig. 1: Study area and sampling locations a) R

Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

survey and were further analyzed using the Spatial Analyst was observed at Harirajpur (61.2 + 4.2). The reason for
extension of ArcGIS desktop. Kriging model was used to high noise levels at the Harirajpur location may be due to
prepare a prediction output of noise levels. The prediction school, commercial activities, and stone mining activities
was further verified by generating a prediction error raster. carried out here.
The prediction error raster proved very useful in identifying For the Jamukoli region, the noise levels ranged between
the areas with maximum prediction errors, and thus a new 52.1 dB to 61 dB. The average noise level observed during
set of 60 sample points were created for the second round this sampling round was 55.6 + 4.0 dB. The lowest noise
of sampling. A remarkable reduction in prediction error was levels were reported at the Niranjanpur site (50.6 + 5.5 dB).
observed after the second round of sampling. At this site, the noise level varied between 46.4 dB to 58.2
Health Survey and Data Analysis dB. These noise levels are lower than those reported recently
(Pal & Mandal 2021), near a stone mining and crushing area
A ground survey was also conducted to study the impact of in the Dwarka river basin of Eastern India. The noise levels
noise levels on health. The nature of the survey was to collect reported in their study were more than 85 dB from 6 am to
door-to-door information based on five survey questions. The 4 pm. The noise level ranged between 50.3 dB to 59.6 dB
survey data was collected from the ground using a verbal and 49.2 dB to 61.8 dB at Kakudia and Bahelipada sites.
interview. A total of 101 respondents were interviewed over According to a study carried out at Shirdi in Maharashtra
eight days. An effort was made to collect data from at least (Kankal & Gaikwad 2011), the noise levels at the corner
ten responses from each study area using both the methods of the temple were observed to be in the higher range and
i.e., google form and personal interviews. The respondents found to be varying between 64.9 to 73.6 dB. The respective
were people of different ages and sex and were involved in average values at these two sites were 55.9 + 4.1 dB and 52.5
different occupations. A questionnaire prepared by the Indic + 4.9 dB. The slightly higher noise levels at Kakudia can be
Society for Education and Development (INSEED), available attributed to sources like poultry farms, red-brick factories,
in the public domain, was used to carry out a health survey cement factories, and sand mining activities. The descriptive
( statistics of noise levels reported during this sampling round
The data collected through the survey was analyzed us- is presented in Table 1.
ing Microsoft Excel 2016. For spatial data analysis of noise Sampling Round 2
levels, ArcGIS version 10.3 was used. Unlike in the case of the first sampling round, during this
sampling period, the highest Leq noise level was reported
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION at the Kakudia site (61.6 + 9.0 dB). This probably can be
This section presents the interpretations based on the descrip- attributed to increased activity at this location during the
tive statistical analysis of noise level data, spatial analysis monitoring period.
using ArcGIS, and health surveys. The next highest average Leq values were reported at
Niranjanpur (57.1 + 12.9 dB). Here, the noise levels ranged
Noise Levels At Rural Locations between 44.2 dB to 70.9 dB. At Jamukoli, Leq noise values
The Leq noise levels, calculated from average noise levels at varied from 46.4 dB to 66.2 dB with an average value of 55.6
five rural locations during the 1st and 2nd rounds of sampling, + 6.8 dB. The noise levels at Bahelipada were in the range
are discussed in this section. of 44.3 dB to 72.7 dB with an average value of 54.3 + 12.2
dB. Lastly, the lowest average noise levels of 53.0 + 10.2
Sampling Round 1 dB were reported at the Harirajpur site. The noise levels at
During this sampling period, the highest Leq noise level this site varied from 43.4 dB to 67.3 dB. This site showed
Table 1: Noise levels reported at rural locations during sampling round 1.

Location Jamukoli Niranjanpur Kakudia Bahelipada Harirajpur

Minimum 52.1 46.4 50.3 49.2 56.7
Maximum 61 58.2 59.6 61.8 66.3
Average 55.6 50.6 55.9 52.5 61.2
Standard deviation (+) 4.0 5.5 4.1 4.9 4.2
Count 6 6 6 6 6
Note: All the values except count are expressed in dB.

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022

234 G. Ayush et al.

the highest avg value in the first round. The descriptive sta- tinuous movement of vehicles. The minimum and maximum
tistics of noise levels reported during sampling round 2 is noise levels reported at this site were 62.9 dB and 87.7 dB,
presented in Table 2. respectively. Satyanagar site, representing the commercial
and residential area, recorded an average Leq level of 70.8
Noise Levels at Urban Locations dB. In one of the studies (Hunashal & Patil 2012) a commer-
The Leq noise levels, calculated from average noise levels cial cum residential area in the city of Kolhapur in the state
at 5 urban locations, representing different land-use patterns of Maharashtra recorded Leq noise levels of 64.47 dB. The
during the 1st and 2nd rounds of sampling, are discussed in minimum and maximum noise levels reported at this site are
this section. 63.4 dB and 80.2 dB, respectively. Amongst all the urban
sites, the lowest average Leq noise levels of 68.9 + 5.7 dB
Sampling Round 1 were reported at Palashpalli. These results can be justified by
During this sampling period, the highest Leq noise level the fact that this is a residential site. This site’s noise levels
was observed at Mancheswar (81.3 + 6.6). The reason for varied at this site from 61.9 dB to 79.2 dB, which also might
high noise levels at this location maybe because it represents be attributed to its proximity to Biju Patnaik airport. The
the industrial area with small and medium scale industries descriptive statistics of noise levels reported during sampling
and automobile service stations etc. The noise levels varied round 1 is presented in Table 3.
between 69 dB to 87 dB. In a study carried out in the two
industrial areas of Kolhapur city in Maharashtra, India Sampling Round 2
(Mangalekar et al. 2012), slightly lower noise levels were As observed in the case of rural locations, the highest average
reported during the study period. The Leq noise levels were Leq values were observed at different locations than observed
found to be varying between 70.3 dB to 79.3 dB. in the first round of sampling in urban locations. During this
The next highest average Leq noise level of 79.6 + 14.8 sampling round, the highest average Leq noise levels (75.2 +
dB was reported at the Jagmara location. The high noise 10.2 dB) were reported at the Satya Nagar site. At this site,
levels at this location can be attributed to the continuous the noise levels varied between 58.4 dB to 87.2 dB.
movement of tourists and their tourist vehicles visiting this The next highest average Leq noise levels were reported
place. The noise level ranged between 60.6 dB to 98.6 dB at at Mancheswar (69.6 + 13.9 dB), being an industrial site.
this location. Nuasahi site had an average Leq noise level of The minimum and maximum noise levels were reported to
74.2 dB which can be justified because it is a kerbside area be varying between 45.5 dB to 88 dB at this site. Palashpalli
near National Highway 5, which is characterized by a con- site had average Leq noise levels of 68.8 + 12.3 dB. The

Table 2: Noise levels reported at rural locations during sampling round 2.

Location Jamukoli Niranjanpur Kakudia Bahelipada Harirajpur

Minimum 46.4 44.2 44.1 44.3 43.4
Maximum 66.2 70.9 70.2 72.7 67.3
Average 55.6 57.1 61.6 54.3 53.0
Standard deviation (+) 6.8 12.9 9.0 12.2 10.2
Count 6 6 6 6 6

Note: All the values except count are expressed in dB.

Table 3: Noise levels reported at urban locations during sampling round 1.

Location Palashpalli Jagmara Satya Nagar Nuasahi Macheswar

Minimum 61.9 60.6 63.4 62.9 69
Maximum 79.2 98.6 80.2 87.7 87
Average 68.9 79.6 70.8 74.2 81.3
Standard deviation (+) 5.7 14.8 6.2 8.2 6.6
Count 6 6 6 6 6
Note: All the values except count are expressed in dB.

Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology


maximum and minimum noise levels reported at this site judgments, such as identifying regions where noise decibel
were 50.6 dB and 84.2 dB, respectively. At the Jagmara site, levels are beyond the restrictions. Certain places have lower
the average Leq noise level of 68.6 + 12.6 dB was reported. noise decibel levels as a result of land use patterns or other
The minimum noise level at this site was estimated to be geographical factors.
46.7 dB, while the maximum noise level was 85 dB. The However, this can stand true only when the predictions
least average Leq noise level of 65.1 + 13.8 dB was record- are accurate, and hence to check the prediction accuracy,
ed at the Nuasahi site. The minimum and maximum noise prediction error maps were generated using the same set of
levels varied between 44.9 dB and 83 dB, respectively. The data as shown in Fig. 2b for rural areas and Fig. 4b for urban
of statistics
agricultural of noise
fields levels reportedstone
or abandoned duringquarries
sampling(Fig. 1a).These
areas. Also, as seen
rasters in Fig.
depicted 1a, 2b
in Figs. theand
4b, show high
round 2 is presented in Table 4. prediction errors in certain areas. High prediction errors
correspond to significant gaps/differences between actual
locations are notofequally
Spatial Analysis distributed across the studyvalues
Noise Levels area, and
causing higher prediction errors in the
the value generated by kriging.
The data collected was spatially analyzed using ArcGIS In a rural setup, the prediction errors were higher on the
areas where
desktops sampling
spatial was notSince
analyst extension. carried out. data
the noise It iswas
observed that the RMS value is more than one at
boundaries of the study area, i.e. north and south. These ar-
collected from different locations on land, it also qualifies that eas were ignored in the first round of sampling as they were
data points in
areaa and goes up
continuous to 4.4 in some
phenomenon eitherareas.
part of agricultural fields or abandoned stone quarries
in space. Kriging was used to generate a prediction model (Fig. 1a). Also, as seen in Fig. 1a, the sampling locations are
and a continuous raster. Continuous rasters are represented in not equally distributed across the study area, causing higher
Fig. 2a, 3a for rural areas and Fig. 4a, 5a for urban areas. The prediction errors in the areas where sampling was not carried
continuous prediction surface is useful for making educated out. It is observed that the RMS value is more than one at

Fig. 3: Raster representing Noise levels in dB and prediction errors after

Fig. 2: Raster represents Noise levels in dB and prediction errors. a) the 3:
Fig. second round
Raster of sampling.
representing a) Sampling
Noise locations
levels in dB andand Noise level
prediction errors after the
Sampling locations and Noise level raster in Rural area, b) The prediction raster in Rural area, b) The prediction errors after Kriging applied
errors after Kriging applied on the sampling locations for rural areas. Noise levelon the sampling
raster locations
in Rural area, for ruralprediction
b) The areas. errors after Kriging
Fig. 2: Raster represents Noise levels in dB and prediction errors. a) Sampling locations and Noise level raster in Rural area, b)

The prediction errors after Kriging appliedNature

on the Environment and Pollution
sampling locations Technology • Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022
for rural areas.
Thus, the second round of sampling in and beyond ou
236 G. Ayush et al.

Table 4: Noise levels reported at urban locations during sampling round 2.

Location Palashpalli Jagmara Satya Nagar Nuasahi Mancheswar

Minimum 50.6 46.7 58.4 44.9 45.5
Maximum 84.2 85.0 87.2 83.0 88
Average 68.8 68.6 75.2 65.1 69.6
Standard deviation (+) 12.3 12.6 10.2 13.8 13.9
Count 6 6 6 6 6

Note: All the values except count are expressed in dB.

all locations in the study area and goes up to 4.4 in some locations were under-regulated limits. Almost all the areas in
areas. the rural study area show error in the range of 2.6 to 4.1 (Fig.
Thus, the second round of sampling in and beyond our 3b). Towards the edges of the study area, the error becomes
study areas improvise the prediction accuracy on the fringes. significantly higher owing to a lack of representation.
The data from the first and second rounds of sampling is However, in an urban area, the reason for high prediction
further appended, forming 62 locations to predict the noise errors was different. From Fig. 4b, it is seen that the sampling
levels in the rural area (Fig. 3a). The areas which bear an locations in the urban areas were clustered, resulting in better
orange tone are those which see active transportation. Sim- predictions near to the cluster and higher prediction errors
ilarly, the areas represented by darker shades of green are farther from the cluster, especially in the northern region of
open space/farmland. Xavier City Campus is represented the urban area. The northern area was initially not considered
as XUB on the map. Due to a larger population density, the as the land use was dominated mainly by forest area (Fig.
noise levels are also high in the area. Noise levels at the rural 1b). It is observed that the RMS value is more than one at all

Fig. 4: Raster representing Noise levels in dB and prediction errors. a) Fig. 5: Raster representing Noise levels in dB and prediction errors after
Sampling locations and Noise level raster in the urban area, b) The pre- the second round of sampling. a) Sampling locations and Noise level
Fig. errors
diction 4: Raster
afterrepresenting Noise
Kriging applied levels
on the in dB
sampling and prediction
locations for errors. a) in
raster Sampling
the urbanlocations and
area, b) The Noise level
prediction errorsraster in the urban
after Kriging applied
urban areas. Fig. 5: Rasteronrepresenting
the sampling Noise levels
locations in dBareas.
for urban and prediction errors after th
area, b) The prediction errors after Kriging applied on the sampling locations for urban areas.
Noise level raster in the urban area, b) The prediction errors after Krigin
Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022 • Nature Environment and Pollution Technology

locations in the study area and goes as high as 7.4 towards the modern life even though it causes nuisance and excessive
edges of the study area. It indicated the need for an increase noise has a negative physical and psychological impact on
in the sample points. Sampling data from the first and second us. As shown in Fig. 6c, the people in the study area are ha-
rounds were appended together to get a prediction map and bituated to the higher levels of noise in their surroundings.
a prediction error map. 42% of respondents said that transportation does contribute
The prediction error model (Fig. 5b) shows a relatively to high sound levels, and they felt that these sound levels
low range of error (2.5 to 3.2) in the study area that is within were not a problem for them. Adding to that, 17% said that
the core city limit. The five localities identified within the city transportation does not cause harmful noise levels. 41% said
limit have higher predictability. This proves that attenuation that transportation causes noise pollution. The findings in
of the 1st and 2nd rounds of samplings has led to better prob- the present study corroborated with the study conducted in
ability mapping and the map thus obtained has low errors. Jharsuguda, Orissa found that people were unaware of the
There can be two reasons for no substantial improvement noise pollution effects though they experienced noise-in-
in the prediction errors. The first is that the sample points duced symptoms such as headache, bad temper, hearing
in the first round of sampling were clustered, and hence problem, loss of concentration, and sleep disturbance (Patel
appending them with the second-round sample dataset will et al. 2006). The study by Hakzah et al. (2020) shows that
not significantly improve the prediction accuracy. The second
reason is that the study area is too large to be represented
by 60 points. Hence, larger areas are recommended to create
a fishnet overlay on the study area and use the centroid of
the individual cells of the fishnet as the sampling locations.
As seen in the data records, Jagmara and Mancheswar
Industrial Estate have the highest levels of sound pollution
and are marked so in the prediction map. The city’s center
is defined by residential and mixed-use land patterns, with
noise levels averaging 70 decibels. This is higher than the
minimum requirements for industrial land use. Thus, using
geo-statistics in this research not only provided an optimal
prediction surface (prediction map) but it delivered a measure
of confidence of how likely that prediction will be accurate
(prediction error map).

Health Survey Findings

The survey findings revealed that 36.6% of respondents were
unaware of the regulations about noise levels, as shown in
Fig. 6a, while 13.9% of the respondents had merely heard
of it from somewhere. This highlights a lack of awareness
among the citizens. A probable reason is the higher rates
of illiteracy in the village population (50% of the villagers
being villagers). Only 26% of the respondents were aware
of such rules and regulations. More surprisingly, 45.5% of
the respondents were not aware that noise pollution is a
punishable offense (Fig. 6b).
Of the total respondents, only 36.8% of respondents said
that noise pollution was an issue. More interestingly, 63.2%
of respondents said that they had no issue with noise pollu-
tion or were accustomed to the noise levels. The field data
Fig. 6: Health Survey Response related to noise pollution a) Awareness
on noise levels showed that the sound levels in the city were
Fig. 6: Health Survey Response related to noise pollution a) Awareness of rules and
of rules and regulations, b) Awareness of Noise pollution as a punishable
much higher than the acceptable levels, irrespective of which offense, c) Perception of respondents related to noise pollution and trans-
as a punishable
these respondents did not find the levels to be polluting. This portation,offense, c) Perception
d) Perception of respondents
of respondents related
related to social to noiseaspollution
gatherings a and
throws light that noise has become an inescapable part of source, e) Need for studies related to noise pollution in future.
related to social gatherings as a source, e) Need for studies related

Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022

The following observations have been made while carrying out
238 G. Ayush et al.

the impact of noise on public health by traffic on people tem needs to be permitted by authorities. The majority
who live around the road is a psychological disorder (80%), of respondents interviewed were not aware of this.
physiological disorder (35.7%), and the highest is a commu- iv. In villages, people had complained that noise generated
nication disorder (84.3%). from these speaker systems damages their walls, and
India has a significant number of middle-class people, and there have been cases where walls had collapsed when
with the increasing affordability of vehicles and loan schemes a procession that used speaker systems passed through
with manageable monthly installments, every household has their narrow roads.
a vehicle. As we go higher in the income groups, people Since noise levels are significantly high in the study
prefer to have a personal vehicle for each household. This areas, it is essential to establish the health effects on the
increases pollution levels and leads to vehicle congestion people. In the present study, 27.7% of respondents agreed
on the roads, meaning that people need to spend more time that changes in noise levels affected their sleep. At the same
on the road. It directly affects the annoyance level/capacity time, 12.9% of respondents said that they were accustomed
of individuals traveling and leads to honking on congested to these noise levels.
roads and speeding on open roads.
Though noise levels may not physically harm, the degree
During the survey, it was noticed that even the rural areas of annoyance related to it can decrease comfort levels. Al-
had seen a sharp increase in the number of vehicles and that most 21.8% of people agreed that noise levels lead to stress.
almost every household in the village owns a two-wheeler. Medical studies have established the link between stress and
This has led to noise pollution within the cramped earthen increased blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and the
roads of the village, and the number of accidents has also potential risk of stroke (Esler 2017). Many respondents in the
increased- something that was rarely experienced inside the current study also said that driving in traffic causes stress due
villages even five years ago. to the constant honking and running of engines. Moreover,
Our Indian culture is full of festivities. Every season is traffic congestion itself is a stressful site. As seen in Fig. 6e,
a festive season, and every occasion provides a reason to 58% of people said that there was a need for studies on noise
celebrate. Such celebrations involve the social gathering of pollution in the future. This result highlights the essence of
people. Over the years, light and sound have become a sym- the survey and the need for the research.
bol of expression and happening. So, these gatherings often
consist of large music systems, which cause a significant CONCLUSION
amount of noise. As seen in Fig. 6d, a significant 37% of
people agreed that social gatherings are a definite source of This study focused on collecting noise level data from study
noise pollution. At the same time, 15% said that they were areas located in both urban and rural setups. The recorded
habituated to these high levels. noise levels were much beyond the regulated limits in the
Urban areas. In the rural areas, noise levels were lower yet
An exception to this is that due to the nature of the occa- were still beyond prescribed limits. The data thus collected
sion, such high levels of noise are not considered annoying suggested possible violation of The Noise Pollution (Regu-
or polluting in nature. However, it does cause significant lation and Control) Rules, 2000. On spatially analyzing the
damage to humans and their surroundings. As per the study data using ArcGIS, possible trends were seen in the variation
by Xu et al. (2020) living noise pollution which comes from of noise levels throughout the geography of the study area.
entertainment activities, commercial activities, and other The data was used to prepare a prediction model, which
activities in people’s daily life is considered most serious as can be used to determine the noise levels at any given place
it has the closest relationship with the acoustic environment within the study area. The purpose of the model thus creat-
of urban areas. ed is to aid in developmental activities. The effort was also
The following observations have been made while car- made to conduct a health survey to study the effect of this
rying out the survey: noise exposure. The study highlighted the lack of awareness
i. Older adults experienced elevated heart rates when regarding noise rules as applicable by law. The findings
attending such events. suggested a significant level of annoyance generated by the
noise. The majority of the respondents said that the noise
ii. If the magnitude of the noise is considered, social in their area was not tolerable and that further studies need
gatherings pollute more than transportation at any given to be conducted pertaining to this issue. This study like any
time. However, it has more widespread acceptance. other has its limitations. During the study, noise levels were
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Nature Environment and Pollution Technology • Vol. 21, No. 1, 2022

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