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Colegio Particular
“Fray Martin” Apellidos: ……………………………………………………….
Nombre: …………………………………………………………
Fecha: …………….………………….

Prof. Marizabel Mercado Toledo Grado N° orden
1. Match the kids of movies to their definitions. 2. Write their movies names under the correct
Relacionar los tipos de cine con sus definiciones. category. Escribe los nombres de películas debajo
1pto. de cada categoría. 1pto
Thriller _________________________________________
comedy a romantic movie Comedy _______________________________________
thriller a funny movie
horror a movie that tells an exciting story
love story a movie that is intended to frighten people

3. Answer these personal questions. Responde estas 4. Work it out. Resolver 1pto.
preguntas personales. 1pto.
Use the Simple Past tense to talk about actions or states
a. What kind of movies do you like to watch? that started and ______________ in the past.

5. Which sentences express finished actions? Which 6. Underline the correct verb form that completes
ones express unfinished actions? Write the each sentence. Subraya la forma verbal correcta
sentences under the correct column. ¿Qué que completa cada oración. 1pto.
oraciones expresan acciones terminadas? ¿Cuáles
expresan acciones inacabadas? Escribe las a. Have you seen / Did you see Penny lately?
oraciones debajo de la columna correcta. 2ptos b. I have met / met him a few months ago.
c. He has been / went to Paris a lot recently for his work.
Finished actions (Simple Unfinished actions
Past) (Present Perfect)

a. I first met Daniel two years ago.

b. I’ve traveled a lot.
c. I’ve studied Spanish since 2004.
d. I started my Spanish course in 2004.
7. Complete the sentences with the correct tense. 8. Circle the word that doesn’t belong. Encierra en un
Use the Simple Past or the Present Perfect tense. círculo la palabra que no pertenece. 1pto.
Completa las oraciones con el tiempo correcto.
Usa el Pasado Simple o el Presente Perfecto. 1pto a. kiss – watch – see – walk – open
b. travel – hit – ride – drink – write
a. My friend Joe ___________(lose) his wallet last
Sunday. He _______________(find – neg.) it yet.
b. Yesterday a man __________(call) him and
______(say) that he (see) the wallet in a trash can
near his house.
9. Read this text about Angelina Jolie. Lee este texto 10. Translate the text about Angelina Jolie. Traduce el
sobre Angelina Jolie 2ptos texto acerca de Angelina Jolie. 2pts.
Angelina Jolie is an American actress. She was born in LA in 1976.
Since a very young age she liked movies very much so she started to
study acting in her teens. ________________________________________________
In the 1990s she became a popular actress and she became worldwide famous in ________________________________________________
1997 with “Tomb Raider”.
She has received an Academy Award, three Golden Globe Awards, and two
Screen Guild Awards. She was named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress in 2009 ________________________________________________
and 2011. ________________________________________________
But Angelina Jolie hasn’t limited her career to acting. She became involved in
humanitarian work while filming in Cambodia. In 2005 she received the Global
Humanitarian Action Award from the United Nations Association of the USA. She ________________________________________________
still travels the world to draw attention to global problems. ________________________________________________
She has been married twice and has six children. Some are adopted. Some
people say that her life with Brad Pitt is not easy because they are like prisoners. ________________________________________________
They can’t go anywhere. If they go out for dinner for example, it turns into an ________________________________________________
international incident. The tabloids are sometimes more interested in what they
eat than the important work they do.
Now write True (T), False (F) or Not Mentioned (NM) ________________________________________________
a. Tomb Raider is Angelina Jolie’s best movie. _____
b. She’s the richest actress in Hollywood. _____

11. Write a short biography about a person you 12. Write participle past and translation. Escriba el
admire. 2ptos pasado participio and traduzca. 2ptos
________________________________________________ Verb Past participle Translation
________________________________________________ Wear
________________________________________________ Write
________________________________________________ Wake
________________________________________________ win

13. Write questions for these answers. Escriba las 14. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
preguntas a estas respuestas. 1pto Completa las oraciones usando las palabras del
cuadro. 1pto
documentary - action - romantic - horror - comedy -
Yes, I did. Tina was very happy to see me.
science fiction
b. ________________________________.
Yes, I have. I have been to Spain several times. a. I don’t like ____________________ movies. They are
b. There is a good ____________________ about penguins
on Channel 5. Let’s watch it.

15. Complete the phrases with for and since.

Complete las frases con for or since. 1pto.

c. ___________ a long time.

d. ___________ last Christmas.

___________________________________ _______________________________

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