Eurocae Ed-73e Minimum Operational Performance Specification For Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S 201105

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The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment

L’Organisation Européenne pour l’Equipement de l’Aviation Civile



Volume 1 of 2
Chapters 1 - 6

This document is the exclusive intellectual and commercial property of EUROCAE.

It is presently commercialised by EUROCAE.
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May 2011

102 rue Etienne Dolet Tel: 33 1 40 92 79 30

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Volume 1 of 2
Chapters 1 - 6

This document is the exclusive intellectual and commercial property of EUROCAE.

It is presently commercialised by EUROCAE.
This electronic copy is delivered to your company/organisation for internal use exclusively.
In no case it must be re-sold, or hired, lent or exchanged outside your company.

May 2011

© EUROCAE, 2011

1 CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 APPLICABILITY ............................................................................................................. 1
1.3 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 1
1.3.1 Mode A/C SSR 2
1.3.2 Mode S SSR 2
1.4 AIRCRAFT EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 General 2
1.4.2 Classes, Capability and Applicability of Equipment 3
1.4.3 Composition of Equipment 5
1.5 DEFINITIONS AND MEASUREMENT CONVENTIONS ............................................... 6
1.5.1 Mandating and Recommendation Phrases 6
1.5.2 Measurement Conventions 6
1.6 INTERROGATION SIGNALS ........................................................................................ 6
1.6.1 Received PAM Signals 7
1.6.2 Interrogation Carrier Frequency 7
1.6.3 PAM Pulse Characteristics 7
1.6.4 DPSK Pulse Characteristics 8
2 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION.................................................. 11
2.1 AIRWORTHINESS....................................................................................................... 11
2.2 INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION................................................ 11
2.3 FIRE PROTECTION .................................................................................................... 11
2.4 OPERATION OF CONTROLS..................................................................................... 11
2.5 CONTROL AND INDICATION FUNCTIONS ............................................................... 11
2.6 EFFECTS OF TESTS .................................................................................................. 12
2.7 SOFTWARE DESIGN .................................................................................................. 12
2.8 HARDWARE DESIGN ................................................................................................. 12
2.9 DATA INTERFACES ................................................................................................... 12
2.10 IMPLEMENTATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH ACAS ................................................ 12
CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 13
3.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 13
3.1.1 Classes of Equipment 13
3.1.2 Antenna 13
3.1.3 Signal Levels 13
3.2 RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Received Interrogation Tolerances 13
3.2.2 Sensitivity Variation with Frequency 14
3.2.3 Bandwidth 14

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3.2.4 Sensitivity and Dynamic Range 14

3.3 TRANSMITTER CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................ 14
3.3.1 Reply Transmission Frequency 14
3.3.2 Transmitter Reply Spectrum 14
3.3.3 RF Peak Output Power 15
3.3.4 Residual Power Output 15
3.4 REPLY RATE CAPABILITY......................................................................................... 15
3.4.1 Reply Rate Capability - Mode A/C 15
3.4.2 Reply Rate Capability - Mode S 16
3.4.3 Mode S ELM Peak Reply Rate 17
3.5 MODE A/C REPLIES ................................................................................................... 17
3.5.1 Mode A/C Framing Pulses 17
3.5.2 Mode A/C Information Pulses 17
3.5.3 Mode A/C Special Position Identification (SPI) Pulse 17
3.5.4 Mode A/C Reply Pulse Shape 17
3.5.5 Mode A/C Reply Pulse Position Tolerance 18
3.5.6 Mode A/C Coding 18
3.6 MODE S REPLIES (see Figure 3-2) ............................................................................ 19
3.6.1 Mode S Reply Preamble 19
3.6.2 Mode S Reply Data Pulses 19
3.6.3 Mode S Reply Pulse Shape 19
3.6.4 Mode S Reply Pulse Intervals 19
3.7 REPLY DELAY AND JITTER ...................................................................................... 19
3.7.1 Mode A/C Reply Delay and Jitter 19
3.7.2 Mode S Reply Delay and Jitter 20
3.8 SIDE LOBE SUPPRESSION CHARACTERISTICS.................................................... 20
3.8.1 General 20
3.8.2 Side Lobe Suppression, Mode A/C, Mode A/C-Only All-Call, and Mode A/C/S All-Call
3.8.3 Side Lobe Suppression, Mode S Formats 21
3.9 PULSE DECODER CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................... 21
3.9.1 General 21
3.9.2 Pulse Level Tolerances 22
3.9.3 Pulse Position Tolerances 22
3.9.4 Pulse Duration Tolerances 22
3.9.5 Sync Phase Reversal Position Tolerance 23
3.10 DESENSITISATION AND RECOVERY....................................................................... 23
3.10.1 Echo Suppression 23
3.10.2 Recovery 23
3.10.3 Dead Time 24

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3.11 REPLY RATE LIMITING .............................................................................................. 24

3.12 RESPONSE IN THE PRESENCE OF INTERFERENCE ............................................ 25
3.12.1 Mode A and Mode C with Random Interfering Pulse 25
3.12.2 Simultaneous Interrogations of Mode A and Mode C 25
3.12.3 Low Level Asynchronous Interference 25
3.12.4 Standard Interfering Pulse 25
3.12.5 Pulse Pair Interference 26
3.12.6 TACAN/DME and other Spurious Pulse Interference 26
3.12.7 Response in the Presence of CW Interference 27
3.13 UNDESIRED REPLIES ............................................................................................... 27
3.13.1 Mode A/C 27
3.13.2 Mode S 27
3.14 SELF TEST AND MONITORS..................................................................................... 27
3.14.1 Self Test 27
3.14.2 Squitter Monitor 28
3.14.3 Failure Indication 28
3.15 MUTUAL SUPPRESSION CAPABILITY ..................................................................... 28
3.15.1 Response to Mutual Suppression Pulses 28
3.15.2 Mutual Suppression Interface 28
3.16 DIVERSITY OPERATION ............................................................................................ 28
3.16.1 General 28
3.16.2 Diversity Antenna Selection 29
3.16.3 Signal Strength Threshold 29
3.16.4 Received Signal Delay Threshold 29
3.16.5 Diversity Transmission Channel Isolation 29
3.16.6 Reply Delay of Diversity Transponders 30
3.16.7 Squitter Antenna Selection 30
3.17 DATA HANDLING AND INTERFACES ....................................................................... 31
3.17.1 Direct Data 31
3.17.2 Indirect Data 34
3.17.3 Standard Transaction Interfaces 34
3.17.4 ELM Service Interfaces 36
3.17.5 Downlink Message Cancellation 37
3.18 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODE S SIGNAL FORMAT ................................................ 37
3.18.1 Format Structure, Interrogation and Reply 37
3.18.2 Bit Numbering and Sequence 37
3.18.3 Fields 37
3.18.4 Field Descriptions 38
3.19 ANTENNA .................................................................................................................... 46
3.19.1 Frequency of Operation 46

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3.19.2 Impedance and VSWR 46

3.19.3 Polarisation 46
3.19.4 Radiation Pattern 46
3.20 POWER INTERRUPTION ........................................................................................... 46
3.21 ALL MODE S TRANSPONDERS ................................................................................ 47
3.22 LEVEL 2 TRANSPONDER – Surveillance function..................................................... 47
3.22.1 Short Mode S Formats (Surveillance only function) 47
3.22.2 Mode S Protocols 47
3.23 LEVEL 2 Transponder - DATALINK FUNCTION ......................................................... 54
3.23.1 Long Mode S Formats (Data Link Capability) 55
3.23.2 Multisite Message Protocol 63
3.24 LEVEL 3 TRANSPONDER - UPLINK ELM CAPABILITY ........................................... 67
3.24.1 Comm-C/ELM Protocol (Figures 3-19 and 3-20) 67
3.24.2 Multisite Uplink ELM Protocol (Figures 3-19 and 3-20) 69
..................................................................................................................................... 71
3.25.1 The Comm-D/ELM Protocol (Figure 3-21 and 3-22) 71
3.25.2 Multisite Downlink ELM Protocol 72
3.26 LEVEL 5 TRANSPONDER - ENHANCED DATA LINK CAPABILITY ......................... 73
3.26.1 Enhanced Air-Initiated Comm-B Protocol 74
3.26.2 Enhanced Comm-C ELM Protocol 76
3.26.3 Enhanced Comm-D ELM Protocol 76
3.27 ACAS-COMPATIBLE MODE S TRANSPONDER....................................................... 78
3.27.1 Message Fields and Protocols 79
3.27.2 General Requirements of the Mode S Interface to the ACAS Equipment 85
3.27.3 Data provided by ACAS Equipment to the Mode S Transponder 86
3.27.4 Data Provided by the Mode S Transponder to the ACAS Equipment 87
3.27.5 ACAS-Compatible Transponder Automatic Performance Monitoring 87
3.28 EXTENDED SQUITTER PROTOCOLS ...................................................................... 87
3.28.1 Extended Squitter Format 88
3.28.2 Extended Squitter Types 88
3.28.3 Extended Squitter Rate 89
3.28.4 Register Timeout 91
3.28.5 Airborne/Surface State Determination 92
3.28.6 Surface Squitter Rate Control 92
3.28.7 Subfields in SD for Extended Squitter 92
3.28.8 Subfields in ME for Extended Squitter 94
3.28.9 Subfields in MB for Extended Squitter 95
3.28.10 Extended Squitter Military Application 95

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3.29.1 Ground Initiated Comm B 96

3.29.2 Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) Code Requirements 97
3.29.3 Declaration of Capability in Register 1016 - Data Link Capability Report 97
3.29.4 Register 1716, Common Usage GICB Capability Report 99
3.29.5 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports 100
3.29.6 Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification and Data Sources 102
3.29.7 Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration (Optional) 104
3.30.1 Register 1016 - Data link capability report 106
3.30.2 Register 1716 - Common Usage GICB Capability Report 107
3.30.3 Register 1816 through 1C16 Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability 109
3.30.4 Register 1D16 to 1F16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability 113
3.30.5 Register 4016 – Selected Vertical Intention 113
3.30.6 Register 5016 – Track and Turn report 118
3.30.7 Register 5F16 – Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring (Optional) 120
3.30.8 Register 6016- Heading and Speed Report 122
3.31 Register XX16 data format – Generic requirement ..................................................... 124
3.31.1 Purpose and Definition 124
3.31.2 Data requirement 124
3.31.3 Update interval 125
3.31.4 Servicing reporting 125
ENVIRONMENTAL TEST CONDITIONS ................................................................... 151
4.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 151
4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL TEST CONDITIONS .................................................................. 151
5 CHAPTER 5 - TEST PROCEDURES ......................................................................... 155
5.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 155
5.1.1 Power Input Voltage 155
5.1.2 Power Input Frequency 155
5.1.3 Adjustment of Equipment 155
5.1.4 Test Instrument Precautions 155
5.1.5 Ambient Conditions 155
5.1.6 Connected Loads 155
5.1.7 Recording of Test Results 155
5.1.8 Test Procedures 156
5.2 STANDARD INTERROGATION TEST SIGNALS ..................................................... 156
5.2.1 General Characteristics 156
5.2.2 Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Call Interrogations 156
5.2.3 Mode S Interrogations 157
5.3 TRANSPONDER TEST SET ..................................................................................... 157

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5.4.1 Receiver Characteristics (§3.2) 159
5.4.2 Transmitter Characteristics (§3.3) 161
5.4.3 Reply Characteristics 165
5.4.4 Side Lobe Suppression (§3.8) 170
5.4.5 Pulse Decoder Characteristics (§3.9) 173
5.4.6 Transponder Desensitisation and Recovery (§3.10) 176
5.4.7 Response in the Presence of Interference (§3.12) 182
5.4.8 Undesired Replies (§3.13) 186
5.4.9 Self-Test and Monitors (if provided) (§3.14) 187
5.4.10 Mutual Suppression Capability (§3.15) 188
5.4.11 Diversity Operation (§3.16) 188
5.4.12 Data Handling and Interfaces (§3.17) 191
5.4.13 Interface Integrity Testing (§3.17.2 b.) 199
5.4.14 Power Interruption (§3) 199
PROTOCOLS ............................................................................................................ 199
5.5.1 Introduction 199
5.5.2 Transponder States 200
5.5.3 Logic Tests 200
5.5.4 Tests for Data Flow 201
5.5.5 Scope of Tests 201
5.5.6 Required Test Equipment 201
5.5.7 Selection and Use of the Test Procedures 202
5.5.8 Test Procedures 203
5.6 Test Procedures for Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder (§3.29)
................................................................................................................................... 273
5.6.1 Ground Initiated Comm-B (§3.29.1) 273
5.6.2 Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) Code Requirements (§3.29.2) 273
5.6.3 Declaration of Capability in Register 1016 – Data Link Capability Report (§3.29.3) 274
5.6.4 Register 1716, Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§3.29.4) 275
5.6.5 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports (§3.29.5) 276
5.6.6 Baseline Aircraft Identification and Aircraft Registration Testing (§, §3.29.6
and §3.29.7) 279
5.7 Test Procedures for Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Compliant Transponder (§3.30) 303
5.7.1 Register 1016 – Data Link Capability Report (§3.30.1) 303
5.7.2 Register 1716 --- Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§3.30.2) 305
5.7.3 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports (§3.30.3) 306
5.7.4 Register 1D16 to 1F16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability (§3.30.4) 309
5.7.5 Register 4016 – Selected Vertical Intention (§3.30.5) 310

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(§3.30.6) 357
(§3.30.8) 397
5.8 GENERIC TEST PROCEDURES (§3.31) ................................................................. 438
5.8.1 Purpose and Definition (§3.31.1) 438
5.8.2 Data Requirement (§3.31.2) 438
5.8.3 Update Rate (§3.31.3) 438
5.8.4 Service Reporting (§3.31.4) 439
6 CHAPTER 6 - INSTALLED EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE ..................................... 449
6.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 449
6.2 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION ................................................................................... 449
6.2.1 Accessibility 449
6.2.2 Aircraft Environment 449
6.2.3 Display Visibility 449
6.2.4 Failure Protection 449
6.2.5 Interference Effects 449
6.2.6 Transmission Line(s) 449
6.2.7 Antenna Location 450
6.2.8 Radiation Pattern 450
6.2.9 Mutual Suppression 450
6.2.10 Aircraft Power Source 450
6.2.11 Single Operational Transponder at One Time 450
6.2.12 Validation of declared on-the-ground status 451
6.3 CONDITIONS OF TEST ............................................................................................ 451
6.3.1 Power Input 451
6.3.2 Associated Equipment or Systems 451
6.3.3 Environment 451
6.3.4 Adjustment of Equipment 451
6.3.5 Warm-up Period 451
6.4.1 General 451
6.4.2 Guidance for Testing of Transponders 452
6.4.3 Ground Test Procedures 453
6.4.4 Installed Equipment Performance Tests 453
7 LIST of MEMBERS of EUROCAE WORKING GROUP 49 ........................................ 459
8 ED-73E Improvement Suggestion Form .................................................................... 462

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© EUROCAE, 2011

1. This document prepared by EUROCAE Working Group 49 was accepted by the Council of
EUROCAE in May 2011.
2. EUROCAE is an international non-profit making organisation. Membership is open to European
users and manufacturers of equipment for aeronautics, trade associations, national civil aviation
administrations and, under certain conditions, non-European Members. Its work programme is
principally directed to thnne preparation of performance specification and guidance documents
for civil aviation equipment, for adoption and use at European and world-wide levels.
3. The findings of EUROCAE are resolved after discussion amongst its members and in co-
operation with RTCA Inc, Washington D.C., USA and/or the Society of Automobile Engineers
(SAE), Warrendale PA, USA through their appropriate committees.
4. This document supersedes ED-73C "MOPS for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S
Transponders" (October 2008). EUROCAE Working Group 49 and RTCA Special Committee
209 were reconvened for the purpose of updating their respective Transponder MOPS
documents to include changes that were necessary to reflect other changes that were made
when the ADS-B MOPS documents (EUROCAE ED-102A and RTCA DO-260B) were published
in December 2009.
The primary changes to the ADS-B MOPS that required modifications to the Transponder
MOPS dealt with:
 The changes to the characteristics of the ADS-B Target State and Status (Register 6216)
and the Aircraft Operational Status (Register 6516) Messages, which were removed from
under the Event-Driven Protocol and given specific broadcast rates as Periodic Status
Messages. Additional issues relate to resolving the requirements related to timeout and
termination of these Registers.
 The changes to the specification for the maximum number of squitters from a hard limit of
6.2 per second to ―6.2 per second averaged over any 60 second interval, except during an
emergency condition.‖
 The changes to the timeout and termination of the ADS-B Velocity Message.
 The changes to Transponder MOPS test procedures to more closely align with those in
the ADS-B MOPS (EUROCAE ED-102A and RTCA DO-260B).
5. There were additional changes that were required to the Transponder MOPS to correct errors
that have been discovered in the test procedures and certain other typographical errors
uncovered by manufacturers as they have implemented transponders compliant with ED-73C.
6. Additionally, the ICAO Aeronautical Surveillance Panel Technical Subgroup identified and
discussed issues that have been reported by Civil Aviation Authorities since the publication of
ED-73C in October 2008 and there were changes to the Transponder MOPS documents that
were requested to be discussed and resolved in the following areas:
a. To clarify the differences in the treatment of the ADS-B Identification Register 0816 and the
Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Identification Register 2016.
b. To resolve the issues that have led to Mode S interrogators in Europe that support EHS
receiving the contents of a Register that was not requested. This issue has come to be
referred to as ―BDS Swap.‖
c. To resolve the issue of how a Transponder should reply to an unassigned DI Codes.
d. To clarify the reply rate requirements in the ICAO SARPs and Transponder MOPS and
potentially adopt changes to clarify current requirements.
e. Clarified the Transponder processing for the Comm-B Protocol and enhanced the test
f. To propose language to strengthen the Flight ID requirements such that the display of Flight
ID and the crew entry must be simple to access and modify both on-the-ground and in flight.

© EUROCAE, 2011

g. To enhance aircraft monitoring by defining a clear set of parameters in a newly defined

Register for Transponder maintenance and diagnostics.
h. To specify changes in the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number as a result of the proposed
changes to the Transponder MOPS and the corresponding changes that are being specified
for the ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 to correspond to ADS-B Version 2 formats.
i. To provide a means to control the on-the-ground condition for aircraft operating without a
squat switch and to clearly indicate that when on the surface that all surface format
messages would be broadcast if so commanded. Resolution of these issues led to changes
in the TCS and RCS commands. Additional changes to the RCS command removed the
ability to inadvertently suppress the broadcast of Extended Squitters.
j. To investigate and potentially attempt to resolve issues raised by a signal-in-space study
commissioned by EASA related to measuring and analyzing the actual signal-in-space as it
exists in several parts of the European airspace with respect to radar and transponder
performance. This issue came to be known as the I/Q modulation issue.
k. To clarify that the transponder should interpret multisite lockout in an interrogation where
DI=1, 7, and non-selective lockout in the same interrogation, where PC=1, and set the TD
and appropriate TL timers accordingly from that single interrogation.
l. To discuss the elimination of the requirement to reply to a wide P4 interrogation. This
resulted in clarifying notes to be added to warn manufacturers that the P4LONG may be
eliminated in a future version of the Transponder MOPS.
7. Differences between this document and RTCA DO-181E (Minimum Operational Performance
Standards for Air Traffic control Radar Beacon System/Mode Select (ATCRBS/Mode S)
Airborne Equipment) are :
 introduction of different classes of equipment;
 Transponder Level 1 definition is not covered;
 the tests specified in chapter 5 differ in some cases, but are technically equivalent;
 limited to ACAS compatible transponders;
 guidance for testing of transponders in chapter 6.
8. The Minimum Operation Performance Specifications are recommendations only. EUROCAE is
not an official body of the European Governments therefore its recommendations are valid as
statements of official policy only when adopted by a particular government or conference of
9. Copies of this document may be obtained from:
102, rue Etienne Dolet

Phone: 33 1 40 92 79 30
Fax: 33 1 46 55 62 65
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

© EUROCAE, 2011



These minimum operational performance specifications are designed to ensure that
aircraft Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) transponder equipments
certificated to them will be compatible with ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, Part I up to
Amendment 85, including changes that were agreed upon in 2011 by the ICAO
Aeronautical Surveillance Panel, and the 2nd edition of ICAO Document 9871
(Technical Provisions for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter).
These minimum operational performance specifications do not include detailed
descriptions of Mode S coding formats, protocols and interfaces; these can be found
in ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV.
This document replaces the previous version ED-73C.
Chapter 1 of this document provides information necessary to understand the need for
the equipment requirements and tests defined in the remaining chapters. It describes
typical equipment applications and operational objectives and is the basis for the
performance criteria stated in Chapter 2 to Chapter 4. Definitions essential to proper
understanding of this document are also provided in Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 contains general design specifications.
Chapter 3 contains the minimum performance specification for the equipment, defining
performance under standard operating conditions.
Chapter 4 specifies the environmental test conditions which provide a laboratory
means of determining the overall performance characteristics of the equipment under
conditions representative of those which may be encountered in actual operations.
Chapter 5 details recommended test procedures for demonstrating compliance with
Chapters 3 and 4.
Chapter 6 specifies the performance demanded of the installed equipment. It also
includes ground and flight tests of the installed equipment which may be required
when performance cannot be adequately determined through testing under standard
test conditions.

Compliance with this minimum performance specification by manufacturers, installers
and users is recommended as a means of ensuring that the equipment will
satisfactorily perform its intended function(s) under all conditions encountered in
normal aircraft operations.
Any regulatory application of this document in whole or in part is the sole responsibility
of appropriate government agencies.
As the measured values of equipment performance characteristics may be a function
of the method of measurement, standard test conditions and methods of test are
recommended in this document.


SSR is a cooperative surveillance and communications system for air traffic control. It
employs ground-based interrogators and airborne transponders.

© EUROCAE, 2011

1.3.1 Mode A/C SSR

Mode A/C SSR uses the aircraft transponder to respond to interrogations from the
ground to provide:
a. a 4096-code identity code (Mode A), or,
b. pressure altitude information, in 100 feet increments (Mode C).
The Mode A code is entered by aircrew via a control unit in the cockpit; Mode C
pressure altitude information is derived from an encoding barometric altimeter or air
data computer system.
The plan position of the aircraft, with respect to the ground interrogator, is determined
from range and azimuth measurements made on the transponder replies.

1.3.2 Mode S SSR

Mode S SSR can accommodate ground-air-ground data link communications
integrally with the surveillance interrogations and replies.
Mode S interrogators provide surveillance of Mode A/C-equipped aircraft as well as
Mode S-equipped aircraft; Mode S transponders include Mode A/C functions and will
reply to Mode A/C interrogators. In addition, the data link potential of Mode S permits
use of the transponder for a number of air traffic management (ATM), airborne
collision avoidance and airborne surveillance applications.


1.4.1 General
The transponder is the principal component of the airborne equipment of Mode A/C
and Mode S SSR. It performs all the necessary surveillance functions by providing the
appropriate reply to Mode A/C and/or Mode S interrogations.
When used for data link transmissions, the Mode S transponder accepts the message
as it arrives as part of an interrogation and passes it on to its destination. A message
to be transmitted to the ground is accepted by the Mode S transponder at the interface
and is incorporated in a reply made to an interrogation.
All Mode S transmissions, uplink as well as downlink, are protected by a 24-bit parity
code. The transponder performs decoding and encoding as required, so that the
surveillance function as well as the message content is protected.
The complexity of the transponder required for surveillance only, has been kept at the
minimum needed for this function.
Some Mode S transponders may be equipped with uplink and downlink message
interfaces providing interaction with input/output (I/O) devices. Some transponders
may include the devices as an integral part of their design.
There are two types of squitter transmissions, i.e., transmissions spontaneously
generated by the transponder. The acquisition (56-bit) squitter has the format of an
All-Call reply (DF=11) and is transmitted by a transponder approximately once every
second. This squitter is received and used by aircraft equipped with ACAS to detect
the presence and ICAO 24-bit address of Mode S equipped aircraft within signal
The extended (112-bit) squitter (DF=17) contains the same fields as the acquisition
squitter, plus a 56-bit message field that is used to broadcast Automatic Dependent
Surveillance (ADS) data approximately four times per second. The Extended Squitter
is used by ACAS or other air-air applications, and ground ATC users for passive air
and surface surveillance.

© EUROCAE, 2011

―Air-air surveillance‖ interrogations from airborne collision avoidance systems are

addressed to Mode S-equipped aircraft based upon the address extracted mainly from
squitter signals. These interrogations are used for Mode S target tracking and collision
threat assessment.

1.4.2 Classes, Capability and Applicability of Equipment Transponder Functionality

ICAO documentation defines various 'levels' of transponder to indicate the Mode S
protocols that the transponder is designed to support. Level 2 is the minimum required
for European airspace (ref. ICAO Doc 7030).
a. Level 2 -
Surveillance and Comm A/B.
b. Level 3 -
Surveillance, Comm A/B, and Uplink ELM.
c. Level 4 -
Surveillance, Comm A/B, Uplink ELM and Downlink ELM.
d. Level 5 -
Full level 4 plus enhanced protocols for parallel processing of Comm-B, Uplink
ELM and Downlink ELM transactions.
e. Extended squitter -
Extended squitter transponders shall have the capabilities of level 2, 3, 4 or 5
and also those prescribed for extended squitter operation (see Chapter 3 of this
f. SI Capability -
Transponders with the ability to process SI codes shall have the capabilities of a
Transponder Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 and also those prescribed for SI code operation
(see Chapter 3 of this document).
g. Hijack Mode Capability –
Transponders that support the Hijack Mode shall have the capabilities of a
Transponder Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 and also those prescribed for Hijack Mode (see
Appendix D of this document). Transponder Labelling

This section describes the labeling of the transponder and gives a brief introduction to
the additional features which may be supported by the transponder.
Additional features:
ACAS Compatibility – ACAS compatible transponders will have the capabilities
of §3.27.
Antenna Diversity – in aircraft with gross mass in excess of 5700 kg or a
maximum cruising true airspeed capability in excess of 463 km/h (250 kt), or co-
installation with airborne collision avoidance systems may require the
transponder to operate in the diversity mode, i.e. the use of two antennas,
receivers and transmitting channels. (see §
Extended Squitter – extended squitter transponders will have the capabilities of
Dataflash Application – transponders implementing dataflash mode will adhere
to the requirements contained in Appendix C.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Hijack Mode Capability – transponders implementing the hijack mode will

adhere to the requirements contained in Appendix D.
Elementary Surveillance – elementary surveillance transponders will have the
capabilities of §3.29.
Enhanced Surveillance – enhanced surveillance transponders will have the
capabilities of §3.30.
Surveillance Identifier Code (SI) – transponders with the ability to process SI
codes have the capabilities of §
These additional features and corresponding identification codes are summarized in
the following table:

Additional Feature ID Code

ACAS Compatibility a
Antenna Diversity d
Extended Squitter e
Dataflash f
Hijack Mode Capability h
Elementary Surveillance (only) l
Enhanced Surveillance (including Elementary Surveillance) n
Surveillance Identifier Code (SI) s

Each transponder shall be clearly labeled with its actual functional level, minimum
peak output power, and its optional additional features. The label shall contain the
word "Level" followed by one digit between 2 and 5, followed by the ID codes for the
incorporated optional additional features as shown in the table above, followed by the
transponders‘ minimum peak output power designation as ―Class 1‖ or ―Class 2‖ (see
Example No. 1 - For a level 2 transponder that incorporates extended squitter,
elementary surveillance capability and SI capability with a minimum peak output
power of 70 watts(18.5 dBW); the transponder would be labeled "Level 2els,
Class 2".
Example No. 2 - For a level 4 transponder that incorporates ACAS compatibility,
antenna diversity, extended squitter, enhanced surveillance capability and SI
capability with a minimum peak output power of 125 watts (21.0 dBW); the
transponder would be labeled "Level 4adens, Class 1".
The label should be clearly visible when the transponder is mounted on the aircraft. In
the case of a change of transponder level or capability the label must be changed
NOTE: For transponders where “Level” or “additional feature” might be changed
through an approved software update, a means to display the labeling
electronically would meet the above intent. Mutual Suppression

It is assumed that transponders for use on aircraft equipped with DME or other
equipment operating in the same frequency band will support mutual suppression.

© EUROCAE, 2011
5 Classes of Equipment

a. Two classes of equipment are considered in these minimum operational
performance specifications, CLASS 1 and CLASS 2.
b. The specified performance for each of these classes is related to intended use
and/or the type of aircraft in which the equipment is to be installed. The classes
are defined as follows.
(1) CLASS 1 Equipment
CLASS 1 equipment is intended for use in aircraft that operate at
altitudes above 15000 ft, or have a maximum cruising true airspeed in
excess of 175 kt (324 km/h), and shall meet the following requirements:
A. RF peak output power > 21 dBW (§3.3.3)
B. Reply transmission frequency tolerance ± 1 MHz (§3.3.1)
C. Mode A and C reply rate capability as defined in §3.4.1.
(2) CLASS 2 Equipment
CLASS 2 equipment may be used in aircraft that operate at altitudes not
exceeding 15000 ft, and have a maximum cruising true airspeed not
exceeding 175 kt (324 km/h), and shall meet the following requirements:
A. RF peak output power > 18.5 dBW (§3.3.3)
B. Reply transmission frequency tolerance ± 1 MHz (§3.3.1)
C. Mode A and C reply rate capability as defined in §3.4.1.
NOTE: Level 4 or 5 transponders are not expected to be
developed using Class 2 power.
c. Unless otherwise specified, the performance criteria of this document apply to
both classes of equipment. Antenna Diversity

In order to avoid the performance degradation due to the screening effects that can
occur when a single antenna is mounted on the bottom of the aircraft, a second
antenna is mounted on top of the aircraft. The transponder processes interrogations
on both antennas and transmits the reply on the antenna which received the strongest
valid interrogation. Aircraft with gross mass in excess of 5700 kg or a maximum
cruising true airspeed capability in excess of 250 kt (463 km/h) installed with Mode S
equipment are required to operate with antenna diversity. Altitude Quantization

Mode S transponders may quantize altitude data in either 25 foot or 100 foot
increments. ICAO Annex 10 recommends that the best quantization available on the
aircraft is used. ACAS
SSR equipment intended for use as part of an ACAS, shall in addition meet the
performance criteria specified in §3.3.4 and §3.27.

1.4.3 Composition of Equipment

a. The word "equipment" as used in this document includes all components and
units necessary for the system to properly perform its intended function(s). For
example, the "equipment" may include a transponder, control panel, antenna(s)
and interconnecting cables.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. In the case of this example, all of the foregoing components and units comprise
the "equipment". It should not be inferred from this example that each SSR
transponder equipment design will necessarily include all of the foregoing
components or units. This will depend on the specific design chosen by the


1.5.1 Mandating and Recommendation Phrases

a. "Shall"
The use of the word SHALL indicates a mandated criterion; ie compliance with
the particular procedure or specification is mandatory and no alternative may be
b. "Should"
The use of the word SHOULD (and phrases such as "IT IS RECOMMENDED
THAT ...", etc.) indicate that though the procedure or criterion is regarded as the
preferred option, alternative procedures, specifications or criteria may be
applied, provided that the manufacturer, installer or tester can provide
information or data to adequately support and justify the alternative.

1.5.2 Measurement Conventions

The following measurement conventions apply to the signal and pulse characteristics
defined in §1.6.
PULSE AMPLITUDE - Defined as the peak voltage amplitude of the pulse envelope.
PULSE DURATION - Measured between the half voltage points of the leading and
trailing edges.
PULSE RISE TIME - Measured as the time interval between 10% and 90% of peak
amplitude on the leading edge of the pulse.
PULSE DECAY TIME - Measured as the time interval between 90% and 10% of peak
amplitude on the trailing edge of the pulse.
PULSE-TO-PULSE INTERVALS - Measured between the half voltage points of the
leading edges of consecutive pulses.
PHASE REVERSAL LOCATION - Measured at the 90° point of the phase transition.
PHASE REVERSAL DURATION - Measured between the 10° and 170° points of the
PHASE REVERSAL INTERVALS - Measured between 90° points of the transitions.


The following paragraphs describe the signal in space expected to appear at the
transponder antenna. The signals in space comprise two types of interrogations
distinguished by different modulation techniques: pulse amplitude modulation (PAM)
and differential phase shift keying (DPSK).

© EUROCAE, 2011

1.6.1 Received PAM Signals

a. The following interrogations are exclusively PAM signals.
Mode A,
Mode C,
Mode A/Mode S All-Call,
Mode C/Mode S All-Call,
Mode A-Only All-Call,
Mode C-Only All-Call.
b. All of these interrogations use two or more of the four pulses described in
§1.6.3. The pulses are designated P1, P2, P3 and P4.

1.6.2 Interrogation Carrier Frequency

Mode A/C interrogators: 1030 MHz ± 0.2 MHz
Mode S interrogators: 1030 ± 0.01 Mhz.
The carrier frequencies of the control transmission and of each of the interrogation
pulse transmissions shall not differ from each other by more than 0.2 MHz.
NOTE: The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using different
methods. This includes hard keying with strong amplitude drop and rapid
phase reversal or IQ modulation with little or no amplitude drop, but with a
frequency shift of several MHz during the phase reversal.

1.6.3 PAM Pulse Characteristics

a. Pulse Shapes
The pulse shapes for PAM interrogations are summarised in Table 1-1.
Pulse Pulse Duration Rise Time Decay Time
Designator Duration Tolerance Min/Max Min/Max
P1,P2,P3,P5 0.8 µs ±0.1 µs 0.05/0.1 µs 0.05/0.2 µs
P4 (short) 0.8 µs ±0.1 µs 0.05/0.1 µs 0.05/0.2 µs
P4 (long) 1.6 µs ±0.1 µs 0.05/0.1 µs 0.05/0.2 µs

b. Pulse Patterns (See Figure 1-1)

The pulse patterns of the PAM interrogations are defined inTable 1-2.
Mode A 2 ±0.15 8 ±0.2 - None
Mode C 2 ±0.15 21 ±0.2 - None
Mode A/Mode S All-Call 2 ±0.15 8 ±0.2 2 ±0.05 Long
Mode C/Mode S All-Call 2 ±0.15 21 ±0.2 2 ±0.05 Long
Mode A-Only All-Call 2 ±0.15 8 ±0.2 2 ±0.05 Short
Mode C-Only All-Call 2 ±0.15 21 ±0.2 2 ±0.05 Short

c. Relative Pulse Amplitudes

P3 amplitude is P1 1 dB
P4 amplitude is P3 1 dB

© EUROCAE, 2011

1.6.4 DPSK Pulse Characteristics

a. All Mode S (P6 type) interrogations contain DPSK modulation signals.
Interrogations are structured as shown in Figure 1-2.
b. Pulse Shapes
(1) Pulses P1, P2 and P5 have the same shapes as PAM pulses P1, P2 and
P3 of §1.6.3 a.
(2) P6 is either 16.25 ±0.25 µs, or 30.25 ±0.25 µs, in duration.
(3) P6 rise time is between 0.05 and 0.1 µs and the decay time is between
0.05 and 0.2 µs.
c. Relative Pulse Amplitudes
(1) P2 amplitude is not more than 0.25 dB less than the amplitude of P1.
(2) The first microsecond of P6 has amplitude not more than 0.25 dB less
than the amplitude of P1.
(3) The amplitude variation of the envelope of P6 is less than 1 dB.
(4) The amplitude variation between successive phase modulation chips in
P6 is less than 0.25 dB.
(5) P5 amplitude will vary with respect to P6.
d. Phase Reversals
(1) The first phase reversal within P6 is the sync phase reversal.
(2) The midpoint of each following data phase reversal shall occur only at a
time 0.25 times (N + 1) ±0.02 µs after the sync phase reversal, where N
is a positive integer 1 and represents the bit number in the message for
each bit that is equal to ONE.
NOTE: The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using
different methods. This includes hard keying with strong
amplitude drop and rapid phase reversal or IQ modulation with
little or no amplitude drop but with frequency shift during the
phase reversal and slow phase reversal (80ns).
e. Pulse Interval
P1 - P2 2.00 ±0.05 µs
P2 to sync phase reversal of P6 2.75 ±0.05 µs
P6 to sync phase reversal of P6 1.25 ±0.05 µs
P5 to sync phase reversal of P6 0.4 ±0.05 µs
P5 may be overlaid on P6 by the interrogator as a side lobe suppression (SLS)
signal in any Mode S interrogation. It will be overlaid on all Mode S-Only All-Call
f. Information Content
(1) DPSK signals contain information in data chips within P6. The chips are
located after the possible data phase reversals assigned as indicated in
§1.6.4 d and e.
(2) P6 pulses contain 56 chips (short) or 112 chips (long).
(3) A phase reversal preceding a chip characterises that data bit as a binary
ONE. No preceding phase reversal characterises that data bit as a binary

© EUROCAE, 2011

Mode A 8.0 μs
2.0 μs
Mode C 21.0 μs

Interrogation P1 P3 P4

0.8 μs 0.8 μs * μs

2.0 μs * Mode A/C/S all-call: 1.6 μs

Mode A/C-only all-call:0.8 μs

SLS Control
P1 P2

0.8 μs


2.0 μs 0.5 μs
2.75 μs
1.25 μs 0.25 μs 0.5 μs

P1 P2
0.8 0.8

0.4 μs



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The equipment shall not, under normal or fault conditions, impair the airworthiness of
the aircraft in which it is installed.


The equipment shall comply with the relevant International Telecommunications Union
Radio Regulations.


Except for small parts (such as knobs, fasteners, seals, grommets and small electrical
parts) that would not contribute significantly to the propagation of a fire, all materials
used shall be self-extinguishing.
NOTE: One means of showing compliance is contained in Certification
Specification (CS), Part 25, Appendix F.


The operation of controls, intended for use during flight, should be evaluated to ensure
they are logical and tolerant to human error. In particular, where transponder functions
are integrated with other system controls, the manufacturer should ensure that
unintentional transponder mode switching (i.e. an operational state to ‗STANDBY‘ or
‗OFF‘) is minimised. This may take the form of a confirmation of mode switching,
required by the flight crew. Typically ‗Line Select‘ Keys, ‗Touch Screen‘ or ‗Cursor
Controlled/Tracker-ball‘ methods used to change transponder modes should be
carefully designed to minimize crew error.
All possible positions, combinations and sequences of pilot accessible controls shall
not result in a condition detrimental to the continued performance of the equipment or
continued safe flight of the aircraft.
The flight crew should be aware, at all times, of the operational state of the
transponder. If either the operational state selection or failure warning of the
transponder is not visible to the flight crew, any change of the operational state of the
transponder shall be annunciated to the flight crew via suitable means. An installation
evaluation may be required to determine the adequacy of the annunciation means.
Controls which are not intended to be operated in flight shall not be readily accessible
to the flight crew.


The following Control and Indication functions shall be provided:
a. Means of selecting each of the Mode A 4096 identification reply codes;
b. Means of indicating the Mode A 4096 code selected.
All selected Mode A 4096 Codes shall be shown.
c. Means of setting the transponder into standby mode.
Means of selecting the condition in which all transponder functions, other than
transmissions on the reply frequency and associated self-testing, are
operational (i.e., the Standby condition). Return to normal operation from this
condition shall be possible within five seconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Means of initiating the IDENT (SPI) feature in Mode A and Mode S;

e. Means of inhibiting the transmission of altitude information.
Means of inhibiting the transmissions of the altitude information, while retaining
the framing pulses in Mode C replies and while transmitting all ZEROs in the
altitude field of Mode S replies.
f. If the aircraft uses a flight number for aircraft identification, a means shall be
provided for the variable aircraft identification to be inserted by the pilot while on
the ground, or during flight. The means for modifying and displaying aircraft
identification shall be a simple crew action independent of the entry of other
flight data.
NOTE 1: For testing purposes only, a means of inhibiting the squitter function
will need to be provided.
NOTE 2: Transponders equipped for extended squitter operation should
have a means to disable acquisition squitters when extended
squitters are being emitted. This will facilitate the suppression of
acquisition squitters if all ACAS units have been converted to
receive the extended squitter
NOTE 3: At a future date, yet to be decided, the short acquisition squitter
may be inhibited when the extended squitter is being used.


Unless otherwise stated, the design of the equipment shall be such that, during and
after the application of the specified tests, no condition exists which would be
detrimental to the subsequent performance of the equipment.


Software design shall follow the guidelines specified in EUROCAE Document
ED-12B ― Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification ‖.
The software criticality and level will depend on the particular equipment function and
NOTE: Regulatory Authorities may require Level B or higher, as defined in
Eurocae ED-12B, for some applications.


Hardware design should follow the guidelines specified in EUROCAE Document
ED-80 (Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware). The hardware
criticality and design assurance level will depend on the particular equipment function
and application.
NOTE: Regulatory Authorities may require Design Assurance Level B or higher, as
defined in EUROCAE ED-80, for some applications.


Equipment shall have suitable interface(s) for the input and output of data as required,
see §3.17.


If the equipment implementation includes design considerations for use in conjunction
with ACAS functionality, the guidelines contained in the most current issue of
ED-143/RTCA DO-185A and following, Minimum Operational Performance Standards
for Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Airborne Equipment, should
be considered.

© EUROCAE, 2011



NOTE: Systems using Mode S capabilities are generally used for air traffic control
surveillance systems. In addition, certain ATC applications may use Mode S
emitters e.g., for vehicle surface surveillance or for fixed target detection on
surveillance systems. Under such specific conditions, the term “aircraft” can
be understood as “aircraft or vehicle” (A/V). While those applications may
use a limited set of data, any deviation from standard physical
characteristics must be considered very carefully by the appropriate
authorities. They must take into account not only their own surveillance
(SSR) environment, but also possible effects on other systems like ACAS.

3.1.1 Classes of Equipment

a. Two classes of equipment are addressed in these minimum performance
specifications, CLASS 1 and CLASS 2, which are defined in §
b. Unless otherwise stated, the performance criteria specified in this document
apply to both classes of equipment.

3.1.2 Antenna
These minimum performance specifications assume an antenna or antennas having
the characteristics defined in §3. When only one antenna is used, it shall be the
bottom antenna.

3.1.3 Signal Levels

The specified signal levels shall exist at the antenna end of a transponder-to-antenna
transmission line of loss equal to the maximum for which the transponder is designed.
NOTE: Although it is expected that a transponder will be installed with less than the
designed maximum transmission line loss, these performance specifications
are based on the maximum design value.


3.2.1 Received Interrogation Tolerances

The equipment shall meet all criteria of this minimum operational performance
specification with interrogation signals within the tolerance range defined in §1.6.
1. Although receiver characteristics for frequency and bandwidth in §3.2.2 to §3.2.4
are specified in terms of Mode A/C interrogations and replies, the specifications
are adequate for both Mode A/C and Mode S interrogations.
2. The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using different methods.
This includes hard keying with strong amplitude drop and rapid phase reversal or
IQ modulation with little or no amplitude drop, but with frequency shift during the
phase reversal and slow phase reversal (80ns).

© EUROCAE, 2011

3. The transponder cannot make any assumption on the type of modulation

technology used and therefore cannot rely on the specificities of the signal during
the phase reversal to detect a phase reversal.

3.2.2 Sensitivity Variation with Frequency

The RF input level needed to produce 90% Mode A or Mode C replies shall not vary
by more than 1 dB and shall at no time be greater than -69 dBm for standard
interrogation signals in the frequency range of 1029.8 to 1030.2 MHz.

3.2.3 Bandwidth
The level of an interrogation signal needed to trigger the transponder at frequencies
below 1005 MHz and above 1055 MHz shall be at least 60 dB above the level needed
to trigger the transponder at 1030 MHz with the same reply efficiency.
NOTE: There is no requirement to test the 3 dB bandwidth and the skirt ratio.
However, it can be shown that a 3 dB bandwidth of 6 MHz and a 40 dB
bandwidth of 30 MHz will be optimum for Mode S performance in the
presence of Mode A/C interference and will be near optimum for Mode A/C

3.2.4 Sensitivity and Dynamic Range

Given an interrogation that requires a reply, the minimum triggering level (MTL) is
defined as the minimum input power level that results in a 90 percent reply ratio if the
interrogation signal has all nominal pulse spacings and widths and if the replies are
the correct replies assigned to the interrogation format.
a. The Minimum Triggering Level (MTL) for Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations, having equal amplitude P1 and P3 pulses and P2 not detected
shall be -73 dBm, ±4 dB.
b. The MTL for Mode S (P6 type) interrogations shall be -74 dBm, ±3 dB.
c. The reply ratio shall be at least 99% for all Mode S (P6 type) interrogations at
signal levels between MTL+3dB and -21 dBm.
d. The reply ratio shall not be more than 10% for interrogations at signal levels
equal to or below -81 dBm.
e. The variation of the MTL between Mode A and Mode C interrogations shall not
exceed 1 dB.
f. The reply ratio shall be at least 90% for Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations between MTL + 3 dB and -21 dBm.
g. The spurious Mode A/C reply ratio resulting from low level Mode-S interrogation
shall be no more than:
an average of 1% in the input interrogation signal range between -81dBm
and the Mode S MTL, and
a maximum of 3% at any given amplitude in the input interrogation signal
range between -81dBm and the Mode S MTL.


3.3.1 Reply Transmission Frequency

The carrier frequency of reply transmissions shall be 1090 ±1 MHz.

3.3.2 Transmitter Reply Spectrum

The spectrum of the transponder transmitter output shall not exceed the limits shown
in Table 3-1 and Figure 3-1.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Frequency Difference Maximum Relative

from Carrier (MHz) Response from Peak
1.3 and 7 -3 dB
7 and 23 -20 dB
23 and 78 -40 dB
> 78 -60 dB


3.3.3 RF Peak Output Power

The RF peak output power of each pulse of each reply at the terminals of the antenna
shall be as follows.
a. CLASS 1 Equipment
Minimum RF peak power: 21.0 dBW (125 W).
Maximum RFpeak power: 27.0 dBW (500 W).
b. CLASS 2 Equipment
Minimum RF peak power: 18.5 dBW (70W).
Maximum RF peak power: 27.0 dBW (500 W).

3.3.4 Residual Power Output

When the transponder transmitter is in the inactive state, the RF output power at 1090
±3 MHz, at the terminals of the antenna shall not exceed -50 dBm, except in
transponders intended for use with ACAS where it shall not exceed -70 dBm. (See
§3.2.4 f).
NOTE 1: The inactive state is defined as the entire period between transmissions,
less 10 µs transition periods preceding the first pulse and following the last
pulse of the transmission.
NOTE 2: This is necessary to ensure that Mode S-equipped aircraft operating as
near as 0.1 NM to a SSR or Mode S sensor will not degrade the operation
of that sensor. Also, an on-board 1090 MHz receiver, e.g., a collision
avoidance system (CAS) installation, may be interfered with by CW
radiation from the transponder. Therefore, lower unwanted CW power
output may be required for use in aircraft installations where sufficient
isolation cannot be achieved.


All the reply rates mentioned in this section shall be in addition to any squitter
transmissions that the transponder is required to make.

3.4.1 Reply Rate Capability - Mode A/C

a All Transponders
The transponder shall be able to continuously generate at least 500 Mode A/C
15-pulse replies per second.
b. CLASS 1 Equipment
CLASS 1 equipment shall be capable of a peak reply rate of 1200 Mode A/C
replies per second for a 15-pulse coded reply (including 2 framing pulses, 12
information pulses and the SPI pulse) for a duration of 100 milliseconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. CLASS 2 Equipment
CLASS 2 equipment shall be capable of a peak reply rate of 1000 Mode A/C
replies per second for a 15-pulse coded reply (including 2 framing pulses, 12
information pulses and the SPI pulse) for a duration of 100 milliseconds.
NOTE: The reply rate requirement of 500 replies per second establishes the
minimum continuous reply rate capability of the transponder. As per
the altitude and speed criteria above, the 100 or 120 replies in a 100
millisecond interval defines the peak capability of the transponder.
The transponder must be capable of replying to this short term burst
rate, but may not be capable of sustaining this rate. If the
transponder is subjected to interrogation rates beyond its reply rate
capability, the reply rate limit control of §3.11 acts to gracefully
desensitize the transponder in a manner that favors closer
interrogators. Desensitization eliminates weaker interrogation

3.4.2 Reply Rate Capability - Mode S

The total reply rate over each time interval specified below, shall be the sum of the
individual Mode A/C replies at an average rate of 500 per second and the Mode S
reply rate over that interval.
a. Short DF Reply Rates
A transponder,shall have the following minimum reply rate capabilities for short
Mode S Downlink Format (DF) replies;
(1) 50 Mode S replies in any one-second interval;
(2) 18 Mode S replies in a 100-millisecond interval;
(3) 8 Mode S replies in a 25-millisecond interval;
(4) 4 Mode S replies in a 1.6-millisecond interval.
b. Long DF Reply Rates
A transponder shall be able to transmit as long replies;
(1) at least 16 of the 50 Mode S replies in any one-second interval;
(2) at least 6 of the 18 Mode S replies in a 100-millisecond interval;
(3) at least 4 of the 8 Mode S replies in a 25-millisecond interval;
(4) at least 2 of the 4 Mode S replies in a 1.6-millisecond interval.
c. Enhanced Data link protocols
A transponder equipped with the enhanced data link protocols shall be able to
transmit as long replies;
(1) At least 24 of the 50 Mode S replies in any 1-second interval.
(2) At least 9 of 18 Mode S replies in a 100-millisecond interval.
(3) At least 6 of 8 Mode S replies in a 25 millisecond interval.
(4) At least 2 of 4 Mode S replies in a 1.6 millisecond interval.
All of the above reply rates shall be in addition to any squitter transmissions that the
transponder is required to make.
NOTE: Higher reply rates are required by an ACAS-compatible transponder (See
§3.27 b).

© EUROCAE, 2011

3.4.3 Mode S ELM Peak Reply Rate

A transponder equipped for ELM downlink operations shall have the capability of
transmitting, at least once every one second, in a 25-millisecond interval, 25% more
segments than have been announced in the initialisation (i.e. at least 20 long replies
for transponders capable of handling the maximum of 16 segments).
NOTE 1: The specification for 25% surplus transmitting capability is derived from the
possible need for re-transmission.
NOTE 2: Transponders may exist which have a declared capability of transmitting
less than the maximum number of Comm-D segments in one burst. These
transponders also have a surplus transmitting capacity of 25%.


3.5.1 Mode A/C Framing Pulses

The reply function shall use two framing pulses nominally spaced 20.3 µs apart.

3.5.2 Mode A/C Information Pulses

The designators of the information pulses and their positions from the first framing
pulse (F1) are as follows.
Bit X shall not be used

C1 F1+1.45 µs
A1 F1+2.90 µs
C2 F1+4.35 µs
A2 F1+5.80 µs
C4 F1+7.25 µs
A4 F1+8.70 µs
X F1+10.15 µs
B1 F1+11.60 µs
D1 F1+13.05 µs
B2 F1+14.50 µs
D2 F1+15.95 µs
B4 F1+17.40 µs
D4 F1 + 18.85 µs

3.5.3 Mode A/C Special Position Identification (SPI) Pulse

a. In addition to the information pulses, a SPI pulse, which may be used with any
of the other information pulses upon request, shall be provided at a spacing
4.35 µs following the last framing pulse of Mode A replies only. The SPI pulse
shall not be transmitted when replying to Mode C interrogations.
b. The SPI pulse shall only be initiated by an IDENT switch.
c. Upon activation of the IDENT switch, the SPI pulse shall be transmitted when
replying to Mode A interrogations for a period of 18 ±1.0 seconds.

3.5.4 Mode A/C Reply Pulse Shape

a. All reply pulses including SPI pulses shall have the following characteristics.
Duration: 0.45 ±0.1 µs.
Rise Time: Between 0.05 and 0.1 µs.
Decay Time: Between 0.05 and 0.2 µs.

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b. The rise and decay times may be less than as specified in §1.6.3 a. provided
that the sideband radiation is no greater than that which would be produced
theoretically by a trapezoidal wave having the stated rise and decay times.
c. The reply spectrum specification of §3.3.2 is an acceptable specification for
meeting Mode A/C minimum rise and decay times.
d. The pulse amplitude variation of one pulse, with respect to any other pulse in a
reply train, shall not exceed 1 dB.

3.5.5 Mode A/C Reply Pulse Position Tolerance

a. The pulse position tolerance for each pulse (including the last framing pulse)
with respect to the first framing pulse of the reply group shall be ±0.1 µs.
b. The pulse position tolerance of the SPI pulse with respect to the last framing
pulse of the reply group shall be ±0.1 µs.
c. The pulse position tolerance of any pulse in the reply group with respect to any
other pulse (except the first framing pulse) shall be ±0.15 µs.

3.5.6 Mode A/C Coding

a. Pressure Altitude (Mode C)
(1) All equipment shall have the capability for pressure altitude transmission,
in response to Mode C interrogations.
(2) Altitude information provided to the transponder shall comply with the
relevant paragraphs of ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV.
(3) When operated with a pressure altitude encoder or an air data system,
the transponder shall have the capability for pressure altitude
transmission up to the maximum operating altitude of the aircraft to which
it is to be fitted. Also see §2.5.
(4) The transponder shall have the capability to inhibit the information pulses
in the Mode C reply.
b. 4096 Identification Code
(1) In response to a Mode A interrogation, the transponder shall reply with a
pilot-selectable identification code.
(2) The code designation shall consist of digits between 0 through 7, and
shall consist of the sum of the postscripts of the information pulse
numbers defined in §3.5.2, used as follows:

Digit Pulse Group

First A
Second B
Third C
Fourth D

Example: Code 3615 will consist of:

Group Bits Value

A A1, A2 1+2=3
B B2, B4 2+4=6
C C1 1=1
D D1, D4 1+4=5

© EUROCAE, 2011

3.6 MODE S REPLIES (see Figure 3-2)

The Mode S reply data block is formed by pulse position modulation (PPM) encoding
of the reply data at the rate of 1 Mb/s. A pulse transmitted in the first half of the interval
represents a ONE while a pulse transmitted in the second half represents a ZERO.

3.6.1 Mode S Reply Preamble

a. The preamble shall consist of four 0.5 ±0.05 µs, pulses.
b. The second, third and fourth pulses shall be spaced 1.0, 3.5 and 4.5 µs
respectively from the first transmitted pulse.
c. The position tolerance shall be in accordance with §3.6.4.

3.6.2 Mode S Reply Data Pulses

a. The block of reply data pulses shall begin 8.0 µs after the first transmitted pulse.
b. Either 56 or 112 one-microsecond intervals shall be assigned to each
c. A pulse with a width of 0.5 ±0.05 µs shall be transmitted either in the first or in
the second half of each interval.
d. If a pulse transmitted in the second half of one interval is followed by another
pulse transmitted in the first half of the next interval, the two pulses shall merge
in a 1.0 ±0.05 µs pulse.

3.6.3 Mode S Reply Pulse Shape

a. The pulse amplitude variation between one pulse and any other pulse in a reply
shall not exceed 2 dB.
b. The pulse rise time shall not exceed 0.1 microsecond.
c. The pulse decay time shall not exceed 0.2 microseconds.
d. The spectrum of a reply shall not exceed the bounds defined in Table 3-1 and
Figure 3-1.

3.6.4 Mode S Reply Pulse Intervals

a. Mode S reply pulses shall start at a defined multiple of 0.5 µs from the first
transmitted pulse of the preamble.
b. The pulse position tolerance shall be ±0.05 µs, measured from the first
transmitted pulse of the preamble.


3.7.1 Mode A/C Reply Delay and Jitter

a. At all RF input levels from MTL to -21 dBm, the time delay between the arrival
at the transponder input of the leading edge of P3 and the transmission of the
leading edge of the first pulse of the reply shall be 3.0 ±0.5 µs.
b. At all RF input levels from MTL+3dB to -21 dBm, the jitter at the leading edge of
the first pulse of the reply with respect to P3 shall not exceed 0.1 µs.
c. At all RF input levels from MTL+3dB to -21 dBm, the time delay variations
between Modes A and C shall not exceed 0.2 µs.

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3.7.2 Mode S Reply Delay and Jitter

a. Mode S Interrogation
(1) At all RF input levels from MTL to -21 dBm, the first preamble pulse of the
reply shall occur 128 ±0.25 µs, after the sync phase reversal of the
received P6 of a Mode S interrogation.
(2) At all RF input levels from MTL to -21 dBm, the jitter of the reply delay
shall not exceed 0.08 µs, peak (99.9 percentile).
b. Mode A/C/S All-Call
(1) At all RF input levels from MTL to -21 dBm, the first preamble pulse of the
reply shall occur 128 ±0.5 µs, after the leading edge of the P4 pulse of
the Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation.
(2) At all RF input levels from MTL+3dB to -21 dBm, the jitter of the reply
delay shall not exceed 0.1 µs peak (99.9 percentile).


3.8.1 General
a. The suppression period is defined as the time between the P2 pulse initiating
the suppression and the P1 pulse of the earliest subsequent interrogation to
which the transponder replies. The duration shall be between 25 and 45 µs for
all Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call Modes.
b. The side lobe suppression period shall begin after receipt of the leading edge of
c. The side lobe suppression period shall be capable of being re-initiated within
2 µs after the end of any suppression period.
d. The receiver sensitivity for Mode A/C signals shall be at MTL not later than one
microsecond after the end of the suppression period.
e. The two-pulse sidelobe suppression pair shall initiate a Mode A/C suppression
in a Mode S transponder regardless of the position of the pulse pair in a group
of pulses, provided that the transponder is not already suppressed or in a
transaction cycle.
f. A transponder in suppression shall not recognise Mode A, Mode C or intermode
interrogations if either the P1 pulse alone or both the P1 and P3 pulses of the
interrogation are received during the suppression interval. Suppression shall not
affect the recognition of, acceptance of, or replies to Mode S interrogations.

3.8.2 Side Lobe Suppression, Mode A/C, Mode A/C-Only All-Call, and Mode A/C/S
Assuming no lock-out condition is in effect, the transponder shall react to side lobe
interrogations as follows.
a. Conditions Under Which the Transponder SHALL Be Suppressed
The transponder shall reply to no more than 1% of the interrogations if
(1) the pulse interval between P1 and P2 is varied over the range from 1.85
to 2.15 µs, and
(2) the RF input signal level of P1 is varied from MTL + 3 dB to -21 dBm, and
(3) the level of P2 equals or exceeds the level of P1.

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NOTE: The transponder will enter suppression if the P1 and P2 preamble

pulses of a Mode S interrogation are detected, but a sync phase
reversal is not recognised. This requirement prevents the transponder
from generating unwanted Mode A and/or Mode C replies to Mode S
interrogations that are sidelobe suppressed.
b. Conditions Under Which the Transponder SHALL NOT Be Suppressed
The transponder shall reply to at least 90% of the interrogations over the input
signal level range of from MTL + 3 dB to -21 dBm, if
(1) the level of P1 exceeds the level of P2 by 9 dB or more, or
(2) no pulse is received at the position 2.0 ±0.7 µs, following P1, or
(3) the duration of P2 is less than 0.3 µs.
c. Conditions Under Which The Transponder SHALL NOT Reply, But May Initiate
(1) The transponder shall not reply with more than a 10% reply rate over the
RF input level range from MTL to MTL+3dB, if the amplitude of P2 equals
or is greater than the amplitude of P1.
(2) Under the same conditions, the transponder may or may not initiate
d. Simultaneous Recognition of Suppression and Mode A or Mode C
If a P1-P2 suppression pair and a Mode A or Mode C interrogation are
recognised simultaneously, the transponder shall be suppressed.

3.8.3 Side Lobe Suppression, Mode S Formats

a. Side lobe suppression for Mode S formats is characterised by the reception of
P5 overlaying the location of the sync phase reversal of P6.
b. Given an interrogation which would otherwise require a reply, the transponder
(1) have a reply ratio of less than 10% at all signal levels between MTL+3dB
and -21 dBm, if the received amplitude of P5 exceeds the received
amplitude of P6 by 3 dB or more;
(2) have a reply ratio of at least 99% at all signal levels between MTL+3dB
and -21 dBm, if the received amplitude of P6 exceeds the received
amplitude of P5 by 12 dB or more.
NOTE: The P5 pulse inhibits recognition of the sync phase reversal so that
further decoding of the interrogation does not take place. There is,
therefore no reply, but the transponder does not enter the
suppression state.


3.9.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, the following pulse decoder characteristics shall apply
over the RF input signal level range from MTL+1dB to -21 dBm, with nominal
interrogation signal characteristics.
a. Valid interrogations shall result in at least 90% replies.
b. Interrogations which are not valid shall result in less than 10% replies.

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3.9.2 Pulse Level Tolerances

a. Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations
If the equipment receives a valid Mode A/C interrogation at any signal level from
MTL+1dB to -21 dBm, followed by a long P4 pulse:
(1) it shall accept the interrogation as a Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation if
the received amplitude of the long P4 is greater than the amplitude of P3
minus 1 dB;
(2) it shall accept the interrogation as a Mode A/C interrogation if the
received amplitude of a long P4 is less than the amplitude of P3 minus
6 dB.
b. Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations
If the equipment receives a valid Mode A/C interrogation at any signal level from
MTL+1dB to -21 dBm, followed by any pulse in the P4 position with a pulse
width less than 1.2 µs after P3,
(1) it shall accept the interrogation as a Mode A/C interrogation if the
received amplitude of P4 is less than the amplitude of P3 minus 6 dB;
(2) it shall not accept the interrogation if the received amplitude of any P4 is
greater than P3 minus 1 dB.

3.9.3 Pulse Position Tolerances

a. Mode A/C Interrogations - Acceptance
The equipment shall accept the pulse interval of Mode A/C interrogations as
valid if the spacing between P1 and P3 is within ±0.2 µs of the nominal spacing.
b. Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogations - Acceptance
The transponder shall accept the pulse intervals of Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations as valid if the spacing between P1 and P3 is within ±0.2 µs of the
nominal interval and if the interval between P3 and P4 is within ±0.05 µs of
c. Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Call Interrogations -
Non-Acceptance (P1 - P3)
The transponder shall not accept the pulse interval of Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S
All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations as valid if the interval
between P1 and P3 differs from the nominal interval by 1.0 µs or more.
d. Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations - Non-Acceptance (P4)
The transponder shall not accept an interrogation as a Mode A/C/S All-Call if
the leading edge of P4 is not detected within the interval from 1.7 µs to 2.3 µs
following the leading edge of P3.

3.9.4 Pulse Duration Tolerances

a. Mode A/C Interrogation - Acceptance
The transponder shall accept the pulse durations of a Mode A/C interrogation
as valid if the durations of both P1 and P3 are between 0.7 and 0.9 µs.
b. Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogation - Acceptance
The transponder shall accept the pulse durations of a Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogation as valid if the durations of both P1 and P3 are between 0.7 µs and
0.9 µs and if the duration of P4 is between 1.5 and 1.7 µs (long P4).

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c. Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogation - Non-Acceptance (P4)

The transponder shall not accept a Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation as valid if
the duration of the P4 pulse is outside of the range between 1.2 and 2.5 µs.
d. Mode A/C or Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogation - Non-Acceptance (P1, P3)
For all signal levels from MTL to -45 dBm, the transponder shall accept no more
than 10% of Mode A/C or Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations if the duration of
either the P1 pulse or the P3 pulse is less than 0.3 µs.

3.9.5 Sync Phase Reversal Position Tolerance

a. The transponder shall determine the location of the sync phase reversal relative
to either the leading edge of P2 or the leading edge of P6.
b. If the transponder determines the location of the sync phase reversal from P2,
(1) the sync phase reversal shall be accepted if it is received within the
interval between 2.7 and 2.8 µs following the leading edge of P2,
(2) the sync phase reversal shall be rejected if it is received outside of the
interval between 2.55 and 2.95 µs following the leading edge of P2.
(3) In the areas between the limits defined above, the transponder may or
may not accept the sync phase reversal.
c. If the transponder determines the location of the sync phase reversal from P6,
(1) the sync phase reversal shall be accepted if it is received within the
interval between 1.2 and 1.3 µs following the leading edge of P6;
(2) the sync phase reversal shall be rejected if it is received outside of the
interval between 1.05 and 1.45 µs following the leading edge of P6.
(3) In the areas between the limits defined above, the transponder may or
may not accept the sync phase reversal.


3.10.1 Echo Suppression

a. Echo Suppression Desensitisation
(1) Upon receipt of any pulse more than 0.7 µs in duration (desensitisation
pulse), the transponder shall be temporarily desensitised to all received
signals by raising the receiver threshold.
(2) Immediately after the desensitisation pulse, the receiver threshold shall
be between the level of the desensitisation pulse and 9 dB less than that
level, except for a possible overshoot during the first microsecond
following the desensitisation pulse.
b. Narrow Pulse Performance
Single pulses of less than 0.7 µs in duration need not cause a specified
desensitisation, but in any case they shall not cause a desensitisation of
amplitude or duration greater than permitted in §3.10.1 a. and §3.10.2.

3.10.2 Recovery
a. Recovery Time
Following desensitisation, the receiver shall recover sensitivity to within 3 dB of
MTL, within 15 µs after reception of the trailing edge of a desensitising pulse
having a signal strength up to MTL + 50 dB.

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b. Recovery Rate
Recovery shall be at an average rate not exceeding 4 dB per s.
c. Recovery From a Mode S Interrogation If No Reply Is Required
Following a correctly addressed Mode S interrogation (other than Comm-C,
Uplink Format UF=24) which has been accepted and demands no reply, a
transponder shall recover sensitivity to within 3 dB of MTL no later than 45 µs
after receipt of the sync phase reversal.
d. Recovery From a Mode S Comm-C Interrogation
Following a Comm-C interrogation for which no reply is required, a transponder
with Comm-C capability shall recover sensitivity to within 3 dB of MTL no later
than 45 µs after the receipt of the sync phase reversal.
e. Recovery From a Suppression Pair
The receipt of P1 and P2 suppression pulses may temporarily desensitise the
transponder according to §3.10.2 a, but the suppression pairs shall not
otherwise interfere with the reception of Mode S interrogations.
f. Recovery From a Mode S Interrogation Which Has Not Been Accepted
Following a Mode S interrogation which has not been accepted, the transponder
shall recover sensitivity to within 3 dB of MTL no later than 45µs after the
receipt of the sync phase reversal.
A transponder with Comm-C capability shall recover sensitivity to within 3dB of
MTL no later than 45 s after receipt of the sync phase reversal.
g. Recovery from Unaccepted Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Calls
Following unaccepted Mode A/C/S All-Call or Mode A/C-Only All-Calls, the
transponder shall recover sensitivity according to §3.10.2 a.

3.10.3 Dead Time

a. Mode A/C Dead Time
After recognition of a valid interrogation, the transponder shall not reply to any
other interrogation, at least for the duration of the reply pulse train. This dead
time shall end no later than 125 µs after the transmission of the last reply pulse
of the group.
b. Mode S Dead Time
The time interval beginning at the end of a reply transmission and ending when
the receiver has regained its sensitivity to within 3 dB of MTL, shall be as short
as possible, but, in any case, shall not exceed 125 µs.


Reply rate limiting in a Mode S transponder shall be separate and independent for
Mode S and Mode A/C replies.
Mode A/C Reply rate Limiting
A sensitivity reduction reply rate limit control shall be incorporated in the transponder
for Mode A/C replies.
Without regard to the number of pulses in each reply, the limit control shall permit
adjustment to any value between 500 continuous Mode A/C replies per second and
a. 2000 continuous replies per second, or
b. the maximum continuous reply rate of which the transponder is capable, if less
than 2000 replies per second.

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Sensitivity reduction shall apply only to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-
Only All-Call interrogations.
Mode S Reply Rate Limiting
If a reply rate limiting device is provided for Mode S replies, it shall permit at least the
reply rates specified in §3.4 and shall not prevent acquisition squitter transmission as
per § and extended squitter as per §3.2 nor the transmission of a DF=16


3.12.1 Mode A and Mode C with Random Interfering Pulse

The transponder shall reply to at least 90% of the interrogations when random pulses
are received 10 dB below the proper interrogation and are not recognised as P1, P2 or

3.12.2 Simultaneous Interrogations of Mode A and Mode C

If a transponder recognises two valid pulse patterns simultaneously, it shall:
a. enter the Mode A/C suppression state if one of the received pulse patterns is a
P1-P2 suppression pair;
b. and if one of the received pulse patterns is not a P1-P2 suppression pair, then
generate a valid Mode C altitude reply if either of the two received pulse
patterns is a Mode C interrogation.
NOTE 1: In a transponder equiped for diversity antenna operation, diversity channel
selection takes place before all other processes.
NOTE 2: Simultaneous receipt of two interrogation pulse patterns can occur
whenever there are two or more interrogators transmitting in the same
airspace. For example, a single pulse from an interfering interrogator
received 8 or 21 µs before the second pulse of a P1-P2 pair can cause the
transponder to simultaneously recognise a Mode A/C interrogation and a
Mode A/C suppression.
NOTE 3: A preceding pulse may also combine with the P2 of the Mode S waveform
to form a valid Mode A or Mode C interrogation. Under such conditions, the
P1-P2 pair of the Mode S preamble shall take precedence.
NOTE 4: A single interference pulse received 8 µs before the P3 pulse of a Mode C
interrogation (or 21 µs before the P3 pulse of a Mode A interrogation) can
cause the transponder to simultaneously recognise both interrogation
patterns. When this occurs, a Mode C reply is preferred because a missing
Mode A reply usually causes less degradation of transponder tracking.

3.12.3 Low Level Asynchronous Interference

For the purpose of this document, asynchronous interference is defined as single
0.8 0.1 µs pulses with carrier frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz, incoherent with the Mode
S signal carrier frequency and occurring at all repetition rates up to 10000 Hz at a
level 12 dB or more below that of the level of the Mode S signal.
In the presence of asynchronous interference, the transponder shall reply correctly to
at least 95% reply of valid Mode S interrogations with received signal levels between
-65 and -21 dBm, provided that no lockout condition is in effect.

3.12.4 Standard Interfering Pulse

a. A Standard Interfering Pulse is defined as a 0.8 0.1 µs pulse with a carrier
frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz, that is incoherent with the Mode S signal of the
test and that overlaps the P6 of the Mode S interrogation anywhere after the
sync phase reversal.

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b. Given an interrogation that demands a reply, the reply ratio of a transponder

shall be at least 95% if the level of the interfering pulse is 6 dB or more less
than the signal level for input signal levels between -68 and -21 dBm.
c. Under the same conditions, the reply ratio shall be at least 50% if the
interference pulse level is 3 dB or more less than the signal level.
NOTE: This condition simulates the overlay of Mode A/C pulses over the
DPSK modulation of the Mode S interrogation and ensures that the
demodulation function of the transponder is effective. Designs such
as narrow band filters that merely detect the occurrence of a phase
change will not perform satisfactorily.

3.12.5 Pulse Pair Interference

a. The interfering signal shall consist of P1 and P2, spaced 2 µs apart, with a
carrier frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz, and incoherent with the Mode S signal of
the test.
b. The interfering pulse pair shall overlay any part of the Mode S interrogation
except that the leading edge of the P1 interfering pulse shall occur no earlier
than the P1 pulse of the Mode S signal.
c. Given an interrogation that demands a reply, the reply ratio of the transponder
shall be at least 90% if the level of the interfering signals is 9 dB or more less
than the signal levels for signal level inputs between -68 and -21 dBm.
NOTE: This ensures the Mode S decoding is not inhibited by the receipt of
Mode A/C side lobe suppression pulse pairs.
d. If a P1-P2 suppression pair and a Mode A or Mode C intermode interrogation
are recognised simultaneously the transponder shall be suppressed.
NOTE: Such pulses may combine with P1 and P2 pulses of the Mode S
waveform to form a valid Mode A/C-Only All-Call waveform. The
Mode S transponder shall not respond to Mode A/C-Only All-Calls but
may respond to the Mode S interrogation.
e. if a S1 pulse combines with a Mode A or Mode C interrogation.
(1) With P1 at MTL and S1 at MTL -6 dB, the transponder shall reply to Mode
A/C interrogations at least 90 % of the time.
(2) With P1 at MTL and S1 at MTL -3 dB, the transponder shall reply to Mode
A/C interrogations at least 70 % of the time.
(3) With P1 at MTL and S1 at MTL, the transponder shall reply to no more
than 10% of Mode A/C interrogations. (Same as P1_P2 testing)
NOTE: S1 is equal to P1 in duration. The leading edge of S1 is 2.0
microseconds ahead of leading edge of P1. Amplitude of S1 is varied
relative to P1 as indicated above.

3.12.6 TACAN/DME and other Spurious Pulse Interference

Given a Mode S interrogation that demands a reply, the reply ratio of the transponder
shall be at least 90% for input signal levels between -68 and -21 dBm when either of
the following signals is applied with the interrogation signal:
a. TACAN/DME signal of:
repetition rate: 3600 pulse pairs per second (for both X and Y (12 and 30 µs)
channel pulse spacings),
level: -30 dBm,
pulse duration: 3.5 µs
frequency range: 962 to 1020 MHz, and 1041 to 1213 MHz;

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b. Single pulses of:

duration: 6.4 µs,
repetition rate: 2000 pulses per second,
level: -80 dBm,
frequency: 1030 MHz

3.12.7 Response in the Presence of CW Interference

In the presence of non-coherent CW interference at a frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz, at
signal levels of 20 dB or more below the desired Mode A/C or Mode S interrogation
signal level, the transponder shall reply correctly to at least 90 percent of the


3.13.1 Mode A/C

1. The random trigger rate on Modes A and C shall not be greater than 5 replies
per second, or 5 mutual suppression pulses per second, averaged over any
period of at least 30 seconds.
2. The random trigger rate on all Mode A and/or Mode C replies shall not be
greater than 10 reply pulse groups or suppressions per second, averaged over
a period of 30 seconds, when operated in the presence of non-coherent CW
interference at a frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz and a signal levels of -60 dBm.

3.13.2 Mode S
a. In the absence of valid interrogation signals, Mode S transponders shall not
generate unwanted Mode S replies more often than once per 10 seconds.
b. In the presence of non-coherent CW interference at a frequency of 1030 ±0.2
MHz. and at signal levels of -60 dBm or less, and in the absence of valid
interrogation signals, Mode S transponders shall not generate unwanted Mode
S replies more often than once per 10 seconds.


3.14.1 Self Test

If a self-test feature or monitor is provided, the following shall apply.
a. A self-test system that:
(1) radiates test interrogation signals, or,
(2) prevents the transponder replying to valid interrogations during the test
period, shall be limited to intermittent use for a duration which is no
longer than that needed to determine the transponder status.
b. The test rate for Mode A/C and Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations shall be
235 ±5 interrogations per second, or submultiples thereof.
c. Test interrogations using Mode S formats, including Mode A/C/S All-Call, shall
not exceed one of each format for which the transponder is capable, in any
given test sequence.
d. The self-test interrogation signal level at the antenna end of the transmission
line shall not exceed -40 dBm.
e. If provision is made for an automatic periodic self-test procedure, such
self-testing shall not radiate replies at an average rate exceeding one reply
every ten seconds.

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3.14.2 Squitter Monitor

a. A squitter monitor shall be provided to verify that the Mode S transponder
generates short and extended squitters at a nominal rate (§ and §3.28).
Event Driven Squitter rates are not required to be monitored to meet this
b. The equipment shall be considered FAILED when the monitor detects squitter

3.14.3 Failure Indication

a. An indication shall be provided of the validity/non-validity of the equipment.
b. Any failure detected by the self-test, squitter monitor or other monitoring
function shall cause the indication to assume the invalid state.
c. Momentary power interruptions shall not cause indication of the invalid state.
d. The status of the equipment shall be indicated to the flight crew.
e. Failures related to the ICAO 24-bit aircraft address shall generate a diagnostic
error message in order to alert maintenance personnel (if a change in the ICAO
24-bit aircraft address is detected or if a 24-bit address consisting of all ONEs or
all ZEROs is read during the power-on initialisation process).


3.15.1 Response to Mutual Suppression Pulses

a. If the equipment is designed to respond to mutual suppression pulses from
other electronic equipment in the aircraft (to disable it while the other equipment
is transmitting), the equipment shall regain normal sensitivity, within ±3 dB, not
later than 15 µs after the end of the applied mutual suppression pulse.
NOTE: This document does not establish the design parameters of the
mutual suppression system. However, it is recommended that all
sources of mutual suppression pulses be dc coupled while sinks are
ac coupled. This standardization will prevent source or sink failures
from disabling all users of the mutual suppression pulses.
b. The suppression output signal shall precede the transponder RF transmission
by no more than 10 microsoeconds and return to the inactive state in less than
10 microseconds.

3.15.2 Mutual Suppression Interface

Where applicable equipment shall have the capability of interfacing with an aircraft
mutual suppression bus and shall generate and respond to mutual suppression pulses
(See §


NOTE: ACAS operations require diversity operations. The use of diversity is
recommended for any transponder installation.

3.16.1 General
a. Where applicable Mode S transponders (see § shall be designed to
operate with antenna diversity.
b. Such systems shall employ two antennas, one mounted on the top and the
other on the bottom of the aircraft, separated by a maximum horizontal distance
of 7.6 m.

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c. Appropriate switching and signal processing channels to select the best

antenna on the basis of the characteristics of the received interrogation signals
shall also be provided; replies shall only be transmitted from the selected
d. Such diversity systems, in their installed configuration, shall not result in
degraded performance relative to that which would have been produced by a
single system having a bottom-mounted antenna.

3.16.2 Diversity Antenna Selection

a. Provided that both channels simultaneously receive valid, identical
interrogations or pulse pairs, the transponder shall select one of the two
antennas on the basis of the relative strengths of the detected interrogation
signals at the two antennas.
b. If valid interrogations are not received simultaneously on both channels, the
transponder shall select one of the antennas as described in §3.16.4.
c. If only one channel receives or accepts a valid interrogation, then that channel
shall be automatically selected regardless of received signal strength.
d. The selected antenna shall be used to receive the remainder of the
interrogation and, if necessary, to transmit the reply.
NOTE 1: Optionally, antenna selection and switching may occur after the receipt of
the P3 pulse of a P1-P3 pulse pair.
NOTE 2: Optionally, selection may be based on the correctness of a received
complete Mode S interrogation. In this case, the RF port having the correct
signal shall be selected. If correctness is observed in both channels,
selection shall be based on relative signal strength.

3.16.3 Signal Strength Threshold

a. For signals in the range MTL to -21 dBm the transponder shall normally select
the antenna connected to the RF port having the stronger signal.
b. To allow for imbalance in the characteristics of the two channels, selection of
either antenna is permitted if the difference in signal strength does not exceed 3

3.16.4 Received Signal Delay Threshold

a. If an interrogation is received at either antenna 0.125 µs or less in advance of
reception at the other antenna, the selection shall be made on the basis of
received signal strength.
b. If an interrogation is received at either antenna 0.375 µs or more in advance of
reception at the other antenna, the antenna selected for the reply shall be the
one which received the earlier interrogation.
c. If the relative time of receipt is between 0.125 and 0.375 µs, the transponder
shall select the reply antenna based on either
(1) the relative signal strength, or
(2) the earlier time of arrival.

3.16.5 Diversity Transmission Channel Isolation

The peak RF power transmitted from the selected antenna shall exceed the power
transmitted from the non-selected antenna by at least 20 dB.

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3.16.6 Reply Delay of Diversity Transponders

The total difference in mean reply delay between the two antenna channels (including
the transponder-to-antenna cables) shall not exceed 0.08 µs for interrogations of
equal amplitude. This requirement is applicable to interrogation signal strengths
between MTL +3 dB and -21 dBm.
NOTE: This limits apparent jitter caused by diversity operation and by cable
delay differences. The jitter specification for each individual channel
remains as specified for non-diversity transponders. Control of apparent
jitter caused by antenna location is specified in §6.2.7 b.(2).

3.16.7 Squitter Antenna Selection Non-Diversity Installation

In a non-diversity installation operating with one bottom antenna only, all squitter
transmissions shall be directed to that antenna. Acquisition Squitter

Transponders operating with antenna diversity (§ shall transmit acquisition
squitters as follows:
a. when airborne, the transponder shall transmit acquisition squitters alternately
from the two antennas; and
b. when on the surface, the transponder shall transmit acquisition squitters under
control of the SAS subfield (§ In the absence of any SAS commands,
use of the top antenna only shall be the default condition.
c. Acquisition squitters shall only be transmitted on the surface if the transponder
is not reporting the surface type of extended squitter.
NOTE: The surface report type may be selected automatically by the aircraft or by
commands from a squitter ground station. Extended Squitter

Transponders equipped for extended squitter and operating with antenna diversity
(§ shall transmit extended squitters as follows:
a. when broadcasting the airborne type formats, the transponder shall transmit
each type of extended squitters alternately from the two antennas; and
b. when broadcasting the surface type formats, the transponder shall transmit
extended squitters under control of the SAS subfield (§ In the
absence of any SAS commands, use of the top antenna only shall be the
default condition.

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3.17.1 Direct Data

Direct data are those which are part of the Mode S system surveillance protocol.
a. Fixed Direct Data
Fixed direct data characterise the aircraft and include:
(1) 24-bit Aircraft Address,
Protection of 24-bit address bits – During the power-on initialization
process, the transponder shall read in and store its 24-bit aircraft
address. Thereafter, the address used by the transponder shall not
change from the value stored at power-up. The transponder should
continue to monitor the 24-bit aircraft address after the initial read and
store at power-up. If a change in the 24-bit aircraft address is detected
after the initial read and store, the transponder shall continue to use only
the 24-bit aircraft address stored at power-up and shall generate a
diagnostic error message in order to alert maintenance personnel to the
occurrence of intermittent 24-bit aircraft addressbit input data. If the
transponder 24-bit aircraft address is set to all ONEs or all ZEROs at
startup then this error condition shall be indicated to the pilot and the
transponder shall either transition to Standby State, Power Off Condition,
or operate as a pure Mode A/C transponder.
NOTE 1: This last requirement is imposed to specifically disallow Mode S
transponders from operating with invalid addresses. This
condition has been observed in airspace operations and it
poses a number of unsafe conditions.
NOTE 2: If there is no other Mode S transponder active (not in Standby
or a Failed condition), then ACAS will declare a "ACAS System
Fail" or enter the "Standby" condition.” (§3.27.5
ACAS-Compatible Transponder Automatic Performance
NOTE 3: If this condition occurs at startup then the transponder should
be deactivated until the condition is corrected or only be able to
operate in pure Mode A/C only. Pure Mode A/C transponders
reply to all P1-P3 and P1-P3-P4 interrogations with a Mode A/C
reply and do not transmit any squitter.
NOTE 4: Accommodation should be made for those military
transponders that have the capability to change the 24-bit
address (e.g., so the aircraft can operate as a State aircraft with
a corresponding address or as a NATO aircraft with a NATO
address). However, under no conditions may such a
transponder operate as a Mode S transponder if the address is
(2) Maximum Cruising True Airspeed (aircraft's maximum normal operating
In response to certain surveillance interrogations, the transponder shall
place an encoded indication of the aircraft's maximum cruising true
airspeed into bits 14-17 of the RI field. Coding is described in §
NOTE: Maximum Cruising True Airspeed is always fixed data and may
be used for tracking purposes. The information is contained in
the RI field of short air-air reply (DF0).

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(3) Aircraft Identification Data

If there is no interface to enter Flight Identity data the tail number or
registration number of the aircraft is used to identify the aircraft for ATC
purposes, it constitutes "fixed" data.
b. Variable Direct Data
Variable Direct data characterise the flight condition of the aircraft and are
therefore subject to dynamic changes. These changes are made either
automatically, based on inputs received from sensors in the aircraft, or manually
by the flight crew (with reference to guidelines in §2.4). They include:
(1) Pressure Altitude
When operated in conjunction with a pressure-altitude encoder (digitizer) or an
air data system, the transponder shall have the capability for pressure-altitude
transmission in accordance with ICAO Annex 10 up to its designed maximum
altitude. Pressure altitude reports shall be referenced to a standard pressure
setting of 1013.25 hectopascals (29.92 inches Hg).
(i) Mode A/C - When operated in Mode A/C, the altitude shall be transmitted
in response to a Mode C interrogation, encoded in accordance with ICAO
Annex 10. If altitude information is not available to the transponder, only
the framing pulses required for a Mode C response shall be transmitted.
(ii) Mode S - When operated in the Mode S system, the 13-bit AC field (bits
20-32 transmitted in the short and long air-air surveillance reply, the
altitude surveillance reply, and the altitude Comm-B reply) shall contain
the encoded altitude of the aircraft in accordance with ICAO Annex 10
Volume IV. For aircraft with 25-foot or better pressure altitude sources,
pressure altitude-information should be reported in 25-foot increments.
Pressure altitude data obtained from a source with larger than 25-foot
resolution shall not be reported using 25-foot increments. The altitude
shall be encoded as follows:
(a) Bit 26 shall be designated as the M bit and shall be ZERO if the
altitude is reported in feet. M equals ONE shall be reserved for
possible future use to indicate that the altitude reporting is in metric
NOTE: Use of the M bit as defined here does not alter any
conventions regarding the X bit in Mode C replies.
(b) If M equals ZERO, bit 28 shall be designated as the Q bit. Q
equals ZERO shall be used to indicate that the Mode S altitude is
reported in 100-foot increments as defined in c below. Q equals
ONE shall be used to indicate that the altitude is reported in 25-ft
increments as defined in d below.
NOTE: Bit 28 (Q) corresponds to the D1 pulse of a Mode C reply
and is not used in the Mode C altitude code.
(c) If M and Q both equal ZERO, the altitude shall be coded according
to the pattern for Mode C replies specified in ICAO Annex 10.
Starting with bit 20, the sequence shall be C1, A1, C2, A2, C4, A4,
ZERO, B1, ZERO, B2, D2, B4, D4.
(d) If M equals ZERO and Q equals ONE, the 11-bit field represented
by bits 20 to 25, 27, and 29 to 32 shall represent a binary-coded
field whose least significant bit has a value of 25 feet. The binary
value of the decimal number N shall be used to report pressure
altitudes in the range (25 x N - 1000 ±12.5) feet.

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NOTE: The most significant bit of this field is bit 20 as required by

§ This code is able to provide code values only
between -1000 ft and +50175 ft. The coding used for Mode C
replies in (c) above must be used to report pressure altitudes
greater than 50175 ft.
(e) ZERO shall be transmitted in each of the 13 bits of the AC field if
altitude information is not available or if the altitude has been
determined to be invalid.
(2) 4096 Identification Code
In response to an Mode A or Mode S surveillance or Comm-A identity
interrogation, the transponder shall reply with a pilot-selectable identification
code. The code designation shall consist of digits between 0 and 7 inclusive,
and shall consist of the sum of the postscripts of the information pulse numbers
defined in §3.5.2, employed as follows:
Digit Pulse Group
First A
Second B
Third C
Fourth D
(3) "On-the-Ground" Condition
The transponder shall be capable of accepting an input generated by automatic
means (e.g., a weight on wheels or strut switch) indicating that the aircraft is
either ―airborne‖ or ―on-the-ground.‖ From this input the transponder shall
report the aircraft state, that is either ―airborne state‖ or ―on-the-ground state‖, in
the Flight Status (FS, §, Vertical Status (VS, § and
Capability (CA, § fields.
If no information is available at this input, the transponder shall report the
airborne state in FS and VS fields, and ―on the ground or airborne‖ in the CA
When this input indicates ―on the ground‖ and has been validated by the
transponder (validation is only for the appropriate installation, see §,
 the transponder shall be rendered incapable of generating replies to Mode
A/C interrogations, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations, but not inhibiting the generation of Mode S squitter
transmissions and replies to discretely addressed Mode-S interrogations
(§3.17.1 b (3), §3.28.5, § b, c and d).
 the transponder shall report the on-the-ground state in the Flight Status
(FS), Vertical Status (VS) and Capability (CA) fields.
NOTE: The on-the-ground state determined by the aircraft does not
include the effect of any TCS commands.
(4) The presence of the Special Position Identification (SPI)
In Mode A/C, an SPI pulse shall be transmitted upon request, following a Mode
A reply. In the FS field of Mode S replies, an equivalent of the SPI pulse shall
be transmitted upon the same request. The code is transmitted for
18 ±1.0 seconds after initiation and can be reinitiated at any time.
(5) Aircraft identification Data (Flight number)
If the aircraft uses a flight number for aircraft identification, a means shall be
provided for the variable aircraft identification to be inserted by the pilot while on
the ground, or during flight. The means for modifying and displaying aircraft
identification shall be a simple crew action independent of the entry of other
flight data.

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NOTE: If the flight number is used to identify the aircraft for ATC purposes it
constitutes „variable‟ data. When the interface providing the flight
number is lost, the status of aircraft identification data remains
unchanged (variable direct data). The content of Register 20 will be
zeroed following the loss of the interface.
(6) Radio Altitude Data
If available, the radio altitude data input is used to validate airborne/on-the-
ground determination in installations that support automatic on-the-ground
condition determination as specified in § The data supports extended
squitter airborne/surface format transmission selection and Flight Status (FS),
Vertical Status (VS), and Capability (CA) fields as provided in §,
§, §3.28.5, §, § and §
(7) Ground Speed Data
If available, the ground speed data input is used to validate airborne/on-the-
ground determination in installations that support automatic on-the-ground
condition determination as specified in § The data supports extended
squitter airborne/surface format transmission selection and Flight Status (FS),
Vertical Status (VS), and Capability (CA) fields as provided in §,
§, §3.28.5, §, § and §
(8) Airspeed Data
If available, the airspeed data input is used to validate airborne/on-the-ground
determination in installations that support automatic on-the-ground condition
determination as specified in § The data supports extended squitter
airborne/surface format transmission selection and Flight Status (FS), Vertical
Status (VS), and Capability (CA) fields as provided in §, §,
§3.28.5, §, § and §

3.17.2 Indirect Data

a. Indirect data are those which pass through the transponder in either direction
but which do not affect the surveillance protocol.
b. If the transponder is designed to function with data link devices outside the
transponder equipment, the input and output interfaces shall satisfy the
following specification:
(1) Interfaces for Indirect Data
Separate interfaces may be provided for standard Mode S transactions
and ELM service, or a single interface may be used for both.
(2) Integrity of Interface Data Transfer
Data link interfaces shall be designed to ensure error rates of less than
one detected error in 103 112-bit transmissions and less than one
undetected error in 107 112-bit transmissions for both uplink and downlink

3.17.3 Standard Transaction Interfaces

NOTE: Various implementations of interfaces for uplink and downlink messages
may be employed. In general, the transponder passes data to the data link
interface regardless of the content of the 56 bit data field. The Mode S
Specific Protocol (MSP) channel header must be read by an ACAS
compatible transponder to determine if the MA field contains a Sensitivity
Level Command to be directed to the ACAS interface (see §3.27.1). Other
MSP channels may also be directed to individual interfaces (e.g., TIS MSP
Channel 2, Data Flash MSP Channel 6 and 3).

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a. Standard Mode S Transactions

The Mode S only All-Call shall not be transferred across this interface.
b. Transaction Interfaces
Separate interfaces may be provided for the uplink and the downlink, or a single
interface, handling both directions, may be used.
c. Uplink Interface
(1) Information Content
The interface shall transfer the entire content of both short and long
received uplink transmissions, with the possible exception of the last 24
bits (address/parity bits) except for interrogations UF=0, 11, 16 and a
UF=24 interrogation containing a request for a downlink ELM transfer
(RC=3). This permits the receiving devices to properly identify the data
field contents. The additional transfer of the address/parity bits will permit
parity determination at an I/O device.
(2) No-Storage Design
If the interface design is based on the concept of shifting data out of the
transponder as they are received, the interface shall be capable of
transferring uplink content before the start of the corresponding reply.
(3) Storage Design, Acceptance Rate
If the interface design is based on the concept of shifting data out at a
slower rate, the internal data system shall be able to process the content
of Mode S interrogations (long or short) at a rate greater than or equal to:
- 50 long interrogations in any 1 second interval;
- 18 long interrogations in any 100 millisecond interval;
- 8 long interrogations in any 25 millisecond interval;
- 4 long interrogations in any 1.6 millisecond interval.
NOTE: Ability to receive higher interrogation rates is required by an
ACAS-compatible transponder (see §3.27 b).
(4) Storage Design, Non-Acceptance
The transponder may optionally accept a Comm-A interrogation (UF=20,
21) if the data content of that interrogation cannot be processed. (see
NOTE: The Mode S reply is the sole means of acknowledging receipt
of the content of an interrogation. Therefore, there is benefit to
interrogators to receive a reply, even if the airborne data
system is not capable of accepting the data contained in that
interrogation. Overlapping Mode S beams from several
interrogators could lead to the need for considerable data
handling and buffering. The minimum prescribed in (3) above,
reduces data handling to a realistic level.
(5) Broadcast Information
Regardless of design (No-Storage or Storage), the uplink interface shall
have a means of indicating to the recipient that a received message was
sent as a broadcast.
d. Downlink Interface
(1) Information Content
The interface shall be able to insert into the downlink transmission any bit
not inserted by the transponder.

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(2) No-Storage Design

If the interface is designed to insert bits into the transponder for
immediate transmission, such bits shall occur at the interface at least one
microsecond before actual transmission.
(3) Storage Design - Buffer Rate
If the interface shifts data into the transponder at a rate slower than the
transmission rate, the internal data storage system shall be able to
support the reply rate specified in §3.4.
(4) Storage Design - Buffer Function
The internal data storage system shall provide storage for all information
bits required within standard down link messages.
Storage registers shall be provided for each of the 255 possible Comm-B
messages associated with Ground-Initiated protocols. An addressable
FIFO type storage facility shall be provided to maintain at least two
Comm-B messages associated with Air-Initiated protocols.
The design of the storage system shall ensure, by double buffering or
other means, that storage register content is not in a state of transition
during the insertion of the content in a down link reply.
(5) Unavailable Data
If an interrogation requests, as in (3) above, data which are not available,
the transponder shall insert "ZERO" into the affected fields of the reply.
NOTE: The no-storage design specification can be met by ensuring
that a non-connected data source or an open interface
connexion results in zero-level inputs. The storage design
specification can be met by ensuring the transmission of
"ZERO" if the readout from a nonexistent register is requested.

3.17.4 ELM Service Interfaces

a. ELM Transactions
ELM transactions involve the content of Mode S interrogation and reply formats
UF=DF=24, Comm-C and Comm-D respectively. The reservation and closeout
protocol uses the surveillance and Comm-A/B formats, UF=DF=4, 5, 20, 21.
b. ELM Interfaces
Separate interfaces may be provided for the uplink and the downlink, or a single
interface, handling both directions, may be used.
c. Uplink Interface - Data Rate
(1) A transponder equipped for uplink ELM operation (Comm-C) shall be
capable of processing at least 4 complete 16-segment ELMs in any 4-
second period (level 3 and 4 transponders). A level 5 transponder shall
be capable of processing at least 4 complete 16-segment ELMs in any 1
second period.
(2) The contents of any uplink ELM shall be available for transfer across the
output interface no later than 1 second after it has been received.
d. Downlink Interface - Data Rate
A level 4 transponder shall be able to handle the data of at least one ELM with
the maximum number of segments that the transponder is capable of delivering,
in any 1-second period. A level 5 transponder shall be able to handle at least
one 16-segment ELM in any 1 second period.

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e. Uplink Interface - Interrogator Identity

In addition to data transferred as per ―c,‖ above, the uplink interface shall
transfer the interrogator site number (IIS) of the interrogator that has transmitted
an ELM by multi-site protocol.
NOTE: If the multi-site protocol is not used, an IIS code of zero shall be
stored and reported.

3.17.5 Downlink Message Cancellation

a. Downlink interfaces of storage design for both Comm-B and ELM shall, in
addition to data transfer, accept a signal that cancels a message previously
transferred into the transponder if it has not been closed out by ground
b. If more than one message is stored within the transponder for future
transmission, the cancellation procedure shall be capable of cancelling the
stored messages selectively.


Mode S signal formats and protocols are defined and described in detail in ICAO
Annex 10, Volume IV.
NOTE: Protocols relating to the use of formats and fields are described in §3.1.2 of
ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV.

3.18.1 Format Structure, Interrogation and Reply

Formats shall contain either 56 or 112 bits, the last 24 of which are used for address
and parity while the rest are used for information transfer. A summary of interrogation
and reply formats is presented in Figures 3-3 and 3-4.

3.18.2 Bit Numbering and Sequence

Bits are numbered in order of their transmission, beginning with bit 1. If numerical
values are encoded by groups of bits (fields), then the first bit transmitted is the most
significant bit (MSB) unless otherwise stated.

3.18.3 Fields
Information is coded in fields which consist of at least one bit. The decimal equivalent
of the binary code formed by the bit sequence within a field is used as the designator
of the field function. Essential Fields

Each Mode S transmission contains two essential fields: one describing the format
and the other a 24-bit field which carries parity information and contains either the
address or the interrogator identity overlaid on parity as described in § The
format descriptor (or number) is the field at the beginning of the transmission and the
24-bit field always occurs at the end of the transmission. The formats are described by
the UF or DF descriptors. Mission Fields

The remaining coding space is used to transmit the mission fields. For specific
missions, a specific set of fields is prescribed. Mission fields have two-letter

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38 Subfields
Subfields may appear within mission fields. Subfields are labeled with three-letter

3.18.4 Field Descriptions

Fields are described in alphabetical order in the following paragraphs and are indexed
in Figure 3-5. Address, Announced AA

This 24-bit (9-32) downlink field contains the aircraft address in the clear and is used
in DF=11, the All-Call reply. Altitude Code AC

This 13-bit (20-32) downlink field contains the altitude code (§3.17.1 b (1)) and is used
in formats DF=0, 4, 16, and 20. ZERO is transmitted in each of the 13 bits if altitude
information is not available. Metric altitude is contained in this field if the M-bit (26) is
ONE. Otherwise the altitude is reported in feet (the format is dependant on the Q-bit
(bit 28)). Address/Parity AP
This 24-bit field (33-56 or 89-112) contains parity overlaid on the address according to
§ and appears at the end of all transmissions on both uplink and downlink with
the exception of format DF=11. Acquisition Special AQ

This 1-bit field (14) designates formats UF=0, 16 as acquisition transmissions and is
repeated as received by the transponder in DF=0, 16 (see Note in § Transponder Capability CA

This 3-bit (6-8) downlink field convey information on the transponder level and the
additional information below. It is used in DF=11, the All-Call reply and acquisition
squitter, and in DF=17, the Extended Squitter. The codes are:
0 = Reserved
1 = Reserved
2 = Reserved
3 = Reserved
4 = signifies Level 2 or above transponder and ability to set CA code 7, on the
5 = signifies Level 2 or above transponder and ability to set CA code 7,
signifies Level 2 or above transponder and ability to set CA code 7, either
6 =
on the ground or airborne
signifies DR is to zero, or FS=2, 3, 4, 5, either on the ground or airborne
7 =
(see §, § and §

When the conditions for CA code 7 are not satisfied, Level 2 or above transponders in
installations that do not have automatic means to set on-the-ground conditions shall
use CA code 6. Aircraft with automatic on-the-ground determination shall use CA
codes 4 when on the ground and 5 when airborne. Data link capability reports
(§ e) shall be available for CA codes 4, 5, 6 or 7.
NOTE: CA codes 1 to 3 are reserved for backward compatibility.

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39 Crosslink Capability CC

This 1-bit (7) downlink field shall indicate the ability of the transponder to support the
crosslink capability, i.e., decode the contents of the DS field in an interrogation with
UF equals 0 and respond with the contents of the specified GICB register in the MV
field of the corresponding reply with DF equals 16. This CC field is only used in format
The codes are:
CC = 0 aircraft cannot support the crosslink capability.
CC = 1 aircraft supports the crosslink capability. Code Label CL

This 3-bit (14-16) uplink field shall define the contents of the IC field and is used in
UF= 11. Coding (in binary):

000 = IC Field contains the II code

001 = IC Field contains SI codes 1 to 15
010 = IC Field contains SI codes 16 to 31
011 = IC Field contains SI codes 32 to 47
100 = IC Field contains SI codes 48 to 63

The other values of the CL field shall not be used.

NOTE: The II code is defined in § and the SI code is defined in
§ Downlink Format DF

The first field in all downlink formats is the transmission descriptor and is coded
according to Figure 3-4, Note (3). Designator Identification DI

This three-bit (14-16) uplink field identifies the coding contained in the SD field in
formats UF=4, 5, 20 and 21. The codes are:

0 = SD contains IIS (§ a), bits 21-27 and 29-32 are not assigned, and
bit 28 contains the ―OVC‖ (Overlay Command) (see § a(8))
1 = SD contains multisite II lockout and multisite data link protocol information
(§ a).
2 = SD contains extended squitter control information (§ a).
3 = SD contains SI multisite lockout, broadcast and GICB control information
(§ a), and bit 28 contains the ―OVC‖ (Overlay Command) (see
§ a(8))
4-6 = Signifies SD not assigned.
7 = SD contains extended data readout request, multisite and communications
control information (§ a and § a), and bit 28 contains the
―OVC‖ (Overlay Command) (see § a(8))

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40 Downlink Request DR

This 5-bit (9-13) downlink field in the reply formats DF=4, 5, 20 and 21 is used to
request the interrogator to extract the downlink messages from the transponder. The
codes are:
0 = No downlink request.
1 = Request to send air-initiated Comm-B message (§ b).
2 = ACAS information available.
3 = ACAS information available and request to send Comm-B message.
4 = Comm-B broadcast #1 available.
5 = Comm-B broadcast #2 available.
6 = ACAS information and Comm-B broadcast #1 available.
7 = ACAS information and Comm-B broadcast #2 available.
8-15 = Reserved
16-31 = See Comm-D/ELM protocol, (§3.25.1).

Codes 1-15 shall take precedence over codes 16 - 31 to permit the announcement of
a Comm-B message to interrupt the announcement of a downlink ELM. This gives
priority to the announcement of the shorter message. Announcement of the downlink
ELM shall resume when the Comm-B is cleared. Data Selector DS

This 8 bit (15-22) uplink field shall contain the BDS code of the GICB register whose
contents shall be returned in the MV field of the corresponding reply with DF equals
16.This DS field is only used in format UF=0.
NOTE: The DS field is not included in UF=16 in order to eliminate any possible
protocol interaction with the ACAS coordination function. Flight Status FS

This 3-bit (6-8) downlink field reports the flight status of the aircraft and is used in
formats DF=4, 5, 20 and 21. Aircraft without the means of automatically determining
the on-the-ground condition shall always report airborne state. The codes are:

CODE Alert SPI Airborne On-the-Ground

0 no no yes no
1 no no no yes
2 yes no yes no
3 yes no no yes
4 yes yes Either
5 no yes Either
6 is reserved and 7 is not assigned Interrogator Code IC

This 4-bit (10-13) uplink field shall contain either the 4-bit II code (§ or the
lower 4 bits of the 6-bit SI code (§ depending on the value of the CL field
(§ Identification ID (4096 code)

This 13-bit (20-32) downlink field in DF=5, 21 contains the 4096 identification code
reporting the numbers as set by the pilot (§3.5.6 b.).

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41 Interrogator Identification II

This 4-bit value shall define an interrogator identifier (II) code. These II codes shall be
assigned to interrogators in the range of 0 to 15. An II code value of zero shall only be
used in conjunction with acquisition based on lockout override.
NOTE: The same information also may appear in the IIS subfields (§ a and
b). Control, ELM KE

This 1-bit (4) downlink field defines the content of the ND and MD fields in Comm-D
replies, DF=24. For coding see §3.24.1 e and §3.25.1 b. Message, Comm-A MA

This 56-bit (33 - 88) uplink field contains messages directed to the aircraft and is part
of Comm-A interrogations, UF=20, 21. Message, Comm-B, MB

a. MB Message, Comm-B
This 56-bit (33 - 88) downlink field contains messages to be transmitted to the
interrogator and is part of the Comm-B replies DF=20, 21. The contents of the
MB field are determined by a Comm-B data selector code as described in
§ a. For certain specific MB messages (Data Link Capability Report,
§ e, Aircraft Identification Report, § and Resolution Advisory
Report, § a) the MB field contains the 8-bit Comm-B data source
designator code.
b. For messages that use the data source designator code (BDS) to define the
content of the MB message field of which it is part, the BDS code shall comprise
two group of 4 bits each, BDS1 (33-36) and BDS2 (37-40) which correspond to
the BDS1 and BDS2 data source designator codes as described in § Message, Comm-C MC

This 80-bit (9-88) uplink field shall contain:
a) one of the segments of a sequence used to transmit an uplink ELM to the
transponder containing the 4-bit (9-12) IIS subfield; or
b) control codes for a downlink ELM, the 16-bit (9-24) SRS subfield (§3.25.1) and
the 4-bit (25-28) IIS subfield.
MC is part of UF=24. Message, Comm-D MD

This 80-bit (9-88) downlink field shall contain:
a) one of the segments of a sequence used to transmit a downlink ELM to the
interrogator; or
b) control codes for an uplink ELM.
MD is part of DF=24. Message, Extended Squitter ME

This 56-bit (33-88) downlink field is used to broadcast messages. It is used in format

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42 Message, Comm-U MU

This 56-bit (33-88) uplink field contains information used in air-to-air exchanges and is
part of the long air-air surveillance interrogation UF=16. Message, Comm-V MV

This 56-bit (33-88) downlink field contains information used in air-to-air exchanges and
is part of the long air-air surveillance reply DF=16. This downlink field shall contain
GICB information as requested in the DS field of the UF=0 interrogation that elicited
the reply. Number of C-Segment NC

This 4-bit (5-8) uplink field gives the number of a segment transmitted in an uplink
ELM and is part of a Comm-C interrogation, UF=24. The protocol is described in
§3.24.1. Number of D-Segment ND

This 4-bit, (5-8) downlink field gives the number of a segment transmitted in a
downlink ELM and is part of a Comm-D reply, DF=24. The protocol is described in
§3.25.1. Protocol PC
This 3-bit (6-8) uplink field contains operating commands to the transponder and is
part of surveillance and Comm-A interrogations UF=4, 5, 20, 21. The PC field values
2 through 7 shall be ignored and the values 0 and 1 shall be processed for
surveillance or Comm-A interrogations containing DI=3 (§ The codes are:
0 = No changes in transponder state.
1 = Non-selective All-Call lockout.
2 = Reserved
3 = Reserved
4 = Close out Comm-B (§
5 = Close out Comm-C (§3.24.1 g).
6 = Close out Comm-D (§3.25.1 d).
7 = Reserved Parity/Interrogator Identity PI

This 24-bit (33-56 or 89-112) downlink field contains the parity overlaid on the
interrogator's identity code according to § PI is part of the Mode S All Call
Reply and acquisition squitter (DF=11), and the Mode S extended squitter (DF=17).

© EUROCAE, 2011
43 Probability of Reply PR

This 4-bit (6-9) uplink field contains commands to the transponder which specify the
reply probability to the Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation UF=11 that contains the PR.
A command to disregard any lockout state can also be given. The assigned codes are
as follows:
0 = Reply with probability = 1.
1 = Reply with probability = 1/2.
2 = Reply with probability = 1/4.
3 = Reply with probability = 1/8.
4 = Reply with probability = 1/16.
5, 6, 7 = Reserved
8 = Disregard lockout, reply with probability = 1.
9 = Disregard lockout, reply with probability = 1/2.
10 = Disregard lockout, reply with probability = 1/4.
11 = Disregard lockout, reply with probability = 1/8.
12 = Disregard lockout, reply with probability = 1/16.
13,14,15 = Reserved

NOTE: On receipt of a Mode S-Only All-Call containing a PR code other than 0, 5,

6, 7, 8, 13, 14 or 15, the transponder executes a random process and
makes a reply decision for this interrogation in accordance with the
commanded probability. Random occurrence of replies enables the
interrogator to acquire closely spaced aircraft whose replies would
otherwise synchronously garble each other. Reply Control RC

This 2-bit (3-4) uplink field designates the transmitted segment as initial, intermediate
or final if coded 0, 1, 2 respectively. RC=3 is used to request for downlink ELM
delivery by the transponder. RC is part of the Comm-C interrogation, UF=24. The
protocols are described in §3.24.1 and §3.25.1 b. Reply Information, Air-To-Air RI

This 4-bit (14-17) downlink field appears in the air-air surveillance replies DF=0, 16
and reports maximum cruising true airspeed capability and type of reply to the
interrogating aircraft. The coding is as follows:
0 = signifies a reply to an air-air interrogation UF = 0 with AQ =0
1-7 = Reserved for ACAS. Codes indicate that this is the reply to an air-to-air
non-acquisition interrogation (§
8-15 = Acquisition reply

8 = No maximum cruising true airspeed data available.

9 = Maximum Cruising True Airspeed is less than or equal to 75 knots.
10 = Maximum Cruising Airspeed is greater than 75 and less than or equal to
150 knots.
11 = Maximum Cruising Airspeed is greater than 150 and less than or equal
to 300 knots.
12 = Maximum Cruising Airspeed is greater than 300 and less than or equal
to 600 knots.
13 = Maximum Cruising Airspeed is greater than 600 and less than or equal
to 1200 knots.
14 = Maximum Cruising Airspeed is greater than 1200 knots.
15 = Reserved

NOTE: Bit 14 of this field replicates the AQ bit (§ of the interrogation
resulting in the coding scheme above.

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44 Reply Length RL

This 1-bit (9) uplink field in UF=0, 16 commands a reply in DF=0 if ZERO, and a reply
in DF=16 if ONE and the transponder is associated with airborne collision equipment. Reply Request RR

This 5-bit (9-13) uplink field contains length and content of the reply requested by the
interrogators. RR is part of the surveillance and Comm-A interrogations UF=4, 5, 20,
21. The codes are outlined below:
RR Code Reply Length MB Content
0-15 Short Not applicable
16 Long Air-Initiated Comm-B (§ c)
17 Long "Data Link Capability Report" (§ e)
18 Long Flight ID (§
19 Long ACAS Resolution Advisory Report (§
20 Long Selected vertical intention (§3.30.6)
21 Long Track and turn report (§3.30.7)
22 Long Heading and speed report (§3.30.8)
23 – 31 Long Reserved

NOTE: If the first bit of the RR code is ONE, the last four bits of the 5-bit RR code,
if transformed into their decimal equivalent, designate the number (BDS1)
of the requested source. BDS2 is assumed to be ZERO if not specified by
DI=3 or 7 and RRS. See § a (4). SD Special Designator, IIS and SIS, Subfields in SD

a. SD Special Designator
This 16-bit (17-32) uplink field can contain control codes affecting transponder
protocol and is part of surveillance and Comm-A interrogations UF=4, 5, 20, 21.
The content of this field is specified by the DI field.
b. IIS, Subfield in SD
This 4-bit subfield (17-20) appears in all SD fields of uplink formats 4, 5, 20 and
21 if the DI code is 0, 1 or 7. IIS is the Interrogator Identifier.
c. SIS, Subfield in SD
This 6-bit subfield (17-22) appears in all SD fields of uplink formats 4, 5, 20 and
21 if the DI code is 3. SIS is the Surveillance Identifier. Surveillance Identifier SI

This 6-bit value shall define a surveillance identifier (SI) code. These SI code values
shall be assigned to interrogators in the range of 1 to 63. An SI value of zero shall not
be used. The SI codes shall be used with the multisite lockout protocols (§
The SI codes shall not be used with the multisite communications protocols which
require the use of II codes. Therefore, an interrogator operating with an SI code will
be limited to the following data link capabilities:
a. Unlinked Comm-A
b. Broadcast Comm-A
c. Ground-Initiated Comm-B (GICB)
d. Broadcast Comm-B
e. ACAS Downlink Transactions.

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NOTE: The same information also may appear in the SIS subfields (§ a). ACAS Sensitivity Level Report SL

This 3-bit (9-11) field appears in air-air surveillance reply formats DF=0 and 16. This
field reports the sensitivity level at which the connected ACAS unit is currently
The codes are:
0 = ACAS inoperative
1 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 1
2 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 2
3 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 3
4 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 4
5 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 5
6 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 6
7 = ACAS is operating at sensitivity level 7 Uplink Format UF

The first field in all uplink formats is the transmission descriptor in all interrogations
and is coded according to Figure 3-3, Note (3). Utility Message in DF=4, 5, 20, 2 UM

This 6-bit (14-19) downlink field in DF=4, 5, 20, 21 contains transponder status
readouts. Vertical Status VS

This 1-bit (6) downlink field in DF=0, 16 indicates, when ZERO, that the aircraft is
airborne and, when ONE, that the aircraft is on the ground. Aircraft without the means
of automatically determining the on-the-ground condition shall always report airborne
state. CF Control Field

This 3-bit (bits 6 – 8) downlink field in DF=18 shall be used to define the format of the
112-bit transmission.
Code 0 = ADS-B format
Code 1 to 7 = Reserved DP Data Parity

This 24 bit (bits 89 – 112) downlink field contains the parity overlaid on a ―Modified
AA‖ field established by performing a modulo-2 summation (e.g., Exclusive-Or
function) of the discrete address most significant 8 bits and BDS1, BDS2, where
BDS1 and BDS2 are provided by the ―RR‖ and ―RRS‖ as specified in §
Discrete Address = AA AA AA AA Hex = 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010
BDS1, BDS2 = 5F 00 00 Hex = 0101 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000
Discrete Address BDS1, BDS2 Hex = 1111 0101 1010 1010 1010 1010

―Modified AA‖ = F5 AA AA Hex = 1111 0101 1010 1010 1010 1010

where ― ‖ prescribes modulo-2 addition

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The resulting ―Modified AA‖ field then represents the 24 bit sequence (a1, a2…a24)
that shall be used to generate the DP field in accordance with §


1. Effectively, the most significant 8 bits of the discrete Address (e.g., “AA” field) are
first modulo-2 summed with the Register number of the Register being provided in
the reply. The result of that process is then used to generate the DP field.

2. When the interrogator receives the reply, the parity decoder will decode the
received “DP” into an equivalent modified “AA.” The interrogator can then
modulo-2 sum the most significant 8 bits of this modified “AA” with the intended
register BDS1, BDS2 with the result being the original “AA” used in the
interrogation that requested the reply. Unassigned Coding Space

Unassigned coding space as indicated in Figures 3-3 and 3-4 contains all ZEROs as
transmitted by interrogators and transponders. Unassigned coding space within
existing fields is reserved for possible future use. Future Coding

Because unassigned coding space is transmitted as ZEROs, future coding must be
defined so that all ZEROs indicate that no action is to be taken, i.e., no command
given, no state changes are caused in the transponder or ground station.

NOTE: The antenna is normally part of the aircraft installation. Antenna
requirements are included in this document for information purposes only.
Antenna testing is therefore not foreseen in this document.

3.19.1 Frequency of Operation

The antenna shall receive and transmit signals on the nominal operating frequencies
of 1030 and 1090 MHz. (See §3.1.2, §3.1.3, §3.22, §3.3)

3.19.2 Impedance and VSWR

The antenna shall have a nominal impedance of 50 ohms. When terminated in a
transmission line representative of the aircraft installation, the VSWR at the
transponder end shall not exceed 1.5:1 over the operating frequency range.

3.19.3 Polarisation
The antenna radiation pattern shall be predominantly vertically polarised.

3.19.4 Radiation Pattern

When mounted at the centre of a 1.2 m diameter (or larger) flat, circular ground plane,
the antenna gain shall not be less than that of a matched quarter-wave stub, minus
3 dB, over 90% of a coverage volume of:
azimuth: 0° to 360°
elevation: 5° to 30° above the ground plane.


The transponder shall regain full operational capability to within its operational limits
within two seconds after the restoration of power following a momentary power

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NOTE: The transponder is not required to continue operating during momentary

power interruptions.


All Mode-S transponders support ground-to-air and air-to-air surveillance.
§1.4.2 indicates capabilities that become available through the use of Mode S and its
data link. The paragraphs which follow provide a more detailed description of these
various capabilities as they relate to the specific features which must exist within Mode
S avionics. Each capability requires that the unit properly handle the associated
formats, message fields, protocols and interfaces as specified in the referenced

3.22 LEVEL 2 TRANSPONDER – Surveillance function

All Mode-S Transponders support the ground-based surveillance functions of both
Mode A/C and Mode S and also air-to-air surveillance. It shall generate replies to valid
Mode A and C interrogations. The Mode S formats to be processed and protocol
requirements for this transponder are defined in the following paragraphs. The level 2
transponder supports the requirements of §3.22 and §3.23 as a minimum.

3.22.1 Short Mode S Formats (Surveillance only function)

The transponder processes the 56-bit interrogations and 56-bit reply formats, listed in
Figures 3-6 and 3-7. (See §3.18.4 for definition and coding of the applicable fields).

3.22.2 Mode S Protocols Error Protection (Figures 3-8 and 3-9)

Parity check coding is used in Mode S interrogations and replies to provide protection
against errors. This code is defined in paragraphs a, b and c below.
On receipt of a Mode S interrogation, the transponder shall perform a parity check,
which is an examination of the sequence of demodulated bits to determine whether it
is consistent with the code structure. If the bit sequence is consistent, the parity check
is passed; otherwise it is failed. In this event the interrogation shall not be accepted.
Similarly, the Mode S transponder shall encode prior to transmitting a reply or squitter
so that these transmissions are consistent with the code structure.
a. Parity Check Sequence - A sequence of 24 parity check bits, generated by a
code described in b, is incorporated into the field formed by the last 24 bits of all
Mode S transmissions. The 24 parity check bits are combined with either the
address or the interrogator identification as described in c. The resulting
combination then forms either the AP (Address/Parity) or the PI
(Parity/Identification) field.
b. Parity Check Sequence Generation - The sequence of 24 parity bits (P1, P2 .....
P24) shall be generated from the sequence of information bits (m1, m2 .... mk)
where k is 32 or 88 for short or long transmissions respectively. This shall be
done by means of a code generated by the polynomial :
G(x) = 1 + x3 + x10 + x12 + x13 + x14 + x15 + x16
+ x17 + x18 + x19 + x20 + x21 + x22 + x23 + x24

When by the application of binary polynomial algebra, x24 [M(x)] is divided by

G(x) where the information sequence M(x) is :
mk + mk-1x + mk-2x2 + ... + m1xk-1

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The result is a quotient and a remainder R(x) of degree less than 24. The bit
sequence formed by this remainder represents the parity check sequence.
Parity bit pi, for any i from 1 to 24, is the coefficient of x24-i in R(x).
NOTE: The effect of multiplying M(x) by x24 is to append 24 ZERO bits to the
end of the sequence.
c. AP or PI Field Generation - The address used for AP field generation is either
the aircraft address (§ a), the broadcast address (§ e) or the All-
Call address (§ b). The address shall be a sequence of 24 bits (a1, a2
. . . a24). In the aircraft address, a1 shall be the bit transmitted first in the AA field
of an All-Call reply. This address sequence shall be used in the downlink
Address/Parity field generation, while a modified form of this sequence (b1, b2
. . . b24) shall be used for uplink Address/Parity field generation.
The code used in downlink PI field generation shall be formed by a sequence of
24 bits (a1, a2, . . . a24) where the first 17 bits are ZEROs, the next three bits
are a replica of the code label (CL) field (§ and the last four bits are a
replica of the interrogator code (IC) field (§
If the reply is made in response to a Mode A/C/S all-call, a Mode S-only all-call
with CL field and IC field equal to zero, or is an acquisition or extended squitter,
the II (§ and the SI (§ codes shall be set to zero.
Bit bi is the coefficient of x48-i in the polynomial G(x)A(x), where:

A(x) = a1x23 + a2x22+ . . . + a24

and G(x) is defined in b.
The sequence of bits transmitted in the AP or PI field is:
tk+1, tk+2 . . . tk+24
The bits are numbered in order of transmission, starting with k+1.
In interrogations tk+i = bi Pi where " " prescribes modulo-2 addition, i = 1 is
the first bit transmitted in the AP field.
In replies and receivers squitter transmissions, tk+i = ai Pi where " "
prescribes modulo-2 addition; i = 1 is the first bit transmitted in AP or PI field.
NOTE: Figures 3-8 and 3-9 show typical implementation of the error
protection circuits and a sample of bit patterns. Interrogation Acceptance Protocol (Figure 3-10)

Mode S interrogations shall be accepted only if the address of the recipient is as
defined in a or b or l below (ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §
a. Aircraft Address - The interrogation shall be accepted if the address extracted
from the received interrogation is identical to the transponder's address and UF
is 11.
b. All-Call Address - If the address extracted from the received interrogation
consists of 24 ONEs and UF=11, the transmission is a Mode S-Only All-Call
and the received interrogation shall be accepted according to i below unless the
lockout protocol is in effect or the "on the ground" report (CA, VS or FS field)
indicates the ground condition.
c. Mode A/C/S All-Call - A Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation (1.6 microseconds
P4) shall be accepted unless the TD timer is running or side lobe suppression is
in effect or when in the ―on-the-ground‖ state (consistent with the CA, VS and
FS fields).
NOTE: The acceptance of Mode A/C/S All Call interrogations may be
disabled in a future version of these MOPS.

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d. Mode A/C-Only All-Call - A Mode S transponder shall not accept the Mode A/C-
Only All-Call (0.8 s P4).
e. Lack of Reply Capability - The transponder shall not accept Mode S
interrogations UF=4 or UF=5 if the code in the RR field is larger than 15.
f. Side Lobe Suppression - Suppression as described in §3.8.2 shall apply to
responses to Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations.
g. All-Call Lockout Conditions - On receipt of a Mode S-Only All-Call (UF=11)
containing an Interrogator Code (IC and CL fields) corresponding to the
designator of a running TL timer, the interrogation shall not be accepted unless
the contained PR code is 8 through 12 and the "on the ground" report (CA, VS
or FS field) does not indicate the ground condition. Upon receipt of a Mode S-
Only All-Call (UF=11) containing II=0, the interrogation shall be accepted if the
TD timer is not running or if the received PR code is 8 through 12 and the "on
the ground" report (VS or FS field) does not indicate the ground condition.
h. Formats for Which Transponder Is Not Equiped - The transponder shall not
accept a Mode S format for which it is not equipped.
i. Stochastic All-Calls - Upon receipt of a Mode S-Only All-Call with a PR
(§ code other than 0 or 8, the transponder shall execute a random
process. If the reply probability indicated by the outcome of the random process
is less than or equal to the reply probability indicated by the value of PR and if
no lockout condition applies (includes override, § and the "on-the-
ground" report (CA, VS or FS field) does not indicate the ground condition the
transponder shall accept the interrogation.
If the value of PR is 5 through 7 or 13 through 15, the interrogation shall not be
j. Mode S Reply Rate Limiting - Mode S interrogations shall not be accepted if the
optional Mode S reply rate limit is exceeded.
k. Transaction Cycle - If the transponder is in a transaction cycle, it shall not
accept interrogations.
The transaction cycle begins when the transponder has recognized an
interrogation type and ends when the transponder has finished the reply or has
aborted processing this interrogation.
NOTE: A Mode S interrogation is recognized when the sync phase reversal
has been detected. The transaction cycle ends when either the
interrogation has been accepted and has been replied to, or when the
interrogation has not been accepted because of wrong address,
lockout, etc.
A Mode A/C interrogation is recognized when a proper P1-P3 interval has been
detected and a following leading edge of a P4 has not been detected.
During Mode A/C suppression intervals recognition of P1 - P2 - P3 intervals is
In the interval between P1 and an expected P3, a transponder is not in a
transaction cycle.
l. Broadcast address - If the address extracted from the received interrogation
consists of 24 ONES and UF = 20 or 21, then the received interrogation shall be
accepted as a broadcast interrogation.

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50 Interrogation Reply Coordination

The transponder shall generate replies as follows, except when in the on-the-ground
Interrogations Replies

Mode A 4096 Codes

Mode C Altitude Codes
Mode A/S All-Call Reply is DF=11
Mode C/S All-Call Reply is DF=11
Mode S-only All-Call Reply is DF=11
NOTE: Transponders that simulate Mode A/C and Mode S All Call interrogations in
self test/squitter transmission may occasionally open their window of non
acceptance for this purpose coincident with an actual interrogation, thus
generating a reply to the interrogation. Such coincidental acceptance
periods may be considered tolerable, but must not exceed one percent of
transponder operating time. Lockout Protocol (Figure 3-11)

Transponders can be prevented from accepting certain interrogations by command
from an interrogator.
Non-Selective All-Call Lockout - On acceptance of an interrogation containing code 1
in the PC field or containing LOS=1 together with IIS=0 in the SD field or both of these
code sets, the transponder shall start the TD timer. This timer shall run for 18 ±1.0
seconds after the last received command.
NOTE: Non-selective All-Call lockout and multisite lockout are not mutually
exclusive. Interrogators using multisite lockout protocols for interrogator
networking coordination may use non-selective lockout commands in the
same interrogation. The non-selective lockout may be used to prevent
Mode S transponder replies with DF=11 to wrongly detected Mode A/C/S
All-Call interrogations from Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations because
of the misinterpretation of the narrow P4 pulse as a wide P4 pulse. Multisite Lockout Protocol (Figure 3-11)

To prevent transponder acquisition from being denied to one interrogator by lockout
commands originating from another interrogator, the following multisite lockout
protocol shall be used.
a. Multisite All-Call Lockout Protocol
Upon receipt of an interrogation with DI=1 or with DI=7, the transponder shall
examine the LOS subfield (bit 26) and if it is ONE, it shall examine the contents
of the IIS subfield (bits 17-20) (§ a). If an interrogation identifier other
than ―0‖ is present in IIS, the transponder has received a multisite lockout
command for the interrogator indicated in IIS.
Upon receipt of an interrogation with DI=3, the transponder shall examine the
LSS subfield (bit 23) and if it is ONE, it shall examine the contents of the SIS
subfield (bits 17-22) (§ a). If a surveillance identifier other than ―0‖ is
present in SIS, the transponder has received a multisite lockout command for
the interrogator indicated in SIS.
b. Multisite All-Call Lockout Function
Upon receipt of a multisite lockout command, the transponder shall start the TL
timer assigned to the IIS or SIS code (See Figures 3.10 and 3.11). The timer
shall run for 18 ±1.0 seconds after the last acceptance of an interrogation
containing the command.

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NOTE 1: Fifteen interrogators can send independent multisite II lockout commands.

In addition, sixty three interrogators can send independent SI lockout
commands. Each of these lockout commands must be timed separately
NOTE 2: Multisite lockout (which uses only non-zero II codes) does not affect the
response of the transponder to a Mode S-only all-call interrogation
containing II equals 0, or PR equals 8 to 12 or to Mode A/C/S all-call
NOTE 3: Non-selective All-Call lockout and multisite lockout are not mutually
exclusive. Interrogators using multisite lockout protocols for interrogator
networking coordination may use non-selective lockout commands in the
same interrogation. The non-selective lockout may be used to prevent
Mode S transponder replies with DF=11 to wrongly detected Mode A/C/S
All-Call interrogations from Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations because
of the misinterpretation of the narrow P4 pulse as a wide P4 pulse. Acquisition Squitter Protocol

Mode S transponders shall transmit squitters (unsolicited transmissions) to facilitate
acquisition of the aircraft. The short (56-bit) acquisition squitter has the format of an
All-Call reply. This squitter is used by aircraft equipped with airborne collision
avoidance systems to detect the presence and ICAO 24-bit aircraft address of Mode S
equipped aircraft.
It shall not be possible to inhibit acquisition squitters except as specified in this section
(§ and in §3.28.
a. Acquisition Squitter Format - The format used for the acquisition squitter
transmissions shall be the All-Call reply, DF=11 using II=0 and SI=0 in
generating the PI field.
b. Squitter Rate - Acquisition squitter transmissions shall be emitted at random
intervals that are uniformly distributed over the range from 0.8 to 1.2 seconds
using a time quantisation of no greater than 15 milliseconds relative to the
previous acquisition squitter, with the following exceptions:
(1) The scheduled acquisition squitter shall be delayed if a mutual
suppression interface is active.
NOTE: A mutual suppression system may be used to connect on-board
equipment operating in the same frequency band in order to
prevent mutual interference. Acquisition squitter action
resumes as soon as practical after a mutual suppression
(2) The scheduled acquisition squitter shall be delayed if the transponder is
in a transaction cycle (§ k.).
(3) The scheduled acquisition squitter shall be delayed if an Extended
Squitter is in process.
NOTE: Extended Squitter applies to transponders so equipped.
(4) Acquisition squitters shall only be transmitted when in the on-the-ground
state if the transponder is not reporting the surface type of Mode S
Extended Squitter or as specified in subparagraph ―c.‖
An acquisition squitter shall not be interrupted after the squitter transmission
has begun. A delayed acquisition squitter shall be transmitted as soon as the
transponder becomes available.
c. Conditions for Acquisition Squitter Transmission – The following applies to
transponders transmitting Extended Squitters. When commanded to report the
surface type formats by TCS commands (see §3.28.5), aircraft without
automatic means of determining the on-the-ground condition, and aircraft with
such means that are reporting airborne state, shall transmit acquisition squitters

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in addition to the surface Extended Squitter formats unless acquisition squitter

transmission has been inhibited (subparagraph d.)
1: This action is taken to ensure ACAS acquisition in the event that the ground
station inadvertently commands an airborne aircraft to report the surface
Extended Squitter formats.
2: A summary of the acquisition squitter transmission conditions is presented
in the following table. In this table, Y indicates that the acquisition squitter is
regularly broadcast, and N means that the acquisition squitter is
3: The condition of no transmission of any Extended Squitter can result from
initialization with no position, velocity, or identity data available.
Aircraft On-The-Ground Condition
Airborne or
Airborne Surface
No transmission of any Surveillance Type
Acquisition Extended Squitter
At Least one Surveillance Type Extended
Squitter Transmitted
Reporting Surface Format Y N Y
No transmission of any Surveillance Type
Extended Squitter
Squitter At Least one Surveillance Type Extended
Inhibited Squitter Transmitted
Reporting Surface Format N N N
NOTE 1: Y = regular transmission of acquisition squitters
NOTE 2: N = acquisition squitter suppressed
NOTE 3: Surveillance type Extended Squitters are airborne position, airborne velocity
or surface position Extended Squitters
d. Future Suppression of Regular Transmission of Acquisition Squitter
Transponders equipped for Extended Squitter operation should have a means
to disable acquisition squitters when Extended Squitters are being emitted.
After regular acquisition squitter suppression has been implemented, the
acquisition squitter shall continue to be broadcast by transponders if they are
not emitting any Extended Squitters.
1. Provision of this means will facilitate the suppression of acquisition squitters
when all ACAS units have been converted to receive the Extended Squitter.
2: Broadcast of acquisition squitters when no Extended Squitter is broadcast is
necessary in order to ensure acquisition by ACAS.
3: An ACAS will need to retain the ability to receive the acquisition squitter
even after that ACAS has been converted to receive the Extended Squitter. Flight Status and Vertical Status Protocols (Figure 3-12)

Mode S-equipped aircraft shall report details of their flight status. The source of and
the rules for such reports are as follows:
a. Alert - The transponder shall transmit the 4096 identification code in Mode A
replies and in the ID field of downlink format DF=5. This code can be changed by
the pilot, and when a change is made an alert condition shall be established. If
the identification code is changed to 7500, 7600 or 7700, the alert condition shall

© EUROCAE, 2011

be permanent. If the identification code is changed to any other value, the alert
condition shall be temporary and self-cancelling after 18 ±1.0 seconds (TC timer).
The TC timer shall be retriggered and continued for 18 ±1.0 seconds after any
change has been accepted by the transponder function. The alert condition shall
be reported in the FS field. The permanent alert condition shall be terminated and
replaced by a temporary alert condition when the identification code is set to a
value other than 7500, 7600 or 7700.
NOTE: Retriggering is performed to ensure that the ground interrogator obtains
the desired Mode A code before the alert condition is cleared.
When the transponder transitions to normal operation (see §2.5 c) it shall initiate a
temporary alert for 18 ±1 seconds.
b. On-the-Ground Report – The on-the-ground status of the aircraft shall be reported
in the FS field and the VS field and the CA field. If a means for automatically
indicating the on-the-ground condition (e.g., a weight on wheels or strut switch) is
available at the transponder data interface, it shall be used as the basis for the
reporting of status (FS, VS, for CA codes 4 or 5 for airborne or on-the ground). If a
means for automatically indicating the on-the-ground condition is not available at
the transponder data interface, the FS and VS codes shall indicate that the
aircraft is airborne and the CA field shall indicate that the aircraft is either airborne
or on the ground (CA=6).
c. Validation of automatic means for declaring the on-the-ground status
NOTE 1: For aircraft with an automatic means of determining vertical status, the
CA field reports whether the aircraft is airborne or on the ground. ACAS
II acquires aircraft using the short or Extended Squitter, both of which
contain the CA field. If an aircraft report on-the-ground status, that
aircraft will not be interrogated by ACAS II in order to reduce
unnecessary interrogation activity.
For Aircraft with an automatic means for determining the on-the-ground condition,
transponders that have access to at least one of the following parameters (ground
speed, radio altitude, airspeed) shall perform the following validation check:

If the automatically determined air/ground status is not available or is ―airborne‖,

no validation shall be performed.

If the automatically determined air/ground status is available and ―on-the-ground‖

condition is being reported, the air/ground status shall be overridden and changed
to ―airborne‖ if:

ground speed >100 knots or airspeed >100 knots or radio altitude >50 feet.
NOTE 2: For Extended Squitters installation, the on-the-ground validation is
optional for Aircraft reporting ADS-B Emitter Category Set “A” codes 0,
1 or 7 as defined in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
NOTE 3: Modern aircraft with integrated avionics suites commonly contain
sophisticated algorithms for determining the air/ground state based on
multiple aircraft sensors. These algorithms are customised to the
airframe and designed to overcome individual sensor failures. These
algorithms are an acceptable means to determine the air/ground state
and do not require additional validation.
d. Special Position Identification - When manually selected, the transponder shall
transmit the equivalent of the Mode A/C SPI in the FS field of surveillance replies
DF=4, 5, 20, 21 and in the Surveillance Status Subfield (see §3.28.8) of Extended
Squitter transmissions (DF=17) when they contain the airborne position report.
This code shall be transmitted for 18 ±1.0 seconds (TI timer) after initiation and
can be reinitiated at any time.

© EUROCAE, 2011
54 Capability Reporting (§ All-Call Reply Protocol

Upon acceptance of a Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation (UF=11) the transponder
shall reply by overlaying the contents of the received CL and IC fields on parity
according to §, resulting in the PI field which shall be used in the All-Call reply
(DF=11). Upon acceptance of a Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations the transponder
shall generate the PI field using II=0 or SI=0. Reply Content (Figure 3-13)

The information content of a Mode S reply shall reflect the conditions existing in the
transponder after completion of all transponder processing of the interrogation
soliciting that reply.
In the reply to UF=0, the transponder shall insert:
VS in bit 6.
RI in bits 14 to 17.
AC in bits 20 to 32.

In the reply to UF=4, AC shall be in bits 20 to 32. In the reply to UF=5, ID shall be in
bits 20 to 32. In the reply to UF=11, AA shall be in bits 9 to 32.
In replies to UF=4 and UF=5, the transponder shall insert ZEROs in bits 9 through 13
in the DR field. Data Handling and Interfaces

The transponder shall have the following data interfaces as described in §3.17:
Aircraft Address (AA).
Maximum Cruising True Airspeed (RI).
Pressure Altitude (AC).
4096 Identification Code (ID).
On-the-Ground Report (CA, FS, VS).
Special Position Indicator (FS).

3.23 LEVEL 2 Transponder - DATALINK FUNCTION

The following subparagraphs ―a‖ through ―g‖ provide a general description of data link
a. Formats
Messages appear in dedicated fields (MA, MB, MC, MD, etc.) of some Mode S
b. Participants
Uplink messages are generally directed to the pilot's attention. Downlink
messages can be readouts of on-board data which do not need pilot
intervention or can be messages deliberately sent by the pilot. ("Pilot" is to be
understood as any of the flight deck crew.)
c. Peripherals
Peripherals, also called I/O devices, process and store messages received
and/or to be transmitted. They translate received messages into visual or aural
form, and messages to be transmitted, into agreed-upon binary coding.
Peripherals can be contained within the transponder enclosure or can be
separated from the transponder.

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d. Interfaces
If peripheral separation as mentioned above is used, interfaces (§3.17) shall be
part of the transponder design.
e. Message Content, Specified
This document specifies message content only for standardized messages
which have their data base within the transponder. These are the extended
capability report using Comm-B and the transmission acknowledgment
subfields of the Comm-D protocol (§ d and §3.24.1 e.).
f. Message Content, Not Specified
Message structure and coding for various data link applications will be found in
the documents describing those services.
g. Protocol Overview
Data exchanges are always under control of the interrogator. Comm-A
messages are sent directly to the transponder. Ground-initiated Comm-B replies
are extracted from the transponder by suitable interrogation content. Air-
initiated Comm-B messages are announced by the transponder and are
transmitted in a subsequent reply only after authorization by the interrogator.
Longer messages, either on the uplink or downlink, can be exchanged by the
ELM protocol using Comm-C and Comm-D formats.
The ELM protocol provides for the interrogator transmission of up to sixteen
112-bit message segments before requiring a reply from the transponder. It
also allows a corresponding procedure for downlink ELM transmission.
Air-initiated Comm-B messages are announced to all interrogators and can be
extracted by any interrogator. However, an individual interrogator can use the
multisite protocol to reserve for itself the ability to close out the Comm-B
transaction. A transponder can be instructed to identify the interrogator that is
designated to process an air initiated Comm-B, or air initiated downlink ELM
transaction. That interrogator is considered to be the reserved interrogator for
the transaction and the transaction cannot be closed out by an interrogator
using any other II code.
In addition to the surveillance functions described in §3.22, level 2 transponder
supports datalink functions as described in §3.23.1 and §3.23.2 for Comm-B protocol.

3.23.1 Long Mode S Formats (Data Link Capability)

In addition to the requirements in §3.22, all transponders shall:
a. Process uplink and downlink formats DF=16, UF=DF=20 and 21 (Figure 3-14).
The format UF=16 is optional.
NOTE: UF=16 is supported by transponders connected to an on-board
operational ACAS (see §3.27).
b. Receive broadcast transmissions from ground interrogators (§
c. Follow the protocols for:
Comm-A (see §
Comm-B (see §
Comm-U/V (air-air) (see §
Multisite message operation (see §3.23.2).
Report Codes 4 through 7 in the CA field (see §
ACAS crosslink capability (see §

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56 Interrogation Acceptance Protocol (Figure 3-15)

The interrogation acceptance protocol of § shall be used with the following
a. An interrogation may optionally be accepted or not accepted if the interface data
buffer (§3.17.3 c (4)) is full.
b. An interrogation shall be accepted as a "broadcast" if the UF format code is 20
or 21 or 16 (if so equipped) and if an all ONEs address is decoded.
c. Only formats for which the transponder is designed and to which it can reply if a
reply is required shall be accepted.
d. On receipt of a Mode S-Only All-Call (UF=11) containing SI or II corresponding
to the designator of a running TL timer, the interrogation shall not be accepted
unless the contained PR code is 8 through 12. Error Protection

The parity algorithm shall be as described in § Information Transfer

The transponder shall be able to transfer information to and from the appropriate data
sinks (destinations) and sources (§3.17 and §3.23 c and d). Interrogation-Reply Coordination (Figure 3-16)

The transponder shall generate replies to accepted interrogations as follows:

Interrogation Reply

Mode A/C Mode A 4096 Code*

Mode A/C Mode C Altitude Code*
Mode A/C/S All-Calls DF=11*
UF=4 and UF=5 as below
UF=11 DF=11*
UF=20 and UF=21 as below
Broadcast None
(*)The transponder does not reply when the conditions of § apply

Upon acceptance of an interrogation with UF codes 0 or 16, the transponder shall

reply with DF=0 if RL=0 and shall reply with DF=16 if RL=1.
If the transponder is not equipped with the optional long air-air formats UF=DF=16, it
shall not accept UF=16 and it shall not reply to UF=0 containing RL=1.
If the transponder is equipped with the optional long air formats UF=DF=16, reply rate
limiting (§3.11) shall not prevent the transmission of DF=16.

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Upon acceptance of an interrogation with a UF code of 4, 5, 20 or 21, the transponder

shall examine the RR code and generate downlink formats as follows:

Uplink Format, UF RR Code Downlink Format, DF

4 0 through 15 4
5 0 through 15 5
20 0 through 15 4
21 0 through 15 5
4 16 through 31 20
5 16 through 31 21
20 16 through 31 20
21 16 through 31 21
NOTE: In effect, the first bit of the RR field determines the lengh of the required reply Lockout Protocols (Figure 3-11)

Lockout commands shall not be accepted if they occur within a broadcast
In addition to the rules in §, lockout commands shall be accepted if they
appear in interrogations UF=20 and UF=21. Flight and Vertical Status Protocols (Figure 3-12)

The FS report (§ shall also appear in DF=20 and DF=21 and VS shall also
appear in DF=16.
When manually selected, the transponder shall indicate the equivalent of the SPI
condition in the FS field of surveillance replies DF=4, 5 and in the Surveillance Status
Subfield of extended squitter transmissions (DF=17) when they contain the airborne
position report. This code shall be transmitted for 18 ±1.0 seconds (TI timer) after
initiation and can be reinitiated at any time. Capability Report

The transponder shall reply with a non-zero value of CA (§ in the capability
field of DF=11, indicating that further data link information is available in a data link
capability report (§ e). Reply Content (Figure 3-13)

The reply content summary of § shall apply. Additionally, the rules applying
to formats UF=4, UF=5 shall also apply to formats UF=20 and UF=21 respectively. UM Protocol (Figure 3-17)

The UM field shall support functions for the multisite protocol. The following
paragraphs contain the requirements and descriptions of the protocol.
a. Field description is in §
b. If DI=1, multisite information may be requested as specified in § b
c. If no request appears, directed Comm-B/D information may appear in UM as
specified in § b and §3.25.2 b. Comm-A Protocol

Comm-A is the transmission of information from the ground to the aircraft by formats
UF=20, 21. In addition to the content of the corresponding short formats (UF=4, 5) the
Comm-A formats contain the additional 56-bit field MA.

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The transponder shall direct the content of received Comm-A formats to the interface
(§3.17.2). Broadcast Protocol

If a broadcast interrogation has been accepted (§3.23.1), the transponder shall make
that information available at the appropriate interface. Other transponder functions
shall not be affected, and a reply shall not be transmitted. Comm-B Protocol (Figure 3-18)

Comm-B is the transmission of information from the aircraft to the ground and follows
the general protocol as outlined in §3.2.g. Figure 3-18 is a flow chart containing the
ground-initiated Comm-B readout, the procedures for air-initiated Comm-B
transactions and the multisite procedures.
a. Comm-B data selector, BDS
The 8-bit BDS code shall determine the register whose contents shall be
transferred in the MB field of the Comm-B reply. It shall be expressed in two
groups of 4 bits each, BDS1 (most significant 4 bits) and BDS2 (least significant
4 bits).
(1) BDS1 Code
The BDS1 Code shall be as defined in the RR field of a surveillance or
Comm-A interrogation.
(2) BDS2 Code
The BDS2 code shall be as defined in the RRS subfield of the SD field
when DI=3 or 7. If no BDS2 code is specified (i.e., DI is not equal to 3
nor 7) it shall signify that BDS2 = 0.
If the ―DI‖ code of the Comm-B requesting interrogation is 0, 3, or 7, the ―SD‖
contains the ―OVC‖ in accordance with § If the ―OVC‖ is equal to
―1,‖ then the reply to the interrogation shall contain the ―DP‖ (Data Parity) field in
accordance with § If the ―OVC‖ is equal to ―0,‖ then the reply to the
interrogation shall contain the ―AP‖ (see §
b. Ground-Initiated Comm-B
To extract data from the aircraft using the ground initiated Comm-B protocol, the
interrogator shall insert the Comm-B data selector codes according to
§ a.
c. Air-Initiated Comm-B
An air-initiated Comm-B sequence shall start upon the receipt of a message
intended for delivery to a ground interrogator. After receipt of this message, the
transponder shall insert codes 1 or 3 as appropriate, in the DR field of a
surveillance or Comm-B reply, DF=4, 5, 20, 21. On receipt of this
announcement, the interrogator transmits an interrogation with UF = 4, 5, 20 or
21 with RR = 16 and DI 7 or with RR = 16 and DI = 7 and RRS=0 in a
subsequent interrogation. This includes when DI=4, 5 or 6, which are currently
reserved. Receipt of this code by the transponder shall constitute the
authorization to transmit the data. The resulting MB field contains a code
identifying the content of the field. This reply, and others following it, shall
continue to contain codes 1 or 3 as appropriate in the DR field. After the
message has been transmitted at least once in response to an interrogation
using non-multisite protocols and after closeout is received (e.g. Code 4 in the
PC field) in UF=4, 5, 20, 21, the transaction shall be closed out and the DR
code belonging to this message immediately removed. Another message
waiting to be transmitted will then set the DR code to 1 or 3 as appropriate so
that the reply will contain the announcement of this next message. If RR=16
with DI 7 or with DI=7 and RRS=0 is received while no message is waiting to

© EUROCAE, 2011

be transmitted, the reply shall contain all ZEROs in the MB field. This protocol is
also used by multisite-directed Comm-B messages. An interrogation with DI=3
shall not affect the state of the Air-Initiated Comm-B protocol.
d. Comm-B Broadcast
NOTE: A Comm-B broadcast is a message directed to all active interrogators
in view. Messages are alternately numbered 1, 2 and are available for
18 seconds unless a waiting air-initiated Comm-B interrupts the cycle.
Interrogators have no means to cancel the Comm-B broadcast.
A Comm-B broadcast starts, when no air-initiated Comm-B transaction is in
effect, with the insertion of DR codes 4, 5, 6 or 7 into downlink transmissions of
DFs 4, 5, 20, 21 and with the starting of the B-timer. On receipt of the above DR
codes, interrogators may extract the broadcast message by transmitting RR=16
with DI 3 or 7 or with DI=3 or 7 and RRS=0 in subsequent interrogations. When
the B-timer runs out after 18 ±1 seconds, the transponder will reset the DR
codes as required, will discard the previous broadcast message and change
from 1 to 2 (or vice versa) the broadcast message number.
If an air-initiated Comm-B transaction is initiated during the broadcasting
interval (i.e., while the B-timer is running), the B-timer is stopped and reset, the
appropriate code is inserted into the DR field and the Comm-B transaction
proceeds per Figure 3-18. The previous Comm-B broadcast message remains
ready to be reactivated for 18 ±1 seconds after conclusion of the air-initiated
Comm-B transaction.
e. Data Link Capability Report
The data link capability report shall provide the interrogator with a description of
the data link capability of the Mode S installation. The subfield definitions of the
Data Link Capability Report are contained in Appendix B. The report shall be
obtained by a ground-initiated Comm-B reply in response to an interrogation
containing RR equals 17 (§ b).
(1) Subfields in MB for data link capability report.
The subfields within the MB field of all data link capability reports shall be:
BDS1 A value of 1 shall be inserted in this 4-bit subfield (1-4 of the
MB field) as a first part of Comm-B data selector (BDS) code.
BDS2 A value of 0 shall be inserted in this 4-bit subfield (5-8 of the
MB field) as a second part of Comm-B data selector (BDS)
SCS This 1-bit (34 of the MB field) squitter capability subfield shall
report the capability of the transponder to transmit extended
squitter position reports. It shall be set to 1 if GICB Registers
0516 and 0616 have been updated within the last ten plus or
minus one seconds. Otherwise, it shall be set to 0
SIC Surveillance Identifier (SI) code capability report.
Transponders which process the SI codes (§ shall
report this capability by setting bit 35 of the MB field to 1 in the
datalink capability report. Otherwise it shall be set to zero.
OCC This one bit (bit 47) Overlay Command Capability subfield
shall report the capability of the transponder to include the
Data Parity (§ downlink field when commanded by
the interrogator. It shall be set to ONE for transponders with
Data Parity capability. Otherwise, it shall be set to ZERO.

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(2) Coding of the Data Link Capability Report

1 0 Datalink capability report
1 1-6 Reserved for extension to datalink capability report
1 7 Common usage GICB
1 8-C Mode S specific services GICB capability report
1 D-F Mode S specific services MSP capability report
NOTE: For AIS capability reporting (bit 33) in the Data Link Capability Report,
see §3.29. For ACAS reserved bits see § b.
(3) Updating of the Data Link Capability Report
At intervals not exceeding four seconds, the transponder compares the
current data link capability status with that last reported and if a difference
is noted, initiates a revised data link capability report by Comm-B
broadcast for BDS1 = 1 and BDS2 = 0.
The transponder shall initiate, generate and announce the revised data
link capability report even if the aircraft data link capability is degraded or
lost. To support this requirement, the transponder shall set the BDS
subfield for the data link capability report.
NOTE: The setting of the BDS code by the transponder ensures that a
broadcast change of the capability report will contain the BDS code
for all cases of data link failure (e.g., the loss of the transponder data
link interface). Aircraft Identification Reporting and AIS Aircraft Identification Subfield in MB

The transponder shall report the aircraft information in the AIS subfield as described
a. Aircraft Identification Reporting
A ground-initiated Comm-B request containing RR equals 18 and either DI does
not equal 3 or 7 or DI equals 3 or 7 and RRS equals 0 shall cause the resulting
reply to contain the aircraft identification in its MB field
b. AIS Aircraft Identification Subfield in MB
The transponder shall report the aircraft identification in the 48-bit (41-88) AIS
subfield of MB. The aircraft identification transmitted shall be that employed in
the flight plan. When no flight plan is available, the registration marking of the
aircraft shall be inserted in this subfield.
c. Coding of the AIS Subfield
The MB field containing the AIS subfield shall be coded as follows:
33 -- 40 41 -- 46 47 -- 52 53 -- 58 59 -- 64 65 -- 70 71 -- 76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
Bit #
1 -- 8 9 -- 14 15 -- 20 21 -- 26 27 -- 32 33 -- 38 39 -- 44 45 – 50 51 -- 56
Bit #
BDS Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8

NOTE: Aircraft identification coding provides up to eight characters.

The BDS code for the aircraft identification message shall be BDS1 equals 2
(33-36) and BDS2 equals 0 (37-40).

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Each character shall be coded as a 6-bit subset of the International Alphabet

Number 5 (IA-5) as illustrated below. The character code shall be transmitted
with the high order unit (b6) first and the reported aircraft identification shall be
transmitted with its left-most character first. Characters shall be coded
consecutively without intervening SPACE code. Any unused character spaces
at the end of the subfield shall contain a SPACE character code.
d. Aircraft Identification Capability Reporting
Transponders which respond to a ground-initiated request for aircraft
identification shall report this capability in the data link capability report
(§ e) by setting bit 33 of the MB subfield to 1.
e. Change of Aircraft Identification
If the aircraft identification reported in the AIS subfield is changed in flight, then
the transponder shall report the new identification to the ground by use of the
Comm-B Broadcast Message protocol. The transponder shall initiate, generate
and announce the revised Aircraft Identification report if if the interface
supplying the Aircraft Identification data is degraded or lost. To support this
requirement, the transponder shall set the BDS subfield for the Aircraft
Identification report.
f. Six-Bit Character Set for Coding Aircraft Identification in the AIS Subfield
Each character shall be coded as a six-bit subset of the International Alphabet
Number 5 (IA-5) (as specified in ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV, § as
illustrated in the following table.
b6 0 0 1 1
b5 0 1 0 1
b4 b3 b2 b1
0 0 0 0 P SP 0
0 0 0 1 A Q 1
0 0 1 0 B R 2
0 0 1 1 C S 3
0 1 0 0 D T 4
0 1 0 1 E U 5
0 1 1 0 F V 6
0 1 1 1 G W 7
1 0 0 0 H X 8
1 0 0 1 L Y 9
1 0 1 0 J Z
1 0 1 1 K
1 1 0 0 L
1 1 0 1 M
1 1 1 0 N
1 1 1 1 O

Example: b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
H= 0 0 1 0 0 0

The character set shall be transmitted with the most significant bit (b6) first. The
reported aircraft code shall begin with character 1 (abbreviated as CH 1 in the diagram
at § c). Characters shall be coded consecutively without an intervening
SPACE code. Any unused character spaces at the end of the subfield shall contain a
SPACE (SP) character code.

© EUROCAE, 2011
62 Linked Comm-A Coding

Peripherals attached to the transponder may use the linked Comm-A protocol. The
transponder is transparent to this protocol. Comm-B Multisite Message Protocol

The transponder shall use the Comm-B multisite message protocol of §3.23.2. Comm-U/V Protocol

An ACAS compatible transponder has the capability to receive, store and process
information contained in the MU field of UF=16 (§ and return the result of
such process in the MV field (§ of subsequent replies.
The protocol described in § applies to the first 32 bits of UF=16 and DF=16.
The protocol for the contents of the MU and MV fields will be as prescribed for that
service. Data Handling and Interfaces

In addition to the interfaces described in §, the transponder shall have
interfaces for indirect data as specified in §3.17.2. ACAS Crosslink Protocol

In response to a UF=0 with RL=1 (§ and DS 0 (§, the
transponder shall reply with a DF=16 reply in which the MV field shall contain the
contents of the GICB register designated by the DS value. If the requested Register is
not supported by the aircraft installation, then the transponder shall reply with an MV
field containing ALL ZEROs. In response to a UF=0 with RL=1 and DS=0, the
transponder shall reply with a DF=16 with an MV field of all zeroes. Receipt of a UF=0
with DS 0 but RL=0 shall have no associated ACAS crosslink action, and the
transponder shall reply per § Invalid AA Condition

If the transponder 24-bit Address Announced (AA) is set to all ONEs or all ZEROs at
startup or during operation then this error condition shall be indicated to the pilot and
the transponder shall either transition to Standby State or Power Off Condition.
NOTE 1: If ACAS II is attached to the transponder than ACAS II also should be
disabled and put in Standby State (§3.27.5 ACAS-Compatible
Transponder Automatic Performance Monitoring) and a transponder error
also should be annunciated.
NOTE 2: If this condition occurs at startup then the transponder should be
deactivated until the condition is corrected. If it occurs in flight then the
pilot should contact air traffic control immediately to report the condition.
NOTE 3: Some Mode S transponders may also be able to operate in Mode A/C
only (in that case it will reply to P1-P3-P4 short interrogations and will not
transmit any squitter). For these transponders if the 24-bit AA is set to all
ONEs or ZEROs then it is permissible for the transponder to transition to
Mode A/C functionality, the condition is indicated to the pilot, and ACAS II
(if attached) is put in Standby state with annunciation to the pilot of a
transponder error.

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3.23.2 Multisite Message Protocol

Under certain circumstances it may be necessary for several Mode S interrogators,
which have overlapping coverage, to operate without being in direct communication
with each other. The multisite protocols described herein provide a means to prevent
Comm-B protocol shall apply to all Datalink transponders, Comm-C to level 3 and
higher, and Comm-D to level 4 and higher. Multisite Data Formats

a. Subfields in SD
The SD field (see § contains information as follows:
(1) If the DI code is 0, 1 or 7:
IIS: The 4-bit (17-20) Interrogator Identifier Subfield contains the self-
identification code of the interrogator which is numerically
identical to the II code transmitted by the same interrogator in the
Mode S-Only All-Call. IIS codes are assigned to interrogators and
range from 0 through 15; IIS=0 is not a valid interrogator identifier
for multisite purposes.
(2) If the DI code = 1:
MBS: The 2-bit (21, 22) Multisite Comm-B Subfield has been assigned
the following codes:

0 = No Comm-B action.
1 = Comm-B reservation.
2 = Comm-B closeout.

MES: The 3-bit (23-25) Multisite ELM Subfield contains reservation and
closeout commands for ELM as follows:

0 = No ELM action.
1 = Comm-C reservation
2 = Comm-C closeout.
3 = Comm-D reservation.
4 = Comm-D closeout.
5 = Comm-C reservation and Comm-D closeout.
6 = Comm-C closeout and Comm-D reservation.
7 = Comm-C and Comm-D closeouts.

RSS: The 2-bit (27-28) Reservation Status Subfield shall be coded to

request the transponder to report its reservation status in the UM
field. The following codes have been assigned:

0 = No request.
1 = Report Comm-B reservation status in UM.
2 = Report Comm-C reservation status in UM.
3 = Report Comm-D reservation status in UM.
(3) If the DI code is 1 or 7:
LOS: The 1-bit (26) Lockout Subfield, if set to ONE, initiates a multisite
All-Call lockout to Mode S-Only All-Calls (UF=11) from the
interrogator indicated in IIS of the same interrogation. If LOS is
set to ZERO no change in lockout state is commanded.

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TMS: Tactical Message Subfield, subfield in SD 4 bits, 29 through 32.

This subfield is used for identifying linkage of Comm-A messages
with "0" indicating an unlinked message. Coding for this field is
described in Appendix C, §C.2.2.7.
(4) If the DI code = 7:
RRS The 4-bit (21-24) reply request subfield in SD shall give the BDS2
code of a requested COMM-B reply. (Refer to § a, and
the NOTE in §
(5) If the DI code = 2, the SD field is used for extended squitter surface
control (§3.28.7).
(6) If the DI code = 3:
SIS The 6-bit (17-22) surveillance identifier subfield in SD shall
contain an assigned SI code of the interrogator (§

LSS The 1-bit (23) lockout surveillance subfield if set to ONE shall
signify a multisite lockout command from the interrogator
indicated in SIS. LSS set to ZERO shall be used to signify
that no change in lockout state is commanded.

RRS The 4-bit (24-27) reply request subfield in SD shall give the
BDS2 code of a requested COMM-B reply. (Refer to
§ a, and the NOTE in §
(7). If DI=4, 5 or 6 then the SD has no meaning and shall not impact other
transaction cycle protocols. These DI codes remain reserved until future
assignment of the SD.
(8). If DI=0, 3 or 7:
In addition to the requirements provided above, the ―SD‖ shall contain the
―OVC‖: The 1-bit (bit 28) ―Overlay Command‖ subfield in ―SD‖ is used
by the interrogator to command that the Data Parity (―DP‖)
(§ be used in the resulting reply to the interrogation in
accordance with §
When DI = 1, PC field processing shall be completed before processing the SD field.
NOTE 1: If SD field processing were to be performed before PC field processing in
an interrogation containing a Comm-B close-out in the PC field and a
request or a multisite reservation in the SD field, the results would be
NOTE 2: Structure of SD if DI=0:
Position Number of bits Subfield
17-20 4 IIS
21-27 7 Reserved
28 1 OVC
29-32 4 Reserved
Structure of SD if DI=1:
Position Number of bits Subfield
17-20 4 IIS
21-22 2 MBS
23-25 3 MES
26 1 LOS
27-28 2 RSS
29-32 4 TMS

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Structure of SD if DI=2:
Position Number of bits Subfield
17-20 4 Reserved
21-23 3 TCS
24-26 3 RCS
27-28 2 SAS
29-32 4 Reserved
Structure of SD if DI=3:
Position Number of bits Subfield
17-22 6 SIS
23 1 LSS
24-27 4 RRS
28 1 OVC
29-32 4 Reserved
Structure of SD if DI=7:
Position Number of bits Subfield
17-20 4 IIS
21-24 4 RRS
25 1 Reserved
26 1 LOS
27 1 Reserved
28 1 OVC
29-32 4 TMS
b. Subfields in UM for Multisite Protocols
If a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation (UF=4, 5, 20, 21) contains DI=1 and
RSS other than 0, the following subfields will be inserted into the reply by the
IIS: The four-bit (14-17) Interrogator Identifier Subfield reports the identity of
the interrogator that has made a multisite reservation.

IDS: The two-bit (18-19) Identifier Designator Subfield reports the type of
reservation made by the interrogator identified in IIS. Assigned coding
0 = no information available.
1 = Comm-B reservation active.
2 = Comm-C reservation active.
3 = Comm-D reservation active

When the interrogation contains DI=0 or 7, or when DI=1 and RSS=0, the transponder
shall insert IIS and IDS codes according to a Comm-B reservation if such reservation
exists or is presently requested. In the absence of a Comm-B reservation, IIS and IDS
codes for an existing or requested Comm-D reservation shall be inserted. Multisite Common Protocols

The multisite timers and the interrogator identity report are common to all multisite
message protocols.
a. Multisite Timers
The multisite protocols require three timers in the transponder:
B-timer for Comm-B (TRB).
C-timer for Comm-C (TRC).
D-timer for Comm-D (TRD).

Each multisite timer (TR) shall run for 18 ±1.0 seconds after starting or restarting
and is used for automatic closeout of the respective message type.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE: Each timer can be stopped (reset) on command from the ground.
b. Interrogator Identifier Report
Transponders shall insert the interrogator identifier into the UM field of the reply
according to the coding of RSS. Multisite Comm-B Protocol (Figure 3-18)

The multisite Comm-B protocol augments the standard Comm-B protocol and when
not in use shall not modify the standard process in any way.
a. Multisite Comm-B Reservation
NOTE: Multisite Comm-B reservations are not necessary for level 5
When the multisite protocol is in use, an interrogator extracts an air-initiated
Comm-B by transmitting a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation containing:
RR = 16 (read air-initiated Comm-B).
DI = 1 (multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator's site number.
MBS = 1 (Comm-B reservation request).

The interrogator may also transmit RSS = 1 (Comm-B reservation status

A multisite Comm-B reservation is invalid and shall not be granted by the
transponder unless:
- an air-initiated Comm-B message is waiting to be transmitted
- and the requesting interrogation contains RR = 16, DI = 1, MBS = 1, IIS is
not zero
- and the B-timer is not running.

Transponder protocol procedures shall depend upon the state of the B-timer as
- B-timer not running
Store IIS for Comm-B.
Start B-timer.

- B-timer running and interrogator's IIS equals stored Comm-B IIS

Restart B-timer.

-B-timer running and interrogator's IIS is not equal to stored Comm-B IIS
No change to stored IIS or B-timer.
NOTE: When an interrogator asks for Comm-B reservation status and
receives its own site number in the UM field of the reply to an
interrogation that contained the multisite Comm-B request, it knows
that it is the reserved site for this message and that it should
complete the transaction by closing out the message.
b. Multisite Directed Comm-B Transmissions
If the airborne data system needs to direct a Comm-B message to a specific
interrogator, the air-initiated Comm-B protocol shall be used together with the
multisite protocol above. When the B-timer is not running, the IIS of the desired
destination shall be stored and transmitted in bits 14-17, together with IDS=1 in
bits 18 and 19 of the UM field unless UM use is preempted by command from
the ground. Simultaneously the B-timer shall be started and code DR=1

© EUROCAE, 2011

The reservation shall not be automatically timed out by the transponder but
shall continue until either:
- the message is read and closed out by the reserved site; or
- the message is cancelled by the data link processor.
NOTE: This protocol is intended to result in delivery of the message only to
the reserved site. As in all air-initiated messages, the data link
processor may withdraw the message if delivery has not been
accomplished within a nominal time or if another air-initiated message
is waiting to be sent. In this protocol the B-timer in the transponder is
not actually used as a timer. However, it does retain its function as a
flag to indicate that a multisite transaction is in progress (see
§ a).
c. Multisite Comm-B Closeout
Multisite Comm-B closeout is accomplished using a surveillance or Comm-A
interrogation containing:
DI = 1 (multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator site number.
MBS = 2 (Comm-B closeout).

If the IIS of the interrogation equals the stored Comm-B IIS, the stored Comm-B
shall be cleared, the B-timer stopped, the DR code 1 for this message reset and
the message itself cancelled. If the site numbers do not match, the message
shall not be cancelled and the stored Comm-B IIS, B-timer and DR code shall
remain unchanged. The transponder shall not close out a multisite air-initiated
Comm-B message unless it has been read out at least once by the reserved
d. Automatic Comm-B Expiration
If the transponder B-timer runs out before a multisite closeout is accepted, the
stored Comm-B IIS shall be set to "0" and the T-register shall be cleared to
enable this message to be read and cleared by another site.
e. Multisite Comm-B closeout by PC Command
When the transponder is in the multisite mode, i.e., when the IIS stored for
Comm-B is not "0", receipt of a closeout (PC=4) shall have no effect on the
transaction unless accompanied by IIS equal to the stored Comm-B IIS in which
case the closeout shall be effected in accordance with § c.


This additional capability described in § c requires that the transponder shall, in
addition to the functions of the level 2 transponder (§3.22, §3.23):
a. Process uplink and downlink formats UF=DF=24.
b. Follow the protocols for Comm-C.
c. Follow the applicable procedures for multisite operation (§3.24.2).
d. Report Code 4-7 in the CA field (§
NOTE: This transponder uses all the formats shown in Figures 3-3 and 3-4.

3.24.1 Comm-C/ELM Protocol (Figures 3-19 and 3-20)

Uplink ELMs are transmitted in segments with each segment formed by a Comm-C
In addition to the segment content in MC, two protocol fields, NC and RC, are used.
NC indicates the segment number transmitted.

© EUROCAE, 2011

RC identifies the transmission as initial, intermediate or final.

The minimum length of an uplink ELM is two segments. The transfer of all segments
may take place without intervening replies. The minimum time between the beginning
of successive Comm-C transmissions is 50 s.
a. Initializing Segment Transfer
The ELM transaction for an n-segment message (NCs 0 through n-1) shall be
initiated upon receipt of a Comm-C transmission containing RC=0. The text
transmitted in MC shall be stored. This text is the last segment of the message
and carries NC=n-1. Upon receipt of NC, the transponder shall establish the
number of further segments to be received and stored. Receipt of an initializing
(RC=0) segment shall establish the "setup" which includes the clearing of TAS
and all segments of all previous ELMs in the transponder, which is now
prepared to accept further segments.
Receipt of another initializing segment shall result in a new setup within the
transponder and cause any previously stored segments to be discarded.
A transponder reply shall not be generated on receipt of an initializing segment.
b. Intermediate Segment Transfer
Intermediate segments are characterized by RC=1 and shall be accepted and
stored by the transponder only if the setup of the previous paragraph is in effect
and if the received NC is smaller than the value stored at receipt of the
initializing segment.
A reply shall not be generated on receipt of the intermediate segment.
NOTE: Intermediate segments may be transmitted in any order.
c. Final Segment Transfer
The final segment, characterized by RC=2, shall be accepted by the
transponder under all circumstances and requires a reply (with the standard
128- s Mode S reply delay). The segment content shall be stored if setup of
§3.24.2 a is in effect and if the received NC is smaller than the value of the
initial segment NC.
d. Completed Message
The message is completed if all segments announced by NC in the initializing
segment have been received. If the message is completed, the content shall be
transferred to the outside, via the ELM interface of §3.17.4 and cleared. No
later arriving segments shall be stored. The TAS content shall remain
unchanged until either a new setup is called for or until closeout.

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e. Acknowledgment Reply
The transponder shall acknowledge receipt of a final segment by replying with a
Comm-D transmission, with KE=1. KE=1 indicates that the MD field contains
subfield TAS that reports which segments have been received. This reply shall
be transmitted 128 0.25 s following receipt of the sync phase reversal of the
interrogation delivering the final segment.
The information contained in the TAS subfield shall be continually updated while
segments are received and shall not be cleared until a new initializing segment
is received or until closeout occurs.
NOTE: Segments lost in uplink transmission are noted by their absence in
the TAS report and are re-transmitted by the interrogator, which will
then send further final segments to assess the situation.
f. TAS Transmission Acknowledgment, Subfield in MD
This 16-bit (17-32) downlink subfield in MD shall report the segments received
so far in a Comm-C sequence. Starting with bit 17, which denotes segment
number "0", each of the following bits is ONE if the corresponding segment of
the sequence has been received. TAS appears in MD if KE=1 in the same
g. Closeout
A closeout transmission informs the transponder that the TAS has been
received and that it shall be cleared. This closeout (PC=5) is contained in a
surveillance or Comm-A interrogation.
An uncompleted message, present when the closeout is received, shall be
closed out.
h. Information Transfer
Comm-C equipped transponders shall be able to transfer received information
to the appropriate data sinks (§3.17 and §3.2 b and c).

3.24.2 Multisite Uplink ELM Protocol (Figures 3-19 and 3-20)

NOTE: The multisite Comm-C protocol augments the standard Comm-C protocol
and when not in use does not modify the standard protocol in any way.
Codes used in the SD and UM fields for ELM multisite protocols are
described in § a and b.
a. Multisite Uplink ELM Reservations
NOTE: Multisite Comm-C reservations are not necessary for level 5
When the multisite protocol is in use, an interrogator makes a reservation for an
uplink ELM by transmitting a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation containing:
DI = 1 (multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator's site number.
MES = 1 or 5 (Comm-C reservation request).

The interrogator may also transmit:

RSS = 2 (Comm-C reservation status request).

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Protocol procedure in response to this interrogation shall depend upon the state
of the C-timer as follows:
- C-timer not running
Store IIS for Comm-C.
Start C-timer.

- C-timer running and interrogator's IIS equals stored Comm-C IIS

Restart C-timer.

- C-timer running and interrogator's IIS is not equal to stored Comm-C lIS
No change to stored IIS or C-timer.
NOTE: When an interrogator asks for Comm-C reservation status and
receives its own site number in the UM field of the reply to a
reservation interrogation, it proceeds with the delivery of the uplink
ELM. Otherwise, ELM activity is not started during this ground
antenna scan and a new reservation request is made during the next
b. Multisite Uplink ELM Delivery
After multisite coordination is accomplished via the surveillance or Comm-A
interrogation, uplink ELM delivery shall be as described in §3.24. In addition,
the C-timer shall be restarted each time a received segment is stored and the
stored Comm-C IIS is not "0."
NOTE: The requirement that the stored Comm-C IIS be other than "0"
prevents the C-timer from being restarted during a non-multisite
uplink ELM transaction.
c. Multisite Uplink ELM Closeout
Multisite Comm-C closeout shall be accomplished upon receipt of a surveillance
or Comm-A interrogation containing:
DI = 1 (Multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator's site number.
MES = 2, 6 or 7 (Comm-C closeout).

If the stored Comm-C IIS equals the IIS of the interrogator, the uplink ELM shall
be closed out as described in §3.24.1 g, the stored Comm-C IIS shall be
cleared and the C-timer stopped. If the site numbers do not match, the
message shall not be closed out and the states of the stored Comm-C IIS and
the C-timer remain unchanged.
d. Automatic Uplink ELM Closeout
The closeout actions described in §3.24.2 c shall be initiated automatically
when the C-timer runs out.
e. Multisite Uplink ELM closeout by PC command
When the transponder is in the multisite mode, i.e., when the IIS stored for
Comm-C is not "0," receipt of a closeout (PC=5) shall have no effect on the
transaction unless accompanied by IIS equal to the stored Comm-C IIS, in
which case the closeout is effected in accordance with §3.24.2 c.

© EUROCAE, 2011


This additional capability requires that the transponder shall, in addition to the
functions previously described, follow the protocols for:
a. Comm-D ELM.
b. Applicable multisite procedures (§3.25.2).
c. Report Code 4-7 in the CA field (§

3.25.1 The Comm-D/ELM Protocol (Figure 3-21 and 3-22)

Downlink ELMs shall be transmitted only after authorization by the interrogator. The
segments to be transmitted are contained in Comm-D replies.
a. Initialization
To request permission to send n-segments, the transponder shall insert the
code corresponding to the value 15+n into the DR field of a surveillance or
Comm-B reply, DF=4, 5, 20, 21. This announcement shall remain active until
the ELM is closed out.
b. Authorization and Transmission
The interrogator requests the transmission of Comm-D segments by a Comm-C
interrogation characterized by RC=3. This Comm-C format carries the SRS
subfield which is a summary of the segments to be transmitted. On receipt of
this authorization the transponder shall transmit the first segment with the
standard 128 s Mode S reply delay followed by subsequent segments at a rate
of one every 136 ±1.0 s by means of Comm-D formats with KE=0 and ND
corresponding to the number of the segment in MD. Segments can be
transmitted in any order. The authorization process may be repeated by the
c. Segment Request Subfield SRS in MC
If a Comm-C interrogation (UF=24) contains RC=3, it also contains a list of
segment request-authorizations in the 16-bit (9-24) SRS subfield. Starting with
bit 9, which denotes the first segment, each of the following bits is set to ONE if
the transmission of the corresponding segment is requested.
d. Closeout
A closeout transmission is used to inform the transponder that all segments
have been received and that the DR field shall be reset. This closeout is
contained in a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation and shall be effective only
after a request for transmission has been complied with at least once (see D-
Register in Figures 3-21 and 3-22).
e. Information Transfer
The Comm-D/ELM-equipped transponder shall be able to accept data from the
appropriate data sources (§3.17 and §3.2 b and c).

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3.25.2 Multisite Downlink ELM Protocol

NOTE: The multisite Comm-D protocol augments the standard Comm-D protocol
and when not in use does not modify the standard protocol in any way.
Codes used in the SD and UM fields for ELM multisite protocols are
described in § a and b.
a. Initialisation
The transponder shall announce the presence of a downlink ELM of n segments
by making the binary code corresponding to the decimal value 15 + n available
for insertion in the DR field of a surveillance or Comm-B reply, DF equals 4, 5,
20, 21. This announcement shall remain active until the ELM is closed out or
the message is withdrawn.
b. Multisite Downlink ELM Reservation
NOTE: Multisite Comm-D reservations are not necessary for level 5
When the multisite protocol is in use, an interrogator makes a reservation for
ground initiation of a Comm-D message transfer by transmitting a surveillance
or Comm-A interrogation containing:
DI = 1 (multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator's site number.
MES = 3 or 6 (Comm-D reservation request).

The interrogator may also transmit:

RSS = 3 (Comm-D reservation status request).
A multisite downlink ELM reservation shall not be granted by the transponder
unless a downlink ELM is waiting to be transmitted.

Protocol procedure in response to this interrogation shall depend upon the state
of the D-timer as follows:
- D-timer not running
Store IIS for Comm-D.
Start D-timer.

- D-timer running and interrogator's IIS equals stored Comm-D IIS

Restart D-timer.

- D-timer running and interrogator's IIS is not equal to stored Comm-D IIS
No change to stored IIS or D-timer.
NOTE: When an interrogator asks for Comm-D reservation status and
receives its own site number in the UM field of the reply to a
reservation interrogation, it proceeds to request delivery of the
downlink ELM. Otherwise, ELM activity is not started during this
ground antenna scan and a new reservation request may be made
during the next scan.
c. Multisite Directed Downlink ELM Transmissions
If the airborne data system needs to direct a Comm-D ELM message to a
specific interrogator, a procedure corresponding to the directed Comm-B
protocol shall be used. In effect, a "self reservation" is accomplished by storing
the IIS of the desired site destination and proceeding with the usual protocol.
The stored IIS and IDS=3 shall be transmitted in the UM field unless UM use is
preempted by command from the ground or there is a Comm-B reservation.

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For a multisite directed Comm-D message, the reservation shall not be

automatically timed out but shall continue until either:
- the message is read and closed out by the reserved site; or
- the message is canceled by the data link processor.
NOTE: This protocol is intended to result in delivery of the message only to
the reserved site. As in all downlink ELM messages, the data link
processor may withdraw the message if delivery has not been
accomplished within a nominal time or if another message is waiting
to be sent. In this protocol the D-timer in the transponder is not
actually used as a timer. However, it does retain its function as a flag
to indicate that a multisite transaction is in progress (see § a).
d. Multisite Downlink ELM Delivery
After multisite coordination is accomplished by the surveillance or Comm-A
interrogation, downlink ELM delivery shall be as described in §3.25.1.
In addition, the D-timer shall be restarted each time a request for Comm-D
segments is received and the stored Comm-D IIS is other than "0."
NOTE: The requirement that the stored Comm-D IIS be other than "0"
prevents the D-timer from being restarted during a standard downlink
ELM transaction.
e. Multisite Downlink ELM Closeout
Multisite downlink ELM closeout is accomplished using a surveillance or Comm-
A interrogation containing:
DI = 1 (Multisite SD format).
IIS = Interrogator's site number.
MES = 4, 5, or 7 (Comm-D closeout).

If the stored Comm-D IIS equals the IIS of the interrogator, the downlink ELM
shall be closed out as described in §3.25.1 d. The stored Comm-D IIS shall be
cleared and the D-timer stopped. If the site numbers do not match, the
message is not closed out and the states of the stored Comm-D IIS, the D-timer
and the DR code remain unchanged.
f. Automatic Downlink ELM Expiration
If the D-timer runs out, the stored Comm-D IIS shall be set to "0." The Comm-D
message and the DR field shall not be cleared. (This makes it possible for
another site to read and clear the Comm-D message.)
g. Multisite Downlink ELM closeout by PC Command
When the transponder is in the multisite mode, i.e., when the IIS stored for
Comm-D is not "0," receipt of a closeout (PC=6) shall have no effect on the
transaction unless accompanied by IIS equal to the stored Comm-D IIS, in
which case the closeout is effected in accordance with §3.25.2 d.


This additional capability requires that the transponder shall, in addition to the
functions previously described for level 4 transponders follow the protocols for:
a. Enhanced Comm-B
b. Enhanced Comm-C ELM,
c. Enhanced Comm-D ELM.

© EUROCAE, 2011

3.26.1 Enhanced Air-Initiated Comm-B Protocol

NOTE: The enhanced air-initiated Comm-B protocol provides a higher data link
capacity by permitting parallel announcement of air-initiated Comm-B
messages to interrogators, one message for each II code. Operation
without the need for multisite Comm-B reservations is possible in regions of
overlapping coverage for aircraft equipped for the enhanced air-initiated
Comm-B protocol. The protocol is fully compliant with the standard multisite
protocol and thus is compatible with interrogators that are not equipped for
the enhanced protocol. General
Comm-B messages delivered using the multisite protocol may be delivered without a
prior reservation. If the enhanced protocols are not supported by both the interrogator
and the transponder, the multisite reservation protocols specified in § shall be
The transponder shall be capable of storing 2 or more messages for each of the 16 II
codes: (1) an air-initiated or multisite-directed Comm-B message and (2) the contents
of registers for BDS1=0 and BDS2=2 through 4.
NOTE: GICB Registers 2 - 4 are used for the Comm-B linking protocol defined in
EUROCAE ED-82. Enhanced Multisite Air-Initiated Comm-B Protocol

a. Initialisation
An air-initiated Comm-B message input into the transponder shall be stored in
the registers assigned to II=0.
b. Announcement and Extraction
A waiting air-initiated Comm-B message shall be announced in the DR field of
the replies to all interrogators for which a multisite directed Comm-B message is
not waiting. The UM field of the announcement reply shall indicate that the
message is not reserved for any II code, i.e., the IIS subfield shall be set equal
to zero. When a command to read this message is received from a given
interrogator, the B-timer for the associated interrogator is started and the reply
containing the message shall contain an IIS subfield content indicating that the
message is reserved for the II code contained in the interrogation from that
interrogator. After readout and until closeout, the message shall continue to be
assigned to that II code. Once a message is assigned to a specific II code,
announcement of this message shall no longer be made in the replies to
interrogators with other II codes. If the message is not closed out by the
assigned interrogator for the period of the B-timer, the message shall revert
back to multisite air-initiated status and the process shall repeat. Only one
multisite air-initiated Comm-B message shall be in process at a time.
c. Closeout
A closeout for a multisite air-initiated message shall only be accepted from an
interrogator with an II code that is currently assigned to transfer the message.
d. Announcement of the Next Message Waiting
The DR field shall indicate a message waiting in the reply to an interrogation
containing a Comm-B closeout to an air-initiated message if an unassigned air-
initiated message is waiting and has not been assigned to an II code, or if a
multisite-directed message is waiting for that II code (§

© EUROCAE, 2011
75 Enhanced Multisite Directed Comm-B Protocol

a. Initialisation
When a multisite directed message is input into the transponder, it shall be
placed in the Comm-B registers assigned to the II code specified for the
message and starts the B-timer. If the registers for this II code are already
occupied, (i.e., a multisite directed message is already in process to this II code)
the new message shall be queued until the current transaction with that II code
is closed out.
NOTE: For a multisite directed message, the B-timer does not expire. A
multisite directed message can only be cancelled by the ADLP.
b. Announcement
Announcement of a Comm-B message awaiting transfer shall be made using
the DR field as specified in § with the destination interrogator II code
contained in the IIS subfield as specified in § The DR field and IIS
subfield contents shall be set specifically for the interrogator that is to receive
the reply. A waiting multisite directed message shall only be announced in the
replies to the intended interrogator. It shall not be announced in the replies to
other interrogators.
NOTE 1: If a multisite directed message is waiting for II=2, the surveillance
replies to that interrogator will contain DR=1 and IIS=2. If this is the
only message in process, replies to all other interrogators will indicate
that no message is waiting.
NOTE 2: In addition to permitting parallel operation, this form of announcement
enables a greater degree of announcement of Comm-D ELMs. The
announcements for the Comm-D ELMs and the Comm-B share the
DR field. Only one announcement can take place at a time due to
coding limitations. In case both a Comm-B and a Comm-D ELM are
waiting, announcement preference is given to the Comm-B. In the
example above, if an air-initiated Comm-B was waiting for II=2 and a
multisite directed Comm-D ELM was waiting for II=6, both
interrogators would see their respective announcements on the first
scan since there would be no Comm-B announcement to II=6 to block
the announcement of the waiting Comm-D ELM.
c. Closeout
Closeout shall be accomplished as specified in §
d. Announcement of the Next Message Waiting
The DR field shall indicate a message waiting in the reply to an interrogation
containing a Comm-B closeout if another multisite directed message is waiting
for that II code, or if an air-initiated message is waiting and has not been
assigned to an II code (see § Enhanced non-multisite Comm-B protocol

The availability of a non-multisite Comm-B message shall be announced to all
interrogators. Otherwise, the protocol shall be as specified in § Enhanced Broadcast Comm-B Protocol

A broadcast Comm-B message shall be announced to all 16 II codes. The message
shall remain active for the period of the B-timer associated with each II code (i.e. the
message shall not be withdrawn after a single B-timer timeout, but is intended to be
read-out to each II code within view). The provision for interruption of a broadcast by
non-broadcast Comm-B as specified in § shall apply separately to each II
code. When the B-timer period has been achieved for all II codes, the broadcast
message shall be automatically cleared as specified in § A new broadcast

© EUROCAE, 2011

message shall not be initiated or announced until the current broadcast has been
NOTE: Due to the fact that broadcast message interruption occurs independently
for each II code, it is possible that the broadcast message timeout will occur
at different times for different II codes.

3.26.2 Enhanced Comm-C ELM Protocol

NOTE: The enhanced Comm-C ELM protocol provides a higher data link capacity
by permitting parallel delivery of Comm-C ELM messages by interrogators,
one Comm-C ELM for each II code. Operation without the need for multisite
Comm-C ELM reservations is possible in regions of overlapping coverage
for interrogators equipped for the enhanced Comm-C ELM protocol. The
protocol is fully compliant with the standard multisite protocol and thus is
compatible with interrogators that are not equipped for the enhanced
protocol. General
Comm-C ELMs delivered using the multisite protocol may be delivered without a prior
reservation. If the enhanced protocols are not supported by both the interrogator and
the transponder, the multisite reservation protocols specified in §3.24.2 shall be used.
The transponder shall be capable of storing a sixteen segment message for each of
the sixteen II codes.
a. Enhanced Comm-C ELM Reservation
The transponder shall support reservation processing for each II code as
specified in §3.24.2.
NOTE 1: Reservation processing is required for interrogators that do not
support the enhanced protocol.
NOTE 2: Since the transponder can handle simultaneous Comm-C ELMs for
all sixteen II codes, a reservation will always be granted.
b. Enhanced Comm-C ELM Delivery and Closeout
The transponder shall process received segments separately for each II code.
For each value of II code, Comm-C ELM delivery and closeout shall be
performed as specified in §3.24.2 and §3.24.1 except that the MD field used to
transmit the technical acknowledgement shall also contain the 4-bit (33-36) IIS

3.26.3 Enhanced Comm-D ELM Protocol

NOTE: The enhanced Comm-D ELM protocol provides a higher data link capacity
by permitting parallel delivery of Comm-D ELM messages to interrogators
one Comm-D ELM for each II code. Operation without the need for multisite
Comm-D ELM reservations is possible in regions of overlapping coverage
for interrogators equipped for the enhanced Comm-D ELM protocol. The
protocol is fully compliant with the standard multisite protocol and thus is
compatible with interrogators that are not equipped for the enhanced
protocol. General
Comm-D ELMs delivered using the multisite directed protocol may be delivered
without a prior reservation. If the enhanced protocols are not supported by both the
interrogator and the transponder, the multisite reservation protocols specified in
§3.25.2 shall be used for multisite and multisite directed Comm-D ELMs.

© EUROCAE, 2011

The transponder shall be capable of storing a sixteen segment message for each of
the sixteen II codes. Enhanced Multisite Comm-D ELM Protocol

a. Initialisation
A multisite message input into the transponder shall be stored in the registers
assigned to II=0.
b. Announcement and Extraction
A waiting multisite Comm-D ELM message shall be announced in the DR field
of the replies to all interrogators for which a multisite directed Comm-D ELM
message is not waiting. The UM field of the announcement reply shall indicate
that the message is not reserved for any II code, i.e., the IIS subfield shall be
set equal to zero. When a command to read out this message is received from
a given interrogator, the message shall be reserved for the II code contained in
the interrogation from that interrogator. After readout and until closeout, the
message shall continue to be assigned to that II code. Once a message is
assigned to a specific II code, announcement of this message shall no longer
be made in the replies to interrogators with other II codes. If the message is not
closed out by the associated interrogator for a period of the D-timer, the
message shall revert back to multisite status and the process shall repeat. Only
one multisite Comm-D ELM message shall be in process at a time.
c. Closeout
A closeout for a multisite message shall only be accepted from the interrogator
with an II code that was assigned most recently to transfer the message.
d. Announcement of the Next Message Waiting
The DR field shall indicate a message waiting in the reply to an interrogation
containing a Comm-D ELM closeout if an unassigned multisite Comm-D ELM is
waiting, or if a multisite directed message is waiting for that II code. Enhanced Multisite Directed Comm-D ELM Protocol

a. Initialisation
When a multisite directed message is input into the transponder, it shall be
placed in the Comm-D ELM registers assigned to the II code specified for the
message. If the registers for this II code are already in use (i.e., a multisite
directed Comm-D ELM message is already in process for this II code) the new
message shall be queued until the current transaction with that II code is closed
b. Announcement
Announcement of a Comm-D ELM message waiting transfer shall be made
using the DR field as specified in §3.25.1 with the destination interrogator II
code contained in the IIS subfield as specified in §3.25.2. The DR field and IIS
subfield contents shall be set specifically for the interrogator that is to receive
the reply. A waiting multisite directed message shall only be announced in the
replies to the intended interrogator. It shall not be announced in replies to other
c. Delivery
The delivery shall be performed as specified in §3.25.1. The transponder shall
transmit the message contained in the buffer associated with the II code
specified in the IIS subfield of the segment request interrogation.

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d. Closeout
Closeout shall be accomplished as specified in §3.25.2 except that a message
closeout shall only be accepted from the interrogator with an II code equal to
the one that transferred the message.
e. Announcement of the Next Message Waiting
The DR field shall indicate a message waiting in the reply to an interrogation
containing a Comm-D ELM closeout if another multisite directed message is
waiting for that II code, or if a Comm-D ELM message is waiting that has not
been assigned an II code. Enhanced Non-Multisite Comm-D ELM Protocol

The availability of a non multisite Comm-D ELM message shall be announced to all
interrogators. Otherwise, the protocol shall be as specified in §3.25.1.


In addition to capabilities defined in paragraphs §3.23.1, a Mode S transponder used
in conjunction with ACAS shall have the following capabilities:
a. Ability to handle the following formats:
Format Number Format Name
UF=16 Long Air-Air Surveillance Interrogation
DF=16 Long Air-Air Surveillance Reply

b. Ability to receive long Mode S interrogations (UF=16) and generate long Mode
S replies (DF=16) at a continuous rate of 60 per second.
NOTE: Although item b above states the minimum requirement, in certain
high density traffic situations, the transponder could receive "bursts"
of UF=16 interrogations at a much higher rate. The theoretical upper
limit for a burst is 120 UF=16 interrogations received in a 100-
millisecond interval, with no more than 10 unique UF=16
interrogations in any 1-second interval and no more than 120 total
UF=16 interrogations in any 1-second interval.
c. Means for delivering the ACAS data content of all accepted interrogations
addressed to the ACAS equipment.
d. Antenna diversity (§3.16).
e. Mutual suppression capability
f. RF performance compatibility with own aircraft's ACAS. Specifically, when the
Mode S transponder transmitter is in the inactive state, the RF power at 1090
MHz 3 MHz at the terminals of the Mode S transponder antenna shall not
exceed -70 dBm.
NOTE: This unwanted power restriction is necessary to ensure that the Mode
S transponder does not prevent ACAS from meeting its requirements.
It assumes that the isolation between the transponder antenna and
the ACAS antenna exceeds 20 dB. The resultant interference level at
the ACAS RF port will then be below -90 dBm.
g. Reply rate limiting for Mode S replies. The reply rate limiting device shall protect
the transponder from over-interrogation while permitting at least the reply rates
required in §3.11.

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h. The ability to interface with ACAS (TCAS Version 7 or higher) compatible units.
ACAS compatible transponder shall annunciate its capability to the onboard
ACAS via the transponder/ACAS interface. Likewise, ACAS annunciates its
capability to the on-board transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
The transponder shall consider the transponder/ACAS system to be compatible
with ACAS if and only if both the ACAS and the transponder are compatible with

3.27.1 Message Fields and Protocols MA Message, Comm-A used by ACAS

NOTE: Control of the ACAS sensitivity level can be accomplished by one or more
ground-based Mode S sensors through the transmission of Comm-A
interrogations, UF=20 or 21, containing ACAS Sensitivity Level Command
Messages to the ACAS aircraft. The interrogator identification information
required to correlate the sensitivity level command with a particular
originating ground-based Mode S sensor site is contained in the IIS or SIS
subfield (§ a) of SD of the same Comm-A.
Subfields in MA for an ACAS Sensitivity Level Command Message
The ACAS sensitivity level command message is contained in the MA field when the
first two bits of the MA field (33-34) are set to zero and the decimal value of the sub
field formed by bits 35-40 inclusive is equal to 5.
SLC: ACAS Sensitivity Level Command - This 4-bit (41-44) subfield contains a
sensitivity level command for the ACAS aircraft.
The transponder shall monitor the TMS (§ a(3)) and the first 8 bits in the MA
field of Comm-A interrogations UF=20 and 21. If the MA field contains a sensitivity
level command message, this shall be provided to the ACAS unit. MB Message, Comm-B used by ACAS

Airborne equipment shall use the MB field (§ of Comm-B replies to transmit
a Resolution Advisory Report and a Data Link Capability Report to Mode S sensors.
a. Air-Initiated Downlink of Resolution Advisory Report
(1) Air-Initiated Downlink of Resolution Advisory Report for all
Transponder/ACAS Systems.
The following requirements apply to all transponder/ACAS systems, i.e.,
both those that are compatible with ACAS, and those that are not
compatible with ACAS.
Whenever ACAS reports that it has an active Resolution Advisory, the
transponder shall indicate that it has a Resolution Advisory report
awaiting downlink by setting the DR field in DF=4, 5, 20, 21 replies to
DR=2, 3, 6 or 7 as appropriate (see §
Upon receipt of a DF=4, 5, 20 or 21 reply, with DR=2, 3, 6 or 7, a Mode S
sensor may request downlink of the resolution advisory using the GICB
protocol and setting RR=19 and DI 3 or 7, or RR=19, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=0 in a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation (UF=4, 5, 20 or 21) to
the ACAS aircraft. When this request is received by own Mode S
transponder, own transponder shall reply with a Comm-B reply, DF=20,
21, whose MB field contains a Resolution Advisory Report with
information provided previously by the ACAS equipment.

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While a resolution advisory is active, the content of the MB field in the

Resolution Advisory Report shall be updated at least once every second.
DR=2, 3, 6 or 7 shall remain set for 18 1.0 seconds following the end of
the resolution advisory. In addition the Resolution Advisory Report shall
remain "frozen," i.e., shall retain the last ARA and the corresponding
RAC, for 18 1.0 seconds following the end of the resolution advisory,
unless superseded by a new ARA.
Subfields in MB for Resolution Advisory Report
BDS: Comm B data designator source subfield - This 8-bit (33-40)
subfield indicates that a Resolution Advisory Report is
contained in MB by BDS1=3 and BDS2=0, the combination of
which is equivalent to BDS=48.

ARA: Active Resolution Advisories - This 14-bit (41-54) subfield

indicates the currently active resolution advisories (if any)
generated by own ACAS unit against one or more threat

RAC: Resolution Advisory Complements - This 4-bit (55-58)

subfield indicates the currently active resolution advisory
complements (if any) received from other ACAS aircraft
equipped with on-board resolution capability.
(2) Air-Initiated Downlink of RA report for ACAS compatible systems.
The following requirements apply to all ACAS compatible
transponder/ACAS systems in addition to the requirements provided in
§ a (1).
Subfields in MB for RA Report.
BDS: Comm-B data selector subfield- Additional Information
When BDS1=3 and BDS2=0, the subfields indicated below
are contained in MB. For 18 1 seconds following the end of
an Resolution Advisory, all MB subfields in the Resolution
Advisory report with the exception of bit 59 (RAT) shall retain
the information reported at the time the RA was last active.
Except for the RAT bit, the following subfields are provided to the
transponder by the ACAS for application in the Resolution Advisory
RAT: Resolution Advisory Terminated Indicator - This 1-bit (59)
subfield shall be set by the transponder to indicate that a
Resolution Advisory previously generated by ACAS has
ceased being generated. RAT shall be set in accordance with
the following :

0: The Resolution Advisory indicated by the ARA subfield is

currently active. The transponder shall set RAT to ZERO
at all times except those defined for RAT=1.
1: The Resolution Advisory indicated by the ARA subfield
has been terminated. RAT shall be set to ONE for 18 1
seconds following termination of a previously reported
Resolution Advisory. Termination of the Resolution
Advisory may result from any of the following events:

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Notification of the termination of the Resolution

Advisory received from own on-board ACAS.
b. Notification of loss of capability received from own
on-board ACAS, i.e., ACAS declaration of interface
c. Transponder declaration of interface failure.
The transponder shall monitor the 1-bit Resolution Advisory Indicator
(RAI) from ACAS interface to determine whether there is an Active
Resolution Advisory. RAI is set to ZERO by ACAS to indicate that there is
an active Resolution Advisory. Otherwise, RAI is set to ONE by ACAS.
Termination of the Resolution Advisory is indicated by the transition of the
RAI from ZERO to ONE at the ACAS interface .
NOTE: The RAT bit is used to indicate that the Resolution Advisory has
been terminated. it may be used, for example, to permit
removal of an RA indication from an Air Traffic Control display,
or for assessment of RA duration within a particular airspace.
MTE: Multiple Threat Encounter - This 1-bit (60) subfield indicates
whether two or more simultaneous threats are currently being
processed by the ACAS threat resolution logic. MTE shall be
set in accordance with the following:

0 One threat is being processed by the resolution logic; or

no threat is being processed by the resolution logic.
1 Two or more simultaneaous threats are being processed
by the resolution logic.

TTI: Threat Type Indicator - This 2 bit (61-62) subfield defines the
type of identity data contained in the TID subfield .

TID: Threat Identity Data - This 26-bit subfield (63-88) contains the
ICAO 24-bit aircraft address of the threat if the threat is
equipped with a Mode S transponder. If the threat is not
equipped with a Mode S transponder, then this subfield
contains the altitude, range and bearing of the threat.
If two or more threats are simultaneously being processed by
the ACAS threat resolution logic, the TID subfield contains the
identity or position data for the most recently declared threat.
If TTI=1, the TID subfield contains theICAO 24-bit aircraft
address of the threat in bits 63 through 86, and bits 87 through
88 are set to ZERO.
If TTI=2, The TID subfield contains the following three

TIDA: Threat Identity Data, Altitude - This 13 bit subfield (63-75)

contains the most recently reported Mode-C altitude code of
the threat. Coding of the TIDA subfield is consistent with the
coding of the Mode-C altitude reply.

TIDR: Threat Identity Data, Range - This 7-bit subfield (76-82)

contains the most recent range of the threat estimated by

TIDB: Threat Identity Data, Bearing - This 6 bit subfield (83-88)

contains the most recent bearing of the threat estimated by
ACAS, relative to the ACAS aircraft heading.

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b. Data Link Capability Codes in MB.

(1) Data Link Capability codes in MB for all transponder/ACAS Systems.
NOTE 1: The ground based Mode S sensor learns of the specific data
link capabilities on board the aircraft by using the Data Link
Capability Report protocol specified in § e.
NOTE 2: The data bits discussed in the following paragraphs are
modified in the MB field of the Data Link Capability Report by
the Mode S transponder such that the data appears
appropriately in response to a request for Data Link Capability
Report when BDS1=1 and BDS2=0. As such,these data bits
comprise only a small fraction of the entire Data Link capability
report which may collate data from multiple sources for transfer
in the downlink. Care must be taken to ensure that the data
fields discussed in the following paragraphs are not
compromised when other sources attempts to update the Data
Link Capability Report, and that updating of these bits does not
compromise other parts of the Data Link Capability report.
(2) Data link Capability Codes in MB for ACAS compatible systems.
The following requirements apply to all ACAS compatible
transponder/ACAS systems.
Bits 48, 69, 70, 71 and 72 are provided to the transponder by the ACAS
and shall appear in the MB field for a Data Link Capability Report when
BDS1=1 and BDS2=0.
When Bit 48 is set to ONE, the ACAS unit is operational and the
transponder is receiving ACAS RI=2, 3 or 4.
The codes are:
48 0 ACAS failed or on standby
1 ACAS operating
69 0 No Hybrid surveillance capability
1 Hybrid surveillance capability
70 0 ACAS generating TAs only
1 ACAS generating TAs and RAs

Bit 72 Bit 71 ACAS version

0 0 Pre ACAS
0 1 RTCA DO-185A
1 0 RTCA DO-185B
1 1 Reserved for future versions

If the transponder detects a failure of the transponder/ACAS interface,

then the transponder shall ensure that Bits 48, 69, 70, 71 and 72 are set
to ZERO in the Data Link Capability Report.
NOTE: A summary of the MB subfield for a Data Link Capability Report
is given in § e.

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c. Additional MB message reserved for ACAS compatible systems

ACAS has the capability of sending the transponder a 56-bit message for
storage into one of the GICB registers. When operating in an ACAS compatible
system, the transponder shall store the ACAS-supplied 56-bit message into the
specified transponder GICB register. The GICB register specified for this
purpose is 0F16.
NOTE 1: The actual structure and coding of the ACAS MB message is not
specified in this document and may be defined in the future. It is the
intent of ACAS compatible systems that the transponder/ACAS
interface be implemented in a manner such that the ACAS can
directly format the designated MB message and thereby alleviate the
need for the transponder to know the exact structure and coding of
the message.
NOTE 2: Transponders designed for use in ACAS compatible systems should
allow for future use of other MB messages sent by ACAS. MU Message, Comm-U used by ACAS

The Mode S transponder shall supply the MU field (§ of a long air-air
surveillance interrogation, UF=16, to ACAS.
NOTE 1: The MU field is used by ACAS to transmit an ACAS Broadcast Interrogation
Message containing own transponders's address for the purpose of
controlling interference caused by ACAS interrogations, or to transmit an
ACAS Resolution Message for air-to-air resolution advisory coordination.
NOTE 2: Ideally the transponder should serve as a modem for ACAS and supply the
entire MU field to ACAS (including the UDS Field) of any received UF=16
interrogation. Currently implemented transponder/ACAS interface protocols
do not provide the UDS Field information to ACAS so it is necessary for
these transponders to select the UDS messages that are passed to ACAS.
If this interface limitation is removed in the future, then all UDS messages
would be passed to ACAS.
Subfield in MU for an ACAS Resolution Message
UDS: U-Definition Subfield - This 8-bit (33-40) subfield defines the data content
and coding in the remainder of the MU field. For convenience in coding,
UDS is expressed in two groups of 4 bits each; UDS1, (33-36), and UDS2,
(37-40). ACAS Resolution Messages shall be identified by UDS1=3 and
UDS2=0, the combination of which is equivalent to UDS=48.
Subfield in MU for an ACAS Broadcast Message
UDS: U-Definition Subfield - AN ACAS Broadcast Interrogation Message is
identified by UDS1=3 and UDS2=2, the combination of which is equivalent to
UDS=50. MV Message, Comm-V used by ACAS.

MV Message, Comm-V Used by ACAS compatible systems.
Upon acceptance of a UF=16 containing an ACAS Resolution Message from a threat
ACAS aircraft, the Mode S transponder shall transmit a long air-air surveillance reply,
DF=16, to the requesting aircraft. The MV field of this reply shall contain a
Coordination Reply Message with information previously provided by own ACAS.

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Subfields in MV for a Coordination Reply Message.

VDS: V-Definition Subfield - This 8-bit (33-40) subfield defines the content and
coding in the remainder of MV. For convenience in coding, VDS is expressed
in two groups of 4 bits each; VDS1, 33 through 36, VDS2, 37 through 40. The
airborne ACAS equipment is a source of long air-air reply MV messages
containing the VDS1=3 code. A Coordination Reply Message is identified by
VDS1=3 and VDS2=0, the combination of which is equivalent to VDS=48.

ARA: Active Resolution Advisories - This 14-bit (41-54) subfield indicates the
currently active resolution advisories (if any) generated by own ACAS unit
against one or more threat aircraft.

RAC: Resolution Advisory Complements - This 4-bit (55-58) subfield indicates the
currently active resolution complements (if any) received from other ACAS
aircraft equipped with on-board resolution capability.

RAT: Resolution Advisory Terminated Indicator- This 1-bit (59) subfield shall be set
by the transponder to indicate when an RA previously generated by ACAS
has ceased being generated. RAT shall be set in accordance with §
a (2).

MTE: Multiple Threat Encounter - This 1-bit (60) subfield indicates whether two or
more simultaneous threats are currently being processed by the ACAS threat
resolution logic.MTE shall be set in accordance with § a (2). RI Air-to-Air Reply Information

This 4-bit (14-17) downlink field shall be included in air-air surveillance formats DF=0,
16. This field shall contain information pertaining to replying aircraft. Where airspeed is
reported (§, the maximum cruising true airspeed flown in normal operations
shall be given using the coding shown below.
In addition to the RI coding in §, an ACAS-Compatible Mode S transponder
shall be capable of receiving additional RI codes from own ACAS for inclusion in air-
air surveillance formats DF=0, 16 for replies to non-acquisition interrogations.
The codes are:

0 = signifies a reply to an air-air interrogation UF=0 with AQ = 0, No

operating ACAS.
1 = Reserved
2 = On-board ACAS with resolution capability inhibited.
3 = On-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution capability.
4 = On-board ACAS with vertical and horizontal resolution capability.
5-7 = Reserved
8-15 = as per para

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The following protocol shall apply:

On receipt of a short air-air interrogation, UF=0, or a long air-air interrogation, UF=16,
the interrogated Mode S transponder shall reply with a short air-air reply, DF=0, or a
long air-air reply, DF=16, depending on the code contained in the RL field of the
interrogation. In this reply, the sensitivity level and the air-to-air reply information shall
be supplied in the SL and RI fields. The Mode S transponder shall transmit the SL field
supplied by ACAS to indicate the sensitivity level at which ACAS is currently
operating. For a reply to a non-acquisition interrogation, the Mode S transponder shall
set the RI field to 0 to indicate a non-operational ACAS if the conditions for setting bit
48 to 1 (§ b) are not satisfied. If RI=0, the SL field has no meaning.
Bit 14 of the RI field replicates the AQ bit (§ of the interrogation. That is,
codes 0-7 are supplied by ACAS for use in the reply to an air-to-air non-acquisition
interrogation; codes 8-15 (indicating aircraft maximum cruising true airspeed) shall be
supplied by the Mode S transponder for use in the reply to an acquisition interrogation.

3.27.2 General Requirements of the Mode S Interface to the ACAS Equipment Delivery of Messages

The transponder shall transmit a valid Coordination Reply Message (see § in
response to an incoming ACAS Resolution Message if, and only if, current
transponder indications show that the incoming message can be delivered to the
ACAS unit. If the transponder recognizes a valid incoming ACAS Resolution Message
but does not send a valid Coordination Reply Message, all data in the incoming
message shall be discarded.
NOTE: This requirement implies that the manufacturer must determine the rate at
which incoming interrogations can actually be accepted by the transponder
(generally a rate much greater than detailed in §3.27 b), and the rate at
which these interrogations can be passed to the ACAS unit and, if
necessary, provide a queuing mechanism to ensure that accepted
interrogations are not lost. The transponder must be able to monitor the
status of the queue and the status of any other relevant internal structures
or pathways so as not to accept new ACAS Resolution Messages if the
queue is full or if there is some other condition that would prevent delivery
to the ACAS unit (e.g., the transponder/ACAS interface is not established or
has failed, or ACAS is indicating no resolution capability).
If the transponder cannot accept the incoming ACAS Resolution Message contained
in the MU field of a long air-air surveillance interrogation UF=16, the transponder shall
either not reply to this interrogation, or reply with a long air-air surveillance reply
DF=16 with all 56 bits of the MV field equal to 0. Data Integrity

The interface between ACAS and the transponder shall be designed to provide
communication in the normal operational aircraft environment for that class of ACAS
equipment while assuring error rates of less than one detected error in 105 bit
transmissions and less than one undetected error in 109 bit transmissions for transfers
in either direction. Compliance with this requirement shall be demonstrated either by
direct test in a simulated operational environment or by analysis based on the known
characteristics of proven interface techniques.
The Mode S transponder shall monitor the status of the communications interface with
own ACAS. A detected failure in the interface shall be recognized by the transponder
as a loss of integrity and shall be treated as an ACAS failure (§
NOTE: Incomplete data transmission can result in erroneous execution of the
ACAS logic algorithms.

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86 ACAS Failure Data Handling

When an ACAS failure is detected, the transponder shall set all areas for storage of
ACAS data to zero. Communication Timing

ACAS Resolution Messages that are received by the transponder shall be delivered to
the ACAS unit (received by ACAS from the ACAS/transponder interface) within 0.01
second of receipt by the transponder.
NOTE: This requirement assumes the transponder input message rate of one
message every 16.6 milliseconds (60 per second).

3.27.3 Data provided by ACAS Equipment to the Mode S Transponder Data contained in the Air-Air Surveillance Replies (DF=0, 16)

a. Contents of the SL Field
The Mode S transponder shall report a changed value of the sensitivity level in
the SL field in any air-air surveillance reply, DF=0, 16 generated no later than
250 milliseconds after receipt of the changed SL value from ACAS.
b. Contents of the RI Field
The ACAS equipment provides a value for downlink transmission by the
transponder in the RI field whenever the corresponding UF=0 or 16
interrogation contains AQ=0 (tracking interrogation). The Mode S transponder
shall report a changed resolution capability in any air-air surveillance reply,
DF=0, 16 generated no later than one second after receipt of the changed RI
value from ACAS. Data contained in the Long Air-Air Surveillance Reply (DF=16)

When the Mode S transponder receives a long air-air surveillance interrogation
(UF=16) with RL=1 and UDS=48 in the MU field, the transponder shall reply with a
long air-air surveillance reply, DF=16. This reply shall contain a Coordination Reply
Message (§, the contents of which were provided previously by the ACAS
equipment. Data contained in Altitude and Identity Surveillance and Comm-B Replies (DF=4,
5, 20, 21)
Contents of the DR Field
The ACAS equipment provides a continuous indication to the Mode S transponder
whenever an ACAS resolution advisory exists. This shall cause the transponder to set
either code 2, 3, 6 or 7 in the DR field (see § within one second of first
receipt of this indication. Data contained in the Altitude and Identity Comm-B Reply (DF=20, 21)
a. Resolution Advisory Report
When the Mode S transponder receives an altitude or identity surveillance or
Comm-A interrogation, UF=4, 5, 20 or 21 with RR=19, the transponder shall
reply with a Comm-B, DF=20, 21. This reply shall contain a Resolution Advisory
Report (§ a).
b. Data Link Capability Report
The ACAS equipment indicates to the Mode S transponder its resolution
capabilities, which the transponder shall include in the Data Link Capability

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NOTE: § e specifies that the transponder will recognize a change in

on-board data link capability and will automatically set DR=4, 5, 6 or
7, causing the ground system to read out a new Data Link Capability

3.27.4 Data Provided by the Mode S Transponder to the ACAS Equipment

The transponder shall provide the following data to the ACAS equipment:
a. The 24-bit aircraft discrete address,
b. The aircraft pressure altitude from the source that is the basis for own altitude in
Mode C and Mode S replies,
c. Quantization for pressure altitude (25ft or less, or 100ft).
NOTE: Selection of the altitude source to be used for altitude reporting is
typically made by the flight crew. As such, the requirements of the
previous paragraph are a function of the operational installation and
not the transponder directly.

3.27.5 ACAS-Compatible Transponder Automatic Performance Monitoring

The transponder shall be capable of detecting malfunctions in the Mode S transponder
system that would degrade ACAS functioning, and upon detection shall make this
information available to ACAS. In particular, loss of complete Mode S functionality
shall trigger an ACAS II system failure.


This paragraph is only applicable to transponders equipped for extended squitter.
In addition to the aquisition squitters (§, transponders may be capable of
transmitting extended squitters. When a transponder has extended squitter capability
it shall not be possible to inhibit acquisition squitters except as specified in this section
The extended (112-bit) squitter contains the same fields as the acquisition squitter
(§, plus a 56-bit message field that is used to broadcast Automatic
Dependent Surveillance (ADS) data. The extended squitter may be used by ACAS
and ground ATC users for passive air and surface surveillance.
Mode S transponders shall transmit extended squitters to support the broadcast of
aircraft-derived position, identification and state information.
NOTE: The broadcast of this type of information is a form of Automatic Dependent
Surveillance (ADS) known as ADS-broadcast or ADS-B.
In addition to the acquisition squitter of § the following shall apply:
a. The scheduled acquisition squitter shall be delayed if an extended squitter is in
b. Acquisition squitters shall only be transmitted on the surface if the transponder
is not reporting the surface position type of Mode S extended squitter
c. Transponders equipped for extended squitter operation should have a means to
disable acquisition squitters when extended squitters are being emitted.
NOTE: This will facilitate the suppression of acquisition squitters when all
ACAS units have been converted to receive the extended squitter

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3.28.1 Extended Squitter Format

The format used for the extended squitter shall be the 112-bit downlink format DF=17
using II=0 and SI = 0 in generating the PI field.
NOTE: Military installations may use DF=19 in addition or instead in accordance
with § and §3.28.10.

3.28.2 Extended Squitter Types

a. Airborne Position Squitter. The airborne position extended squitter type shall
use format DF=17 with the contents of ground-initiated Comm-B Register 0516
inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=5 will cause the resulting reply to contain the airborne position
report in its MB field.
b. Surface Position Squitter. The surface position extended squitter type shall use
format DF=17 with the contents of ground-initiated Comm-B Register 0616
inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=6 will cause the resulting reply to contain the surface position
report in its MB field.
c. Aircraft Identification and Category Squitter. The aircraft identification and
category extended squitter type shall use format DF=17 with the contents of
ground-initiated Comm-B Register 0816 inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=8 will cause the resulting reply to contain the aircraft
identification and category report in its MB field.
d. Airborne Velocity Squitter. The airborne velocity extended squitter type shall
use format DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register 0916 inserted in the ME
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=9 will cause the resulting reply to contain the airborne velocity
report in its MB field.
e. Target State and Status Message. The airborne Target State and Status
Extended Squitter shall use format DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register
6216 inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=22 (e.g., BDS1=6), DI=3
or 7 and RRS=2 (e.g., BDS2=2) will cause the resulting reply to
contain the airborne Target State and Status report in its MB field.
f. Aircraft Operational Status Message. The airborne or surface Aircraft
Operational Status Extended Squitter shall use format DF=17 with the contents
of GICB Register 6516 inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=22 (e.g., BDS1=6), DI=3
or 7 and RRS=5 (e.g., BDS2=5) will cause the resulting reply to
contain the Aircraft Operational Status report in its MB field.
g. Event-driven Squitter. The event-driven extended squitter type shall use format
DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register 0A16 inserted in the ME field.
NOTE: A GICB request (§ containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and
RRS=10 will cause the resulting reply to contain the event-driven
report in its MB field. Since multiple Register contents can be
multiplexed through Register 6116 and 0A16, GICB extractions of
these Registers is not recommended as the reply could be

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3.28.3 Extended Squitter Rate

At power up initialization, the transponder shall commence operation in a mode in
which it broadcasts only acquisition squitters (§ The transponder shall
initiate the broadcast of extended squitters for airborne position, surface position,
airborne velocity, target state and status, aircraft operational status and aircraft
identification and category when data are inserted into GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0916,
6216, 6516 and 0816 respectively. This determination shall be made individually for
each squitter type. The insertion of altitude data into Register 0516 by the transponder
(§3.28.8) shall not satisfy the minimum requirement for initialisation of broadcast of the
airborne position squitter.
NOTE 1: This suppresses the transmission of Extended Squitters from aircraft that
are unable to report position, velocity or identity information.
If input to Register 0516 and 0616 stops for 60 seconds, broadcast of that Extended
Squitter type will be discontinued until data insertion is resumed. The insertion of
altitude by the transponder shall satisfy the minimum requirement for continuing to
broadcast the airborne position squitter. After timeout (see §3.28.4), this squitter type
may contain an ME field of ALL ZEROs.
NOTE 2: Continued transmission for 60 seconds is required so that receiving aircraft
will know that the data source for the message has been lost.
When extended squitters are broadcast, transmission rates shall be as indicated in the
following paragraphs. Acquisition squitters shall be reported in addition to extended
squitters unless the acquisition squitter is inhibited (§ Acquisition squitters
shall always be reported if extended position or velocity squitters are not reported.
The maximum rate for the total number of extended squitter messages transmitted by
the transponder shall not exceed 6.2 messages per second averaged over any 60
second interval, except during an emergency condition.
NOTE 3: Transponders are limited to no more than 2 Event Driven messages per
second. Therefore, the average of 2 Airborne Position, 2 Airborne Velocity,
0.2 Identification, and 2 Periodic Status and Event Driven messages per
second, averaged over any 60 second interval, yields the required 6.2
messages per second, except during an emergency condition.
NOTE 4: The transmission of extended squitters from aircraft that are unable to
report position, velocity or identity is suppressed.
a. Airborne Position Squitter Rate. Airborne position squitter transmissions shall
be emitted when the aircraft is airborne (§3.28.5) at random intervals that are
uniformly distributed over the range from 0.4 to 0.6 seconds using a time
quantisation of no greater than 15 milliseconds relative to the previous airborne
position squitter, with the exceptions as specified in subparagraph ―h.‖
b. Surface Position Squitter Rate. Surface position squitters transmissions shall
be emitted when the aircraft is on the surface (§3.28.5) using one of two rates
depending upon whether the high or low squitter rate has been selected
(§3.28.6). When the high squitter rate has been selected, surface position
squitters shall be emitted at random intervals that are uniformly distributed over
the range from 0.4 to 0.6 seconds using a time quantisation of no greater than
15 milliseconds relative to the previous surface position squitter (termed the
high rate). When the low squitter rate has been selected, surface position
squitters shall be emitted at random intervals that are uniformly distributed over
the range of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds using a time quantisation of no greater than 15
milliseconds relative to the previous surface position squitter (termed the low
rate). Exceptions to this transmission rate are specified in subparagraph ―h.‖
NOTE 1: High and low squitter rate status is determined on board the aircraft.
NOTE 2: The low rate is used when the aircraft is stationary and the high rate
is used when the aircraft is moving.

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. Aircraft Identification Squitter Rate. Aircraft identification squitter transmissions

shall be emitted at random intervals that are uniformly distributed over the range
of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds using a time quantisation of no greater than 15
milliseconds relative to the previous identification squitter when the aircraft is
reporting the airborne position squitter type, or when the aircraft is reporting the
surface position squitter type and the high surface squitter rate has been
selected. When the surface position squitter type is being reported at the low
surface rate, the aircraft identification squitter shall be emitted at random
intervals that are uniformly distributed over the range of 9.8 to 10.2 seconds
relative to the previous identification squitter. Exceptions to these transmission
rates are specified in subparagraph ―h.‖
d. Airborne Velocity Squitter Rate. Airborne squitter transmissions shall be
emitted when the aircraft is airborne (§3.28.5) at random intervals that are
uniformly distributed over the range from 0.4 to 0.6 seconds using a time
quantisation of no greater than 15 milliseconds relative to the previous velocity
squitter, with the exceptions as specified in subparagraph ―h.‖
e. Airborne Target State and Status Squitter Rate. Airborne Target State and
Status squitter shall be transmitted at the rates as specified in § of
Verification of the transmission rates of Airborne Target State and Status
Messages shall be performed in accordance with § of EUROCAE
ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
f. Aircraft Operational Status Squitter Rate. The Aircraft Operational Status
squitter shall be transmitted at the rates as specified in § of
EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B, with the exceptions as specified in
subparagraph ―h.‖ When transmitting the surface formats, the rate depends on
whether the high or low squitter rate has been selected (see §3.28.6).
Verification of the transmission rates of Aircraft Operational Status Messages
shall be performed in accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A /
g. Event-driven Squitter Rate. The event-driven squitter shall be transmitted once,
each time that GICB Register 0A16 is loaded, while observing the delay
conditions specified in subparagraph h. The maximum transmission rate for the
event-driven squitter shall be limited by the transponder to twice per second. If
a message is inserted in the event-driven register and cannot be transmitted
due to rate limiting, it shall be held and transmitted when the rate limiting
condition has cleared. If a new message is received before transmission is
permitted, it shall overwrite the earlier message.
1. The squitter transmission rate and the duration of squitter transmissions is
application dependent. Choices made should be the minimum rate and
duration consistent with the needs of the application.
2. The broadcast rates for Event-Driven Messages are defined in RTCA DO-
260B / EUROCAE ED-102A, §
h. Delayed Transmission. Extended squitter transmission shall be delayed in the
following circumstances:
(1) the scheduled extended squitter shall be delayed if the transponder is in
a transaction cycle (§3.22.2 k); or
(2) the scheduled extended squitter shall be delayed if an acquisition or
another type of extended squitter is in process; or
(3) the scheduled extended squitter shall be delayed if a mutual suppression
interface is active.

© EUROCAE, 2011

The delayed squitter shall be transmitted as soon as the transponder becomes

available. ADS-B Message Transmission Rate Exceptions

ADS-B Message transmissions shall be delayed under the following conditions:
a. The scheduled message transmission shall be delayed if another ADS-B or
Extended Squitter transmission is in process; or
b. The scheduled message transmission shall be delayed if a Mutual Suppression
interface is active. Maximum ADS-B Message Transmission Rates

The maximum total number of Extended Squitters emitted by any Extended Squitter
(DF=17) installation shall not exceed 6.2 per second averaged over any 60 second
interval, except during an emergency condition.
NOTE: For installations capable of emitting extended squitters other than DF=17,
see ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, § ADS-B Message Timeout

a. Timeout of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance with
§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message timeout functions shall be performed in
accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B. ADS-B Message Termination

a. Termination of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance
with § of RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message termination functions shall be
performed in accordance with § of RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-
102A. ADS-B Transmitted Message Error Protection

Error protection shall be provided by the transponder encoding all messages in
accordance with the requirements provided in § and illustrated in
Figure 3-9.
NOTE: The requirements of § and Figure 3-9 are consistent with the
requirements of ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §

3.28.4 Register Timeout

a. Timeout of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance with
§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message timeout functions shall be performed in
accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.

© EUROCAE, 2011

3.28.5 Airborne/Surface State Determination Automatic Format Determination

Aircraft with an automatic means of determining on-the-ground condition shall use this
input to select whether to report the airborne (airborne position and airborne velocity)
or surface (surface position) message types, except if airborne format is selected
when the input indicates on-the-ground condition as specified in § Ground Controlled Format Determination

Aircraft without such means shall report the airborne type formats. Aircraft with or
without such automatic on-the-ground determination shall report the surface type
formats as commanded by control codes in the TCS subfield (§3.28.7). After timeout
of the TCS commands, control of airborne/surface determination shall revert to the
means described above.
NOTE 1: Extended squitter ground stations determine aircraft airborne or surface
status by monitoring aircraft position, altitude and ground speed. Aircraft
determined to be on the ground that are not reporting the surface type
formats will be commanded to report the surface type formats via the TCS
subfield. The normal return to the airborne type formats is via a ground
command to report the airborne type formats. To guard against loss of
communications after takeoff, commands to report the surface type formats
automatically timeout.
When commanded to report the surface type format by TCS commands, aircraft
without automatic means of determining the on-the-ground condition, and aircraft with
such means that are reporting airborne state, shall transmit acquisition squitters as
specified in §
NOTE 2: Transmission of the acquisition squitter will provide for ACAS acquisition in
the event that an airborne aircraft is commanded to report the surface type
formats. In this case, the CA field of the acquisition and Extended Squitters
will continue to show that the aircraft is airborne, or is unable to determine
its on-the-ground state.

3.28.6 Surface Squitter Rate Control

Surface squitter rate shall be determined as follows:
a. Once per second the contents of the TRS (§3.28.9) shall be read. If the value of
TRS is 0 or 1, the transponder shall transmit surface squitters at the high rate.
If the value of TRS is 2, the transponder shall transmit surface squitters at the
low rate.
b. The squitter rate determined via the TRS subfield shall be subject to being
overridden by commands received via the RCS subfield (§3.28.7). RCS code 1
shall cause the transponder to squitter at the high rate for 60 seconds. RCS
code 2 shall cause the transponder to squitter at the low rate for 60 seconds.
These commands shall be able to be refreshed for a new 60 second period
before timeout of the prior period.
c. After timeout and in the absence of RCS codes 1 and 2, control shall return to
the TRS subfield.

3.28.7 Subfields in SD for Extended Squitter

The SD field contains the following information if the DI code is 2:

© EUROCAE, 2011
93 Type Control Subfield (TCS) in SD for Extended Squitter

TCS, the 3-bit (21-23) Type Control Subfield in SD shall control the extended squitter
airborne and surface format types used by the transponder, and its response to Mode
A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations. These commands
shall only affect the format type reported, they shall not change the aircraft
determination of its on-the-ground condition. The commands for codes 1 and 2 shall
be able to refreshed for a new period before timeout of the prior period.
NOTE: Thus aircraft without the means to set the on-the-ground condition will
continue to report code 6 in the CA field, and an aircraft with the means to
set the on-the-ground condition that has determined that it is in the airborne
state will continue to set code 5, independent of the Extended Squitter
format that is emitted.
The following codes have been assigned:
0 = No surface format types or reply inhibit command.
1 = See §
2 = See §
3 = Cancel surface format types and reply inhibit commands.
4-7 = Reserved. TCS Equal to ONE (1)

(a) Broadcast extended squitter surface formats, including the Surface Position
Message, the ID and Category Message, the Aircraft Operational Status Message
and the Aircraft Status Message for the next 15 seconds at the appropriate rates
(see Table 2-79 in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B) on the top antenna for
aircraft system having the antenna diversity capability, except if otherwise
specified by SAS (see § b).
(b) Inhibit replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations for the next 15 seconds.
(c) Broadcast acquisition squitters as per § c, using antenna as specified in
§ a.
(d) Does not impact the air/ground state reported via the CA, FS and VS fields.
(e) Discontinue broadcast of airborne message formats.
(f) Broadcast the surface formats at the rates according to the TRS subfield unless
commanded to transmit at the rates set by the RCS subfield. TCS Equal to TWO (2)

(a) Broadcast extended squitter surface formats, including the Surface Position
Message, the ID and Category Message, the Aircraft Operational Status Message
and the Aircraft Status Message for the next 60 seconds at the appropriate rates
(see Table 2-79 in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B) on the top antenna for
aircraft system having the antenna diversity capability, except if otherwise
specified by SAS (see § b).
(b) Inhibit replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations for the next 60 seconds.
(c) Broadcast acquisition squitters as per § c, using antenna as specified in
§ a.
(d) Does not impact the air/ground state reported via the CA, FS and VS fields.
(e) Discontinue broadcast of airborne message formats.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(f) Broadcast the surface formats at the rates according to the TRS subfield unless
commanded to transmit at the rates set by the RCS subfield. Rate Control Subfield (RCS) in SD for Extended Squitter

RCS, the 3-bit (24-26) Rate Control Subfield in SD shall control the squitter rate of the
transponder when it is reporting the Extended Squitter surface type formats. This
subfield shall have no effect on the transponder squitter rate when it is reporting the
airborne type formats.
NOTE 1: Aircraft without the means of determining on-the-ground state or aircraft
with such means that are declaring the airborne state must be commanded
to transmit the surface format (via TCS) before they can be controlled by
this subfield. Both of these commands may be sent in the same
NOTE 2: Both TCS and RCS have specific timeout periods. If the surface format
command times out first, the aircraft will resume broadcasting the airborne
format (unless it is now declaring the on-the-ground state or the surface
format is selected in accordance with the requirements of § of
The following codes have been assigned:
0 = No squitter rate command.
1 = Report high squitter rate for 60 seconds.
2 = Report low squitter rate for 60 seconds.
3-7 = Reserved

NOTE 3: The definition of high and low squitter rate is given in §3.28.3 and applies
to the Surface Position, Aircraft Identification and Category, and the
Operational Status Messages.
NOTE 4: As stated in § b.4, Acquisition squitters are transmitted when
Surface type format Extended Squitters are not being transmitted. Surface Antenna Subfield (SAS) in SD for Extended Squitter

SAS, the two bit (27-28) Surface Antenna Subfield in SD shall control the transponder
selection of the diversity antenna that is used for: (1) the extended squitter when it is
reporting the surface type formats, and (2) the acquisition squitter when the aircraft is
reporting the on-the-ground condition. This subfield shall have no effect on the
transponder diversity antenna selection when it is reporting the airborne position type.
When reporting the surface type formats, the default shall be the top antenna. The
following codes have been assigned:
0 = No antenna command.
1 = Alternate top and bottom antennas for 120 seconds.
2 = Use bottom antenna for 120 seconds.
3 = Return to the default.

3.28.8 Subfields in ME for Extended Squitter

SSS, the 2-bit (38-39) Surveillance Status Subfield in ME shall report the surveillance
status of the transponder when ME contains the airborne position squitter report. The
following codes have been assigned:
0 = No status information.
1 = Transponder reporting permanent alert condition (§ a).
2 = Transponder reporting a temporary alert condition (§ a).
3 = Transponder reporting SPI condition (§ d).
Codes 1 and 2 shall take precedence over code 3.

© EUROCAE, 2011

ACS, the 12-bit (41-52) Altitude Code Subfield in ME shall (under control of the ATS
subfield, §3.28.9) report the barometric altitude when ME contains an airborne position
report. The contents of the ACS subfield shall be as specified for the 13-bit AC field
(§ except that the M bit (bit 26) shall be omitted. When barometric altitude is
being reported, the contents of the ACS subfield shall be inserted by the transponder
from the same source that would be used to provide the altitude field of a reply to a
discrete interrogation. Transponder insertion of altitude data in the ACS subfield shall
take place when the 1-bit ATS subfield has the value of ZERO. Transponder
insertion of altitude data in the ACS subfield shall be inhibited when the ATS subfield
has the value ONE.
NOTE 1: An ATS subfield of ONE is provided for the future use of navigation-derived
height (derived external to the transponder) in place of transponder
provided barometric altitude.

3.28.9 Subfields in MB for Extended Squitter

A ground-initiated Comm-B request (§ containing RR equals 16 and DI
equals 3 or 7 and RRS equals 7 shall cause the resulting reply to contain the squitter
status report in its MB field.
TRS, the 2-bit (33-34) Transmission Rate Subfield in MB shall report the capability of
the aircraft to automatically determine its surface squitter rate and its current squitter
The following codes have been assigned:
0 = No capability to automatically determine surface squitter rate.
1 = Aircraft has selected the high surface squitter rate.
2 = Aircraft has selected the low surface squitter rate.
3 = Reserved.

NOTE 1: High and low squitter rate status is determined on board the aircraft.
NOTE 2: The low rate is used when the aircraft is stationary and the high rate is used
when the aircraft is moving.
ATS, the 1-bit (35) Altitude Type Subfield in MB shall report the type of altitude being
provided in the airborne extended squitter when the reply contains the contents of
GICB Register 0716.
The following codes have been assigned:
0 = Barometric altitude is being reported.
1 = Navigation-derived height is being reported.

3.28.10 Extended Squitter Military Application DF=19 description

The format used for DF=19 shall be a 112-bit downlink format containing the following
DF downlink format (§
AF application field (§
NOTE: This format supports the broadcast of Extended Squitter ADS-B messages
in support of military applications. A separate format is used to distinguish
these Extended Squitters from the standard ADS-B message set broadcast
using DF=17 or 18. The limits in § apply.

© EUROCAE, 2011
96 AF Application Field

This 3-bit (bits 6 – 8) downlink field in DF=19 shall be used to define the format of the
112-bit transmission.
Code 0 = ADS-B Format
Code 1 = Military TCAS – Formation Flight System
Code 2 to 7 = Reserved


Elementary Surveillance has been defined as a functional capability necessary to
support airspace operations in European airspace.
a. As a minimum, the transponder shall be a Level 2 transponder in accordance
with §3.22 and §3.23 in order to support implementation of Elementary
Surveillance functions.
b. The following subparagraphs summarize the functional aspects necessary to
implement Elementary Surveillance.
NOTE: The following subparagraphs do not declare actual requirements (e.g.
“shall” statements). Such actual requirements are specified in
subsequent subsections in order to establish traceability. The
following subparagraphs are intended to introduce the Elementary
Surveillance needs in order to improve understanding of the actual
requirements provided in subsequent subsections.
(1) Flight status reporting (FS) as described in § The Mode S
transponder is capable of automatically acquiring the on-the-ground status
as described in §
(2) Barometric pressure altitude reporting as described in §3.17.1 b.
(3) CA as specified in § and § (i.e., Greater than 3).
(4) II and SI code as defined in § a and further details in §3.29.2.
(5) Declaration of capability in Register 1016 as described in § e(3) and
further detailed in §3.29.3.
(6) Aircraft Register 1716 as defined in §3.29.4.
(7) Aircraft Registers 1816 {through 1C16} as defined in §3.29.5.
(8) Flight identification reporting in Register 2016 as detailed § and
further detailed in §3.29.6.
(9) As an option, Aircraft Register 2116.
c. Optionally, the Mode S transponder must be capable of ACAS operation in
accordance with all requirements defined in §3.27. In particular, the
transponder reports ACAS capability and version in Register 1016 as well as the
RA Report in Register 3016.
NOTE: For the remaining subsections of this section, servicing of a field or
subfield in a register implies that valid data has been received at a
sufficient rate to meet the update requirements specified for the given
register in Appendix B.

3.29.1 Ground Initiated Comm B

Mode S Transponder shall support extraction of Registers 1016, 1716, 1816 through
1C16, and 2016 using the GICB protocol in accordance with § b.
NOTE 1: Servicing Register 2116 is optional.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 2: In general, a level 2 ELS capable transponder replies to all GICB register
extraction request (see § b). If the requested register is not
serviced by the transponder, then the “MB” field of the transponder reply
contains All ZERO‟s.
NOTE 3: As a level 2 transponder, an ELS transponder replies to all aircraft register
extraction requests (see § When an aircraft register is not
implemented the content of MB is all 0.

3.29.2 Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) Code Requirements

Mode S Transponders support the requirements of Interrogator codes (II and SI) in
accordance with all the following sections of this document.
o § ―DI‖ Designator, Identification Field,
o § ―II‖ Interrogator Identification Field
o § ―PI‖ Parity / Interrogator Identity
o § ―SD‖ Special Designator and ―IIS‖, Subfield in ―SD‖
o § ―CL‖ Code Label
o § ―IC‖ Interrogator Code
o § ―SI‖ Surveillance Identifier
o § Basic Mode-S Error Protection
o § ―Multisite Lockout Protocol‖
o § ―All-Call Reply Protocol‖
o § ―Acquisition Squitter Format‖
o § a ―Comm-B data selector, BDS‖
o §3.28.1 ―Extended Squitter Format‖
NOTE: “§3.28.1” in regards to Extended Squitter is included herein since the “SI”
field must be set to “0” in generating the “PI” field in accordance with
§ Therefore, if the transponder implements Extended Squitter,
then “§3.28.1” applies.

3.29.3 Declaration of Capability in Register 1016 - Data Link Capability Report Purpose and definition

Register 1016 shall be formatted as specified in Appendix B Table B-3-16 and
associated notes.
NOTE: The following paragraphs detail the minimum requirement for Elementary
Surveillance. The other fields need to be managed according to the
additional capabilities supported by the transponder. Data requirements Bit 1 to 8, BDS Code

Bits 1 through 8 of Register 1016 shall be encoded with 1,0 (the BDS code).
NOTE: The setting of the BDS code by the transponder ensures that a broadcast
change of the capability report will contain the BDS code for all cases of
data link failure (e.g., the loss of the transponder data link interface).

© EUROCAE, 2011
98 Bit 17 to 23, Declaration of Mode-S Subnetwork Version Number

Bits 17 through 23 of Register 1016 shall be encoded with the Mode-S Subnetwork
Version Number in accordance with the following table:
0 Mode S Subnetwork Not Available
1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6–127 Reserved

To be consistent with Elementary and Enhance Surveillance requirements (e.g., this

version of these MOPS), the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number shall be set to ―5‖
or ―higher‖.
TABLE 3-2: MODE S SUBNETWORK VERSION NUMBER ENCODING Bit 25, Declaration of No Mode S Specific Services Capability

Bit 25 of Register 1016 shall not be set to ―1‖ when reporting only Aircraft Identification
in Register 2016 when no other Mode S Specific Services are supported by the
NOTE 1: When bit 25 is set to 1, it indicates that at least one Mode S specific service
is supported. Other capability reports need to be checked in order to
determine which registers are supported. Mode S Specific Service refers to
the servicing of registers other than GICB services related to Registers 0216,
0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 through 1C16, 2016 and 3016.
NOTE 2: Bit 25 is used to indicate that Register 1716 should be extracted. The
capability bits for the Enhanced Surveillance Registers 4016, 5016 and 6016
are used from 1716 to determine if the Enhanced Surveillance registers
should be extracted. In effect, Enhanced Surveillance functionality will not
be detected unless bit 25 is set. Bit 33, Aircraft identification Reporting capability

Servicing of Register 2016 requires the updating of Register 1016 as follows:
a. Register 1016 (Data Link Capability Report) bit 33 shall be set to ONE (1) if the
transponder is receiving any data from the Aircraft installation with which to
service Register 2016 with Flight Identification or Aircraft Registration data as
provided in the respective sections for each BDS register in the subsequent
sections of this document.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 2016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 2016.
b. Register 1016 (Data Link Capability Report) bit 33 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the
transponder is receiving no data from the Aircraft installation that could be used
to properly service Register 2016.
NOTE: When bit 33 of Register 1016 is changed, the change is broadcast as
required in § c.(3) and further defined in §3.29.4.

© EUROCAE, 2011
99 Bit 35, Surveillance Identifier Code (SIC)

The bit 35 of Register 1016 shall be set to 1 to indicate that the transponder support SI
NOTE: SI code support is a mandatory capability for all transponders. Bit 36 - Common Usage GICB Capability Report

a) Register 1016 (Data Link Capability Report) bit 36 shall be toggled (i.e., changed
from ―0‖ to ―1‖, or from ―1‖ to ―0‖) each time that the Common Usage GICB
Capability Report (Register 1716) is changed.
b) To avoid the generation of too many broadcast capability report changes,
Register 1716 shall be sampled at approximately one minute intervals to check
for changes that may require the toggling of bit 36 as discussed in
subparagraph ―a.‖ Maximum Update interval

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 1016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is ≤4.0 seconds.
NOTE: Effectively, Register 1016 must be updated every 4.0 seconds or
b) Register 1016 shall be updated within one second of the data changing and at
least every four seconds thereafter.
c) If particular data field in Register 1016 cannot be updated within 8.0 seconds
(e.g., twice the specified maximum update interval of ≤4.0 seconds), then the
data field shall be ZEROed. Change reporting

When Register 1016 changes it shall be broadcast as described in § e (3).

3.29.4 Register 1716, Common Usage GICB Capability Report Purpose and definition

The format of Register 1716 shall be formatted as specified in Appendix B Table B-3-
23 and associated notes.
NOTE: The purpose of Register 1716 is to indicate which registers are currently
supported by the aircraft installation, i.e., currently contain data useable for
operational use.
Elementary Surveillance transponder manages the following bits of Register 1716:
a) Bit 7 to indicate servicing of Register 2016,
b) Bit 8 to indicate servicing of Optional Register 2116. Data requirements Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 2016

a) Register 1716 bit 7 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is servicing Aircraft
Identification (either Flight Identification as specified in the Flight Plan or Aircraft
Registration, refer to § data in the Aircraft installation.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 2016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 2016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b) Register 1716 bit 7 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
Aircraft identification data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to
service Register 2016. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with optional Register 2116
NOTE: Elementary Surveillance does not require that Register 2116 be serviced.
However, if Register 2116 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to
be complied with.
a) Register 1716 bit 8 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is receiving Aircraft
Registration data in the Aircraft installation.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 2116. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 2116.
b) Register 1716 bit 8 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
2116 Register 1716 Change reporting

Whenever the contents of Register 1716 change, bit 36 of Register 1016 shall be
toggled as defined in §

3.29.5 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports Purpose and Definition

The Mode-S transponder shall format Register 1816 through 1C16 as defined in
Appendix B, Table B-3-24 through Table B-3-28 and associated notes for Register
1816 through 1C16, respectively.
NOTE 1: Registers 1816 to 1C16 are used to indicate the capability of the aircraft
installation to provide data for each register i.e. the register or a part of the
register is managed by the transponder and it is known that data can be
received from the installation to fill this field.
NOTE 2: This is not established by the Transponder LRU own capability. Rather, it is
established by the Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder
with the appropriate data with which to service the corresponding register.
Once this capability is established it remains set until power-off of the
Transponders that support Elementary Surveillance (ELS) manage:
a. Register 1816 bit 41 to indicate that the installation has the capability the
capability to provide data in Register 1016,
b. Register 1816 bit 34 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1716,
c. Register 1816 bit 33 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1816,
d. Register 1816 bit 25 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 2016,
e. Optionally, Register 1816 bit 24 to indicate that the installation has the capability
to provide data in Register 2116.
NOTE 3: Although not a function of Elementary Surveillance, Register 1816 bit 9 is set
when the transponder is interfaced with ACAS to indicate that the ACAS
Active Resolution Advisory Register 3016 is supported (see §3.27).

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 4: Elementary Surveillance only requires that Register 1816 be serviced;

Therefore, if no other transponder functions require the servicing of Register
1916 through 1C16, these registers will be set to ALL ZERO. Data requirements Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1016

a) Register 1816 bit 41 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is required to
service any part of Register 1016.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 1016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data of which processing would result in the need to
update Register 1016.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 41 has been set to ONE (1) during a particular power-on
cycle, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1716

a) Register 1816 bit 34 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is required to
service any part of Register 1716 as provided in §3.29.4.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 1716. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data of which processing would result in the need to
update Register 1716.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 34 has been set to ONE (1) during a particular power-on
cycle, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.
c) Register 1816 bit 34 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could result in the need to service Register 1716
as provided in §3.29.4. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1816

a) Register 1816 bit 33 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is required to
service any part of Register 1816.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 1816. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data of which processing would result in the need to
update Register 1816.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 33 has been set to ONE (1) during a particular power-on
cycle, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.
c) Register 1816 bit 33 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could result in the need to service Register 1816 Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2016

a) Register 1816 bit 25 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder has received
either Aircraft Identification (also referred to as Flight Identification as specified
in the Flight Plan) or Aircraft Registration data in the Aircraft Installation since
the power-on of the transponder.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 25 has been set to ONE (1), then it shall remain set to
ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.

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c) Register 1816 bit 25 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder has received no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
2016 since power-on of the transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with optional Register 2116
NOTE: Elementary Surveillance does not require that Register 2116 be serviced.
However, if Register 2116 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to
be complied with.
a) Register 1816 bit 24 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder has received
Aircraft Registration data in the Aircraft Installation since the power-on of the
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 2116. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 2116.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 24 has been set to ONE (1) {during a particular power-on
cycle}, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.
c) Register 1816 bit 24 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder has received no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
2116 since power-on of the transponder. Maximum Update Interval of Register 1816 to 1C16

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 1816 (and/or Register 1916 to
1C16 if implemented) shall be reloaded with valid data is 5.0 seconds. i.e.,
Register 1816 (and/or Register 1916 to 1C16 if implemented) shall be updated at
least once every 5.0 seconds.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 1816
(and/or Register 1916 to 1C16 if implemented) and the time that the change is
made to Register 1816 (and/or Register 1916 to 1C16 if implemented) shall be
less than the maximum update interval specified as 5.0 seconds.
c) The setting of bits in Register 1816 to 1C16 is static. If a bit has been set to ONE
(1) in one of these registers since power-on of the transponder, then the bit
shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.

3.29.6 Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification and Data Sources Purpose and definition

The Mode-S transponder shall format Register 2016 as defined in Appendix B,
Table B-3-32 and associated notes.
NOTE 1: ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV requires that the aircraft identification to be
used is that employed in the flight plan. When no flight plan is available, the
registration marking is used if available, otherwise the aircraft identification
is set to ALL ZERO‟s.
NOTE 2: On aircraft, it is possible to have access to data from an interface where the
pilot can enter the data that is employed in the flight plan. This could be the
telephony designator of the aircraft operating agency, followed by the flight
identification or the registration marking of the aircraft. This piece of
information is considered as variable data and the transponder cannot know
what is really entered by the pilot (depending on operational procedure).
This piece of information is named “Flight Identification” within the rest of
this section. In ARINC, it is normally provided via ARINC Labels 233
through 237 or by Label 360 for block transfer data.

© EUROCAE, 2011

In addition on some platforms it is also possible to receive another piece of

data which is the registration marking (tail number). This is considered as a
fixed data which does not vary during the flight. This piece of information
can only be used when there is no data coming from the interface delivering
the variable data. This is referenced as “Aircraft Registration´ within the rest
of this section. Register 2016 - Data Requirements Data Selection Priority

Use of Flight Identification (§3.17.1 b.5) or Aircraft Registration Data (§3.17.1 a.3) in
Register 2016 shall comply with the following:
a) If Flight Identification data is available at anytime during unit operation, then
flight identification data shall be inserted into the character subfields of Register
NOTE: Flight Identification data is normally provided via ARINC Labels 233
through 237 or by Label 360 for block transfer data.
b) If Flight Identification data is NOT available then Aircraft Registration, if
available, shall be inserted into the character subfields of Register 2016.
NOTE: If the transponder has no input from the Aircraft installation that could
be used to service Register 2016, then the Register 2016 Character
subfields are set to ZERO (0) and Register 1016 (Data Link Capability
Report) bit 33 is set to ZERO (0).
c) If Flight Identification data has been entered into Register 2016 and then
becomes NOT available, then the character subfields of the registers shall be
set to all ZERO‘s
d) In all of the above cases, encoding of the character subfields in Register 2016
shall conform to the following:
(1). All characters will be left justified prior to encoding the Character fields.
(2). Characters will be coded consecutively without intervening SPACE codes.
(3). Any unused character spaces at the end of the subfield should contain a
SPACE character code.
(4). Any extra characters shall be truncated. Flight Identification Update intervals

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 2016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 5.0 seconds.
NOTE: Effectively, Register 2016 must be updated every 5.0 seconds or
b) If Register 2016 cannot be updated within a 10.0 second timeframe (i.e., twice
the specified maximum update interval of 5.0 seconds), then:
(1) The contents of the character field of Register 2016 shall be set to ZERO
(0) and:
(2) Bit 7 of Register 1716 shall be set to ZERO (0).
(3) Bit 33 of Register 1016 shall be set to ZERO (0).
(4) Bit 25 of Register 1816 shall not change state if Register 2016 has been
properly serviced since power on. If Register 2016 has not been properly
serviced since power-on cycle, then bit 25 of Register 1816 must be
verified as being set to ZERO (0) (see § and §

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c) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 2016 and
the time that the change is made to Register 2016 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 5.0 seconds.
NOTE: The time between establishing availability of data and the time of
updating Register 2016 should be minimized (e.g., data latency should
be minimized). Aircraft Identification Declaration of capability

Aircraft Identification Capability of the transponder shall be declared as provided in the
following subsections. In Register 1016 – Data Link Capability Report

The correct servicing of the character fields of Register 2016 shall be reported in
Register 1016 bit 33 as defined in § In Register 1716 – Common Usage GICB Capability Report

The correct servicing of the character fields of Register 2016 shall be reported in
Register 1716 bit 7 as defined in § In Register 1816 – Common Usage GICB Capability Report

The capability to report aircraft identification in the character fields of Register 2016
shall be reported in Register 1816 bit 25 as defined in § Change reporting

If the aircraft identification reported in the ―AIS‖ subfield is changed, then the
transponder shall report the new aircraft identification in accordance with §
by use of the Comm-B Broadcast Message protocol (see § d).

3.29.7 Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration (Optional)

NOTE: Elementary Surveillance does not require that Register 2116 be serviced.
However, if Register 2116 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to
be complied with. Purpose and definition

The Mode-S transponder shall format Register 2116 as defined in Appendix B, Table
B-3-33 and associated notes. Register 2116 - Data requirements

a) If valid Aircraft Registration data is available, then the data shall be used to fill
the Characters of bits 1 through 43 field in Register 2116, ―Aircraft and Airline
Registration Markings‖ as shown in Appendix B, Table B-3-33.
NOTE: Aircraft Registration data is normally provided via ARINC Labels 301
through 303 or by Label 360 for block transfer data. Available data
means that the status of the data is not set to No Computed Data
b) There is currently no method to provide the transponder with ICAO Airline
Registration marking. Therefore, bits 44 through 56 of Register 2116 shall be
set to zero.
c) When Register 2116 is being serviced with Aircraft Registration data, then
Register 2116 shall be available for GICB Extractions in accordance with

© EUROCAE, 2011
105 Register 2116 – Update intervals

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 2116 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 15.0 seconds.
NOTE: Register 2116 is updated every 15.0 seconds or sooner.
b) If Register 2116 cannot be updated within a 30.0 second timeframe (e.g., twice
the specified maximum update interval of 15.0 seconds), then the contents of
Register 2116 shall be set to ZERO and:

(1) Bit 24 of Register 1816 shall not change state if Register 2116 has been
properly serviced since power-on of the transponder. If Register 2116 has
not been properly serviced since power-on of the transponder, then bit 24
of Register 1816 must be verified as being set to ZERO.
c) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 2116 and
the time that the change is made to Register 2116 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 15.0 seconds.
NOTE: The time between establishing availability of data and the time of
updating Register 2116 should be minimized (e.g., data latency should
be minimized). Register 2116 – Declaration of capability In Register 1716 – Common Usage GICB Capability Report

The correct servicing of at least one field in Register 2116 is reported in Register 1716
bit 8 as defined in § In Register 1816 – Mode S Specific Services Capability Report

The capability to service at least one field in Register 2116 is reported in Register 1816
bit 24 as defined in §


The EUROCONTROL ATM 2000+ Strategy confirmed that Enhanced Surveillance
(EHS) was essential to safely enable additional traffic growth.
This section contains requirements on Mode S transponders required to support EHS.
The Enhanced Surveillance application entails the use of the following Downlink
Aircraft Parameters (DAPs):
- Magnetic Heading
- Indicated Airspeed and/or Mach No.
- Vertical Rate (climb/descend)
- MCP/FCU Selected Altitude
- Ground Speed
- Roll Angle
- Track Angle Rate (or True Airspeed if Track Angle Rate is not available)
- True Track Angle
- Barometric Pressure Setting
These DAPS are embedded in three transponder Registers (4016, 5016, 6016).
In addition to those three registers, the Enhanced Surveillance application uses a
number of capability report registers to assess the real time ability of the aircraft to
transmit DAPs. The format requirements related to the Enhanced Surveillance
application for these capability registers are defined in §3.30.1 through §3.30.4.

© EUROCAE, 2011

The Enhanced Surveillance application presents the following benefits:

The provision of actual aircraft derived data, such as Magnetic Heading, Air Speed,
Selected Altitude and Vertical Rate, enables controllers to reduce the radio telephony
(RT) workload and better assess the separation situations.
EHS enables Monitoring Tools and Safety Nets, which work on actual data, to be
implemented or improved (e.g., Short Term Conflict Alert) which, in turn, will allow
safety levels to be maintained or improved despite the increase in traffic levels.
Transponder capable of supporting EHS must:
a) support ELS as defined in §3.29.
b) at least be able to provide data in Registers 4016, 5016, 6016.
c) support capability reporting in CA and Registers 1016 to 1F16.
NOTE 1: Servicing Register 5F16 is not mandatory.
NOTE 2: For the remaining subsections of this section, servicing of a field or subfield
in a register implies that valid data has been received at a sufficient rate to
meet the update requirements specified for the given register in Appendix

3.30.1 Register 1016 - Data link capability report Purpose and definition

Register 1016 shall be formatted as specified in Appendix B Table B-3-16.
NOTE: The following paragraphs detail the minimum requirement for Enhanced
Surveillance. The other fields need to be managed according to the
additional capabilities supported by the transponder. Data requirements Bit 1 to 8, BDS code

Bits 1 through 8 of Register 1016 are defined in Elementary Surveillance (ELS)
Compliant Transponder § Bit 17-23, Mode S Subnetwork Version Number

Bit 17 through 23 (Mode S subnetwork version) of Register 1016 are defined in
Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder § Bit 25, Mode S Specific Services Capability

a) Register 1016 (Data Link Capability Report) bit 25 shall be set to ONE (1) if the
transponder is receiving any data from the Aircraft installation with which to
service Registers 1D16 through 1F16, 4016, 5016 or 6016 (or other registers) as
provided in the respective sections for each register in this document.
NOTE 1: Registers 1D16 through 1F16 are included above in order to provide for
possible declaration of capability to provide Dataflash or other Mode
Specific Protocol capability.
NOTE 2: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Registers 1D16 through 1F16, 4016, 5016, 5F16
(Optional) or 6016. Rather, it is established by the Aircraft installation
capability to provide the transponder with the appropriate data with
which to then service Registers 1D16 through 1F16, 4016, 5016, 5F16
(Optional) or 6016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b) Register 1016 (Data Link Capability Report) bit 25 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the
transponder is receiving no data from the Aircraft installation that could be used
to properly service either Registers 1D16 through 1F16, 4016, 5016, 5F16
(Optional), 6016 or any other Registers other than 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716
through 1C16, 2016 and 3016.
c) When bit 25 is set to ONE (1), it shall indicate that at least one Mode S Specific
Service is supported.
NOTE: Mode S Specific Service refers to the servicing of registers other than
GICB services related to Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 through
1C16, 2016 and 3016. Bit 35, Surveillance Identifier Code (SI)

Bit 35 of Register 1016 is set to ONE (1) as defined in Elementary Surveillance (ELS)
Compliant Transponder § Bit 36, Common Usage GICB Capability Report

Bit 36 of Register 1016 is managed as specified in Elementary Surveillance (ELS)
Compliant Transponder § Maximum Update Interval of Register 1016

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 1016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is ≤4.0 seconds.
NOTE: Effectively, Register 1016 must be updated every 4.0 seconds or
b) Register 1016 shall be updated within one second of the data changing and at
least every four seconds thereafter.
c) If a particular data field in Register 1016 cannot be updated within 8.0 seconds
(e.g., twice the specified maximum update interval of ≤4.0 seconds, then the
data field shall be ZEROED. Change reporting

When Register 1016 changes it shall be broadcast as described in § e (3).

3.30.2 Register 1716 - Common Usage GICB Capability Report Purpose and definition

The format of Register 1716 shall be as specified in Appendix B Table B-3-23 and
associated notes.
The Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder manages the following
bits in Register 1716.
a) Bit 7 to indicate servicing of Register 2016 Aircraft Identification as defined in
Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder §
b) Bit 8 to indicate servicing of Optional Register 2116 Aircraft Registration as
defined in (ELS) Compliant Transponder §
c) Bit 9 to indicate whether the aircraft installation is servicing any part of Register
4016 as defined in §
d) Bit 16 to indicate whether the aircraft installation is servicing any part of
Register 5016 as defined in §
e) Bit 24 to indicate whether the aircraft installation is servicing any part of
Register 6016 as defined in §

© EUROCAE, 2011
108 Enhanced Surveillance Servicing Requirements Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 2016

Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 2016 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Optional Register 2116
Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 2116 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 4016

a) Register 1716 bit 9 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is servicing either
MCP/FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude, Barometric Pressure
Setting, FMS Vertical Mode (MCP/FCU Mode Bits) or Target Altitude Source
data in Register 4016.
NOTE 1: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 4016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 4016.
NOTE 2: FMS Vertical Mode data refers to data used to establish bits 48
through 51 of Register 4016.
NOTE 3: Target Altitude Source data refers to data used to establish bits 54
through 56 of Register 4016.
b) Register 1716 bit 9 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
4016. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 5016

a) Register 1716 bit 16 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is servicing either
Roll Angle, True Track Angle, Ground Speed, Track Angle Rate, or True
Airspeed data in Register 5016.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 5016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 5016.
b) Register 1716 bit 16 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
5016. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Optional Register 5F16
NOTE: Enhanced Surveillance does not require that Register 5F16 be serviced.
However, servicing of Register 5F16 is implicitly required when servicing
Register 4016 in ICAO Doc. 9871 and Appendix B. Therefore, if Register
5F16 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to be complied with.
a) Register 1716 bit 23 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is receiving either
MCP/FCU Selected Altitude, FMS selected altitude, Barometric Pressure
Setting or FMS Vertical Mode (MCP/FCU mode Bits) necessary to update
Register 4016 (see §3.30.5) which then requires that Register 5F16 be updated in
accordance with §3.30.7.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own

capability to service Register 5F16. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 5F16.
b) Register 1716 bit 23 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
5F16. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 6016

a) Register 1716 bit 24 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is servicing either
Magnetic Heading, Indicated Airspeed, Mach, Barometric Altitude Rate, or
Inertial Vertical Velocity data in Register 6016.
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 6016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 6016.
b) Register 1716 bit 24 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder is receiving no
data from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register
6016. Maximum Update Interval

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 1716 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 5.0 seconds (i.e., Register 1716 is be updated at least once every
5.0 seconds).
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 1716 and
the time that the change is made to Register 1716 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 5.0 seconds.
c) If a particular bit in Register 1716 cannot be updated within 10.0 seconds (e.g.,
twice the specified maximum update interval of 5.0 seconds, then the bit shall
be Zeroed. Change Reporting

When Register 1716 is changed, bit 36 of Register 1016 is to be toggled as defined in

3.30.3 Register 1816 through 1C16 Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability Purpose and definition

The Mode-S transponder shall format Register 1816 through 1C16 as defined in
Appendix B, Table B-3-24 through Table B-3-28 and associated notes for Register
1816 through 1C16, respectively.
NOTE 1: Registers 1816 to 1C16 are used to indicate the capability of the aircraft
installation to provide data for each register i.e. the register or a part of the
register is managed by the transponder and it is known that data can be
received from the installation to fill this field.
NOTE 2: This is not established by the Transponder LRU own capability. Rather, it is
established by the Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder
with the appropriate data with which to service the corresponding register.
Once this capability is established it remains set until power-off of the

© EUROCAE, 2011

Transponders that support Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) manage:

a) Register 1816 bit 41 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1016,
b) Register 1816 bit 34 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1716,
c) Register 1816 bit 33 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1816,
d) Register 1816 bit 32 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 1916,
e) Register 1816 bit 25 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 2016,
f) Register 1816 bit 24 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 2116 (OPTIONAL),
g) Register 1916 bit 49 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 4016,
h) Register 1916 bit 33 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 5016,
i) Register 1916 bit 18 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 5F16 (OPTIONAL),
j) Register 1916 bit 17 to indicate that the installation has the capability to provide
data in Register 6016,
NOTE 3: Although not a function of Enhanced Surveillance, Register 1816 bit 9 is set
when the transponder is interfaced with ACAS to indicate that the ACAS
Active Resolution Advisory Register 3016 is supported.
NOTE 4: Combined Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance only require that
Register 1816 and 1916 be serviced; Therefore, if no other transponder
functions require the servicing of Register 1A16 through 1C16, these
registers will be set to ALL ZERO. Enhanced Surveillance Capability requirements Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1016

Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 1016 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1716

Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 1716 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1816

Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 1816 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1916

a) Register 1816 bit 32 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is required to
service any part of Register 1916 as provided in § through

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own

capability to service Register 1916. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data of which processing would result in the need to
update Register 1916.
b) Once Register 1816 bit 32 has been set to ONE (1) since power-on of the
transponder, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the
c) Register 1816 bit 32 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could result in the need to service Register 1916
as provided in § through § Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2016

Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 1816 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2116 (Optional)
Refer to § where requirements have previously been provided for servicing
Register 1816 as part of the Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 4016

a) Register 1916 bit 49 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder has received
either MCP/FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude, Barometric Pressure
Setting, FMS Vertical Mode (MCP/FCU Mode Bits), or Target Altitude Source
data in the Aircraft Installation during the power-on cycle.
(Refer to Appendix B, Table B-3-64 for full definition of Register 4016).
NOTE 1: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 4016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 4016.
NOTE 2: FMS Vertical Mode data refers to data used to establish bits 48
through 51 of Register 4016.
NOTE 3: Target Altitude Source data refers to data used to establish bits 54
through 56 of Register 4016.
b) Once Register 1916 bit 49 has been set to ONE (1) since power-on of the
transponder, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the
c) Register 1916 bit 49 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register 4016
during the power-on cycle. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 5016

a) Register 1916 bit 33 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder has received
either Roll Angle, True Track Angle, Ground Speed, Track Angle Rate, or True
Airspeed data in the Aircraft installation since during the power-on cycle.
(Refer to Appendix B, Table B-3-80 for full definition of Register 5016)
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 5016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 5016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b) Once Register 1916 bit 33 has been set to ONE (1) since power-on of the
transponder, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the
c) Register 1916 bit 33 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register 5016
since power-on of the transponder. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Optional Register 5F16
NOTE: Enhanced Surveillance does not require that Register 5F16 be serviced.
However, servicing of Register 5F16 is recommended when servicing
Register 4016 in ICAO Doc. 9871 and Appendix B. Therefore, if Register
5F16 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to be complied with.
a) Register 1916 bit 18 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder is required to
service any part of Register 5F16 as provided in paragraph a).
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 5F16. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data of which processing would result in the need to
update Register 5F16.
b) Once Register 1916 bit 18 has been set to ONE (1) since power-on of the
transponder, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the
c) Register 1916 bit 18 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could result in the need to service Register 5F16
as provided in §3.30.7. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 6016

a) Register 1916 bit 17 shall be set to ONE (1) if the transponder has received
either Magnetic Heading, Indicated Airspeed, Mach, Barometric Altitude Rate,
or Inertial Vertical Velocity data in the Aircraft installation during the power-on
(Refer to Appendix B, Table B-3-96 for full definition of Register 6016)
NOTE: This requirement is not established by the Transponder LRU own
capability to service Register 6016. Rather, it is established by the
Aircraft installation capability to provide the transponder with the
appropriate data with which to then service Register 6016.
b) Once Register 1916 bit 17 has been set to ONE (1) since power-on of the
transponder, then it shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the
c) Register 1916 bit 17 shall be set to ZERO (0) if the transponder receives no data
from the Aircraft installation that could be used to properly service Register 6016
since power-on of the transponder. Maximum Update Interval of Registers 1816 to 1C16

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 1816 and Register 1916 shall be
reloaded with valid data is 5.0 seconds.
NOTE: Register 1816 and 1916 are updated at least once every 5.0 seconds.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 1816
and/or Register 1916 and the time that the change is made to Register 1816
and/or Register 1916 shall be less than the maximum update interval specified
as 5.0 seconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

c) The setting of bits in Register 1816 to 1C16 is static. If a bit has been set to ONE
(1) in one of these registers since power-on of the transponder, then the bit
shall remain set to ONE (1) until power-off of the transponder.

3.30.4 Register 1D16 to 1F16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability

a) Register 1D16 to 1F16 shall be formatted as specified in Appendix B Table B-3-
29 to B-3-31.
b) Although, servicing of Register 1D16 through 1F16 is not required by Enhanced
Surveillance, the ―MB‖ field of these registers shall be set to ALL ZEROs.
NOTE: There is no formal requirement to implement data-flash however Mode S
ground station may systematically extract Register 1D16 to decide to extract
a register using GICB protocol or using the data-flash application.

3.30.5 Register 4016 – Selected Vertical Intention Purpose and definition

a) Transponders shall format Register 4016 as defined in Appendix B,
Table B-3-64.
b) The transponder shall comply with all constraints and requirements for servicing
Register 4016 that are provided with Table B-3-64 in Appendix B. Data requirements Selected Altitude from Altitude Control Panel

a) The transponder shall process Selected Altitude From Altitude Control Panel
(Mode Control Panel/Flight Control Unit or equivalent equipment) data from on-
board aircraft data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-64 of the
Register 4016 definition table and format the data into bits 2 through 13 of the
Register 4016 ―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±½ LSB.
c) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ONE (1) whenever valid data is available in bits 2
through 13.
d) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill bits 2 through 13.
e) Bits 2 through 13 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill the bits. FMS Selected Altitude

a) The transponder shall process FMS Selected Altitude data from on-board
aircraft data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-64 of the Register
4016 definition table and format the data into bits 15 through 26 of the Register
4016 ―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±½ LSB.
c) Status Bit 14 shall be set to ONE (1) whenever valid FMS Selected Altitude data
is available in bits 15 through 26.
d) If FMS Selected Altitude data is not available for insertion into bits 15 through
26, Status Bit 14 shall be set to ZERO (0).
e) If FMS Selected Altitude data is not available for insertion into bits 15 through
26, bits 15 through 26 shall be set to ZERO (0).

© EUROCAE, 2011
114 Barometric Pressure Setting

a) The transponder shall process Barometric Pressure Setting data from on-board
aircraft data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-64 of the Register
4016 definition table. Further processing of the input Barometric Pressure
Setting data is needed as follows:
(1) Note that the Barometric Pressure Setting data received may be in BCD
format and must be converted to Binary format prior to encoding data into
Register 4016. Tentative information regarding BCD to Binary Conversion
and final mapping of the data into Register 4016 is provided in the
following Note:
NOTE: Barometric Pressure Setting BCD –To- Binary Conversion
Method Consider An Input Of 1085.9 Millibars In BCD Data.
Multiply by 10 to give the BCD count of 0.1 increments needed to represent the
input data.
Yields: 10859
10859/2 = 5429 - 1
5429/2 = 2714 - 1
2714/2 = 1357 - 0
1357/2 = 678 - 1
678/2 = 339 - 0
339/2 = 169 - 1
169/2 = 84 - 1
84/2 = 42 - 0
42/2 = 21 - 0
21/2 = 10 - 1
10/2 = 5 - 0
5/2 = 2 - 1
2/2 = 1 - 0
½ = 0 - 1 == 0010 1010 0110 1011 HEX == 2A6B HEX == 10859 Decimal

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Start: 0001 0000 1000 0101 1001 10859 BCD

Rotate R: 0000 1000 0100 0010 1100 1
Add 0000 1101 0000 0000 1101 Add “0D” Hex to each nibble that has the
MSB of the nibble set to “1”. Disregard
0000 0101 0100 0010 1001 05429
the Carry
Rotate R: 0000 0010 1010 0001 0100 1
Add 0000 0000 1101 0000 0000
0000 0010 0111 00001 0100 02714
Rotate R: 0000 0001 0011 1000 1010 0
Add 0000 0000 0000 1101 1101
0000 0001 0011 0101 0111 01357
Rotate R: 0000 0000 1001 1010 1011 1
Add 0000 0000 1101 1101 1101
0000 0000 0110 0111 1000 00678
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0011 0011 1100 0
Add 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101
0000 0000 0011 0011 1001 00339
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0001 1001 1100 1
Add 0000 0000 0000 1101 1101
0000 0000 0001 0110 1001 00169
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 1011 0100 1
Add 0000 0000 0000 1101 0000
0000 0000 0000 1000 0100 00084
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0100 0010 0 00042
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0010 0001 0 00021
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 1 00010
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000
Add 0000 0000 0000 0000 1101
0000 0000 0000 0000 0101 00005
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1 00002
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0000 00001 0 00001
Rotate R: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 00000

Binary Equivalent == 0010 1010 0110 1011 = 2A6B Hex = 10859 Decimal
Establish Equivalent of 800.0 millibars having 0.1 resolution
Effectively, establish a count of 8000 millibars in binary: The value is 1F40 Hex
Establish 2‟s Complement of 1F40 Hex as E0C0 Hex.
Now, effectively subtract 8000 from the Binary Equivalent above as follows:
Binary Equivalent = 0010 1010 0110 101 = 2A6B Hex = 10859 Decimal
Add Neg. 800.0 mb = 1110 0000 1100 0000 = E0C0 Hex = -8000 millibars
Resultant Sum: = 0000 1011 0010 1011 = 0B2B Hex = 2859 Decimal
Map the Resultant Data into Bits 28 through 39 of Register 4016 as follows:

Bit: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Data: 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

(2) Note that the encoding that is provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-64
Register 4016 for Barometric Pressure Setting represents the input
Barometric Pressure Setting data MINUS 800 millibars (mb). See
Appendix B, Table B-3-64, Register 4016 definition. Also, note that this
800 millibar correction has been taken into account in the BCD to
BINARY conversion performed in the Note given in §

© EUROCAE, 2011

b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be the Barometric Pressure Setting
MINUS 800 millibars (mb) that has been converted to BINARY data in a manner
that is consistent and equivalent with the BCD to BINARY conversion performed
in the Note given in §
c) Status Bit 27 shall be set to ONE (1) whenever valid data is available in bits 28
through 39, and the conditions given in § are not applicable.
d) Status Bit 27 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever:
(1). There is no valid data with which to fill bits 28 through 39.
(2). The input Barometric Pressure Setting data is less than 800 millibars
NOTE: This would result in a negative Barometric Pressure Setting
after subtracting 800 millibars (mb) and doing the BCD to
BINARY conversion.
(3). The input Barometric Pressure Setting data is greater than 1209.5
millibars (mb).
e) Bits 28 through 39 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill the bits. FMS Vertical Mode Bits

NOTE: FMS Vertical Mode bits refer to bits 48 through 51 of Register 4016. Status of MCP / FCU Mode Bits (Bit 48)

Bit 48 shall indicate whether the mode bits (49, 50, and 51) are actively being
populated (e.g., set) in Register 4016 in accordance with the following table:

Bit 48 Meaning
0 No Mode Information Provided
1 Mode Information Deliberately Provided

Essentially, if information is provided to the transponder to set either bit 49, 50, or 51
to either ―0‖ or ―1,‖ then Bit 48 shall be set to ONE (1). Otherwise, Bit 48 shall be set
to ZERO (0). Vertical Navigation Mode (Bit 49)

a) The transponder shall accept information from an appropriate interface that
indicates whether or not the Vertical Navigation Mode is active.
b) The transponder shall set Bit 49 in accordance with the following table:

Bit 49 Meaning
0 VNAV Not Active
1 VNAV Active
c) If appropriate information is not available to indicate whether or not the Vertical
Navigation Mode is active, then the transponder shall set Bit 49 to ZERO (0). Altitude Hold (Bit 50)

a) The transponder shall accept information from an appropriate interface that
indicates whether or not the Altitude Hold Mode is active.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b) The transponder shall set Bit 50 in accordance with the following table:

Bit 50 Meaning
0 Altitude Hold Not Active
1 Altitude Hold Active

c) If appropriate information is not available to indicate whether or not the Altitude

Hold Mode is active, then the transponder shall set Bit 50 to ZERO (0). Approach Mode (Bit 51)

a) The transponder shall accept information from an appropriate interface that
indicates whether or not the Approach Mode is active.
b) The transponder shall set Bit 51 in accordance to the following table:

Bit 51 Meaning
0 Approach Mode Not Active
1 Approach Mode Active
c) If appropriate information is not available to indicate whether or not the
Approach Mode is active, then the transponder shall set Bit 51 to ZERO (0). Reserved Bits (40 to 47, 52 and 53)

Bits 40 to 47, 52 and 53 of Register 4016 ―MB‖ field shall be set to ZERO (0). Target Altitude Bits Status of Target Altitude Source Bits (Bit 54)

Bit 54 shall indicate whether the Target Altitude Source bits (55 and 56) are actively
being populated (e.g., set) in Register 4016 in accordance with the following table:

Bit 54 Meaning
0 No Source Information Provided
1 Source Information Deliberately Provided
If information is provided to the transponder to set either bit 55 or 56 (or both) to either
―0‖ or ―1‖, then Bit 54 shall be set to ONE (1). Otherwise, Bit 54 shall be set to ZERO
(0). Target Altitude Source Bits (55, 56)

a) The transponder shall accept information from an appropriate interface that
indicates the origin of the intended aircraft target altitude in accordance with the
following table:
Bit 55, 56 Meaning
00 Unknown
01 Aircraft Altitude
10 FCU / MCP Selected Altitude
11 FMS Selected Altitude
b) Alternatively, the transponder may accept information from an appropriate
interface or source and use such information to determine the encoding of bits
55, 56 in accordance with the table provided in § a.

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c) If appropriate information is not available to establish the encoding given in

either § a or § b, then bits 55 and 56 of Register 4016
―MB‖ field shall be set to ZERO (0). Maximum Update Interval of Register 4016

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 4016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 1.0 second.
NOTE: Register 4016 is updated at least once every 1.0 second.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 4016 and
the time that the change is made to Register 4016 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 1.0 seconds.
c) If Altitude Control Panel (MCP /FCU) Selected Altitude in Register 4016 ―MB‖
field bits 2 through 13 cannot be updated with valid data within 2.0 seconds
(e.g., twice the specified maximum update interval of 1.0 seconds), then Status
Bit 1 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits 2 through 13 shall be set to ZERO (0).
d) If FMS Selected Altitude in Register 4016 ―MB‖ field bits 15 through 26 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.0 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.0 seconds), then Status Bit 14 shall be set to ZERO (0) and
bits 15 through 26 shall be set to ZERO (0).
e) If Barometric Pressure Setting in Register 4016 ―MB‖ field bits 28 through 39
cannot be updated with valid data within 2.0 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.0 seconds) then Status Bit 27 shall be set to
ZERO (0) and bits 28 through 39 shall be set to ZERO (0).
f) If the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register 4016 ―MB‖ field bits 48 through 51
cannot be updated with valid data within 2.0 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.0 seconds), then bits 48 through 51 shall be set
to ZERO (0).
g) If the Target Altitude Bits in Register 4016 ―MB‖ field bits 54 through 56 cannot
be updated with valid data within 2.0 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.0 seconds), then bits 54 through 56 shall be set
to ZERO (0).

3.30.6 Register 5016 – Track and Turn report Purpose and Definition

a) Transponders shall format Register 5016 as defined in Appendix B, Table B-3-
b) The transponder shall comply with all constraints and requirements for servicing
Register 5016 that are provided with Table B-3-80 in Appendix B. Data Requirements Roll Angle

a) The transponder shall process Roll Angle data from on-board aircraft data
sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-80 of the Register 5016 definition
table and format the data into bits 2 through 11 of the Register 5016 ―MB‖ field
as shown in that table.
b) Bits 2 through 11 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid up-to-date data is available in bits
2 through 11.

© EUROCAE, 2011

e) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no up-to-date valid data with
which to fill bits 2 through 11.
f) Bits 2 through 11 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. True Track Angle

a) The transponder shall process True Track Angle data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-80 of the Register 5016
definition table and format the data into bits 13 through 23 of the Register 5016
―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) Bits 13 through 23 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 12 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 13
through 23.
e) Status Bit 12 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 13 through 23.
f) Bits 13 through 23 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. Ground Speed

a) The transponder shall process valid Ground Speed data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-80 of the Register 5016
definition table and format the data into bits 25 through 34 of the Register 5016
―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
c) Status Bit 24 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 25
through 34.
d) Status Bit 24 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 25 through 34.
e) Bits 25 through 34 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. Track Angle Rate

a) The transponder shall process Track Angle Rate data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-80 of the Register 5016
definition table and format the data into bits 36 through 45 of the Register 5016
―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) Bits 36 through 45 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 35 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 36
through 45.
e) Status Bit 35 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 36 through 45.
f) Bits 36 through 45 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits.

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120 True Airspeed (TAS)

a) The transponder shall process valid True Airspeed (TAS) data from on-board
aircraft data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-80 of the Register
5016 definition table and format the data into bits 47 through 56 of the Register
5016 ―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
c) Status Bit 46 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 47
through 56.
d) Status Bit 46 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 47 through 56.
e) Bits 47 through 56 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. Maximum Update Interval of Register 5016

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 5016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 1.3 seconds.
NOTE: Register 5016 is updated at least once every 1.3 seconds.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 5016 and
the time that the change is made to Register 5016 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 1.3 seconds.
c) If Roll Angle data in Register 5016 ―MB‖ field bits 2 through 11 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 1 shall be set to ZERO (0) and
bits 2 through 11 shall be set to ZERO (0).
d) If True Track Angle data in Register 5016 ―MB‖ field bits 13 through 23 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds), then Status Bit 12 shall be set to ZERO (0) and
bits 13 through 23 shall be set to ZERO (0).
e) If Ground Speed data in Register 5016 ―MB‖ field bits 25 through 34 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 24 shall be set to ZERO (0) and
bits 25 through 34 shall be set to ZERO (0).
f) If Track Angle Rate data in Register 5016 ―MB‖ field bits 36 through 45 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 35 shall be set to ZERO (0) and
bits 36 through 45 shall be set to ZERO (0).
g) If True Airspeed (TAS) data in Register 5016 ―MB‖ field bits 47 through 56
cannot be updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 46 shall be set to
ZERO (0) and bits 47 through 56 shall be set to ZERO (0).

3.30.7 Register 5F16 – Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring (Optional)

NOTE: Enhanced Surveillance does not require that Register 5F16 be serviced.
However, servicing of Register 5F16 is implicitly required when servicing
Register 4016 in ICAO Doc. 9871 and Appendix B. Therefore, if Register
5F16 is serviced, the following subparagraphs need to be complied with.

© EUROCAE, 2011
121 Purpose and Definition

a) Transponders shall format Register 5F16 as defined in Appendix B, Table B-3-
b) The transponder shall comply with all constraints and requirements for servicing
Register 5F16 that are provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-95. Enhanced Surveillance Servicing Requirements Associated with Register 5F16 Due to MCP / FCU Selected Altitude

a) Register 5F16 bits 1 – 2 shall be set to ―00‖ whenever MCP / FCU Selected
Altitude data is not available to set bits 1 through 13 of Register 4016.
b) Whenever a change is detected in the MCP / FCU Selected Altitude data used
to set bits 1 through 13 of Register 4016, the Register 5F16 bits 1 – 2 shall be
incremented by one.
NOTE 1: Effectively, the decimal count is as follows: 1, 2, 3, -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
NOTE 2: The binary equivalent setting bits 1-2 is as follows: 01, 10, 11, -- 01,
10, 11, etc. Due to FMS Selected Altitude

a) Register 5F16 bits 23 – 24 shall be set to ―00‖ whenever FMS Selected Altitude
data is not available to set bits 14 through 26 of Register 4016.
b) Whenever a change is detected in the FMS Selected Altitude data used to set
bits 14 through 26 of Register 4016, the Register 5F16 bits 23 – 24 shall be
incremented by one.
NOTE 1: Effectively, the decimal count is as follows: 1, 2, 3, -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
NOTE 2: The binary equivalent setting bits 23 – 24 is as follows: 01, 10, 11, --
01, 10, 11, etc. Due to Barometric Pressure Setting

a) Register 5F16 bits 25 – 26 shall be set to ―00‖ whenever Barometric Pressure
Setting data is not available to set bits 27 through 39 of Register 4016.
b) Whenever a change is detected in the Barometric Pressure Setting data used to
set bits 27 through 39 of Register 4016, the Register 5F16 bits 25 – 26 shall be
incremented by one.
NOTE 1: Effectively, the decimal count is as follows: 1, 2, 3, -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
NOTE 2: The binary equivalent setting bits 25 – 26 is as follows: 01, 10, 11, --
01, 10, 11, etc. Due to FMS Vertical Mode

a) Register 5F16 bits 17 – 18 shall be set to ―00‖ whenever FMS Vertical Mode data
is not available to set bits 48 through 51 of Register 4016.
b) Whenever a change is detected in the FMS Vertical Mode data used to set bits
48 through 51 of Register 4016, the Register 5F16 bits 17 – 18 shall be
incremented by one.
NOTE 1: Effectively, the decimal count is as follows: 1, 2, 3, -- 1, 2, 3, etc.
NOTE 2: The binary equivalent setting bits 17 – 18 is as follows: 01, 10, 11, --
01, 10, 11, etc.

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122 Other Register 5F16 Bits

Register 5F16 bits 3 through 16, 19 through 22, and 27 through 56 shall be set to ZERO
(0) until such time that the respective parameters identified in Appendix B, Table B-3-
95 are being monitored. Maximum Update Interval of Register 5F16

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 5F16 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 0.5 seconds.
NOTE: That is, that Register 5F16 is updated at least once every 0.5 seconds.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 5F16 and
the time that the change is made to Register 5F16 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 0.5 seconds.
c) If a particular data field in Register 5F16 cannot be updated within 2.0 seconds
(i.e., the greater of 2.0 seconds or twice the specified maximum update interval
of 0.5. seconds), then the data field shall be ZEROed (i.e., binary ―00‖).

3.30.8 Register 6016- Heading and Speed Report Purpose and definition

a) Transponders shall format Register 6016 as defined in Appendix B, Table B-3-
b) The transponder shall comply with all constraints and requirements for servicing
Register 6016 that are provided with Table B-3-96 in Appendix B. Data Requirements Magnetic Heading

a) The transponder shall process Magnetic Heading data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-96 of Register 6016 definition
table and format the data into bits 2 through 12 of the Register 6016 ―MB‖ field
as shown in that table.
b) Bits 2 through 12 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 2 through
e) Status Bit 1 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 2 through 12.
f) Bits 2 through 12 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. Indicated Airspeed

a) The transponder shall process Indicated Airspeed data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-96 of the Register 6016
definition table and format the data into bits 14 through 23 of the Register 6016
―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±½ LSB.
c) Status Bit 13 shall be set to ONE (1) whenever valid data is available in bits 14
through 23.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d) Status Bit 13 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill bits 14 through 23.
e) Bits 14 through 23 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill the bits. Mach
a) The transponder shall process Mach data from on-board aircraft data sources
as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-96 of the Register 6016 definition table
and format the data into bits 25 through 34 of the Register 6016 ―MB‖ field as
shown in that table.
b) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±½ LSB.
c) Status Bit 24 shall be set to ONE (1) whenever valid data is available in bits 25
through 34.
d) Status Bit 24 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill bits 25 through 34.
e) Bits 25 through 34 shall be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid data with
which to fill the bits. Barometric Altitude Rate

a) The transponder shall process Barometric Altitude Rate data from on-board
aircraft data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-96 of the Register
6016 definition table and format the data into bits 36 through 45 of the Register
6016 ―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) Bits 36 through 45 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 35 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 36
through 45.
e) Status Bit 35 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 36 through 45.
f) Bits 36 through 45 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits. Inertial Vertical Velocity

a) The transponder shall process Inertial Vertical Rate data from on-board aircraft
data sources as provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-96 of the Register 6016
definition table and format the data into bits 47 through 56 of the Register 6016
―MB‖ field as shown in that table.
b) Bits 47through 56 shall be encoded using two‘s complement coding.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field shall be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.
d) Status Bit 46 shall be set to ―1‖ whenever valid data is available in bits 47
through 56.
e) Status Bit 46 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which to fill
bits 47 through 56.
f) Bits 47 through 56 shall be set to ―0‖ whenever there is no valid data with which
to fill the bits.

© EUROCAE, 2011
124 Maximum Update Interval of Register 6016

a) The maximum update interval at which Register 6016 shall be reloaded with
valid data is 1.3 second.
NOTE: Register 6016 is updated at least once every 1.3 second.
b) The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 6016and
the time that the change is made to Register 6016 shall be less than the
maximum update interval specified as 1.3 seconds.
c) If Magnetic Heading data in Register 6016 ―MB‖ field bits 2 through 12 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 1 shall be set to ―0‖ and bits 2
through 12 shall be set to ―0‖.
d) If Indicated Airspeed data in Register 6016 ―MB‖ field bits 14 through 23 cannot
be updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 13 shall be set to ―0‖
and bits 14 through 23 shall be set to ―0‖.
e) If Mach data in Register 6016 ―MB‖ field bits 25 through 34 cannot be updated
with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum update
interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 24 shall be set to ―0‖ and bits 25 through
34 shall be set to ―0‖.
f) If Barometric Altitude Rate data in Register 6016 ―MB‖ field bits 36 through 45
cannot be updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 35 shall be set to ―0‖
and bits 36 through 45 shall be set to ―0‖.
g) If Inertial Vertical Rate data in Register 6016 ―MB‖ field bits 47 through 56 cannot
be updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified
maximum update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 46 shall be set to ―0‖
and bits 47 through 56 shall be set to ―0‖.

3.31 Register XX16 data format – Generic requirement

The following subsections provide generic requirements that can be used as a basis to
verify transponders that implement registers that have not been defined in detail in this
NOTE: In the following subsections, “ddd” means the decimal equivalent to XX16.
For instance, for 4016, “ddd” = 6410 = 64.

3.31.1 Purpose and Definition

a) Transponder will format Register XX16 as defined in Appendix B, Table B-3-ddd.
b) The transponder will comply with all constraints and requirements for servicing
Register XX16 that are provided with Table B-3-ddd in Appendix B.

3.31.2 Data requirement Data-field ―y‖

a) The transponder will process data from on-board aircraft data sources as
provided in Appendix B, Table B-3-ddd of Register XX16 definition table and
format the data into field ―y‖ of the Register XX16 ―MB‖ field as shown in that
b) Field ―y‖ will be encoded using two‘s complement coding if it is a signed
arithmetic field unless otherwise specified.
c) The data loaded into the ―MB‖ field will be rounded so as to preserve accuracy
of the source data within ±1/2 LSB.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d) Status Bit of field ―y‖ will be set to ONE (1) whenever valid and up to date data
(data not older than twice the maximum update interval specified in Table B-2-1
in Appendix B) is available in field ―y‖.
e) Status Bit b0 will be set to ZERO (0) whenever there is no valid up to date data
with which to fill field ―y‖.
f) The data bits of field ―y‖ will be set to ZERO if the Status Bit is set to ZERO.
g) Any Reserved Bits will be set to ZERO.
NOTE 1: On an ARINC platform, when data is available in BCD and in binary,
transponders will preferably use binary data rather than BCD data.
NOTE 2: When multiple sources of data are available for a given field “y”,
transponders will use the data source that is being used to manage the
aircraft profile or the source selected by the flight crew. This general
convention applies unless the highest integrity data is desired as in
Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B). In such cases,
the highest integrity source will be used for data.

3.31.3 Update interval

a) The maximum update interval at which a data field in a register will be reloaded
with valid data is defined for each register in Table B-2-1 in Appendix B.
b) The transponder will load valid data into the related transponder register as
soon as it becomes available at the Mode S Specific Services entity.
c) The time between availability of data that causes a change in a data-field of a
register and the time that the change is made to the register will be less than
the maximum update interval specified in Table B-2-1 in Appendix B.
d) If a data-field field cannot be updated with valid data within twice the specified
maximum update interval defined for the register or 2 seconds (whichever is the
greater), then Status Bit (if specified) of the field will be set to ―0‖ (INVALID) and
that data field will be zeroed.

3.31.4 Servicing reporting

a) The transponder will report Mode-S Specific Services Capability Reports
(installation capability) in transponder Registers 1816 to1C16.
b) The transponder will update the common usage GICB Capability Report
(transponder Register 1716) while periodically checking the availability of the
related data.
c) The transponder will promptly update the Data Link Capability Report
(transponder Register 1016 bit 25 and bit 36 and broadcast Register 1016 in case
of change in Register 1016.

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Preamble Data Block

8.0 μs 56 or 112 μs
Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 N-1 Bit N
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

0.0 1.0 3.5 4.5 8.0 9.0

Time (μs)

0 0 1 0 0 0 1


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Format # UF
0 0 0000 -3- RL: 1 -4- AQ: 1 DS: 8 - 10 - AP: 24 . . . Short Air-Air Surveillance (ACAS)

1 0 0001 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

2 0 0010 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

3 0 0011 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

4 0 0100 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance. Altitude Request

5 0 0101 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity Request

6 0 0110 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

7 0 0111 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

8 0 1000 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

9 0 1001 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

10 0 1010 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

11 0 1011 PR: 4 IC: 4 CL: 3 - 16 - AP: 24 . . . Mode S-Only All-Call

12 0 1100 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

13 0 1101 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

14 0 1110 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

15 0 1111 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

16 1 0000 -3- RL: 1 -4- AQ: 1 - 18 - MU: 56 AP: 24 . . . Long Air-Air Surveillance (ACAS)

17 1 0001 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

18 1 0010 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

19 1 0011 Military Use : 107 . . . Military Use

20 1 0100 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 MA: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-A, Altitude Request

21 1 0101 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 MA: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-A, Identity Request

22 1 0110 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24 . . . Reserved for Military Use

23 1 0111 - 27 or 83 - AP: 24

24 11 RC: 2 NC: 4 MC: 80 AP: 24 . . . Comm-C (ELM)

1. [XX:M] denotes a field designated “XX” which is assigned M bits.
2. [- N -] denotes free coding space with N available bits. These shall be coded as
ZEROs for transmission.
3. For uplink formats (UF) 0 through 23 the format number corresponds to the
binary code in the first 5 bits of the interrogation. Format number 24 is defined
as the format beginning with “11” in the first two bit positions while the following
three bits vary with the interrogation content.
4. All formats are shown for completeness, although a number of them are
unused. Those formats for which no application is defined remain undefined in
length. Depending on future assignments, they may be short (56-bit) or long
(112-bit) formats. Specific formats associated with Mode S capability levels are
defined in this document.
5. The PC, RR, DI and SD Fields do not apply to a Comm-A broadcast


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Format # DF
0 0 0000 VS: 1 CC: 1 -1- SL: 3 -2- RI: 4 -2- AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Short Air-Air Surveillance (ACAS)

1 0 0001 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

2 0 0010 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

3 0 0011 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

4 0 0100 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance. Altitude Reply

5 0 0101 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 ID: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity Reply

6 0 0110 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

7 0 0111 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

8 0 1000 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

9 0 1001 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

10 0 1010 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

11 0 1011 CA: 3 AA: 24 PI: 24 . . . All-Call Reply

12 0 1100 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

13 0 1101 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

14 0 1110 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

15 0 1111 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

16 1 0000 VS: 1 -2- SL: 3 -2- RI: 4 -2- AC: 13 MV: 56 AP: 24 . . . Long Air-Air Surveillance (ACAS)

17 1 0001 CA: 3 AA: 24 ME: 56 PI: 24 . . . Extended Squitter

18 1 0010 CF: 3 AA: 24 ME: 56 PI: 24 . . . Extended Squitter / Non-Transponder

19 1 0011 AF: 3 Military Application :104 . . . Military Application

20 1 0100 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 AC: 13 MB: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-B, Altitude Reply

21 1 0101 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 ID: 13 MB: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-B, Identity Reply

22 1 0110 - 27 or 83 - P: 24 . . . Reserved for Military Use

23 1 0111 - 27 or 83 - P: 24

24 11 -1- KE: 1 ND: 4 MD: 80 AP: 24 . . . Comm-D (ELM)

1. [XX:M] denotes a field designated “XX” which is assigned M bits. [P:24]
denotes a 24-bit field reserved for parity information.
2. [- N -] denotes free coding space with N available bits. These shall be coded as
ZEROs for transmission.
3. For downlink formats (DF) 0 through 23 the format number corresponds to the
binary code in the first 5 bits of the interrogation. Format number 24 is defined
as the format beginning with “11” in the first two bit positions while the following
three bits vary with the reply content.
4. All formats are shown for completeness, although a number of them are
unused. Those formats for which no application is defined remain undefined in
length. Depending on future assignments, they may be short (56-bit) or long
(112-bit) formats. Specific formats associated with Mode S capability levels are
defined in this document.


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AA 24 9-32 X § §
AC 13 20-32 X § §
AF 3 6-8 X §
AP 24 33-56 X X § §, §
24 89-112 X X
AQ 1 14 X § §
CA 3 6-8 X § §
CC 1 7 X § §
CF 3 6-8 X §
CL 3 14-16 X § §
DF 5 1-5 (DF ¹ 24) X § §
2 12 (DF = 24) X
DI 3 14-16 X § §, §
a, §
DP 24 89-112 X § § a
DR 5 9-13 X § §3.25.1 a,
§ c
DS 8 15-22 X § §
FS 3 6-8 X § §
IC 4 10-13 X § §
ID 13 20-32 X § §
II * 4 § §, §
KE 1 4 X § §3.25.1 e, §3.25.1 b
MA 56 33-88 X § §
MB 56 33-88 X §
AIS 48 41-88 X §
ARA 14 41-54 X § §
BDS 8 33-40 X § a § a
MTE 1 60 X § a
OCC 1 47 X § e § e
RAC 4 55-58 X §
RAT 1 59 X § a § a
SCS 1 34 X § a § a
SIC 1 35 X § a § a
TID 26 63-88 X § g § f
TIDA 13 63-75 X § f § f
TIDB 6 83-88 X § a § a
TIDR 7 76-82 X § a § a
TRS 2 33-34 X § a § a
TTI 2 61-62 X § a § a
ATS 1 35 X §3.28.9 §3.28.9
MC 80 9-88 X § §3.24.1
SRS 16 9-24 X §3.25.1 §3.25.1 b
IIS 4 17-20 X § §
MD 80 9-88 X § a § a
TAS 16 17-32 X §3.28.8 §3.28.8
ME 56 33-88 X § §3.25.1
ACS 12 41-52 X §3.24.1 f §3.24.1 e
X § §
SSS 2 38-39 X §3.28.8 §3.28.8
MV 56 33-88 X
ARA 14 41-54 X §3.28.8 §3.28.8
RAC 4 55-58 X § §

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RAT 1 59 X § a §
MTE 1 60 X § a §
MU 56 33-88 X § §
NC 4 5-8 X § §3.24.1
ND 4 5-8 X § b §
PC 3 6-8 X § §,
PI 24 33-56 X § b §
24 89-112 X § §3.25.1 b
PR 4 6-9 X § § I
RC 2 3, 4 X § §3.24.1, §3.25.1 c
RI 4 14-17 X § §
RL 1 9 X § §
RR 5 9-13 X § §,
§ a & c
SD 16 17-32 X § § a,
IIS 4 17-20 (DI=0,1,7) X § §, §3.23.2
LOS 1 26 (DI=1,7) X § a §
LSS 1 23 (DI=3) X § §
MBS 2 21, 22 (DI=1) X § a § a
MES 3 23-25 (DI=1) X § §3.24.2 a, §3.25.2 a
OVC 1 28 (DI=0,3 or 7) X § a(8) § a
RCS 3 24-26 (DI=2) X
RRS 4 24-27 (DI=3) X § a § a
RRS 4 21-24 (DI=7) X § a § a
RSS 2 27-28 (DI=1) X § a §3.23.2
SAS 2 27-28 (DI=2) X §3.28.7
SIS 6 17-22 (DI=3) X § §
TCS 3 21-23 (DI=2) X §3.28.7
TMS 4 29-32 (DI=1,7) X § a
SI * 6 X X § §
SL 3 9-11 X
UF 5 1-5 (UF ¹ 24) X §
2 1-2 (UF = 24) X
UM 6 14-19 X § §
IDS 2 18-19 X § §
IIS 4 14-17 X §
VS 1 6 X § b
IIS 4 14-17 X § b
VS 1 6 X § §
NOTE 1: * II and SI are not actual fields, but are included in the table for reference
NOTE 2: The PC, RR, DI and SD fields do not apply to a Comm-A Broadcast

© EUROCAE, 2011

Format # UF
0 0 0000 -3- RL : 1 -4- AQ : 1 - 18 - AP : 24 . . . Short Special Surveillance

4 0 0100 PC : 3 RR : 5 DL : 3 SD : 16 AP : 24 . . . Surveillance, Altitude Request

5 0 0101 PC : 3 RR : 5 DL : 3 SD : 16 AP : 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity Request

11 0 1011 PR : 4 IC : 4 CL : 3 - 16 - AP : 24 . . . Mode S-Only All-Call


Format # DF
0 0 0000 VS: 1 -7- RI: 4 -2- AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Short Special Surveillance

4 0 0100 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Altitude Reply

5 0 0101 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 ID: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity Reply

11 0 1011 CA: 3 AA: 24 AP: 24 . . . All-Call Reply
















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UF = 0 RL = 0 RR > 15

Recover Reply Recover

YES No Reply
NO No Reply NO
Reply (II=0)

NO NO Recover
Recover SI = 1 to 63
D Note 3
Recover S
P4 = 1.6 μs



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UF = UF =
4,5,20,21 4,5,20,21

DI = 1,7 LOS = 1 IIS = 0 PC = 1




DI = 3 LSS = 1 SIS = 0



Note: For actions of TD – TL and IIS, see acceptance protocol.


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7500, 7600, UF = 4,5,20,21 UF = 0, 16 1






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UF = 4, 20 UF = 0, 16 UF = 5, 21 UF = 24 UF = 11


BITS 20...32
BITS 6 - 8
Insert FS per
Fig. 3-12 COPY

BITS 20...32 NO
Insert FS per AQ = 1
Fig. 3-12
per Fig. 3-18 15...17 per Fig. 3-18 PROTOCOLS BITS 9...32
(RI=0 if no TCAS)


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Format # UF
0 0 0000 -3- RL: 1 -4- AQ: 1 DS: 8 - 10 - AP: 24 . . . Short Special Surveillance

4 0 0100 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Altitude Request

5 0 0101 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity Request

11 0 1011 PR: 4 IC: 4 CL: 3 - 16 - AP: 24 . . . Mode S-Only All-Call

16 1 0000 -3- RL: 1 -4- AQ: 1 - 18 - MU: 56 AP: 24 . . . Long Special Surveillance

20 1 0100 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 MA: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-A, Altitude Request

21 1 0101 PC: 3 RR: 5 DI: 3 SD: 16 MA: 56 AP: 24 . . . Comm-A, Identity Request


Format # DF
0 0 0000 VS: 1 CC: 1 -1- SL: 3 -2- RI: 4 -2- AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Short Special Surveillance

4 0 0100 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 AC: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Altitude

5 0 0101 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 ID: 13 AP: 24 . . . Surveillance, Identity

11 0 1011 CA: 3 AA: 24 PI: 24 . . . All-Call Reply

16 1 0000 VS: 1 -2- SL: 3 -2- RI: 4 -2- AC: 13 MV: 56 AP: 24 . . . Long Special Surveillance

17 1 0001 CA: 3 AA: 24 ME: 56 PI: 24 . . . Extended Squitter

AP: 24 . . . Comm-B, Altitude

20 1 0100 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 AC: 13 MB: 56
DP: 24 (see Note 4)

AP: 24 . . . Comm-B, Identity

21 1 0101 FS: 3 DR: 5 UM: 6 ID: 13 MB: 56
DP: 24 (see Note 4)



NOTE 1: Uplink and downlink formats 16 are used in ACAS applications and are optional.
NOTE 2: The PC, RR, DI and SD fields do not apply to a Comm-A Broadcast Interrogation.
NOTE 3: Downlink format 17 is only used for extended squitter and is optional.
NOTE 4: The Data Parity (DP) (see § is used if it has been commanded by the
OVC (see § in accordance with §

© EUROCAE, 2011

START Recover


M Recover Reply Recover

No Reply
V Recover
NO Recover
UF = 11? NO NO
No Reply
IC = 0
YES Reply (II = 0)

NO NO Recover
W K NO SI = 1 to 63 YES TL TIMER
Note 3

Recover YES
P4 = 1.6 μs
8 or 21 μs YES NO THIS IS


1. Bold boxes indicate Transponder States.
2. * = Start of Mode S transaction cycle.
3. For SI=1, CL=1 and IC=1. For SI=63, CL=4 and IC=15.


© EUROCAE, 2011

Interrogation Special Condition Reply DF

0 - RL = zero 0
- RL = 1 16*
4 - RR less than 16 4
- RR equal to or greater than 16 20
5 - RR less than 16 5
- RR equal to or greater than 16 21
11 - Transponder locked out to interrogator identifer II or
surveillance identifier SI No Reply
- Stochastic reply test fails No Reply
- otherwise 11
16 - RL = zero 0
- RL = 1 16*
- Broadcast Address No reply
20 - RR less than 16 4
- RR equal to or greater than 16 20
- Broadcast Address No reply
21 - RR less than 16 5
- RR equal to or greater than 16 21
- Broadcast Address No reply
Others --------- Reserved
No reply if transponder is not equipped to send DF = 16

NOTE: A broadcast address consists of 24 ONEs on uplink formats UF=20 and UF=21 and also if
so equipped for UF = 16.


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UF = 4, 5, NO
20, 21





RSS = 1 NO RSS = 2 NO RSS = 3



IISB IN 14---17 IISC IN 14---17 IISD IN 14---17 NO UM CONTENT
“1” IDS “2” IDS “3” IDS

For a level 5 transponder there is a TRB and a TRD timer per IIS.


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PC = 4


UF = 4,5,20,21 0 A NO


DR = 1 - 7 NO NO NO NO


TR (B) RR > 15






1. Bold boxes indicate Transponder States.
2. “0” indicates termination of the process.
3. The T-Register indicates whether the message has been read at least once.
4. The T-Register is reset when the B-Timer expires.
5. The B-Timer does not expire for a multisite-directed Comm-B message.
6. Additional processing for multisite-directed Comm-B transmissions is defined in §
7. IIS is only defined if DI=0, 1 or 7.
8. This figure does not include the Enhanced Data Link Protocol features.
9. The B-Timer is started only if IIS≠0.
10. The PC field processing must be completed before any SD field processing.
11. Additional instances of the same decision diamond are represented by a small diamond containing only the letter.

© EUROCAE, 2011

SET for DI = 3 DI = 1 PC = 4 MBS = 1 MBS = 2 SET for this IIS RUNS for
this IIS this IIS



4, 5, 20, 21
RR = 16 RRS = 0 C F WAITS for
DI=3 this IIS





RR > 15


RESET T for this IIS


RESET T for this IIS SET T for IIS





OVC = 1


1. Bold boxes indicate Transponder States.
2. “0” indicates termination of the process.
3. The T-register indicates whether the message has been read at least once.
4. The B-timer does not expire for a multisite-directed Comm-B message.
5. The T-register is reset when the B-timer expires.
6. Additional processing for multisite-directed Comm-B transmissions is defined in §
7. IIS is only defined when DI = 0, 1 or 7.
8. The PC field processing must be completed before any SD field processing.
9. The flowcharts of Figure 3 -18a should be run for all IIS values.
10. “B register set for this IIS” means that either a multisite message or a multisite directed message is
waiting for this IIS.
11. Set this IIS in reply if the UM field is not pre-empted by an interrogator command.


© EUROCAE, 2011

for an IIS
RUNS for this 0 RUNS for this MESSAGE for this


SET DR=1 and IIS SET DR=1 and this

to ZERO in reply IIS in reply



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NOTE 1: “RESERVATION” indicates that the IIS is stored and the timer is started
NOTE 2: “CLOSEOUT” indicates that the stored IIS is cancelled, the timer is stopped, TAS is
cleared and the SETUP is cancelled
NOTE 3: “0” indicates termination of the process.
NOTE 4: Double borders indicate transponder states


© EUROCAE, 2011


UF = 24 RC = 0 RC = 1 RC = 2 this IIS SEGMENT
ACTIVE for this IIS

SETUP for this IIS SEGMENTS for this
this IIS NO

TRC for this NO TRC for this



this IIS for IIS


NOTE 1: “RESERVATION” indicates that the timer is started for this IIS
NOTE 2: “CLOSEOUT” indicates that the timer is stopped and reset, TAS is cleared and the
SETUP is cancelled for this IIS.
NOTE 3: “0” indicates termination of the process.
NOTE 4: If the timer for a particular IIS is running and a reservation is received for this IIS, this
reservation will be granted. Since the timer is running, a former reservation has probably
been received and will be cleared by this new reservation.


© EUROCAE, 2011


UF = 24 RC = 0 RC = 1 RC = 2 SETUP ACTIVE







NOTE 1: Double borders indicate transpondeur states.

NOTE 2: Clear setup does not clear tas. Tas is cleared by the receipt of a closeout message.


© EUROCAE, 2011

this IIS



this IIS
TRC for this
for this IIS




NOTE 1: Double borders indicate transponder states

NOTE 2: Clear setup for an IIS does not clear TAS. TAS cleared by the receipt of a closeout


© EUROCAE, 2011




INTO DFs 4,5,20,21


NOTE 1: “RESERVATION” indicates that the IIS is stored and the timer is started.
NOTE 2: “Closeout” indicates that the stored IIS is cancelled, the timer is stopped, DR is
cleared and the message is cancelled.
NOTE 3: “0” indicates termination of the process.
NOTE 4: Double borders indicate transponder states.
NOTE 5: Additional processing for multisite-directed COMM-D transmissions is defined in
§3.25.2 b.
NOTE 6: CLOSEOUT is only permitted if the D register is set (Figure 3-22).
NOTE 7: The D register incdicates if a message readout has been attempted at least once.
NOTE 8: The D register is reset when the D-timer expires.


© EUROCAE, 2011


PC = 6
20, 21 RUNS for
this IIS


DI = 1
6 RUNS for
this IIS

Start NO NO

5, 7 RUNS for
this IIS





(processes are to be run for each IIS value)


RUNS for RUNS for MESSAGE for this IIS
this IIS this IIS


INTO DFs 4, 5, and IIS only
20 or 21 with INTO DFs 4, 5,
IIS set to 20 or 21 for the
ZERO intended

NOTE 1: “RESERVATION” indicates that the timer is started for this IIS.
NOTE 2: “Closeout” indicates that the timer is stopped and reset, DR is cleared and the
message is cancelled for this IIS.
NOTE 3: “0” indicates termination of the process.
NOTE 4: Double borders indicate transponder states.
NOTE 5: Additional processing for multisite-directed COMM-D transmissions is defined in
§3.25.2 b.
NOTE 6: CLOSEOUT is only permitted if the D register is set for this IIS
(Figure 3-22A).
NOTE 7: The D register indicates if a message readout has been attempted at least once for
this IIS.
NOTE 8: The D register is reset when the D-timer expires for this IIS.

© EUROCAE, 2011


UF = 24 RC = 3 TRD TIMER



NOTE: Double borders indicate transponder state



UF = 24 RC = 3 RUNS for this IIS





NOTE: Double borders indicate transponder state


Number of Duration Tolerance Can be

Timer Name Symbol
Timers (sec) (sec) cancelled
Non-selective lock-out 1 TD 18 ±1 No
Temporary alert 1 TC 18 ±1 No
SPI 1 TI 18 ±1 No
Reservations B, C, D 3* TRB, TRC, TRD 18 ±1 Yes
Multisite lock-out 78 TL 18 ±1 No


© EUROCAE, 2011



The environmental test conditions and performance criteria described in this
section provide a laboratory means of determining the overall performance
characteristics of the equipment under conditions representative of those which
may be encountered in actual operation.
Unless otherwise specified in this document or by the approving authority, the test
procedures applicable to the determination of equipment performance under
environmental test conditions are contained in EUROCAE document ED-14G,
―Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment,‖ or
subsequent version.
Some of the environmental tests contained in this section do not have to be
performed unless the manufacturer wishes to qualify the equipment for that
particular environmental condition; these tests are identified by the phrase ―When
Required‖. If the manufacturer wishes to qualify the equipment to these additional
environmental conditions, then the ―When Required‖ tests shall be performed.
NOTE: Throughout this chapter there are two columns of references. The first
column is a reference to the associated requirement and the second
column is a reference to the associated test procedure.


Table 4.1 lists all of the environmental conditions and test procedures (hereafter
referred to as environmental procedures) that are documented in the applicable
EUROCAE ED-14G or subsequent version. It allocates to each environmental
conditions, the group(s) of functional tests to be performed. All of the procedures
in a given group are carried out in conjunction with the same set of transponder
performance tests.
Table 4.2 lists the functional transponder tests to be run for the different groups
defined in Table 4.1. The tests procedures are defined in §5.4. Alleviations of the
test procedures required under environmental conditions are indicated as
necessary, in each test procedure.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 4.1: Environmental Test Groups

Temperature §4.5 Group 1
Altitude §4.6.1 Group 4
Decompression §4.6.2 When required, Group 4
Overpressure Test §4.6.3 When required, Group 4
5 Temperature Variation §5.0 Group 3
6 Humidity §6.0 Group 2
Operational Shocks §7.2 When required, Group 2
Crash Safety Shocks §7.3 Group 6, see note below
8 Vibration §8.0 Group 3 during, Group 1 after
9 Explosion Proofness §9.0 Group 6, see note below
10 Water Proofness §10.0 When required, Group 2
11 Fluids Susceptibility §11.0 When required, Group 2
12 Sand and Dust §12.0 When required, Group 2
13 Fungus Resistance §13.0 When required, Group 2
14 Salt Spray §14.0 When required, Group 2
15 Magnetic Effect §15.0 Group 6, see note below
Normal Group 5 for normal
16 Power Input Abnormal Operating §16.0 Group 3 during group 2 after
Conditions for abnormal
17 Voltage spike conducted test §17.0 Group 2
Audio Frequency Conducted
18 §18.0 Group 1
19 Induced Signal Susceptibility §19.0 Group 1
Radio Frequency Susceptibility
20 §20.0 Group 1
(Radiated and Conducted)
21 Emission of Radio Frequency Energy §21.0 Group 6, see note below
Lightning Induced Transient
22 §22.0 Group 3
23 Lightning Direct Effects §23.0 When required, Group 3
24 Icing §24.0 When required, Group 2
25 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) §25.0 Group 2 after
When required, Group 2
26 Fire, Flammability Test §26.0

NOTE: Tests in Group 6 determine the effects of the transponder on other

equipment (mounts, compass needles, explosive gasses, and other RF
equipment) and therefore do not involve the transponder performance
requirements of this document.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 4.2: Performance Test Requirements During Environmental Tests

Specifications Test Topic
1 2 3 4 5 6
§3.2.2 § a Sensitivity Variation with Frequency   
§ b
§3.2.4 Sensitivity and Dynamic Range   
through g
§3.3.1 § Reply Transmission Frequency    
§3.3.3 § RF Peak Power Output   
§3.4 § Reply Rate Capability 
§3.5 § Mode A/C Replies  
§3.6 § Mode S Replies 
§3.7 through Reply Delay and Jitter 
§3.8 §5.4.4 Side Lobe Suppression  
§3.9 §5.4.5 Pulse Decoder Characteristics  
Transponder Desensitisation and
§3.10 §5.4.6 
§3.12 §5.4.7 Response to Interference 
§3.13 §5.4.8 Undesired Replies   
§3.14 § Self Test and Monitors     
§3.14.2 § Squitter Monitor    
§3.16 §5.4.11 Diversity Operation  
§3.17.1 a § Fixed Direct Data  
§3.17.1 b § Variable Direct Data  
§3.17.3 § Standard Transaction Interfaces  
§3.17.4 § ELM Service Interfaces  
§3.17.2 b §5.4.13 Interface Integrity Testing  
§3.24 §5.4.14 Power Interruption   
§ and
§ Acquisition Squitter Generation 
§3.28 § Extended Squitter Generation 

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5.1.1 Power Input Voltage

Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be conducted with the power input
voltage adjusted to design voltage ±2%. The input voltage shall be measured at
the equipment input terminals.

5.1.2 Power Input Frequency

a. In the case of equipment designed for operation from an AC power source
of essentially constant frequency (e.g., 400 Hz), the input frequency shall
be adjusted to design frequency ±2%.
b. In the case of equipment designed for operation from an AC power source
of variable frequency, (e.g., 300 to 1000 Hz), unless otherwise specified,
tests shall be conducted with the input frequency adjusted to within 5% of a
declared frequency within the range for which the equipment is designed.

5.1.3 Adjustment of Equipment

The circuits of the equipment under test shall be properly aligned and adjusted in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommended practice prior to application of
the specified tests. Unless otherwise specified, adjustments may not be made
once the test procedure has started.

5.1.4 Test Instrument Precautions

a. Precautions shall be taken during conduct of the tests to prevent the
introduction of errors resulting from the connexion of test instruments
across the input and output impedances of the equipment under test.
b. Throughout this chapter, the accuracy of the test equipment is not
addressed in detail, but rather is left to the calibration process prescribed
by the agency which certifies the testing facility.

5.1.5 Ambient Conditions

All tests shall be conducted under conditions of ambient room temperature,
pressure and humidity, as defined in §3.5 of ED-14G or subsequent version.

5.1.6 Connected Loads

Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be performed with the equipment
connected to loads having the impedance values for which it is designed.

5.1.7 Recording of Test Results

When test results are being recorded for incorporation in the type test report, it is
not sufficient to note merely that the specified performance was achieved. Except
where tests are obviously GO/NO GO in character (eg the determination of
whether or not mechanical devices function correctly) the actual numerical values
obtained for each of the parameters tested shall be recorded to enable verification
of the statement of compliance with the relevant performance specifications of
Chapter 3.

© EUROCAE, 2011

5.1.8 Test Procedures

a. The following test procedures are considered to be a satisfactory means of
establishing compliance with the performance specifications of Chapters 2
and 3.
b. Alternative procedures which provide equivalent information may be used.
In such cases, the procedures described in this chapter shall be used as
one criterion in evaluating the acceptability of the alternative procedures.


Unless otherwise specified, all test interrogation signals shall be as defined below.
The signal measurement convention shall be as specified in §1.5.2.

5.2.1 General Characteristics

a. Radio Frequency
The carrier frequency of the signal generator for Mode A/C and
Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation shall be 1030 ±0.1 MHz. Mode S
interrogation signals shall have a carrier frequency of 1030 ±0.01 MHz.
b. CW Output
The CW output between pulses shall be at least 50 dB below the peak level
of the pulse.
c. Pulse Rise and Decay Time
Rise and fall times shall be as specified in §1.6.3 and §1.6.4.
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, interval measurements are measured
between half voltage points of the respective pulses as detected
by a linear detector.
d. Pulse Top Ripple
The instantaneous amplitude of the pulses shall not fall more than 1 dB
below the maximum value between the 90% voltage amplitude points on
the leading and trailing edges of the pulse.
e. Signal Level
Unless otherwise noted in the Test Procedure, the signal level shall be
-60 dBm, ±3 dB.
f. Interrogation Repetition Standard Rate
Unless otherwise noted in the Test Procedure, interrogation rates shall be
450 ±25 Hz for Mode A/C interrogations and 45 ±5 Hz for All-Call and
Mode S interrogation.
g. Mode S Interrogation Address.
Unless otherwise noted in the Test Procedure, the aircraft 24-bit address
encoded in a Mode S interrogation shall be :
(i.e., binary 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010).

5.2.2 Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-Only All-Call Interrogations
The nominal characteristics shall be as specified in §1.6. In addition, in order to
prohibit any reply inhibition, the "on-the-ground" report (CA, VS or FS field) shall
not indicate the on-the-ground condition but the airborne condition unless
otherwise noted in the test procedure.

© EUROCAE, 2011

5.2.3 Mode S Interrogations

The nominal characteristics shall be as specified in §1.6. Mode S-Only All-Call Interrogation

Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation is defined as a Mode S interrogation of Uplink
Format 11 (UF=11), with the value of PR being 8, the value of IC and CL being 0.
The "on-the-ground" report (VS or FS field) in the transponder should indicate the
"airborne" condition.
An address of 24 ONEs is used in generation of the AP field. Mode S Surveillance - Altitude Interrogation

Mode S Surveillance Altitude Interrogation is defined as a Mode S interrogation of
Uplink Format 4 (UF=4), with the following mission field values:
SD=0 Mode S Surveillance - Identity Interrogation

Mode S Surveillance - Identity Interrogation is defined as a Mode S interrogation
of Uplink Format 5 (UF=5) with the following mission field values:
SD=0 Comm-A - Altitude Interrogation

Comm-A - Altitude Interrogation is defined as a Mode S interrogation of Uplink
Format 20 (UF=20) with the following mission field values:
SD=all ONEs


The test procedures in this chapter call for one or more Transponder Test Sets, at
least one of which must have all of the following capabilities:
a. A means of varying:
(1) the RF frequency by 60 MHz from the centre frequency,
(2) the amplitude of the interrogating signal level from -21 to -85 dBm,
(3) the amplitude of either P2, P3 or P4 with respect to P1,
(4) the interval spacings between the following pairs of pulses, P1-P2,
P1-P3 and P3-P4.
b. A means of independently varying the durations of P1, P2, P3 and P4.

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. A means of counting the number of correct replies transmitted in response

to valid interrogations.
d. A means of selecting:
(1) Mode A, Mode C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode A/C-Only All-Call or
Mode S interrogation formats,
(2) the data which will modulate the P6 pulse.
e. A means of providing carrier phase modulation of the P6 pulse.
f. A means of displaying the downlink reply bit pattern generated by the unit
under test in response to a Mode S or All-Call interrogation.
g. A means of adding a train of:
(1) single 0.8 0.1 µs wide pulses or 0.8 0.1 µs pulse pairs spaced
2.0 0.15 µs apart, with level adjustable from 12 dB below P1 to
equal with P1 at a carrier frequency of 1030.0 ±0.2 MHz, incoherent
with the Mode S signal frequency, and with the following
- Repetition frequencies variable up to 10000 Hz ;
- Positionable anywhere from the first pulse coincident with P1
to the second pulse coincident with the end of P6.
(2) single 6.4 ±0.5 µs pulses or 3.5 ±0.5 µs pulse pairs spaced either 12
±0.5 µs or 30 ±0.5 µs apart. The level shall be set at -30 dBm at a
carrier frequency variable from 962 to 1213 MHz. The repetition rate
on the pulse pairs shall be variable up to 3600 Hz and that of the
single pulses variable up to 2000 Hz.
h. A means of synchronising interrogation sequences repetitions with a similar
test set.
i. A means of rapidly changing between two interrogation rates.
j. A means of moving the sync phase reversal position in P6 over a
±200 nanosecond range from assigned position.
k. A means of encoding Mode S interrogations with proper parity check
l. A means of decoding Mode S replies using proper parity check sequence.
m. A means of interlacing Mode A/C and Mode S interrogations.
n. A means of generating Mode A/C and Mode S interrogation bursts at rates
which test compliance with §3.4.
o. A means of displaying the output of the detected video of the replies from
the unit under test.
p. A means of measuring the transmission frequency of the transponder.
q. A means of loading test patterns into one or more of the transponder GICB
Registers 0516 to FF16 via the data link interface
r. A means of inputting avionics data to the transponder on one or more
e.g., A Transponder control unit and/or a generator of control words,
altitude, ground speed, etc.
s. A means for analysing the statistic properties of squitters.

© EUROCAE, 2011


The tests in §5.4.1 through to §5.4.14 verify transponder performance as a
receiver and transmitter of signals. The tests in §5.5 test the transponder
processing functions.
NOTE 1: Means are required to provide the control functions specified in §2.5.
NOTE 2: The nature of the processing tests is such that some means of
automatically controlling, sequencing and evaluating of tests is

5.4.1 Receiver Characteristics (§3.2) Test Equipment

Transponder Test Set Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-1.
Follow steps 1 through 7, below:
a. STEP 1 - Sensitivity Variation with Frequency (§3.2.2)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Vary the RF signal frequency over the range 1029.8 to 1030.2 MHz.
Record the minimum and maximum RF signal levels required to produce
90% transponder reply efficiency.
b. STEP 2 - Sensitivity (§3.2.4 a and e)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Record the minimum RF signal level required to produce 90% transponder
reply efficiency.
Repeat the procedure using :
- a Mode C interrogation,
- a Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation and
- a Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation.
This determines the MTL for these interrogations.
[Under environment conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
using only a Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation.]
c. STEP 3 - Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call Dynamic Range (§3.2.4 f)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Vary the RF level in 5 approximately equal steps between MTL + 3 dB and
-21 dBm.
Record the reply ratio at each step.
Repeat the procedure using :
- a Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation and
- a Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation.

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[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform the above

test using approximately 5 equal steps between MTL + 3 dB and -21
dBm with Mode A interrogations and Mode C/Mode S All-Call
d. STEP 4 - Bandwidth (§3.2.3)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Adjust the RF signal level to 60 dB above MTL.
Record the frequencies above and below 1030 MHz at which 90%
transponder reply efficiency is obtained.
NOTE: Care must be taken to avoid high signal levels at or near the
centre frequency.
[Under environmental conditions, this test step is not required.]
e. STEP 5 - Mode A/C Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only All-Call Low-
Level Reply Ratio (§3.2.4 d)
With a RF signal level of -81 dBm, interrogate the transponder with:
- a Mode A interrogation,
- a Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation,
- a Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation, and
- a Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation with PR = 0.
In each case record the reply ratio.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
using only Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogations.]
f. STEP 6 - Mode S Sensitivity (§3.2.4 b)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode-S Only All-Call interrogation with
Record the minimum RF level to produce 90% reply efficiency. This is the
MTL for this interrogation.
g. STEP 7 - Mode S Dynamic Range (§3.2.4 c)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode-S Only All-Call interrogation with
Record the reply ratio at RF levels of MTL+3dB, -50 and -21 dBm.
h. STEP 8 - Mode S Low-Level Reply Ratio (§3.2.4 d)
Using the signal specified in Step 6, determine reply efficiency for an RF
level of -81 dBm.
i. STEP 9 – Spurious Mode A/C Replies to Low Level Mode S Interrogations
(§3.2.4 g)
Use the following three input interrogations:
UF4 with PC=4; RR=12; DI=3; SD=4924; AP=AAAAAA;
UF20 with PC=4; RR=12; DI=3; SD=4924; MA=49249249249249;
UF20 with PC=4; RR=12; DI=3; SD=9000; MA=90009000900090;

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1. Connect the transponder suppression output to a frequency counter

(Fluke 7220A or similar).
2. Set the frequency counter resolution to 1 Hz.
3. Set the transponder address to any valid address other than AAAAAA
in order to prevent Mode S reply.
4. Turn off transponder squitter replies.
5. Interrogate at a rate of 100 interrogations per second between -81dBm
and the Mode S MTL with the interrogations shown above.
6. Frequency counter will display Mode A/C reply rate.
7. Take the average of 10 frequency counter readings at each power level
between -81 dBm and the Mode S MTL. Verify that the average reply
rate is no more than 1% Mode A/C replies averaged over the range
between –81 dBm and the MTL, and no more than 3% Mode A/C
replies at any power level between –81 dBm and the MTL.

5.4.2 Transmitter Characteristics (§3.3) Reply Transmission Frequency (§3.3.1) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set
b. Stub Tuner.
c. Variable Air Line (Line Stretcher)
d. Slotted Line. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-2.
Adjust the stub to establish a 1.5:1 VSWR at the antenna end of the coaxial line
specified by the manufacturer.
- If the transponder requires a minimum length of a specified cable type,
attenuation equal to the loss of the minimum amount of cable may be
placed between the 1.5:1 VSWR point and the transponder antenna jack.
- Alternatively, a length of cable equal to the specified minimum length and
cable type may be used in lieu of the attenuator.
Set the transponder for a 14 pulse reply (Mode-A code 7777).
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation and adjust the line
stretcher for maximum transmitter frequency shift above or below 1090 MHz.
Record the frequency shift in each case.
Repeat the above procedure with a Mode A/Mode S All-Call.
[Under environmental conditions, Implementation of the Stub Tuner is not
required.] RF Peak Power Output (§3.3.3) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.

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162 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Mode A/C Power Output (§3.3.3)
Set the transponder for a 14 pulse reply (Mode-A code 7777).
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation and record the
peak power level of the single reply pulse having the least RF power level.
While varying the interrogation rate from 100 interrogations per second to
the maximum interrogation rate specified for the transponder, record the
variation in peak power level of the single reply pulse having the least RF
power level.
Repeat the procedure, recording the level and variation in peak power level
of the single reply pulse having the highest RF power level.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step while measuring only the single pulse having the least RF power
b. STEP 2 – Short Mode S Power Output (§3.3.3)
Repeat STEP 1 with a Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation at standard
rate only.
c. STEP 3 – Long Mode S Power Output
For all transponders repeat STEP 1 with sixteen Mode S interrogations
per second using any format and coding for which a long reply is required.
If the transponder is also Extended Squitter capable, configure the
transponder, so that the transponder is transmitting the extended squitters
(or an equivalent number of long replies) in addition to the sixteen replies.
d. STEP 4 – Extended Long Mode S Power Output (§3.4.3)
For transponders with extended reply capability (Level 4 or above) repeat
STEP 3 stimulating the maximum rate of long replies for which the
transponder is designed.
NOTE: The reply rate capability has to take into account 25% surplus
transmitting capability. (e.g if the transponder has declared the
capacity to deliver the maximum of n ELM segments per second,
it has to deliver n + 25% of n in a 25-millisecond interval of each
second) as defined in §3.4.3) Transmitter Spectrum (§3.3.2)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required.] Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Spectrum Analyser.
c. Directional Coupler.

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163 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-4.
a. STEP 1 - Mode A/C
Set the transponder for a 14 pulse reply (Mode-A code 7777).
Interrogate on Mode A at 500 interrogations per second, and verify that the
reply efficiency exceeds 90%.
Measure and record the spectrum of RF emission at the antenna terminal
of the transponder over the range 150 kHz to 10 GHz.
b. STEP 2 - Mode S
Repeat Step 1 with a standard Mode S surveillance identity interrogation.
Record the maximum response in each frequency band as a ratio
expressed in dB relative to the centre band peak level. Residual Power Output (§3.3.4)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required.] Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Spectrum Analyser.
c. Directional Coupler. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-4.
Either disable the transponder transmission modulation or inhibit squitter
Do not interrogate the transponder.
Record the maximum power output, in the range of 1090 ±3 MHz, with the
transponder in the inactive state. Reply Rate Capability (§3.4) Test Equipment

Transponder Test Set Test Procedure

a. STEP 1 - Continuous Reply Rate Capability (Mode S) (§3.4.1 (a) and
(1) Set the transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A with SPI).
Interrogate the transponder at a constant rate of 500 Mode A
interrogations per second, plus 50 Mode S interrogations per second
with 16 of the 50 Mode S interrogations requiring long replies..
Measure output power and frequency.
For at least 15 minutes verify that the transponder replies at the
specified rates.
[Under environment conditions, it is not necessary to monitor
the reply rate for 15 minutes.]

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2) If the transponder has Level 5 capability

Perform the test listed in (1) using 24 of the 50 Mode S interrogations
requiring long replies.
b. STEP 2 - 100 Milliseconds Peak Reply Rate Capability (Mode S) (§3.4.1 (b)
and (c), and §3.4.2)
Set the transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A with SPI).
Interrogate the transponder with periodic bursts of Mode A and Mode S
interrogations as follows:
(1) 120 Mode A interrogations (100 for Class 2 equipment), plus 18
Mode S interrogations with 6 of the 18 Mode S interrogations
requiring long replies, each type of interrogation approximately
uniformly spaced within a single 0.1-second interval, followed by
(2) a 0.9-second interval with no interrogations.
Measure output power and frequency.
Verify that the transponder replies at the specified rate.
c. STEP 3 - 25 Millisecond Peak Reply Rate Capability (Mode S) (§3.4.2)
Set the transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A with SPI).
Interrogate the transponder with periodic bursts of Mode A and Mode S
interrogations as follows :
(1) 30 Mode A interrogations (25 for Class 2 equipment) plus 8 Mode S
interrogations with 4 (6 if transponder has level 5 capability) of the 8
Mode S interrogations requiring long replies, each type of
interrogation burst approximately uniformly spaced within a single 25-
millisecond interval, followed by
(2) a 975-millisecond interval without interrogations.
Measure output power and frequency
Verify that the transponder replies at the specified rate.
d. STEP 4 - 1.6 Milliseconds Peak Reply Rate Capability (Mode S) (§3.4.2)
Set the transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A with SPI).
Interrogate the transponder with two Mode A interrogations plus four
Mode S interrogations with 2 of the 4 Mode S interrogations requiring long
replies, each type of interrogation approximately uniformly spaced within a
single 1.6-millisecond interval, followed by a 998.4-millisecond interval with
no interrogation.
Measure output power and frequency.
Verify that the transponder replies at the specified rate. Reply Rate Limiting (§3.11)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required.] Test Equipment

a. 2 Transponder Test Sets.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.

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165 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figures 5-5 and 5-6.
a. STEP 1 - Determination of Mode A/C Reply Rate Limit
Set the Mode A code to 0000.
Interrogate the transponder on Mode A with a signal 20 dB above MTL at a
variable rate starting at 500 per second.
Gradually increase the interrogation rate while observing the reply count
over 1-second intervals.
The highest count observed is the reply rate limit.
Verify that it does not exceed 2000 continuous replies per second.
b. STEP 2 - Mode S Reply Rate limiting (§3.11)
NOTE: This test only needs to be performed if a reply rate limiting device
is provided.
Interrogate the transponder with standard UF=4 interrogation requiring a
long reply at a rate equal to 1.5-times the Mode S reply rate limit.
Record the squitter reply rate.
For a transponder equipped with the optional long air-air formats,
interrogate the transponder as above and with interrogations requiring a
DF=16 reply at a rate of 10 interrogations per second and record the
DF=16 reply rate.
c. STEP 3 - Sensitivity Reduction
Set the transponder Mode C code to 0000 and the Mode A code to any
value other than 0000.
Interrogate the transponder with :
(1) Mode C interrogations at MTL +20 dB at a continuous rate of 1200
interrogations/sec, and
(2) unsynchronised Mode A interrogations at MTL +3 dB, at a
continuous rate of 600 interrogations/sec
Verify that the transponder replies to at least 90% of the Mode C
interrogations at the signal level of MTL +20 dB, and that it does not reply
to more than 10% of the Mode A interrogations.

5.4.3 Reply Characteristics Mode A/C Replies (§3.5) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.

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166 Test Procedures

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Mode A/C Reply Pulse Spacing (§3.5.1, §3.5.2, §3.5.5)
Set a transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A code 7777 with SPI pulse).
Interrogate the transponder on Mode A and display the reply pulses on the
wide band oscilloscope.
Record the spacing of each reply pulse with respect to the first framing
pulse and the spacing between information pulses.
b. STEP 2 - Mode A/C Reply Pulse Shape (§3.5.4)
Set the transponder for a 15-pulse reply (Mode A with SPI).
Interrogate the transponder on Mode A.
Record the duration of each reply pulse.
Record the rise and decay times of each pulse.
Record the pulse amplitude variations of each pulse with respect to all
other pulses in the reply train.
CAUTION: If the detector is not known to be linear, checks should be
made to determine what amplitude points on the detected
pulse correspond to the 10% and 90% amplitude points of
the RF pulses. In addition, checks should be made to
determine the rise time of the detector.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform only the
pulse duration measurement specified above.]
c. STEP 3 - SPI Pulse (§3.5.3 and §3.5.5)
Interrogate with Mode A interrogations.
Activate the SPI pulse control.
Record the position of the SPI pulse with respect to the last framing pulse
and the time the pulse remains in the reply train.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
d. STEP 4 - SPI Pulse with Mode C Interrogations (§3.5.3)
Interrogate with Mode C interrogations.
Activate the SPI pulse control and verify that the SPI pulse is not
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Mode S Replies, Acquisition and Extended Squitter Transmissions (§3.6) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.

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167 Test Procedure (Mode S Replies)

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A/Mode S All-Call.
Display the Mode S reply on the oscilloscope.
a. STEP 1 - Mode S Preamble (§3.6.1)
Record the pulse duration of the first four reply pulses.
Record the pulse spacing between the leading edge of the first and each of
the second, third and fourth pulses.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]
b. STEP 2 - Mode S Reply Data Pulses (§3.6.2)
NOTE: For Steps 2 through 6, examine pulses at the beginning, middle
and end of the replies.
Record the duration for both short and long reply pulses throughout the
Mode S reply.
Record the pulse spacing of the fifth reply pulse with reference to the first
reply pulse.
NOTE: This pulse spacing will be either 8.0 µs or 8.5 µs depending on
the requested reply format.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]
c. STEP 3 - Mode S Reply Amplitude Variation (§3.6.4 b.)
Record the maximum power difference between pulses in the Mode S
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]
d. STEP 4 - Mode S Reply Pulse Shape (§3.6.4 a.)
Record the rise and decay time of the reply pulses.
CAUTION: If the detector is not known to be linear, checks should be
made to determine what amplitude points on the detected
pulse correspond to the 10% and 90% amplitude points of
the RF pulses. In addition, checks should be made to
determine the rise and decay time of the detector.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]
e. STEP 5 - Mode S Reply Pulse Spacing Tolerance (§3.6.4)
Measure the deviation of the leading edges of reply pulses from their
assigned position and record the maximum values.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]
f. STEP 6 - Long Replies
Repeat STEPS 1 to 5, using an interrogation which requires a long reply.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is required only
under High Operating Temperature conditions.]

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168 Test Procedure (Acquisition Squitter Generation) (§ and §

a. STEP1 – airborne condition
Establish the appropriate conditions where the transponder is in the
airborne state and provides Acquisition Squitter transmissions
Verify that the transponder provides Acquisition Squitter transmissions that:
1) are transmitted at average intervals of 0.8 to 1.2 seconds.
2) are alternated between the top and bottom antenna for diversity
3) contain the appropriate message content
b. STEP 2 – on-the-ground condition
Establish the appropriate conditions where the transponder is in the on-
ground state and provides Acquisition Squitter transmission
Verify that the transponder provides Acquistion Squitter transmissions that
1) are transmitted at average intervals of 0.8 to 1.2 seconds
2) are transmitted from the top antenna for diversity transponder
3) contain the appropriate message content Test Procedure (Extended Squitter Generation) (§3.28)

a. STEP 1 - Airborne Position Message Validation (§ and §3.28.3 a)
(1) Establish appropriate conditions where the transponder declares the
Airborne State
(2) Provide the transponder with appropriate latitude, longitude and
altitude data via an appropriate interface.
(3) Verify that the transponder provides Airborne Position Message
extended squitter transmissions that:
- are transmitted at average intervals of 0.4 to 0.6 seconds.
are alternated between the top and bottom antenna for diversity
- contain the appropriate information in the ―ME‖ field
b. STEP 2 - Airborne Velocity Message Validation (§ and §3.28.3 a)
(1) Provide the transponder with appropriate velocity data via an
appropriate interface.
(2) Verify that the transponder provides Airborne Velocity Message
extended squitter transmissions that:
- are transmitted at average intervals of 0.4 to 0.6 seconds.
- are alternated between the top and bottom antenna for diversity
- contain the appropriate information in the ―ME‖ field

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. STEP 3 – Aircraft Identification Message Validation (§ and §3.28.3

(1) Provide the transponder with appropriate Aircraft Identification data
via an appropriate interface.
(2) Verify that the transponder provides Aircraft Identification Message
extended squitter transmissions that:
- are transmitted at average intervals of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds.
- are alternated between the top and bottom antenna for diversity
- contain the appropriate information in the ―ME‖ field
d. STEP 4 - Surface Position Message Validation (§ and §3.28.3 b)
(1) Establish appropriate conditions where the transponder declares the
On-Ground State
(2) Provide the transponder with appropriate latitude and longitude data
via an appropriate interface.
(3) Verify that the transponder provides Surface Position Message
extended squitter transmissions that:
- are transmitted at average intervals of 0.4 to 0.6 seconds (high
surface squitter rate).
- are transmitted at average intervals of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds (low
surface squitter rate).
- are transmitted on the top antenna only for diversity transponders
- contain the appropriate information in the ―ME‖ field
[Under environmental conditions, test only the high surface squitter rate] Mode A/C Reply Delay and Jitter (§3.7.1) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope. Test Procedures

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Reply Delay (§3.7.1 a.)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Synchronise the oscilloscope using the leading edge of P3.
Record the average delay between the leading edge of P3 and the leading
edge of the first reply pulse at the 50% amplitude points, for signal levels of
MTL, -50 dBm and -21 dBm.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform the above
test at signal levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50 dBM, and -21 dBm.]
b. STEP 2 - Reply Jitter (§3.7.1 b.)
Repeat STEP 1 recording the difference in extreme positions of the leading
edge of the first reply pulse for signal levels of MTL +3 dB, -50dBm and -21

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c. STEP 3 - Reply Delay Variation (§3.7.1 c.)

Repeat STEP 1 using alternate Mode C and Mode A interrogations.
Record the reply delay variation between modes.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Mode S Reply Delay and Jitter (§3.7.2 a) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope. Test Procedures

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Mode S Reply Delay and Jitter
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode S interrogation using any format
for which a reply is required.
Synchronise the oscilloscope to the interrogation.
For signal levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50 and -21 dBm, record:
(1) The difference in extreme positions of the leading edge of the first
reply pulse, and
(2) The average delay between the P6 sync-phase reversal and the
leading edge of the first reply pulse.
b. STEP 2 - Mode A/C/S All-Call Reply Delay and Jitter (§3.7.2 b)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation.
Synchronise the oscilloscope to the interrogation.
For signal levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50dBm and -21 dBm, record :
(1) the difference in extreme positions of the leading edge of the first
reply pulse,
(2) the average delay between the leading edge of P4 and the leading
edge of the first reply pulse.

5.4.4 Side Lobe Suppression (§3.8) Mode A/C, Mode A/C-only All-Call and Mode A/C/S All-Call Test Equipment

a. 2 Transponder Test Sets.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.
c. 3 Port Divider.

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171 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-5.
a. STEP 1 - Suppression Duration (§3.8.1 a.)
Interrogate the transponder at 450 interrogations per second with a P1-P2
pulse pair followed, after 50 µs, by a P1-P3 (Mode A, 8 µs) pulse pair.
NOTE: All pulse levels should be set to -24 dBm; any reply code may be
Reduce this 50 µs interval until the transponder reply rate falls below 1%.
Measure the time interval between the leading edges of P2 and P1 (of the
P1-P3 pair), and record this as the suppression duration S(8).
Repeat the above procedure using Mode C (21-microsecond spacing) for
the P1-P3 pair; record the result as suppression duration S(21).
b. STEP 2 - Suppression Re-initiation (§3.8.1 c.)
With an interrogation rate of 450 interrogations per second, generate a first
P1-P2 pair followed by a second P1-P2 pair such that the spacing between
P2 of the first pair and P1 of the second pair is S(8) plus 2 µs.
Generate a third pair, P1-P3 Mode A, 50 µs after the second pair.
NOTE: All pulse levels should be set to -24 dBm; any reply code may be
Reducing the interval between the second P1-P2 pair and the P1-P3 pair,
record the interval at which the transponder replies fall below 1%. Check
that this interval is between 25µs and 45µs.
Repeat the test using Mode C spacing for the P1-P3 pair and determine
suppression duration S(21).
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
c. STEP 3 - Recovery After Suppression (§3.8.1 d.)
Repeat STEP 1 using the following signal levels:
(1) P1-P2 pair = -30 dBm;
(2) P1-P3 pair = MTL.
A reply efficiency of 90 percent should be observed when the P2
(suppression) P1 (interrogation) spacing is no more than 1 µs greater than
S(8, 21) determined in previous steps.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
d. STEP 4 - SLS Decoding (§3.8.2 a and §3.8.2 b (2))
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation including a P2
pulse; (RF signal levels MTL+3dB, -50 dBm and -21 dBm; P2 level = P1
As the P1-P2 spacing is varied over the range from 1.85 to 2.15 µs, record
the reply ratio and verify that it does not exceed 1%.
As the P1-P2 spacing is outside the range from 1.3 to 2.7 µs, record the
reply ratio and verify the minimum is at least 90%.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step with the RF signal level set to MTL+ 3 dB].

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e. STEP 5 - Short Duration P2 (§3.8.2 b (3))

Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation with :
(1) P2 level = P1 level,
(2) P2 duration less than 0.3 µs.
Record the reply ratio and verify the minimum is at least 90% at signal
levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50 and -21dBm.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
f. STEP 6 - SLS Pulse Ratio (§3.8.2 b (1))
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation including a P2
pulse; (P2 level = P1 -9dB).
As the P1-P2 spacing is varied over 1 to 3 µs, record the reply efficiency
and verify that the minimum is at least 90% at signal levels of MTL+3dB, -
50 and -21dBm.
g. STEP 7 - Suppression on Mode A/C/S All-Call
Repeat STEP 4, STEP 5, and STEP 6, with Mode A/C/S All-Call.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
h. STEP 8 - Simultaneous Interrogation of Mode A/C with P2 (Simultaneous
decoding of Mode A/C interrogation with Mode A/C suppression) (§3.8.2 d.)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A pulse pair with:
(1) RF signal level = -50dBm,
(2) P2 level = P1 level.
Generate a 0.8 µs pulse, at the same level as P2, 8 µs before the leading
edge of P2.
Observe that the reply ratio is less than 1%.
Repeat this test with the 0.8 µs pulse, 21 µs before the leading edge of P2.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
i. STEP 9 - Low Signal Level Characteristics (§3.8.2 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation, including a P2
pulse (P2 = P1 level).
Vary the signal level from MTL to MTL+3dB.
Verify that the reply ratio does not exceed 10%.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Mode S Formats (§3.8.3) Test Equipment

a. 2 Transponder Test Sets.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.
c. 3 Port Divider.

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173 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-5.
a. STEP 1 - Conditions under which a Transponder must not reply
Set the master test set to generate a Standard Mode S-only All-Call at
levels of MTL + 3 dB, -60 dBm, -40dBm and -21 dBm.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step at levels of MTL + 3 dB and -21 dBm only.]
Set the slave test set to generate a 0.8 s duration pulse at the P5 nominal
position and at a level of P6 + 3 dB.
Verify that the reply ratio is less than 10%.
b. STEP 2 - Conditions under which a Transponder must reply
Repeat STEP 1 with P5 pulse at a level of P6 -12dB.
Verify that the reply ratio is at least 99%.

5.4.5 Pulse Decoder Characteristics (§3.9) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Pulse Level Tolerances, Mode A/C/S All-Call (§3.9.2 a.)
Using a Mode A interrogation followed by a 1.6- s P4 pulse at its nominal
position, interrogate at the standard rate and at an RF signal level 10 dB
above MTL.
Vary the level of the P4 pulse between -10 dB and 0 dB with respect to P3.
Measure and record :
(1) the highest level of P4 relative to P3 at which 90% Mode A replies
(2) the lowest level of P4 relative to P3 at which 90% Mode S replies
Repeat the test at RF signal levels -60, -40 and -21 dBm.
Repeat the tests using a Mode C interrogation.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using only Mode A interrogations having an RF signal level of
MTL + 10 dB.]

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. STEP 2 - Pulse Level Tolerances, Mode A/C-Only All-Call (§3.9.2 b.)

Use set-up and signal levels as in STEP 1 above but use a 0.8 µs P4.
Vary the level of the P4 pulse between -10 and 0 dB with respect to P3.
Measure and record the P4 levels relative to P3 at which the Mode A reply
rate falls below:
(1) 90%
(2) 10%.
Repeat the test at input signal levels -60, -40 and -21 dBm.
Repeat the tests using a Mode C interrogation.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using only Mode A interrogations having an RF signal level of
MTL + 10 dB.]
c. STEP 3 - Pulse Position Tolerances, (P1-P3) Mode A/C-Type
Interrogations (§3.9.3 a. & c.)
Using signal levels of MTL+10dB, interrogate with :
(1) Mode A;
(2) Mode C;
(3) Mode A/Mode S All-Call;
(4) Mode C/Mode S All-Call;
(5) Mode A-Only All-Call;
(6) Mode C-Only All-Call.
For each interrogation type,
(1) vary the P1-P3 spacing within the required acceptance range
and record the minimum reply ratio,
(2) vary the P1-P3 spacing to fall out of the permitted acceptance
range and record the maximum reply ratio;
(3) record the reply ratio to both the Mode A/C-Only All-Call
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using only Mode A and Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogations.]
d. STEP 4 - Pulse Position Tolerances, P4, Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogations
(§3.9.3 b. & d.)
Using signal levels as in STEP 1, interrogate with
(1) Mode A/Mode S All-Call,
(2) Mode C/Mode S All-Call.
For each interrogation type,
- vary the P3-P4 spacing within the required acceptance range and
record the minimum reply ratio;
- vary the P3-P4 spacing to fall out of the permitted acceptance range
and record the maximum reply ratio;
- record the reply ratio to both the Mode A/C-Only All-Call modes.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using only Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogations.]

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e. STEP 5 - Pulse Duration Tolerances, Mode A/C Interrogations (§3.9.4 a.)

Using signal levels as in STEP 1 above, interrogate with
(1) Mode A,
(2) Mode C.
For each interrogation type,
- vary the P1 duration within the required acceptance range and
record the minimum reply ratio;
- vary the P1 duration to fall out of the permitted acceptance range
and record the maximum reply ratio.
Repeat test varying the P3 duration in the same manner.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is only required
when performing Temperature testing. Also, when doing such testing,
it is acceptable to vary duration of P1 and P3 at the same time if that is
the capability of the Mode S Test Equipment being used.]
f. STEP 6 - Pulse Duration Tolerance, Mode A/C/S All-Call Interrogation
(§3.9.4 b. & c.)
Using signal levels as in STEP 1 above, interrogate with:
(1) Mode A/Mode S All-Call,
(2) Mode C/Mode S All-Call.
For each interrogation type,
- vary the P1 duration within the required acceptance range and
record the minimum reply ratio;
- vary the P1 duration to fall out of the permitted acceptance range
and record the maximum reply ratio.
Repeat test varying the P3 duration in the same manner.
Repeat test varying the P4 duration in the same manner.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is only required
when performing Temperature testing. Also, when doing such testing,
it is acceptable to vary duration of P1 and P3 at the same time if that is
the capability of the Mode S Test Equipment being used.]
g. STEP 7 - Short Pulse Rejection, Mode A/C or Mode A/C/S All-Call
Interrogations (§3.9.4 d.)
With an RF signal level at MTL, interrogate with each of the following
interrogation types:
(1) Mode A,
(2) Mode C/Mode S All-Call.
In each case, reduce the P1 duration to 0.3 µs and record the reply ratio.
Repeat the tests at 5 dB increments up to -45 dBm input level.
Repeat the tests reducing the P3 duration in the same manner.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using input signal levels of MTL, - 60 dBm, and -45 dBm. It is also
sufficient to perform the tests with P1 set to a duration of 0.25
microseconds and then verifying that there are less than 10% replies
to the interrogations provided.]

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h. STEP 8 - Sync Phase Reversal Position Tolerance (from P2) (§3.9.5 b.)
NOTE: STEP 8 or STEP 9 may be used depending on the design of the
Set the Transponder Test Set to generate a Mode S-Only All-Call
interrogation at MTL + 3 dB.
Vary the spacing between the leading edge of P2 and the P6 sync-phase
reversal transient by ±200 nanoseconds from the nominal 2.75 µs.
Record the ranges over which at least 90% Mode S replies are received.
Record the points at which no Mode S replies are received.
Repeat for RF signal levels between -50 and -21 dBm in 5 dB steps.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using signal levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50 dBm and -21 dBm.]
i. STEP 9 - Sync Phase Reversal Position Tolerances (from P6) (§3.9.5 c.)
NOTE: STEP 8 or STEP 9 may be used depending on the design of the
Set the Transponder Test Set to generate a Mode S-Only All-Call
interrogation at MTL + 3 dB.
Vary the spacing between the leading edge of P6 and the P6 sync-phase
reversal transient by ±200 nanoseconds from the nominal 1.25 µs.
Record the range over which at least 90% Mode S replies are received.
Record the points at which no Mode S replies are received.
Repeat for RF signal levels between -50 and -21 dBm in 5 dB steps.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step using signal levels of MTL + 3 dB, -50 dBm and -21 dBm.]
j. STEP 10 - Simultaneous Interrogation of Mode A and Mode C (§3.12.2 b)
Interrogate with Mode C.
Inject a 0.8 µs pulse of amplitude equal to P1 and P3, such that it occurs 8
µs before the P3 pulse of a Mode C interrogation.
Record that all replies are Mode C replies.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]

5.4.6 Transponder Desensitisation and Recovery (§3.10) Test Equipment

a. 2 Transponder Test Sets.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.
c. 3 Port Power Divider.

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177 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-5.
a. STEP 1 - Mode A/C Single Pulse Desensitisation and Recovery (§3.10.1 a.
and §3.10.2)
Set the master test set to generate a single pulse not less than 0.7 µs wide
at the Mode A/C interrogation rate and a power level equal to 50 dB above
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode A interrogation delayed 3 µs from
the trailing edge of the single pulse.
Record the amplitude of the slave test set signal required to produce 90%
reply ratio.
Repeat for master to slave test set delays of 6, 10 and 15 µs.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform this test
step with master to slave test set delays of 3 and 15 microseconds.]
b. STEP 2 - Recovery from a Mode S Interrogation Requiring No Reply
(§3.10.2 c.)
Set the master test set to generate a short Mode S surveillance
interrogation with broadcast address.
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode A interrogation at a power level
equal to 3 dB above MTL and delayed with respect to the Mode S
Record the minimum delay time between the master and the slave test sets
necessary to elicit a Mode A reply ratio of 90%.
c. STEP 3 - Recovery from a Mode S Comm-C Interrogation Requiring No
Reply (§3.10.2 d.)
Set the master test set to generate the initial segment of a properly
addressed Comm-C interrogation at a signal level of -21 dBm.
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode A interrogation delayed 45 µs
from the sync-phase reversal of the master interrogation.
Vary the amplitude of the slave test signal and record the minimum level
required to produce 90% Mode A reply ratio.
d. STEP 4 - Recovery from a Suppression Pair or unaccepted Mode A/C/S
All-Call or Mode A/C-Only All-Call (§3.10.2 e and g)
Set the master test set to generate a P1-P2 pulse pair at the Mode A/C
standard interrogation rate and a power level equal to -35 dBm.
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation
delayed 10 µs after the last pulse of the master test set interrogation.
Determine the amplitude of the slave test set signal required to produce
90% reply efficiency.
[Under environmental conditions, the following paragraph of this test
step is not required.]
Lock out the transponder to All-Calls and repeat the procedure with
Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode A/C-only All-Call interrogations in place of
the suppression pair.

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e. STEP 5 - Narrow Pulse Performance (§3.10.1 b.)

Set the master test set to generate a single pulse between 0.6 and 0.7 µs
wide, at the Mode A/C interrogation rate and level.
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode A interrogation delayed 3 µs from
the single pulse.
Record the amplitude of the slave test set signal needed to produce 90%
reply ratio.
Repeat for master to slave test set delays of 6, 10 and 15 µs.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
f. STEP 6 - Dead Time (§3.10.3)
Set the master test set to generate a Mode A interrogation at a level of
-21 dBm.
Set the slave test set to generate a Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation at a
level of 3 dB above MTL.
Record the time delay between the end of the reply to the master
interrogation and the start of the slave interrogation that elicits a 90% reply
ratio from the transponder.
Repeat with the master test set generating a Mode S-Only All-Call at
-21 dBm and the slave test set generating a Mode A interrogation at
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
g. STEP 7 - Recovery (§3.10.2 f)
[Under environmental conditions, this entire procedure is not
STEP 7A: Recovery from a Mode–S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by a Mode-A interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT 24-bit aircraft address).
Set the Slave Test Set to generate a Mode-A interrogation having a signal
level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Measure the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency.
Verify that the delay time is less than or equal to 45 microseconds after the
Sync Phase Reversal (SPR) of the Mode-S surveillance interrogation.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the transponder does not generate any undesired replies that
can be detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
NOTE: Undesired replies are those containing any wrong or misleading
Repeat the procedure given in preceding paragraphs with the Master Test
Set using Mode-S interrogations that are accepted but do NOT require a
reply (e.g., All-Call or Broadcast interrogations).
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.

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Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7B: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by a Mode-C interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Mode-C interrogation having a signal level of ‖MTL‖
+ 3 dB.
Verify that the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency is less than
or equal to 45 microseconds.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT starts to reply to the Slave Interrogations prior to
reaching a delay of 45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT does not generate any undesired replies that can be
detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7C: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by Mode S-Only All-Call
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation having a signal
level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Verify that the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency is less than
or equal to 45 microseconds.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT starts to reply to the Slave Interrogations prior to
reaching a delay of 45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT does not generate any undesired replies that can be
detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7D: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate an Mode A/Mode S All-Call interrogation having a
signal level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Verify that the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency is less than
or equal to 45 microseconds.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT starts to reply to the SlaveInterrogations prior to
reaching a delay of 45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT does not generate any undesired replies that can be
detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7E: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Mode C/Mode S All-Call interrogation having a
signal level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Verify that the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency is less than
or equal to 45 microseconds.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT starts to reply to the Slave Interrogations prior to
reaching a delay of 45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT does not generate any undesired replies that can be
detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.

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Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7F: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by a Mode A-Only All-Call interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Mode A-Only All-Call interrogation having a signal
level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it is greater
than 45 microseconds.
Verify that the transponder does NOT reply to the Slave Interrogations.
Verify that the transponder does not generate any undesired replies that
can be detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7G: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by a Mode C-Only All-Call interrogation
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Mode C-Only All-Call interrogation having a signal
level of ‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it is greater
than 45 microseconds.
Verify that the transponder does NOT reply to the Slave Interrogations.
Verify that the transponder does not generate any undesired replies that
can be detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz. PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode Cinformation provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.

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STEP 7H: Recovery from a Mode-S interrogation which has not been
accepted followed by Directed Mode-S
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) Mode-S
Surveillance interrogation with an incorrect address (i.e., an address
different from that of the UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address). Set the Slave
Test Set to generate a Directed Mode S (i.e., an address equivalent to the
UUT ICAO 24-bit aircraft Address) interrogation having a signal level of
‖MTL‖ + 3 dB.
Verify that the delay of the Slave Test Set signal from the Mode-S Sync
Phase Reversal (SPR) required to produce 90% reply efficiency is less than
or equal to 45 microseconds.
Decrease the delay of the Slave Test Set signal such that the start of the
Slave Interrogation is coincident with the end of the Master Interrogation.
Then increase the delay of the Slave Interrogation such that it approaches
45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT starts to reply to the Slave Interrogations prior to
reaching a delay of 45 microseconds.
Verify that the UUT does not generate any undesired replies that can be
detected by a properly operating Mode-S 1090 MHz PAM receiver.
Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.
Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e. -60 dBm) UF4, UF5,
Mode A and Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and
Altitude/ Mode C information provided in the transponder replies is correct.
Repeat the entire procedure given in this Step as needed to verify
performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of
diversity transponder.
STEP 7I: Recovery from a supression pair or unaccepted Mode A/C/S All-
Call or Mode A/C-only All Call (§3.10.2.e and §3.10.2.g.)
Set the Master Test Set to generate a P1-P2 pulse pair at the Mode A/C
standard interrogation rate and a power level equal to -35 dBm. Set the
Slave Test Set to generate a Mode S-only All-Call interrogation having a
signal level of MTL +3 dB. Measure the delay of the Slave Test Set signal
from the P2 pulse required to produce 90% rely efficiency. Verify that the
delay time is less than or equal to 15 μs after the P2 pulse.
Repeat the procedure with the Master Test Set using Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations while locking-out the transponder to these All-Call
interrogations in place of suppression pair. Verify that the delay time is
less than or equal to 15 microseconds after the P4 pulse.
Repeat the procedure in the preceding paragraph with the Master Test Set
using Mode A/C-only All-Call interrogations in place of a suppression pair.

5.4.7 Response in the Presence of Interference (§3.12) Test Equipment

a. 2 Transponder Test Sets.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.
c. 3 Port Power Divider.

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183 Test Procedure

With the equipment connected as shown in Figure 5-5, interrogate the
transponder with the Mode S-Only All-Call interrogation at a signal level of
-50 dBm and follow Steps 1 through 4 below.
a. STEP 1 - Low Level Asynchronous Interference (§3.12.3)
Inject a 0.8 µs wide pulse with amplitude 12 dB below the P1 of the
Mode S-Only All-Call, at a repetition rate of 10000 Hz.
Record the reply ratio.
NOTE: Take care to avoid synchronisation of the 10000 Hz rate with the
Mode S standard rate.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
b. STEP 2 - Standard Interference Pulse and Mode S SLS (§3.8.3 and
lnsert the interfering pulse (duration: 0.8 µs, level: 6 dB below P6) at a
position 1.8 µs after the leading edge of P6 of a Mode S-Only All-Call.
Record the minimum reply ratio observed while slowly moving the
interfering pulse from its initial position to the end of P6.
Repeat the test for all signal levels between -68 and -21 dBm in 5 dB
Repeat the test with an interference pulse level 3 dB below the P6 level.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform the above
portions of this test step using signal levels of-68 dBm, -50 dBm, and -
21 dBm for the Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations.]
Inject the interfering pulse (now acting as P5) 0.85 µs after the leading
edge of P6 and use a level 3 dB above the level of P6.
Use signal levels between MTL+3dB and -21 dBm in 5 dB increments.
Record the maximum reply ratio in each case.
Reduce level of P5 to a value 12 dB below the level of P6 and repeat the
test at signal levels from MTL+3dB to -21 dBm in 5 dB increments. Record
the minimum reply ratio in each case.
[Under environmental conditions, it is sufficient to perform the above
portion of this test step using signal levels of MTL + 3 dB and -21 dBm
for the Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations. As such, the 5 dB
increments are not required.]
c. STEP 3 - Pulse Pair Interference (§3.12.5 a, b, c and e)
(1) Insert a 0.8 s pulse pair spaced 2.0 s apart with amplitude 9 dB
below P1 of the standard Mode S-Only All-Call, at a position such that
the leading edge of the pulse pair occurs 0.25 s after the leading edge
of P1.
Record the reply ratio while moving the interfering pulse pair in 0.25 s
steps from its initial position 0.25 s after the trailing edge of P6. Determine
the average reply efficiency from the recorded values.
Repeat the test for all input levels between -68 and -21 dBm in 6 dB

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(2) Interrogate the transponder with a Mode C interrogation, having P1 at

MTL. Inject an S1 pulse ahead of a P1 pulse at MTL -6dB.
Record the reply ratio and verify the minimum is at least 90%.
Continue the interrogation as in part a above. Set the level of S1 to MTL
– 3dB.
Record the reply ratio and verify the minimum is at least 70%.
Continue the interrogation as in part a above. Set the level of S1 to
Record the reply ratio and verify reply rate is no more than 10%
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
d. STEP 4 - DME and Other Spurious Pulse Interference Tests (§3.12.6)
Inject pairs of pulses, of duration 3.5 µs, spaced 12 µs apart with amplitude
of -30 dBm at a rate of 3600 pulse pairs per second.
Record the reply ratio observed as the frequency of the interfering signal is
varied over the ranges of 962 to 1020 MHz, and 1041 to 1213 MHz.
Repeat the test using pulses spaced 30 µs apart.
Repeat the test using single pulses of 6.4 µs duration at a rate of 2000
pulses per second, with an amplitude of -80 dBm and a frequency of
1030 MHz.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
e. STEP 5 - Standard Interference Pulse Positioned at Mode A or Mode C
Spacing before P2 of a P1-P2 Suppression Pair (§3.12.2 a and §3.12.5 d)
NOTE: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that when the
interference pulse combines with the P2 pulse of the P1-P2
suppression pair in a manner that results in a simultaneous
detection of a Mode A/C interrogation and a Suppression Pair,
that the transponder goes into suppression and does not reply.
(1) Mode A
Insert standard interfering pulse 8 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P2 pulse of a standard P1-P2 Suppression pair.
Check and record that the transponder does not reply.
(2) Mode C
Insert standard interfering pulse 21 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P2 pulse of a standard P1-P2 Suppression pair.
Check and record that the transponder does not reply.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
f. STEP 6 - Standard Interference Pulse Positioned at Mode A or Mode C
Spacing before P1 of a Mode S Interrogation (§3.9.3.b and §3.12.5.d)
NOTE: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that when the
interference pulse combines with the P1 pulse of the P1-P2 pair
of a Mode S interrogation, that the transponder does not reply
with a Mode A/C reply.

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(1) Mode A
Insert standard interfering pulse 8 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P1 pulse of a standard Mode S Only All-Call
Check and record that the transponder does not reply with a Mode
A/C reply.
(2) Mode C
Insert standard interfering pulse 21 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P1 pulse of a standard Mode S Only All-Call
Check and record that the transponder does not reply with a Mode
A/C reply.
NOTE: In both case (1) and (2), transponders that are designed to
continue processing of the Mode-S interrogation after discarding
the Mode A/C Only All-Call may reply to the Mode-S
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
g. STEP 7 - Standard Interference Pulse Positioned at Mode A or Mode C
Spacing before P2 of a Mode S Interrogation (§3.8.1 e)
NOTE: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that when the
interference pulse combines with the P2 pulse of the P1-P2 pair
of a Mode S interrogation, that the transponder suppresses
replies to Mode A/C interrogations but replies to the Mode S
(1) Mode A
Insert standard interfering pulse 8 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P2 pulse of a standard Mode S Only All-Call
Verify that the transponder replies to the Mode S Only All-Call
(2) Mode C
Insert standard interfering pulse 21 µs before, and at the same signal
level as, the P2 pulse of a standard Mode S Only All-Call
Verify that the transponder replies to the Mode S Only All-Call
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
h. STEP 8 - Standard Interference Pulse Positioned at Mode C Spacing
before P4 of a Mode A Only All-Call Interrogation (§ k)
NOTE: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that when the
interference pulse combines with the P4 pulse of the P1-P3-P4
Mode A Only All-Call interrogation, that the transponder does not
Insert standard interfering pulse 21 µs before, and at the same signal level
as, the P4 pulse of a Mode A Only All-Call interrogation.
Verify that the transponder does not reply
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]

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i. STEP 9 - Mode A and Mode C with Standard Interfering Pulse (§3.12.4)

Overlay a Standard random Interfering Pulse over proper Mode A and
Mode C interrogations with a level 10 dB below the level of the Mode A/C
Check and record that the transponder replies to at least 90 % of the Mode
A and Mode C interrogations and does not recognise the random
interference pulse as P1, P2 or P3.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
j. STEP 10 - Response in the Presence of CW Interference (§3.12.7)
Interrogate the transponder with standard Mode A or Mode C interrogations
having a signal level of –50 dBm.
Insert non-coherent CW interference at a frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz. and
at signal levels of -70 dBm.
Verify that the transponder continues to reply to at least 90 percent of all
Repeat the procedure using Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20 or 21 interrogations.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]

5.4.8 Undesired Replies (§3.13) Test Equipment

Transponder Test Set Test Procedure

a. STEP 1 – Non-interference environment
Connect the RF terminal of the Transponder Test set to the transponder
antenna terminal.
Do not interrogate the Transponder.
Count and record the number of Mode A/C replies for a minimum of one
Count and record the number of Mode S replies for a minimum of one
NOTE: Squitter and Self Test transmissions, if not inhibited, must be
disabled in this test.
b. STEP 2 – Non-interference in presence of CW
Repeat the procedure provided in Step 1 while injecting non-coherent CW
interference at a frequency of 1030 ±0.2 MHz, and at a signal level –60
Count the number of replies for a minimum of one minute and verify that
the reply rate does not exceed the limits specified in §3.13.1 b for Mode
A/C and §3.13.2 b for Mode S.

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5.4.9 Self-Test and Monitors (if provided) (§3.14) Self-Test Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.
c. RF Attenuator.
d. ATC Transponder (Similar to unit under test - transmitter disabled).
e. Frequency Counter. Test Procedure

a. STEP 1 - Self-Test Interrogation/Reply Rate (§3.14.1)
Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-6.
Activate the self-test function of the transponder under test and record
the reply rate to the self-test interrogation for both Mode A/C and Mode S.
NOTE: The squitter generation function may be disabled for this test.
b. STEP 2 - Self-Test Interrogation Level (§3.14.1)
Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-7, with the coax connections
in position A.
Activate the self-test function of the transponder and adjust the RF
attenuator until the other transponder just triggers, as indicated by the
presence of suppression pulses.
Without changing the RF attenuator setting, change the coax connections
to position B.
Set the Transponder Test Set to an interrogation rate equal to the reply rate
determined in STEP 1 and interrogate in Mode A.
Adjust the RF level of the Transponder Test Set until transponder
number two just triggers.
Record the Test Set output level.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Squitter Monitor (§3.14.2) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope. Test procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3
a. STEP 1
While monitoring the squitter transmissions, with the transponder in the
inactive state, disable the squitter generator.
Verify that the squitter monitor responds to the absence of squitter
transmissions, and that the equipment is indicated as being invalid by the
failure warning system.

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b. STEP 2
Repeat STEP 1 while interrogating the transponder with Mode A/C and
Mode A/C/S All-Calls.
In each case, verify that the squitter monitor responds to the absence of
squitter transmissions, and that the equipment is indicated as being
invalid by the failure warning system.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Failure Indication (§3.14.3)

The manufacturer shall demonstrate that failures are properly detected by the self
test or monitors and cause the indication to assume the "invalid" state. The
generation of diagnostic error messages related to illegal 24-bit discrete
addresses is tested in §
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]

5.4.10 Mutual Suppression Capability (§3.15)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required.] Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-8.
Interrogate on Mode A at 150 interrogations per second and set the signal level to
-21 dBm.
Apply the suppression pulse for which the equipment is designed.
For interrogations occurring within the period of the suppression pulse, note that
the equipment is suppressed.
Starting with the equipment suppressed, adjust for minimum delay between the
trailing edge of the suppression pulse and the leading edge of the interrogation
pulse pair which provides 90% reply efficiency.
Record the value of this delay.
Verify that the transponder generates a suppression pulse during its reply period.

5.4.11 Diversity Operation (§3.16) Test Equipment

a. Two means of generating identical Mode A/C and Mode S interrogations
which can be delayed from each other by 125 to 375 nanoseconds. These
two generators must also have independent control of power level.
b. A means of determining the antenna terminal that emits the reply.
c. A means of determining the reply power level on both antennas
d. A means of determining the reply delay for each channel and between

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189 Test Procedure

NOTE 1: Since tests in this paragraph can be satisfied by using many different
pieces of test equipment in various configurations, no specific
recommendations are made. However, the minimum functionality
requirement is as stated in the following paragraphs.
NOTE 2: Because the specifications for diversity operations are symmetrical in
all respects, channels are arbitrarily designated A and B.
NOTE 3: When measuring Channel A and B parameters take care that any
cables used for measurements are of equal electrical length and equal
NOTE 4: With the exception of step 4 the following tests may be conducted with
the squitter inhibited.
a. STEP 1 - Single Channel Test (§3.16.5 and §3.16.6)
At signal level MTL+3dB use the following types of interrogations :
(1) Mode A
(2) Mode C
(3) Mode A/Mode S All-Call
(4) Mode C-only All-Call
(5) Mode S formats UF = 4, 11 and, if so equipped, UF = 21
Interrogate Channel A only, while monitoring both channels A and B.
Observe and record parameters specified in (3) below.
Repeat for signal levels of -50 and -21 dBm, using a Mode C and a Mode S
format of UF = 4 types of interrogations only. Observe and record
parameters specified below:
(1) reply ratio,
(2) reply channel,
(3) power level of replies from Channel A,
(4) power level of replies from Channel B,
(5) reply delay for each interrogation signal type and for the signal levels
as specified;
(6) power ratio as specified in §3.16.5.
Repeat the tests with the channels reversed.
Compare records of reply delays for conformance with §3.16.6.
[Under environmental conditions, it is not necessary to record the
reply ratio in the test step above.]
b. STEP 2 - Signal Level Selection Test (§3.16.2)
Using the following interrogations in turn:
(1) Mode A
(2) Mode C
(3) Mode A/Mode S All-Call
(4) Mode C - only All-Call
(5) Mode S formats UF = 4, 11 and, if so equipped, UF = 21

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With Channel A leading:

- Synchronise the interrogations to channels A and B so that they
are 0.125 µs, +0.000/-0.040 µs.
- Interrogate at a power level on Channel A of MTL and a power level
on Channel B of MTL+3dB.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel B (the requirement is
not less than 90%).
- Interrogate on Channel A at a power level of MTL + 3dB, and on
Channel B at a power level of MTL.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel A (the requirement is
not less than 90 %).
[Under environment conditions for the above portion of this test step,
it is sufficient to use a Mode C interrogation on one channel and Mode
S UF=4 interrogation on the other channel. Also, it is sufficient to use
a power level of MTL on channel A and MTL + 6 on channel B].
With Channel B leading:
- Synchronise the interrogations to channels A and B so that they are
0.125 µs, +0.000/-0.040 µs apart.
- Interrogate at a power level on Channel A of MTL and a power level
on Channel B of MTL+3dB.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel B (the requirement is
not less than 90%).
- Interrogate at a power level on Channel A of MTL+3dB and a power
level on Channel B of MTL.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel A (the requirement is
not less than 90%).
[Under environment conditions for the above portion of this test step,
it is sufficient to use a Mode C interrogation on one channel and Mode
S UF=4 interrogation on the other channel. Also, it is sufficient to use
a power level of MTL on channel A and MTL + 6 on channel B].
c. STEP 3 - Delay-Selection Test (§3.16.4)
Using the following type of interrogation in turn :
(1) Mode A
(2) Mode C
(3) Mode A/Mode S All-Call
(4) Mode C-only All-Call
(5) Mode S formats UF = 4, 11 and, if so equipped, UF = 21
With Channel A leading:
- Synchronise the interrogations to channels A and B so that they are
0.375 µs, +0.040/-0.000 µs apart.
- Interrogate on Channel A at a power level of MTL+3dB and on
Channel B at a power level of -50 dBm.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel A (the requirement is
not less than 90%).
[Under environment conditions for the above portion of this test step,
it is sufficient to use a Mode C interrogation on one channel and Mode

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S UF=4 interrogation on the other channel. Also, it is sufficient to use

a power level of MTL + 6 on channel A.]
With Channel B leading:
- Synchronise the interrogations to channels A and B so that they are
0.375 µs, +0.040/-0.000 µs apart.
- Interrogate on Channel A at a power level of -50 dBm and on
Channel B at a power level of MTL+3dB.
- Record the percentage of replies on Channel B (the requirement is
not less than 90%).
[Under environment conditions for the above portion of this test step,
it is sufficient to use a Mode C interrogation on one channel and Mode
S UF=4 interrogation on the other channel. Also, it is sufficient to use
a power level of MTL + 6 on channel B.]
d. STEP 4 - Squitter Antenna Selection (§3.16.7)
Configure the transponder with 2 antennas and verify that the squitter
transmissions occur alternately from the two antennas at the prescribed
Configure the transponder with one (bottom) antenna only. Verify that all
squitters are directed at the prescribed rate to that antenna.
With the transponder under SAS control, verify that the acquisition squitters
are delivered at the correct rates from the correct antenna.
The test should be performed with the exception of the verification of the
data content.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]

5.4.12 Data Handling and Interfaces (§3.17)

The procedures outlined in this paragraph are intended only to test "data in" and
"data out" requirements of the transponder; they shall not be interpreted as being
tests of the transponder's digital logic and protocols.
Some tests correspond to requirements of optional features, and therefore do not
apply to all transponders. Fixed Direct Data (§3.17.1 a.) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide band dual channel oscilloscope. Test Procedure

With the transponder RF port connected to the RF port of the Transponder Test
Set, (Figure 5.3) perform the following test sequences:
a. STEP 1 - Mode S All-Call Address Announced (AA) Field
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode S - Only All-Call interrogation with
PR, IC and CL Fields set to 0.
Record that the AA field of the transponder reply contains the address
which has been set at the transponder interface.
Repeat with twenty-four different transponder addresses each consisting of
23 ZEROs and a single ONE.

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[Under environmental conditions, its is sufficient to use addresses

consisting of AAAAAA Hex and 555555 Hex.]
b. STEP 2 - Mode S Discrete Address
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode S surveillance-altitude
interrogation (UF=4) with the PC, RR, DI and SD fields set to 0 and an
address consisting of ONE followed by 23 ZEROs.
Record that the transponder replies with appropriate bits set in the AP field
when the same address is set at the transponder interface, and does not
respond when each of the other combination of 23 ZEROs and a single
ONE are entered as addresses.
c. STEP 3 - Maximum Cruising True Airspeed
Interrogate the transponder with a short air-air surveillance interrogation
(UF=0) with the AQ field set to 1.
Record that the RI field of the transponder reply corresponds to the
maximum cruising true airspeed code set at the transponder interface as
each of the seven possible maximum cruising true airspeed codes is used.
d. STEP 4 - Aircraft Identification DataPerform the test procedure provided in
§ and §
e. STEP 5 – Invalid AA
(1). Put the transponder in the Power Off Condition and set the AA to all
ZEROs. Turn on the transponder and verify that a transponder error
condition is set and a failure is declared.
Repeat this test a. with the AA set to all ONEs.
NOTE: In both cases the transponder will normally either go into
Standby State, revert to a pure Mode A/C transponder or
return to the Power Off Condition.
(2). Put the transponder in the Power On Condition with an AA set to
ONE for the first bit and ZEROs for all other bits. Verify that the
transponder replies to all properly addressed interrogations.
Without putting the transponder in Power Off Condition change the
AA to all ZEROs. Verify that the transponder generates a diagnostic
error message for maintenance and that it keeps operating using the
initial AA read during the power-on initialisation process (first bit set
to ONE and all other bits set to ZEROs).
(3). Repeat b. with the remaining twenty-three different transponder
addresses each consisting of 23 ZEROs and a single ONE
(4). Repeat tests b. and c. with the AA set to all ONEs, instead of ALL
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] Variable Direct Data (§3.17.1 b.) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Wide Band Dual Channel Oscilloscope.

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193 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-3.
a. STEP 1 - Pressure Altitude (Mode A/C)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode C interrogation.
With the ALT switch on, set altitude code inputs to the transponder in a
manner which should result in setting each of the altitude bits in the reply
one at a time.
Verify the proper positioning of these bits in the reply.
Verify that only the framing pulses are present in the reply when the ALT
switch is set to "OFF".
[Under environmental conditions, the following paragraph of this test
step is not required.]
Set the input altitude data to invalid and interrogate the transponder with a
Mode C interrogation. Verify that a reply is generated containing only the
framing pulses.
b. STEP 2 - 4096 Identification Code (Mode A/C)
Interrogate the transponder with a Mode A interrogation.
Set identification codes which should result in the setting of each of the
identification reply bits one at a time.
Record proper positioning of these bits in the reply.
c. STEP 3 - Pressure Altitude (Mode S)
(1) Connect the transponder RF port to the transponder test set.
(2) Interrogate the transponder with a standard surveillance-altitude
interrogation (UF=4) with the PC, RR, DI and SD fields set to ZERO
and the address the same as that provided to the transponder.
(3) With the ALT switch ON, provide altitude code inputs from an altitude
source in feet quantised to greater than 25 ft to the transponder
which should result in setting each of the AC field bits of the reply,
one at a time.
(4) Verify that the correct bits are transmitted in the AC field of the reply
with the Q bit set to 0 and the M bit set to 0.
(5) With the ALT switch ON, provide altitude code inputs from an altitude
source in feet quantised to 25 ft or less to the transponder and verify
that the altitude report is correct as a minimum when the input
indicates pressure altitudes of 17050 and 34125 ft.
(6) Verify that the correct bits are transmitted in the AC field of the reply
with the Q bit set to 1 and the M bit set to 0.
(7) With the ALT switch ON, provide altitude code inputs from an altitude
source quantised to 25 ft or less to the transponder. Verify that the
altitude report is correct when the input indicates pressure altitudes
of between 50188 ft and 126700 ft, which should result in setting
each of the AC field bits of the reply.
(8) Verify that the correct bits are transmitted in the AC field of the reply
with the Q bit set to 0 to indicate a report to 100 ft quantisation and
the M bit set to 0.
[Under environmental conditions, paragraph (8) is not required.]

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(9) Repeat Step 3 (1) to (8) with the input indicating metric input if
available and verify that the M bit is set to 1 in the AC field of all
Verify that the AC field is all ZEROs when the ALT switch is set to ―OFF‖.
Set the input altitude data to invalid and verify that the AC field is all
d. STEP 4 - The 4096 Identification Code (Mode S)
With the equipment connected as in STEP 3, interrogate the transponder
with a standard surveillance-identity interrogation (UF=5) with PC, RR,
DI and SD fields set to ZERO.
Using the identification codes specified in STEP 2, record that the proper
bit patterns exist in the ID field of the reply.
e. STEP 5 - Flight Status and Vertical Status
Interrogate with UF=0 and UF=16 and record that the VS field is a ONE
when the "on-the-ground" port of the transponder is set to the "on-the-
ground" condition, and a ZERO otherwise.
Interrogate with formats UF=4, 5, 20, 21 and record that the above
indications are correctly contained in the FS field (§ and Figure
3.12) and that CA is set to 4 (airborne) or 5.(ground), if a status is provided
to the transponder, and code CA=6 (either airborne or on-the-ground) is
reported when the input is idle (or not available).
f. STEP 6 – Aircraft Identification Data
(1) Perform the test procedure provided in §
(2) Perform the test procedure provided in § with the exception
that the Test Timer does not need to be implemented to monitor the
―B‖ timer.
(3) Perform the test procedure provided in §
(4) Perform the test procedure provided in § Standard Transaction Interfaces (§3.17.3) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. A means of injecting and extracting data at transponder interface ports.
c. A means of timing transactions. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5.1.
a. STEP 1 - Uplink Interface Information Content (§3.17.3 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with valid Mode S interrogations excluding UF
0, UF 11, UF 16 and UF 24 of all uplink formats which the transponder is
designed to accept, including broadcast interrogations.
Record that all fields (possibly excluding AP) of the interrogations are
passed correctly through the transponder and appear at the uplink
Make additional valid interrogations with the Uplink Formats and field
content randomly chosen.
Record proper output of the uplink interface.

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Verify and record that broadcast interrogations are identified as such, either
by AP content or a special purpose code.
b. STEP 2 - Uplink Interface, "No-Storage" Design (§3.17.3 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with valid Mode S interrogations of all Uplink
Formats which the transponder is designed to accept.
Record that all data appear correctly at the uplink interface prior to the
start of the transponder reply.
c. STEP 3 - Uplink Interface, "Storage Design" Acceptance Rate (§3.17.3 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with valid Mode S interrogations (both short
and long) at the rates and time periods specified in §3.17.3 c.
Record that all data appear correctly at the uplink interface.
d. STEP 4 - Uplink Interface, Non-acceptance (§3.17.3 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with valid long Mode S interrogations at a rate
exceeding the one specified in §3.17.3 c.(4) for the longest time period.
Record that the transponder does not accept interrogations after the rate
for which the transponder is designed has been exceeded.
Record that all data correctly appear at the uplink interface for all accepted
NOTE: With the uplink interface disconnected, the transponder may or
may not reply to valid long Mode S interrogations.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
e. STEP 5 - Downlink Interface, Information Content (§3.17.3 d.)
Inject an all ONEs input directed to the MB message buffer accessed by
RR = 16.
Interrogate the transponder with all Uplink Formats that it is designed to
accept (one interrogation of each format, RR=16 for long interrogations).
Record that all bits in the transponder replies, not set by transponder
protocol requirements, are ONE.
Record that all fields in the replies, set by transponder protocol, have the
correct value.
[Under environmental conditions, the following paragraph of this test
step is not required.]
Repeat the 3 previous points with MB field data context 55 5555 5555
f. STEP 6 - Downlink Interface, "No-Storage Design" (§3.17.3 d.)
Insert an all ONEs input, directed to the BDS buffer, accessed by RR=20.
Interrogate the transponder with a standard Comm-A, altitude interrogation.
Record that the transponder reply contains the correct data.
g. STEP 7 - Downlink Interface, "Storage Design" Buffer Rate, Buffer Function
(§3.17.3 d.)
Set up a sequence of Comm-B replies, associated with a specific BDS data
source designator code, with the value of the 56 bit MB field of each reply
set to a number to enable verification of reply sequence (e.g. value =2n
where n is the number of the reply in the sequence).
Apply this sequence of replies to the transponder down link interface at the
rate specified for long interrogations in §3.17.3 d.

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Interrogate the transponder with a standard Comm-A, altitude interrogation

requesting the BDS data source designator under test at the rate specified
for long interrogations in §3.17.3 d.
Record that the replies include the correct data in the MB field.
[Under environmental conditions, the following paragraph of this test
step is not required.]
Repeat for all valid BDS data source designator codes 0 to 255.
[The following paragraph is required under all environmental
Repeat with RR equal to all valid codes from 16 through 18.
NOTE: BDS code 0,0 represents AICB messages. Testing of such
messages requires such messages to be closed-out after being
h. STEP 8 - Downlink Interface. Unavailable Data (§3.17.3 d.)
Disconnect all inputs from the transponder's downlink interface port.
Interrogate the transponder with a standard Comm-A, altitude interrogation
containing RR=16.
Record that the reply contains all ZEROs in the MB field.
Repeat with all RR codes from 17 through 31.
Verify that:
- For RR code 17, bits of the MB field of the reply excluding bits 1-8,
24 and 26-36 are set to ZEROs (bits 1-8, 24, 26-32, 33 and 35 are or
may eventually be set by the transponder itself when no interface is
- For RR code 18, the reply contains all ZEROs excluding bits 1 – 8, in
the MB field if the aircraft identification consists of variable direct
data, or the tail number if the aircraft identification consists of fixed
direct data.
- For RR code 19, bits 9-56 of the MB field of the reply are set to
- For RR codes 20 though 31, verify that the reply contains all ZEROs
in the MB field if not manage by the transponder itself.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.] ELM Service Interfaces (§3.17.4) Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Transponder ELM Data Link Device.

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197 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-1.
Connect the Transponder Test Set or the ELM data link device to the ELM
interface port of the transponder and perform the following sequences.
a. STEP 1 - ELM Uplink Interface, Data Rate (§3.17.4 c.)
Interrogate the transponder with four 16-segment uplink ELMs (each
segment having unique coding) with interrogations spaced 50 µs apart, and
a new 16-segment ELM starting each second.
After 4 seconds, interrogate the transponder with another set of four
16-segment ELMs.
Record that correct data appear at the ELM interface, within one second
after completion of the delivery of the corresponding uplink ELM, for both
interrogation sequences.
[Under environmental conditions, the following paragraph of this test
step is not required.]
Verify that the interface reports an interrogator identifier code of 0.
b. STEP 2 - ELM Uplink Interface, Interrogator Identification (§3.17.4 e)
Repeat STEP 1 using the multisite protocol.
Use different Interrogator Identifier codes and verify that they are correctly
reported at the interface.
[Under environmental conditions, this procedure step is not required.]
c. STEP 3 - ELM Downlink Interface, Data Rate (§3.17.4 d.)
Set up a downlink ELM which conforms to the maximum capability of the
transponder (each segment with unique coding) on the Transponder Test
Set or ELM data link device.
Interrogate the transponder with a Comm-C (UF=24) with RC=3 and
SRS="all ONEs".
Check that all segments are correctly transmitted 136 ±1 µs, apart. Comm-B Downlink Interface, Message Cancellation (§3.17.5)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required] Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Transponder Data Link Device. Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-1.
Connect the Transponder Test Set or the data link device to the interface port of
the transponder and perform the following sequences.
a. STEP 1 - Cancellation Before Transmission
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 and 21 and RR 16. Verify
that the DR code in the transponder reply is set to 0.
Insert a Comm-B message into the downlink interface for transmission.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 and 21 in turn.
Verify that the DR code in its replies is set to 1.

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Cancel the message via the interface, interrogate again to verify that the
DR code is set to zero.
b. STEP 2 - Cancellation After Transmission
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 and 21, RR 16 and verify
that the DR code is set to 0.
Insert a Comm-B message into the downlink interface for transmission.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 or 21 and extract the message
using RR=16.
Cancel the message via the interface, interrogate again with UF = 4, 5, 20
or 21 with RR = 16 to verify that the DR code in the transponder reply is set
to zero.
c. STEP 3 - Cancellation in Multisite Environment
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 and 21 and verify that the DR
code is set to 0.
Prepare two messages, m1 and m2, of differing content, for insertion into
the interface.
Insert m1 into the downlink interface for transmission and extract message
using the multisite protocol (RR=16, DI=1, IIS more than 0, MBS=1).
Cancel m1 via the interface and reinterrogate to verify that the UM field
does not show a Comm-B reservation and that the DR code in the
transponder reply is set to zero.
Within less than 15 seconds of cancelling m1, insert m2 into the interface
and extract using the multisite protocol with different IIS.
Verify that the second message has been extracted and close out the
transaction using DI=1, IIS as for m2, MBS=2.
Verify that the DR field in the transponder reply is set to zero and that the
UM field does not show a Comm-B reservation.
NOTE: This two-message sequence is needed to verify that a complete
cancellation has been achieved by way of the interface.
d. STEP 4 - Cancellation Within a Queue
If the interface is designed to store more than one message in the
transponder, where one message is ready to be transmitted and other
messages are queued for subsequent transmission, the following test shall
be performed.
Insert the maximum number of messages into the transponder and cancel
via the data interface one of the messages that is not scheduled for
immediate transmission.
Extract all messages and verify that the cancelled message does not
Repeat the test for each possible message location in the queue. Downlink ELM Interface, Message Cancellation (§3.17.5)

[Under environmental conditions, this procedure is not required] Test Equipment

a. Transponder Test Set.
b. Transponder ELM Data Link Device.

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199 Test Procedure

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-1.
Connect the Transponder Test Set or the ELM data link device to the ELM
interface port of the transponder and perform the following sequences.
a. STEP 1 - Cancellation Before Transmission
Insert an ELM message, occupying as many segments as the transponder
will permit, into the downlink interface for transmission.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20 and 21.
Verify that the DR code in the replies is larger than 16 and correctly reflects
the number of inserted segments.
Cancel the message via the interface.
Interrogate again and verify that the DR code is now not larger than 16.
b. STEP 2 - Cancellation After Transmission
Insert an ELM message, occupying as many segments as the transponder
will permit, into the downlink interface for transmission.
Extract the message with a valid interrogation UF=24 using RC=3 and SRS
set to extract the correct number of segments.
Cancel the message via the interface.
Interrogate again and verify that the DR code is now not larger than 16.

5.4.13 Interface Integrity Testing (§3.17.2 b.)

Compliance with this requirement shall be demonstrated either by direct test in a
simulated operational environment or by analysis based on the known
characteristics of proven interface techniques.

5.4.14 Power Interruption (§3)

Apply the momentary power interruption sequence appropriate for the
transponder environmental category as specified in Section 16 of ED-14G, or
subsequent version. Two seconds after the restoration of power following each
power interruption, interrogate the transponder with a Mode S-only All-Call
interrogation (UF=11) with IC and CI equal to 0. Verify that a correct All-Call reply
(DF=11) is transmitted in response to this interrogation.



5.5.1 Introduction
This paragraph includes tests to verify the transponder's processing functions.
The tests described in preceeding paragraphs verify transponder performance as
a receiver and transmitter of signals. §5.5 covers general transponder
requirements. Requirements specific to ELS are covered in §5.6, specific to EHS
in §5.7.
The nature of these processing tests is such that some means of automatically
controlling, sequencing and evaluating the tests is necessary if the tests are to be
practical. It is assumed that an automatic capability is available for executing
these tests. The only exception is a technique for manual testing of Mode S parity,
which is included as a simple procedure for verifying the proper implementation of
the parity codes.

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5.5.2 Transponder States

Upon receipt of an interrogation, the action of a Mode S transponder is dependent
upon the interrogation type and format, and the "state" of the transponder at the
time of receipt. The address of the interrogation must be correct, the format must
be one the transponder is equipped to receive, and the reply format requested
must be within the capability of the transponder. If all of the above criteria are met,
and if the transponder is not locked out to the interrogator identity, the
interrogation will be accepted. The content of the reply will depend not only on the
content of the interrogation but also on control inputs to the transponder, such as
Alert and SPI, and on data existing at the transponder interfaces such as the
altitude code and waiting messages.
The overall state of the transponder for surveillance is determined by the status of
82 timers: Suppression, Lockout, Alert, SPI, and 78 selective lockout timers.
For data link, transponders have additional possible states defined by data link
reservation timers and the condition of link protocol status registers.
56 16
A transponder could receive 2 (approximately 7 x 10 ) different short
interrogation patterns, of which about 33 million must be accepted because they
are of the correct address and format. Of these, about 200 require that a correct
reply, as specified in §3.18 of this document, be returned. The corresponding
numbers for data link transponders are proportionally larger.
Certain interrogation patterns are illogical and should never be transmitted by an
interrogator. It is also physically impossible for certain combinations of timer and
register conditions to occur simultaneously in a correctly functioning transponder.
However, if any illogical interrogation pattern is inadvertently transmitted, the
transponder must not respond inappropriately or transition to an improper state.
Thus, tests are included to subject the transponder to specific illogical
interrogation patterns to verify that it reacts as specified in §3.18.

5.5.3 Logic Tests

Many of the specifications of §3.18 involve "sufficient condition" logic. That is,
taken in the context of the entire document, the statement "On receipt of PC=1 the
transponder shall be locked out," means: "If and only if PC=1, the transponder
shall be locked out." The tests then must verify that PC=1 causes the lockout
state, and also that other signals (some of which may include other messages in
the same location used for the PC field) do not cause this state.
Exhaustive tests would have to combine all possible interrogation patterns with all
possible transponder states, verify that the transponder takes the specified action
for specified combinations of interrogation patterns and transponder states, and
verify that it takes no action for all other combinations.
The number of possible state-pattern combinations makes it impossible to
perform exhaustive tests within a reasonable time period. A practical test
procedure separates required tests into two categories: positive tests and
negative tests.
Positive tests verify that the transponder acts as required by the specifications in
§3.18 and the accompanying flowcharts. For example, PC=1 received in the
correct format must cause lockout for the specified time.
Negative tests verify that the transponder does not react to unspecified codes or
patterns. For example PC=1 must not cause lockout.
The positive tests included are exhaustive in the sense that every action specified
in §3.18 is tested. Negative tests have been chosen according to the seriousness
of a possible malfunction. For example, negative tests of the lockout protocol are
important because a malfunction can make the transponder invisible to a ground
interrogator. Thus, all PC codes are tested.

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5.5.4 Tests for Data Flow

Data flow through the transponder must also be verified. However, totally
exhaustive testing of data flow is not practical. Tests for data flow cannot be
clearly classified as positive or negative. They are designed such that all functions
between data input and transponder action on that data are verified. The
procedures are intended to identify the most probable failure modes.
Accuracy of data transfer by the transponder in either direction is verified by these
tests. That is, message patterns entering must be identical with message patterns
leaving the transponder.

5.5.5 Scope of Tests

The tests verify that the functions required by the text in §3.18 are carried out
regardless of the design approach.

5.5.6 Required Test Equipment

The test equipment described here is required for all procedures except
Procedure #1 (Error protection).
a. Automatic Test Controller
The test controller shall be capable of sequencing the test procedures and
analyzing the content of the transponder's responses. Program instructions
for the test controller shall be generated by the user according to the
procedures of §5.5.8 and the instructions of §5.5.7.
b. Signal Generator
The signal generator shall:
(1) generate nominal (§1.6) waveforms for Mode A/C and Mode S
(2) be capable of a continuous interrogation rate of 50/sec (Some tests
for an ACAS-compatible transponder require 60/sec.).
(3) be capable of a peak interrogation rate of 2500/sec (§3.4.2).
(4) have a parity generator (§ and Figure 3-8).
(5) have means to accept control commands for:
- the type of interrogations to be made (Mode A, C; Mode A/C
/Mode S All-Call; Mode A/C-Only All-Call; Mode S formats).
- the value (ONE or ZERO) for each bit in a Mode S
interrogation, excluding the bits in the AP field.
- the value (ONE or ZERO) for each bit of theICAO 24-bit
aircraft address.
- the timing of the interrogation.
(6) generate interrogation signal levels of -60 and 0 dBm.
c. Reply Receiver
The reply receiver shall:
(1) Accept all Mode A/C replies and pass on their content to the test
(2) Accept all Mode S replies, carry out the decoding function for AP or
PI (Figure 3-9), and pass on the reply content and the decoded
address or the interrogator identity to the test controller.

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d. Interface Adaptor
The interface adaptor shall be able to transfer information content between
all applicable interfaces and the test controller in either direction.
Some tests require the use of equipment that simulates certain functions of
an ACAS unit. The simulation equipment should enable the transponder to
send and receive data on the ACAS/transponder interface using
appropriate interface protocols and response times appropriate for an
actual ACAS operating with the ACAS/transponder interface. The
simulation equipment should allow specific bit configurations to be sent to
the transponder and allow for information received from the transponder to
be examined.
NOTE: Interface designs are not standardized, and therefore can range
from one universal interface to several separate interfaces for
direct and indirect data. Interfaces for some functions (4096, SPI,
etc.) may not be electrically accessible and would thus require
manual setting.

5.5.7 Selection and Use of the Test Procedures

a. Selection
Given the range of possible transponder designs and capabilities, the test
procedures of §5.5.8 must be chosen to match the transponder (See
§ Test procedures are included for:

Transponder functionality Paragraph Procedures

Surveillance and data link (level 2) §3.23.1 2 to 23 and 29

Data link ELM receive (level 3) §3.24 2 to 25 and 29
Full ELM capability (level 4) §3.2 2 to 29
ACAS-Compatible Mode S transponder §3.2 2 to 13, 17, 30 to 37

The Error Protection Test (Procedure #1) is used to verify the correct
operation of the error protection circuitry of the test equipment and the
transponder. Its initial application is required for AP and PI.
b. Use
The test procedures in §5.5.8 constitute a detailed set of program
instructions for the test controller.
The procedures describe a set of interrogation sequences and replies that
must be carried out to verify one specific operation, protocol or action of the
transponder. The number of required transactions (interrogation-reply pairs)
may vary depending on the transponder design (for example, for diversity
transponders, all tests must be applied to both channels) and the details of
the controller instructions. The number of verifications is fixed for each
transponder design.
Since each procedure sequence tests only one specific transponder action,
it is possible to combine transactions such that more than one transponder
action is tested. For example, while interrogation-reply protocols are being
verified, the content of the interrogations can also be checked to verify reply

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It is not required that the described sequences follow consecutively.

Transactions of one sequence may be used to bring the transponder into a
state required for another sequence. Other tests may be executed while
waiting for timer runout.
The transponder is required to reply to at least 99% of valid interrogations
in the Mode S format and to at least 90% in the Mode A/C format.
Reinterrogation capability must be provided for instances of non-reply.
Given the large number of transactions carried out during these tests, a
valid reason for rejection would be a reply failure rate, cumulatively
recorded, that exceeds the specified rate.

5.5.8 Test Procedures Procedure #1 - Error Protection (§ Procedure #1 – Error Protection, AP and PI Fields (§ c)

The correct function of the two coding-parity processes in the transponder can be
automatically verified by a hardware circuit in the test generator, designed
according to Figure 3-9. The test set (signal generator/analyzer) carries out the
correct encoding process. A transponder will recognize the correct address and
will in turn correctly generate the AP and PI fields.
It is also possible to observe the function of the transponder's and test set's error
protection circuits if the AP pattern resulting from known text and address is
known. However, since the correct values of 24 bits must be verified from an
oscilloscope presentation, the deciphering of the phase reversals in the uplink P6
or the relative pulse positions in the downlink becomes laborious.
Patterns for the AP field exist that are easily distinguished in an oscilloscope
presentation. Combinations of text (the bit stream before the AP or PI fields) and
address exist for which AP and PI consist of all ZEROs or of another easily
recognizable and verifiable pattern. They are presented here. Test Equipment

a. Test set capable of generating Mode S interrogations at a 0 dBm power
b. DPSK modulation detector. Use a simple diode detector for manual
determination of the location of phase reversals when the Mode S signal
test generator is using hard keying with amplitude drop.
NOTE: Such a method is only possible for test purposes as some
transmitters can generate the phase reversal using IQ modulator
with little or no amplitude drop.
c. Wide-band oscilloscope (HP1710B, or equivalent). Test Procedure

a. Verification of Transponder's Downlink Encoding Circuit for PI
At the transponder's address setting interface, set addresses shown in the
following list, depending on the internal CA report:
(1) If CA=0, set AA to 03 13 D4 {HEX}.
(2) If CA=4, set AA to 03 2B E2 {HEX}.
(3) If CA=5, set AA to FC DF EB {HEX}.
(4) If CA=6, set AA to 03 37 F9 {HEX}.
(5) If CA=7, set AA to FC C3 F0 {HEX}.

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Interrogate with the Mode A/C/S All-Call and verify that in the reply PI is all
ZEROs by monitoring the detected transponder reply video on the
NOTE: This test verifies the transponder's downlink encoder without
relying on the correct operation of the Mode S test set.
b. Verification of Test Set Error Protection Circuits
When the Mode S signal generator uses a hard keying method to generate
phase reversal resulting in amplitude drop, the following method can be
used to verify the Test Set Error Protection circuit.
Connect the diode detector and oscilloscope to the RF output of the test set
and generate a signal strong enough to register on the oscilloscope.
Synchronize with the test set interrogation rate and observe the shape of
the resulting P6 pulse. The phase transitions within P6 will cause amplitude
modulation that can be easily observed. The following combinations of texts
and interrogation addresses AA will result in AP as shown:
UF=4, all fields = 0, AA = CO 51 F6 {HEX} : AP = all ZEROs.
UF=4, all fields = 0, AA = 3F AB F2 {HEX} : AP = AA AA AA {HEX}.
UF=20, all fields = 0, AA = AC C5 55 {HEX} : AP = all ZEROs.
UF=20, all fields = 0, AA = 53 3F 51 {HEX} : AP = AA AA AA {HEX}.

c. Verification of Transponder's Downlink Encoding Circuits for AP

Couple the modulation detector into the RF connection between the test set
and transponder so that the transponder's reply waveform can be
observed. Interrogate the transponder so that the following reply formats
are generated and observe the reply pulses on the oscilloscope:
DF=5, all fields = 0, AA = 20 78 CE {HEX} : AP = all ZEROs.
DF=5, all fields = 0, AA = 75 2D 9B {HEX} : AP = 55 55 55 {HEX}.
DF=21, all fields = 0, AA = 0B 15 4F {HEX} : AP = all ZEROs.
DF=2l, all fields = 0, AA = 5E 40 1A {HEX} : AP = 55 55 55 {HEX}. Procedure #1 – Error Protection, DP Field (§, § c and

§ a) Test Procedure

Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 1016 with an interrogation having

UF=4, PC=0, RR=20 (14 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, and all remaining ―SD‖ bits set to
ZERO (0).

Check the state of bit 47 (―MB‖ bit 15). If bit 47 is ZERO, then the transponder
does not support the Data Parity (DP) field and the following steps ―a‖ through ―j‖
of this procedure do not need to be performed. If bit 47 is ONE, then perform the
following steps ―a‖ through ‗j‖.

a. Retain the test configuration used to perform Verification of the Transponder‘s

Downlink Encoding Circuits for AP in section §

b. Establish the conditions such that the following fields in DF=20 and DF=21
replies will be set to ALL ZERO:

―FS‖, ―DR‖, ―UM‖, ―AC‖ in DF=20, and ―ID‖ in DF=21

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c. Establish the Discrete Address of the transponder as 5E 40 1A Hex (e.g., set

AA=5E 40 1A Hex).

d. Establish the conditions where the contents of Register 4016 and 5F16 are set

e. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 4016 with an interrogation

having UF=4, PC=0, RR=20 (14 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, and all remaining ―SD‖
bits set to ZERO (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having AP=96 C2
8E Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results.

f. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 4016 with an interrogation

having UF=5, PC=0, RR=20 (14 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, and all remaining ―SD‖
bits set to ZERO (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=21 reply having AP=55 55
55 Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results.

g. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 4016 with an interrogation

having UF=4, PC=0, RR=20 (14 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, Bit 28=1 (e.g., OVC=1),
and all remaining ―SD‖ bits equal to ZERO (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having DP=D6 C2
8E Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results.

h. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 4016 with an interrogation

having UF=5, PC=0, RR=20 (14 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, Bit 28=1 (e.g., OVC=1),
and all remaining ―SD‖ bits equal to ZERO (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=21 reply having DP=15 55
55 Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results.

© EUROCAE, 2011

i. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 5F16 with an interrogation

having UF=4, PC=0, RR=21 (15 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, RRS=F Hex, Bit 25=0,
LOS=0, Bit 27=0, Bit 28=1 (e.g., OVC=1), and all remaining ―SD‖ bits set to
ZERO (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having DP=C9 C2
8E Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results.

j. Interrogate the transponder to extract Register 5F16 with an interrogation

having UF=5, PC=0, RR=21 (15 Hex), DI=0, IIS=0, RRS=F Hex, Bit 25=0,
LOS=0, Bit 27=0, Bit 28=1 (e.g., OVC=1), and all remaining ―SD‖ bits set to
Zero (0).

1. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=21 reply having DP=0A 55
55 Hex.

2. Repeat the interrogation with DI=3 and verify the same results.

3. Repeat the interrogation with DI=7 and verify the same results. Procedure #2 - Interrogation Acceptance Test

(§ – interrogation acceptance protocol)
(Figure 3-10 - flowchart, interrogation acceptance)
(§ – interrogation reply coordination)
(§ - data link (level 2) interrogation acceptance)
(Figure 3-15 - flowchart, data link protocols)
(§ - basic data link (level 2) interrogation reply coordination)
(§3.24 – interrogation reply coordination, ELM)
a. Interrogation-Reply Coordination, Mode A/C and Mode A/C/S All-Call
Interrogate transponder with :
(1) Mode A.
(2) Mode C.
(3) Mode A/S All-Call.
(4) Mode C/S All-Call.
(5) Mode A-Only All-Call.
(6) Mode C-Only All-Call.
Repeat all the above and include the P2 suppression pulse.
Repeat all the above with the "on-the-ground" report (VS or FS field)
indicating the on-the-ground condition.
Verify proper reply and reply format or no reply, as required.
For each interrogation in this test verify proper reply and reply format or no
reply, as required.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Interrogation-Reply Coordination, Mode S Formats

Interrogate the transponder with all Mode S formats: UF=0 to UF=24.
- For UF=0, 16 use both RL codes 0 and 1.
- For UF=4, 5, 20, 21 use all RR codes 0 through 31.
- For UF=24, use RC=2 in order to get a reply. For UF=11, use
interrogation address FF FFFF {HEX}.
- For all other interrogations, use the interrogation address to which
the transponder has been set.
Verify proper reply and reply format as required for this transponder design:
(1) Proper non-reply to unspecified formats and uplink formats for which
the transponder is not equipped.
(2) Proper non-reply if the transponder design cannot generate the reply
format demanded by RR or RL.
Non-acceptance conditions in the "on-the-ground" condition:
- Interrogate the transponder with a Mode S All Call interrogation
(UF=11) and with the "on-the-ground" condition being true.
- Verify no reply occured.
Non-acceptance conditions not covered in this test are verified elsewhere
as follows :
- Buffers full - Procedure #15
- Wrong Address - Procedure #9
- Broadcast but short format - Procedure #16
- Lockout - Procedures #4 and #5
- PR function, stochastic - Procedure #13 Procedure #3 - CA Verification (§

A separate test sequence is not required. The following tests may be combined
with the FS test in Procedure #7, interrogation acceptance in Procedure #2 and
whenever a squitter is encountered.
a. For Transponders Level 2 or above:
Provide the minimum information to the transponder. If the transponder
supports TCAS do not connect TCAS. Do not provide information about
ground status. Wait for Comm B broadcast to expire (DR=0). Interrogate the
transponder with UF=11 Mode S format. Verify that CA=6 in DF=11 replies
and acquisition squitters.
Change the data-link capability report or the Aircraft Identification to generate
a Comm-B broadcast (DR not equal to 0). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and
acquisition squitters.
Wait for the Comm-B broadcast to expire. Provide information in order to set
FS=2 (alert airborne). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=2 and verify that CA=6. Provide information in
order to set FS=4 (alert & SPI). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition
Remove the condition for FS=4 and verify that CA=6. Provide information in
order to set FS=5 (SPI). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition squitters.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Remove the condition for FS=5 and verify that CA=6. Set the transponder to
on-the-ground. Wait for Comm B broadcast to expire (DR=0). Verify that
CA=4 in acquisition squitters.
Change the data-link capability report or the Aircraft Identification to generate
a Comm-B broadcast (DR not equal to 0). Verify that CA=7 in acquisition
Wait for the Comm-B broadcast to expire. Provide information in order to set
FS=3 (alert on the ground). Verify that CA=7 in acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=3 and verify that CA=4. Provide information in
order to set FS=4 (alert & SPI). Verify that CA=7 in acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=4 and verify that CA=4. Provide information in
order to set FS=5 (SPI). Verify that CA=7 in acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=5 and verify that CA=4. Set the transponder
airborne. Wait for the Comm B broadcast to expire (DR=0). Interrogate the
transponder with UF=11 Mode S format. Verify that CA=5 in DF=11 replies
and acquisition squitters.
Change the data-link capability report or the Aircraft Identification to generate
a Comm-B broadcast (DR not equal to 0). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and
acquisition squitters.
Wait for the Comm-B broadcast to expire. Provide information in order to set
FS=2 (alert airborne). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=2 and verify that CA=5. Provide information in
order to set FS=4 (alert & SPI). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition
Remove the condition for FS=4 and verify that CA=5. Provide information in
order to set FS=5 (SPI). Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition squitters.
Remove the condition for FS=5 and verify that CA=5.
b. For Transponders supporting TCAS:
Provide TCAS RA information. Verify that CA=7 in DF=11 and acquisition
squitters. Remove the TCAS RA condition and verify that CA=5. Procedure #4 - Non-Selective Lockout Tests (§

Non-selective lockout is initiated on receipt of a correctly addressed interrogation
UF=4, 5, 20, 21 containing PC=1 or LOS=1 together with IIS=0. This starts the TD
timer which holds the lockout condition for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
Non-selective Lockout applies to both (8 and 21 µs) Mode A/C/S All-Calls and to
UF=11 with IC and CL equal to 0.
The lockout state is verified by interrogating with the locked-out All-Call types and
by observing that a reply is not generated.
The lockout duration is verified by interrogation with the locked-out All-Call types
100 milliseconds before the earliest permissible timer runout and by observing
that a reply is not generated.
The lockout termination is verified by interrogation with the locked-out All-Call
types 100 milliseconds after the latest permissible timer runout and by observing
that a reply is generated.
The timer restart feature is verified by transmitting a second lockout command
while the lockout is still in effect and by observing that lockout termination occurs
after the latest permissible timer runout reckoned from the last lockout command.
Negative tests verify that interrogation patterns not specifically designated as
lockout commands do not cause a lockout condition in the transponder, and that
lockout affects only the specified formats.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Positive Tests
Interrogate with UF=4, DI=3, PC=1.
Verify: Lockout state, lockout duration, lockout termination.
Repeat with UF=5, UF=20, UF=21 and PC=1 for all designs.
Repeat, using LOS=1 with IIS=0 as the lockout command.

Repeat with UF=4, DI≠3, PC=1.

Recommended Test Sequence:

Item Time (sec) Action
a. 0 Interrogate with UF=4, PC=1.
b. 0.02 Verify lockout with Mode A/Mode S All-Call.
c. 0.04 Verify lockout with Mode C/Mode S All-Call.
d. 0.06 Verify lockout with UF=11, IC=0, CL=0, PR=0.
e. 16.9 Repeat items b, c, d.
f. 19.1 Verify termination with Mode A/Mode S All-Call.
g. 19.12 Verify termination with Mode A/C Mode C/Mode S All-Call.
h. 19.14 Verify termination with UF=11, IC=0, CL=0, PR=0.
i. 21.0 Interrogate with UF=5, PC=1.
j. 21.02 Verify as in items b, c, d.
k. 26.0 Interrogate with UF=20, PC=1.
l. 26.02 Verify as in items b, c, d.
m. 31.0 Interrogate with UF=2l, PC=1.
n. 31.02 Verify as in items b, c, d.
o. 41.9 Verify as in items b, c, d.
p. 46.9 Verify as in items b, c, d.
q. 50.1 Verify termination as in items f, g, h.

b. Required Negative Tests

(1) PC Discrimination
The interrogation patterns are:
UF = 4, 5, 20, 21.
PC = 0 and DI≠3
PC = 0 and DI=3 and LSS=1 and SIS=0
PC = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Total number of patterns = 32.
With the transponder not in non-selective lockout state, interrogate
with all of the above patterns consecutively. Verify that, after the
sequence, the non-selective lockout state does not exist.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2) Broadcast Discrimination

The interrogation patterns are:
UF = 4, 5, 20, 21.
PC = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
IIS = 0.
LOS = 1.
Address = Broadcast (FF FFFF {HEX}).
Total number of patterns = 32.
With the transponder not in non-selective lockout state, interrogate
with all patterns consecutively. Verify that the non-selective lockout
state never exists during this test sequence.
(3) Address Discrimination
The interrogation patterns are:
UF = 4, 5, 20, 21.
PC = 1.
Address: not for this transponder.
Total number of patterns = 4.
With the transponder not in non-selective lockout state, interrogate
with all of the above patterns. Verify that the non-selective lockout
state never exists during this test sequence.
(4) II/SI Discrimination
The interrogation patterns are:
UF = 11.
PR = 0.
CL = 0 through 1; IC = 1 through 15
CL = 2 through 4; IC = 0 through 15
Total number of patterns = 78.
(refer to §, §, §
With the transponder in non-selective lockout state, interrogate with
all of the above patterns and verify that they are not locked out.
(5) All-Call Discrimination
This test verifies that the lockout state applies only to All-Call formats
and not to Mode A/C or discrete interrogations. The interrogation
patterns are:
All non-All-Call formats for which the transponder is designed
(Procedure #2).
With the transponder in non-selective lockout state, interrogate with
all of the above patterns and verify that they are not locked out. Procedure #5 - Selective Lockout and Independence of Non-Selective

Lockout Tests (§
Selective lockout is initiated on receipt of a correctly addressed interrogation
UF=4, 5, 20, 21 containing DI=1 or 7 (with LOS=1 and IIS from 1 to 15) or DI=3
(with LSS=1 and SIS from 1 to 63). This starts the TL timer associated with the
received II or SI code and holds the lockout condition for 18 ±1.0 seconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Selective lockout applies only to UF=11 with a non-zero II or a non-zero SI

(indicated by CL and IC fields) corresponding to the running TL timer.
Selective lockout and non-selective lockout are independent and not mutually
exclusive. They can both be initiated by the same interrogation. This is done
using PC=1 to start or restart the non-selective lockout timer in the same
interrogation used to start or restart a selective lockout timer with any non zero IIS
or SIS code.
The lockout state, duration, termination and restart are defined and tested as
described in Procedure #4. Negative tests follow the same procedures and have
the same purpose as described in Procedure #4. Pattern Definition

a. Pattern Definition of All Transponder Designs
The patterns below are a list of possible patterns that can be used to run
the tests in this procedure.
Positive Interrogation Patterns Per Timer
UF: 4 codes.
DI: 2 codes with LOS=1 or 1 code with LSS=1.
Total: 8 patterns for II timers, or 4 patterns for SI timers starting lockout.
Total Interrogation Patterns Per Timer
UF: 4 codes.
DI: 2 codes with LOS= 0,1; 1 code with LSS=0,1;
5 codes with SD field bits 23 & 26 = 1
Total: 40 possible patterns for II timers, 36 possible patterns for SI timers.
Positive test patterns: 4 or 8.
Negative test pattern: 32.
NOTE: The 8 negative test patterns per UF code are as follows: For
each value of DI (0 – 7) set the IIS or SIS code correctly. For DI
code values where there is no IIS or SIS subfield within the SD
field, set the corresponding bits (bits 17-20 for IIS or 17-22 for
SIS). If DI=1 or 7, set LOS=0, for all other values of DI, set bit
26=1. If DI=3, set LSS=0, for all other values of DI, set bit 23=1.
Set PC=0. Test Sequence

Because 78 timers, each running 18 ±1.0 seconds, are involved, a test sequence
is shown here that minimizes the time needed, while providing a comprehensive
validation of transponder performance. Principle of Test Sequence

A lockout timer is started by a surveillance or Comm-A interrogation and with the
next interrogation, the lockout state is verified for UF=11 with the corresponding II
or SI. Just before the earliest and just after the latest timer runout duration,
lockout and non-lockout state is verified.
Timer intervals must be interlaced to verify their independence and to save time.
The requirement that each timer can be restarted while running must also be

© EUROCAE, 2011

Independent non-exclusive operation of selective lockout and non-selective

lockout is verified during the selective lockout test by setting PC=1 in some
selective lockout interrogations, and verifying that the non-selective lockout and
selective lockout timers operate properly.
For example: if testing the 78 selective lockout timers, for every eleventh selective
timer test, set PC=1 in the interrogation. Verify proper lockout and non-lockout of
the non-selective and selective timers during this selective lockout timer test.
a. Test #1 - Multisite, TL Timer and Lockout: Timer Duration and Insensitivity
to Non-Valid Signals (All Transponders)
Time (sec) Action
Start timer with UF=4. Include PC=1 in every eleventh
0.0 selective lockout timer interrogation, i.e., for the 1st, 12th,
etc., timers.
0.02 Verify lockout to timer‘s II or SI with UF=11.
Verify non-lockout to all other non-locked out IIS and SIS
(times 0.9 and 1.1 will be used for the last 2 steps of the
0.04 to 1.62 sequence for timers started previously with interlace, see
note below), and non-lockout of the non-selective lockout
during the 11th, 22nd, etc., selective lockout timer tests.
2.0 Start next timer for interlace.
Try timer restart with correct IIS or SIS and incorrect
3.64 DILOS and DI-LSS combinations (DI: 0 – 7 = 8
combinations) (see note above).
Verify lockout to timer‘s II or SI with UF=11. Verify
16.9 lockout to the non-selective timer for every eleventh
selective lockout timer test, i.e., the 1st, 12th, etc., tests.
Verify non-lockout. Verify non-lockout to the non-
19.1 selective lockout for every eleventh selective lockout
timer test, i.e., the 1st, 12th, etc., tests.

If the last test fails, the timer either runs too long or has been restarted by a non-
valid signal.
NOTE: Test #1 provides the basic timing of a test sequence that satisfies the
principles of the test procedure while maintaining a maximum of 50
interrogations per second.
Because the test sequence calls for interlacing multisite lockout timers
(in this case one is started every 2 seconds), the above sequence will
need to accommodate the critical timer verifications that occur at 16.9
and 19.1 seconds relative to the start of each timer. When the test
sequence reaches 16.9 and 19.1 seconds after the start of each timer it
will be 0.9 and 1.1 after the start of a new timer. Priority is given to
verify the lockout of the earlier timer at the correct time, while the
verification of non-lockout to all other timers is scheduled around these
critical measurements.

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b. Test #2 - Multisite TL Timer and Lockout: Restart Capability and Sensitivity

to All Valid Formats (All Transponder)
Time (sec) Action
0.0 Start timer with UF=4
0.02 Verify lockout to timer‘s II or SI.
4.5 Restart timer with UF=5.
21.4 Verify lockout for timer‘s II or SI
23.6 Verify non-lockout for timer‘s II or SI

Interlace all timers in approximately 0.3-second intervals.

For Level 2 transponders and above, alternate using UF=4 and UF=20
interrogations to start the timers, and alternate using UF=5 and UF=21
interrogations to restart timers. To test non-exclusive operation of selective
lockout and non-selective lockout, here is an example. During the fifth
sequence of this test set PC=1 for the start and restart timer interrogations
(PC=0 for all other interrogations) and verify lockout at 0.02 and 21.4
seconds for both the selective and non-selective timers and non-lockout at
23.6 seconds for both the selective and non-selective timers.
If the test at 21.4 seconds fails, the timer has not been restarted.
c. Test #3 - Broadcast Discrimination related to IIS
run test for each IIS, using interrogations with broadcast address FF FF FF
Time (sec) Action

0.00 Interrogate with UF=20, DI=1, LOS=1.

0.02 Verify non-lockout to IIS (reply to UF = 11).
0.04 Start timer with UF=21, DI=1, LOS=1.
0.06 Verify non-lockout to IIS (reply to UF = 11).

d. Test #4 - Broadcast Discrimination related to SIS

run test for each SIS, using interrogations with broadcast address FF FF FF
Time (sec) Action

0.00 Interrogate with UF=20, DI=3, LSS=1.

0.02 Verify non-lockout to SIS (reply to UF = 11).
0.04 Interrogate with UF=21, DI=3, LSS=1.
0.06 Verify non-lockout to SIS (reply to UF = 11).

NOTE: Any other test procedure not involving lockout may be run
simultaneously with Test #1 as long as the tests do not interfere with
each other.

© EUROCAE, 2011
214 Procedure #6 Squitter Verification (§, §3.28 and §3.2)

The squitter transmissions function of transponders cannot be externally disabled.
Squitters will occur randomly at approximately one-second intervals during all test
As a result, squitter transmissions will be noted by the reply receiver and the test
controller as unsolicited replies. Software or hardware provisions shall be made
in the test setup so that squitter transmissions are recognized as such, and it
should be noted that they occur in the specified random manner.
The following is recommended: If an unsolicited reply is detected, the processor
shall delay the next scheduled interrogation so that it doesn't overlap the squitter
transmissions and remain undetected by the transponder.
When squitter transmissions are detected, their content shall be verified observing
the CA, AA and PI fields of the transmissions.
For diversity transponders, it shall be verified that squitters are transmitted
alternately from both channels. Acquisition Squitter Verification

The following test shall verify proper transmission of Acquisition squitters when
the transponder is not transmitting Extended Squitters. The following tests shall
be conducted with no external data input to the Extended Squitter GICB registers.
a. STEP 1 - Setup the transponder to airborne status
The Acquisition squitter transmission shall be verified to be in random
intervals uniformly distributed between 0.8 and 1.2 seconds with a time
quantization less than or equal to 15 milliseconds. The test setup will
require measuring the time difference between successive Acquisition
The time interval measured between successive Acquisition squitters shall
be counted in individual 15 millisecond bins between 0.8 and 1.2 seconds.
Validation of the proper quantization is achieved upon receipt of at least
one Acquisition squitter in each 15 millisecond time bin between 0.8 and
1.2 seconds.
Improper times are those occurring outside of the time bins between 0.8
and 1.2 seconds. Verify that the Acquisition squitters are emitted in
random intervals uniformly distributed between 0.8 and 1.2 seconds.
b. STEP 2 - Verify the content of the CA, AA and PI fields
For diversity transponders, verify that the squitters occur alternately from
both channels. For transponders that are designed for aircraft installations
with automatic means of determining on-the-ground condition, when the
transponder is in on-the-ground status, verify that Acquisition squitters
occur on the top antenna only at the prescribed rate. Extended Squitter Verification

Extended squitters occur randomly at rates determined by internal states of the
transponder. Each Extended Squitter type must be separately verified for content,
rate and antenna selection which are dependent upon transponder air/ground
state and Extended Squitter ground station interrogations. The selection of
airborne or surface position formats is dependent upon determination of on-the-
ground status and ground station control via interrogation content. The following
tests shall be performed to verify proper operation of the transponder Extended
Squitter functions. The external data sources for Extended Squitter loading shall
be connected via the appropriate interfaces.

© EUROCAE, 2011
215 Extended Squitter Rate Verification

a. Verify Extended Squitter Message Rate and Timeout functions by
demonstrating successful completion of all test procedures called out in
§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B, as required by
NOTE: § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B indicates
that ADS-B Message Timeout performance is tested in §
through § These same test procedure sections verify
the Message Rate in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A.
b. Verify Extended Squitter Message Rate and Termination functions by
demonstrating successful completion of all test procedures called out in
§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B, as required by
NOTE: § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B indicates
that ADS-B Message Termination performance is tested in
§ through § These same test procedure
sections verify the Message Rate in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA
c. While performing the test procedures specified in subparagraphs ―a‖ and ―b‖
above, verify the content of the CA, AA and PI fields in the Extended Squitter
d. For diversity transponders, setup the transponder to transmit airborne format
Extended Squitters. Verify that each Extended Squitter type identified in
§3.28.2 occur alternately from both channels. For transponders that are
designed for aircraft installations with automatic means of determining on-the-
ground condition, set the transponder to on-the-ground status and verify that
Extended Squitters occur on the top antenna only at the prescribed rates. Extended Squitter Protocol Verification

The following test verifies the transponder properly transmits Extended Squitters
according to the protocol specified in §3.28.
Verify the content of the CA, AA and PI fields of all Extended Squitter replies. For
the following test, connect the transponder to the appropriate source that provides
altitude code input to the transponder. Also, as required, setup to provide
Extended Squitter data to ground initiated Comm-B Registers 0516, 0616, 0716,
0816, 0916, 0A16, 6216 and 6516 through an external interface as specified in
Unless otherwise noted, for the following steps, setup the transponder to not
inhibit Acquisition squitters and to report barometric pressure altitude in the
airborne position report (subfield ATS equals ZERO). For transponders that
support automatic detection of air/ground state, setup the transponder to airborne
a. STEP 1 - Disable altitude code and all other Extended Squitter data into the
Set the ALT switch to the ―off‖ position. Upon power-up initialization of the
transponder, verify that the transponder broadcasts Acquisition squitters but
does not broadcast Extended Squitters. Interrogate the transponder with
ground initiated Comm-B requests with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 7 and
9 respectively. Verify that the MB field of the corresponding replies is
Set the ALT switch to the ―on‖ position. Verify that the transponder
continues to broadcast Acquisition squitters but does not broadcast
Extended Squitters.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. STEP 2 - Set the ALT switch to the ―on‖ position and provide altitude code
input to the transponder.
After power-up initialization, verify that the transponder does not broadcast
Extended Squitters. Interrogate the transponder with ground initiated
Comm-B requests with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 9 and 10 respectively.
Verify that the altitude is ZERO in the airborne position report and
remaining bits are ZERO. Verify that the MB field of the remaining replies is
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, RR=17 and DI≠7 and verify that the
SCS subfield of the data link capability report is ZERO. Verify that the
transponder broadcasts Acquisition squitters.
c. STEP 3 - Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a
maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816, 0916, 6216 and 6516. Use
other than ZERO or ALL ONEs for the airborne position report, aircraft
identification report, and the airborne velocity report. Verify that the
transponder broadcasts airborne position squitters, airborne identification
squitters and airborne velocity squitters at the proper rate and the ME data
content matches the data stored in GICB Register 0516, 0816 and 0916,
respectively. Verify that the SSS and ACS subfields of the airborne position
squitter are correct. Interrogate the transponder with ground initiated
Comm-B requests with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
respectively. Verify that the MB field contains the proper data. Repeat
except vary the data content of each GICB and verify the data content of
each Extended Squitter subsequent to each register update. Interrogate the
transponder with RR=17 and DI≠7 and verify that the SCS subfield of the
data link capability report is one.
d. STEP 4 - Setup the transponder as in STEP 3 with Extended Squitter
updates to the transponder at a maximum update interval as specified in
Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Place the transponder in the airborne state. Stop
updates of all Extended Squitter data, except altitude information, to the
transponder for GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816, 0916, 6216 and 6516.
1. Verify that after 2 seconds, the Extended Squitter ME fields for GICB
Register 0516 are ZERO with the exception of the ACS and surveillance
status fields.
2. Verify that after 2 seconds the aircraft identification and category
squitter (GICB Register 0816) continues to be transmitted.
3. Verify that after 2 seconds only the Selected Altitude, Selected Heading
or Barometric Pressure Setting subfields of the target state and status
squitter (GICB Register 6216) are set to ZERO. Verify that the
remaining Extended Squitter ME subfields are not cleared, as they
contain other integrity, mode or status information.
4. Verify that after 2 seconds the Extended Squitter ME fields of the
aircraft operational status squitter (GICB Register 6516) are not cleared,
as they contain various integrity, mode or status information.
5. Verify that after 2.6 seconds the airborne velocity squitter is not being

© EUROCAE, 2011

6. Place the transponder in the ground state and verify that the surface
position Extended Squitter ME field (GICB Register 0616) is ZERO.
Repeat the setup as in STEP 3 with Extended Squitter updates to the
transponder at a one half second rate. Place the transponder in the
airborne state. Interrogate the transponder with RR=17 and DI=7 and
verify that the SCS subfield of the data link capability report is one.
After all updates (except altitude information) have ceased for 10
seconds, interrogate to extract the data link capability report and verify
that the SCS subfield is ZERO.
Interrogate the transponder with ground initiated Comm-B requests with
RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively. Verify that the
MB fields are ZERO with the exception of the ACS field in the airborne
position squitter (GICB Register 0516) and the airborne identification
squitter (GICB Register 0816). After all updates (except altitude
information) have ceased for 60 seconds, verify that airborne
identification and category Extended Squitters are still being
transmitted. Place the transponder in the ground state and verify that
the surface position Extended Squitter (GICB Register 0616) is no
longer transmitted.
Return the transponder to the airborne state. Verify that the acquisition
squitter and airborne position squitter are broadcast. Set the ALT switch
to the "off" position. Verify that the ME field of the airborne position
squitter is ZERO.
After 60 seconds, verify that the transponder no longer broadcasts
airborne position squitters.
e. STEP 5 - Set ALT switch to the ―on‖ position. Setup the transponder as in
STEP 3 and provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a
maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Stop
update of GICB Registers 0516 and 0616 only.
After 2 seconds, verify that the ME field of the airborne position squitter is
ZERO with the exception of the ACS subfield. Verify that the transponder
broadcasts airborne position, aircraft identification and airborne velocity
squitters at the proper rate and the ME data content matches the data
stored in GICB Registers 0516, 0816 and 0916, respectively. Interrogate with
RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and 9 and verify the MB fields matches the
ME field in the corresponding Extended Squitter reply. After 10 seconds,
interrogate to extract the data link capability report and verify that SCS is
ZERO. After 60 seconds, verify that airborne position squitters are still
Set the ALT switch to the ―off‖ position. Verify that the ME field of the
airborne position squitter is ZERO. After 60 seconds, verify that the
transponder no longer broadcasts airborne position squitters. Verify that
aircraft identification and airborne velocity squitters are transmitted
throughout the test at the proper rate and with the correct data content.
f. STEP 6 - Set the ALT switch to the ―on‖ position and provide altitude code
input to the transponder. Provide Extended Squitter updates to the
transponder at a maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B,
Table B-2-1. Include updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816 and
0916. Verify that the ME fields of the airborne position, velocity and aircraft
identification squitters match the data input. Stop updates of Extended
Squitter data to the transponder for GICB Registers 0816 and 0916 only.
After 15 seconds, verify that the ME field of the aircraft identification squitter
continues to match the data input prior to stopping updates to GICB
Register 0816.

© EUROCAE, 2011

After 2.6 seconds, verify that the ME field of the airborne velocity squitter is
no longer transmitted. Interrogate with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and
9 and verify that the MB fields match the ME fields in the corresponding
Extended Squitter reply. Specifically, verify that the MB and ME fields for
Register 0816 continue to match the data input prior to stopping the updates
to GICB Register 0816.
After 10 seconds, interrogate to extract the data link capability report and
verify that SCS is one. After 60 seconds, verify that airborne position and
aircraft identification squitters are still transmitted. Specifically, verify that
the ME field of the aircraft identification squitter continues to match the data
input prior to stopping the updates to GICB Register 0816.
g. STEP 7 - Configure the transponder to inhibit Acquisition squitters when
Extended Squitters are broadcast. Prior to providing Extended Squitter
updates, verify that Acquisition squitters are broadcast. Provide Extended
Squitter updates at a maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B,
Table B-2-1 to GICB Registers 0516, 0616 and 0816 and provide altitude
code input to the transponder. Verify that Extended Squitters are broadcast
and Acquisition squitters are not broadcast. Verify that airborne position
and aircraft identification squitters are broadcast at the proper rate and
alternately on the top and bottom antenna ports as specified for airborne
state if antenna diversity is supported. Additionally provide updates to
GICB Register 0916. Verify the broadcast of airborne position squitters,
aircraft identification squitters and airborne velocity squitters at the proper
rate and the ME data content matches the data stored in GICB Registers
0516, 0816 and 0916, respectively. Verify that the transponder does not
broadcast Acquisition squitters.
Set the ALT switch to the ―off‖ position and stop update to GICB Registers
0516, 0616, 0816 and 0916. After 2 seconds, verify that the ME fields of the
airborne position squitters are ZERO. After 2.6 seconds, verify that the
airborne velocity squitter is no longer transmitted. Interrogate with UF=4,
RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and 9, respectively. Verify that the MB
fields of the replies match the data of the corresponding Extended Squitter
reply. Specifically, verify that the MB fields of the replies for Register 0816
continue to match the data that was provided prior to stopping the updates
to GICB Register 0816. After 60 seconds, verify that Extended Squitter
airborne position squitter transmissions stop. Verify that the aircraft
identification Extended Squitter transmissions are continued and that the
contents of the ME field matches the data that was provided prior to
stopping the updates to GICB Register 0816. Verify that Acquisition squitter
transmissions resume.
Repeat above sequence except stop update to GICB Registers 0516 and
0616 only.
After 2 seconds, verify that the ME field of the airborne position report is
After 60 seconds, verify that the transponder no longer broadcasts airborne
position squitters and continues to broadcast airborne velocity and aircraft
identification squitters. Verify that the transponder continues to inhibit the
broadcast of Acquisition squitters.
Repeat above except stop update to GICB Register 0916 only. After 2.6
seconds verify that the airborne velocity squitter is no longer transmitted.
After 60 seconds, verify that the Acquisition squitters are not transmitted.

© EUROCAE, 2011

h. STEP 8 - Input GICB Register 0A16 and verify that an event-driven

Extended Squitter is generated with the proper data content. Update GICB
Register 0A16 at a rate less than twice every second. Verify that an event-
driven Extended Squitter is generated subsequent to each update with the
proper data content. Vary the data content provided externally to the
transponder and verify that the data content subsequent to update of the
event-driven report is correct. Increase the update rate to exceed twice per
second. Verify that the event-driven squitter rate does not exceed twice per
second and that the data content reflects the most recent update contents.
Repeat for all supported Event-Driven Extended Squitter Message types.
For the following steps, for those transponders that support automatic
detection of on-the-ground status, change the transponder to on-the-ground
Configure the transponder to not inhibit Acquisition squitters when
Extended Squitters are broadcast.
i. STEP 9 - Upon power-up initialization of the transponder, verify that the
transponder broadcasts Acquisition squitters at the proper rate but does not
broadcast Extended Squitters. For transponders that support automatic
detection of on-the-ground status and diversity, verify that Acquisition
squitters occur on the top antenna port only. Interrogate the transponder
with GICB requests with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and 9 respectively.
Verify that the MB field of the corresponding replies is ZERO.
j. STEP 10 - Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a
maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0816, 0916, 6216, and 6516. Use other
than ZERO or all ONEs for the surface position report and the aircraft
identification report. Set TRS to ZERO. For transponders that support
automatic on-the-ground detection, perform the following:
1. Verify that the transponder broadcasts surface position squitters at
the high rate and the ME data content matches the data stored in
GICB Register 0616.
2. Verify that the transponder broadcasts aircraft identification squitters
and that they occur uniformly over the range of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds as
specified in §3.28.3.c. Verify that the ME data content matches the
data stored in GICB Register 0816.
3. Verify that the transponder broadcasts aircraft operational status
squitters at the rates as specified in § of EUROCAE
ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B and that the data content matches the
data stored in GICB Register 6516. When transmitting the surface
formats, the rate depends on whether the high or low squitter rate
has been selected (see §3.28.6).
4. Verify that the transponder does not broadcast the airborne position
and the airborne velocity squitter.
5. Verify that the transponder does not broadcast Acquisition squitters.
6. Stop update of GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0816, 0916 and 6516. After
2 seconds, verify that the surface position squitter ME field is ZERO.
After 15 seconds, verify that the ME field of the aircraft identification
squitter continues to match the data input prior to stopping updates
to GICB Register 0816.
7. After 60 seconds, verify that surface position and surface aircraft
operational status squitters stop. Verify that the aircraft identification
extended squitter transmissions are continued and that the contents
of the ME field matches the data that was provided prior to stopping
the updates to GICB Register 0816. Verify that acquisition squitter
transmissions resume.

© EUROCAE, 2011

For transponders that do not support automatic on-the-ground detection,

verify that airborne position squitters, airborne velocity squitters and aircraft
identification squitters are transmitted at the proper rate and data content.
Verify that surface position squitters are not emitted. Verify that the
transponder broadcasts Acquisition squitters at the proper rate.
Repeat except vary the data content of GICB Registers 0616 and 0816 and
verify the data content of each Extended Squitter subsequent to each
register update.
k. STEP 11 - For transponders that support automatic on-the-ground detection
and can determine surface squitter rate, repeat step 10 with TRS set to 1
and verify that the surface position and aircraft identification squitters occur
at the high rate.
Change TRS to 2 and repeat except verify that the surface position squitter
switches to the low rate and aircraft identification squitters occur uniformly
over the range 9.8 to 10.2 seconds as specified in §3.28.3 c.
In all of the above steps, interrogate the transponder with a ground-initiated
Comm-B request containing RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=7 and verify that the
TRS and ATS subfields are reported properly. Squitter Control Verification

Squitter operation is dependent upon control from Extended Squitter ground
stations from interrogation content of the SD field. SD data can command the
transponder to broadcast surface position squitters and control surface Extended
Squitter rate and surface squitter antenna selection.

Step 1 Squitter Type Control

a. Provide pressure altitude data and Extended Squitter updates to the

transponder through the appropriate external interface. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0816, 0916, 6116 and 6516. Use
other than ZERO or all ones for the corresponding GICB registers.
Update the registers at a half second rate to prevent time out of these
registers. Set TRS to ZERO or ONE and for those transponders that
support automatic on-the-ground detection, set the transponder to
airborne state. Throughout the following entire step:

 verify that CA remains equal to 5 for transponders that support

automatic on-the-ground detection; otherwise verify CA remains
equal to 6, and

 verify that the transponder continues broadcast of Acquisition

squitters throughout the test alternately using the two antenna for
transponders providing antenna diversity.

b Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC and RR=0, DI=2, TCS=1,

RCS=2, SAS=0.

1. Verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts surface position (0616) and aircraft identification

(0816), aircraft status (6116) and surface aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters for 15 seconds at the low rate using
the top antenna,

(b). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters during the 15 second period, and,

© EUROCAE, 2011

(c). inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode
S-Only All-Call interrogations during the 15 second period.

(d). continues reporting airborne in the FS field.

2. Verify that after the 15 second interval, the transponder:

(a). reverts to broadcast of the airborne position (0516), airborne

velocity (0916), aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters,

(b). resumes broadcast of the aircraft identification (0816)

squitter at the high rate, and

(c) replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations.

3. Repeat using an interrogation as above except set TCS=2 and

verify that:

(a) the transponder broadcasts surface position (0616) aircraft

identification (0816), aircraft status (6116) and surface
aircraft operational status (6516) squitters at the low rate for
60 seconds on the top antenna,

(b) does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters during the 60 second period,

(c) inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode
S-Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period,

(d) After the 60 second interval, verify that:

(1). the transponder reverts to broadcast of airborne

position (0516), airborne velocity (0916), aircraft status
(6116) and airborne aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters alternately using the two antenna for
transponders providing antenna diversity,

(2). resumes broadcast of aircraft identification (0816)

squitters at the high rate, and

(3). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode

S-Only All-Call interrogations.

c. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC and RR=0, DI=2, TCS=1,

RCS=2, SAS=0.

1. Verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification

(0816), aircraft status (6116) and surface aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters for 15 seconds at the low rate on the
top antenna,

(b). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters during the 15 second period, and

© EUROCAE, 2011

(c). inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode
S-Only All-Call interrogations during the 15 second period.

2. Prior to the timeout of the 15 second interval, repeat

interrogation. Verify that:

(a). the transponder continues broadcast of the surface position

(0616), aircraft identification (0816), aircraft status (6116) and
surface aircraft operational status (6516) squitters for
another 15 seconds from the second interrogation,

(b). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters during the additional 15 second
period after the second interrogation, and

(c). inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode
S-Only All-Call interrogations during the additional 15
second period after the second interrogation.

3. Repeat using an interrogation as above except set TCS=2 and

verify that:

(a). the transponder broadcasts surface position (0616) aircraft

identification (0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface
aircraft operational status (6516) squitters at the low rate for
60 seconds on the top antenna,

(b). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters during the 60 second period, and

(c). inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode
S-Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period,

(d). prior to the timeout of the 60 second interval, repeat

interrogation. Verify that:

(1). the surface position (0616) aircraft identification

(0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters continue for
another 60 seconds from the second interrogation,

(2). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or

airborne velocity (0916) squitters during the 60
second period after the repeat interrogation, and

(3). inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and

Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations during the 60
second period after the repeat interrogation.

d. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=1,

RCS=2, and SAS=0. Within a 1 second interval, interrogate with the
same interrogation except set TCS=3. Verify that the transponder:

1. stops broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft

operational status (6516) squitters.

2. resumes broadcast of the airborne position (0516), airborne

velocity (0916), aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters,

© EUROCAE, 2011

3. resumes broadcast of the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at

the high rate, and

4. replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only All-
Call interrogations.

e. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=0,

RCS=0, and SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. continues to broadcast airborne position (0516), airborne velocity

(0916), aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters at the proper rate,

2. continues to broadcast the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at

the high rate,

3. continues to reply to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode

S-Only All-Call interrogations, and

4. does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft

operational status (6516) squitters.

f. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=3,

4, 5, 6, 7, RCS=0, and SAS=0 interrogations. For each interrogation,
verify that the transponder:

1. broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters at the proper rate,

2. broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the high


3. replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only All-
Call interrogations, and

4. does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft

operational status (6516) squitters.

g. Perform the following for transponders that support automatic on-the-

ground detection. Set the transponder to on-the-ground status.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=1,
RCS=2, and SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. broadcasts surface position (0616) and aircraft identification

(0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters squitters for 15 seconds at the low rate,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 15 second period,

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 15 second period, and

4. After the 15 second interval, verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification

(0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters at the low rate,

© EUROCAE, 2011

(b). does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne

velocity (0916) squitters, and

(c). continues to inhibit replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-

Call and Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations.

h. Repeat the interrogation used in Step 1.g. After one (1) second, set
the transponder to the airborne state. Then verify that the

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters at the low rate for the entire 15 second period,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 15 second period,

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 15 second period, and

4. After the 15 second period, verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status
(6516) squitters at the proper rate,

(b). broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the

high rate,

(c). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations, and

(d). does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface

aircraft operational status (6516) squitters.

Step 2 Squitter Rate Control

With the equipment connected as specified in Step 1, set TRS to ZERO

or ONE and for transponders that support automatic on-the-ground
detection, set the transponder to the airborne state. Except as
otherwise noted, verify that the Acquisition squitter is broadcast
throughout the following step at the proper rate.

a. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=2,

RCS=1 and SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters for 60 seconds at the high rate,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 60 second period,

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period, and

© EUROCAE, 2011

4. After the 60 second period, verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status
(6516) squitters at the proper rate,

(b). broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the

high rate,

(c). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations, and

(d). does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface

aircraft operational status (6516) squitters.

b. Repeat the Step 2.a procedure, except prior to the 60 second

interval, repeat the interrogation with TCS=2 and RCS=1, and verify
that the transponder:

1. continues to broadcast surface position (0616), aircraft

identification (0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters at the high rate for 60 seconds
after the repeat interrogation,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 60 second period after the repeat

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period after the
repeat interrogation, and

4. After the 60 second period after the second interrogation, verify

that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status
(6516) squitters at the proper rate,

(b). broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the

high rate,

(c). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations, and

(d). does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface

aircraft operational status (6516) squitters.

c. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=0,

RCS=1 and SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. continues to broadcast airborne position (0516), airborne velocity

(0916), aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational
status (6516) squitters at the proper rate,

2. continues to broadcast the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at

the high rate,

3. continues to reply to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode

S-Only All-Call interrogations, and

© EUROCAE, 2011

4. does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft

operational status (6516) squitters.

d. Repeat the interrogation used in Step 2.c except use TCS = 3, 4, 5,

6, 7. For each TCS used, verify that the transponder continues to
respond as in Step 2.c.

e. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=1,

RCS=2, and SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters at the low rate for 15 seconds after the interrogation,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 15 second period after the

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 15 second period after the
interrogation, and

4. After the 15 second period, verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status
(6516) squitters at the proper rate,

(b). broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the

high rate,

(c). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations, and

(d). does not broadcast surface position (0616) and surface

aircraft operational status (6516) squitters.

f. Repeat the interrogation used in Step 2.e, except set TCS=2. Verify
that the transponder:

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters at the low rate for 60 seconds,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 60 second period,

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period and

4. After the 60 second period, verify that the transponder:

(a). broadcasts airborne position (0516), airborne velocity (0916),

aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft operational status
(6516) squitters at the proper rate,

(b). broadcasts the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at the

high rate,

© EUROCAE, 2011

(c). replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-Only
All-Call interrogations, and

(d). does not broadcast surface position (0616) and surface

aircraft operational status (6516) squitters.

g. The following verifies that the RCS subfield has no effect when the
transponder is not transmitting surface position squitters. Interrogate
the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=0, RCS=1, and
SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. continues the broadcast of the airborne position (0516), airborne

velocity (0916), aircraft status (6116) and airborne aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters at the proper rates.

2. continues to broadcast the aircraft identification (0816) squitter at

the high rate,

3. continues to reply to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode

S-Only All-Call interrogations, and

4. does not broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft

operational status (6516) squitters.

h. Repeat Step 2.i above, except set RCS=2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7,

respectively. For each setting used for RCS, verify that the
transponder responds as required in Step 2.i.

i. The following verifies that reserved RCS codes have no effect when
the transponder is transmitting surface position squitters. Interrogate
the transponder with UF=4, PC and RR=0, DI=2, TCS=2, RCS=0,
SAS=0. Verify that the transponder:

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters at the proper rates,

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 60 second period following the

3. inhibits replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-

Only All-Call interrogations during the 60 second period following
the interrogation.

j. Repeat the interrogation used in Step 2.k, except set TCS=0 and
RCS=3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively, and for each setting used, verify
that the transponder:

1. continues broadcast of surface position (0616), aircraft

identification (0816), aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters at the proper rate following
each interrogation, and

2. does not broadcast airborne position (0516) or airborne velocity

(0916) squitters during the 60 second period following the

© EUROCAE, 2011

k. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=2,

RCS=1, and SAS=0. Follow this interrogation within 1 second with
the same interrogation except set TCS=3. Verify that the transponder
stops broadcast of surface position (0616) and surface aircraft
operational status (6516) squitters.

Step 3 Squitter Antenna Control

The following procedure verifies that the transponder correctly broadcasts

surface Extended Squitters and Acquisition squitters on the proper
antenna ports as commanded by the SAS subfield. For transponders that
do not support antenna diversity, verify that the SAS commands have no
impact on Acquisition or Extended Squitter transmissions.

a. With the equipment connected as specified in Step 1, for

transponders that support automatic on-the-ground detection, set the
transponder to on-the-ground status. For transponders that support
automatic detection of on-the-ground condition, verify that the

1. broadcasts surface position (0616), aircraft identification (0816),

aircraft status (6116), and surface aircraft operational status (6516)
squitters on the top antenna only, and

2. does not broadcast Acquisition squitters.

b. Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=0,

RCS=0, and SAS=0. For transponders that do not support automatic
detection of on-the-ground status, verify that the following
interrogations have no impact to Extended Squitter and Acquisition
squitter transmissions. Otherwise, verify that the transponder
broadcasts Extended and Acquisition squitters on the top antenna

c. Repeat interrogation used in Step 3.b, except set SAS=1. Verify that:

1. each Extended Squitter type and Acquisition squitters occur

alternately on the top and bottom antennas, and

2. after 120 seconds, verify that the transponder broadcasts

Extended and Acquisition squitters from the top antenna only.

d. Repeat interrogation except set SAS=2. Verify that:

1. the transponder broadcasts Extended and Acquisition squitters

for 120 seconds from the bottom antenna only, and

2. after the 120-second interval, that the transponder resumes

broadcasting Extended and Acquisition squitters from the top
antenna only.

e. Repeat interrogation used in Step 3.b, except with SAS=1 followed by

an interrogation 10 seconds later with SAS=3. After the second
interrogation, verify that the transponder resumes broadcasting
Extended and Acquisition squitters from the top antenna only.

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f. Repeat above procedure for transponders that support automatic on-

the-ground detection, except set the transponder to the airborne state
and verify that the SAS commands have no effect on Acquisition and
Extended Squitter transmissions and squitters are broadcast
alternately on top and bottom antenna ports.

g. Repeat above procedure except command the transponder to report

surface Extended Squitters via UF=4, PC=0, RR=0, DI=2, TCS=2,
and RCS=0 interrogations every 60 seconds to maintain surface
squitter transmissions. Set up transponders that support automatic
on-the-ground detection to the airborne state. Verify that the SAS
command properly controls antenna port selection for each of the
Extended Squitter types as specified for each SAS value, and that
the SAS commands have no effect on Acquisition squitter
transmissions. Procedure #7 FS and VS Protocol/Code Tests

(§ - FS code).
(§ - VS code).
(§ - protocol).
(§ - interface).
(Figure 3-12 - Flowchart).
This procedure verifies the proper operation of the FS and VS protocols and
codes. Conditions
Transponder States
A = Alert Register set.
B = TC timer runs.
C = TI timer runs.
D = Ground Register set.
Total number of independant states = 16.
Interrogation Patterns for All Transponders
UF=4, 5, 20, 21 with RR=0 and l6 through 31 (68 patterns).
UF=0, 16 (2 patterns).
Transaction Summary
All Transponders: 1120 transactions. Required Code Verification Test

Observe that the FS code follows the transponder states as specified in
§ and verify that VS=1, if and only if the "on-the-ground" input is active.
In particular, the following shall be verified :
a. when the input of the ID function is changed to 7500, 7600, 7700 verify
(1) the alert register is permanently set,
(2) the FS field value is 2, 3, or 4,
(3) TC is not started

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(4) verify that the FS field value changes to a value not equal to 2, 3, or
4 only when a new input of the ID function other than 7500, 7600,
7700 is made.
b. when the input of the ID function is changed to other values than 7500,
7600, 7700 verify that:
(1) the alert register is set,
(2) the FS field value is 2, 3, or 4,
(3) TC is started,
(4) following TC expiry, verify that the FS field value is not 2, 3, nor 4.
c. when manual or interface input exists for SPI, verify that :
(1) TI timer is started,
(2) the FS field value is 4 or 5,
(3) following TI expiry, verify that the FS field value is neither 4 nor 5.
d. when the "on-the-ground" input is active, verify that :
(1) the ground register is set,
(2) the FS field value is 1, 3, 4, or 5.
e. when the "on-the-ground" input is not active, verify that :
(1) the ground register is not set,
(2) the FS field value is 0, 2, 4, or 5.
The transactions required for this test can be interlaced during the
procedures required for interface verification or during any other convenient
interval. This can be arranged so that no time is lost in waiting for the timers
to run out.
f. Change the input of the ID function to a value other than 7500, 7600, 7700
Verify Mode A Code temporary alert is set (FS field value is 4 or 5)
5s later change the input of the ID function to a value other than 7500,
7600, 7700 and different from the previously used value.
Verify Mode A Code temporary alert is set (FS field value is 4 or 5) for 18
1.0 seconds after the second change. Required Timer Duration Test

Duration of each timer run (TC and TI) shall be verified to be 18 ±1.0 seconds by
observation of FS code change.
Change the input of the ID function to a value other than 7500, 7600 or 7700.
Verify that the Mode A Code, temporary alert is set (FS field value is 4 or 5). Five
(5) seconds later, change the input of the ID function to a value other than 7500,
7600 or 7700 and different from the previously used value. Verify that the Mode A
Code temporary alert is set (FS field value is 4 or 5) for 18 ±1 seconds after the
second change. On-the-Ground Validation Test

For transponders that support automatic on-the-ground condition input and either
implement Extended Squitter formatting or support the on-the-ground validation
requirements of § c, the following test shall be performed.
The on-the-ground input is used in determining the codes for FS, VS and CA
fields. The requirements of § c utilize radio altitude, ground speed and
airspeed inputs to validate the on-the-ground status when indicated by the input to

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the transponder. If the conditions for overriding the on-the-ground status

indicated by the input to the transponder, the airborne status shall be utilized to
select FS, VS and CA field coding. Also, for extender squitter format selection,
airborne formats shall be transmitted unless overridden by ground station
interrogation commands. CA field validation for Acquisition squitters and
Extended Squitters is verified as part of Procedure #6 in §, so the following
test can be incorporated as part of that testing.
Set up the transponder to indicate on-the-ground status by input to the
transponder. With no input of radio altitude, airspeed and ground speed to the
transponder, verify that the FS codes are determined by the transponder states
above with the Ground Register set to on-the-ground and VS is set to 1. Input
radio altitude, airspeed and ground speed to the transponder. Since not all
aircraft installations may have access to all three inputs, testing is required for all
combinations of inputs being provided to the transponder so that each input is
tested individually and collectively. This is to insure that any one input reporting a
value that sets airborne status as specified in § c, properly outputs FS
values according to Figure 3-12 with the Ground Register reset to NOT indicate
on-the-ground condition and VS is ZERO. If all inputs are supported by the
transponder, a total of 27 combinations are required. This represents 9 cases
with radio altitude not input, 9 cases with a value above 50 feet and 9 cases with
a value below or equal to 50 feet. The same variation for airspeed and ground
speed is required except the values selected would be above 100 knots to satisfy
the requirement to reset the Ground Register to NOT indicate on-the-ground
condition and a value at 100 knots or below to not modify the on-the-ground
status. SSS Code Validation Test

The SSS subfield is contained in the ME field of airborne Extended Squitters.
Setup the transponder to transmit airborne Extended Squitters at the nominal
rates. Verify the following:
1) SSS=0 when no alert (the Alert Register is clear and TC timer is not running)
and no SPI condition is active.
2) SSS=1 when Alert Register is set and no SPI Condition is active.
3) SSS=2 when the TC timer is running and returns to ZERO after the temporary
alert has cleared after 18 ±1 seconds.
4) SSS=3 when the TI timer is set indicating a SPI Condition is active and
returns to ZERO after the TI timer expires.
5) SSS=1 when Alert Register is set and SPI Condition is active. Clear the alert
and verify that SSS=2 as TC timer is now active. Set the SPI Condition, which
will set the TI timer. Verify that SSS=2 until the TC timer expires. Verify that
SSS=3 upon expiration of the TC timer and that SSS=0 upon expiration of the
TI timer.
6) SSS=3 when the TI timer is started. Prior to expiration of the TI timer, start
the TC timer and verify that SSS=2. Upon expiration of the TC timer, verify
that SSS returns to ZERO.
7) SSS=3 when the TI timer is started. Set the Alert Register while the TI timer
is running and verify that SSS=1. Alert when leaving STANDBY Condition

a. Set to the airborne state and change the input of the ID function to a value
other than 7500, 7600 or 7700.
b. Wait 19 seconds.
c. Set the transponder to STANDBY condition.

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d. Set the transponder to return to normal condition.

e. Verify that the Mode A Code, temporary alert is set (FS field value is 2 and
SSS=2 when the transponder is ES capable) for 18 ±1 seconds after leaving
the STANDBY condition.
f. Repeat Steps ―a‖ through ―e‖, except in Step ―c‖ set the transponder to OFF. Change the input of the ID function to 7500

a. Set to the airborne state and set the transponder to STANDBY condition and
provide the transponder with the 7500 code.
b. Set the transponder to return to normal condition.
c. Verify that the permanent alert is set (FS field value is 2 and SSS=1 when the
transponder is ES capable).
d. Repeat the test with 7600 and 7700.
e. Repeats Steps ―a‖ through ―d‖, except in Step ―a‖ set the transponder to OFF. Procedure #8 PI (Parity/Identity) Verification (§

This test procedure verifies the PI field generation.
A separate test sequence is not required.
During the lockout tests, the transponder generates replies to All-Call
interrogations and the reply receiver receives the PI field and extracts the
interrogator identifier code or surveillance identifier code received by the
transponder in the preceding interrogation.
Verify that the extracted code agrees with the IC and CL of the preceding All-Call.
Verify that the extracted code equals 0 if the preceding All-Call was an Mode
A/C/S type. Procedure #9 Address Tests

(§ - address discrimination)
(§3.17.1 - address reporting)
(§3.17.1 and § c address encoding)
(§ - address interface)
This test procedure verifies that the address set into the address interface of the
transponder is actually the address to which the transponder responds, and the
address which the transponder reports in DF=11. It is also verified that this
address pattern is used in generating the AP field of replies and that the
transponder does reply only to this address. Pattern Selection

Because more than 16 million addresses are possible, exhaustive testing is not
practical. Several address test patterns (#1 and #2) must be randomly chosen so
that the most likely failure modes (incorrect wiring of the interface connector,
register malfunction, etc.) can be found.

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233 Test Sequence

1. Remove power from the transponder under test.
2. Set the transponder address selector device to any valid 24-bit aircraft
address (not a single 0 or 1), referred to as ―address #1.‖
3. Apply power to the transponder under test and wait a minimum of 2
4. Interrogate the transponder with address #1 and observe:
Acceptance for all formats.
Correct reporting of address # 1 in AA field of DF=11.
Correct encoding of address # 1 in AP field of replies.
5. Interrogate the transponder with any 24-bit aircraft address other than
address #1 and observe:
Non-acceptance of all formats.
6. Set the transponder address selector device to a different randomly chosen
valid 24-bit aircraft address (not a single 0 or 1),referred to as ―address #2.‖
7. Verify correct reporting of address # 1 in AA field of DF=11.
8. If the transponder is designed to monitor the 24-bit aircraft address, then:
9. Verify that the transponder generates an appropriate diagnostic error
message to indicate that the transponder address has changed.
10. Interrogate the transponder with address #2 and observe:
Non-acceptance of all formats.
11. Interrogate the transponder with address #1 and observe:
Acceptance of all formats.
Correct reporting of address # 1 in AA field of DF=11.
Correct encoding of address # 1 in AP field of replies.
Repeat this test with several randomly chosen valid 24-bit aircraft
addresses (not a single 0 or 1) as address #1 and address #2. Procedure #10 Altitude Report Tests

(§3.5.6 - in Mode A/C/S)
(§3.17.1 b - Pressure Altitude)
(§ - Interface)
This test procedure verifies that the altitude code as it is set into the interface,
appears correctly in both Mode C and Mode S replies. Pattern Selection

Test patterns are chosen so that the most likely failure modes (incorrect wiring of
the interface connector, register malfunction, etc.) can be found. The following
systematic test pattern generation is recommended:
Choose all patterns consisting of two ONEs and the remainder ZEROs and all
patterns consisting of two ZEROs and the remainder ONEs. These patterns,
together with the ALL-ZEROs pattern, shall be used for verification.

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234 Transponder Designs

In Mode C replies only 11 of the possible 13 pulses are used; X and D1 are not
part of the code. Additionally, some transponders may not need the capability to
transmit the D2 and/or D4 pulses which start at 62000 and 30750 ft respectively.
At the other extreme, a transponder with the capability to report altitude in meters
must have the capability to transmit ONEs in all 13 bits of the AC field. If the
maximum number of bits in the altitude code is n, the total number of patterns
required by the above pattern selection recommendation is n(n-1)+1.
Transponders may report altitude in up to five reply formats only: Mode A/C
Mode S, DF=0, 4, and DF=20, and if so equipped, in DF=16. The total number of
replies that should be verified for a given transponder design is the product of the
number of altitude reply formats and the number of recommended test patterns
for that transponder. This number ranges up to a maximum of 785 replies tested
for a data link transponder with 13 altitude code bits. Test Sequence

Disconnect the interface input for altitude code or do not supply altitude
information if the interface is common with other data systems. Interrogate so that
all possible altitude reporting downlink formats are generated in replies. For Mode
C, verify that only the bracket pulses appear and that bits 20 through 32 of Mode
S replies are ZEROs.
Connect the code source to the interface input, generate a code consisting of ALL
ZEROs and verify as above.
Apply all test patterns as described above at the interface and verify that they
appear correctly in all formats containing an altitude code. Procedure #11 4096 Code Tests

(§ - Interface, electrical)
(§2.5 - Interface, manual)
This test verifies that the 4096 code set by the pilot appears correctly in both
Mode A/C and Mode S replies. DF=5 and 21. Procedure Selection

For all installations and transponder designs, the initial input of the code is set
manually by the pilot. The code selector device may or may not be an integral part
of the transponder. If an electrical input exists, it may be dedicated to this function
alone, or it may be common with other data systems. Any procedure selected
ultimately must be traceable to the manual input mode, even if the pilot's selector
device is provided by another manufacturer. Pattern Selection

Only 12 of the possible 13 pulses or bit positions are used; Bit 26 in DF=5 & 21 is
not part of the code. Test patterns are chosen so that the most likely failure
modes (incorrect wiring in connectors, cables, code switches or register
malfunction) are likely to be found. The following systematic test pattern
generation is required :
There exist 66 code patterns consisting of two ONEs and 10 ZEROs, while
another 66 patterns have two ZEROs and 10 ONEs. These 132 patterns are used
for verification because they assure that a pair of connections is not defective. (A
sequence of randomly chosen patterns is not suitable because there are many
incorrect wiring possibilities and a random test can fail to detect errors).

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The correlation between the required test pattern and the actual code numbers as
seen by the pilot follows:
4096 Codes That Produce Two ONEs and 10 ZEROs:

0003 0202 1400

0005 0204 2001
0006 0210 2002
0011 0220 2004
0012 0240 2010
0014 0300 2020
0021 0401 2040
0022 0402 2100
0024 0404 2200
0030 0410 2400
0041 0420 3000
0042 0440 4001
0044 0500 4002
0050 0600 4004
0060 1001 4010
0101 1002 4020
0102 1004 4040
0104 1010 4100
0110 1020 4200
0120 1040 4400
0140 1100 5000
0201 1200 6000

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4096 Codes That Produce Two ZEROs and 10 ONEs:

1777 6577 7576

2777 6677 7637
3377 6737 7657
3577 6757 7667
3677 6767 7673
3737 6773 7675
3757 6775 7676
3767 6776 7717
3773 7177 7727
3775 7277 7733
3776 7337 7735
4777 7357 7736
5377 7367 7747
5577 7373 7753
5677 7375 7755
5737 7376 7756
5757 7477 7763
5767 7573 7765
5773 7557 7766
5775 7567 7771
5776 7573 7772
6377 7575 7774 Transponder Designs

All transponders report the 4096 code in Mode A replies and in DF=5, 21; 396
replies must be verified. Test Sequence

Enter all test patterns manually or electrically and verify that they are correct in
both Mode A and Mode S replies.
If the test patterns are entered electrically, a corresponding test procedure must
be devised to verify the connection between 4096 codes and the electrical input to
the transponder. This should include cables and connectors.
If the electrical input simulates an on-board data distribution system, the
verification procedures for that system govern the above verification.
NOTE: A manual insertion of the 4096 codes can be prompted by an
interactive readout from the test controller to speed up the

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237 Procedure #12 RI, Acquisition and Maximum Cruising True Airspeed
(§3.17.1 - Insertion)
(§ - code)
(§ - Interface)
(§ - Air to air reply information)
This test procedure verifies that the maximum cruising true airspeed code as it is
set at the fixed direct data interface appears correctly in replies and that it
appears only when the interrogation shows AQ=1. Pattern Selection

Of the 4 bits of the RI field, one (14) is controlled by the content of the received
interrogation. The remaining three (15-17) show the maximum cruising true
airspeed code from the fixed direct data interface when bit 14 is ONE, and input
from a variable data interface when bit 14 is ZERO. This procedure concerns only
the fixed data interface; RI action for the variable data interface is verified in
Procedure #7.
To be verified are code 0 and codes 8 through 14 of § Transponder Designs

The maximum cruising true airspeed codes range to 1200 knots. Bit 15, if ONE,
characterizes all maximum cruising true airspeeds above 300 knots.
Transponders may not have inputs for maximum cruising true airspeeds above
that limit.
All transponders require interrogations with UF=0, AQ=0, 1 and RL=0 (2
interrogation patterns).
All other transponders with ACAS compatible interface require interrogations with
UF=0, 16, AQ=0, 1 and RL=0, 1 (8 interrogation patterns). Test Sequence

For each maximum cruising true airspeed code (for which the transponder is
equipped), interrogate with the required number of patterns and verify that the RI
field shows the code according to § or §, as appropriate.
NOTE: Since some transponders may enter the maximum cruising true
airspeed code through a common on-board data system, a
corresponding test procedure must be used. Procedure #13 PR, Probability of Reply, Stochastic Acquisition

(§ - PR code)
(§ - protocol)
This test procedure verifies that the probability-of-reply decision for All-Call
interrogations is carried out correctly. Principle of Test Procedure

A large number of Mode S All-Call interrogations (UF=11) are made for each of
the PR codes. For each PR code, a specified fraction of the interrogations will
result in a reply. A minimum of one hundred interrogations provide a valid sample
for active PR codes while a lesser number are adequate for other codes. Transponder Designs

This test applies to all transponder designs.

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238 Test Sequences

a. Transponder Not Locked Out to All-Calls
Interrogate with UF=11 according to the summary below and verify the
number of replies received as indicated:
Number of Replies
Interrogations PR= No Less Than No More Than
100 0 99 100
100 l 35 65
100 2 18 32
100 3 9 15
100 4 4 8
20 5 0
20 6 0
20 7 0
100 8 99 100
100 9 35 65
100 10 18 32
100 11 9 15
100 12 4 8
20 13 0
20 14 0
20 15 0
NOTE: This test is based on a small sample, and is likely that in some
cases of testing, statistical variation may cause a correctly
implemented transponder to fail this test. In this case, it is
equally likely that if the test is rerun one or more times, it may
then be successful.
b. Transponder Locked Out to All-Calls
The transponder can be in 79 different specific lockout states as
determined by the running of the one TD and the 78 TL timers. The
following test sequence must be repeated for each of the lockout states:
(1) Interrogate so that the transponder is locked out non-selectively or
selectively as required.

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(2) Interrogate with UF=11, containing IC and CL corresponding to the

existing lockout state, and verify the number of replies according to
the summary below:
Number of Replies
Interrogations PR= No Less Than No More Than
20 0 0 0
20 1 0 0
20 2 0 0
20 3 0 0
20 4 0 0
20 5 0 0
20 6 0 0
20 7 0 0
100 8 99 100
100 9 35 65
100 10 18 32
100 11 9 15
100 12 4 8
20 13 0 0
20 14 0 0
20 15 0 0 Squitter Precaution

Because squitter transmissions, which have the same format, can distort the
results of this test, precautions must be taken. Therefore, the test should be
conducted during the 800-millisecond periods following squitter (procedure 6).
NOTE: It is not necessary that this test consist of an uninterrupted sequence
of All-Calls. The interrogations can be dispersed throughout the
overall test procedure whenever convenient. Procedure #14 No Test foreseen

This procedure is deliberately left blank. Procedure #15 Comm-A, Interface and Information Content

(§ - protocol)
(§3.17.3 - content)
(§3.4.2 - acceptance rate)
(§ - broadcast)
This procedure verifies that the information contained in Comm-A interrogations
passes out of the transponder within the specified time interval and that such
information correctly replicates the received transmission.
In this test, the equipment must monitor both the reply content via the reply
received, and the uplink interface output via the interface adaptor.
Interrogation Patterns:

UF = 20, 21.
RR = 0.
MA = 3080 different patterns, half containing two ONEs, half containing
two ZEROs.
Address: Use the broadcast address for 5% of the interrogations

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Total number of interrogations if UF=20 and UF=21 are alternated: 3080. Test Sequence A

Interrogate at the normal (50/sec) rate, alternating UF=20 with UF=21 while
varying RR=0 to 15, PC=0 to 7, DI=0 to 7 and using SD=random (insert the 3080
different patterns into MA). Verify that the uplink content, as transmitted, appears
at the interface in the same order as transmitted.
NOTE: If the interface is of the storage design, the information may be
delayed; coordination with the interface design is required. Test Subsequence

Within the test sequence above, make 100 interrogations in 2.0 seconds.
Schedule bursts and timing are as follows:
Start of Burst (ms) Number of Interrogation Rate
Interrogations (per sec)
0 4 2500
80 4 2500
160 8 320
320 8 320
480 8 320
640 l8 180
1000 4 2500
1080 4 2500
1160 8 320
1320 8 320
1480 8 320
1640 18 180

For the non-storage design, verify compliance with §3.17.3.

For the storage design, verify that within two seconds of this subsequence all
uplink content appears in proper order as transmitted at the interface terminals. Test Sequence B (Buffer Full)

This test applies only if a storage design has been used.
Within one second, generate interrogation bursts as shown below. Use short
replies to remain within the reply capability of the transponder.
Start of Burst (ms) Number of Interrogation Rate
Interrogations (per sec)
0 4 2500
80 4 2500
160 8 320
320 8 320
480 8 320
640 18 180
750 16 180

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NOTE: This sequence is chosen so that the minimum data transfer rate of a
storage type interface is exceeded.
One second after the first burst, verify that the content of at least the first 50
interrogations has appeared at the interface and that:
i. For not replying transponder design the transponder has not generated a
reply to those interrogations whose content has not appeared at the
ii. For replying transponder design the transponder has generated a reply to
those interrogations whose content has not appeared at the interface. Procedure #16 Broadcast All-Call Formats

(§ - Broadcast)
The broadcast function is verified as part of Procedure #15. A negative test must
be conducted to verify that no data is transfered across the interface when short
formats are used.
Patterns and Sequence
Interrogate with UF=0, 4, 5 and a broadcast address. Verify that no information
transfer occurs at uplink interfaces as a result of these interrogations.
Interrogate with UF=11. Verify that no information transfer occurs at uplink
interfaces as a result of this interrogation. Procedure #17 Downlink Interface, DF = 0, 16

(§3.17.1 a and b - interface)
(§ - protocol)
(§ - MV)
This test procedure verifies that bit insertion into the first 32-bit positions of Mode
S replies is possible and is carried out without disturbing established fields or
This test procedure also verifies that bit patterns inserted into the MV field of
DF=16 are transmitted as inserted. Transponder Design

The downlink interface for DF=0 and DF=16 can exist as a separate port or as
one direction of a bidirectional un-buffered (real time) port. It can also exist as an
interface accepting only the bit insertion for DF=0 (short reply).
All data link transponders use DF=0 with DF=16 optional.
NOTE: In ACAS installations, it is possible that a separate interface,
according to §, exists for UF=DF=0, 16. Such an interface
may not be accessible if ACAS and transponder functions are
integrated. In such circumstances, the test procedures for ACAS
shall govern. Patterns for DF=0 and optional DF=16

a. Unconditional Insertion
The locations are:
Bits 9, 10, 11 : a total of 3 bits

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Interface patterns:
There are 8 possible unconditional interface patterns to be verified based
on these 3 bits.
Interrogation patterns:
UF=0, RL=0, AQ=1, DS = 0.
UF=16, RL=1, AQ=1.
UF=0, RL = 1, AQ = 1, DS any value other than 0
b. Conditional Insertion
The locations are:
Bits 15, 16, l7: these can be inserted only if the interrogation contained
Interface patterns:
There are 8 possible conditional interface patterns to be verified based on
these 3 bits.
Interrogation patterns:
UF=0, RL=0, AQ=0, DS = 0.
UF=16, RL=1, AQ=0.
UF=0, RL=1, AQ=0, DS any value other than 0.
NOTE: The interrogation that includes a DS value other than zero will
test that the reply bits are not affected by ACAS crosslink
protocol. The data content inserted in the ground-initiated Comm-
B registers being tested should not be all zeroes or all ones. Positive Test Sequences for DF=0 and optional DF=16

a. Unconditional Insertion
For each interrogation pattern, generate 8 interrogations while sequencing
through the interface patterns. Verify that the replies contain bits as
b. Conditional Insertion
For each interrogation pattern, generate 8 interrogations while sequencing
through all 8 possible interface patterns. Verify that the replies contain bits
as inserted. Negative Test Sequence for DF=0 and optional DF=16

Disconnect the interface input for the airspeed report or enter code 0 for airspeed.
Insert ONEs for bits 14 through 17 at the downlink interface and interrogate with
UF=0, RL=0, AQ=1 and with UF=16, RL=1, AQ=1.
Verify that bits 15 through 17 of the replies are ZEROs. MV Test Sequence for All Data Link Transponders

This test sequence includes all unconditionally inserted bits in addition to the bit
patterns of the MV field.
Interface Patterns and Test Sequence
Using bits 9 through 11 and 41 through 58, generate 420 interface patterns, 210
containing two ONEs and 210 containing two ZEROs.
Interrogate to extract replies of the inserted patterns and verify that they are
transmitted as inserted. In the case of the interrogation with DS other than zero,

© EUROCAE, 2011

verify that the MV field contains the data of the ground-initiated Comm-B register
corresponding to the DS value in the interrogation.
NOTE: The MV field will only contain the requested Comm-B data if the
transponder is ACAS Crosslink capable and the requested register is
supported by the transponder. Procedure #18 Comm-B Protocol

(§ through §
(§ b - UM).
Flowchart : Figure 3-18
This test procedure verifies that the Comm-B protocol is carried out correctly.
The test procedure follows the notation of transponder states and of interrogation
patterns as shown in the flowchart. Transponder States

There are six possible transponder states as shown below:
# E F G I
1 0 0 0 0 No B-bit, others impossible or inconsequential.
2 1 0 0 0 B-Register set, message not extracted
3 1 1 0 0 Message extraction, not multisite protocol.
4 1 1 0 1 As above, next message waiting.
5 1 1 1 0 In multisite, interrogation with wrong IIS can not close out.
6 1 1 1 1 In multisite, next message waiting

State 5 must be tested with all 15 IIS codes.

It is not necessary to test State 6 with all IIS codes with all interrogation patterns.
However, the IIS used in the multisite reservation should be changed each time
the transponder has to be returned to State 6 after a previous interrogation
pattern that changed it to another State. Interrogation Patterns

Interrogation Patterns
# A B C D K L
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ordinary interrogation, asking for short reply.
2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Ground-initiated Comm-B extraction (FIS etc).
Air-initiated Comm-B extraction, not multisite. For State 2, run 2
3 0 0 0 0 1 0 cases, one use any interrogation to satisfy condition K with DI≠3
and the second case use RR=16 with DI=3 and RRS=0
Multisite, but not for Comm-B. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one
4 0 1 0 0 0 0
incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Ground-initiated Comm-B extraction, multisite not for Comm-B.
5 0 1 0 0 0 1
(IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Air-initiated Comm-B extraction, multisite not for Comm-B. (IIS
6 0 1 0 0 1 0
sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)

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Interrogation Patterns
# A B C D K L
Multisite closeout for Comm-B. (IIS sensitive: States 2-4 use IIS=0
7 0 1 0 1 0 0
and IIS≠0, State 5 use all 16 IIS codes)
Multisite closeout for Comm-B and ground initiated Comm-B
8 0 1 0 1 0 1 extraction. (IIS sensitive: States 2-4 use IIS=0 and IIS≠0, State 5
use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Multisite closeout for Comm-B and attempt to extract a possible
message still waiting at the air-initiation interface. (IIS sensitive:
9 0 1 0 1 1 0
States 2-4 use IIS=0 and IIS≠0, State 5 use one incorrect IIS and
the correct IIS)
Multisite reservation with wrong RR, see next line. (IIS sensitive:
10 0 1 1 0 0 0
State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Attempt at multisite reservation with wrong RR. Transponder must
11 0 1 1 0 0 1 not accept reservation. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect IIS
and the correct IIS)
Multisite reservation, correct. (IIS sensitive: States 2-4 use all 16
12 0 1 1 0 1 0
IIS codes, State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Non-selective cancellation. For State 3, run 2 cases, one use
13 1 0 0 0 0 0
RR<16 with DI≠3 and the second case use RR<16 and DI=3
Non-selective cancellation and ground initiated Comm-B
extraction. For States 3 and 5, specifically run 3 cases, one use
14 1 0 0 0 0 1
RR=16 with DI=3 & RRS≠0, the second case use RR≠16 and
DI=3, and third use RR=16 with DI=7, and RRS≠0.
Non-selective cancellation and attempt to extract possible
message still waiting at the air-initiation interface. For States 2, 3
15 1 0 0 0 1 0
and 4, run 2 cases, one use any interrogation to satisfy condition K
with DI≠3 and the second case use RR=16 with DI=3 and RRS=0
Non-selective cancellation, multisite not for Comm-B. (IIS
16 1 1 0 0 0 0
sensitive: State 5 use all 16 IIS codes)
Non-selective cancellation with ground initiated Comm-B
17 1 1 0 0 0 1 extraction, multisite not for Comm-B. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use
one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Non-selective cancellation and attempt to extract possible
message still waiting at air-initiation interface, multisite not for
18 1 1 0 0 1 0
Comm-B. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the
correct IIS)
Non-selective cancellation and multisite closeout, cancel non-
19 1 1 0 1 0 0 selective message and close out multisite message if IIS is
correct. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use all 16 IIS codes)
Non-selective cancellation and multisite close-out and ground-
initiated Comm-B extraction. Will cancel non-selective message
20 1 1 0 1 0 1 and will close out multisite message if IIS is correct. Will extract
Comm-B. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the
correct IIS)
Same as above, except with air-initiated extraction. (IIS sensitive:
21 1 1 0 1 1 0
State 5 use one incorrect IIS and the correct IIS)
Non-selective cancellation and reservation with wrong RR. Cancel
22 1 1 1 0 0 0 but make no reservation. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect
IIS and the correct IIS)
Non-selective cancellation and reservation with wrong RR. Cancel
23 1 1 1 0 0 1 but make no reservation. (IIS sensitive: State 5 use one incorrect
IIS and the correct IIS)

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Interrogation Patterns
# A B C D K L
Non-selective cancellation and reservation. Cancel and make
24 1 1 1 0 1 0 reservation. (IIS sensitive: States 5 & 6 use one incorrect IIS and
the correct IIS)

A= PC = 4: Cancellation
B= DI = 1: Multisite in effect
C= MBS = 1: Multisite reservation
D= MBS = 2: Multisite closeout
RR=16 with DI ≠ 7 and DI ≠ 3,
K2 = Air initiated MB extraction
or with DI=7 or DI=3 and RRS=01
RR larger than 15 but not
L= Ground MB extraction
according to code K above
Use of RR=16 and DI=3 and RRS=0 only when specified in interrogation pattern.
Condition K also includes conditions M and N.

The symbols A, B, C, etc., correspond to the symbols on the flowchart (Figure 3-

For IIS sensitive interrogation patterns, use IIS≠0 unless stated in the table.
For State 6, always use the correct IIS code with the exception of interrogation
pattern 24, where an incorrect IIS code is also used.
When the IIS code must not equal ZERO (0), or must be incorrect, the value used
should be varied with different interrogation patterns.
Interrogation patterns 10, 11, 22, 23 are forbidden to the sensor. They must be
used to verify that the transponder makes reservations only when the reservation
is accompanied by extraction of the message.
To ‗set the B-bit‘, use DR=1 and DR=3 commands alternately during the test
If PC is not required to be 4, use all other codes. If MBS is not required to be 1 or
2, use codes 0 and 3. If RR is required to be less than 16, use all codes less than
16. Test Sequence

All 1435 combinations of the transponder states and interrogation patterns must
be used. Additional interrogations may be needed to set transponder states. The
test sequence may be set up so that when the transponder enters a given state,
all interrogation patterns are used that will not change the state, followed by
patterns that will. The test then proceeds with the newly acquired state.
UM Field Verification
During the test sequence when the DI is required to be 1, alternately use RSS=0
and 1, and when DI is not required to be 1, alternately use DI=0 and 7, so that the
reply will contain IIS and IDS in the UM field according to § DI=3 is
required for certain interrogation patterns and transponder states in order to verify
that attempts to cancel a Comm-B via PC=4 when DI=3 does not incorrectly
cancel the message and to verify that interrogations with RR=16 DI=3 and
RRS=0 do not set the T register.

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These fields are used to verify the Comm-B reservation status and associated IIS
as a result of each interrogation pattern and transponder state.
Required Negative Tests
Concurrent tests are part of the sequence above.
Inserted tests must be interspersed within the sequence.
Insert interrogations of formats other than UF=4, 5, 20, 21 and verify that they
have no effect on the protocol.
Such interrogations should constitute one percent of the total number of
interrogations used.
The interrogation patterns 2 and 14 must include, when RR=16 is used, the
combinations of RR=16 with DI=3 or 7 and RRS Codes 1 through 15. It must be
verified that these combinations do not cause the air-initiated Comm-B message
to be transmitted.
Additional interrogation sequences are required to verify that SD content is not
misinterpreted as Comm-B multisite reservation or cancellation requests when DI
is not equal 1. Use the following interrogations using all DI values other than 1
with SD content consistent with the Comm-B multisite reservation or cancellation
requests required by interrogation patterns 7 and 12 as if DI were equal to 1:
Interrogation pattern 7 DI≠0 or 7, State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 a,d,e
Interrogation pattern 7 DI=0 and 7, State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 a,d,f
Interrogation pattern 8 DI≠0 or 7, State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 a,d,e,j
Interrogation pattern 8 DI=0 and 7, State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 a,d,f,j
Interrogation pattern 12 DI≠3 or 7, State 2 – expected results 3 b,d,e,j
Interrogation pattern 12 RR=16, DI=3 and RRS=0, State 2 – expected results 2
NOTE: Interrogation pattern 12 can not be tested with DI=7 since the SD
content contain RRS≠0 when the equivalent bits for MBS=1 (for DI=1)
are set.
Additional interrogation sequences are required to verify that SD content is not
misinterpreted as containing an IIS code (when DI≠0, 1 or 7) when a multisite
reservation is active and a non-selective cancellation is requested. Use the
following interrogations using all DI values other than 0, 1 or 7 with SD content
consistent with the correct IIS in bits 17-20 for interrogation patterns 13 and 15:
Interrogation pattern 13 State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 a,d,e
Interrogation pattern 15 State 5 (IIS correct) – expected results 5 b,d,e,j
Timer Duration and Automatic Closeout Test
Arrange the sequence so that the timer runs out occasionally. Verify timer
duration and closeout.
Either during the test sequence or in a separate test, verify that interrogation
patterns 10, 11, and 12 do not restart the timer when the transponder is in state 5
and the IIS is incorrect. Verify that interrogation patterns 10 and 11 do not restart
the timer when the transponder is in state 5 and the IIS is correct. Verify that
interrogation pattern 12 does restart the timer when the transponder is in state 5
and the IIS is correct.
Simultaneous Tests
While the transponder is undergoing the verification of the B-protocol, the number
of interrogations and replies can be used to make tests for interface action,
message content, etc. Such tests are described in Procedures 19 through 23.

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Expected Transponder States as a Function of Interrogation Pattern and Prior

Transponder State:
Transponder State
Interrogation 5 6
Pattern 1 2 3 4 (IIS (IIS 6
incorrect) correct)
1 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 3 a,d,e 4 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 5 a,d,f 6 a,d,f
2 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 3 b,d,e,i 4 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 5 b,d,f,i 6 b,d,f,i
3 b,d,e,j
3 1 b,c,e,h or 3 b,d,e,j 4 b,d,e,j 5 b,d,f,j 5 b,d,f,j 6 b,d,f,j
2 b,d,e,j3,5
4 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 3 a,d,e 4 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 5 a,d,f 6 a,d,f
5 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 3 b,d,e,i 4 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 5 b,d,f,i 6 b,d,f,i
6 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,j 3 b,d,e,j 4 b,d,e,j 5 b,d,f,j 5 b,d,f,j 6 b,d,f,j
7 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 3 a,d,e 4 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e
8 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 3 b,d,e,i 4 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
9 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,j 3 b,d,e,j 4 b,d,e,j 5 b,d,f,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k
10 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 3 a,d,e 4 a,d,e 5 a,d,f,l 5 a,d,f,l 6 a,d,f
11 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 3 b,d,e,i 4 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i,l 5 b,d,f,i,l 6 b,d,f,i
5 b,d,g,j 5 b,d,g,j 6 b,d,g,j
12 1 b,c,e,h or or or 5 b,d,f,j,l 5 b,d,f,j,m 6 b,d,f,j
3 b,d,e,j1 3 b,d,e,j1 4 b,d,e,j1
1 a,c,e
13 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e or 2 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e
3 a,d,e4
1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
14 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i or or 5 b,d,f,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
3 b,d,e,i4 4 b,d,e,i4
3 b,d,e,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k
15 1 b,c,e,h or or or 5 b,d,f,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k
2 b,d,e,j3,5 3 b,d,e,j3 4 b,d,e,j3
16 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e
17 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
18 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k 5 b,d,f,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k
19 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e
20 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
21 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k 5 b,d,f,j 1 b,c,e,h 3 b,d,e,k
22 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e 5 a,d,f 1 a,c,e 2 a,d,e
23 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i 5 b,d,f,i 1 b,c,e,i 2 b,d,e,i
5 b,d,f,k,m
24 1 b,c,e,h 5 b,d,g,j 1 b,c,e,h 5 b,d,g,k 5 b,d,f,j 1 b,c,e,h or
6 b,d,f,j,l2
If IIS = 0
If IIS is incorrect
If RR=16 DI=3 and RRS=0
If DI=3
Follow with interrogation pattern 13 and verify State 2 result

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Verification Required:
a Short Reply (DF=4, 5)
b Long Reply (DF=20, 21)
c DR = 0, No Downlink Request
d DR = 1 or 3, Request to Send Comm-B
e UM = No Comm-B reservation or no content
f UM = IDS = 1, Comm-B Reservation Active, IIS = Value Set with Transponder State
g UM = IDS = 1, Comm-B Reservation Active, IIS = Value in Interrogation
h MB = All 0‘s
i MB per RR
j MB Contains 1st Comm-B Message Inserted
k MB Contains 2nd Comm-B Message Inserted
l Verify Multisite Timer is not Restarted
m Verify Multisite Timer is Restarted Procedure #18A - Enhanced Comm-B Protocol

If the transponder adheres to the enhanced air-initiated Comm-B protocol as
described in §, the following test procedures shall verify that the
enhanced protocol is carried out correctly by the transponder.
The following tests verify that:
a. The transponder will properly carry out the Comm-B protocol and will
operate with non multisite interrogators, interrogators in multisite
configuration and interrogators that will take advantage of the enhanced
protocol and extract B messages without making Comm-B reservations.
b. The modified Comm-B protocol test will verify that the transponder can
properly carry out the enhanced Comm-B protocol, handling 16
independent B timers, one for each II and up to 16 concurrent Comm-B
messages waiting indications to ground interrogators. Basic Procedures

The transponder shall be tested according to the guidelines stipulated in
procedure 18 with the following additions and/or modifications:
a. Transponder conditions E and F are defined for non multisite and IIS values
1 - 15. The transponder condition G is defined for IIS values 1 - 15.
Condition H is no longer a necessary condition since the transponder can
have 15 concurrent reservations.
b. Procedure 18 is expanded to include additional combinations of conditions
E, F and G. For current transponder state 1, produce 15 additional states
with a Comm-B message not waiting for II = 1 - 15. As the II varies, vary the
number of other Comm-B messages waiting for the remaining II values
from 0 - 15. States 2 and 3 must be similarly expanded except these states
stipulate a Comm-B message waiting as II varies from 0 - 15. The number
of Comm-B messages waiting concurrently with the Comm-B message for
the II under test is to vary from 0 - 15. It should be noted that state changes
from interrogations will be more extensive with the enhanced protocol and
that proper setup is required to produce the required transponder states. It
is necessary to produce a Comm- B message waiting for the proper IIS by
input of directed Comm-Bs to the transponder or a Comm-B message for II

© EUROCAE, 2011

of 0 followed by the extraction by the necessary IIS. Verification of proper

transponder state requires multiple interrogations to extract the transponder
state for each IIS. An air initiated Comm-B message which is extracted by a
non zero IIS potentially changes all 16 Comm-B message states. Those
interrogation patterns used to close out a Comm-B message for a given IIS
must insure that the proper message for the given IIS is closed out. The
reply data for Comm-B messages shall be verified. Each of the
interrogation patterns 1 through 24 inclusive are now IIS sensitive and must
be run for each IIS value.
c. Additionally, verify for each IIS that upon B timer expiration, the message
for that IIS is indicated as available to all other available II codes. Repeat
the procedures defined above for 2, 3 and 4 segment Comm-Bs and insure
that the proper data is indicated in the replies.
UM Field Verification
In all cases, verify that the transponder reports the proper state in the UM field
and the report is for the IIS contained in the interrogation pattern. Additional Tests

The Transponder can be in one of the following II sensitive states:
1 0 0 0 0 NULL
2 1 1 0 0 Msg being extracted, not multisite, ready to closeout
3 1 1 0 1 Msg being extracted, not multisite, ready to closeout and
process next message
4 1 1 1 0 Msg being extracted, ready to closeout
5 1 1 1 1 Msg being extracted, ready to closeout and process next
6 1 0 0 0 Msg waiting for an IIS
7 1 0 0 1 2 or more msg waiting for an IIS
8 0 0 1 0 Broadcast msg waiting
a. Test 1: correct handling of multisite message vs. multisite directed
Input a multisite directed message for IIS = 15. Input a multisite message.
Verify that transponder state is #6 for all IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 15. Verify that transponder state is
#4 for IIS = 15 and unchanged for other IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 1.Verify that transponder state is #4
for IIS = 1 and 15 and #1 for other IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 2. Verify that transponder state
remain unchanged for all IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #7 for IIS = 15. Verify that transponder state is
#1 for IIS = 15 and unchanged for other IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #7 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is #1
for IIS = 1, #6 for other IIS (including 15).
b. Test 2: parallel delivery of 15 multisite directed messages and correct
process when a next message is waiting for a particular IIS.
Input a multisite directed message for all IIS. Verify that transponder state
is #6 for all IIS.

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Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is
#4 for IIS = 1 and unchanged for other IIS and that the correct message is
included in the reply.
Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 2. Verify that transponder state is
#4 for IIS = 2 and unchanged for other IIS and that the correct message is
included in the reply.
Repeat the above for IIS = 3 to 15 (state should then be #4 for all IIS). Input
the next multisite directed message for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state
is #5 for IIS = 1 and unchanged for other IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #24 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is
#4 for IIS = 1 and unchanged for other IIS and that the correct message
(the second one) is included in the reply.
Send interrogation pattern #7 for IIS = 1 to 15. Verify that the transponder
state is #1 for IIS = 2 to 15.
c. Test 3: 2 multisite directed messages waiting for a same IIS (test of state
Input 2 multisite directed message for IIS = 1. Input a multisite message.
Verify that transponder state is #7 for IIS = 1, #6 for other IIS.
Send interrogation pattern #12 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is
#5 for IIS = 1 and unchanged for other IIS and that the correct message is
included in the reply.
Send interrogation pattern #24 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is
#4 and unchanged for other IIS and that the correct message is included in
the reply.
Send interrogation pattern #7 for IIS = 1. Verify that transponder state is #6
for all IIS (including IIS = 1).
All these tests should be run with all combination of IIS values. Procedure #19 AIS Flight Identification, Protocol and Interface

The requirements provided in § establish the baseline reporting and
method of encoding Aircraft Identification. §3.29 addresses Elementary
Surveillance requirements which specify detailed implementation requirements for
Aircraft Identification. §5.6 provides detailed test procedures to validate the
requirements of §3.29. As §5.6 must address testing of all Aircraft Identification
requirements, appropriate procedures to validate the requirements of §
are provided as detailed in the following subparagraphs:
a. § a Aircraft Identification Reporting
Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are §,
§, §, §, §, §,
§, and § and e.
b. § b AIS Aircraft Identification Subfield in MB
Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are §,
§, §, §, §, §,
§, and § and e.
c. § c Coding of the AIS Subfield
Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are § and
c, §, §, §, §, §,
§, and § and e.

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d. § d Aircraft Identification Capability Reporting

Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are §, and
§ and f.
e. § e Change of Aircraft Identification
Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are § and
c, § and c, § and c, and § and c.
f. § f Six-Bit Character Set for Coding Aircraft Identification in the
AIS Subfield
Appropriate Test Procedures are provided in §
through § Specific subsections are §,
§, §, §, §, §,
§, and § and e. Procedure #20 Basic/Extended Capability Report

(§ - BDS)
(§ - RR)
(§ a - extended data source)
(§ d through § f - protocol)
(§ e - updating)
(§ - interface)
(§ b)
This test procedure verifies that the transponder, given the correct interrogation,
reports its capability in the MB field of a Comm-B reply. Also verified is the correct
functioning of the interface used (if any) and the updating function if it is part of
the transponder. Interface
The source that generates the content of the capability report may be internal or
external to the transponder. If internal, only the correctness of the report can be
verified, if external and not connected to the transponder, the interface action
must be verified.
NOTE: If an external source is used, verify that the capability report is correct
and that there is not a continuous broadcast of the capabiity report
due to interference between the internal and external updating of the
report. Interface Patterns

The basic capability report occupies the last 48 bits of the MB message field for
which the BDS code is set to BDS1=1, BDS2 = 0. Additional capability reports
occupy the last 48 bits of the MB message field for which the BDS code is set to
BDS1=1, BDS2=1, 2...6, if required.
A total of 2256 interface verification patterns (Procedure #19) must be used if an
external report source is used. Interrogation Patterns

If during the B-protocol test procedure (Procedure #18) an interrogation pattern is
used that requires RR to be larger than 16 (Column L), use RR=17 as often as
required to carry out the extended capability report verification.

© EUROCAE, 2011
252 Test Sequence for Internal Report Source

Use RR=17 and, if required, RR=17, DI=7 and RRS = required BDS2 to extract
the report.
Verify that the content of the report is correct.
Change the capability and observe that the transponder gives a broadcast
Comm-B request. Verify the content of the new report. Procedure #21 Directed Comm-B

(§ - protocol)
(§3.17.3 - interface (see note))
This test procedure verifies that multisite directed Comm-B transmissions are
carried out correctly by the transponder. Transponder Design

The command to the transponder, that an air-initiated Comm-B shall be directed
to a known ground interrogator, originates in a peripheral device. The transponder
shall recognize such a command and may be designed to accept it in one of two
One possible design operates as follows: Regardless of the transponder state, the
interface inserts a downlink pattern containing DR=1 (the B-bit), IIS (the UM code
of the desired destination), and IDS (the UM Comm-B reservation code). Usually,
the transponder would pass through the IIS and IDS codes without further
examination. For this function, however, both are sensed so that, as soon as the
TRB-timer is found not to be running, this pattern can be used for a routine
surveillance or communication reply. The protocol sequence as tested in
Procedure #18 then takes over and completes the transaction cycle.
Another design would provide for a separate dedicated interface which may
accept only the desired destination or may be designed to take all of the directed
The interface adaptor used in the test setup shall conform to the design of the
transponder to be tested. Interface Patterns of Test Sequence

During the Comm-B protocol test procedure (Procedure #18), use the interface
pattern as described above or enter into the special interface the patterns
necessary to cause a directed Comm-B initiation.
Use IIS codes from 1 to 15 (a total of 15 codes) and reply formats DF=4, 5, 20,
21. Ensure that data patterns include, within the first 8 bits of the MB field, values
corresponding to BDS codes 17, 18 and 19.
Verify that the pattern transmitted by the transponder corresponds to the pattern
inserted. Verify that MB message buffers corresponding to BDS codes 17, 18, 19
are not corrupted by this directed Comm-B.
Verify that this directed Comm-B has not interrupted another existing reservation
condition. If the transponder has implemented the enhanced multisite Comm-B
protocol. verify that if an air-initiated message has been extracted by a given non
zero IIS and the transponder is currently reserved for the IIS extracting it, that a
directed Comm-B message to this IIS is queued and made available subsequent
to the closeout of the B message to this IIS.
Verification that this Comm-B has been extracted by the assigned interrogator is
included in Procedure #18 and need not be repeated.

© EUROCAE, 2011
253 Procedure #21A Comm-B Broadcast

(§ c protocol) Test Procedure

NOTE 1: The command to the transponder that a Comm-B broadcast message
shall be sent originates in a peripheral device or in the device that holds
the extended capability report.
NOTE 2: The Comm-B broadcast does not affect the existing Comm-B protocol,
air or ground initiated. The existing test procedures remain unchanged.
NOTE 3: Verification of interface patterns is already part of the Comm-B test
procedures and need not be repeated for the Comm-B Broadcast.
This test procedure verifies that the DR code command and the MB field of the
Comm-B broadcast protocol is carried out correctly.
a. STEP 1 - General Broadcast Protocol Test
During the Comm-B protocol test procedure (Procedure #18) insert the
appropriate DR Code command and the MB field of the Comm-B broadcast
into the transponder.
Verify that:
(1) The transponder can correctly show the DR codes 4, 5, 6, 7 when
NO air initiated Comm B is in progress and that it cannot show DR
codes 4, 5, 6, 7 when an air initiated Comm B is in progress.
(2) The Comm-B broadcast message can be extracted by the
interrogator for 18 ±1 seconds.
(3) The Comm-B broadcast annunciation (DR=4, 5, 6, or 7) and the
Comm-B broadcast MB field are interrupted by an air-initiated
Comm-B and reappear when that transaction is concluded. For
transponders implementing the enhanced air initiated Comm-B
protocol, the transponder will be independently interrupted by up to
16 Comm-B messages that are assigned to each II code. After the
Comm-B is concluded for each II, the Comm-B broadcast is again
available to that interrogator. Verify that the next waiting broadcast
message is not announced to any interrogators until the current
broadcast message has timed out.
(4) After interruption another 18 ± 1 seconds of broadcast time is
available to the interrogator. For transponders implementing the
enhanced air-initiated Comm-B protocol, the transponder will be
independently interrupted by up to 16 Comm-B messages that are
assigned to each II code. After interruption, another 18 1 seconds
of broadcast time is available for each II.
(5) A subsequent and different Comm-B broadcast message is
announced with the alternate DR code and that this DR code also
follows the verifications above. For transponders implementing the
enhanced air-initiated Comm-B protocol, the transponder will be
independently interrupted by up to 16 Comm-B messages that are
assigned to each II code. The subsequent Comm-B broadcast is
announced only after each Comm-B is broadcast timer has expired
for all II codes.

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b. STEP 2 - Transponder Initiated Broadcast

(1) Enter an AIS Flight Identification into the transponder.
Verify that a broadcast is automatically initiated by the transponder.
Extract the broadcast and verify the correct flight ID.
Wait 20 seconds to allow the broadcast timer to time out and enter
the same AIS value again.
Verify that no new broadcast is initiated by the transponder.
Repeat the test with a different AIS flight identification.
(2) Enter a datalink capability report into the transponder.
Verify that a broadcast is automatically initiated by the transponder.
Extract the broadcast and verify the correct datalink capability report
Wait 20 seconds to allow the broadcast timer to time out and enter
the same datalink capability report again.
Verify that no new broadcast is initiated by the transponder.
Repeat the test with a different datalink capability report. Procedure #22 Downlink Interface, Storage Design, Buffer Rate

(§3.17.3 - buffer rate)
(§3.4.2 - data rate)
The test procedure verifies that, when a storage design is used for the downlink
interface, the buffer functions correctly and that the buffer capacity is sufficient.
Transponder action when data are not available is also verified. Downlink Interface Messages

The downlink interface buffer must consist of a minimum of 16 storage locations
(or 'stores'). Each store must be capable of maintaining an MB message field, the
associated BDS data source designator code and control data to designate
message type (i.e. Ground-initiated, Air-initiated or Broadcast) and to provide
means by which Air-initiated messages can be sequenced in the order received.
The BDS designator code for each store can have one of 256 values. For
Ground-initiated Comm-B messages, only one MB message field associated with
any specific BDS designator code can be stored at any one time, this message
field being the last received with that code. For Air-initiated Comm-B messages,
several MB message fields with the same BDS designator code can be stored
simultaneously. MB Message Content

If the downlink interface is common with interfacing used for the AIS and
capability reports, message content verification has already been done. If the
interface is not the one already verified, the 2256 test patterns described in
Procedure #19 shall be used.
Different test patterns shall be used for messages with different BDS designator
codes to permit identification of messages delivered to the test interrogator. Buffer Input Rate

The buffer input rate shall be at least 16 messages per second.

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255 Test Sequence, Buffer Design

Enter 261 messages into the downlink interface in the following sequence:
a. Five different messages intended for Air-initiated Comm-B.
b. 254 messages with different BDS designator codes intended for Ground
c. One message with a BDS designator code common with one message
from the group in b. above, but differing in MB message content.
d. One message intended for ground initiation with the one BDS code not
used in group b. above.
The object of this test sequence is to verify that:
a. The five Air-initiated messages are delivered in the sequence received and
the Comm-B protocol (column L of the interrogation patterns listed in
Procedure #18) is carried out correctly. The differing MB message fields
serve to identify the message sequence.
b. The storage system can hold MB patterns for all 255 BDS codes
corresponding to ground initiated messages simultaneously, and the
messages are extracted by RR, DI and RRS codes corresponding to the
BDS code in a sequence chosen by the interrogator and that these
messages can be extracted several times each.
c. The message in d. above has replaced (updated) the appropriate one of
the 254 ground initiated messages and that only this message, rather than
the previous entry, is transmitted when requested by the interrogator.
d. An MB field consisting of all ZEROs is transmitted if the interrogation asks
for a BDS code not presently in the buffer (i.e. verified prior to sequence
step d).
This test sequence is to be performed as part of the test sequence of Procedure
#18. Test Sequence, Buffer Rate and Function

Enter 16 messages with differing BDS designator codes into the buffer.
In the next three seconds:
Interrogate at a rate of 1250/sec (one interrogation every 800 µs), extracting the
messages from the buffer by use of the appropriate RR/RRS subfields. Stop
interrogating after all messages have been received once.
Start entering replacement messages with identical BDS designator codes, but
differing MB message content at a rate of at least 16/sec.
One second after the start of the test sequence, start extracting the messages
again. Schedule extraction in bursts, each burst consisting of two interrogations
following each other 800 µs apart. Schedule eight bursts at 125 millisecond
Two seconds after the start of the test sequence, continue extracting messages at
the rate of five/sec.
The object of this test sequence is to verify that:
a. The transponder and interface buffer can sustain the minimum reply rate as
b. Comm-B messages with common BDS designator codes are replaced as
each message is received and that no scrambling of messages occurs as a
result of this process.

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c. As Comm-B messages are entered, they are replaced within the interface
buffer irrespective of whether they have been transmitted or not.
This test sequence is to be performed as part of the test sequence of Procedure
#18. Procedure #23 Downlink Interface, No-Storage Design

(§3.5.6 b - insertion)
(§3.17.3 d - no-storage design)
(§3.17.3 d (5) - unavailable data)
This test procedure verifies that the no-storage design or "real time" downlink
interface performs as specified. Interface Patterns

This downlink interface operates in real time in conjunction with an uplink interface
that also is a no-storage design. Message extraction commands for Comm-B
appearing at the uplink interface are recognized by the message source which
then enters the downlink content into the downlink interface in time to be
transmitted in reply to the interrogation.
For air-initiated Comm-B transactions, the interface can insert the B-bit Code
(DR=1) into short and long replies.
For directed Comm-B transmissions (Procedure #21), insertion of IIS and IDS into
the UM field is required.
Because the data rate of a real-time interface equals the data rate of the
transponder by definition, rate verifications are not necessary. Test Sequence

If during the B-protocol test procedure (Procedure #18) messages have to be sent
or message content has to be verified, supply this interface with the patterns
Verify interface design correctness by use of the 2256 test patterns described in
Procedure #19.
Verify that B-bit insertion is accepted by the transponder in all applicable formats
and that IIS and IDS insertion is accepted by the transponder only if the UM field
is not in use for another purpose. Procedure #24 Comm-C Protocol

(§3.24 through §3.24.1 h - protocol)
(§3.24 through §3.24 e - multisite)
(§ a through § b - multisite)
Flowcharts: Figures 3-19 and 3-20.
This test procedure verifies that the Comm-C protocol is carried out correctly.
The test procedure follows the notation of transponder states and of interrogation
patterns as shown in the flowcharts.

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257 Transponder States

# H I J K
1 0 0 0 0 No ELM action in progress.
2 0 0 1 0 Waiting for segments, not multisite.
3 0 0 1 1 Ready for closeout by PC=5.
4 1 0 0 0 Multisite reservation made, waiting for RC=0.
5 1 0 1 0 Multisite, waiting for segments.
6 1 0 1 1 Cannot be closed out.
7 1 1 0 0 Can be closed out.
8 1 1 1 0 Can be closed out.
9 1 1 1 1 Ready for closeout.
NOTE: The message is cancelled when a closeout is accepted.
H = TRC-timer running.
I = IIS = stored value.
J = setup active.
K = all segments received.
States 7, 8, 9 are II-sensitive and must be used 16 times. States 3, 6, 9 are
sensitive to the number of segments in the ELM, and must be used 15 times.
There are 354 transponder states to be used. Interrogation Patterns

# B D A C E F M N O
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ordinary surveillance/Comm-A.
2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Invalid Closeout : DI is wrong.
3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Invalid Reservation : DI is wrong.
4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 DI, but not for Comm-C.
5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Closeout.
6 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Reservation.
7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite.
8 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite.
9 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite.
10 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite, DI not multisite.
11 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite
12 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closeout if not multisite and reservation.
13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UF=24, not for Comm-C.
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Segment with TAS request.
15 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Segment.
16 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Initial Segment.

A means PC=5 = Closeout Uplink ELM.

B means UF=24.
C means Dl=1 = multisite code.
D means UF=4, 5, 20, 21.
E means MES=1, 5 = reservation.
F means MES=2, 6, 7 = closeout.

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M means RC=0.
N means RC=1.
O means RC=2.
Patterns 5 and 6 must be repeated 16 times for all IIS values.
Patterns 14, 15 and 16 must be repeated 15 times using each of the valid NC
values. There are 88 interrogation patterns to be used. Test Sequence

All 31152 combinations of the 354 transponder states and 88 valid interrogation
patterns shall be used.
Interrogate so that the transponder enters a given state and then use all
interrogation patterns that will not change the state, followed by patterns that will.
Repeat with the now-acquired state. This shall be done until all 31152
combinations have been exhausted. (Some combinations must be repeated
because more than one interrogation pattern may change the state). Extraction of
TAS (see flowchart) may be used for verification.
a. Required Negative Tests
If PC is not required to be 5, use all other codes. If MES is not required to
be 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, use all other codes.
If RC is not required to be 0, 1, 2, use RC=3.
Insert interrogation formats other than UF=4, 5, 20, 21, 24 one percent of
the time to verify that they have no effect on the protocol.
b. UM Field Verification
During the test sequence when a multisite reservation is made
(interrogation patterns 6, 12), the following reply will contain IIS and IDS in
the UM field according to § Verify that the UM content is correct.
c. TAS Field Verification
During the test sequence when a TAS report is requested (pattern 14), the
reply will contain the TAS field. Verify that the content of TAS is correct.
d. Timer Duration and Automatic Closeout Test
Arrange the sequence so that the timer runs out occasionally and verify
timer duration and closeout.
e. Simultaneous Tests
While the transponder is undergoing the verification of the Comm-C
protocol, the interrogations can also be used to make tests for interface
action and message content. These tests are described in Procedure #25. Procedure #24A Enhanced Comm-C Protocol (§3.26.2)

Flowchart: Figures 3-19A and 3-20A
If the enhanced uplink ELM protocol is implemented, procedure #24 is modified to
reflect the automatic reservation of uplink ELMs. Transponder states 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 are eliminated. The remaining states 1, 7, 8 and 9 are expanded due to
conditions H, J and K varying for each II code. Condition H is expanded to 16
conditions, one for each II code. Condition I is no longer meaningful. Conditions J
and K are also expanded to 16, one for each II code. State I for II code of 0 is
simultaneous with the other 15 II codes varying between states 1, 7, 8 and 9. The
number of iterations to run every possible combination is impractical. The test
procedure will use different combinations of the additional possible states to
provide verification of parallel operations. Interrogation patterns 14, 15 and 16 are

© EUROCAE, 2011

further repeated 16 times for all IIS values. The verification procedure will include
matching the reported segment data for each II code to that sent in the
interrogation. The subset of the expanded states to run are:
a. 16 states, where the conditions are met once for each of the II codes.
b. 15 states, where the conditions are met for II code 0 along with one single II
c. 15 states, where the conditions are met for 2 non zero II codes, 3, 4, 5, etc.
to 15 parallel non zero II codes and ending with all 16 II codes meeting the
The conditions for the other II codes not stipulated can be uniformly selected to
provide a distribution of concurrent conditions.
The above results in 46 states to test in replacement of state 1, 46 states from
state 7, 46 states to replace state 8 and 690 states to replace state 9. Procedure #25 Uplink Interface, ELM-Comm-C

(§3.17.4 a,b - interface)
(§3.17.4 c,d - interface rate)
This test procedure verifies that the information contained in Comm-C
interrogations passes out of the transponder within the specified time interval and
that such information correctly replicates the received transmission content. This
test is independent of the interface design. Interrogation Pattern

MC=6320 different patterns, half containing two ONEs, half containing two
ZEROs. Test Sequence

If during the Comm-C Protocol test procedure (Procedure #24), all segments have
been received and are shifted out of the interface (Column K), verify that their
content corresponds to the previously inserted patterns.
Verify that the content of four 16 segment ELMs can be extracted from the
interface in any four second interval or, in one second if the transponder adheres
to the enhanced uplink ELM protocol.
Interrogate with a burst of 16 segments and repeat 4 seconds later, one second
later if the transponder adheres to the enhanced uplink ELM protocol..
Verify that the content of the first burst appears at the interface before the second
burst is transmitted.
Verify the content of both bursts.
This test fits into the sequence of Procedure #24. Procedure #26 Comm-D Protocol

(§ a - SD codes)
(§ b - UM codes)
(§ a and § b - multisite)
(§3.25.2 through §3.25.2 f - multisite)
(§3.25.1 through §3.25.1 e - ELM-D)
Flowcharts: Figures 3-21 and 3-22.

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This test procedure verifies that the Comm-D protocol is carried out correctly.
The test procedure follows the notation of transponder states and interrogation
patterns as shown in the flowcharts. Transponder States

# E F
1 0 0 Not multisite, will accept closeout or reservation.
2 0 1 Not multisite, will accept closeout or reservation.
3 1 0 Multisite, will not accept closeout, reservation.
4 1 1 Multisite, will accept closeout, reservation.

NOTE: The message is cancelled when a closeout is accepted.

E = TRD-timer running.
F = IIS = stored value.
States 3 and 4 are IIS sensitive and must be used 16 times.
There are 35 transponder states to be used. Transponder Design

The maximum number of segments that transponders are able to transmit in one
burst varies from 4 to 16; the number of tests to be made varies with the burst
capability. Interrogation Patterns

# H G A B C D I
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ordinary interrogation.
2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Invalid closeout, DI wrong.
3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Invalid reservation, DI wrong.
4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Multisite, not for Comm-D.
5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Closeout.
6 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 Reservation.
7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Closeout, not multisite.
8 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 Closeout, not multisite
9 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 Closeout, not multisite
10 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Closeout, multisite not for Comm-D.
11 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Closeout and possible closeout, multisite.
12 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Closeout, not multisite and reservation.
13 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 UF=24, not for Comm-D.
14 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 UF=24, command to transmit segments per SRS.
A = PC=6 closeout DELM.
B = DI=1 multisite.
C = MES=3, 6 reservation.
D = MES=4, 5, 7 closeout.
G = UF=4, 5, 20, 21.
H = UF=24.
I = RC=3.
Patterns 5, 6, 11, 12, must be used at least 16 times to provide for all II codes.

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Pattern 14 must be used as often as necessary to exhaust the SRS and DR

codes according to the capability of the transponder.
Verify that closeout does not occur when the D-register of Figures 3-21 and 3-22
is not set, i.e., when no request for transmission has yet been complied with. Test Sequence

The number of combinations of transponder states and interrogation patterns is
design dependent. All combinations must be exercised.
a. DR Verification
At the Comm-B downlink interface, apply a request for air-initiated Comm-B
(DR=1), and at the Comm-D interface apply a request to send a Comm-D
ELM (DR larger than 15).
Verify that Comm-B has priority by observing that the B-protocol must be
closed out before the DR code of the Comm-D transaction appears in
Verify that the DR field in DF = 4, 5, 20, 21 correctly states the number of
segments waiting at the interface to be transmitted.
b. UM Verification
If a multisite reservation is made during the test sequence (patterns 6, 12),
the following reply will contain IIS and IDS in the UM field according to
§ b. Verify that the UM content is correct.
c. SRS Verification
Consider the SRS bit pattern as a code of length corresponding to the
maximum burst capability of the transponder. Use all combinations
containing two ONEs and all combinations containing two ZEROs for this
word length as the test pattern for the following verifications.
Verify that the transponder correctly transmits the number and identity of
segments requested in the SRS subfield of UF=24 with RC=3.
The identity of segments is indicated in the ND field of each segment and
must be inserted at the ELM downlink interface.
Verify that if SRS requests a segment identity which is not available in this
transaction, the transponder will send ND according to the request but will
leave the MD field of that reply all ZEROs.
d. Required Negative Tests
If PC is not required to be 6, use all other codes. If DI is not required to be
1, use all other codes. If MES is not required to be 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 use all other
Insert interrogation formats other than UF=4, 5, 20, 21, 24 one percent of
the time to verify that they have no effect on the protocol.
e. Timer Duration and Automatic Closeout Test
Arrange the sequence so that the timer runs out occasionally and verify
timer duration and closeout.
f. Simultaneous Tests
While the transponder is undergoing the verification of the D-Protocol, the
number of interrogations can be used to make tests for interface action and
message content. These tests are described in Procedures #27 and #28.

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262 Procedure #26A Enhanced Comm-D Protocol (§3.26.3)

Flowchart: Figures 3-21A and 3-22A
If the transponder adheres to the enhanced multisite downlink ELM protocol as
described in §3.26.3, the following test procedures shall verify that the enhanced
protocol is carried out correctly by the transponder.
The transponder shall be tested according to the guidelines stipulated in
procedure #26 with the following additions and/or modifications:
Transponder condition E is defined for non multisite and IIS values 1 - 15. The
transponder condition F is no longer meaningful.
The test will be expanded to include the additional combinations of condition E
since the condition exists for each II. The resulting transponder states consist of
all combinations of conditions for each of the 16 II codes.
UM Verification
In all cases verify that the transponder reports the proper state in the UM field and
the report is for the IIS contained in the interrogation pattern.
DR Verification
Verify the DR code as described with the addition of DR code extraction for all IIS
codes under the conditions of concurrent B messages, B broadcast messages
and downlink ELMs. Procedure #27 Directed Comm-D (§3.25.2 b - protocol)

This test procedure verifies that multisite directed Comm-D transactions are
carried out correctly by the transponder.
The comments on transponder design dependence of this test are essentially the
same as presented in Procedure #21. Interface Patterns of Test Sequence

During the D-protocol test procedure (Procedure #26) enter into the interface a
downlink pattern containing DR corresponding to the number of segments to be
transmitted, IDS=3 (the UM code for Comm-D reservation) and IIS corresponding
to the desired destination's code. Test Sequence

Use all IIS codes from 1 to 15 and interrogate so that the downlink formats DF=4,
5, 20, 21 are used.
Verify that this directed Comm-D has not interrupted an existing reservation
Reply and coding content are verified as part of Procedures #26 and #28
respectively. Procedure #28 Comm-D Interface, Rate and Content

(§3.17.4 - interface)
(§3.17.4 d - data rate)
This test procedure verifies that the downlink interface can sustain the required
data rate and that the transponder transmits downlink content as entered.

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263 Transponder Design

The Comm-D interface can exist as a separate port or as one direction of a
bidirectional ELM (C/D) interface. The downlink port can be designed to take the
ND and MD fields only, leaving the UF and KE generation to internal circuitry.
Another design would need input for DF and KE as well.
The minimum input data rate for this interface must equal the maximum reply
capability of the transponder. Although that is not specified in this document, the
maximum practical reply capability is 16 segments in four seconds. Interface Patterns

For each ND code appropriate for the transponder under test, generate a total of
6320 MD patterns, half containing two ONEs and half containing two ZEROs. Test Sequence

Use all required MD patterns and all ND values possible with this transponder.
Verify that the patterns are transmitted as entered.
Schedule Comm D transactions at the maximum rate for which the transponder is
designed (4 to 16 segment DELMs at a rate of one per 4 seconds for a standard
DELM transponder. 16 segment DELMs at a rate of one per second for an
enhanced DELM transponder).
Verify that the interface can supply new MD patterns at those rates.
NOTE: It may be necessary to schedule more Comm-D transactions than are
required for the protocol test alone. Procedure #29 Comm-U Uplink Interface

(§3.17.3 - uplink interface)
(§ - protocol)
(§ - MU message, Comm-U used by ACAS)
This test procedure verifies that the Comm-U interface serving UF=0, 16
replicates the uplink content as received. Transponder Design

This uplink interface is a real-time interface that carries the content of both short
and long uplink formats UF=0, 16.
The design is otherwise not specified and is likely to be tailored to a specific
ACAS installation. Interrogation Patterns

For UF=0, use a total of 702 different patterns for bits 6 through 32 of the
interrogation format. There are 351 patterns containing two ONEs and 351
containing two ZEROs.
For UF=16, use 6806 "two ONEs-two ZEROs" patterns for bits 6 through 88 of the
interrogation. Test Sequence

Use all required patterns and verify that they appear correctly at the interface and
arrive there before the corresponding transmitted reply.

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NOTE: An ACAS installation may be designed so that this interface is not

electrically accessible. If such a condition exists, the test procedures for
ACAS must be used to verify Comm-U/V performance. Procedure #30 Sensitivity Level Operation

(§ and §
This test verifies that the transponder (1) accepts incoming UF=20, 21
interrogations containing a Sensitivity Level Command Message and passes all
necessary information (IIS and SLC subfields) to the ACAS unit, and (2) receives
sensitivity level information from the ACAS unit and correctly reports this
information in outgoing DF=0, 16 replies.
a. Send a status = "on-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution capability"
and a sensitivity level=6 to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS
Interrogate the transponder with a UF=0 and a UF=16 non-acquisition
Show that the transponder correctly reports the ACAS status and
Sensitivity Level in the RI and SL fields respectively.
b. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=20 interrogation containing a
Sensitivity Level Command Message (See § with IIS=1 and
Show that the IIS and SLC subfields are correctly output on the
transponder/ACAS interface.
c. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=21 interrogation containing a
Sensitivity Level Command Message with IIS=15 and SLC=5.
Show that the IIS and SLC subfields are correctly output on the
transponder/ACAS interface.
d. Send a sensitivity level=4 to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS
interface. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=0 and a UF=16 non-
acquisition interrogation.
Show that the transponder correctly reports the ACAS status and sensitivity
level in the RI and SL fields respectively. Procedure #31 Transmission of Resolution Advisory Reports to Mode S

Ground Interrogator (§ a)
This test verifies that the transponder correctly determines the
Transponder/ACAS system capability based on communication with the on-board
ACAS unit and then reports RA information in the appropriate format. This test
requires that the transponder demonstrates proper operation with TCAS version 7
or higher compatible transponder/ACAS interfaces. Also this test verifies that the
transponder correctly (1) receives resolution advisory information from the ACAS
unit, (2) indicates to the ground (DR field in DF=4, 5, 20, 21 replies) that it has
information awaiting downlink, (3) transmits this information in DF=20, 21 replies
and (4) retains resolution advisory information for 18 1 seconds following the end
of the resolution advisory and (5) indicates the end of the RA via the RA
terminated indicator.
NOTE: The tests refer to an 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR
field of DF=4, 5, 20 and 21 replies. the ACAS Resolution report
available code is interpreted herein as bit 12 of the 5-bit (bits 9-13) DR
field. That is, if DR=2, 3, 6 or 7 then the 'ACAS Resolution report
available code' is set and the transponder is therefore indicating that it
has ACAS information available.

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a. ARA=0 and RAC=0:

Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogations when no
resolution advisory information has been received via the
transponder/ACAS interface.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field is not
set in the DF=4, 5, 20, 21 replies.
b. ARA 0 and RAC 0:
(1) Send ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary} and RAC='1000' {Binary},
RAI=0, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='AA AA AA' {HEX} to the transponder
via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogations.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
is set in the DF=4, 5, 20, 21 replies.
(2) Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogation with
Show in each of the four cases that the transponder replies with
correct ARA, RAC, RAT(=0), MTE, TTI and TID information in the
DF=20, 21 replies and the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in
the DR field is set.
(3) Send ARA=0, RAC=0, RAI=1 and MTE=0 to the transponder via the
transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder once per second for the next 20 seconds
with a UF=4 interrogation with RR=19.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
in the reply remains set for 18 1 seconds after the end of the
resolution advisory.
Show that RAT=1, ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary}, RAC='1000'
{Binary}, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='AA AA AA' {HEX} are reported for
18 1 seconds after the end of the resolution advisory. After this
RAT=0, ARA=0, RAC=0, MTE=0, TTI=0 and TID=0 should be
reported and the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR
field in the reply is not set.
c. ARA 0 and RAC=0:
Repeat steps in b. with ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary}, RAC=0, TTI=2,
TIDA = '0 1010 1010 1010' {Binary}, TIDR='101 0101' {Binary}, TIDB='01
0101' {Binary}.
d. ARA=0 and RAC 0.
(1) Send ARA=0 and RAC='1000' {Binary}, RAI=1 and MTE=0 to the
transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogations with
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
is not set in the DF=4, 5 replies.
(2) Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogation with
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
is not set in the DF=20, 21 replies.
(3) Send ARA=0, RAC=0, RAI=1 and MTE=0 to the transponder via the
transponder/ACAS interface.

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Interrogate the transponder once per second for the next 20 seconds
with a UF=4 interrogation with RR=19.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
in the reply is not set.
e. ARA 0, RAC 0, new ARA and RAC values during 18-second time-out:
(1) Send ARA='00 0001 0000 0000' {Binary}, RAC='0100' {Binary},
RAI=0, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='55 55 55' {HEX} to the transponder
via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogations.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
is set in the DF=4, 5, 20, 21 replies.
(2) Interrogate the transponder with UF=4, 5, 20, 21 interrogation with
Show in each of the four cases that the transponder replies with
correct ARA, RAC, RAT(=0), MTE, TTI and TID information in the
DF=20, 21 replies and the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in
the DR field is set.
(3) Send the following sequence (60 seconds total) of ARA and RAC
data to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
- For 5 seconds, ARA=0, RAC=0, RAT=1 and MTE=0;
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC='1000' {Binary}, RAI=0, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='AA AA
AA' {HEX};
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC=0, RAI=0, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='55 55 55' {HEX};
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA=0, RAC=0, RAI=1 and MTE=0;
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA=0, RAC='0100' {Binary}, RAI=1
and MTE=0;
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC=0, RAI=0, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='55 55 55' {HEX};
- For the next 30 seconds, ARA=0, RAC=0, RAT=1 and MTE=0;
Interrogate the transponder once per second during the 60 seconds
described above with a UF=4 interrogation with RR=19.
Show that the 'ACAS Resolution report available code' in the DR field
in the replies remains set for the first 48 1 seconds and is set to
ZERO thereafter. Show that in the replies:
- For the first 5 seconds, ARA='00 0001 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC='0100' {Binary}, RAT=1, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='55 55
55' {HEX};
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC='1000' {Binary}, RAT=0, MTE=0, TTI=1, and TID='AA AA
AA' {HEX};
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC=0, RAT=0, MTE=0, TTI=1, and TID='55 55 55' {HEX};
- For the next 10 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC=0, RAT=1, MTE=0, TTI=1, and TID='55 55 55' {HEX};
- For the next 5 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC=0, RAT=0, MTE=0, TTI=1, and TID='55 55 55' {HEX};

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- For the next 18 1 seconds, ARA='01 0000 0000 0000'

{Binary}, RAC=0, RAT=1, MTE=0, TTI=1 and TID='55 55 55'
- For the next 12 1 seconds, ARA=0, RAC=0, RAT=0 and
MTE=0. Procedure #32 Transmission of ACAS Capability Information to a Mode S

(§ b and to other ACAS aircraft §
This test verifies that the transponder receives operational information from the
ACAS unit and correctly reports this information in Data Link Capability Report to
a Mode S sensor and in air-air surveillance replies to another ACAS aircraft.
This test requires that the transponder demonstrates proper operation with a
TCAS Version 7 or higher compatible transponder/ACAS interface.
Both tests, #32A and #32B, are therefore to be performed for transponders
intended to be operated with all ACAS (for both DO-185A and DO-185B/ED-143
compatible transponders). Procedure #32A Transmission of ACAS capability Information to a Mode S

Sensor (§ b (2)) and to other ACAS aircraft (§ for a
transponder operating with a compatible ACAS (TCAS Version 7, RTCA DO-
185A compatible)
a. Enable the transponder only (i.e. transponder/ACAS interface not
b. Interrogate the transponder with a non-acquisition UF=0 interrogation.
Show that the transponder replies with correct capability information in the
DF=0 reply (i.e., RI=0)
c. Interrogate the transponder with :
- UF=4, with RR=17 and DI 7.
- UF=5, with RR=17 and DI 7.
- UF=20, with RR=17, DI=7 and RRS=0.
- UF=21, with RR=17, DI=7 and RRS=0.
Show, in each of the four cases, that the transponder replies with correct
capability information in the DF=20, 21 replies (i.e., BDS1=1, BDS2=0, bit
48=0, bits 69, 70, 71 and 72 =0000).
d. Repeat the procedures in steps b and c above for each of the following 16
(1) ACAS reports 'on board ACAS with resolution capability inhibited'
(RI=2) to the transponder via the ACAS/transponder interface. The
DF=0 reply should show RI=2. The DF=20, 21 replies should show
bit 48=1 and bits 69, 70 and 72 = 0, 71=1.
(2) ACAS reports 'on-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution
capability' (RI=3) to the transponder via the ACAS/transponder
interface. The DF=0 reply should show RI=3. The DF=20, 21
replies should show bit 48=1 and bits 69 = 0, 70 = 1, 71=1 and 72

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(3) ACAS reports 'on-board ACAS with vertical and horizontal

resolution capability' (RI=4) to the transponder via the
ACAS/transponder interface. The DF=0 reply should show RI=4.
The DF=20, 21 replies should show bit 48=1 and bits 69 and 71= 1,
70 and 72=0.
(4-16) ACAS reports RI=0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 to the
transponder via the ACAS/transponder interface. The DF=0 reply
should show RI=0 The DF=20, 21 replies should show bit 48=0 and
bits 69, 70, 71 and 72 = 0. Procedure #32B Transmission of ACAS capability Information to a Mode S

Sensor (§ b) and to other ACAS aircraft (§ for a transponder
operating with a compatible ACAS (TCAS Version 7.1, RTCA DO-185B
a. Repeat the procedure provided in Step ―a‖ of § for an RTCA/DO-
185B compatible transponder/ACAS interface.
b. Repeat the procedure provided in Step ―b‖ of § for an RTCA/DO-
185B compatible transponder/ACAS interface.
c. Repeat the procedure provided in Step ―c‖ of § for an RTCA/DO-
185B compatible transponder/ACAS interface.
d. Repeat the procedures in steps b and c above for each of the following 16
(1) ACAS reports ―on-board ACAS with resolution capability inhibited‖
(RI=2) to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
ACAS reports that there is no ―Hybrid Surveillance‖ capability to
the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Show that the transponder replies with RI=2 in the DF=0 reply.
Show that the transponder replies with bit 48=1 and bits 69, 70,
71, and 72 = ‗0001‘ in the DF=20, 21 replies.
(2) ACAS reports ―on-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution
capability‖ (RI=3) to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS
ACAS reports that there is ―Hybrid Surveillance‖ capability to the
transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Show that the transponder replies with RI=3 in the DF=0 reply.
Show that the transponder replies with bit 48=1 and bits 69, 70,
71, and 72 = ‗1101‘ in the DF=20, 21 replies.
(3) ACAS reports ―on-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution
capability‖ (RI=3) to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS
ACAS reports that there is no ―Hybrid Surveillance‖ capability to
the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Show that the transponder replies with RI=3 in the DF=0 reply.
Show that the transponder replies with bit 48=1 and bits 69, 70,
71, and 72 = ‗0101‘ in the DF=20, 21 replies.
(4)-(16) ACAS reports RI=0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 to
the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Show that for each case, the transponder replies with RI=0 in the
DF=0 reply.

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Show that for each case, the transponder replies with bit 48=0
and bits 69, 70, 71,and 72 = ‗0000‘ in the DF=20, 21 replies. Procedure #33 - ACAS or Transponder/ACAS Failure during Transmission

of RA Report and Data Link Capability Report to a Mode S Sensor (§
a (2) and § b (2))
a. Send ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary}, RAC='1000', RAI=0, MTE=0,
TTI=1 and TID='AA AA AA' {HEX} to the transponder via the
transponder/ACAS interface once per second for 5 seconds.
During the 5th second, cause the ACAS unit to report an ACAS failure to
the transponder (i.e. RI=0 and SL=1).
Interrogate the transponder once per second during the 5 seconds
described above and for an additional 25 seconds (30 seconds total) with
UF=4 interrogations with RR=19 and DI 7.
Show that in the DF=20 replies:
(1) For the first 23 1 seconds, the 'ACAS Resolution report available
code' is set in the DR field. Thereafter it's cleared.
(2) For the first 5 seconds, ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC='1000' {Binary}, RAT=0, MTE=0,TTI=1 and TID='AA AA AA'
(3) For the next 18 1 seconds, ARA='10 0000 0000 0000' {Binary},
RAC='1000' {Binary}, RAT=1, MTE=0,TTI=1 and TID='AA AA AA'
(4) For the remaining 7 1 seconds, ARA, RAC, MTE, TTI and TID shall
be set to ZERO.
b. Repeat the steps in test a. except during the 5th second, cause the
transponder to recognize a failure on the transponder/ACAS interface (i.e.,
disconnect or otherwise interrupt the interface).
The results should be the same as in test a.
c. Send "on-board ACAS with vertical-only resolution capability" (RI=3) to the
transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface once per second for 30
During the 5th second, cause the transponder to recognize a failure on the
transponder/ACAS interface (i.e., disconnect or otherwise interrupt the
Interrogate the transponder once per second for 30 seconds with UF=4
interrogations with RR=17 and DI 7.
Show that in the DF=20 replies:
- For the first 5 seconds, bit 48=1 and bits 69, 70, 71 and 72 = '0110'.
- For the next 25 seconds bits 48, 69, 70, 71 and 72 shall be set to
ZERO. Procedure #34 Coordination

(§ and §
This test verifies that the transponder (1) accepts incoming UF=16 interrogations
containing an ACAS Resolution Message and passes all necessary information to
the ACAS unit, and (2) receives coordination information from the ACAS unit and
correctly reports this information in outgoing DF=16 replies.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation with UDS=48,

MTB=0, CVC=0, VRC=2, CHC=0, HRC=0, VSB=7 when no resolution
advisory information has been received via the transponder/ACAS
Show that the transponder sends a DF=16 reply with VDS=48, ARA=0,
RAC=0, RAT=0, and MTE=0.
Show that the coordination information in the MU field is correctly output on
the transponder/ACAS interface.
b. Send ARA=0, RAC='0100', RAI=1, and MTE=0 to the transponder via the
transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation with UDS=48,
MTB=0, CVC=0, VRC=2, CHC=0, HRC=0, VSB=7.
Show that the transponder sends a DF=16 reply with VDS=48, ARA=0, and
RAC='0100' {Binary}.
Show that the coordination information in the MU field is correctly output on
the transponder/ACAS interface.
c. Send ARA='11100000000000' {Binary}, RAC='0100' {Binary}, RAI=0, and
MTE=0 to the transponder via the transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation with UDS=48,
MTB=0, CVC=2, VRC=0, CHC=0, HRC=0, VSB=13.
Show that the transponder sends a DF=16 reply with VDS=48,
ARA='11100000000000' {Binary}, RAC='0100' {Binary}, RAT=0, and
Show that the coordination information in the MU field is correctly output on
the transponder/ACAS interface.
d. Send ARA='11100000000000' {Binary} and RAC=0 to the transponder via
the transponder/ACAS interface.
Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation with UDS=48,
MTB=0, CVC=2, VRC=0, CHC=0, HRC=0, VSB=13.
Show that the transponder sends a DF=16 reply with VDS=48,
ARA='11100000000000' {Binary}, and RAC=0.
Show that the coordination information in the MU field is correctly output on
the transponder/ACAS interface.
e. Send ARA=0, RAC=0, RAI=1, and MTE=0 to the transponder via the
transponder/ACAS interface. This RAI=1 is intended to represent the
transition from RAI=0 to RAI=1 indicating the end of
ARA='11100000000000' in d, above.
Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation with UDS=48,
MTB=0, CVC=0, VRC=1, CHC=0, HRC=0, VSB=14.
Show that the transponder sends a DF=16 reply with VDS=48, ARA=0, and
Show that the coordination information in the MU field is correctly output on
the transponder/ACAS interface.
NOTE: When the resolution advisory is ended, the ARA and RAC fields
reflect this change immediately in the DF=16 reply but not until
18 seconds has elapsed for the DF=20, 21 Resolution Advisory

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271 Procedure #35 MU and ACAS Broadcast Message transfer to ACAS

This test verifies that the transponder correctly: 1) accepts UF=16 interrogations
with MU data containing an ACAS Resolution Message (UDS=48) and passes all
necessary information to the ACAS unit; 2) accepts UF=16 broadcast
interrogations with MU data containing an ACAS Broadcast Message (UDS=50)
and passes all necessary information to the ACAS unit; 3) does not transfer the
MU data of UF=16 discrete interrogations with UDS 48 and broadcast
interrogations with UDS 50 to the ACAS unit.
a. Interrogate the transponder with a valid UF=16 ACAS Coordination
Message (UDS1=3, UDS2=0). Verify that the transponder replies with a
valid DF=16 Coordination Reply Message and the data content of the MU
field is correctly output on the transponder/ACAS interface.
b. In one second, interrogate the transponder with ten UF=16 interrogations,
each containing an ACAS Broadcast Message (UDS1=3, UDS2=2, and
interrogation address=all 1's), each containing a unique "own" ICAO 24-bit
aircraft address (i.e., ten different ICAO 24-bit aircraft addresses).
Show that incoming information is correctly output on the transponder/ACAS
c. Interrogate the transponder at the rate of 10 per second or less with 255
UF=16 interrogations addressed to the transponder with UDS values from 0
to 255 except for UDS=48. Verify that the transponder does not output the
messages over the transponder/ACAS interface.
d. Interrogate the transponder at the rate of 10 per second or less with 255
UF=16 broadcast interrogations with UDS values from 0 to 255 except for
UDS=50. Verify that the transponder does not output the messages over
the transponder/ACAS interface. Procedure #36 Transponder Replies to Incoming ACAS Resolution

Messages (§
This test verifies that (1) whenever the transponder replies with a valid
Coordination Reply Message to an incoming ACAS Resolution Message, the
incoming message is successfully delivered to the ACAS unit; and (2) whenever
the transponder's internal queue is full or some other condition is present which
would prevent delivery of the message to ACAS, the transponder does not reply
with a valid Coordination Reply Message to an incoming ACAS Resolution
Message and does not pass the incoming data to ACAS.
a. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation containing a valid
ACAS Resolution Message when all of the following conditions are true: the
transponder is reporting that it has an operational ACAS; no transponder
queues are full; and no ACAS failure conditions exist.
Demonstrate that the transponder transmits a valid Coordination Reply
Message and that the incoming coordination information is correctly output
on the transponder/ACAS interface.
b. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation containing a valid
ACAS Resolution Message when the transponder queue is full.
Demonstrate that the transponder does not send a valid Coordination Reply
Message and does not output the incoming coordination information on the
transponder/ACAS interface.
Demonstrate that when the queue is full the transponder still replies to
interrogations that do not contain information directed to the
transponder/ACAS interface.

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c. Interrogate the transponder with a UF=16 interrogation containing a valid

ACAS Resolution Message when an ACAS failure condition is present (the
transponder is reporting no resolution advisory capability).
Demonstrate that the transponder does not send a valid Coordination Reply
Message and does not output the incoming coordination information on the
transponder/ACAS interface.
Demonstrate that when an ACAS failure is present the transponder still
replies to interrogations that do not contain information directed to the
transponder/ACAS interface.
NOTE: When the transponder does not send a valid reply, it may either
send no reply or send a DF=16 reply with all 56 bits of the MV
field equal to zero. Procedure #37 Transponder/ACAS Throughput (§3.2 b & g)

This test verifies that the interrogation input rate requirement and the reply rate
limiting requirement referenced above are met by the transponder. In addition,
this test is important for demonstrating that the transponder's internal structures
(e.g., queues, timing) have been designed in such a way that they are compatible
with any ACAS unit with which the transponder is paired.
a. Interrogate the transponder with UF=16 interrogations for 5 seconds at a
continuous rate of 16.6 milliseconds, i.e., 60 interrogations per second.
Demonstrate that the transponder accepts all interrogations, transmits a
valid reply to each interrogation, and correctly outputs the information on
the transponder/ACAS interface in the order in which it was received by the
b. Interrogate the transponder with UF=16 interrogations for 5 seconds at a
rate greater than that at which the transponder can accept all
NOTE: In some installations, interrogating at a high rate with all UF=16
interrogations causes the transponder's internal queue to fill, thus
stopping the transponder's acceptance of and reply to
interrogations because of the full queue, rather than because of
the reply rate limiting. If this is the case, it is necessary to
interrogate the transponder with a mix of short and long
interrogations; this mix should include the largest number of
UF=16 interrogations that is possible while at the same time
avoiding any queue overflow. This will allow the reply rate limiting
feature to be tested.
Demonstrate that the reply rate limiting feature is exercised (i.e., there is a
mechanism which recognizes the high interrogation rate and stops the
transponder from accepting and replying to replies before the transponder
overheats or otherwise becomes adversely affected).
Demonstrate that the transponder can accept and reply to at least the
number of interrogations specified in §3.17.3 c.
Demonstrate that for each accepted interrogation, and only for each
accepted interrogation, the transponder transmits a valid reply and correctly
outputs the information on the transponder/ACAS interface in the order in
which it was received by the transponder.
c. Interrogate the transponder with UF = 16 interrogations at a burst rate
greater than that which the transponder can accept. Maintain the burst
scenario for at least 5 seconds.
NOTE: Burst interrogations must be used to ensure that the ACAS
interface has not failed due to lack of periodic data updates.

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d. Cause the ACAS test unit to accept information from the transponder at the
slowest rate possible including a retry while still conforming to the
transponder/ACAS interface protocols.
Demonstrate that for each accepted interrogation, and only for each
accepted interrogation, the transponder transmits a valid reply and correctly
outputs the information on the transponder/ACAS interface in the order in
which it was received by the transponder. Procedure #38 Transponder Communication Timing (§

This test verifies that the communications timing requirement specified in
§ is met.
Demonstrate that the elapsed time from the transponder's receipt of an incoming
UF=16 interrogation containing an ACAS Resolution Message to the receipt by
the ACAS test unit from the ACAS/transponder interface is less than or equal to
0.01 second.
NOTE: This assumes an interrogation rate less than or equal to 60
interrogations per second. Procedure #39: ACAS Crosslink (§, § and §

This test verifies that the transponder(1) correctly reports the Crosslink Capability
(CC) in DF=0 replies and (2) decodes the DS field in UF=0 interrogations and
correctly responds with the content of the Ground Initiated Comm-B register in the
MV field of the corresponding DF=16 reply.
a. Interrogate the transponder with UF=0, RL=0 interrogations.
Verify that the CC field (bit 7) is a ONE in each DF=0 reply requested.
b. Generate data for each defined Ground Initiated Comm B message for
each of the Comm-B registers that can be controlled via an interface or are
internal to the transponder. The data content for each register should be
unique so that it can be distinguished from all others. Interrogate the
transponder with UF=0, RL=1 and all combination of DS (1-255). Verify that
the contents of the MV field of each DF=16 reply (whose register could be
loaded with a test message) matches the contents of the corresponding
Comm-B register requested.
c. During the Comm-B protocol test procedure (Procedure#18) or as an
extension of the above test, use an ACAS Crosslink type interrogation to
extract the Ground-Initiated Comm-B registers in order to verify the
Crosslink protocol operates and correctly reports the proper ground-
initiated Comm-B data as the transponder changes Comm-B protocol state
(if done as part of Procedure#18, interrogate with UF=0, RL=1, DS= 1-255
when interrogating with ground MB extraction).

5.6 Test Procedures for Elementary Surveillance (ELS) Compliant Transponder

No test procedure required as §3.29 is introductory material for ELS.

5.6.1 Ground Initiated Comm-B (§3.29.1)

No test procedure required as multiple GICB extractions of the applicable
registers are performed in subsequent tests.

5.6.2 Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) Code Requirements (§3.29.2)

a. Perform Procedure #4 - Non-Selective Lockout Tests for all ―II‖ and ―SI‖
codes as required by § (See §

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b. Perform Procedure #5 - Selective Lockout Tests for all ―II‖ and ―SI‖ codes
as required by § (See §
NOTE: Extraction of a Register or a Comm-B broadcast using an SI code is
performed in §

5.6.3 Declaration of Capability in Register 1016 – Data Link Capability Report

No test procedure required. Purpose and Definition (§

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Register 1016 is
verified in subsequent tests. Data Requirements (§

The purpose of this procedure is to verify the setting of the Data Link Capability
Report as required in § when no capability has been established. The
setting of appropriate bits in Register 1016 as capability is established or changed
is demonstrated or verified in subsequent sections.
Test Procedure:
Ensure that NO Aircraft Identification or Aircraft Registration data is being
provided to the transponder.
Ensure that the ACAS / Transponder interface is NOT ACTIVE. If the interface is
active, ACAS will provide data to set the Data Link Capability and thereby
compromise the results of the following tests. Likewise, ACAS could attempt to
set the Resolution Advisory Report and thereby compromise the results of the
following tests.
Ensure that no other data is being provided to the transponder that could result in
the loading of BDS registers internal to the transponder.
Disable the Extended Squitter and Mode-S Specific Services (―MSSS‖) functions
prior to starting the following procedures in order to keep from setting various
BDS registers during the following tests. Bit 1 through 8, BDS Code (§

Test Procedure:
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1016 Data Link Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ----------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 33 through 40
(―BDS‖ subfield (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to 10 HEX (0001 0000

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275 Bit 17 through 23, Declaration of Mode-S Subnetwork Number (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in § Verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 49 through 55 [―Mode S
Subnetwork Version Number‖ subfield (bit 17 through 23 of the ―MB‖ field)]
encoded with a value of ―5‖ or more. Bit 25, Declaration of No Mode S Specific Services Capability (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 57 [Mode S Specific
Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Mode
S Specific Services Capability.
NOTE: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 to 1C16, 2016 and 3016
does not constitute Mode S Specific Services Capability. Bit 33, Aircraft Identification Reporting Capability (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield
(bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Aircraft Identification
capability. Bit 35, Surveillance Identifier Code (SI) (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 67 [Surveillance
Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the
transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability. Bit 36, Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 68 [Common Usage
GICB Capability Report (bit 36 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate that
there has been no change in the Common Usage GICB Capability Report,
Register 1716.

5.6.4 Register 1716, Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§3.29.4)

No test procedure required. Purpose and Definition (§3.29.1)

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Register 1716 is
verified in subsequent tests.

© EUROCAE, 2011
276 Data Requirements (§3.29.2)

The purpose of this procedure is to verify the setting of the Common Usage GICB
Capability Report as required in § when no capability has been
established. The setting of appropriate bits in Register 1716 as capability is
established or changed is demonstrated or verified in subsequent sections.
Test Procedure:
Ensure that the conditions established in § are retained. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 2016 and 2116
as an Option (§ and §
Test Procedure:
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability Report.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
a. Bits 33 through 60 (bits 1 through 28 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to
indicate NO Capability or capability changes in the Common Usage GICB
Capability Report, Register 1716.
b. Bits 61 through 88 (bits 29 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0)
since these bits are Reserved or ―Don‘t Care‖. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Optional Register 2116
Appropriate procedures to validate the setting of Register 1716 bits associated
with Register 2116 prior to establishing any capability in the transponder
installation were demonstrated in (§

5.6.5 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports (§3.29.5)
No test procedure required. Purpose and Definition (§

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Registers 1816
through 1C16 are verified in subsequent tests. Data Requirements (§

The purpose of this procedure is to verify the settings of the Mode S Specific
Services Capability Reports as required in § when no capability has been
established. The setting of appropriate bits in Registers 1816 through 1C16 as
capability is established or changed is demonstrated or verified in subsequent

© EUROCAE, 2011
277 Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1016 (§3.29.1
and §
Test Procedure:
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ Field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has
been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1816. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1716

Appropriate procedures to validate the setting of Register 1816 bits associated
with Register 1716 prior to establishing any capability in the transponder
installation were demonstrated in (§ Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1816

Appropriate procedures to validate the setting of Register 1816 bits associated
with Register 1816 prior to establishing any capability in the transponder
installation were demonstrated in (§ Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2016

Appropriate procedures to validate the setting of Register 1816 bits associated
with Register 2016 prior to establishing any capability in the transponder
installation were demonstrated in (§ Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2116

Appropriate procedures to validate the setting of Register 1816 bits associated
with Register 2116 prior to establishing any capability in the transponder
installation were demonstrated in (§ Mode S Specific Services Capability Report, Register 1916 (§3.29.1 and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1916. Mode S Specific Services Capability Report, Register 1A16 (§3.29.1 and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1A16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 A 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1A16. Mode S Specific Services Capability Report, Register 1B16 (§3.29.1 and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1B16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 B 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1B16.

© EUROCAE, 2011
279 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report, Register 1C16 (§3.29.1 and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1C16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 C 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1C16.
NOTE: Up to this point, the ELS Test Procedures have been written
sequentially so as to align with the sequence of the requirements given
in §3.29. This was possible up to this point as neither Aircraft
Identification nor Aircraft Registry data has been provided to the unit
under test. Once data is being provided to the unit under test, the
changing of the data drives changes into multiple registers at virtually
the same time. This presents a problem in attempting to develop test
procedures that sequentially track the requirements which have been
stated on a register basis as opposed to a functional basis. Therefore,
the remainder of the ELS Test Procedures are developed on a
functional basis with traceability to the requirements in §3.29 indicated
in the procedures as appropriate.

5.6.6 Baseline Aircraft Identification and Aircraft Registration Testing (§,

§3.29.6 and §3.29.7)
No test procedure is required as such procedures are provided in the following
subparagraphs. Part 1: Aircraft Identification and Aircraft Registration Startup (§,

§3.29.6 and §3.29.7)
NOTE 1: This Part 1includes validation that back to back broadcasts are
generated by the transponder. The first broadcast for the change in
Aircraft Identification data in Register 2016 and the second broadcast for
the change in Data Link Capability in Register 1016 caused by the
change in Register 1016. Subsequent Parts of §5.6 do not need to
validate both broadcasts.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 1 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Data Initialization: (§, § a, and §

(1). Provide the transponder with Aircraft Identification Data as specified
in the following table at a maximum update interval of 1.5 seconds
for each character provided.
Aircraft Identification Input Data
IA-5 Encoding ED-73E Encoding LSB Encoding
Number Character
(See Note 2) (See Note 3) (See Note 4)
(See Note 1)
1 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
2 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
3 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
4 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
5 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
6 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
7 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
8 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
9 ―X‖ 1011000 011000 0001101
10 ―Y‖ 1011001 011001 1001101
1. Aircraft Identification only uses eight characters in the downlink “MB” field; however, some
equipments have indicated that ten input characters may be desired in the future. Therefore,
this table provides for up to ten input characters.
2. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO Annex 10,
Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left justified (e.g., b7,
b6, …….b2, b1.).
3. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § f encoding which is equivalent to ICAO Annex
10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above being MSB left justified
(e.g., b6, b5, ….. b2, b1.).
4. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified. This
encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Option:
Provide the transponder with Aircraft Registration Data as specified
in the following table at a maximum update interval of 1.5 seconds for
each character provided.
Aircraft Registration Input Data
Character IA-5 Encoding ED-73E Encoding LSB Encoding
Number (See Note 1) (See Note 2) (See Note 3)
1 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
2 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
3 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
4 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
5 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
6 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
7 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
8 ―U‖ 1010101 010101 1010101
9 ―J‖ 1001010 001010 0101001
1. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO Annex 10,
Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left justified (e.g., b7,
b6, …….b2, b1.).
2. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § encoding which is equivalent to ICAO Annex
10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above being MSB left justified
(e.g., b6, b5, ….. b2, b1.).
3. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified. This
encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.

b. Comm-B Broadcast and Aircraft Identification Verification: (§

a,b,c,e and f, §, § and §
For up to 10.0 seconds after completing Part 1, Step a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated when Aircraft Identification
Data is changed.
Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE 2: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
= 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
(1). ―DR‖
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). And the ―MB‖ field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification Data as follows:

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 3: “DR” = 4, 5, 6, or 7 indicates that Broadcast information is

Part 1. b.(2). DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 -- 58 59 --64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 -- 26 27 --32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char. 3 Char.4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖
As soon as ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 is observed, start a Test Timer in order to
monitor the ―B‖ timer.
NOTE 4: At this time, the “B” timer should be running due to the
annunciation of a broadcast due to a change in the contents of
Register 2016. The annunciation should persist for 18 +/-1
c. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction due to Aircraft Identification Change:
(§ e, §, §, §, § b,
§ and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 1, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B
Broadcast Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Aircraft Identification contained in
Register 2016.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with the ―MB‖ field
providing Aircraft Identification data as follows:
Part 1. c. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖

Repeat the following interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast

message using an SI code (DI=3).
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 17 - 22 23 24-27 28 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―SIS‖ ―LSS‖ ―RRS‖ ―XX‖
= = = = = = = =
4 0 16 3 1 1 0 0
(10 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with the ―MB‖ field
providing Aircraft Identification data as follows:
Part 1. c. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖

d. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Extraction:

(§, §, §, § b, § and
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 1.c. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with:
= 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
(1). ―DR‖
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate Aircraft Identification capability.
Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to
(4). ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖

NOTE 1: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 1.b. should have expired
and a second (e.g., new) “B” Timer started to annunciate a
Datalink Capability Report Change for 18 +/-1 seconds.
Verification that the first “B” Timer has expired is demonstrated
by the transponder replying with the contents of Register 1016 as
opposed to Register 2016.
As soon as the reply specified above in this step is observed, start a new
Test Timer in order to monitor the ―B‖ timer.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 1.b. is 18 +/-1
e. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 1.c. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 1.d (e.g., the
last step) is 18 +/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 1.d. as broadcast due to
a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated.
f. Aircraft Registration Verification: (Optional) (§, § and
NOTE 1: Servicing of Register 2116 is Optional.
Stop providing data as specified in Part 1, Step a.(2) for a period of 20
seconds, then restart providing the same data to the transponder.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within 15 seconds of providing such Aircraft Registration data interrogate

the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogations in order to
extract the Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration.
NOTE 2: The 15 seconds is based on the update rate specified for
Register 2116 .
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 18 7 0 1 0 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having the following
―MB‖ field:
Part 1. f DF = 20, Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 -- 39 40 -- 45 46 -- 51 52 -- 57 58 -- 63 64 - 69 70 - 75 76 77 - 82 83 - 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 -- 7 8 -- 13 14 -- 19 20 -- 25 26 -- 31 32 -- 37 38 -- 43 44 45 - 50 51 –56
Field: Status Char. 1 Char. 2 Char. 3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Status Char.1 Char.2
Data: 1 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 0 000000 000000
Character: ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖

g. Data Link Capability Report, Register 1016: (§, §,

§, §, §, §, §, §,
§3.29.4 and §
Discontinue providing the transponder with Aircraft Identification (Part 1,
Step a.(1)) and Aircraft Registration data (Part 1, Step a.(2)). Then Repeat
Part 1, Step a. and Step b.
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 1. Step b in accordance with the previous paragraph, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogations in order to
extract the Register 1016 Data Link Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Within 66 seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 66 seconds is based on the update rate specified for
Register 1716 plus the update time of up to 60 seconds for
Register 1016 to update Bit 68.
(1). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(2). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate Aircraft Identification capability,

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Bit 57 [Mode S Specific Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Mode S Specific Services Capability,
NOTE 1: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 to 1C16,
2016 and 3016 does not constitute Mode S Specific
Services Capability.
NOTE 2: If Register 2116 is being serviced, then Bit 57 (bit 25 of the
“MB” field) is set to ONE (1).
(4). Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to
ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability,
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that there has been a change in the
Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716.
h. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§,
§, § and §
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). Bit 39 (7 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability is established.
(2). Bit 40 (8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
NOTE: If Register 2116 is not being serviced, then Bit 40 (bit 8 of
the “MB” field) is set to ZERO (0).

Repeat the extraction of Register 1716 using the following GICB extraction
interrogation in order to use the format for SI code (DI=3) and verify that the
content is the same as the content of Register 1716 previously extracted
using DI=7.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 - 22 23 24 - 27 28 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―SIS‖ ―LSS‖ ―RRS‖ Not Assigned
= = = = = = = =
4 0 17 3 1 1 7 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

i. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§,

§ and b, § and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 1, Step b as required in Part 1, Step g, interrogate the transponder
with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to extract the
Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability:
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register

(1). Bit 73 (41 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Data Link
Capability 1016 is established.
(2). Bit 57 (25 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability 2016 is established.
(3). Bit 56 (24 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability 2116 is established.
(4). Bit 66 (34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register
1716 Servicing Capability is established.
(5). Bit 65 (33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register
1816 Servicing Capability is established.

Repeat the extraction of Register 1816 using the following GICB extraction
interrogation in order to use the format for SI code (DI=3) and verify that the
content is the same as the content of Register 1816 previously extracted
using DI=7.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 - 22 23 24 - 27 28 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―SIS‖ ―LSS‖ ―RRS‖ Not Assigned
= = = = = = = =
4 0 17 3 1 1 8 0
(11 HEX) Part 2: Aircraft Identification Data Termination

NOTE 1: This Part 2 validates that character data in Register 2016 is set to zero
when Aircraft Identification data is lost and not replaced by Aircraft
Registration data if such data is available.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 2 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Aircraft Identification Data Termination: (§ and §

Discontinue the provision of Aircraft Identification data to the transponder.
Continue to provide Aircraft Registration data as required in Part 1.a. and
restarted in Part 1.g.
b. Comm-B Broadcast and Aircraft Identification Verification:
(§,b,c,e and f, § and §
For up to 10.0 seconds after completing Part 2.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification.
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated when Aircraft Identification
Data is changed.
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 2.a, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE 2: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). And the ―MB‖ field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification Data as

Part 2. b.(2). DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field

Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 -- 46 47 -- 52 53 -- 58 59 -- 64 65 -- 70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 -- 20 21 -- 26 27 -- 32 33 -- 38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char. 1 Char. 2 Char. 3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
Character: ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖

c. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§, §, §,

§, § and b , § and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 2, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B
Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast
message which should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in
Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate loss of Aircraft Identification capability.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§,
§, §, §3.29.4, § and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 2, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB
Extraction interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common
Usage GICB Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). Bit 39 (7 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has changed.
(2). Bit 40 (8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
Note: Bit 40 will be set to ZERO (0) if Aircraft Registration data is
not being provided as provision of such data is optional.

e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§,

§, §, §, §, §, §,
§, § and §

As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 2, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB
Extraction interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S
Specific Services GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). Bit 57 (25 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability is established.
(2). Bit 56 (24 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
Note: Bit 56 will be set to ZERO (0) if Aircraft Registration data is
not being provided as provision of such data is optional.
(3). Bit 66 Bit 66 (34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that
Register 1716 Servicing Capability is established.
(4). Bit 65 (33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register
1816 Servicing Capability is established. Part 3: Power-On Restart (NO Aircraft Ident.)

NOTE 1: This Part 3 verifies that Optional Aircraft Registration data (if provided)
is used at power-on for Aircraft Identification if actual Aircraft
Identification data is not provided.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Power-On Restart: (§ and §
Remove power from the transponder for approximately 10 seconds.
Continue application of Aircraft Registration data to the transponder as
defined in Part 1.a. Do not re-apply Aircraft Identification data to the
transponder at this time.
Re-apply power to the transponder.
b. Comm-B Broadcast and Aircraft Identification Verification:
(§,b,c,e and f, §, § and §
For up to 10.0 seconds after completing Part 3.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification (now Aircraft Registration)
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ----------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated when Aircraft Identification
Data is changed.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 3.a, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE 2: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). And the ―MB‖ field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification (now
Aircraft Registration) Data as follows:

Part 3. b.(2). DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification (now Aircraft Registration) ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 -- 20 21 -- 26 27 -- 32 33 -- 38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101
Character: ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖
c. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§, §, §,
§, §, § and §
NOTE 1: This test does not repeat testing of the timing of the “B” Timer as
was done in Part 1. Rather, it is intended only to demonstrate that
the broadcast is generated and contains the proper information.
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 3, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B
Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast
message which should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in
Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE 2: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate Aircraft Identification capability.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§,

§, § and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 3, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB
Extraction interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common
Usage GICB Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). Bit 39 (7 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has changed.
(2). Bit 40 (8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ONE (1) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.29.5,
§ and §
As soon as the transponder has replied with the proper Register 2016 reply
in Part 3, Step b, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB
Extraction interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S
Specific Services GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 5 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). Bit 57 (25 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has been established during the power-on
(2). Bit 56 (24 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
(3). Bit 66 (34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
Servicing Capability is established.
(4). Bit 65 (33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
Servicing Capability is established.

© EUROCAE, 2011
292 Part 4: Re-Apply Aircraft Identification

NOTE 1: This Part 4 verifies that Aircraft Identification data will replace Aircraft
Registration data once such Aircraft Identification data is available.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 4 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Aircraft Identification Restart: (§ and §
Continue application of Aircraft Registration data to the transponder as
defined in Part 1.a. Re-apply Aircraft Identification data to the transponder
as defined in Part 1.a.
b. Comm-B Broadcast and Aircraft Identification Verification:
(§,b,c,e and f, §, § and §
For up to 10.0 seconds after completing Part 4.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
NOTE: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 4.a, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). And the ―MB‖ field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification Data as

Part 4. b.(2). DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field

Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 – 58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 – 26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖
c. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§, §, §,
§, §, § and §
NOTE: This test does not repeat testing of the timing of the “B” Timer as
was done in Part 1. Rather, it is intended only to demonstrate that
the broadcast is generated and contains the proper information.
Interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Aircraft Identification contained in Register 2016.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). And the ―MB‖ field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification Data
as follows

Part 4. c.(2). DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification - ―MB‖ Field

Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§,
§, § and §
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 39 (7 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has changed.
(2). Bit 40 (8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.

© EUROCAE, 2011

e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.29.5,

§ and §
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 --20 21 --24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 57 (25 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has been established during the power-on
(2). Bit 56 (24 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability is established.
(3). Bit 66 (34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
Servicing Capability is established.
(4). Bit 65 (33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
Servicing Capability is established. Part 5: Data Mix #1

NOTE: Review all subparagraphs of Part 5 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Mix #1 Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Provide the transponder with Aircraft Identification Data as specified
in the following table at a maximum update interval of 1.5 second for
each character provided.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Aircraft Identification Input Data

Character LSB
IA-5 Encoding ED-73E Encoding
Number Character Encoding
(See Note 2) (See Note 3)
(See Note 1) (See Note 4)
1 ―6‖ 0110110 110110 0110110
2 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
3 ―9‖ 0111001 111001 1001110
4 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
5 ―6‖ 0110110 110110 0110110
6 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
7 ―9‖ 0111001 111001 1001110
8 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
9 ―X‖ 1011000 011000 0001101
10 ―Y‖ 1011001 011001 1001101
1. Aircraft Identification only uses eight characters in the downlink “MB” field; however,
some equipments have indicated that ten input characters may be desired in the future.
Therefore, this table provides for up to ten input characters.
2. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO
Annex 10, Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left
justified (e.g., b7, b6, …….b2, b1.).
3. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § f encoding which is equivalent to ICAO
Annex 10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above being MSB left
justified (e.g., b6, b5, …..b2, b1.).
4. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified. This
encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.

(2). Provide the transponder with Aircraft Registration Data as specified

in the following table at a maximum update interval of 1.5 seconds for
each character provided.
Aircraft Registration Input Data
Character IA-5 Encoding ED-73E Encoding
Character Encoding
Number (See Note 1) (See Note 2)
(See Note 3)
1 ―W‖ 1010111 010111 1110101
2 ―X‖ 1011000 011000 0001101
3 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
4 ―Y‖ 1011001 011001 1001101
5 ―Z‖ 1011010 011010 0101101
6 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
7 ―4‖ 0110100 110100 0010110
8 ―2‖ 0110010 110010 0100110
9 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
1. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO
Annex 10, Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left
justified (e.g., b7, b6, …….b2, b1.).
2. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § f encoding which is equivalent to
ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above
being MSB left justified (e.g., b6, b5, …..b2, b1.).
3. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified.
This encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Aircraft Identification Verification: (§,b,c and f, § and

For up to 10.0 seconds after completing Part 5.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
NOTE: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 5.a, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
Part 5. b. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 110110 111001 110110 111001 011000 011001 100000 100000
Character: ―6‖ ―9‖ ―6‖ ―9‖ ―X‖ ―Y‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 22 23 24 -- 27 28 -- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―SIS‖ ―LSS‖ ―RRS‖ ―XX‖
= = = = = = = =
4 0 18 3 1 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having the same
content as the part 5.b table above.
c. Aircraft Registration Verification: (§, § and §
Within 30.0 seconds of completing Part 5.a, interrogate the transponder
with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to extract the
Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 18 7 0 1 0 0 0 0
(12 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply and that the ―MB‖
field of the reply provides Aircraft Registration Data as follows:
Part 5. c. DF = 20, Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 --39 40 - 45 46 - 51 52 - 57 58 - 63 64 - 69 70 - 75 76 77 - 82 83 - 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 -- 7 8 -- 13 14 --19 20 - 25 26 - 31 32 - 37 38 - 43 44 45 - 50 51 – 56
Field: Status Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Char.7 Status Char.1 Char.2
Data: 1 010111 011000 011001 011010 110100 110010 100000 0 000000 000000
Character: ―W‖ ―X‖ ―Y‖ ―Z‖ ―4‖ ―2‖ ―SP‖ Part 6: Data Mix #2

NOTE: Review all subparagraphs of Part 6 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Mix #2 Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Provide the transponder with Aircraft Identification Data as specified
in the following table at a minimum rate of once per second for each
character provided.
Aircraft Identification Input Data
Character LSB
IA-5 Encoding ED-73E Encoding
Number Character Encoding
(See Note 2) (See Note 3)
(See Note 1) (See Note 4)
1 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
2 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
3 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
4 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
5 ―D‖ 1000100 000100 0010001
6 ―L‖ 1001100 001100 0011001
7 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
8 ―4‖ 0110100 110100 0010110
9 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
10 ―5‖ 0110101 110101 1010110
1. Aircraft Identification only uses eight characters in the downlink “MB” field; however,
some equipments have indicated that ten input characters may be desired in the
future. Therefore, this table provides for up to ten input characters.
2. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO
Annex 10, Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left
justified (e.g., b7, b6, …….b2, b1.).
3. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § encoding which is equivalent to
ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above
being MSB left justified (e.g., b6, b5, …..b2, b1.).
4. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified.
This encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Provide the transponder with Aircraft Registration Data as specified

in the following table at a minimum rate of once per second for each
character provided.
Aircraft Registration Input Data
Character IA-5 Encoding LSB Encoding
Character Encoding
Number (See Note 1) (See Note 3)
(See Note 2)
1 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
2 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
3 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
4 ―D‖ 1000100 000100 0010001
5 ―L‖ 1001100 001100 0011001
6 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
7 ―4‖ 0110100 110100 0010110
8 ―4‖ 0110100 110100 0010110
9 ―SP‖ 0100000 100000 0000010
1. IA-5 refers to International Alphabet No. 5 (IA-5) as provided in Table 8-2 of ICAO
Annex 10, Volume III, Part 1, last update. Encoding is shown above being MSB left
justified (e.g., b7, b6, …….b2, b1.).
2. ED-73E encoding refers to ED-73E § encoding which is equivalent to
ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §, Table 3-7. Encoding is shown above
being MSB left justified (e.g., b6, b5, …..b2, b1.).
3. LSB Encoding shows the IA-5 Encoding reversed with the LSB being Left Justified.
This encoding is typical of serial input protocols which transmit data LSB first.
b. Aircraft Identification Verification: (§,b,c and f, § and
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 6.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
NOTE: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 6.a, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:
Part 6. b. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 - 46 47 - 52 53 - 58 59 - 64 65 --70 71 - 76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 --32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 000100 001100 110100 110101 100000 100000 100000 100000
Character: ―D‖ ―L‖ ―4‖ ―5‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. Aircraft Registration Verification: (§, § and §

Within 30.0 seconds of completing Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder
with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to extract the
Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration.
1 --- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 18 7 0 1 0 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply and that the ―MB‖
field of the reply provides Aircraft Registration Data as follows:
Part 6. c. DF = 20, Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 --39 40 - 45 46 - 51 52 - 57 58 - 63 64 - 69 70 - 75 76 77 - 82 83 - 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 -- 7 8 -- 13 14 --19 20 - 25 26 - 31 32 - 37 38 - 43 44 45 - 50 51 – 56
Field: Status Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Char.7 Status Char.1 Char.2
Data: 1 000100 001100 110100 110100 100000 100000 100000 0 000000 000000
Character: ―D‖ ―L‖ ―4‖ ―4‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖ ―SP‖ Part 7: Data Mix 4 - No Data

NOTE: Review all subparagraphs of Part 8 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Mix #4 Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with Aircraft
Identification Data.
(2). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with Aircraft
Registration Data.
b. Aircraft Identification Verification: (§,b,c and f, §,
§ and §
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 7.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
NOTE: The 10 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply and that the ―MB‖
field of the reply provides Aircraft Identification Data as follows:
Part 6. b. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 --46 47 --52 53 --58 59 -- 64 65 --70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 --26 27 -- 32 33 --38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Char.7 Char.8
Data: 0010 0000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
Character: ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖
c. Aircraft Registration Verification: (§, §, § and
Within 30.0 seconds of completing Part 7.a, interrogate the transponder
with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to extract the
Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration.
NOTE: The 30 seconds is based on the half the update rate specified for
Register 2116.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 18 7 0 1 0 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply and that the ―MB‖
field of the reply provides Aircraft Registration Data as follows:
Part 6. c. DF = 20, Register 2116 - Aircraft Registration ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 -- 39 40 - 45 46 - 51 52 - 57 58 - 63 64 - 69 70 - 75 76 77 - 82 83 - 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 -- 7 8 -- 13 14 --19 20 - 25 26 - 31 32 - 37 38 - 43 44 45 - 50 51 – 56
Field: Status Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Char.7 Status Char.1 Char.2
Data: 1 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 0 000000 000000
Character: ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖ ―NUL‖
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§,
§, § and §
Within TEN (10) seconds of completing Part 7.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 39 (7 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate that Aircraft
Identification Capability has been lost.
(2). Bit 40 (8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate that Aircraft
Registration Capability has been lost.

© EUROCAE, 2011
301 Part 8: Data Link Capability Report Update Interval (§

a. Data Initialization: (§ and §
After completion of Part 7, re-apply Aircraft Identification Data as specified
in Part 1.a.(1).
b. Aircraft Identification Verification: (§,b,c and f, § and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with the following DF=20 reply:
Part 8. b. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 -- 46 47 -- 52 53 -- 58 59 - 64 65 - 70 71 - 76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 --20 21 -- 26 27 - 32 33 - 38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char. 3 Char.4 Char.5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖ ―U‖ ―J‖

c. Data Link Capability Report, Register 1016: (§, §,

§, §, §, §, §, §
and b, §3.29.4 and §
As soon as the transponder replies with the reply required in Part 8.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following interrogation:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Within ONE (1) second of initiating the above interrogation, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(2). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate Aircraft Identification capability,
(3). Bit 57 [Mode S Specific Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Mode S Specific Services Capability,
NOTE: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 to 1C16,
2016 and 3016 does not constitute Mode S Specific Services

© EUROCAE, 2011

(4). Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE
(1) to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability,
d. Aircraft Identification Termination: (§, and §
Terminate provisioning of the Aircraft Identification data started in Part 8.a.
e. Aircraft Identification Verification: (§,b,c and f, § and
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 18 0 0 0
(12 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with the following DF=20 reply:
Part 8. e. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 -- 46 47 -- 52 53 -- 58 59 -- 64 65 -- 70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 -- 20 21 -- 26 27 -- 32 33 -- 38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char.1 Char.2 Char.3 Char.4 Char.5 Char.6 Char.7 Char.8
Data: 0010 0000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000
f. Data Link Capability Report, Register 1016: (§, §,
§, §, §, §, §, §,
§3.29.4 and §
As soon as the transponder replies with the reply required in §Part 8.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following interrogation:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Within EIGHT (8) seconds of initiating the above interrogation, verify that
the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(2). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate Aircraft Identification capability,
(3). Bit 57 [Mode S Specific Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Mode S Specific Services Capability,
NOTE: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 to 1C16,
2016 and 3016 does not constitute Mode S Specific Services
(4). Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE
(1) to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability,

© EUROCAE, 2011
303 Part 9: Multiple Data Sources (§3.29)

If Multiple Data Sources of Register 2016 and/or Register 2116 are provided to the
Unit-Under-Test (UUT), then REPEAT all applicable sections of Part 5 and 6 for
each additional data source that was not tested while performing Parts 1 through
7 above.

5.7 Test Procedures for Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Compliant Transponder

No test procedure is required for the introductory text of §3.30.

5.7.1 Register 1016 – Data Link Capability Report (§3.30.1) Purpose and Definition (§

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Register 1016 is
verified in subsequent tests. Data Requirements (§

The purpose of this procedure is to verify the setting of the Data Link Capability
Report as required in § when no capability has been established. The
setting of appropriate bits in Register 1016 as capability is established or changed
is demonstrated or verified in subsequent sections.
Test Procedure:
NOTE: The primary intent of Part 1 is to validate appropriate capability
declaration of No Capability prior to providing data to Register 4016,
5016, or 6016.
Ensure that NO Aircraft Identification or Aircraft Registration data is being
provided to the transponder.
Ensure that the ACAS / Transponder interface is NOT ACTIVE. If the interface is
active, ACAS will provide data to set the Data Link Capability and thereby
compromise the results of the following tests. Likewise, ACAS could attempt to
set the Resolution Advisory Report and thereby compromise the results of the
following tests.
Ensure that no other data is being provided to the transponder that could result in
the loading of BDS registers internal to the transponder.
Disable the Extended Squitter and Mode-S Specific Services (―MSSS‖) functions
prior to starting the following procedures in order to keep from setting various
BDS registers during the following tests.

© EUROCAE, 2011
304 Bit 1 through 8, BDS Code (§

Test Procedure:
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1016 Data Link Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 ---------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 33 through 40
(―BDS‖ subfield (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to 10 HEX (0001 0000
binary). Bit 17 through 23, Declaration of Mode-S Subnetwork Number (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in § Verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 49 through 55 [―Mode S
Subnetwork Version Number‖ subfield (bit 17 through 23 of the ―MB‖ field)]
encoded with a value of ―5‖ or more. Bit 25, Declaration of No Mode S Specific Services Capability (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 57 [Mode S Specific
Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Mode
S Specific Services Capability.
NOTE: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 to 1C16, 2016 and 3016
does not constitute Mode S Specific Services Capability. Bit 35, Surveillance Identifier Code (SI) (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 67 [Surveillance
Identifier (SI) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the
transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability. Bit 36, Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§

Test Procedure:
Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in §
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bit 68 [Common Usage
GICB Capability Report (bit 36 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate that
there has been no change in the Common Usage GICB Capability Report,
Register 1716.

© EUROCAE, 2011
305 Maximum Update Interval of Register 1016 (§

No direct test procedure is required at this time as EHS data has yet to be
provided to the transponder. Appropriate update checks are made in subsequent
sections as data is provided. Change Reporting (§

No direct test procedure is required at this time as EHS data has yet to be
provided to the transponder. Appropriate change reporting checks are made in
subsequent sections as data is provided.

5.7.2 Register 1716 --- Common Usage GICB Capability Report (§3.30.2)
No test procedure required. Purpose and Definition (§

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Register 1716 is
verified in subsequent tests. Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Servicing Requirements (§

The purpose of this procedure is to verify the setting of the Common Usage GICB
Capability Report as required in § when no capability has been
established. The setting of appropriate bits in Register 1716 as capability is
established or changed is demonstrated or verified in subsequent sections.
Test Procedure:
Ensure that the conditions established in § are retained.
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
a. Bits 33 through 60 (bits 1 through 28 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to
indicate NO Capability or capability changes in the Common Usage GICB
Capability Report, Register 1716.
b. Bits 61 through 88 (bits 29 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0)
since these bits are Reserved or ―Don‘t Care‖. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 2016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Register 2016 were previously provided in § and are checked again in

© EUROCAE, 2011
306 Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Optional Register 2116
Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Register 2016 were previously provided in § and are checked again in
§ Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 4016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Register 4016 were previously provided in § conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 4016. Verification of the settings of Register 1716 in
regards to Register 4016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 4016. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 5016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Register 5016 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 5016. Verification of the settings of Register 1716 in
regards to Register 5016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 5016. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Optional Register 5F16
Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Optional Register 5F16 were previously provided in § for conditions where
no data has been provided for Register 5F16. Verification of the settings of
Register 1716 in regards to Optional Register 5F16 will be verified in subsequent
sections as data is provided for Register 5F16. Required Servicing of Register 1716 Associated with Register 6016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1716 in regards to
Register 6016 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 6016. Verification of the settings of Register 1716 in
regards to Register 6016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 6016. Maximum Update Interval of Register 1716 (§

No direct test procedure is required at this time as EHS data has yet to be
provided to the transponder. Appropriate update checks are made in subsequent
sections as data is provided. Change Reporting (§

No direct test procedure is required at this time as EHS data has yet to be
provided to the transponder. Appropriate change reporting checks are made in
subsequent sections as data is provided.

5.7.3 Register 1816 to 1C16, Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports (§3.30.3)
No test procedure required.

© EUROCAE, 2011
307 Purpose and Definition (§

No direct test procedure required as format of each required bit in Registers 1816
through 1C16 are verified in subsequent tests. Enhanced Surveillance Capability Requirements (§

No test procedure required. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1016

(§ through §
Test Procedure:
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ Field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has
been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1816. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1716

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1816 in regards to
Register 1716 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 1716. Verification of the settings of Register 1816 in
regards to Register 1716 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 1716. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1816

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1816 in regards to
Register 1816 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 1816. Verification of the settings of Register 1816 in
regards to Register 1816 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 1816. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 1916

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1816 in regards to
Register 1916 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 1916. Verification of the settings of Register 1816 in
regards to Register 1916 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 1916.

© EUROCAE, 2011
308 Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Register 2016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1816 in regards to
Register 2016 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 2016. Verification of the settings of Register 1816 in
regards to Register 2016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 2016. Likewise, settings of Register 1816 in regards to Register 2016
were previously verified during ELS testing in §5.6. Required Servicing of Register 1816 Associated with Optional Register 2116
Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1816 in regards to
Optional Register 2116 were previously provided in § for conditions where
no data has been provided for Register 2116. Verification of the settings of
Register 1816 in regards to Optional Register 2116 will be verified in subsequent
sections as data is provided for Register 2116. Likewise, settings of Register 1816
in regards to Optional Register 2116 were previously verified during ELS testing in
§5.6. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 4016

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register 1916. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 5016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1916 in regards to
Register 5016 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 5016. Verification of the settings of Register 1916 in
regards to Register 5016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 5016. Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Optional Register 5F16
Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1916 in regards to
Optional Register 5F16 were previously provided in § for conditions where
no data has been provided for Optional Register 5F16. Verification of the settings
of Register 1916 in regards to Optional Register 5F16 will be verified in subsequent
sections as data is provided for Optional Register 5F16.

© EUROCAE, 2011
309 Required Servicing of Register 1916 Associated with Register 6016

Appropriate procedures to validate the initial state of Register 1916 in regards to
Register 6016 were previously provided in § for conditions where no data
has been provided for Register 6016. Verification of the settings of Register 1916 in
regards to Register 6016 will be verified in subsequent sections as data is provided
for Register 6016. Maximum Update Interval of Registers 1816 to 1C16 (§

No direct test procedure is required at this time as EHS data has yet to be
provided to the transponder. Appropriate update checks are made in subsequent
sections as data is provided.

5.7.4 Register 1D16 to 1F16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability (§3.30.4)
The intent of this procedure is to validate that the transponder properly replies to
GICB Extraction Interrogations (e.g., requests) for Register 1D16 through Register
1F16. Register 1D16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability (§3.30.4)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1D16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 D 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the Mode S Specific Services (MSP channel) designated in
Register 1D16. Register 1E16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability (§3.30.4)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1E16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 E 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the Mode S Specific Services (MSP channel) designated in
Register 1E16.

© EUROCAE, 2011
310 Register 1F16 Mode S Specific Services MSP Capability (§3.30.4)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in
order to extract the Register 1F16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through 88 (bits
1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO Capability has been
established to service the Mode S Specific Services (MSP channel) designated in
Register 1F16.
NOTE: Up to this point, the EHS Test Procedures have been written
sequentially so as to align with the sequence of the requirements given
in §3.30. This was possible up to this point as NO ELS or EHS data
has been provided to the unit under test. Once data is being provided
to the unit under test, the changing of the data drives changes into
multiple registers at virtually the same time. This presents a problem in
attempting to develop test procedures that sequentially track the
requirements which have been stated on a register basis as opposed to
a functional basis. Therefore, the remainder of the ELS Test
Procedures are developed on a functional basis with traceability to the
requirements in §3.30 indicated in the procedures as appropriate.

5.7.5 Register 4016 – Selected Vertical Intention (§3.30.5)

No test procedure required. PART 1: Register 4016 and Register 5F16 Initial Conditions: (§3.30.5 and
NOTE: The primary purpose of the following initial procedure is to verify that
Register 4016 and Register 5F16 are set to ALL ZERO as no capability
has been established.
a. Register 4016 Initial Setting—Part a: (§3.30.5)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 4016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 --------------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 20 0 0 0
(14 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 33 through
88 (―BDS‖ subfield (bit 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ALL ZERO (0).

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 4016 Initial Setting—Part B: (§3.30.5)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 4016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with the same content as required in
§5.7.5 a.

NOTE: Two separate interrogations are used as Register 4016 can be extracted
by using either the Data Source or Extended Data Source extraction

c. Register 5F16 Initial Setting: (§3.30.7)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the parameters designated in Register
5F16. PART 2: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention Validation (§3.30 through
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 2 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate capability declaration, initiation of the Comm. B Broadcast due
to initial Register 4016 servicing, and that the MCP /FCU Selected
Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude, Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS
Vertical Mode Bit Counts Selected in Register 5F16 go to “01”.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 2 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §

(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, provide
the transponder with the following Selected Altitude data at a
minimum rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Mode
Control Panel Selected Altitude data.
MCP / FCU Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Typical Binary
Value Data Value Input -in-
(feet) (feet) Encoding Motion
+ 36669 0__1000 1111 0011 1101 + 36672 0__100 1111 0100 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is
expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.
3. The bit shown to the left of the underscore represents the arithmetic sign bit.

(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§

Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following FMS Selected Altitude data at a minimum rate of 5
per second in order to provide appropriate FMS Selected Altitude
Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 32250 0__0111 1111 1011 1110 + 32256 0__0111 1110 0000 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:

Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following Barometric Pressure Setting data at a minimum
rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Barometric
Pressure Setting data.
Air Data System (ADS) Barometric Pressure Setting Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Value Input
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
(millibars) Encoding
+ 1209.5 001 0010 0000 1001 0101 1111 1111 1111
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Encoding represent the data as it is
provided to the transponder.
2. Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Barometric Correction Encoding Derivation

12095/2 = 6047_1 94/2 = 47_0 0010 1111 0011 1111 Hex == 2F3F Hex == 12095 Decimal
6047/2 = 3023_1 47/2 = 23_1 1110 0000 1100 0000 Hex == E0C0 Hex == -8000 millibars
3023/2 = 1511_1 23/2 = 11_1 0000 1111 1111 1111 Hex == 0FFF Hex == 4095 Decimal
1511/2 = 755_1 11/2 = 5_1
755/2 = 377_1 5/2 = 2_1 Map Bits 28 through 40 of Register 4016 as: 1111 1111 1111
377/2 = 188_1 2/2 = 1_0
188/2 = 94_0 ½ = 0_1

(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§

Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits
as indicated in the following table:
FMS Vertical Mode Bits Input Data
Status of Altitude
VNAV Approach
FMS Vertical Mode Bits MCP / FCU Hold
Mode Mode
Mode Bits Mode
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bit 48 49 50 51
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 0 0 0
1. For bit 48, “0” indicates that no mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51,
and “1” indicates that mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51. For bits
49 through 51, “0” indicates that the mode is “Not Active”, and “1” indicates that the mode is “Active”.
2. When No FMS Vertical Mode Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 48
through 51 will be set to “0”.
(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the Target Altitude Bits as
indicated in the following table:
Target Altitude Bits Input Data
Status of Target Target
Target Altitude Bits Target Altitude Altitude Source Altitude Source
Source Bits MSB LSB
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bits 54 55 56
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 0 0
1. For bit 54, “0” indicates that no information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56, and “1”
indicates that information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56. For bits 55 and 56, “00”
indicates that the target altitude source is Unknown.
2. When No Target Altitude Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 54
through 56 will be set to “0”.
b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through
Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 – Selected Vertical
Intention data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)
NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.
NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of
Register 4016 changing. This change causes a change to
Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which
then results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.
(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.
(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If
the ―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has
initiated a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data as follows:
Part 2.b.(3) DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ----- 45 46 47 ----- 58 59 60 ----- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84-85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------- 13 14 15 ----- 26 27 28 ----- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52-53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 1 1000 1111 0100 1 0111 1110 0000 1 1111 1111 1111 00000000 1 0 0 0 00 1 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 2.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed.
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 2.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 2.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 2.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation

© EUROCAE, 2011

in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB

1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established.
g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §
Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 2.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode
S Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register 1716 is being serviced or
has changed.

© EUROCAE, 2011

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 2.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 2.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 2.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 3: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 2 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 3 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate that the MCP /FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude,
Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS Vertical Mode Bit Counts in
Register 5F16 go to “10”.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Parameter Data Input Change: (§ and
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, provide
the transponder with the following Selected Altitude data at a
minimum rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Mode
Control Panel Selected Altitude data.
MCP / FCU Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 24252 0__0101 1110 1011 1100 + 24256 0__ 0101 1110 1100 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following FMS Selected Altitude data at a minimum rate of 5
per second in order to provide appropriate FMS Selected Altitude
Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 24252 0__0101 1110 1011 1100 + 24256 0__ 0101 1110 1100 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:

Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following Barometric Pressure Setting data at a minimum
rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Barometric
Pressure Setting data.
Air Data System (ADS) Barometric Pressure Setting Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Value Input
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
(millibars) Encoding
+ 799.5 000 0111 1001 1001 0101 0000 0000 0000
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Encoding represent the data as it is
provided to the transponder.
2. Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

Barometric Correction Encoding Derivation

7995/2 = 3997_1 62/2 = 31_0 0001 1111 0011 1011 Hex == 1F3B Hex == 7995 Decimal
3997/2 = 1998_1 31/2 = 15_1 1110 0000 1100 0000 Hex == E0C0 Hex == -8000 millibars
1998/2 = 999_0 15/2 = 7_1 1111 1111 1111 1011 Hex == FFFB Hex == - 5 Decimal
999/2 = 499_1 7/2 = 3_1 0000 0000 0000 0100
499/2 = 249_1 3/2 = 1_1 0000 0000 0000 0001
249/2 = 124_1 ½ = 0_1 0000 0000 0000 0101
124/2 = 62_0 Result is Negative: therefore, the input data is invalid.
Map Bits 28 through 40 of Register 4016 as: 0000 0000 0000
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits
as indicated in the following table:
FMS Vertical Mode Bits Input Data
Status of Altitude
VNAV Approach
FMS Vertical Mode Bits MCP / FCU Hold
Mode Mode
Mode Bits Mode
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bit 48 49 50 51
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 1 0 1
1. For bit 48, “0” indicates that no mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51,
and “1” indicates that mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51. For bits
49 through 51, “0” indicates that the mode is “Not Active”, and “1” indicates that the mode is “Active”.
2. When No FMS Vertical Mode Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 48
through 51 will be set to “0”.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§

Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the Target Altitude Bits as
indicated in the following table:
Target Altitude Bits Input Data
Status of Target Target
Target Altitude Bits Target Altitude Altitude Source Altitude Source
Source Bits MSB LSB
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bits 54 55 56
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 0 1
1. For bit 54, “0” indicates that no information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56, and “1”
indicates that information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56. For bits 55 and 56, “01”
indicates that the target altitude source is Aircraft Altitude.
2. When No Target Altitude Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 54
through 56 will be set to “0”.
b. Register 4016 Validation: (§ and §3.30.5 through §
Within ONE (1) second of changing the Selected Altitude data source in
Part 3.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 Selected Vertical Intention
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)
Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical Intention
Data as follows:
Part 3.b.(1) DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 1 0101 1110 1100 1 0101 1110 1100 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 1 1 0 1 00 1 01

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―10‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―10‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―10‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed.
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―10‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established. PART 4: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 3 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 4 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate that the MCP /FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude,
Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS Vertical Mode Bit Counts in
Register 5F16 go to “11”.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 4 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Selected Altitude and Barometric Pressure Change: (§ and
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, provide
the transponder with the following Selected Altitude data at a
minimum rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Mode
Control Panel Selected Altitude data.
MCP / FCU Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 28666 0__0110 1111 1111 1010 + 24672 0__0111 0000 0000 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§

Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following FMS Selected Altitude data at a minimum rate of 5
per second in order to provide appropriate FMS Selected Altitude
Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 28666 0__0110 1111 1111 1010 + 28672 0__0111 0000 0000 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

(3). ADS input of Barometric Pressure Setting: (§

Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following Barometric Pressure Setting data at a minimum
rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Barometric
Pressure Setting data.
Air Data System (ADS) Barometric Pressure Setting Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Value Input
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
(millibars) Encoding
+ 942.7 000 1001 0100 0010 0111 0101 1001 0011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Encoding represent the data as it is
provided to the transponder.
2. Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

Barometric Correction Encoding Derivation

9427/2 = 4713_1 73/2 = 36_1 0010 0100 1101 0011 Hex == 24D3 Hex == 9427 Decimal
4713/2 = 2356_1 36/2 = 18_0 1110 0000 1100 0000 Hex == E0C0 Hex == -8000 millibars
2356/2 = 1178_0 18/2 = 9_0 0000 0101 1001 0011 Hex == 0593 Hex == 1427 Decimal
1178/2 = 589_0 9/2 = 4_1
589/2 = 294_1 4/2 = 2_0 Map Bits 28 through 40 of Register 4016 as: 0101 1001 0011
294/2 = 147_0 2/2 = 1_0
147/2 = 73_1 ½ = 0_1

© EUROCAE, 2011

(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§

Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits
as indicated in the following table:
FMS Vertical Mode Bits Input Data
Status of Altitude
VNAV Approach
FMS Vertical Mode Bits MCP / FCU Hold
Mode Mode
Mode Bits Mode
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bit 48 49 50 51
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 0 1 0
1. For bit 48, “0” indicates that no mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51,
and “1” indicates that mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51. For bits
49 through 51, “0” indicates that the mode is “Not Active”, and “1” indicates that the mode is “Active”.
2. When No FMS Vertical Mode Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 48
through 51 will be set to “0”.

(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§

Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the Target Altitude Bits as
indicated in the following table:
Target Altitude Bits Input Data
Status of Target Target
Target Altitude Bits Target Altitude Altitude Source Altitude Source
Source Bits MSB LSB
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bits 54 55 56
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 1 0
1. For bit 54, “0” indicates that no information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56, and “1”
indicates that information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56. For bits 55 and 56, “10”
indicates that the target altitude source is MCP / FCU Selected Altitude.
2. When No Target Altitude Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 54
through 56 will be set to “0”.
b. Register 4016 Validation: (§ and §3.30.5 through §
Within ONE (1) of changing the Selected Altitude data source in Part 4.a,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 4016 Selected Vertical Intention Data:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical Intention
Data as follows:
Part 4.b.(1) DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 1 0111 0000 0000 1 0111 0000 0000 1 0101 1001 0011 00000000 1 0 1 0 00 1 10

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 4.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―11‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―11‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―11‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed.
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―11‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 4.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 4.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 4.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established. PART 5: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 4 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 5 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate that the MCP /FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude,
Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS Vertical Mode Bit Counts in
Register 5F16 go to “01” as opposed to “00”.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 5 prior to performing tests. This is

necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, provide
the transponder with the following Selected Altitude data at a
minimum rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Mode
Control Panel Selected Altitude data.
MCP / FCU Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 32250 0__0111 1101 1111 0101 + 32256 0__0111 1110 0000 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following FMS Selected Altitude data at a minimum rate of 5
per second in order to provide appropriate FMS Selected Altitude
Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 36669 0__1000 1111 0011 1101 + 36672 0__ 1000 1111 0100 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:
Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following Barometric Pressure Setting data at a minimum
rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Barometric
Pressure Setting data.
Air Data System (ADS) Barometric Pressure Setting Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Value Input
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
(millibars) Encoding
+ 1209.5 001 0010 0000 1001 0101 1111 1111 1111
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Encoding represent the data as it is
provided to the transponder.
2. Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Barometric Correction Encoding Derivation

12095/2 = 6047_1 94/2 = 47_0 0010 1111 0011 1111 Hex == 2F3F Hex == 12095 Decimal
6047/2 = 3023_1 47/2 = 23_1 1110 0000 1100 0000 Hex == E0C0 Hex == -8000 millibars
3023/2 = 1511_1 23/2 = 11_1 0000 1111 1111 1111 Hex == 0FFF Hex== 4095 Decimal
1511/2 = 755_1 11/2 = 5_1
755/2 = 377_1 5/2 = 2_1 Map Bits 28 through 40 of Register 4016 as: 1111 1111 1111
377/2 = 188_1 2/2 = 1_0
188/2 = 94_0 ½ = 0_1

(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§

Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits
as indicated in the following table:
FMS Vertical Mode Bits Input Data
Status of Altitude
VNAV Approach
FMS Vertical Mode Bits MCP / FCU Hold
Mode Mode
Mode Bits Mode
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bit 48 49 50 51
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 1 1 0
1. For bit 48, “0” indicates that no mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51,
and “1” indicates that mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51. For bits
49 through 51, “0” indicates that the mode is “Not Active”, and “1” indicates that the mode is “Active”.
2. When No FMS Vertical Mode Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 48
through 51 will be set to “0”.
(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the Target Altitude Bits as
indicated in the following table:
Target Altitude Bits Input Data
Status of Target Target
Target Altitude Bits Target Altitude Altitude Source Altitude Source
Source Bits MSB LSB
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bits 54 55 56
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 1 1
1. For bit 54, “0” indicates that no information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56, and “1”
indicates that information is being provided with which to set bits 55 and 56. For bits 55 and 56, “11”
indicates that the target altitude source is FMS Selected Altitude.
2. When No Target Altitude Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 54
through 56 will be set to “0”.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through

Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 5.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical
Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)
Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical Intention
Data as follows:
Part 5.b.(1) DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 --------------- 58 59 60 -------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 --------------- 26 27 28 -------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 - 53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 1 0111 1110 0000 1 1000 1111 0100 1 1111 1111 1111 00000000 1 1 1 0 00 1 11

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 5.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed.
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 5.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 5.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 5.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established. PART 6: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 5 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 6 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate that the MCP /FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude,
Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS Vertical Mode Bit Counts in
Register 5F16 go to “00” as parameter data input has been terminated..
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 6 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, terminate
provision of valid data to the transponder with Selected Altitude data.
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, terminate provision of
valid data to the transponder with FMS Selected Altitude data.
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:
Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, terminate provision of
valid data to the transponder with the Barometric Pressure Setting
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, terminate provision of valid data to the
transponder with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits.
(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, terminate provision of valid data to the
transponder with which to set the Target Altitude Bits.
b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through
Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical
Intention data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 6.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52- 53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 6.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input has been
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input has been terminated.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been lost and that data is NOT VALID.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been terminated because of loss of data.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §
Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 6.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate that the transponder has lost
Mode S Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate that Register 1716 has changed as
Register 4016 data has been lost.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 6.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 2.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 6.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 7: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 6 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The intent of Part 7 is to demonstrate that servicing of Register 4016 can
be initiated by insertion of a single parameter, e.g., MCP Selected
Altitude data. Part 7 also validates that Selected Altitude Count in
Register 5F16 goes to “01” as the count should restart after having had
a data termination.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 7 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, provide
the transponder with the following Selected Altitude data at a
minimum rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Mode
Control Panel Selected Altitude data.
MCP / FCU Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 21845 0__0101 0101 0101 0101 + 21840 0__0101 0101 0101 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide FMS Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 6.a.(2).
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:
Continue to NOT provide Barometric Pressure Setting data as
established in Part 6.a.(3).
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Continue to NOT provide FMS Vertical Mode Bit data as established
in Part 6.a.(4).

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through

Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 7.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical
Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 7.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52- 53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 1 0101 0101 0101 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 7.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input was restarted after having
been terminated.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input has been
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input has been terminated.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 7.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established as new data has been
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 7.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 7.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §
Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 7.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has restored
Mode S Specific Services Capability.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register 1716 has changed as
Register 4016 data has been restored.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 7.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 7.b.(2). is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 7.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 8: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 7 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
Repeat ALL of Part 6. PART 9: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change Validation
- Set 8 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The intent of Part 9 is to demonstrate that servicing of Register 4016 can
be initiated by insertion of a single parameter, e.g., FMS Selected
Altitude data. Part 9 also validates that FMS Selected Altitude Count in
Register 5F16 goes to “01” as the count should restart after having had
a data termination.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 9 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide MCP Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 8 (e.g., Part 6.a.(1)).
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following FMS Selected Altitude data at a minimum rate of 5
per second in order to provide appropriate FMS Selected Altitude
Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded Knob
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input -in-
(feet) Encoding
(feet) Encoding Motion
+ 36669 0__1000 1111 0011 1101 + 36672 0__ 1000 1111 0100 NO
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:

Continue to NOT provide Barometric Pressure Setting data as
established in Part 8 (e.g., Part 6.a.(3)).
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Continue to NOT provide FMS Vertical Mode Bit data as established
in Part 8 (e.g., Part 6.a.(4)).
b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through
Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 9.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 – Selected Vertical
Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 9.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 0 0000 0000 0000 1 1000 1111 0100 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 9.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input was restarted after having
been terminated.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input has been
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input has been terminated.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 9.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established as new data has been
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 9.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 9.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §
Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 9.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has restored Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register 1716 has changed as
Register 4016 data has been restored.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 9. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 9.b.(2). is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 9.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 10: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change
Validation - Set 9 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
Repeat ALL of Part 6. PART 11: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change
Validation - Set 10 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The intent of Part 11 is to demonstrate that servicing of Register 4016
can be initiated by insertion of a single parameter, e.g., Barometric
Pressure Setting data. Part 11 also validates that the Barometric
Pressure Setting Count in Register 5F16 goes to “01” as the count
should restart after having had a data termination.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 11 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide MCP Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 10 (e.g., Part 6.a.(1)).
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide FMS Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 10 (e.g., Part 6.a.(2)).

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:

Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, provide the transponder
with the following Barometric Pressure Setting data at a minimum
rate of 5 per second in order to provide appropriate Barometric
Pressure Setting data.
Air Data System (ADS) Barometric Pressure Setting Input Data
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Data Value Input
Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
(millibars) Encoding
+ 942.7 000 1001 0100 0010 0111 0101 1001 0011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Encoding represent the data as it is
provided to the transponder.
2. Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen in the “MB” field of Register 4016.

Barometric Correction Encoding Derivation

9427/2 = 4713_1 73/2 = 36_1 0010 0100 1101 0011 Hex == 24D3 Hex == 9427 Decimal
4713/2 = 2356_1 36/2 = 18_0 1110 0000 1100 0000 Hex == E0C0 Hex == -8000 millibars
2356/2 = 1178_0 18/2 = 9_0 0000 0101 1001 0011 Hex == 0593 Hex == 1427 Decimal
1178/2 = 589_0 9/2 = 4_1
589/2 = 294_1 4/2 = 2_0 Map Bits 28 through 40 of Register 4016 as: 0101 1001 0011
294/2 = 147_0 2/2 = 1_0
147/2 = 73_1 ½ = 0_1

(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§

Continue to NOT provide FMS Vertical Mode Bit data as established
in Part 10 (e.g., Part 6.a.(4)).
b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through
Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 11.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 – Selected Vertical
Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.

© EUROCAE, 2011

When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 11.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 1 0101 1001 0011 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 11.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input was restarted
after having been terminated.
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input has been terminated.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 11.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established as new data has been
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 11.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 11.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §
Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 11.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has restored Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register 1716 has changed as
Register 4016 data has been restored.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 11.g (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 11.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 11.b.(2) as broadcast
due to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 12: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change
Validation - Set 11 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
Repeat ALL of Part 6.

© EUROCAE, 2011
347 PART 13: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change
Validation - Set 12 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE 1: The intent of Part 13 is to demonstrate that servicing of Register 4016
can also be initiated by insertion of a single parameter, e.g., FMS
Vertical Mode Bit data. Part 13 also validates that the FMS Vertical
Mode Count in Register 5F16 goes to “01” as the count should restart
after having had a data termination.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 13 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide MCP Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 12 (e.g., Part 6.a.(2)).
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Continue to NOT provide FMS Selected Altitude data as established
in Part 12 (e.g., Part 6.a.(3)).
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:
Continue to NOT provide Barometric Pressure Setting data as
established in Part 12 (e.g., Part 6.a.(3)).
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, provide the transponder with
appropriate information with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits
as indicated in the following table:
FMS Vertical Mode Bits Input Data
Status of Altitude
VNAV Approach
FMS Vertical Mode Bits MCP / FCU Hold
Mode Mode
Mode Bits Mode
Register 4016 ―MB‖ Field Bit 48 49 50 51
Input Bit or State Setting (See Note 1) 1 0 1 0
1. For bit 48, “0” indicates that no mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51,
and “1” indicates that mode information is being provided with which to set bits 49 through 51. For bits
49 through 51, “0” indicates that the mode is “Not Active”, and “1” indicates that the mode is “Active”.
2. When No FMS Vertical Mode Bit information is provided to the transponder, it is expected that bits 48
through 51 will be set to “0”.

b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through

Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 13.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical
Intention data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 13.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 1 0 1 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 13.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input has been
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―01‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input was restarted after having been
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 13.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established as new data has been
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established and that data is valid.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 13.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 --- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 13.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle. PART 14: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change
Validation - Sets 13 (§3.30 through §3.30.5)
NOTE: Review all subparagraphs of Part 14 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
For each line Item # in the following table (Table 14.a(1)), provide the
transponder with Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude having a
value as indicated in the ―Data Value‖ (feet) Column in the table.
Table 14.a(1): Register 4016 MCP/FCU Selected Altitude (ARINC label 102)
Generic MCP/FCU
Register 4016
Selected Altitude Input
MCP/FCU Selected Altitude
Item (BNR)
Type of Value
# Decimal
Data Value Status Binary Value
Status Value
(feet) (bit 1) (bit 2 ----- 13)
1 Basic Valid 43680.00 1 43680.00 1010 1010 1010
2 Basic Valid 21840.00 1 21840.00 0101 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 30576.00 1 30576.00 0111 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 48048.00 1 48048.00 1011 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 56784.00 1 56784.00 1101 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 61152.00 1 61152.00 1110 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 65530.00 1 65520.00 1111 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0.00 1 0.00 0000 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 21864.00 1 21872.00 0101 0101 0111
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 21844.00 1 21840.00 0101 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid 43680.00 0 0.00 0000 0000 0000

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 14.a(2)), provide the
transponder with FMS Selected Altitude having a value as indicated
in the ―Data Value‖ (feet) Column in the table.
Table 14.a(2): Register 4016 FMS Selected Altitude (ARINC label 102)
Generic FMS
Register 4016
Selected Altitude Input
FMS Selected Altitude
Item (BNR)
Type of Value
# Status Decimal
Data Value Binary Value
Status (bit Value
(feet) (bit 15 ----- 26)
14) (feet)
1 Basic Valid 43680.00 1 43680.00 1010 1010 1010
2 Basic Valid 21840.00 1 21840.00 0101 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 30576.00 1 30576.00 0111 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 48048.00 1 48048.00 1011 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 56784.00 1 56784.00 1101 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 61152.00 1 61152.00 1110 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 65530.00 1 65520.00 1111 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0.00 1 0.00 0000 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 21864.00 1 21872.00 0101 0101 0111
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 21844.00 1 21840.00 0101 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid 43680.00 0 0.00 0000 0000 0000
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Correction: (§
For each line Item # in the following table (Table 14.a(3)), provide the
transponder with Barometric Correction data having a value as
indicated in the ―Data Value‖ (+800 millibars) Column in the table.
Table 14.a(3) : Register 4016 Barometric Correction (pressure) (ARINC label 234)
Register 4016
Barometric pressure
Barometric pressure setting minus
setting minus 800mb
Item (BCD)
Type of Value
# Decimal
Data Value Value Binary Value
Status (bit
+800 millibars +800 (bit 28 ----- 39)
1 Basic Valid 936.50 1 936.50 0101 0101 0101
2 Basic Valid 991.10 1 991.10 0111 0111 0111
3 Max Valid 1050 1 1050 1001 1100 0100
4 Min Valid 800 1 0.00 0000 0000 0000
5 Invalid Invalid 991.10 0 0.00 0000 0000 0000
6 Baro min Valid 750 0 0 0000 0000 0000
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, terminate provision of valid data to the
transponder with which to set the FMS Vertical Mode Bits.
NOTE: No further test cases need be provided for FMS Vertical
Mode Bit settings as sufficient cases have been
demonstrated in the previous steps.
(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, terminate provision of valid data to the
transponder with which to set the Target Altitude Bits.
NOTE: No further test cases need be provided for Target Altitude
Bit settings as sufficient cases have been demonstrated in
the previous steps.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 4016 Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through §

Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed
for each line Item # in the tables given in Part 14.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(1) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 1)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 1) column of Table 14.a(1).
(2). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(1), with ―MB‖ field bit 2 through 13
equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bit 2 - 13) column of
Table 14.a(1).
(3). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(2) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 14)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 14) column of Table
(4). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(2), with ―MB‖ field bit 15 through
26 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bit 15 - 26) column
of Table 14.a(2).
(5). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(3) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 27)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 27) column of Table
(6). For each line Item # in Table 14.a(3), with ―MB‖ field bit 28 through 39
equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bit 28 - 39) column of
Table 9.a(3).
NOTE: Cumulative results are as shown in the following table.
Part 14.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: MCP Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Data: Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Item #
1 1 1010 1010 1010 1 1010 1010 1010 1 0101 0101 0101 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
2 1 0101 0101 0101 1 0101 0101 0101 1 0111 0111 0111 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
3 1 0111 0111 0111 1 0111 0111 0111 1 1001 1100 0100 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
4 1 1011 1011 1011 1 1011 1011 1011 1 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
5 1 1101 1101 1101 1 1101 1101 1101 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
6 1 1110 1110 1110 1 1110 1110 1110 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
7 1 1111 1111 1111 1 1111 1111 1111 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
8 1 0000 0000 0000 1 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
9 1 0101 0101 0111 1 0101 0101 0111 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
10 1 0101 0101 0101 1 0101 0101 0101 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00
11 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

© EUROCAE, 2011
353 PART 15: Reduced Data Rate (§

NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 6 beyond data validation in Register 4016 is to
validate that the MCP /FCU Selected Altitude, FMS Selected Altitude,
Barometric Pressure Setting, and FMS Vertical Mode Bit Counts in
Register 5F16 go to “00” as parameter data inputs are reduced to rates
that are less than the minimum acceptable rate.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 6 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§ and §
(1). Mode Control Panel Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate Mode Control Panel (or other) interface, set the
rate at which valid Selected Altitude data is provided to less than
once per two seconds.
(2). Flight Management System (FMS) Selected Altitude: (§
Via the appropriate FMS (or other) interface, set the rate at which
valid FMS Selected Altitude data is provided to less than once per
two seconds.
(3). Air Data System (ADS) input of Barometric Pressure Setting:
Via the appropriate ADS (or other) interface, set the rate at which
valid Barometric Pressure Setting data is provided to less than once
per two seconds.
(4). FMS Vertical Mode Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, set the rate at which valid FMS Vertical
Mode data is provided to less than once per two seconds.
(5). Target Altitude Bits: (§
Via the appropriate interface, set the rate at which valid Target
Altitude data is provided to less than once per two seconds.
b. Register 4016 Capability Verification: (§ and §3.30.5 through
Within ONE (1) second of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 4016 - Selected Vertical
Intention data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 20 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(14 HEX)
NOTE: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated because servicing of
Register 5F16 capability has changed. Note that the update to
Register 5F16 may take up to one minute to change the “DR”
Field to declare the broadcast.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Selected Vertical
Intention Data with:
Part 6.b. DF = 20, Selected Vertical Intention ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 ------------ 45 46 47 -------------- 58 59 60 ------------- 71 72 ---- 79 80 81 82 83 84- 85 86 87 -- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 ------------- 13 14 15 -------------- 26 27 28 ------------- 39 40 --- 47 48 49 50 51 52 -53 54 55 -- 56
Field: Selected Altitude FMS Selected Altitude Baro. Pressure Setting RSVD MCP VNAV A-HLD APP RSVD Target Target
Status Data Status Data Status Data Mode Mode Mode Mode Status SRC
Data: 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 0 0000 0000 0000 00000000 0 0 0 0 00 0 00

c. Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring, Register 5F16: (§3.30.7)

Within 0.5 seconds of completing the reply acceptance in Part 6.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5F16 Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 F 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 and 34 (bits 1 and 2 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(2). Bits 55 and 56 (bits 23 and 24 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Selected Altitude parameter in
Register 4016 has changed as data input has been terminated.
(3). Bits 57 and 58 (bits 25 and 26 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the Barometric Pressure Setting
parameter in Register 4016 has changed as data input has been
(4). Bits 49 and 50 (bits 17 and 18 of the ―MB‖ field) are set to ―00‖
respectively to indicate that the FMS Vertical Mode Bits in Register
4016 have changed as data input has been terminated.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 41 (bit 9 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been lost and that data is NOT VALID.
(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been terminated because of loss of data.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 6.c,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 80 (bit 49 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 4016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 50 (bit 18 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5F16
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

g. Broadcast Extraction, Register 1016: (§3.30.1 and §

Within less than 15 seconds after starting the Test Timer in Part 6.b.(2),
e.g., the ―B‖ Timer monitor, interrogate the transponder with the following
Comm-B Extraction interrogations in order to extract the Comm-B
broadcast message which should be the Data Link Capability Report
contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Within ONE (1) second of starting the interrogations, verify that the
transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
NOTE: The 1 second is based on the update rate specified for Register
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ZERO (0) to indicate that the transponder has lost Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ZERO (0) to
indicate that there is NO Aircraft Identification capability,
(5). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(6). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ZERO (0) to indicate that Register 1716 has changed as
Register 4016 data has been lost.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
(§3.30.1 and §
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 6. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 2.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 6.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 16: Multiple Data Sources (§3.30 through §3.30.5)

If Multiple Data Sources of Register 4016 parameters are provided to the Unit-
Under-Test (UUT), then REPEAT all applicable sections of Part 2 for each
additional data source that was not tested while performing Parts 1 through 14

© EUROCAE, 2011


The intent of this procedure is to validate all aspects of Enhanced Surveillance
Servicing of Register 5016. PART 1: Capability Verification (§3.30.6)

NOTE: The primary intent of Part 1 is to validate appropriate capability
declaration of No Capability prior to providing data to Register 5016
Ensure that NO Flight Identification or Aircraft Registration data is being provided
to the transponder.
Ensure that the ACAS / Transponder interface is NOT ACTIVE. If the interface is
active, ACAS will provide data to set the Data Link Capability and thereby
compromise the results of the following tests. Likewise, ACAS could attempt to
set the Resolution Advisory Report and thereby compromise the results of the
following tests.
Ensure that no other data is being provided to the transponder that could result in
the loading of BDS registers internal to the transponder. This includes NO
Servicing of Register 4016.
Disable the Extended Squitter function prior to starting the following procedures in
order to keep from setting various BDS registers during the following tests.
a. Register 5016 Initial Setting – Part A: (§3.30.6)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5016 Track and Turn Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 --------------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 21 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 33 through
88 (―BDS‖ subfield (bit 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ALL ZERO (0).
b. Register 5016 Initial Setting – Part B: (§3.30.6)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 5016 Track and Turn Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with the same content as required in
NOTE: Two separate interrogations are used as Register 5016 can be
extracted by using either the Data Source or Extended Data
Source extraction protocols.

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. Data Link Capability Report, Register 1016: (§3.30.1)

Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1016 Data Link Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 --------------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ―0‖ to indicate
NO Flight Identification capability,
(2). Bit 57 [Mode S Specific Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Mode S Specific Services Capability.
NOTE: Servicing of Registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016, 1716 through
1C16, 2016 and 3016 does not constitute Mode S Specific
Services Capability.
(3). Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ―1‖
to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability.
(4). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ―0‖ to indicate that there has been no change in the
Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bits 33 through 60 (bits 1 through 28 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to
indicate NO Capability or capability changes in the Common Usage
GICB Capability Report, Register 1716.
(2). Bits 61 through 88 (bits 29 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖
since these bits are Reserved or ―Don‘t Care‖.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ Field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO
Capability has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in
Register 1816.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
g. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1A16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1A16 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 A 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
h. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1B16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1B16 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 B 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
i. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1C16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1C16 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 C 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
1C16. PART 2: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report Validation (§3.30.6 and
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 2 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate capability declaration.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 2 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Roll Angle data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in order
to provide appropriate Roll Angle information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Roll Angle (degrees)

[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
+ 29.99816895 0__001 0101 0101 0101 + 30.05859375 0_0 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = Right Wing Down, 1 = Left Wing Down
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
0_001 0101 010 1 0101
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
0_001 0101 011 0 0101
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 0_00 1010 1011 (bits 2 through 11) (0AB Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 2 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Track Angle (True) data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Track Angle (True) information.
Track Angle (True) (degrees)
[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
+ 119.9981689 0__101 0101 0101 0101 + 120.0585938 0_10 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = East, 1 = West.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
0_101 0101 010 1 0101
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
0_101 0101 011 0 0101
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 0_10 1010 1011 (bits 13 through 23) (2AB Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 13 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(3). Ground Speed: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Ground Speed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate Ground Speed information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Ground Speed (knots)

[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
+ 2730.625 0__101 0101 0101 0101 2046 11 1111 1111
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
3. Maximum Ground Speed that can be mapped into Register 5016 is 2046 knots. If valid input data
exceeds this value, then the Register 5016 “MB” (bit 25 through 34) encoding should be set to ALL

(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Track Angle Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate Track Angle Rate information.
Track Angle Rate (degrees/second)
[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees/second) Encoding
(degrees/second) Encoding
+ 21.328125 0__101 0101 0101 15.96875 0_1 1111 1111
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = Clockwise (CW) = Right, 1 = Counter-
Clockwise (CCW) = Left.
2. The input data if +21.328125 degrees/second exceeds the maximum allowable value of 15.96875
degrees/second that can be encoded in Register 5016: therefore, the data in Register 5016 shall be set
to all ONE‟s with the exception of the sign bit.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 36 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(5). True Air Speed - ADS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following True Air Speed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate True Air Speed information.
True Air Speed (knots) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
1365.3125 0__101 0101 0101 0101 1366.00 10 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 2.0 knots; therefore,
10 1010 1010 1 0101
+ 00 0000 0000 1 0000
10 1010 1011 0 0101
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 10 1010 1011 (bit 47 through 56) ( 2AB Hex)

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds since
a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 5016 changing. This change causes a change to Register
1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in
the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides data with:
Part 2.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 1 0 0 1010 1011 1 0 10 1010 1011 1 11 1111 1111 1 0 1 1111 1111 1 10 1010 1011

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 48 (bit 16 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established and that data is valid.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§
and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 65 (bit 33 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
2.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.

© EUROCAE, 2011

g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§

After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 2.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode
S Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [―Common Usage GICB Capability Report‖ (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that Register 1716 is being serviced
or has changed.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 2. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 2.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 2.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 3: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation
(§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 3 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability as data has been terminated.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Roll Angle data.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Track Angle data.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Ground Speed data.
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Track Angle Rate data.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Airspeed data.
b. Register 5016 Validation: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of changing the data sources in Part 3.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 5016 Track and Turn Report Data:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0
seconds since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as data for Register
5016 has been terminated. This change causes a change to
Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016,
which then results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides data with:
Part 3.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000

© EUROCAE, 2011

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been changed as data for Register 5016 has been terminated.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§
and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
3.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 3.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode
S Specific Services Capability during the power-on cycle.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―0‖ (from ―1‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 3. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 3.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 3.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011
369 PART 4: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 2 (§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 4 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 5016 Servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., Roll Angle.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 4 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 2: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Roll Angle data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in order
to provide appropriate Roll Angle information.
Roll Angle (degrees)
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
- 29.9981689 -30.0585937
1_110 1010 1010 1011 1_1 0101 0101
(330.0018311) (329.9414063)
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = Right Wing Down, 1 = -180 or Left Wing
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
1_110 1010 101 0 1011
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
1_110 1010 101 1 1010 = 1_1 0101 0101

Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 1_1 0101 0101 (bits 2 through 11) (355 Hex)
Note: Register 5016 does not take the 90 degree bit: therefore, to get the real value of the 355 Hex
encoding, the sign must be extended to result in the actual two‟s complement encoding of 755 Hex
which is equivalent to 329.9414063 or -30.0585937 degrees.

(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Track Angle data.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Ground Speed data.
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Track Angle Rate data.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Airspeed data.
b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 4.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as Roll Angle data has
been re-started. This change causes a change to Register 1716,
which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in
the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Track and Turn
Report Data as follows:
Part 4.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 -------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 -------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 --------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 -------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 1 1 1 0101 0101 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 4.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Roll Angle data being provided.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 4.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§
and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 4.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
4.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.

© EUROCAE, 2011

g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§

After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 4.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available

= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).

(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖

field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has
established Mode S Specific Services Capability during the
power-on cycle.

(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716
has changed as servicing on Register 5016 has changed due to
having Roll Angle data.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 4. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 4.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 4.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 5: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 3 (§3.30.6 and §
Repeat PART 3 PART 6: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 4 (§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 6 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 5016 Servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., True Track Angle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 6 prior to performing tests. This is

necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 4: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Roll Angle data.
(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Track Angle (True) data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate True Track Angle information.
Track Angle (True) (degrees)
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
+ 59.9963379 0__010 1010 1010 1010 59.94140625 0_01 0101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = East, 1 = West.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
0_010 1010 101 0 1010
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
0_ 010 1010 101 1 1010
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 0_01 0101 0101 (bits 13 through 23) (155 Hex)

(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Ground Speed data.
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Track Angle Rate data.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Airspeed data.
b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as True Track Angle
data has been re-started. This change causes a change to
Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which
then results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Track and Turn
Report Data as follows:
Part 6.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 1 0 01 0101 0101 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to True Track Angle data.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§
and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
6.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 6.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has
established Mode S Specific Services Capability during the power-
on cycle.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716
has changed as servicing on Register 5016 has changed due to
having True Track Angle data
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 6.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 6.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 6.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 7: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 5 (§3.30.6 and §
Repeat PART 3 PART 8: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 6 (§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 8 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 5016 servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., Ground Speed data.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 8 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 6: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Roll Angle data.
(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Track Angle data.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Ground Speed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate Ground Speed information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Ground Speed (knots)

[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
+ 1365.25 0__010 1010 1010 1010 1364.00 10 1010 1010
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded a resolution of 2.0 knots; therefore,
10 1010 1010 1010
+ 00 0000 0000 1000
10 1010 1011 0010
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 10 1010 1011 (bits 25 through 34) (2AA Hex)
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Track Angle Rate data.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Airspeed data.
b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 8.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0
seconds since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as Ground Speed
data has been re-started. This change causes a change to
Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016,
which then results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available

= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Track and Turn
Report Data as follows:
Part 8.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 1 10 1010 1011 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 8.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Ground Speed data.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 8.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 8.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
8.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 8.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖

field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has
established Mode S Specific Services Capability during the power-
on cycle.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716
has changed as servicing on Register 5016 has changed due to
having Ground Speed data.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 8. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 8.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 8.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 9: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 7 (§3.30.6 and §
Repeat PART 3 PART 10: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 8 (§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 10 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is
to validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 5016
servicing with a single parameter, e.g., Track Angle Rate data.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 10 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 8: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Roll Angle data.
(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Track Angle data.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Ground Speed data.
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Track Angle Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate Track Angle Rate information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Track Angle Rate (degrees/second)

[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees/second) Encoding
(degrees/second) Encoding
+ 10.65625 0__010 1010 1010 +10.65625 0_1 0101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = Clockwise (CW) = Right, 1 = Counter-
Clockwise (CCW) = Left.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded a resolution of 0.03125 degrees; therefore,
0_010 1010 101 0
+ 000 0000 000 1
0_010 1010 101 1
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 0_1 0101 0101 (bit 36 through 45) (2AB Hex)
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Airspeed data.
b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as Ground Speed data
has been re-started. This change causes a change to Register
1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then
results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Track and Turn
Report Data as follows:
Part 10.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 1 0 1 0101 0101 0 00 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Track Angle Rate data.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
10.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7
to indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 10.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has
established Mode S Specific Services Capability during the power-
on cycle.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716
has changed as servicing on Register 5016 has changed due to
having Track Angle Rate data.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 10. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 10.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 10.b.(2). as broadcast
due to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 11: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 9 (§3.30.6 and §
Repeat PART 3 PART 12: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Set 10 (§3.30.6 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 12 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is
to validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 5016
servicing with a single parameter, e.g., True Airspeed data.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 12 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 10: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Roll Angle data.
(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with True Track Angle data.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Ground Speed data.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Track Angle Rate data.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following True Airspeed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in
order to provide appropriate True Airspeed information.
True Air Speed (knots) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
682.625 0__010 1010 1010 1010 682.00 01 0101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 5016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 2.0 knots; therefore:
0_010 1010 101 0 1010
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
0_010 1010 101 1 1010 01 0101 0101
Register 5016 “MB” encoding = 01 0101 0101 (bits 47 through 56) ( 155 Hex)
b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 12.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as True Airspeed data
has been re-started. This change causes a change to Register
1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then
results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.

© EUROCAE, 2011

―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available

= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Track and Turn
Report Data as follows:
Part 12.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 1 01 0101 0101

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 12.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to True Airspeed data.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 12.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 12.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

12.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7
to indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 12.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available

= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).

(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖

field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established
Mode S Specific Services Capability during the power-on cycle.

(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed as servicing on Register 5016 has changed due to having
True Airspeed data.
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 12. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 12.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 12.b.(2). as broadcast
due to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 13: Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report - Data Change Validation -
Sets 11 (§3.30.6 and §
a. Data / Source Change - Sets 11: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(1)), provide the
transponder with Roll Angle data having a value as indicated in the
―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 13.a(1): Register 5016 (Register 5016) Roll Angle (degrees)

Generic Roll Angle Input (degrees) Register 5016 (Register 5016)
[Binary (BNR)] Roll Angle (degrees)
Type of Value Sense Decimal Binary Value
# Sense Data Value Status
Status (See Value (bit 2 ---- 11)
(See Note 2) (degrees) (bit 1)
Note 2) (degrees) (See Note 3)
- 29.88 - 29.8828125
1 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_1 0101 0110
(330.12) (330.1171875)
2 Basic Valid Right (CW) 59.94 1 Right 59.94140611 0_1 0101 0101
- 65.92
3 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 65.91796875 1_0 1000 1001
-77.87 - 77.8710944
4 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_0 0100 0101
(282.13) (282.1289056)
5 Basic Valid Right (CW) 83.85 1 Right 83.84765606 0_1 1101 1101
- 41.84 - 41.8359375
6 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_1 0001 0010
(318.1600) (318.1640625)
- 100.00 -90
7 Max Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_0 0000 0000
(260.00) (270)
8 Min Valid Right (CW) 0 1 Left 0 0_0 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 60.21 1 Right 60.29296875 0_1 0101 0111
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 59.98 1 Right 59.94140625 0_1 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid 0 0 N/A 0 0_0 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being Clockwise (CW), commonly meaning Right Wing Down, or (b) Negative, being
Counter-Clockwise (CCW), commonly meaning Left Wing Down.
2. Register 5016 Sense refers to (a) “1” for negative or Left Wing Down, or (b) “0” for positive or Right Wing Down.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 2 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(2)), provide the
transponder with True Track Angle data having a value as indicated
in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 13.a(2): Register 5016 (Register 5016) True Track Angle (degrees)
Generic True Track Angle Input
Register 5016 (Register 5016)
True Track Angle (degrees)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Sense Binary Value
Sense Data Value Status Decimal Value
Status (See (bit 13 ----- 23)
(See Note 2) (degrees) (bit 12) (degrees)
Note 2) (See Note 3)
- 120.10 - 120.0585937
1 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_01 0101 0101
(239.9) (239.9414063)
2 Basic Valid Right (CW) 119.90 1 Right 119.8828125 0_10 1010 1010
- 24.10 - 24.0820312
3 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_11 0111 0111
(335.9) (335.9179688)
4 Basic Valid Right (CW) 167.85 1 Right 167.8710938 0_11 1011 1011
- 96.15 - 96.1523437
5 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_01 1101 1101
(263.85) 263.8476563
- 48.15 - 48.1640625
6 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_10 1110 1110
(311.85) (311.8359375)
- 0.20 - 0.1757812
7 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_11 1111 1111
(359.80) (359.8242188)
8 Basic Valid Right (CW) 0 1 Right 0 0_00 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 60.25 1 Right 60.29296875 0_01 0101 0111
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 60.00 1 Right 59.94140625 0_01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid 0 0 N/A 0 0_00 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being Clockwise (CW), commonly meaning East of North, or (b) Negative, being Counter-
Clockwise (CCW), commonly meaning West of North.
2. Register 5016 Sense refers to (a) “1” for negative or West, or (b) “0” for positive or East.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 13 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(3)), provide the
transponder with Ground Speed data having a value as indicated in
the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(3): Register 5016 (Register 5016) Ground Speed (knots)
Generic Ground Speed
Register 5016 (Register 5016)
Ground Speed (knots)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Binary Value
Data Value Status Decimal Value
Status (bit 25 ----- 34)
(knots) (bit 24) (knots)

1 Basic Valid 1364 1 1364 10 1010 1010

2 Basic Valid 682 1 682 01 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 1774 1 1774 11 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 1910 1 1910 11 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 954 1 954 01 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 1500 1 1500 10 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 3006 1 2046 11 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0 1 0 00 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 683 1 684 01 0101 0110
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 682.5 1 682 01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 00 0000 0000

© EUROCAE, 2011

(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(4)), provide the
transponder with Track Angle Rate data having a value as indicated
in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(4): Register 5016 (Register 5016) Track Angle Rate (degrees/second)
Generic Track Angle Rate Input
Register 5016 (Register 5016)
Track Angle Rate (degrees/second)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Sense Binary Value
Sense Data Value Status Decimal Value
Status (See (bits 36 ---- 45)
(See Note 2) (degrees) (bit 35) (degrees)
Note 2) (See Note 3)
1 Basic Valid Left (CCW) - 10.68 1 Left - 10.6875 1_0 1010 1010
2 Basic Valid Right (CW) 10.65 1 Right 10.65625 0_1 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid Left (CCW) - 4.275 1 Left - 4.28125 1_1 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid Left (CCW) - 2.16 1 Left - 2.15625 1_1 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 14.91 1 Left 14.90625 0_1 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid Left (CCW) - 8.565 1 Left - 8.5625 1_0 1110 1110
7 Basic Valid Left (CCW) -0.030 1 Left - 0.03125 1_1 1111 1111
8 Basic Valid Right (CW) 0 1 Right 0 0_0 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 10.68 1 Right 10.6875 0_1 0101 0110
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 10.665 1 Right 10.6875 0_1 0101 0110
11 Invalid Invalid 0 0 N/A 0 0_0 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being Clockwise (CW), commonly meaning East of North, or (b) Negative, being Counter-
Clockwise (CCW), commonly meaning West of North.
2. Register 5016 Sense refers to (a) “1” for negative or West, or (b) “0” for positive or East.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 36 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(5) True Airspeed Data Input: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(5)), provide the
transponder with True Airspeed data having a value as indicated in
the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(5): Register 5016 (Register 5016) True Airspeed (knots)
Generic True Airspeed
Register 5016 (Register 5016)
True Airspeed (knots)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Binary Value
Data Value Status Decimal Value
Status (bits 47 ---56)
(knots) (bit 46) (knots)

1 Basic Valid 1364 1 1364 10 1010 1010

2 Basic Valid 682 1 682 01 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 1774 1 1774 11 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 1910 1 1910 11 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 954 1 954 01 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 1500 1 1500 10 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 3006 1 2046 11 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0 1 0 00 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 683.125 1 684 01 0101 0110
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 682.625 1 682 01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 00 0000 0000

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 5016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.6 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 13.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.
(1). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(1) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 1)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 1) column of Table 13.a(1).
(2). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(1), with ―MB‖ field bits 2 through 11
equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bit 2 - 11) column of
Table 13.a(1).
(3). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(2) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 12)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 14) column of Table
(4). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(2), with ―MB‖ field bits 13 through
23 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 13 - 23) column
of Table 13.a(2).
(5). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(3) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 24)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 24) column of Table
(6). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(3), with ―MB‖ field bits 25 through
34 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 25 - 34) column
of Table 13.a(3).
(7). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(4) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 35)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 35) column of Table
(8). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(4), with ―MB‖ field bits 36 through
45 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 36 - 45) column
of Table 13.a(4).
(9). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(5) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 46)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 46) column of Table
(10). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(5), with ―MB‖ field bits 47 through
56 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 47 - 56) column
of Table 13.a(5).
NOTE: Cumulative results are as shown in the following table.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Part 13.b. DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field

Reply 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Item #
1 1 1 1 0101 0110 1 1 01 0101 0101 1 10 1010 1010 1 1 0 1010 1010 1 10 1010 1010
2 1 0 1 0101 0101 1 0 10 1010 1010 1 01 0101 0101 1 0 1 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101
3 1 1 0 1000 1001 1 1 11 0111 0111 1 11 0111 0111 1 1 1 0111 0111 1 11 0111 0111
4 1 1 0 0100 0101 1 0 11 1011 1011 1 11 1011 1011 1 1 1 1011 1011 1 11 1011 1011
5 1 0 1 1101 1101 1 1 01 1101 1101 1 01 1101 1101 1 0 1 1101 1101 1 01 1101 1101
6 1 1 1 0001 0010 1 1 10 1110 1110 1 10 1110 1110 1 1 0 1110 1110 1 10 1110 1110
7 1 1 0 0000 0000 1 1 11 1111 1111 1 11 1111 1111 1 1 1 1111 1111 1 11 1111 1111
8 1 0 0 0000 0000 1 0 00 0000 0000 1 00 0000 0000 1 0 0 0000 0000 1 00 0000 0000
9 1 0 1 0101 0111 1 0 01 0101 0111 1 01 0101 0110 1 0 1 0101 0110 1 01 0101 0110
10 1 0 1 0101 0101 1 0 01 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101 1 0 1 0101 0110 1 01 0101 0101
11 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 PART 14: Reduced Data Rate (§

NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 3 beyond data validation in Register 5016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability as data inputs are reduced to rates
that are less than the minimum acceptable rate.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change: (§
(1). Roll Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Roll
Angle data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(2). True Track Angle Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid True
Track Angle data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(3). Ground Speed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Ground
Speed data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(4). Track Angle Rate Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Track
Angle Rate data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(5). True Airspeed Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid True
Airspeed data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
b. Register 5016 Validation: (§3.30.6 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of changing the data sources in Part 3.a, interrogate the
transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation in order to
extract the Register 5016 Track and Turn Report Data:

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents

(e.g., servicing) of Register 5016 changing as data for Register
5016 has effectively been terminated. This change causes a
change to Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register
1016, which then results in the initiation of the Comm-B

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides data with:
Part 3.b.(3) DF = 20, Track and Turn Report ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 43 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 11 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 --------- 56
Field: Roll Angle True Track Angle Ground Speed Track Angle Rate True Airspeed
Status Sign Data Status Sign Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Data
Data: 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 48 (bit 16
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been changed as data for Register 5016 has been terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having Bit 65 (bit 33
of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 5016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§
and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation/reply sequence in Part 3.b,
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 5016 - Track and Turn Report
data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 21 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(15 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

3.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 3.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established
Mode S Specific Services Capability during the power-on cycle.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―0‖ (from ―1‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 3. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 3.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 3.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011
397 PART 15: Multiple Data Sources (§3.30 through §3.30.4, and §3.30.6)
If Multiple Data Sources of Register 5016 parameters are provided to the Unit-
Under-Test (UUT), then REPEAT all applicable sections of Part 2 for each
additional data source that was not tested while performing Parts 1 through 13
NOTE: GPS Data Sources may not provide data more often than once every
1.2 seconds. If GPS Data Sources are used to provide data, ensure
that the data is provided at the minimum rate of once every 1.2
seconds. For Register 5016, this may apply to the True Track Angle
data and/or Ground Speed data.


The intent of this procedure is to validate all aspects of Enhanced Surveillance
Servicing of Register 6016. PART 1: Capability Verification (§3.30.8)

Test Procedure:
NOTE: The primary intent of Part 1 is to validate appropriate capability
declaration of No Capability prior to providing data to Register 6016.
Ensure that NO Flight Identification or Aircraft Registration data is being provided
to the transponder.
Ensure that the ACAS / Transponder interface is NOT ACTIVE. If the interface is
active, ACAS will provide data to set the Data Link Capability and thereby
compromise the results of the following tests. Likewise, ACAS could attempt to
set the Resolution Advisory Report and thereby compromise the results of the
following tests.
Ensure that no other data is being provided to the transponder that could result in
the loading of BDS registers internal to the transponder. This includes NO
Servicing of Register 4016 and / or Register 5016.
Disable the Extended Squitter function prior to starting the following procedures in
order to keep from setting various BDS registers during the following tests.
a. Register 6016 Initial Setting – Part A: (§3.30.8)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 6016 Heading and Speed Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 --------------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 22 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 33 through
88 (―BDS‖ subfield (bit 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ALL ZERO (0).
b. Register 6016 Initial Setting – Part B: (§3.30.8)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 6016 Heading and Speed Report.

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1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with the same content as required in
NOTE: Two separate interrogations are used as Register 6016 can be
extracted by using either the Data Source or Extended Data
Source extraction protocols.
c. Data Link Capability Report, Register 1016: (§3.30.1)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1016 Data Link Capability Report.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 --------------------------------------------------------- 32
= = = = = =
4 0 17 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply having:
(1). Bit 65 [―AIS‖ subfield (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ―0‖ to indicate
NO Flight Identification capability,
(2). Bit 57 [Mode S Specific Services Capability (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ―0‖ to indicate Mode S Specific Services Capability has not
been established.
(3). Bit 67 [Surveillance Identifier (―SI‖) (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ―1‖
to indicate that the transponder DOES Have ―SI‖ Capability,
(4). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ―0‖ to indicate that there has been no change in the
Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716.
d. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§3.30.2)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bits 33 through 60 (bits 1 through 28 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to
indicate NO Capability or capability changes in the Common Usage
GICB Capability Report, Register 1716.
(2). Bits 61 through 88 (bits 29 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖
since these bits are Reserved or ―Don‘t Care‖.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ Field) set to ZERO (0) to indicate NO
Capability has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in
Register 1816.
f. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
g. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1A16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1A16 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 A 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
h. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1B16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1B16 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 B 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
i. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1C16: (§3.30.3)
Interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1C16 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 C 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bits 33 through
88 (bits 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate NO Capability
has been established to service the BDS Codes designated in Register
1C16. PART 2: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report Validation (§3.30.8 and
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 2 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate capability declaration.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 2 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data Input Initialization: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Magnetic Heading data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Magnetic Heading information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Magnetic Heading (degrees)

[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
+ 119.9981689 0__101 0101 0101 0101 + 120.0585938 0_10 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = East, 1 = West.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
0_101 0101 010 1 0101
+ 000 0000 000 1 0000
0_101 0101 011 0 0101
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 0_10 1010 1011 (bits 2 through 12) (2AB Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 2 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Indicated Airspeed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Indicated Airspeed information.
Indicated Airspeed Speed (knots) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
341.3125 0__01 0101 0101 0101 341.00 01 0101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 1.0 knots; therefore,
01 0101 0101 0 101
+ 00 0000 0000 1 000
01 0101 0101 1 101
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 01 0101 0101 (bits 14 through 23) (155 Hex)

(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Mach data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in order to
provide appropriate Mach information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Mach (milli-Mach) - ADS

[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(mill-Mach) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
0__0101 0101 0101 0101 341.00 01 0101 0101
(1.3653125 Mach)
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 4 milli-mach; therefore,
0101 0101 0 1 01 0101
+ 0000 0000 0 0 10 0000
0101 0101 0 1 11 0101
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 01 0101 0101 (bits 25 through 34) (155 Hex)

(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Barometric Altitude Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per
second in order to provide appropriate Barometric Altitude Rate
Barometric Altitude Rate (feet/minute) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Barometric Rounded Input Rounded
Typical Binary
Altitude Rate Data Value Input
(feet/minute) (feet/minute) Encoding
+13648.00 0__011 0101 0101 13648.00 0_1 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is “0” for “UP” and “1” for “Down”.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 32 feet/minute; therefore,
0_011 0101 01 0 1
+ 0_000 0000 00 0 1
0_011 0101 01 10
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 0_1 1010 1011 (bits 36 through 45) (1AB Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 36 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Inertial Vertica Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Inertial Vertical Rate information.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Inertial Vertical Rate (feet/minute) - FMS / IRS

[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Inertial Rounded Input Rounded
Typical Binary
Vertical Rate Data Value Input
(feet/minute) (feet/minute) Encoding
+9637.00 0__010 0101 1010 0101 9632.00 0_1 0010 1101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is “0” for “UP” and “1” for “Down”.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 32 feet/minute; therefore,
0_010 0101 10 1 0 0101
+ 0_000 0000 00 0 1 0000
0_010 0101 10 1 1 0101
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 0_1 0010 1101 (bits 47 through 56) (12D Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 47 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing. This change causes a change to
Register 1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which
then results in the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 2.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Statu Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 1 0 10 1010 1011 1 01 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101 1 0 1 1010 1011 1 0 1 0010 1101

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB
Capability Report:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established and that data is valid.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed
in Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services
GICB Capability:

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
2.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 2.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
(3). set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
(5). field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 2. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 2.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 2.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 3: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
(§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 3 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability as data has been terminated.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 1: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data
to the transponder with Magnetic Heading data.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Mach data.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data.
b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as provision of all parameter data has
been terminated. This change causes a change to Register 1716,
which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in
the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 2.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Statu Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been changed as data for Register 6016 has been terminated.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

2.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 3.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖
field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established
Mode S Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the
―MB‖ field)] toggled to ―0‖ (from ―1‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 3. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 3.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 3.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 4: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 2 (§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 4 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 6016 servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., Roll Angle.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 4 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.

© EUROCAE, 2011

a. Data / Source Change - Set 2: (§

(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Magnetic Heading data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Magnetic Heading information.
Magnetic Heading (degrees)
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(degrees) Encoding
(degrees) Encoding
- 120.0036621 1_010 1010 1010 1010 - 120.0585937 1_01 0101 0101
- (239.9963379) (239.9414062)
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit often referred to as 0 = East, 1 = West.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 0.17578125 degrees; therefore,
1 010 1010 101 0 1010
+ 0 000 0000 000 1 0000
1 010 1010 101 1 1010
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 1_01 0101 0101 (bits 2 through 12) (555 Hex)

3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 2 being to the left of the “Underscore”.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Mach data.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data.
b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 4.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as Magnetic Heading data has been re-
started. This change causes a change to Register 1716, which
then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in the
initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 4.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 1 1 01 0101 0101 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 4.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Magnetic Heading data being provided.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 4.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 4.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
4.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.

© EUROCAE, 2011

g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§

After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 4.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available

= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).

(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.

(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed servicing on Register 6016 has changed due to having
Magnetic Heading data.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 4. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 4.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 4.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 5: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 3 (§3.30.8 and §
Repeat PART 3:

© EUROCAE, 2011
414 PART 6: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 4 (§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 6 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 6016 Servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., Indicated Airspeed.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 4 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 4: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Magnetic Heading data.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Indicated Airspeed data at a minimum rate of 5 per second
in order to provide appropriate Indicated Airspeed information.
Indicated Airspeed Speed (knots) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(knots) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
682.625 0__10 1010 1010 1010 683.00 10 1010 1011
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 1.0 knots; therefore,
10 1010 1010 1 010
+ 00 0000 0000 1 000
10 1010 1011 0 010
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 10 1010 1011 (bits 14 through 23) (2AB Hex)
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Mach data.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data.
b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 6.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as Indicated Airspeed data has been re-
started. This change causes a change to Register 1716, which
then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in the
initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 6.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 1 10 1010 1011 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 6.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Indicated Airspeed data being provided.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 6.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 6.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

6.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 6.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX (0001
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate
that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed servicing on Register 6016 has changed due to having
Indicated Airspeed data.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 6. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 6.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 6.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 7: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 5 (§3.30.8 and §
Repeat PART 3

© EUROCAE, 2011
418 PART 8: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 6 (§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 8 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 6016 servicing
with a single parameter, e.g., Mach.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 8 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 2: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Mach data at a minimum rate of 5 per second in order to
provide appropriate Mach information.
Mach (milli-Mach) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2]
Rounded Input Rounded
Data Value Typical Binary
Data Value Input
(mill-Mach) Encoding
(knots) Encoding
0__1010 1010 1010 1010 2732.00 10 1010 1011
(2.730625 Mach)
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is always positive (e,g., = “0”).
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 4 milli-mach; therefore,
1010 1010 1 0 10 1010
+ 0000 0000 0 0 10 0000
1010 1010 1 1 10 1010
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 10 1010 1011 (bits 25 through 34) (2AB Hex)

(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§

Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data.
b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 8.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as Mach data has been re-started. This
change causes a change to Register 1716, which then forces a
change to Register 1016, which then results in the initiation of the
Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 8.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 1 10 1010 1011 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 8.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Mach data being provided.

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 8.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 8.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

© EUROCAE, 2011

Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

8.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 8.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX (0001
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to indicate
that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed servicing on Register 6016 has changed due to having Mach

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 8. g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 8.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 8.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 9: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change Validation
- Set 7 (§3.30.8 and §
Repeat PART 3

© EUROCAE, 2011
422 PART 10: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change
Validation - Set 8 (§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 10 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is
to validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 6016
servicing with a single parameter, e.g., Barometric Altitude Rate.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 10 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 2: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Mach data.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Barometric Altitude Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per
second in order to provide appropriate Barometric Altitude Rate
Barometric Altitude Rate (feet/minute) - ADS
[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Barometric Rounded Input Rounded
Typical Binary
Altitude Rate Data Value Input
(feet/minute) (feet/minute) Encoding
-13648.00 1_100 1010 1010 -13664.00 1_0 0101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is “0” for “UP” and “1” for “Down”.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 32 feet/minute; therefore,
0_011 0101 01 0 1 (+13648)
+0_000 0000 00 0 1 (round LSB)
0_011 0101 01 1
1_100 1010 10 0 (complement)
+0_000 0000 00 1
1_100 1010 10 1 (2‟s complement)
Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 1__0 0101 0101 (bits 36 through 45) (1AB Hex)
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 36 being to the left of the “Underscore”.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data.

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as Barometric Altitude Rate data has
been re-started. This change causes a change to Register 1716,
which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in
the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 8.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 1 1 0 0101 0101 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 10.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Barometric Altitude Rate data being provided.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 10.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 10.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.

© EUROCAE, 2011

f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
10.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7
to indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 10.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed servicing on Register 6016 has changed due to having
Barometric Altitude Rate data.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 10.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 10.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.

© EUROCAE, 2011

NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 10.b.(2). as broadcast
due to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 11: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change
Validation - Set 9 (§3.30.8 and §
Repeat PART 3 PART 12: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change
Validation - Set 10 (§3.30.8 and §
NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 12 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is
to validate Declaration of Capability while starting Register 6016
servicing with a single parameter, e.g., Inertial Vertical Rate.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 12 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 2: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Indicated Airspeed data.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Mach data.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, terminate provision of valid data to
the transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, provide the transponder with the
following Inertial Vertical Rate data at a minimum rate of 5 per
second in order to provide appropriate Inertial Vertical Rate

© EUROCAE, 2011

Inertial Vertical Rate (feet/minute) - FMS / IRS

[See Note 1] [See Note 2, 3]
Inertial Rounded Input Rounded
Typical Binary
Vertical Rate Data Value Input
(feet/minute) (feet/minute) Encoding
- 9557 1_101 1010 1010 1011 9568 1_0 1101 0101
1. Data Input Value and Typical Binary Encoding represent the data as it is provided to the transponder in
two‟s complement format. Sign Bit is “0” for “UP” and “1” for “Down”.
2. Rounded Input Data Value and Rounded Input Encoding represent the data as it is expected to be seen
in the “MB” field of Register 6016.
Data must be rounded to a resolution of 32 feet/minute; therefore,
0_010 0101 01 0 1 0101 (+9557)
+ 0_000 0000 00 0 1 0000 (round LSB)
0_010 0101 01 1 0 0110
1_101 1010 10 0 (complement)
+ 0_000 0000 00 1
1_101 1010 10 1 (2‟s complement)

Register 6016 “MB” encoding = 1_0 1101 0101 (bits 47 through 56

3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 47 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 10.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds
since a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.

NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of

Register 6016 changing as Inertial Vertical Rate data has been re-
started. This change causes a change to Register 1716, which
then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in the
initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.

(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 8.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 1 1 0 1101 0101

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§ and

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 12.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been re-started due to Inertial Vertical Rate data being provided.
d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 12.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 12.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB

© EUROCAE, 2011


1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part
12.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7
to indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 12.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.

© EUROCAE, 2011

(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―1‖ (from ―0‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has
changed servicing on Register 6016 has changed due to having Inertial
Vertical Rate data.

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 12.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 12.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 12.b.(2). as broadcast
due to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 13: Register 6016 - Heading and Speed Report - Data Change
Validation - Set 11 (§3.30.8 and §
a. Data Input Initialization: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(1)), provide the
transponder with Magnetic Heading data having a value as indicated
in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(1): Register 6016 - Magnetic Heading (degrees)
Generic Magnetic Heading Input (degrees) Register 6016
[Binary (BNR)] Magnetic Heading (degrees)
Type of Value Binary Value
# Sense Data Value Status Sense Decimal Value
Status (bits 2 ---- 12)
(See Note 2) (degrees) (bit 1) (See Note 2) (degrees)
(See Note 3)
- 120.05859375 - 120.0585937
1 Basic Valid West (CCW) 1 Left 1_01 0101 0101
(239.9414063) (239.9414063)
2 Basic Valid East (CW) 119.8828125 1 Right 119.8828125 0_10 1010 1010
- 24.08203125 - 24.08203125
3 Basic Valid West (CCW) 1 Left 1_11 0111 0111
(335.9196875) (335.9179688)
4 Basic Valid East (CW) 167.87109375 1 Right 167.87109375 0_11 1011 1011
- 96.15234375 - 96.15234375
5 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_01 1101 1101
(263.8476563) 263.8476563
- 48.1640625 - 48.1640625
6 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_10 1110 1110
(311.8359375) (311.8359375)
- 0.16479 - 0.17578125
7 Basic Valid Left (CCW) 1 Left 1_11 1111 1111
(359.83521) (359.8242188)
8 Basic Valid Right (CW) 0 1 Right 0 0_00 0000 0000
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 60.25 1 Right 60.29296875 0_01 0101 0111
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid Right (CW) 60.00 1 Right 59.94140625 0_01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 N/A 0 0_00 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being Clockwise (CW), commonly meaning East of North, or (b) Negative, being Counter-Clockwise
(CCW), commonly meaning West of North.
2. Register 6016 Sense refers to (a) ―1‖ for negative or West of North, or (b) ―0‖ for positive or East of North.
3. Data is shown encoded with the ―Sign Bit‖, e.g., bit 2 being to the left of the ―Underscore‖.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(2)), provide the
transponder with Indicated Airspeed data having a value as indicated
in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 13.a(2): Register 6016 - Indicated Airspeed (knots)

Generic Indicated Airspeed
Register 6016
Item Indicated Airspeed (knots)
Type of Value [Binary (BNR)]
Data Value Status Decimal Value Binary Value
(knots) (bit 13) (knots) (bits 14 ---23)
1 Basic Valid 682 1 682 10 1010 1010
2 Basic Valid 341 1 341 01 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 887 1 887 11 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 955 1 955 11 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 477 1 477 01 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 750 1 750 10 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 1024 1 1023 11 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0 1 0 00 0000 0000
Rounded ( ½
9 Valid 342.75 1 01 0101 0111
Rounded ( ¼
10 Valid 341.25 1 01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 00 0000 0000

(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(3)), provide the
transponder with Mach data having a value as indicated in the ―Data
Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(3): Register 6016 - Mach (milli-Mach)
Generic Mach (milli-Mach) Register 6016
Item [Binary (BNR)] Mach (milli-Mach)
Type of Value
# Data Value Status Decimal Value Binary Value
(knots) (bit 24) (knots) (bits 25 ---34)
1 Basic Valid 1928 1 1928 01 1110 0010
2 Basic Valid 1364 1 1364 01 0101 0101
3 Basic Valid 3548 1 3548 11 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 3820 1 3820 11 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 1908 1 1908 01 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 3000 1 3000 10 1110 1110
7 Max Valid 4096 1 4092 11 1111 1111
8 Min Valid 0 1 0 00 0000 0000
9 Rounded( ½ LSB) Valid 1370 1 1372 01 0101 0111
10 Rounded( ¼ LSB) Valid 1365 1 1364 01 0101 0101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 00 0000 0000

(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(4)), provide the
transponder with Barometric Altitude Rate data having a value as
indicated in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.

© EUROCAE, 2011

Table 13.a(4): Register 6016 - Barometric Altitude Rate (feet / minute)

Generic Barometric Altitude Rate
Register 6016
(feet / minute)
Barometric Altitude Rate (feet / minute)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Binary Value
Sense Data Value Status Sense Decimal Value
Status (bits 36 ---- 45)
(See Note 2) (feet / minute) (bit 35) (See Note 2) (feet / minute)
(See Note 3)
1 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 10912 1 UP 10912 0_1 0101 0101
2 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 10912 1 Down - 10912 1_0 1010 1011
3 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 4384 1 Down - 4384 1_1 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 2208 1 Down - 2208 1_1 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 15264 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 8768 1 Down - 8768 1_0 1110 1110
7 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 16384 1 Down - 16356 1_0 0000 0000
8 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 16356 1 UP 16352 0_1 1111 1111
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 0, +, UP 15248 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 0, +, UP 15272 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 N/A 0 0_00 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being “UP”, or (b) Negative, being “Down”.
2. Register 6016 Sense refers to (a) “1” for negative or “Down”, or (b) “0” for positive or “UP”.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 36 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§

For each line Item # in the following table (Table 13.a(5)), provide the
transponder with Inertial Vertical Rate data having a value as
indicated in the ―Data Value‖ (degrees) Column in the table.
Table 13.a(5): Register 6016 - Inertial Vertical Rate (feet / minute)
Generic Inertial Vertical Rate
Register 6016
(feet / minute)
Inertial Vertical Rate (feet / minute)
Item [Binary (BNR)]
Type of Value
# Binary Value
Sense Data Value Status Sense Decimal Value
Status (bits 47 ---- 56)
(See Note 2) (feet / minute) (bit 46) (See Note 2) (feet / minute)
(See Note 3)
1 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 10912 1 UP 10912 0_1 0101 0101
2 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 10912 1 Down - 10912 1_0 1010 1011
3 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 4384 1 Down - 4384 1_1 0111 0111
4 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 2208 1 Down - 2208 1_1 1011 1011
5 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 15264 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
6 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 8768 1 Down - 8768 1_0 1110 1110
7 Basic Valid 1, -, Down - 16384 1 Down - 16356 1_0 0000 0000
8 Basic Valid 0, +, UP 16356 1 UP 16352 0_1 1111 1111
9 Rounded ( ½ LSB) Valid 0, +, UP 15248 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
10 Rounded ( ¼ LSB) Valid 0, +, UP 15272 1 UP 15264 0_1 1101 1101
11 Invalid Invalid Not Applicable 0 0 N/A 0 0_0 0000 0000
1. Input data Sense refers to (a) Positive, being “UP”, or (b) Negative, being “Down”.
2. Register 6016 Sense refers to (a) “1” for negative or “Down”, or (b) “0” for positive or “UP”.
3. Data is shown encoded with the “Sign Bit”, e.g., bit 47 being to the left of the “Underscore”.

b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §

Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 13.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.

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1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.

(1). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(1) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 1)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 1) column of Table 13.a(1).
(2). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(1), with ―MB‖ field bit 2 through 12
equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 2 - 12) column of
Table 13.a(1).
(3). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(2) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 13)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 13) column of Table
(4). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(2), with ―MB‖ field bits 14 through
23 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 14 - 23) column
of Table 13.a(2).
(5). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(3) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 24)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 24) column of Table
(6). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(3), with ―MB‖ field bits 25 through
34 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 25 - 34) column
of Table 13.a(3).
(7). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(4) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 35)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 35) column of Table
(8). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(4), with ―MB‖ field bits 36 through
45 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 36 - 45) column
of Table 13.a(4).
(9). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(5) with ―MB‖ field Status (bit 46)
equivalent to that shown in the Status (bit 46) column of Table
(10). For each line Item # in Table 13.a(5), with ―MB‖ field bits 47 through
56 equivalent to that shown in the Binary Value (bits 47 - 56) column
of Table 13.a(5).
NOTE: Cumulative results are as shown in the following table.

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Part 13.b. DF = 20, Heading and Speed -‖MB‖ Field

Reply 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 -------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 ---------- 88
―MB‖ 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 -------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 --------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Item #
1 1 1 01 0101 0101 1 10 1010 1010 1 01 1110 0010 1 0 1 0101 0101 1 0 1 0101 0101
2 1 0 10 1010 1010 1 01 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101 1 1 0 1010 1011 1 1 0 1010 1011
3 1 1 11 0111 0111 1 11 0111 0111 1 11 0111 0111 1 1 1 0111 0111 1 1 1 0111 0111
4 1 0 11 1011 1011 1 11 1011 1011 1 11 1011 1011 1 1 1 1011 1011 1 1 1 1011 1011
5 1 1 01 1101 1101 1 01 1101 1101 1 01 1101 1101 1 0 1 1101 1101 1 0 1 1101 1101
6 1 1 10 1110 1110 1 10 1110 1110 1 10 1110 1110 1 1 0 1110 1110 1 1 0 1110 1110
7 1 1 11 1111 1111 1 11 1111 1111 1 11 1111 1111 1 1 0 0000 0000 1 1 0 0000 0000
8 1 0 00 0000 0000 1 00 0000 0000 1 00 0000 0000 1 0 1 1111 1111 1 0 1 1111 1111
9 1 0 01 0101 0111 1 01 0101 0111 1 01 0101 0111 1 0 1 1101 1101 1 0 1 1101 1101
10 1 0 01 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101 1 01 0101 0101 1 0 1 1101 1101 1 0 1 1101 1101
11 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 PART 14: Reduced Update Rate (§

NOTE 1: The primary intent of Part 3 beyond data validation in Register 6016 is to
validate Declaration of Capability as data inputs are reduced to rates
that are less than the minimum acceptable rate.
NOTE 2: Review all subparagraphs of Part 3 prior to performing tests. This is
necessary to establish the appropriate timing between changing data
inputs and interrogations.
a. Data / Source Change - Set 1: (§
(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid
Magnetic Heading data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid
Indicated Airspeed data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Mach
data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid
Barometric Altitude Rate data is provided to less than once in 2.6
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Inertial
Vertical Rate data is provided to less than once in 2.6 seconds.
b. Register 6016 Capability Verification: (§3.30.8 through §
Within 1.3 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in
Part 2.a, interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data.

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1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)
NOTE 1: The interrogation should initiate the “B” timer for 18 ±1.0 seconds since
a Comm-B Broadcast is initiated.
NOTE 2: In this case, the Comm-B Broadcast is caused by the contents of
Register 6016 changing as provision of all parameter data has
effectively been terminated. This change causes a change to Register
1716, which then forces a change to Register 1016, which then results in
the initiation of the Comm-B Broadcast.
(1). Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply.
(2). During replies to this interrogation sequence and subsequent
interrogations during this test procedure, monitor the ―DR‖ field. If the
―DR‖ field changes to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the transponder has initiated
a Comm-B Broadcast.
When the ―DR‖ field changes, start a Test Timer to monitor that the
―B‖-Timer runs for 18 ±1.0 seconds.
―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(3). Verify that the DF=20 reply ―MB‖ field provides Data with:
Part 2.b.(3) DF = 20, Heading and Speed ―MB‖ Field
Reply Bits: 33 34 35 ---------- 44 45 46 ---- 55 56 57 ------- 66 67 68 69 ------- 77 78 79 80 --------- 88
―MB‖ Bits: 1 2 3 ----------- 12 13 14 ----- 23 24 25 ------- 34 35 36 37 ------- 45 46 47 48 -------- 56
Field: Magnetic Heading Indicated Airspeed Mach Barometric Altitude Rate Inertial Vertical Rate
Status Sign Data Status Data Status Data Status Sign Data Status Sign Data
Data: 0 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 00 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0000 0000

c. Common Usage GICB Capability Report, Register 1716: (§

and §
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1716 Common Usage GICB Capability
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 7 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 56 (bit 24 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―0‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been changed as data for Register 6016 has been terminated.

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d. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1816: (§3.30.3)

Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1816 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 8 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)
Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:
(1). Bit 64 (bit 32 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1916
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(2). Bit 65 (bit 33 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1816
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
(3). Bit 66 (bit 34 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 1716
servicing capability has been established during the power-on cycle.
e. Mode S Specific Services GICB Capability, Register 1916: (§3.30.3)
Within FIVE (5) seconds of the interrogation / reply sequence in Part 3.b,
interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction interrogation
in order to extract the Register 1916 Mode S Specific Services GICB
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 17 7 0 9 0 0 0 0
(11 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 49 (bit 17 of
the ―MB‖ field) set to ―1‖ to indicate that Register 6016 servicing capability
has been established during the power-on cycle.
f. Comm-B Broadcast Validation: (§
Continue to interrogate the transponder with the following GICB Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Register 6016 - Heading and Speed
Report data monitor the ―DR‖ field in the reply.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 22 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(16 HEX)

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Within 67 seconds of providing the transponder with data as detailed in Part

2.a, verify that the ―DR‖ field in DF=20 replies is set to ―DR‖ = 4, 5, 6, or 7 to
indicate that a Comm-B Broadcast is active.
g. Comm-B Broadcast Extraction: (§
After determining that the ―DR‖ field has been set to ―DR‖= 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
Part 3.f, interrogate the transponder with the following Comm-B Extraction
interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message which
should be the Data Link Capability Report contained in Register 1016.
1 ---- 5 6 ---- 8 9 --- 13 14 - 16 17 -- 20 21 -- 24 25 26 27—28 29 --- 32
―UF‖ ―PC‖ ―RR‖ ―DI‖ ―IIS‖ ―RRS ―X‖ ―LOS‖ ―XX‖ ―TMS‖
= = = = = = = = = =
4 0 16 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with:

(1). ―DR‖ = 4 or 5 if ACAS Information IS NOT available
= 6 or 7 if ACAS Information IS available.
(2). Bit 33 through 40 (bit 1 through 8 of the ―MB‖ field) set to 10 HEX
(0001 0000).
(3). Bit 57 [―Mode S Specific Services Capability‖ (bit 25 of the ―MB‖ field)]
set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder has established Mode S
Specific Services Capability.
(4). Bit 67 [―SIC‖ subfield (bit 35 of the ―MB‖ field)] set to ONE (1) to
indicate that the transponder does have ―SI‖ capability.
(5). Bit 68 [Common Usage GICB Capability Report Bit (bit 36 of the ―MB‖
field)] toggled to ―0‖ (from ―1‖) to indicate that Register 1716 has

h. Comm-B Broadcast due to Data Link Capability Change Termination:

Continue to interrogate the transponder with the interrogation described in
Part 3.g. (e.g., the last step) until the transponder replies with a DF=20
reply with ―DR‖ NOT EQUAL to 4, 5, 6, or 7.
Verify that the elapsed time of the Test Timer started in Part 3.b.(2) is 18
+/-1 second.
NOTE: At this time, the “B” timer started in Part 3.b.(2). as broadcast due
to a change in Data Link Capability should have terminated. PART 15: Multiple Data Sources (§3.30 through §3.30.4, and §3.30.8)
If Multiple Data Sources of Register 6016 parameters are provided to the Unit-
Under-Test (UUT), then REPEAT all applicable sections of Part 2 for each
additional data source that was not tested while performing Parts 1 through 13
NOTE: GPS Data Sources may not provide data more often than once every
1.2 seconds. If GPS Data Sources are used to provide data, ensure
that the data is provided at the minimum rate of once every 1.2
seconds. For Register 6016, this may apply to the Inertial Vertical Rate

© EUROCAE, 2011


The following general test procedure is intended to provide guidelines for minimal
verification that newly implemented GICB registers are properly being serviced.

5.8.1 Purpose and Definition (§3.31.1)

NOTE: In the following subsections, “ddd” means the decimal equivalent to
XX16. For instance, for 4016, “ddd” = 6410 = 64.
For any newly added given Register XX16, refer to Appendix B, Table B-3-ddd for
appropriate format and definition of the register.

5.8.2 Data Requirement (§3.31.2)

a. Ensure that no data is being provided to the transponder that could be used
to fill any field in the Register XX16 that is being tested.
b. Interrogate the transponder using GICB protocols as specified in
NOTE 1: See § and b as an example interrogation used to extract
Register 6016.
c. Verify that the transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with Bit 33 through
88 (bit 1 through 56 of the ―MB‖ field) set to ALL ZERO (0).
NOTE 2: Some registers are required to fill bit 1 through8 with the Register
Number, e.g., XX16. In such cases, bits 1 through 8 of the “MB”
field will contain the register number XX16 and the remaining bits
(9 through 56) of the “MB” field will be set to ZERO (0). Data Field ―y‖ (§

a. Via an appropriate interface, provide the transponder with appropriate valid
data for each parameter ―y‖ in register XX16 that is to be tested.
b. Interrogate the transponder using GICB protocols as specified in
NOTE: See § and b as an example interrogation used to extract
Register 6016.
c. For each ―y‖ parameter, verify that the transponder replies with an ―MB‖
field having:
(1). Each ―y‖ parameter encoded in the proper register location
(2). Each ―y‖ parameter encoded in two‘s complement arithmetic unless
otherwise specified.
(3). Each ―y‖ parameter value properly rounded to preserve accuracy of
+/- ½ LSB.
(4). Status bit for each applicable ―y‖ parameter set to ONE (1) if data is
valid and set to ZERO (0) if data is invalid.

5.8.3 Update Rate (§3.31.3)

Change the data provided to the transponder and repeat the interrogation given in
§ as necessary to complete the following steps:
a. For each ―y‖ parameter, verify that the data changes to the appropriate
value required in § c within the maximum update interval time
specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1 for the given Register XX16 being

© EUROCAE, 2011

b. If the appropriate value required in §5.8.3.a cannot be realized within twice

the maximum update interval time specified or 2 seconds (whichever is
greater), verify that the parameter ―y‖ subfield and its associated status bit
is set to ALL ZERO (0).

5.8.4 Service Reporting (§3.31.4)

Change the data provided to the transponder and repeat the interrogation given in
§ as necessary to complete the following steps:
a. Verify that the servicing of Register XX16 during the power-on cycle of the
transponder is properly reported in Registers 1816 through 1C16 as required
in Appendix B, Table B-3-24 to B-3-28.
b. Verify that the real-time (not just since power-on) servicing of Register XX16
is properly reported in Register 1716 (see Appendix B, Table B–3-23) if such
reporting is required for Register XX16.
c. Verify that an appropriate Comm. – B Broadcast is initiated if a change to
Register XX16 forces a change to Register 1016.
NOTE: See § as an example of validating presence of the
Broadcast using Register 6016.
d. Extract the Broadcast and verify that the contents of Register 1016 have
been changed in accordance with the change action affecting Register XX16
under test.
NOTE: See § as an example of validating the Broadcast using
Register 6016 as the register forcing the change to Register 1016.

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Installed performance shall be consistent with that specified in Chapter 3, which was
verified through bench and environmental tests. However, certain performance
parameters may be affected by the physical installation and can only be verified after
installation. The installed performance specified below takes this into consideration.


6.2.1 Accessibility
Controls provided for in-flight operation shall be readily accessible from the operator's
normal seated position.
Displayed information shall be clearly viewable, without obstruction, from the normal
seated position(s) of the appropriate operator/crew member(s).

6.2.2 Aircraft Environment

Installed equipment shall be compatible with the environmental conditions present in
the specific location in the aircraft where the equipment is installed.

6.2.3 Display Visibility

Displays shall be readable from the crew members' normal position in all ambient light
conditions for which the equipment is required.
NOTE: Visors, glare-shields or filters may be an acceptable means of controlling
daylight visibility.

6.2.4 Failure Protection

a. Any foreseeable failure of the equipment shall not degrade the normal operation
of any other equipment or systems connected to it.
b. The failure of interfaced equipment or systems shall not adversely affect the
normal operation of the subject equipment.

6.2.5 Interference Effects

The installed equipment shall be electromagnetically compatible with the aircraft and
its systems.
NOTE: Electromagnetic compatibility problems observed after installation of the
equipment may result from such factors as the design characteristics of
previously installed systems or equipment and the physical installation
itself. It is not intended that the equipment manufacturer design for all
installation environments. The installer will be responsible for resolving any
incompatibility between the equipment and previously installed equipment.
The various factors contributing to the incompatibility shall be considered.

6.2.6 Transmission Line(s)

The transmission line(s) connecting antenna(s) and transponder(s) shall have
impedance, power handling and loss characteristics in accordance with the equipment
manufacturer's specifications.

© EUROCAE, 2011

6.2.7 Antenna Location

a. Single Antenna
The antenna shall be installed on the bottom of the aircraft as close to the
longitudinal axis of the aircraft as possible.
b. Diversity Transponder Installation
(1) If antenna diversity is used, the transmission lines to the top and bottom
antennas shall not differ in electrical length or loss by more than the
amount specified by the equipment manufacturer.
(2) The horizontal distance between the top and bottom antennas shall not
be greater than 7.6 m (25 ft).
(3) Both antennas shall be mounted as near as possible to the centre line of
the fuselage.
NOTE: Antenna spacing is specified to control apparent jitter caused
by path length differences when a diversity transponder
switches between antennas.

6.2.8 Radiation Pattern

The antenna shall have a radiation pattern which is essentially vertically polarised,
omnidirectional in the horizontal plane, and have sufficient vertical beamwidth to
ensure proper equipment operation during normal aircraft manoeuvres.

6.2.9 Mutual Suppression

If other equipment is installed in the aircraft operating at or near 1030 and 1090 MHz,
such as DME, mutual suppression shall be used. (See §3.15).

6.2.10 Aircraft Power Source

The voltage and voltage tolerance characteristics of the equipment shall be
compatible with the aircraft power source of appropriate category as specified in
ED-14G, or subsequent version. Unless otherwise specified in this document, or by
the approving authority, the environmental test conditions and categories are
contained in EUROCAE document ED-14G, "Environmental Conditions and Test
Procedures for Airborne Equipment" or subsequent version. Normal Equipment Operations

The aircraft installation shall ensure that appropriate voltage and voltage
characteristics required by the transponder equipment shall be continuously applied to
the transponder equipment at all times that the transponder equipment is required to
be operational.
NOTE: This requirement does not apply in situations where power to the
transponder equipment must be interrupted in order to prevent possible fire
conditions or other emergency conditions determined by the Flight Crew.

6.2.11 Single Operational Transponder at One Time

a. The aircraft installation shall ensure that ONLY ONE transponder is coupled to
the antenna system and capable of delivering interrogation replies or squitter
transmissions from the aircraft at ANY given time.
b. The aircraft installation shall ensure that NO transponder is improperly
connected to its antenna system or left in an open-circuit transmission state in
which the transponder could emit excessive RF energy into ANY aircraft

© EUROCAE, 2011

6.2.12 Validation of declared on-the-ground status

For Aircraft with an automatic means for determining the on-the-ground condition,
transponders that have access to at least one of the following parameters (ground
speed, radio altitude, airspeed) shall perform the following validation check:
If the automatically determined air/ground status is not available or is ―airborne‖, no
validation shall be performed. If the automatically determined air/ground status is
available and ―on-the-ground‖ condition is being reported, the air/ground status shall
be overridden and changed to ―airborne‖ if
Ground speed >100 knots OR airspeed > 100 knots OR radio altitude> 50 feet
NOTE: For Extended Squitters installation, the on-the-ground validation is optional
for Aircraft reporting ADS-B Emitter Category Set “A” codes 0, 1 or 7 as
defined in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.


The following paragraphs define the conditions under which the tests specified in §6.4
shall be conducted.

6.3.1 Power Input

Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be conducted with the equipment powered from
the aircraft's normal electrical distribution system.

6.3.2 Associated Equipment or Systems

Unless otherwise specified, all electrically operated equipment and systems shall be
turned on before carrying out interference tests.

6.3.3 Environment
During the tests, the equipment shall not be subjected to environmental conditions that
exceed those specified by the equipment manufacturer.

6.3.4 Adjustment of Equipment

The equipment under test shall be properly aligned and adjusted in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommended practices before the application of the specified

6.3.5 Warm-up Period

Tests shall be conducted after a warm-up (stabilisation) period of not less than that
specified by the manufacturer.


6.4.1 General
a. The following test procedures provide one means of determining installed
equipment performance.
b. Although specific test procedures are prescribed, it is recognised that other
methods may be preferred by the installer/manufacturer.
c. Such alternative procedures may be used if they provide at least equivalent
information, in which case, the procedures described in this chapter shall be
used as one criterion in evaluating the acceptability of the alternative

© EUROCAE, 2011

d. The equipment shall have been tested to verify compliance with the
performance criteria specified in Chapter 3.

6.4.2 Guidance for Testing of Transponders Introduction
This section provides guidance to aircraft maintenance organisations and
maintenance personnel relating to ATC transponder testing. It includes information
regarding the precautions to be taken in order to minimise the possibility of causing
nuisance warnings to ACAS equipped aircraft.
ACAS equipped aircraft provide flight crew with a collision avoidance system,
independent of the ATC system, by alerting the crew to potential collision hazards. It
also can provide the crew with climb or descend commands which must be followed.
Transponder testing is one source of ‗nuisance‘ ACAS warnings. The problem of
‗nuisance‘ ACAS warnings is more noticeable when ground testing of transponders
takes place at airfields located beneath Terminal Control Areas or in the vicinity of
Control Areas and Zones where air traffic movements are likely to be numerous. The
following information provides guidelines which should be followed to minimise this
risk. Ground Testing Guidance

a. When not required, ensure all transponders are selected to ‗OFF‘ or ‗Standby‘.
b. Before starting any test, contact the local Air Traffic Control Unit and
advise them of your intention to conduct transponder testing. Advise the Air
Traffic Unit of your start time and test duration. Also inform them of the
altitude(s) at which you will be testing, your intended Aircraft Identification
(Flight Id) and your intended Mode A code. See § and d. Note: Certain
altitudes may not be possible due to over flying aircraft.
c. Set the Mode A code to 7776 (or other Mode A code agreed with Air Traffic
Control Unit). Note: The Mode A code 7776 is assigned as a test code by the
ORCAM Users Group, specifically for the testing of transponders.
d. Set the Aircraft Identification (Flight Id) with the first 8 characters of the
company name. This is the name of the company conducting the tests.
e. Set the on-the-ground status for all Mode S replies, except when an airborne
reply is required (e.g., for altitude testing).
f. Where possible, perform the testing inside a hanger to take advantage of any
shielding properties it may provide.
g. As a precaution, use antenna transmission covers whether or not testing is
performed inside or outside.
h. When testing the altitude (Mode C or S) parameter, radiate directly into the
ramp test set via the prescribed attenuator.
i. In between testing, i.e., to transition from one altitude to another, select the
transponder to ‗standby‘ mode.
j. If testing transponder parameters other than ‗altitude‘, set altitude to -1000 feet
(minus 1000 feet) or over 60000 feet. This will minimise the possibility of ACAS
warning to airfield and overflying aircraft.
k. When testing is complete select the transponder(s) to ‗OFF‘ or ‗Standby‘.

© EUROCAE, 2011

6.4.3 Ground Test Procedures

a. Conformity Inspection
(1) Visually inspect the installed equipment to determine the use of
acceptable workmanship and engineering practices.
(2) Verify that proper mechanical and electrical connections have been made
and that the equipment has been located and installed in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations.
b. Equipment Function
Vary all controls of the equipment through their full range to determine that the
equipment is operating according to the manufacturer's instructions and that
each control performs its intended function.
c. Interference Effects
With the equipment energised,
(1) individually operate each of the other electrically operated aircraft
equipment and systems to determine that no significant interference
effects are present;
(2) evaluate all reasonable combinations of control settings and operating
(3) operate communication and navigation equipment on the low, high and at
least one but preferably four mid-band frequencies;
(4) if appropriate, repeat the tests using the aircraft emergency power
d. Equipment Accessibility
Determine that all equipment controls and displayed data are readily accessible
and easily interpreted.

6.4.4 Installed Equipment Performance Tests

The following tests include procedures generally demanded by airworthiness
authorities to be carried out on a regular basis to ensure continued performance
standards. The tests shall be performed in accordance with the guidance given in
§6.4.2. Reply Frequency

Interrogate the installed transponder and verify that the reply frequency is 1090
1 MHz for both Class 1 and Class 2 equipment. Framing Pulse Spacing

Verify that the time interval between the leading edges of the two framing pulses is
20.3 ±0.10 µs.

© EUROCAE, 2011
454 Reply Codes

a. Verify that each Mode A reply pulse listed in Table 6-1 is present when the
appropriate Mode A code is set.


Fl 0.00 µs -
Cl 1.45 µs 0010
Al 2.90 µs 1000
C2 4.35 µs 0020
A2 5.80 µs 2000
C4 7.25 µs 0040
A4 8.70 µs 4000
X 10.15 µs -
Bl 11.60 µs 0100
Dl 13.05 µs 0001
B2 14.50 µs 0200
D2 15.95 µs 0002
B4 17.40 µs 0400
D4 18.85 µs 0004
F2 20.30 µs -
SPI 24.65 µs -

b. Using more than one 4096 code, interrogate the transponder a sufficient
number of times to verify that the correct 4096 code is transmitted.
c. Verify that the X pulse is not present.
d. Verify that the SPI pulse is transmitted, when selected. Pressure Altitude Transmissions

a. With the altitude digitiser (if fitted) disconnected or disabled verify that
(1) the transponder response to Mode C interrogations consists only of
framing pulses Fl and F2, and
(2) the transponder response to Mode S interrogations UF=4 and UF=20
contains all ZEROs in the AC field.
b. With the altitude digitiser connected, but with the altitude switch in the "OFF"
position, verify that
(1) the transponder response to Mode C interrogations consists only of
framing pulses Fl and F2, and
(2) the transponder response to Mode S interrogations UF=4 and UF=20
contains all ZEROs in the AC field. Altitude Reporting Test

a. If the Mode S transponder is installed in an aircraft fitted with an altitude source
quantised to greater that 25 ft, the 100 ft quantisation will be used. A sufficient
number of test points should be checked to ensure that the altitude reporting
equipment and transponder perform their intended function through their entire
range while ascending or descending. Tests of each altitude code segment of
the encoder (2300, 2500, 3800, 4300, 4800, 6800, 14800 30800, 70800, 90800,
110800 and 126700 if available) are sufficient to ensure proper operation of

© EUROCAE, 2011

each altitude code segment of the encoder. Verify in all cases that the Q bit is
set to 0.
b. If the Mode S transponder is installed in an aircraft fitted with an altitude source
quantised to 25 ft or less, the 25 ft quantisation is used up to a pressure altitude
of 501875.5 ft. A sufficient number of test points should be checked to ensure
that the altitude reporting equipment and transponder perform their intended
function through their entire range while ascending or descending.
(1) Tests of altitude codes below a pressure altitude of 50187.5 shall verify
that the Q bit is set to 1 and shall as a minimum verify that the altitude
report is correct when the input indicates pressure altitudes of 17050 ft
and 34125.
(2) Tests shall be performed to verify that correct altitude is reported using
100 ft quantisation when the input indicates a pressure altitude above
50187.5 ft. use input values of 50188, (other values 50800, 70800,
90800, 110800 and 126700 should be used if available) Verify in all
cases that the Q bit is set to 0
c. Verify in both a and b above that the correspondence error value of the
altimeter system is 125 feet or less.
NOTE: Precautions must be taken during altitude reporting tests to prevent
nuisance ACAS Traffic Advisories and ACAS Resolution Advisories to
aircraft flying in the area. Guidance is given in §6.4.2. Reply Pulse Width

Verify that the duration of the Fl and F2 pulses between the 0.5 amplitude points on
the leading and trailing edges is 0.45 ±0.10 µs, with the transponder replying on
Mode A, code 0001, and code 7477. Receiver Sensitivity

a. Verify that for Mode A/C interrogations the receiver sensitivity of the equipment
at the antenna end of the transmission line is -73 dBm, ±4 dB.
b. Verify that for Mode S P6 type interrogations the sensitivity of the equipment at
the antenna end of the transmission line is -74 dBm, ±3 dB. Transmitter Power Output

a. Verify that Class 1 transponders have a peak pulse power at the antenna end of
the transmission line of at least +21 dBW and not more than +27 dBW.
b. Verify that Class 2 transponders have a peak pulse power at the antenna end of
the transmission line of at least +18.5 dBW and not more than +27 dBW. Received Reply

a. Interrogate the equipment with UF=11 and record the AA field in the reply
b. Interrogate the equipment with UF=4 (or UF=5) and the aircraft address
assigned by the appropriate authority, and verify received reply.
NOTE: Where the aircraft has a dual transponder installation this test shall be
performed with the transponder in both positions.
c. Interrogate the equipment, in turn, with UF=4 or UF=5
(1) an aircraft address consisting of all ONES, and
(2) an aircraft address consisting of all ZEROs.
Verify that in each case that there is no received reply.

© EUROCAE, 2011
456 Airspeed Fixed Field

Interrogate the equipment to confirm the maximum airspeed report. On-the-Ground Condition

If a means for automatically indicating the on-the-ground condition (e.g. a weight on
wheels or strut switch) is available
Verify that the equipment correctly reports the "on-the-ground" condition in the CA, FS
and VS fields.
Verify that the equipment correctly reports the "airborne" condition in the CA, FS, and
VS fields.
If a means for automatically indicating the on-the-ground condition (e.g. a weight on
wheels or strut switch) is not available
Verify that the FS and VS fields indicate that the aircraft is airborne and that the CA
field indicates that the aircraft is either airborne or on the ground (CA=6).
Also verify that when the unit is in the "inhibit replies" condition (on the ground), the
transponder continues to generate Mode S squitters and replies to discretely-
addressed Mode S interrogations (UF=0, 4, 5, 16, 20, 21, 24), but does not reply to
Mode A/C/S All-Call or Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations (some installations may
inhibit Mode A/C).
If the unit is not in the "inhibit replies" condition (Airborne condition), verify that the
transponder continues to generate Mode S squitters and also replies to Mode A/C,
Mode A/C/S All-Call or Mode S Only all Call and discretely-addressed Mode S
interrogation (UF=0, 4, 5, 16, 20, 21, 24), Aircraft Identification (AIS)

Interrogate the equipment with UF=4 or 5, and correct aircraft address with RR=18
and DI 7 or DI=7 and RRS=0. Verify that the equipment correctly reports the AIS
information in the MB field of the reply. Single Operational Transponder at One Time

a. That ONLY ONE transponder and associated antenna system is capable of
delivering interrogation replies or squitter transmissions from the aircraft at ANY
given time, and
b. That NO transponder is capable of radiating RF energy into any compartment of
the aircraft due to improper connection to the antenna system or radiation into
an open-circuit. BDS Register Verification

All available BDS registers shall be verified to contain correct data. In particular the
following BDS registers shall be verified:
3,0 (for ACAS compatible transponders)

© EUROCAE, 2011
457 Mode A/C Side Lobe Suppression

Interrogate the equipment with a Mode A interrogation rate between 230 and 1000
interrogations per second verify that:
(1) The transponder does not respond to more than 1 percent of Mode A/C
interrogations when the amplitude of P2 pulse is equal to the P1 pulse.
(2) The transponder replies to at least 90 percent of Mode A/C interrogations when
the amplitude of the P2 pulse is 9 dB less than the P1 pulse.
NOTE: The side lobe suppression for Mode S (P5) is not required to be tested on
the aircraft. Mode S Diversity Transmission Channel Isolation

For any class of Mode S transponder that incorporates diversity operation, verify that
the RF peak output power transmitted from the selected antenna exceeds the power
transmitted from the non-selected antenna by at least 20 db. Mode S Address

Interrogate the Mode S transponder and verify that it replies, only, to its assigned
address (assigned by the National Aviation Regulator). Use the correct address and at
least two incorrect addresses. Ensure that the Mode S transponder does not respond
to the incorrect addresses. All-Call Interrogations

These tests are to be conducted with aircraft status ‗on ground‘ and ‗in air‘.
(1) With aircraft ‗in air‘ conduct the following tests:
(i) Interrogate the Mode S transponder with the Mode S-only all-call format
UF=11, and the Mode A/C /Mode S all-call formats (1.6 microsecond P4
pulse) and verify that the correct address and capability are reported in
the replies (downlink format DF=11). Perform this test with one II code
and SI code (other than II/SI equal zero).
(ii) Interrogate the Mode S transponder with the Mode A/C-only all-call
interrogation (0.8 microsecond P4 pulse) and verify that no reply is
(2) With aircraft ‗on ground‘ conduct the following tests:
Repeat test (1)(i) and (1)(ii) and verify that no reply is generated by the Mode S
transponder. Acquisition Squitter

Verify that the Mode S transponder generates a correct acquisition squitter once per
second in the standard interval and with a random process in the range from 800 ms
to 1200 ms.

© EUROCAE, 2011

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© EUROCAE, 2011

Production of EUROCAE ED-73E and RTCA DO-181E was a joint effort of EUROCAE
Working Group 49 and RTCA Special Committee 209. Members who participate individually
in both organizations are only listed once in their primary organization.



Chairman Eric Potier Eurocontrol

Secretary Gary Furr Engility Corporation

Members Yves Audineau Rockwell Collins

Steve Barber NATS, UK
David Bowen SESAR Joint Undertaking
Julien Damblemont Thales
Lee Foster Aeroflex
Martin Gray Trig Avionics
Kevin Hallworth EASA
Antoine Herve DGAC, France
Guy Hill Aeroflex
Thomas Mayer Becker Avionics
Philippe Murat L-3/ACSS
Andrew Rose Llanbury Consulting
Pierre Ruault Eurocontrol
Trevor Smith NATS, UK
Nicolas Soldevila Thales


Co-Chairs Thomas Pagano FAA Technical Center

Robert Saffell Rockwell Collins

Secretary Gary Furr Engility Corporation

Members and Advisors

Dominic Anello DoD AIMS Program Office

Raymond Bayh BAE Systems
Linda Berg L-3 / ACSS

© EUROCAE, 2011

John Berglund U.S. Navy

Woody Bode Freestate Electronics
William Brodegard Avidyne Corp
Mark Cato Air Line Pilot Association
Robert Clarke Alion Science
Clyde Colbeth U.S. Navy
Thomas Conklin U.S. Air Force
Andy Davis Trig Avionics Ltd.
John Doughty Garmin International
Robert Duffer Federal Aviation Administration
Richard Eckert ITT Corporation
Douglas Edsall U.S. Army
John Fisher Federal Aviation Administration
Bill Flathers Sparrow-Tech Inc.
Robert Grappel MIT Lincoln Lab
Greg Grozdits U.S. Air Force GATM Office
Ron Harris Freestate Electronics
Vic Hunsicker DoD AIMS Program Office
Keegan Hurley Aviation Management Associates, Inc.
Richard Jennings Federal Aviation Adminsitration
David Kerr Engility Corporation
Andrew Leone Federal Aviation Administration
Angela Leurs EuroAvionics Navigation System
Andre Lewis DoD AIMS Program Office
Brent Locher L-3 Communications
Marty Lockner NARCO Avionics
Peter Markus Federal Aviation Administration
Scott Moore Northern Airborne Technology Ltd.
Harold Moses RTCA, Inc.
Tom Mulkerin Mulkerin Associates Inc.
Peter Muraca Federal Aviation Administration
Philippe Murat L-3 Communications, ACSS
Miles Muramuto U.S. Air Force
Jack Oehme U.S. Air Force
Richard Olson Federal Aviation Administration
Vincent Orlando MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Showkat Osman Honeywell
Terry Pearsall Federal Aviation Administration
Michael Penner Avidyne Safety Systems Group
William Petruzel Federal Aviation Administration

© EUROCAE, 2011

Blane Rasch U.S. Air Force

Ken Reeves L-3 / ACSS
Jeffrey Robinson U.S. Air Force
Alex Rodriguez Rockwell Collins
Van Ruggles Garmin International
Dean Ryan Avidyne Corporation
Stuart Searight Federal Aviation Administration
Gu Shimin CARERI, Shanghai China
Peter Skaves Federal Aviation Administration
Charles Sloane Federal Aviation Administration
Todd Smith U.S. Air Force
Boris Stallings U.S. Navy
William Thedford Consultant, U.S. Air Force
Chris Tourigny Federal Aviation Administration
John Van Dongen Federal Aviation Administration
Don Walker Federal Aviation Administration
Leo Wapelhorst Engility Corporation
Paul Washleshy DoD AIMS Program Office
Jeff Weeldreyer L-3 Communications, ACSS
Kevin Wilson Honeywell International
Jerry Woodall Raytheon Electronic Combat Systems
Steve Yeager Raytheon Electronic Combat Systems
Phillip Yu Avidyne Corporation

© EUROCAE, 2011

8 ED-73E Improvement Suggestion Form

Name:___________________________________ Company: _______________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State, Province:___________________________
Postal Code, Country: ______________________________ Date: ___________________________
Phone: __________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________
Email: ___________________________________

DOCUMENT : ED-73E SEC: ______________ PAGE: __________ LINE: _________

[ ] Documentation error (Format, punctuation, spelling)

[ ] Content error
[ ] Enhancement or refinement

Rationale (Describe the error or justification for enhancement): ______________________________


Proposed change (Attach marked-up text or proposed rewrite): ______________________________


Please provide any general comments for improvement of this document:


Return completed form to:

Attention: Secretary-General ED-73E
102 rue Etienne Dolet
Email: [email protected]

© EUROCAE, 2011
The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
L’Organisation Européenne pour l’Equipement de l’Aviation Civile



Volume 2 of 2
Appendices A – E

This document is the exclusive intellectual and commercial property of EUROCAE.

It is presently commercialised by EUROCAE.
This electronic copy is delivered to your company/organisation for internal use exclusively.
In no case it must be re-sold, or hired, lent or exchanged outside your company.

May 2011

102 rue Etienne Dolet Tel: 33 1 40 92 79 30

92240 MALAKOFF, France Fax: 33 1 46 55 62 65
Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 2 of 2
Appendices A – E

This document is the exclusive intellectual and commercial property of EUROCAE.

It is presently commercialised by EUROCAE.
This electronic copy is delivered to your company/organisation for internal use exclusively.
In no case it must be re-sold, or hired, lent or exchanged outside your company.

May 2011

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
Acronyms & Definition of Terms
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Appendix A
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A. Acronyms & Definition of Terms

A.1 Acronyms
AA – Address Announced
AC – Advisory Circular
ACARS – Aircraft Communications, Addressing and Reporting System
ACAS – Airborne Collision Avoidance System
ACR – Adjacent Channel Reduction
ACS – Altitude Code Subfield
ADS – Automatic Dependent Surveillance
ADS-B – Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
AGL – Above Ground Level
AICB – Air Initiated Comm-B
AIS – Aircraft Identification Subfield
AP – Address Parity
APDU – Application Protocol Data Unit
AQ – Acquisition Special
ARA – Active Resolution Advisory
ASA – Aircraft Separation Assurance
A/V – Aircraft/Vehicle
ATCRBS – Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System
ATC – Air Traffic Control
ATM – Air Traffic Management
ATS – Air Traffic Services
ATIS – Automatic Terminal Information Service

BCD – Binary Coded Decimal

BCS – Comm-B Capability Subfield
BDS – Comm-B Data Selector
BER – Bit Error Rate
BNR – Binary Numbers
bps – Bits Per Second
BW – Bandwidth

C/A – Coarse Acquisition

CC – Crosslink Capability
CDS – C – Definition Subfield
CFS – Continuation Subfield
CL – Code Label

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Appendix A
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CPA – Closest Point of Approach

CNS – Communications, Navigation and Surveillance
CDTI – Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
CEFR – CDTI-based Electronic Flight Rules
CPDLC – Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications
CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check
CW – Continuous Wave

dB – Decibel
dBm – Decibel with respect to 1 milliwatt
DDS – D – Definition Subfield
DELM – Downlink Extended Long Messages
DF – Downlink Format
DI – Designation Identification
DME – Distance Measuring Equipment
DOD – U.S. Department of Defense
DOP – Dilution Of Precision
DP – Data Parity
DPSK – Differential Phase Shift Keying

ECS – Extended Capability Subfield

EHS – Enhanced Surveillance
ELM – Extended Length Message
ELS – Elementary Surveillance
ELT – Emergency Locating Transmitter
EPU – Estimated Position Uncertainty
E/W – East/West
ERP – Effective Radiated Power
ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
EUROCAE – European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment

FAA – Federal Aviation Administration

FAR – Federal Aviation Regulation
FEC – Forward Error Correction
FIFO – First In First Out
FIS-B – Flight Information Services-Broadcast
FMS – Flight Management System
f0 – Nominal or Center Frequency
fpm – Feet Per Minute
FSD – Full Scale Deflection

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
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FS – Flight Status
FSS – Flight Service Station
FTE – Flight Technical Error

GICB – Ground Initiated Comm-B

GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS – Global Positioning System

h – Modulation Index
Hz – Hertz

I – Inquiry Mode
IAS – Indicated Airspeed
IC – Interrogator Code
ICAO – International Civil Aviation Organization
ID – Identification (4096 code)
IDS – Identification Designation Subfield
IFR – Instrument Flight Rules
II – Interrogator Identification
IIS – Interrogator Identification Subfield
ILS – Instrument Landing System
IMC – Instrument Meteorological Conditions
INS – Inertial Navigation System
I/O – Input and/or Output
ISI – Inter-Symbol Interference
ITU – International Telecommunication Union

JAA – Joint Aviation Authorities

JAR – Joint Aviation Requirements
JTIDS – Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (a.k.a. Link 16)

KE – Control ELM
kHz – Kilohertz

L1 – 1575.42 MHz (a navigation frequency associated with GPS)

LAAS – Local Area Augmentation System
LADGPS – Landing Area Differential GPS
LOS – Lockout Subfield
LSB – Least Significant Bit
LSS – Lockout Surveillance Subfield

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
Page A - 6

MA – Message Field in Comm-A

MASPS – Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards
MB – Message Field in Comm-B
Mbps – Million Bits Per Second
MBS – Multisite Comm-B Subfield
MC – Message Field in Comm-C
MD – Message Field in Comm-D
ME – Message Extended Squitter
MES – Multisite ELM Subfield
MFD – Multi-Functional Display
MHz – Megahertz
MIDS – Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems
MOPS – Minimum Operational Performance Standards
ms – Milliseconds
MSB – Most Significant Bit
MSL – Minimum Signal Level
MSSS – Mode S Specific Services
MTBF – Mean Time Between Failure
MTE – Multiple Threat Encounter
MTL – Minimum Trigger Level
MU – Message Field in Comm-U
MV – Message Field in Comm-V

N – Number of transitions at ―1‖ in DPSK modulation

NAS – U.S. National Airspace System
NAV – Navigation
NAVAID – Navigation Aid
NC – Number of C segments
ND – Number of D segments
NM – Nautical Mile
NOTAM – Notice to Airmen
N/S – North/South

ONE, ONEs – The affirmative value of a binary bit.

PAM – Pulse Amplitude Modulation

PC – Protocol
PI – Priority/Interrogator Identity
PIREP – Pilot Report

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
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PPM – Parts Per Million

PPS – Pulse Per Second
Pr – Probability of Receipt
PSR – Primary Surveillance Radar
PUME – Probability of Undetected Message Error

QFE – Aviation ―Q‖ Code for ―Field Elevation‖

QNE – Aviation ―Q‖ Code for ―Nautical Height‖ for Enroute
QNH – Aviation ―Q‖ Code for ―Nautical Height‖

RA – Resolution Advisory
RAC – Resolution Advisory Complement
RAI – Resolution Advisory Indicator
RAIM – Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
RAT – Resolution Advisory Terminated Indicator
RC – Reply Control
RCP – Required Communication Performance
RCS – Rate Control Subfield
RF – Radio Frequency
RI – Reply Information
RL – Reply Length
rms – Root Mean Square
RNP – Required Navigation Performance
RR – Reply Request
RRS – Reply Request Subfield in SD
RSP – Required System Performance
rss – Root Sum Square
RVSM – Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum

SA or S/A – Selective Availability

SAE – Standard Aerospace Equipment
SAR – Search And Rescue
SARPs – Standards and Recommended Practices
SAS – Surface Antenna Subfield
SD – Special Designation
SI – Surveillance Identifier
SID – Standard Instrument Departure
SIS – Surveillance Identifier Subfield

SL – Sensitivity Level

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
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SLC – Sensitivity Level Control

SLS – Side Lobe Suppression
SNR – Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SPI – Special Position Identification
SPR – Sync Phase Reversal
SPS – Standard Positioning Service
SSE – Mode S Specific Services Entity
SSR – Secondary Surveillance Radar
SUA – Special Use Airspace

TA – Traffic Advisory
TACAN – Tactical Air Navigation
TAS – True Airspeed
TCAS/TCAS II – Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCS – Type Control Subfield
TERPS – Terminal Instrument Procedures
TID – Threat Identity Data
TIDA – Threat Identity Data, Altitude
TIDB – Threat Identity Data, Bearing
TIDR – Threat Identity Data, Range
TIS – Traffic Information Service
TIS-B – Traffic Information Service-Broadcast
TMA – Terminal Maneuvering Area
TMS – Tactical Message Subfield
TOMR – Time of Message Receipt
TOMT – Time of Message Transmission
TRS – Transmission Rate Subfield
TSD – Traffic Situation Display (see also CDTI)
TSE – Total System Error
TSO – Technical Standards Order
TTI – Threat Type Indicator

UDS – U-Definition Subfield

UELM – Uplink Extended Length Message
UF – Uplink Format
UM – Utility Message
U.S. – United States
UTC – Coordinated Universal Time
UUT – Unit Under Test

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix A
Page A - 9

VDS – V-Definition Subfield

VFR – Visual Flight Rules
VMC – Visual Meteorological Conditions
VOR – VHF Omni-directional Range [navigation system]
VS – Vertical Status
VSWR – Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

W – Watts
WAAS – Wide Area Augmentation System
WGS 84 – World Geodetic System 1984

Xmt – Transmit

ZERO, ZEROs – The negation value of a binary bit.

µs – Microsecond
μsec – Microsecond

A.2 Definition of Terms

ACAS – The Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) is an aircraft
system based on secondary surveillance radar (SSR) transponder signals
which operates independently of ground-based equipment to provide advice
to the pilot on potential conflicting aircraft that are equipped with SSR
transponders. In this document ACAS refers to ACAS II, which is equal to
TCAS II, version 7 or higher.
Accuracy – A measure of the difference between the A/V position reported
in the ADS-B message field as compared to the true position. Accuracy is
usually defined in statistical terms of either 1) a mean (bias) and a variation
about the mean as defined by the standard deviation (sigma) or a root mean
square (rms) value from the mean. The values given in this document are in
terms of the two-sigma variation from an assumed zero mean error.
Active Waypoint – A waypoint to or from which navigational guidance is
being provided. For a parallel offset, the active waypoint may or may not be
at the same geographical position as the parent waypoint. When not in the
parallel offset mode (operating on the parent route), the active and parent
waypoints are at the same geographical position.
ADS-B Broadcast and Receive Equipment – Equipment that can transmit
and receive ADS-B messages. Defined as Class A equipment.
ADS-B Broadcast Only Equipment – Equipment that can transmit but not
receive ADS-B messages. Defined as Class B equipment.
ADS-B Message – A modulated packet of formatted data which conveys
information used in the development of ADS-B reports.
ADS-B Report – Specific information provided by the ADS-B user participant
subsystem to external applications. Reports contain identification, state
vector, and status/intent information. Elements of the ADS-B Report that are

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used and the frequency with which they must be updated will vary by
application. The portions of an ADS-B Report that are provided will vary by
the capabilities of the transmitting participant.
ADS-B Subsystem – The set of avionics or equipment that performs ADS-B
functionality in an aircraft or for ground-based, non-aircraft, participants.
ADS-B System – A collection of ADS-B subsystems wherein ADS-B
messages are broadcast and received by appropriately equipped participant
subsystems. Capabilities of participant subsystems will vary based upon
class of equipage.
Advisory – An annunciation that is generated when crew awareness is
required and subsequent crew action may be required; the associated color
is unique but not red or amber/yellow. (Source: Advisory Circular AC 25-11).
Aircraft Address – The term ―address‖ is used to indicate the information
field in an ADS-B message that identifies the ADS-B unit that issued the
message. The address provides a continent means by which ADS-B
receiving units—or end applications—can sort messages received from
multiple issuing units.
Aircraft/Vehicle (A/V) – Either (1) a machine or service capable of
atmospheric flight, or (2) a vehicle on the airport surface movement area. In
addition to A/Vs, ADS-B equipage may be extended to temporarily uncharted
obstacles (i.e., obstacles not identified by a current NOTAM).
Air Mass – Air mass data includes barometric altitude and air speed.
Alert Zone – In the Free Flight environment, each aircraft will be surrounded
by two zones, a protected zone and an alert zone. The alert zone is used to
indicate a condition where intervention may be necessary. The size of the
alert zone is determined by aircraft speed, performance, and by CNS/ATM
Algorithm – A set of well-defined rules for the solution of a problem in a finite
number of steps.
Along-Track Distance – The distance along the desired track from the
waypoint to the perpendicular line from the desired track to the aircraft.
Applications – Specific use of systems that address particular user
requirements. For the case of ADS-B, applications are defined in terms of
specific operational scenarios.
Application Interface – The Application Interface is responsible for the
extraction of ADS-B Reports from the Report Output Storage Buffer via the
Report to Application Interface. Requirements for the Application Interface
and Report to Application Interface are to be specified in various Application
Interface specifications and therefore are not addressed in this document.

Barometric Altitude – Geopotential altitude in the earth's atmosphere above

mean standard sea level pressure datum surface, measured by a pressure
(barometric) altimeter.
Barometric Altitude Error – For a given true barometric pressure, Po, the
error is the difference between the transmitted pressure altitude and the
altitude determined using a standard temperature and pressure model with
Burst – A series of interrogations.

Call Sign – The term ―aircraft call sign‖ means the radiotelephony call sign
assigned to an aircraft for voice communications purposes. (This term is

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sometimes used interchangeably with ―flight identification‖ or ―flight ID‖). For

general aviation aircraft, the aircraft call sign is normally its national
registration number; for airline and commuter aircraft, it is usually comprised
of the company name and flight number (and therefore not linked to a
particular airframe); and for the military, it usually consists of numbers and
code words with special significance for the operation being conducted.
Cancellation – This is a protocol used by the ADLP to cancel downlink
messages that are queued in the transponder awaiting extraction by the
Mode S ground system.
Caution – An annunciation that is generated when immediate crew
awareness is required and subsequent crew action will be required; the
associated color is amber/yellow. (Source: Advisory Circular AC 25-11).
Closeout – This is a protocol that confirms to a transponder that Comm-B,
Comm-C (ELM) or Comm-D (ELM) transactions have been successfully
completed and must be cleared from the transponder.
Closest Point of Approach (CPA) – The minimum horizontal distance
between two aircraft during a close proximity encounter, a.k.a. miss distance.
Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) – A function which provides the
pilot/flight-crew with surveillance information about other aircraft, including
their position. The information may be presented on a dedicated multi-
function display (MFD), or be processed for presentation on existing cockpit
flight displays. Traffic information for the CDTI function may be obtained from
one or multiple sources (including ADS-B, TCAS, and TIS) and it may be
used for a variety of purposes. Requirements for CDTI information will be
based on intended use of the data (i.e., application).
Collision Avoidance – An unplanned maneuver to avoid a collision.
Conflict – Any situation involving two or more aircraft, or an aircraft and an
airspace, or an aircraft and ground terrain, in which the applicable separation
minima may be violated.
Conflict Detection – The process of projecting an aircraft‘s trajectory to
determine whether it is probable that the applicable separation minimum will
not be maintained between the aircraft and either 1) another aircraft or
vehicle, 2) a given airspace, or 3) ground terrain. The level of uncertainty in
the projection is reduced with increased knowledge about the situation,
including aircraft capabilities, flight plan, short term intent information, etc.
Conflict Management – Process of detecting and resolving conflicts.
Conflict Probe – The flight paths are projected to determine if the minimum
required separation will be violated. If the minima are not [projected to be]
violated, a brief preventive instruction will be issued to maintain separation. If
the projection shows the minimum required separation will be violated, the
conflict resolution software suggests an appropriate maneuver.
Conflict Resolution – The process of identifying a maneuver or set of
maneuvers that, when followed, do not cause a conflict or reduce the
likelihood of conflict between an aircraft and either 1, another aircraft or
vehicle, 2, a given airspace, or 3, ground terrain. Maneuvers may be given to
multiple aircraft to fully resolve a conflict.
Conformance – The condition established when the surveillance report of an
aircraft‘s position at some time ―t‖ (established by the Automated Tracking
function) is within the conformance region constructed around that aircraft at
its nominal position at time ―t‖, according to the agreed upon trajectory.
Cooperative Separation – This concept envisions a transfer of responsibility
for aircraft separation from ground based systems to the air-crew of
appropriately equipped aircraft, for a specific separation function such as In-

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trail merging or separation management of close proximity encounters. It is

cooperative in the sense that ground-based ATC is involved in the handover
process, and in the sense that all involved aircraft must be appropriately
equipped, e.g., with RNAV and ADS-B capability, to perform such functions.
Co-ordinated Time Scales – A time scale synchronised within stated limits
to a reference time scale. Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the time
scale maintained by Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), and
the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS), which forms the basis of a
co-ordinated dissemination of standard frequencies and time signal. It
corresponds exactly in the rate with the International Atomic Time (TAI), but
differs from it by an integer number of seconds.
Cross-link – A cross-link is a special purpose data transmission mechanism
for exchanging data between two aircraft — a two-way addressed data link.
For example, the TCAS II system uses a cross-link with another TCAS II to
coordinate resolution advisories that are generated. A cross-link may also be
used to exchange other information that is not of a general broadcast nature,
such as intent information.

Desensitization – Temporary reduction of transponder sensitivity after

receipt of a signal. Used to reduce echo (multipath) effects.
Desired Course – Can be either (1) True: A predetermined desired course
direction to be followed (measured in degrees from true north), or (2)
Magnetic: A predetermined desired course direction to be followed
(measured in degrees from local magnetic north).
Diversity – A method of selecting the reply transmission path based on the
relative amplitude of the received interrogation signal from two or more
channels with independent antennas.
Downlink – A signal propagated from the transponder.
Dynamic Range – The ratio between the overload level and the minimum
triggering level in a transponder.

Effective Update Interval – The time interval between successful message

receipt with at least 98% probability of successful reception. For example, if
ADS-B messages are sent at one second intervals in signal-to-noise
conditions with 75% probability of success per transmission, then the
probability of obtaining at least one message in three tries is = 1.0 - (0.25)3 ~
98.4%. Thus the effective update interval for this case = 1 seconds x 3 = 3
Effective Update Rate – The reciprocal of effective update interval, e.g.,
rate = 1/3 ~ 0.33 Hz for the example above.
En Route – A phase of navigation covering operations between departure
and termination phases. En route phase of navigation has two
subcategories: en route domestic/continental and en route oceanic.
Event-Driven – Messages that are broadcast periodically for a duration of
the operational condition. Examples of Event-Driven Messages include the
Extended Squitter Aircraft Status Message with the Emergency/Priority
Status and TCAS RA subtypes (ref. RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A).

Field – A group of bits in a message treated as a single unit of information.

Format – The specific order in which fields of information appear in a Mode
S digital message transmission.

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Framing Pulse – One of the two pulses F1 and F2 spaced a nominal 20.3 μs
apart which bracket a reply to Mode A and Mode C interrogations.
Format – The specific order in which fields of information appear in a Mode
S digital message transmission.
FRUIT – Transponder replies unsynchronized in time. See Garble, Non-

Garble, Non-synchronous – Reply pulses received from a transponder that

is being interrogated from some other source. Also called FRUIT.
Geometric Dilution of Position (GDOP) – The ratio of position error of a
multi-lateration system. More precisely, it is the ratio of the standard
deviation of the position error to the standard deviation of the measurement
errors, assuming all measurement errors are statistically independent and
have a zero mean and the same standard distribution. GDOP is the measure
of the "goodness" of the geometry of the multi-lateration sources as seen by
the observer; a low GDOP is desirable, a high GDOP undesirable. (See also
Geometric Height – The minimum altitude above or below a plane tangent
to the earth‘s ellipsoid as defined by WGS84.
Geometric Height Error – Geometric height error is the error between the
true geometric height and the transmitted geometric height.
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) – GNSS is a world wide
position, velocity, and time determination system, that includes one or more
satellite constellations, receivers, and system integrity monitoring, augmented
as necessary to support the required navigation performance for the actual
phase of operation.
Global Positioning System (GPS) – A space based positioning, velocity and
time system composed of space, control and user segments. The space
segment, when fully operational, will be composed of 24 satellites in six
orbital planes. The control segment consists of five monitor stations, three
ground antennas and a master control station. The user segment consists of
antennas and receiver processors that provide positioning, velocity, and
precise timing to the user.
GNSS Altitude (MSL) – The height of the aircraft (or of its GNSS antenna)
above the geoid, which is the surface that represents mean sea level. The
term geoid, as defined by the National Geodetic Survey‘s Geodetic Glossary,
is the equipotential surface of the Earth‘s gravity field which best fits, in the
least squares sense, mean sea level.
Graticule – A network of lines on a map representing geographic parallels
and meridians.

Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) – The ratio of user referenced

horizontal position error to measurement error of a multi-lateration system.
(See GDOP for a more detailed description.)

International Atomic Time (TAI) – The time scale established by the Bureau
International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) on the basis of data from atomic
clocks operating in several establishments conforming to the definition of the
second, the unit of the time of the International System of Units (SI).
In-Trail Climb – In-trail climb (ITC) procedures enables trailing aircraft to
climb to a more fuel-efficient or less turbulent altitude.

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In-Trail Descent – In-trail descent (ITD) procedures enables trailing aircraft

to descend to a more fuel-efficient or less turbulent altitude.

Latency – The latency of an ADS-B transmission is the time period from the
time of applicability of the aircraft/vehicle position ADS-B report until the
transmission of that ADS-B report is completed.
Latency Compensation – High accuracy applications may correct for system
latency introduced position errors using ADS-B time synchronized position
and velocity information.
Lockout – This is a protocol which provides a means of preventing a Mode
S transponder from replying to ‗All-Call‘ interrogations. See ICAO Annex 10
§ for full information.

Message – An arbitrary amount of information whose beginning and end are

defined or implied. In this document, the information content of the message
fields MA, MB, MC, FlD, MU and MV.
Minimum Triggering Level (MTL) – The minimum input power level that
results in a 90% reply ratio in the Mode A/C format or in the Mode S format if
the interrogation signal has all nominal spacings and widths and if the replies
are the correct replies assigned to the interrogation format.
Mode Select Specific Services – A set of communication services provided
by the Mode S system which are not available from other air-ground
subnetworks and therefore not interoperable.
Monopulse – A radar system using a receiving antenna having two or more
partially overlapping lobes in the radiation pattern. Sum and difference
channels in the receiver compare the amplitudes or phases of the received
Multipath – The propagation phenomenon that results in signals reaching
the receiving antenna by two or more paths, generally with a time or phase
difference between the two.

National Airspace System (NAS) – The common system of facilities,

equipment, regulations, procedures and personnel providing services and
standard procedures for the safe and efficient movement of civil and military
aircraft within the jurisdiction of the United States.
Near Term – Near-term applications are defined as those that can be
supported by an initial ADS-B implementation and that may be operationally
feasible within the context of a current ATC system or the ATC systems of
the near future.
Normal Maneuver – Any maneuvers within the aircraft‘s approved flight-
loads envelope that does not exceed 60 degrees angle of bank, or results in
an abrupt change in the aircraft‘s attitude or accelerations. Abrupt changes
in accelerations are those that exceed the values shown below. Note that g =
acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/s2.

Horizontal Vertical Total

Acceleration Acceleration Jerk
0.58 g 0.5 g 0.25 g/s

Optimum Sampling Point – The point during the bit period at which the
opening of the eye diagram (i.e., the minimum separation between positive

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and negative frequency offsets at very high signal–to-noise ratios) is


Periodic Status – Status Messages that are broadcast independently in the

same manner as the Airborne Position, Surface Position, Airborne Velocity
and Aircraft Identification Messages. Examples of Periodic Status Messages
include the Target State and Status and the Aircraft Operational Status (ref.
Planned Primary Means – Use of ADS-B for Planned Primary Means will be
possible for selected airspace operations based upon predictable conditions,
e.g., GNSS constellation, type of operation, and extent of ADS-B equipage
for participating aircraft. That is, ADS-B will be available as a primary means
of surveillance for particular periods of time in particular geographical regions
for approved operations.
Phase of Flight – The phases of flight are defined as follows:
1. Oceanic/Remote – Radio updating is not viable due to either very
limited navigation aid coverage or no navigation aid coverage.
2. En Route/Domestic – Aircraft sequences above 15500 feet while
not actively flying a SID, or is above 15500 and sequences the last
waypoint of a SID, or the phase of flight is Oceanic and radio
updating is viable.
3. Terminal – Aircraft sequences below 15000 feet; or when the
aircraft is in Approach and exceeds 3000 feet above arrival airport
elevation if there is no missed approach holding point, or the missed
approach holding point is sequenced; or the aircraft is in Takeoff and
exceeds 3000 feet above departure airport elevation if no SID exist
in active flight plan, or the last waypoint of the SID is sequenced
below 15500.
4. Approach – The first waypoint on the active approach or approach
transition is sequenced, or the aircraft sequences below 2000 feet
above arrival airport elevation. Approach flight phase will not be
active when a VFR approach is in the active flight plan.
Power Off Condition – The condition in which the transponder electrical
power is not applied to the receiver, transmitter or related components.
Primary Means of Navigation – The airborne navigation equipment that
meets the requirements of radio navigation for the intended phase of flight
(route to be flown). These requirements include satisfying the necessary
level of accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability for a particular area,
route, procedure, or operation. Examples of systems which provide a
primary means of navigation include:
a. VOR for domestic en route, terminal, and non precision approach
where it is available;
b. VOR/DME for domestic en route above flight level 240, terminal, and
non precision approach where it is available;
c. OMEGA for Oceanic Operation;
d. INS for Oceanic Operation;

Protected Zone – In the Free Flight environment, each aircraft will be

surrounded by two zones, a protected zone and an alert zone. The protected
zone must remain sterile to assure separation. It can be envisioned as a
distance-based ―hockey puck‖ with radius equal to half the horizontal
separation minimum and vertical extent equal to + half the vertical separation
minimum. The size of the protected zone is a direct reflection of the position
determination accuracy.

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Protocol – A set of conventions between communicating processes on the

formats and contents of messages to be exchanged.

QFE – Local station barometric pressure setting which provides an altimeter

reading of indicated altitude of the airplane above the station, whether
airborne or on the ground.
QNE – The barometric pressure used for the standard altimeter setting
(29.92 inches Hg, 1013.25 hectopascals).
QNH – Local station barometric pressure setting which provides an altimeter
reading of indicated altitude of the airplane above mean sea level, whether
airborne or on the ground.

Reliability – The probability of performing a specified function without failure

under given conditions for a specified period of time.
Reply Ratio – The ratio of a number of replies to the number of
interrogations that should cause a reply to be generated.
Resolution – The smallest increment reported in an ADS-B message field.
The representation of the least significant bit (LSB) in an ADS-B message
Required Navigation Performance (RNP) – A measure of the navigation
system performance within a defined airspace, route, or procedure, including
the operating parameters of the navigation‘s systems used within that
airspace. (Source: Adapted from the ICAO Separation Panel).

Seamless – A ―chock-to-chock‖ continuous and common view of the

surveillance situation from the perspective of all users.
Sensor – Synonym for interrogator.
Site – Synonym for interrogator.
Side Lobe Suppression (SLS) Transmission – A transmission intended to
prevent responses from transponders not in the main beam of the
interrogating antenna.
Sole Means of Navigation – An approved navigation system for a given
operation or phase of flight that must allow the aircraft to meet, for the
operation or phase of flight, all four navigation system performance
requirements: accuracy, integrity, availability, and continuity of service.
Special Position Identification (SPI) – A special pulse used in Mode A/C
located 4.35 microseconds following the last framing pulse. When used in
Mode S, SPI appears as a code in the flight status (FS) field and in the
surveillance status subfield (SSS).
Squitter – The transmission of a specified reply format at a minimum rate
without the need to be interrogated.
Standby State – The condition in which transponder electrical power may be
applied to the receiver, transmitter and related components but the
transponder is disabled from transmitting. In this state the transponder does
not reply to interrogations and does not squitter any information in any Mode
A/C/S format.
Station-keeping – Station-keeping provides the capability for a pilot to
maintain an aircraft‘s position relative to the designated aircraft. For
example, an aircraft taxiing behind another aircraft can be cleared to follow
and maintain separation on a lead aircraft. Station-keeping can be used to

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maintain a given (or variable) separation. An aircraft that is equipped with an

ADS-B receiver could be cleared to follow an FMS or GNSS-equipped aircraft
on a GNSS/FMS/RNP approach to an airport. An aircraft doing station-
keeping would be required to have, as a minimum, some type of CDTI.
Supplemental Means of Navigation – An approved navigation system that
can be used in controlled airspace of the NAS in conjunction with a sole
means of navigation.

Tactical Parameters – Tactical information may be used to enhance the

performance of designated applications. System designs should be flexible
enough to support tactical parameters; however, it is not required to provide
the parameters in all implementations.
Technical Acknowledgment – Acknowledgment by the recipient that a
message was received without error, with no inference of the recipient's
intended reaction to that message.
Terminal Area – A general term used to describe airspace in which
approach control service or airport traffic control service is provided.
Total System Error (TSE) – Generic: The root sum square of the navigation
source error, airborne component error, display error and flight technical
error. Specific: The root-sum-square of the position fixing error, display
error, course selection error and flight technical error.
Track Angle – Instantaneous angle measured from either true or magnetic
north to the aircraft's track.
Transaction – The process of accepting and processing an interrogation and
generating a corresponding reply.
Trigger – Detection of ADS-B or Ground Uplink synchronization sequence.

Universal Time (UT) – Universal Time is the general designation of time

scales based on the rotation of the Earth.
Uplink – Signal propagated toward a transponder.
UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time) – See co-ordinated time scales.

Velocity Uncertainty Category (VUC) – The velocity uncertainty category

(VUC) is needed for surveillance applications to determine whether the
reported velocity has an acceptable level of velocity uncertainty.
Vertical Profile – A line or curve, or series of connected lines and/or curves
in the vertical plane, defining an ascending or descending flight path either
emanating from or terminating at a specified waypoint and altitude, or
connecting two or more specified waypoints and altitudes. In this sense, a
curve may be defined by performance of the airplane relative to the air mass.

Warning – An annunciation that is generated when immediate recognition

and corrective or compensatory action is required; the associated color is
red. (Source: Advisory Circular AC 25-11)
World Geodetic Survey (WGS) – A consistent set of parameters describing
the size and shape of the earth, the positions of a network of points with
respect to the center of mass of the earth, transformations from major
geodetic datums, and the potential of the earth (usually in terms of harmonic

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World Geodetic System 1984 – A set of quantities, developed by the U.S.

Department of Defense for determining geometric and physical geodetic
relationships on a global scale, based on a geocentric origin and a reference
ellipsoid with semi-major axis 6378137 and flattening 1/298.257223563.

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix B
Aircraft Register Formats
This Page Intentionally Left Blank.
Table of Contents

B. AIRCRAFT REGISTER FORMATS ..................................................................................................... B-1

B.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ B-1

B.2 DATA FORMATS FOR TRANSPONDER REGISTERS.................................................................................. B-1
B.2.1 REGISTER ALLOCATION ....................................................................................................................... B-1
B.2.2 GENERAL CONVENTIONS ON DATA FORMATS .................................................................................... B-3
B.2.2.1 Validity of Data ............................................................................................................................... B-3
B.2.2.2 Representation of Numeric Data ................................................................................................. B-3
B.2.2.3 Representation of Alphanumeric Character Encoding ............................................................. B-5
B.3 BDS REGISTER FORMATS ...................................................................................................................... B-5
B.4 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................. B-45
B.4.1 TRANSPONDER REGISTER 1016 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.1) ...................................... B-46
B.4.1.1 Bit 9 (Continuation Flag) ............................................................................................................. B-46
B.4.1.2 Bit 16 and Bits 37 – 40 (TCAS Bits) .......................................................................................... B-46
B.4.1.3 Bits 17 – 23 (Mode S Subnetwork Version Number) ............................................................. B-46
B.4.1.4 Bit 24 (Transponder Enhanced Protocol Indicator) ................................................................ B-47
B.4.1.5 Bit 25 (Mode S Specific Services Capability) .......................................................................... B-47
B.4.1.6 Bits 26 – 32 (Uplink and Downlink ELM Throughput Capability) .......................................... B-48
B.4.1.7 Bit 33 (Aircraft Identification Capability) ................................................................................... B-48
B.4.1.8 Bit 34 (Squitter Capability Subfield) .......................................................................................... B-48
B.4.1.9 Bit 35 (SI Code capability) .......................................................................................................... B-49
B.4.1.10 Bit 36 (Common Usage GICB Capability Report) ................................................................ B-49
B.4.2 TRANSPONDER REGISTERS 1816 TO 1C16 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.2)...................... B-49
B.4.3 TRANSPONDER REGISTER 2016 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.3) ...................................... B-50
B.4.3.1 Airborne Function ........................................................................................................................ B-50
B.4.3.2 Ground Considerations ............................................................................................................... B-50
B.4.3.3 Register 2016 and 0816 Implementation Considerations ........................................................ B-51
B.4.4 TRANSPONDER REGISTER 4016 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.4) ...................................... B-51
B.4.4.1 General Example for the Loading of Data in Register 4016 ................................................... B-52
B. Target Altitude Summary ........................................................................................................ B-55
B. Possible Uses of Selected Altitude and Target Altitude ..................................................... B-56
B. Target Altitude Implementation Difficulties ........................................................................... B-56
B.4.4.2 Transponder Register 4016 on Boeing 747-400, 757 and 767 Aircraft ................................ B-56
B.4.4.3 Setting of the Target Altitude Source Bits (Bits 54 – 56) ....................................................... B-56
B.4.4.4 Setting of the Reserved Bits (Bits 40 to 47, 52 & 53) ............................................................. B-57
B.4.5 TRANSPONDER REGISTER 5016 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.5) ...................................... B-58
B.4.6 TRANSPONDER REGISTER 6016 (ICAO DOC 9871, EDITION 2, §D.2.4.6) ...................................... B-59
List of Tables
Table B-2-1: GICB Register Number Assignments ........................................................................................... B-1
Table B-2-2: 6-Bit Subset of International Alphabet Number (IA-5) for Character Coding .......................... B-5
Table B-3-7: BDS Code 0,7 – Extended Squitter Status .................................................................................. B-7
Table B-3-11: BDS Code 0,B – Air-to-Air State Information 1 (Aircraft State) .............................................. B-8
Table B-3-12: BDS Code 0,C – Air-to-Air State Information 2 (Aircraft Intent).............................................. B-9
Table B-3-16: BDS Code 1,0 – Data Link Capability Report (§ ................................................ B-10
Table B-3-23: BDS Code 1,7 – Common Usage GICB Capability Report ................................................... B-12
Table B-3-24: BDS Code 1,8 – MSSS GICB Capability Report (1 of 5)....................................................... B-13
Table B-3-25: BDS Code 1,9 – MSSS GICB Capability Report (2 of 5)....................................................... B-14
Table B-3-26: BDS Code 1,A – MSSS GICB Capability Report (3 of 5) ...................................................... B-15
Table B-3-27: BDS Code 1,B – MSSS GICB Capability Report (4 of 5) ...................................................... B-16
Table B-3-28: BDS Code 1,C – MSSS GICB Capability Report (5 of 5) ...................................................... B-17
Table B-3-29: BDS Code 1,D – MSSS MSP Capability Report (1 of 3) ....................................................... B-18
Table B-3-30: BDS Code 1,E – MSSS MSP Capability Report (2 of 3) ....................................................... B-19
Table B-3-31: BDS Code 1,F – MSSS MSP Capability Report (3 of 3)........................................................ B-20
Table B-3-32: BDS Code 2,0 – Aircraft Identification (§ ............................................................... B-21
Table B-3-33: BDS Code 2,1 – Aircraft and Airline Registration Markings .................................................. B-22
Table B-3-34: BDS Code 2,2 – Antenna Positions .......................................................................................... B-23
Table B-3-37: BDS Code 2,5 – Aircraft Type ................................................................................................... B-24
Table B-3-48: BDS Code 3,0 – TCAS/ACAS Active Resolution Advisory ................................................... B-25
Table B-3-64: BDS Code 4,0 – Selected Vertical Intention ............................................................................ B-26
Table B-3-65: BDS Code 4,1 – Next Waypoint Details ................................................................................... B-27
Table B-3-66: BDS Code 4,2 – Next Waypoint Details ................................................................................... B-28
Table B-3-67: BDS Code 4,3 – Next Waypoint Details ................................................................................... B-29
Table B-3-72: BDS Code 4,8 – VHF Channel Report ..................................................................................... B-30
Table B-3-80: BDS Code 5,0 – Track and Turn Report .................................................................................. B-31
Table B-3-81: BDS Code 5,1 – Position Report Coarse ................................................................................. B-32
Table B-3-82: BDS Code 5,2 – Position Report Fine ...................................................................................... B-33
Table B-3-83: BDS Code 5,3 – Air-Referenced State Vector ........................................................................ B-34
Table B-3-84 to B-3-86: BDS Codes 5,4 to 5,6 – Waypoints 1, 2 and 3 ...................................................... B-35
Table B-3-95: BDS Code 5,F – Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring ............................................................. B-36
Table B-3-96: BDS Code 6,0 – Heading and Speed Report .......................................................................... B-37
Table B-3-227: BDS Code E,3 – Transponder Type / Part Number ............................................................. B-38
Table B-3-228: BDS Code E,4 – Transponder Software Revision Number ................................................ B-39
Table B-3-229: BDS Code E,5 – TCAS/ACAS Unit Part Number ................................................................. B-40
Table B-3-230: BDS Code E,6 – TCAS/ACAS Unit Software Revision ....................................................... B-41
Table B-3-231: BDS Code E,7 – Transponder Status and Diagnostics ....................................................... B-42
Table B-2-234: BDS Code E,A – Vendor Specific Status and Diagnostics ................................................. B-43
Table B-3-241: BDS Code F,1 – Military Applications .................................................................................... B-44
Table B-3-242: BDS Code F,2 – Military Applications .................................................................................... B-45
List of Figures
Figure B-4-1: General Example for the Loading of Data in Register 4016 .................................................... B-54
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B. Aircraft Register Formats

B.1 Introduction

The purpose of this Appendix is to specify technical provisions for the definition for
data/message formats of aircraft registers which can be extracted using Ground
Initiated Comm-B (GICB) protocols, as defined in Appendix C. In addition, this
Appendix includes implementation guidelines for registers that are utilized in support
of Elementary and Enhanced Surveillance.
Note: Appendix B is arranged in the following manner:

Section B.1 Introduction

Section B.2 Data Formats for Transponder Registers
Section B.3 BDS Registers Tables
Section B.4 Implementing Guidance

B.2 Data Formats for Transponder Registers

B.2.1 Register Allocation

Applications shall use the allocated Register numbers as shown in the Table B-2-1.
The details of the data to be entered into the assigned Registers are defined in §B.3.
Table B-2-1 specifies the maximum update intervals at which the appropriate
transponder Register(s) shall be reloaded with valid data. Any valid data shall be
reloaded into the relevant Register field as soon as it becomes available at the Mode
S Specific Services entity (SSE) interface, regardless of the update rate. If data is
not available for a time no greater than twice the specified maximum update interval
or 2 seconds (whichever is the greater), the status bit (if specified for that field) shall
indicate that the data in that field is invalid and the field shall be ZEROed. The
Register number shall be equivalent to the Comm-B data selector (BDS) value used
to address that Register. The data link capability report (Register 1016) shall be
updated within one second of the data changing and at least every four (4) seconds

Table B-2-1: GICB Register Number Assignments

Maximum update
Assignment interval (see Note
Register No.
0016 Not valid N/A
0116 Reserved N/A
0216 Linked Comm-B, segment 2 N/A
0316 Linked Comm-B, segment 3 N/A
0416 Linked Comm-B, segment 4 N/A
0516 Extended Squitter Airborne Position 0.2s
0616 Extended Squitter Surface Position 0.2s
0716 Extended Squitter Status 1.0s
0816 Extended Squitter Identification and Category 15.0s
0916 Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity 1.3s
0A16 Extended Squitter Event-Driven Information Variable
0B16 Air/air information 1 (aircraft state) 1.3s
0C16 Air/air information 2 (aircraft intent) 1.3s
0D16 – 0E16 Reserved for air/air state information To be determined
0F16 Reserved for TCAS/ACAS To be determined
1016 Data Link Capability Report <4.0s

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Maximum update
Assignment interval (see Note
Register No.
1116 – 1616 Reserved for extension to datalink capability reports 5.0s
1716 Common usage GICB Capability Report 5.0s
1816 – 1C16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports §
1D16 – 1F16 Mode S Specific Services Capability Reports 5.0s
2016 Aircraft Identification 5.0s
2116 Aircraft and airline registration markings 15.0s
2216 Antenna positions 15.0s
2316 Reserved for antenna position 15.0s
2416 Reserved for aircraft parameters 15.0s
2516 Aircraft type 15.0s
2616 – 2F16 Reserved N/A
3016 TCAS/ACAS Active Resolution Advisory §
3116 – 3F16 Reserved N/A
4016 Selected vertical intention 1.0s
4116 Next waypoint identifier 1.0s
4216 Next waypoint position 1.0s
4316 Next waypoint information 0.5s
4416 Meteorological routine air report 1.0s
4516 Meteorological hazard report 1.0s
4616 Reserved for flight management system Mode 1 To be determined
4716 Reserved for flight management system Mode 2 To be determined
4816 VHF channel report 5.0s
4916 – 4F16 Reserved N/A
5016 Track and turn report 1.3s
5116 Position report coarse 1.3s
5216 Position report fine 1.3s
5316 Air-referenced state vector 1.3s
5416 Waypoint 1 5.0s
5516 Waypoint 2 5.0s
5616 Waypoint 3 5.0s
5716 – 5E16 Reserved N/A
5F16 Quasi-static parameter monitoring 0.5s
6016 Heading and speed report 1.3s
6116 Extended Squitter Aircraft Status 1.0s
6216 Target State and Status Information 0.5
6316 Reserved for Extended Squitter N/A
6416 Reserved for Extended Squitter N/A
6516 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status 2.5 s
6616 – 6F16 Reserved for Extended Squitter N/A
7016 – 7516 Reserved for future aircraft downlink parameters N/A
7616 – E016 Reserved N/A
E116 – E216 Reserved for Mode S BITE N/A
E316 Transponder type/part number 15 s
E416 Transponder software revision number 15 s
E516 TCAS/ACAS unit part number 15 s
E616 TCAS/ACAS unit software revision number 15 s
E716 Transponder Status and Diagnostics 15 s
E816 Reserved for Future Diagnostics N/A
E916 Reserved for Future Diagnostics N/A
EA16 Vendor Specific Status and Diagnostics 15 s
EB16 Reserved for Future Vendor Specific Diagnostics N/A
EC16 Reserved for Future Vendor Specific Diagnostics N/A

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Maximum update
Assignment interval (see Note
Register No.
ED16 – F016 Reserved N/A
F116 Military applications 15 s
F216 Military applications 15 s
F316 – FF16 Reserved N/A

1. The term “minimum update rate” is used in this document. The minimum update rate is
obtained when data is loaded in one Register field once every maximum update interval.
2. If Extended Squitter is implemented, then Register 0816 is not cleared or ZEROed once either
Flight Identification or Aircraft Registration data has been loaded into the Register during the
current power-on cycle. Register 0816 is not cleared since it provides information that is
fundamental to track file management in the ADS-B environment. (See § in RTCA
DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A). Refer to §B.4.3.3 for implementation guidelines regarding
Register 0816 and 2016.

B.2.2 General Conventions on Data Formats

B.2.2.1 Validity of Data

The bit patterns contained in the 56-bit transponder Registers (other than Registers
accessed by BDS Codes 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 1,0; 1,7 to 1,C; 2,0 and 3,0) are considered as
valid application data only if:

1) The Mode S Specific Services capability bit is set in Register 1016. This is
indicated by bit 25 being set to “ONE,” and

2) The GICB service corresponding to the application is shown as “supported” by

the corresponding bit in the GICB capability report Registers 1716 to 1C16 being
set to “ONE,” and


1. The intent of the capability bits in Register 1716 is to indicate that useful data
are contained in the corresponding transponder Register. For this reason,
each bit for a Register is cleared if data becomes unavailable (see ICAO Doc
9871, §A. and set again when data insertion into the Register

2. A bit set in Registers 1816 to 1C16 indicates that the application using this
Register has been installed on the aircraft. These bits are not cleared to
reflect the real-time loss of an application, as is done for Register 1716 (see
ICAO Doc 9871, §A.

3) The data value is valid at the time of extraction. This is indicated by a data field
status bit (if specified for that field). When this status bit is set to “ONE” the data
field(s) which follow, up to the next status bit, are valid. When this status bit is set
to “ZERO”, the data field(s) are invalid.

B.2.2.2 Representation of Numeric Data

Numerical data shall be represented as follows:

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1) Numerical data are represented as binary numerals. When the value is signed,
2s complement representation shall be used, and the bit following the status bit
are the sign bit.

2) Unless otherwise specified, whenever more bits of resolution are available from
the data source than in the data field into which that data are to be loaded, the
data are rounded to the nearest value that can be encoded in that data field.

Note: Unless otherwise specified, it is accepted that the data source may have
less bits of resolution than the data field.

3) When the data source provides data with a higher or lower range than the data
field, the data are truncated to the respective maximum or minimum value that
can be encoded in the data field.

4) In all cases where a status bit is specified in the data field it shall be set to “ONE”
to indicate VALID and to “ZERO” to indicate INVALID.

1. This facilitates partial loading of the registers.
2. VALID indicates that the data contained in the field, represents real
operational information which can be used by the application. This facilitates
partial loading of the registers.
3. As an example, where ARINC 429 data are used, the single status bit
specified in the field is derived from ARINC 429 status bits 30 and 31 bits as
a) If bits 30 and 31 represent “Failure Warning, No Computed Data” then
the status bit shall be set to “INVALID”.

b) If bits 30 and 31 represent “Functional Test” then the status bit shall be
set to “INVALID”.

c) If bits 30 and 31 represent “Normal Operation,” “plus sign,” or “minus

sign,” then the status bit shall be set to “VALID” provided that the data
are being updated at the required rate (§B.2.1).

d) If the data are not being updated at the required rate (§B.2.1), then the
status bit shall be set to “INVALID”.

5) When specified in the field, the switch bit indicates which of two alternative data
types is being used to update the parameter in the transponder Register.

6) The bits in the MB field are numbered in the order of their transmission,
beginning with bit 1. Unless otherwise stated, numerical values encoded by
groups (fields) of bits are encoded using positive binary notation and the first bit
transmitted is the most significant bit (MSB). Information will be coded in fields
which consist of at least one bit.

7) Registers containing data intended for broadcast Comm-B have the broadcast
identifier located in the eight most significant bits of the MB field.


1. When multiple data sources are available, the one with the highest resolution
should be selected.

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2. By default, values indicated in the range of the different fields of registers have
been rounded to the nearest integer value or represented as a fraction.

B.2.2.3 Representation of Alphanumeric Character Encoding

For Registers requiring alphanumeric character encoding, each character shall be

coded as a 6-bit subset of the International Alphabet Number 5 (IA-5) as illustrated in
Table B-2-2. The character code shall be transmitted with the high order unit (b6)
first and the reported character string shall be transmitted with its left-most character
first. Characters shall be coded consecutively without intervening SPACE code. Any
unused character spaces at the end of the subfield shall contain a SPACE character

Table B-2-2: 6-Bit Subset of International Alphabet Number (IA-5) for Character Coding

b6 0 0 1 1
b5 0 1 0 1
b4 b3 b2 b1
0 0 0 0 P SP 0
0 0 0 1 A Q 1
0 0 1 0 B R 2
0 0 1 1 C S 3
0 1 0 0 D T 4
0 1 0 1 E U 5
0 1 1 0 F V 6
0 1 1 1 G W 7
1 0 0 0 H X 8
1 0 0 1 I Y 9
1 0 1 0 J Z
1 0 1 1 K
1 1 0 0 L
1 1 0 1 M
1 1 1 0 N
1 1 1 1 O

B.3 BDS Register Formats

The definitions of the Registers herein are in conformance with ICAO Document
9871, 2nd Edition. Tables are numbered B-3-X where “X” is the decimal equivalent
of the BDS code Y,Z where Y is the BDS1 code and Z is the BDS2 code, used to
access the data format for a particular Register. The following tables are not included
in this section:

B-3-2 to B-3-4 (Used by the linked Comm-B protocol)
B-3-5 to B-3-6 (Reserved for extended squitter)
B-3-8 to B-3-10 (Reserved for extended squitter)
B-3-13 to B-3-14 (Reserved for air/air state information)
B-3-15 (Reserved for TCAS/ACAS)
B-3-17 to B-3-22
B-3-35 (Reserved for antenna position)
B-3-36 (Reserved for aircraft parameters)
B-3-38 to B-3-47

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B-3-49 to B-3-63
B-3-68 to B-3-69 (Reserved for meteorological reports)
B-3-70 to B-3-71
B-3-73 to B-3-79
B-3-87 to B-3-94
B-3-99 to B-3-100 (Reserved for extended squitter)
B-3-102 to B-3-111 (Reserved for extended squitter)
B-3-112 to B-3-224
B-3-225 to B-3-226 (Reserved for Mode S BITE)
B-3-232 to B-3-233
B-3-235 to B-3-240
B-3-243 to B-3-255
For additional information on the following ADS-B Registers, please reference RTCA
DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A:
Table B-3-5 BDS Code 0,5 Extended Squitter Airborne Position
Table B-3-6 BDS Code 0,6 Extended Squitter Surface Position
Table B-3-7 BDS Code 0,7 Extended Squitter Status (see Note)
Table B-3-8 BDS Code 0,8 Extended Squitter Aircraft Identification and Category
Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity
Table B-3-9a BDS Code 0,9
(Subtypes 1 and 2 – Velocity Over Ground)
Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity
Table B-3-9b BDS Code 0,9
(Subtypes 3 and 4 – Airspeed and Heading)
Table B-3-10 BDS Code 0,A Extended Squitter Event-Driven Information
Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
Table B-3-97-1 BDS Code 6,1
(Subtype = 1 – Emergency/Priority Status)
Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
Table B-3-97-2 BDS Code 6,1
(Subtype = 2 – TCAS RA Broadcast
Table B-3-98 BDS Code 6,2 Target State and Status
Table B-3-101 BDS Code 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status

Note: The 1090 Extended Squitter Status Register is provided in this section since it
is not squittered and is intended to be accessed through GICB protocols.

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Table B-3-7: BDS Code 0,7 – Extended Squitter Status


1 MSB TRANSMISSION RATE PURPOSE: To provide information on the capability and status
2 LSB SUBFIELD (TRS) of the extended squitter rate of the transponder.
4 Transmission rate subfield (TRS) shall be coded as follows:
6 0 = No capability to determine surface squitter rate
7 1 = High surface squitter rate selected
8 2 = Low surface squitter rate selected
9 3 = Reserved
12 Altitude type subfield (ATS) shall be coded as follows:
14 0 = Barometric altitude
15 1 = GNSS height (HAE)
18 Aircraft determination of surface squitter rate:
20 For aircraft that have the capability to automatically determine their
21 surface squitter rate, the method used to switch between the high
22 and low transmission rates shall be as follows:
24 a) Switching from high to low rate: Aircraft shall switch from high to
25 low rate when the on-board navigation unit reports that the
26 aircraft‟s position has not changed more than 10 meters in any 30
27 second interval. The algorithm used to control the squitter rate
28 shall save the aircraft‟s position at the time that low rate is
29 selected.
31 b) Switching from low to high rate: Aircraft shall switch from low to
32 high rate as soon as the aircraft‟s position has changed by 10
33 meters or more since the low rate was selected.
35 For transponder-based implementations, the automatically selected
36 transmission rate shall be subject to being overridden by
37 commands received form the ground control.

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Table B-3-11: BDS Code 0,B – Air-to-Air State Information 1 (Aircraft State)


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To report threat aircraft state information in order

2 MSB = 1024 knots to improve the ability of TCAS/ACAS to evaluate the threat and
3 select a resolution maneuver.
6 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
7 specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
8 Range [0, 2047] knots
12 LSB = 1.0 knot
13 SWITCH (0 = Magnetic heading 1 = True heading)
16 MSB = 90 degrees
21 Range [-180, +180] degrees
24 LSB = 360/1024 degrees
27 MSB = 90 degrees
36 Range [-180, +180] degrees
40 LSB = 360/32768 degrees
42 MSB = 1024 knots
51 Range [0, 2048] knots
55 LSB = 1/8 knot

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Table B-3-12: BDS Code 0,C – Air-to-Air State Information 2 (Aircraft Intent)


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To report threat aircraft state information in order to

2 MSB = 32768 feet improve the ability of TCAS/ACAS to evaluate the threat and select
3 a resolution maneuver.
6 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
7 specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
9 Range [0, 65520] feet
13 LSB = 16 feet
16 MSB = 90 degrees
21 Range [+180, -180] degrees
24 LSB = 360/1024 degrees
26 MSB = 128 seconds
29 All ONEs = time exceeds 255 seconds
32 Range [0, 256] seconds
34 LSB = 0.5 seconds
37 MSB = 8192 ft/min
41 Range [-16384, +16320] ft/min
44 LSB = 64 ft/min
47 MSB = 45 degrees
51 Range [-90, 89] degrees
53 LSB = 45/64 degrees

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Table B-3-16: BDS Code 1,0 – Data Link Capability Report (§


1 MSB PURPOSE: To report the data link capability of the Mode S

2 transponder / data link installation.
4 BDS Code 1,0 The coding of this Register shall conform to:
6 1) ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV, § and §
8 LSB 2) When bit 25 is set to 1, it shall indicate that at least one Mode-S specific
9 Continuation flag (see 9) service (other than GICB services related to registers 0216, 0316, 0416, 1016,
10 1716 to 1C16, 2016 and 3016) is supported and the particular capability reports
11 shall be checked.
13 Note: Registers accessed by BDS Codes 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 1,0; 1,7 to 1,C; 2,0
14 and 3,0 do not affect the setting of bit 25.
15 Overlay Command Capability (OCC) (see 19)
16 Reserved for TCAS/ACAS (see 15) 3) Starting from the MSB, each subsequent bit position shall represent the
17 DTE subaddress in the range from 0 to 15.
19 4) The enhanced protocol indicator shall denote a Level 5 transponder when
20 Mode-S subnetwork version number (see 12) set to 1, and a Level 2 to 4 transponder when set to 0.
22 5) The squitter capability subfield (SCS) shall be set to 1 if both Registers 0516
23 and 0616 have been updated within the last ten, plus or minus one, seconds.
24 Transponder enhanced protocol indicator (see 4) Otherwise, it shall be set to ZERO (0).
25 Mode-S specific services capability (see 2)
26 Note: Registers 0516 and 0616 are used for the extended squitter Airborne
27 Uplink ELM average throughput capability (see 13) and surface position reports, respectively.
29 Downlink ELM: throughput capability of downlink ELM 6) The surveillance identifier code (SIC) bit shall be interpreted as follows:
30 Containing the maximum number of ELM segments that the
31 Transponder can deliver in response to a single requesting 0 = no surveillance identifier code capability
32 Interrogation (UF = 24). (see 14) 1 = surveillance identifier code capability
33 Aircraft identification capability (see 11)
34 Squitter capability subfield (SCS) (see 5) 7) Bit 36 shall be toggled each time the common usage GICB capability report
35 Surveillance identifier code (SIC) (see 6) (Register 1716) changes. To avoid the generation of too many broadcast
36 Common usage GICB capability report (see 7) capability report changes, Register 1716 shall be sampled at approximately
37 one minute intervals to check for changes.
38 RESERVED FOR TCAS/ACAS (see 16, 17 and 18)
40 8) The current status of the on-board DTE shall be periodically reported to the
41 MSB GDLP by on-board sources. Since a change in this field results in a
42 broadcast of the capability report, status inputs shall be sampled at
43 approximately one minute intervals.
45 9) In order to determine the extent of any continuation of the data link
46 capability report (into those registers reserved for this purpose: Register
47 Bit array indicating the support status of DTE 1116 to Register 1616), bit 9 shall be reserved as a continuation flag to
48 subaddresses 0 to 15 (see 3 and 8) indicate if the subsequent Register shall be extracted. For example: upon
49 detection of bit 9 = 1 in Register 1016, then Register 1116 shall be extracted.
50 If bit 9 = 1, in Register 1116, then Register 1216 shall be extracted, and so
on (up to Register 1616). Note that if bit 9 = 1 in Register 1616, then this
shall be considered as an error condition.
55 (Requirements are continued on the next page)
56 LSB

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Table B-3-16: BDS Code 1,0 – Data Link Capability Report (concluded)

10) The Mode-S transponder may update bits 1-8, 16, 33, 35 and 37-40 independent of the
ADLP. These bits are provided by the transponder when the data link capability report is
broadcast as a result of a transponder detected change in capability reported by the
ADLP (§3.1.2 of ICAO Annex 10 Volume IV).

11) Bit 33 indicates the availability of Aircraft Identification data. It shall be set by the
transponder if the data comes to the transponder through a separate interface and not
through the ADLP.

12) The Mode-S Subnetwork Version Number shall be coded as follows:

0 Mode-S subnetwork not available
1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6 - 127 Reserved

13) Uplink ELM average throughput capability shall be coded as follows:

0 = No UELM Capability
1 = 16 UELM segments in 1 second
2 = 16 UELM segments in 500 ms
3 = 16 UELM segments in 250 ms
4 = 16 UELM segments in 125 ms
5 = 16 UELM segments in 60 ms
6 = 16 UELM segments in 30 ms
7 = Unassigned

14) Downlink ELM throughput capability shall be coded as follows:

0 = No DELM Capability
1 = One 4 segment DELM every second
2 = One 8 segment DELM every second
3 = One 16 segment DELM every second
4 = One 16 segment DELM every 500 ms
5 = One 16 segment DELM every 250 ms
6 = One 16 segment DELM every 125 ms
7-15 = Unassigned

15) Bit 16 shall be set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder TCAS interface is
operational and the transponder is receiving TCAS RI=2, 3 or 4.

16) Bit 37 shall be set to ONE (1) to indicate the capability of Hybrid Surveillance, and set to
ZERO (0) to indicate that there is no Hybrid Surveillance capability.

17) Bit 38 shall be set to ONE (1) to indicate that the TCAS is generating both TAs and RAs,
and set to ZERO (0) to indicate the generation of TAs only.

18) Bit 40 Bit 39 Meaning

0 0 DO-185 (6.04A)
0 1 DO-185A
1 0 DO-185B
1 1 Reserved for future versions

19) The Overlay Command Capability (OCC) in Bit 15 shall be interpreted as follows:
0 = No Overlay Command Capability
1 = Overlay Command Capability

Note: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in §B.4.1

of this Appendix.

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Table B-3-23: BDS Code 1,7 – Common Usage GICB Capability Report


1 0,5 Extended Squitter Airborne Position PURPOSE: To indicate common usage GICB services currently
2 0,6 Extended Squitter Surface Position Supported.
3 0,7 Extended Squitter Status
4 0,8 Extended Squitter Identification and Category 1) Each bit position shall indicate that the associated Register is
5 0,9 Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity Information available in the aircraft installation when set to ONE (1).
6 0,A Extended Squitter Event-Driven Information
7 2,0 Aircraft identification 2) All Registers shall be constantly monitored at a rate consistent
8 2,l Aircraft registration number with their individual required update rate and the corresponding
9 4,0 Selected vertical intention capability bit shall be set to ONE (1) only when valid data is being
10 4,l Next waypoint identifier input to that Register at the required rate or above.
11 4,2 Next waypoint position
12 4,3 Next waypoint information 3) The capability bit shall be set to a ONE (1) if at least one field in
13 4,4 Meteorological routine report the Register is receiving valid data at the required rate with the
14 4,5 Meteorological hazard report status bits for all fields not receiving valid data at the required rate
15 4.8 VHF channel report set to ZERO (0).
16 5,0 Track and turn report
17 5,1 Position coarse 4) Registers 1816 to 1C16 shall be independent of Register 1716.
18 5,2 Position fine
19 5,3 Air-referenced state vector 5) Bit 6 is set to ONE (1) upon the first loading of Register 0A16 and
20 5,4 Waypoint 1 shall remain set until either the transponder is powered OFF or
21 5,5 Waypoint 2 ADS-B transmissions are terminated.
22 5,6 Waypoint 3
23 5,F Quasi-static parameter monitoring 6) Bits 17 and 18 shall only be set to ONE (1) if the STATUS bit in
24 6,0 Heading and speed report Register 5116 is valid.
25 Reserved for aircraft capability
26 Reserved for aircraft capability
27 E,1 Reserved for Mode S BITE (Built In Test Equipment)
28 E,2 Reserved for Mode S BITE (Built In Test Equipment)
29 F,1 Military applications

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Table B-3-24: BDS Code 1,8 – MSSS GICB Capability Report (1 of 5)


1 BDS 3,8 PURPOSE: To indicate GICB services that are installed.

2 BDS 3,7
3 BDS 3,6 Each bit position shall indicate that the GICB service that it
4 BDS 3,5 represents has been implemented in the aircraft installation
5 BDS 3,4 when set to ONE (1).
6 BDS 3,3
7 BDS 3,2 Starting from the LSB, each bit position shall represent the
8 BDS 3,1 Register number, in accordance with the following table:
9 BDS 3,0
10 BDS 2,F BDS Code Capability installed for Register
11 BDS 2,E BDS 1,8 0116 to 3816
12 BDS 2,D BDS 1,9 3916 to 7016
13 BDS 2,C BDS 1,A 7116 to A816
14 BDS 2,B BDS 1,B A916 to E016
15 BDS 2,A BDS 1,C E116 to FF16
16 BDS 2,9
17 BDS 2,8 The 25 most significant bits of Register 1C16 shall not be used.
18 BDS 2,7
19 BDS 2,6
20 BDS 2,5
21 BDS 2,4
22 BDS 2,3
23 BDS 2,2
24 BDS 2,1
25 BDS 2,0
26 BDS 1,F
27 BDS 1,E
28 BDS 1,D
29 BDS 1,C
30 BDS 1,B
31 BDS 1,A
32 BDS 1,9
33 BDS 1,8
34 BDS 1,7
35 BDS 1,6
36 BDS 1,5
37 BDS 1,4
38 BDS 1,3
39 BDS 1,2
40 BDS 1,1
41 BDS 1,0
42 BDS 0,F
43 BDS 0,E
44 BDS 0,D
45 BDS 0,C
46 BDS 0,B
47 BDS 0,A
48 BDS 0,9
49 BDS 0,8
50 BDS 0,7
51 BDS 0,6
52 BDS 0,5
53 BDS 0,4
54 BDS 0,3
55 BDS 0,2
56 BDS 0,1

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Table B-3-25: BDS Code 1,9 – MSSS GICB Capability Report (2 of 5)

1 BDS 7,0 PURPOSE: To indicate GICB services that are installed.
2 BDS 6,F
3 BDS 6,E Each bit position shall indicate that the GICB service that it
4 BDS 6,D represents has been implemented in the aircraft installation
5 BDS 6,C when set to ONE (1).
6 BDS 6,B
7 BDS 6,A
8 BDS 6,9
9 BDS 6,8
10 BDS 6,7
11 BDS 6,6
12 BDS 6,5
13 BDS 6,4
14 BDS 6,3
15 BDS 6,2
16 BDS 6,1
17 BDS 6,0
18 BDS 5,F
19 BDS 5,E
20 BDS 5,D
21 BDS 5,C
22 BDS 5,B
23 BDS 5,A
24 BDS 5,9
25 BDS 5,8
26 BDS 5,7
27 BDS 5,6
28 BDS 5,5
29 BDS 5,4
30 BDS 5,3
31 BDS 5,2
32 BDS 5,1
33 BDS 5,0
34 BDS 4,F
35 BDS 4,E
36 BDS 4,D
37 BDS 4,C
38 BDS 4,B
39 BDS 4,A
40 BDS 4,9
41 BDS 4,8
42 BDS 4,7
43 BDS 4,6
44 BDS 4,5
45 BDS 4,4
46 BDS 4,3
47 BDS 4,2
48 BDS 4,1
49 BDS 4,0
50 BDS 3,F
51 BDS 3,E
52 BDS 3,D
53 BDS 3,C
54 BDS 3,B
55 BDS 3,A
56 BDS 3,9

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Table B-3-26: BDS Code 1,A – MSSS GICB Capability Report (3 of 5)


1 BDS A,8 PURPOSE: To indicate GICB services that are installed.

2 BDS A,7
3 BDS A,6 Each bit position shall indicate that the GICB service that it
4 BDS A,5 represents has been implemented in the aircraft installation
5 BDS A,4 when set to ONE (1).
6 BDS A,3
7 BDS A,2
8 BDS A,1
9 BDS A,0
10 BDS 9,F
11 BDS 9,E
12 BDS 9,D
13 BDS 9,C
14 BDS 9,B
15 BDS 9,A
16 BDS 9,9
17 BDS 9,8
18 BDS 9,7
19 BDS 9,6
20 BDS 9.5
21 BDS 9,4
22 BDS 9,3
23 BDS 9,2
24 BDS 9,1
25 BDS 9,0
26 BDS 8,F
27 BDS 8,E
28 BDS 8,D
29 BDS 8,C
30 BDS 8,B
31 BDS 8,A
32 BDS 8,9
33 BDS 8,8
34 BDS 8,7
35 BDS 8,6
36 BDS 8,5
37 BDS 8,4
38 BDS 8,3
39 BDS 8,2
40 BDS 8,1
41 BDS 8,0
42 BDS 7,F
43 BDS 7,E
44 BDS 7,D
45 BDS 7,C
46 BDS 7,B
47 BDS 7,A
48 BDS 7,9
49 BDS 7,8
50 BDS 7,7
51 BDS 7,6
52 BDS 7,5
53 BDS 7,4
54 BDS 7,3
55 BDS 7,2
56 BDS 7,1

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Table B-3-27: BDS Code 1,B – MSSS GICB Capability Report (4 of 5)


1 BDS E,0 PURPOSE: To indicate GICB services that are installed.

3 BDS D,E Each bit position shall indicate that the GICB service that it
4 BDS D,D represents has been implemented in the aircraft installation
5 BDS D,C when set to ONE (1).
8 BDS D,9
9 BDS D,8
10 BDS D,7
11 BDS D,6
12 BDS D,5
13 BDS D,4
14 BDS D,3
15 BDS D,2
16 BDS D,1
17 BDS D,0
18 BDS C,F
19 BDS C,E
20 BDS C,D
21 BDS C,C
22 BDS C,B
23 BDS C,A
24 BDS C,9
25 BDS C,8
26 BDS C,7
27 BDS C,6
28 BDS C,5
29 BDS C,4
30 BDS C,3
31 BDS C,2
32 BDS C,1
33 BDS C,0
34 BDS B,F
35 BDS B,E
36 BDS B,D
37 BDS B,C
38 BDS B,B
39 BDS B,A
40 BDS B,9
41 BDS B,8
42 BDS B,7
43 BDS B,6
44 BDS B,5
45 BDS B,4
46 BDS B.3
47 BDS B,2
48 BDS B,1
49 BDS B,0
50 BDS A,F
51 BDS A,E
52 BDS A,D
53 BDS A,C
54 BDS A,B
55 BDS A,A
56 BDS A,9

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Table B-3-28: BDS Code 1,C – MSSS GICB Capability Report (5 of 5)


1 PURPOSE: To indicate GICB services that are installed.

3 Each bit position shall indicate that the GICB service that it
4 represents has been implemented in the aircraft installation
5 when set to ONE (1).
26 BDS F,F
27 BDS F,E
28 BDS F,D
29 BDS F,C
30 BDS F,B
31 BDS F,A
32 BDS F,9
33 BDS F,8
34 BDS F,7
35 BDS F,6
36 BDS F,5
37 BDS F,4
38 BDS F,3
39 BDS F,2
40 BDS F,1
41 BDS F,0
42 BDS E,F
43 BDS E,E
44 BDS E,D
45 BDS E,C
46 BDS E,B
47 BDS E,A
48 BDS E,9
49 BDS E,8
50 BDS E,7
51 BDS E,6
52 BDS E,5
53 BDS E,4
54 BDS E,3
55 BDS E,2
56 BDS E,1

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Table B-3-29: BDS Code 1,D – MSSS MSP Capability Report (1 of 3)


1 Uplink MSP Channel 1 PURPOSE: To indicate MSP services that are installed and
2 Uplink MSP Channel 2 require a service.
3 Uplink MSP Channel 3
4 Uplink MSP Channel 4 Each bit shall indicate that the MSP it represents requires
5 Uplink MSP Channel 5 service when set to ONE (1).
6 Uplink MSP Channel 6
7 Uplink MSP Channel 7 1) The conditions for setting the capability bits shall be as defined
8 Uplink MSP Channel 8 in the specification of the corresponding service.
9 Uplink MSP Channel 9
10 Uplink MSP Channel 10
11 Uplink MSP Channel 11
12 Uplink MSP Channel 12
13 Uplink MSP Channel 13
14 Uplink MSP Channel 14
15 Uplink MSP Channel 15
16 Uplink MSP Channel 16
17 Uplink MSP Channel 17
18 Uplink MSP Channel 18
19 Uplink MSP Channel 19
20 Uplink MSP Channel 20
21 Uplink MSP Channel 21
22 Uplink MSP Channel 22
23 Uplink MSP Channel 23
24 Uplink MSP Channel 24
25 Uplink MSP Channel 25
26 Uplink MSP Channel 26
27 Uplink MSP Channel 27
28 Uplink MSP Channel 28
29 Downlink MSP Channel 1
30 Downlink MSP Channel 2
31 Downlink MSP Channel 3
32 Downlink MSP Channel 4
33 Downlink MSP Channel 5
34 Downlink MSP Channel 6
35 Downlink MSP Channel 7
36 Downlink MSP Channel 8
37 Downlink MSP Channel 9
38 Downlink MSP Channel 10
39 Downlink MSP Channel 11
40 Downlink MSP Channel 12
41 Downlink MSP Channel 13
42 Downlink MSP Channel 14
43 Downlink MSP Channel 15
44 Downlink MSP Channel 16
45 Downlink MSP Channel 17
46 Downlink MSP Channel 18
47 Downlink MSP Channel 19
48 Downlink MSP Channel 20
49 Downlink MSP Channel 21
50 Downlink MSP Channel 22
51 Downlink MSP Channel 23
52 Downlink MSP Channel 24
53 Downlink MSP Channel 25
54 Downlink MSP Channel 26
55 Downlink MSP Channel 27
56 Downlink MSP Channel 28

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Table B-3-30: BDS Code 1,E – MSSS MSP Capability Report (2 of 3)


1 Uplink MSP Channel 29 PURPOSE: To indicate MSP services that are installed and
2 Uplink MSP Channel 30 require a service.
3 Uplink MSP Channel 31
4 Uplink MSP Channel 32 Each bit shall indicate that the MSP it represents requires
5 Uplink MSP Channel 33 service when set to ONE (1).
6 Uplink MSP Channel 34
7 Uplink MSP Channel 35 1) The conditions for setting the capability bits shall be as defined
8 Uplink MSP Channel 36 in the specification of the corresponding service.
9 Uplink MSP Channel 37
10 Uplink MSP Channel 38
11 Uplink MSP Channel 39
12 Uplink MSP Channel 40
13 Uplink MSP Channel 41
14 Uplink MSP Channel 42
15 Uplink MSP Channel 43
16 Uplink MSP Channel 44
17 Uplink MSP Channel 45
18 Uplink MSP Channel 46
19 Uplink MSP Channel 47
20 Uplink MSP Channel 48
21 Uplink MSP Channel 49
22 Uplink MSP Channel 50
23 Uplink MSP Channel 51
24 Uplink MSP Channel 52
25 Uplink MSP Channel 53
26 Uplink MSP Channel 54
27 Uplink MSP Channel 55
28 Uplink MSP Channel 56
29 Downlink MSP Channel 29
30 Downlink MSP Channel 30
31 Downlink MSP Channel 31
32 Downlink MSP Channel 32
33 Downlink MSP Channel 33
34 Downlink MSP Channel 34
35 Downlink MSP Channel 35
36 Downlink MSP Channel 36
37 Downlink MSP Channel 37
38 Downlink MSP Channel 38
39 Downlink MSP Channel 39
40 Downlink MSP Channel 40
41 Downlink MSP Channel 41
42 Downlink MSP Channel 42
43 Downlink MSP Channel 43
44 Downlink MSP Channel 44
45 Downlink MSP Channel 45
46 Downlink MSP Channel 46
47 Downlink MSP Channel 47
48 Downlink MSP Channel 48
49 Downlink MSP Channel 49
50 Downlink MSP Channel 50
51 Downlink MSP Channel 51
52 Downlink MSP Channel 52
53 Downlink MSP Channel 53
54 Downlink MSP Channel 54
55 Downlink MSP Channel 55
56 Downlink MSP Channel 56

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Table B-3-31: BDS Code 1,F – MSSS MSP Capability Report (3 of 3)


1 Uplink MSP Channel 57 PURPOSE: To indicate MSP services that are installed and
2 Uplink MSP Channel 58 require a service.
3 Uplink MSP Channel 59
4 Uplink MSP Channel 60 Each bit shall indicate that the MSP it represents requires
5 Uplink MSP Channel 61 service when set to ONE (1).
6 Uplink MSP Channel 62
7 Uplink MSP Channel 63 1) The conditions for setting the capability bits shall be as defined
8 in the specification of the corresponding service.
29 Downlink MSP Channel 57
30 Downlink MSP Channel 58
31 Downlink MSP Channel 59
32 Downlink MSP Channel 60
33 Downlink MSP Channel 61
34 Downlink MSP Channel 62
35 Downlink MSP Channel 63

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Table B-3-32: BDS Code 2,0 – Aircraft Identification (§


1 MSB PURPOSE: To report aircraft identification to the ground.

3 1) See ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §
4 BDS Code 2,0
5 2) The character coding to be used shall be identical to that defined
6 in Table B-2-2 of this Appendix.
8 LSB 3) This data may be input to the transponder from sources other than
9 MSB the Mode-S ADLP.
11 CHARACTER 1 4) Characters 1 – 8 of this format shall be used by the Extended
12 Squitter application.
14 LSB 5) Capability to support this Register shall be indicated by setting bit
15 MSB 33 in Register 1016 and the relevant bits in Registers 1716 and
17 CHARACTER 2 6) The aircraft identification shall be that employed in the flight plan.
18 When no flight plan is available, the registration marking of the
19 aircraft shall be used.
20 LSB
21 MSB Note: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in
22 §B.4.3 of this Appendix.
26 LSB
27 MSB
32 LSB
33 MSB
38 LSB
39 MSB
44 LSB
45 MSB
50 LSB
51 MSB
56 LSB

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Table B-3-33: BDS Code 2,1 – Aircraft and Airline Registration Markings


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To permit ground systems to identify the aircraft

2 MSB without the necessity of compiling and maintaining
3 continuously updated data banks.
5 The character coding shall be as defined in Table B-2-2 of this
6 Appendix.
13 LSB
14 MSB
19 LSB
20 MSB
25 LSB
26 MSB
31 LSB
32 MSB
37 LSB
38 MSB
43 LSB
45 MSB
56 LSB

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Table B-3-34: BDS Code 2,2 – Antenna Positions


1 MSB PURPOSE: To provide information on the position of Mode-S

2 ANTENNA TYPE and GNSS antennas on the aircraft in order to make very accurate
3 LSB Measurements of aircraft position possible.
4 MSB = 32 meters
5 1) The antenna type field shall be interpreted as follows:
7 Range = [1, 63] ANTENNA 1 0 = Invalid
8 1 = Mode-S bottom antenna
9 LSB = 1 meter 2 = Mode-S top antenna
10 MSB = 16 meters 3 = GNSS antenna
11 4 to 7 = Reserved
13 Range = [1, 31] 2) The X position field shall be the distance in meters along the
14 LSB = 1 meter aircraft center line measured from the nose of the aircraft. The
15 MSB field shall be interpreted as invalid if the value is ZERO (0) and the
16 ANTENNA TYPE value of 63 shall mean that the antenna position is 63 meters or
17 LSB more from the nose.
18 MSB = 32 meters
19 3) The Z position field shall be the distance in meters of the antenna
20 X POSITION from the ground, measured with the aircraft unloaded and on the
21 Range = [1, 63] ANTENNA 2 ground. The field shall be interpreted as invalid if the value is
22 ZERO (0), and the value of 31 shall mean that the antenna
23 LSB = 1 meter position is 31 meters or more from the ground.
24 MSB = 16 meters
27 Range = [1, 31]
28 LSB = 1 meter
29 MSB
31 LSB
32 MSB = 32 meters
35 Range = [1, 63] ANTENNA 3
37 LSB = 1 meter
38 MSB = 16 meters
41 Range = [1, 31]
42 LSB = 1 meter
43 MSB
45 LSB
46 MSB = 32 meters
49 Range = [1, 63] ANTENNA 4
51 LSB = 1 meter
52 MSB = 16 meters
55 Range = [1, 31]
56 LSB = 1 meter

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Table B-3-37: BDS Code 2,5 – Aircraft Type


1 MSB PURPOSE: To provide information on aircraft type.

3 AIRCRAFT TYPE 1) Subfield coding
5 The coding shall be as in ICAO Doc 8643 – Aircraft Type
6 LSB Designators. All the subfields that contain characters shall
7 MSB be encoded using the 6-bit subset of IA-5 as specified in
8 NUMBER OF ENGINES Table B-2-2 of this Appendix.
10 MSB 2) Model designation
12 ENGINE TYPE Coding shall consist of four characters as specified in ICAO
13 Doc 8643. The fifth character shall be reserved for future
14 expansion and shall contain all ZEROs until it is specified.
15 LSB 2222 in the first four characters shall mean that the designator
16 MSB is not specified.
18 CHARACTER 1 3) Number of engines
20 This subfield shall be encoded as a binary number where
21 LSB number 7 means 7 or more engines.
22 MSB
27 LSB
28 MSB
33 LSB
34 MSB
39 LSB
40 MSB
45 LSB
46 MSB
51 LSB

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Table B-3-48: BDS Code 3,0 – TCAS/ACAS Active Resolution Advisory


1 MSB PURPOSE: To report resolution advisories (RAs) generated by

2 TCAS/ACAS equipment.
4 BDS Code 3,0 The coding of this Register shall conform to:
6 1) See §
8 LSB 2) Bit 27 shall mean RA terminated when set to ONE (1).
22 LSB
23 MSB
26 LSB
30 LSB
31 MSB
56 LSB

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Table B-3-64: BDS Code 4,0 – Selected Vertical Intention


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide ready access to information about the aircraft‟s current
2 MSB = 32768 feet vertical intentions, in order to improve the effectiveness of conflict probes and
3 to provide additional tactical information to controllers.
5 MCP/FCU SELECTED ALTITUDE 1) Target altitude shall be the short-term intent value, at which the aircraft will level off
6 (or has leveled off) at the end of the current maneuver. The data source that the
7 Range = [0, 65520] feet aircraft is currently using to determine the target altitude shall be indicated in the
8 altitude source bits (54 to 56) as detailed below.
10 Note: This information which represents the real “aircraft intent,” when available,
11 represented by the altitude control panel selected altitude, the flight
12 management system selected altitude, or the current aircraft altitude
13 LSB = 16 feet according to the aircraft‟s mode of flight (the intent may not be available at
14 STATUS all when the pilot is flying the aircraft).
15 MSB = 32768 feet
16 2) The data entered into bits 1 to 13 shall be derived from the mode control panel/flight
17 control unit or equivalent equipment. Alerting devices may be used to provide data if
18 FMS SELECTED ALTITUDE it is not available from “control” equipment. The associated mode bits for this field
19 (48 to 51) shall be as detailed below.
20 Range = [0, 65520] feet
21 3) The data entered into bits 14 to 26 shall de derived from the flight management
22 system or equivalent equipment managing the vertical profile of the aircraft.
24 4) The current barometric pressure setting shall be calculated from the value contained
25 in the field (bits 28 to 39) plus 800 mb. When the barometric pressure setting is less
26 LSB = 16 feet than 800 mb or greater than 1209.5 mb, the status bit for this field (bit 27) shall be
27 STATUS set to indicate invalid data.
28 MSB = 204.8 mb
29 5) Reserved bits 40 to 47 shall be set to ZERO (0).
31 6) Bits 48 to 56 shall indicate the status of the values provided in bits 1 to 26 as
33 MINUS 800 mb
34 Bit 48 shall indicate whether the mode bits (49, 50 and 51) are already
35 Range = [0, 410] mb being populated:
36 0 = No mode information provided
37 1 = Mode information deliberately provided
39 LSB = 0.1 mb Bits 49, 50 and 51:
40 0 = Not active
41 1 = Active
43 Reserved bits 52 and 53 shall be set to ZERO (0).
45 Bit 54 shall indicate whether the target altitude source bits (55 and 56) are
46 actively being populated:
47 0 = No source information provided
48 STATUS OF MCP/FCU MODE BITS 1 = Source information deliberately provided
50 ALT HOLD MODE MCP/FCU Mode bits Bits 55 and 56 shall indicate target altitude source:
51 APPROACH MODE 00 = Unknown
52 RESERVED 01 = Aircraft altitude
53 10 = FCU/MCP selected altitude
54 STATUS OF TARGET ALT SOURCE BITS 11 = FMS selected altitude
56 LSB Note: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in §B.4.4 of this Appendix.

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Table B-3-65: BDS Code 4,1 – Next Waypoint Details


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide ready access to details about the next

2 MSB waypoint on an aircraft‟s route, without the need to establish a data
3 link dialogue with the flight management system. This will assist
4 CHARACTER 1 with short and medium term tactical control.
6 1) Each character shall be encoded as specified in Table B-2-2.
13 LSB
14 MSB
19 LSB
20 MSB
25 LSB
26 MSB
31 LSB
32 MSB
37 LSB
38 MSB
43 LSB
44 MSB
49 LSB
50 MSB
55 LSB

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Table B-3-66: BDS Code 4,2 – Next Waypoint Details


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide ready access to details about the next

2 SIGN waypoint on an aircraft‟s route, without the need to establish a data
3 MSB = 90 degrees link dialogue with the flight management system. This will assist
4 with short and medium term tactical control.
7 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
8 specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
11 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
20 LSB = 90/131072 degrees
23 MSB = 90 degrees
32 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
40 LSB = 90/131072 degrees
43 MSB = 65536 feet
50 Range = [-131072, +131064] feet
56 LSB = 8 feet

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Table B-3-67: BDS Code 4,3 – Next Waypoint Details


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide ready access to details about the next waypoint
2 SIGN on an aircraft‟s route, without the need to establish a data link dialogue
3 MSB = 90 degrees with the flight management system. This will assist with short and
4 medium term tactical control.
6 BEARING TO WAYPOINT 1) The bearing to waypoint is the bearing from the current aircraft
7 heading position to the waypoint position referenced to true north.
8 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
10 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
11 specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
12 LSB = 360/2048 degrees
14 MSB = 204.8 minutes
20 Range = [0, 410] minutes
25 LSB = 0.1 minutes
27 MSB = 3276.8 NM
35 Range = [0, 6554] NM
42 LSB = 0.1 NM

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Table B-3-72: BDS Code 4,8 – VHF Channel Report


1 MSB PURPOSE: To allow the ATC system to monitor the settings of the VHF
2 communications channel and to determine the manner in which each
3 channel is being monitored by the aircrew.
5 Channel report coding:
6 Each VHF communications channel shall be determined form the 15-bit
7 positive binary number, N in kHz, according to the formula:
8 VHF 1 Channel (MHz) = Base + N x 0.001 (MHz)
9 where: Base = 118.000 MHz
10 Notes:
11 1) The use of binary to define the channel improves the coding efficiency.
12 2) This coding is compatible with analogue channels on 25 kHz, 8.33 kHz
13 channel spacing and VDL as described below.
14 3) VDL has a full four bits allocated such that the active status of each of
15 LSB its four multiplex channels can be ascertained.
17 MSB VHF 1 25 kHz VDL: Mode 3 Analogue
19 MSB 16 Status Status
20 15 (LSB) MSB (12800 kHz) MSB (12800 kHz)
21 Range 118.000 to 143.575 Range 118.000 to 143.575
22 136.975 (military use) 136.975 (military use)
23 6 LSB (25 kHz) LSB (25 kHz)
24 5 Unused
25 4 4 x channel active flags Unused
26 VHF 2 3 Unused
27 2 8.33 indicator = 0
28 1 (MSB) VDL indicator = 1 VDL indicator = 0
31 8.33 kHz Analogue
32 Bit
33 LSB 16 Status
34 STATUS 15 (LSB) MSB (17066 kHz)
35 MSB VHF 2 Range 118.000 to 152.112

36 LSB AUDIO STATUS 136.975 (military use)
38 (17066/2048 kHz)
39 3 Unused
40 2 8.33 indicator = 1
41 1 (MSB) VDL indicator = 0
43 VHF 3
44 Audio status coding:
45 Each pair of audio status bits shall be used to describe the aircrew
46 monitoring of that audio channel according to the following table:
48 Bit 1 (MSB) Bit 2 (LSB)
49 0 0 UNKNOWN
50 0 1 NOBODY
53 MSB VHF 3
55 MSB 121.5 MHz

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Table B-3-80: BDS Code 5,0 – Track and Turn Report


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide track and turn data to the ground systems.
2 SIGN 1 = Left Wing Down
3 MSB = 45 degrees 1) If the value of the parameter from any source exceeds the range
4 allowable in the Register definition, the maximum allowable value
5 in the correct positive or negative sense shall be used instead.
7 Note 1: This requires active intervention by the GFM.
8 Range = [-90, + 90] degrees
9 2) The data entered into the Register shall, whenever possible, be
10 derived from the sources that are controlling the aircraft.
11 LSB = 45/256 degrees
12 STATUS 3) If any parameter is not available on the aircraft, all bits
13 SIGN 1 = West (e.g., 315 = -45 degrees) corresponding to that parameter shall be actively set to ZERO (0)
14 MSB = 90 degrees by the GFM.
16 4) The LSB of all fields shall be obtained by rounding.
19 Range = [-180, +180] degrees Note 2: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields
20 as specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
22 Note 3: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in
23 LSB = 90/512 degrees §B.4.5 of this Appendix.
25 MSB = 1024 knots
30 Range = [0, 2046] knots
34 LSB = 1024/512 knots
36 SIGN 1 = Minus
37 MSB = 8 degrees/second
41 Range = [-16, +16] degrees/second
45 LSB = 8/256 degrees/second
47 MSB = 1024 knots
52 Range = [0, 2046] knots
56 LSB = 2 knots

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Table B-3-81: BDS Code 5,1 – Position Report Coarse


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide a three-dimensional report of aircraft position.

3 MSB = 90 degrees 1) The single status bit (bit 1) shall only be set to ONE (1) if at least latitude
4 and longitude in Register 5116 and FOM in Register 5216 are valid. This
5 bit shall be identical to the status bit in Register 5216.
7 2) The required valid range for latitude is +90 degrees to -90 degrees, but
8 the parameter shall be coded with an MSB of 90 degrees to allow the use
9 LATITUDE of the same coding algorithm as for longitude.
11 Range = [-180, +180] degrees 3) The source of the information in this Register shall be the same as that
12 (see 2) indicated in the FOM/SOURCE field of Register 5216.
14 4) If the barometric pressure is invalid then the field shall be set to ALL
15 ZEROs, but the status bit (#1) shall not be affected.
20 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
21 LSB = 360/1048576 degrees specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
23 MSB = 90 degrees
30 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
41 LSB = 360/1048576 degrees
43 MSB = 65536 feet
50 Range = [-1000, +126752] feet
56 LSB = 8 feet

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Table B-3-82: BDS Code 5,2 – Position Report Fine


1 STATUS (see 1) PURPOSE: To provide a high-precision three-dimensional report on

2 MSB aircraft position when used in conjunction with Register 5116.
3 FOM/SOURCE information on the source of the data is included.
6 MSB = 90/128 degrees The decimal value of the binary-coded (Figure of Merit) FOM /
7 SOURCE parameter shall be interpreted as follows:
9 0 = FOM > 10 NM or Unknown Accuracy
10 1 = FOM 10 NM/18.5 km (e.g., INS data) pressure altitude
11 2 = FOM 4 NM/7.4 km (e.g., VOR/DME) pressure altitude
12 3 = FOM 2 NM/3.7 km (e.g., DME/DME or GNSS) pressure altitude
13 LATITUDE FINE 4 = FOM 1 NM/1.85 km (e.g., DME/DME or GNSS) pressure altitude
14 5 = FOM 0.5 NM/926 m (e.g., DME/DME or GNSS) pressure altitude
15 Range = [0, 180/128] degrees 6 = FOM 0.3 NM/556 m (e.g., DME/DME or GNSS) pressure altitude
16 7 = FOM 0.1 NM/185.2 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) pressure altitude
17 8 = FOM 0.05 NM/92.6 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) pressure altitude
18 9 = FOM 30 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) pressure altitude
19 10 = FOM 10 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) pressure altitude
20 11 = FOM 3 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) pressure altitude
21 12 = FOM 30 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) GNSS height
22 13 = FOM 10 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) GNSS height
23 LSB = 90/16777216 degrees 14 = FOM 3 m (ILS, MLS or differential GNSS) GNSS height
24 MSB = 90/128 degrees 15 = Reserved
27 Note 1: When GNSS is the source, then the FOM is encoded by the HFOM
28 parameter. When RNP FMS is the source, the FOM is encoded by the
29 ANP.
31 LONGITUDE FINE 1) The single status bit (bit 1) shall be set to ONE (1) if at least latitude and longitude
32 in Register 5116 and FOM in Register 5216 are valid. This bit shall be identical to
33 Range = [0, 180/128] degrees the status bit in Register 5116.
35 2) The LATITUDE (fine) and LONGITUDE (fine) parameters are in 2‟s complement
36 coding so they shall be interpreted in conjunction with the corresponding
37 parameters in Register 5116.
39 3) When GNSS height is contained in bits 42 to 56, the pressure altitude can be
40 obtained from Register 5116.
41 LSB = 90/16777216 degrees
42 SIGN 4) If the Pressure Altitude and the GNSS Height are invalid, then the field shall be
43 MSB = 65536 feet set to ALL ZEROs, but the status bit (#1) shall not be affected.
45 Note 2: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
46 specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
48 OR Note 3: The Figure of Merit selected is the smallest number that encompasses
49 GNSS HEIGHT (HAE) the HFOM or the ANP.
51 Range = [-1000, +126752] feet Note 4: When LATITUDE (fine) and LONGITUDE (fine) are not available, the setting
52 of the single Status bit is not impacted and LATITUDE (fine) and
53 LONGITUDE (fine) are zeroed.
56 LSB = 8 feet

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Table B-3-83: BDS Code 5,3 – Air-Referenced State Vector


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide the ATC system with current measured

2 SIGN values of magnetic heading. IAS/MACH, altitude rate and TAS.
3 MSB = 90 degrees
5 Note: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
6 MAGNETIC HEADING specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
8 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
12 LSB = 90/512 degrees
14 MSB = 512 knot
19 Range = [0, 1023] knots
23 LSB = 1 knot
25 MSB = MACH 2.048
30 Range = [0, 4.096] MACH
33 LSB = MACH 0.008
35 MSB = 1024 knots
42 Range = [0, 2048] knots
46 LSB = 0.5 knots
49 MSB = 8192 feet/minute
53 Range = [-16384, +16320] feet/minute
56 LSB = 64 feet/minute

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Table B-3-84 to B-3-86: BDS Codes 5,4 to 5,6 – Waypoints 1, 2 and 3


1 STATUS (see 1) PURPOSE: To provide information on the next three waypoints, where
2 MSB Register 5416 contains information on the next waypoint,
3 Register 5516 contains information on the next waypoint plus one, and
4 CHARACTER 1 Register 5616 contains information on the next waypoint plus two.
6 1) The single status bit shall be set to ZERO (0) if any of the parameters
7 LSB are invalid.
9 2) The actual time or flight level shall be calculated from the trajectory
10 CHARACTER 2 scheduled in the FMS.
12 Note: Mode detail on the next waypoint is given in Register 4116 to
13 LSB
14 MSB 3) When the waypoint identity has only three characters, two leading
15 ZERO (0) characters shall be added (e.g., CDN becomes 00CDN).
17 4) Estimated time is in minutes, and ALL ONEs shall be used to indicate
18 that the waypoint referred to is one hour or more away.
19 LSB
20 MSB
25 LSB
26 MSB
31 LSB
32 MSB = 30 minutes
37 Range = [0, 60] minutes
40 LSB = 60/512 minutes
41 MSB = 320 FL
45 Range = [0, 630] FL
46 LSB = 10 FL
47 MSB = 30 minutes
52 Range = [0, 60] minutes
55 LSB = 60/512 minutes

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Table B-3-95: BDS Code 5,F – Quasi-Static Parameter Monitoring


1 MSB MCP/FCU SELECTED ALTITUDE PURPOSE: To permit the monitoring of changes in parameters that
2 LSB do not normally change very frequently, i.e., those expected to be
3 RESERVED stable for 5 minutes or more by accessing a single Register.
5 RESERVED Parameter Monitor Coding:
7 RESERVED 1) The changing of each parameter shall be monitored by 2 bits. The
8 value 00 shall indicate that no valid data are available on this
9 RESERVED parameter. The decimal value for this 2-bit field shall be cycled
10 through 1, 2 and 3, each step indicating a change in the monitored
11 RESERVED parameter.
13 MSB NEXT WAYPOINT 2) The meteorological hazards subfield shall report changes to
14 LSB turbulence, wind shear, wake vortex, icing and microburst, as in
15 RESERVED Register number 4516.
17 MSB FMS VERTICAL MODE 3) The next waypoint subfield shall report change to data contained
18 LSB in Registers 4116, 4216 and 4316.
20 LSB 4) The FMS vertical mode shall report change to bits 48 to 51 in
22 LSB
24 LSB

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Table B-3-96: BDS Code 6,0 – Heading and Speed Report


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide heading and speed data to ground systems.

2 SIGN 1=West (e.g., 315 = -45 degrees)
3 MSB = 90 degrees 1) If the value of a parameter from any source exceeds the range
4 allowable in the Register definition, the maximum allowable value in the
5 correct positive or negative sense shall be used instead.
7 Note 1: This requires active intervention by the GFM.
8 Range = [-180, +180] degrees
9 2) The data entered into the Register shall whenever possible be derived
10 from the sources that are controlling the aircraft.
12 LSB = 90/512 degrees 3) The LSB of all fields shall be obtained by rounding.
14 MSB = 512 knots 4) When barometric altitude rate is integrated and smoothed with
15 inertial vertical velocity (baro-inertial information) it shall be
16 transmitted in the Inertial Vertical Velocity field.
18 Note 2: Barometric Altitude Rate contains values solely derived
19 Range = [0, 1023] knots from barometric measurement. The Barometric Altitude
20 Rate is usually very unsteady and may suffer from
21 barometric instrument inertia.
23 LSB = 1 knot Note 3: The Inertial Vertical Velocity is also providing information
24 STATUS on vertical movement of the aircraft but it comes from
25 MSB = 2.048 MACH equipments (IRS, AHRS) using different sources used for
26 navigation. The information is a more filtered and smooth
27 parameter.
29 Note 4: Two‟s complement coding is used for all signed fields as
30 Range = [0, 4.092] MACH specified in §B.2.2.2 of this Appendix.
32 Note 5: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in
33 §B.4.6 of this Appendix.
34 LSB = 2.048/512 MACH
36 SIGN 1=Below
37 MSB = 8192 feet/minute
42 Range = [-16384, +16352] feet/minute
45 LSB = 8192/256 = 32 feet/minute
47 SIGN 1=Below
48 MSB = 8192 feet/minute
53 Range = [-16384, +16352] feet/minute
56 LSB = 8192/256 = 32 feet/minute

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Table B-3-227: BDS Code E,3 – Transponder Type / Part Number


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide Mode-S transponder part number or type

2 MSB FORMAT TYPE as defined by the supplier.
5 P/N
6 Digit 1 CHARACTER 1 Bit 2 Bit 3
7 LSB 0 0 = Part number (P/N) coding
8 MSB 0 1 = Character coding
9 P/N LSB 1 0 = Reserved
10 Digit 2 MSB 1 1 = Reserved
11 LSB
12 MSB CHARACTER 2 1) When available it is recommended to use the part number. P/N
13 P/N Digits are BCD encoded. Digit 1 is the first left digit of the part
14 Digit 3 number.
16 MSB MSB 2) If the part number is not available, the first 8 characters of the
17 P/N commercial name can be used with the format type “01.”
18 Digit 4 CHARACTER 3
19 LSB 3) If format type “01” is used, the coding of character 1 to 8 shall be
20 MSB as defined in Table B-2-2. Character 1 is the first left character of
21 P/N LSB the transponder type.
22 Digit 5 MSB
23 LSB 4) For operational reasons, some military installations may not
24 MSB CHARACTER 4 implement this format.
25 P/N
26 Digit 6
29 P/N
30 Digit 7 CHARACTER 5
31 LSB
32 MSB
33 P/N LSB
34 Digit 8 MSB
35 LSB
37 P/N
38 Digit 9
41 P/N
42 Digit 10 CHARACTER 7
43 LSB
44 MSB
45 P/N LSB
46 Digit 11 MSB
47 LSB
49 P/N
50 Digit 12

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Table B-3-228: BDS Code E,4 – Transponder Software Revision Number


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide Mode-S transponder software revision

2 MSB FORMAT TYPE number as defined by the supplier.
5 P/N
6 Digit 1 CHARACTER 1 Bit 2 Bit 3
7 LSB 0 0 = Part number (P/N) coding
8 MSB 0 1 = Character coding
9 P/N LSB 1 0 = Reserved
10 Digit 2 MSB 1 1 = Reserved
11 LSB
12 MSB CHARACTER 2 1) When a part number is allocated to the software revision, it is
13 P/N recommended to use the format type “00.” In this case, P/N
14 Digit 3 Digits are BCD encoded. Digit 1 is the first left digit of the part
15 LSB LSB number.
16 MSB MSB 2) If format type “01” is used, the coding of character 1 to 8 shall be
17 P/N as defined in Table B-2-2. Character 1 is the first left character of
18 Digit 4 CHARACTER 3 the software revision number.
19 LSB
20 MSB 3) For operational reasons, some military installations may not
21 P/N LSB implement this format.
22 Digit 5 MSB
23 LSB
25 P/N
26 Digit 6
29 P/N
30 Digit 7 CHARACTER 5
31 LSB
32 MSB
33 P/N LSB
34 Digit 8 MSB
35 LSB
37 P/N
38 Digit 9
41 P/N
42 Digit 10 CHARACTER 7
43 LSB
44 MSB
45 P/N LSB
46 Digit 11 MSB
47 LSB
49 P/N
50 Digit 12

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Table B-3-229: BDS Code E,5 – TCAS/ACAS Unit Part Number


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide TCAS/ACAS unit part number or type as

2 MSB FORMAT TYPE defined by the supplier.
5 P/N
6 Digit 1 CHARACTER 1 Bit 2 Bit 3
7 LSB 0 0 = Part number (P/N) coding
8 MSB 0 1 = Character coding
9 P/N LSB 1 0 = Reserved
10 Digit 2 MSB 1 1 = Reserved
11 LSB
12 MSB CHARACTER 2 1) When available it is recommended to use the part number. P/N
13 P/N Digits are BCD encoded. Digit 1 is the first left digit of the part
14 Digit 3 number.
16 MSB MSB 2) If the part number is not available, the first 8 characters of the
17 P/N commercial name can be used with the format type “01.”
18 Digit 4 CHARACTER 3
19 LSB 3) If format type “01” is used, the coding of character 1 to 8 shall be
20 MSB as defined in Table B-2-2. Character 1 is the first left character of
21 P/N LSB the TCAS/ACAS unit type.
22 Digit 5 MSB
23 LSB 4) For operational reasons, some military installations may not
24 MSB CHARACTER 4 implement this format.
25 P/N
26 Digit 6
29 P/N
30 Digit 7 CHARACTER 5
31 LSB
32 MSB
33 P/N LSB
34 Digit 8 MSB
35 LSB
37 P/N
38 Digit 9
41 P/N
42 Digit 10 CHARACTER 7
43 LSB
44 MSB
45 P/N LSB
46 Digit 11 MSB
47 LSB
49 P/N
50 Digit 12

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Table B-3-230: BDS Code E,6 – TCAS/ACAS Unit Software Revision


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide TCAS/ACAS unit software revision number

2 MSB FORMAT TYPE as defined by the supplier.
5 P/N
6 Digit 1 CHARACTER 1 Bit 2 Bit 3
7 LSB 0 0 = Part number (P/N) coding
8 MSB 0 1 = Character coding
9 P/N LSB 1 0 = Reserved
10 Digit 2 MSB 1 1 = Reserved
11 LSB
12 MSB CHARACTER 2 1) When available it is recommended to use the part number. P/N
13 P/N Digits are BCD encoded. Digit 1 is the first left digit of the part
14 Digit 3 number.
16 MSB MSB 2) If format type “01” is used, the coding of character 1 to 8 shall be
17 P/N as defined in Table B-2-2. Character 1 is the first left character of
18 Digit 4 CHARACTER 3 the TCAS/ACAS unit software revision.
19 LSB
20 MSB 3) For operational reasons, some military installations may not
21 P/N LSB implement this format.
22 Digit 5 MSB
23 LSB
25 P/N
26 Digit 6
29 P/N
30 Digit 7 CHARACTER 5
31 LSB
32 MSB
33 P/N LSB
34 Digit 8 MSB
35 LSB
37 P/N
38 Digit 9
41 P/N
42 Digit 10 CHARACTER 7
43 LSB
44 MSB
45 P/N LSB
46 Digit 11 MSB
47 LSB
49 P/N
50 Digit 12

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Table B-3-231: BDS Code E,7 – Transponder Status and Diagnostics


1 MSB PURPOSE: To report the configuration and status of the Transponder

2 at any given GICB request.
4 BDS Register Number = E,7 The coding of this Register shall conform to:
5 Bits 9 & 10 for the SDI Code shall be coded as follows:
6 “00” = Not Used “01” = Side 1
7 “10” = Side 2 “11” = Not Used
9 MSB “SDI” Code Bit 11 for Non-Diversity Transponder shall be coded as follows:
10 LSB “0” = Diversity
11 Non-Diversity Transponder “1” = Non-Diversity
12 Diversity Failure
13 Upper Receiver Failure Bits 12 through 16, and 24 through 26 shall be coded as follows:
14 Lower Receiver Failure “0” = Ok
15 Upper Squitter Failure “1” = Failure
16 Lower Squitter Failure
17 Air/Ground #1 Input Status Bits 17 through 20, and Bit 23 shall be coded as follows:
18 Air/Ground #2 Input Status “0” = Inactive or Unknown
19 GPS Time Mark #1 Status “1” = Active
20 GPS Time Mark #2 Status
21 Mode S Limiting During Power-ON Cycle Mode S Limiting During Power-ON Cycle shall be coded as follows:
22 Mode S Limiting “0” = No Limiting Event
23 Extended Squitter Disable Status “1” = Limiting Event
24 TCAS Input Inactive
25 ADS-B Out Status Bit 22 for Mode S Limiting shall be coded as follows:
26 Selected Control Inactive or Failure “0” = Ok
27 MSB Control Input Selection “1” = Active (e.g. In Limiting)
28 LSB
29 MSB Multiple Air Data Source Reporting Bits 24 through 26 shall be coded as follows:
30 LSB Selection (e.g., Source in Use) “0” = Active
31 Altitude Alternate Port Selection “1” = Inactive or Failed
32 MSB Altitude Port A Status
33 LSB Bits 27 & 28 for Control Input Selection shall be coded as follows:
34 MSB Altitude Port B Status “00” = Burst Tune “01” = Port A or 1
35 LSB “10” = Port B or 2 “11” = Port C or 3
36 FMC/GNSS Source Select
37 MSB FMC/GNSS #1 Bus Status Bits 29 through 30 and 41 through 42 shall be coded as follows:
38 LSB “00” = No Data or Not Used “01” = Source #1 is being Used
39 MSB FMC/GNSS #2 Bus Status “10” = Source #2 is being used “11” = Source # 3 is being Used
40 LSB
41 MSB Multiple IRS/AHRS Data Source Altitude Alternate Port Selection shall be coded as follows:
42 LSB Reporting Selection (e.g., source in Use) “0” = Port A Selected
43 IRS/FMS Source Select “1” = Alternate Port Selection is Active, e.g., Port B selected
44 MSB IRS/FMS/Data Concentrator In #1
45 LSB Bits 32 through 35, 37 through 40, 44 through 47, and 49 through 56
46 MSB IRS/FMS/Data Concentrator In #2 shall be coded as follows:
47 LSB “00” = No Data or Not Used “01” = Active
48 FMC Select “10” = Inactive “11” = Fail
49 MSB FMC #1/Gen. In Bus Status
50 LSB Bits 36, 43, and 48 shall be coded as follows:
51 MSB FMC #2/Gen. In Bus Status “0” = Port #1 Selected
52 LSB “1” = Port #2 Selected
53 MSB MSP/ATSU/CMU In #1 Status
54 LSB
55 MSB MSP/ATSU/CMU In #2 Status
56 LSB

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Table B-2-234: BDS Code E,A – Vendor Specific Status and Diagnostics

1 MSB PURPOSE: To report diagnostic status and configuration information
2 in a format defined by the transponder manufacturer.
4 1) This Register allows manufacturers to define configuration and
BDS Register Number = E,A
5 status data that may be specific to their implementation or
6 installation. This Register is designed to be a compliment to
7 Register E716.
9 2) This Register should only be serviced if the transponder hardware
10 Manufacturer defined diagnostic field and software can be identified via service of Register E316 and/or
11 Register E416.

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Table B-3-241: BDS Code F,1 – Military Applications


1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide data in support of military applications.

2 Character Field (see 1 )
3 C1 1) The character field shall be used to indicate whether 2 characters
4 A1 or 4 characters are used in the Mode 1 code. The logic shall be
5 C2 as follows:
6 A2
7 C4 0 = 2 octal codes
8 A4 MODE 1 CODE (A1 – A4 and B1 – B4)
9 X
10 B1 1 = 4 octal codes
11 D1 (A1 – A4, B1 – B4, C1 – C4 and D1 – D4)
12 B2
13 D2 2) The status fields shall be used to indicate whether the data are
14 B4 available or unavailable. The logic shall be as follows:
15 D4
16 STATUS 0 = Unavailable
17 C1 1 = Available
18 A1
19 C2
20 A2
21 C4
23 X
24 B1
25 D1
26 B2
27 D2
28 B4
29 D4

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Table B-3-242: BDS Code F,2 – Military Applications


1 MSB PURPOSE: This Register is used for military applications involving

2 DF=19. Its purpose is to provide data in support of military applications.
3 AF=2, TYPE CODE = 1
4 ‘TYPE CODE’ shall be encoded as follows:
6 STATUS 0 = Unassigned
7 CHARACTER FIELD (see 1) 1 = Mode code information
8 C1 2-31 = Unassigned
9 A1
10 C2 1) The character field shall be used to indicate whether 2 characters or 4
11 A2 characters are used in the Mode 1 code. The logic shall be as follows:
12 C4
13 A4 0 = 2 octal codes
14 X MODE 1 CODE (A1 – A4 and B1 – B4)
15 B1
16 D1 1 = 4 octal codes
17 B2 (A1 – A4, B1 – B4, C1 – C4 and D1 – D4)
18 D2
19 B4 2) The status fields shall be used to indicate whether the data are
20 D4 available or unavailable. The logic shall be as follows:
22 C1 0 = Unavailable
23 A1 1 = Available
24 C2
25 A2 DF = 19 Application Field (AF) shall be encoded as follows:
26 C4
27 A4 0 = Reserved for civil Extended Squitter formats
28 X MODE 2 CODE 1 = Reserved for formation flight
29 B1 2 = Reserved for military applications
30 D1 3-7 = Reserved
31 B2
32 D2
33 B4
34 D4
36 C1
37 A1
38 C2
39 A2
40 C4
41 A4
43 B1
44 D1
45 B2
46 D2
47 B4
48 D4

B.4 Implementation Guidelines

This section provides implementation guidelines on data formats for applications

using Mode S Specific Services contained in this Appendix. The section is intended
for use by the avionics industry and by the developers of air traffic services (ATS)

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B.4.1 Transponder Register 1016 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.1)

The following sections state the guidance material that apply for the setting of some
specific bits of transponder Register 1016.

B.4.1.1 Bit 9 (Continuation Flag)

This bit should be set as specified in Table B-3-16.

In order to determine the extent of any continuation of the data link capability report
(into those Registers reserved for this purpose: Register 1116 to Register 1616), bit 9
is reserved as a „continuation flag‟ to indicate if the subsequent Register can be
extracted. For example: upon detection of bit 9=1 in Register 1016 then Register 1116
can be extracted. If bit 9=1 in Register 1116 then Register 1216 can be extracted, and
so on (up to Register 1616). Note that if bit 9=1 in Register 1616 then this shall be
considered as an error condition.

As long as transponder Registers 1116 to 1616 are undefined, bit 9 should be set to
ZERO (0).

B.4.1.2 Bit 16 and Bits 37 – 40 (TCAS Bits)

The setting of these bits is dynamic. They are set by TCAS and possibly overwritten
by the transponder.
These bits should be set as specified in Table B-3-16.

Bit 16 should be set to ONE (1) to indicate that the transponder TCAS interface is
operational and the transponder is receiving TCAS RI=2, 3 or 4.

Bit 37 should be set to ONE (1) to indicate the capability of Hybrid Surveillance, and
set to ZERO (0) to indicate that there is no Hybrid Surveillance capability.

Bit 38 should be set to ONE (1) to indicate that the TCAS is generating both TAs and
RAs, and set to ZERO (0) to indicate the generation of TAs only.

Bits 39 and 40 should be set according to the TCAS version:

Bit 40 Bit 39 Meaning

0 0 DO-185 (6.04A)
0 1 DO-185A
1 0 DO-185B
1 1 Reserved for future versions
Note: Future versions of TCAS will be identified using Part Numbers and Software
Version Numbers specified in Registers E516 and E616.

B.4.1.3 Bits 17 – 23 (Mode S Subnetwork Version Number)

These bits should be set as specified in Table B-3-16.

Bits 17 – 23 reflect the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number.

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0 Mode S Subnetwork Not Available

1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6–127 Reserved

The Mode S Subnetwork Version Number should be set to a non-zero value if at least
one DTE or Mode S Specific Service is installed. For example, if Register 4016 is
loaded with data, it means that the GICB service associated to Register 4016 is
installed. In that case bits 17-23 will be set to a non zero value, e.g., value 3 if the
format of Register 4016 meets the requirements of Amendment 77 (applicable in

If the installed DTE or the Mode S Specific Services meet the requirements of
Amendment 71 (applicable in 1996) only, then the Mode S Subnetwork Version
Number should be set to ONE (1).

If the installed DTE or the Mode S Specific Services meet the requirements of
Amendment 73 (applicable in 1998) only and/or the transponder Register formats
meet the requirements of ICAO Doc 9688 version 1, then the Mode S Subnetwork
Version Number should be set to TWO (2).

If the installed DTE or the Mode S Specific Services meet the requirements of
Amendment 77, then the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number should be set to
THREE (3).

The Mode S subnetwork number is set to 5 by a transponder implementing any Mode

S Specific Services as defined in this edition of RTCA DO-181E / EUROCAE ED-

The setting of these bits is static.

B.4.1.4 Bit 24 (Transponder Enhanced Protocol Indicator)

This bit is set to ONE (1) when the transponder is a Level 5 Transponder. This bit is
set by the Transponder itself. It is a static bit.

B.4.1.5 Bit 25 (Mode S Specific Services Capability)

This bit should be set as specified in Table B-3-16, item 2.

When Bit 25 is set to ONE (1), it indicates that at least one Mode S specific service is
supported and the particular capability reports should be checked.

Note: Registers accessed by BDS Codes 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; 1,0; 1,7 through 1,C; 2,0
and 3,0 do not affect the setting of Bit 25.

This bit actually indicates if the aircraft installation enables the loading of airborne
parameters in at least one register not accessed by the BDS Codes mentioned

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The setting of this bit is preferably static.

B.4.1.6 Bits 26 – 32 (Uplink and Downlink ELM Throughput Capability)

Bits 26 – 28 indicate the uplink ELM average throughput capability. These bits are
set by the transponder and are preferably static.

Bits 29 – 32 indicate the throughput capability of downlink ELM containing the

maximum number of ELM segments that the transponder can deliver in response to
an interrogation. These bits are set by the transponder and are preferably static.

B.4.1.7 Bit 33 (Aircraft Identification Capability)

This bit should be set as required in ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §

Aircraft identification capability report. Transponders which respond to a ground-

initiated request for aircraft identification shall report this capability in the data link
capability report (ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, § by setting Bit 33 of the
MB subfield to ONE (1).

This bit actually indicates whether the aircraft installation supports an interface to load
the aircraft identification into the transponder Register 2016. It does not take into
account the consistency of the data loaded into the Register.

The setting of this bit is preferably dynamic. In case it is statically handled it should
be forced to ONE (1).

When this bit is dynamic, it is always equal to Bit 7 of Register 1716. It might be
different from Bit 25 of Register 1816 since the bits of Registers 1816 to 1C16 are not
reset once they are set. If the interface availability changes during the flight Bit 33 of
Register 1016 and Bit 7 of Register 1716 will be updated accordingly whereas Bit 25 of
Register 1816 will remain unchanged.

Note 1: The intent of the capability bits in Register 1716 is to indicate that useful
data are contained in the corresponding transponder Register. For this
reason, each bit for a Register is cleared if data becomes unavailable (see
ICAO Doc 9871, §A. and set again when data insertion into the
Register resumes.

Note 2: A bit set in Registers 1816 to 1C16 indicates that the application using this
Register has been installed on the aircraft. These bits are not cleared to
reflect the real-time loss of an application, as is done for Register 1716 (see
ICAO Doc 9871, §A.

It is also to be noted that Register 1016 will be broadcasted twice following the
interface availability change. The first time because Bit 33 will change, then because
Bit 36 will also toggle approximately one minute later to indicate that the content of
Register 1716 has changed.

B.4.1.8 Bit 34 (Squitter Capability Subfield)

This bit should be set as specified in Table B-3-16.

The Squitter Capability Subfield (SCS) is interpreted as follows:

0 = squitter registers are not updated

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1 = squitter registers are being updated

In addition, ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV states in §

SCS: This 1-bit Squitter Capability Subfield reports the capability of the transponder
to transmit Extended Squitter position reports. It shall be set to ONE (1) if Registers
0516 and 0616 have been updated within the last ten ±1 seconds. Otherwise, it shall
be set to ZERO (0).

Bit 34 is therefore an AND of Bits 1 and 2 of transponder Register 1716 and the
setting of this bit is dynamic.

Note that Register 1016 will be broadcast twice in case Bit 34 changes. The first time
because Bit 34 will change, then because Bit 36 will also toggle one minute later to
indicate that the content of Register 1716 has changed.

B.4.1.9 Bit 35 (SI Code capability)

This bit should be set as specified in Table B-3-16, item 6.

The Surveillance Identifier (SI) bit is interpreted as follows:

0 = no surveillance identifier code capability
1 = surveillance identifier code capability
In addition, ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV states in §

SIC: This 1-bit surveillance identifier capability subfield reports the capability of the
transponder to support the Surveillance Identifier (SI) codes.

The setting of this bit is static. If the transponder software version handles SI codes
then this bit should be set to (1).

B.4.1.10 Bit 36 (Common Usage GICB Capability Report)

This bit should be set as specified in Table B-3-16, item 7.

Bit 36 toggles each time the common usage GICB capability report (Register 1716)
changes. To avoid the generation of too many broadcast capability report changes,
Register 1716 is sampled at approximately one minute intervals to check for changes.
The setting of this bit is therefore dynamic.

B.4.2 Transponder Registers 1816 to 1C16 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.2)

The bits contained in Registers 1816 to 1C16 indicate the capability of the installation
and are therefore specific to the platform on which the transponder is installed.

It is accepted that these bits can be set once the corresponding data has been
received by the transponder over a period of time. This can happen at any time and
not only during the power-on cycle of the transponder as equipment providing
expected information could be powered on later.

Once a bit is set, it remains set until the power-off of the transponder.

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B.4.3 Transponder Register 2016 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.3)

B.4.3.1 Airborne Function

ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV requirements (ICAO Annex 10, Volume IV, §
state the following for data in transponder Register 2016:

AIS, aircraft identification subfield in MB. The transponder shall report the aircraft
identification in the 48-bit (41 – 88) AIS subfield of MB. The aircraft identification
transmitted shall be that employed in the flight plan. When no flight plan is
available, the registration marking of the aircraft shall be inserted in this subfield.

Note: When the registration marking of the aircraft is used, it is classified as

„fixed direct data‟ (see ICAO Annex 10 Vol. IV, § When
another type of aircraft identification is used, it is classified as „variable
direct data‟ (see ICAO Annex 10 Vol. IV, §”

When the aircraft installation does not use an external source to provide the aircraft
identification (most of the time it will be the call sign used for communications
between pilot and controllers), the text above means that the aircraft identification is
considered as variable direct data. It also means that such data characterize the
flight condition of the aircraft (not the aircraft itself) and are therefore subject to
dynamic changes. It further means that variable direct data are also subject to the
following requirement when data become unavailable.

Paragraph §B.2.1 states:

“If data is not available for a time no greater than twice the specified maximum
update interval or 2 seconds (whichever is the greater), the status bit (if specified
for that field) shall indicate that the data in that field are invalid and the field shall
be ZEROed.”

Therefore, if the external source providing the aircraft identification fails or delivers
corrupted data, transponder Register 2016 should be ZEROed. It should not include
the registration marking of the aircraft since the airborne installation has initially been
declared as providing variable direct data for the aircraft identification.

The loss of the aircraft identification data will be indicated to the ground since
transponder Register 2016 will be broadcast following its change. If the registration
marking of the aircraft was inserted in lieu of the call sign following a failure of the
external source, it would not help the ground systems since the registration marking
of the aircraft is not the information that was inserted in the aircraft flight plan being
used by the ground ATC systems.

In conclusion, the aircraft identification is either fixed (aircraft registration) or variable

direct data (call sign). It depends whether the aircraft installation uses a data source
providing the call sign; if so, data contained in transponder Register 2016 should meet
the requirement of the ICAO SARPs. When data becomes unavailable because of a
data source failure, transponder Register 2016 should contain ALL ZEROs.

B.4.3.2 Ground Considerations

Aircraft identification data can be used to correlate surveillance information with flight
plan information. If the data source providing the aircraft identification fails, the
aircraft identification information will no longer be available in the surveillance data
flow. In this case, the following means could enable the ground system to continue
correlating the surveillance and flight plan information of a given target.

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If the aircraft identification is used to correlate surveillance and flight plan data, extra
information such as the Mode A code, if any, and the ICAO 24-bit aircraft address of
the target could be provided to the flight data processing system. This would enable
the update of the flight plan of the target with this extra information.

In case the aircraft identification becomes unavailable, it would still be possible to

correlate both data flows using (for example) the ICAO 24-bit aircraft address
information to perform the correlation. It is therefore recommended that ground
systems update the flight plan of a target with extra identification information that is
available in the surveillance data flow, e.g., the ICAO 24-bit aircraft address, the
Mode A code (if any) or the tail number (if available from transponder Register 2116).

This extra identification information might then be used in lieu of the aircraft
identification information contained in transponder Register 2016 in case the data
source providing this information fails.

B.4.3.3 Register 2016 and 0816 Implementation Considerations

Detailed implementation requirements for Register 2016 are provided in §3.29.6.

§B.2.1, Table B-2-1, Note 2 provides an introduction to Register 0816 implementation.
Implementation of Register 0816 should also consider the following:

a. If valid Flight Identification data is available, then the data should be used to
populate the character subfields in Register 0816.

b. After using Flight Identification data to populate the character subfields in

Register 0816 in a given power-on cycle, if Flight Identification data becomes
invalid or not available, then the last known valid Flight Identification data should
be retained and used to continue population of the character subfields in Register
0816 for the duration of the power-on cycle.

c. If valid Flight Identification data is not available, but valid Aircraft Registration
data is available in a given power-on cycle, then the valid Aircraft Registration
data should be used to populate the character subfields in Register 0816 for the
duration of the power-on cycle.

d. If Register 0816 has been populated using Aircraft Registration data in a given
power-on cycle, and valid Flight Identification data becomes available, then the
Flight Identification data should be used to populate the character subfields in
Register 0816 for the remainder of the power-on cycle.

e. Once valid Flight Identification data has been used to populate Register 0816 in a
given power-on cycle, Aircraft Registration data should not be used to populate
the character subfields of Register 0816, even if Flight Identification data becomes
invalid or not available during the power-on cycle.

B.4.4 Transponder Register 4016 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.4)

Paragraph §B.4.4.1 gives a general example of what are the different selected
altitudes and the relationship with the target altitude and introduces the meaning of
the different parameters and notions used in this section.

Paragraphs §B.4.4.2 and §B.4.4.3 provide more detailed information for some
specific platforms.

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B.4.4.1 General Example for the Loading of Data in Register 4016

Figure B-4-1 provides a general example for the loading of data in Register 4016.

The goal of Figure B-4-1 is to clarify the differences between the FMS selected
altitude and the FCU/MCP selected altitude, and also to clarify how the target altitude
of the aircraft and the MCP/FCU mode bits are determined depending on the phase
of flight in the vertical profile.

Notions and terms used:

 Cleared flight level: Flight level cleared by the controller, i.e., the flight level
aircraft should reach and maintain.

 MCP/FCU selected altitude:

o The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) is more commonly known as

autopilot (A/P). Its task is to laterally and vertically control the aircraft when
selected by the crew. In general in modern aircraft, the AFDS is a system
consisting of several individual Flight Control Computers (FCCs) and a single
Flight Control Panel (FCP) mounted directly between the pilots just under the
windshield. Fundamentally, the autopilot attempts to acquire or maintain
target parameters determined either by manual inputs made by the pilot or by
computations from the Flight Management System.

o MCP: Mode Control Panel is the usual name given on Boeing platforms to
the FCP which provides control of the Autopilot, Flight Director, Altitude Alert
and Autothrottle System. The MCP is used to select and activate Autopilot
Flight Director System (AFDS) modes and establish altitudes, speeds and
climb/descent profiles.

o FCU: Flight Control Unit is similar to MCP but for Airbus platforms.

o MCP/FCU selected altitude: The altitude set by pilots on the MCP/FCU

controlling the auto-pilot system. In the great majority of cases pilots set the
MCP/FCU altitude to the altitude cleared by Air Traffic Control (ATC) before
engaging a vertical mode. The autopilot will try to reach this MCP/FCU
selected altitude using different selectable vertical modes: constant vertical
rate (e.g., V/S), Flight Level change at a given airspeed (e.g., FL CH), vertical
path given by the FMS (VNAV), and maintain it using the altitude hold mode

Note: If the aircraft is not equipped with an autopilot this information may
be derived from equipment generating an alert when the FL is
reached (e.g., altitude alerter system).

 FMS selected altitude:

o The Flight Management System (FMS or FMC for Flight Management

Computer) is a computer onboard aircraft that controls the navigation,
performance, flight planning, and guidance aspects of flight. The FMS
navigation component determines where the aircraft is. The FMS
performance component calculates necessary performance data. The FMS
flight planning component allows for the creation and modification of flight
plans. The FMS guidance component issues commands necessary to guide
the aircraft along the route programmed into the FMS. The current and
programmed paths of the aircraft are monitored three-dimensionally, by flying
from waypoint to waypoint and by obeying crossing restrictions.

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o The FMS guidance component will therefore compute selected altitude

constraints to be reached at different points. This is known as FMS selected
altitude. These selected altitudes are used to control the aircraft in specific
modes of autopilot for example when Vertical Navigation mode (VNAV) is
selected on MCP/FCU. VNAV mode is the highest level of vertical profile
automation, and maximizes fuel economy.

 Target altitude: this is the next altitude at which the aircraft will level-off if in a
climb or descent, or the aircraft current intended altitude if it is intending to hold
its altitude.

o The target altitude may be:

The MCP/FCU selected altitude when the autopilot is directly controlled

by command entered by the crew.

The FMS selected altitude when in VNAV or similar modes.

The current altitude.


 MCP/FCU mode bits:

o VNAV indicates when a VNAV or equivalent mode in which the A/P is

controlled by FMS is selected.

o ALT HOLD indicates when A/P Alt Hold mode is selected. It does not
correspond to a general altitude capture and does not cover VNAV hold

o Approach indicates that a mode to capture ILS localizer and glide slope is

 Priority of MCP/FCU selected altitude on FMS selected altitude:

The MCP/FCU selected altitude is the altitude that the aircraft shall not violate
and therefore it has always priority on FMS selected altitude.

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EXAMPLE for the loading of data in Register 40Hex

Hypothesis on information available to transponder

The FMS selected altitude (calculated by the FMS) and the target altitude source information are available on aircraft buses (this is not
necessary the case today) as well as the MCP/FCU mode bits. Bits 48 and 54 are set to 1 all the time with this hypothesis. The reverse
hypothesis would require bits 48-51 and bits 54-56 to be all set to 0 and the FMS selected altitude field to be all zeroed.

New Cleared Flight Level entered in MCP/FCU Pilot selects ALT HOLD
MCP/FCU Selected Altitude captured (ALT CAP) mode
Selection of VNAV or equivalent mode where
VNAV mode automatically disengaged The autopilot holds the
flight is controlled by FMS
ALT HOLD mode automatically selected current aircraft altitude
Autopilot/Flight director engaged Intermediate FMS selected
Cleared flight level 1 (FL100) entered in MCP/FCU altitude capture and hold Pilot disengages autopilot and
Holding last MCP/FCU Selected Altitude flights manual
New FMS Selected
FL 350
Selected altitude
calculated by the FMS FL 300
in order to fulfill flight
plan and best vertical

FL 250
Selected altitude
Cleared Flight Level
FL 100
Aircraft flight path

MCP/FCU Selected Altitude 100 300 300 300 300 300 300
FMS Selected Altitude 250 250 250 350 350 350 350
Register MCP/FCU Mode bits Provided 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
40Hex VNAV 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
content Alt Hold 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Approach 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Target altitude FCU/MCP FMS FMS FCU/MCP FCU/MCP unknown Altitude
(Unknown, Altitude,FCU/MCP, FMS)
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure B-4-1: General Example for the Loading of Data in Register 4016

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Explanation of the different steps in Figure B-4-1:

Generally, Figure B-4-1 shows a theoretical sequence of cases which should not be
considered as a real operational sequence. For example, some steps may be more
realistic when the aircraft is in descent.

Step 1: The MCP/FCU selected altitude has been set to first cleared flight level
(FL100). The Autopilot/Flight Director is engaged and the aircraft is holding the latest
MCP/FCU selected altitude which has been reached before Step1. The target
altitude is the MCP/FCU selected altitude. VNAV mode is not engaged. The FMS
selected altitude is not the target altitude.

Step 2: A new clear flight level has been allocated to the aircraft by ATC. The pilot
has entered this value into the MCP/FCU resulting in a new MCP/FCU selected
altitude. The pilot has engaged the VNAV mode. The aircraft speed/path is
determined by the FMS. The FMS contains a flight path with an altitude restriction at
a given waypoint (FL250). The FMS selected altitude corresponds to the associated
altitude restriction. This FMS selected altitude is less than the MCP/FCU selected
altitude and therefore becomes the target altitude to which the aircraft is climbing.

Step 3: There is an altitude restriction associated with a waypoint. The aircraft has
captured and is maintaining the FMS selected altitude until crossing the way point.
The VNAV mode remains active. In an operational environment, aircrew should also
set the MCP/FCU altitude to the intermediate levels on a stepped climb SID if
workload permits.

Step 4: The waypoint with restricted altitude is passed. A new FMS selected altitude
is now valid. The aircraft resumes its climbing to try to reach this new FMS selected
altitude. VNAV mode is still engaged. Although the aircraft is trying to reach the FMS
selected altitude (FL350) it will level-off at the MCP/FCU selected altitude which is
lower than the FMS selected altitude therefore the selected altitude is the MCP/FCU
selected altitude.

Step 5: The MCP/FCU selected altitude is lower than the FMS selected altitude. The
aircraft therefore first approaches this MCP/FCU selected altitude which is a limit to
not violate. This MCP/FCU altitude is captured and held by the aircraft. This
automatically disengages the VNAV mode.

Step 6: The flight crew has disengaged the autopilot and is flying the aircraft
manually. The target altitude is not known. However on an operational point of view
it must be noted that such mode would not be allowed in regulated airspace unless
the aircrew had declared an emergency or had obtained a new ATC clearance. In
the latter case the ATC clearance should be entered in the MCP/FCU. It is more
probable that this case may happen on a “descent when ready” profile. In all cases
the MCP/FCU selected altitude may still be useful because it should be the value
used in the altitude alerter.

Step 7: The pilot selects altitude hold (Alt Hold or equivalent mode) making the
current altitude equivalent to the target altitude. Note that although MCP/FCU
selected altitude could become the same (pilot entering the new flight level in the
MCP/FCU) this is not mandatory and therefore only altitude represents with full
confidence the level the aircraft is maintaining.

B. Target Altitude Summary

If MCP/FCU altitude is between your current altitude and FMS Selected Altitude, then
the target altitude is MCP/FCU. If VNAV is engaged and the previous case is not in

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effect, then FMS is the target altitude. If Alt Hold is selected and the current altitude
is not equal to either of the selected altitudes, then target altitude is altitude.

B. Possible Uses of Selected Altitude and Target Altitude

1. MCP/FCU selected altitude will be downlinked as an additional read-back in

order to check that the cleared flight level has been correctly understood and
entered in the airborne system by the pilot.

2. Target altitude and associated mode of flight may be of interest to reduce the
Short Term Conflict Alert false alarm rate.

B. Target Altitude Implementation Difficulties

It is recognized that all information to determine which altitude is the target altitude or
which mode of flight is currently used may not always be available to the transponder
in the current airborne implementation. In addition it may be very dependent on the
platform. It is therefore preferable to set to ZERO (0) the corresponding bits of
Register 4016 rather than sending wrong information.

B.4.4.2 Transponder Register 4016 on Boeing 747-400, 757 and 767 Aircraft

In order to clarify how selected altitude information from the altitude control panel and
target altitude is reported in transponder Register 4016, a mapping has been prepared
to illustrate how the status and mode bits can be derived.

Description Label
Register bit #
48 Status of mode bits SSM of 272 and 273
49 Managed Vertical Mode 272 bit 13
50 Altitude Hold Mode 272 bit 9 / 273 bit 19
51 Approach Mode 272 bit 9 / 273 bit 19
54 Status of Target Altitude source SSM of new label (TBD)
55 – 56 Target Altitude source bits New label (TBD)

The selected altitude from the mode control panel may be obtained from label 102
(source ID 0A1). The status bit may be derived from the SSM of label 102.

B.4.4.3 Setting of the Target Altitude Source Bits (Bits 54 – 56)

These bits should be set as required in Table B-3-64, item 5:

Bit 54 indicates whether the target altitude source bits (55 and 56) are actively being
0 = No source information provided
1 = Source information deliberately provided

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Bits 55 and 56, indicate target altitude source:

00 = Unknown
01 = Aircraft altitude
10 = FCU/MCP selected altitude
11 = FMS selected altitude
Aircraft which are not equipped with the logic described in §B.4.3.1 and §B.4.3.2 are
not able to determine the target altitude source of the aircraft. In that case bit 54
should be set to ZERO (0) (no source information provided), and bits 55 and 56
should be set to 00 (unknown).

B.4.4.4 Setting of the Reserved Bits (Bits 40 to 47, 52 & 53)

Bits 40 to 47, 52 and 53 of Register 4016 “MB” field should be set to ZERO (0).

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B.4.5 Transponder Register 5016 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.5)

When ARINC 429 data is used, the following is an example implementation:

BDS Bit #: Data Bit # Description
1 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
2 SIGN 1 = left (left wing down)
3 MSB = 45 degrees
5 Roll Angle
6 ARINC Label 325
8 Range = [-90, +90]
11 LSB = 45 / 256 degrees
12 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
13 SIGN 1 = west (e.g., 315º = 45º )
14 MSB = 90 degrees
17 True Track Angle
18 ARINC Label 313
20 Range = [-180, +180]
23 LSB = 90 / 512 degrees
24 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
25 MSB = 1024 knots
28 Ground Speed
29 ARINC Label 312
31 Range = [0, 2046]
34 LSB = 1024 / 512 = 2 knots
35 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
36 SIGN 1 = minus
37 MSB = 8 degrees per second
39 Track Angle Rate
40 ARINC Label 335
42 Range = [-16, +16]
45 LSB = 8 / 256 degrees per second
46 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
47 MSB = 1024 knots
49 True Air Speed
50 ARINC Label 210
52 Range = [0, 2046]
56 LSB = 1024 / 512 = 2 knots

The status bits are determined as explained in §B.2.2.2. The data is rounded as
specified in §B.2.2.2. The encoding accuracy of the data in the subfield is ±½ LSB by

For ARINC GAMA configuration, label 335 is not used for the track angle rate but for
another parameter. For this particular ARINC configuration the track angle rate field
should be loaded with ALL ZEROs. In such cases, ground applications can compute
the equivalent of the track angle rate thanks to the true air speed and the roll angle

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B.4.6 Transponder Register 6016 (ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, §D.2.4.6)

When ARINC 429 data is used, the following is an example implementation:

BDS Bit #: Data Bit # Description
1 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
2 SIGN 1 = West (e.g., 315º = 45º )
3 MSB = 90 degrees
5 Magnetic Heading
6 ARINC Label 320
8 Range = [-90, +90]
12 LSB = 90 / 512 degrees
13 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
14 MSB = 512 knots
17 Indicated Air Speed
18 ARINC Label 206
20 Range = [0, 1023]
23 LSB = 512 / 512 = 1 knot
24 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
25 MSB = 2048
28 Mach
29 ARINC Label 205
31 Range = [0, 4092]
34 LSB = 2048 / 512
35 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
36 SIGN 1 = below
37 MSB = 8192 ft/min
39 Barometric Altitude Rate
40 ARINC Label 212
42 Range = [-16384, +16352]
45 LSB = 8192 / 256 = 32 ft/min
46 STATUS 1 = Valid Data
47 SIGN 1 = below
48 MSB = 8192 ft/min
50 Interial Vertical Velocity
51 ARINC Label 365
53 Range = [-16384, +16352]
56 LSB = 8192 / 256 = 32 ft/min

The status bits are determined as explained in §B.2.2.2. The data is rounded as
specified in §B.2.2.2. The encoding accuracy of the data in the subfield is ±½ LSB by

“Barometric Altitude Rate” contains values that are solely derived from barometric
measurement. The Barometric Altitude Rate may be very unsteady and may suffer
from barometric instrument inertia.

The “Inertial Vertical Velocity” is also providing information on vertical attitude of the
aircraft but it comes from equipments (IRS, AHRS) which use different sources used
for navigation. The information is a more filtered and smoothed parameter.

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© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix C
Mode-S Specific Services (MSSS)
This Page Intentionally Left Blank.
Table of Contents

C. MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES (MSSS) ................................................................................... C-1

C.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ C-1

C.1.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................ C-1
C.1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... C-1
C.2 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. C-1
C.2.1 BASIC OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................. C-1
C.2.2 MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES ENTITY (SSE) INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ................................... C-2
C.2.2.1 General ............................................................................................................................... C-2
C.2.2.2 Functional Capability .......................................................................................................... C-2
C.2.2.3 Mode-S Specific Services Architecture .............................................................................. C-2
C.2.2.4 Transponder to Application Entity (AE) Interface ............................................................... C-3
C.2.2.5 Application Entity (AE) to Transponder Interface ............................................................... C-3
C.2.2.6 Mode-S Specific Services Processing ............................................................................... C-4
C. Processing ...................................................................................................................... C-4
C. Downlink Processing ................................................................................................... C-4
C. General ..................................................................................................................... C-4
C. Broadcast Processing .............................................................................................. C-4
C. Ground-Initiated Comm-B (GICB) Processing ......................................................... C-4
C. MSP Processing ....................................................................................................... C-5
C. Uplink Processing ........................................................................................................ C-6
C. General ..................................................................................................................... C-6
C. Broadcast Processing .............................................................................................. C-6
C. MSP Processing ....................................................................................................... C-6
C. MSP Packet Formats ...................................................................................................... C-7
C. Short Form MSP Packet .............................................................................................. C-7
C. Long Form MSP Packet .............................................................................................. C-7
C. L-Bit Processing .............................................................................................................. C-7
C. Broadcast Format ........................................................................................................... C-8
C.2.2.7 Frame Processing .............................................................................................................. C-8
C. Uplink Frames ................................................................................................................. C-8
C. Uplink SLM Frames ..................................................................................................... C-8
C. SD Field .................................................................................................................... C-8
C. LAS Coding .............................................................................................................. C-9
C. Single Segment SLM Frame .................................................................................... C-9
C. Multiple Segment SLM Frame .................................................................................. C-9
C. Uplink ELM Frame ..................................................................................................... C-10
C. Downlink Frames .......................................................................................................... C-11
C. Downlink SLM Frame ................................................................................................ C-11
C. LBS Coding ............................................................................................................ C-11
C. Linking Protocol ...................................................................................................... C-11
C. Directing SLM Frames ........................................................................................... C-12
C. Downlink ELM Frame ................................................................................................ C-12
C. Directing ELM Frames ........................................................................................... C-12
C. Delivery Status........................................................................................................... C-12
C. Interrogator Identifier ................................................................................................. C-12
C. Frame Cancellation ................................................................................................... C-13
C.2.2.8 System Timers ................................................................................................................. C-13
C.3 MODE-S SPECIFIC SERVICES TEST PROCEDURES ...................................................................... C-13
C.3.1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................. C-13
C.3.2 DETAILED TEST PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ C-14
C.3.2.1 Downlink Processing ........................................................................................................ C-14
C. Broadcast Processing ................................................................................................... C-14
C. MSP Processing ........................................................................................................... C-15
C.3.2.2 Uplink Processing ............................................................................................................ C-16
C. Broadcast Processing ................................................................................................... C-16
C. MSP Processing ........................................................................................................... C-16
C.3.2.3 Frame Tests ..................................................................................................................... C-17
C. Uplink SLM Frames ...................................................................................................... C-17
C. Uplink ELM Frames ...................................................................................................... C-19
C. Downlink SLM Frames .................................................................................................. C-20
C. Downlink ELM Frame.................................................................................................... C-20
C.3.2.4 MSP Operations ............................................................................................................... C-21
C.3.2.5 L-Bit Linking ...................................................................................................................... C-22
C.3.2.6 Link Frame Cancellation Timer (Tc) ................................................................................. C-22
C.3.2.7 Interrogator Link Timer (Tz) ............................................................................................. C-23
C.4 DATAFLASH APPLICATION ......................................................................................................... C-23
C.4.1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... C-23
C.4.2 THE CHOICE OF PROTOCOL .................................................................................................... C-23
C.4.3 EUROCAE DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................ C-24
C.4.4 DATAFLASH REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... C-24
C.4.5 DOCUMENT PRECEDENCE ...................................................................................................... C-24
C.4.6 UPLINK MSP CHANNEL 6 (GROUND-TO-AIR REQUEST)............................................................ C-24
C.4.6.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ C-24
C.4.6.2 Format .............................................................................................................................. C-25
C.4.6.3 SR Header Assignments .................................................................................................. C-25
C.4.6.4 Dataflash Request Format ............................................................................................... C-25
C.4.6.5 Dataflash Header (DH) 16 Bits......................................................................................... C-25
C. Contract Number Subfield (CNS) 4-Bits. ...................................................................... C-26
C. Request Data Subfield (RDS) 1-Bit. ............................................................................. C-26
C. BDS1 and BDS2 Codes of the Register for Which the Contract is Required. 8 Bits... C-26
C.4.6.6 Minimum Time (MT) 8 Bits ............................................................................................... C-26
C.4.6.7 Event Initiation .................................................................................................................. C-26
C. Event Criterion Field (EC) 4 Bits ................................................................................... C-26
C. Stable Time Field (ST) 4 Bits ........................................................................................ C-27
C.4.6.8 Change Fields – Change Quanta (CQ) and Change Threshold (CT) ............................. C-27
C.4.7 DOWNLINK MSL CHANNEL 3. DATAFLASH SERVICE ................................................................ C-28
C.4.7.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ C-28
C.4.7.2 Service Initiation and Termination .................................................................................... C-29
C.4.7.3 Service Provision.............................................................................................................. C-30
C.4.7.4 Downlink Message Structure ........................................................................................... C-30
C.4.7.5 Data Extraction by Mode-S Ground Stations ................................................................... C-31
C.4.7.6 Data flash Requirement/Test Cross Reference Table ..................................................... C-32
C.4.8 TEST PROCEDURES FOR DATAFLASH APPLICATION .................................................................. C-34
C.4.8.1 Test Equipment ................................................................................................................ C-34
C.4.8.2 Test Procedures ............................................................................................................... C-36
C. Procedure #1: Initialization and Checking for Dataflash Support ................................. C-36
C. Procedure #2: Requesting the setup of Dataflash Contracts ....................................... C-37
C. Procedure #3: Termination of Dataflash Contracts ...................................................... C-40
C. Procedure #4: Dataflash Header (DH) Field Tests ....................................................... C-43
C. Procedure #5: Minimum Time (MT) Field Tests ........................................................... C-43
C. Procedure #6: Event Criterion (EC) Field Tests ........................................................... C-45
C. Procedure #7: Stable Time (ST) Field tests ................................................................. C-56
C. Procedure #8: Maximum Message Rate ...................................................................... C-57
C. Procedure #9: Test of Mode S Subnetwork Version Number and Global
Capability Reporting ...................................................................................................... C-59
C.4.9 DATAFLASH INSTALLED SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ...................................................................... C-60
C.4.9.1 Ground Test Procedures .................................................................................................. C-60
C.4.10 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES FOR DATAFLASH..................................................................... C-61
C.4.10.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ C-61
C.4.10.2 Minimum number of contracts........................................................................................ C-62
C.4.10.3 Contract request for a transponder register not serviced by the airborne installation ... C-62
C.4.10.4 Service continuity in overlapping coverage with radars using the same II code ........... C-62
C. Radar with the dataflash application embedded in the radar software ...................... C-62
C. Use of an ATC centre-based dataflash application .................................................... C-63
C.4.10.5 Ground management of multiple contracts for the same transponder register ............. C-63
C.4.10.6 Service termination ........................................................................................................ C-63
C.4.10.7 Dataflash request containing multiple contracts ............................................................ C-64
C.4.10.8 Transponder register data contained in the downlink message .................................... C-64
List of Tables
Table C-2-2: MSP Channel Number Assignments ................................................................................... C-5
Table C-2-3: Broadcast Identifier Number Assignments .......................................................................... C-6
Table C-2-4: LAS Subfield Coding ............................................................................................................ C-9
Table C-2-5: LBS Subfield Coding .......................................................................................................... C-11
Table C-2-6: AE Mode-S Subnetwork Timers ........................................................................................ C-13
Table C-4-1: Request for Dataflash Register monitoring Service Mode S SLM Frame
Containing (Uplink MSP Channel 6) ............................................................................. C-28
Table C-4-2: Dataflash for Register Monitoring Service (Mode-S Frame for Downlink MSP
Channel 3)..................................................................................................................... C-32
Table C-4-3: Dataflash Requirements/Test Cross-Reference ................................................................ C-32
Table C-4-4: Surveillance Interrogation .................................................................................................. C-36
Table C-4-5: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 ........................................................................................ C-37
Table C-4-6: MSP Packet on Downlink MSP Channel 3 ........................................................................ C-38
Table C-4-7: MSP Packet on Downlink MSP Channel 3 ........................................................................ C-39
Table C-4-8: MSP Packet Containing Multiple Contract Requests for a Level 2 Transponder .............. C-39
Table C-4-9: MSP Packet Containing Multiple Contract Requests for Level 3 and above
Transponders ................................................................................................................ C-40
Table C-4-10: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=2 .................................................................... C-46
Table C-4-11: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=3 .................................................................... C-47
Table C-4-12: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=4 .................................................................... C-49
Table C-4-13: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=5 .................................................................... C-51
Table C-4-14: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=6 .................................................................... C-52
Table C-4-15: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 ...................................................................................... C-55
Table C-4-16: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=2 .................................................................... C-56
List of Figures
Figure C-2-1: Mode-S Specific Services Architecture .............................................................................. C-2
Figure C-2-2: The SD Field Structure ....................................................................................................... C-9
Figure C-3-1: Mode-S Specific Services Test Configuration .................................................................. C-14
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C. Mode-S Specific Services (MSSS)

C.1 Introduction

C.1.1 Purpose

This Appendix sets forth minimum operational performance standards for the Mode S
Specific Services (MSSS). The MSSS provides a standard communication interface
and service through which avionics application processors may exchange data with
ground based application processors via the Mode S transponder. Compliance with
these standards is required to assure that the Mode S Specific Services
characteristics will perform its intended functions satisfactorily under normal operating
conditions. Incorporated within these standards are system characteristics that will
facilitate the design and implementation of the Mode S Specific Services.

C.1.2 Scope

This Appendix defines the functional requirements for the Mode S Specific Services,
and describes the architecture within which the Mode S Specific Services entity will
operate. It does not define data link applications that will be supported by Mode S
and other data links.

C.1.3 Mode-S Application Entity (AE) / Transponder Interface Management

The Mode S Application Entity (AE) controls the interface to the Mode S Transponder
based on information received from the Higher-Layer Entity (HLE) via the Specific
Services Entity (SSE) interface, and based on the internal processing requirements of
the AE. Additionally, the Mode S AE receives information via the AE/Transponder
interface, which must be processed and transferred to the HLE.

The Mode S AE must also establish and maintain the local relationship between the
Mode S Aircraft AE and the various Mode S Ground AEs with which it communicates.

Note: In the framework of these Mode S Specific Services referenced herein, the
Mode S AE supports the functionality required to support implementation of
these capabilities. A Mode S ADLP would provide the Mode S AE
functionality required, but in the context of this Appendix, it does not
necessitate the need for full Mode S ADLP capabilities.

C.2 Design Requirements

C.2.1 Basic Operations

The Mode S Specific Services shall offer the following types of services to the user.

a. Mode S Protocol service: The Mode S Protocol (MSP) service transfers limited
data between air and ground application peers, using extremely low overhead.
The MSP service does not use diagnostic, flow control, or interrupt procedures as
defined within ISO 8208. Such mechanisms should be defined within the
application entities.

b. Broadcast Protocol service (Comm-A, Comm-B): The Mode S subnetwork is

capable of supporting information delivery to all interrogators participating in data

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link operations for that aircraft through the use of the Broadcast Comm-B
protocol. It is also able to receive messages directed to all transponders through
the use of the Broadcast Comm-A protocol.

c. Ground Initiated Comm-B service: The Mode S subnetwork allows for the access
of prestored data within the Mode S transponder (256 register set) from ground
application entities.

C.2.2 Mode-S Specific Services Entity (SSE) Interface Requirements

C.2.2.1 General

The AE shall support the accessing of Mode S Specific Services through the
provision of one or more separate AE interfaces.

Note: Mode S Specific Services consist of the broadcast Comm-A and Comm-B,
Ground Initiated Comm-B (GICB) and MSP.

C.2.2.2 Functional Capability

The AE shall support the accessing of Mode S Specific Services through the
provision of one or more separate AE interfaces.

Message and control coding via the MSSS interface shall support all of the
capabilities specified in §B.2.2.6.

Note: Mode S Specific Services consist of the broadcast Comm-A and Comm-B,
Ground Initiated Comm-B (GICB) and MSP.

C.2.2.3 Mode-S Specific Services Architecture

The Mode S Specific Services architecture, as shown in Figure C-2-1, provides for
the top level architecture, which is inclusive of the Mode S Specific Services Entity
(SSE), the SSE interface to a higher layer application process, frame processing
function, Mode S transponder (aircraft component), and Mode S interrogator (ground
component). Between air and ground, the peer interface entities are identified as
being, SSE Data, Frames, and Mode S link protocol (RF).

Interface Interface

Mode S Specific SSE Data Mode S Specific

Services Entity (SSE) Services Entity (SSE)

Frame Processing Frames Frame Processing


Mode S link protocol

(RF interface)
Transponder Interrogator

Figure C-2-1: Mode-S Specific Services Architecture

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C.2.2.4 Transponder to Application Entity (AE) Interface

The AE shall accept an indication of protocol type from the transponder in connection
with data transferred from the transponder to the AE. This shall include the following
types of protocols:

a. Surveillance interrogation,

b. Comm-A interrogation,

c. Comm-A broadcast interrogation,

d. Uplink ELM.

The AE shall also accept the II code of the interrogator used to transmit the
surveillance, Comm-A or uplink ELM.

Note: Transponders will not output all call and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
System (TCAS) information on this interface. Use of SI code limited to
Comm-A and Comm-A broadcast interrogations.

The AE shall accept control information from the transponder indicating the status of
downlink transfers. This shall include:

a. Comm-B closeout,

b. Comm-B broadcast time out,

c. Downlink ELM closeout.

The AE shall have access to current information defining the communication

capability of the Mode S transponder with which it is operating. This information
shall be used to generate the Data Link Capability Report.

C.2.2.5 Application Entity (AE) to Transponder Interface

The AE shall provide an indication of protocol type to the transponder in connection

with data transferred from the AE to the transponder. This shall include the following
types of protocols:

a. Ground initiated Comm-B,

b. Air initiated Comm-B,

c. Multisite directed Comm-B,

d. Comm-B broadcast,

e. Downlink ELM,

f. Multisite directed downlink ELM.

The AE shall also provide:

1. The II code for transfer of a multisite directed Comm-B or multisite directed

downlink ELM, and

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2. The Comm-B Data Selector (BDS) code for a ground initiated Comm-B.

Note: Use of SI code limited to Ground-initiated Comm-B and Comm-B Broadcast.

C.2.2.6 Mode-S Specific Services Processing

Mode S Specific Services shall be processed by an entity in the application termed

the Mode S Specific Services entity.

C. Processing


1. There are three Mode S Specific Services protocol types; broadcast, GICB and

2. Control data can consist of information permitting message length, BDS code
used to access the data format for a particular register, and aircraft 24 bit

C. Downlink Processing

Note: This section describes the processing of control and message data received
from the Mode S Specific Services interface.

C. General
The AE shall be capable of receiving control and message data from the Mode S
Specific Services interface(s) and sending delivery notices to this interface. The
control data shall be processed to determine the protocol type and the length of the
message data. When a message or control data provided at this interface are
erroneous (i.e., incomplete, invalid or inconsistent) the AE shall discard the message
and deliver an error report at the interface.

Note: The diagnostic content and the error reporting mechanism are a local issue.

C. Broadcast Processing

The control and message data shall be used to format the Comm-B broadcast
message as specified in §C. and transfer it to the transponder.

C. Ground-Initiated Comm-B (GICB) Processing

The GICB service consists of defined data available on board the aircraft being put
into one of the 255 transponder registers (each with a length of 56 bits) in the Mode S
transponder at specified intervals by a serving process, e.g., airborne collision
avoidance system (ACAS), aircraft data link processor (ADLP), or an application
entity (AE). A Mode S ground interrogator or an ACAS unit can extract the
information from any of these transponder registers at any time and pass it for
onward transmission to ground based or aircraft applications.

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The assignment of Registers shall be as specified in Appendix B.

C. MSP Processing

The MSP message length, channel number (M/CH, §C. and optionally the
interrogator II code shall be determined from the control data. The MSP message
content shall be extracted from the received message data. If the message length is
26 bytes or less, the SSE shall format an air initiated Comm-B message for transfer
to the transponder using the Short Form MSP Packet (see §C. If the
message length is 27 to 159 bytes and the transponder has adequate downlink ELM
capability, the SSE shall format an ELM message for transfer using the Short Form
MSP Packet. If the message length is 27 to 159 bytes and the transponder has a
limited downlink ELM capability, the SSE shall format multiple Long Form MSP
Packets (see §C. using ELM messages as required utilizing the L bit and
the M/SN Fields for association of the packets. If the message length is 27 to 159
bytes and the transponder does not have downlink ELM capability, the SSE shall
format multiple long form MSP packets using air initiated Comm-B messages, as
required utilizing the L bit and M/SN fields for association of the packets. Different
frame types shall never be used in the delivery of an MSP message. Messages
longer than 159 bytes shall be discarded. The assignment of downlink MSP channel
numbers shall be as specified in Table C-2-2.

For an MSP, a request to send a packet shall cause the packet to be multisite-
directed to the interrogator II code as specified in control data. If no II code is
specified, the packet shall be down linked using the air-initiated protocol. A message
delivery notice for this packet shall be provided to the Mode S specific interface when
the corresponding closeout(s) have been received from the transponder. If a
closeout has not been received from the transponder in Tz seconds, as specified in
Table C-2-2, the MSP packet shall be discarded. This shall include the cancellation
in the transponder of any frames associated with this packet. A delivery failure notice
for this message shall be provided to the Mode S Specific Services interface.

Table C-2-2: MSP Channel Number Assignments

Uplink Channel Number Assignment
0 Not Valid
1 Specific Services Management
2 Traffic Information Service
3 Ground-to-Air Alert
4 Ground Derived Position
5 TCAS Sensitivity Level Control
6 Ground-to-Air Service Request
7 Air-to-Ground Service Response
8 – 63 Unassigned

Downlink Channel Number Assignment

0 Not Valid
1 Specific Services Management
2 Unassigned
3 Data Flash
4 Position Request
5 Unassigned
6 Ground-to-Air Service Response
7 Air-to-Ground Service Request
8 – 63 Unassigned

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Table C-2-3: Broadcast Identifier Number Assignments

Uplink Broadcast Identifier Assignment
0016 Not Valid
0116 Differential GPS Correction
3016 Not Valid
3116 TCAS/ACAS (RA Broadcast)
3216 TCAS/ACAS (ACAS Broadcast)
Others Unassigned

Downlink Broadcast Identifier Assignment

0016 Not Valid
0216 Traffic Information Service
1016 Data Link Capability Report
2016 Aircraft Identification
3016 TCAS/ACAS (RA Broadcast)
FE16 Update Request
FF16 Search Request
Others Unassigned

C. Uplink Processing

Note: This section describes the processing of Mode S Specific Services messages
received from the transponder.

C. General
The AE shall be capable of receiving Mode S Specific Services messages from the
transponder via Frame Processing. The AE shall be capable of delivering the
messages and the associated control data at the specific services interface. When
the resources allocated at the interface are insufficient to accommodate the output
data, the AE shall discard the message and deliver an error report at this interface.

C. Broadcast Processing

If the received message is a broadcast Comm-A, as indicated by control data
received over the transponder/AE interface, the broadcast ID and user data (see
§C. shall be forwarded to the Mode S Specific Services interface, along with
the control data that identifies this as a broadcast message. The assignment of
uplink broadcast identifier numbers shall be as specified in Table C-2-3.

C. MSP Processing

If the received message is an MSP, as indicated by the packet format header (see
§C., the User Data Field of the received MSP packet shall be forwarded to
the Mode S Specific Services interface together with control data that identifies this
as an MSP message. L bit processing (see §C. shall be performed as
required. The assignment of uplink MSP channel numbers shall be as specified in
Table C-2-3.

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C. MSP Packet Formats

C. Short Form MSP Packet

The format for this packet shall be as follows:

DP:1 MP:1 M/CH:6 FILL 1:0 or 6 UD:v

Data Packet: Type (DP) This field shall be set to ZERO (0).

MSP Packet Type (MP): This field shall be set to ZERO (0) to indicate that this is a
Short Form MSP Packet.

MSP Channel Number (M/CH): The field shall be set to the channel number derived
from the SSE control data (Table C-2-5).

Fill Field. (FILL1: 0 or 6): The Fill length shall be 6 bits for a downlink SLM Frame.
Otherwise the Fill length shall be ZERO (0).

User Data (UD): The User Data Field shall contain message data received from the
Mode S Specific Services interface.

C. Long Form MSP Packet

The format for this packet shall be as follows:

DP:1 MP:1 SP:2 L:1 M/SN:3 FILL 2:0 or 2 M/CH:6 UD:v

Data Packet Type (DP): This field shall be set to ZERO (0).

MSP Packet Type (MP): This field shall be set to ONE (1) to indicate that this is not a
Short Form MSP Packet.

Supervisory Packet (SP): This field shall be set to ZERO (0).

L Field (L): A value of one shall indicate that the packet is part of an L bit sequence
with more packets in the sequence to follow. A value of ZERO (0) shall indicate that
the sequence ends with this packet.

MSP Sequence Number Field (M/SN): This field shall be used to detect duplication in
the delivery of L bit sequences. The first packet in an L bit sequence shall be
assigned a sequence number of ZERO (0). Subsequent packets shall be numbered
sequentially. A packet received with the same sequence number as the previously
received packet shall be discarded.

MSP Channel Number (M/CH): The field shall be set to the channel number derived
from the SSE control data (Table C-2-5).

User Data (UD): The User Data Field shall contain message data received from the
Mode S Specific Services interface.

C. L-Bit Processing

L bit processing shall be performed only on the Long Form MSP Packet.

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Upon receipt of a long form MSP Packet the AE shall construct the User Data Field

a. Verifying that the packet order is correct using the M/SN Field (see §C.

b. Assuming that the User Data Field in the MSP Packet is the largest number of
integral bytes that is contained within the frame.

c. Associating each User Data Field in an MSP Packet received with a previous
User Data Field in an MSP Packet that has an L bit value of ONE (1).

d. Truncating the assembled User Data Field to 151 bytes if necessary.

Note: Truncation of the user data field is a condition that cannot be reported.

e. If an error is detected in the processing of an MSP packet, the packet shall be


In the processing of an L bit sequence, the AE shall discard any MSP packets that
have duplicate M/SN values. The AE shall discard the entire L bit sequence if a long
form MSP Packet is determined to be missing by use of the M/SN Field.

The packets associated with any L bit sequence whose reassembly is not completed
in Tm seconds (Table C-2-4) shall be discarded.

C. Broadcast Format

The first byte of the broadcast MA field shall contain the broadcast identifier as
specified in Table C-2-1.

C.2.2.7 Frame Processing

C. Uplink Frames

C. Uplink SLM Frames

An uplink SLM frame shall be composed of up to 4 selectively addressed Comm-A


Note: Each Comm-A segment (MA Field) received by the AE is accompanied by

the first 32 bits of the interrogation that delivered the segment. Within these
32 bits is the 16 bit Special Designator (SD) Field.

C. SD Field
When the Designator Identification (DI) Field (bits 14-16) has a code value of 1 or 7,
the Special Designator (SD) Field (bits 17-32) of each Comm-A interrogation shall be
used to obtain the Interrogator Identifier Subfield (IIS, bits 17-20) and the Linked
Comm-A Subfield (LAS, bits 30-32). The action to be taken shall depend on the
value of LAS. The contents of LAS and IIS shall be retained and shall be associated
with the Comm-A message segment for use in assembling the frame as indicated
below. All fields other than the LAS Field shall be as defined in §

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For DI=1
17  20 21  22 23  25 26 27  28 29 30  32

For DI=7
IIS RRS Spare LOS Spare OVC Spare LAS
17  20 21  24 25 26 27 28 29 20  32

Figure C-2-2: The SD Field Structure

C. LAS Coding

The three bit LAS subfield shall be coded as specified in Table C-2-4.

Table C-2-4: LAS Subfield Coding

0 Single segment
1 Linked, 1st segment
2 Linked, 2nd but not final segment
3 Linked, 3rd but not final segment
4 Linked, 4th and final segment
5 Linked, 2nd and final segment
6 Linked, 3rd and final segment
7 Unassigned

C. Single Segment SLM Frame

If LAS=0, the data in the MA Field shall be considered a complete frame and shall
be made available for further processing.

C. Multiple Segment SLM Frame

The AE shall accept and assemble linked 56 bit Comm-A segments associated with
all 16 possible Interrogator Identifier (II) codes. Correct linking of Comm-A segments
shall be achieved by requiring that all Comm-A segments have the same value of
IIS. If LAS=1 through 6 the frame shall consist of two to four Comm-A segments as
specified in the following:

Note 1: The number of linked Comm-A's is limited to four because longer linked
Comm-A transmissions would result in inefficient utilization of the Mode S
link, as well as slow frame delivery. Longer frames can be transferred
more efficiently using the ELM protocol.

Initial Segment: If LAS = 1, the MA Field shall be assembled as the initial segment of
an SLM frame. In this case, the initial segment shall be stored until all segments of
the frame have been received or the frame is canceled.

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Intermediate Segment: If LAS = 2 or 3, the MA Field shall be assembled in

numerical order as an intermediate segment of the SLM frame. It shall be
associated with previous segments containing the same value of IIS.

Final Segment: If LAS = 4, 5 or 6, the MA Field shall be assembled as the final

segment of the SLM frame. It shall be associated with previous segments containing
the same value of IIS.

Note 2: A two segment linked Comm-A will consist of an initial segment (LAS=1)
and a final segment (LAS=5).

Frame Completion: The frame shall be considered complete and shall be made
available for further processing as soon as all segments of the frame have been

Frame Cancellation: An incomplete SLM frame shall be canceled if one or more of

the following conditions apply:

a. A new initial segment (LAS=1) is received with the same value of IIS. In this
case, the new initial segment shall be retained as the initial segment of a new
SLM frame.

b. The sequence of received LAS codes (after the elimination of duplicates) is not
contained in the following list:
1. LAS = 0
2. LAS = 1,5
3. LAS = 1,2,6
4. LAS = 1,6,2
5. LAS = 1,2,3,4
6. LAS = 1,3,2,4
7. LAS = 1,2,4,3
8. LAS = 1,3,4,2
9. LAS = 1,4,2,3
10. LAS = 1,4,3,2
c. Tc (seconds) have elapsed since the last Comm-A segment with the same value
of US was received. See Table C-2-6.

Segment Cancellation

A received segment for an SLM frame shall be discarded if it is an intermediate or

final segment and no initial segment has been received with the same value of IIS.

Segment Duplication

If a received segment duplicates a currently received segment number with the same
value of IIS, the new segment shall replace the currently received segment.

Note 3: The action of the Mode S link protocols may result in the duplicate
delivery of Comm-A segments.

C. Uplink ELM Frame

An uplink ELM frame shall consist of from 20 to 160 bytes and shall be transferred
from the interrogator to the transponder using the protocol defined in §2.2.20. The
first 4 bits of each uplink ELM segment (MC Field) shall contain the Interrogator
Identifier (II) code of the Mode S interrogator transmitting the ELM. The AE shall
check the II code of each segment of a completed uplink ELM. If all of the segments

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contain the same II code, the II code in each segment shall be deleted and the
remaining message bits retained as user data for further processing. If all of the
segments do not contain the same II code, the entire uplink ELM shall be discarded.

Note: An uplink ELM frame consists of 2 to 16 associated Comm C segments, each

of which contains the 4 bit II code. Therefore, the capacity for packet transfer
is 19 to 152 bytes per uplink ELM frame.

C. Downlink Frames

Note: Data is transferred from an AE to a “Ground Application Entity” using

downlink frames.

C. Downlink SLM Frame

A downlink SLM frame shall be composed of up to 4 Comm-B segments. The MB

Field of the first Comm-B segment of the frame shall contain a 2 bit Linked Comm-B
Subfield (LBS, bit 1 and 2 of the MB Field). This subfield shall be used to control
linking of up to 4 Comm-B segments.

Note: The LBS uses the first two bit positions in the first segment of a multi or
single segment downlink SLM frame. Hence, 54 bits are available for Mode
S packet data in the first segment of a downlink SLM frame. The remaining
segments of the downlink SLM frame, if any, have 56 bits available.

C. LBS Coding

Linking shall be indicated by the coding of the LBS subfield of the MB Field of the
initial Comm-B segment of the SLM frame.

The coding of LBS shall be as specified in Table C-2-5.

Table C-2-5: LBS Subfield Coding

0 Single segment
1 Initial segment of a two-segment SLM frame
2 Initial segment of a three-segment SLM frame
3 Initial segment of a four-segment SLM frame

C. Linking Protocol

In the Comm-B protocol, the initial segment shall be transmitted using the air initiated
or multisite directed protocols. The LBS Field of the initial segment shall indicate to
the ground the number of additional segments to be transferred (if any). Before the
transfer of the initial segment to the transponder, the remaining segments of the SLM
frame (if any) shall be transferred to the transponder for transmission to the
interrogator using the ground initiated Comm-B protocol. These segments shall be
accompanied by control codes that cause the segments to be inserted in ground
initiated Comm-B Registers 0216, 0316 or 0416, associated respectively with the
second, third, or fourth segment of the frame.

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Closeout of the air initiated segment that initiated the protocol shall not be performed
until all segments have been successfully transferred.


1. The linking procedure including the use of the ground initiated Comm-B protocol
is performed by the AE.

2. When the Mode S interrogator detects a non-zero LBS code in an air initiated or
multisite directed Comm-B segment, it can proceed immediately with the ground
initiated Comm-B protocol and request the remaining segments of the SLM
frame. When it has received all of the segments, it closes out the air initiated or
multisite directed segment that began the linked Comm-B protocol.

3. This linking protocol, as well as the linked Comm-A protocol, is transparent to the

C. Directing SLM Frames

If the SLM frame is to be multisite directed, the AE shall determine the II code of the
Mode S interrogator or cluster of interrogators that shall receive the SLM frame.

C. Downlink ELM Frame

Downlink ELM frames shall be used to deliver messages greater than 128 bytes and
shall be formed using the protocol defined in §

Note: A downlink ELM consists of 1 to 16 associated Comm D segments.

C. Directing ELM Frames

If the ELM frame is to be multi-site directed, the AE shall determine the II code of the
Mode S interrogator or cluster of interrogators that shall receive the ELM frame.

C. Delivery Status

AE Frame Processing shall accept an indication from the transponder that a

specified downlink frame that was previously transferred to the transponder has been
closed out as specified in § and §3.25.2.

C. Interrogator Identifier

AE Frame Processing shall accept from the transponder, along with the data in each
uplink SLM or ELM, the Interrogator Identifier (II) code of the interrogator that
transmitted the frame. AE Frame Processing shall transfer to the transponder the II
code of the interrogator or cluster of interrogators that shall receive a multi-site
directed frame.

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C. Frame Cancellation

AE Frame Processing shall be capable of canceling downlink frames previously

transferred to the transponder for transmission but for which a closeout has not been
indicated. If more than one frame is stored within the transponder, the cancellation
procedure shall be capable of canceling the stored frames selectively.

C.2.2.8 System Timers

The values for timers referenced in this specification shall conform to the values
given in Table C-2-6.

Table C-2-6: AE Mode-S Subnetwork Timers

Timer Name Timer Label Nominal Value Reference

L-Bit Delivery Tm 120 seconds §C.

Interrogator Link Tz 30 seconds §C.
Link Frame Cancellation Tc 60 seconds §C.

Tolerance for all timers shall be ±1 percent.

Resolution for all timers shall be 1 second.

C.3 Mode-S Specific Services Test Procedures

The test procedures set forth below constitute a satisfactory method of determining
required Mode S Specific Services performance. Although specific test procedures
are cited, it is recognized that other methods may be preferred. Such alternate
methods may be used if the manufacturer can show that they provide at least
equivalent information. Therefore, the procedures cited herein should be used as
one criterion in evaluating the acceptability of the alternate procedures.

C.3.1 General Characteristics

The test configuration (Figure C-3-1) provides a means of validating the information
content of any message received from the Aircraft Application Entity (AAE), as well
as the Ground Application Entity (GAE), which is processed and managed by both
the Aircraft – Specific Services Entity (A-SSE), and the Ground – Specific Services
Entity (G-SSE).

The test configuration should be capable of generating or accepting messages in the

form of MSPs, Broadcast and GICB. The test configuration should be able to format
and populate the data content for MSSS type messages.

The test configuration should be capable of generating the entire content of a Long
and Short Mode S uplink message, and accept the entire content of a Long and Short
downlink message according to the following:

(1) Long Mode S messages are 112 bits, encoded per §3.18. Short Mode S
messages are 56 bits, also coded according to §3.18. When required, the
coding of these messages is contained in the appropriate test procedure of
this Appendix.

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(2) For uplink Extended Length Messages (ELM)s, the test configuration should
be able to convey a control field called Interrogator Identification Subfield
(IIS) to the A-SSE independently of the messages described in (1) above.

(3) The test configuration should be able to convey delivery status of Mode S
downlink messages to the A-SSE independently of the messages described
in (1) above.

(4) The test configuration should be able to accept from the A-SSE a Mode S
frame cancellation message independently of the messages described in (1)

SSE Interface SSE Interface

Aircraft Application Entity Ground Application Entity

Aircraft Ground
SSE Data
Mode S Specific Mode S Specific
Services Entity (SSE) Services Entity (SSE)

Frame Processing Frames Frame Processing

Mode S link protocol

(RF interface)
Transponder Interrogator

Figure C-3-1: Mode-S Specific Services Test Configuration

C.3.2 Detailed Test Procedures

C.3.2.1 Downlink Processing

C. Broadcast Processing

(§C. – General)
(§C. – Broadcast Processing)
(§C. – Broadcast Format)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the downlink broadcasting function of the
MSSS, which includes broadcast processing and formatting of the broadcast

Step 1 Generate two 56 bit downlink broadcast messages. The 56-bit message
data field will consist of an alternating one zero pattern and alternating zero
one pattern for alternate packets. Send the two broadcast messages to the

Step 2 At the G-SSE, verify that the transponder has generated two broadcast
Comm-B segments whose MB Fields are equal to the message data fields
of the broadcast messages. Verify format and content of the broadcast

Step 3 If supported by the interface, generate a downlink broadcast message from

the A-SSE with the data field length greater than 56 bits. Verify that an
error message to the A-SSE is generated, and that no request for a Comm-
B downlink appears at the RF interface.

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C. MSP Processing

(§C. – MSP Processing)
(§C. – Short Form MSP Packet)
(§C. – Long Form MSP Packet)
(§C. – Delivery Status)

Objective: This test is designed to validate the downlink MSP processing function of
the MSSS, which includes MSP processing, delivery status and formatting of the
short form and long form MSP packets. The tests cover both SLM and ELM
capabilities of the Mode S Transponder.

SLM Capable

Step 1 Uniquely identify the UD fields of each MSP packet by using recognizable
sequences of bit and/or byte patterns. One method for uniquely identifying
each packet for this test is to insert the MSP channel number in the UD

Step 2 From the AAE, generate the following MSP packets:

# of
UD Field MSP Channel
Group Packet Packet Size
Length Numbers
a. 8 5 bytes 1 segment 48 – 41
b. 4 12 bytes 2 segments 52 – 49
c. 4 19 bytes 3 segments 56 – 53
d. 4 26 bytes 4 segments 60 – 57
e. 3 29 bytes See text 63 – 61
f. 165 bytes 61

Step 3 For groups “a” through “d,” extract all Comm-B segments, and follow each
with a closeout, as necessary. Verify that the control codes are DP=0,
MP=0 (indicating the Short form MSP) and M/CH field corresponds to the
selected MSP packet group (M/CH=48 to 41 for group a., M/CH = 52 to 49
for group b., etc.). Verify that the status of each downlink is sent to the A-

Note: The packet from group “e” is oversize and cannot be transmitted in entirety.
This portion of the test requires the A-SSE to use Long Form MSP packets
with L bit assembly.

Step 4 Verify that the first Comm-B message contains 26 bytes of user data
identical to the first 26 bytes of the UD Field in the original MSP message,
and the L bit is set. Verify that the second Comm-B message contains one
segment with the MB Field identical to the last three bytes of user data in
the original MSP message, and the L bit is not set.

Step 5 Send the data from group f to the A-SSE. Verify that no request for Comm-
B downlink appears at the A-SSE RF interface.

ELM Capable

Step 1 Repeat the group e test described in the previous paragraph with the
condition that the oversize packets are to be sent in total using downlink
ELM containing Short MSP packets.

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C.3.2.2 Uplink Processing

C. Broadcast Processing

(§C. – General)
(§C. – Broadcast Processing)
(§C. – Broadcast Format)
(§C. – Interrogator Identifier)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the uplink broadcasting function of the
MSSS, which includes broadcast processing, interrogator identifier, and formatting of
the broadcast messages.

Step 1 Send twelve uplink Comm-A Broadcast messages divided into two groups
of six interrogations. The first group will be uplinked with a UF Field = 20
and the second group with UF = 21. Within each group of six
interrogations, the 56 bit MA fields will contain a combination of the
following bit patterns: all ones, all zeros, alternating ones and zeros and
alternating zeros and ones. For each frame, set DI = 1 or 7, IIS = 15, and
SD (except IIS) = 0, and provide an indication that the frame is an unlinked
Comm-A (LAS = 0).

Step 2 Verify that the data delivered to the A-SSE interface contains the 56 bits of
data in the MA field, the 32 bits Mode S frame header information, the II
code, the broadcast ID and an indication that the frames are Comm-A
broadcast frames.”

C. MSP Processing

(§C. – MSP Processing)
(§C. – Short Form MSP Packet)
(§C. – Long Form MSP Packet)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the uplink MSP processing function of the
MSSS, which includes MSP processing and formatting of the short form and long
form MSP packets. The tests cover both SLM and ELM capabilities of the Mode S
Transponder. The test uplinks several packets on different Mode S MSP channel
numbers. The A-SSE is required to reformat Short and Long MSP packets into
message and control data for the AE Separate Interface.

Step 1 Uniquely identify the UD fields of each MSP packet by using recognizable
sequences of bit and/or byte patterns. One method for uniquely identifying
each packet for this test is to insert the MSP channel number in the UD

Step 2 Send the following MSP messages to the AAE from the G-SSE interface:
# of UD Field MSP Channel
Group Packet Size
Packets Length Numbers
a. 8 6 bytes 1 segment 48 – 41
b. 4 13 bytes 2 segments 52 – 49
c. 4 20 bytes 3 segments 56 – 53
d. 4 27 bytes 4 segments 60 – 57
e. 3 29 bytes See text 63 – 61

Step 3 Verify that the A-SSE forwards the contents of the UD fields, as well as a
means for identifying the packets as MSP data, to the AAE interface.

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Step 4 In case e), send to the A-SSE 2 Mode S linked Comm-A frames containing
2 linked Mode S Long Form MSP Packet on the selected MSP channel
number. The first packet will have L bit set to one and contain 26 bytes of
user data. The second frame will have L bit set to zero and contain 3 bytes
of user data. Make sure the A-SSE forwards the contents of the UD Field
in its entirety and correct order to the AAE.

Step 5 If ELM capability is available, repeat Step e) but this time send a Mode S
Short Form MSP packet to the A-SSE containing 29 bytes of data in the UD
Field. Verify that the A-SSE forwards the contents of the UD Field as a
means for identifying the packet as MSP data, to the AAE.

C.3.2.3 Frame Tests

C. Uplink SLM Frames

(§C. – Uplink SLM Frame)
(§C. – SD Field)
(§C. – LAS Coding)
(§C. – Single Segment SLM Frame)
(§C. – Multiple Segment SLM Frame)
(§C. – Frame Cancellation)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the uplink frame function of the MSSS,
which includes processing of the SLM frame, SD field, LAS coding, the frame
cancellation function, and the management of single segment and multiple segment
SLM frames.

Single Segment SLM Frame

Step 1 From the G-SSE interface, generate 4 unlinked Comm-A frames containing
Mode S Short Form MSP Packets having uniquely identifiable data in each
of the 6 byte UD fields.

Step 2 Send this data to the A-SSE using MSP Channel Number 48 for the first
frame, 47 for the second frames, etc., and use II = 6 for all frames.

Step 3 Verify that the A-SSE accepts control and message data from the
transponder interface indicating 4 unlinked Comm-A segments with IIS = 6
and LAS = 0 in each case. Also, verify also that the A-SSE forwards the
content of the UD Field to the A-SSE interface as well as a means for
identifying the packets as MSP data, to the A-SSE interface.

Note: If this test is to be performed in conjunction with Mode S transponder

validation, the message field must be duplicated exactly in the Mode S RF
interrogation, and uplink formats 20 and 21 must both be used.

SD Field
LAS Coding
Frame Cancellation
Multiple Segment SLM Frame
This test requires the transmission of linked Comm-A segments over MSP channels.

In order for the A-SSE to reformat the frames, it is necessary to have segment
number one contain the Short Form MSP Packet header.

Linked Comm-A messages can be canceled either whole or in part if the segments
are not correctly received as determined by the LAS Field.

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Step 1 Generate the following table of uplink frame data. Uniquely identify the
data in the MA fields of each segment by using recognizable sequences of
bit and/or byte patterns. All segments should be delivered by the same
sensor II code, that is sensor 1, except frames 13 and 15 which should be
delivered by sensor number 2.

Step 2 Send the following sequence of frames to the A-SSE:

Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 Notes
1. 1 0 0 0 1 0 Initial and Final Segments
Two intermediate and one final segment;
2. 0 1 1 1 0 0
no initial segment
3. 1 1 0 0 0 1 Initial intermediate and final segments
Initial and intermediate segments; no
4. 1 1 1 0 0 0
final segment
Initial, third/final segments, no second
5. 1 0 0 0 0 1
Initial and intermediates; no final
6. 1 1 1 0 0 0
7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Delay Tc Plus one second
8. 0 0 0 1 0 0 Final segment for frame 6
9. 1 1 1 0 0 0 Initial and intermediate segments
10. 0 0 1 1 0 0 Duplicate and final segment for frame 9
11. 1 1 1 1 0 0 All 4 segments complete
12. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Initial segment IIS=1
13. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Initial segment IIS=2
14. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Final segment IIS=1
15. 0 0 0 0 1 0 Final segment IIS=2
16. 1 0 0 0 0 1 First and final segment
17. 0 1 0 0 0 0 Second segment

Step 3 Send each frame at 10 second intervals, except frame 7. After sending
frame 6, wait at least Tc plus one second before sending frame 8.
Thereafter, continue with 10 second intervals.

Step 4 Verify that frames 1, 3, 11, 12/14, 13/15, and 16/17 are sent to the A-SSE
interface. Verify the 0.25 second reformatting time requirement and the
data content for completeness and proper order.

Step 5 Frames 9 and 10 should comprise a complete linked Comm-A. However,

segment 3 is duplicated in frame 10 and should be discarded. Verify that
frames 9 and 10 are sent to the A-SSE interface. Verify from the length
and content that the duplicate segment has been discarded.

Step 6 Frames 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 should all be discarded; no message data should

result. Each of these frames meets one of the conditions of §C.
for uplink frame cancellation.

Link Frame Cancellation Timer Tc

Step 1 Generate two Short Form MSP packets with a 27 byte UD Field to fit into a
four segment linked Comm-A message. The content of the UD Field will
be a 1 in the first byte, 2 in the second byte, etc. Set II = 1 for all

Step 2 Send only the first three Comm-A segments of the first frame to the A-SSE.
Impose a delay of Tc minus two seconds, then send the final segment.

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Step 3 Verify that the A-SSE forwards to the AAE interface a MSP message with a
27 byte UD Field in correct order and content.

Step 4 Repeat the process just described and transmit the first three Comm-A
segments of the second frame. However, this time impose a delay of Tc
plus two seconds between the transmission of the third and the final
Comm-A segments. Verify that there is no output to the AAE.

C. Uplink ELM Frames

(§C. – Uplink ELM Frame)

Objective: This test is designed to validate the uplink frame function of the MSSS,
and is intended to demonstrate that the A-SSE can receive segments of an ELM.
ELM protocol is strictly a transponder issue; the A-SSE has no part in the message
handling until the transponder sends a complete ELM.

The data content of each of the segments of the ELM will be identical to the
transponder MC Fields after the receipt of an ELM. The bit pattern contained in the
MC Field should permit each segment's data to be uniquely identified. Note that the
first four bits of each uplink ELM MC Field contains the II code of the sensor.
Therefore, there are 76 bits of User Data in each uplink ELM segment. All segments
should be delivered by the same sensor 1, code.

Step 1 Send the following table of ELM frames (UF = 24) containing the Short
Form of MSP packets, to the A-SSE at the transponder interface:

# of UD Field MSP Channel

Group Packet Size
Packets Length Numbers
a. 1 18 bytes 2 segments 2
b. 1 27 bytes 3 segments 3
c. 1 37 bytes 4 segments 4
d. 1 46 bytes 5 segments 5
e. 1 56 bytes 6 segments 6
f. 1 65 bytes 7 segments 7
g. 1 75 bytes 8 segments 8
h. 1 84 bytes 9 segments 9
i. 1 94 bytes 10 segments 10
j. 1 103 bytes 11 segments 11
k. 1 113 bytes 12 segments 12
l. 1 122 bytes 13 segments 13
m. 1 132 bytes 14 segments 14
n. 1 141 bytes 15 segments 15
o. 1 151 bytes 16 segments 16

Step 2 Verify also that the A-SSE forwards the contents of the UD fields of the
MSP packets and a means for identifying the packet as MSP data, to the
AAE interface.

Negative Uplink ELM Frame Test

The A-SSE must discard the entire uplink ELM if all of the segments do not contain
the same II code.

Step 1 Repeat the previous test with data from group “a” of the test but send the
last segment with an II code different from the II code contained in the first

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Step 2 Verify that no output is generated to the A-SSE.

C. Downlink SLM Frames

(§C. – Downlink SLM Frame)
(§C. – LBS Coding)
(§C. – Linking Protocol)
(§C. – Directing SLM Frames)
(§C. – Delivery Status)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the downlink frame function of the MSSS,
which includes processing of the SLM frame, LBS coding, linking protocol, directing
and delivery status of SLM frames. This test requires the transmission single and
linked Comm-B segments over MSP channels.

SLM Capable

Step 1 Uniquely identify the UD fields of each MSP packet by using recognizable
sequences of bit and/or byte patterns. One method for uniquely identifying
each packet for this test is to insert the MSP channel number in the UD
Field. Set II=1 for all packets in this section.

Step 2 Send the following MSP messages to the A-SSE from the AAE interface:
# of UD Field MSP Channel
Group Packet Size
Packets Length Numbers
a. 8 5 bytes 1 segment 48 – 41
b. 4 12 bytes 2 segments 52 – 49
c. 4 19 bytes 3 segments 56 – 53
d. 4 26 bytes 4 segments 60 – 57
e. 3 29 bytes See text 63 – 61

Step 3 Extract each Comm-B segments from the A-SSE and send Comm-D close-
outs, as necessary. Verify the A-SSE sends an indication of the downlink
delivery status to the AAE. Verify the correct association of LBS value with
the number of segments delivered and that the M/CH field decrements

Note: Since the transponder is not downlink ELM capable, the packets from
group “e” will be sent via Comm-B segments with MSP L bit procedures.

Step 4 Verify that the first Comm-B message from group e consists of 4 segments
and contains 26 bytes of data in the MB Field(s) and that the second
Comm-B message contains one segment with three bytes of data in the
MB Field.

C. Downlink ELM Frame

(§C. – Downlink ELM Frame)
(§C. – Directing ELM Frame)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the downlink frame function of the MSSS,
which includes processing of the ELM frames. This test requires the transmission of
ELM segments over MSP channels.

ELM Capable

Step 1 Uniquely identify the UD fields of each MSP packet by using recognizable
sequences of bit and/or byte patterns. One method for uniquely identifying

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each packet for this test is to insert the MSP channel number in the UD

Step 2 Send the following MSP messages to the A-SSE from the AAE interface:
# of
UD Field MSP Channel
Group Packet Packet Size
Length Numbers
a. 1 9 bytes 1 segment 1
b. 1 19 bytes 2 segments 2
c. 1 29 bytes 3 segments 3
d. 1 39 bytes 4 segments 4
e. 1 49 bytes 5 segments 5
f. 1 59 bytes 6 segments 6
g. 1 69 bytes 7 segments 7
h. 1 79 bytes 8 segments 8
i. 1 89 bytes 9 segments 9
j. 1 99 bytes 10 segments 10
k. 1 109 bytes 11 segments 11
l. 1 119 bytes 12 segments 12
m. 1 129 bytes 13 segments 13
n. 1 139 bytes 14 segments 14
o. 1 149 bytes 15 segments 15
p. 1 159 bytes 16 segments 16

Step 3 Extract the Comm-D segments from the A-SSE and send Comm-D close-
outs, as necessary. Verify the A-SSE sends an indication of the downlink
delivery status to the AAE interface. At the GAE interface, verify the
correct association of the ND value with the number of segments delivered
and that the M/CH field increments correctly for each packet.

C.3.2.4 MSP Operations

(§C., §C. – MSP Processing)
(§C. – L-bit Processing)
(§C.2.2.8 – System Timers)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the MSP operations by using L-bit linking,
MSP processing and System Timers in associated with these operations.

Step 1 Send 4 bytes of CONTROL MESSAGE data from the AAE interface on
channel 1. Verify at the G-SSE interface that the A-SSE has sent a Mode
S short form MSP packet on channel 1.

Step 2 Send 42 bytes of CONTROL MESSAGE DATA from the AAE interface on
channel 1. At the G-SSE, verify that two Mode S MSP packets (long form)
are received from the A-SSE on channel 1. The first frame will have L bit
set to one and contain 26 bytes of user data. The second frame will have L
bit set to zero and contain 16 bytes of user data.

Step 3 Send a Mode S frame containing a Mode S MSP (short form) Packet to the
A-SSE on channel 2. Fill the UD Field with five bytes of the bit pattern
01010101. At the A-SSE interface, verify the reception of a CONTROL
MESSAGE DATA on channel 2.

Step 4 Generate 42 bytes of Control Message Data from the G-SSE interface on
MSP channel 1 in a total of 2 MSP packets (Long Form). The first MSP
packet will have L-bit set to 1 and contain 26 bytes of User Data. The
second MSP packet will have L-bit set to 0 and contain 16 bytes of User

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Data. At the A-SSE interface, verify that an MSP packet (Long Form) is
received from the A-SSE on channel 1.

C.3.2.5 L-Bit Linking

(§C. – L-bit Processing)
(§C.2.2.8 – System Timers)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the L-bit linking function of the MSSS for
long form MSP channels, and the use of the Tm timer for L-bit linking.

The Long Form MSP Packet test procedures are designed to test the A-SSE's ability
to link Mode S Long Form MSP Packets when the packet size is greater than 28
bytes and the transponder has no downlink ELM capability.

Step 1 Use a selected MSP number, fill the Used Data Field with 32 bytes of the
bit pattern 01010101. At the G-SSE interface, verify that two mode S long
form MSP packets are received on the selected MSP channel from the A-
SSE. The first frame will have L bit set to one and contain 26 bytes of user
data. The second frame will have L bit set to zero and contain 6 bytes of
user data.

Step 2 Send two Mode S Comm-A frames containing a linked Mode S Long Form
MSP Packet to the A-SSE on a MSP channel number. Fill the UD Field
with 26 bytes and 6 bytes respectively with the bit pattern 10101010. At
the A-SSE interface, verify that a Mode S long form MSP packet is received
from the AAE. Verify the UD Field for content and order.

L-bit Delivery Timer (Tm)

Step 1 From the GAE, create 2 long form MSP packets for delivery to the AAE.
The first packet will have 26 bytes of user control data and L-bit set to ONE
(1). The seconds packet will have 16 bytes of user control data and L-bit
set to ZERO (0) for a complete sequence.

Step 2 After sending the first packet, send the second packet within the Tm time
period. At the AAE interface, verify the receipt of this constructed packet
containing 42 bytes of user control data in correct order and content.

Step 3 Repeat the process to generate the long form MSP packets again to the A-
SSE, except this time, send the second packet after Tm time period. This
allows the A-SSE to discard the complete sequence since the expiration of
the Tm timer for L-bit sequencing.

Verify that there’s no related output for this transaction at the AAE interface.

C.3.2.6 Link Frame Cancellation Timer (Tc)

(§C. – Frame Cancellation)
(§C.2.2.8 – System Timers)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the Tc frame cancellation timer of the
frame processing function.

Step 1 From the GAE, generate two Short Form MSP packets with a 27 byte UD
Field to fit into a four segment linked Comm-A message. The content of
the UD Field will be a 1 in the first byte, 2 in the second byte, etc. Set II = 1
for all segments.

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Step 2 Send only the first three Comm-A segments of the first frame to the A-SSE.
Impose a delay of Tc minus two seconds, then send the final segment.

Step 3 Verify that the A-SSE receives an MSP message with a 27 byte UD Field in
correct order and content.

Step 4 Repeat the process just described and transmit the first three Comm-A
segments of the second frame. However, this time impose a delay of Tc
plus two seconds between the transmission of the third and the final
Comm-A segments. Verify that there is no output to the AAE.

C.3.2.7 Interrogator Link Timer (Tz)

(§C. – MSP Processing)
(§C.2.2.8 – System Timers)
Objective: This test is designed to validate the Tz interrogator link timer of the MSSS.

Step 1 From the GAE, generate a short form MSP packet for delivery to the AAE
(data content can be any).

Step 2 For this downlink, do not allow for a closeout from the G-SSE. This will
force the Tz timer in the A-SSE to start its countdown for the non-closeout

Step 3 After 30 seconds elapse, verify that there’s no output in the form of the
MSP packet at the GAE, since the packet would have been discarded by
the A-SSE due to the Tz timeout.

C.4 Dataflash Application

C.4.1 Introduction

Eurocontrol has defined a Table of parameters available from aircraft systems that
will be downlinked via Mode S to ATC ground systems. This information is intended
to provide the ATC systems with more information to improve knowledge, amongst
other things, on the aircraft’s current status and its short term intent. The parameters
are called Downlink Aircraft Parameters (DAPs). They can be acquired via the Mode
S system by the use of either one of two Mode S protocols as follows:

Ground initiated Comm B (GICB) which requires regular interrogation of the aircraft to
extract the parameter.

Dataflash is a contract-based service specified by ICAO in the Manual on Mode S

Specific Services (ICAO Doc 9871, Appendix A). It relies on the aircraft system,
announcing in its Mode S replies to surveillance interrogations, that a parameter in a
contracted transponder register has changed according to rules agreed in the
contract. It therefore does not require regular interrogations to check the status of the

C.4.2 The Choice of Protocol

Data that needs to be updated every few scans of the ground radar will normally be
extracted by the ground system using the GICB protocol. To use this protocol to
acquire data which does not necessarily change very often, results in a lot of
interrogations and replies which provide the same information as the previous

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transaction, therefore causing unnecessary interference on the radio frequency


Dataflash is a much more radio frequency channel efficient protocol that can be used
to extract information that may not change very often, and Eurocontrol states using
Mode S will therefore need to use this protocol.

C.4.3 EUROCAE Documentation

The Mode S transponder functions and protocols are fully covered by Eurocae ED-
73C MOPS, and the Mode S Aircraft Data Link Processor (ADLP) functions and
protocols by the ED-82A MOPS. The latter, however does not include MOPS for the
Dataflash function because Dataflash is a Mode S Specific Services Application, and
as such is not covered by the Mode S Subnetwork standards or MOPS.

A characteristic for a Mark 4 transponder has now been published in ED-86, requiring
the Dataflash function to be part of the Mark 4 transponder. To locate Dataflash
elsewhere would require a lot of data already residing in the transponder to be
shipped out to the Dataflash function for monitoring and back in again when action is
required. This would result in an unnecessary aircraft wiring and data-bus load. In
order to permit full certification of such a transponder, Dataflash MOPS are required.

If the Dataflash application is implemented in an ADLP and a failure of the ADLP

occurs, the only possible recovery mechanism is a power up restart to ensure that the
ADLP is in the initialization state. Failure of the ADLP shall not impair the
surveillance function of the transponder.

In the case of a single ADLP connected to two transponders, it shall be possible to

switch over to the standby transponder without affecting the ADLP states.

C.4.4 Dataflash Requirements

All the requirements of Uplink MSP channel 6 when the Service Request header is
set to 1 and those of Downlink MSP channel 3 shall be met as specified in ICAO Doc
9871, Appendix A.

The detailed requirements are stated in §C.4.6.

C.4.5 Document Precedence

If there is any conflict between this Appendix and ICAO Doc 9871, Appendix A, the
latter takes precedence.

C.4.6 Uplink MSP Channel 6 (Ground-to-Air Request)

C.4.6.1 Purpose
To provide a means of requesting access to services supported by the aircraft. When
implemented, bit 6 of the register accessed by Register 1D16 shall be set to ONE (1).

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C.4.6.2 Format
The request shall be transferred in an uplink MSP packet with the channel number
set to 6 and, in the case of a long form MSP packet, with SP set to ZERO (0). The
first byte of the user data field contains a service request (SR) header. The contents
and format of the service request are specified by the application.

C.4.6.3 SR Header Assignments

The decimal value of SR shall be interpreted as follows:

0 Unassigned
1 Dataflash
2 Local System Management
3 to 255 Unassigned

C.4.6.4 Dataflash Request Format

The purpose of Dataflash service is described in §C.4.7.1. The format of the user
data field is shown in Table C-4-1. The user data field of the requesting MSP packet
shall contain the decimal value of “ONE” in the first byte (SR header), followed by
one or more requests for Dataflash services. Each request shall contain a two byte
Dataflash request header (DH), followed by a one byte field to define the minimum
time interval permitted between reports (MT field), a four bit field to determine the
event criterion (EC field), a four bit field to determine stable time (ST field), and if
indicated in EC, a Change Quanta field (CQ) and a Change Threshold (CT) field.
The 4 bit ST field shall indicate the decimal value in seconds, how long the changed
data has been stable before a message shall be initiated. ALL ZEROs in the
Dataflash header (DH) shall indicate that there are no more Dataflash requests in the
packet. When an MSP packet is completely filled with Dataflash requests, or when
there is not sufficient room in the packet for another Dataflash request header, it
shall be assumed that the Dataflash request sequence is complete.

A single Dataflash contract relates to a single contract number for a single register for
a particular II code. This meets the requirement that multiple Dataflash services, with
different DH values for each II code, can be established simultaneously with the
same aircraft. These may be modified or discontinued independently of each other.
All aircraft equipment and installations shall support 16 Dataflash contracts. All
aircraft Dataflash equipment and installations originally certified after 1 January 2001
shall support 64 Dataflash contracts.

Note: When a request has been accepted by the aircraft system a data flash
response will be triggered immediately regardless of thresholds or event
criteria. If no response is received in 30 seconds then a check should be
made that the aircraft is still available on roll call, and if so a new request
should be generated. In order to avoid repeated Dataflash requests that
produce no response, the number of such requests (N) should be limited

When a new contract request is received for a contract already in existence, the old
contract shall be discontinued and replaced immediately by the latest one.

C.4.6.5 Dataflash Header (DH) 16 Bits

The 16 bit DH field is divided into three subfields separated by 3 currently unassigned
bits 14 through 16 (see Table C-4-1).

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C. Contract Number Subfield (CNS) 4-Bits.

(Bits 9 to 12 of the Uplink MSP 6 User Data Field)

This subfield shall be interpreted as a contract number permitting 16 different
contracts to be associated with the register specified by the BDS1 and BDS2 codes
of this contract request.

Contract numbers available are 0 to 15.

C. Request Data Subfield (RDS) 1-Bit.

(Bit 13 of the Uplink MSP 6 User Data Field)

This subfield shall indicate whether or not the contents of the register being
monitored by the requested contract must be sent in the MSP Packets on Downlink
channel 3 that are sent each time the criterion for the contract is met.

The subfield shall be interpreted as follows:

RDS = 0 Send only bits 1 to 40 of the user data field on Downlink MSP 3 when
the contract criterion is met.

RDS = 1 Send bits 1 to 96 of the user data field on Downlink MSP 3 when the
contract criterion is met.

Note: RDS only indicates the length of the user data field in Downlink MSP3
when responding with a value zero in the CI field (see §C.

C. BDS1 and BDS2 Codes of the Register for Which the Contract is Required. 8

(Bits 17 to 24 of the Uplink MSP 6 User Data Field)

BDS1 and BDS2 codes are specified in Annex 10 Volume IV.

C.4.6.6 Minimum Time (MT) 8 Bits

The decimal value of the 8 bit MT field represents the minimum time in seconds that
shall elapse after a report has been event triggered and sent to the transponder,
before a new report can be initiated. The report sent to the transponder shall always
be the most current data available.

C.4.6.7 Event Initiation

Event initiation shall be controlled by the two following fields.

C. Event Criterion Field (EC) 4 Bits

These are the four bits following the MT field. If multiple events occur within a single
register being monitored by a Dataflash contract, (e.g., if more than one parameter
shows a significant change) only one message shall be triggered.

The decimal value of the EC field shall be interpreted as follows:

0 = No report required, discontinue service for the contract specified in the

DH field.

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1 = Report any change.

2 = 56 bit change field (CQ) follows ST. Only report changes to bits indicated
by a “ONE” in CQ.

3 = 56 bit field CQ follows ST. For each parameter report all status changes
and all changes of the parameter greater than the quantum value
indicated in the same units and resolution of the field in CQ
corresponding to that parameter. A zero in the field in CQ corresponding
to the parameter indicates that no reports are required.

4 = 112 bits CQ plus CT follow ST. The first 56 bits are as for the EC value 3
above. The second 56 bits are the CT field indicating a threshold value in
the field corresponding to the parameter. Report all changes above the
threshold where the value in CQ gives the change quantum.

5 = 112 bits of CQ and CT follow ST. Same as for the EC value 4 above
except: report all changes below the threshold.

6 = 112 bits of CQ and CT follow ST. Same as for ECS values 4 and 5
above except report only when the threshold is crossed (in either

7 to 14 = Not currently assigned.

15 = Cancel all contracts for the II code in this request.

C. Stable Time Field (ST) 4 Bits

These are the four bits following the EC field. The decimal value of ST shall indicate
in seconds, how long the changed data have been stable to within the change quanta
specified in CQ field, before a message shall be initiated. A value of ZERO (0) in this
subfield shall indicate that there is no minimum stable time and any change
immediately initiates a message. The significance of the ST will differ slightly
depending upon which EC mode is being used. In particular, for EC modes 4 & 5,
regarding stability whilst above/below a threshold, if a parameter value remains
above/below the defined threshold for greater than the ST time then a Dataflash shall
be generated even if the value does not remain stable to within one quantum.
Subsequent quantum changes which are stable for greater than the ST time shall
generate further Dataflash messages until the value falls below / rises above the

C.4.6.8 Change Fields – Change Quanta (CQ) and Change Threshold (CT)
These fields shall be present when indicated in EC. For a GICB service (i.e., for DH
from 1 to 255 inclusive), CQ shall be contained in bits 41 to 96 of the MSP 6 User
Data Field. CT when required shall be contained in bits 97 to 152 of the MSP 6 User
Data Field. The quantum value in the CQ field shall be in the same units and
resolution as those specified for the register being monitored and it specifies the
amount by which the parameter shall change, from its value at the initialization of the
contract, and thereafter from the value last reported by a Dataflash response on
downlink channel MSP 3.

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Table C-4-1: Request for Dataflash Register monitoring Service Mode S SLM Frame Containing
(Uplink MSP Channel 6)

Bits 1 to 40 Bits 41 to 96 (if required) Bits 97 to 152 (if required)
DP = 0 (1 BIT) 41 97
MP = 0 (1 BIT) 42 98
43 99
M/CH = 6 (6 BITS) HEADER 45 101
(1 BYTE) 46 102
47 103
48 104
1 49 105
2 50 106
3 51 107
5 53 109
6 54 110
7 55 111
8 56 112
9 CONTRACT 57 113
10 NUMBER 58 114
11 SUBFIELD 59 115
14 NOT 62 FIELD (CQ) 118 FIELD (CT)
16 HEADER 64 120
17 (DH) 65 121
18 BDS1 66 122
19 CODE 67 123
20 68 124
21 69 125
22 BDS2 70 126
23 CODE 71 127
24 72 128
25 73 129
26 74 130
27 MINIMUM 75 131
28 TIME (MT) 76 132
29 INTERVAL 77 133
30 78 134
31 79 135
32 LSB = 1 second 80 136
33 81 137
34 EVENT 82 138
35 CRITERION (EC) 83 139
36 84 140
37 85 141
38 STABLE TIME (ST) 86 142
39 87 143
40 LSB = 1 second 88 144
89 145
90 146
The last byte of the final MA field shall always be 91 147
unassigned 92 148
93 149
Note: See Annex 10 Volume III § for specification 94 150
of MSP Packets. 95 151
96 152

C.4.7 Downlink MSL Channel 3. Dataflash Service

C.4.7.1 Purpose
Dataflash is a service which announces the availability of information from air-to-
ground on an event triggered basis. This is an efficient means of downlinking
information which changes occasionally and unpredictably. When implemented, bit
31 of the Register accessed by Register 1D16 shall be set to ONE (1).

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C.4.7.2 Service Initiation and Termination

The Dataflash service shall be initiated or discontinued by a service request. It is
received on uplink MSP channel 6 with a decimal value of ONE in the service request
(SR) header which is contained in the first byte of the user data field. This indicates
that the rest of the user data field contains Dataflash request. On the receipt of such
a request a Dataflash message from the register concerned with the request, shall
immediately be made available and announced to the ground regardless of the
setting of the RDS field in the contract request and of any event criteria.

The response shall be as follows:

1. When the requested register is being serviced, the contract shall be

established and an MSP Packet as in Table C-4-2 shall be announced to the
ground on MSP channel 3. The CI field shall be set to a value of 1. The
message shall be used by the ground system to confirm that the service has
been initiated.

2. If the requested register is not being serviced the contract shall not be
established. This shall be indicated by announcing the MSP Packet on
Downlink MSP channel 3 to the ground as shown in Table C-4-2, and with a
value of 2 in the CI field.

3. If the maximum number of contracts that can be supported are already

established then the new contract shall be refused. This shall be indicated
by announcing to the ground an MSP Packet on Downlink channel 3, as
shown in Table C-4-2, and with a value of 3 in the CI field.

4. In the case of a request from the ground to terminate the service for a
particular register the termination of the service shall be confirmed by
announcing to the ground, an MSP Packet on Downlink channel 3, as shown
in Table C-4-2, and with a value of 4 in the CI field.

5. In the case of a request from the ground to terminate the service for all
contracts to a particular II code. The termination of the service shall be
confirmed by announcing to the ground, an MSP Packet on Downlink
channel 3, as shown in Table C-4-2, and with a value of 5 in the CI field.

6. When the register service fails for an established contract, the contract shall
be terminated by the airborne application. This shall be indicated by
announcing an MSP Packet on Downlink channel 3, to the ground, as shown
in Table C-4-2, and with a value of 7 in the CI field. Register service shall be
deemed to have failed when any of the parameters specified to be monitored
in the negotiation of the contract is not being updated at the specified
minimum rate.

7. When a contract is refused due an invalid value of the EC field in the contract
request this shall be indicated by announcing an MSP Packet on Downlink
channel 3 to the ground as shown in Table C-4-2, and with a value of 15 in
the CI field.

8. If any message is not extracted from the transponder by a ground

interrogator within 30 seconds the aircraft subnetwork cancels the message
and generates a delivery failure notice (i.e., the Tz timer expires) which is
delivered to the aircraft MSP service provider. When a delivery failure notice
is received the service shall be automatically terminated by the Dataflash
function with no indication to the ground system.

Note: This is to prevent the transponder message queues being blocked when
the ground interrogator stops supplying the message extraction service,

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either due to a fault or loss of cover. It is the responsibility of the ground

application to monitor the Dataflash service taking this into account.

9. When the transponder has not been selectively interrogated by a Mode S

interrogator with a particular II code for 60 seconds (this is determined by
monitoring the IIS subfield in all accepted Mode S interrogations), all
Dataflash contracts related to that II code shall be cancelled with no
indication to the ground system.

C.4.7.3 Service Provision

On the reception of a Dataflash request the requested parameters shall be monitored
and transferred to the ground using the Mode S air initiated protocols directed to the
II code that was contained in the requesting interrogation. In order to prevent the
flooding of the transponder with Dataflash messages, an upper limit of ten messages
in a six seconds period shall be imposed. When the limit of ten messages within a
six seconds period is reached, further messages shall be queued until they can be
sent. Messages queued in this way shall respond with a CI field value of 6.

If after initiating a Dataflash message to the ground, the change criterion is met again
prior to the message being entered into the transponder for announcement, the
message is considered stale and shall be replaced by the most up to date

C.4.7.4 Downlink Message Structure

The information shall be transferred in a downlink MSP packet with the channel
number M/CH = 3. The format is shown in Table C-4-2.

The first two bytes of the User Data (UD) field shall contain a Dataflash header (DH),
which are identical to the DH field that was contained in the request for the service.

C. Bits 17 to 31 of UD form the II code Contract Report Field in which each bit shall
indicate that at least one contract is active with the II code which the bit represents
when it is set to a ONE, otherwise there are no active contracts with that II code.

C. Bits 32 to 36 of UD are not assigned.

C. Bits 37 to 40 of UD form the Contract Information (CI) field which shall be
interpreted as follows:

CI Field Value Meaning

0 Response to existing contract
1 New contract established
2 New contract not accepted due to no register data service
New contract not accepted due to maximum number of contracts
already being serviced.
Contract terminated for the DH in this response due to a request
from the ground.
All contracts terminated for the II code that delivered the MSP
Packet having an EC value of 15 that requested this response.

5 Response has been queued due to the limit of ten Dataflash

messages in a six seconds period.

Contract terminated due to failure of the register data service.

8 to 14 Unassigned
New contract not accepted due to invalid number in EC field of
requesting uplink MSP Packet.

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C. When the CI field is equal to ZERO the response shall be as requested by the RDS
field in the Dataflash header of the contract (see §C. When the CI field is not
equal to ZERO the response shall only contain bits 1 to 40 of the user data field on
downlink MSP 3 (see Table C-4-2).

C.4.7.5 Data Extraction by Mode-S Ground Stations

The Dataflash transaction shall be announced as a downlink frame in replies to
interrogations UF 4, 5, 20, or 21. The transaction announced shall be either a single
segment Comm B frame, or a two segment Comm B frame, as requested by the
contract negotiation. The Air Directed Comm B first segment shall contain the MSP
header, Dataflash header, and control information for that particular contract. In the
case of a contract for a single segment response, if the data is required, it is acquired
by the ground station extracting the register in question directly.

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Table C-4-2: Dataflash for Register Monitoring Service

(Mode-S Frame for Downlink MSP Channel 3)

Bits 1 to 40 Bits 41 to 96
DP = 1 (1 BIT) 43
MP = 0 (1 BIT) 44
46 Note: See Annex 10 Volume III
M/CH = 3 (6 BITS) 47 § for specification of
MSP 48 MSP Packets
FILL 1 = 0 (6 BITS) 53
4 (CNS) 60
6 NOT 62
11 CODE 67
12 68
13 69
14 BDS2 70
15 CODE 71
16 72
17 II=1 73
18 II=2 74
19 II=3 75
20 II=4 76
21 II=5 77
22 II=6 78
23 II=7 II CODE 79
25 II=9 REPORT (CR) 81
26 II=10 82
27 II=11 83
28 II=12 84
29 II=13 85
30 II=14 86
31 II=15 87
32 88
33 89
35 91
36 92
37 93
40 96

C.4.7.6 Data flash Requirement/Test Cross Reference Table

Table C-4-3 lists all requirements and gives the test section Procedures which test
each requirement.

Table C-4-3: Dataflash Requirements/Test Cross-Reference

Requirement Test Chapter
Headline Related test
Paragraph No Paragraph No
§C.4.6 Uplink MSP channel 6 headline
§C.4.6.1 Purpose §C. Procedure 1 Step 1

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Requirement Test Chapter

Headline Related test
Paragraph No Paragraph No
§C.4.6.2 Format uplink requirement
§C.4.6.3 SR header assignments §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
§C.4.6.4 Dataflash request format §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
§C.4.6.5 Dataflash header (DH) 16 bits introduction
§C. Contract number Subfield (CNS) §C. Procedure 4 Step 1
§C. Request Data Subfield (RDS) §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
BDS 1 and BDS2 codes of the register for which the
§C. §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
contract is required.
§C.4.6.6 Minimum time (MT) §C. Procedure 5 Steps 1, 2
§C.4.6.7 Event Initiation introduction
Event Criterion field (EC)
§C. §C. Procedure 3 Step 1
-a. EC = 0
-b. EC = 1 §C. Procedure 2 Step 1
-c. EC = 2 §C. Procedure 6 Step 1
Procedure 6 Step 2
-d. EC = 3 §C.
Procedure 6 Step 3
-e. EC = 4 §C. Procedure 6 Step 4
-f. EC = 5 §C. Procedure 6 Step 5
-g. EC = 6 §C. Procedure 6 Step 6
-h. EC = 7-14 §C. Procedure 6 Step 9
-i. EC = 15 §C. Procedure 6 Step 7
§C. Stable time (ST) field §C. Procedure 7 Step 1
Change fields - Procedure 6 Step 2 (LSB)
§C.4.6.8 §C.
-a. Change Quanta (CQ) Procedure 6 Step 3 (MSB)
-b. Change Threshold (CT) §C. Procedure 6 Step 4
Table C-4-1 MSP packet User Data (MSP 6) implicitly tested
§C.4.7 Downlink MSP Channel 3 Dataflash Service headline
§C.4.7.1 Purpose introduction
§C.4.7.2 Service initiation and termination implicitly tested
1. Initiation action (contract established) §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
2. Initiation action (register not serviced) §C. Procedure 2 Step 1
3. Initiation action (maximum number of contracts) §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
4. Initiation action (contract terminated) §C. Procedure 3 Step 1
5. Initiation action (all contracts terminated) §C. Procedure 6 Step 7
6. Initiation action (contract establishment failed) §C. Procedure 3 Step 2
7. Initiation action (EC field error) §C. Procedure 6 Step 8
8. Delivery failure notice §C. Procedure 3 Step 3
9. Non-interrogation timeout §C. Procedure 3 Step 4
§C.4.7.3 Service provision §C. Procedure 8 Step 3
§C.4.7.4 Downlink message structure implicitly tested
§C. Contract report field. §C. Procedure 2 Steps 1,2,3
§C. Unassigned bits implicitly tested
Contract information field
§C. §C. Procedure 5 Step 2
-a. CI = 0
-b. CI = 1 §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
-c. CI = 2 §C. Procedure 2 Step 1
-d. CI = 3 §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
-e. CI = 4 §C. Procedure 3 Step 1
-f. CI = 5 §C. Procedure 6 Step 7
-g. CI = 6 §C. Procedure 8 Step 3
-h. CI = 7 §C. Procedure 3 Step 2
-i. CI = 8-14 implicitly tested
-j. CI = 15 §C. Procedure 6 Step 9
§C. Response type §C. Procedure 2 Step 2
§C.4.7.5 Data Extraction by Mode S Ground stations Implicitly tested
Table C-4-2 Dataflash for Register Monitoring service implicitly tested

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C.4.8 Test Procedures for Dataflash Application

C.4.8.1 Test Equipment

a. A Mode S transponder and a means to input and record test data into the Mode S
transponder registers from simulated aircraft data buses at the required rates.
(This may be done via an ADLP if the transponder does not have the Dataflash
application inside it).
b. A means to interrogate the Mode S transponder at a regular rate between 6 and
10 seconds with surveillance interrogations and decode the replies.
c. A means to send data to the transponder, extract air initiated messages
announced by the transponder, and extract the data from the transponder
registers of the transponder, by means of interrogations with the appropriate
control codes set.
d. A means to set up, record, and monitor Dataflash contracts by interrogating the
Mode S transponder. Also a means of extracting and recording the data from the
transponder when announced in the reply to a background surveillance

The test equipment and its configuration will be dependent on where the Dataflash
function resides. There are several possibilities, two examples of which are, either in
an ADLP separate from a transponder, or in a combined ADLP transponder unit such
as a Mark 4 transponder. The manufacturer shall declare the monitoring points to be
used and offer a test equipment configuration to meet the requirements of the tests.
Two possible test equipment configurations are shown in Figure C-4-1.

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Figure C-4-1: Two Possible Test Equipment Options for Testing the Dataflash Application

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C.4.8.2 Test Procedures

C. Procedure #1: Initialization and Checking for Dataflash Support

(Reference: §C.4.6.1)

This test procedure shall be carried out at the start of each test sequence to verify
that the airborne Mode S system is functioning correctly and can support uplink MSP
channel 6, downlink MSP channel 3, and the appropriate transponder registers.

Step 1 – MSPs installed and require service

a. Switch on the Mode S system under test and the test equipment and set the test
interrogation II code to a non-zero value.

b. Start a regular pattern (one interrogation every 6 to 10 seconds) of Mode S

Surveillance interrogations as shown in Table C-4-4.

Table C-4-4: Surveillance Interrogation

UF = 4 or 5 PC = 0 RR = 0 DI = 7 SD AP
IIS RRS = 0 LOS = 0 TMS = 0

c. Check that the specified replies are received and decoded correctly.

d. Extract the data from a transponder register using an interrogation as in Table C-

4-4, but setting the RR field to 17 and the RRS subfield to ZERO (0). (This is a
request for the Data Link Capability Report.)

e. Verify in the MB field of the reply that bit 25 is set to ONE (1). (This indicates that
MSP services are supported.)

f. Extract the data from a transponder register using an interrogation as in Table C-

4-4, but setting the RR field to 17 and the RRS subfield to 13. (This is a request
for one of the Mode S Specific Services MSP capability report registers.)

g. Check in the MB field of the reply that bit 6 is set to ONE (1) indicating that MSP
Uplink Channel 6 is installed and requires service, and that bit 31 is set to ONE
(1) indicating that Downlink Channel 3 is installed and requires service.

Step 2 – Transponder Register data sources installed

a. Extract the data from a transponder register using an interrogation as in Table C-

4-4, but setting the RR field to 17 and the RRS subfield to 8. (This is a request
for one of the Mode S Specific Services MSP capability report registers.)

b. Check in the MB field of the reply and record the bits that are set to a ONE
indicating that a transponder register service is indicated as installed.

c. Repeat Step 2 four times incrementing the RRS subfield by 1 each time to give
RRS values 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Step 3 – Transponder Register data loading

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a. Load known data into all transponder registers, indicated as installed from Step 2
above, in the transponder that contain other than static data (i.e., GICB capability
report register etc.) at the minimum rate specified in ICAO Document 9688.

b. Extract the data from each register and verify that the data is correct.

c. Cease loading data into the transponder registers.

d. After a delay of at least twice the required update rate extract the data from each
register and verify that the data is ALL ZEROs.

C. Procedure #2: Requesting the setup of Dataflash Contracts

(Reference: §C.4.6.3, §C.4.6.4, §C., §C., §C., §C.4.7.2.(1),

§C.4.7.2.(2), §C.4.7.2.(3), §C., §C. & §C.

This test procedure is to check that the Dataflash application will not set up a contract
for a transponder register that is not being serviced and that a contract can be set up
when the transponder register is being serviced. It also checks that the maximum
number of contracts for which the system is declared to be capable of handling can
be set up. It also tests the function of CR field, the RDS field, and CI field values 1, 2,
and 3.

Step 1 – Dataflash contract request for transponder registers not being loaded with

a. Ensure that no data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet as

shown in Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6 with the BDS1 and BDS2 codes
of the transponder register with which the contract is intended set into the DH

Table C-4-5: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6

SR =1 DH MT = 0 EC = 1 ST = 0
CNS = 0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: Mode S Frames are specified and tested in EUROCAE document ED-82.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder 0.1 seconds after the uplink
frame in “b” above was received by the transponder.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-6 and it contains a DH equal to the value
in the request interrogation and a value of 2 in the CI field. (This indicates that
the contract was not accepted). Also verify that the CR field contains ALL
ZEROs. (This indicates that there are no Dataflash contracts in existence.)

Note: Since RDS = 1 in the contract request this test also verifies that the message
register content is not sent when the register is not being loaded with data.

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e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 1 requesting a contract for all transponder registers indicated as

installed in the results of Procedure 1 Step 2.

Step 2 – Contract establishment for transponder registers being loaded with data

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder as specified in Table C-4-5 but
with RDS=0, containing an MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7 and that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation. Verify that the CI field is set to ONE (1) when
the contract is accepted, and that CI = 3 and the MSP packet is as shown in
Table C-4-7, when the maximum number of contracts is exceeded. (This
indicates that the contents of the transponder register are made available when
the contract is established even though RDS=0). Also verify that in the CR field,
the bit relating to the II code in the requesting interrogation is set to a ONE (1) for
all II codes for which contracts have been accepted. (This indicates the contracts
that have been accepted and are active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change the data in the transponder register so that the criterion for a Dataflash
message to be triggered is met.

g. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the data changed.

h. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-6. Verify that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation in Step 2 “b”. Verify that the CI field is set to
ZERO (0). (This indicates that after the contract has been established the
transponder register data is not made available because RDS=0 in the contract

Table C-4-6: MSP Packet on Downlink MSP Channel 3

DH (16 bits) CR (15 bits) Not Assigned (5 bits) CI (4 bits)

i. Repeat Step 2 “b” to “c” but setting RDS=1 in Step 2 “b”.

j. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to ONE (1)
when the contract is accepted and CI = 3 when the maximum number of

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contracts is exceeded. Also verify that in the CR field, the bit relating to the II
code in the requesting interrogation is set to a ONE (1) for all II codes for which
contracts have been accepted. (This indicates the contracts that have been
accepted and are active.) Verify that the register message content is that which
was loaded into the register specified in the contract request.

Table C-4-7: MSP Packet on Downlink MSP Channel 3

Register message content
DH (16 bits) CR (15 bits) Not Assigned (5 bits) CI (4 bits)
(56 bits)

k. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


l. Change the data in the transponder register so that the criterion for a Dataflash
message to be triggered is met.

m. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 second after
the data changed.

n. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7. Verify that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation in Step 2 “b”. Verify that the CI field is set to
ZERO (0). (This indicates that after the contract has been established the
transponder register data is made available because RDS=1 in the contract

o. Repeat Procedure 2 Step 2 “a” to “e”, using a different non-zero II code each time
requesting contracts up to a value equal to the maximum number of contracts
that the system is declared to be capable of handling plus one. Use other
transponder registers indicated as “installed” in the results of Procedure 1 Step 2
if the maximum number of contracts is more than 16.

p. Record the maximum number of contracts accepted, and verify that the number
is at least 16, and that it is the maximum number declared by the manufacturer
for the unit under test.

q. Use the techniques in §C. Procedure 3 to terminate all the contracts.

Step 3 – Multiple contract requests contained in a single MSP Packet on MSP

channel 6

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder register.

b. Depending on the transponder Level, send a Mode S uplink frame to the

transponder containing an MSP packet as shown in Table C-4-8 or Table C-4-9
with RDS=1 in the Dataflash Header(DH), on uplink MSP channel 6 with different
BDS codes of transponder registers being loaded in a above for each contract

Table C-4-8: MSP Packet Containing Multiple Contract Requests for a Level 2 Transponder
Contract 1 Contract 2 END
Quanta Threshold

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This will result in an Uplink 4 Segment Linked Comm A frame.

Table C-4-9: MSP Packet Containing Multiple Contract Requests for Level 3 and above
Contract 1 Contract 2 Contract 3 END Fill data
Quanta Quanta Threshold

This will result in an Uplink ELM frame

c. Verify that downlink transactions directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction in “b” above, are announced by the transponder in replies
to surveillance interrogations sent to the transponder, the first one, no later than
0.1 seconds after the uplink frame in “b” above was sent and one for each
subsequent contract request as soon as the previous transaction has been
closed out.

d. Extract each downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and that it contains DH equal to the
value in the contract request interrogation, and verify that the CI field is set to
ONE (1) and the relevant bit of the CR field is set to ONE (1) indicating the same
II code as was set in the interrogation requesting transaction in “b” above. (This
indicates that the contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Verify that all the requested contracts have been accepted.

f. Closeout each downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to

the transponder.

g. Use the techniques in §C. Procedure 3 to terminate all the contracts.

Step 4 – Tests of wrong values in the Service Request (SR) header in MSP packet
on uplink MSP channel 6

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet as in

Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6, but with the SR field set to ZERO (0).

c. Verify that no downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply

to a surveillance interrogation as in Table C-4-4, sent to the transponder no later
than 0.1 seconds after the uplink frame in “b” above was sent. (No downlink
response indicates that the contract was not accepted.)

d. Repeat Step 1 requesting the same contract using all other SR values. i.e., 2 to
255 inclusive and verify that no Dataflash downlink transactions are announced
by the transponder.

C. Procedure #3: Termination of Dataflash Contracts

(Reference: §C., §C.4.7.2.(4), §C.4.7.2.(6), §C.4.7.2.(8), §C.4.7.2.(9), &


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This Procedure tests the different methods of terminating Dataflash contracts and can
be performed in conjunction with Procedure 2 of §C. in order to minimize the
total number of tests required.

Step 1 – Dataflash contract termination by the interrogator using the EC Field

a. Establish the maximum number of contracts as in Procedure 2 §C.

b. For an established contract send a Mode S uplink Frame containing an MSP

packet as in Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6, but with the EC Field set to
ZERO (0). (This should cause the contract to be cancelled.)

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
each uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet as shown in
Table C-4-7, on Downlink MSP channel 3 and it contains a DH field
corresponding to the contract to be cancelled and that the CI field is set to a
value of 4. (This indicates that the contract has been cancelled.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 1 for all the established contracts.

Step 2 – Dataflash contract termination by transponder register losing its source data

a. Establish the maximum number of contracts as in Procedure 2 Step 2 sections

“a” to “e” in §C.

b. For an established contract discontinue the loading of the relevant transponder

register. (This should cause the contract to be cancelled.)

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation shown in Table C-4-4, sent to the transponder no later
than 0.1 seconds after each uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH field corresponding to the
contract for the transponder register which is no longer serviced and that the CI
field is set to a value of 7. (This indicates that the contract has been cancelled.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 1 for all the established contracts.

Step 3 – Dataflash contract termination by the airborne application due to link failure

a. Establish a contract as in Procedure 2 Step 2 sections “a” to “e,” in §C.

b. Change and record the data pattern being loaded into the relevant transponder

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c. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder, directed to

the II code that was used in the requesting transaction, in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation shown in Table C-4-4, sent to the transponder no later
than 0.1 seconds after the data change in “b” above.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH field equal to that in the
request interrogation, and verify that the CI field is set to ZERO. (This indicates
that the contract has detected the change in data and is functioning correctly.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change and record the data pattern being loaded into the relevant transponder

g. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

a surveillance interrogation no later than 1 second after the data change in “f”

h. Wait 35 seconds.

i. Verify that a downlink transaction is no longer announced in replies to

surveillance interrogations. (This indicates that the airborne system has declared
a link failure and should have terminated the contract).

j. Change the data pattern being loaded into the relevant transponder register and
record the new pattern.

Verify that NO downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

surveillance interrogations after the data change in “j” above. (This means that the
contract has been cancelled by the airborne system.)

Step 4 – Dataflash contract termination due to loss of service from an interrogator

with the same II code as the one that initiated the contract

a. Establish a contract as in Procedure 2 Step 2 sections “a” to “e,” in §C.

b. Change and record the data pattern being loaded into the relevant transponder

c. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder, directed to

the II code that was used in the requesting transaction, in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation shown in Table C-4-4, sent to the transponder no later
than 0.1 seconds after the data change in “b” above.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH field equal to that in the
request interrogation, and verify that the CI field is set to ZERO. (This indicates
that the contract has detected the change in data and is functioning correctly.)

e. Change the II code of all interrogations to the transponder, record the new II
code, and repeat “a” to “d” above. Verify in the CR field of the response in “d”
above, that contracts are indicated for both the original and the new II codes.

f. Wait 60 seconds from the time of the last interrogation with the original II code
and repeat “b” to “d” above. Verify in the response to “d” above that the CR field

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indicates no contracts for the original II code. (This confirms that the contracts to
the original II code have been cancelled.)

g. Repeat the whole of Step 4 “a” to “f” to test all II codes as the original II code.

C. Procedure #4: Dataflash Header (DH) Field Tests

(Reference: §C.

This Procedure tests for the correct interpretation of the Contract Number Subfield
(CNS) in the DH field. The BDS code subfield interpretation is tested in §C.
Procedure #2 Step 2.

Step 1 – Establishing multiple contracts with a single transponder register

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5, with the BDS1 and BDS2 codes set for
a contract with a selected transponder register.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 1 “a” to “e” using the same BDS1 and BDS2 codes in the
interrogations in “c” above, and setting each of the other values in the CNS
subfield in turn in “b” above.

g. Repeat Step 1 “a” to “f” for at least three different transponder registers.

Note: If in “f” or “g” above the maximum number of contracts that the transponder
can handle is reached, the contracts must be terminated by the method used
in Procedure 3 Step 1 in §C. above, and this test continued to test all
CNS values.

h. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

C. Procedure #5: Minimum Time (MT) Field Tests

(Reference: §C.4.6.6 & §C.

This Procedure tests for the correct interpretation of the Minimum Time (MT) field
contained in the MSP packet of uplink MSP channel 6.

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Step 1 – Data changing at longer intervals than the value in the MT field

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change the transponder register data being loaded into the transponder register
which was indicated in the contract initiated in “a” to “d” above.

g. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the transponder register data was changed in the transponder register.

h. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1).

i. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 1 “f.”
Verify that it contains the new changed data that was loaded into that
transponder register. (This indicates that the changed data is immediately
available as requested in the MT field.)

j. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


k. Repeat Step 1 “f” to “j” at least 10 times and verify that all the data changes are

l. Repeat Step 1 “f” to “k” for values of 10, 50, 100, 150, and 255 seconds set into
the MT field of the MSP packet in “b” above, and the transponder register data
changes of “f” above, at rates of 11, 51, 101, 151, and 256 seconds respectively.

m. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 2 – Data changing at shorter intervals than the value in the MT field

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5.

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c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change the contract by sending a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder

containing an MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5, but with
the MT field set to ONE (1) second.

g. Change data being loaded into the transponder register at time intervals
approximately equal to a quarter of the time indicated in the MT field of the
requesting contract.

h. Verify that a downlink transaction is NOT announced by the transponder in the

reply to a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder at any time earlier
than the value in MT field.

i. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than the value in the
MT field plus 0.1 seconds after the previous data extraction.

j. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to ZERO (0). (This indicates a
response to an existing contract.)

k. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 2 “f”
above. Verify that it contains the latest data that was loaded into that
transponder register before expiry of the time value in the MT field. (This
indicates that the MT field is being interpreted correctly.)

l. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


m. Repeat Step 1 “f” to “l” with MT values of 10, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 255 seconds
being set into the MSP packet on MSP uplink channel 6 of “f” above.

n. Terminate the contract by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

C. Procedure #6: Event Criterion (EC) Field Tests

(Reference: §C., §C.4.6.8, §C.4.7.2.(5), §C.4.7.2.(7), & §C.7.4.3)

This Procedure tests the 4 bit Event Criterion Field (EC. Tests for the EC values of
ZERO (0) and ONE (1) are covered in the previous Procedures. CI field values 0, 1,
3, and 5, and CR field bit tests are included in this Procedure.

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Step 1 – Tests with EC Field = 2

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into one of the installed transponder registers
and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-10 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” above, and the bits in the Change
Quanta (CQ) field set to alternating Zeros and Ones, starting with a ZERO (0).

Table C-4-10: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=2

SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=2 ST=0 CQ Quanta (56 bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: When EC=2 the Change Quanta (CQ) field is interpreted as 56 individual
bits. When a bit is set to ZERO, the corresponding bit in the transponder
register is not monitored and when it is set to a ONE a report is sent
whenever the corresponding bit in the transponder register changes.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each bit in the transponder register in turn, change that bit and perform “g,”
“h,” “i,” “j,” and “k” below.

g. When the corresponding bit in the CQ Quanta is set to a ONE verify that a
downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “f” above was sent.

h. When the corresponding bit in the CQ Quanta is set to a ZERO (0) verify that NO
downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation.

i. Extract all announced downlink transactions, and verify that they are MSP
Packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and they contain a DH
equal to the value in the request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of

j. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 1 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder
register. (This indicates that the change monitoring is functioning correctly.)

k. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


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l. Repeat the whole of Step 1 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

m. For at least three of the transponder registers set the bits in the CQ Quanta to
alternating Ones and Zeros, starting with a ONE (1) in the first bit and repeat
Step 1.

n. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 2 – LSB change tests with EC Field = 3

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into one of the installed transponder registers
and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-11 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” above. Also set the sub divided
fields in the Change Quanta field (CQ) as in (i) and (ii) below:

(i) When the sub divided field represents a numerical value set it to the least
significant bit value.

(ii) When the sub field represents a character or status information set it to

Table C-4-11: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=3

CQ Quanta (56 bits)
SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=3 ST=0
LSB=1 all other bits = 0
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: When EC=3 the Change Quanta field (CQ) is sub-divided into the same fields
as the transponder register with which the contract is being made. For each
of these sub-divided fields ALL ZEROs indicates that changes to that
parameter are not to be reported and ALL ONEs indicates that any change to
that parameter shall be reported. Otherwise the value in the subfield for a
parameter shall be the decimal value of the quantum of the minimum change
in that parameter, taking any sign bit into account, which has to be reported.
The units of the change parameter are the same as the least significant bit of
the parameter being monitored. Status and switch bits are treated as
separate fields for change field monitoring.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, change the parameter by
an amount equal to its least significant bit.

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g. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds
after the uplink frame in f. above was sent.

h. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ZERO (0).

i. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 2 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder
register. (This indicates that the change monitoring is functioning correctly.)

j. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


k. Repeat “f” to “j,” this time changing each parameter in turn by an amount equal to
its most significant bit.

l. Repeat the whole of Step 2 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

m. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 3 – MSB change tests with EC Field = 3

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into one of the installed transponder registers
and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-11 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” above. Also set the sub divided
fields in the Change Quanta field (CQ) as in (i) and (ii) below:

(i) When the sub divided field represents a numerical value set it to the least
significant bit value.

(ii) When the sub field represents a character or status information set it to

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, change the parameter by
an amount equal to its most significant bit.

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g. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds
after the parameter change in “f” above was sent.

h. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ZERO (0).

i. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 3 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder
register. (This indicates that the change monitoring is functioning correctly.)

j. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


k. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, change the parameter by
an amount equal to less than its most significant bit.

l. Verify that NO downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply

to a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder after the parameter change
in “i” above was sent. (This indicates that the contract is functioning correctly.)

m. Repeat the whole of Step 3 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

n. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 4 – Tests with EC Field = 4 (Only report changes above a threshold value)

a. Ensure that data having a value of the least significant bit is being loaded, into all
the fields that represent numerical values, into one of the installed transponder
registers and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-12 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” above. Set the sub fields in the
Change Quanta (CQ) field to a value equal to a maximum of one quarter of the
MSB, or to the LSB, in each case where the field represents a numerical value.
Set the CQ field to ALL ONEs where the field represents a character or status
information etc. Also set a Threshold value equal to the MSB for all fields that
represent a numerical value in the CT Threshold.

Table C-4-12: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=4

CQ Quanta CT Threshold
SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=4 STS=0
(56 bits) (56 Bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: When EC=4 the Change Threshold (CT) field is sub-divided into the same
subfields as the transponder register with which the contract is being made.
For each of these sub-divided fields ALL ZEROs indicates that changes to
that parameter are not to be reported. Otherwise the value in the subfield for
a parameter shall be the decimal value of the threshold for that parameter
taking any sign bit into account. Only parameter changes that cross the
threshold criterion are reported. The Change Quanta (CQ) field is similarly
divided into subfields which indicate that a change will not be reported for
that subfield until the parameter has changed by at least the CQ value since

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the contract was agreed in the case of a first report, or since the last report
generated by this contract.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, increment the parameter
value every time a surveillance interrogation is sent to the transponder, in steps
equal to the value that has been specified for it in the CQ Quanta until the
threshold has been crossed by at least four increments, or has reached its
maximum value, and perform the actions of “g,” “h,” “i,” and “j” below.

Note: The reason for crossing the threshold by four increments if possible is to
verify that all changes greater that CQ that are above the threshold crossing
are reported.

g. Extract any announced downlink transaction and verify that they are MSP
Packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and they contain a DH
equal to the value in the request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of
ZERO (0).

h. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 4 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder
register and that the data is equal to or has exceeded the value set in the
threshold for the parameter under test. (This indicates that the change
monitoring is functioning correctly.)

i. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


j. Verify that a correct downlink transaction was only received for each parameter
increment that gave a value higher than the threshold.

k. Repeat the whole of Step 4 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

l. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 5 – Tests with EC Field = 5 (Only report changes below a threshold value)

a. Ensure that data having the maximum value is being loaded into all the fields that
represent numerical values, into one of the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-13, with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up
a contract with the register being loaded in “a” above, and the subfields in the

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Change Quanta (CQ) field set to the least significant bit value in each case where
the subfield represents a numerical value, and to ALL ONEs where the field
represents a character or status information etc. Set a Threshold value equal to
the MSB for all fields that represent a numerical value in the CT Threshold.

Table C-4-13: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=5

CQ Quanta CT Threshold
SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=5 STS=0
(56 bits) (56 Bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: When EC=5 the Change Threshold field (CT) is divided into the same
subfields as the transponder register with which the contract is being made.
For each of these subfields ALL ZEROs indicates that changes to that
parameter are not to be reported. Otherwise the value in the subfield for a
parameter shall be the decimal value of the threshold for that parameter
taking any sign bit into account. Only changes in the parameter that are
equal to or greater than the CQ Quanta value and are lower than the
threshold are reported.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, decrement the parameter
value every time a surveillance interrogation is sent to the transponder, in steps
equal to the value that has been specified in the Dataflash contact request in
Step 5 “b” above for it in the CQ Quanta until the threshold has been crossed by
at least four decrements, or has reached its minimum value, and perform the
actions of “g,” “h,” “i,” and “j” below.

g. Extract any announced downlink transactions and verify that they are MSP
Packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and they contain a DH
equal to the value in the request interrogation.

h. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 5 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder
register and that the data is equal to or has gone below the value set in the
threshold for the parameter under test. (This indicates that the change
monitoring is functioning correctly.)

i. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


j. Verify that a correct downlink transaction was only received for each parameter
increment that gave a value lower than the threshold.

k. Repeat the whole of Step 5 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

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l. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 6 – Tests with EC Field = 6 (Only report changes when the threshold is crossed)

a. Ensure that data having a value of at least 4 Quanta below the threshold or the
minimum for the parameter, is being loaded into all the fields that represent
numerical values, into one of the installed transponder registers and record the
data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-14, with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up
a contract with the register being loaded in “a” above, and the sub divided fields
in the Change Quanta (CQ) field set to the least significant bit value in each case
where the field represents a numerical value, and to ALL ONEs where the field
represents a character or status information etc. Set a Threshold value equal to
the MSB for all fields that represent a numerical value in the CT Threshold.

Table C-4-14: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=6

CQ Quanta CT Threshold
SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=6 ST=0
(56 bits) (56 Bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

Note: When EC=6 the Change Threshold field (CT) is sub-divided into the same
fields as the transponder register with which the contract is being made. For
each of these sub-divided fields ALL ZEROs indicates that changes to that
parameter are not to be reported. Otherwise the value in the subfield for a
parameter shall be the decimal value of the threshold for that parameter
taking any sign bit into account. Only changes in the parameter that are
equal to or greater than the CQ Quanta value and cross the threshold in
either direction are reported.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds
after the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. For each parameter in the transponder register in turn, increment the parameter
value every time a surveillance interrogation is sent to the transponder, in steps
equal to the value that has been specified in the Dataflash contract request in
Step 6 “b” above (in the CQ Quanta) until a downlink transaction is announced in
the reply to a surveillance interrogation then perform tests “g,” “h,” “i,” and “j”

g. Extract any announced downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet
on Downlink MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ZERO (0).

h. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 1 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that transponder

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register and that the data has crossed the value set in the threshold for the
parameter under test. (This indicates that the change monitoring is functioning

i. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


j. Verify that only one downlink transaction was announced and extracted and that
it contained the data value for the first increment after the threshold was crossed.
(This indicates that the threshold is functioning correctly.)

k. Ensure that data having a value of at least 4 Quanta above the threshold, or the
maximum value for the parameter, is being loaded into all the fields that
represent numerical values, into one of the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

l. Repeat the whole of Step 6 but decrementing the parameter value in “f” above.

m. Repeat the whole of Step 6 for all of the transponder registers capable of being

n. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

Step 7 – Single II CodeTests with EC Field = 15 (Cancel all contracts for the II Code
in this request regardless of other information in the DH Field)

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame using II code = 1 to the transponder, containing an

MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5, with the BDS1 and
BDS2 codes set for a contract with a selected transponder register.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1),
and the bit in the CR field corresponding to the II code used in “b” above is set to
a ONE (1). (This indicates that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 7 “a” to “e” using different BDS1 and BDS2 codes corresponding to
registers that are being loaded with data in the interrogations in “b” above until
the maximum number of contracts that can be handled by the system under test
have been established. If the maximum number of contracts that can be handled
exceeds the number of transponder registers being loaded then repeat “a” to “e”
above, setting different values in the CNS subfield in the uplink frames in “b”
above until the maximum number of contracts is reached.

g. Send a Mode S uplink frame using II code set as in “b” above, to the transponder,
containing an MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5, with the

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BDS1 and BDS2 codes set for a contract with a selected transponder register
with the EC field set to a value of 15.

h. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “g” above was sent.

i. Extract the downlink transaction and close it out by means of a surveillance

interrogation sent to the transponder. Verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to 5. (This
indicates that all contracts for the II code set in the interrogation at “g” above
have been cancelled).

j. Change the data being loaded into the transponder registers that have contracts
established such that a Dataflash message would be triggered if a contract
currently existed.

k. Verify that no downlink transactions are announced in the replies to surveillance

interrogations in the following 30 seconds.

l. Repeat Step “a” to “i” For II codes 2 to 14 inclusive.

Step 8 – Multiple II CodeTests with EC Field = 15 (Cancel all contracts for the II Code
in this request regardless of other information in the DH Field

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into the installed transponder registers and
record the data being loaded into each transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame using II code = 1 to the transponder, containing an

MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-5, with the BDS1 and
BDS2 codes set for a contract with a selected transponder register.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1) and
the bit in the CR field corresponding to the II code used in “b” above is set to a
value of ONE (1). (This indicates that the contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 8 “a” to “e” incrementing the II code in the interrogation in “b” above
until the maximum number of contracts that can be handled by the system under
test have been established. If the maximum number of contracts that can be
handled exceeds the number of II codes repeat “a” to “e” above accessing
different transponder registers by setting different values the BDS1 and BDS2
subfields in the uplink frames in “b” above until the maximum number of contracts
is reached.

g. Send a Mode S uplink frame setting the II code to the same value as in “b”
above, to the transponder, containing an MSP packet on uplink MSP channel 6
as shown in Table C-4-5, with the BDS1 and BDS2 codes set for a contract with

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a transponder register not contracted for that II code and with the EC field set to a
value of 15.

h. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction in “g” above, is announced by the transponder in the reply
to a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds
after the uplink frame in “g” above was sent.

i. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7 and that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to 5 and the
bit in the CR field corresponding to the II code used in “b” above is set to a ZERO
(0). (This indicates that all contracts for the II code set in the interrogation at “g”
above have been cancelled).

j. Change the data being loaded into the transponder registers that have contracts
established such that a Dataflash message would be triggered if a contract
currently existed.

k. Verify that a separate downlink transaction is announced, directed to each II code

other than the II code that was used in “b” above, is announced by the
transponder in the replies to a surveillance interrogations sent to the transponder
in the period after the uplink frame in “g” above was sent. Also verify that no
transaction is announced directed to the II code used in “b” above.

l. Extract each downlink transaction and close it out by means of a surveillance

interrogation sent to the transponder. Verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and that it contains a DH equal to the
value in the request interrogation. Also verify that the CI field is set to 01 and the
bit in the CR field corresponding to the II code used in “b” above is set to a ONE
(1). (This indicates that all contracts other than those for the II code set in the
interrogation at “g” are still in existence and working normally).

m. Repeat Step 8 “a” to “l” using II codes 2 to 14 inclusive in “b” above.

Step 9 – Tests with EC Field set to unassigned values

a. Ensure that data is being loaded into one of the installed transponder registers
and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-15 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” above and EC set to 7.

Table C-4-15: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6

SR=1 DH MT=0 EC ST=0 CF Quanta (56 bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of 15. (This indicates that

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the contract was NOT accepted. This is the correct result because the EC is not

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat the whole of Step 9 “a” to “e” incrementing the EC by ONE until EC=14.

C. Procedure #7: Stable Time (ST) Field tests

(Reference: §C.

This Procedure tests the correct functioning of the ST field.

Step 1 – Tests with ST Field

a. Ensure that fixed data is being loaded into one of the installed transponder
registers and record the data being loaded into the transponder register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet on

uplink MSP channel 6 as in Table C-4-16 with BDS1 and BDS2 codes to set up a
contract with the register being loaded in “a” and ST set to ONE (1).

Table C-4-16: MSP Packet on MSP Channel 6 with EC=2

SR=1 DH MT=0 EC=2 ST CQ Quanta (56 bits)
CNS=0 RDS = 1 Spare BDS1 BDS2

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder no later than 0.1 seconds after
the uplink frame in “b” above was sent.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP Packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value in the
request interrogation and the CI field is set to a value of ONE (1). (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted and is active.)

e. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4 but with the RR field and RRS subfield set
to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 1 “b”
above, and with EC = 2. Verify that it contains the data that was loaded into that
transponder register for the parameter under test.

f. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


g. Change and record the data being loaded into any parameter of the transponder
register by an amount that exceeds the Quanta value specified in the contract, at
intervals equal to one quarter of the value in ST.

h. Verify that NO downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply

to surveillance interrogations whilst the data is changing as in “g” above.

i. Stop changing the data being loaded into the transponder register and record the
register data.

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j. Verify that a downlink transaction is announced by the transponder in the reply to

a surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder not earlier than a time equal
to ST, and no later than time equal to the value of ST plus 0.1 seconds after the
data was first changed.

k. Extract all announced downlink transactions and verify that they contain MSP
Packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH
equal to the value in the request interrogation and the CI field is set to ZERO (0).

l. Use an interrogation as in Table C-4-4, but with the RR field and RRS subfield
set to extract the GICB that was specified in the Dataflash request in Step 1 “b”
above. Verify that it contains the same data that was loaded into that
transponder register at “i” above. (This indicates that ST is functioning correctly.)

m. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


n. Repeat the “f” to “l” above, for each parameter in the transponder register.

o. Repeat the “a” to “l” above setting values of ST = 2, 4, 8, 12, and 15 seconds in
“b” above.

p. Repeat the whole of Step 1 using at least three different transponder registers.

q. Terminate all contracts by the method used in §C. Procedure 3 Step 1.

C. Procedure #8: Maximum Message Rate

(Reference: §C.4.7.3, & §C.

This Procedure tests that no more than ten Dataflash messages are output in any six
seconds period and that waiting messages are queued and announced to the ground
with an indication of delay by setting CI = 6 in the response, as soon as the maximum
message criterion allows.

Step 1 – Initializing contracts

a. Ensure that NO data is loaded into any of the transponder registers.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet as

shown in Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6. With the BDS1 and BDS2
codes of the transponder register with which the contract is intended set into the
DH field.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder 0.1 seconds after the uplink
frame in “b” above was received by the transponder.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value
in the request interrogation and a value of 2 in the CI field. (This indicates that
the new contract was not accepted.) Also verify that the CR field contains ALL
ZEROs. (This indicates that there are no Dataflash contracts in existence.)

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Note: Since RDS=1 in the contract request this test also verifies that the message
register content is not sent when CI is not equal to ZERO.

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Repeat Step 1 requesting a contract for at least two transponder registers

Step 2 – Dataflash Message triggering rate up to six messages per second

a. Ensure that fixed data is being loaded into the installed registers and being
updated at a rate faster than the minimum rate specified for each register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet as

shown in Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6. With the BDS1 and BDS2
codes of the transponder register with which the contract is intended set into the
DH field.

c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder 0.1 seconds after the uplink
frame in “b” above was received by the transponder.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value
in the request interrogation and a value of ONE (1) in the CI field. (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change the data in one or more of the registers in order to trigger ten Dataflash
messages every six seconds.

g. Verify that downlink transactions, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, are announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogations sent to the transponder 0.1 seconds after the each of
the data changes in “e” above were received by the transponder.

h. Extract and closeout the downlink transactions and verify that they are MSP
packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and they contain
a DH equal to the value in the request interrogation and a value of ZERO (0) in
the CI field. (This indicates that they are responses to an existing contract.)

Note: Closeout each downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation

to the transponder.

Step 3 – Dataflash Message triggering rate greater than six messages per second

a. Ensure that fixed data is being loaded into the installed registers and being
updated at a rate faster than the minimum rate specified for each register.

b. Send a Mode S uplink frame to the transponder containing an MSP packet as

shown in Table C-4-5, on uplink MSP channel 6 with the BDS1 and BDS2 codes
of the transponder register with which the contract is intended set into the DH

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c. Verify that a downlink transaction, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction, is announced by the transponder in the reply to a
surveillance interrogation sent to the transponder 0.1 seconds after the uplink
frame in “b” above was received by the transponder.

d. Extract the downlink transaction and verify that it is an MSP packet on Downlink
MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7, and it contains a DH equal to the value
in the request interrogation and a value of ONE (1) in the CI field. (This indicates
that the new contract was accepted.)

e. Closeout the downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation to the


f. Change the data in one or more of the registers in order to trigger more than ten
Dataflash messages every six seconds for a period of at least twelve seconds.

g. Verify that downlink transactions, directed to the II code that was used in the
requesting transaction are announced by the transponder in the replies to
surveillance interrogations sent to the transponder starting 0.1 seconds after the
first of the data changes in “f” above were received by the transponder.

h. Extract and closeout all the downlink transactions and verify that they are MSP
packets on Downlink MSP channel 3 as shown in Table C-4-7. Verify that they
contain a DH equal to the value in the request interrogation and do not exceed a
rate of ten messages in any six seconds period. Verify that messages, which are
not delayed due to the Dataflash message limit of ten within six seconds, contain
a value of ZERO (0) in the CI field. (This indicates that they are normal
responses to an existing contract.) Also verify that Dataflash messages which
have been delayed by queuing in order to remain within the limit for Dataflash
messages contain a value of 6 in the CI field. (This indicates that the responses
to an existing contract which have been delayed due to Dataflash message limit

Note: Closeout each downlink transaction by means of a surveillance interrogation

to the transponder.

C. Procedure #9: Test of Mode S Subnetwork Version Number and Global
Capability Reporting

Extract Register 1016

Verify that:
Bit 17 - 23 = 3 (for an Annex 10 Amendment 77 transponder), = 4 (for an
Annex 10 Amendment 81 and Doc 9871 Edition 1 transponder), > 4 (for
future Amendments of Annex 10 and future editions of Doc 9871)
Bit 25 =1
Inject all data used to fill register 4016, 5016 and 6016

Reset the transponder (in order to take into account dynamic check at start-up)

Extract Register 1716

Verify that:
Bit 9 = 1
Bit 16 = 1
Bit 24 = 1

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Extract Register 1D16

Verify that:
Bit 6 = 0 and Bit 31 = 0 if no dataflash application supported
Bit 6 = 1 and Bit 31 = 1 if dataflash application is supported
Extract Register 1916

Verify that:
Bit 49 = 1
Bit 33 = 1
Bit 17 = 1
Stop injection of all data with the aircraft data generator

Extract register 1716

Verify that:
Bit 9 = 0
Bit 16 = 0
Bit 24 = 0
Extract register 1916

Verify that:
Bit 49 = 1
Bit 33 = 1
Bit 17 = 1

C.4.9 Dataflash Installed System Performance

Installed performance shall be consistent with that specified in §C.4.8, which was
verified through bench and environmental tests. However, certain performance
parameters may be affected by the physical installation and can only be verified after
installation. The installed performance specified below takes this into consideration.

C.4.9.1 Ground Test Procedures

a. Conformity Inspection

(1) Visually inspect the installed equipment or system to determine the use
of acceptable workmanship and engineering practices.

(2) Verify that proper mechanical and electrical connections have been
made and that the equipment or system has been located and installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

b. Test Equipment Required

(1) A means to interrogate the Mode S transponder with surveillance

interrogations and decode the resulting replies.

(2) A means to send data to the transponder registers, extract the air
initiated messages announced by the transponder, and extract the data

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from the registers in the transponder accessed by means of the BDS1

and BDS2 codes in interrogations sent to the transponder.

(3) A means to set up, record and monitor Dataflash contracts by

interrogating the Mode S transponder.

c. Test Procedure

(1) Input data either directly from aircraft data sources or stimulate the
aircraft systems, such that all the declared transponder registers are
being updated.

(2) Using the test equipment, extract the appropriate capability reports and
verify that the aircraft Mode S system is functioning, and that it can
support uplink MSP channel 6, Downlink MSP channel 3, and the
appropriate transponder registers are being updated by the aircraft

d. Interference Effects

With the equipment or system energized,

(1) individually operate each of the other electrically operated aircraft

equipment and systems to determine that no significant interference
effects are present:

(2) evaluate all reasonable combinations of control settings and operating


C.4.10 Implementation Guidelines for Dataflash

C.4.10.1 Overview

Dataflash is a service which announces the availability of information from air-to-

ground on an event-triggered basis. This is an efficient means of downlinking
information which changes occasionally and unpredictably.

A contract is sent to the airborne application through the Mode S transponder and the
ADLP using an uplink Mode S specific protocol (MSP) (MSP 6, SR = 1) as specified
in ICAO Doc 9871, Appendix A. This uplink MSP packet contains information
specifying the events which should be monitored regarding the changes of data in a
transponder register. When the event occurs, this is announced to the ground
installation using the AICB protocol.

The ground installation may then request the downlink information which takes the
form of a downlink MSP packet on channel 3 constituted of one or two linked Comm-
B segments. The second segment is a direct copy of the relevant transponder
register specified in the contract.

The ground system with the embedded dataflash application should determine if an
aircraft supports the dataflash protocol as follows:

• if bit 25 of transponder register 1016 is set to 1, the system will extract

transponder register 1D16, then,

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• if bit 6 and bit 31 of transponder register 1D16 are set to 1, then the aircraft
supports the dataflash service.

C.4.10.2 Minimum number of contracts

The minimum number of contracts activated simultaneously that can be supported by

the airborne installation should be at least 64. In the case of a software upgrade of
existing installations, at least 16 dataflash contracts should be supported.

C.4.10.3 Contract request for a transponder register not serviced by the airborne

On the receipt of a dataflash service request, a downlink dataflash message should

immediately be announced to the ground regardless of any event criteria. This
message is used by the ground system to confirm that the service has been initiated.
The message will only consist of one segment. In the case of a service request for
an unavailable transponder register, the message sent to the ground should only
contain bits 1 to 40 of the downlink message structure with a CI field value of 2. This
value will indicate to the ground system that the service request cannot be honored
because of the unavailability of the transponder register. The service will then be
terminated by the airborne dataflash function, and the ground system should notify
the user which has initiated the request that the service request cannot be honored
by the airborne installation.

When a transponder register (which was previously supported) becomes unavailable

and is currently monitored by a dataflash contract, a downlink dataflash message
containing bits 1 to 40 will be sent with a CI field value of 7. This will indicate to the
ground that the transponder register is not serviced anymore. The related contract is
terminated by the airborne application, and the ground system should notify the user
which has initiated the request that the service request has been terminated by the
airborne installation. An alternative means for the ground system to detect that the
transponder register is not serviced any longer is to analyze the resulting transponder
register 1016 which will be broadcast by the transponder to indicate to the ground
system that transponder register 1716 has changed. The Mode S sensor should then
extract transponder register 1716 and send it to the ground application. The ground
application should then analyze the content of this transponder register and should
notice that the transponder register monitored by a dataflash contract is no longer
supported by the airborne installation.

C.4.10.4 Service continuity in overlapping coverage with radars using the same II code

Depending on the system configuration the following guidance should be taken into
account to ensure service continuity in overlapping coverage of radars working with
the same II code.

C. Radar with the dataflash application embedded in the radar software

For this configuration it is necessary to manage the contract numbers which will be
used by each station and to ensure that the same contract number for the same
transponder register is not used by another sensor having overlapping coverage and
working with the same II code. The reason for this is that a sensor has no means of
detecting if a contract it has initialized has been overwritten by another sensor using
an identical dataflash header. Also one sensor could terminate a contract because
an aircraft is leaving its coverage and no other sensor would know that this contract

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had been closed. For this reason, no dataflash contract termination should be
attempted by either sensor in order to ensure a service continuity.

When two ground stations with overlapping coverage and having the same II code
each set up dataflash contracts with the same transponder register for the same
aircraft, it is essential to ensure that the contract number is checked by each ground
station prior to the closeout of any AICB which is announcing a dataflash message.

C. Use of an ATC centre-based dataflash application

The ATC system hosting the dataflash application should manage the distribution of
contract numbers for sensors operating with the same II code. This ATC system will
also have the global view of the aircraft path within the ATC coverage to either initiate
or close dataflash contracts when appropriate. This is the preferred configuration
since a central management of the contract numbers is possible which also allows a
clean termination of the contracts.

C.4.10.5 Ground management of multiple contracts for the same transponder register

The ground system managing the dataflash application must ensure that when it
receives a request from ground applications for several contracts to monitor different
parameters, or different threshold criteria, related to the same transponder register for
a particular aircraft/II code pair, it assigns a unique contract number for each contract
sent to the aircraft.

C.4.10.6 Service termination

There are three ways to terminate a dataflash service (one from the ground initiative,
two from the airborne installation):

1. The ground can send an MSP with the ECS field set to 0 which means that the
service is to be discontinued by the airborne installation.

2. The airborne installation will terminate the service with no indication to the ground
system if any message is not extracted from the transponder by a ground
interrogator within 30 seconds following the event specified in the dataflash
contract (TZ timer).

3. When the transponder has not been selectively interrogated by a Mode S

interrogator with a particular II code for 60 seconds (this is determined by
monitoring the IIS subfield in all accepted Mode S interrogations), all dataflash
contracts related to that II code will be cancelled with no indication to the ground

The termination from the ground initiative is the preferable way to terminate the
service since both the ground and the airborne systems terminate the service thanks
to a mutually understood data link exchange. This termination should nevertheless
not be allowed in certain configurations especially with adjacent sensors (with the
dataflash application embedded in the sensor software) working with the same II
code as explained in §C.2.1. If the termination of the contract by a ground system is
to be exercised, it should also be noticed that the ground system should anticipate
the exit of the aircraft from its coverage to send the close-out message.

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C.4.10.7 Dataflash request containing multiple contracts

It is possible to merge several contracts into one single dataflash request. If multiple
events occur which are related to several contracts of the initial dataflash request,
one downlink message for each individual event should be triggered containing the
associated transponder register. Each of these downlink messages should use the
air initiated protocol.

C.4.10.8 Transponder register data contained in the downlink message

The transponder register data received by the ground system following the extraction
of a downlink dataflash message consisting of two segments are the transponder
register data at the time of the event. The transponder register data may be up to 1
aerial scan old since the event may occur just after the illumination of the aircraft.
Should the end-user need more up-to-date data, the user should use the event
announcement to trigger extraction via GICB protocol to get the latest transponder
register data.

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Transponders that support the Hijack Mode shall have the capabilities of a
Transponder Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 (see the core document of this MOPS) and also those
prescribed for Hijack Mode developed in this appendix.
Transponder which supports Hijack mode shall be labelled with an “h” refer to chapter of the core document.
This appendix is divided into 3 chapters
Chapter 1 contains the requirements for Hijack Mode including, control and indication
Chapter 2 contains the test procedures for demonstrating compliance with Chapters 1.
Chapter 3 contains the installation test procedures

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The following Control and Indication functions shall be provided:

a. Means of selecting each of the Mode A 4096 Identity reply codes;
b. Means of activating the Hijack Mode of the transponder without involvement of
the Control Function.
NOTE: An example of a means that does not involve the Control Function would
be an input discrete connected to a hidden switch.
c. Means of indicating the Mode A 4096 code selected. (behavior dependent on
the Hijack Mode of the transponder);
(1) If no Hijack Mode has been activated by means b.
All selected Mode A 4096 Codes shall be shown.
(2) If the Hijack Mode has been activated by means b.
The 7500 Hijack Code shall NOT be displayed by the Control Function.
d. Means of inhibiting replies to certain interrogations (behavior dependent on the
Hijack Mode of the transponder)
(1) Transponder in Non-Hijack Mode (D.1.3):
Means of selecting the condition in which the transponder is rendered
incapable of generating replies to Mode A/C interrogations, Mode A/C/S
All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call interrogations, but not inhibiting the
generation of Mode S squitter transmissions and replies to discretely
addressed Mode-S interrogations when the aircraft is on the ground
(3.17.1 b (3),, b and c) and is NOT in the
Hijack Mode (D.1.3).
Return to normal operation from this condition shall be possible within
five seconds.
If this condition is enabled automatically when the aircraft is on the
ground, a flight crew switch is not necessary. If performed manually, this
condition shall have no effect on the transmission of extended squitters (If
the extended squitter function is implemented in the transponder)
( or on the reporting of on-the-ground state (3.17.1 b (3),, b, and c).
(2) Transponder in Hijack Mode (D.1.2):
No method shall be capable of rendering the transponder incapable of
generating replies to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All Call, and Mode-S Only
All-Call interrogations whenever the transponder is in the Hijack Mode
(2.6) whether in the airborne or in the on-ground state (3.17.1 b (3),, b and c). The transponder shall also
continue to generate Mode S squitter transmissions and reply to
discretely addressed Mode-S interrogations when the aircraft is in the
Hijack Mode (D.1.3).

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e. Means of setting the transponder into standby mode. (behavior dependent on

the Hijack Mode of the transponder);
(1) Transponder in Non-Hijack Mode (D.1.3):
Means of selecting the condition in which all transponder functions, other
than transmissions on the reply frequency and associated self-testing,
are operational (i.e., the Standby condition) when NOT in the Hijack
Mode (D.1.3). Return to normal operation from this condition shall be
possible within five seconds.
(2) Transponder in Hijack Mode (D.1.2):
No method shall be capable of placing the transponder into the Standby
Mode once the transponder has entered the Hijack Mode (2.7) except as
specified in
f. Means of initiating the IDENT (SPI) feature in Mode A and Mode S;
g. Means of inhibiting the transmission of altitude information.
(behavior dependent on the Hijack Mode of the transponder);
(1). Transponder in Non-Hijack Mode
Means of inhibiting the transmissions of the altitude information, while
retaining the framing pulses in Mode C replies and while transmitting all
ZEROs in the altitude field of Mode S replies when NOT in the Hijack
Mode (D.1.3).
(2). Transponder in Hijack Mode
No method shall be capable of placing the transponder in a mode that
inhibits the transmission of altitude information when in the Hijack Mode
(D.1.3) and in the airborne state (3.17.1 b (3),, b and c) except as specified in D. b.
h. If the aircraft uses a flight number for aircraft identification, a means shall be
provided for the variable aircraft identification to be inserted by the pilot.
NOTE 1: For testing purposes only, a means of inhibiting the squitter function will
need to be provided.
NOTE 2: Transponders equipped for extended squitter operation should have a
means to disable acquisition squitters when extended squitters are being
emitted. This will facilitate the suppression of acquisition squitters if all
ACAS units have been converted to receive the extended squitter
NOTE 3: At a future date, yet to be decided, the short acquisition squitter may be
inhibited when the extended squitter is being used.
The transponder shall be capable of accepting an input indicating that the aircraft is
either « airborne » or « on the ground ». If the aircraft installation cannot automatically
provide this input, it shall be permanently set to the « airborne » state.


When implementing the Hijack Mode a means shall be provided to distinguish to the
transponder that the installation is primarily configured either as described in D.2.a or
as described in D.2.b.
NOTE: Such means may be provided by the use of different transponder part
numbers, program pins, installation setup or configuration menus, or
other acceptable means.

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a. Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponders

The installation is configured with an independent set of antennas (e.g., top and
bottom) for each diversity transponder.
While in the Hijack Mode, a Dual Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration shall operate in a manner that insures that only one
system is radiating from the aircraft at a given time.
NOTE: In order to do so, the Dual Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration requires that the transponders operate in
accordance with section D., D., D., D., and
b. Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponders
The installation is configured with a single set of antennas (e.g., top and bottom)
that is switched between two diversity transponders.
While in the Hijack Mode (D.1.3) a Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponders configuration shall operate in a manner that insures that only one
transponder is coupled to the radiating antenna system at a given time.
NOTE: In order to do so, the Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration requires that the transponders operate in
accordance with section D., D., D., D., and
c. Other Configurations
(1) Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Non-Diversity Transponders
The installation is configured with an independent bottom antenna for
each transponder.
In terms of indicating Antenna / Transponder configuration to the
transponder, this configuration shall be considered to be the same as the
Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration
identified in subparagraph 2.6.a.
(2) Single Antenna and Dual Non-Diversity Transponders
The installation is configured with a single bottom antenna that is
switched between two transponders.
In terms of indicating Antenna / Transponder configuration to the
transponder, this configuration shall be considered to be the same as the
Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration
identified in subparagraph 2.6.b.
(3) All Other Antenna / Transponder Configurations
In terms of indicating Antenna / Transponder configuration to the
transponder, all other configurations that are not consistent with 2.6.a,
2.6.b, 2.6.c.(1), or 2.6.c.(2) shall be considered to be the same as the
Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration
identified in subparagraph 2.6.b.
NOTE: The single antenna system and single diversity transponder is included in
this configuration type.

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D.1.3.1 General

The following requirements address the implementation of the Hijack Mode via the
Mode-S Transponder upon being commanded to enter the mode via Flight Crew
Control functions (D.1.1) or discrete inputs as identified in the subsequent paragraphs.
The following requirements do NOT preclude implementation of the Hijack Mode
function within existing transponder system installations using appropriate control
components or functions which are fully external to the transponder unit itself.

D.1.3.2 Hijack Mode Entry Procedures

NOTE 1: The term “Active On”, introduced in the following subparagraphs, refers to
the state where the transponder is not in the Hijack Mode nor the
Standby state. Refer to section D.1.1 e. which specifies the Standby
state and thereby implies the Normal state which is equivalent to the
Active On state.
NOTE 2: The terms “Active Hijack” mode and “Standby Hijack” mode, introduced in
the following subparagraphs, refers to two different modes of operation
as described below. The term “Hijack Mode” is a generic term and refers
to both the Active Hijack Mode and the Standby Hijack Mode of the

D. Standard “7500” Code Entry

Upon continuous receipt (or selection) of 4096 Identity Code “7500” (see D.1.1 a. and
3.17.1 b (2)) for a minimum period of 10 seconds, transponders shall operate
depending upon the intended configuration and the initial state of the unit as follows:
NOTE: The period of 10 seconds applies to “as seen by the transponder”. Any
additional latency that is applied by the control function that is providing
the “7500” code must be taken into consideration at the installed system

D. Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder
configuration (see 2.6 a) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall enter the Standby Hijack Mode

D. Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder
configurations (see 2.6 b) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall enter the Active Hijack Mode.
NOTE: For Single Antenna Set – Dual Diversity Transponder Configurations a
means should be provided to ensure that the Standby transponder will
not cause adverse emission effects on-board the aircraft This may be
implemented by having the transponder “check” if there is an antenna
actually connected before transmitting in the Active Hijack Mode or
ensuring that the standby transponder antenna ports are properly

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D. “7500” Code Entry with SPI

Upon receipt (or selection) of 4096 Identity Code “7500” (see D.1.1 a and 3.17.1 b (2))
and activation of the Special Position Identifier (SPI, Ident.) (see D.1.1 f and 3.17.1 b
(4)) being coincident in any order, transponders shall operate depending upon the
intended configuration and the initial state of the unit as follows:
NOTE: The requirement is written with any coincidence or order between the
“7500” Identity Code and the SPI since some controls immediately send
the 4096 Identity Code upon activation of the SPI. Other controls may
add latency to the code entry but not the SPI. Still other installations may
implement a separate SPI activation such as a remotely activated
discrete that is not a direct function of the Control Panel.

D. Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder
configurations (see 2.6 a) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall immediately enter the Standby Hijack Mode

D. Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder
configurations (see 2.6 b) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.

D. Hijack Mode Discrete Initialization.

a. The transponder shall provide for a discrete input to allow Hijack mode
b. De-bounce time necessary to verify that the discrete was properly activated
shall NOT exceed 1.0 seconds.
c. Upon detection of the discrete input, transponders shall operate depending
upon the intended configuration and the initial state of the unit as follows:

D. Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Dual Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder
configurations (see 2.6 a) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall immediately enter the Standby Hijack Mode.

D. Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

Transponders intended for Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder
configurations (see 2.6 b) shall operate as follows:
a. The Active On transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.
b. The Standby transponder shall immediately enter the Active Hijack Mode.

D.1.3.3 Active Hijack Mode Operations

NOTE: Special consideration for installed equipment configurations are

addressed in section 6, “Installed Equipment Performance”.

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D. General Requirements (Airborne and On-Ground states)

Upon entry of the Active Hijack Mode, both an Airborne unit and an On-Ground unit
shall :
a. Enter 4096 Identity Code “7500” into all Mode-A (see 3.17.1 b (2) and 3.5.2)
replies and into the ID (see field of DF = 5, DF = 21 Mode-S replies.
b. Set the SPI (see 3.5.3) active in all Mode-A replies for a period of 18 +/- 1
c. Accept no further transponder control information.
NOTE: The typical Control functions implemented for the transponder include but
are not limited to Standby/On selection, Altitude Reporting selection, SPI
initiation, 4096 Identity Code selection, Altitude Data Source selection,
Transponder “1/2” selection, and Functional Test activation.
d. Remain in Active Hijack Mode until the Hijack Mode Exit procedure is performed
(see subparagraph D.1.3.6 and specifically D.
e. Establish the Alert Condition in accordance with section
f. Establish the Flight Status, "FS", field in accordance with section
g. Continue to emit squitter transmissions.

D. Altitude Reporting Requirements

a. Valid Altitude Information Available:

When in the Active Hijack Mode both an Airborne transponder and an On
Ground transponder shall continually provide the transmission of valid altitude
information (see D.1.1 g (2)) in all replies to interrogations required by D.1.1 d
and D.1.1 g regardless of flight crew or other commands that may attempt to
inhibit the reporting of altitude data.
b. Invalid Altitude Information:
When in the Active Hijack Mode, invalid altitude information shall result in both
an Airborne transponder and an On Ground transponder continuing to:
(1) Provide Mode C replies with Framing Pulses only
(2) Provide Mode S replies with all ZERO’s in the altitude field

D. TCAS Communication Requirements (if TCAS equipped)

When in the Active Hijack mode, the transponder shall continue to support all TCAS
operations as required with the following exceptions:
a. The transponder shall set the Sensitivity Level Control sent to the on-board
TCAS to a maximum capability of “TA Only” mode. The following constraints
shall apply:
(1). If the Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) received by the transponder from its
associated Control function is set to indicate a mode that is less than the
“TA/RA” mode (i.e., SL = 1 or 2) then the same SLC shall be provided to
the on-board TCAS.
(2). If the Sensitivity Level Control received from the Control function is set to
TA/RA mode, then it shall be changed to TA Only (i.e., SL = 2) prior to
the transponder providing it to the on-board TCAS.
NOTE 1: ARINC-735A, Attachment 6D provides the following definition for Manual
Sensitivity Level Control via the ARINC-429 Label “016” TCAS, Mode-S,
and TA/RA Display control word.

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17 16 15 MEANING
0 0 0 SL = 0 (AUTOMATIC)
0 0 1 SL = 1 (STANDBY)
0 1 0 SL = 2 (TA ONLY)
0 1 1 SL = 3
1 0 0 SL = 4
1 0 1 SL = 5
1 1 0 SL = 6
1 1 1 SL = 7

NOTE 2: SL = 0 may not be used by all control functions.

b. The transponder shall set the 4096 Identity Code sent to the on-board TCAS to
the code of “7500” at all times while in the Active Hijack Mode.
NOTE: This action should be performed as it may be advantageous in the future
to advise the on-board TCAS that the transponder system is set to the
Hijack mode.

D. On-Ground State Only

The transponder shall continue to operate in accordance with D.1.1 d when in the
Active Hijack Mode and in the On-Ground state (3.17.1 b (3),, b
and c).

D. Loss of Control

Once in the Active Hijack Mode, the transponder shall ensure that it remains in the
Active Hijack mode even if all communication is lost with the Control function.
Specifically, the transponder shall NOT enter the Active On, Standby or Standby
Hijack modes upon determining that it is no longer receiving control information.
NOTE: TCAS System installations require that the transponder pass control
information to the TCAS Computer “AS RECEIVED”. Loss of control
information to the transponder will result in loss of control information to
the TCAS Computer which in turn may result in a “TCAS System Fail”
indication to the operator.

D.1.3.4 Standby Hijack Mode Operations

D. General Requirements (Airborne and On-Ground states)

Upon entry of the Standby Hijack Mode, both an Airborne unit and a unit on the
Ground shall:
a. Accept no further transponder control information.
NOTE: The typical Control functions implemented for the transponder include but
are not limited to Standby/On selection, Altitude Reporting selection, SPI
initiation, 4096 Identity Code selection, Altitude Data Source selection,
Transponder “1/2” selection, and Functional Test activation.
b. NOT reply to Mode A/C interrogations.

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c. NOT reply to Mode S interrogations.

d. NOT emit squitter transmissions.
e. Remain in Standby Hijack Mode until the Hijack Mode Exit procedure is
performed (see subparagraph D.1.3.6 and specifically D. Specifically,
the transponder shall NOT be capable of exiting the Standby Hijack Mode and
entering the Active Hijack or the Active ON Mode.

D. TCAS Communication Requirements (if TCAS equipped)

When in the Standby Hijack mode, the transponder shall continue to support all TCAS
operations as required with the following exceptions:
a. The transponder shall set the Sensitivity Level Control sent to the on-board
TCAS to a maximum capability of TA Only mode. The following constraints
shall apply:
(1) If the Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) received by the transponder from its
associated Control function is set to indicate a mode that is less than the
TA/RA mode (i.e., SL = 1 or 2) then the same SLC shall be provided to
the on-board TCAS.
(2) If the Sensitivity Level Control received from the Control function is set to
TA/RA mode, then it shall be changed to TA Only (i.e., SL = 2) prior to
the transponder providing it to the on-board TCAS.
NOTE 1: ARINC-735A, Attachment 6D provides the following definition for Manual
Sensitivity Level Control via the ARINC-429 Label “016” TCAS, Mode-S,
and TA/RA Display control word.
17 16 15 MEANING
0 0 0 SL = 0 (AUTOMATIC)
0 0 1 SL = 1 (STANDBY)
0 1 0 SL = 2 (TA ONLY)
0 1 1 SL = 3
1 0 0 SL = 4
1 0 1 SL = 5
1 1 0 SL = 6
1 1 1 SL = 7

NOTE 2: SL = 0 may not be used by all control functions.

b. The transponder shall set the 4096 Identity Code sent to the on-board TCAS to
the code of “7500” at all times while in the Standby Hijack Mode.
NOTE: This action should be performed as it may be advantageous in the future
to advise the on-board TCAS that the transponder system is set to the
Hijack mode.

D. Loss of Control

Once in the Standby Hijack Mode, the transponder shall ensure that it remains in the
Standby Hijack mode even if all communication is lost with the Control function.
Specifically, the transponder shall NOT enter the Standby, Active On, or Active Hijack
modes upon determining that it is no longer receiving control information.

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NOTE: TCAS System installations require that the transponder pass control
information to the TCAS Computer “AS RECEIVED”. Loss of control
information to the transponder will result in loss of control information to
the TCAS Computer which in turn may result in a “TCAS System Fail”
indication to the operator.

D.1.3.5 Hijack Mode Indication

a. A means shall be provided to indicate that the transponder is in the Active

Hijack Mode.
b. A means shall be provided to indicate that the transponder is in the Standby
Hijack Mode for transponders intended for installation in the Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration.
NOTE: The Standby Hijack Mode indication is required to give some indication
that the transponder is in that mode. Otherwise, it would be impossible to
verify that the transponder exits the mode upon proper execution of the
exit procedures.
c. Momentary power interrupts shall NOT cause the indication described in
subparagraph D.1.3.5 a. to give a false indication that the Active Hijack Mode is
d. Momentary power interrupts shall NOT cause the indication described in
subparagraph D.1.3.5 b. to give a false indication that the Standby Hijack Mode
is active.
NOTE: The Hijack Mode Indication is specifically not intended for flight deck
implementation. Some installations may not desire an indication of the
Hijack Mode: however, the transponder must be capable of providing
such capability if other installations or regulatory agencies should require
such indication.

D.1.3.6 Hijack Mode Exit Procedures

NOTE: Refer to 3.17.1 b (3),, b, and c for

determination of Airborne or On-Ground (i.e., Surface) state.

D. Airborne State

Performance of Hijack Mode Exit Procedures (D.1.3.6) while in the airborne state shall
result in the transponder NOT exiting the Active Hijack Mode nor the Standby Hijack

D. On-Ground State

While in the On-Ground State, a means shall be provided that shall result in:
a. The Active Hijack Mode transponder exiting the Active Hijack mode.
b. The Standby Hijack transponder exiting the Standby Hijack Mode.
c. The following indications that the Hijack Mode Exit operation has successfully
been accomplished.
(1) Provide a satisfactory visual indication (e.g., illuminating the Functional
Test Lamp) for a minimum period of 1 second.
(2) Ensuring that the Active Hijack Mode Indication (D.1.3.5 a) indicates that
the Active Hijack Mode is NOT active.
(3) Ensuring that the Standby Hijack Mode Indication (D.1.3.5 b) indicates
that the Standby Hijack Mode is NOT active.

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D.1.3.7 Power Interrupt Conditions

If the Hijack Mode Exit procedure has not been performed as per D.,
transponders that have the capability to retain last known state information prior to a
Power Off condition (e.g., Non-Volatile Memory, etc.) shall provide the capability for
the transponder to return to the Active Hijack Mode or Standby Hijack Mode upon
restoration of power.

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Part 1 of this procedure verifies that the transponder intended for a Dual Antenna
System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration properly executes all the Hijack
Mode Entry requirements specified in D.1.3 for the Mode S Transponder Hijack Mode.
Part 2 of this procedure verifies that the transponder intended for a Single Antenna
System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration properly executes all the Hijack
Mode Entry requirements specified in D.1.3 for the Mode S Transponder Hijack Mode.
Parts 3 and 4 of this procedure tests the functions of the Hijack Modes and contains
the actual tests which are common to both types of installation configuration. These
tests are called out specifically in Parts 1 and 2 as needed.
Part 5 of this procedure tests the power interrupt operations of the Hijack Modes.
NOTE: This entire procedure assumes that the transponder is configured such
that the Air/Ground discrete inputs are being used to inhibit replies in
accordance with D.1.1.d.

D.2.1.1 Part 1 - Dual Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

NOTE: This procedure applies to the transponder in a Dual Antenna Systems

and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration.
a. Initial State = Active On
With the transponder being in the Active On and Airborne states and NOT in the
Hijack Mode:
(1). Normal Non-Hijack Operation (initial test state)
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a
Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the
transponder with an altitude input of 8,000 feet. Ensure that the altitude
reporting function of the transponder is NOT inhibited.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
“7777” and NO SPI Pulse.
(b). Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded altitude of
8,000 feet.
(c). Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(d). Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(e). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7777”.
(f). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with an
SLC = 0 decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface

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(g). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with a
4096 Identity Code set to “7777”.
(h). Is NOT indicating the Hijack mode.
(2). Standard “7500” Code Entry (D.1.3.2, D. b)
With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the transponder with
an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(a). Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the Airborne tests as called out in Part 3 a.
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3 b. (5).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”.
Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the On-Ground tests as called out in Part 3.b.
(3). “7500” Code Entry with SPI (D., D.
With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. As soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI
(Ident) function.
(a). Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify the transponder
has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to Part 3 of
these test procedures and performing the Airborne General
Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”. As
soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI (Ident) function.
Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to
Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the On-Ground
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.b.(1).
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test
(4). Hijack Mode Discrete Initialization (D., D.
With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for
approximately one second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete

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(a). Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,

verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
Airborne General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for approximately one
second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete function.
Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
On-Ground General Requirements tests as called out in Part
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test
b. Initial State = Standby
With the transponder being in the Standby and Airborne states and NOT in the
Hijack Mode:
(1). Normal Non-Hijack Operation (initial test state)
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a
Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “1” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the
transponder with an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
(c). Does NOT indicate that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(2). Standard “7500” Code Entry (D., D.
With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “1” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the transponder with
an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(a). Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Standby
Hijack mode by proceeding to Part 4 of these test procedures and
performing all the Airborne tests as called out in Part 4.a.
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 4 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 4.b.(4).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”.
Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Standby
Hijack mode by proceeding to Part 4 of these test procedures and
performing all the On-Ground tests as called out in Part 4.b.

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(3). “7500” Code Entry with SPI (D., D.

With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “1” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. As soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI
(Ident) function.
(a). Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Standby Hijack mode by proceeding
to Part 4 of these test procedures and performing the Airborne
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 4.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 4 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 4.b.(4).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”. As
soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI (Ident) function.
Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Standby Hijack mode by proceeding
to Part 4 of these test procedures and performing the On-Ground
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 4.b.(1).
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 4.b.(4). of these test
(4). Hijack Mode Discrete Initialization (D., D.
With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “1” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for
approximately one second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete
(a). Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Standby Hijack mode
by proceeding to Part 4 of these test procedures and performing
the Airborne General Requirements tests as called out in Part
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 4 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 4.b.(4).
(c). Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for approximately one
second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete function.
Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Standby Hijack mode
by proceeding to Part 4 of these test procedures and performing
the On-Ground General Requirements tests as called out in Part
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 4.b.(4). of these test

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D.2.1.2 Part 2 - Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder Configuration

NOTE: This procedure applies to the transponder in a Single Antenna System

and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration.
a. Initial State = Active On
With the transponder being in the Active On and Airborne states and NOT in the
Hijack Mode:
(1). Normal Non-Hijack Operation (initial test state)
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a
Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the
transponder with an altitude input of 8,000 feet. Ensure that the altitude
reporting function of the transponder is NOT inhibited.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
“7777” and NO SPI Pulse.
(b). Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded altitude of
8,000 feet.
(c). Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(d). Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(e). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7777”.
(f). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with an
SLC = 0 decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface
(g). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with a
4096 Identity Code set to “7777”.
(h). Is NOT indicating the Hijack mode.
(2). Standard “7500” Code Entry (D., D.
With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the transponder with
an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(a). Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the Airborne tests as called out in Part 3.a.
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”.
Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the On-Ground tests as called out in Part 3.b.

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(3). “7500” Code Entry with SPI (D., D.

With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. As soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI
(Ident) function.
(a). Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to
Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the Airborne
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”. As
soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI (Ident) function.
Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to
Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the On-Ground
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.b.(1).
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test
(4). Hijack Mode Discrete Initialization (D., D.
With the transponder in the Active On and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for
approximately one second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete
(a). Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
Airborne General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for approximately one
second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete function.
Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
On-Ground General Requirements tests as called out in Part
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test

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b. Initial State = Standby

With the transponder being in the Standby and Airborne states and NOT in the
Hijack Mode:
(1). Normal Non-Hijack Operation (initial test state)
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a
Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the
transponder with an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
(c). Does NOT indicate that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(2). Standard “7500” Code Entry (D., D.
With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal, and NO SPI. Provide the transponder with
an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(a). Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the Airborne tests as called out in Part 3.a.
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Set the transponder to the Standby state and provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”.
Approximately 10 seconds after providing the 4096 Identity Code
of “7500”, verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack
mode by proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and
performing all the On-Ground tests as called out in Part 3.b.
(3). “7500” Code Entry with SPI (D., D.
With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. As soon as possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI
(Ident) function.
(a). Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to
Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the Airborne
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).

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(c). Set the transponder to the Standby state and provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7500”. As soon as
possible, thereafter, initiate the SPI (Ident) function.
Immediately after providing the SPI function, verify that the
transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by proceeding to
Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the On-Ground
General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.b.(1).
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test
(4). Hijack Mode Discrete Initialization (D., D.
With the transponder in the Standby and Airborne states, provide the
transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777” and a Sensitivity Level
Control (SLC) of “0” decimal. Provide the transponder with an altitude
input of 8,000 feet. Activate the Hijack Mode Discrete function for
approximately one second, then deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete
(a). Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
Airborne General Requirements tests as called out in Part 3.a.(1).
(b). Provide the transponder with an altitude input of 500 feet and set
the transponder to the On-Ground state.
Proceed to Part 3 of these test procedures and exit the Hijack
Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5).
(c). Set the transponder to the Standby state. Activate the Hijack
Mode Discrete function for approximately one second, then
deactivate the Hijack Mode Discrete function.
Immediately after activating the Hijack Mode Discrete function,
verify that the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode by
proceeding to Part 3 of these test procedures and performing the
On-Ground General Requirements tests as called out in Part
(d). Exit the Hijack Mode as called out in Part 3.b.(5). of these test

D.2.1.3 Part 3 - Active Hijack Mode Operation (D.1.3.3)

NOTE: This procedure applies to the Active On transponder in a Dual Antenna

Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration and to both
transponders in a Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration.
a. Airborne Testing
With the transponder being in the Active Hijack mode and the Airborne state,
provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal
and an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(1). General Requirements Tests (D., b, D.1.3.5.a)
Immediately after the transponder enters Active Hijack mode, interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call,
Mode S UF = 5, and UF = 21 interrogations for a minimum period of 20

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Verify that the transponder:

(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
(b). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the SPI Pulse set for a
period of 18 +/- 1 seconds.
(c). Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(d). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7500”.
(e). Continues to emit squitter transmissions.
(f). Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(g). Properly indicates the Alert Status in the "FS" field in accordance
with sections and
(2). Altitude Reporting Requirements Tests (D.
(a). Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S UF = 4 and UF
= 20 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 8,000 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(b). Attempt to inhibit the Altitude Reporting function of the
transponder. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S
UF = 4 and UF = 20 interrogations for a minimum period of 20
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 8,000 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(c). Provide the transponder with an INVALID altitude input of 10,000
feet. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S UF = 4
and UF = 20 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with framing pulses
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
Altitude Field (AC) of all ZERO’s.
(d). Restore the Valid altitude input of 8,000 feet.

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(3). TCAS Communication Requirements Tests (D.

(a). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“1” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped):
[1]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 1
decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface
[2]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with a 4096 Identity
Code set to “7500”.
(b). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“2” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface.
(c). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“0” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface
(4). Loss of Control and Attempted Control Changes Tests (D., and
(a). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with a 4096
Identity Code of “7500”, a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) and other
control functions. Ensure that the altitude reporting function of the
transponder IS inhibited. (Note that if the Altitude Reporting
function is selected via the control function, it should be inhibited
automatically by removal of the control function capability).
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S
All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 8,000 feet.
[3]. Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
[4]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet..
[5]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[6]. Continues to emit squitter transmissions.
[7]. Does NOT provide TCAS with SLC, 4096 Identity Code or
any other Control information since the Control Function has
been lost.
NOTE: The loss of control information to the TCAS
Computer may result in a TCAS System fail if
the test configuration is integrated with TCAS.
[8]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.

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(b). Restore the control function capability to the transponder and set
the control function to a setting that attempts to place the
transponder into the Standby state. Interrogate the transponder
with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21 interrogations for a minimum
period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “1200”.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(d). Provide the transponder with a valid altitude of 10,000 feet on the
Alternate Air Data Source. Command the transponder to use the
Alternate Air Data Source. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-
C, Mode S UF = 4 and 20 interrogations for a minimum period of
20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 8,000 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet..
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(e). Command the transponder to Functional Test mode. Interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(f). Activate the SPI command to the transponder. Interrogate the
transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF =4, 5, 20 and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.

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[3]. Indicates that the SPI is NOT active in the FS field of DF=4,
5, 20 and 21 replies.
[4]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(5). Attempted Hijack Mode Exit Verification (D.
Activate the means to exit the Hijack Mode.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, A/C/S All-Call, Mode
S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
“7500” and NO SPI pulse.
(b). Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded altitude of
8,000 feet.
(c). Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(d). Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(e). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7500”.
(f). Continues to emit squitter transmissions.
(g). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with an
SLC = 2 decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface.
(h). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with a
4096 Identity Code set to “7500”.
(i). Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
b. On-Ground Testing
With the transponder being in the Active Hijack mode and the On-Ground state,
provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal
and an altitude input of 500 feet.
(1). General Requirements Tests (D.,b, D.
Immediately after the transponder enters Active Hijack mode, interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call,
Mode S UF = 5 and 21 interrogations for a minimum period of 20
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
“7500” and NO SPI pulse.
(b). Replies to all A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call interrogations
with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(c). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7500”.
(d). Continues to emit squitter transmissions.
(e). Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(f). Properly indicates the Alert Status in the "FS" field in accordance
with sections and

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(2). Altitude Reporting Requirements Tests (D.

(a). Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S UF = 4 and 20
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 500 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 500 feet.
(b). Attempt to inhibit the Altitude Reporting function of the
transponder. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S
UF = 4 and 20 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 500 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 500 feet.
(c). Provide the transponder with an INVALID altitude input of 1,000
feet. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-C, Mode S UF = 4
and 20 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations framing pulses only.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
Altitude Field (AC) set to all ZERO’s.
(d). Restore the Valid altitude input of 500 feet.
(3). TCAS Communication Requirements Tests (D.
(a). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“1” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped):
[1]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 1
decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface
[2]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with a 4096 Identity
Code set to “7500”.
(b). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“2” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface.
(c). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“0” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface

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(4). Loss of Control and Attempted Control Changes Tests (D., and
(a). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with a 4096
Identity Code of “7500”, a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) and other
control functions. Ensure that the altitude reporting function of the
transponder IS inhibited. (Note that if the Altitude Reporting
function is selected via the control function, it should be inhibited
automatically by removal of the control function capability).
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S
All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 500 feet.
[3]. Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
[4]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 500 feet.
[5]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[6]. Continues to emit squitter transmissions.
[7]. Does NOT provide TCAS with SLC, 4096 Identity Code or
any other Control information since the Control Function has
been lost.
NOTE: The loss of control information to the TCAS
Computer may result in a TCAS System fail if
the test configuration is integrated with TCAS.
[8]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(b). Restore the control function capability to the transponder and set
the control function to a setting that attempts to place the
transponder into the Standby state. Interrogate the transponder
with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21 interrogations for a minimum
period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(c). Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “1200”.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.

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[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.

(d). Provide the transponder with a valid altitude of 1,000 feet on the
Alternate Air Data Source. Command the transponder to use the
Alternate Air Data Source. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-
C, Mode S UF = 4 and 20 interrogations for a minimum period of
20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded
altitude of 500 feet.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 500 feet..
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(e). Command the transponder to Functional Test mode. Interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(f). Activate the SPI command to the transponder. Interrogate the
transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21
interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity
Code of “7500” and NO SPI pulse.
[2]. Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an
ID field of “7500”.
[3]. Indicates that the SPI is NOT active in the FS field of DF=4,
5, 20 and 21 replies.
[4]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Active Hijack Mode.
(5). Hijack Mode Exit Verification (D.
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777”. Set the
control function to an Active On setting. Activate the means to exit the
Hijack Mode.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT reply to Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, or
Mode S-only All-Call interrogations.
(b). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7777”.
(c). Indicates that the Hijack Mode Exit has been accomplished
(d). Properly indicates that it IS NOT in the Active Hijack Mode.

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D.2.1.4 Part 4 - Standby Hijack Mode Operation (D.1.3.4)

NOTE: This procedure applies to the Standby transponder in a Dual Antenna

Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration.
a. Airborne Testing
With the transponder being in the Standby Hijack mode and Airborne states,
provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “1” decimal,
and an altitude input of 8,000 feet.
(1). General Requirements Tests (D., c, d, D.1.3.5.b)
Immediately after the transponder enters Standby Hijack mode,
interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
(c). Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(2). TCAS Communication Requirements Tests (D.
(a). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“1” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped):
[1]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with an SLC =1
decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface
[2]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with a 4096 Identity
Code set to “7500”.
(b). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“2” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface
(c). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“0” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface
(3). Loss of Control and Attempted Control Changes Tests (D., and
(a). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with a 4096
Identity Code of “7500”, a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) and other
control functions. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A,
Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF =
4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Does NOT provide TCAS with SLC, 4096 Identity Code or
any other Control information since the Control Function has
been lost.

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NOTE: The loss of control information to the TCAS Computer may result in a
TCAS System fail if the test configuration is integrated with TCAS.
[4]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(b). Restore the control function capability to the transponder and set
the control function to a setting that attempts to place the
transponder into the Active On state. Interrogate the transponder
with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call,
Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a minimum period
of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(c). Command the transponder to Functional Test mode. Interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations
for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(4). Attempted Hijack Mode Exit Verification (D.
Activate the means to exit the Standby Hijack Mode.
Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
(c). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with an
SLC = 2 decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface.
(d). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with a
4096 Identity Code set to “7500”.
(e). Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
b. On-Ground Testing
With the transponder being in the Standby Hijack mode and the On-Ground
state, provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “1”
decimal and an altitude input of 500 feet.
(1). General Requirements Tests (D., c, d, D.1.3.5.b)
Immediately after the transponder enters Standby Hijack mode,
interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.

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Verify that the transponder:

(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
(c). Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(2). TCAS Communication Requirements Tests (D.
(a). Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“1” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped):
[1]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 1
decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface
[2]. Properly provides the on-board TCAS with a 4096 Identity
Code set to “7500”.
(b) Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“2” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface
(c) Provide the transponder with a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of
“0” decimal.
Verify that the transponder (if TCAS equipped) properly provides
the on-board TCAS with an SLC = 2 decimal via the
Transponder/TCAS interface
(3). Loss of Control and Attempted Control Changes Tests (D., and
(a). Disable the capability to provide the transponder with a 4096
Identity Code of “7500”, a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) and other
control functions. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A,
Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF =
4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Does NOT provide TCAS with SLC, 4096 Identity Code or
any other Control information since the Control Function has
been lost.
NOTE: The loss of control information to the TCAS Computer may result in a
TCAS System fail if the test configuration is integrated with TCAS.
[4]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(b). Restore the control function capability to the transponder and set
the control function to a setting that attempts to place the
transponder into the Active On state. Interrogate the transponder
with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only All-Call,
Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a minimum period
of 20 seconds.

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Verify that the transponder:

[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(c). Command the transponder to Functional Test mode. Interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call,
Mode S-only All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations
for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder:
[1]. Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
[2]. Does NOT emit squitter transmissions.
[3]. Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(4). Hijack Mode Exit Verification (D.
Provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “7777”. Activate the
means to exit the Hijack Mode.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Indicates that the Hijack Mode Exit has been accomplished
(b). Properly indicates that it IS NOT in the Standby Hijack Mode.

D.2.1.5 Part 5 - Power Interrupt Operations

a. Normal Non-Hijack Operation (D.1.3.5.c,d)

(1). Active On Mode
Set the transponder to the Active On state and NOT in the Hijack Mode.
Interrupt the power to the transponder for a period of approximately 1-2
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT give a false indication that the Active Hijack mode is
(b). Does NOT give a false indication that the Standby Hijack mode is
active (for transponders intended for installation in a Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration).
(2). Standby Mode
Set the transponder to the Standby state and NOT in the Hijack Mode.
Interrupt the power to the transponder for a period of approximately 1-2
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Does NOT give a false indication that the Active Hijack mode is
(b). Does NOT give a false indication that the Standby Hijack mode is
active (for transponders intended for installation in a Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration).

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b. Active Hijack Mode (D.1.3.7)

NOTE: This procedure applies to the Active On transponder in a Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration and to both
transponders in a Single Antenna Systems and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration.
(1). Hijack Mode Initialization
With the transponder being in the Active On and Airborne states and
NOT in the Hijack Mode, provide the transponder with a valid altitude
input of 8,000 feet and a Sensitivity Level Control (SLC) of “0” decimal.
Ensure that the altitude reporting function of the transponder IS inhibited.
Then, initiate the Activate Hijack mode via either of the methods identified
in Part 1 or Part 2 of these test procedures.
After the transponder has entered the Active Hijack mode, interrogate the
transponder with Mode-A, Mode-C, Mode A/C/S All-Call, Mode S-only
All-Call, Mode S UF = 4, 5, 20, and 21 interrogations for a minimum
period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder properly annunciates that it IS in the Hijack
(2). Power Interruption:
Interrupt the power to transponder for a period of approximately 10
seconds. Retain the conditions applied to the transponder in Part 5.b.(1),
except set the 4096 Identity Code to “7777”. Then, restore power to the
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of
(b). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the SPI Pulse set for a
period of 18 +/- 1 seconds after restoration of power.
(c). Replies to all Mode-C interrogations with an encoded altitude of
8,000 feet.
(d). Replies to all Mode A/C/S All-Call and Mode S-only All-Call
interrogations with an appropriate DF=11 Mode S reply.
(e). Replies to all UF = 4, UF = 20 Mode-S interrogations with an
altitude of 8,000 feet.
(f). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID
field of “7500”.
(g). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with an
SLC = 2 decimal via the Transponder/TCAS interface.
(h). Properly provides the on-board TCAS (if TCAS equipped) with a
4096 Identity Code set to “7500”.
(i). Properly annunciates that it IS in the Hijack Mode.
(3). On-Ground Hijack Mode Exit
Set the transponder to the On-Ground state and activate the means to
exit the Hijack Mode.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Indicates that the Hijack Mode Exit has been accomplished
(b). Properly annunciates that it IS NOT in the Active Hijack Mode.

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c. Standby Hijack Mode (D.1.3.7)

NOTE: This procedure applies to the Standby transponder in a Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponders configuration.
(1). Standby Hijack Mode Initialization
With the transponder being in the Standby and Airborne states and NOT in the
“Standby Hijack” mode, initiate the Standby Hijack mode via either of the
methods identified in Part 1 of these test procedures.
At least 10 seconds after initiating the Hijack Mode, verify that the transponder
properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(2). Power Interruption:
Interrupt the power to transponder for a period of approximately 10 seconds.
Retain the conditions applied to the transponder in Part 5.c.(1), except set the
4096 Identity Code to “7777”. Then, restore power to the transponder.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Properly annunciates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(3). On-Ground Hijack Mode Exit
Set the transponder to the On-Ground state and activate the means to exit the
Hijack Mode.
Verify that the transponder:
(a). Indicates that the Hijack Mode Exit has been accomplished successfully.
(b). Properly annunciates that it IS NOT in the Standby Hijack Mode.

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Appendix D
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D.3.1.1 Inadvertent Turn-off

Protection shall be provided to prevent the inadvertent turn-off of the equipment.

Where Hijack functions are provided, to ensure continuous electrical power to the
transponders, it shall be demonstrated that when the Hijack Mode is triggered
(D.1.3.2) that unauthorised removal of electrical power to the transponders, via the
flight deck circuit breakers, shall not affect the continuous operation of the transponder
to output the Hijack Code in both Mode A and Mode S replies.

D.3.1.2 Hijack Mode Equipment Operations

The aircraft installation shall apply all reasonable measures to ensure that appropriate
voltage and voltage characteristics required by the transponder equipment shall be
continuously applied to the transponder equipment at all times that the transponder
equipment is functioning in the Hijack Mode. This applies to both the Active On and
the Standby transponder equipment.
NOTE: This requirement does not apply in situations where power to the
transponder equipment must be interrupted in order to prevent possible
fire conditions or other emergency conditions determined by the Flight



Caution: The following tests must be conducted with the full co-operation of
affected Air Traffic Control (ATC) Centres unless sufficient shielding can be given to
the Mode S transponder antennas to stop replies being received by the ATC Centres.
NOTE: The following requirements apply to the Hijack Mode function only when
implemented internal to the Mode-S Transponder unit.
Perform the following installed test sequence independently for each transponder in
the installation.
a. Hijack Mode Initialization, Verification, and Exit – Configuration One
NOTE: This procedure applies to the Active On transponder in a Dual Antenna
Systems and Dual Diversity Transponder configuration and to both
transponders in a Single Antenna System and Dual Diversity
Transponder configuration.
(1). Hijack Mode Initialization and Verification – Configuration One
With the transponder being in the Active On and Airborne states and
NOT in the Hijack Mode, initiate the Hijack Mode via all of the installed
methods identified in D., D., or D.
At least ten seconds after initiating the Hijack Mode, interrogate the
transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder system:
(a). Replies to all Mode-A interrogations with the 4096 Identity Code of

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Appendix D
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(b). Replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID

field of “7500”.
(c). Properly indicates that it IS in the Hijack Mode.
(2). Hijack Mode Exit– Configuration One
Starting with the conditions as they existed after,
provide the transponder with a 4096 Identity Code of “6767”, set the
transponder to the On-Ground state and activate the means to exit the
Hijack Mode. Interrogate the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5,
UF = 21 interrogations for a minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder system:
(a). replies to all UF = 5, UF = 21 Mode-S interrogations with an ID field
of “6767”.
(b). Properly indicates that it IS NOT in the Hijack Mode.
(3) repeat (1) and (2) for all installed means (e.g. Pilot and Co-Pilot controls,
Pilot and Co-Pilot discrete buttons) to activate the hijack mode.
(4) repeat (1), (2) and (3) but with the difference that the Active On
transponder is in the Ground state when (1) is performed.
b. Standby Hijack Mode Initialization, Verification, and Exit – Configuration Two
NOTE: This procedure applies to Standby transponders intended for Dual
Antenna System and Dual Diversity Transponder configurations.
(1). Standby Hijack Mode Initialization – Configuration Two
With the transponder being in the Standby and Airborne states and NOT
in the Standby Hijack Mode, initiate the Hijack Mode via all of the
installed methods identified in D., D., or D.
At least ten seconds after initiating the Hijack Mode, verify that the
transponder properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(2). Standby Hijack Mode Verification – Configuration Two
Attempt to place the transponder into the Active On mode and interrogate
the transponder with Mode-A, Mode S UF = 5 and 21 interrogations for a
minimum period of 20 seconds.
Verify that the transponder system:
(a). Does NOT reply to any of the interrogations.
(b). Properly indicates that it IS in the Standby Hijack Mode.
(3). Standby Hijack Mode Exit – Configuration Two
Ensure that the 4096 code provided to the transponder is set to a setting
other than “7500”.
Set the transponder to the Standby and On-Ground states, then Activate
the means to exit the Hijack Mode.
Verify that the transponder properly indicates that it IS NOT in the
Standby Hijack Mode.
(4) repeat (1), (2) and (3) for all installed means (e.g. Pilot and Co-Pilot
controls, Pilot and Co-Pilot discrete buttons) to activate the hijack mode.
(5) repeat (1), (2), (3) and (4) but with the difference that the Standby
transponder is in the Ground state.

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix E

Details of the Changes From ED-73C to ED-73E

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© EUROCAE, 2011
Executive Summary

The update to the Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Secondary

Surveillance Radar Mode S Transponders, published by EUROCAE in December 2008
as EUROCAE ED-73C, is contained herein as The Details of the Changes from
EUROCAE ED-73C to ED-73E, and has been produced to reflect the changes that
have resulted in requirements and test procedures for airborne transponder equipment.
This Appendix represents The Details of the Changes from EUROCAE ED-73C to
ED-73E. EUROCAE Working Group 49 (WG-49) and RTCA Special Committee 209
(SC-209) were reconvened for the purpose of updating their respective Transponder
MOPS documents to include changes that were necessary to reflect other changes that
were made when the ADS-B MOPS documents (RTCA DO-260B and EUROCAE ED-
102A) were published in December 2009.

The primary changes to the ADS-B MOPS that required modifications to the
Transponder MOPS dealt with:

1. The changes to the characteristics of the ADS-B Target State and Status (Register
6216) and the Aircraft Operational Status (Register 6516) Messages, which were
removed from under the Event-Driven Protocol and given specific broadcast rates
as Periodic Status Messages. Additional issues relate to resolving the
requirements related to timeout and termination of these Registers.
2. The changes to the specification for the maximum number of squitters from a hard
limit of 6.2 per second to “6.2 per second averaged over any 60 second interval,
except during an emergency condition.”
3. The changes to the timeout and termination of the ADS-B Velocity Message.
4. The changes to Transponder MOPS test procedures to more closely align with
those in the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B and EUROCAE ED-102A).

There were additional changes that were required to the Transponder MOPS to correct
errors that have been discovered in the test procedures and certain other typographical
errors uncovered by manufacturers as they have implemented transponders compliant
with RTCA DO-181D.

Additionally, the ICAO Aeronautical Surveillance Panel Technical Subgroup identified

and discussed issues that have been reported by Civil Aviation Authorities since the
publication of RTCA DO-181D in October 2008 and there were changes to the
Transponder MOPS documents that were requested to be discussed and resolved in
the following areas:

a. To clarify the differences in the treatment of the ADS-B Identification Register 0816
and the Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) Identification Register 2016.
b. To resolve the issues that have led to Mode S interrogators in Europe that support
EHS receiving the contents of a Register that was not requested. This issue has
come to be referred to as “BDS Swap.”
c. To resolve the issue of how a Transponder should reply to an unassigned DI

d. To clarify the reply rate requirements in the ICAO SARPs and Transponder MOPS
and potentially adopt changes to clarify current requirements.
e. Clarified the Transponder processing for the Comm-B Protocol and enhanced the
test procedures.
f. To propose language to strengthen the Flight ID requirements such that the
display of Flight ID and the crew entry must be simple to access and modify both
on-the-ground and in flight.
g. To enhance aircraft monitoring by defining a clear set of parameters in a newly
defined Register for Transponder maintenance and diagnostics.
h. To specify changes in the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number as a result of the
proposed changes to the Transponder MOPS and the corresponding changes that
are being specified for the ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 to correspond to ADS-B
Version 2 formats.
i. To provide a means to control the on-the-ground condition for aircraft operating
without a squat switch and to clearly indicate that when on the surface that all
surface format messages would be broadcast if so commanded. Resolution of
these issues led to changes in the TCS and RCS commands. Additional changes
to the RCS command removed the ability to inadvertently suppress the broadcast
of Extended Squitters.
j. To investigate and potentially attempt to resolve issues raised by a signal-in-space
study commissioned by EASA related to measuring and analyzing the actual
signal-in-space as it exists in several parts of the European airspace with respect
to radar and transponder performance. This issue came to be known as the I/Q
modulation issue.
k. To clarify that the transponder should interpret multisite lockout in an interrogation
where DI=1, 7, and non-selective lockout in the same interrogation, where PC=1,
and set the TD and appropriate TL timers accordingly from that single
l. To discuss the elimination of the requirement to reply to a wide P4 interrogation.
This resulted in clarifying notes to be added to warn manufacturers that the P4LONG
may be eliminated in a future version of the Transponder MOPS.

Appendix E
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E. Details of the Changes from to EUROCAE ED-73C to ED-73E

This Change document prescribes the Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS)
for airborne transponder equipment, modified as described in this document. The applicable
standards basis for those changes requested in this document is EUROCAE ED-73C,
“Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Secondary Surveillance Radar Mode S
Transponders,” issued December, 2008.

This Appendix was originally prepared as a “Change 1 to ED-73C.” However, during the
course of development, both EUROCAE and RTCA made the decision to completely reissue
the Transponder MOPS documents in light of the number of significant changes made. In order
to indicate to the reader exactly what changes were made between EUROCAE ED-73C and
ED-73E, this Appendix will use change numbers such as (1.1) through (, to describe
specific changes made to create EUROCAE ED-73E. A decision was made by EUROCAE to
“skip” the letter “D” for ED-73() in order to more closely harmonize with the publication of RTCA
DO-181E, and to indicate that both Transponder MOPS documents offer the same
requirements changes.

In the following requested changes, for those items where existing text is requested to change,
the new text is underlined and highlighted in blue, and deleted text is presented in strikethrough
and red text. In those changes where a totally new section or text is inserted, all the text is
presented in underline and highlighted in blue. Some simple typographical changes have been
represented with text highlighted in yellow.

(1.1) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §1.6.2, in order to harmonize ED-73 with RTCA DO-
181D and the ICAO SARPs, Annex 10 Vol. IV, §, make the following change in
the bullet for Mode A/C interrogators as follows:

Mode A/C interrogators 1 030 MHz ±0.12 MHz

(1.2) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in numerous sections, a method is described, which is referred

to as the “Overlay Command Capability,” to address a problem identified in both
European and US airspace, known as the “BDS Swap Issue,” where interrogators have
been found to receive the contents of a Register that was not requested. Proposed
changes to the Transponder MOPS documents are based on first receiving a command
bit from the interrogator to overlay Register information over the 24-bit address/parity in
the reply to the interrogation. The parity is established by first performing a Modulo-2
Sum using the most significant 8 bits of the Address (“AA”) field with the Register
number. The results are then used to generate a Data Parity (DP) field in the same
manner that the AP field is currently generated. To prevent impact to current
interrogators and transponders in the field, the method also provides for the transponder
to annunciate capability to support the DP field. All of the proposed changes are
identified in Working Paper SC209-WP14-05R3.

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(1.3) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §1.6.2, in order to clarify that different types of
modulators could be used to generate the phase reversal and that a diode detector can
only be used for test purposes as described in Working Paper SC209-WP12-15R1, add
the following NOTE just after the text below bullet “b” and prior to §1.6.3:

NOTE: The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using different
methods. This includes hard keying with strong amplitude drop and rapid
phase reversal or IQ modulation with little or no amplitude drop, but with a
frequency shift of several MHz during the phase reversal.

(1.4) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §1.6.4.d, in order to clarify that different types of
modulators could be used to generate the phase reversal and that a diode detector can
only be used for test purposes as described in Working Paper SC209-WP12-15R1, add
the following NOTE just after the text of sub-bullet “(2)” and prior to §1.6.4.e:

NOTE: The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using different
methods. This includes hard keying with strong amplitude drop and rapid
phase reversal or IQ modulation with little or no amplitude drop but with
frequency shift during the phase reversal and slow phase reversal (80ns).

(1.5) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §2.5, in order to strengthen the Flight ID requirements
such that the display and crew entry must be simple to access and modify while on the
ground or during flight, make the following changes to subparagraph “f:”

f. If the aircraft uses a flight number for aircraft identification, a means shall be
provided for the variable aircraft identification to be inserted by the pilot while on
the ground, or during flight. The means for modifying and displaying aircraft
identification shall be a simple crew action independent of the entry of other flight

(1.6) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.2.1, in order to clarify that different types of
modulators could be used to generate the phase reversal and that a diode detector can
only be used for test purposes as described in Working Paper SC209-WP12-15R1,
number the existing NOTE and then add the following NOTES:

1. Although receiver characteristics for frequency and bandwidth in paragraphs 3.2.2 to
3.2.4 are specified in terms of Mode A/C interrogations and replies, the
specifications are adequate for both Mode A/C and Mode S interrogations.

2. The 1030 MHz transmitter can generate phase reversal using different methods.
This includes hard keying with strong amplitude drop and rapid phase reversal or IQ
modulation with little or no amplitude drop, but with frequency shift during the phase
reversal and slow phase reversal (80ns).

3. The transponder cannot make any assumption on the type of modulation technology
used and therefore cannot rely on the specificities of the signal during the phase
reversal to detect a phase reversal.

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Appendix E
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(1.7) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.4.1, in order to clarify the requirement for reply
rate, insert a note at the end of the paragraph as follows:

NOTE: The reply rate requirement of 500 replies per second establishes the minimum
continuous reply rate capability of the transponder. As per the altitude and
speed criteria above, the 100 or 120 replies in a 100 millisecond interval
defines the peak capability of the transponder. The transponder must be
capable of replying to this short term burst rate, but may not be capable of
sustaining this rate. If the transponder is subjected to interrogation rates
beyond its reply rate capability, the reply rate limit control of §3.11 acts to
gracefully desensitize the transponder in a manner that favors closer
interrogators. Desensitization eliminates weaker interrogation signals.

(1.8) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.6.3, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-WP11-

10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, delete section §3.6.3 and
renumber the sections that follow.

(1.9) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.7.2.b.(1), insert the text as described below:

b. Mode A/C/S All-Call

(1) At all RF input levels from MTL to -21 dBm, the first preamble pulse of the
reply shall occur 128 ±0.5 μs after the leading edge of the P4 pulse of the
Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation.

(1.10) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.14.2, replace the contents of subparagraph “a” with
the following edited text:

a. A squitter monitor shall be provided to verify that the Mode S transponder

generates short and Extended Squitters at their nominal rates (see § and
§3.28). Event Driven Squitter rates are not required to be monitored to meet this

(1.11) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.17.1.b.(5), in order to strengthen the Flight ID

requirements such that the display and crew entry must be simple to access and modify
while on the ground or during flight, make the following changes to subparagraph “(5):”

e. If the aircraft uses a flight number for aircraft identification, a means shall be
provided for the variable aircraft identification to be inserted by the pilot while on
the ground, or during flight. The means for modifying and displaying aircraft
identification shall be a simple crew action independent of the entry of other flight

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(1.12) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.17.3.c.(4), as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, correct the Figure reference as
shown below:

(4) Storage Design, Non Acceptance

The transponder may optionally accept a Comm-A interrogation (UF=20, 21) if the
data content of that interrogation cannot be processed. (see „UNABLE TO
PROCESS‟ and „OPTION TO REPLY‟, Figure 2-16 3-15)

(1.13) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to clarify the regular use of non-
selective lockout to block mistaken replies to Mode A/C-only All-Call, as identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-16, make the following changes in the initial paragraph
prior to the descriptions of the PC Code definitions.

This 3-bit (6-8) uplink field contains operating commands to the transponder and is part
of surveillance and Comm-A interrogations UF=4, 5, 20, 21. The PC field values 2
through 7 shall be ignored and the values 0 and 1 shall be processed for the processing
of surveillance or Comm-A interrogations containing DI=3 ( The codes are:

(1.14) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to inform the Transponder

community that there is a possibility that the P4 Long will be eliminated sometime in the
future, as specified in Working Paper SC209-WP13-09R1, add the following Note after
the text of bullet “c.” In order to harmonize with RTCA DO-181E, make the following
change to the text of bullet “c.”

c. Mode A/C/S All-Call - A Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogation (1.6 microseconds P4)
shall be accepted unless the TD timer is running or side lobe suppression is in
effect or when in the “on-the-ground” state (consistent with the CA, VS and FS

NOTE: The acceptance of Mode A/C/S All Call interrogations may be disabled in
a future version of these MOPS.

(1.15) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, add the following on to the end of the first
sentence in the paragraph, and a line to the table, and add a Note after the Table, and
delete the last sentence in the paragraph as follows:

The transponder shall generate replies as follows, except when in the on-the-ground

Interrogations Replies

Mode A 4096 Codes

Mode C Altitude Codes
Mode A/S All-Call Reply is DF=11
Mode C/S All-Call Reply is DF=11
Mode S-only All-Call Reply is DF=11

NOTE: Transponders that simulate Mode A/C and Mode S All Call interrogations in
self test/squitter transmission may occasionally open their window of non
acceptance for this purpose coincident with an actual interrogation, thus

© EUROCAE, 2011
Appendix E
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generating a reply to the interrogation. Such coincidental acceptance periods

may be considered tolerable, but must not exceed one percent of transponder
operating time.

For all Mode S interrogations the reply format number (DF) shall be the same as the
interrogation format number (UF).

(1.16) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to clarify the regular use of non-
selective lockout to block mistaken replies to Mode A/C-only All-Call, as identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-16, and modified during final comment resolution during
Meeting #14, and recorded in ICAO ASP TSG Working Paper TSGWP10-12R1, add the
following NOTE after the second paragraph:

NOTE: Non-selective All-Call lockout and multisite lockout are not mutually exclusive.
Interrogators using multisite lockout protocols for interrogator networking
coordination may use non-selective lockout commands in the same
interrogation. The non-selective lockout may be used to prevent Mode S
transponder replies with DF=11 to wrongly detected Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations from Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations because of the
misinterpretation of the narrow P4 pulse as a wide P4 pulse.

(1.17) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to clarify the regular use of non-
selective lockout to block mistaken replies to Mode A/C-only All-Call, as identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-16, and modified during final comment resolution during
Meeting #14, and recorded in ICAO ASP TSG Working Paper TSGWP10-12R1, add the
following as NOTE 3:

NOTE 3: Non-selective All-Call lockout and multisite lockout are not mutually
exclusive. Interrogators using multisite lockout protocols for interrogator
networking coordination may use non-selective lockout commands in the
same interrogation. The non-selective lockout may be used to prevent Mode
S transponder replies with DF=11 to wrongly detected Mode A/C/S All-Call
interrogations from Mode A/C-Only All-Call interrogations because of the
misinterpretation of the narrow P4 pulse as a wide P4 pulse.

(1.18) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to clarify the use of the TCS
command to control Extended Squitter broadcasts, as identified in Working Paper
SC209-WP11-12R1, make the following edits to subparagraph “c” as follows:

c. Conditions for Acquisition Squitter Transmission – The following applies to

transponders transmitting Extended Squitters. When commanded to report the
surface position type formats by TCS commands (see paragraph 3.28.5), aircraft
without automatic means of determining the on-the-ground condition, and aircraft
with such means that are reporting airborne state, shall transmit acquisition squitters
in addition to the surface position Extended Squitter formats unless acquisition
squitter transmission has been inhibited (subparagraph d.)

NOTE 1: This action is taken to ensure ACAS acquisition in the event that the
ground station inadvertently commands an airborne aircraft to report the
surface position type of Extended Squitter formats.

© EUROCAE, 2011
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If aircraft are commanded to stop emitting surface position Extended Squitter

formats by RCS command equal to 3 or 4 (see paragraph 3.28.7), these aircraft
shall begin to emit the acquisition squitter (if not already doing so).

(1.19) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “a” just after the NOTE, add the
following new requirement:

When the transponder transitions to normal operation (see §2.5.c) it shall initiate a
temporary alert for 18 ±1 seconds.

(1.20) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, make the following changes in
subparagraph “d:”

d. Special Position Identification - When manually selected, the transponder shall

transmit the equivalent of the Mode A/C SPI in the FS field of surveillance replies
DF=4,5,20,21 and in the Surveillance Status Subfield (see §3.28.8) of Extended
Squitter transmissions (DF=17) when they contain the airborne position report.
This code shall be transmitted for 18 ±1.0 seconds (TI timer) after initiation and
can be reinitiated at any time.

(1.21) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.23.1, replace the contents of bullets “a,” “b,” and “c”
with the following edited text:

a. Process uplink and downlink formats DF=16, UF=DF=16, 20 and 21 (Figure 2-

14). The formats UF=DF=16 are is optional.

NOTE: UF=16 is supported by transponders connected to an on-board

operational ACAS (see §3.27).

b. Receive broadcast transmissions from sensors (§

c. Follow the protocols for:

Comm-A (see §

Comm-B (see §
Comm-U/V (air-air) (see § (optional).
Multisite message operation (see §3.23.2).
Report Codes 4 through 7 in the CA field (see §
ACAS crosslink capability (see §

(1.22) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, correct a paragraph reference as
indicated in the following change:

The transponder shall be able to transfer information to and from the appropriate data
sinks (destinations) and sources (paragraphs 3.17 and 3.23 c and d).

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(1.23) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, replace the note below the table with the

(*) The transponder does not reply when the conditions of § apply.

(1.24) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in the first sentence of the paragraph, in
order to correct a bad reference:

Change § to §3.23.1

(1.25) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section § for “Air-Initiated Comm-B,” in order to

comply with changes to the Comm-B protocol made after review of Working Paper
SC209-WP12-08R1, make the following edits to the paragraph:

An air-initiated Comm-B sequence shall start upon the receipt of a message intended for
delivery to a ground interrogator. After receipt of this message, the transponder shall
insert codes 1 or 3 as appropriate, in the DR field of a surveillance or Comm-B reply,
DF=4, 5, 20, 21. On receipt of this announcement, the interrogator transmits an
interrogation with UF=4, 5, 20 or 21 with RR=16 and DI≠7 or with RR=16 and DI=7 and
RRS=0 in a subsequent interrogation. This includes when DI=4, 5 or 6, which are
currently reserved. Receipt of this code by the transponder shall constitute the
authorization to transmit the data. The resulting MB field contains a code identifying the
content of the field. This reply, and others following it, shall continue to contain codes 1
or 3 as appropriate in the DR field. After the message has been transmitted at least
once in response to an interrogation using non-multisite protocols and after closeout is
received (e.g., Code 4 in the PC field) in UF=4, 5, 20, 21, the transaction shall be closed
out and the DR code belonging to this message immediately removed. Another
message waiting to be transmitted will then set the DR code to 1 or 3 as appropriate so
that the reply will contain the announcement of this next message. If RR=16 with DI≠7
or with DI=7 and RRS=0 is received while no message is waiting to be transmitted, the
reply shall contain all ZEROs in the MB field. This protocol is also used by air multisite-
directed Comm-B messages. An interrogation with DI=3 shall not affect the state of the
Air-Initiated Comm-B protocol.

(1.26) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section § for “Comm-B Broadcast,” in order to

adjust the requirements to account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1, make the following changes in the first paragraph
after the NOTE:

A Comm-B broadcast starts, when no air-initiated Comm-B transaction is in effect, with

the insertion of DR codes 4, 5, 6 or 7 into downlink transmissions of DFs 4, 5, 20, 21
and with the starting of the B-timer. On receipt of the above DR codes, interrogators
may extract the broadcast message by transmitting RR=16 with DI ≠ 3 or 7, or with DI=3
or 7 and RRS=0 in subsequent interrogations. When the B-timer runs out after 18 ±1
seconds, the transponder will reset the DR codes as required, will discard the previous
broadcast message and change from 1 to 2 (or vice versa) the broadcast message

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(1.27) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to correct a bad paragraph

reference, and also make revisions related to the GICB revisions discussed in Working
Paper TSG WP08-02R1, revise the paragraph as follows:

In response to a UF=0 with RL=1 (see § and DS≠0 (see §, the
transponder shall reply with a DF=16 reply in which the MV field shall contain the
contents of the ground-initiated Comm-B register designated by the DS value. If the
requested Register is not supported by the aircraft installation, then the transponder
shall reply with an MV field containing ALL ZEROs. In response to a UF=0 with RL=1
and DS=0, the transponder shall reply with a DF=16 with an MV field of ALL ZEROs.
Receipt of a UF=0 with DS≠0, but RL=0 shall have no associated TCAS crosslink
action, and the transponder shall reply per §

(1.28) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to comply with changes to the
Comm-B protocol contained in Working Paper SC209-WP12-08R1, add subparagraph

(7). If DI=4, 5 or 6 then the SD field has no meaning and shall not impact other
transaction cycle protocols. These DI codes remain reserved until future
assignment of the SD field.

(1.29) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to adjust the requirements to

account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-
WP11-09R1, make the following changes in the fourth paragraph as follows:

Upon receipt of a DF=4, 5, 20 or 21 reply, with DR=2, 3, 6 or 7, a Mode S sensor may

request downlink of the resolution advisory using the GICB protocol and setting RR=19
and DI≠3 or 7, or RR=19, DI=3 or 7 and RRS=0 in a surveillance or Comm-A
interrogation (UF=4, 5, 20 or 21) to the ACAS aircraft. When this request is received by
own Mode S transponder, own transponder shall reply with a Comm-B reply, DF=20,21,
whose MB field contains a Resolution Advisory Report with information provided
previously by the ACAS equipment.

(1.30) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section § in order to correct a statement

concerning bit 48 which was not updated during the revision of the document to “C”
level, replace the third paragraph below § with the following:

When Bit 48 is set to ONE and Bit 71 is set to ONE the ACAS unit is operational using
the formats for ACAS and the transponder is receiving ACAS RI=2, 3 or 4.

(1.31) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.2, in order to adjust the requirements to account
for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1,
in the Notes of bullets “a” and “b” make the following changes:

a. Airborne Position Squitter. The airborne position Extended Squitter shall use format
DF=17 with the contents of ground-initiated Comm-B Register 0516 inserted in the
ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR equals 16, DI equals 3 or 7

and RRS equals 5 will cause the resulting reply to contain the airborne position
report in its MB field.

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b. Surface Position Squitter. The surface position Extended Squitter shall use format
DF=17 with the contents of ground-initiated Comm-B Register 0616 inserted in the
ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR equals 16, DI equals 3 or 7

and RRS equals 6 will cause the resulting reply to contain the surface position
report in its MB field.

(1.32) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.2, in order to retain consistency with the
terminology used in the ADS-B MOPS and ICAO SARPs, in existing bullet “c” change
references to the aircraft identification squitter as follows. In order to adjust the
requirements to account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3 or 7, as suggested in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1, in the Note of bullets “c” and “b” make the following

c. Aircraft Identification and Category Squitter. The aircraft identification and

category extended squitter type shall use format DF=17 with the contents of
ground-initiated Comm-B register 08 {HEX} inserted in the ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (Paragraph containing RR equals 16, DI equals 3

or 7 and RRS equals 8 will cause the resulting reply to contain the aircraft
identification and category report in its MB field.

(1.33) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.2, in order to adjust the requirements to account
for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1,
in the Note of bullet “d” make the following change:

d. Airborne Velocity Squitter. The airborne velocity Extended Squitter shall use format
DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register 0916 inserted in the ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and RRS
equals 9 will cause the resulting reply to contain the airborne velocity report in
its MB field.

(1.34) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.2, as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP11-

19, replace bullets “e” through “i” with the following in order to define the Target State
and Status, and the Aircraft Operational Status Messages as Periodic Status Messages
and not included any further as “Event-Driven” Messages. In order to adjust the
requirements to account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3 or 7, as suggested in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1, in the Notes of bullets “e,” “f” and “g” make the
following change.

e. Target State and Status Message. The airborne Target State and Status
Extended Squitter shall use format DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register
6216 inserted in the ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR=22 (e.g., BDS1=6),

DI=3 or 7 and RRS=2 (e.g., BDS2=2) will cause the resulting reply to
contain the airborne Target State and Status report in its MB field.

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f. Aircraft Operational Status Message. The airborne or surface Aircraft

Operational Status Extended Squitter shall use format DF=17 with the contents
of GICB Register 6516 inserted in the ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR=22 (e.g., BDS1=6),

DI=3 or 7 and RRS=5 (e.g., BDS2=5) will cause the resulting reply to
contain the Aircraft Operational Status report in its MB field.

g. Event-driven Squitter. The event-driven Extended Squitter type shall use format
DF=17 with the contents of GICB Register 0A16 inserted in the ME field.

NOTE: A GICB request (see § containing RR=16, DI=3 or 7 and

RRS=0A will cause the resulting reply to contain the event-driven report
in its MB field. Since multiple Register contents can be multiplexed
through Register 6116 and 0A16, GICB extractions of these Registers is
not recommended as the reply could be indeterminate.

(1.35) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.3, in order to harmonize this section with the
requirements specified in RTCA DO-181D, §, replace the first paragraph with
the following:

At power up initialization, the transponder shall commence operation in a mode in which

it broadcasts only acquisition squitters (Paragraph The transponder shall
initiate the broadcast of extended squitters for airborne position, surface position,
airborne velocity, target state and status, aircraft operational status and aircraft
identification and category when data are inserted into GICB registers 05, 06, 09, 62, 65
and 08 {HEX} respectively. This determination shall be made individually for each
squitter type. The insertion of altitude data into register 05 by the transponder
(Paragraph 3.28.8) shall not satisfy the minimum requirement for initialisation of
broadcast of the airborne position squitter.

NOTE 1: This suppresses the transmission of Extended Squitters from aircraft that
are unable to report position, velocity or identity information.

If input to Register 0516 and 0616 stops for 60 seconds, broadcast of that Extended
Squitter type will be discontinued until data insertion is resumed. The insertion of
altitude by the transponder shall satisfy the minimum requirement for continuing to
broadcast the airborne position squitter. After timeout (see §3.28.4), this squitter type
may contain an ME field of ALL ZEROs.

NOTE 2: Continued transmission for 60 seconds is required so that receiving aircraft

will know that the data source for the message has been lost.

When extended squitters are broadcast, transmission rates shall be as indicated in the
following paragraphs. Acquisition squitters shall be reported in addition to extended
squitters unless the acquisition squitter is inhibited (Paragraph Acquisition
squitters shall always be reported if extended position or velocity squitters are not

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(1.36) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.3, in order to comply with the changes in
transmission rates made in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A for Periodic Status
and Event-Driven Messages, and to further comply with the changes identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP12-16R1, replace the existing second paragraph and the
initial Note 1 and 2 with the following:

The maximum rate for the total number of extended squitter messages transmitted by
the transponder shall not exceed 6.2 messages per second averaged over any 60
second interval, except during an emergency condition.

NOTE 13: Transponders are limited to no more than 2 Event Driven messages per
second. Therefore, the average of 2 Airborne Position, 2 Airborne Velocity,
0.2 Identification, and 2 Periodic Status and Event Driven messages per
second, averaged over any 60 second interval, yields a maximum of the
required 6.2 messages per second, except during an emergency condition.

NOTE 24: The transmission of extended squitters from aircraft that are unable to
report position, velocity or identity is suppressed.

(1.37) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.3, as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP11-

19, in order to establish transmission rates for the Periodic Status Messages, delete
existing bullets “f,” “g,” “h,” and “i.” Insert new bullets “e” and “f” indicated below to
define the Target State and Status, and the Aircraft Operational Status squitters, which
are not included any further as “Event-Driven” squitters. Re-label and edit the old bullet
“e” to become new bullet “g” as shown below, and re-label the old bullet “j” (Delayed
Transmission) to become new bullet “h.” In existing bullets “a,” “b,” “c,” and “d” at the
end of each subparagraph, change the reference for subparagraph “j” to subparagraph

e. Airborne Target State and Status Squitter Rate. Airborne Target State and Status
squitter shall be transmitted at the rates as specified in § of EUROCAE
ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.

Verification of the transmission rates of Airborne Target State and Status Messages
shall be performed in accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A /

f. Aircraft Operational Status Squitter Rate. The Aircraft Operational Status squitter
shall be transmitted at the rates as specified in § of EUROCAE ED-
102A / RTCA DO-260B, with the exceptions as specified in subparagraph “h.” When
transmitting the surface formats, the rate depends on whether the high or low
squitter rate has been selected (see §3.28.6).

Verification of the transmission rates of Aircraft Operational Status Messages shall

be performed in accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-

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g. Event-driven Squitter Rate. The event-driven squitter shall be transmitted once,

each time that GICB register 0A {HEX} is loaded, while observing the delay
conditions specified in subparagraph f h. The maximum transmission rate for the
event-driven squitter shall be limited by the transponder to twice per second. If a
message is inserted in the event-driven register and cannot be transmitted due to
rate limiting, it shall be held and transmitted when the rate limiting condition has
cleared. If a new message is received before transmission is permitted, it shall
overwrite the earlier message.

NOTE: The squitter transmission rate and the duration of squitter transmissions is
application dependent. Choices made should be the minimum rate and
duration consistent with the needs of the application.

(1.38) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to comply with the changes in
transmission rates made in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A for Periodic Status
and Event-Driven Messages, and to comply with the changes requested in Working
Paper SC209-WP12-16R1, replace the existing first paragraph and the following NOTE
with the following. Delete all text after the NOTE and prior to

The maximum total number of Extended Squitters (DF=17) emitted by any Extended
Squitter installation shall not exceed 6.2 per second averaged over any 60 second
interval, except during an emergency condition.

NOTE: For installations capable of emitting DF=19 squitters, transmission rates for
lower power DF=19 squitters are limited to a peak of 45 DF=19 squitters per
second, and 35 DF=19 squitters per second averaged over 10 seconds,
provided that the maximum total squitter power-rate product for the sum of full
power DF=17 squitters, full power DF=19 squitters, and lower power DF=19
squitters, is maintained at or below a level equivalent to the power sum of 6.2
full power squitters per second averaged over 10 seconds. This low-power,
higher squitter rate capability is intended for limited use by State aircraft in
coordination with appropriate regulatory bodies. For installations capable of
emitting extended squitters other than DF=17, see ICAO Annex 10, Vol IV,

If the Event-Driven message transmission rate must be reduced in order not to exceed
the maximum rate specified in ED-102/DO-260 section, then transmission
priority shall be assigned as follows:
(1) If the Emergency/Priority Status message (ED-102/DO-260 is
active, it shall continue to be transmitted at the specified once per second rate
and other Event-Driven messages shall be allocated equal priority for the
remaining capacity.
(2) If the Emergency/Priority Status message is not active, transmission priority
shall be allocated equally to all active Event-Driven messages.
NOTE: Prioritisation should only be necessary when in the Airborne State since a
number of messages are not needed during Surface operations. Specifically,
TCP and TCP + 1 information should not be needed during Surface

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(1.39) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as partially modified in Working Paper

SC209-WP11-19, it was proposed therein to replace the entire section with the edited
text in the Working Paper. During Meeting #14 as discussed in the final review and
comment resolution, and documented in the comment matrix in Working Paper SC209-
WP14-06R1, and Working Paper SC209-WP14-08, it was agreed that the entire section
would be replaced with the following:

a. Timeout of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance with

§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message timeout functions shall be performed in
accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.

(1.40) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, during Meeting #14 as discussed in the
final review and comment resolution, and documented in the comment matrix in Working
Paper SC209-WP14-06R1, and Working Paper SC209-WP14-08, it was agreed that the
entire section would be replaced with the following:

a. Termination of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance with

§ of RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message termination functions shall be performed
in accordance with § of RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A.

(1.41) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.4, during Meeting #14 as discussed in the final
review and comment resolution, and documented in the comment matrix in Working
Paper SC209-WP14-06R1, and Working Paper SC209-WP14-08, it was agreed that the
entire section would be replaced with the following:

a. Timeout of Extended Squitter Messages shall be performed in accordance with

§ of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.
b. Verification of Extended Squitter Message timeout functions shall be performed in
accordance with § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.

(1.42) In EUROCAE ED-73C. in section §, in order to clarify the use of the TCS
command to control Extended Squitter broadcasts, as identified in Working Paper
SC209-WP11-12R1, make the following edits to the entire section as follows:

Aircraft without such means shall report the airborne type message formats. Aircraft
with or without such automatic on-the-ground determination shall use position message
types report the surface type formats as commanded by control codes in the TCS
subfield (Paragraph 3.28.7). After timeout of the TCS commands, control of
airborne/surface determination shall revert to the means described above.

NOTE 1: Extended squitter ground stations determine aircraft airborne or surface

status by monitoring aircraft position, altitude and ground speed. Aircraft
determined to be on the ground that are not reporting the surface position
message type formats will be commanded to report the surface type formats
via the TCS subfield. The normal return to the airborne position message
type formats is via a ground command to report the airborne message type
formats. To guard against loss of communications after takeoff, commands
to report the surface position message type formats automatically timeout.

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When commanded to report the surface type format by TCS commands, aircraft without
automatic means of determining the on-the-ground condition, and aircraft with such
means that are reporting airborne state, shall transmit acquisition squitters as specified
in §

NOTE 2: Transmission of the acquisition squitter will provide for ACAS acquisition in
the event that an airborne aircraft is commanded to report the surface type
formats. In this case, the CA field of the acquisition and Extended Squitters
will continue to show that the aircraft is airborne, or is unable to determine its
on-the-ground state.

(1.43) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.28.7, as specified in Working Paper SC209-WP11-

12R1, in order to provide ground control to inhibit Mode A/C and Mode S All-Call replies,
primarily for aircraft without a squat switch, replace the entire section 3.28.7 as follows:

3.28.7 Subfields in SD for Extended Squitter

The SD field contains the following information if the DI code is 2: Type Control Subfield (TCS) in SD for Extended Squitter

TCS, the 3-bit (21 – 23) Type Control Subfield in SD shall control the
position extended squitter airborne and surface format types reported by
the transponder, and its response to Mode A/C, Mode A/C/S All-Call and
Mode S-Only All-Call interrogations. These commands shall only affect
the format type reported, they shall not change the aircraft determination
of its on-the-ground condition. The commands for codes 1 and 2 shall
be able to refreshed for a new period before timeout of the prior period.

NOTE 1: Thus aircraft without the means to set the on-the-ground

condition will continue to report code 6 in the CA field, and an
aircraft with the means to set the on-the-ground condition that
has determined that it is in the airborne state will continue to
set code 5, independent of the Extended Squitter format that
is emitted.

The following TCS codes have been assigned:

TCS Codes Description

0 No position surface format types or reply inhibit command
Use surface position type for the next 15 seconds
See §
Use surface position type for the next 60 seconds
See §
3 Cancel surface format types and reply inhibit commands
4–7 Not assigned Reserved TCS Equal to ONE (1)

(a) Broadcast extended squitter surface formats, including the Surface

Position Message, the ID and Category Message, the Aircraft
Operational Status Message and the Aircraft Status Message for
the next 15 seconds at the appropriate rates (see Table 2-79 in

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(b) Inhibiting replies to ATCRBS, ATCRBS/Mode S All-Call and Mode

S-only All-Call interrogations for the next 15 seconds.
(c) Broadcast acquisition squitters as per §
(d) Make no change to the air/ground state reported via the CA, FS and
VS fields.
(e) Discontinue broadcast of airborne message formats.
(f) Broadcast the surface formats at the rates according to the TRS
subfield unless commanded to transmit at the rates set by the RCS
subfield. TCS Equal to TWO (2)

(a) Broadcast extended squitter surface formats, including the Surface

Position Message, the ID and Category Message, the Aircraft
Operational Status Message and the Aircraft Status Message for
the next 60 seconds at the appropriate rates (see Table 2-79 in
(b) Inhibiting replies to ATCRBS, ATCRBS/Mode S All-Call and Mode
S-only All-Call interrogations for the next 60 seconds.
(c) Broadcast acquisition squitters as per §
(d) Make no change to the air/ground state reported via the CA, FS and
VS fields.
(e) Discontinue broadcast of airborne message formats.
(f) Broadcast the surface formats at the rates according to the TRS
subfield unless commanded to transmit at the rates set by the RCS
subfield. Rate Control Subfield (RCS) in SD for Extended Squitter

RCS, the 3-bit (24 – 26) Rate Control Subfield in SD shall control the
squitter rate of the transponder when it is reporting the Extended Squitter
surface type formats. This subfield shall have no effect on the
transponder squitter rate when it is reporting the airborne position type
formats of Extended Squitter.

NOTE 2: Aircraft without the means of determining on-the-ground state

or aircraft with such means that are declaring the airborne
state must be commanded to transmit the surface format (via
TCS) before they can be controlled by this subfield. Both of
these commands may be sent in the same interrogation.

NOTE 3: Both TCS and RCS have specific timeout periods. If the
surface format command times out first, the aircraft will
resume broadcasting the airborne format (unless it is now
declaring the on-the-ground state or the surface format is
selected in accordance with the requirements of EUROCAE
ED-102A/RTCA DO-260B § (3)) even if the squitter
suppression command has not timed out (since the squitter
suppression command has no effect on the transmission of
the airborne format). If the squitter suppression command
times out first, the aircraft will resume the transmission of
surface formats.

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The following RCS codes have been assigned:

RCS Codes Description

0 No surface Extended squitter rate command
1 Report high surface Extended squitter rate for 60 seconds
2 Report low surface Extended squitter rate for 60 seconds
3 Suppress all surface Extended squitters for 60 seconds
4 Suppress all surface Extended squitters for 120 seconds
5–7 Not assigned Reserved

NOTE 4: The definition of high and low squitter rate is given in §3.28.3
and applies to the Surface Position, Aircraft Identification and
Category, and the Operational Status Messages.

NOTE 5: As stated in §, Acquisition squitters are

transmitted when Surface Extended Squitters are suppressed
by using RCS=3 or 4. Surface Antenna Subfield (SAS) in SD for Extended Squitter

SAS, the two bit (27 – 28) Surface Antenna Subfield in SD shall control
the transponder selection of the diversity antenna that is used for: (1) the
Extended Squitter when it is reporting the surface type formats, and (2)
the acquisition squitter when the aircraft is reporting the on-the-ground
condition. This subfield shall have no effect on the transponder diversity
antenna selection when the aircraft is reporting the airborne position type,
or if the aircraft does not have diversity antennas. When reporting the
surface type formats, the default shall be the top antenna. The following
SAS codes have been assigned:

SAS Codes Description

0 No antenna command
1 Alternate top and bottom antennas for 120 seconds
2 Use bottom antenna for 120 seconds
3 Use top antenna Return to the default

(1.44) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.29.c, the requirement required transponders to

support TCAS/ACAS with Elementary Surveillance (ELS). During consideration of Final
Review and Comment resolution in Meeting #14, it was agreed that the beginning of the
paragraph would be changed as follows:

c. In addition, Optionally, the Mode S transponder must be capable of ACAS

operation in accordance with all requirements defined in §3.27. In particular, the
transponder reports ACAS capability and version in Register 10 16 as well as the
RA Report in Register 3016.

(1.45) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.29.2, in order to adjust the requirements to account
for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1,
insert a sub-bullet to the list of references mentioning the use of BDS2 with SI Code.

o paragraph “Comm-B data selector, BDS”

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(1.46) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to account for the changes that
are being made in the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and
subsequent equivalent changes in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, the Mode S Subnetwork
Version Number will have to change accordingly. Replace Table 3-2, and the sentence
below it with the following:


0 Mode S Subnetwork Not Available

1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6–127 Unassigned Reserved

To be consistent with Elementary and Enhance Surveillance requirements (e.g., this

version of these MOPS), the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number shall be set to “35” or

(1.47) In EUROCAE ED-73C, there are numerous occasions where the phrase “Minimum
Update Interval” has been incorrectly used, and where the phrase “Maximum Update
Interval” should have been used instead. In the requirements description at some of
these locations, reference has also been made to the Register Allocation Table in
Appendix B, which is incorrectly referenced as Table B-1, and should have been
referenced as Table B-2-1. In each of the following paragraph references, all
instances of “Minimum Update Interval” must be changed to “Maximum Update
Interval,” and where references occur to “Table B-1,” they must be changed to
“Table B-2-1.”

§ § § §

§ § § §
§ § § §
§ § §3.31.3 §5.8.3

(1.48) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, to correct a minor typographical error, in

the Note following subparagraph “b”:

Replace “(Datal Link Capability Report)” with “(Data Link Capability Report)”

(1.49) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to correct a cut-and-paste error in

a bit reference, replace the only sentence in the section with the following correction:

“Correct servicing of the character fields of Register 2016 shall be reported in Register
1716 via bit 33 7 as defined in §”

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(1.50) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.30, in order to add the barometric pressure setting
as a downlink aircraft parameter, as agreed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-21, make
the following changes:

The Enhanced Surveillance application entails the use of eight the following Downlink
Aircraft Parameters (DAPs) for initial implementation, as follows:
- Magnetic Heading
- Indicated Airspeed and/or Mach No.
- Vertical Rate (climb/descend)
- MCP/FCU Selected Altitude
- Ground Speed
- Roll Angle
- Track Angle Rate (or True Airspeed if Track Angle Rate is not available)
- True Track Angle
- Barometric Pressure Setting

(1.51) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as agreed to in Working Paper SC209-

WP12-04, indicate that all of the Reserved bits in Register 4016 shall be set to ZERO (0).
Make the following changes in the title and the text. Reserved Bits (40 to 47, 52 and 53)

Bits 40 to 47, 52 and 53 of Register 4016 “MB” field shall be set to ZERO

(1.52) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, update the maximum update
interval in subparagraph “c” to 2.0 seconds as below:

c) If a particular data field in Register 5F16 cannot be updated within 12.0 seconds
(, the greater of 2.0 seconds or twice the specified minimum maximum
update interval of 0.5. seconds), then the data field shall be ZEROed (i.e., binary

(1.53) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to correct references to the

“maximum update interval” as detailed in Appendix B, Table B-2-1, and to also correct
the specific maximum update interval for Register 6016, which is specified in Table B-2-1
as 1.3 seconds, make the changes identified below in yellow to replace the word
“minimum” with the word “maximum,” and replace the actual values for the Register 60 16
maximum update interval:

a. The maximum update interval at which Register 6016 shall be reloaded with valid
data is 1.3 seconds.
Note: Register 6016 is updated at least once every 1.3 seconds.
b. The time between availability of data that causes a change in Register 60 16 and the
time that the change is made to Register 6016 shall be less than the maximum
update interval specified as 1.3 seconds.
c. If Magnetic Heading data in Register 6016 “MB” field bits 2 through 12 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 1 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits 2
through 12 shall be set to ZERO (0).

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d. If Indicated Airspeed data in Register 6016 “MB” field bits 14 through 23 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 13 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits
14 through 23 shall be set to ZERO (0).
e. If Mach data in Register 6016 “MB” field bits 25 through 34 cannot be updated with
valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum update interval of
1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 24 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits 25 through 34
shall be set to ZERO (0).
f. If Barometric Altitude Rate data in Register 6016 “MB” field bits 36 through 45 cannot
be updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 35 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits
36 through 45 shall be set to ZERO (0).
g. If Inertial Vertical Rate data in Register 6016 “MB” field bits 47 through 56 cannot be
updated with valid data within 2.6 seconds (e.g., twice the specified maximum
update interval of 1.3 seconds) then Status Bit 46 shall be set to ZERO (0) and bits
47 through 56 shall be set to ZERO (0).

(1.54) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as agreed to in Working Paper SC209-

WP12-04, add sub-bullets “f” and “g” just prior to NOTE #1, to indicate that generic data
bits “y” will be set to ZERO if the status bit is set to ZERO, and that any Reserved bits
will be set to ZERO.

f) The data bits of field “y” will be set to ZERO if the Status Bit is set to ZERO.
g) Any Reserved Bits will be set to ZERO.

(1.55) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §3.31.3, in order to correct references to the

“maximum update interval” as detailed in Appendix B, Table B-2-1, and to also correct
the specific references to the actual Table in Appendix B, make the changes identified
below in yellow to replace the word “minimum” with the word “maximum,” and replace
the Table reference with “Table B-2-1” as described below:

a. The maximum update interval at which a data field in a Register will be reloaded
with valid data is defined for each register in Table B-2-1 in Appendix B.
b. The transponder will load valid data into the related transponder Register as soon as
it becomes available at the Mode S Specific Services entity.
c. The time between availability of data that causes a change in a data-field of a
Register and the time that the change is made to the Register will be less than the
maximum update interval specified in Table B-2-1 in Appendix B.
d. If a data-field field cannot be updated with valid data within twice the specified
maximum update interval defined for the Register, or 2 seconds (whichever is the
greater), then the Status Bit (if specified) of the field will be set to ZERO (0)
(INVALID) and that data field will be ZEROed.

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(1.56) In EUROCAE ED-73C, after section §3.31.4, in order to clarify the regular use of non-
selective lockout to block mistaken replies to Mode A/C-only All-Call, as identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP11-16, and to make clear that the transponder should
interpret multisite lockout in an interrogation where DI=1, 7, and non-selective lockout in
the same interrogation where PC=1, and set the TD and appropriate TL timers
accordingly from that single interrogation, replace Figure 3-11 with the following:



UF = UF =
4,5,20,21 4,5,20,21

DI = 1,7 LOS = 1 IIS = 0 PC = 1




DI = 3 LSS = 1 SIS = 0



Note: For actions of TD – TL and IIS, see acceptance protocol.


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(1.57) In EUROCAE ED-73C, after section §3.31.4, as identified in Working Paper SC209-
WP11-20R1, replace Figure 3-12 with the following:

4096 CODE A C D
7500, 7600, UF = 4,5,20,21 UF = 0, 16 1






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(1.58) In EUROCAE ED-73C, after section §3.31.4, as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP12-08R1, to account for DI=3, changes were
made in Figure 3-18. Additional changes were made with Working Paper SC209-WP14-05R3 for the BDS Swap issue.



PC = 4


UF = 4,5,20,21 0 A NO


DR = 1 - 7 NO NO NO NO


TR (B) RR > 15







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(1.59) In EUROCAE ED-73C, after section §3.31.4, as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP12-08R1, to account for DI=3, changes were
made in Figure 3-18A. Additional changes were made with Working Paper SC209-WP14-05R3 for the BDS Swap issue.

SET for DI = 3 DI = 1 PC = 4 MBS = 1 MBS = 2 SET for this IIS RUNS for
this IIS this IIS



4, 5, 20, 21
RR = 16 RRS = 0 C F WAITS for
this IIS





RR > 15


RESET T for this IIS


RESET T for this IIS SET T for IIS





OVC = 1



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(1.60) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to harmonize the test of dynamic
range with the requirement stated in §3.2.4.f, make the following change:

Vary the RF level in 5 approximately equal steps between MTL + 3 dB and -21 dBm.

(1.61) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, correct the spelling error in the
second sentence, as follows:

Vary the level of the P4 pulse between -10 dB and 0 dB with respect to P3.

(1.62) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as originally discussed in Working Paper

SC209-WP11-10R1, and as further detailed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-17R1,
following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and agreement by
RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, make the following change in sub-bullet “(2):”

(2) the lowest level of P4 relative to P3 at which 990% Mode S replies occur.

(1.63) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, in order to harmonize between
ED-73E and RTCA/DO-181E, for bullet “f” (Step 6) of this test procedure, make the
following changes in the first sentence of the test procedure:

f. STEP 6 Dead Time (Paragraph 3.10.3)

Set the master test set to generate a Mode A /C/S All-Call interrogation at a level of
-21 dBm.

(1.64) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as originally discussed in Working Paper

SC209-WP11-10R1, and as further detailed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-17R1,
following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and agreement by
RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49 during Meeting #12, make the following changes
to the last two (2) paragraphs in each of the sub-steps of the test procedures Step 7A
through Step 7H:

Turn off the Slave Test Set. Do not reset the transponder.

Set the Master Test Set to generate a standard (i.e., -60 dBm) UF4, UF5, Mode A and
Mode C interrogations and verify that the Mode A code and Altitude/ Mode C information
provided in the transponder replies is correct.

Repeat the entire procedure given in preceding paragraphs this Step as needed to
verify performance of the transponder on both top and bottom channels of diversity

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(1.65) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as originally discussed in Working Paper

SC209-WP11-10R1, and as further detailed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-17R1,
following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and agreement by
RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49 during Meeting #12, make the following changes
to the second (and last) subparagraph in Step 7I:

Repeat the procedure with the Master Test Set using Mode A/C/S All-Call interrogations
while locking-out the transponder to these All Call interrogations in place of suppression
pair. Verify that the delay time is less than or equal to 15 microseconds after the P4

Repeat the procedure in the preceding paragraph with the Master Test Set using Mode
A/C-only All-Call interrogations in place of suppression pair.

(1.66) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, make the following changes to the
NOTE immediately following subparagraph “f:”

NOTE: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that when the interference pulse
combines with the P1 pulse of the P1-P2 pair of a Mode S interrogation, that
the transponder detects the Mode A/C All-Call and does not reply with a Mode
A/C reply.

(1.67) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §5.4.8, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-WP11-

10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, the reference to paragraph 3.12.7
is incorrect and should be replaced by a reference to paragraph 3.13 as follows:

5.4.8 Undesired Replies (Paragraph 3.132.7)

(1.68) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in sections § and §, in order to clarify that
different types of modulators could be used to generate the phase reversal and that a
diode detector can only be used for test purposes as described in Working Paper
SC209-WP12-15R2, make the following changes to the “Test Equipment” and “Test
Procedure” sections:

a. Test set capable of generating Mode S interrogations at a 0-dBm power level.

b. DPSK modulation detector (a simple diode detector is adequate for manual

determination of the location of phase reversals in a 0-dBm signal). Use a
simple diode detector for manual determination of the location of phase reversals
when the Mode S signal test generator is using hard keying with amplitude drop.

NOTE: Such a method is only possible for test purposes as some transmitters
can generate the phase reversal using IQ modulator with little or no
amplitude drop.

c. Wide-band oscilloscope (HP1710B, or equivalent).

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b. Verification of Test Set Error Protection Circuits
When the Mode S signal generator uses a hard keying method to
generate phase reversal resulting in amplitude drop, the following
method can be used to verify the Test Set Error Protection circuit.

(1.69) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, in the initial list of references, the
reference to paragraph 3.24.4 is incorrect because it does not exist. Replace the
reference with 3.24 as follows:

(Paragraph 3.24.4 – interrogation reply coordination, ELM)

(1.70) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as originally discussed in Working Paper

SC209-WP11-10R1, and following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and
discussion and agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, replace the entire
test Procedure #3 as detailed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-17R1.

(1.71) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in sections § “a” and “b,” as specified in Working Paper
SC209-WP13-03R1, make the identified changes in order to clarify that the transponder
should interpret multisite lockout in an interrogation where DI=1, 7 and non-selective
lockout in the same interrogation where PC=1, and set the TD and appropriate TL timers
accordingly from that single interrogation. Changes include adding interpretation of
PC=0, 1 in an interrogation where DI=3 to support SI lockout and non-selective lockout
in a single interrogation.

(1.72) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as specified in Working Paper SC209-WP13-

03R1, make the identified changes in order to clarify that the transponder should
interpret multisite lockout in an interrogation where DI=1, 7 and non-selective lockout in
the same interrogation where PC=1, and set the TD and appropriate TL timers
accordingly from that single interrogation. Changes include adding interpretation of
PC=0, 1 in an interrogation where DI=3 to support SI lockout and non-selective lockout
in a single interrogation.

(1.73) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, during Meeting #14 as discussed in the
final review and comment resolution, and documented in the comment matrix in Working
Paper SC209-WP14-06R1, and Working Paper SC209-WP14-08, it was agreed that the
entire section would be replaced as follows:

a. Verify Extended Squitter Message Rate and Timeout functions by demonstrating

successful completion of all test procedures called out in § of EUROCAE
ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B, as required by §

NOTE: § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B indicates that

ADS-B Message Timeout performance is tested in § through
§ These same test procedure sections verify the Message
Rate in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A.

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b. Verify Extended Squitter Message Rate and Termination functions by demonstrating

successful completion of all test procedures called out in § of
EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B, as required by §

NOTE: § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B indicates that

ADS-B Message Termination performance is tested in § through
§ These same test procedure sections verify the Message
Rate in EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-260B.

c. While performing the test procedures specified in subparagraphs “a” and “b” above,
verify the content of the CA, AA and PI fields in the Extended Squitter Messages.

d. For diversity transponders, setup the transponder to transmit airborne format

Extended Squitters. Verify that each Extended Squitter type identified in §3.28.2
occur alternately from both channels. For transponders that are designed for aircraft
installations with automatic means of determining on-the-ground condition, set the
transponder to on-the-ground status and verify that Extended Squitters occur on the
top antenna only at the prescribed rates.

(1.74) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, replace the second paragraph with the

Verify the content of the CA, AA and PI fields of all Extended Squitter replies. For the
following test, connect the transponder to the appropriate source that provides altitude
code input to the transponder. Also, as required, setup to provide Extended Squitter
data to ground initiated Comm-B Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816, 0916 , and 0A16 , 6216
and 6516 through an external interface as specified in §3.17.2.

(1.75) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “c,” STEP 3, make the following
changes in the first three lines of the test procedure:

c. STEP 3 - Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a rate

maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816, and 0916, 6216 and 6516.

(1.76) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “d,” STEP 4, first paragraph,
make the following changes:

d. STEP 4 - Set up the transponder as in STEP 3 with Extended Squitter updates

to the transponder at a rate maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B,
Table B-2-1. Place the transponder in the airborne state. Stop updates of all
Extended Squitter data, except altitude information, to the transponder for GICB
Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816, and 0916, 6216 and 6516.

1. Verify that after 2 seconds, all subsequent the Extended Squitter ME fields
for (GICB Registers 05716, and 0916) are ZERO with the exception of the
ACS and surveillance status fields in the airborne position squitter (GICB
Register 0516) and the airborne identification squitter (GICB Register 0816).

2. Verify that after 2 seconds the aircraft identification and category squitter
(GICB Register 0816) continues to be transmitted.

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3. Verify that after 2 seconds only the Selected Altitude, Selected Heading or
Barometric Pressure Setting subfields of the target state and status squitter
(GICB Register 6216) are set to ZERO. Verify that the remaining Extended
Squitter ME subfields are not cleared, as they contain other integrity, mode
or status information.

4. Verify that after 2 seconds the Extended Squitter ME fields of the aircraft
operational status squitter (GICB Register 6516) are not cleared, as they
contain various integrity, mode or status information.

5. Verify that after 2.6 seconds the Extended Squitter ME fields of the airborne
velocity squitter (GICB Register 0916) are cleared, and verify that it is not
being transmitted.

6. Place the transponder in the ground state and verify that the surface position
Extended Squitter ME field (GICB Register 0616) is ZERO. Repeat the setup
as in STEP 3 with Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a one half
second rate. Place the transponder in the airborne state. Interrogate the
transponder with RR=17 and DI=7 and verify that the SCS subfield of the
data link capability report is one. After all updates (except altitude
information) have ceased for 10 seconds, interrogate to extract the data link
capability report and verify that the SCS subfield is ZERO.

Interrogate the transponder with ground initiated Comm-B requests with

RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively. Verify that the MB
fields are ZERO with the exception of the ACS field in the airborne position
squitter (GICB Register 0516) and the airborne identification squitter (GICB
Register 0816). After all updates (except altitude information) have ceased
for 60 seconds, verify that airborne identification and category and airborne
velocity Extended Squitters are no longer still being transmitted. Place the
transponder in the ground state and verify that the surface position Extended
Squitter (GICB Register 0616) is no longer transmitted.

Return the transponder to the airborne state. Verify that the acquisition
squitter and airborne position squitter are broadcast. Set the ALT switch to
the "off" position. Verify that the ME field of the airborne position squitter is

After 60 seconds, verify that the transponder no longer broadcasts airborne

position squitters.

(1.77) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “e,” STEP 5, make the following
changes in the first three lines of the test procedure:

e. STEP 5 - Set the ALT switch to the “on” position and provide altitude code input
to the transponder. Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a
rate maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1.

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(1.78) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “f,” STEP 6, in order to

consolidate several changes as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP12-05R1, and to
be clear about the timeout requirements for Register 0816, make the following changes:

f. STEP 6 -Set the ALT switch to the “on” position and provide altitude code input
to the transponder. Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a
rate maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0716, 0816 and 0916. Verify that the ME
fields of the airborne position, velocity and aircraft identification squitters match
the data input. Stop updates of Extended Squitter data to the transponder for
GICB Registers 0816 and 0916 only. After 15 seconds, verify that the ME field of
the aircraft identification squitter continues to match the data input prior to
stopping updates to GICB Register 0816.

After 2.6 seconds, verify that the ME field of the airborne velocity squitter is
ZERO no longer transmitted. Interrogate with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8
and 9 and verify that the MB fields match the ME fields in the corresponding
Extended Squitter reply. Specifically, verify that the MB and ME fields for
Register 0816 continue to match the data input prior to stopping the updates to
GICB Register 0816.

After 10 seconds, interrogate to extract the data link capability report and verify
that SCS is one. After 60 seconds, verify that airborne position and aircraft
identification squitters reports are still transmitted and that aircraft identification
and airborne velocity squitters are not transmitted. Specifically, verify that the
ME field of the aircraft identification squitter continues to match the data input
prior to stopping the updates to GICB Register 0816.

(1.79) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “g,” STEP 7, in order to

consolidate several changes as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP12-05R1, and to
be clear about the timeout requirements for Register 0816, make the following changes:

g. STEP 7 - Configure the transponder to inhibit Acquisition squitters when

Extended Squitters are broadcast. Prior to providing Extended Squitter updates,
verify that Acquisition squitters are broadcast. Provide Extended Squitter
updates at a rate maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-
2-1 to GICB Registers 0516, 0616 and 0816 and provide altitude code input to the
transponder. Verify that Extended Squitters are broadcast and Acquisition
squitters are not broadcast. Verify that airborne position and aircraft
identification squitters are broadcast at the proper rate and alternately on the top
and bottom antenna ports as specified for airborne state if antenna diversity is
supported. Additionally provide updates to GICB Register 0916. Verify the
broadcast of airborne position squitters, aircraft identification squitters and
airborne velocity squitters at the proper rate and the ME data content matches
the data stored in GICB Registers 0516, 0816 and 0916, respectively. Verify that
the transponder does not broadcast Acquisition squitters.
Set the ALT switch to the “off” position and stop update to GICB Registers 05 16,
0616, 0816 and 0916. After 2 seconds, verify that the ME fields of the airborne
position and airborne velocity squitters are ZERO. After 2.6 seconds, verify that
the airborne velocity squitter is no longer transmitted. Interrogate with UF=4,
RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and 9, respectively. Verify that the MB fields of
the replies match the data of the corresponding Extended Squitter reply.
Specifically, verify that the MB fields of the replies for Register 08 16 continue to

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match the data that was provided prior to stopping the updates to GICB Register
0816. After 60 seconds, verify that Extended Squitter airborne position and
airborne velocity squitter transmissions stop. Verify that the aircraft identification
Extended Squitter transmissions are continued and that the contents of the ME
field matches the data that was provided prior to stopping the updates to GICB
Register 0816. and Verify that the transponder resumes Acquisition squitter
Repeat above sequence except stop update to GICB Registers 0516 and 0616
After 2 seconds, verify that the ME field of the airborne position report is ZERO.
After 60 seconds, verify that the transponder no longer broadcasts airborne
position squitters and continues to broadcast airborne velocity and aircraft
identification squitters. Verify that the transponder continues to inhibit the
broadcast of Acquisition squitters.
Repeat above except stop update to GICB Register 0916 only. After 2.6
seconds, Again, verify that after 2 seconds the ME field of the airborne velocity
squitter is ZERO no longer transmitted, and after 60 seconds, both airborne
velocity and verify that the Acquisition squitters are not transmitted.

(1.80) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “h,” STEP 8, make the following

h. STEP 8 - Input GICB Register 0A16 and verify that an event-driven Extended
Squitter is generated with the proper data content. Update GICB Register 0A 16
at a rate less than twice every second. Verify that an event-driven Extended
Squitter is generated subsequent to each update with the proper data content.
Vary the data content provided externally to the transponder and verify that the
data content subsequent to update of the event-driven report is correct.
Increase the update rate to exceed twice per second. Verify that the event-
driven squitter rate does not exceed twice per second and that the data content
reflects the most recent update contents. Repeat for all supported Event-Driven
Extended Squitter Message types.
For the following steps, for those transponders that support automatic detection
of on-the-ground status, change the transponder to on-the-ground status.

Configure the transponder to not inhibit Acquisition squitters when Extended

Squitters are broadcast.

(1.81) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “i,” STEP 9, make the following

i. STEP 9 - Upon power-up initialization of the transponder, verify that the

transponder broadcasts Acquisition squitters at the proper rate but does not
broadcast Extended Squitters. For transponders that support automatic
detection of on-theground status and diversity, verify that Acquisition squitters
occur on the top antenna port only. Interrogate the transponder with GICB
requests with RR=16, DI=7 and RRS=5, 6, 8 and 9 respectively. Verify that the
MB field of the corresponding replies are ZERO, with the exception of Register

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(1.82) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in bullet “j,” STEP 10, in order to
consolidate several changes as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP12-05R1, and to
be clear about the timeout requirements for Register 0816, make the following changes:

j. STEP 10 - Provide Extended Squitter updates to the transponder at a rate

maximum update interval as specified in Appendix B, Table B-2-1. Include
updates to GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0816, and 0916, 6216 and 6516. Use other
than ZERO or all ONEs for the surface position report and the aircraft
identification report. Set TRS to ZERO. For transponders that support
automatic on-the-ground detection, perform the following:

1. Verify that the transponder broadcasts surface position squitters at the high
rate and the ME data content matches the data stored in GICB Register 0616.
2. Verify that the transponder broadcasts aircraft identification squitters and that
they occur uniformly over the range of 4.8 to 5.2 seconds as specified in
paragraph 3.28.3.c. Verify that the ME data content matches the data stored
in GICB Register 0816.
3. Verify that the transponder broadcasts aircraft operational status squitters at
the rates as specified in § of EUROCAE ED-102A / RTCA DO-
260B and that the data content matches the data stored in GICB Register
6516. When transmitting the surface formats, the rate depends on whether
the high or low squitter rate has been selected (see §3.28.6).
4. Verify that the transponder does not broadcast the airborne position and the
airborne velocity squitter.
5. Verify that the transponder does not broadcast Acquisition squitters.
6. Stop update of GICB Registers 0516, 0616, 0816, and 0916 and 6516. After 2
seconds, verify that the surface position squitter ME field is ZERO. After 15
seconds, verify that the ME field of the aircraft identification squitter
continues to match the data input prior to stopping updates to GICB Register
7. After 60 seconds, verify that surface position and surface aircraft operational
status identification squitters stop. Verify that the aircraft identification
extended squitter transmissions are continued and that the contents of the
ME field matches the data that was provided prior to stopping the updates to
GICB Register 0816. and Verify that Acquisition squitter transmissions

For transponders that do not support automatic on-the-ground detection, verify

that airborne position squitters, airborne velocity squitters and aircraft
identification squitters are transmitted at the proper rate and data content. Verify
that surface position squitters are not emitted. Verify that the transponder
broadcasts Acquisition squitters at the proper rate.

Repeat except vary the data content of GICB Registers 0616 and 0816 and verify
the data content of each Extended Squitter subsequent to each register update.

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(1.83) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, the test procedure for squitter control
verification has been modified in order to account for the changes that were agreed to
by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49 for the TCS and RCS commands. In Working
Paper SC209-WP11-12R1 there were extensive changes made to have the TCS and
RCS commands apply to all surface type messages and also to inhibit replies to Mode
A/C and All-Call interrogations. Working Paper SC209-WP12-06R3 completely revises
the test procedure in § to account for the previously agreed changes to TCS
and RCS. The test procedures in § were revised again during the final
comment resolution of Meeting #14 when it was agreed to revise the RCS command
and remove the ability to suppress Extended Squitters as recorded in ICAO ASP TSG
Working Paper TSGWP10-21R1.

(1.84) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to bring ED-73C into harmonization
with changes that were originally made in RTCA/DO-181B and DO-181C, at the end of
§, and just prior to §, add the following text on to the end of the
“Required Timer Duration Test” and then add the new sections for additional test
procedures as identified in Working Paper SC209-WP11-20R1:

Change the input of the ID function to a value other than 7500, 7600 or
7700. Verify that the Mode A Code, temporary alert is set (FS field value
is 4 or 5). Five (5) seconds later, change the input of the ID function to a
value other than 7500, 7600 or 7700 and different from the previously
used value. Verify that the Mode A Code temporary alert is set (FS field
value is 4 or 5) for 18 ±1 seconds after the second change. On-the-Ground Validation Test

For transponders that support automatic on-the-ground condition input

and either implement Extended Squitter formatting or support the on-the-
ground validation requirements of §, the following test shall be

The on-the-ground input is used in determining the codes for FS, VS and
CA fields. The requirements of Section § utilize radio altitude,
ground speed and airspeed inputs to validate the on-the-ground status
when indicated by the input to the transponder. If the conditions for
overriding the on-the-ground status indicated by the input to the
transponder, the airborne status shall be utilized to select FS, VS and CA
field coding. Also, for extender squitter format selection, airborne formats
shall be transmitted unless overridden by ground station interrogation
commands. CA field validation for Acquisition squitters and Extended
Squitters is verified as part of Procedure #6 in §, so the following
test can be incorporated as part of that testing.

Set up the transponder to indicate on-the-ground status by input to the

transponder. With no input of radio altitude, airspeed and ground speed
to the transponder, verify that the FS codes are determined by the
transponder states above with the Ground Register set to on-the-ground
and VS is set to 1. Input radio altitude, airspeed and ground speed to the
transponder. Since not all aircraft installations may have access to all
three inputs, testing is required for all combinations of inputs being
provided to the transponder so that each input is tested individually and
collectively. This is to insure that any one input reporting a value that
sets airborne status as specified in §, properly outputs FS

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values according to Figure 3-12 with the Ground Register reset to NOT
indicate on-the-ground condition and VS is ZERO. If all inputs are
supported by the transponder, a total of 27 combinations are required.
This represents 9 cases with radio altitude not input, 9 cases with a value
above 50 feet and 9 cases with a value below or equal to 50 feet. The
same variation for airspeed and ground speed is required except the
values selected would be above 100 knots to satisfy the requirement to
reset the Ground Register to NOT indicate on-the-ground condition and a
value at 100 knots or below to not modify the on-the-ground status. SSS Code Validation Test

The SSS subfield is contained in the ME field of airborne Extended

Squitters. Setup the transponder to transmit airborne Extended Squitters
at the nominal rates. Verify the following:

1) SSS=0 when no alert (the Alert Register is clear and TC timer is not
running) and no SPI condition is active.
2) SSS=1 when Alert Register is set and no SPI Condition is active.
3) SSS=2 when the TC timer is running and returns to ZERO after the
temporary alert has cleared after 18 ±1 seconds.
4) SSS=3 when the TI timer is set indicating a SPI Condition is active
and returns to ZERO after the TI timer expires.
5) SSS=1 when Alert Register is set and SPI Condition is active.
Clear the alert and verify that SSS=2 as TC timer is now active. Set
the SPI Condition, which will set the TI timer. Verify that SSS=2
until the TC timer expires. Verify that SSS=3 upon expiration of the
TC timer and that SSS=0 upon expiration of the TI timer.
6) SSS=3 when the TI timer is started. Prior to expiration of the TI
timer, start the TC timer and verify that SSS=2. Upon expiration of
the TC timer, verify that SSS returns to ZERO.
7) SSS=3 when the TI timer is started. Set the Alert Register while the
TI timer is running and verify that SSS=1. Alert when leaving STANDBY Condition

a. Set to the airborne state and change the input of the ID function to a
value other than 7500, 7600 or 7700.
b. Wait 19 seconds.
c. Set the transponder to STANDBY condition.
d. Set the transponder to return to normal condition.
e. Verify that the Mode A Code, temporary alert is set (FS field value is
2 and SSS=2 when the transponder is ES capable) for 18 ±1 seconds
after leaving the STANDBY condition.
f. Repeat Steps “a” through “e”, except in Step “c” set the transponder
to OFF.

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a. Set to the airborne state and set the transponder to STANDBY

condition and provide the transponder with the 7500 code.
b. Set the transponder to return to normal condition.
c. Verify that the permanent alert is set (FS field value is 2 and SSS=1
when the transponder is ES capable).
d. Repeat the test with 7600 and 7700.
e. Repeats Steps “a” through “d”, except in Step “a” set the transponder
to OFF.

(1.85) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to address the possible failure
of the test identified in the table for a transponder not locked out to All-Calls, and
discussed in Working Paper SC209-WP12-07R1, add the following NOTE just after the

NOTE: This test is based on a small sample, and is likely that in some cases of
testing, statistical variation may cause a correctly implemented transponder to
fail this test. In this case, it is equally likely that if the test is rerun one or more
times, it may then be successful.

(1.86) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to clarify which specific Timers
are being referenced, replace the text of the first paragraph of “b” with the following:

The transponder can be in 79 different specific lockout states as determined by the

running of the one of the 79 TD and the 78 TL timers. The following test sequence must
be repeated for each of the lockout states:

(1.87) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as a result of changes to the Comm-B

Protocol flowchart identified in Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1, there were
necessary changes to Procedure #18 for the Comm-B Protocol, that were identified in
Working Paper SC209-WP12-08R1. Test Procedure #18 for the Comm-B Protocol was
not updated when changes were made between ED-73B and ED-73C. Therefore, all of
Procedure #18 in Working Paper SC209-WP12-08R1 should be implemented as a total
replacement for the existing text in §

(1.88) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §5.6.2, in order to adjust the requirements to account
for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-WP11-09R1,
add the following NOTE after sub-bullet “b:”

NOTE: Extraction of a Register or a Comm-B broadcast using an SI code is performed

in §

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(1.89) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to account for the changes that
were made in the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and
subsequent corresponding changes being proposed in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, the
definition of the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number in RTCA DO-181E and
EUROCAE ED-73E will have to change accordingly. Replace the reference to
Subnetwork Version Number in the text of the paragraph as follows:

Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in § Verify that the

transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bits 49 - 55 (“Mode S Subnetwork Version
Number” subfield [bits 17 - 23 of the “MB” field]) encoded with a value of “35” or more.

(1.90) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in several sections of §5.6.6 there are references to ICAO Annex
10 Amendments. With this Change document, these references to specific
Amendments will be removed, so as not to require updates in the future. Remove
references to ICAO Annex 10 Amendments in the following locations:

§ - Note 2 inside the Table

§ - Note 1 inside the Table
§ - Note 2 inside the Table
§ - Note 1 inside the Table
§ - Note 2 inside the Table
§ - Note 1 inside the Table

(1.91) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to adjust the requirements to

account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-
WP11-09R1, add the following at the end of sub-bullet “c” and just prior to the text of
sub-bullet “d:”

Repeat the following interrogation in order to extract the Comm-B broadcast message
using an SI code (DI=3).


1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14-16 17 - 22 23 24-27 28 --- 32
“UF” “PC” “RR” “DI” “SIS” “LSS” “RRS” “XX”
= = = = = = = =
4 0 16 3 1 1 0 0
(10 HEX)

Verify that the transponder replies with a “DF” = 20 reply with the “MB” field providing
Aircraft Identification data as follows:

Part 1. c. DF = 20, Register 2016 - Aircraft Identification ”MB” Field

Reply Bits: 33 --- 40 41 -- 46 47 -- 52 53 -- 58 59 -- 64 65 -- 70 71 --76 77 -- 82 83 -- 88
“MB” Bits: 1 --- 8 9 --- 14 15 -- 20 21 -- 26 27 -- 32 33 -- 38 39 -- 44 45 -- 50 51 -- 56
Field: BDS Char. 1 Char. 2 Char. 3 Char. 4 Char. 5 Char. 6 Char. 7 Char. 8
Data: 0010 0000 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010 010101 001010
Character: “U” “J” “U” “J” “U” “J” “U” “J”

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(1.92) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as discussed in Working Paper SC209-

WP13-05, there are minor changes necessary in the ELS and EHS test procedures in
order to allow for the maximum time of 60 seconds for a change in BDS 1,7 to be
reflected into BDS 1,0. Make the following changes to the paragraph and the Note just
below the un-numbered table in §

Within SIX (6) 66 seconds of starting the interrogations, verify that the transponder
replies with a DF=20 reply with:

NOTE: The SIX (6) 66 seconds is based on the update rate specified for Register 17 16
plus the update time of up to 60 seconds rate for Register 1016 to update Bit

(1.93) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to adjust the requirements to

account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-
WP11-09R1, add the following at the end of sub-bullet “h” and just prior to the text of
sub-bullet “i:”

Repeat the extraction of Register 1716 using the following GICB extraction interrogation
in order to use the format for SI code (DI=3) and verify that the content is the same as
the content of Register 1716 previously extracted using DI=7.


1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14-16 17 - 22 23 24-27 28 --- 32
“UF” “PC” “RR” “DI” “SIS” “LSS” “RRS” Not Assigned
= = = = = = = =
4 0 17 3 1 1 7 0
(11 HEX)

(1.94) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to adjust the requirements to

account for Comm-B extraction using DI=3, as suggested in Working Paper SC209-
WP11-09R1, add the following at the end of sub-bullet “i” and just prior to the text of

Repeat the extraction of Register 1816 using the following GICB extraction interrogation
in order to use the format for SI code (DI=3) and verify that the content is the same as
the content of Register 1816 previously extracted using DI=7.


1 --- 5 6 --- 8 9 --- 13 14-16 17 - 22 23 24-27 28 --- 32
“UF” “PC” “RR” “DI” “SIS” “LSS” “RRS” Not Assigned
= = = = = = = =
4 0 17 3 1 1 8 0
(11 HEX)

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(1.95) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to account for the changes that
were made in the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and
subsequent corresponding changes being proposed in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, the
definition of the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number in RTCA DO-181E and
EUROCAE ED-73E will have to change accordingly. Replace the reference to
Subnetwork Version Number in the text of the paragraph as follows:

Continue to interrogate the transponder as required in § Verify that the

transponder replies with a DF=20 reply with bits 49 through 55 (“Mode S Subnetwork
Version Number” subfield [bits 17 through 23 of the “MB” field]) encoded with a value of
“35” or more.

(1.96) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to correct an error in logic during
the creation of this test procedure, make the following changes to §

(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the “MB” field) set to “10” to indicate that Register 5F16 servicing
capability has been established and that data is valid terminated because of the
loss of data.

(1.97) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as indicated in Working Paper SC209-

WP11-10R1, following a review of EUROCAE ED-73C by EADS, and discussion and
agreement by RTCA SC-209 and EUROCAE WG-49, the Set number referenced is
incorrect. Replace “Set 6” with “Set 8” as follows: PART 9: Register 4016 - Selected Vertical Intention - Data Change

Validation - Set 68 (§3.30 through 3.30.5)

(1.98) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, in order to correct an error in logic during
the creation of this test procedure, make the following changes to §

(2). Bit 55 (bit 23 of the “MB” field) set to “10” to indicate that Register 5F16 servicing
capability has been established and that data is valid terminated because of the
loss of data.

(1.99) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in numerous sections, starting with §, as discussed in

Working Paper SC209-WP13-05, there are minor changes necessary in the ELS and
EHS test procedures in order to allow for the maximum time of 60 seconds for a change
in BDS 1,7 to be reflected into BDS 1,0. In each of the sections identified in the matrix
below, change the value of “TEN (10) seconds” in the sentence below the table to a
value of “67” seconds:

§ § §

§ § §
§ § §
§ § §
§ §
§ §

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(1.100) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, add the following NOTE to clarify the use
of GPS data sources:

NOTE: GPS Data Sources may not provide data more often than once every 1.2
seconds. If GPS Data Sources are used to provide data, ensure that the
data is provided at the minimum rate of once every 1.2 seconds. For
Register 5016, this may apply to the True Track Angle data and/or Ground
Speed data.

(1.101) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, make the following changes in subsection

a. Data / Source Change - Set 1: (§

(1). Magnetic Heading Data Input: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Magnetic
Heading data is provided to less than once per two in 2.6 seconds.
(2). Indicated Airspeed Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Indicated
Airspeed data is provided to less than once per two in 2.6 seconds.
(3). Mach Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Mach data is
provided to less than once per two in 2.6 seconds.
(4). Barometric Altitude Rate Data Input - ADS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Barometric
Altitude Rate data is provided to less than once per two in 2.6 seconds.
(5). Inertial Vertical Rate Data Input - FMS / IRS: (§
Via an appropriate input interface, set the rate at which valid Inertial
Vertical Rate data is provided to less than once per two in 2.6 seconds.

(1.102) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, add the following NOTE to clarify the use
of GPS data sources:

NOTE: GPS Data Sources may not provide data more often than once every 1.2
seconds. If GPS Data Sources are used to provide data, ensure that the
data is provided at the minimum rate of once every 1.2 seconds. For
Register 6016, this may apply to the Inertial Vertical Rate data.

(1.103) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §5.8.4, in bullets “a” and “b,” in order to correct a
problem with Table references in Appendix B, make the following changes identified
below in yellow:

a. Verify that the servicing of Register XX16 during the power-on cycle of the
transponder is properly reported in Registers 1816 through 1C16 as required in
Appendix B, Table B-3-24 to Table B-3-28.
b. Verify that the real-time (not just since power-on) servicing of Register XX16 is
properly reported in Register 1716 (see Appendix B, Table B-3-23) if such reporting
is required for Register XX16.

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(1.104) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in section §, as detailed in Working Paper SC209-

WP12-22R1, insert a new subparagraph “e,” revise the lettering of the following
paragraphs and edit the old subparagraph “I” as follows:

e. Set the on-the-ground status for all Mode S replies, except when an airborne reply
is required (e.g., for altitude testing).
f. Where possible, perform the testing inside a hanger to take advantage of any
shielding properties it may provide.
g. As a precaution, use antenna transmission covers whether or not testing is
performed inside or outside.
h. When testing the altitude (Mode C or S) parameter, radiate directly into the ramp
test set via the prescribed attenuator.
i. In between testing, i.e., to transition from one altitude to another, select the
transponder to „standby‟ mode.
j. If testing transponder parameters other than „altitude‟, set altitude to -1000 feet
(minus 1000 feet) or less over 60000 feet. This will minimise the possibility of
ACAS warning to airfield and overflying aircraft.
k. When testing is complete select the transponder(s) to „OFF‟ or „Standby‟.

(1.105) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix A, section §A.1, add the following acronyms:

QFE – Aviation “Q” Code for “Field Elevation”

QNE – Aviation “Q” Code for “Nautical Height” for Enroute
QNH – Aviation “Q” Code for “Nautical Height”

(1.106) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix A, section §A.2, edit and add the following

Event-Driven – Messages that are broadcast periodically for a duration of the

operational condition. Examples of Event-Driven Messages include the Extended
Squitter Aircraft Status Message with the Emergency/Priority Status and TCAS RA
Broadcast subtypes, Operational Status and Target State and Status Messages (ref.

Periodic Status – Status Messages that are broadcast independently in the same
manner as the Airborne Position, Surface Position, Airborne Velocity and Aircraft
Identification Messages. Examples of Periodic Status Messages include the Target
State and Status and the Aircraft Operational Status (ref. RTCA DO-260B /

QFE – Local station barometric pressure setting which provides an altimeter reading
of indicated altitude of the airplane above the station, whether airborne or on the

QNE – The barometric pressure used for the standard altimeter setting (29.92 inches
Hg, 1013.25 hectopascals).

QNH – Local station barometric pressure setting which provides an altimeter reading
of indicated altitude of the airplane above mean sea level, whether airborne or on the

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(1.107) In EUROCAE ED-73C in Appendix B, there are several references to ICAO Doc 9871,
Edition 1. There are specific paragraph references to guidance materials in Doc 9871,
Edition 1, Appendix C, which will change to Appendix D in Doc 9871, Edition 2. In the
titles of the following subparagraphs in Appendix B, make the specified changes to the
paragraph reference in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2:

In the title of §B.4.1 change §C.2.4.1 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.1

In the title of §B.4.2 change §C.2.4.2 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.2
In the title of §B.4.3 change §C.2.4.3 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.3
In the title of §B.4.4 change §C.2.4.4 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.4
In the title of §B.4.5 change §C.2.4.5 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.5
In the title of §B.4.6 change §C.2.4.6 to Edition 2, §D.2.4.6

(1.108) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.2.1 inside Table B-2-1, revise the
entry for Register 6216 by removing reference to “Reserved for” and setting the
Maximum Update Interval to 0.5 seconds:

Transponder Maximum update

Register No. interval (see Note 1)
6216 Reserved for Target State and Status Information N/A 0.5s

(1.109) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.2.1, in order to resolve the

coordination of documents with regard to the issue of timeout issues related to
Registers 0816 and 2016 initially raised by Kevin Wilson of Honeywell and discussed in
Working Papers SC209-WP10-04 and SC209-WP11-04 by Bob Saffell of Rockwell
Collins, add the following Note #2 directly after the existing Note at the bottom of
Table B-2-1:

NOTE 2: If Extended Squitter is implemented, then Register 0816 is not cleared or

ZEROed once either Flight Identification or Aircraft Registration data has
been loaded into the Register during the current power-on cycle. Register
0816 is not cleared since it provides information that is fundamental to
track file management in the ADS-B environment. (See RTCA DO-260B,
§ Refer to §B.4.3.3 for implementation guidelines regarding
Register 0816 and 2016.

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(1.110) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3 just prior to Table B-3-7 there is
an un-numbered table containing references to “ADS-B Registers.” Because of the
changes in RTCA DO-260B and EUROCAE ED-102A defining the ADS-B Periodic
Status Messages and removing them from being broadcast by the Event-Driven
protocol, edit the text, the un-numbered table and the Note just prior to Table B-3-7 as

For additional information on the following ADS-B Registers, please reference

Table B-3-5 BDS Code 0,5 Extended Squitter Airborne Position
Table B-3-6 BDS Code 0,6 Extended Squitter Surface Position
Table B-3-7 BDS Code 0,7 Extended Squitter Status (see Note)
Table B-3-8 BDS Code 0,8 Extended Squitter Aircraft Identification and Category
Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity
Table B-3-9a BDS Code 0,9
(Subtypes 1 and 2 – Velocity Over Ground)
Extended Squitter Airborne Velocity
Table B-3-9b BDS Code 0,9
(Subtypes 3 and 4 – Airspeed and Heading)
Table B-3-10 BDS Code 0,A Extended Squitter Event-Driven Information
Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
Table B-3-97-1 BDS Code 6,1
(Subtype =1 – Emergency/Priority Status)
Extended Squitter Aircraft Status
Table B-3-97-2 BDS Code 6,1
(Subtype=2 – TCAS RA Broadcast)
Table B-3-98 BDS Code 6,2 Target State and Status
Table B-3-101 BDS Code 6,5 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status
NOTE: The 1090 Extended Squitter Status Registers is are actually provided in this section
since they are it is not squittered and is intended to be accessed through GICB

(1.111) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, Table B-3-16 describes the
format for Register 1016. In order to account for the changes that were made in the
ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and subsequent
corresponding changes being proposed in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, the following
additional reference should be added in Note #1 of Table B-3-16:

1) Annex 10 Volume IV, § and §

(1.112) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, Table B-3-16 describes the
format for Register 1016. In order to account for the changes that are being made in
the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and subsequent
corresponding changes in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, RTCA DO-181E and EUROCAE
ED-73E, the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number will have to change accordingly.
Replace the description of the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number field, Bits 17
through 23, in Table B-3-16 with the following:


0 Mode S Subnetwork Not Available

1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6–127 Unassigned Reserved

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(1.113) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, Table B-3-23, in order to

harmonize the naming of the Extended Squitter Identification and Category Message
across all documents, in the definition table for Register 1716, make the following
changes for bit #4:

0,8 Extended Squitter Type and Identification and Category

(1.114) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, Table B-3-48, Note 1 has an
incorrect reference:

In Note 1 of Table B-3-48 replace § with §

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(1.115) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, Table B-3-64, as agreed in

Working Paper SC209-WP12-04, indicate that the Reserved Bits in Register 4016 shall
be set to ZERO (0). Make the following changes in the Register 4016 definition:

1 STATUS PURPOSE: To provide ready access to information about the aircraft’s current
2 MSB = 32768 feet vertical intentions, in order to improve the effectiveness of conflict probes and
3 to provide additional tactical information to controllers.
5 MCP/FCU SELECTED ALTITUDE 1) Target altitude shall be the short-term intent value, at which the aircraft will level
6 off (or has leveled off) at the end of the current maneuver. The data source that
7 Range = [0, 65520] feet the aircraft is currently using to determine the target altitude shall be indicated in
8 the altitude source bits (54 to 56) as detailed below.
10 Note: This information which represents the real “aircraft intent,” when
11 available, represented by the altitude control panel selected altitude, the
12 flight management system selected altitude, or the current aircraft
13 LSB = 16 feet altitude according to the aircraft’s mode of flight (the intent may not be
14 STATUS available at all when the pilot is flying the aircraft).
15 MSB = 32768 feet
16 2) The data entered into bits 1 to 13 shall be derived from the mode control
17 panel/flight control unit or equivalent equipment. Alerting devices may be used to
18 FMS SELECTED ALTITUDE provide data if it is not available from “control” equipment. The associated mode
19 bits for this field (48 to 51) shall be as detailed below.
20 Range = [0, 65520] feet
21 3) The data entered into bits 14 to 26 shall de derived from the flight management
22 system or equivalent equipment managing the vertical profile of the aircraft.
24 4) The current barometric pressure setting shall be calculated from the value
25 contained in the field (bits 28 to 39) plus 800 mb. When the barometric pressure
26 LSB = 16 feet setting is less than 800 mb or greater than 1209.5 mb, the status bit for this field
27 STATUS (bit 27) shall be set to indicate invalid data.
28 MSB = 204.8 mb
29 5) Reserved bits 40 to 47 shall be set to ZERO (0).
31 6) Bits 48 to 56 shall indicate the status of the values provided in bits 1 to 26 as
33 MINUS 800 mb
34 Bit 48 shall indicate whether the mode bits (49, 50 and 51) are already
35 Range = [0, 410] mb being populated:
36 0 = No mode information provided
37 1 = Mode information deliberately provided
39 LSB = 0.1 mb Bits 49, 50 and 51:
40 0 = Not active
41 1 = Active
43 Reserved bits 52 and 53 shall be set to ZERO (0).
45 Bit 54 shall indicate whether the target altitude source bits (55 and 56) are
46 actively being populated:
47 0 = No source information provided
48 STATUS OF MCP/FCU MODE BITS 1 = Source information deliberately provided
50 ALT HOLD MODE MCP/FCU Mode bits Bits 55 and 56 shall indicate target altitude source:
51 APPROACH MODE 00 = Unknown
52 RESERVED 01 = Aircraft altitude
53 10 = FCU/MCP selected altitude
54 STATUS OF TARGET ALT SOURCE BITS 11 = FMS selected altitude
56 LSB Note: Additional implementation guidelines are provided in §Error! Reference
source not found. of this Appendix.

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(1.116) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, delete Table B-3-97-1 as it is

defined in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A as Register 6116, Subtype=1,
containing the ADS-B Version=2 Extended Squitter Status Message for the broadcast
of the Emergency/Priority Status and Mode A Code, and referenced in an un-
numbered table in section §B.3 just prior to Table B-3-7.

(1.117) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, delete Table B-3-97-2 as it is

defined in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A as Register 6116, Subtype=2,
containing the ADS-B Version =2 Extended Squitter Status Message for the TCAS RA
broadcast, and referenced in an un-numbered table in section §B.3 just prior to Table

(1.118) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, delete Table B-3-98 as it is

defined in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A as Register 6216, Subtype=1,
containing the ADS-B Version=2 Extended Squitter Target State and Status Message,
and referenced in an un-numbered table in section §B.3 just prior to Table B-3-7.

(1.119) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, section §B.3, delete Table B-3-101 as it is

defined in RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A as Register 6516, containing the
ADS-B Version=2 Extended Squitter Aircraft Operational Status Message, and
referenced in an un-numbered table in section §B.3 just prior to Table B-3-7.

(1.120) In EUROCAE ED-73C, Appendix B, section §B.4.1.3 describes the Mode S

Subnetwork Version Number. In order to account for the changes that were made in
the ADS-B MOPS (RTCA DO-260B / EUROCAE ED-102A) and subsequent
corresponding changes being proposed in ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2, the definition of
the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number in RTCA DO-181E and EUROCAE ED-73E
will have to change accordingly. At the beginning of §B.4.1.3, replace the definition of
Bits 17 – 23 for the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number with the following:

Bits 17 – 23 reflect the Mode S Subnetwork Version Number.


0 Mode S Subnetwork Not Available

1 ICAO Doc 9688 (1996)
2 ICAO Doc 9688 (1998)
3 ICAO Annex 10, Vol III, Amendment 77
4 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 1 DO-181D ED-73C
5 ICAO Doc 9871, Edition 2 DO-181E ED-73E
6–127 Unassigned Reserved

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Appendix E
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(1.121) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, after section §B.4.3.2 and just prior to section
§B.4.4, add a new section to explain implementation considerations for Registers 08 16
and 2016.

B.4.3.3 Register 2016 and 0816 Implementation Considerations

Detailed implementation requirements for Register 2016 are provided in

§3.29.6. §B.2.1, Table B-2-1, Note 2 provides an introduction to Register
0816 implementation. Implementation of Register 0816 should also
consider the following:

a. If valid Flight Identification data is available, then the data should be

used to populate the character subfields in Register 0816.

b. After using Flight Identification data to populate the character

subfields in Register 0816 in a given power-on cycle, if Flight
Identification data becomes invalid or not available, then the last
known valid Flight Identification data should be retained and used to
continue population of the character subfields in Register 08 16 for the
duration of the power-on cycle.

c. If valid Flight Identification data is not available, but valid Aircraft

Registration data is available in a given power-on cycle, then the valid
Aircraft Registration data should be used to populate the character
subfields in Register 0816 for the duration of the power-on cycle.

d. If Register 0816 has been populated using Aircraft Registration data in

a given power-on cycle, and valid Flight Identification data becomes
available, then the Flight Identification data should be used to
populate the character subfields in Register 0816 for the remainder of
the power-on cycle.

e. Once valid Flight Identification data has been used to populate

Register 0816 in a given power-on cycle, Aircraft Registration data
should not be used to populate the character subfields of Register
0816, even if Flight Identification data becomes invalid or not available
during the power-on cycle.

(1.122) In EUROCAE ED-73C, in Appendix B, at the end of section §B.4.4.3, as agreed in

Working Paper SC209-WP12-04, add a new guidance material section §B.4.4.4 to
indicate that Reserved bits in Register 4016 should be set to ZERO (0).

B.4.4.4 Setting of the Reserved Bits (Bits 40 to 47, 52 & 53)

Bits 40 to 47, 52 and 53 of Register 4016 “MB” field should be set to

ZERO (0).

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