Ratio and Proportion BARBAR SIR

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The third proportional of two

numbers of 12 and 48 is :
a) 84 b) 96
c) 192 d) 144
2. Find the fourth proportion of 0.12,
0.21, 8 ?
a) 89 b) 56
c) 14 d) 17
3. Find two mean proportional
between 2 and 54.
a) 6 and 18 b) 6 and 12
c) 12 and 18 d) 6 and 9
4. Find the mean proportional of 3.6
and 0.9?
a) 2.8 b) 1.8
c) 2.4 d) 5.2
5. The fourth proportion of 12, 14 and
24 is?
a) 30 b) 28
c) 32 d) 36
6. In an examination, the number of those
who passed and the number of those who
failed were in the ratio 25 : 4. If 5 more
had appeared and the number of failures
were 2 less than earlier, the ratio of
students who passed to the number of
students who failed would have been 22 :
3. Find the total number of those who
appeared at the examination.
a) 145 b) 150
c) 155 d) 180
e) None of these
7. The number of students in three classes are
in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If 40 students are
increased in each class, the ratio changes
to 4 : 5 : 7. Originally, the total number of
students was:
a) 100 b) 180
c) 200 d) 400
e) None of these
8. A bag contains 50p, 25p and 10 p coins.
The ratio of coins is 5 : 9 : 4 and total
amount is Rs. 206. The find number of
a) 20, 36, 16 b) 150, 180, 80
c) 200, 360, 160 d) 75, 180, 160
e) None of these
9. 𝒙 is inversely proportional to square of y,
when x = 4, then y = 3. Find 𝒙, if y = 6
a) 2 b) 2
c) 1 d) 3
e) None of these
10.In an office the number of officers
decrease in ration 11 : 9. There daily
wages increases in ratio 12 : 19. Then
the total increases in the wages of one
day is Rs. 19500. Then what was the
total starting wage?
a) Rs. 66000 b) Rs. 60000
c) Rs. 5500 d) Rs. 44000
e) None of these
11.Instead of dividing Rs. 117 among A,
B, C in the ratio 1/2 : 1/3 : 1/4, by
mistake it was divided in the ratio 2 :
3 : 4. Who gained in the transaction
& by how much?
a) A, Rs. 28 b) B, Rs. 3
c) C, Rs. 20 d) C, Rs. 25
e) None of these
12. A person divides a sum to all four sons A,
B, C and D in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 and he
divide double amount of previous to all
sons in the ratio 9 : 8 : 7 : 6. Who will
receive minimum amount?
a) B b) A
c) C d) D
e) None of these
13. Rs. 73689 are divided between A and B in
the ratio 4 : 7. What is the difference
between thrice the share of A and twice the
share of B?
a) Rs. 36699 b) Rs. 46893
c) Rs. 20097 d) Rs. 26796
e) Rs. 13398
14. A, B, C rent a pasture, A puts 15 cows for
6 months, B puts 20 cows for 4 months and
C puts 10 cows for 8 months for grazing. If
the rent of the pastur is Rs. 500. How
much must A pay as his share of rent.
a) 200 b) 25
c) 300 d) 180
e) None of these
15. For a map, measurement unit is 1 : 4 × 103
cm. If the map, distance between two
places is 4 cm, find actual distance
between these places.
a) 16 cm b) 16 m
c) 16 km d) 4 km
e) None of these
16. A Zoo has 66 fishes, some white and rest
orange. Which of the following could be
the ratio of white to orange fishes in the
a) 1 : 7 b) 2 : 9
c) 3 : 7 d) 2 : 5
e) None of these
17. If a, b, c are three positive integers such
that a and b are in the ratio 3 : 4 while b
and c are in the ratio 2:1, then which one
of the following is a possible value of
a) 201 b)205
c) 207 d) 210
e) None of these
18. Divide 11632 into three parts such that 4
times of the first equal to 5 times of second
and 7 times of third. Find the value of
a) 490 b) 492
c) 390 d) 280
e) None of these
19. A watermelon is cut into two pieces in
ratio 3 : 5 of weight. The bigger part is cut
into two pieces in ratio 5 : 7 of weight
again. Then find ratio of resulting three
pieces according to their weights.
a) 15 : 25 : 26 b) 5 : 7 : 9
c) 3 : 5 : 7 d) 36 : 25 : 35
e) None of these
20. There are three kinds of books in the
personal library of Mr. Sharma Technical,
non-technical and fiction. Ratio of
technical to non-technical is 3 : 2 ratio of
non-technical to fiction is 4 : 3, and the
total of the books is more than 1000?
Which one of following can be the total of
the book?
a) 1002 b) 1004
c) 1008 d) 1001
e) Cannot be determined
21. In a cricket match there are three types of
tickets say A, B and C each costing Rs.
1000, Rs. 500 and Rs. 200 respectively. The
ratio of tickets sold from category A, B and
C is 3 : 2 : 5. If the total collection from
selling the tickets is Rs. 2.5 Crore. Find the
total number of tickets sold?
a) 5,000 b) 4800
c) 50,000 d) 52, 000
e) None of these
22.In a factory, the number of workers is
reduced in the ratio 9 : 8 and their daily
wages are increased in the ratio 14 : 15.
Then in what ratio will be daily wages bill
increased or decreased?
a) 17 : 19 increase b) 20 : 21 increase
c) 19 : 17 decrease d) 21 : 20 decrease
e) None of these
23.Rs. 23, 680 are distributed among 8 males,
10 females and 12 boys such that share of
each male is 25% more than each female,
share of each female is 25% more than
each boy. Find the share of each female.
a) 800 b) 1200
c) 1000 d) 1500
e) None of these
24.In an examination, Ashutosh’s mark in
mathematics are twice to that of Science.
The ratio of the marks of in Hindi,
English, and Science is 3 : 5 : 4. If the total
marks he got in all the subject is 400. Then
find the marks obtained by him in
a) 100 b) 40
c) 80 d) 160
e) None of these
25.Ram got twice marks in English than that
of Science. His total marks in English,
Science and maths are 180. If the ratio of
his marks in English and Maths is 2 : 3 ,
what is his marks in Science?
a) 30 b) 60
c) 72 d) 90
e) None of these
26.A sum of money is distributed among P, Q
and R in the ratio of 6 : 19 : 7. If ‘R’ given
Rs. 200 from his share to Q then the ratio
of their share becomes 3 : 10 : 3
respectively. Find the total sum?
a) Rs. 6400 b) Rs. 12800
c) Rs. 3200 d) Data Insufficient
e) None of these
27.A piece of string is 40 cm long. It is cut into
three pieces. The longest piece is 3 times as
long as the middle sized and the shortest
piece is 23 cm shorter than the longest
piece. Find the length of the shortest piece
(in cm)
a) 27 b) 5
c) 4 d) 9
e) None of these
28.In an office the ratio of number of officer,
clerk and peons respectively is 2 : 6 : 3.
The ratio of salary of each respectively is
20 : 12: 7. If the number of peons in office
is 21 and the salary of each clerk is Rs.
3600. Find the total expenditure as a
salary in the office.
a) 2,37,900 b) 2,79,300
c) 3,37,900 d) 3,79,300
e) None of these
29.A man spends Rs. 8100 in buying tables at
Rs. 1200 each chairs at Rs. 300 each. The
ratio of chairs to table when the maximum
number of tables is purchased is:
a) 1 : 4 b) 5 : 7
c) 1 : 2 d) 2 : 1
e) None of these
30.A person gives 2/5 part of his total income
to his elder son while 30% to his younger
son. And the rest amount he deposit in the
three trusts, A, B and C in the ratio of 3 : 5
: 2 respectively. If the difference between
the amount of both the sons is Rs. 2000.
Then how much amount did he deposite in
the trust C?
a) 1000 Rs. b) 1300 Rs.
c) 1140 Rs. d) 1200 Rs.
e) None of these
31.3 years ago, the ratio of income of A and B
was 6 : 5. Income of A increased in the
ratio 2 : 3 and income of B reduced in the
ratio 5 : 4. The total present income of A
and B together is Rs. 52,000 then find the
new and old income of A ?
a) 36,000, 24000 b) 24,000, 36,000
c) 32000, 24000 d) 28,000, 42,000
e) None of these
32.The ratio of income of two persons is 5 : 3
and that of their expenditures is 9 : 5. If
they save Rs. 2600 and Rs. 1800
respectively Their incomes are
a) Rs. 8000 : Rs. 4800
b) Rs. 6000 : Rs. 3600
c) Rs. 9000 : Rs. 5400
d) Rs. 10000: Rs. 6000
e) None of these
33.A and B have monthly incomes in the ratio
5 : 6 and monthly expenditure in the ratio
3 : 4. If they save Rs. 1800 and Rs. 1600
respectively, find the monthly income of B.
a) Rs. 3400 b) Rs. 2700
c) Rs. 1720 d) Rs. 7200
e) None of these
34.The ratio of monthly income of A and B is
5 : 4. If A spends Rs. 2000 and B spends
Rs. 600 then the ratio of their savings is 10
: 9. find the monthly income of each
a) 12000 Rs., 9600 Rs.
b) 12500 Rs., 9100 Rs.
c) 12500 Rs., 9600 Rs.
d) 12000 Rs., 9100 Rs.
e) None of these
35.A bag has Rs. 34.8 in the form of 1-rupee,
50 paise and 25 paise coins in the ratio of 3
: 5 : 2. Find the number of 50- paise coins.
a) 30 b) 12
c) 18 d) 29
e) None of these
36.A bag contains three types of coins 1
Rupee-coins, 50p-coins and 25 p-coins and
the total number of coins is 203 coins. If
the total value of the coins of each kind be
the same, the total amount in the bag is :
a) Rs. 87 b) Rs. 96
c) Rs. 78 d) Rs. 92
e) None of these
37.There are 480 coins of half rupees,
Quarter rupees and 10 paise coins and
their values are proportional to 5 : 3 : 1.
The number of coins in each case are.
a) 100, 200, 180 b) 50, 30, 400
c) 150, 180, 150 d) 300, 90, 90
e) None of these
38.A box contains Rs. 56 in the form of coins
of one rupee, 50 paise and 25 paise. The
number of 50 paise coins is doblue the
number of 25 paise coins and four times
the number of one rupee coins. How many
50 paise coins are there in the box?
a) 52 b) 64
c) 32 d) 16
e) None of these
39.Rohit has some 50 paisa coins, some Rs. 2
coins, some Rs. 1 coins cand some Rs. 5
coins. The value of all the coins is Rs. 50.
Number of Rs. 2 coins is 5 more than the
Rs. 5 coins, 50 paise coins are double in
number than Rs. 1 coin. Value of 50 paisa
coins and Rs. 1 coins is Rs. 26. How many
Rs. 2 coins does he have
a) 4 b) 2
c) 7 d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
40.A bag contains 25p coins, 50 p coins and 1
rupee coins whose values are in the ratio of
8 : 4 : 2. If the total value of coins is X and
the total amount in rupees is Y, then which
of the following can be true.
a) X = 840; Y = 260 b) X = 966; Y = 345
c) X = 840; Y = 280 d) X = 740, Y = 260
e) None of these

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