100 Innovations Udhyam

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that Inspire!
Schools are the breeding ground for new ideas and creativity from
students, and in today’s world, a nudge in the right direction can
make all the difference. In line with this, the Central Board of
Secondary Education (CBSE) has constantly been pushing the
envelope by including more specialised subjects such as
Entrepreneurship. in 2021, they recognised the need to create an
optional online entrepreneurship course for students and decided to
partner with Udhyam Learning Foundation to launch its Online
Entrepreneurship Program (OEP).

This program was designed for students of class 9 and 11, with 12
classes spread across January to March, 2022. The pilot was
concluded in March 2022, where we were able to reach about 40
schools across India and create impact with more than 700
We received more than 300 unique and exciting business ideas from
our innovative and entrepreneurial learners and some of the most
inspiring ones have been compiled in this booklet.
Ranging from home bakeries and eco-friendly bags, to mental
health services and coffee shops, this compilation captures some of
the most unique and exciting business ideas our OEP learners have
come up with.

Drone Painter Divya The Ashok Leyland
Rithikka school

Mr. Vivin David

9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

To paint the high building construction Drone with payload of 2-3 Kgs with hoose
workers have to stand at the edges of the pipe and nozzle from where the paint is
buidling and hang with the help of ropes to come out. The direction of the drone and
paint the tall building and in this there is lighting at night is controlled by the remote.
chance of them falling on the ground. Drone is charged for 60 minutes and can be
used for 20 minutes continously.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We will be advertising about our drone

both on online and offline. Cost of one unit of drone is Rs 25-30k
We will be arranging live Drones can even be rented.
demonstrations of the drone use for tall
buildings at different cities.

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Aromazo 1.Sayantik Mondal,
Music is the escape ! 3.Arundhuti Dhar
School. Kolkata

Anwesha Bose
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

People who stay away from their families A product which can detect our emotions
for work or study purposes Sometimes feel and mood by using Emotion Sensing
down or isn’t too cheerful. Technology and will change the
Aroma+Lighting+Music of our house.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Our target audience are from Teens to Per unit expense= Rs 6500
Old-age People. (For Emotion sensing tech. and black
We will have our own Website. marble)
We will also try and share our product 1 unit Sell price = Rs 7000
selling rights with websites like For starting up this business, we
Flipkart, Amazon, Shopify etc. would require a capital of Rs. 16,000

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Nurtureverse Priyanka Bhavan
Because every child deserves Panchkula

unconditional care 11th Grade Meetu Jaitely

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

In today's urban hustle, parents find it Parenting Consultancy :Assigning

very challenging to raise their kids all by parents to work closely with a child
Devoting time to personally catering to
their kids’ emotional needs is
Specially Curated Mind-Building
often overlooked upon.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The activity planned for the child The initial funding would be self, which
would include physical products like will be used to build the website and
flash card boxes, games. hire psychologists.
Payment for psychologist= 40%
The basic actions like buying the Complementary kit production +
service package for every session Marketing = 30%
would take place on the website Profit= 30%

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Comfy Sit Ishika Bhavan Vidyala,
Have an aweseme posture
for life!! 9th Grade Mrs. Neha Sharma

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

During COVID times, our sitting hours have ComFysit's back posture correction
increased a lot which is affecting our back seat
posture and is causing back pain. And ComFysit's back posture
correction belt

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertising through social Will Use of my own personal

platforms like facebook, funds.
Instagram etc. Selling price of 1 unit = Rs 999
Distribution of pamphlets to
every home

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TIMEZO 1.Akshita Jain Bhavan Vidyalaya,
2.Riddhima Panchkula
Time is precious,
we save it Mrs. Neha Sharma
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Whenever we go to hospitals for App in which the customer can enter the
normal checkups we have to wait for name of hospital and and see the available
a long time if the place is crowded slots for appointments and book it directly.
and hence our time is wasted.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

For customers who will not take
Firstly, we will provide customers with a membership, 10% commission would be
15 day free trial to customers . charged on every appointment.
Yearly membership would cost the
Through advertisements on television or customer about Rs.1999 and then we
YouTube, Instagram etc. would not charge the commission fee.

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HT Mills Heerak Tiwari
Ambuja Vidhya

9th Grade Mr. Abdul Khalid

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

If customer wants to grind the flour they I will set up a flour mill in a four wheeler
have to go out of the house and have to vehicle and I will put GPS tracker to collec t
spend their precious time. order. Team will give home delivery service
Sometimes they don't have vehicle to and if customer want to grind flour then
take it. we will grind it in front of the customer.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We will show case our product on social Cost per unit vehicle - Rs. 15,77,000
media platforms and advertise them Raw materials - Rs 30,000/month
through social media page and by HR cost - Rs 25,000 / month
influencer marketing. Funds will be sourced from the
We will also run ads and publish on sponsors and investors.
road side banners.

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A1 Medicare Gorika and Bhavan Vidyalaya
Nishka panchkula
You don’t have to
struggle in silence 9th Grade Meetu Jaitley

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The pandemic affected mental health of To provide people wiht therapy sessions
every age group. The lack of knowledge and consultancy with specialized
and resources coupled with the stigma Psychologists.
around the topic makes it difficult for Guided meditation videos and 5 min
people to seek/ reach out for help. self analysis time to work on their
mental health

Selling Plan Financial Plan

15 DAYS FREE TRIAL. Session once a
Will seek government funding and
start with Initial savings of founders.
Short daily tasks everyday.

Revenue earned from customers will

be further utilized for scaling business
- Personalized sessions
and makreting.
- Recorded videos

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Visby Arindam Roy
D.A.V. Model
See Clear, Breath Fresh School, Durgapur

11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Fogging of eyeglasses among the A mask which will block the flow of air
eyeglasses wearing population who also towards the eyes/eyeglasses and instead
wear masks . As a spectacles wearer force the air to come out through the side
myself , I found it to be very irritating. and the underside of the mask

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I would prefer having posters and Will seek loan from the bank for the
flyers for my locality and launching production
advertisements online to advertise my Cost of 1 mask = Rs 599/-
Will make the masks available both Will get a supplier to supply normal
online and offline masks to me and I would get the
necessary modifications done

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me in me Hrinmayi
Chanderbala Modi
Cruelty Free Skincare Shoor
Swati Samiir
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Me in me provides chemical free skin care

Most avaiable Skin care product uses
products, which contains mixture of only
chemicals which are just temporary
organic components. Products are:
solutions and damage skin on longer
Shiny Mist (Toner), Luscious Glow (Serum) ,
time frame.
Pamper yourself (Face Cream)
Soul Balm (Lip balm)

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Average cost price of the product is

Products are mainly aimed at
Rs 60 and I plan to sell them at the
teenagers and adults who are looking
margin of 40%.
for chemical free skin care solutions.
I plan to use social media platfroms to
Firstly, I would borrow Rs.3000/- to
promote the me in me products. 5000/- from my parents for initial

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PetBit Kimaya Bhavan Vidyalaya
Agarwal Panchkula

9th Grade Meetu Jaitley

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

PetBit is a smartwatch designed

Pet owners couldn't keep regular track
specifically for your furry-friend.
of the health of their pets, hence many
Like a smartwatch for yourself, PetBit
pets die because of not getting
allows the user to measure their location,
appropriate treatment at the right time.
heartbeat and oxygen level.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Manufacturing Cost: Rs 2909 Rs.

Will partner with Dog shelter homes
(349-charger, 1800-watch,60-collar, 700-
and pet care NGO's
Selling price: Rs 3999 (profit of 37.46%)
I plan to use social media platfroms to
Will seek to raise money from Friends
promote the PetBit.
and banks.

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LumiBuk Sanskriti Bhavan Vidyalaya
Just the thing for Book Owls Khattry Panchkula

9th Grade Meetu Jaitley

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

An easy to use, mini, clip - on lamp.

Not having enough light to read during
Clip can be clipped on the book pages and
night time. (Without disturbing the ones
the light on top will be a LED light hence
around you)
not using any electricity.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Have used my savings to create

Will partner with schools
prototype to get feedback
Will seek Investors funding to scale the
Online and offline marketing
Selling price per unit = Rs 150

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Clay ‘o’ Pedia Pamila R St. John’s Public
School, Chennai
Experience Earthness
Mary Arun
11th Grade Kumar

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Clay products such as pots, jugs,

Lack of access to pure clay
toys and tumblers locally sourced
products in the market.
from potters and artisans.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Create a website to sell online. Built critical thinking and

Tie up with retail outlets decision making skills
Give out free samples to Starting a business is a long
customers for promotions term process that requires a
lot of planning and research.

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Techopedia Sannidhi DAV MODEL
Your partner in the tech world Karmakar SCHOOL, DURGAPUR

11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Old age people and individuals with very Creation of an Application which will help
less tech knowledge find it difficult to people to scan any electronic device
understand the long manual which will narrate information about how
instructions that comes along with tech to use the product, in local langauge and
products. easy to understand way

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Will use my savings to start the

Putting up advertisements on various
social media platforms, will act like a fuel
Initial expenses will be in getting
in promoting across the world.
technical and language experts

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Glow and Read Kanak Joshi
Shri Shikshayatan
School, Kolkata
Led Bookmark Kavya Shah

11th Grade Anwesha Bose

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Students will irregular electricity supply An app where people can consult pet
in village and students with only one doctors in case of any injury to their pet
room in their house face difficulty in and can also book appoitment with our
studying at night without disturbing agent for home pet care services
their parents.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

In total, we have invested Rs.800 in our
We will sell our products through social business. (And got profit of Rs 200)
media platfroms and will collaborate Cost price/unit is Rs.80.
with stationery shops in urban and rural Our raw materials cost is:
areas to take our product to the market. ★ Led Light-2*20=40 ★
Coin Battery- 25
★ ★
Copper Wire- 5 Colourful Paper-10

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Colorकार Rehmat Bhatia Bhavan Vidyalaya
Sachi Goyal Panchkula
For a colorful footprint
9th Grade Meetu Jaitely

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

While partcipating in a poster making

To keep your creativity on track while
protecting the environment, we have made
relaized, "What is the use of advertising
scented, organic and affordable paints
sustainble living when the products we use
using rose petals, leaves, turmeric, beets
itself are not environment friendly?"
and a little bit of food coloring.
Paint colours we all use are not eco friendly.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We expect to take some loan.
We will sell our products through social Paint includes organic materials and costs
media platfroms and offline by us Rs 35 as most of the stuff can be found in
collaborating with the stationaery our garden.
shops of the city. Thus, one paint bottle of 25 ml costs Rs 55.
Selling Price/Unit = Rs 55
Profit = 27%

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Quick Kick Abhishek Binod
Chanderbala Modi
One word &Task done.
9th Grade Swati Samir Muley

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

New generation people are always in A easy to use device with which customers
hurry and forgets to switch off the can control the number of appliances using
electric appliances of their home and their phone. This divice will be connected
offices, to users phone and will have voice
command feature.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I plan to market my products through Cost price of the device = Rs 3000/-

social media platfroms and will list on
e-commerce platfrom to sell it. For now my financial plan is to borrow few
I will ask few online Influncer to suggest money from my parents later as my business
my product to those who are very busy grows and I become adult I will take loan
or are in rush always or the old people. from bank.

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ASAMANYA Disha Banerjee
DAV Model
“अ” से अक्षम, “अ” से आत्मनिर्भर
11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Educated individuals who are differently To create a platform where qualified

abled could not find suitable jobs. individuals can connect with employers
Disabled individuals face discrimination who are ready to recruit them.
in accessing proper skill-training. Offer skill-training to willing individuals
Employers couldn't connect with at a nominal price so that they can be
deserving candidates. financially Independent.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Will seek investors initiallly.
The skill-training will be done both
Website Development INR 25000
online and offline according to the
Fees of skill-training teachers: INR
requirements of the individual.
20000- INR 40000
Creating profiles and submitting resumes
Advertisement:- INR 15000
for placements are absolutely free. Skill-
Registration cost: INR 5000-6000
training prices vary.
Additional charges: INR 5000-6000

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Cake Boutique Chandrima Dav school,
Nag siliguri

11th Grade Abhijeet


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Me and my aunt procure high quality

Less availibility of High quality,
ingredients for cakes and create
affordable and customised cakes for all
highly customized cakes at affordable
kind of events.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We plan to market the cakes through

We made initial investment of Rs
product reviews, blogging, use social media
platforms , build email list, start a website ,
Average cost of 1 cake is Rs 400
put up hoardings, offer free samples, display
We are aiming to clock Rs 25000
my products during local exhibition and
revenue by the end of the program.
hold survey to know customers..

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Frame It! Soha Wasim
School, Kolkata
Frame your life, digitally!
11th Grade Anwesha Bose

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Frame It is your next-gen smart digital
People are looking for hyper-personalized framing device. Connects easily with a
gifting options and a new way of staying smartphone app And Unlike traditional
connected with their friends and families frames with a static or printed picture
living far away. inside, Frame It will show a slideshow of all
the media (pictures and videos along with
the chosen audio track)

Selling Plan Financial Plan

o create a smart gifting experience Market is Cost Price - Rs 2000

to attract Gen-Z and Millenials and to inform Selling Price – Rs 2500
them about a smart and intelligent Profit – Rs 500
alternative to the traditional photo frames Capital to be invested- Rs 5 lakhs
and to convert them into buyers by having Sources of fund – 50% Bootstrap, 50%
great social media presence. Loans

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Multipurpose Bag Tania Show

11th Grade SUDIPTA DAS

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The common problem that I found with A customised self cleasening school bag
the students is that they have to take out with which students can easily sanitize
the sanitizer bottle from their bags and their hands and also the place where they
then sanitize their hands. Also they cannot are supposed to sit .
sanitize the place where they are going to

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Cost Price of 1 bag - Rs 700

I would like to prefer online
I think I would need to take business
advertisements in the most used app like
loans for starting my business from a
Facebook, YouTube, and many more.
bank .I would use the loan for procuring
I would also like to have posters to
some normal school bags and make the
advertise my product.
necessary modifications .

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Authentic Takeover Bhavan
Soumya Goyal Vidyalaya

9th Grade Meetu Jaitely

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Recently, I went to Jaipur where I saw With my business I am making an all in

incredibly beautiful and attractive one e commerce place where artisans
handicrafts, but I observed that they are from across states can list their
not getting enough footfall to grow their articrafts and tap the larger audience to
business. grow their business.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Digital Marketing like Instagram

Marketing, YouTube Marketing, and
Average cost of Articrafts = Rs 1000
various other modes.
Will be raising money initially from
Expanding online selling points like
selling on websites like amazon and
creating our own website.

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Thrive 1.Ashika National Public
2. Shivani
3. Naina Koramangala

11th Grade Ankita


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Our website provides adequate

Lack of resources and guidance amongst
guidance and information which helps
commerce students when it comes to
students to selct and pick a career in
career choices.
the commerce field out of lot of options.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Sponsoring youtubers, influencers to

advertise our product. Will seek initial investment from bank
Partnering with schools Will onboard initial set of coders to
Advertising our App on social media. develop website.

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Go Donate Samkit Golecha DAV Model
School, Durgapur

11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The Go Donate app will pair up NGO’s
The owners of orphanages, Child care (Orphanage, Child care center, Health
centers and Health Care Centres don’t Care Centre) with a place where events
have enough food or not good quality like marriage ceremonies, etc are held.
food to provide. And restaurants have lot After that, reservation can be made for
of surplus food that gets wasted. the surplus food that is left so that the
food doesn’t get wasted.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Use in-app advertising to advertise.
Will feature different companies ads in Bank Loan for 90% investment
the app as they help to generate Remaining 10% will be self funded
The app will also have some premium
features that requires in-app purchases
to use it.

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Lyrenn Iconic Kajal Aaryan Sachin Sarhad School,
bhuse Katraj, Pune

9th Grade Srividya


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Available Kajal products in the market Range of chemical free handmade kajal
has chemicals in it and regualr use of prodcuts the main ingredients of which
these products aftects the eye sight if are carom seeds, almonds, aloevera,
users. castrol oil and cotton.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Initially I will be tapping in my own Average expenses to make of a pack is

network to make the sales. Rs 90.
And will leverage social media Will use my own savings initially.
platforms for marketing.

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Minute Desires Riddhi Das Bharati High
School, Kolkata

11th Grade Priyadarshini


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

People don't have time to make Handmade cards for all special
handmade cards for loved ones but occasions.
want to give them something
personalized. Also a personal interest
and a way to monetise a talent.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Social media advertising and online
selling. Product delivery by courier. Startup Capital - Rs. 6000
Distributing free samples in the locality Rs 4000 funded by parents and Rs.
for promotions. 2000 will be sefl funded.
Attaching an incentive such as a
coupon to the AD can help the people
to judge it’s effectiveness.

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Blind Guide Festus The Ashok Leyland
Mr. Vivin David
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Our Blind guide specacles is a device

It's very difficult for blind people to cross which has sensors, processors, and
roads and navigate their paths on to a camera, to take picures and sense the
destination. near by objects of the users to give him
voice commands to navigate on the

Selling Plan Financial Plan

we will be advertising about this
concept both on online and offline. We will be seeking investments from
we will be partnering with organisations Government and individual investors to set
like National association for blind to up the manufacturing plant for our
spread the information about our spectacles.

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Just Vegan 1.Ayush Kashap DAV School,
2. Hiya Pgaria Siliguri

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Fast life style of the people make them Just vegan is a one stop vegan solution
choose unhealthy food choices and providing for instant, ready to eat
results in increase in various health healthy vegan options for your daily
related issues. cravings.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Will use Youtube,Instagram,Facebook, Seeking for Investment in our company

Twitter,Google Ads,etc for marketing. of 75lacs for an equity of 5% of our
Will be targeting Health & company
Protein Conscious individuals offline Till 15th Feb, 2022 Sales is ₹8lakhs and
marketing. Gross Profit – ₹2lakhs

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Vaishnavi National Public
Everything begins with an idea Abhishek Koramangala
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Some individuals might have a unique Vichaar is an app that allows the exchange
business idea but no means to start a of ideas from people who have them to
business while others might have the others who needs them.​We connect those
financial resources to start an enterprise who have ideas to those who want to
on their own but lack the business idea become entrepreneurs but are unsure of
for it. the idea they should go through with.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertisement and brand awareness

Through boot-strapping
campaigns via social media channels
Cost Analysis: We estimate our funding
Have brand sponsors like celebrities
requirements to ₹ 3,00,000.
Word of mouth.

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Bull Tisha Gupta SHRI
Eshna Sharma
Energy Drink Tanisha Jain SCHOOL
Anwesha Bose
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Black bull is a energy drink which has a
substitute of caffeine, from plant based
Most existing energy drinks in the marlet
ingredients "Rhodiola".
contain caffeine and alcohol which are
Rhodiola has long been known as an
harmful to the health of consumers.
adaptogen, a natural substance that
increases your body’s resistance to stress in
non-specific ways.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

In online mode it would be available on
For our financial resources we would take
platforms like flipkart ,amazon, grofers
loan from financial institutions and bank.
While in the case of offline modes it
Small package(pouches)= Rs.25
would be available through retailers
Medium package(bottles)= Rs.40
and wholesalers( departmental stores +
Large package(cans)= Rs.60
chain stores)

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Poulomi Ghosh D.A.V MODEL
A new way of learning DURGAPUR
11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

There has been a loss of concentration in Focus, is an online video conferencing app
students during online classes. This leads in which, while a meeting is in progress, the
to distractions in the form of numerous participants cannot open any other window
tabs open or online games while or app. Other interesting features include
attending classes. This issue has been multiple webcam capacities, screen
faced on a very high level during the sharing, in-meeting chat, recording and
pandemic time. teaching and learning tools.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertisement in online mode through Taking from financial institutions and

various social media platforms like banks.
Facebook and Instagram. Investment by the owner
App available on android as well as iOS Pitching idea to various investors and
app store. getting investments

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The Milky

Way Mannat Verma

A bottle full of goodness
9th Grade Neha Sharma

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The Milky Way is made from 100% natural
About 68% of the world’s population has
ingredients. It offers different flavours such
lactose malabsorption, which causes
as almond milk, cashew milk, oat milk,
problems for people who drink animal
peanut milk, soya milk and coconut milk. It
milk. With very few options of milk to
will solve the problem for people with
drink, it also decreases the wish to drink
lactose intolerance who cannot drink animal
milk in such people.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The product will be sold online through
Seeking loan from financial institutions
the product's website
and banks.
In the offline mode, the product will be
Investment by the owner
available at grocery stores all over India
Investment by parents at the beginning
Advertisement will be done through
of the busines
social media platforms as well as
posters and flyers.

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Hearties Srishti
Plant a Little Love PANCHKULA

9th Grade Meetu Jaitley

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Plant lovers face problems with heavy Reaching out to plant lovers and helping
plant pots. The transportation of heavy them in arranging their plants in a more
pots from one spot to another becomes elegant and aesthetic manner. The
very difficult. It risks the pot being moving of plants in heavy pots will be
broken in the process of moving it. made easy.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Loan from financial institutions and banks
Advertisement in online mode through Investment by the owners
various social media platforms like Rs. 35 for basic moving stand
Facebook and Instagram. Rs. 40 for aesthetic black stand
Selling the product though online Rs. 40 for stand with better grip
stores like Amazon and Flipkart Rs. 50 for equipment holder stand
Thus our profitability will be about 50.6%.

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Redgear M Pranav Bhadrachalam
Sanjay Public School

9th Grade Sanju Pandey

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Gaming Mouse with lighter weight and

Gaming mouse weight needs to be a
no RGB issue. It comes in both the
little less and customers also face RGB
versions of wired and wireless. At later
light issue.
stages, products for regular users will
also be launched.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Online store Funding from regular gamers/players

Home delivery of device Later on, regular computer users will
Advertisement through gaming also be included for funding.
platforms, websites and social media.

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Medicine Box Purvesh R. Ambuja Vidya
Mohod Uppparwahi

9th Grade Abdul Khalid

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Medicine Box is targeted on users taking

Patients on heavy medications often
medicines regularly. It will remind users
confuse and forget the timing and
to take pills using sound and light. It is
servings of the prescribed medicines.
programmable and specifies pill
quantity and serving times.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Loan from financial institutions and

Available at online stores
Local medical shops will be contacted
Investment by the owners
for dealership.

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Sivananda Rajaram
Jayanth K
Comfortable Shoes Senior Secondary

9th Grade R. Sriramguru

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Discomfort is faced by people while Soft and nice to wear shoes.

walking when wearing shoes for longer Comfortable to wear and walk long
duration and for long distances. The distances without pain.
shoes also sometimes lead to boils on Long distance journey on foot will
foot fingers if worn and walked for a long not be painful after wearing these
time. shoes

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Sale through e-commerce platforms Investment of at least 50,000

such as Amazon and Flipkart. Loan from bank will be taken to invest
Offline selling through local retail shoe capital
shops The price range of shoes will lie
Advertisement through posters. between 499 and 800.

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Leaves Buds Aswathy.K.V
ST Dominic's Convent
English Medium
An online hub where you can school
spot all your favourite plants 9th Grade Rajini.N

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Nowadays many people are frustrated because

of virtual classes and work. Most people like to Leaves and Buds is an easy online plant
be involved with gardening or indoor plants. business app that everyone can easily
Going out to buy plants is restricted because of
access and buy all varieties of plants at
covid 19. Even though we have online plant
an affordable cost. It will provide both
businesses, they are mostly not affordable for
most people. online and offline options.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Selling of plants through the official Invest my own savings of monthly

app pocket money
Offline sale option will also be available Bank loan through parents
Advertisement of the app will be done Selling my hanmade craft items to fund
through websites and ads this business
Online and offline poster circulation

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Fitz Art Siddharth ABHINAV BHARATI

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Constant demand for wall hangings, Selling Wall Paintings, Wall Hangings,
especially handmade ones is increasing Portrait, and Wall crafts to customers at
everyday. People are moe interested in a reasonable price, so that all the
buying handmade wall hangings than the sections of the society can avail the
readymade ones. items.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Introduce the product in the market Investing my monthly pocket money
Keep reasonable prices Taking loan from parents to invest in
Use easily available raw materials the beginning of the business
Selling products on online platforms PRODUCT: COST:
and also various online selling groups Wall Painting : 80/-120/-
such as Shopper's Darbar Wall Hangings : 30/-80/-
Home delivery via courier Portrait : 100/-120/-

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Organzoid Parichita Mondal, Bhadrachalam
Vidushi Bhotika, Public School
The Road to Smooth Bhoomika Lodha
Radiance 11th Grade Sanju Pandey

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Loofas are a regularly used bath accessory Sponge loofas that will be gentle on the skin.
that every person needs. Plastic loofas are In order to make our product undemanding
not only unhealthy to the skin but also a for usage we decided to attach a handle to it.
menace to the environment. Such Loofahs Organzoid also provides different types of
are also abrasive for some skin types. The squashy and pappy exfoliating loofas with
coarse brittle feeling of the loofah fibers can different types of ingredients according to a
damage skin over time. person's skin type.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

For the startup the capital funding will be
Through the official company website done by the owners.
Through online shopping applications For the first month we would like to sell
like Flipkart, Amazon and Nykaa. the product at cost to cost price to see the
Through offline stores like Spencer and response and demand of the product in
Big Bazar. the market.
At first we would target a break even sales

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Agro Agricultural Sarath Ram R
St. Dominic
Convent English
Equipments School

9th Grade Rajini N

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Unavailability of agricultural An agricultural equipments shop which

equipments in the locality for people also gives equipments on rent. A wide
interested in agriculture. variety of equipment available.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

An online agricultural equipment shop

Deliver equipment to customers Invest my own savings
Offline shop Seek loan from banks
Special offers like buy any two items Investment from investors
worth above 800 and get an item worth

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Reusable Candles for Pratikchha Pandey
Public School
11th Grade Sanju Pandey
Empowering Candles

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Fingers get burned while using candles. These candles are made by heating
Frequent power cuts in villages lead to plastics, converting them to a proper
disruption of normal everyday life. A lot shape, and adding wick to them. Fitting
of expense is incurred in buying candles stand to the existing candles so that it
in order to prepare for power cuts. would not waste wax.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Sold offline in wholesale to restaurants Invest my own savings

and local shops. Funding through small businessmen
Online selling through website Investment in different plans which
Both the services would be provided would give high interests.
and the customers can use them Seek loan from bank
according to their need.

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Euphoria Devansh Vidyasaria ABHINAV BHARATI

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Gift baskets and hampers for any special

Not many options are present for
occasion and also theme-based hampers for
customized gift hampers for various
anniversary, Raksha Bandhan, Best wishes.
occasions. Gifts are often in variety but
It also includes themes like PUBG, Cartoons,
not according to the requirement or
and depending on the customer's wish.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Selling our products to customers to
majorly teenagers.
Using savings from childhood which
We sell on our social platforms: Instagram
valued at 5000
and Facebook “@EUPHORIA”.
Borrowed 7000 from our parents
We deliver our order by Ola, Uber
takeaway, or the customer has the facility
to takeaway the product from our place.

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Cara: the drone car Abhijeet Sawant Kolhapur
Gravity Beyond Us
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The issue of traffic while traveling is Solving the problem of traffic by

faced by people severely in the present introducing drone cars. This will help
busy world. A lot of time is wasted and people navigate traffic without much
events are delayed due to traffic jams. problems and also save time lost by
being stuck in traffic jams.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Our price will be 35 Rs per kilometre We would like to introduce 60% equity
Promotion through advertisement and 40% borrowed fund
Feedback through public relation
Usage of Direct to Customers

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Directional icy K. Sanjay
headlights BOLLU RAO,
11th Grade RAJESH

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The visibility on roads while traveling at These directional lights are like a
night is not proper even after turning on gimbal-stabilized camera and move in
the headlights. the condition worsens the direction of the vehicle. Thus, the
when taking a turn, resulting in a blind blind spot that occurs will be covered
spot for the driver and thus leading to with this directional light technology.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The device will initially be sold as an
accessory Investment from interested people by
Advertisement of the device on pitching the business idea to them
television, newspapers A share of 51 to 49% of the total
Developing a website for the device's earnings between the investor and me.
information and purchase

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Scrapbook business Anushka Sarhad School,
Mahindrakar Katraj, Pune

9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

In today's world, people don't have time to This business will provide customers with
make scrapbooks. Scrapbooks are made for customized scrapbooks in good quality,
own self or for gifting it to others and take a affordable price and longer preserving time.
lot of time. Preserving scrapbooks is also an The scrapbooks can be bought for gifting
issue. purpose too.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Selling scrapbooks on online websites Initial investment of around 2000 Rs will
Starting selling to relatives and friends be done by the owner
first Stationery costs will be covered through
Delivery to customer's home address the initial investment by the owner.
through postal and courier services. Price will be gradually increased as
Starting price will be 600 to 800 Rs. customers increase in number

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Vibgyor Parth Sanjay Sarhad School,
Raut Katraj, Pune

9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

A wide variety of affordable customized Selling affordable customized t-shirts to

t-shirts are not available for the youth. the targetted young generation. The
Customizations of plain t-shirts cost a designs will be customized according to
lot, especially for the youth and the their requirements and instructions.
student population.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Price will start from 499 for one t-
shirt, for the print size 15cmx15 cm An initial investment of 5000
Online platforms like Instagram and Profit estimated of 5000
Facebook will be used for sale and Rs 499 for small prints t-shirt
advertisement. Rs 599 for big prints t-shirt
Paid marketing through influencers

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Checkapp Praney Chirec
Manyam International
11th Grade Arlene Andrews

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

An asymptomatic Covid patient, who is

Checkapp gives information about the
not aware of his covid positive state,
health history of friends and family. It
unconsciously spreads the virus in
identifies covid positive in small groups
people around him.
and alerts the user.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

App will be available on Android and
iOS app store Investing my own savings
Small groups will be able to use the Investment by parents in the app
app for free Investment from interested investors
Large groups will have to avail by pitching the idea to them
subscription per account.

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R R Drone Services Vhishal BHADRACHALAM
Drones are Dreams, Services are Chandrasekar PUBLIC SCHOOL
Salient Bollu Sivakeshava
9th Grade Rao
Rajesh Srivatsav

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The pandemic situation of contactlessness 'Rapid and Reliable Drone Services Limited'
has created issues for people in obtaining would be operating in the midst of the
the daily necessities from the stores. In pandemic. It is designed specifically for
remote areas, the online delivery system is contactless delivery of goods via drones. The
extremely difficult to implementas most target market is middle and upper-class
industries' branches are situated in consumers who own smart devices and are
metropolitan areas. between the ages of 18 and 44.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Online option provides customers with
Bank loan for a minimal number of drones.
drone delivery and training, as a home
Collaborate with other businesses to share
Offline option will let customers come
Later on, choosing large corporations to be
to the headquarters and get
partners and offer clients unique perks like
instructions on how to operate the
issuing special passes to access products
drone in order to acquire their license.
exclusively and avail faster delivery.

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Eco Pen Jay Patel

Swati Samiir
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Plastic pollution is increasing at a rapid Eco pen is very unique and made of
rate. The pens used by students have 100% paper and has seeds attached to
plastic bodies and the non-refillable it at its back. After the usage, the seeds
pens contribute to plastic pollution. can be planted and since the body of
the pen is made of paper, it will be
easily decomposed.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

In offline mode, by selling the pen to Using my own savings

retail shops at a price of 10 Rs Investing my monthly pocket money in
In online mode, through sites like the business at initial stages.
Amazon and Flipkart

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Home made cake Samruddhi Sarhad School,
Pravin Pawar Katraj, Pune

9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Various types of cake are available in This business will solve the issue of quality of
bakeries. However, the trusted quality of cakes by directly selling cakes baked at home
homemade cake is very less in the present in desired flavors to the customers. The cakes
market. The availability of desired flavour will be delivered at the specific time
cake at a specific time without mentioned by the customer and hence will
compromising the quality is very low. be fresh and in accordance to the

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Sell cakes directly to customers
Initially, the sale will start from my Initial investment of 1000 Rs.
neighborhood and for friends and Investment by my parents for starting the
acquaintances. business
Later on, a website will be designed from Each cake will cost 258 Rs, including the
where customers can order directly and ingredients and the making
choose the flavor and time of delivery.

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Ishwari's Art Gallery Sarhad School,
Ishwari Bodake Katraj, Pune

9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Art galleries are numerous but cost effective This business will provide customers with art
and affordable options are very few. The art pieces like drawings and sketches as per their
items like paintings and sketches are costly requirements and instructions. The price will
for a common man to buy. be kept affordable and genuine.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Initial investment of 2000 Rs will be done
Selling my art pieces on various sites like by the owner
Amazon and Meesho Investment by parents on loan will be
Starting price will be 299 Rs done at the starting stage of the business
Lead providers will be employed for Stationery costs will be covered through
bringing potential customers the initial investment by the owner.

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First step dance Sanchi Padaval Sarhad School,
Katraj, Pune
9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

This dance academy will teach dance to
People are interested in learning various art
various age groups like kids, working people
forms and dance is one of the most popular
and disabled people. A wide variety of dance
ones. Learning dance becomes difficult for
forms will be taught to encourage people to
people as it costs too much sometimes. For
explore more dance forms. The academy will
people of older age or disabled people, it
also give yoga and exercise classes in the
becomes even tougher.
same building.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertisement on social media sites such A large amount of money will be required in
as Facebook and Instagram. setting up the academy and its promotion
Posters and flyers circulated with local Seeking loan from bank through parents
newspaper vendors Pitching idea to investors and obtaining
Dance academy website with detailed investments through them
information about the courses and Crowdfunding through online and offline
various types of activities. events

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Craftyhood Mahesh Suthar Sarhad School,
Katraj, Pune

9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Products made of wood for home decor and

Handicrafts items are very costly. the raw
aesthetic purposes will be sold by the
materials used in materials made of wood
business at a reasonable price. Cost will be
cost a lot and hence is not affordable for
reasonable as only making charge will be
people from every section of the society.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Customers will only be charged the Initial investment will be done by the
making charge and not for the raw owner
material, as wood will be used from my Investment by my father as he will be
father's godown. supplying the raw material (wood)
The price will depend on the size and the Loan from bank once the business speeds
time taken to build the product up.
Majorly offline sale from home

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Swadeshi Clothes Shriza DAV Model School,
Chakraborty Durgapur
Lend something, Gain Something 11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

High quality clothes in the market are This store would be a thrift store allowing
not affordable to a majority of the people to sell their older yet good-conditioned
population due to social issues like clothes and earn profits from the same online
poverty. On the other hand, the richer and offline. This will allow people to afford
masses have more clothes than needed, fancy or branded clothes for a cheaper price
which either they donate or dispose of. and help the fashion industry be more

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Opportunity can be availed both online and Placing the shop in a populated area
offline, for selling as well as for buying. would result into higher profits,
The main office would be located in The owner would pitch the business
populated area. idea to to obtain sponsorships,
To reach technologically weaker sections like
Obtain loans from the bank for the idea
villages or slum areas, offline advertising
through flyers would be conducted.

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Friendly Frames Vaibhav Bhavan Vidyalaya
Sehajpal Panchkula

9th Grade Neha Sharma

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Friendly frames would create and sell a spray

On the basis of a survey, it was found named ‘Crystalina’ which can be used on glass
that 65% of the total people who surfaces. It is created for the purpose of
surveyed, wear glasses. One of the defogging the glass and providing clear vision to
main issues faced by them is fogging the viewer. It’s primarily made to be used on
on the lenses. Lenses of spectacles but the spray could also be
used on windshields, helmet visors or windows.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The product would be available online Will be seeking initial investment

and offline. money from banks and investors
It will be sold in 2 sizes, 120ml at ₹35 Additionally, will be using personal
and 250ml at ₹70 savings.

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Dareen Mayank Sinha Bhavan Vidyalaya,
With warmth from my Panchkula

home to yours
9th Grade Neha Sharma

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

With the help of household ingredients and

Many people suffer with dryness or traditional techniques for remedies, the
other skin issues due to commercial business would produce and sell organic soaps
soaps as they are synthetically with ingredients like Turmeric, honey, essential
produced. oils, natural colours, etc.
Moreover, employment to rural women would
be provided.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Products would be sold offline as well Each soap bar would be sold for ₹120.
as online on social media. A small loan from parents of ₹50,000-
For offline, occasional exhibition in ₹75,000 would be obtained
societies, word of mouth through SFURTI (Scheme of Fund for Regeneration
friends and families would be done. of Traditional Industries) would be applied
for after employing rural women.

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Sassy Muskan Agarwal Abhinav Bharati
Khushi Agarwal High School

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

There are less businesses which sell The business would produce and sell
affordable quirky clothing to the youth. good quality clothes and caps made out
Clothing such as T-shirts or caps with of cotton, nylon or polyester. The prices
slogans or catch phrases in materials the would be kept low so that they’re
customers would desire. affordable by the youth population.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The products would be promoted and sold The material cost would be ₹300-500
on social media platforms like instagram or and final cost of each piece would
facebook. come out to be ₹150-₹250
Deliveries would be made through courier Initial investment would be through a
services and online payment methods would loan from parents.
be set up for the same like GPay, PayTM etc.

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Cashew Confections Ommsree DAV school,
Mohapatra Siliguri
Enterprises Abhijeet
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

There is a lack of niche businesses A cashew business providing good

which produce and sell Cashew Nut quality of Cashew products, with
products. different flavors at reasonable prices.
The product would be widely available
online and offline.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Both B TO B and B TO C, Online platforms
Money is needed for raw materials,
such as Amazon, Flipkart, and retail stores
various machinery for processing, labor,
(offline) would be used to sell products
packaging, and spices..
Products will be marketed through
Investment would be obtained through
advertisements on online platforms,
newspapers and by distributing free

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Shruti’s Edits Shruti Santosh Sarhad

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

People require photo editting, I, Shruti would be editting videos,

animations and other editting pictures, motion pictures etc as per the
services need of the customers

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The products would be sold online The main cost would be of the sources for
The method of payment be diverse, editting like the device and other resources
primarily online mode. however it would be different for each
Social media would be used to customers
advertise and market the products.

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From us to yours Ranjani Point Calimere
Hafeefa International
Busy? We are here! Shanya Mehnaz School
11th Grade Sundaresan V

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

An application through which customers can order
There is a growing demand in the delivery
products around a particular area and unemployed
business for food, daily necessities like people who can deliver those products can create
groceries, medicine. There is a high number their profile. The shopkeepers' also can sell their
of unemployed people as well who could products in our application by informing about their
benefit more businesses which could ongoing sales and offers. The charge for delivery will
provide them steady income. be altered according to the distance we cover and
the situation we deliver in.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Social media will be used for The funds for operation would be obtained
advertisement to reach both the customer through investments
and our workers. Additional expansion would be done
through personal earnings

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The Spot Coffee Shop Aysha Raniya
St Dominic's
Convent English
Medium school

9th Grade Rajini.N

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

A coffee place cum social hub which would
provide a relaxing atmosphere, fast food and
There is a need for places which have
quick service. Coffee spot would have a
a distinct coffee shop which provides
focused menu displayed above counter
a balance between a hectic life and Espresso drinks, Coffee’s and other drinks a
social life. small section of snacks, bakery ,smoothies,
ice based drinks would also be served.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

A marketing plan would be established Initial investment would be made

to promote the shop, awareness of the through savings Then the profits earned
brand would gradually grow with word from the business would be reinvested
of mouth by the customers. into the business

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Creative minds Sahithi Bhadrachalam
Chintapalli public school and
Showcase your talents here Jr college

11th Grade Bollu Sivakeshava


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

An application which allows artists and
There is a gap between creativity and creative people of all ages to share their
earning through that creativity. The views, thoughts, experiences and stories.
lack of opportunities to earn through This content is rated by the viewers and the
writers get paid on that basis.
conventional mediums leave
Well-doing writers would be motivated to
creativity unrewarded.
publish their work.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The advertising would be done through The main source of funds would be from
digital Ads on YouTube, TV and other Spencer companies to invest in our ideas
multimedia platforms. as they are all very creative and promising
The advertisements would be highlighting in nature too. Once the idea starts profiting,
the salient features of our App we pay them back.
A loan might even be taken from the bank.

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Frozen Food box Vinita Ambuja Vidya
Dhumash Niketan

11th Grade Abdul Khalid

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

A new product 'Frozen Food Box' will be

Frozen foods need to be stored in huge
equipped with liquid nitrogen freezing
warehouses in metro cities, restricting technology along with biodegradable freezer
deliveries in remote areas. Any delay in bags. The temperature of the box can be
transport turns the food stale and regulated with inbuilt ventilation. For each type
delivery trucks are not always of food product, the box temperature could be
accessible. set.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Introduce it to the frozen industries and The box will be available to two materials
warehouses. mased on costs i.e. Thermacol Box and
Online home deliveries will be an Isothermal container
option too, which will be integrated
with the frozen food supply chain Thermal box- ₹200
Isothermal box– ₹1200

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Compare it Garv, Gunjan,
Tanishka, Sawan,
Jain Happy
Compare it before you purchase Diya, Uzaif School

11th Grade Rima Gogia

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

An application named ‘Compare It’ to allow
There are many applications which users to compare their desired electronic
allow users to compare electronic appliances and furniture before buying
goods, but they do not have sufficient them.
features to fulfill the needs of the users It would be a competitive application
which would have better features than the
already existing apps/websites.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

An application named ‘Compare It’ to allow Require ₹40,000 for building the
users to compare their desired electronic application
appliances and furniture before buying ₹500 per day for delivery boys
them. Total requirement ₹5 Lakhs
It would be a competitive application which Investment would initially be savings
would have better features than the already then a loan could be obtained or
existing apps/websites. investment. from potential investors

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Needkind Surendra Kumar
public school and Jr
Jyotsna Priya college
Donate something if you really don't
want and have the desire to help others 9th Grade Bollu Sivakeshava

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

‘Needkind is an online platform for people
Poor people live in dire situations, who have the desire to help the needy can
they do not have proper clothing, register and send some money online which
homes or food which are minimum would be used to provide basic services like
requirements for survival. food, clothes to the needy. Donors will be
honoured by planting a sapling that can be
planted in their home

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Business will be set up Online and

The online part of the business does not
offline services will be set up later.
require much investment.
Marketing would be done through
For the offline stores, savings and loan
posters and advertisements.
from the bank would be used
Interested donors can fill the form and
pay online.

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ECO Nation Daksh Shah
Dhwani Patel
Reusing Plastic, Using Paper! Vraj Kachhadiya
Swati Samiir
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Plastic bags are non-reusable and are ECO Nation introduced a new paper bag
even thrown after use, and not disposed made up of recycled plastic, cotton, and
of properly. People burnt plastic bags to jute under the scheme Replan.
dispose of them, which released toxic These paper bags are reusable and can be
fumes and greenhouse gases. disposed of easily when broken. These are
These gases are harmful to the environment-friendly, economical, durable
environment. yet fashionable.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We have decided to sell our product B2C
as well as B2B
The financial plan is to have loan from
the website we have made as well as in
parents and then re-invest the profit
online shopping centres such as amazon
amount in the company
flipkart etc.
By word of mouth and social media
pages. Also through ads and posters.

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iCare Vishnu
Do Good, Earn Good Venkateshwar
11th Grade Arlene Andrews

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

iCare would introduce a product named

-Cash based currency consumes a lot
‘Green Currency’ which would be a
of paper which is harmful for the
digital currency.
environment and a sustainable
The currency is entirely online based,
currency format is required
thus would be sold online on its own

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertise as a govt initiative An office space is required

Liaise with Universities Costs for formalities would also be
Liaise with corporates for their CSR required.
initiatives to offset carbon and negative Personal investment of ₹20,00,000
human impact would be made to start the process, for
Create and share posters remaining, investment is required

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Dream House Vaishnavi St. Dominic's
Venugopal Convent English
Lend something, Gain Something Medium school
9th Grade Rajini.N

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Dream house would be a wooden decor

Due to Covid-19 several wooden shop where people can buy many types
decor shops were closed which of products at very reasonable prices, the
reduced the number of shops in products can even be customised. The
neighborhoods. business would employ unemployed

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The initial start of the business would be Savings and parttime earnings would
online sales and delivery upon completion be used to finance the business initially.
of the products. A loan would be taken up upon success
Based on successful feedback, offline shop of the business and during plan of
would be set-up expansion
Payment could be both online and offline

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Vybe Originals Rajeshwari ARRS Academy
Vybe is a Vibe
11th Grade Dharni V.

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

I was able to resolve all of the skin

People face several skin related problems problems with the help of my elders..
due to the usage of skin products which With the use of organic materials, all skin
might not fit their needs or may contain problems can be taken care of, so I
high chemicals developed products which would help
people with these problems

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The products would be marketed and Since the business is already in process, the
sold on Social media platforms like earnings would be used as investment.
instagram Any profit recieved would be put back into
A Vybe Originals store would also be the expansion of the business
opened up initially in 2 areas.

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SK interiors Siddhi Prashant Sarhad School,
Khopade Pune
Our quality is our brand
11th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

I want to create a one stop customizable

People require customised designs, solution for furniture, interior and decor
furniture and art for their homes, offices, for people who want aesthetic homes.
classes etc. The work would be done by a team of
carpenters, electricians etc.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Products would be sold through The cost would depend based on the
advertising and marketing to interior technical requirement of the products
designers, schools and other organisations. Materials would require additional
Through social media and word of mouth, funds
the marketing would be done. Loan would be taken to meet the

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Player Monika M Ashok Leyland
Plastic Recycling Machine
Vivin David
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Player, a plastic recycling machine

Plastic is a problem to environment, which is compact, easy to use and
it may be an important part of life sustainable would be a great method for
now but its proper disposal and plastic disposal, it could be used by
proper use is very crucial. general public and institutions like
schools or colleges

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The product would be customisable

according to the size or quantity of Each piece would cost about ₹8000
plastic to be disposed Loan or Investment for mass production
The product could be promoted on would be required
social media and sold both online and

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Motivational Aditi Salunkhe Sarhad School
9th Grade Srividya Muthuvel

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Posters of motivational Quotes that

A person might feel demotivated
make a person feel motivated and
and unenthusiastic to do anything or
energised at times of pessimism, they
move forward in life
add value to your life and help you move

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The posters will be sold online and The venture will be self financed at initial
offline stage with help of savings or a small loan
the promotion would be done through from parents.
social media and word of mouth by Investments could be taken if the business
reference grows further

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Kalyani’s creations Kalyani Mohite Sarhad School
Photo frames Srividya and
11th Grade Mussarat

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Memories are precious and need to The business is named Kalyani's creation,
be protected, there is a need for a business which would provide photo
more personalised way of protecting frames created by Kalyani. The products
these memories can also be unique to the customer's

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Products would be sold to everyone on ₹1000 would be invested by me

social media and through offline More funds would be required
markets depended on the need of raw material
Advertisement would be done through
social media and poster.

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Moksh Dance Lakshya Sarhad School
Binavat Pune
9th Grade Srividya

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Moksh Dance academy would be a

There are several unique dance
dance academy which would teach
forms that general people are
various types of dance forms not mainly
unaware about.
for a lot of profit but also to represent
India internationally.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Promotion would be done through Main resource required would be a

posters and advertisements on social dance hall, shoes, bottle.
media Loan or investment would be required
Other modes of promotion would be for setting up the hall and other
through participation in television expenses
reality shows.

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Bites and More Mahima Sarhad School
Homemade and organic Sharma Pune

Chocolates 9th Grade


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Chocolates which are homemade and

There is a lack of healthy chocolates organic. would be made and sold by
in the market, these highly fatty and Bites and more for a reasonable price.
artifically processed foods affect the the chocolates would be in multiple
consumers. flavours meeting the needs of

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Social media for promotion Investment for raw materials made

Delivery through online delivery apps through savings and profits would be
like swiggy, zomato etc reinvested for further operations.
Payment could be Online through apps Loan can be availed depending on
like GPay, PhonePe etc. apart from cash. growth in size of the business

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Scrap Book Anushka Sarhad School
Mahindrakar Pune
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Scrap book is a good method to save This scarp booking business is a great
memories but a lot of people don't way to create memorabilia for your
have time or skills to create it loved ones and helps promote art and
themselves creativity.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The scrapbooks would be sold through ₹1000 would be put into the business
online mediums like amazon, flipkart, from the savings for licenses and other
even customised work could be done. necessary things.
Payment could be online. For things such as raw material and
website, more funds could be required
which would be obtained through loan.

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For You Anjanaa
The Routine Managing App Praveen School

11th Grade Arlene Andrews

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

'For you' would be a routine managing

People are not able to manage their
app for School-Students, College-
schedules properly in a streamlined
Students, and anyone who needs to
manner and are often tardy due to
manage their routine in an orderly
bad time management skills.
fashioned way.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

App will be sold on the AppStore (for IOS ₹50,000-70,000 required for
users) and on the Google Play Store (for development of the app, through self-
Android users) PayPal, Google Pay, investment or loan.
ApplePay, PayTm, PhonePe, or direct The app would be free but in-app
credit card transactions are all possible features would have to be purchased
methods of payment

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Furries Ruvetha B Sivananda Rajaram
Senior Secondary
Your pet, Our passion School

9th Grade R. Sriramguru

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

My service is for the customers who pamper

Pets have become an important part
their pets, customers want the best that
of people's lives but they are not able
money can buy for their pets. Accessories
to treat their pets as well as they
and special furniture that caters to their pets
want to due to less pet-friendly
comfort level are in demand. Pet clothing is
also important to for these customers.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I will market my business by Pet Hotel: For 24 hour stay - ₹2000 (including
advertisements in television and pet food)
show events Veterinarian: Consultation fee - ₹300
A social media plan that provides pet Pet sitter: ₹100 per hour for small animals
parents with regular, valuable ₹200 per hour for large animals
information on pet care and other ₹250 per hour for extra large animals
products would be available online. Initially personal investment would be made

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Hydro pacific Parth Shah
Palash Laddha
Sanjay Ghodatwat
Intl. School
The Clever Way Pallav Mohite
Sagar Vidhani
11th Grade Dasaradhi

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

We have come up with affordable,

According to WHO about 80% of
efficient, and portable water purifiers,
diseases are waterborne. There is a
which are very easy to operate and
scarcity of clean water. In the market,
durable to use. These water purifiers can
there are only big and expensive
be easily attached to normal water
water purifiers.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

First, we will focus to sell in Local Retail We are a 100% self-financed company. We
shops and chain stores to gain a base will also try to get subsidies from the
market and gain popularity. government under the Start-Up India
Then we will try to sell our product Scheme The estimated start-up capital will
through online means that is our D2C be around 5 Crores (INR). The company's
website And Also through another B2C estimated gestation period would be
website like Amazon, Flipkart, Etc. around 18 months (approx.)

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A.K. Pvt. Ltd. Arijeet Chatterjee Jyotirmoy Public
Kaushani Dasgupta School
No more pains, we got ReleaseX
11th Grade Akansha Pandey

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

People suffer from Period cramps and The product "RELEASE-X" is a reusable
muscle cramps at least a month regularly patch which will provide both hot and cold
which stops them from playing for a certain waves, which will help the customer to get
time. So at that time we got to know this is a relief from period cramps and muscle
major problem. cramps and some other minor injuries and
prevents the minor injuries to become a
major one.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We will sell our product through both B2B
We will try to reach different investors who
and B2C. We will make our product
are in this sector so that they can help us
available in online platforms like Amazon
with their experience and help us to reach
Flipkart as well as at our website. We will
our brand at certain heights of success.
sell the product to the retailers so that it
comes under the supervision of the

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Safety First Glass Terukuntla Bhrachalam Public
Kanishka School & Jr.College
9th Grade Bollu Sivakeshava

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The business offers front glass for vehicles,
it is observed that during night when people this glass blocks the extra light from external
are driving on roads, the driver can not be luminous sources and makes the path clear
able to judge the distance and size of the and visible for the people driving.
vehicle due to harsh light from other vehicle. Price of this glass would be min. of 20,000
This is a cause of multiple accidents. rupees to max. 30,000 rupees depending
upon the size, thickness etc..

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I would start an online website and even I need an investor for mass implementing
offline stores for consumers to buy my of the idea.
product. During implementation, the profit share
I would even create a small ad regarding between me and the investor would be
the usage of my product which brings 45% to 55% respectively
awareness about my product to all Upon diversification, production would be
people. based on profits

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Home and Decor Trisha Naskar Jyotirmoy Public
Make it cozy, Make it home Parna Das School

12th Grade Akansha Pandey

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

We will try to decor in such a manner
Nowadays redesigning bedroom, that it suits the lifestyle of the
bathroom, kitchen, basement has become occupants(the perfect design that suits
very expensive. Sometimes people face my customers). We will use resuable
problem that accessories don’t seem to products to decorate the interior space
pair with the space around them but with efficient cost.(the the cost may vary
individually its actually great. with the amount of redesigning/decor)

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Promoting on social media platform by
professional promoters (like agencies), Loans from commercial banks public
accidental promotion ,etc. deposits would be required
By making Ads on the social media. Loans from financial institutions would
Customized and update banners about also be taken.
our business, upload photos and videos of
our decoration , products and many more.

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Sparkles Ojaswee Ambuja Vidya
Aswale Niketan
Designer lamps
9th Grade Abdul Khalid

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Everyone likes to have beautiful The products by Sparkles are lights and
lamps and lights in their living lamps which will beautify the house and
spaces but they're not reasonably any other space they're put in. They'll be
prices efficient and aesthetic and available in
multiple shapes.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Product would be available online on Loan would be taken from bank according
the official business website to the schemes brought up the the
Offline it would be available in malls, Government of India Like Pradhan Mantri
showroom etc. Mudra Yojana Credit guarantee trust fund
Modes of payment would be Cash on for micro and small enterprises
Delivery or through online methods.

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Organic Food Colour Dharaneesh
ARRS Academy,

11th Grade Dharni Venkatesh

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

There are mainly chemically produced Organical food colour would use red
food colouring in the market. These are cabbage and its concentrated forms to
harmful for consumption and cause create different colours for food
several health problems colouring using scientific yet natural

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The product would be advertised and sold The initial investment would be through
online and offline and be widely available savings, upon expansion a loan or extra
at reasonable prices investment would be required.
The payment could be through many
modes of payment, online or cash.

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The Secret Garden Sammprita D ARRS Academy,
Dhaanushree P Salem

9th Grade Dharni


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Study Cafe which are perfectly designed for
Students get distracted easily which silent studying or working on assignments.
affects time management and find it The environment of the Cafe is relaxing and
hard to stay motivated. It's a struggle to refreshing that will keep you motivated in
get in the mindset to study at home. which you are studying. It increases your
alone at home can get lonely, exhausted creativity, alertness and ability to learn and
and depressed. minimize the distraction.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Advertising through collab with Capital raised by: Sammprita: 200000

Instagram studygrammers, and and Dhaanushree: 200000
through their local media page. Taking loan: 100000 for setting up the
It is even through our membership place
cards, and offers we provide during For book store profits would be made
exam season. by charging the customers on per hour

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Fancy Jute Bags G. Lohitha
Bhrachalam Public
School & Jr.College

Bollu Sivakeshava
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Nowadays people are using plastics

more. Waste plastic bags are polluting Fancy jute bags would create Jute bags
the land and water immensely. Plastic and Jute related products help to
bags have become a threat to the life combat the environment pollution.
of animals living on earth as well as in

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I will start by selling the products to 50% discount on first order.

neighbors, friends, relatives. Later based Sales like Buy 1. Get 2 free Each bag
upon the feedback I’ll extend this to local costs Rs.75/piece
communities by setting up a shop and Loan would be taken for investment in
expanding into new locations. the business.

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Tablexpress Vinayak Bhavan Vidyalaya
Compare it before you purchase Bansal Panchkula

9th Grade Meetu Jaitely

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

We have experienced a prevalent

problem whenever we visit a restaurant Tablexpress has designed a table with 3
or a picnic spot that we are generally different levels so that an adult or a child
accompanied by infants or kids and they can sit comfortably to his or her suitable
find it difficult to adjust to the fixed height as per convenience.
height of the table.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Main mode of sale would be B2B including Once we start with the manufacturing
restaurants, picnic spots, food courts, cafes of original product, we are projecting to
etc. and marketing of our product would have a minimum sale of 35,000 articles
be through hybrid mode, advertise online within a span of 6 months.
through ads, banners etc. and offline It'll initially be through self-investment,
through posters, brochures etc. later profits will be used.

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Alpha Sheik Nilophor
Bhrachalam Public
School & Jr.College
Making lives smarter
Bollu Sivakeshava
11th Grade Rao

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

People, especially those who are are poor
in maintaining their things orderly in their Alpha, a traceable wallet that can be
busy life are likely to misplace their things traced by using a user-friendly app on
very frequently. In cities or towns, people mobile phones and various devices.
are busy thinking about where to go,
what to purchase, which bus to board
and so on, they are lost in their thoughts.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

After analysing how samples do in the I would take initial investment from my
market by way of sample distribution and father for making the first sample.
feedback, I'll begin full-scale production Then I would take loans from banks
takes place and sells them in stores seeking money for my start-up.
available in cities and towns and also in e-
commerce apps like Amazon, Flipkart, etc.

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As U Like it Apurva Dutta
DAV Model School
Create it, wear it
11th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Often people don’t find the exact designs This app will allow customers to customize
of attire they want and have to settle for their attire by giving them the option to
something less. Also, people in age group choose or create a basic outline, select the
of 11-30 love to experiment and try out material to make the attire and then put the
varied styles and this website will allow designs or pictures they want. They should
them to fulfil this inclination. also be able to upload pictures of a particular
dress that they want and get exactly that.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I will sell the products entirely online as it will Cost of creating the website: Rs 30,000
help me reach more people. to Rs 40,000 Setup and configuration:
Products will reach customers through Rs 89,900 to Rs 1,00,000 Maintenance
delivery, maximum time will be a week. (monthly): Rs 89,900 to Rs 1,00,000
Marketing through advertising online and Marketing: Rs 80,000 to Rs 90,000
offline would be done I would get a business loan from a bank.

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Make it Easy Shresta Chirec International
Celebrate with ease Yasarapu

11th Grade Arlene Andrews

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

During festivals in India, there is a heavy A service that sells supplies for festivals and
footfall in markets, additionally the events as packages. Right from flowers to
weather is such that sometimes roads get sweets to pooja items etc. procured from
clogged due to rainfalls disallowing core artisans who craft these supplies by
people to buy materials required or hand. In a way it helps to promote rural and
vendors to sell easily. suburban artisans from whom we’ll be
purchasing these items.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Products would be sold Online through
social media platforms. Payments through Packages would be sold at a profit of
cash and UPI/ online payment methods. I ₹1500, it could include all necessary
would like to market my business through materials for the festival
social media and references. I would put up A loan would be availed from banks
stalls in places, send packages to famous and savings would also be used.
people for promotion.

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Computer Service B. Pavithra
Sivananda Rajaram
Senior Secondary
R. Sriramguru
11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

There is a lot of e-waste that goes The company would use multiple
unmanaged and laptops and computers discarded monitors, keyboards, CPU and
are one of the majorly discarded products. etc and create one main computer and
sell it.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

The products would be sold through online

medium, on apps like amazon, OLX etc Bank loans would be required would
Deliveries would be made directly to progress and growth of the business
homes Additional investment might also be
Payment would be online and offline mode needed.
The products would be marketed online
and offline

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All in all events S. Sandhiya

11th Grade R. SRIRAMGURU

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

A mobile application which is a one stop

In the today's fast moving society lot
solutions for people to book any kind of
of people find it difficult to manage
events, with all the responsiblities like
all the arrangement for organizing a
food, decorations, gifts, music and
celebratory event.
photography to me mange by us.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

- We will me managing all aspects of the
event management from budgeting, I will be seeking initial investment from
logistics, location and co-ordination. bank and investors.
- We will be using social media platforms
to promote our event management

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P&C MANDALAS Paridhi Gupta Ankleshwar
Be Peaceful by going
Crazy over art!!
Swati Samiir

9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The solution brought by us is ‘Mandala

The very common problem faced by paintings’. Mandalas bring peace and
the people : Stress and anxiety. tranquility…
Just looking at them will bring calmness,
and would help to be mindful.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We are using social media platforms to The sizes available are 30.5*23cm.
promote our business. We are providing two wide options for our
customers to choose from,
For the first step I would reach my A Handmade Drawing on paper for Just Rs.
customers on a very small scale, like the 299
people I meet, guests and small scale You can also have a pre- Framed Drawing
workshops held by ladies at home. for just Rs. 399

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Meaningful Study Sayak Kundu

9th Grade Sudipta Das

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

As we all focused for customers in the age

we decided to create such an
group of 10-20. We got a common problem
application where our customer can get
that they are unable to clearly understand
the meaning of the total book by
some chapters of their subjecrs And due to
scanning by their device and they will
this students are not getting their expected
get the full summary of the book.
marks in their exams.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Since this product is an application so we
have decided to publish this application in Most probably I will take a bank loan for
play store where our customer will get it at a 80% of moeny required and rest 20% of
minimum or free of cost. the funds will be provided by me and my
we would create for the business is we are
going to publish advertisement on internet

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Dreams come true Sameena SIVANANDA


Great clothes, great Ideas

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Lesser availaibilty of affordable and high An affordable boutique for womens for
quality solutions for clothing and grooming all kind of clothing and makeup services.
for womens.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I will be starting the business with my

I will use social media platfroms like own savings and some money from my
Instagram and facebook to do marketing for parents.
my boutique.
Average cost of the service will be
around 400Rs

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Pranah Sneha A Bhalekar
Sarhad School,
Katraj, Pune
Regional Cuisine
based Restaurant Srividya
9th Grade


Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

A regional cuisine based restaurant

Regional cultures of many places are serving people with dishes from their own
geeting lost because of unawareness. homeland, for example in Pune we will
serve dishes like Misal, Mudak puran poli,
and in Kohlapur we will serve tambda
pandhara rassa.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

We will be spending more time to study

more regional cuisines. Initially we'll be starting small with a
we will be doing regional marketing and small investments from my savings.
will be having our menu in regional Initially we plan to have cost of the
languages along with regional cuisine to be very affordable.
decorations and music.

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Singh’s Farm Karan Singh
SCHOOL, Kolkata
Technology Ltd. Akansha
9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

The product is like there will be a green

Farmers have to bend down for long time house having a row of a pipe inside with 2
for putting pesticide or watering the plants, holes where both the water and the pest
Since the farmers works day and night it let comes out and it is a machine that will
them to have back pain. start automatically by pressing the
button that is located outside the the

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I would like to say that the product will be
sold both online and offline. I will be seeking investments from
Will keep the price range between Rs governemnt for R&D to innovate more
500-100 such products.
This product will be helpful for those who I will be using my own savings to start
are having field near by their house and in the business.
that case they don’t even need a gardner.

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Tranquil House Shreya V The Ashok Leyland

Mr. Vivin David

11th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

Tranquil House is a concept of an house

Most of the single childs don't have friends which has 4 rooms and each room depics
to play and enjoy with at home and hence a different emotions that human posses.
end up sending lot more time in solitude. (Happy, sad, angry and confusion) These
rooms will have different activities that will
help the customer to express those
particular emotions.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

I will be advertising about this concept
both on online and offline. Entry fees for an individual to
Will be taking some workshops to experience tranquil house for 2 hours
increase awareness about the will be Rs 150.
improtance of expressing our emotions.

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Paron Visishta CHIREC
Photo Gift box school, Hyderabad

11th Grade Arlene Andrews

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

My product is a customisable gift box with

pictures. It will also have a option to add
Lesser availaiblity of more personalized and personal messages in the box + space to
affordable gifting options. put a gift. It comes in different sizes.

Production Time/ unit . 1.5 hrs

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Initial investment : 1,50,000Rs
Platform to be used:
The capital will be self funded
E-commerce Website
Unit Cost : 200 /-
Target Market : 15 - 50 yr olds.
Unit Price : 1000 /-
Target sales
Social Media Marketing & Search Engine
• 500 units / month
• 50,000 / month

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YouthForRoars Anandita Bhavan Vidyalaya
‘Learn Save Educate’ repeat
9th Grade Neha Sharma

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

To initiate a chain selling merchandise

I myself recently discovered the
across schools in the nation. There are
vulnerability of many animal species to
mugs and badges, which mark you as a
extinction or harm. Being a born animal
‘Wildlife Warrior’ member. we will visit
lover, I was immediately drawn to the idea
schools or interact with children online to
of doing something for such animals
spread the word.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Firstly, I want to try and sell the products in

The first few orders will definitely come
my own campus & if the idea takes on; then
from own pocket, but gradually; we can
we can create an online platform to
use part of income if the idea grows.
approach schools across nations.

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Lakshya's Chocolate Lakshya Sarhad School,
Mithapalli Katraj, Pune

9th Grade

Customer Problem Proposed Business Idea

I am making handmade dark chocolates

Lesser avaiblity of affordable, chemical
using chocolate compounds.
free and handmade chocolates in the
Customization of the chocolates in also the
USP of my business.

Selling Plan Financial Plan

Firstly I will be selling my chocolate to I have invested Rs 5000 in by bussiness.

my neighbours and neighboring Selling Price of 1 chocolates = Rs 5
societies. Selling Price of 1 Box = Rs 120
I will be advertisting my chocolates using By the completion of the program I aim to
social media platfroms. make profit of Rs 6000.

ut this
e abo b
To l n mo

ss idea

scan the QR code

Online entrepreneurship Program enhanced many
skills sets in me as a Master trainer in terms of giving
feedbacks, reflections, self-awareness and most
important it played a pivotal role in reviving the
facilitatory skills I already possessed.

As a true Indian who stays away from her motherland,

I was very emotional while conducting the sessions for
teachers across India. I felt I visited so many states in
India and I have developed a special bond with many
likeminded educators who believe in instilling Mrs Musarrat Parkar
entrepreneurial mindsets in today’s youth the Indian Community School Kuwait
promises of tomorrow.

Through the OEP Program, as a student and as well as

a person, I've developed a lot. I could able to set a goal
for my day to day activities and studies, and was able
to focus. I'm confident and am able to communicate
with people. As I've worked on my business plan in a
group, we've been able to collaborate with each other
in a great way.
I feel that we students and our teacher were able to
connect with each other and able to create a strong
bond. I'm really grateful for this opportunity. I'm not
Student's Name: Arundhuti Dhar
ashamed about anything and I've had a great
Shri Shikshayatan School
experience with FUN!

It has been a great learning experience as a Teacher,

to groom the students for the OEP – Online
Entrepreneurship Programme. Millions and Tons of
thanks to CBSE and Udhyam to have introduced this
programme that enriches a great amount of
knowledge and skills to the students.

Being a facilitator, I aim to develop the following

skills among my students through this programme. Koganti Dasaradhi,
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Group Vice-Principal, Sr. Secondary Section,
Discussion,Team Building, Enquiry, Seeking for help, Sanjay Ghodawat International
Creation of Opportunities. School, Kolhapur

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