Getting Started On Educa 2020 1

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Step by Step Guide to

Setting Up Educa
Learning Stories, assessment and community - in one place

1 Set Up
Invite teachers, get site ready to invite families

2 Invite Families
Document and share learning in real time

3 Explore
Plans, forms, teacher portfolios, reports, more
1 Set Up (invite teachers, get site ready for parents)
Before you start
Access Educa online (best with Chrome) on desktop, iPad or a phone browser. Parents typically use
our free Educa Touch Android or iOS (Apple) apps.
• “Admins” have full rights. The person who starts the trial can give admin rights to others.
• Educators need individual emails.

1. Log in to Educa
Click “Activate” in the email from Educa support to
activate your account.

2. Invite teachers
Invite a teacher or two to help you explore Educa.

3. Add children
Add children one-by-one or send a list to Educa support
and we will upload for you. This article explains.

4. Set up Classes and Groups

Each child belongs to a class. Use “Groups” to segment Here’s a start checklist that you can:
children, parents or teachers into groups you can -- print out
directly communicate with, e.g., by attendance days, -- use to assign tasks to others
teacher discussion groups. More on Groups here -- check off tasks as you complete them

5. Activate frameworks to link to Share our parent guide or this

Go to the Framework library (under Tools) to activate video to help parents.
for story and plan linking. Most public frameworks are
preloaded. Or create your own. More here

6. Class privacy Why Educa?

Do you want all teachers to see all children or would Educa makes learning and
you prefer to turn on “class privacy?” More here teaching visible in a way that
is engaging for families and
7. Add your logo, Policies & Resources personal for educators.
Add info on your service and your logo in About Us.
Add policies & resources - for teachers and/or parents.

8. Final preparation for parents

Review the other site setting. Use the Start Checklist
in Forms. Idea: Try adding a group story for parents to Register here for a
see when they first log in to their child’s portfolio. Free Educa Workshop!

Now let’s invite

2 Invite Families, Start Sharing
Your site is ready. Now it’s time to invite parents to their child’s profile.

1. Invite parents (extended family and others)

Invite all parents or just a few until your teachers are
comfortable. Here’s a pitch/invite to send parents.
Mass invite parents - Manage Users in Center Info.
Parents can then invite others to be part of their child’s
profile to receive story posts as well, e.g., extended
family, the child’s clinician.

2. Do you need parent consents?

Your service agreement probably covers privacy issues, Are parents asking if Educa is safe?
e.g., sharing playground photos seen by other parents. Educa is secure. It is password protected
If not, here is a parent consent form. and uses the latest in encryption and other
security measures to create a safe and
secure environment for your community.
3. Learning Stories & sharing
There are also internal privacy settings.
A Learning Story is how you record and share a child’s Read about them here.
learning and your teaching. Link to frameworks and
Here is language on privacy you can add
plans to provide context for parents. to your website, and Educa log in icons to
make it easier for families to log in.
Parents get push notifications of new stories. Ask
questions to start a conversation. Parents can also To find out what happens to children’s data
when they leave, click here.
continue “parent stories” to their child’s portoflio.

4. Child Profile Announcing Educa to families

The heart of Educa is the child profile. In addition to Get off to a good start. Create a positive
and collaborative relationship with families.
stories, it’s where to find plans and forms (also under
1. Share your reasons for implementing
Tools). Also communicate with parents in Notes.
Educa and the benefits for them and
their children.
5. Message Board 2. Let them know what to expect, how
you plan on using Educa,
Adapt the default message to welcome parents.
Share announcements and service news.

6. Work with your team

• Private conversations in teacher messages.
Congratulations on
• Use story approval to manage and mentor your progress. On
younger teachers. to Educa mastery!
• Work together on plans and forms.
3 Explore
Educa is a fully-featured educational platform -- plans, forms, reports, DRDP ratings,
teacher portfolios and more.

Create individual goals for a child or group or make lesson
plans. Create your own template or use ours. More here

• The parent engagement reports give you an idea of how
well you are connecting with parents. You can drill down
and see who is active, and who is not.
• Child progress reports give you a graphical picture of
how a child is progressing versus framework goals.
• Reports can be downloaded. Keep updated
Like us on Facebook to get regular
tips and inspiration from experts.
Forms - for everything
Forms for children, e.g., assessments, and parents, e.g., Ask to join our private Facebook
family info, permission slips, progress reports. For teachers, user group here to join discussions
e.g., evaluations, personal development plans. And for your on new features or to get help from
service, e.g., strategic plans, quality reviews, hazard lists. other users.

Ratings (for North America only) And don’t forget our ECE webinars
by early childhood thought leaders
Ratings are used for assessment based on the ELOF and from around the world.
DRDP. Stories auto-populate and observations can be
inserted manually. It includes data export and parent reports.

Teacher portfolios
A private portfolio for each teacher to log professional
development -- an online resume for storing documents,
reflective practice, inquiry and evidence of achievement. Congratulations!
You are now an
Educa expert!
Best practice In Educa
Educa embodies best practice having been built to meet
the needs of early childhood leaders worldwide.

Our Help Resources include tips on a range of solutions

and activities, e.g., checking for bias.

If you need assistance,

please call or contact us in Educa.
We are here to help.

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