This document is a bibliography or list of references containing 23 sources cited in a research paper or document. The references are listed in numerical order and include various sources like books, journal articles, and websites published between 1948 and 2014 related to topics like water quality, environmental engineering, hydrology, geography, and geographic information systems.
This document is a bibliography or list of references containing 23 sources cited in a research paper or document. The references are listed in numerical order and include various sources like books, journal articles, and websites published between 1948 and 2014 related to topics like water quality, environmental engineering, hydrology, geography, and geographic information systems.
This document is a bibliography or list of references containing 23 sources cited in a research paper or document. The references are listed in numerical order and include various sources like books, journal articles, and websites published between 1948 and 2014 related to topics like water quality, environmental engineering, hydrology, geography, and geographic information systems.
This document is a bibliography or list of references containing 23 sources cited in a research paper or document. The references are listed in numerical order and include various sources like books, journal articles, and websites published between 1948 and 2014 related to topics like water quality, environmental engineering, hydrology, geography, and geographic information systems.
[1] Alaerts, 1987, Metode Penelitian Air. Usaha Nasional, Surabaya.
[2] Bartsch, A.F., 1948, Biological Aspects of Stream Pollution, in Biology of Watter Pollution. A collection of selected papers on stream pollution, waste water and water treatment by L. E. Keup et al., Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1 October, 1967. [3] Burrough, P. A., 1986, Principles of geographical information systems for land resources assement. Oxford Science Publications, UK. [4] Canter, L.W, 1996, Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw Hill, Inc. [5] Chapman, D. (ed)., 1992, Water Quality Assessments, Chapman and Hall, London. [6] Davis and Cornwell, 1991, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Int.Ed, Singapore. [7] de By, R.A., R.A. Knippers and Y. Sun, 2001, Principles of Geographic Information Systems. ITC. Enschede. [8] Effendi, H., 2003, Telaah Kualitas Air Bagi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya dan Lingkungan Perairan, Kanisius, Yogyakarta. [9] Galatia, S.R., 2006, Geographic information systems demystified. Artech House. Boston, USA. [10] Heinrich, D., Hergt, M., 1998, dtv-Atlas Ökologie (Atlas Ekologi), Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München. [11] Hem, J.D., 1970, Study and interpretation of the Chemical Caharacteristics of Natural Water, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No.1473, 363 pp. [12] Huet, H.B.N., 1970, Water Quality Criteria for Fish Biological Problems in Waterpollution. PHS. Publ. 999(25): 160-167. [13] Kern, K., 1994, Grundlagen naturnaher Gewässergestaltung; Geomorphologische Entwicklung von Fließgewässer (Dasar-dasar Renaturalisasi Bangunan Keairan dan Perubahan Geomorfologi Suatu Wilayah Sungai), Springer Berlag, Berlin. [14] Kiely, G., 1998, Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill Int.Ed, Singapore.
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[15] Lazaro, T.R., 1979, Urban Hydrology A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Ann Arbor Science.Inc, Michigan, USA. [16] Longley, P.A., M. F. Goodchil, D. J. Maguire and D. W. Rhind., 2005, Geographical Information System and Science, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., West Sussex. [17] Marsh, W.M, 1991, Landscape Planning Environmental Applications, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. [18] Nichols, J., 2012, Basic Facts on Geographic Information System. Dikunjungi 9 Juni 2014, dari [19] Odum, E.P., 1971, Fundamental of Ecology. W.B. Sounders Company, Philadelphia. [20] Overton, D.E, and M.E. Meadows, 1976, Stormwater Modeling (New York: Academic Press Inc). 358 pp. [21] Salmin, 2000, Oksigen Terlarut (DO) dan Kebutuhan Oksigen Biologi (BOD) Sebagai Salah Satu Indikator Untuk Menentukan Kualitas Perairan. LIPI. Jakarta. [22] Savini, J., dan J.C. Kammerer, 1961, Urban Growth and the Water Regimen, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper No. 1591-A, pp. A-1 to A-9. [23] Sunu, P., 2001, Melindungi Lingkungan Dengan Menerapkan ISO 1400, PT. Gramedia Widia Sarana Indonesia, Jakarta.