Reverse Engineering Android's Aboot

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2aynizote Reverse Enginsering Android's Aboot Reverse Engineering Android's Aboot Jonathan Levin, ‘Android's boot loader is a fairly uncharted area of the landscape. What litle is known is largely due to partial ‘open source, and for some devices - notably Amazon's and Samsung's - even that isn't available, Most device modders generally leave it be, and (given an unlocked bootloader) start off with the boot.img (kernel + ramdisk) and follow on to various modifications in /system. ‘The Confectioner’s Cookbook devotes an entire chapter to the boot process, wherein I touch (among other things) on the boot loader format and structure. In an effort to keep things simple, however, I stop shy of reverse engineering and disassembly - largely because the first part of the book is aimed at power users, and less at developers or hackers. There's obviously great benefit in the more advanced techniques, however, so the discussion is deferred to the companion article on the book's web site. This is said artide, For those of you who haven't read the book, I recap the key points from the Boot chapter here. I then continue to discuss how to reverse engineer the binary, which comes in especially handy when handling the proprietary loaders, What follows is a discussion of ARM-architecture specifics, and then additional observations I've found thus far. Recap: Dramatis Personae of the Android Boot Process Androic's boot process starts with the firmware, which loads from a ROM. The exact detalls of the firmware boot vary between devices and specific architectures (e.g. Qualcomm vs, NVidia), Nonetheless, they can be generalized in the folowing figure: Figure 1: The generalized Android Boot Process (from ACC, Chap. 3) ootkow wa aneroid nox Kernel ntRam: Frameworks Bootloader Foie + re fles ur, etc iad, SP ete) ‘The BootROM loads several other components, each from a dedicated partition. Chief amongst those is a ‘secondary boot loader (SBL), which is responsible for overcoming the tight constraints of ROM - limited space ‘and an inability to upgrade, When you “lash the bootloader", you flash those partitions (as discussed in the book). For now, however, our focus is Android's own boot loader, which often resides in a partition called “aboot”. aboot is a native ARM binary, which is wrapped by a very thin header, which is usually 40 bytes in length, ‘This header provides metadata which is used by the SBL in the process of validating and loading aboot. Note, "validating and loading” - in this order - because the SBL will very likely reject an aboot image which is not properly signed by the vendor. This works to extend a chain of trust, which starts at the ROM, all the way to aboot, which further extends it to the boot.img (unless the boot loader is "unlocked"). In other words, the ROM has a built-in key (which, by its nature, cannot be modified), used to validate the precursors of the SBL. Those, in tur, validate the SBL, which validates aboot, thus securing the boot sequence and preventing any ‘modification by malware (or unauthorized rooting attempts). aboot isthe first component which may opt to break the chain - and this is what is meant by "boot loader unlocking”: The unlocking simply disables the signature check on the next part of the boot sequence, which is loading the kernel and RAM disk from the boot partition (flashed from boot.img), Not all boot loaders can be unlocked, however, as that is left to the vendor's discretion. For those which do, itis usually a straightforward matter “ the device is placed into bootloader mode (adb reboot bootloader) and then a fastboot oem unlock is allt takes. Amazon's Fire-devices (FireTV, FirePhone, and the kindle Fire) do not allow this, as well as some versions of Samsung's boot loader. Samsung appears to be more particular, in allowing some international versions of their devices to be unlockable, and other not. AS fleiINICRACKINGIREVERSE%20ENGINEERING/Reveree%20Engineering%20Andold's%20Aboot him! 18 2aynizote Reverse Enginsering Android's Aboot discussed in Chapter 21, boot loader locking Is as essential part of Android security, but by itself is insufficient to prevent rooting in most cases Thus, the SBL loads aboot, and inspects its header to find the "directions" for loading. You can obtain ‘aboot from 2 factory image (by using ingtool to break apart the bootloader.img) or directly from the device's ‘aboot partition (assuming @ rooted device, of course). You can find the aboot partition number by consulting foroclemme (where available), of (in JB and later) /dev/block/platform/pletformname/y-name/aboot. Using busybox cp or dd, copy the partition to a file (say, "aboot"). Picking up on the experiment in the book, We have: ‘Output 1: aboot from a. Noxis 5 KK kal49h) ¥ factory image norpheusererge (-/..:ckoteSh/)8 ieecfanecae oneiabe 20006 0035 You can toggle between the devices shown here, but note the format of aboot is still very much the same. The Magic (0x0000005) misleads the #i1e(1) command into thinking this is an Hitachi SH COFF object, The SBI, however, is not fooled, and validates the signature (usually 256 bytes, le. a 2048-bit PKI, immediately after HeaderSize + CodeSize) with the certificate chain that is loaded from the offset (HeaderSize+ImgSize + CodeSize + SigSize).If the signature is valid, the SBL proceeds to load the code immediately following the header (CodeSize bytes) by mapping into ImaBase, The first byte of the aboot binary image is identifiable by the "ea}000XX" value. The book alludes to this, being an ARM B(ranch) instruction, but stops short of explaining its significance - which is explained next ARM Processor Boot, in a Nutshell ‘ARM processors use an Exception Vector during their lifecycle. This vector is a set of 6 or seven addresses, set by the operating system, and instructing the processor what to do when certain traps are encountered These traps are architecture defined, and so the vector indices are always the same across all oeprating systems**, This is shown in Table 1: Table 4: The ARM Exception Vector Offset_| Exception/Trap Occurs when foxaa Reset Processor is reset [An undefined instruction is encountered. Usually this is from an erroneous loxoa under branch or corruption of code, but can also be used for emulating instruction sets Jon processors which do not support them [A "Software Interrupt is generated, by the SWI/SVC command. This is most loxas sw orten used to perform system cals: Code in user mode invokes the instruction, and the processor shifts to supervisor mode, to a predefined system call handler loxe Pretabt instruction Prefetch abort loxta’ Dataabt Data Abort foxaa [aaarexe [an Adress Exception (invalid address) is encountered Jan Interrupt Request is singaled: The CPU stops everything and tansfers control jos RQ to the interrupt hander. loos FQ [A Fast Interupt Request is singaled: The CPU stops everything and transfers contralto the interrupt hancler. Other interrupts are blacked during the time, Boot loaders and operating systems alike, then, have a simple made of operation: When a component wants to transfer control to another component, it loads it into memary, in the pracess overwriting the exception vector with that of the next stage. A processor reset instruction is issued, which causes the processor to jump to the next stage's entry point, "Armed with ths information, we are now ready to proceed to a meaningful dsassembly of aboot Disassembling Aboot {As discussed in the book, the standard aboot is derived from the "LttleKernel” project, hosted by CodeAurora, This project (often referred to as LK"), is partially open sourced, in that some of its components can be found there (A simple way to get the sources is via git clone git:// Nonetheless, quite a few of its interesting components (such as the implementation of cen fastboot fleiINICRACKINGIREVERSE%20ENGINEERING/Reveree%20Engineering%20Andold's%20Aboot him! 2s 2aynizote Reverse Enginsering Android's Aboot ‘commands) are not included in the source. Additionally, some vendors (notably Samsung) use thelr own implementation, The following steps will prepare aboot for disassembly: 1. Strip the image of its header: This can be done by using dd i ofsaboot.sans.header bs=40 skip=1. dev /aboot 2. Trim the image to CodeSize bytes: This can be done by using split -b Codesize ‘aboot .sans.header. You will get two parts: xea and xab. The xab contains the singature and certificates, so its size should be exactly that of (Certs + SigSize).. Following these steps, and loading the result into a disassembler (e.9. IDA or Hopper), you'l stil need to rebase the image to the JmgBase value specified in the header (which you've stripped). You'll see something similar to this: 2F900000 ea0e0aes 8 exarse0e2@ ©; 8 reset 2900004 ©20@351¢ 8 exarseo7ac =; 8 _uncet | 9900008 3003522 8 exersen89s «= B swi | eFse@@ec 22003528 B e@xerse484 3B _prefabt | o-900010 20003526 8 exersenae = 8 _dataabt | ors00e14 ©2003534 8 ex@FseONEC —; B Laddrexe | ors0oeis 2003534 8 exerse04Fe = 5 B Lira | @Fse0eic ©2003548 8 exero00s5@ «3 8 “Fig | “reset I ars00020 eetiofi0 WRC pS, @, R,c1,c0, @ 5< orseeez4 e3ceaaeb BIC Re, Re, #0xb000 The code above can be seen in LK's ARM support, vertaim. If you follow the branches to the various exception handlers you should likely see the code from Lk's ARM exceotion support, as well. All Bootloaders I've checked (Including Samsung's and Amazon's) seem to derive from LK (in fact printing out the “welcome to Ik\n\n" from its kmain), though Amazon's take steps to disable fastboot, as does Samsung, which then uses their own ‘custom App, called Odin. This makes sense, since LK is developed by Qualcamm for use with SnapDragon (msm), which was a common denominator for my test devices (I haven't had a chance to check the Exynos~ based devices), Aboot flow ‘Aboot's flow spans multiple files. Its, however, a one-way flow, since functions are not expected to return. This useful tidbit lends itself to finding stop points throughout aboot, which are "B ."(.e, goto here) instructions in the code, which effectively halt the processor for those cases that something in the flaw goes wrong. This actually made it easier to piece the flow from the disassembly first **™. Calls to dprintf help, though surprisingly the Nexus 5, ofall devices, strips them. The flow of aboot's LK is shown in Table 2. For convenience, the functions are mapped to the files which contain them. Table 2: LittleKernel Boot flow Lucile | Function Description The reset handler inialzes the processor using various low level instructions (MRC, reset Which reads from the coprocessor, and its counterpart, MCR, which wartes back values after bit modifications). arch/arm/crt0.S ‘Sets up stack for the various processor modes (IRQ, FIQ, ABT, UND, SYS and SVC). This is done by entering each state (using MSR CPSR_c), and changing the value of the stack pointer (R14). The branch from here to the kmain s a BLX, which converts the assembly from ARM to Thumb? (and from Assembly to C). stack setup kernel/main.e | kmain Main initialization function. Calls a sequence of other functions (next) in order. Tbfheap/heap.c| heap_init | Intialze Lk's heap memory (Free Ist) emethread.c [thread init [Usually empty - handled by thread_nit_early ‘Spins the “dpc” thread. Ths is one of two threads spun off by aboot (the other being emeyjdpce | dpe_init bootstrap2) erneltimer.c [timer init [Initialize a timer ist, and request a periodic tick from the architecture ’ thread spun off from kmain, by call to thread_create () then thread _resume. The thread name ("bootstrap2") appears in all LK variants, which makes it easy to find all the functions involved, The bootstrap2 address can be discerned from its leading Into Ri (as the second parameter to tiread_create) kemel/main.c | bootstrap2 [After the creation of the bootstrap2 thread, the main thread re-enables interrupts, and becomes idle. The very last callin kmain handles the idle thread, as you can see by the following disassembly. The addresses are those of the $5 (as you can tell by the 0F8x00%). The NS code is identical, right up to the addresses, which is why the code below has labels: fle:INICRACKINGIREVERSES20ENGINEERING/Reveree%20Engineering%20Androlt's%20Aboot him! ais 2aynizote Reverse Enginsering Android's Aboot ~become_idle_thread: drar6ace STMFD SPI, {R3,LR} erei6ane LDR RO, “idle at _thread_set_nane Lor 3, current_thread Mov -R2, 40 LDR RB, [23] STR 2, [R3,#0x14] orei6aes LDR -R2, idle thread erei6aec STR RB, [R2] idle_loop: arereare BL —_arch_idle ; Calls ARM WFI (Wait-For-Interrupt) oreieara BL Larch_idle oreieara 8 Tidle_loop The flow thus continues in bootstrap2.. Lkfile | Function Description platform... [platform init [Platform specific functions. Left with a dprintf on most loaders ftargey..._[target_int [Target (device) specie functions. Implementation varies. appiepp.c _[apps_int | Intaize boot loader "applications". These, too, vary with device ‘The apps_init function is the most important function, since itis through "apps" that the bootloader provides functionality. The function iterates over an array of app descriptors, calling each one's “init” function, and then spinning a thread for each, Each app thus runs In its own thread, and vendors are free to add or remove apps as they see fit. Commonly defined apps are: LK file ‘App. fepp/aboot/abootc [aboot itself: calls on boot linux to boot Linux from MMC or Flash Fastboot protocol support: spawns two threads (Fastboot,fastboot_menu). The later Is disabled by a simple check in Kindle, and both are replaced in Samsung by Odin. lapp/fastbootfastboot.c [appirecovery/recovery.c[Recovery mode ‘This should get you started on your own explorations of Android's Boot Loader. The platform support stuff isn’t that interesting (USB being somewhat of an exception, due to its usage as a potential attack vector). Apps, in particular, are obviously important, OF special interest is Odin, to which I hope to devote another article at some point. As usual, feedback and/or requests are appreciated - info@ (this domain). Q&A : How did you uncover the header format? A: Idid it by reversing - all boot loaders on ARM have a similar structure imposed by the architecture (e.g. the Exception vector), so it was easy to work backwards from the eXX00XXX instructions ("e" is ARM speak for "always" and so branch instructions stand out). Values which repeat (e.g. the code size, which then appears ‘along with ImgBase) make it easy to figure out "hey, this value is that value + that value". When compared to the file size, the values further add up. Certs stick out ike a sore thumb because they are a known format (PKCS #7? #12? whatever), and their hard coded strings can be easily seen. OF course, it turns out that this is all also in a fle in some obscure LK directory. -P Q: What's this about rebasing the image? ‘A: Needed only if you plan to load in a disassembler, e.g. IDA. When you do, you will see the branch ‘addresses are al relative to PC, but there are quite a few hard coded addresses (for LDR..) which are all absolute, so you need to know what the ImgBase Is. Even if you don't, you will see those addresses begin with ‘OxF9 or similar, which gives you the image base. What's nice is that, if you get it wrong, the addresses won't make sense (i.e, will be outside the image). If you do, everything literally falls into place. Footnotes At least, on ARM devices it does. On the few Intel devices I've had the pleasure of working with, BIOS was used. Intel s likely trying to push UEFI for its devices, though 1 haven't seen any personally. If you have an Intel device and want to send me a dump of i's boot partition, Id appreciate It. ** - 10S uses the same technique throughout its boot stage, which involves IBSS, iBoot, and XNU. This is. covered in the other book, in Chapters 6 and (with disassembly) 8 fleiINICRACKINGIREVERSE%20ENGINEERING/Reveree%20Engineering%20Andold's%20Aboot him! ais 2aynizote Reverse Enginsering Android's Aboot =** « (which I di, foolishly, before I knew about the source being accessible - tak about hours of my life T won't be getting back). fleINICRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Reveree%%20EngineeringX20Andold's%20Aboot him! 5s

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