Revised General Principles Methods and Strategies in Teaching With Educ Tech and Theories of Learning
Revised General Principles Methods and Strategies in Teaching With Educ Tech and Theories of Learning
Revised General Principles Methods and Strategies in Teaching With Educ Tech and Theories of Learning
Refresher Course
Prepared by Grace Ann E. Sorosoro
LET Competencies:
1. Select activities, teaching methods, classroom management techniques appropriate for chosen subject area;
2. Choose appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of traditional and alternative teaching strategies; and
3. Apply appropriate approaches to lesson planning
Teaching –
1. As a profession, is taken as a mission to nurture the young. It is also referred to as an occupation for a living;
2. As an educational endeavor, refers to the vital role of teachers in engaging students in activities that will enable them to
acquire knowledge and skills, at the same time develop worthwhile values and attitudes.
Methods –
- It is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective. It is a procedure that must be followed “strictly” to attain a goal. It
refers to a series of related and progressive acts performed by the teacher and students to achieve the objectives of a
- It is a “pattern or manner of treating people, objects and events, that is directed purposely toward the achievement of an
instructional goal.
Strategy –
- Originated from the military, it stands for a carefully devised plan of action to achieve an objective in the battlefield. It
denotes a “clever” and cunning design to achieve one end.
- It suggests a teacher’s unique way of presenting a topic to the learners, characterized by adeptness in performing the
steps with utmost care to insure the attainment of a learning objective.
Techniques –
- This refers to the art, style or manner of a teacher’s performance in following a procedure. It includes one’s ability or
expertise in carrying out a task in a cautious and “watchful” way.
ENVIRONMENT (Interests, Needs and
(Lab, Room, Garden) Experiences)
(Appropriate Instructional FACTORS THAT AFFECT DECISION (Professional Skills and
Materials and Devices) ON METHOD TO BE USED Personal Traits)
Classifying Methods:
1. Where suitably undertaken:
a. In the Laboratory room – Experimenting, Problem Solving, Discovery, Student Research
b. In the Field/ Community – Field Study, Exploring community resources, collections, educational tours
c. Classroom- Based/ Out of Classroom – Discussion, Demonstration, Interest Learning Centers, Field Study
2. Focused Participants: Individual or Group
Ex. Inviting specialists, lecture, team- teaching, cooperative learning, writing journals, peer-tutoring, team teaching,
independent study
3. Action-Based
Ex. Role playing, sociodrama, simulation games, projects, direct instruction
4. Technology-Based
Ex. Using audiovisual media, Experiential teaching approach, microteaching
5. According to Goals
a. Cognitive – Research, Special Reports, Lectures, Reading
b. Affective- Writing Journals, Narrative, Cooperative Learning, Creative Writing
c. Psychomotor – Experimenting, Projects, Simulation, Collection
6. According to Time Available
a. Class Period – Demonstration, Inviting Specialist
b. 2 or 3 days – field Trip, Exploring Community Resources, Research, Reading
1. It considers the principles of learning
2. It utilizes the principles of “learning by doing”
3. It provides for growth and development
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4. It liberates the learners
5. It stimulates thinking and reasoning
1. Metacognitive Approach – an approach that goes beyond cognition. It is an approach that makes students think about
their thinking.
a. Sub-vocalizing includes constantly re-stating the situation, rechecking progress and evaluating whether one’s
thinking is moving in an appropriate discussion.
b. Having students describe what is going on their minds.
c. Having students identify what is known in a situation or problem.
d. Self-Questioning or Heuristics Strategy
e. Polya’s Strategy for Solving Mathematical Problems
1) Understanding the Problem 3) Carrying out the Plan
2) Devising the Plan 4) Looking Back
f. SQ4R Method of Strategy
1) Survey 3) Read 5) Recite
2) Question 4) Reflect 6) Review
g. IDEAL Strategy
1) Identify the problem
2) Define what it is by representing it in some way
3) Explore possible strategies
4) Act on selected strategies
5) Look back over solution and evaluate it
2. Constructivist Approach
- The process of constructing meaning is based on one’s accumulated experiences and understanding.
- Revisiting previously accumulated experiences and understanding and reconstructing or recreating new concepts as they
interact daily with the environment.
- Learning by interacting their environment as active agents who build or construct, personal understanding of their
3. Reflective Teaching – It is anchored on the ability of the teacher to guide students to reflect on their own experiences
in order to arrive at new understandings and meanings. Schulman (1990) cites three key characteristics of reflective
teaching: 1) an ethic of caring, 2) a constructivist approach, and 3) tactful problem solving. Through reflection, the
student’s experience requires meaning, hence s/he is able to formulate his/her own concepts that can be applied to
new learning situations. The following are the strategies:
Self-Analysis – reflecting on why s/he succeeded or failed at some task.
Writing journals – A journal reveals feelings about the days activities including what could have enhanced or
inhibited their learning
– very personal document which includes frank, honest and on-the-spot account of experiences
4. Cooperative Learning – This makes use of a classroom organization where students work in groups or teams to help
each other learn. Concepts from small group theory and group dynamics serve as the basis upon which skills in
democratic procedures and collaborations are developed.
5. Peer Tutoring/ Peer Teaching – It is commonly employed when the teacher requests the older, brighter and more
cooperative member of the class to tutor (coach, teach, instruct) other classmates. This is based on the rationale that
the former is better equipped than the others. This is due to their closeness in age, skills, study habits and even
learning styles. Tutoring arrangements may be as follows:
a. Instructional Tutoring – Older students help younger ones on a one-to-one or one-to-a group basis.
b. Same age tutoring – works well with children who can act as interactive pairs, i.e., more able ones to assist the less
c. Monitorial tutoring – The class may be divided into groups and monitors are assigned to lead each group.
d. Structural tutoring – Highly structured tutoring is administered by trained tutors
e. Semi-structured tutoring – a combination of unstructured and structured where the tutor guides his/her tutee
through a carefully-planned learning guide but is free to modify it according to the tutee’s own interests and skills.
6. Partner Learning – Learning with a partner. A student chooses partner among his/her classmates. It can be employed
when you get your students rehearse what they have learned and explore their understanding of content with a
partner. This may also mean assigning “study buddy”.
1. Individualized Instruction
a teaching methodology that is to be used for a specific purpose and an identified client.
It involves pre-assessment of an individual’s backgrounds, needs and interests.
It is tailor-planned, the opposite of a class-oriented instruction.
2. a. Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD)
the teacher gives new information to students for a week. Each member tries to learn the materials and then help each
other master the materials through tutoring, testing one another or carrying on group discussions. Individually students
take weekly quizzes on the academic materials. The team with the highest scores and high improvement scores are
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b. Teams-Games-Tournament (TGT)
the same as STAD, instead games are used
3. Phillips 66
Participants first define the topic of discussion. The facilitator selects six people and allows them six minutes for discussion.
4. Socio – drama
It is an excellent device to make students “gain emphatic awareness” of situations involving conflict.
It refers to a “group problem-solving of real-life situations through spontaneous enactment followed by guided discussion.
It emphasizes spontaneity and unknown solution to the problem
5. Microteaching
It consists of teaching a brief lesson to a small group of students in an actual classroom.
It is often resorted to during student-teachers’ practicum before going out for off-campus teaching.
Beginning teachers likewise undertake this learning activity by teaching their peers.
It also provides opportunity to observe ones own performance for purpose of analyzing and evaluating teaching knowledge
and skills is considered of great value.
6. Discussion
Interchangeably termed discourse
Refers to a free communication of ideas between the teacher and the pupils and among the pupils as well.
It is employed for the purpose of clarifying some points during a learning task or as a check at the end to find out if the
objective of the lesson has been achieved.
7. Interest Learning Centers
The entire area is divided into several academic learning centers such as math center, language arts, science and social
science centers.
Each is further divided according to the unit being undertaken during the month.
Each center contains the instructional materials, tools, kits and equipment that might be needed during an investigation
8. Team Teaching
It consists of tapping the expertise of two or more teachers in planning, teaching and evaluating the students’ learning.
The choice of the members would depend on their expertise in content and skill in employing corresponding teaching
They collaboratively plan the learning activities, the instructional materials to be used and the assessment measures to be
9. Field Trip
It is an out-of-the-classroom activity whereby children study things in their natural setting.
Concepts about nature or organisms in their habitat are best learned by on-the-spot observations rather than by
discussions in the classroom.
Children must be exposed to the real situations rather than to the artificial atmosphere of the classroom, whenever a study
of the locale is needed.
1. Purpose:
a. To motivate – questions stir ones emotions or arouse a strong inclination. Teachers can tactfully persuade or influence
the students’ thinking by asking motivating questions.
b. To instruct – questions are used to highlight the need for useful information. The right procedures and directions are
guided by appropriate questions.
c. To evaluate – questions are used during a lesson primarily to find out if learning or understanding is being achieved.
Terminal or Performance Objectives – A Terminal or Performance Objective is developed for each of the tasks selected in the
learning program. A terminal objective is at the highest level of learning (KSA) appropriate to the human performance
requirements a student will accomplish.
Enabling or Learning Objectives – These supporting objectives allow the Terminal Objective to be broken down into smaller,
more manageable objectives. Each enabling learning objective measures an element of the terminal performance objective.
1. Coercive power is gained through the fear of learners. A coercive teacher uses threats and punishments to coerce his
students to carry out tasks. While coercive power may be effective, at least temporarily, this type of power is typically
unhealthy and inappropriate. It commonly results in fearful learners, an uncomfortable learning environment, and low
2. Expert power is gained through a teacher’s particular knowledge, experience and skills. An expert teacher uses her
expertise, credibility, decisiveness and confidence to solve challenging problems, help students stay on track with tasks, and
lead them to success. Expert power is beneficial for building a positive reputation. Credibility is an important part of expert
power, and students tend to not follow a teacher who doesn't have it.
3. Legitimate power is inherent in the position of being “the teacher”. A teacher with legitimate power uses his position to
convince his students of his right to lead and control. While legitimate power is effective, this type of power is more of an
illusion, as students will only follow the teacher while he is in present. The power is not with the individual, but with the
position he holds.
1. Consistent, proactive discipline is the crux of effective classroom management. Being proactive in approach means
preventing unnecessary disciplinary problems from cropping up. To be consistent, we apply at all times established rules
and policies to all pupils/ students regardless of creed, color, economic status, academic standing in class. We “walk our
2. Establish routines for all daily tasks and needs. Routinized collection of assignments, passing of papers and preparation for
experiments saves us a lot of time and effort. Routinization makes classroom activities less susceptible to breakdowns and
interruptions because students know the normal sequence of events and what is expected of them.
3. Orchestrate smooth transitions and continuity of momentum throughout the day. Smooth transitions and continuity of
momentum throughout the day ensure us that every instructional moment is made use of wisely. No unnecessary lull is
created that will breed classroom restlessness, which is the father of disciplinary problems.
4. Strike a balance between variety and challenge in students’ activities. A variety of student activities will ensure that
students’ multiple intelligences and varied learning styles are considered in the conduct of student activities. It is the golden
mean the extremes of easy and difficult that will keep our students reasonably occupied.
5. As classroom manager, be aware of all actions and activities in the classroom. Kounin’s with-it-ness explains the teacher’s
heightened awareness of everything that is happening on one’s classroom while the teacher’s back faces them when
writing on the board. The “eyes on the back of the head” will make the students feel that the teacher knows what they are
6. Resolve minor inattention and disruption before they become major disruptions. The old adage, “a stitch on time saves
nine” aptly applies here. We have not to wait until our class is out of control. Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect” if not
checked early. Conflagration begins with a spark. Put out the spark early enough to avoid conflagration. We ought to
respond to inappropriate behavior promptly.
7. Reinforce positive behavior. Be generous with genuine praise. For our praise to be genuine it must be given according to
merit. It is our way of appreciating and recognizing hard work and good behavior.
8. Treat minor disturbance calmly. “Do not make a mountain out of a mole”. If a stern look or gesture can kill the
inappropriate behavior so be it. That’s the end period! Let us not make a fuss about it.
9. Work out a physical arrangement of chairs that facilitates an interactive teaching-learning process. External environment
affects the learning of students. The most common arrangements of tables and chair in the classroom is one where the
teachers’ table and chairs are in front and the student’s desk or chairs are arranged in rows facing the teacher. Work for a
flexible seating arrangement where we can re-arrange seats to suit one learning needs and conditions.
MANAGING SURFACE BEHAVIOR (Adapted from: “Conflict in the Classroom.” Long, Morse and Newman. Belmont, California:
Wadsworth (3rd Ed.), 1976. Pp. 308-316)
Supportive Techniques
7. Support from routine - We all need structure. Some children need more than others before they feel comfortable and
secure. Some become anxious without a set routine. To help these children, a daily schedule should be provided to help allay
some of their feelings of anxiety. They know what is expected of them and can prepare for the activity.
8. Restructuring the classroom program - How much can a teacher deviate from his scheduled
program and still feel he is meeting his teaching responsibilities? Some teachers feel compelled to follow their class schedule
rigidly. They feel students should learn discipline and self control. Other teachers feel it is necessary to be flexible and
sensitive to the students’ needs and concerns. Some middle ground seems most sensible. Discipline and structure are
valuable, but not when they fly in the face of a general class need. Moderate restructuring
based on affective as well as academic goals can be a very effective technique. Restructuring is appropriate when it is
necessary to drain off high tension or emotion in the classroom. The technique is, as its name implies, simply a change of
plan, format, task, or location based. on a perceived need to drain off tension or high emotion in the total class.
9. Removing seductive objects - It is difficult for the teacher to compete with certain objects, such as squirt guns and balloons
and other similar seductive objects. Sometimes removing
seductive objects leads to power struggles. Take a strong interest in the object and politely
ask .to see it or handle it. Once in your hand, you have the option of returning it with a
request for it to disappear for the remainder of the period, or to keep it with a promise to
return it at the end of the period. This technique is most effective if you have a relationship
with the student.
10. Supportive Removal - When a child’s behavior has reached a point where the teacher
questions whether or not the child will respond to verbal controls, it is best to ask the child to
leave the room for a few minutes - perhaps to get a drink, wash up, or deliver a message. In
supportive removal, there is no intent of punishing the child, but simply to protect and help
him and/or the group to get over their feelings of anger, disappointment, uncontrollable
laughter, hiccups, etc. Unfortunately, many schools do not have a place to which the
classroom teacher can send a child that the child will not think of as a punishment.
LET Competencies:
1. Manifest mastery of fundamental concepts, principles and operations of ICT;
2. Identify varied and appropriate use of technology;
3. Select instructional materials and technology appropriate for teaching; and
4. Choose appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology
2. Output Devices – return processed data back to the user or to another computer system.
a. Monitors and Displays – show the processed information on a screen. It produces a soft copy.
b. Printers – (printout) produce a hard copy. The information is printed on paper and can be used when the device is
c. Speakers – used to output sound.
d. Plotter – a device that draws pictures on paper based on commands from a computer. It differs from printers in
that they draw lines using a pen
3. Input/Output Devices – a piece of hardware that is used for both providing information to the computer and receiving
a. Disk Drive – computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information
on it.
b. Hard Disk Drive – a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit.
c. Optical Disc - a direct access disk, has information recorded on it with a laser beam that burns pits into its surface
d. Modem – modulates the computer output to an acceptable signal for transmission and then demodulates the
signal back for computer input.
4. System Unit – the main part of a personal computer. It includes the chassis, microprocessor, main memory, bus and
ports, but does not include the keyboard or monitor or any peripheral devices.
5. Software – also called programs. It provides instruction that tell the computer how to operate. The types are as follows
a. System Software – consists of programs designed to facilitate the use of the computer by the user.
Operating System – a asset of program designed to efficiently manage the resources of the computer
Language Translator – is a system program that converts the English-like instructions used by computer
programmers into the machine-readable code used by the hardware.
Utility Program – perform such standard tasks as organizing and maintaining data files, translating
programs written in various languages to a language acceptable to a computer.
E. Internet Basics
1. The World Wide Web or Wed or WWW – is one of the services provided to users on the Internet
2. E-mail – a system of exchanging written messages through a network
5. Educational Technology
A. Definition of Concepts
1. Technology – a planned, systematic method of working to achieve planned outcomes – a process not a product.
Technology is the applied side of scientific development (Dale, 1969 in Corpuz & Lucido, 2008).
Refers to all the ways people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their needs and desires.
2. Educational Technology – refers to how people use their inventions and discoveries to satisfy their educational needs
and desires, i.e. learning
It is the application of scientific findings in our method, process or procedure of working in the field of
education in order to affect learning. It embraces curriculum and instructional design, learning environment,
theories of teaching-learning. It is also a field study and a profession. It is the use of all human inventions for
teachers to realize their mission to teach in order that students learn.
3. Technology in Education – the application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the
institutions which house the educational enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food, health, finance,
scheduling, grade, reporting and other processes which support education within institutions (Jonassen, 1999)
4. Instructional Technology – is a part of educational technology. This refers to those aspects of educational technology
that are concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions. It is a
systematic way of designing, carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific
objectives (Lucido and Borabo, 1997).
5. Technology integration – means using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills
(Williams,ed. 2000). Technology integration is part and parcel of instructional technology, which in turn is a part of
educational technology.
6. Educational media – are channels or avenues or instruments of communication. Examples are books, magazines,
newspapers, radio, television and Internet.
The farther you go from the bottom of the cone, the more abstract the experience becomes
The individual bands of the Cone of Experience stand for experiences that are fluid, extensive and continually interact. (Dale,
One kind of sensory experience is not necessarily more educationally useful than another. These experiences are mixed and
Too much reliance on concrete experience may actually obstruct the process of meaningful generalization. The best will be
striking a balance between concrete and abstract, direct participation and symbolic expression for the learning that will
continue throughout life.
The least effective method at the top, involves learning from the information presented through verbal symbols. The most
effective methods at the bottom involves direct, purposeful experiences.
The further you progress down the cone, the greater the learning and the more information is likely to be retained.
H. Contrived Experiences – these are edited copies of reality and are used as substitutes for real things when it is not practical
or not possible to bring or do the real thing in the classroom.
1. Model – is a reproduction of a real thing in a small scale, or large scale, or exact size – but made of synthetic materials.
2. Mock up – is an arrangement of a real device or associated device, displayed in such a way that representation of
reality is created. Usually, it is prepared substitute for a real thing. It is a special model where the parts of a model are
singled out, heightened and magnified in order to focus on that part or process under study.
3. Replica – a copy that is relatively distinguishable from the original
4. Realia – these are objects from real life used in classroom instruction by educators to improve students’ understanding
of other cultures and real life situation.
5. Specimen – is any individual or item considered typical of a group, class or whole.
6. Objects – may also include artifacts displayed in a museum or objects displayed in exhibits or preserved insect
specimens in science.
7. Simulation – a representation of a manageable real event in which the learner is an active participant engaged in a
learning a behavior or in applying previously acquired skills or knowledge.
8. Games – used for any of these purposes: 1) to practice and/or to refine knowledge/skills already acquired, 2) to identify
gaps or weaknesses in knowledge/ skills, 3) to serve as a summation or review, and 4) to develop new relationships
among concepts and principles.
I. Dramatized experiences
1. Plays depict life, character, or culture or a combination of all three. They offer excellent opportunities to portray vividly
important ideas about life.
2. Pageants are usually community dramas that are based on local history, presented by local actors.
3. Pantomime – is the art of conveying a story through bodily movements only. Its effect on the audience depends on the
movements of the actors.
4. Tableau – is a picture-like scene composed of people against a background
5. Puppet – can present ideas with extreme simplicity – without elaborate scenery or costume- yet effectively
6. Role-playing – is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a “let’s pretend” situation where
assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teachers.
A. Classical Conditioning – based on the experiment on the reaction of the dog conducted by Ivan Pavlov, who postulated
that conditioning consists of eliciting a response by means of a previously neutral or inadequate stimulus.
B. Operant Conditioning – (Reward and Punishment) a theory based on the experiment conducted by B.F. Skinner on a
hungry rat. He believed that since an organism tends in the future to do what it was doing at the time of reinforcement,
one can train that organism either by presenting him a reward or punishment as a consequence of his actions.
C. Social Learning Theory – Based on the studies of Richard Wallace and Albert Bandura – where in children learn from
social interaction which involves modeling, observation and imitation.
Importance of Models
a. Observer may acquire new responses
b. Observation of models may strengthen or weaken existing responses
c. Observation of models may cause the reappearance of responses that were apparently forgotten
Classifications of models
a. Real life – exemplified by teachers and parents
b. Symbolic – presented through oral or written symbols
c. Representational – presented through audio-visual means
Components of Successful Modelling
a. Attention – makes sure students are observing and thinking about what is being done
b. Retention – provide mechanism to help students remember the behavior
c. Motor Reproduction – students must be capable to do the action and must demonstrate the behavior as
soon as possible
d. Motivation – students should know have a reason to demonstrate the behavior of the model
3. COGNITIVE FIELD THEORY – describes how a person gains understanding of himself and his world in a situation where his
self and his environment compose a totality of mutually interdependent, coexisting events. The types of this theory are:
Vector (a quantity that has Individuals exist on a field of forces within his
magnitude and direction) and environment that move, change and give him a
Topological (concerned with the degree of stability and substance or define his
Kurt Lewin
properties of geometric behavior. The behavior of an individual is a
configuration which are unaltered by result of forces operating simultaneously within
elastic deformations)Theory his environment and life space.
The whole is more than its sum of its parts and
Gestalt Learning – gestalt –a the whole gets its meaning from its parts.
German term which means a Gestalt view learning as a change in knowledge,
structure, configuration or pattern of skills, attitudes, values or beliefs and may or
physical, biological or psychological may not have anything to do with the change in
phenomena so integrated as it overt behavior. One does not learn by doing;
constitute a functional unit with for learning to occur, doing must be
properties not derivable by accompanied by realization of consequences.
summation of its parts. Learning occurs as a result of or through
Jerome Bruner – Learning is
thinking and thinking is the Acquisition of whatever form of knowledge is
process whereby one makes always a dynamic and interactive process
sense out of various and Instrumental Conceptualism / because the learner purposively participates in
somehow unrelated facts Discovery Learning Theory the process of knowledge acquisition who
through a process called selects, structures, retains and transforms
conceptualization or information.
- Cognitive theorists interpret learning as the organization or reorganization of the subject’s perceptual system into
meaningful patterns.
- Emphasis is on cognition and insight in the perception of new meanings in a new situation.