MATH-243 - Vector Calculus

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)

Department of Basic Sciences

Vector Calculus
Course Code: MATH-243 Semester: 4th
Credit Hours: 3+0 Prerequisite Codes: Calculus
Instructor: Dr Adnan Aslam Discipline:BEE-10AB
Office: 309A Telephone: 051-90852354
Lecture Days: Mon, Tues, Wed E-mail: [email protected]
Class Room:12,15 Consulting Hours: Wed 12-01pm,
Thurs 11-01pm, Fri 11-01pm
Knowledge Group: Calculus Updates on LMS: Before every

Course Description:
The course introduces Analytical Geometry in 3-space. Important quadric surfaces are included while
students also become familiar with 3-dimensional cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Parametric
equations of curves and the concept of directional derivative are also part of this course. Double and triple
integration are included with applications to find areas and volumes. In the second part advanced topics in
vector analysis like calculus of del operator, gradient, curl and divergence along with their physical
interpretations are covered. Moreover, partial differential equations are included in the course to provide
students strong mathematical tools to solve Engineering/Technology problems.

Course Objectives:
On the successful completion of course students should develop understanding of vector valued functions,
partial differential equations and multiple integrals. The applications will be covered from several
engineering problems. The other objective is to learn basic vector differential operators, gradient, divergence
and curl along with their applications to calculate surface integrals, flows and flux across surfaces. The
understanding of partial differential equations is developed which is a strong tool for various mathematical
models. Objective is to learn solution techniques of partial differential equations. In particular, methods of
obtaining solutions by using Fourier series are dealt rigorously.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

PLO BT Level*
After successful completion of this course, a student should be able to:
[CLO - 1] Describe the functions of several variables and apply the theory to
1 C-2
calculate the gradients, area of surfaces and volumes of solids.
[CLO - 2] Compute line- and surface integrals directly or by using known integrals
2 C-3
[CLO - 3] Understand and solve the analytic solutions of partial differential
2 C-3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Basic Sciences

Mapping of CLOs to Program Learning Outcomes

O1 O2 O3
PLO 1 (Engineering Knowledge) √
PLO 2 (Problem Analysis) √ √
PLO 3 (Design/Development of Solutions)
PLO 4 (Investigation)
PLO 5 (Modern tool usage)
PLO 6 (The Engineer and Society)
PLO 7 (Environment and Sustainability)
PLO 8 (Ethics)
PLO 9 (Individual and Team Work)
PLO 10 (Communication)
PLO 11 (Project Management)
PLO 12 (Lifelong Learning)

 Thomas’s Calculus (11th Edition) George B. Thomas, Jr.
Text Books:  Calculus (6th Edition) James Stewert.
 Advanced Engineering Mathematics (9th Edition) Ervin Kreyszig
 Calculus (6th Edition) Swokowski, Olinick and Pence Borisenko & Taranov, Vector and
Tensor Analysis with Applications.

Sr. No Main Topics to be covered Contact
1 Analytical Geometry in 3-space 3
2 Quadratic Surfaces 2
3 Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates 1
4 Parametric representation of curves, Arc length Curvature & Torsion 5
5 Gradient of a Scalar Field and directional derivatives 3
6 Divergence of a Vector Field. 2
7 Curl of a Vector Field. 2
8 Line integral, integration around closed curves. 3
9 Application of double integrals, Green’s theorem. 3
10 Surface Integrals. 3
11 Triple integrals, Divergence theorem of Gauss. 3
12 Stokes’s theorem. 3
13 Partial differential equations solvable as ODEs (separation of variables) 3
14 Modeling a Vibrating String, Derivation of Wave Equation 3
15 Solution by the Method of Separation of Variables using Fourier Series. 3
16 Heat Equation; its Solution by Fourier Series. 3

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National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS)
Department of Basic Sciences

Quizzes: 10%
Assignments: 10%
OHT-1: 15%
OHT-2: 15%
Final Exam: 50%

Grading Policy:
The quizzes will be unannounced and normally last for ten minutes. The question framed
is to test the concepts involved in last few lectures. Number of quizzes that will be used
for evaluation is at the instructor’s discretion. Grading for quizzes will be on a fixed scale

Quiz Policy: of 0 to 10. A score of 10 indicates an exceptional attempt towards the answer and a score
of 1 indicates your answer is entirely wrong but you made a reasonable effort towards the
solution. Scores in between indicate very good (8-9), good (6-7), satisfactory (4-5), and
poor (2-3) attempt. Failure to make a reasonable effort to answer a question scores a 0.

In order to develop comprehensive understanding of the subject, assignments will be

given. Late assignments will not be accepted / graded. All assignments will count
towards the total (No ‘best-of’ policy). The students are advised to do the assignment
Policy: themselves. Copying of assignments is highly discouraged and violations will be dealt
with severely by referring any occurrences to the disciplinary committee. The questions
in the assignment are meant to be challenging to give students confidence and extensive
knowledge about the subject matter and enable them to prepare for the exams.
SEECS maintains a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. While collaboration in this
course is highly encouraged, you must ensure that you do not claim other people’s work/
ideas as your own. Plagiarism occurs when the words, ideas, assertions, theories, figures,

Plagiarism: images, programming codes of others are presented as your own work. You must cite and
acknowledge all sources of information in your assignments. Failing to comply with the
SEECS plagiarism policy will lead to strict penalties including zero marks in assignments
and referral to the academic coordination office for disciplinary action.

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