All Commands You Need To Know About Git

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All The Git Commands You Need to

Know About
Lesson 4 of 11By Sana Afreen
Last updated on Oct 27, 202279222

Table of Contents
What is Git?
Git Commands: Working With Local Repositories
Git Commands: Working With Remote Repositories
Some Advanced Git Commands
Git is one of the most sought after DevOps tools used to handle small and large
projects efficiently. The tool enables collaboration among different people in
different parts of the same project. Git is nothing without its commands, so here,
all about Git commands that are needed to efficiently and effectively work on the

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What is Git?
Git is a widely used modern version control system for tracking changes in
computer files. The term version control system suggests a system that records
all the changes made to a file or set of data, so a specific version can be
considered whenever needed. This feature makes the process of collaboration
so feasible with all team members, making it considerably more comfortable to
work over a big project.

Git makes it possible for several people involved in the project to work together
and track each other's progress over time. In software development, the tool
helps in Source Code Management. Git favors not only programmers but also
non-technical users by keeping track of their project files.

While working on Git, we actively use two repositories.

 Local repository: The local repository is present on our computer and consists
of all the files and folders. This Repository is used to make changes locally,
review history, and commit when offline.

 Remote repository: The remote repository refers to the server repository that
may be present anywhere. This repository is used by all the team members to
exchange the changes made.

Both repositories have their own set of commands. There are separate Git
Commands that work on different types of repositories.

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Git Commands: Working With Local Repositories

 git init

 The command git init is used to create an empty Git repository.

 After the git init command is used, a .git folder is created in the directory with
some subdirectories. Once the repository is initialized, the process of creating
other files begins.
git init

 git add

 Add command is used after checking the status of the files, to add those files
to the staging area.

 Before running the commit command, "git add" is used to add any new or
modified files.

git add .

 git commit

 The commit command makes sure that the changes are saved to the local

 The command "git commit –m <message>" allows you to describe everyone

and help them understand what has happened.
git commit -m “commit message”

 git status

 The git status command tells the current state of the repository.

 The command provides the current working branch. If the files are in the
staging area, but not committed, it will be shown by the git status. Also, if there
are no changes, it will show the message no changes to commit, working
directory clean.

git status
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 git config

 The git config command is used initially to configure the and This specifies what email id and username will be used from a
local repository.

 When git config is used with --global flag, it writes the settings to all
repositories on the computer.

git config --global “any user name”

git config --global <email id>

 git branch

 The git branch command is used to determine what branch the local repository
is on.

 The command enables adding and deleting a branch.

# Create a new branch

git branch <branch_name>

# List all remote or local branches

git branch -a
# Delete a branch
git branch -d <branch_name>

 git checkout

 The git checkout command is used to switch branches, whenever the work is
to be started on a different branch.

 The command works on three separate entities: files, commits, and branches.

# Checkout an existing branch

git checkout <branch_name>

# Checkout and create a new branch with that name

git checkout -b <new_branch>

 git merge

 The git merge command is used to integrate the branches together. The
command combines the changes from one branch to another branch.

 It is used to merge the changes in the staging branch to the stable branch.

git merge <branch_name>

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However, these are popular and basic git commands used by developers.

Git Commands: Working With Remote Repositories

 git remote

 The git remote command is used to create, view, and delete connections to
other repositories.

 The connections here are not like direct links into other repositories, but as
bookmarks that serve as convenient names to be used as a reference.

git remote add origin <address>

 git clone

 The git clone command is used to create a local working copy of an existing
remote repository.

 The command downloads the remote repository to the computer. It is

equivalent to the Git init command when working with a remote repository.

git clone <remote_URL>

 git pull

 The git pull command is used to fetch and merge changes from the remote
repository to the local repository.

 The command "git pull origin master" copies all the files from the master
branch of the remote repository to the local repository.

git pull <branch_name> <remote URL>

 git push

 The command git push is used to transfer the commits or pushing the content
from the local repository to the remote repository.

 The command is used after a local repository has been modified, and the
modifications are to be shared with the remote team members.

git push -u origin master

Some Advanced Git Commands

 git stash

 The git stash command takes your modified tracked files and saves it on a pile
of incomplete changes that you can reapply at any time. To go back to work,
you can use the stash pop.

 The git stash command will help a developer switch branches to work on
something else without committing to incomplete work.

# Store current work with untracked files

git stash -u

# Bring stashed work back to the working directory

git stash pop

 git log

 The git log command shows the order of the commit history for a repository.
 The command helps in understanding the state of the current branch by
showing the commits that lead to this state.

git log


We hope this Git commands tutorial has helped you understand various useful
commands in Git. You have learned the basics of Git and the different
commands that are used, and also saw different basic Git commands and
advanced too. according to the repository they are used in, followed by some
advanced commands. We understood what each of the mentioned commands
does and also came across the syntax of each command.

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