Chapter 4e

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MTU Stat Dept Introduction to statistics for engineer's Chapter - 4

4. Conditional Probability and Independence

4.1. The Multiplication Rules (Theorems)
The multiplication rules can be used to find the probability of two or more events that occur in
Independent events: Two events A and B are independent if the occurrence of "A" does not
affect the probability of "B" occurring.
Dependent events: Two events are dependent if the first event affects the outcome or
occurrence of the second event in a way the probability is changed.
4.1.1 The Multiplication Rules for Probability
1. If two events A and B are independent, then the probability of both A and B will occur is
( ) = ( ∩ ) = ( ) ( ).
2. If two events A and B are dependent, then the probability of both A and B will occur is
( ) = ( ∩ ) = ( ) ( / ) = ( ) ( / ).
Example 1: A coin is flipped and a die is rolled. Find the probability of getting a head on the
coin and a 4 on the die.
Solution: These two events are independent since the outcome of the first event (tossing a
coin) does not affect the probability outcome of the second event (rolling a die).
1 1 1
(ℎ 4) = (ℎ ) (4) = = .
2 6 12
Example 2: An urn contains 3 red balls, 2 blue balls and 5 white balls. A ball is selected and its
color noted.Then it is replaced. A second ball is selected and its color noted. Find the probability of :
a) Selecting two blue balls.
b) Selecting a blue ball and then a white ball.
c) Selecting a red ball and then a blue ball.

Solution: a) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( )= = = .

b) ( ℎ )= ( ∩ ℎ )= ( ) ( ℎ ) = = = .

c) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( ) = = = .

Example 3: A card is drawn from an ordinary deck and its number noted. Then it is not
replaced. A second card is drawn and its number noted, then find the probability of:
a) Getting two Jacks (J). b) Getting an ace ( A) and a king (K) in order.
c) Getting a flower and a spade. d) Getting a red and a black in order.
4 3 12
Solution: a) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )= = .
52 51 2802

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MTU Stat Dept Introduction to statistics for engineer's Chapter - 4

4 4 16
b) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )= = .
52 51 2802

c) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )= = .
26 26 676
d) ( )= ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )= = .
52 51 2802

Exercise : If the probabilities are 0.75, 0.7 and 0.525 that a student A, B, or both can solve the
problems in a text book respectively. What is the probability that:
a) Student A can only solve the problem selected at random from the book?
b) Student B can only solve the problem selected at random from the book?
a) ∩ b) ′∩B

a) ( ∩ ) = ( )− ( ∩ ) = . − . = . . ; ) ( ′ ∩ ) = ( ) − ( ∩ ) = . − . = . .

4.2. Conditional Probability

The conditional probability of an event is a probability obtained with the additional
information that some other event has already occurred.
 The conditional probability of event B occurring, given that event A has already
occurred, can be found by:
( ∩ )
 ( / )= , ( ) ≠ 0.
( )
 The conditional probability of event A occurring, given that event B has already
occurred, can be found by:
( ∩ )
 ( / ) = ( )
, ( ) ≠ 0.
∴ ( ∩ ) = ( ) ( / ) = ( ) ( / ).
: , ℎ ( / ) = ( ) ( / ) = ( ).
Example: A box contains black chips and white chips. A person selects two chips without
replacement. If the probability of selecting a black chip and a white chip is 15/56 , and the
probability of selecting a black chip on the first draw is 3/8 , , find the probability of selecting the
white chip on the second draw, given that the first chip selected was a black chip.
: ; = ℎ = ℎ ℎ . ℎ
( ∩ ) 15/56 15 8 5
( / )= = = = .
( ) 3/8 56 3 7
Exercise: Let A and B are two events such that ( ∪ ) = 3/4, ( ∩ ) = 1/4 ( )=
2/3, ℎ ( ′/ )? = 5/8.

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MTU Stat Dept Introduction to statistics for engineer's Chapter - 4

4.3. Bayes' Theorem and The Total Probability Theorem

The law of total probability: Suppose , , … , are disjoint events such that ∪ ∪ …∪
= . The probability of an arbitrary event A can be expressed as:
( )= ( 1 ) ( / 1) + ( 2 ) ( / 2) + ⋯+ ( ) ( / ).
The following Figure illustrates the law for m = 5. The event A is the disjoint union of
∩ , = 1, 2, … , 5 , so ( ) = ( ∩ 1) + ( ∩ 2) +⋯+ ( ∩ 5 ), and for each i
the multiplication rule states ( ∩ ) = ( ) ( / ).

b1 A vBd
∩ ∩

∩ ∩

∩ ∩ S=B

Bayes' Rule: Suppose the events , , … , are disjoint and ∪ ∪ …∪ = . The

conditional probability of , given an arbitrary event A, can be expressed as:
( ∩ ) ( ) /
( / )= =
( ) ( 1 ) ( / 1 ) + ( 2 ) ( / 2 ) + ⋯ + ( ) ( / )

Example 1: Box 1 contains 2 red balls and one blue ball. Box 2 contains 3 blue balls and one red
ball. A coin is tossed. If it falls heads up, Box 1 is selected and a ball is drawn. If it falls tails up,
Box 2 is selected and a ball is drawn. Then find the probability of selecting a red ball.
Solution: Let; − be the event that box 1 is selected.
− be the event that box 2 is selected.
− be the event that a red ball is selected.
− be the event that a blue ball is selected

( / ) = 2/3 R
( ) = 1/2
( / ) = 1/3 B
( ) = 1/2 ( / ) = 1/4

( / ) = 3/4 B

By Belete M. Lecture Notes Page 3

MTU Stat Dept Introduction to statistics for engineer's Chapter - 4

 R is selected, if and only if, is selected and R is selected or is selected and R is selected.
→≫ = ( ) ( )=( ∩ )∪( ∩ ).
( ) = {( ∩ )∪( ∩ )} = ( ∩ ) + ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )+ ( ) ( / )
1 2 1 1 1 1 11
= + = + = .
2 3 2 4 3 8 24
Example 2: A shipment of two boxes, each containing 6 telephones, is received by a store. Box1
contains one defective phone and box 2 contains 2 defective phones. After the boxes are unpacked, a
phone is selected and found to be defective. Then find the probability that it came from box 2.
Solution: Let − be the event that box 1 is selected.
− be the event that box 2 is selected.
− be the event that defective phone is selected.
− be the event that non defective phone is selected.

( / ) = 1/6 D

( ) = 1/2 ( / ) = 5/6
( / ) = 2/6 D
( ) = 1/2

( / ) = 4/6 ND
( / ) =?
( 2∩ ) ( 2 ) ( / 2 ) ( 2 ) ( / 2 )
( 2/ )= = = .
( ) {( ∩ ) ∪ ( ∩ )} ( ∩ )+ ( ∩ )
Since, is selected, iff, is selected and is selected or is selected and is selected.
 →≫ = ( 1 ) ( 2 )=( 1 ∩ )∪( 2 ∩ ).
( ) = {( ∩ )∪( ∩ )} = ( ∩ ) + ( ∩ )= ( ) ( / )+ ( ) ( / ).

= + = + = = . ℎ
( 2∩ ) ( 2 ) ( / 2) 1/2 2/6 1/6 1 4 2
( 2/ )= = = = = = .
( ) ( ) 1/4 1/4 6 1 3

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