C10-11 Hien

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• The Biot–Savart law says that the magnetic field dB at a point P due to a length element ds that carries a steady
current I is
where 𝜇0 is the permeability of free space, r is the distance from the element to the point P, and 𝑟 is a unit vector
pointing from ds toward point P. We find the total field at P by integrating this expression over the entire current
• Ampère’s law says that the line integral of B.ds around any closed path equals I, where I is the total steady current
through any surface bounded by the closed path:

Using Ampère’s law, one finds that the magnitude of the magnetic field at a distance r from a long, straight wire
carrying an electric current I is
The field lines are circles concentric with the wire.
• The magnitudes of the fields inside a toroid and solenoid are

Example 1:
• Consider a thin, straight wire carrying a constant current I and placed along the x axis as shown in
Figure. Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at point P due to this current.

Because all current elements produce a magnetic field

in the 𝑘 direction, let us restrict our attention to the
magnitude of the field due to one current element, which is:

To integrate this expression, we must relate the variables 𝜃,

x, and r. One approach is to express x and r in terms of 𝜃 .
From the geometry, we have

Because tan 𝜃 = a/(-x) from the right triangle in Figure

(the negative sign is necessary because ds is located at
a negative value of x), we have:
Taking the derivative of this expression gives
Example 2:
• The charged particle 𝑞 = 1.6 ∗ 10−19 C, m = 1.67∗ 10−27 kg is a proton and the uniform, 0.500-
T magnetic field is directed along the x-axis. At t = 0 the proton has velocity components
𝑣𝑥 =1.5∗ 105 m/s, 𝑣𝑦 =0, 𝑣𝑧 =2 ∗ 105 m/s. Only the magnetic force acts on the proton. (a) At t= 0,
find the force on the proton and its acceleration. (b) Find the radius of the resulting helical path,
the angular speed of the proton, and the pitch of the helix (the distance traveled along the helix
axis per revolution).
1. The diagrams show 3 circuits consisting of concentric circular arcs (either
half or quarter circles of radii r, 2r, 3r) and radial lengths. The circuits carry
the same current. Rank them according to the magnitudes of the magnetic
fields they produce at C, least to greatest.

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 3, 2, 1 C. 1, 3, 2 D. 2, 3, 1

2. Calculate the magnetic field at the point O of the wire (see Figure) if the
current I = 8 A, the radius R of the half circle is 100 mm?
(a) 20 µT (b) 34 µT (c) 30 µT (d) 10 µT
3. Calculate the magnetic field at the point O of the wire if the current
I, the radius R, the angle 2α?

4. Calculate the magnetic field at the point

O of the wire following the Figure:
5. Figure showed the Electric circuit with the current I, calculate the magnetic force
effect to one unit length at the point O:

6. The magnitude of the magnetic field at point

O, is given by:
7. A circle wire with a linear charge density  is rotated at a constant angular speed
 around its axis. The magnitude of the magnetic field H at the center is:
8. A cyclotron, which is designed to accelerate protons of mass mp = 1.67 × 10-27 Kg
to a kinetic energy of 10 MeV, has a radius of 1.20m. The magnitude of the uniform
magnetic field B required is,
(a) B = 3.33 × 10+1 T
(b) B = 1.09 × 10+1 T
(c) B = 3.0 × 10-1 T
(d) B = 3.8 × 10-1 T
(e) B = 1.7 × 10-1 T
 
9. Calculate the magnitude of  B.d  for the closed path
(C) with I1=1A, I2=2A, I3=3A, I4=4A, I5=5A, I6=6A.
   
A.  B.d   2  o (T .m) B.  B.d   7  o (T .m)
(C ) (C )

   
C.  .d   2 o (T .m)
(C )
D.  .d   7  o (T .m)
(C )
10. Two identical, flat, circular coils of wire each
have 100 turns and radius R= 0.500 m. The coils are
arranged as a set of Helmholtz coils so that the
separation distance between the coils is equal to the
radius of the coils (see Fig.P30.58). Each coil carries
current I=10.0 A. Determine the magnitude of the
magnetic field at a point on the common axis of the
coils and halfway between them.

11. Figure P30.29 is a cross-sectional view of a

coaxial cable. The center conductor is surrounded by
a rubber layer, an outer conductor, and another rubber
layer. In a particular application, the current in the
inner conductor is I1 =1.00 A out of the page and the
current in the outer conductor is I2 = 3.00 A into the
page. Assuming the distance d=1.00mm, determine
the magnitude of the magnetic field at (a) point a and
(b) point b.
12. A solenoid is 3 cm long and has a radius of 0.5cm. It is wrapped with 500
turns of wire carrying a current of 2A. The magnetic field at the center of the
solenoid is
a) 9.9x10-8 T
b) 1.3x10-3 T
c) 4.2x10-2 T
d) 16 T
e) 20 T
13. An electron enters a uniform magnetic field B. The velocity vector of the
electron is perpendicular to B vector (see the figure).
If the velocity of the electron is v1, the electron will move out the
magnetic field after t1 (second). If the velocity of the electron is v2 =
2 × v1, the electron will move out the magnetic field after:
a) t2 = 2 × t1
b) t2 = 0.5 × t1
c) t2 = t1
d) t2 = 4 × t1
14) An α particle has a charge q = +2 e, mass m = 6,64.10-27 kg moving with
kinetic energy of 500 eV, perpendicular to the magnetic fields with B = 0.1 T.
Cycle of rotation of particles equals:

15) Give circle current with a radius R and current I. Magnetic induction B of
this current creating in its center is equal:
16. An electron, which has a mass m and kinetic energy K, enters a space in
which there are both electric field E and magnetic field B. E and B are uniform.
The electric field points vertically upward and the magnetic field points
horizontally to the right. The electron enters with a velocity vector that is
perpendicular to both the electric and magnetic fields, and the magnetic force is
opposite to the electric force. To keep the electron moving straight (with no
deflection), the relationship between magnitude of B and E must be:

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