Green Chemistry

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to Green


Michael C. Cann, Chemistry Department, University of Scranton The late sixties and early seventies were times when the environment received a great deal of attention including the formation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the celebration of the first Earth Day, both of which occurred in 1970. In the intervening years in excess of 100 environmental laws have been passed. These include the twelve major laws listed below. 1970 Clean Air Act. Regulates air emissions. 1972 National Environmental Policy Act. Requires in part that EPA review environmental impact statements of proposed major federal projects (e.g. highways, buildings, airports, parks and military complexes). 1972 Clean Water Act. Establishes the sewage treatment construction grants program and a regulatory and enforcement program for discharges of pollutants into U.S. waters. 1972 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide & Rodenticide Act. Governs distribution, sale and use of pesticide products. All pesticides must be registered (licensed) by EPA. 1972 Ocean Dumping Act. Regulates the intentional disposal of materials into ocean waters. 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act. Establishes primary drinking water standards. 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act. Requires the testing, regulating, and screening of all chemical produced or imported in the U.S. 1976 Resource Conservation & Recovery Act. Regulates solid and hazardous waste form cradle to grave. 1976 Environmental Research & Development Demonstration Act. Authorizes all EPA research programs. 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation & Liability Act, better known as Superfund. Provides for a federal superfund to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites, accidental spills and other emergency releases of pollutants in the environment. Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act. Requires that industries report toxic releases and encourages planning by local communities to respond to chemical emergencies. 1990 Pollution Prevention Act. Seeks to prevent pollution by encouraging companies to reduce the generation of pollutants through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw material use.

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All of these acts, with one exception, deal with pollution after it is formed. These laws are in general focused on the treatment or abatement of pollution and have become know as command and control laws. In many instances these laws, which were passed by the US congress, place limits on pollution and timetables for compliance, with little regard to whether the science/technology could attain these goals and with little regard to the economic costs of these laws. Risk associated with a toxic chemical is a function of Hazard and Exposure. The end of the pipe laws attempt to control Risk by dealing with the prevention of the Exposure to toxic hazardous chemicals. Of course all to often prevention of Exposure has failed. Risk=f(Hazard, Exposure) While these laws have accomplished a great deal in terms of improving our environment by controlling our exposure to hazardous substances, we still have a long way to go. For example under the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), which is part of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA), companies are required to report the use and/or release of certain hazardous substances. In 1997 industries reported that 23.85 billion pounds of hazardous substances were treated, recycled, used for energy production, disposed of or released to the environment. This act covers only 650 of the 75,000 chemicals in use in US commerce today and only companies that manufacture or proce ss more that 25,000 pounds or use more than 10,000 pounds of a listed substance are required to report. Companies traditionally have viewed environmental regulations with disdain and as an economic hardship. In order to comply with environmental regulations it is estimated to cost U.S. industries between $100 to 150 billion per year. Since the EPA is charged with the implementation and enforcement of these laws, the relationship between industry and the EPA has been adversarial and one of mistrust. In the last decade a new paradigm has emerged at the EPA, ushered in, in part by thePollution Prevention Act of 1990. This is the first and only act that is focused on pollution prevention rather than the typical treatment and remediation. The EPA is now attempting to partner with industry to find more flexible and cost effective ways of not only meeting exi sting regulations but also preventing pollution at the source. In 1991 green chemistry became a formal focus of EPA (green chemistry at EPA). Green Chemistry or environmentally benign chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce of eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances . Thus instead of limiting Risk by control ling our Exposure to hazardous chemicals, green chemistry attempts to reduce and preferentially eliminate the Hazard thus negating the necessity to control Exposure. The bottom line is, if we don't use or produce hazardous substances then the Risk is zero, and we don't not have to worry about the treatment of hazardous substances or limiting our exposure to

them. Green chemistry has gained a strong foothold in the areas of research and development in both industry and academia. Several conferences and meetings (e.g. the Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference) are held each year with green chemistry/technology as their focus. The journal Green Chemistry made it debut in 1999, the Green Chemistry Institutewas recently created and the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards were established in 1995.

THE PRESIDENTIAL GREEN CHEMISTRY CHALLENGE AWARDS The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards were announced in 1995 by the Clinton administration and the first awards were presented in 1996. These awards are a means of recognizing outstanding achievements in applied green chemistry/technology and are the only awards in chemistry given out on the presidential level. Nominees for these awards must demonstrate how their work has met one or more of the following criteria:
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Greener reaction conditions for an old synthesis (e.g., replacement of an organic solvent with water or the use of no solvent at all). A greener synthesis for an old chemical (e.g., a synthesis which us es biomass rather than petrochemical feedstocks or the use of catalytic rather than stoichiometric reagents). The synthesis of a new compound that is less toxic but has the same desirable properties as an existing compound (e.g., a new pesticide that is toxic only to target organisms and biodegrades to environmentally benign substances).

Examples of green chemistry/technology that have been developed encompass most all areas of chemistry including organic, biochemistry, inorganic, polymer, toxicology, environmental, physical, industrial etc. Some cases of green chemistry/technology that have won the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award consist of (see links to abstracts for these awards at :
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Barry Trost's concept of atom economy which looks at utilized and wasted atoms in a reaction. A new synthesis of ibuprofen which has a much better record of atom economy and pollution prevention. The use of waste carbon dioxide as a blowing agent (which is non ozone depleting unlike the traditional CFC blowing agents) for foam polystyrene.

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Development of surfactants for carbon dioxide enabling CO to be used as a solvent (for example in dry cleaning). Development of oxidant activators for hydrogen peroxide. This allows, for example, the replacement of chlorine containing (ozone depleting) bleaches with hydrogen peroxide in the manufacture of paper. The develop ment of new insecticides that are more specific to target organisms.
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Anastas and Warner have developed the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry to aid one in assessing how green a chemical, a reaction or a process is. 1. It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it is formed. 2. Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the incorporation of all materials used in the process into the final product. 3. Wherever practicable, synthetic methodologies should be designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health and the environment. 4. Chemical products should be designed to preserve efficacy of function while reducing toxicity . 5. The use of auxiliary substances (e.g. solvents, separation agents, etc.) should be made unnecessary whenever possible and, innocuous whenused. 6. Energy requirements should be recognized for their environmental and economic impacts and should be minimized. Synthetic methods should be conducted at ambient temperature and pressure. 7. A raw material feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically practical. 8. Unnecessary derivatization (blocking group, temporary modification of physical/chemical avoided whenever possible. protection/deprotection, processes) should be

9. Catalytic reagents (as stoichiometric reagents.



possible) are

superior to

10. Chemical products should be designed so that at the end of their function they do not persist in the environment and break down into innocuous degradation products. 11. Analytical methodologies ne ed to be further developed to allow for real-time in-process monitoring and control prior to the formation ofhazardous substances. 12. Substances and the form of a substance used in a chemical process should chosen so as to minimize the potential for chemical accidents, including releases, explosions, and fires. EXPOSING STUDENTS TO GREEN CHEMISTRY In 2000, Daryle Busch, former president of the American Chemical Society said "Green chemistry represents the pillars that hold up our sustainable future. It is imperative to teach the value of green chemistry to tomorrow's chemists. It is clear that many industries and the research of many academics recognize the significance of green chemistry. However very little discussion of green chemistry has found its way into the chemistry curriculum. Although we and others2 have made some isolated attempts to bring green chemistry into the classroom, the EPA and ACS have recognized the need to make a concerted and sustained effort to green the curriculum so that future chemists are taught to think green. The EPA/ACS Green Chemistry Educational Materials Development Project was begun at a workshop in October 1998. The thrust of this project is to develop materials that will aid in the infusion of green chemistry into the curriculum. The major foci of this project are the development of an Annotated Bibliography of Green Chemistry, Green Chemistry Laboratory Experiments, Real-World Cases in Green Chemistry and short courses on green chemistry. John Warner of U. Mass. Boston is in charge of the first two projects and the third is a project accomplished byMichael Cann and Marc Connelly of the University of Scranton. Real-World Cases in Green Chemistry was published in March of 2000. This work, which is published by ACS, is an attempt to compile and edit information on green chemistry so that chemistry instructors may use this information to green the chemistry curriculum at their institution. Each case focuses on a Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge award winner or nominee.

In order to take the greening of the chemistry curriculum to its next logical step we are developing green chemistry modules for insertion of green chemistry into specific chemistry courses. These modules are being developed by instructors who teach these courses. The introduction to green chemistry that you are now reading is part of this undertaking. QUESTIONS 1. What do the first eleven major environmental laws have in common? How does this contrast with the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990? 2. What are the three criteria for the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award? 3. Define green chemistry. 4. Which of the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry deals with atom economy? 5. In a chemical reaction what is meant by an auxiliary substance? Look up an example of an organic lab that you have done and list the auxiliary substances that you used. 6. Why are catalytic reagents superior to stoichiometric reagents (in your answer make sure that you explain the terms catalytic and stoichiometric)? 7. What is the Toxic Release Inventory? 8. Consider a chemical product or process that you are aware of. With the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry as your guide devise ways to make this product or process greener. REFERENCES 1. Anastas, Paul T., and Warner, John C. Green Chemistry Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998. 2. a) b) Teaching green chemistry, Albert Matlack, Green Chemistry, 1999, 1 (001), G19-G20


Green Chemistry
What is green chemistry? What waste is created when you buy and consume a bottle of soda? Is the plastic bottle, which you can recycle, the only waste? What are the negative environmental effects associated with this bottle of soda? The bottle is not the only waste. When considering the effect that the bottle of soda has on the environment you must think about the process of creating the bottle of soda. What waste was created when the plastic bottle was made? What chemicals were used and how were these chemicals made? How much electricity and water was needed? What about in the making of the soda? Is that it? No, we can take this a step further. The bottle still has to be disposed. What is needed to recycle the bottle? What chemicals and waste were made? Green chemists examine the entire process used to make a product and try to improve it. Green chemistry is practicing chemistry in a way that reduces the use or generation of hazardous substances in making products. Green chemistry also tries to reduce the amount of waste produced. The entire process is considered, including creating, manufacturing, use and disposal of the product. Green chemistry processes try to be "benign by design." In other words, they are designed to have minimal environmental impact. Processes are not usually considered green or not green. In general we look to see if a process is greener or less green. A process may be much more green than an old process but the process probably still has some negative environmental effects. How do green chemists decide if a chemical should be used or not? Two major factors are considered when calculating the risk of a substance: the toxicity of the substance and the exposure level of the substance. If a substance has a high toxicity, but no one is exposed to it during the process, it has low risk. Similarly, if a substance has low toxicity and people are exposed to it frequently, it still has low risk. What if a substance has medium toxicity and medium exposure? The risk is greater. Using green chemistry principles is often beneficial in more ways than the obvious. The new processes are less harmful to the environment. Often this means that the new

processes are safer for workers, less expensive, more energy efficient, and require fewer materials. Green chemists have to be creative to try to design new processes that are less harmful. The chemists in our center, CERSP, try to follow green chemistry principles to improve process related to polymers. Often our chemists use supercritical carbon dioxide to create improvements. Try some of ouractivities to learn more about polymers and carbon dioxide. One of the projects that our scientists worked on was helping to icreate the new technology used for "Hangers Dry Cleaners." Hangers dry cleans clothes using carbon dioxide instead of perchloroethylene (PERC). PERC is a very toxic substance and people are exposed to the residue any time they have clothes dry cleaned using the old method. The new process is more green. Carbon dioxide is removed from the air, used to clean the clothes, captured, cleaned and reused. The dirt from the clothes is seprated and can be disposed of safely. You can learn more about "Hangers Dry Cleaners" by visiting theirweb site. This is just one of the projects that our scientists have worked on. Some other projects are listed below:

Recycling - The current process used for recycling soda bottles (PET) is very inefficient. The new method being worked on replaces a long process (several hours) with a very short process that requires much less electricity and water. Microchip processing - The current process for etching microchips creates a lot of waste, uses a lot of water, and uses harmful chemicals. The new process being investigated would use supercritical carbon dioxide, little water, and create less waste. Polymer foams and nanotubes - Research is being done in these areas to improve the process that is used to create these and find new ways to use this technology. Fuel cells - Fuel cells are like batteries that charge themselves. They are used in hybrid cars. The old process for making fuel cell materials uses some harmful organic solvents. The new one uses carbon dioxide instead and uses less water.

To learn more about the "Twelve Principles" of green chemistry or to find resources for green chemistry, use the left-hand menu. You can learn more about our scientists

and the research listed above by reading interviews and trying related activities found at "Focus On A Scientist" located under "Meet Our Scientists".

Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLEANING UP WITH ATOM ECONOMY By Kathryn E. Parent, [email protected] Introduction Cleaning up the environment and, more importantly, preventing pollution are important issues in todays world. The theme for the 2002 National Chemistry Week is Chemistry Keeps Us Clean. While the chemical industry is traditionally viewed more as a cause than a solution to pollution, chemistry does offer unique solutions in the area of waste prevention. One of the most fundamental of these solutions is the application of the green chemistry principle of atom economy to chemical reactions. Atom economy moves the practice of minimizing waste to the molecular level. Traditionally, chemists have focused on maximizing yield, minimizing the number of steps or synthesizing a completely unique chemical. Green chemistry and atom economy introduce a new goal into reaction chemistry: designing reactions so that the atoms present in the starting materials end up in the product rather than in the wastestream. This concept provides a framework for evaluating different chemistries,

and an ideal to strive for in new reaction chemistry (1,2,3). Green Chemistry Principle: Atom Economy Atom economy means maximizing the incorporation of material from the starting materials or reagents into the final product. It is essentially pollution prevention at the molecular level. For example, a chemist practicing atom economy would choose to synthesize a needed product by putting together basic building blocks, rather than by breaking down a much larger starting material and discarding most of it as waste. Atom economy is an important development beyond the traditionally taught concept of percent yield. Barry Trost, from Stanford University, published the concept of atom economy in Science in 1991 (4). In 1998 he received the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (5) for his work. At the award ceremony, Paul Anderson (1997 ACS President) commented, By introducing the concept of atom economy, Dr. Trost has begun to change the way in which chemists measure the efficiency of the reactions they design. Atom economy answers the basic question, How much of what you put into your pot ends up in your product? (6). To meet the challenge of atomGreen Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------economy, Trost has developed a number of palladium and ruthenium catalysts. These catalysts enable chemical synthesis to proceed by simple addition reactions (7). Associated Chemistry Topics law of conservation of matter chemical reactions stoichiometry percent yield

Vocabulary Atom Economy 1) The mass of desired product divided by the total mass of all reagents, times 100 Mass of Desired Product Total Mass of all Reagents Percent Atom Economy = x 100 2) The mass of desired product divided by the total mass of all products and byproducts produced, times 100 3) A measure of the efficiency of a reaction (8) Green Chemistry 1) Designing chemical products and processes to reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous materials 2) Using chemistry for pollution prevention 3) Benign by design, sustainable chemistry Molecular Weight mass of one mole of a compound (units of grams per mole) Percent Yield actual yield divided by theoretical yield times 100 Theoretical Yield the maximum amount of product that can be produced from the quantities of reactants used; the amount of a given product formed when the limiting reactant is completely consumed Saponification the decomposition of triglycerides with aqueous sodium hydroxide Stoichiometry application of the laws of definite proportions and conservation of mass to chemical processes; quantitative relationship between compounds involved in a reaction Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 3

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reaction: Saponification CH3 (CH2 )16COCH2 CH3 (CH2 )16COCH CH3 (CH2 )16COCH2 O O O + 3 NaOH + 3 Na + [CH3 (CH2 )16CO [ O HOCH2CHCH2OH

OH Sodium Stearate (SOAP) Glycerine (Glycerol) Sodium Hydroxide Heat/Stir Triglyceride of Stearic Acid Background Saponification, or soap making, is a very old tradition, dating back to 2800 B.C. However, the chemistry was not described until the 19 th century by the French chemist, Chevereul. Early soap makers used animal fat and wood ash (which contains sodium hydroxide and potassium carbonate). Now a wide variety of materials and methods are available to the soap maker. Today, soap making is not only highly visible in the mainstream manufacturing industry (names like Ivory, Dove, Dial), but many specialty product industries center around handmade soaps as well. An excellent resource including the history, chemistry and manufacture of soaps and detergents is available from the Soaps and Detergents Association Web Site: Related information including stories about soap and detergent companies can be found at: A brief discussion, with excellent graphical models, of the chemistry of soap making can

be found at: Clear directions, including pictures, for making soap are available at the Web Site: Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Materials (per group of students) 1. Molecular models many different kits are available or they can be generated from colored Styrofoam balls and toothpicks. You will need: a. 6 medium-sized black balls for carbon atoms b. 9 medium-sized red balls for oxygen atoms c. 8 small white balls for hydrogen atoms d. 3 small blue balls for sodium atoms e. 3 large oblong pieces to represent the hydrocarbon tail of the triglyceride f. 28 toothpicks for the bonds between the atoms 2. Periodic Table 3. Calculator or computer spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel Procedure I. Build molecular models of the starting materials. You can use a representative piece, rather than 18 individual carbon atoms and 35 individual hydrogen atoms, for the long hydrocarbon tail of the triglyceride. II. Identify the desired product, soap, and the waste byproducts that are generated by the reaction. Convert the starting materials into the products. Use the models to

help you visualize the transfer of atoms from starting material to product. III. Generate a table for the saponification reaction summarizing the following information: (Use of a spreadsheet program to generate the tables and do the calculations is recommended.) A. List the name and stoichiometric coefficient of each starting material (reagent) B. For each reagent 1. List the atomic symbol, atomic mass and quantity (remember to include stoichiometric coefficients) of each type of atom in the reagent. 2. Calculate the sum of the masses of all the atoms in the reagent. If the stoichiometric coefficient is 1, the sum of the masses is the molecular weight of the reagent. Mass = Quantity of Atoms x Atomic Mass of Atoms C. Add the masses of the reagents (step B2) to find the total mass of all reagents. D. For each reagent 1. Identify the atomic symbol, atomic mass and quantity (remember to include stoichiometric coefficients) of the atoms that are utilized in the product. Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Calculate the sum of the masses of the atoms utilized in the product. 3. Identify the atomic symbol, atomic mass and quantity (remember to include stoichiometric coefficients) of the atoms that are utilized in the byproduct. 4. Calculate the sum of the masses of the atoms utilized in the byproduct. E. Add the masses of the atoms from each reagent that are utilized in the product (step D2) to find the total mass of all atoms utilized in the product.

This is the theoretical yield of soap from one mole of the triglyceride reagent. If only one mole of product were produced, the total mass of all the atoms would also be the molecular weight of the product. However, three moles of soap are produced, so the molecular weight (the mass of one molecule) of the soap is 1/3 of the total of all the atoms in the product. F. Add the masses of the atoms from each reagent that are utilized in the byproduct to calculate the total mass of all the atoms wasted. G. Calculate the atom economy for the saponification reaction by dividing the total mass of atoms utilized in the product (step E) by the total mass of all the reagents (step C) and multiplying by 100. Since all the products produced are known, you could instead divide by the total mass of products and byproducts. Questions 1. What is the atom economy for the saponification reaction, assuming 100% yield (3 soap molecules for every triglyceride used)? 2. What is the atom economy if only two soap molecules were made (66% yield) for every triglyceride molecule reacted (include the third soap molecule in the waste instead of the product). 3. What is the theoretical yield (in grams) of soap if 500.0 grams of the triglyceride of stearic acid are used? 4. What are some basic characteristics of reactions that have high atom economy? 5. Do you think it is more important to have high percent yield or high atom economy? Why? 6. BONUS: Describe modifications you would make to the saponification reaction to increase the atom economy.Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 6

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Worksheet Name_________________________ Calculated Atom Economy: ___________________ Stoichiometric Coefficient, Name of Atomic Symbol, Quantity, Atomic Mass Mass (Quantity Times Atomic Mass) Atoms Utilized Mass of Atoms Utilized Atoms Wasted in Mass of Atoms Wasted Starting Material of each atom of all atoms in Product in Product Byproducts in ByproductsGreen Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Instructional Notes Estimated Time of Activity: 1-2 Hours Materials (per group of students) 1. Molecular models many different kits are available or they can be generated from colored Styrofoam balls and toothpicks. You will need: a. 6 medium-sized black balls for carbon atoms b. 9 medium-sized red balls for oxygen atoms c. 8 small white balls for hydrogen atoms d. 3 small blue balls for sodium atoms e. 3 large oblong pieces to represent the hydrocarbon tail of the triglyceride f. 28 toothpicks for the bonds between the atoms 2. Periodic Table 3. Calculator or computer spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel Grade Level: High School, Undergraduate Considerations and Adaptions Considerations: This activity was written for high school or undergraduate chemistry students. Be sure the students understand how to calculate molecular weights and use stoichiometric relationships. The calculations are a little tricky since there are three moles of sodium hydroxide and soap per one mole of triglyceride. You may wish to minimize the time involved by providing the molecular formulas and weights [C57H110O6, 891.45 g/mol; NaOH, 40.00 g/mol; NaC18H35O2, 306.45 g/mol]. Use of a spreadsheet is recommended to generate the tables and calculate molecular weights and atom economy. If you wish to introduce the mechanism of the saponification reaction (nucelophilic attack of the hydroxide ions on the carbonyl), you can emphasize that the oxygen from the NaOH is found in the soap product and the oxygen in the glycerine

come from the triglyceride. Students will most likely assume the hydroxide ions become the alcohols in glycerine if not told otherwise. The source of the oxygen atoms will not affect the calculation of atom economy. As an extension, you might consider having the students perform the saponification reaction to make their own soap. Less Advanced: The activity could be adapted for middle school (and possibly late elementary) students by using Legos instead of molecular models (9). Converting Lego trucks to tractors or vice versa provides a more concrete picture of the process of a Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chemical reaction. Fruit or chewy-candy could be used as an alternative to Styrofoam balls or molecular models. More Advanced: The atom economy activity is also a relevant prelab exercise for more advanced chemistry students. By providing less detailed procedural information and a more challenging reaction, the process can be easily adapted for more experienced students. For an organic course, the atom economy could be calculated for all of the basic reaction types. Selectivity, percent conversion, productivity, rates, catalysis and electrochemistry are all chemistry topics that would enhance this discussion of atom economy. A detailed study of the mechanisms of Trosts catalysts (10) would be a challenging topic for advanced inorganic chemistry courses. Sample Table The following table shows the calculation of atom economy (54.98%) for the combustion of methane. CH4 + 2 O2 CO2 + 2 H2O The sample calculations are based on the arbitrary designation of carbon dioxide as the

product, and water as the byproduct. Alternatively, water could be the desired product and carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) could be considered the waste, giving an atom economy of 85.00%. However, the only truly desired product of combustion is the heat or the work of the expanding gases. If both chemical products are designated as waste, the atom economy is 0%. Stoichiometric Coefficient, Name of Atomic Symbol, Quantity, Atomic Mass Mass (Quantity Times Atomic Mass) Atoms Utilized Mass of Atoms Utilized Atoms Wasted in Mass of Atoms Wasted Starting Material of each atom of all atoms in Product in Product Byproducts in Byproducts 1 Methane 1C, 12.01,

4H, 1.008 16.04 1C 12.01 4H 4.03 2 Oxygen 4O, 16.00 64.00 2O 32.00 2O 32.00 Totals: 80.04 1C, 2O 44.01 4H, 2O 36.03 Product: 1 Carbon Dioxide 1C, 2O 44.01 Atom Economy: 54.98%Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answers to Questions Use of a spreadsheet to generate the tables and calculate formula weights and atom economy is recommended. A blank Student Worksheet is provided on page 6. 1. 90.89%, see following table: 2. 60.60%, see following table: Stoichiometric Coefficient, Name of Atomic Symbol, Quantity, Atomic Mass Mass

(Quantity Times Atomic Mass) Atoms Utilized Mass of Atoms Utilized Atoms Wasted in Mass of Atoms Wasted Starting Material of each atom of all atoms in Product in Product Byproducts in Byproducts 1 Triglyceride of Stearic Acid 57C, 12.01; 110H, 1.008; 6O, 16.00 891.45 54C, 105H, 3O 802.38 3C, 5H, 3O 89.07 3 Sodium Hydroxide 3H, 1.008; 3O, 16.00; 3Na, 22.99

119.99 3Na, 3O 116.97 3H 3.02 Totals: 57C, 113H, 3Na, 9O, 1011.44 54C, 105H, 3Na, 6O 919.35 3C, 8H, 5O 92.09 Product: 3 Sodium Stearate 54C, 105H, 3Na, 6O 919.35 Atom Economy: 90.89% Stoichiometric Coefficient, Name of Atomic Symbol, Quantity, Atomic Mass Mass (Quantity Times Atomic Mass) Atoms

Utilized Mass of Atoms Utilized Atoms Wasted in Mass of Atoms Wasted Starting Material of each atom of all atoms in Product in Product Byproducts in Byproducts 1 Triglyceride of Stearic Acid 57C, 12.01; 110H, 1.008; 6O, 16.00 891.45 36C, 70H, 2O 534.92 21C, 40H, 4O 356.53 3 Sodium Hydroxide 3H, 1.008; 3O, 16.00; 3Na, 22.99

119.99 2Na, 2O 77.98 3H, 1Na, 1O 42.01 Totals: 57C, 113H, 3Na, 9O, 1011.44 36C, 70H, 2Na, 4O 612.90 21C, 43H, 1Na, 5O 398.54 Product: 2 Sodium Stearate 36C, 70H, 2Na, 4O 612.90 Atom Economy: 60.60%Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. 500.0 g SM / 891.45 g/mol SM = 0.5602 mol SM 0.5602 mol SM * 3 mol soap/1 mol SM = 1.681 mol soap 1.681 mol soap * 919.35 g soap/3 mol soap = 515.1 g soap

4. High atom economy characteristically involves rearrangement or addition (e.g. DielsAlder, Claisen) rather than substitution or elimination processes (e.g. Wittig, Grignard), and makes use of catalytic rather than stoichoimetric reagents. Atom economical reactions incorporate as much of the starting materials as possible into the product, so solvent-free systems are another characteristic feature. 5. Open ended question. Possibilities include: High atom economy might be preferred over high yield because it is more efficient and less waste is produced. High percent yield might be preferred over high atom economy because more of the product is produced. High yield with low atom economy might be preferred if a recyclable byproduct is formed. 6. BONUS: Suggested answers, any logical reasoning is acceptable. Using a lower molecular weight base and/or a higher molecular weight triglyceride would reduce the mass of waste and/or increase the mass of the product, thus increasing the atom economy. Considering glycerol (glycerine) a product, rather than a byproduct would remove it from the waste accounting. Making soap directly from the fatty acid rather than the triglyceride would reduce the waste for this reaction, but where does the fatty acid come from?). Green Chemistry Institute Atom Economy American Chemical Society Page 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------References:

(1) Anastas, P. T,; Warner, J. C. Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford

University Press: Oxford, UK, 1998. (2) Cann, M. C.; Connelly, M. E. Real World Cases in Green Chemistry, American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000. See also the University of Scrantons Greening Across the Curriculum Web Site, (3) Ryan, M. A.; Tinnesand, M., Eds. Introduction to Green Chemistry, Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2002. (4) Trost, B. M. Science 1991, 254, 1471-1477. (5) The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge is an award program sponsored jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency (Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics) and the American Chemical SocietyGreen Chemistry Institute. Introduced in 1995, it is the only program to provide national recognition for green chemistry. The program offers five awards to academic researchers, industry, and government laboratories for innovations in the following categories: 1) academic, 2) small business, 3) alternative reaction conditions, 4) alternative synthesis, and 5) design of safer chemicals. For information about the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge, refer to the Web Site: (6) Trost, B. M. In The Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of the 1998 Award Entries and Recipients; EPA744-R-98-001, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics: Washington, DC, 1998; p 2. (7) Trost, B. M. Acc. Chem. Res. 2002, 35, 695-705. (8) For a powerpoint presentation of atom efficiency, with excellent examples, see the Green Chemistry Network Web Site, (9) Witzel, J. Eric. J. Chem. Educ. 2002, 79, 352A-352B.

(10) Trost, B. M. Acc. Chem. Res. 2002, 35, 695-705.

Green Chemistry Institute Simple Green American Chemical Society Page 1 Simple Green Uses Green Chemistry to Make Cleaning Possible By Kathryn E. Parent, [email protected] Introduction Sunshine Makers has developed an entire line of environmentally safer cleaning products, trademarked under the name Simple Green The Simple Green . cleaning products incorporate a number of green chemistry principles. Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use or generation of hazardous materials. The principles of benign design, safer solvents, and pollution prevention are all incorporated into the design of this greener cleaning product. These characteristics make Simple Green a fitting example of green chemistry, in keeping with the theme for the 2002 National Chemistry Week, Chemistry Keeps Us

Clean. Benign Design Simple Green products are designed to provide cleaning function with chemicals that are nontoxic and biodegradable. The surfactants, chemicals that remove soil and suspend it in water, in Simple Green are designed to maximize effective cleaning while minimizing health and environmental impacts. The cleaners are a milder alternative to traditional cleaning products, with less impact on the user and the environment. The use of a water solvent provides a safer alternative to the volatile hydrocarbon solvents typically used to remove grease and oil. Safer Solvents Simple Green uses water, one of the safest solvents known, as the major component of their cleaning products. The mild formulation is safer to use than traditional household cleaners like bleach (NaOCl) and ammonia (NH3). The safer solvent system in Crystal Simple Green , an industrial cleaner, eliminates the need for volatile chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents and caustic additives typically used to clean grease and oil from mechanical parts and electronics. In spite of the rule -of-thumb like dissolves like, Simple Green

is capable of washing away grease and oils that are usually not soluble in water. Rather than depending on the dissolving abilities of traditional organic solvents, Simple Green utilizes the process of micelle formation to remove soil from a surface and suspend it in aqueous solution. Micelles, shown in Figure 1, are formed in water when chemicals with a hydrophilic (water loving) head and hydrophobic (water fearing) tail organize into spheres that orient the hydrophobic tails within the sphere. Simple Green utilizes this type of chemical to remove grease or oil, which are also hydrophobic, from a surface and into the center of a micelle. The soil and the micelle are then washed away from the surface with the water of the cleaning solution. This process is able to essentially dissolve oil in water. Green Chemistry Institute Simple Green American Chemical Society Page 2 Figure 1: Diagram of a Micelle. A sphere with hydrophilic heads (blue) at the surface, and hydrophobic tails (brown) sequestered inside. Source: Prentice Hall Media Library /FG24_0302.JPG Pollution Prevention Simple Green products target pollution prevention in a variety of ways, including

waste reduction, design for degradation and reduced packaging. Crystal Simple Green reduces toxic waste compared to traditional industrial cleaners. Organic industrial cleaners dissolve grease and oil into their hydrocarbon solvent. Then the volatile solvent is removed, a process that leads to air pollution. The subsequent oil sludge must then be disposed of as solid waste. The aqueous solvent system of Crystal Simple Green eliminates the need for solvent removal, thus reducing air pollution and solid waste disposal. The waste that is generated by the cleaning process, a dilute mixture of grease and cleaner, can be treated safely and efficiently in a wastewater treatment plant because the cleaning chemicals are nontoxic and biodegradable. Simple Green is sold in a concentrated form so its strength is readily adjustable by the end user. This makes it widely adaptable to a variety of cleaning jobs. Packaging use is reduced to a minimum since each gallon of Simple Green can provide up to 50 gallons of general cleaning solution; the packaging waste from 10 different cleaning products is reduced to one. In addition, the Simple Green bottles are made of

recyclable plastic, and since Simple Green is non-toxic, the bottles can be rinsed out and used for many other purposes. Simple Green products provide an excellent example of how chemistry makes cleaning possible. The examples from Simple Green also show how the application of green chemistry principles, such as benign design, safer solvents and pollution prevention, can be used to design an effective cleaning product that is safer for the user and the environment.Green Chemistry Institute Simple Green American Chemical Society Page 3 List of Links from Simple Green Article Green Chemistry Institute American Chemical Society Simple Green National Chemistry Week Crystal Simple Green

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