Technical Specification (Skyway Stage3)

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(The Contractor shall obtain his own copy of the DPWH Standard
Specifications. This document is not included in the Bidding Document issued
but is hereby incorporated by reference and form integral part of the
contract documents.)
in work to the ............, .. . , r... r"'·
quality materials and workmanship and specific responsibilities the Contractor
that are not covered by the Conditions of Contract. Technical Specifications shall be
read in conjunction with plans and other contract documents.

The Technical Specification is contained in Section VI of the Bidding Documents that comprise of the
following parts:




Pertinent notes appearing in the Contract Plans or Drawings shall also be considered as part and
parcel of the technical specifications. Such notes shall be taken in conjunction with the DPWH
Standard Specifications, the Supplemental Specifications and the Special Provisions. Any further
amendments to the Technical Specifications and to any other Bidding/Contract Documents, if
necessary, will be furnished to eligible bidders and/or Contractor, by means of Supplemental
Notice(s), Bid/Construction Bulletins(s) or Addenda.

The "DPWH Standard Specifications", Volume II is composed of nine (9) parts, Part A, part B, and up
to Part I with each part (except for Part 1), providing the specifications of work items belonging to a
particular type of work or work grouping as follows:

PART A Facilities for the Engineer

PART B Other General Requirements

PARTC Earthworks

PART D Subbase and Base Courses

PARTE Surface Courses

PART F Bridge Construction

PARTG Drainage and Slope Protection Structures

PART H Miscellaneous Structures, and

PART I Materials Details

Part A- Facilities for the Engineer and Part B-Other General Requirements stipulate the general
requirements of the Contract (Temporary Works or Facilities) for the proper execution and
completion of the project that do not necessarily become as integra! part of the completed project.

Part C to Part G provide the specifications permanent works with each covering the items
belonging to the particular type of work that it represents. The Specifications for permanent work
items are presented under five distinct sections as
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Technical Specifications
Volume II
Page of
rv1ethod of

5. Basis of Payment

Part H Miscellaneous Structures the specification of permanent works

structures pertinent to highways; bridges and airport-runways that cannot be properly classified as
belonging to any particular type of work as represented in Part C to Part G of the DPWH Standard

Part I Material Details provide the additional and more detailed specifications of material
component required in the construction of work items under Part A to Part H of the DPWH Standard

The Supplemental Specifications shall consist of modifications and additions to the DPWH Standard
Specifications (Volume II), to adapt the latter to actual conditions and/or requirements relative to
this project. Some of these modifications and additions may actually be of general application but in
the absence of a supplemental Specifications, 2004 Editions, Volume II - Highways, Bridges and
Airports these Supplemental Specifications have been included in the Technical Specifications of
this project.

The Supplemental Specifications for this project contained in Section VI of the Bidding Documents,
shall consist of modifications and additional to the DPWH Standard Specifications as follows:

{1) Modifications in the specification of standard work items under Part A to Part I of the DPWH
Standard Specifications. These modifications are carried out without changing the "number"
and "name" of each of such standard work items.

(2) Specifications for additional items of work, respectively Part A to Part H of the DPWH
Standard Specifications.

The Special Provisions for this project is contained in Volume II of the Bidding Documents and shall
consist of specifications for work items designated as SPL are:

Additional Items of works under Part C- EARTHWORKS:

• SPL 108 Scarification/Milling of Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement

• SPL 109 Chipping of Concrete (Deck Slab, Pier Coping & Approach Slab)

Additional Items of works under Part F- Bridge Construction:

• SPL 417 Sosrobahu and Pier Head Rotation

• SPL 418 Dowel Bars

• SPL 419 Rubber Fender

Additional Items of works under Part G- Drainage and Slope Protection Structures:

• SPL 521 Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert

Metro Man iia Skyway Stage 3 Project Technical Specifications

Volume II
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;fi; 625 Panel

;fi; SPL 62.6 Noise Barrier

Additional Items of works under Part K- Provisional Sums :

• SPL 800.1 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Road Sign

• SPL 800.2 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Light Post

• SPL 800.3 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Traffic Light

• SPL 800.4 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post (Steel)

• SPL 800.5 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post (Concrete)

• SPL 800.6 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post (Wooden)

• SPL 800.7 Remove, Relocate and Re-install NGCP Post

• SPL 800.8 Remove, Relocate and Re-install PLOT Post

• SPL 800.9 Remove Existing Street Lights (Including Post)

• SPL 800.10 Removal of Existing MWSS Pipe

• SPL 800.11 Remove and Replace Existing Footbridge

Additional Items of works under Part J- Toll Facilities, Toll Plaza Electrical & lighting System:

• SPL 1040(1)a Toll Plaza Canopy, Zobel TP 1A

• SPL 1040(1)b Toll Plaza Canopy, Zobel TP 1B

• SPL 1040(2) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Dilao TP 2

• SPL 1040(3) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Berde TP 3

• SPL 1040(4) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Berde TP 4

• SPL 1040(5) Toll Plaza Canopy, V. Mapa TP 5

• SPL 1040(6)a Toll Plaza Canopy, Aurora Blvd. TP6A

• SPL 1040{6)b Toll Plaza Canopy, Aurora Blvd. TP6B

• SPL 1040(7) Toll Plaza Canopy, Kaliraya TP 7

• SPL 1040(8) Toll Plaza Canopy, Kaliraya TP 8

• SPL 1040(9) Toll Plaza Canopy, Del Monte TP 9

• SPL 1040(10) Toll Plaza Canopy, Del Monte TP 10

• SPL Toll 1
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Technical Specifications
Volume il
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SPL Section 2

• SPL & At-Grade

• SPL Expressway Lighting/ Section 4 (Main Viaduct, Ramps & At-Grade Section)

• SPL 1110(2)a Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Zobel TP 1A

• SPL 1110(2)b Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Zobel TP 1B

• SPL 1110(2)c Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Plaza Dilao TP 2

• SPL 1110(2)d Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Plaza Berde TP 3

• SPL 1110(2)e Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Plaza Berde TP 4

• SPL 1110(2)f Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, V. Mapa TP 5

• SPL 1110(2}g Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Auroa Blvd. TP 6A

• SPL 1110(2)h Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Auroa Blvd. TP 6B

• SPL 1110(2)i Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Kaliraya TP 7

• SPL 1110(2}j Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Kaliraya TP 8

• SPL 1110(2}k Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Del Monte TP 9

• SPL 1110(2)1 Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, Del Monte TP 10

The Item Number of the Special Provisions is distinguished by placing the symbol "SPL" before its
designated Arabic Number.

Contract Provisions pertaining to Provisional Sums is contained in the Conditions of Contract for

Copy of the "Schedule of Minimum Test Requirements" Governing Items of Work of the DPWH
Standard Specifications for Highways, Bridges and Airports (Volume II} is attached as Appendix -1 of
this volume.

Copy of the "Environmental Management Plan" stipulating the duties and responsibilities of each
Party is attached as Appendix-2 of this volume.

For Specifications of other special items of work not included in Volume II of the Technical
Specifications of this project, the corresponding standard specifications shall be deemed to apply:

• AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 1ih Edition, 2002

• ASTM Standard Specifications

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Technical Specifications

Volume II
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A.1 A-1

A.2 Measurement and Payment A-7


B.1 Offices, Shops, Stores and Workmen's B-1

Accommodation for Contractor

B.3 Quality Control of Materials B-1

B.4 Transportation and Handling B-5

B.S Field Engineering Services B-6

B.6 Project Record Documents B-7

B.7 Disposal of Materials Outside the Project Boundaries B-10

B.8 Clearing I Finishing the Site B-11

B.9 Method of Measurements B-11

B.10 Project Sign Board B-14

B.11 Silence of Contract Documents B-14

B.12 Meetings I Conferences B-15

8.13 Measurement and Payment B-15


100 Clearing and Grubbing C-1

101 Removal of Structures and obstructions C-3

102 Excavation C-5

103 Structure Excavation C-6

104 Embankment C-8


105 Subgrade Preparation C-15

SPL 108 Scarification/Milling of Existing Asphalt C-16

Concrete Pavement

SPL 109 Chipping of Concrete( Deck Slab, Pier Coping C-18

& Approach Slab)


200 Aggregate Subbase Course D-1

202 Crushed Aggregate Base Course D-2


301 Bituminous Prime Coat E-1

302 Bituminous Tack Coat E-3

310 Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, Hot-Laid E-3

311 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement E-7



400 Piling F-1

400(22)a Pile Integrity Test F-8

400(22)b High-Strain Pile Dynamic Testing F-9

400{22)c Ultrasonic Test F-15

401 Railing F-19

403 Steel Structures F-20

404 Reinforcing Steel F-41

405 Structural Concrete F-42

406 Prestressed Concrete Structures F-46



407 Concrete Structures F-68

412 Elastomeric Bearing Pad F-76

413(2) Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint F-82

Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction

SPL 417 Sosrobahu and Pier Head Rotation F-89

SPL 418 Dowel Bars F-91

SPL 419 Rubber Fender F-93

515 Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) Retaining Walls F-96


500 Pipe Culverts and Storm Drains G-1

502 Manholes, Inlets and Catch Basins G-1

506 Stone Masonry G-3

517 Drain Pipe G-4

SPL 521 Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert G-6


600 Curb and/or Gutter H-1

601 Sidewalk H-1

602 Monuments, Markers and Guide Posts H-2

603 Guardrail H-3

604 Fencing H-3

605 Road Signs H-4

607 Reflective Pavement Studs H-10

610 Sodding H-10


611 Tree Planting H-10

612 Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings H-11

SPL 620 Chevron Signs H-11

SPL 623 Concrete Barriers & Modular Glare Screen H-12

SPL 624 Crash Cushion H-15

SPL 625 Warning Light (Solar Panel Pole) H-16

SPL 626 Noise Barrier H-17



SPL 1040 Construction of Toll Facilities J-1

SPL 1110(1} Expressway Lighting J-27

SPL 1110(2)Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System J-38

PART K Provisional Sum

SPL 800 Provisional Sum for Relocation of Existing Utilities K-1

APPENDIX 1 Schedule of Minimum Test Requirements Governing Items Of Works Of The DPWH
Standard Specifications For Highways, Bridges And Airports 2004

APPENDIX 2 Environmental Management Plan



A.l.l.l Office and the Engineer

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on a rental basis until final completion and
acceptance of the project one (1) unit of field office, one (1) unit of laboratory for the
exclusive use of the Engineer and his staff. These facilities shall be at locations designated
by the Engineer. The field office shall be provided with all the necessary air conditioning,
electricity, telephone line, water, sewer and drainage services for twenty-four (24} hours a
day. These facilities shall be ready for occupancy and use by the Engineer within one (1)
month after the Notice to Proceed of the Works.

The facilities shall have a parking area for vehicles and a satisfactory access road to the
parking area. Lamp post and lightings around the building and parking area shall be
provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer and be maintained at all times. Appropriate
signs shall be erected to inform the public of the purpose of the facilities.

A.1.1.2 Operation and Maintenance of Field Office and Laboratory

The Contractor is required to maintain the Engineer's field office, laboratory and all utilities
therein in good condition throughout the whole period for which the facility is required and
to repair and/or replace broken items that become defective in any way. Should the
Contractor fail to maintain, repair or replace any item when such is required or fail to
supply any material, article or thing necessary within the time to be specified by the
Engineer, the Engineer may deal with the matter himself whatever manner he considers
most appropriate, and all costs thereby incurred by the Engineer shall be recoverable from
the Contractor and may be deducted from any money which is due or which may become
due to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide and pay for all connection charges In respect of electricity,
water, telephones and communication facilities. Electricity and water consumption costs
and the cost of telephones services and calls shall be paid for by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide emergency generators or power generating units with enough
capacity to supply the power needed. For potable water requirement, the Contractor shall
furnish drinking water and dispenser with purifier, including daily supply of loaded mineral
water container, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

A.1.1.3 Furnitures, Fixtures, Appliances and Equipment for the Office, Laboratory

The Contractor shall, within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of Notice to Proceed
furnish the field office, with sufficient furniture and fixings, equipment, appliances specified
in Schedules A.1.4 hereunder to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

All furniture, fixtures, appliances and equipment specified herein to be provided as

specified in Schedule A.l.S hereunder and other items to be purchased for the use of the
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-1
appliances are n•n>r>L>Irl\

matter himself and shall not wait for the property to take action if it is
obvious a delay in dealing with the matter would otherwise occur. All costs in
connection with providing adequate maintenance shall be borne by the Contractor.

It shall be understood that if the Contractor cannot provide the articles as specified or
intends to supply equivalent substitutes, the Contractor should secure the approval of the
Engineer and if such approval is granted, it will be on the condition that adjustments in
prices will be effected based on the submitted receipt invoices of the Contractor.

A.1.1.4 Communication Equipment

The Contractor shall provide within fifteen (15) calendar days upon commencement of the
Works and maintain for the duration of the Contract new sets of portable hand held radio
transceivers for use of the Engineer as communication facilities and equipment. Accessories
shall include protective carrying case, spare battery and AC charger.

Failure on the part of the Contractor to provide such equipment within the time stipulated
the Engineer shall be entitled to take such action as he may be deemed necessary, and
charge all relevant expenses to the Contractor by deducting the amount from the
Contractor's monthly billing.

A.l.l.S Security and Safety of Engineer's Facilities

The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection and security of all Engineers' facilities
to be provided during the duration of the contract. The Contractor shall provide the
Engineer's Compounds adequate security on a 24-hour basis to the approval of the

The Contractor shall provide protective clothing, waterproof clothing, rubber boots, and
safety helmets for the laboratory and site staff.

A.1.1.6 Staffing for Engineer's Facilities

All staff for the Engineer's Office, laboratory and living quarters, such as janitors,
maintenance personnet security staff, service drivers and support staff shall be provided at
the expense of the Contractor.

• Messenger/Utility

• Security Guard

The personnel appointed by the Contractor shall be well-experienced in the type of work to
be undertaken and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-2

days Commencement Contractor
site new SUV Service Vehicles, diesel with factory installed
conditioner on rental basis for the temporary but exclusive use of Engineer,
Engineer's assistants and representatives working on the site.

The Contractor shall submit catalogues in the English language of the proposed vehicles to
the Engineer for his approval within seven (7) days after the Commencement Date, and the
final order placed for the vehicles shall conform in all respects to the Engineer's instructions
in regard thereto.

All vehicles shall be fitted, as a minimum, with all tools, equipment and accessories as are
normally provided by the supplier. They shall also be supplied with seat belts for all seats,
first aid kits, fire extinguishers, detachable magnetic flashing orange warning lights,
accident warning triangles and any other accessories as may be prescribed by law.

In case the Contractor fails to provide the aforesaid vehicles on the date required, the
Engineer shall take such action as he deemed necessary, to acquire the usage of such
vehicle and charge all relevant expenses to the Contractor.

The vehicles may be used by the Engineer and/or the Employer both on and off the site and
outside the project area, both for business purposes during working hours and all
reasonable purposes.

The vehicles shall be registered in the name of the Contractor and ownership shall vest in
the Contractor except where such vehicles are rented from a third party. Accordingly, when
the assignments of the Engineer's and Employer's personnel in connection with the
execution of the Works have been completed, the vehicles shall be returned to the

{2) Driver of Vehicles for the Engineer

Each vehicle shall be driven by a competent, qualified and experienced driver recruited and
paid for by the Contractor, including overtime payments and the like. All such drivers shall
be under the direct full-time control of the Engineer.

All drivers shall be:

• Properly licensed, with demonstrable previous experience in driving in and under

conditions prevailing on a major civil engineering construction site;

• Able to read, write and speak English;

• Available to work any hour on any day of the week;

• Have the requisite flexibility to meet demands for their services at any time by the
Engineer for any purpose under the Contract.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-3

(3) Maintenance

Contractor shall be solely responsible all activities to the procurement

vehicles and for the registration the vehicles, their ann road license/taxes and the
provision of passes, access stickers and the like, as well as for providing fully comprehensive
insurance until and including the date of issue of the Taking-Over Certificate; all costs
thereof being at the Contractor's expense.

The Contractor shall also provide the vehicles with all necessary fuel and lubricants for all
running and shall maintain the vehicles in good condition at all times, all at his own
expense. He shall also undertake, entirely at his own expense, all servicing and maintenance
requirements for the vehicles, including regularly cleaning inside and out and providing all
such replacement parts as may from time to time become necessary.

When any vehicle is not available due to breakdown, servicing, maintenance, repairs or
other requirements, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide a replacement
vehicle in line with the requirements set out herein. Should the Contractor fail to maintain,
repair or replace any vehicle when such is required, the Engineer may deal with the matter
himself in whatever manner he considers most appropriate, and all costs thereby incurred
by the Engineer shall be recoverable from the Contractor and may be deducted from any
money which is due or which may become due to the Contractor.

The vehicles shall comply in all respect, with all relevant Philippine National or Local Laws,
statutes and regulations and shall be provided with comprehensive insurance and shall be
driven by competent and experienced drivers provided by the Contractor.

A.1.3 Assistance to the Engineer

Add to Sub-Section A.1.3 the following:

The Contractor shall provide the following survey equipment within thirty (30) days from
the commencement of the Works and maintain for the duration of the Contract such survey
equipment of approved type for the use of the Engineer:

1 - Total station with tripod including prism

1 - Automatic level complete with tripod

2 - Leveling rods

1 - 100 m. steel band tape

2 - 50 m. steel tape

2 - Claw Hammers

2 - Survey Umbrellas

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-4

shall employ and provide survey personnel with the approval

Add the following Sub-Section:

A.1.4 Schedule of Facilities for the Engineer

Schedule for A.1.4: Provide Furniture/Fixtures, Equipment and Appliances for the Field

Description Unit Quantity

A. Furnitures, Equipment, Fixtures and Appliances

for the Field Office and laboratory

1 Office Table, 70 x 140 em, with 3 drawers on each

both sides and center drawer provided with
3 locks and keys

2 Office Table, 60 x 105 em, with 3 drawers on each

both sides and center drawer provided with
3 locks and keys

3 Swivel Chair on Rollers, Padded with Back and Arm Rest each

4 Visitor's Chair each

5 Conference Table including Chairs (10 person) each

6 Steel Filing Cabinet, 4 drawers with lock and keys, each

Fire Resistant

7 Book Shelf with Glass Sliding Doors, 90 em W x each

40cm D x 180cm H

8 Heavy Duty Combo Binder each

9 Photocopier, with Reduction Capacity and Standard each


10 Computer Units units

Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0Ghz 4MB MSI P35

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-5

11 Computer Units units

Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 2.2Ghz 2MB MSI 965

Platinum Quad Core Support Seagate Barracuda
160gb 7200rpm SATAKingston 1GB DDR2 PC800
(2GB) lnno3D 8400GT 256MB DDR2 64bit Asus
TA861 \863\881\891 w/Trendsonic SOOW 17"
Viewsonic E70F Flat (W/B) Samsung SH-522C
52x32x52x16 Black Elite SOOW AVR with 110V
Windows XP Home MS Office 2003 Basic Edition

12 HP desk Jet 1220C printer each

13 Standard Computer Table units

14 Magnetic Whiteboard, 4 x 8 Ft. each

15 Digital Camera each

16 Hot and Cold Water Dispenser each

A.l.S Photographs

This Sub-section A.1.5 is modified and supplemented as follows:

The Contractor shall provide a photographic record of the construction work. Such
photographs shall be taken when and where as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor is required to observe that:

1) Each picture shall be captioned and identified as to date, location, description of the
work in progress or completed operation or activity or presence of unusual features.

2) Each picture shall be properly reference.

3) The picture shall be clearly discernible in color having a dimension of not less than
254mm x 203mm and printed on glossy paper.

All photographs shall be submitted at intervals of not less than one (1) month or as
required, taken selectively by the Engineer, which represents the progress of the works.

The photographs selected by the Engineer, furnished by the Contractor shall be compiled
and shall be arranged in consecutive order in accordance with the construction program
submitted to and approved by the Engineer. Each progress photographs report shall show

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-6

A.2.1 Measurement

Delete Sub-Section A.2.1 in its entirety and substitute the following:

1. Provision of the Field Office, Laboratory for the Engineer will be paid for from the
time the Engineer occupies the building. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis
at the contract unit price shown in the Bill of Quantities, but not more than the
agreed construction time.

2. Operation and Maintenance of the field office, laboratory building for the Engineer
will be paid for from the time the Engineer occupies the building until the final
completion of the contract. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis at the
contract unit price shown in the Bill of Quantities, but not more than the agreed
construction time.

3. Lump sum items shall be provided for the following:

a) Provisions for furnishing Furnitures/Fixtures, Equipment and Appliances for

the Field Office in accordance with the Schedule of Facilities for the Engineer
in A.1.4.

4. Provision of communication equipment and maintenance for the Engineer as

specified will be paid for during the time when the Engineer is supplied with the
communication equipment until the completion of the project. The unit of
measurement to be paid shall be per month, but not more than the agreed
construction time.

5. Provision and maintenance of vehicles for the Engineer as specified shall be paid for
during the time which the Engineer is supplied with each type of vehicles until the
completion of the project. The unit of measurement to be paid shall be per vehicle
per month, but not more than the agreed construction time.

6. Provision, operation and maintenance of Survey Instruments for the Engineer

including supply of survey personnel shall be paid for from the time the Engineer is
supplied with all instruments and the survey personnel are employed, until the final
completion of the Contract. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis at the
contract unit price shown in the Bill of Quantities, but not more than the agreed
construction time.

7. The quantities for Progress Photographs shall be measured by the number of

photographs selected and provided as progress photographs. The unit of measure is
each at the contract unit price shown in the Bill of Quantities.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-7


N Unit Measurement

A.l. Provide Field Office,

On Rental Basis

A.l.l(b) Operate and Maintain Field Office, Laboratory month

for the Engineer

A.1.1(c) Provide and Maintain Communication Equipment month

for the Engineer

A.l.l{d) Consumable Stores for the Engineer's Field Office, month

and Laboratory

A.1.2(a) Provide, Operate and Maintain Service Vehicle month

for the Engineer on Rental Basis

A.1.3(a) Provide, Operate and Maintain Survey Instrument month

for the Engineer on Rental Basis

A.1.4(a) Provide, Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment and Appliances lot

for the Engineer's Field Office

A.l.S(a) Progress Photographs each

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page A-8


site shall be responsibility of Contractor approved

Engineer. It is entirely to Contractor to make whatever arrangements he
deems necessary with the landowners regarding the use of land for the purpose of erecting
camps, workshops, garages, stockpiling of materials, locations of plant, housing of labour
and staff, welfare facilities, etc. All costs incurred in connection with the rental or lease of
such land shall be at the Contractor's expense.

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the erection, maintenance and subsequent
disposal of whatever facilities he deems necessary to execute the Works. The Contractor
shall not be permitted to erect temporary buildings or structures within the road right-of-
way without prior written approval from the Engineer.

Delete the title and text of Item 8.3 and substitute the following:


All Quality Control Procedures should be in accordance with the DPWH Bureau of Research
and Standard Requirements and the Contractor's Approved Quality Control/Quality
Assurance Procedure.

8.3.1 Source of Supply and Quality of Materials

Promptly after receiving the contract award, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer of all
proposed material sources, including fabricators of steel or other finished products. Prior to
delivery of materials, sources shall be approved first by the Engineer. If proposed material
sources are not acceptable by the Engineer, the Contractor shall locate other sources and
obtain approval from the Engineer.

All equipments, materials, and articles incorporated into the permanent work shall:

1) Be new, unless the Specifications permit otherwise;

2) Meet the requirements of the contract and be approved by the Engineer;

3} Be inspected or tested at any time during their preparation and use; and

4) Not be used in the work if they become unfit after being previously approved.

B.3.2 Samples and Tests for Acceptance

The Contractor shall deliver material samples from the Manufacturer, Producer, or
Fabricator to the Engineer prior to execution of work. In providing samples, the Contractor
shall provide the Engineer with sufficient time and quantities for approval before use. The
Engineer may require samples at any time. Samples not taken in the presence of the
Engineer will not be accepted for testing, unless the Engineer permits otherwise.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-1

same experience to ensure direct contact is

The Engineer will designate also an experienced representative as point of contact for
material testing and acceptance.

All field and laboratory materials testing to be undertaken by the Contractor shall be in
accordance with the methods described in the contract documents, or in the recognized
standards of national organizations. The following provisions will apply when the Contractor
uses the specifications or methods from the sources named hereunder:

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials: The ASTM designation number refers
to the society's latest adopted or tentative standard. The Standard or tentative standard in
effect on the bid advertising date, will apply in each case.

Copies of any separate ASTM specifications or testing method may be obtained from: the
American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, USA.

AASHTO- American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: An AASHTO

number refers to that organization's currently published (1) "Standard Specifications for
Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing" or any adopted revisions,
or (2) "Interim Specifications and Methods of Sampling and Testing adopted by the AASHTO
Subcommittee on Materials."

Any standards, revisions, and interim standards in effect on the bid advertising date will
apply. Bidders and/or Contractor is responsible to secure their own copies.

B.3.3 Removed and Rejected Materials

The Contractor may, prior to sampling, select to remove any defective material(s) and
replace it with new material(s) at no expense to the Employer. Any such new material will
be sampled, tested and evaluated for acceptance as a sub-lot in accordance with the
sampling and testing procedure.

The Engineer may reject a sub-lot wherein tests show to be defective. Such rejected
material shall be removed from the site and the results or test run on the rejected material
will not be included in the original lot acceptance tests.

B.3.4 Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance

The Engineer may accept certain materials on the basis of a Manufacturer's Certificate of
Compliance as an alternative to material inspection and testing. When a Manufacturer's
Certificate of Compliance is authorized by these Specifications, the certificate shall be
furnished prior to the use of material.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-2

If any reason,
Compliance on completion Employer
payment without paying for work performed on such basis.

The Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance must identify the manufacturer, type and
quantity of material being certified, the applicable specifications being affirmed, and the
signature of a responsible corporate official of the manufacturer and include supporting
mill tests or documents. A Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance shall be furnished with
each lot of material delivered to the site and the lot certified shall be clearly identified in
the certificate.

All materials used and identified in the Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance may be
sampled and tested at any time. Any material not conforming to the requirements will be
subject to rejection whether in place or not. The Employer reserves the right to refuse to
accept materials not on the basis of a Manufacturer's Certificate of Compliance.

B.3.5 Handling and Storing Materials

In storing and handling materials the Contractor shall protect any materials against damage
from careless handling, from exposure to weather, from mixture with foreign matter, and
from all other causes. The Engineer will reject and refuse to test materials improperly
handled or stored.

B.3.6 Sieves for Testing

Test Sieves shall be made either: (1) of woven wire cloth conforming to AASHTO
Designation M 92 or ASTM Designation E 11, or (2) of square-hole, perforated plates
conforming to ASTM Designation E 323.

B.3. 7 Compliance to Test Requirements

All test and quality control works shall be done by the Contractor's Materials Testing and
Laboratory Staff under the direct supervision of the Engineer.

All tests shall normally be carried out on the site, except that certain special test may,
subject to the approval of the Engineer, be carried out at an approved independent testing
laboratory. The Contractor shall, if so approved, make all necessary arrangements for the
supply and delivery of samples to and collection of samples from, such independent
laboratory. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall arrange for one
copy of the independent testing laboratory test certificates to be delivered to the Engineer
not less than three (3) days before the materials covered by the relevant test certificate are
incorporated into the works, and the test certificate shall be related to the materials from
which the samples were taken. These test and quality control works shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-3

Min~mum u

Unless otherwise sampling testing

Contractor, under the direct supervision of the Engineer in accordance with the methods
given in the "Standard Specifications for Highway Materials and Methods of Sampling
Testing" of the latest edition of AASHTO.

1. Soils and Aggregates

T-11 Amount of Materials Finer than 0.75mm sieve in Aggregate

T-88 Particle Size Analysis of Soils
T-89 Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils
T-90 Determining the Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils
T-99 Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using a 2.5kg Rammer
and 305mm Drop
T-100 Specific Gravity of Soils
T-180 Moisture Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54 kg Rammer
and 457 mm Drop
T-191 Density of Soils In-Place by the Sand Cone Method
T-193 The California Bearing Ratio of Laboratory Compacted Soils (CBR)
T-84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate
T-85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
T-19 Unit Weight of Aggregate
T-27 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
T-96 Resistance to Abrasion by use of Los Angeles machine

2. Concrete

T-21 Organic Impurities of Sands for Concrete

T-22 Comprehensive Strength of Molded Concrete Cylinder
T-23 Making and Curing Concrete Comprehensive and Flexural Strength
Test Specimens in the Field
T-24 Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete
T-97 Flexural Strength of Concrete
T-119 Slump of Portland Cement Concrete
T-126 Making and Curing of Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory
T-141 Sampling of Fresh Concrete
T-148 Measuring Length of Drilled Concrete Cores
T-231 Capping of Cylinder Concrete Specimen

3. Bituminous Materials

T-40 Sampling Bituminous Materials

T-49 Penetration of Bituminous Materials

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-4

• Part I,

• Part II, American Association Stage Highway and Transportation


Add the following Work Items to Part B of the DPWH Standard Specifications:


8.4.1 Standards

Work processes shall be conducted in strict conformity with the National, Provincial and
Municipal regulations governing the work as well as requirements for the preservation of
natural resources and the environment.

8.4.2 Coordination with Others

The Contractor's attention is directed to the fact that he will be required to coordinate his
transport operations with the work being performed or to be performed on other
Contracts, with work of the subcontractors, utility companies and others as may be

In case of interference in operations from different Contractors, the Engineer shall have the
sole power to direct each Contractor and to determine the sequence of work necessary to
expedite the completion of the entire project, and in all cases his decision shall be accepted
as final and shall not be caused for a claim.

8.4.3 Weight limitations and Legal Requirements

If required, the Engineer may impose weight restrictions for the protection of any existing
road or structure within the vicinity of the project. The Contractor is responsible in
complying all legal weight restrictions of existing roads and highways used for his work. The
Contractor shall provide portable scales as maybe required to ensure compliance. The
Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to roads or structures resulting from his
construction operations.

In case the hauling operations of the Contractor will cause damage to a public road or
structure, or will cause flooding that will result to work stoppage of the operation, the
Engineer may direct the Contractor to use an alternative route and the Contractor shall
have no right to any claims for any additional compensation to incurred damages during
hauling operations.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-5


execute survey
Engineer. Quality performance work and strict
the shall be observed in the

Field survey work to be performed by the Contractor shall but not necessarily
limited to the following:

1) Setting-out I staking-out of the Works; and

2} Measurements for pay quantities

In addition to the above routine field survey services, the Contractor shall assign a
geotechnical engineering specialist to monitor and ensure compliance with additional soil
borings, if ordered by the Engineer.

8.5.2 Setting-Out I Staking-Out of the Work

The Contractor shall have sole responsibility of establishing and maintaining all horizontal
and vertical control points required or as may be directed by the Engineer. Information for
existing control monuments is shown on the Drawings and shall be used by the Contractor
for establishing the horizontal and vertical controls needed for his work.

Schedule and notification to survey shall be provided to the Engineer and be subject for
review and monitoring by the Engineer's representative.

The Contractor shall make minor adjustments subject to the Engineer's approval in the
event that discrepancies are found between the information shown on the Drawings and
the actual field conditions.

From the control points provided by the Engineer, the Contractor shall establish all
additional and intermediate controls for accurately locating all structures, centerlines, right-
of-way limits, slopes, etc. as shown on the Drawings and required by the Contract.

Should the Engineer so require the Contractor shall to the extent required provide to the
Engineer all necessary instruments, personnel, labor and materials that the Engineer may
require for checking the setting out or for any other relevant work to be done.

8.5.3 Measurements for Pay Quantities

The Contractor and Engineer shall jointly measure the Works for the purpose of establishing
progress and final pay quantities.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary personnel and equipment to perform the
measurements for payment required by the Contract. Such measurements and quantity
calculations will not be accepted unless conducted jointly with and monitored by the

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-6

The origi~al profile together with to Engineer who
will endorse one copy with his approval, or his revision thereof, and return it to the

At any locations, measurement for pay quantities shall require material volumes to
determine the difference between the after-construction (or design) profile and the existing
before-construction profile. The Contractor shall carry out as part of his routine survey
works all the necessary topographic surveys in sufficient detail to enable the work volumes
to be accurately calculated.

The Contractor in his routine survey work for quantity measurement is required not only to
make geometric measurement using precise survey instrument levels, theodolites, chains,
etc. but also is required to take and measure pavement cores as required by the Engineer.
The Contractor is also required to check the embankment thickness by auger boring or
settlement plates.

The Contractor shall also keep the haulage truck tallies; determine the asphalt density and
bitumen content in both laboratory and the field; and all such other methods of work
volume measurement as the Engineer may direct. The detailed requirements for the
measurement of the Works are specified for each Pay Item in the relevant sections of these
Technical Specifications.


8.6.1 Description

Throughout the progress of the Works, the Contractor shall maintain the accurate records
of all changes in the Contract Documents on a "Job Set" herein specified and shall transfer
the final as built information to the Final Record Documents before the completion of the

8.6.2 Submittal Requirements

The Contractor shall submit or make available for review by the Engineer the job set of
Project Record Documents as currently maintained on the 25th of each month. The
Engineer's approval of these documents will be a prerequisite for approval of the Monthly
Progress Payment Certificates.

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval the Final Project Record Documents
at the time of application for Taking-Over Certificate. The Contractor shall accompany the
submittal with a transmittal letter, containing:

1) Date;
2) Project title and number;

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-7

1) Set

Promptly following Award of Contract, the Contractor shall obtain from Engineer at
no cost to the Contractor, two complete sets of all Documents comprising the Contract.

The Job Set will include (unless otherwise stated in the Contract) the following:

Conditions of Contract
Contract Drawings
Other Modifications to the Contract (if any)

3) Storage of Job Set

The job set shall be stored in the field office in files and racks and the Contractor shall
maintain the job set protected from loss and damage until the transfer of as-built data to
the Final Project Documents has been completed.

The record documents shall not be used for construction purposes and the documents shall
be available at all times for inspection by the Engineer and Employer.

8.6.4 Project Records for Materials & Equipment

All records concerning the testing and approval of materials and equipment to be
incorporated into the Permanent Works shall form a part of the project records. The
Contractor shall develop and maintain a record system which clearly shows the current
status of all material sources, testing and approval. All approved samples shall be
maintained at the job site.

8.6.5 Update and Maintenance of the Job Set Documents

1) Responsibility

The Contractor shall delegate the responsibility for the maintenance of Record Documents
to his authorized person with prior approval by the Engineer.

2) Identification

Immediately upon receipt of the job set, identify each of the documents with the title
uPROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS- JOB SET", in 5 em high printed letters.

3) Preservation

Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasions upon which
the job set must be taken out for the new entries and for examination, and the conditions
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-8
an or
describe by notes and by graphic
the date of all entries and call attention to entry by a "cloud" around area or areas
affected. In the event of overlapping changes, different colors may be used for each of the
changes. Record documents shall be kept current and works carried out must not be
permanently concealed.

The Contractor shall legibly mark and record the actual construction details of the

a) Depths of various foundation elements in relation to datum shown

b) Horizontal and vertical location of underground utilities shall be referenced to

permanent surface improvements.

c) Locations of internal utilities concealed in construction shall be referenced to visible

and accessible features of structures.

d) Field changes of dimension and detail.

e) Changes made by Change Order.

f) Details not on original Contract Drawings.

5) Timing

All entries shall be made within 24 hours after receipt of the information.

6) Accuracy

Use all the necessary means including the proper tools for measurement to determine the
actual locations of the installed items and the accuracy of entries.

The Contractor shall thoroughly coordinate all the changes within the Record Documents
and adequately and properly mark such changes on each page of the Specifications, on
each sheet of Drawings and other Contract Documents. The accuracy of records shall be
such that any future search for items shown on the Contract Documents may be obtained
from the approved Record Documents.

B.6.6 Final Record Documents

1) General

The purpose of the Final Record Documents is to provide factual information regarding all
aspects of the Works, both concealed and visible, to enable future modification of design to
proceed without lengthy and expensive site measurement, investigation and examination.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-9

3} Transfer of data to Other Documents

If Documents other than Drawings have been kept clean and neat during the progress of
the Work, and if entries have been sufficiently and orderly transferred with the approval of
the Engineer, the job set of those Documents (other than Drawings) will be accepted by the
Engineer as Final Record Documents. If any such document is not so approved by the
Engineer, secure a new copy of that document from the Engineer and carefully transfer the
change data to the new copy for the approval of the Engineer.

4) Review and Approval

Submit the completed set of final Record Documents to the Engineer at the time of
application for the Taking-Over Certificate. If requested by the Engineer, participate in a
review meeting or meetings, execute any required changes and promptly re-submit the
Final Record Documents to the Engineer for his acceptance.

5) Changes Subsequent to Acceptance

The Contractor shall have no responsibility of recording changes to the Works subsequent
to the issue by the Engineer of the Taking-Over Certificate. He shall be responsible only for
changes resulting from replacements, repairs, and alternations made by him as part of his
guarantee or additional work that he has agreed to carry out during the Defects Liability


Proper disposal of materials outside the project boundaries shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. He shall make his own arrangements for the disposal of materials outside of the
project boundaries and all the costs involved therein including the cost of hauling shall be
considered as covered under the pay items involved in the Contract.

When any materials including excess or unsuitable materials from excavations are to be
disposed of outside the project boundaries, the Contractor shall first obtain written
permission from the property owner of the proposed disposal site. He shall submit to the
Engineer the said written permission or a certified copy thereof, together with a written
release from the property owner absolving the Government from any and all
responsibilities in connection with the disposal of materials into his property. No material
shall be disposed prior to the receipt of written approval and permission from the Engineer.

When materials are disposed of as provided above and if the site is visible from the
highway, the Contractor shall make the disposal in a neat and presentable condition as to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. The disposal site must not be an eyesore and shall conform
with environmental requirements.
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-10

pavement will not be

foreign materials.

The slopes in embankments; excavations; road approaches; road connections; ditches;

channel changes; and material sites within or adjacent to the project boundaries shall be
cleared and finished to the lines and grades called for on the Drawings. Ditches and
channels within or adjacent to the project boundaries shall be cleared of debris and
obstructions. Sewers, culverts and other drainage facilities and their appurtenant structures
constructed under the contract shall be cleaned out. All stores and other waste materials
exposed on slopes, which are liable to become loosened, shall be removed and disposed of.
All materials and debris resulting from clearing and grubbing operations not previously
removed shall be disposed of.

All materials resulting from the above-specified dearing/finishing operations shall become
the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of outside the project boundaries
unless otherwise permitted by the special provisions.

Disposal of materials outside the highway right-of-way shall be in accordance with the
provision in Item B. 7, "Disposal of Materials Outside the Project Boundaries". The entire
roadway and right of way shall be left in a neat and presentable condition.


B.9.1 Measurement of Quantities

In measuring all acceptably completed bid items of work, the Engineer will:

1) Use 51 metric standard measure;

2) Make all measurements as described in this Item, unless individual specifications

require otherwise;

3) Follow methods generally recognized as conforming to good engineering practice;

4} Conform to the usual practice of the Employer by carrying measurements and

computations to the proper significant figure or fractions of units for each item, but
not exceeding one decimal place; and

5) Measure horizontally or vertically (unless otherwise specified).

The items listed below shall be defined as follows in all measurements under this item:

1) lump Sum" (when used as an item of payment): complete payment for the work
described for that item in the contract.

2) "Gage" (in measurement of plates): the U.S Standard Gage

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-11
in M rv1 M 219.

measurement n AASHTO M

((Tonne": The metric tonne equal to 1,000 kilograms weight.

For each basis of requirement listed below, the Engineer will use the method of
measurements as described herein.

1) Square Meter or Hectare - Measured on the neat dimensions shown on the

Drawings or dimensions altered by the Engineer.

2) linear Meter (pipe culverts, guard rail, under drains, etc.)- measured parallel to the
structure's base or foundation or unless the Drawings require otherwise.

3) Weight- weighed as required in item B.9.2

4.) All measuring equipment shall be regularly calibrated and maintained as necessary.

Volume (of excavation and embankment} - measured by the average-end-area method. All
or some computations may be based on ground elevations and other data derived
photogram metrically. The Engineer may correct for curvature.

For each item listed below, the Engineer will use the method of measurement described
herein as:

Structure- measured on the neat lines shown on the Drawings or to dimensions altered by
the Engineer. When a complete structure or structural unit is specified as the unit of
measurement, the unit shall include all fittings and accessories.

Standard Manufactured Items (fence, wire, plats, rolled shapes, pipe conduit, etc. when
specified) - measured by the manufacturer's identification of gage, unit weight, section
dimension, etc. The Engineer will accept manufacturing tolerances set by each industry
unless cited specifications require more stringent tolerances.

• Cement- measured by bags

• Asphalt- measured by tonne, or as specified

No measurement will be made for:

1) Work performed or materials placed outside lines shown on the Drawings or set by
the Engineer;

2} Materials wasted, used, or disposed of in manner contrary to the contract;

3) Rejected materials (including those rejected after placement if the rejection resulted
from the Contractor's failure to comply with the contract);

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-12

on as in

work or to any contract

8.9.2 Weighing Equipment General Requirement for Weighing Equipment

Any highway or bridge construction materials to be proportioned or measured and paid for
by weight shall be weighed on scales. These materials include natural, manufactured, or
processed materials obtained from natural deposits, stockpiles, or bunkers. The Contractor
shall provide, set up and maintain certified scales to their good weighing condition and use
it permanently all throughout weighing work.

Scales shall:

1} Be accurate to within one-half of 1 percent throughout the range of use;

2) No Include spring balances;

3) Include beams, dials, or other reliable readout equipment;

4) Be arranged so that operators and inspectors can safely and easily see dials, beams,
rods, and operating scale mechanisms;

5} Be built to prevent scale parts from binding, vibrating, or being displaced and to
protect all working parts from falling material, wind, and weather; and

6) Be carefully maintained, with (a) bunkers and platforms kept clear of accumulated
materials that could cause errors and (b) knife edges given extra care and

At each hatching and platform scale location, the Contractor shall keep standard weights
for scale calibration and testing. If the Engineer has approved other calibration and testing
equipment, the Contractor may substitute it for these weights.

B.9.2.2 Specific Requirements for Batching Scales

All materials proportioned by weight shall be weighed on an accurate and approved scale
by qualified operators employed by the Contractor. The scales shall be positioned at
locations required and approved by the Engineer.

Each scale shall be designated to support a weighing hopper. The arrangement shall make it
convenient for the operator to remove material from the hopper while watching read-out
devises. Any hopper mounted on a platform scale shall have its center of gravity directly
over the platform centerline.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-13

scale while

Portland or asphalt cement shall be weighed on a scale and not used for materials. Measurement

If testing shows the scale has been under weighing, it shall be adjusted immediately. The
Contractor shall not be compensated for any loss from under weighing. If the scale has
been over weighing, its operation will cease immediately until adjusted. The Employer will
calculate the combined weight of all materials weighed after the last test showing accurate
results. This combined weight will then be reduced by the percentage of scale error that
exceeds one-half of 1 percent. Payment

The Employer will pay for no materials received by weight unless they have been weighed
as required in this item or as required by another method the Engineer has approved in
writing. Payment will not be made for any material over the maximum gross legal weight
for the hauling vehicle.

Unit contract prices for the various pay items of the project cover all costs related to
weighing and proportioning materials for payment. These costs include those for furnishing.
Installing, certifying, and maintaining scales, those for furnishing check weights, and scale
house, and those for any other related item covered in this specification.


Unless otherwise specified in other pay items of the contract, the Contractor shall provide
and erect project signboard at the exact location approved by the Engineer. The design,
layout and wording are all to be approved by the Engineer. All signboards shall display the
title of the project, the name of the Employer, the funding agency and the consulting
engineering company, and the funding Loan Agreement Reference Number. The signboard
shall be maintained in good condition throughout the duration of the Contract, and shall be
removed upon completion of the project to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


The apparent silence of the Drawings, Specifications, Supplemental Specification, and

Special Provisions, as to any detail or the apparent omission of a detailed description
concerning any point shall be regarded as meaning that only the best general practice is to
prevail and that only material and workmanship of first class quality are to be used. All
interpretation of the Contract Documents shall be made by the Engineer on the basis stated

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-14

Such meetings/conferences shall not be
attended by the Project Manager

Minutes of the Meetings/Conferences shall be officially documented and confirmed by the

Contractor, copy thereof submitted to the Employer, properly dated and numbered.


Unless specifically included in the Bill of Quantities as pay item(s) of work, under PART B-
OTHER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, the work(s} shall not be measured for direct payments
but shall be considered as subsidiary work for the other pay Items.

The quantities of Project Sign Board to be paid for shall be the number of project sign
boards of size installed in place and accepted and shall be paid at the contract unit price
indicated in the Bill of Quantities. Payment and price shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing and installing all materials, all labor, equipment, tools and other incidental
necessary to complete the item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

B.1 Project Sign Board (2.4 m x 2.4 m) each

B.2 Project Sign Board (1.2 m x x 2.4 m) each

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page B-15


to as

shall consist removal, of

including trees, stumps, roots, vegetations, logs, wastes, debris and protruding objects
except those that are designated to remain ln accordance with other items of these
Specifications and where directed by the Engineer.

100.2 Construction Requirements

100.2.1 General

At the end of Sub-Section 100.2.1, add the following paragraphs:

Trees, shrubs or bushes designated to remain in place shall be carefully trimmed as directed
by the Engineer and shall be protected from scarring, debarking and other injuries during
construction operations.

No private properties such as buildings, signs, fences, and others shall be removed,
relocated or altered without the written authorization from the Engineer.

Structures, properties and the likes which need to be removed but are still under legal
expropriation proceedings shall in the meantime be preserved or excluded from the works,
otherwise the Contractor shall be solely liable for any complaints or litigation filed by the
owner of any damage to the structure and/or property as a result of his action.

Any unauthorized interference and damage to private property shall be made good or
restored by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the Owner.

100.2.3 Individual Removal of Trees or Stumps

Add the following Provisions to Sub-section 100.2.3

The Contractor, prior to any tree cutting/removal operation shall prepare inventory of the
trees scheduled for cutting/removal for the Engineer's approval. Trees to be cut shall be
submitted in tabulated form, showing as much information for easy identification as

• Station Limit
• Description/Name/Species of Trees
• Size/Diameter (in centimeter)
• Distance from the centerline of the road
• Location (Left/Right)

Upon Engineer's approval of the list, the Contractor shall make a request from the Local
DENR (with the approved list attached) that such number of trees will be cut/removed for
the improvement of the project road. No trees shall be cut I remove unless a "Permit to cut

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-1

R him on~y


2.2 in

fees relating to be to expense Contractor.

Individual trees intended to be removed relocated as indicated on the Drawings or as

designated by the Engineer shall be removed and relocated by the Contractor with care.

100.3 Method of Measurements

Delete the text of Section 100.3 and replace with the following:
Measurement will be by one or more of the following alternative measurement methods:

1) Area Method. The work to be paid for shall be on the total area in hectares cleared and
grubbed which is calculated within the limits defined on the drawings or as directed by the
Engineer including adjustment that may be made to satisfy certain site requirements.

2) Individual Unit Basis. The diameter of trees will be measured at a height of 1.4m (54 inches)
above the ground and trees less than 150mm (6 inches) in diameter will not be measured for
payment. In the measurement of trees by individual unit basis, the units will be designated and
measured in accordance with the following schedule of sizes:

Diameter at height of 1.4 meters Pay Item Designation

150mm to 900mm diameter Small

Over 900 mm diameter Large

100.4 Basis of Payment

Add the following paragraph after the first paragraph and amend the second paragraph
of Section 100.4 to read as follows:
Pay Items 100(1) Clearing and Grubbing shall be paid in hectares and shall include the cost
of removing all trees except those called for in Items 100(3) and 100(4) located in the areas
designated to be cleared and grubbed. Removal of trees categorized as small and large in
Items 100(3) and (4) shall be paid by the total number of trees removed.

Amend the second paragraph of Section 100.4 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

100(1) Clearing and Grubbing hectare

100(3)a Individual Removal of Trees, Small each

(150-300mm dia.}
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-2

100{4) Individual Removal of Trees, large each

100(5) Individual Removal of Trees, Earth Balling each

and Transplanting


101.2 Construction Requirements

101.2.4 Removal of Pavement, Sidewalks, Curbs, etc.

Insert the following paragraphs after the first paragraph of Sub-Section 101.2.4:

Where new pavement structure is to be constructed to replace an existing but deteriorated

Portland cement concrete pavement or asphalt concrete pavement, the slab shall be
broken, removed and disposed as directed by the Engineer.

The use of drop ball or weight shall not be allowed in breaking damaged portion or
deteriorated blocks of concrete slabs. For asphalt pavement, it shall be removed with the
use of motorized grader equipped with scarifier for specific purpose of removal.

In the case where the Engineer instructed the Contractor to cut or remove existing facilities,
or parts thereof, such as sewers, drains, water service, gas supply or other utility lines, the
Contractor shall provide and maintain satisfactory bypass service and/or protection during
the construction period. When only a portion of an existing structure is to be removed, care
shall be taken not to damage the retained portion. During demolition, the Contractor shall
ensure the safety of his work and the public.

All materials having salvage value shall be carefully removed to avoid damage and shall be
placed and stored at the locations to be determined by the Engineer within the
construction site. If so provided or directed by the Engineer, approved salvaged materials
shall be used in the new work, with corresponding adjustment in cost.

All demolished materials not intended for reuse shall be removed or deposited at the site
or to a disposal area designated by the Engineer.

Add the following Sub-Section to Section 101.2:

101.2.5 Other Structures to be Removed

All other structures to be removed within the limits of construction as indicated on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer, which obstruct or interfere with the prosecution of
the works, shall be removed, reinstalled, hauled and stockpiled as the case maybe in
accordance with this Specification or as directed by the Engineer.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-3
e on
ude structures and obstructions encountered
roadway. Where contract stipu payment be made
removal of specific items on a unit basis, measurement wili be made by unit stipulated
in the Contract.

Measurement for the removal of existing footbridge/building structures and obstructions

encountered within the roadway limits shall be made on a lump sum basis.

Existing bridge slope protection, grouted riprap, existing gravel road removed including
disposal as directed by the Engineer shall be measured as to the net area in square meters.

Removal of existing metal beam guardrail, reinforced concrete pipe culvert and reinforced
concrete box culvert shall be measured based on the lengths actually removed on a linear
meter basis.

Existing concrete and asphalt pavement removed and disposed from the site shall be
measured in square meters.

Measurement for the removal of curb and gutter shall be the number of linear meters
removed and disposed from the site.

Items not included in the Bill of Quantities shall not be paid for directly, but be considered
as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other pay items of work.

101.5 Basis of Payment

Modify this sub-clause to read as follows;

The accepted quantities shall be paid at the contract unit price in square meter, linear
meter or lump sum price for each of the Pay Items listed in the Bill of Quantities, which
price and payment shall be full compensation for the removal and disposal of obstructions,
including all materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the
work prescribed in this Item. The price shall also include backfilling and compaction of
cavities, salvaging, hauling and storage of salvaged materials, as provided in this

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

101{2)a Removal of Existing Manhole each

101{3)a Removal of Existing Concrete Pavement square meter

101(3)b Removal of Existing Asphalt Pavement square meter

101{3)c Removal of Existing Sidewalk square meter

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-4



101(3 )f meter

101(3)g Removal of Existing Bridge Sidewalk square meter

101(3)h Removal of Existing Approach Sidewalk square meter

101(4)a Removal of Existing Concrete Curb linear meter

101(4)b Removal of Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter linear meter

101(4)c Removal of Existing Sewer line linear meter

101(4)d Removal of Existing Bridge Railing linear meter

101(4)e Removal of Existing Approach Railing linear meter


102.1 Description

Add the following paragraph to Section 102.1 to read as follows:

It shall be understood that the hauling of excavated materials to stockpile, embankment

and disposal of surplus materials at any distance designated or approved by the Engineer
shall not be paid separately under overhaul.

102.1.2 Borrow Excavation

At the end of Sub~Section 102.1.2, add the following paragraph:

Irrespective of the source of borrow materials whether as indicated in the Drawings, or as

directed by the Engineer or from the Contractor's own source, it is understood that
materials obtained from these sources are only of the desired quality passing the
requirements of the Specification. All preparatory works, problems of access and other
related matters in connection with quarrying operations shall be the sole responsibility of
the Contractor.

102.2 Construction Requirements

102.2.1 General

Add the following paragraphs at the end of Sub·Section 102.2.8:

Material from borrow areas shall be used for the construction of embankment or for
backfill when there is no suitable materials available from roadway excavation or structural
Metro M<:lnila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-5
Add following paragraphs at the end of Sub-section:

in general, whenever materials of doubtful characteristics are discovered during excavation

and embankment construction, such materials shall be subjected to laboratory test at the
option of the Contractor. If the test results show that the materials could be treated or
blended to produce materials of the required quality for incorporation into the Works, the
Contractor may perform such treatment or blending operations to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer. In all these cases, the Contractor, in electing to undertake the
testing and treatment/blending operations, shall not be entitled to extension of time or
additional compensation.

When any material including surplus or unsuitable materials from excavation are to be
disposed outside the right-of-way, the Contractor shall first obtain a written permission
from the property owner of the proposed disposal site. The Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer a certified true copy of the written permission together with a written release of
responsibility by the property owner absolving the government from any responsibility in
connection with the disposal of material at the sites. No disposal of material shall be made
on the disposal site before permission is granted by the Engineer. The disposal of materials
at the site as provided shall be made in a neat and uniform manner approved by the

102. 5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 102.3 shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for each of the Pay Items listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities which price and payment shall be full compensation for the removal and disposal
of excavated materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work prescribed in this item.

Payments will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

102(2) Surplus Common Excavation cubic meter

102(4) Surplus Unclassified Excavation cubic meter


103.1 Description

This Sub-Section is supplemented by the following paragraphs:

Structure excavation shall consist of excavation in earth rock within the limits of the work as
specified or shown on the Drawings and backfilling of the structure considered with suitable
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-6
payment, bridge excavation shall other structure

103.2.4 Cofferdams

Supplement this Sub-Section to be read as follows:

The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the necessary drawings, details of
the procedure and method of construction of the temporary facilities as means of support
or protection to enhance or facilitate excavation under critical situations as when the
presence of water, unstable materials or other natural phenomenon which threaten the
stability of permanent structures to be constructed therein.

103.3.5 Basis of Payment

Delete the second sentence of Sub-Section 103.3.5 including items {1}, {2}, {3) and {4) and
substitute the following:

Unless provided with a separate pay item in the Bill of Quantities, the payment for structure
and bridge excavation shall be deemed to include the cost of backfilling, shoring, cribbing,
protective works, cofferdams and other temporary facilities, removing and disposing of
unsuitable materials off site and removal and hauling of excess suitable materials to
stockpiles or as directed by the Engineer.

The payment shall be the full compensation for the work item including the cost of labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item.

Replace the second paragraph of Sub-Section 103.3.5 with the following:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

103(1)a Structure Excavation (Common Material) cubic meter

Above O.W.L.

103(1)b Structure Excavation (Unclassified Material) cubic meter

MSE Wall

103(2)a Bridge Excavation (Common Soil) cubic meter

Above 0. W. L.

103(3) Foundation Fill cubic meter

103(5)a Shoring, Cribbing and Related Works I. s. I Pier

(Temporary Cofferdam)

103(6) Pipe Culverts and Drain Excavation cubic meter

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-7


Embankment be in accordance with


1) Suitable Material

Materials which is acceptable in accordance with the contract and which can be compacted
in the manner specified in this Item. it can be common material or rock provided however,
It shall have a CBR value of not less than seven (7%} when tested according to AASHTO 193-
81 after four days soaking when compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density according
to AASHTO T 99-90.

2) Selected Borrow, for topping

Selected borrow shall be of such gradation that all particles will pass a sieve with 75mm (3
inches) square openings and not more than 15 mass percent will pass the 0.075mm (No.
200) sieve, as determined by AASHTO T-11. The material shall have a plasticity index of not
more than 6 as determined by AASHTO T 90 and a liquid limit of not more than 30% as
determined by AASHTO T 89.

Add the following item at the end of the Sub-Section 104.2:

3) Selected Fill for Mechanically Stabilized Earthwall

Selected fill materials to be used for Mechanically Stabilized Earthwall shall be free from
any organic or other deleterious material, conforming to the physical, chemical limits as
defined in this Specification or as shown on the Drawings.

4) Selected Granular Embankment

In situations where placing and/or compaction under saturated or flooded conditions

cannot be avoided, selected granular embankment shall be gravel or other clean granular
materials as shown and specified on the drawing or as directed and approved by the

104.3 Construction Requirements

104.3.1 General

Add the following paragraph at the end of Sub-Section 104.3.1 to read as follows:
Prior to the construction of embankment, the Contractor shall submit for review and
approval the methodology he intends to apply for the formation of embankment satisfying
all requirements in conformity with the lines, grades and dimensions shown in the plans.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-8
...,,.,..,.,..,.,.,... embankment construction is construct in -::>rr,.... ..

with his methodology, a section trial embankment in accordance with Sub-Section

104.3.10, Trial Embankment.

104.3.2 Method of Construction

Add the following paragraph to Sub-Section 104.3.2. to read as follows:

In places where the road embankment will be constructed over the existing gravel or dirt
road, as shown in the plans or as directed by the Engineer, the surface of the existing road
shall be ripped to a depth of 150mm. Then the existing road shall be reshaped and
compacted to the same or greater density as the materials to be placed thereon, to provide
a uniform foundation for the embankment materials to follow.

Thin bituminous layers less than 50 mm may be incorporated in the layer of the

In places where the road embankment will be constructed over the existing PCC pavement,
the existing concrete pavement shall be broken into pieces with greatest dimensions of not
more than 300 mm in accordance with the provisions of Sub-Section 105.3.6.

104.3.3 Compaction

Modify the first paragraph of text under the heading "Earth" of Sub-Section 104.3.3 to
read as follows:
Each layer of embankment, except layers consisting of rock shall be moistened or dried to
uniform moisture content within 2% of the optimum moisture content, then thoroughly
compacted to the following densities:

• 95% of maximum density as determined by AASHTO T 99, for all the embankment,
except the top 300 mm (subgrade}.

• 98% of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T 180 for the top 300 mm
(subgrade) of the embankment.

Modify last sentence under the heading "rock" of Sub-Section 104.3.3 is amended to read
as follows:

The embankment shall be compacted with compaction equipment over the full width and
in a longitudinal direction until there is no visible movement of the rock fill materials when
under the compacting equipment.

Add the following paragraph after the last paragraph of Sub-Section 104.3.3:
Placing of fill will be suspended if, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is no adequate
compaction and grading equipment available on site in operating condition to shape and
compact the fill immediately upon placement.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-9

Before starting the embankment works, Contractor shall carry out trial embankments
and tests to demonstrate to the Engineer the performance of its equipment and to
determine the effectiveness of the proposed construction method especially the blending,
placing, spreading and compaction. All findings obtained from the trial embankments and
tests shall be submitted to the Engineer for establishing desirable criteria for the quality
control of the embankment works. The Contractor shall make joint efforts with the
Engineer until acceptable criteria and methodology are established.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval his plan and schedule for the
construction of the trial including location and area of embankment, type and quality of
equipment, manner of blending, placing, spreading and compaction, items and quantity of
test, and other information for the trial embankment.

No separate payment shall be made of the trial embankment, all the cost thereof are
deemed to be included in the payment specified in this work item.

2} Execution of the Trial Embankment

The trial embankment shall be carried out simulating normal construction conditions by
using all the equipment and methods proposed for placing, spreading and compaction the
embankment materials.

The trial embankment shall be carried out as approved by the Engineer at independent
sites and the section of each trial embankment shall be constructed to the full width of the
embankment over a 30 m length and to a height of 0.60 meters at least after compaction.
Each trial embankment section shall be tested by various kind of compaction equipment.

Spreading depth of the trial embankment shall be not more than 20 em after compaction.

The number of passes shall be varied to provide at least four (4} cases to establish a relation
between number of passes and degree of compaction.

Several kinds of material, which can cover representative soil characteristics of the whole
embankment materials, shall be tested. Should clearly different materials be used for a
section of embankment, such materials shall also be tested in the same manner.

3) Soil Test and Measurement

All materials of embankment shall be conditioned beforehand and tested in accordance

with Clause 104.2 of this Specification. The Contractor shall carry out, as a minimum, the
following tests during the operation of the trial embankment:

a) Settlement measurement of layer

Settlement of layer shall be measured after compaction at a minimum of nine (9) points per
each trial using a taut line horizontally strung between the batter boards at both ends of
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-10

results em and su to
Engineer approval proposed method manner of embankment which
shall include full height construction of embankment, spreading depth, number passes,
type of equipment, combination of equipment, construction of slope protection, and other
information necessary for establishing the criteria of embankment operation.

If acceptable criteria are not established, the Contractor shall repeat the trial embankment
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

104.3.11 Embankment Operation

a) General

This Sub-Section shall cover the manner of embankment construction, no separate

payment shall be made for the requirements of this Sub-Section and all the costs except
surface preparation are deemed included in the payment specified in this work Item.

Costs of the surface preparation stated in the succeeding paragraph are deemed included in
the related items of payment such as clearing and grubbing.

1) Surface Preparation

Ground Surface to be covered with embankment materials shall be prepared as follows:

a) Clearing and Grubbing shall be executed in accordance with the requirements

specified in Item 100 of these Specifications.

b) Stump holes or other small excavations in the limits of embankment shall be

filled with embankment materials and thoroughly tamped by approved
methods before commencing the embankment operation.

c) The embankment operation shall be performed always in the dry condition.

Springs and seepage along the foundation, if any, shall be treated by the
method approved by the Engineer.

d) Prior to placing any fill upon the area, all clearing and grubbing operations and
stripping of top soil, where required, shall have been completed.

e) Where shown on the Drawings or ordered by the Engineer, the surface of the
existing ground shall be compacted to the depth of 150mm and in accordance
with the requirements of Sub-Section 104.3.3.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-11

moisture content

3) Placing, Spreading and Compaction

Placing, spreading and compaction of embankment materials shall be executed in the

manner of the approved criteria of embankment operation established through the
trial embankment. Materials shall be placed and spread so that no single layer
exceeds 200mm in thickness after compaction. As far as practicable, the material
shall be dried or wetted to have proper moisture content within the allowable range
determined through the regular compaction test.

Equipment for placing, spreading and compaction shall be as specified in the

approved criteria of embankment operation. No other equipment shall be used
without the approval of the Engineer.

Degree of compaction shall be as specified in Sub-Section 104.3.3. When any layer

fails to comply with the specified degree of compaction, the contractor shall
immediately re-compact, wet or dry, improve or replace the materials. All soft or
yielding areas that may develop in the embankment shall be corrected by re-
compaction, by removing the unsuitable materials and replacing them immediately
upon order of the Engineer.

When the results of embankment monitoring show the possibility of slope or

embankment failure, the Contractor shall take immediate action such as tentative
removal of a part of embankment, tentative counterweight fill, or any other
measures, the Contractor deems necessary. The Contractor shall in this case, notify
the Engineer of such possibility and the measures being promptly taken by the
Contractor to the extent possible.

4) Tolerance

The completed embankment section shall have elevation and dimensions which fall
within the following tolerances.

Elevation/Dimension Tolerance{mm)
Crest Elevation of Embankment ±50
Crest Width of Embankment ± 100
Length of Embankment Slope ± 200

104.3.12 Quality Control of Embankment Operation

1) General

Quality control of the embankment operation shall be carried out through the regular
compaction test and the daily control test as specified hereinafter.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-12

test out once as

com a new source
works. Measurement re content and specific gravity soils
determination of the optimum moisture content and the maximum dry density shall be
made and results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

3) Daily Quality Control Test

a) General

Daily quality control test shall be executed at embankment sites by use of the
radioisotope type soil density and moisture gauge (RI gauge) which shall be
procured by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall measure in-place dry density and in-place moisture content
using the Rl gauge on daily basis when the embankment operation is executed.

b) Execution of Daily Quality Control Test

Measurement of in-place dry density and in-place moisture content shall be made
daily at the rate of one (1) point measurement per 500 square meters area of each
layer of compacted fill.

All measurement data shall be recorded and filed with direct output from the Rl
gauge. Record format shall contain, but not limited to, the following items.

• Date and time of measurement

• Weather condition
• Rainfall
• Location of Embankment
• Location of Measurement
• Approximate work volume of embankment
• Type of embankment material
• Moisture content at borrow pit or stockyard
• In-place moisture content at embankment site
• In-place density of embankment material
• Degree of compaction
• Presence of the Engineer

The Contractor shall plot the data in a form of daily control graph and shall monitor
its daily change.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-13

104.3.13 Monitoring Embankment

settlement and stability of the major embankment shall be monitored by the

Contractor periodically in accordance with Item 109.

104.4 Method of Measurement

Add the following paragraph after the last paragraph of Sub-Section 104.4:

Any material coming from roadways, structures, drainage or ditches excavations which are
suitable for use but are replaced by the Contractor with borrow materials without prior
approval by the Engineer shall not be measured for payment.

Measurement of quantities for embankment shall be made by the volume of embankment

materials placed and compacted to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer and shall be taken only in the presence of the
Engineer. The Engineer shall be notified at least 24 hours before taking such measurement.
The volume of embankment materials shall be computed by end area method and
determined from the execution section of the embankment established on the original
ground line after stripping. The original ground line shall be surveyed and reported to the
Engineer for checking and approval to the execution of the embankment operation.

The quantity of Embankment from Borrow shall be calculated as the balance between the
total embankment volume (as shown on the drawings plus volume due to settlement) and
the total volume of suitable material from roadway excavation, from excess structure,
bridge.~ pipe culvert and drainage excavation employing the compaction factor 0.95 for
common soil.

104.5 Basis of Payment

Modify the text of Section 104.5 to read as follows:

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 104.4, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for each of the Pay Items listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities. The payment for accepted quantities for embankment with fill materials from
roadway and borrow excavation shall be deemed to include the cost of excavation, hauling,
blending, drying and wetting if necessary, placing, spreading and compaction of fill
materials. The payment for accepted quantities for embankment construction with fill
materials from structure excavation shall be deemed to include the cost of hauling from
stockpiles, blending, drying and wetting if necessary, placing and spreading and compaction
of fill materials. The payment shall be full compensation for the furnishing, placing and
compacting of all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this item.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-14

Payment will be made

Pay Item Number Unit of Measurement

104(1)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation cubic meter

104(1)b Embankment from Common Borrow cubic meter

104(1)c Embankment from Selected Fill (MSE Wall) cubic meter

104{5) Structural Backfill cubic meter


105.3 Construction Requirements

105.3.3 Subgrade in Common Excavation

Revise Sub-Section 105.3.3 to read as follows:

Unless otherwise specified, all materials below subgrade level in earth cuts to a depth of
300 mm or other depth shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer shall be
excavated. The material, if suitable, shall be set aside for future use or, if unsuitable, shall
be disposed of in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Sections 102.2.9 and 102.2.10.

Where material has been removed from below subgrade level, the resulting surface shall be
compacted to a depth of 150mm and in accordance with the requirements of Sub-Section

All materials within 300mm below subgrade level in earth cuts shall be compacted in
accordance with the requirements of Sub-Section 104.3.3. Such materials shall be
compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density, as determined by AASHTO T180. The
material shall have a soaked CBR value of 15.

All materials within 300 mm below subgrade level in fill shall be compacted to 95% of the
maximum dry density, as determined by AASHTO T180. The material shall have a soaked
CBR value of 25.

The roadbed material in cuts shall be moistened or dried to uniform moisture content
within +or- 2% of optimum moisture and shall be thoroughly compacted.

• 95% of the maximum density as determined by AASHTO T180 in case the roadbed
will constitute the subgrade of the new pavement.

• 100% of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T 180, in case the
roadbed will constitute the subbase of the new pavement.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-15

subgrade at firlr":rror-.

and shall be measu

based on surveys carried out defining

4) Should a levelling course be necessary to correct the irregularities of the prepared

subgrade or for non-compliance to the maximum allowable tolerances prescribed in
Section 105.3.2, such course shall not be measured separately and shall be deemed
to have been included in the Pay Item for Embankment.

105.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 105.4, shall be paid for at the
appropriate contract unit price for Pay Item listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities which price and payment shall be full compensation for the placing or removal
and disposal of all materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary
to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

105(1) Subgrade Preparation square meter

(Common Materials}


SPL 108.1 Description

This work consists of scarifying/milling the surface of asphalt or PCC pavement to improve
the surface profile and cross-section in preparation for resurfacing as shown on the plans
and as required/approved by the Engineer.

SPL 108.2 Material Requirements

Top layer are milled off the existing pavement to provide a relatively smooth surface on
which to pave, removed distressed surface layer from an existing pavement. Milling
machine is the primary method for removing old pavement surface materials prior to
overlay. Milling machine are fitted with automatic grade control to restore both
longitudinal and transverse grade and can remove most existing pavement distortions.

Proposals for dealing with services for the scarification and milling shall consist of furnishing
the necessary milling equipment, materials, to survey, stake, calculate, and record date for
the control of work in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines,
grades and dimensions shown on the Plans or as established by the Engineer.

Metro Mqnila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-16

2. scarification/milling for a and cross-section whenever possible.
scarifying/milling in a longitudinal direction, use a maximum tolerance 1/4 inch under
a 10-foot straightedge and 3/8 inch under an 8-foot straightedge in a transverse direction.

3. load cuttings directly into dump trucks and remove the remaining small cuttings and
debris from the street. All materials removed shall be the property of the Contractor, unless
otherwise specified.

5. Take adequate precaution to ensure excessive dust does not become airborne during
construction. The Engineer may request additional water at any time for dust control.

6. Mill/scarify around manholes and utility valves. Any damage to manholes or valves by the
scarifying/milling operation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to correct at the
Contractor's expense.
7. Do not leave a vertical drop off (2 inches or greater) at the centerline or lane line
overnight. Taper the ends of scarified/milled sections subject to traffic to provide a uniform
and gradual transition.

Prior to commencing the scarification and milling works, the Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer for approval his intended methodology.

Pavement sweeping after milling shall be permitted until the work has been accepted for
that particular area or has been approved by the Engineer in writing.

SPL108.4 Method of Measurement

Where the contract stipulates that payment will be made for the removal of specific items
on a unit basis, measurement will be made by the unit stipulated in the Contract.

Pavement scarification and milling on existing pavement including removal, disposing of

residue, furnishing of water for washing of pavement as directed by the Engineer shall be
measured as to the net area in square meters.

Existing concrete and asphalt pavement removed and disposed from the site shall be
measured in square meters.

Items not included in the Bill of Quantities shall not be paid for directly, but be considered
as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor under other pay items of work.

SPL 108.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities shall be paid at the contract unit price in square meter for the Pay
Items listed in the Bill of Quantities, which price and payment shall be full compensation for
the removal and disposal of scarified/milled asphalt concrete pavement including all
materials, labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work
prescribed in this Item as provided in this Specification.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-17

SPL109.1 Description

The Contractor shall outline the limits of the deck slab to be removed as shown on the Plans
or directed by the Engineer. Precaution shall be observed in order not to cut existing rebars.

Existing concrete shall be removed to the lines and grades indicated in the Plans.

SPL109.3 Construction Requirements

SPL 109.3.1 Chipping/removal of existing concrete shall be performed by Jack hammer or

water jet techniques but are subject to the following:

a) Heavy duty jack hammer should not be used in the removal of the deck slab.
Hammer size greater than 14 kilograms shall not be used.

b) For removal of deck slab adjacent to prestressed concrete beams, hammer size
limited to 7 kilograms or hand chipping shall be used.

c) Jack hammer or mechanical chipping tools shall not be operated at an angle in

excess of 45 degress relative to the surface of the slab.

Hand tools such as hammer or chisels shall be used to remove remaining concrete surfaces.
Particles broken but not dislodged shall be removed by high pressure water jetting or other
acceptable means approved by the Engineers.

SPL 109.3.2 Placing and fastening of Reinforcing Bars

The furnishing, bending, fabricating and placing of steel reinforcement of the type, size,
shape and grade required in accordance with the Plans and this Specification shall conform
with the provisions of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

SPL 109.3.3 Dowelling

When new concrete is shown on the plans to be joined to existing concrete by means of bar
reinforcing steel dowels grouted into holes drilled in the existing concrete, the holes shall
be drilled by methods that will not shatter or damage the concrete adjacent to the holes.
Holes in which longitudinal or transverse reinforcement is encountered during drilling
before the specified depth isattained shall be rejected. A new hole which does not strike
reinforcement, shall be drilled adjacent to the rejected hole to the depth shown on the
plans. With approval of the Engineer, all holes including rejected holes may be cored
through reinforcing steel to the correct depth. The grout shall be neat epoxy made up of
resin and hardener without the addition of sand and shall be in accordance with Item 718,
Epoxy. Drilled holes shall be cleaned of dust oil, grease and other deleterious materials
before the epoxy is deposited into the hole. After which the dowel is inserted. Any dowels
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-18

Chipping/removal existing concrete in meters existing

concrete removed in accordance with the Plans and this Specification and accepted by the

The quantities for reinforcing steel including dowels and structural concrete shall be the
final quantities placed and accepted in the completed structure which shall be measuredfor
payment in the manner prescribed in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel and Item 405, Structural
Concrete respectively.

Anchor Bolts shall be measured per piece of bolts and to include the epoxy capsule for
anchor bolt grouts that shall be measured per piece of capsule used to fill a hole installed
and accepted.

SPL 109.5 Basis of Payment

The price and payment for the chipping/removal of existing concrete shall be full
compensation for removal of existing concrete, the proper disposal of the removed
materials, cleaning of loose particles and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete this item.

The quantities for reinforcing steel including dowels and structural concrete shall be the
final quantities placed and accepted in the completed structure and shall be paid for at the
corresponding unit price provided in the Bid Schedule which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment for anchor bolts shall be measured per piece of bolts and to include the epoxy
capsule for anchor bolt grouts that shall be measured per piece of capsule used to fill a hole
as installed and accepted and shall be full compensation for furnishing and installation of
anchor bolts, epoxy capsule and for furnishing other materials, labor, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the items.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 109(1} Chipping of Concrete (Deck Slab, cu. m.

Pier Coping and Approach Slab)

When more than one item is specified, as a means of identification shall be inserted in
parenthesis immediately after the Pay Items and/or a letter suffix shall be added within the
Pay Item Number.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page C-19
to serve as
tO r~r.1·n.-r">Aon

carry out all tests to use whenever

such tests become necessary as determined by the Engineer.

The subbase material shall conform to Table 200.1 ({Grading Requirements" is replaced by
the following table and must have a smooth grading curve.

Table 200.1- Grading Requirements

Sieve Designation
Mass Percent Passing
Standard (mm) Alternate US Standard
Grading A Grading B
so 2" 100 -
25.0 1" 55-80 100
9.5 3/8 inch 40-70 75-100
2.0 No.10 20-45 30-60
0.425 No. 40 10-30 10-40
0.0075 No. 200 5-15 5-20

The fraction passing the 0.425 mm {No. 40) sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than
35 and a plasticity index not greater than 12 as determined by AASHTO T 89 and T 90,
respectively and sand equivalent value of not less than 40 as determined by AASHTO T176.
When used for filling of shoulder as shown on the drawings, the plasticity index shall not be
more than 8 and the liquid limit shall be 30% maximum.

The coarse portion, retained on a 2.0 mm (No. 10) sieve, shall have a mass percent of wear
not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test as determined by AASHTO T-96.

The material shall have a soaked CBR value of not less than 25% determined in accordance
with AASHTO T193. The CBR value shall be obtained at the maximum dry density by
AASHTO T 180, Method D.

The coarse aggregates material retained on a 4.75 mm (No.4) sieve shall have a mass
percentage of wear not exceeding 50 by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test as determined by

The maximum size of dry particle shall not be greater than two-thirds of the required
thickness in which it is to be placed. Oversized materials shall be removed at the pit by
screens or by hand picking.

After each layer of subbase course material has been placed and blending material added,
when required, it shall be thoroughly mixed to the full depth the required layer by
scarifying and blading. When and if directed by the Engineer, the materials shall be watered

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page D-1


The compacted dry density each layer of the compacted subbase shall not be less than
98% of the maximum dry density determined according to AASHTO T 180, Method D.
field density shall be determined according to AASHTO T 191.

200.3.5 Tolerances

In partial modification of Section 200.3.5 Tolerances, the following shall apply:

Aggregate subbase shall be spread with equipment that will provide a uniform layer which
when compacted will conform to the designed level and transverse slopes as shown on the

200.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as prescribed in Section 200.4 shall be paid for at the
Contract unit price for Aggregate Subbase Course which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools
and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

200 Aggregate Subbase Course cubic meter

ITEM 202 Crushed Aggregate Base Course

202. Material Requirements

The following shall be added to the first paragraph:

The sources of aggregate base are listed in the Soils and Materials Report to serve as guide
of their locations. These include the results of tests conducted on them to determine their
individual quality and characteristics.

The Contractor shall carry out all relevant tests required prior to their use and whenever
such tests become necessary as determined by the Engineer.

Table 202.1"Grading Requirements" is shown as follows:

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page D-2

Percent Passi 1g
Alternate US Standard
Grading A Grad1 1gB
50 2" 100
37.5 1·1/ - 100
25.0 1" 60-85 -
19.0 %" - 60-85
12.5 }12" 35-65 -
4.75 No.4 20-50 30-55
0.425 No.40 5-20 8-25
0.075 No.200 0-12 2-14

If fillers, in addition to that naturally present materials are necessary for meeting the
grading requirement and/or for satisfactory bonding of material, it shall be uniformly
blended with the base course material on the road unless otherwise specified or approved
by the Engineer. The Material for such purpose shall be obtained from sources approved by
the Engineer. Filler shall be free from hard lumps and shall not contain more than 15
percent of material retained on the No. 4 sieve.

202.3 Construction Requirements

202.3.3 Spreading and Compacting

Substitute the following to the existing last paragraph:

The compacted dry density of each layer of the compacted base shall not be less than 98
percent of the maximum dry density determined according to AASHTO T180, Method D.
The Field density shall be determined according to AASHTO T 191.

In partial modification of Subsection 202.3.5 as referred in Section 202.3 the following

shall apply:

202.3.5 Tolerances

Horizontal tolerances shall generally be ± SOmm or in accordance with acceptable

standards, except:

• For edges not adjacent to another structure where tolerances of ± 250 I 50mm shall
apply {where the +tolerances increase the width of the works)

• Where joining to existing work, where edges shall be joined smoothly

• The permitted variation from design THICKNESS OF LAYER shall be a minimum of- 00 mm
and a maximum of+ 10 mm

202.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section 202.4 shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Aggregate Base Course which price and payment shall be full
Metro M<:tnila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page D-3


Crushed Aggregate Base rse meter

Metro M~nila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page D-4


to construction
bituminous surface course.

301.2 Material Requirements

Modify Section 301.2 to read as follows:

Bituminous material for Prime Coat shall be medium curing (MC-70) Cutback Asphalt and
shall conform to the requirements of Item 702, Bituminous Materials.

301.3 Construction Requirements

301.3.1 Surface Condition

Prime coat shall be applied only to surfaces which are dry or slightly moist. No prime coat
shall be applied when the weather is foggy or rainy.
301.3.2 Equipment
The liquid bituminous material shall be sprayed by means of a pressure distributor of not
less than 1000 liters capacity, mounted on pneumatic tires of such width and number that
the load produced on the road surface will not exceed 1 kN(100 kgf) per em width of tire.
The tank shall have a heating device able to heat a complete charge of bituminous liquid to
180°C. The heating device shall be such that overheating will not occur. Consequently, the
flames must not directly touch the casing of the tank containing the bituminous liquid. The
liquid shall be insulated in such a way that the drop in temperature when the tank is filled
with bituminous liquid at 180°C and not heated will be less than 2°C per hour. A
thermometer shall be fixed to the tank in order to be able to measure continuously the
temperature of the liquid. The thermometer shall be placed in such a way that the highest
temperature in tank is measured. The tank shall be furnished with a calibrated dipstick to
indicate the contents. The pipes for filling the tank shall be furnished with an easily
changeable filter.
The distributor shall be able to vary the spray width of the bituminous liquid in maximum
steps of 100 mm to a total width of 4 m. The spraying bar shall have nozzles from which the
liquid is sprayed fan-shaped on the road surface equally distributed over the total spraying

For adding the liquid bituminous material, the distributor shall have a pump either driven
by a separate motor, or with a device to synchronize its speed with the speed of the
distributor. The pump shall be furnished with an indicator showing the rate of flow. The
suction side of the pump shall have an easily changeable filter. A thermometer shall be
fixed, such that it indicates the temperature of the liquid immediately before it leaves the
spraying bar.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-1

Immediately before applying coat, the su to be
swept with a power broom and if necessary, scraped to remove
objectionable materials. When required by the Engineer, immediately prior to the
application of the prime coat, the surface shall be slightly sprayed with water but not
saturated. Bituminous material shall be applied by means of a pressure distributor at the
temperature given in Item 702, Bituminous Materials. The rate of application of the
bituminous material shall be within the range of 1 to 2 litres/m , the exact rate to be
ordered by the Engineer.
The prime coat shall be left undisturbed for a period of at least 24 hours and shall not be
opened to traffic until it has penetrated and cured sufficiently so that it will not be picked
up by the wheels of passing vehicles. The Contractor shall maintain the prime coat until the
next course is applied. Care shall be taken that the application of bituminous material is not
in excess of the specified amount, any excess shall be blotted with sand or removed as
directed by the Engineer. All areas inaccessible to the distributor shall be sprayed manually
using the device for hand spraying. The surface of structures and trees adjacent to the areas
being treated shall be protected in such a manner as to prevent their being spattered or
Add the following paragraph to Sub-Section 301.3.3:

Where no convenient detour is available for traffic, application of the bituminous prime
coat shall be confined to one-half the roadway surface width at a time. The Contractor
shall provide proper traffic control so that vehicles may pass without causing damage to the
primed area.

301.4 Method of Measurement

Bituminous Prime Coat shall be measured by the tonne {t). The quantity to be paid for shall
be the number of tonnes of bituminous material applied and accepted in the completed
301.5 Basis of Payment
The accepted quantity, measured as prescribed in Section 301.4, shall be paid for at the
contract unit price for Bituminous Prime Coat which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing and placing all materials, including all labor, equipment, tools
and incidentals necessary to complete this Item.
Modify the second paragraph of Section 301.5 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Method of Measurement

301(1) Bituminous Prime Coat, tonne

(MC-70 Cut-Back Asphalt)

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-2

to the requirements

302.3 Construction Requirements

302.3.3 Application of Bituminous Material

Add the following to Sub-Section 302.3.3:

Bridge deck surfaces shall be cleaned of loose material by mechanical sweepers and hand
brooms, followed by air blowers. Expansion joints shall be cleaned and filled with
bituminous material or otherwise protected to the approval of the Engineer.

302.5 Basis of Payment

Replace the second paragraph of Section 302.5 with the following:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

302{2) Bituminous Tack Coat tonne

(Emulsified Asphalt, SS-1)


310.1 Description

When the work item comprised of One (1) -Two (2) layers, they shall be called the binder
course and wearing course as the case maybe.

310.2 Material Requirements

310.2.2 Bituminous Material

Amend Sub-Section 310.2.2 to read as follows:

The kind of bituminous material to be used shall be Asphalt Cement Penetration Grade 60-
70 and shall conform to the requirements of Item 702, Bituminous Materials.

310.2.3 Aggregates

Delete the text of Sub-Section 310.2.3 and substitute the following:

1. Coarse and fine aggregates shall be clean, hard, tough, sound particles free from
decomposed material, vegetable matter and other deleterious substances.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-3


4. The combined aggregate shall conform to Grading Class A as shown in 310.1.

When the combined grading of the coarse and aggregate is deficient in material
passing the No. 200 sieve, additional filler material shall be added. The filler material
shall consist of finely divided rock dust, hydrated lime, Portland cement or other
suitable mineral matter approved by the Engineer conforming to the grading shown
in Item 703 A - Mineral Filler. However, the grading shall be adjusted to take
account of the results of the trials to allow the asphalt concrete mix to conform in all
respects to the requirements for the specified job-mix.

Table 310.1 Aggregate Grading for Asphalt Concrete

Mix Class Class A Class B Class C

Mix Use Wearing, Binder Wearing, Binder Wearing

Min. Compacted Thickness SOmm 35mm 2Smm

U.S. Standard Sieve Percent Passing by Weight
Mm alternative
25 (1 in) 100
19 (3/4 in) 80-100 100
12.5 (1/2 in) - 80-100 100
9.5 (3/8 in) 60-80 70-90 80-100
4.75 (No.4} 48-65 50-70 55-75
2.36 (No.8) 35-50 35-50 35-50
0.600 (No. 30) 19-30 18-29 18-29
0.300 {No. SO) 13-23 13-23 13-23
0.150 (No. 100) 7-15 8-16 8-16
0.075 (No. 200) 1-8 4-10 4-10

The coarse and fine aggregates shall meet the following requirements:

5. The percentage of wear by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (AASHTO T96) shall not be
more than 40.

6. The loss when subjected to five cycles of the Sodium Sulphate Soundness Test
(AASHTO T104) shall be less than 12%.

7. The sand Equivalent (AASHTO T176} determined after all processing except for
addition of asphalt cement shall not be less than 45.

8. All aggregates including filler shall be non-plastic. The materials shall have a sand
equivalent of not less than 35 as determined by AASHTO T -176.

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Proportioning of Mixtures

Delete the Text of Sub-Section 310.2.6 and substitute the following:

The asphalt concrete mixture shall conform to requirements of Table 310.3. However, the
exact composition of the mixture shall be adjusted to take account of the results of the mix
trials to allow the asphalt concrete mix to conform in all respects to the requirements for
asphalt concrete.

Table 310.3 Asphalt Cement Content of Asphalt Concrete Mix

%Asphalt Cement of Total Mix by Weight

Binder Course Wearing Course
Minimum Maximum Minimum I Maximum
4.0 5.5 5.0 17.0

Marshall specimens are to be obtained from each of the binder and wearing course
materials supplied for trial laying purposes. The Marshall specimens shall be formed and
compacted in proper molds, in accordance with the procedure described in ASTM D1599.

The Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer, by testing, carried out
in the presence of the Engineer, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Marshall
Method of Mix Design in the Asphalt Institute Manual, Mix Design Methods for Asphalt
Concrete and Other Hot Mix Types, Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2), that the requirements
given in Table 310.4 are achieved. The loss in Marshall Stability by submerging specimens in
water 60°C for 24 hours shall not be more than 25 percent of the stability of the job-mix. In
addition, the Contractor shall demonstrate by approved tests, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer that the proposed mix is not subject to stripping of the asphalt cement from the
aggregates ..

Table 310.4 Marshall Test Requirement for Asphalt Concrete

Binder Course Wearing Course

Min. Max. Min. Max.
Stability(lbf) 1200 - 1200 -
Flow (0.01 in) 8 16 8 16
Air Voids (1%) 3 8 3 6
Aggregate Voids Filled with Asphalt 60 75 70 80
Field Compacted Density Marshall 97 - 97 -
Specimen density(%)

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-5

binder and wearing course
and required percentage the Marshall Specimen Density shall
case. Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM 01188 or ASTM 02726.

When the Engineer's Representative is satisfied that the materials and methods
demonstrated by the Contractor during trial laying comply with the requirements of the
Contract, the Engineer shall determine the job-mix and shall inform the Contractor in
writing of its composition. On receipt of such information, the Contractor may proceed with
the work.

310.3 Construction Requirements

310.3. 7 Spreading and Finishing

Add the following paragraph to Sub-Section 310.3. 7:

The asphalt pavers (asphalt finisher) shall be equipped with automatic systems of control
and screed for both longitudinal grade and cross-slope. The automatic system may be
purchased in kit form and locally installed or be a factory-installed item. The control system
may be a pneumatic-hydraulic or electric-hydraulic type actuated by slope sensors and a 9-
meter grade reference.

310.3.11 Surface Tolerances

Add the following paragraph to Sub-Section 310.3.11

The allowable tolerances for the flexible surfacing and cement concrete pavement are given
in Table 310.5.

Table 310.5 Tolerances for Flexible Surfacing and Cement Concrete Pavement


(Binding &
Wearing Courses)
Permitted variation from
±5 ± 5 -5 -5
Permitted variation from
design lEVEL OF SURFACE, mm ± 5 ± 5 -5 -5
Permitted SURFACE
IRREGULARITY Measured by 3m
Straight- edge, mm 5 5 5 5
Permitted Variation From design
CROSSFALL OR CAMBER,% ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2 ± 0.2

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-6

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

310(1)a Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, square meter

Hot-Laid {50 mm thick)

310(1)b Bituminous Concrete Surface Course, square meter

Hot-Laid (75mm thick)


311.2 Material Requirements

Add the following paragraph to the last paragraph of Sub-Section 311.2.1:

311.2.1 Portland Cement

The contractor must consider the "Alkali-Aggregates Reactivity" in all Concrete Works.

311.2.2 Fine Aggregate

It shall consist of natural sand, stone screenings or other inert materials with similar
characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong and durable particles. Fine
aggregate from different sources of supply shall not be mixed or stored in the same pile nor
used alternately in the same class of concrete without the approval of the Engineer.

It shall not contain more than three (3) mass percent of material passing the 0.075 mm (No.
200 sieve) by washing nor more than one (1) mass percent each of clay lumps or shale. The
use of beach sand will not be allowed without the approval of the Engineer.

If the fine aggregate is subjected to five {5) cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test, the
weighted loss shall not exceed 10 mass percent.

The fine aggregate shall be free from injurious amounts of organic impurities. If subjected
to the colorimatic test for organic impurities and a color darker than the standard is
produced, it shall be rejected. However, when tested for the effect of organic impurities of
strength of mortar by AASHTO T 71, the fine aggregate may be used if the relative strength
at 7 and 28 days is not less than 95 mass percent.

The fine aggregate shall be well-graded from coarse to fine and shall conform to Table

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-7

Note: Alkali - aggregate reactivity depends upon the amount of alkali in the cementing materials,
the cementing materials content of the concrete, the composition of the aggregate and the amount
of moisture in the environment. Some aggregates that will react in concrete having a high alkali
content maybe satisfactory if the alkali content of the concrete is reduced.

311.2.3 Coarse Aggregate

It shall consist of crushed stone, gravel, blast furnace slag, or other approved inert materials
of similar characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong, durable pieces and
free from any adherent coatings.

It shall contain not more than one {1) mass percent of material passing the 0.075 mm (No.
200) sieve, not more than 0.25 mass percent of clay lumps, nor more than 3.5 mass percent
of soft fragments.

If the coarse aggregate is subjected to five (5) cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test,
the weighted loss shall not exceed 12 mass percent.

It shall have a mass percent of wear not exceeding 40 when tested by AASHTO T 96.
If the slag is used, its density shall not be less than 1120 kg/m . The gradation of the coarse
aggregate shall conform to Table 311.2.

Only one grading specification shall be used from any one source.

Add the following paragraph to the last paragraph of Sub-Section 311.2.3:

Aggregates for use in concrete shall not react with alkaline contained within the concrete to
an extent that results in excessive expansion of the concrete. Reactive aggregates that
cause excessive expansion shall be used only when preventive measures acceptable to the
Employer are applied.

Note: Alkali - aggregate reactivity depends upon the amount of alkali in the cementing
materials, the cementing materials content of the concrete, the composition of the
aggregate and the amount of moisture in the environment. Some aggregates that will react
in concrete having a high alkali content maybe satisfactory if the alkali content of the
concrete is reduced.

311.2.11 Proportioning, Consistency and Strength of Concrete

Add the following paragraph to Sub-Section 311.2.11:

The Contractor shall submit design mixes obtained from samples made in accordance with
Standard Method of Making and Curing Concrete Compression and Flexure Tests Specimen
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-8
The proportion of aggregate to cement concrete pavement shall be such that to
produce a mixture which will work readily into the corners and around reinforcements, if
any, with the method of placing concrete without permitting the materials to segregate or
allow free water to collect on the surface. The combined aggregates shall be such
compositions of sizes that when separated on the No. 4 standard sieve, the weight passing
the sieve (fine aggregate) shall not be less than thirty (30%) percent or greater than fifty
(SO%} percent of the total, except that these proportions do not necessarily apply to
lightweight aggregates. The method of measuring concrete materials shall be such that the
proportions can be accurately controlled and easily checked anytime during work.

Aggregates shall be measured preferably by weight and to within one (1%) percent. Water
shall be measured by weight or volume to within one and one-half (1 :!1%} percent. The
water shall in no case, exceed 23 liters per bag (40kg) of cement for all concrete with
specified minimum flexural strength of 550 psi when tested by the third-point method or
650 psi by the mid-point method and a comprehensive strength of 3,500 psi for plain PCCP.

Job mix adjustment of water content shall be allowed only on permission of the Engineer,
provided that cement is also added to keep the original water-cement ratio of the design

311.3 Construction Requirements

311.3.1 Quality Control of Concrete

Add the following paragraph at the end of this Sub-section 311.3.1:

The Owner, his duly authorized representative or the Engineer shall have the right to order
the test of any materials supplied by the Contractor entering into concrete pavement or
reinforced concrete pavement whenever there is a reasonable doubt as to their suitability
for the purpose. Such test shall be in accordance with the standards of the ASTM, AASHTO
for testing materials noted elsewhere in the Specifications. Samples shall be provided by
the Contractor without cost to the Owner. Expenses for testing and cost of transporting
samples to the laboratory shall be borne by the Contractor. Copies or results of tests shall
be furnished to the Owner promptly.

311.3. 7 Mixing Concrete

Add the following paragraphs to Sub-section 311.3.7:

If mixing, transporting and depositing of concrete are done other than the procedure
prescribed under this Sub-Clause is allowed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remain to
be solely responsible to observe and produce concrete with the same quality required in
the Specifications.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-9

roughout the
measuring and controlling amount mixing water in
batch of concrete materials placed in the mixer shall contain a sufficient excess of cement,
sand and water to coat the inside of the drum without reducing the cement concrete of the
mix to be discharged.

311.3.8 Placing Concrete

Add the following paragraphs to Sub-Section 311.3.8 with the following:

Placing of concrete with a free drop or fall of more than 1.5 meters shall not be allowed
except when sheet metal conduits, pipes or elephant trunks are employed.

When stoppages of concreting operations occur for any reason, construction joints shall be
placed horizontally or as directed by the Engineer and be provided with shear keys and
dowels to develop bond. Construction joints shall be approved by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide forms that will produce the placed concrete in a correct and
aligned manner. Metal or surfaced lumber forms shall be used for all exposed concrete
surfaces. Plastering in general shall not be allowed so that extra care shall be exercised by
the Contractor.

Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has adequately set and stable enough to
withstand the anticipated loadings, and in no case less than two (2) days after concreting.
Removal of forms may be allowed earlier provided that test samples of concrete are taken
and are shown to withstand safely dead and construction loads.

311.3.18 Protection of Pavement

Modify Sub-Section 311.3.18 to read as follows:

The Contractor shall protect the pavement and its appurtenances both against public traffic
and traffic caused by its own construction equipments. This shall include watchmen to
direct traffic, the erection of and maintenance of warning signs, lights, pavement bridges or
crossovers, etc.

Any damage to the pavement from the opening of traffic for public use until final
acceptance shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor without additional

311.3.21 Opening to Traffic

Modify Sub-Section 311.3.21 to read as follows:

The Engineer will decide the opening of pavement to traffic after test specimens molded
and cured in accordance with AASHTO T23 have attained the minimum strength

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-10

text to

The accepted quantity measured as specified in Sub-section 311.4, Method

Measurement shall be paid for at the contract prices for Portland Cement Concrete
Pavement, which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all
materials, for mixing, placing, finishing and curing all concrete, for furnishing and placing all
joint materials, for sawing weakened plane joints, for fitting the prefabricated center metal
joint, for facilitating and controlling traffic, and for furnishing all labor, equipment, tools
and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

311(1)a PCC Pavement, (Unreinforced), 100mm thick square meter


311(1)b PCC Pavement, (Unreinforced), 230mm thick square meter

311(1)c PCC Pavement, (Unreinforced), 300mm thick square meter

311(1)d PCC Pavement, (Unreinforced), 330mm thick square meter

311(2)a PCC Pavement, (Reinforced), 300mm thick square meter

When more than one item is specified, as a means of identification shall be inserted in
parenthesis immediately after the Pay Items and/or a letter suffix shall be added within the
Pay Item Number.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page E-11

Item shall also include of reinforced concrete piles cast in bored holes
drilled with the use of special equipment. It shall include the excavation and drilling of
holes, furnishing and placing of temporary and/or permanent steel casing and other
incidentals necessary for the execution of work. Pile construction shall be at locations,
dimensions and lengths indicated in the Drawings and in accordance with these

Add the following Sub-Section 400.1.8 to Section 400.1:

400.1.8 Work Drawings

At least 4 weeks prior to start of work on bored piles, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer for review and approval, an installation plan for the construction of bored piles.

The submittal shall include the following:

a) List of proposed equipment to be used including cranes, drills, augers, bailing

buckets, final cleaning equipment, desanding equipment, slurry pumps, sampling
equipment, tremies or concrete pumps, casings, etc.

b) Details of overall construction operation sequence of bored pile construction in

bents or groups or singly.

c) Details of pile excavation method.

d) When slurry is required, details of the method, proposed mix, circulation and design
of slurry.

e) Details of methods to clean the pile excavation.

f) Details of reinforcement placement including support and centralization methods.

g) Details of concrete placement, curing and protection.

h) Details of any required Load Tests (if called for in the Drawings) and;

i) Other information shown on the Drawings or requested by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall not start construction of bored pile for which working drawings are
required until the Engineer has approved such drawings. Such approval will not relieve the
Contractor of responsibility for results obtained by use of these drawings or any of this
other responsibilities under the Contract.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-1

Cast in place concrete requirements
Item 405, Structural

Concrete for bored pile shall be Class "AAl" with strength requirement of 28 Mpa

The use of appropriate additives to assure mix consistency shall be allowed provided air
entraining is not enhanced and with the Engineer's approval. A retarder of proven
adequacy and approved by the Engineer shall be used to ensure that early hardening of
concrete during tremie operation will not occur.

Casings which are required to be incorporated as part of permanent work shall conform to
AASHTO M183 (ASTM A-36).

400.3 Construction Requirements

400.3. 7 Cast in Place Concrete Piles

Modify Sub-Section 400.3. 7 to read as follows:

a) Protection of Existing Structures

All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to existing structures and
utilities. The measures shall include but are not limited to, selecting construction methods
and procedures that will prevent excessive caving of the bored hole, monitoring and
controlling the vibrations from the driving of casing or sheeting or drilling of the pile.

b) Construction sequence

Other excavations shall not be carried out close to boreholes for piles not concreted, nor
close to plies, which have been cast recently, which could be damaged by the adjacent

c) General Methods and Equipment

Excavation for bored piles shall be carried out by mechanical methods; blasting and
compressed air method shall not be used unless permitted by the Engineer.

Excavation shall be performed through whatever materials are encountered to the

dimensions and elevations shown on the Drawing or ordered by the Engineer. The methods
and equipment shall be suitable for the intended purpose and materials encountered.

Suitable casings shall be furnished and placed when required to prevent caving of the hole
before concrete is placed. Mineral Slurry may be used in the drilling process to prevent
caving during drilling of holes and the placement of concrete.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-2


deep ly cast to

The casings/ whether temporary or permanent, shall be from significant distortion,

shall be free from internal projections, and encrusted concrete, which may prevent proper
formation. The inside of casings shall be cleaned and all loose materials removed before
placing concrete.

Permanent steel casings, fabricated out of striped steel materials or equivalent shall be
prepared and installed as part of the composite bored piles.

Temporary casing, if used in drilling operations, may be left in place or removed from the
hole as concrete is placed. The bottom of the casing shall be maintained not more than
l.Sm nor less than 0.3m below the top of the concrete during withdrawal and placing
operations unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Separation of the concrete during
withdrawal operations shall be avoided by vibrating the casing.

c) Excavations

The bottom elevation of the bored pile shown on the Drawings may be adjusted during
construction if the Engineer determines that the foundation materials encountered during
drilling is unsuitable or differs from what was assumed in the design of the drilled shaft.

The Contractor shall take soil samples or rock cores when required by the specification or as
directed by the Engineer to determine the character of the material directly below the shaft
excavation. The Engineer will inspect the samples or cores to determine the final depth or
required shaft excavation.

Excavations shall not be carried out close to piles which have been executed but not
concreted nor close to piles which have been cast recently and which contain concrete
which would be damaged by adjacent work.

Excavation materials which are removed from the hole excavation and any drilled fluid used
shall be disposed of in accordance with the special provisions or as directed by the

d) Slurry

The slurry to be used in drilling process shall be mineral slurry. The slurry shall have both a
mineral grain size that will remain in suspension with sufficient viscosity and gel
characteristics to transport material to a suitable screening system. The percentage and
specific gravity of the material used to make the suspension shall be sufficient to maintain
the stability of the excavation and to allow the proper concrete placement. The level of the
slurry shall be determined at a height sufficient to prevent caving of the hole.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-3


Control tests using suitable apparatus shall be carried out by the Contractor on the mineral
slurry to determined density, viscosity and pH. An acceptable range of values for those
physical properties is shown in the following table:

Range of Value (at 20 °[68 OF])

Property When Slurry During Concreting

Units Introduced In Hole Test Method
Density (KN/m3) 10.10 to 10.86 10.10 to 11.79 Density Balance

Viscosity 28 to 45 28 to 45 Marsh Cone

(sec per quart)

Ph 8 to 11 8 to 11 pH paper or meter

Sand content shall not exceed 4 percent (by volume) at any point in the shaft excavation as
determined by the American Petroleum Institute sand content test.

Test to determine density, viscosity and pH values shall be done during the drilling to
establish a consistent working pattern.

Prior to placing concrete in the bored pile, slurry samples shall be taken from the bottom
and at intervals not exceeding 3 meter for the full height of slurry. Any heavily contained
slurry that has accumulated at the bottom of the shaft shall be eliminated. The mineral
slurry shall be within specification requirements immediately before placement of bored
pile concrete.

h) Excavation Inspection

The Contractor shall provide equipment for checking the dimensions and alignment of each
shaft excavation. The dimensions and alignment shall be determined by the Contractor
under the direction of the Engineer. Final shaft depth shall be measured after final cleaning.

The shaft excavation shall be cleaned so that a minimum of 50 percent of the base will have
less than 1.25cm of sediment and at no place on the base or more than 3.80 em of
sediment. Shaft cleanliness will be determined by the Engineer.

400.3. 7.2 Reinforcing Steel Cage Construction

The reinforcing steel cage as shown on the Drawings plus the cage stiffener bars, spacers,
centralizer and other necessary appurtenance shall be completely prefabricated and placed

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-4


400.3.7.3 Concrete Placement, Curing and Protection

Concrete shall be place as soon as possible after the reinforcing steel cage has been
installed and permission of the Engineer has been obtained. Concrete shall be placed
without interruption until the complete pile is concreted. Placement shall continue after
the shaft is full until good quality concrete is evident at the top of the shaft. Concrete shall
be cast-in-place through a tremie or concrete pump using methods specified in Sub-Section
407.3.1.3 Placing Concrete in Water.

The concrete mix shall be of such design that concrete remains in workable plastic state
through the placement period.

Temporary casings which are in contact with the bored pile concrete and which are not
withdrawn before the initial set of the concrete has occurred shall be left in place.

When the top pile elevation is above ground, the portion of the pile above ground shall be
formed with a temporary or permanent casing when specified.

For at least 48 hours after pile concrete has been placed, no construction operations that
would cause soil movement adjacent to the shaft, other than mild vibration, shall be carried
out unless permitted by the Engineer.

400.3. 7.4 Construction Tolerances

The following construction tolerances shall be maintained in the construction of bored


a) The bored pile shall be within 75 mm of the plan position in the horizontal plane at
the plan elevation for the top of the shaft.

b) The vertical alignment of the drilled hole shall not vary from the plan alignment by
more than 10 mm per meter.

c) After all the pile concrete is placed, the top of the reinforcing steel cage shall be no
more than 150 mm above and no more than 75 mm below plan position.

d) The top elevation of the pile shall be within 25 mm of the plan top of pile elevation.

e) The bottom of the shaft excavation shall be normal to the axis of the pile within 60
mm per meter of pile diameter.

f) When casing is used, its outside diameter shall not be less than the shaft diameter
shown on the Drawings. The diameter of cast in-site piles shall be at least 97% of the
specified diameter.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-5
a to

Basis of

Add sentence:

"The price shall be deemed to include the necessary Hacking up to required


Delete Pay Item Number 400{17) of the second paragraph of Section 400.5 and insert the
following Pay Items:

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

400(17)a Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(600 mm diameter)

400(17)b Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(1000 mm diameter)

400(17)c Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(1200 mm diameter)

400{17}d Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(1400 mm diameter)

400{17)e Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

{1500 mm diameter)

400{17)f Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

{1800 mm diameter)

400(17)g Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(2000 mm diameter)

400{17)h Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

{2200 mm diameter)

400{17)i Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(2300 mm diameter)

400(17)j Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

{2400 mm diameter)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-6


Concrete Piles Cast in meter


400(17)m Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(2800 mm diameter)

400(17)n Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(2900 mm diameter)

400(17)o.l Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(3000 mm diameter)

400(17)0.2 Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(3000 mm diameter) Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

400(17)p Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(3200 mm diameter)

400(17)q.l Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(3500 mm diameter)

400(17)q.2 Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

{3500 mm diameter) Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

400(17)r Concrete Piles Cast in Drilled Holes linear meter

(3600 mm diameter)

400(24)a Permanent Casing (600mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)b Permanent Casing (lOOOmm dia.) linear meter

400{24)c Permanent Casing (1200mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)d Permanent Casing (1400mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)e Permanent Casing (1500mm dia.) linear meter

400{24)f Permanent Casing (1800mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)g Permanent Casing (2000mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)h Permanent Casing (2200mm dia.} linear meter

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-7
N Un


400(24)k Permanent meter

400(24)1 Permanent Casing (2700mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)m Permanent Casing (2800mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)n Permanent Casing (2900mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)o.l Permanent Casing (3000mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)0.2 Permanent Casing {3000mm dia.) linear meter

Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

400(24)p Permanent Casing (3200mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)q.l Permanent Casing (3500mm dia.) linear meter

400(24)q.2 Permanent Casing (3500mm dia.) linear meter

Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

400(24)r Permanent Casing (3600mm dia.) linear meter


400(22)a.l Description

Pile Integrity Test shall be performed using the Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) procedure. By
sending ultrasonic pulses through concrete from one probe to another (probes located in
parallel tubes), the CSL procedure inspects the drilled shaft structural integrity, and the
extent and location of defects, if any. At the receiver probe, pulse arrival time and signal
strength are affected by the concrete. For equidistant tubes, "uniform concrete" yields
consistent arrival time with reasonable pulse wave speed and signal strengths. Non
uniformities such as contamination, soft concrete, honeycombing voids, or inclusion exhibit
delayed arrival times with reduced signal strength.

Sub-section 400{22)b.2 gives the specifications and instructions for pile integrity testing of
drilled and cast-in-place foundation shafts.

The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment, and labor necessary for
conducting pile integrity tests on drilled and cast-in-placed shafts (hereinafter each noted
as test shaft). The Contractor shall not conduct the test himself but shall appoint a CSL
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-8
approved the Engineer, meeting
otherwise directed by Engineer.

400(22)b.l High Strain Dynamic Test

High-Strain Dynamic Testing is performed by obtaining and analyzing record of shaft force
and velocity under drop weight impacts for evaluation of shaft load, ultimate bearing
capacity, structural integrity, and load movement and shaft-soil load transfer relationships.

Testing of drilled and cast-in-place shafts closely resembles testing of driven piles during
re-strike. Sub -section SPL 400(22)b.3 gives the specifications and instructions for high-
strain dynamic testing of drilled and cast-in-place foundation shafts.

The work shall consist of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor necessary for
conducting high-strain dynamic tests on drilled and cast-in-place shafts (hereinafter each
noted as test shaft). The Contractor shall not conduct the test himself but shall appoint an
Independent Specialist to conduct all testing. The Contractor will be required to supply
materials, equipment and labor as hereinafter specified including prior to, during, and after
the load test. High Strain Dynamic Testing is a non-destructive quick test and it is intended
that the test shaft be left in a condition suitable for use in production. Testing procedures
shall conform to the ASTM D 4945-89 specification unless as otherwise noted below. The
shaft used for the test will be instrumented and tested by the Independent Specialist, as
approved by the Engineer, meeting requirements outlined in the ASTM D 4945-97
specification as well as those outlined below.

400{22)b.2 Pile Integrity Test {CSL Procedure)

400(22)b.2.1 Equipment Requirements for CSL

Provide a Cross Hole Analyzer (CHA), manufactured by Pile Dynamics, Inc. or an equivalent
CSL equipment, that meets the following minimum requirements:

1) A computer based CSL data acquisition system for display of signals during data
acquisition, with a minimum 12 bit A/D converter with a sampling frequency of at
least 500,000 Hz, and recording of all pulse signals for full swing analysis and
individual inspection.

2} Ultrasonic transmitter and receiver probes capable of producing records at a

minimum frequency of 50,000 Hz with good signal amplitude and energy through
good quality concrete. The probes shall be less than 1.1 inches in diameter and shall

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-9




400(22)b.2.2 CSL Access Tube Preparation

Install access tubes in each drilled shaft. A minimum of three(3) tubes shall be installed. The
number of tubes shall be determined by the CSL Independent Specialist and approved by
the Engineer.

Every drilled shaft shall be equipped with access tubes to permit possible inspection by CSL.
The drilled shafts to be tested will be chosen after installation by the Engineer. If significant
defects are detected, the number of drilled shafts tested may be increased by the Engineer.

Provide nominal 38 to 50 mm inside diameter standard weight schedule 40 steel tubes for
access for the probes in each drilled shaft. Use round tubes that have a regular internal
diameter free of defects and obstruction, including any tube joints, to permit the free,
unobstructed passage of the probes. Tubes shall be watertight and free from corrosion with
clean internal and external faces to ensure a good bond between the concrete and the
tubes. Tubes may be extended with mechanical couplings. Duct tape or other wrapping
material to seal the joints and butt welding of joints are prohibited. Tubes shall be installed
by the Contractor such that the CSL probes will pass through the entire length of the tube
without binding. Ensure that the access tubes are plumb and verify that unobstructed
passage of the probes is achievable before the CSL Independent Specialist arrives.

Fit the tubes with a watertight shoe on the bottom and a removable cap on the top. Secure
the tubes at regular intervals not to exceed l.Om to the interior of the reinforcement cage.
Install the tubes uniformly and equidistantly around the circumference such that each tube
is spaced parallel for the full length and at the maximum distance possible from each
adjacent tube. Extend the tubes to within 150mm of the drilled shaft bottoms, and to at
least 1.0 m above the drilled shaft tops, and at least 0.60 m, but not more than 1.5 m above
the ground surface. Do not damage the tubes during installation of the reinforcing cage.

After placement of the reinforcement cage, fill the access tubes with clean fresh water as
soon as possible but within at the latest one hour of concrete placement. Cap the tube tops
to prevent debris from entering debris from entering the access tubes. Do not apply
excessive torque, hammering or other stresses, which could break the bond between the
tube and concrete when removing caps from the tubes.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-10

CSL Procedure

Prior to CSL testing, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer and CSL Independent
Specialist with a record of all drilled shaft lengths with elevations of the top and bottom,
and installation dates of all drilled shafts. The access tubes shall be dearly labelled for
identification by the SSL Independent Specialist.

The CSL testing shall be performed with the transmitter and receiver probes in the same
horizontal plane in parallel tubes unless test results indicate potential defects, in which case
the questionable zone may be further evaluated with angled tests (source and receiver
vertically offset in the tubes). Using the labeling established for the tubes, perform CSL
testing between all adjacent perimeter access tube pairs and across shafts with more than
four tubes, additional logs in other diagonal tube pairs may be required to estimate the
extent of the defect.

lower the probes from the top, effectively measuring the access tube lengths. Pull the
probes simultaneously, taking CSL measurement at intervals of 50 mm or less from the
bottom to the top of the drilled shaft. Defects indicated by the late pulse arrival times and
significantly lower amplitude/energy signals shall be immediately reported to the Engineer.
Additional tests such as the offset elevation CSL testing may be required by the Engineer to
further evaluate the extent of such defects. If debonding between the access tube and the
concrete is indicated by the CSL results, an alternative test method will be required to
determine the integrity of the concrete in the debonded region.

400(22)b.2.5 CSL Results

It is the Contractors responsibility to ensure that the CSL Independent Specialist submits a
timely report of the testing results. A written report of the CSL results shall be submitted
within five {5) working days of completion of testing. The report shall include presentation
of CSllogs for all tested tube pairs including:

1. Presentation of the traditional signal peak diagram as a function of time plotted

versus depth

2. Computed initial pulse arrival time or pulse wave speed versus depth

3. Computed relative pulse energy or amplitude versus depth

A CSL log shall be presented for each tube pair. Defect zones, if any, shall be indicated on
the logs and their extent and location discussed herein. Defect zones are defined by an

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-11


perform any other construction associated with after

by the Engineer. If the drilled shaft is accepted by the Engineer, the Contractor may
proceed with construction. If the Engineer determines the drilled shaft is not acceptable,
the drilled shaft must be cored, repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's
expense and with no increase in contract time.

400(22)b.3 High Strain Dynamic Testing

400(22)b.3.1 Testing Equipment

The Contractor shall provide access to the test pile including any requirements for
craneways. The Contractor shall supply all materials and equipment required to prepare the
test shaft, dynamically load the shaft, and return the shaft to a condition suitable for use in
the finished structure. Equipment required to perform the test includes but is not limited
1) If a permanent casing is not used as a feature to construct the shaft, then a
shaft top extension, consisting of a tin walled casing or equivalent, shall be used
to extend the shaft by length equal to two pile diameters. This top length,
defined as the 11test area", must be exposed and readily accessible by the testing
Engineer at the time of the test. If the shaft top is below grade, then the
Contractor must have equipment available to remove surrounding soil (creating
a safe working environment) so as to completely expose a test area of the shaft
may have to be cut-off in the steel casing to reach the concrete where directed
by the Engineer.

2) Means to insure the flat level (axial to shaft) and solid concrete shaft top.
Concrete should be level with, or above the casing.

3) A drop weight in the range of one to two percent (1-2%) of the anticipated
ultimate pile capacity, or as determined by the Engineer.

4) A guide allowing variable drop heights typically between 1 to 2m or as

determined by the Engineer.

5) A shaft top cushion consisting of new sheets of plywood with total thickness
between 50 to 150mm, or as determined by the Engineer.

6) A steel striker plate with a thickness of at least SOmm and an area between 70 to
90% of shaft top area but not less than area of the impacting surface of the drop
weight to be placed on top of the plywood cushion.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-12

concrete can
structure. If
in a manner as n!'"''"tr'"'"',..,,,..., or
sectional area approximately 20% area) shall be
supplied with sufficient length such the ram impact not ,,..,..,.., ..

the reinforcing bars. Steel Striker plate and plywood cushion must also be sized
so that they cover as much of the impact area as possible. Such treatments of
the pile ends shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

8) One (1) kW of appropriate voltage AC power.

9) Surveyors' transit, laser light, or equivalent for measurement of pile set under
each impact.

400(22}b.3.2Dynamic Testing Firm

It is the Contractor's responsibility to employ and compensate a specialized testing form.

Testing is to be performed by an Independent Specialist from a firm with a minimum of two
(2) years experience in dynamic shaft load testing. The actual test shall be conducted
and/or supervised by a Licensed Professional Engineer with at least two (2} years of
dynamic testing experience. Selection of the firm must be acceptable to the Engineer.

The independent dynamic testing firm must supply the following testing instrumentation in
addition to that outlined in ASTM specification D 4945-97 Section 5:

1} Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) manufactured by Pile Dynamics Inc., model GCPC or
more recent equivalent.

2) Four calibrated strain transducers

3} Four calibrated accelerometers

Prior to performing the dynamic test, the Independent Specialist must be provided with soil
borings, shaft installation records, concrete properties (strength/ etc.) and details regarding
the anticipated dynamic loading equipment. The Independent Specialist is required to
perform wave equation analyses (using GRLWEAPTM} or equivalent to determine the
suitability of the proposed dynamic loading equipment and an acceptable range of ram
drop heights so as not to cause damage in the shaft during the test.

400(22)b.3.3 Test Procedure

1. The test shaft shall be constructed using the approved installation

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-13

3. Prior to testing time, the Contractor shall make test area length
completely accessible to the Independent Specialist.
1. Prior to the test four "windows" (approximate size of 150 by 150mm)
diametrically opposite of each other will be located and removed from the
casing if appropriate, as determined by the Independent Specialist.

2. In cases where casing is not present, the testing shall smooth (by grinding)
areas around the pile circumference such that proper gage attachment can
be accomplished.
3. Gages shall be attached by Independent Specialist to the exposed concrete
or steel casing in a secure manner as to prevent slippage under impact.

4. Shaft top should be examined to insure concrete is flush with or above the

5. Apply plywood cushion and then striker to the shaft top. If reinforcing
protrudes from the shaft top, then the steel beam or pipe (used to transfer
the impact to the shaft top) should be secured in such a manner as not to
move under impact.

6. At least two (2} hammer impacts should be applied to the pile top. First drop
height should be minimal to allow the Independent Specialist to assess the
testing equipment, the driving system and pile stresses. Subsequent impacts
can be applied by utilizing higher drop heights.

7. Upon completion of the test, it is the Contractor's responsibility to return the

pile to acceptable production condition including removal of any temporary

400{22)b.3.4 Reporting of Results

It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the Independent Specialist submits a

timely report of the testing results. In addition to the field results, results from at least one
(1} CAPWAP analysis (CAse £.ile Wave 8nalysis frogram) must also be included. In addition
to reporting applicable information outlined is ASTM specification D 4945-97 Section 7, the
Independent Specialist must also provide the following:

1} Wave Equation analysis results obtained prior to testing.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-14

4} test to capacity integrity.

400(22)b.3.5 Acceptance

Piles found to be defective and/or not reaching the required ultimate capacity may be
subjected to additional tests, including static load tests. Such additional tests will be at the
cost of the Contractor. Piles determined to be defective and/or under strength may be
rejected by the Engineer. Construction of additional bored piles shall be suspended until
the contractor repairs, replaces or supplements the defective work, and the Engineer
approves the remedial work. Suspension of bored pile construction shall remain in effect
until the Engineer approves written changes to the methods of bored pile construction. Any
damage to the piles as a result of the testing being performed improperly will be the
responsibility of the contractor.

400{22)c Ultrasonic Test

400(22)c.1 Description

The cross-hole logging (CHL) or sonic logging method is a downhole variation of the
ultrasonic pulse velocity test. Ultrasonic transmitter and receiver probes are lowered down
parallel tubes in the concrete (bored pile) to be tested, and the transit time of an ultrasonic
pulse through the material between the tubes is measured by a data acquisition system.
Water in the tubes provides acoustic coupling to the surrounding material. A continuous
series of measurements is made as the probes are raised up the tubes, providing a vertical
profile of signal transit time.

The ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) is a function of concrete modulus, density, and Poisson's
ratio, so the uniformity of the material can be assessed from the uniformity of the CHL
profile. Anomalies such as soil inclusions, low modulus concrete, and voids will be readily
detected and located by the increased in pulse transit time that they cause.

The contractor shall hire/engage only services of subcontractor qualified to perform the
required job. The contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing the nominated
subcontractoris he proposes to hire including company profile and related job experience.

The nominated independent specialist shall have vast knowledge and experience with the
type of test required and shall have appropriate equipment to perform the test.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-15

logging test are inside access tubes.
Minimum thickness of the tube is about Smm. These tubes are tubes (GI pipes)
placed as part of the reinforcing cage prior to concreting. The tubes are installed
continuously from bottom to the top of the pile. The bottom ends of the tubes are provided
with sealed cap or plugged to avoid intrusion and contamination of concrete during pouring
and vibration. The tubes are fitted with robust couplings for extension to ensure that they
remain watertight and prevent slurry and grout ingress during pouring and curing of the
concrete. The top of the tubes were plugged or secured to prevent entry of foreign objects,
which could block the tubes prior to testing.

400(22)c.3 General Testing Procedure

Prior to actual testing, all the access tubes were first checked to ensure that the tubes are
not contaminated or blocked, and that they are reasonably straight, clean and free from
any internal defects for the clear passage of the probes. This is done using a dummy probe
to test access and at the same time record length of each tube. The temperature of the
water in the tubes is also checked. If the temperature exceeds the perating limits of the
apparatus at 60°( (as when the concrete is only a few days old} then the test will have to
be postponed until the pile has cooled down.

The access tubes are identified in the field as numbers 1, 2, 3, & 4. These are numbered
sequentially in the clockwise direction.

Prior to the test, the tubes are filled to the top with clear water. To ensure good acoustic
coupling between the probes and the water in the tubes, the probes are cleaned and made
fully saturated before each immersion.

The transmitter and receiver probes are then inserted inside the first two selected tubes for
logging. If all the tubes are clear (not blocked), the tests normally start from the bottom
progressing to the top. On the other hand, if any or all the bottoms of the tubes are blocked
(i. e., bottoms are not in same elevation), then, tests are conducted starting from the top to
bottom. A specific scan would then stop at the higher elevation of the two two tubes being
used, and this will now be reflected as the bottom of the specific record (but does not
necessarily be the bottom of the pile). Measured pile length will therefore be shorter than

The cables of the probes are then made to run over the meter - wheel device for depth

Before commencing the logging, data input as to the project details, pile name/ scans ID (i.
e., 2-3, 1-2, etc.), are inputted as part of the record.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-16
process is in access six(6) scans or
sonic maps are generated for the four access tubes of are shown in
graphical forms.

400(22)c.3.1 Equipment

The equipment used and set - up for the tests is described in details in the following

1. Mild Steel Tubes

The access tubes were installed on the entire pile length by the Contractor as part of its
scope. These consisted of four(4) steel tubes fastened securely just inside the
reinforcement cage, and generally equidistant from each other. The bottom ends of the
tubes are plugged to avoid intrusion and contamination of concrete during pouring and
vibration. The tubes are fitted with robust couplings for extension to ensure that they
remain watertight and prevent slurry and gout ingress during pouring and curing of the
concrete. The tubes have a minimum inside diameter of 50.0 mm minimum, with
thickness of about Smm.

The top of the tubes is fitted with removable caps to prevent entry of foreign objects,
which could block the tubes prior to testing.

2. Transmitter & Receiver Probes

The rate of sonic pulse generation and averaging is normally set to 30 scans/second. The
sample rate means that individual data traces for each depth resolution (e.g. data set)
will be typically acquired at a maximum rate of 30/ second. For asample depth
resolution of 5 em, then 30 scans/second the cables can be pulled at up to about 1.5

The combination of scan rate and resolution defines a maximum Pull Rate. The
maximum pull rate iss used to regulate a "speed meter" during data acquisition to guide
the user to pull the sensors up the tubes at an efficient rate without losing data.
The data is samples at 500kHz. Thus 500 data points represents 1 millisecond.

3. Probe Depth - Measuring Device

The TX & RX counts are calibration of depth encoders supplied by the manufacturer for
accurate depth measurements. The cables are passed through this device to determine
the depth position of the probes throughout the test.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-17

400(22).4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be paid shall be the number of each method of testing completed and

The quantity of designated size of piles on which ultrasonic tests were carried out shall be
measured and paid for in its total numbers inclusive of mobilization and demobilization of
equipment, calibration, testing, recording, analyzing, and reporting.

400(22).5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section 400{22).4 shall be paid for at the
contract unit price per "each" which shall constitute full compensation for all costs incurred
during the procurement, conducting of test and subsequent removal of test equipment,
including tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

400(22)a.l Pile Integrity Test (PIT), For Various Diameter each

400{22)a.2 Pile Integrity Test (PIT), For Various Diameter each

(Pasig/San Juan River Bridge)

400(22)b Pile Dynamic Test (PDA), For Various Diameter each

400(22)c Ultrasonic Test, For Various Diameter each

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-18

on Drawings. Railings
and dimensions shown on the Drawings.

401.3 Construction Requirements

401.3.3 Concrete Railing

The Contractor shall have the option to use cast-in-place or pre-cast concrete railings.
Should pre-cast railings be used, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer shop drawings
that will show the dimensions, reinforcements, and fixing details. The shop drawings shall
be in close conformity with what is shown on plans. In either case of cast-in-place or pre-
cast railings, forms to be used shall either be of single width or shall be lined with suitable
material to produce a smooth concrete surface. The evenness and the smoothness of the
concrete surface shall meet the approval of the Engineer. No pre-cast units will be installed
without the approval of the Engineer.

401.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity to be paid for shall be the total net lengths of railings in linear meters
measured from center to center of end posts according to its type, completely constructed
and accepted by the Engineer.

Modify second paragraph of Sub-Section 401.5 to read as follows:

401.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity measured as provided in Section 401.4, Method of Measurement

shall be paid for at the Contract unit price shown in the Bill of Quantities, which price and

payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing materials, painting the
erected railings, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete
the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

401(1) Railing {Parapet Wall With Railing On Top) linear meter

401(2) Railing (Concrete Bridge Railing, Single) linear meter

401{a) Railing, Concrete Median Barrier (Type Al) linear meter

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-19


Railing, Barrier meter

Cladding (Type Bl)

401(d) Railing, Concrete Side Barrier With linear meter

Cladding and Railing on Top (Type B2)


Delete the entire text of Item 403 and substitute the following:
403.1 General

403.1.1 Description
The work includes furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment required for performing
all operations in the fabrication and installation of structural steel, bolts and other
miscellaneous connection works as specified and shown on the Drawings.

Except as indicated in these technical specifications, the work of this contract shall be
performed in accordance with Volume II, of the DPWH Standar·d Specifications including
amendments and additions to the following items that shall be applied in carrying out the
work of this contract.

403: Metal Structures

408: Steel Structures
409: Welded Structural Steel
712: Structural metal and miscellaneous steel works

The Publications listed below form part of these Specifications to the extent indicated by
the reference thereto.

1) Japan Industrial Standards (JIS) Publication

2) Japan Road Association (JRA) Publication

The Contractor is required to acquire a set of above publications of related working items
for the Engineer's reference during construction, if requested by the Engineer.

403.2 Material Requirements

403.2.1 General

All materials shall be of new stock, free from surface imperfections and shall conform to the
applicable JIS standard or approved equivalent only. Unless otherwise specified JIS, steel
materials shall conform to JRA standard or other approved equivalents.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-20

Materials and necessary to complete each even though is not
definitely shown or specified, shall be included. Miscellaneous bolts and anchors, supports,
braces and connections necessary for completion of the works shall be provided.

Structural steel shall be furnished according to the following specifications. The grades of
steel to be furnished shall be as specified on the Drawings.

All steel shall conform to the following standards or approved equivalent and shall be
supplied in the grade as shown on the Drawings.

SS400: JJS G3101, or M270 Grade 36: AASHTO (or ASTM)

SM400A, SM400B, SM400C: JIS G3106, or M270 Grade 36: AASHTO (or ASTM)
SM490A, SM490B, SM490C: JIS G3106, or M270 Grade 50: AASHTO (or ASTM}
SM490YA, SM490YB, SM490C: JIS G3106, or M270 Grade 50: AASHTO (or ASTM)
SM520C: JIS G3106, or M270 Grade 50: AASHTO (or ASTM)

403.2.3 Other Metal Work

Fabrication of other metalwork shall conform to the material sizes and dimensions shown
on the Drawings, and installation thereof shall be as indicated on the said Drawings and
these Specifications or as directed by the Engineer.

Tests are required under the JIS for steel (or approved equivalent) to be used in the Works
and shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer. At least 1-day notice must be given
to the Engineer of the dates proposed for such tests.

1) High Strength Bolts

High strength bolts for structural steel shall conform to JIS B 1186 or approved equivalent
Sets of Torque-Shear Type High Strength Hexagon Bolt, Hexagon Nut and Plain Washers for
Friction Grip Joint or shall conform to JIS B1186 or approved equivalent.

Sets of High Strength Bolt, Hexagon Bolt Hexagon Nut and Plain Washers for Friction Grip
Joint shall conform to JIS B 1186 or approved equivalent.

2) Shear Studs

Steel grade, type, size and tolerance of shear studs shall conform to JIS B 1198 or approved
equivalent, Headed Stud or approved equivalent.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-21

Contractor shall be fully responsible for calculation and provision of necessary
camber in the pre-assembled elements to obtain the correct levels in the completed
structure, duly considering the applied erection procedure and the sequence in the
installation of the various dead load components.

403.2.5 Submittal

403.2.5.1 Working Drawings

The Contractor shall submit working drawings for the whole of the steelwork to the
Engineer for his review. All working drawings shall show full detailed dimensions, sizes and
cambers for all component parts of the structure. The size and extent of all welds shall be
clearly shown on the shop drawings such that the work can be fabricated from these
drawings without reference to the design drawings. The required grade of steel for each
individual fabrication shall be clearly indicated. All working drawings shall also show
method of construction, spacing of bolts, welding, sectional areas and other details
necessary for the works. Bolted or welded construction may be employed subject to
approval, soundness and neatness of design. Where welds are used, either at shop or on
site, it shall wherever possible, be continuous around the joint to ensure that the joints are
completely sealed against corrosion.

The details of connections on working drawings shall be such as to minimize formation of

pockets to hold condensation, water or dirt and a minimum gap between abutting angles
and the like shall be provided wherever possible to eliminate any traps and facilitate
maintenance of painting.

No materials shall be ordered nor fabricated until such drawings are approved by the
Engineer in writing.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all errors of detailing, fabrications and correct fitting
for all structural members.

403.2.5.2 Erection Procedures

The Contractor shall submit program of work and methodology to illustrate steel erection
and temporary staying and bracing and to give clarification on data submitted. These
submittals shall include details of storage and handling of steel materials, camber control,
geometric control, site connections, cutting, welding, bolted connection, site assembly, test,
erection equipment, crane way, temporary bent piers, assembling yard preparation,

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-22

Program assembly of the girder structure

• Details of the proposed assembly methods

• Layout and details of the assembly yard and its equipment

• Methods for fabricating, including temporary supports (or bracing) to steelworks

• Methods and equipment for storage of girders
• Methods for movement, load-out and transport of girders to erection position

• Methods and equipment for lifting of girders into position

• Methods for temporary support of girders prior to lowering into permanent bearings

• Details of temporary connections required to provide and maintain accurate

alignment at field splices prior to completion of permanent joint

403.2.5.3 Proof of Compliance with the Specifications for Materials

Manufacture's certificates shall always be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. The
Contractor shall also submit the following test results as a proof that the materials to be
used will comply with the requirement of these Specifications.
Reports of Ladle Analysis for Steel:

a} Mill test reports for main members

b) Fabricator's certificate for secondary members

Reports for Tensile Properties and Bend Tests for:

a) Steel shapes
b) Steel bars
c) Steel plates

Certificate of Conformance of:

a) Structural steel tubing

b) Steel bar grating
c) Filler metals for welding

Reports of Mechanical Properties of Shear Connectors

Reports of Mechanical Tests for High Strength Bolds and Standard Bolts
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-23


The Contractor shall likewise submit the of

Construction Requirements.

403.3 Construction Requirements

403.3.1 Organization

To ensure consistent high quality the Contractor shall employ only qualified engineers and
personnel experienced in the techniques of steel structure construction to supervise these
works. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of the experience and
qualifications of the personnel he proposes to supervise these works together with
description of their duties down to the level of foremen. The Contractor shall provide
special practical training to his local staff prior to manufacture of units for the permanent
works. This training shall be deemed part of the Contractor's obligations under the contract
and included in his price for the works. Expatriate operatives employed for steelworks
assembly or erection shall be experienced in the construction of steel structure works. The
Engineer shall approve erection diagrams.

403.3.2 Handling and Storing Materials

Material to be stored at the job site shall be placed on skids above the ground. The
underlying ground shall be kept and free from vegetation and shall be properly drained. The
material shall be kept clean and shall be properly drained. Girders and beams shall be
placed upright and shall be shored. The Contractor shall be responsible for the loss of any
material, for which he has been paid, while it is in his care, or for any damage, resulting
from his work. The loading, transporting and unloading of structural steelwork shall be so
conducted that the steel will be kept free from injury and rough handling.

403.3.3 Qualification

1) Steel Fabricator

Steel fabricator shall have an experience in fabrication of structural steel for projects of
similar type. A fabricator's shop shall have a suitable space for temporary shop assembly.
The Contractor shall submit a written description of fabrication capability including
facilities, personnel and list of similar completed projects, including testing and quality
control capability and specifically the type and extent of quality control procedure, which
the fabricator intends to employ on this Project.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-24

3) Qualified Welder and Welding Procedures

The Contractor shall submit for Engineer's approval the welding procedure, welder's
qualification and the test results of each type of welding to be performed.

Procedures shall be developed for welding all metals included in the work. The Contractor
shall not start welding works until procedures, welders and trackers have been qualified as
specified herein. The Contractor shall perform qualification testing by an approved testing
laboratory, or by the Contractor's laboratory if approved by the Engineer. Cost of such
testing shall be borne by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall qualify each welder and tracker assigned to work on this Project by test
using equipment, positions, procedures, base metal and electrodes that will be
encountered in his assignment. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for approval a
certification that each welder is qualified in accordance with the requirements of JIS Z 3801
and/or JIS Z3841 or approved standard. Welder shall have successful past experience with
similar weld types or approved equal only.

403.3.4 Welding

1) General

Unless otherwise specified this specification for welded components shall comply with JRA
Part II or approved equivalent.

Before the work is started, the welding procedure for each type of joint shall be approved
by the Engineer. The welding procedure prepared by the Contractor shall include such trial
welds and tests to satisfy the requirements of JRA Part II.

2) Welding Plan

Prior to start of fabrication, a Welding Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineer
for review. The plan shall be prepared, signed and sealed by a suitably qualified
professional engineer, having significant past experience with similar projects, and shall
include the following information:

Procedures and program of welding sequence (for each component and for welding
components together). After approval of this submittal, welding procedures and
sequences shall be followed without deviation.

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is required for all welders.

Repair procedures or possible treatment of complete welds by grinding with indication

of grinding direction, etc.

Fit-up requirements.

Details on non-destructive testing methods to be used for specific typical joints.

Precautions with regard to welding shrinkage.

This plan shall be updated and maintained as required throughout the course of the

3) Equipment

The welding machine shall be of modern type and with ample capacity to provide the
required current to each welding point without appreciable fluctuations. Welding machine
shall be used Carbon Gas Arc Semi-automatic Welding Machine, and Alternating Current
Arc Welding Machine, or approved equal only. All shop/site welds shall be carried out by
qualified welders under proper supervision. The work shall be properly prepared for
welding and the correct sequence adhered at all times.

4) Welding Material

All arc-welding electrodes shall conform to be requirements of JIS Standards or approved


5) Welding Construction

Welded connection shall be permitted only where indicated on the approved working
drawings. Welded construction shall conform to the following:

a) Surfaces to be welded shall be free from loose scale, slag, rust, grease, paint and any
other foreign materials except that mill scale that withstands vigorous wire brushing
may remain. Joint surfaces shall be free from fins and tears. Preparation of edges
by gas cutting shall, wherever practicable, be done by a mechanically guided torch.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-26


tolerances gap between to eccentricity

from theoretical alignment, dimensions the cross section of grooved welded joints, etc.
shall conform to JRA Part II or approved equivalent.

403.3.5 Fabrication

1) General

The Contractor shall fabricate structural steel in the shop to the greatest extent possible for
transporting in accordance with Drawings.

Bolted or welded connection shall be provided whether constructed on the shop or on the
field as shown on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer. High strength bolts for all
bolted connections shall be used unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or approved by
the Engineer.

Connections shall be as shown on the Drawings or as approved by the Engineer. Holes

except bolt holes shall be cut, drilled or punched at right angles to the surface of the metal
and shall not be made or enlarged by burning.
All sharp edges and corners shall be grind to a minimum radius of 1 mm and all sharp
irregularities, burrs, slag and spatters on welds shall be removed. Bearing plates shall be
provided under beams resting on concrete walls.

Contact surface between bases of bearing and column or other elements bearing directly
upon such plates shall be grind or milled as necessary for full effective bearing. Edges for
welding shall likewise be properly prepared. An inspection shall be made to determine that
the fabrication and the matching of the component parts are correct.

Jigs shall be used for the assembly of units as much as possible to maintain appropriate
position of mutual materials.

Approval of the Engineer shall be required when drilling temporary bolt holes or welding
temporary support to the assembled structure.

The tolerance shall not exceed those shown on the Drawings and each unit assembled shall
be closely checked to ensure that all necessary clearances have been provided and that
binding does not occur in any moving part.

In order to maintain accurate finished dimensions and shape, appropriate reverse strain or
restraints shall be provided as required.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-27

structure to

2) Templates

All templates, jigs and other equipment necessary for the accurate fabrication of the Work
shall be provided by the Contractor at his own expense.

3) Cutting of Steel

Edges may be cut by planning, machining, flame cutting or shearing, but edges to be welded
shall nevertheless comply with the welding sub-section of this Specification. Tolerances of
cut edges of surface shall apply to following table. Defects exceeding following table shall
be removed by machining or grinding. Correction to defects shall be faired to the surface
less than following table requirements.

Tolerances table of Cut edges surface

Defects Main Structure Secondary Structure

Burrs Less than SO /m Ry Less than 100 im Ry
Notches No Notches Less than lmm

Oxygen cutting of steel and weld metal shall be permitted provided a smooth and regular
surface free from cracks and notches is secured, and provided that an accurate profile is
secured by the use of a mechanical guide.

In all oxygen cutting the cutting flame shall be so adjusted and manipulated as to avoid
cutting inside the prescribed lines. The surface roughness of oxygen cut surfaces shall be
equivalent to or better than the standard classes of replicas of flame cut surfaces as existing
on JIS B 0601 or approved equivalent.

Cut surfaces and edges shall be left free of adhering slag. Corrections of defects shall be
faired to the oxygen cut surface with a slope not exceeding 1 in 10. Defects of oxygen cut
edges shall not be repaired by welding except with the express approval of the Engineer for
occasional notches or gouges. Such weld repair shall be made by suitably preparing the
defect, welding with low hydrogen electrodes not exceeding 4 mm in diameter, observing
the applicable requirements of the welding sub-section of this specification, and grinding
the completed weld smooth and flush with the adjacent surface to produce a workmanlike

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-28

or to ration

Straightening or bending of
done by means steady applied by or presses. and
shall not be done by hammering or, unless the Engineer's approval has been obtained by
heating. If straightening by heating is allowed, the steel shall in no case be heated to a
higher temperature than 900°C as measured by indicating crayons, liquids or bimetal
thermometers. After heating, the metal shall be cooled slowly in air without any forced

5) Holes of Bolts

All holes shall be drilled. Punching of holes shall not be permitted. Reamed and fitted holes
shall be sub-drilled 3 mm less in diameter than that of the finished holes and reamed to
Reamed and fitted holes and drilled holes shall be made through steel templates or after
assembly or by other approved means, to ensure complete matching between the plies of
the joints.

All steel templates shall have hardened steel bushings in holes accurately dimensioned
from the centerlines of the connection. The centerlines shall be used to accurately locate
the template.

All finished holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the member unless otherwise
specified. All burrs and other defects shall be removed.

The diameter of the completed hole shall be 2.5 mm larger than the nominal diameter of
the bolt unless otherwise specified except that for the inner plies of a structural connection
fastened by high-strength bolts the diameter of the hole shall not be larger than 2.5 mm
larger than the nominal diameter of the bolt.

All matching holes shall register with each other so that a gauge or drift 2 mm less in
diameter than the hole shall pass freely through the assembled contact faces at right angles
to them.

Burrs, fins and other defects shall be removed. Drifting to align holes shall be done in a
manner that will not distort the metal or enlarge the hole.

6} Marking for Final Assembly

Each part shall be carefully marked to facilitate final erection. Such marking shall be
durable but shall not injure the material. Such marks shall not be injured, defaced or
removed by any person. The marking of components shall be in accordance with that
shown on the workshop drawings submitted.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-29

su shop assemblage
approval the Engineer. The shop assemblage shall verify the individual
have the shape to that the individual elements have the shape to fit exactly into adjoining
elements. In addition, the shop assemblage shall verify that the camber aimed at, or
prescribed, actually exists, and that the geometry is generally correct.

The Contractor shall perform measurement of the structural members, and the results shall
be recorded and submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer that
the shop assemblage of major components have been completed and measured, and the
structure shall not be dismantled until the shop assemblage has been approved by the

403.3.6 Fabrication Tolerances

Dimensions shall be measured by means of an approved calibrated steel tape at the time of
inspection. Unevenness of plate work shall not exceed the limitation of the standard mill
practice as specified in JRA Part II or approved equivalent.

Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is evidence that the application of the
following tolerances would adversely affect the serviceability of the structure; the Engineer
shall have the right to reduce the tolerances.

Unless otherwise specified, the following tolerances shall apply:

Table of Tolerance

1 Flange width b (m) ±2 ------------- b~0.5

Height of web plate (m) ±3 --------------0.5 < b ~ 1.0

Web plate spacing {m) ±4 --------------1.0 < b ~ 2.0
±(3+b/2) -------------- 2.0 < b

2 Flatness of Web Plate :h h/250

Plate (mm)

Flange of box: w w/150

3 Squareness of flange (mm) b/200

4 Length of Plate girder (m) ±3 -------------- L ~10m

member L ±4 --------------10m< L

Expansion (m) 0"'+30

5 Straightness of compression member L {mm) L I 1000

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-30

+ I


7 Spacing center to center between main girder or main --------------- B s 2m

structure B(m}
± (3+8/2) -------- B >2m

8 Assembled height of main structure H(mm) ± 5 -------------- H s 5 m

±(2.5+H/2) ------------ H > 5 m

9 Straightness of main girder or main structure L(m) ±5+ L/5 -------------- L S 100 m
25 -------------- L > 100 m

10 Deflection of main girder or main structure L(m) -5"'+5 ------ L~20 m

-5"'+10 ------20m< L s 40 m
-5"'+15 ------ 40 m < L s 80 m
-5"'+ 25 ------ 80 m < L s 200 m

11 Tolerance of main girder or main structure at the end 10

line of bridge (mm)

12 Vertically of main girder or main structure H(mm) 3+H/1000 H: (mm)

13 Gap of site connection (mm) 5

14 Expansion Relative error in setting Specified value± 4

Joint (mm) height

Difference of level of ±2
finger plates

403.3. 7 Inspection and Test of Welding

1) Inspection of Welding

a) General

All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer after
fabrication. To enable the Engineer to arrange inspection, the Contractor shall give four
(4) days notice in writing before beginning the work in the shop and no work shall be
done before such period has elapsed.

Method of inspection, which may be used, includes the following:

- Visual inspections, including the use of penetrate dyes, acid etching,

and photography.
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Radiographic inspection
- Ultrasonic inspection

No work shall be dispatched from the shop until it has been inspected by the Engineer.

b) Radiographic Inspection

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-31

extent are as

Main Girder

Traverse butt weld in flange plate and web plate:

Member Maximum Number of Number of RT

Joints in one group for
Test Lot
Flange for Tension 1 1 (Radiograph shall be taken to
Member include edge of flange)
Flange for Compression 5 1
Web 1 1 (Radiograph shall be taken to
include area 100 mm adjacent
to flange in tension)

The result of the test shall satisfy the following:

a) The joint subject to tensile stress shall be equal or better than class-2 as
specified in JIS Z3104 or approved equivalent.

b) The joint subject to compressive stress shall be equal to or better than class-3.

c) Ultrasonic inspection shall be carried out in accordance with JIS Z3060 or

approved equivalent.

Ultrasonic inspection shall be used on Flange/Flange welds, a part of full Flange/Web and in
any other areas directed by the Engineer.

Defects revealed by non-destructive tests will be compared with the standards for
allowable porosity and fusion type defects set out herein. Where weld defects exceed the
limits specified, the weld will be rejected. If approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall
carry out the corrective measure specified herein.

The Contractor shall program his work to the satisfaction of the Engineer in order to keep
visits to a minimum.

The cost of providing welding inspections, and equipment and operators for non-
destructive testing will be borne by the Contractor.

After the repair of any defective weld, further non-destructive tests of the corrected weld
will be made at the Contractor's expense. The cost of any further corrective measures and
subsequent non-destructive testing of the weld will be borne by the Contractor.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-32

a) Before Welding

Scum, angle of bevel; roof clearance, cleaning surface to be welded, quality of

drying of welding rod.

b) During Welding

Welding procedure, diameter of core and wire, type of flux, welding current and voltage,
welding speed, welding rod position, length of arc, melting, cleaning of slag of each level
under surface chapping, supervision of welding rod.

c) After Execution of Welding

Assurance of bead surface, existence of harmful defects, treatment of crater, quality of slag
removal, size of fillet, dimension of extra fill of butt welding, treatment of end tab.

2} Testing of Welding

The Contractor shall retain a suitably qualified and experienced independent Testing
Agency, acceptable to the Engineer, to perform non-destructive testing of welds as
described below. This Agency shall submit reports regularly to the Engineer, who may also
arrange other independent tests of the Work.

The test to be performed shall be as follows:

a) All welds shall be visually inspected for size, contour and general conformance with
good welding practice.

b) Only when there is suspension in visual inspection, Magnetic Particle Testing shall
be conducted.

c) The following percentage of randomly selected welds shall be subjected to

Radiographic Inspection in accordance with the JIS Z3104 or approved equivalent.
Ultrasonic Inspection in accordance with JIS Z3060 or approved equivalent. The
Contractor shall submit the Inspection method to the Engineer for approval.

- 100% of tension flange butt welds- shop

- 20% of compressive flange butt welds- shop
- 100% of each web butt weld, always including the 100 mm adjacent to flange in tension
- 50% of other flange butt welds- shop.

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Welds that fail to meet the requirements of these tests shall be repaired to the satisfaction
of the Engineer, following which testing shall be repeated at the Contractor's expense. If
the welds cannot be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer, they shall be rejected and
removed from the Work.

3) Corrections

In lieu of the rejection of an entire piece or member containing welding which is

unsatisfactory or which indicates inferior workmanship, corrective measures may be
permitted by the Engineer whose specific approval shall be obtained for making each
correction. Defective or unsound welds or base steel shall be corrected either by removing
and replacing the entire weld, or as follows:

a) Excessive convexity or overlap shall be reduced by grinding.

b) Undercut, lacking of weld shall be repaired with necessary reinforcement of weld

after removal of any foreign material such as slag, dust, oil, etc.

c) Any defects such as slag inclusion, incomplete fusion, or inadequate joint

penetration, shall be completely removed, cleaned and re-welded.

d) Cracks in weld or base steet shall be removed to sound steel throughout its length
and 5 em beyond each end of the crack, followed by welding. The extent of the
crack, depth and length, shall be ascertained by the used of acid etching, magnetic
particle inspection or other equally positive means.

The removal of welded steel shall be done by chipping, grinding, oxygen cutting, oxygen
gauging, or air carbon arc gauging and in such a manner that the remaining welded steel or
base steel is not nicked or undercut. Defective portions of the welding shall be removed
without substantial removal of the base steel.

403.3.8 Delivery to Site

During delivery all component materials shall be adequately protected from damage and
the Contractor shall be responsible for any damage, which may occur. In particular, the
Contractor shall adequately strut the bottom flange of plate girders.

All straps and chains used in lifting shall be adequately padded to prevent damage to the
steelwork and its protective coating.

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1) m

Prior to executing steel fabrication, Contractor shall prepare full lation, detailed
erection drawings and comprehensive installation program including engineering
supervision organization, fabrication procedure, field installation procedure, application
material, application machinery, inspection procedure, scope and standards of quality
testing, and submit to the Engineer for approval.

The erection drawings shall be signed and sealed by a suitably qualified professional
engineer. Supporting calculations for all major items of work such as crane reach and
capacity, temporary girder supports, temporary bearings, temporary bent piers and
incidental and include full method statements for each stage of the erection shall
accompany the erection drawings.

Erection shall not commence until the Engineer has indicated that he has no further
comments on the Contractor's proposals.

Steelwork shall be stored, clear of the ground and in such a way as to permit checking and
to avoid excessive handling and damage to the steelwork or its protective coating.

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, all surfaces to be brought together to form a
joint or splice shall be free of paint or any other applied finish, oil, dirt, loose rust, loose
scale, burrs and other defects which would prevents solid seating of the parts or would
interfere with the development of friction between them.

2) Installation Requirements

a) Setting of Anchor Bolt and Others

i. Anchor bolt shall be set in accurate position by using template.

ii. Setting method shall be proposed to the Engineer for his approval before setting

iii. The thread of bolt shall be treated with appropriate method against rust and/or
from any damage before tightening.

iv. Non-shrink grout shall be placed under base plate, well cured to obtain the
sufficient strength before bearing loads are applied to base plate.

b) Shop Assembly

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-35

c) Adequacy nections

During erection, temporary connection work shall be securely made by bolting and/or
welding for all dead load, wind and erection stresses.

d) Alignment

No permanent bolting or welding shall be done until the alignment of all parts with respect
to each other shall be true within the respective tolerances required.

e) Site Welding

i. Any shop paint or surfaces adjacent to joints where field welding is to be

executed shall be wire brushed to remove paint/primer.

ii. Site welding shall conform to the requirements specified herein before
(403.3.4 & 403.3. 7 etc.), except as approved by the Engineer.

f) Bolting

Bolts shall be driven accurately into the holes without damaging the thread. Bolt heads shall
be protected from damage during driving. Bolt heads and nuts shall rest squarely against
the metal. Where bolts are to be used on beveled surfaces having slopes greater than 1 in
20 with the plane normal to the bolt axis, beveled washers shall be provided to give full
bearing to the head or nut.

After having been finally tightened, nuts shall be locked.

When bolts are tightened by torque method, tightening torque shall be adjusted so that
tightening axial force is induced uniformly to each bolt.

Tightening axial force of bolts is shown in the following table:

Grade Size Axial Force of Bolt ( KN)
SlOT M20 172"'202
M22 212"'249

M24 247"'290

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-36

associated nuts
JRA standard or approved equivalent
indicating devices acceptable to the Engineer.

High strength bolts shall be assembled with one hardened washer under the turned
element (nut or bolt head). The washer shall be assembled with any convexity outwards.
The inserting and tensioning of the high tensile bolts shall be so arranged that the close
contact established by the service bolts is maintained at all times. The tensioning of high
tensile bolts shall not commence until the joint has been inspected by the Engineer.

h) Correction of Errors

i. Correction of minor misfits by use of drift pins, and reaming, chipping or

cutting will be permitted and shall be provided as part of erection work.

ii. Any errors to be corrected or adjusted, preventing proper assembly, shall be

immediately reported to the Engineer, and such corrections or adjustment
shall be made as necessary and approved by the Engineer.

iii. Cutting or alterations other than as approved will not be permitted.

i) Erection

i. The Contractor shall submit for approval full and detailed description and shop
drawings of his proposed procedure referred to the construction sequences as
shown the Drawings and equipment, together with supporting calculations.
The Engineer's consent to of the Contractor's erection procedure shall in no
way affect the Contractor's responsibility under the contract.

A full description of his proposed erection method shall also include:

- sequence of erection
- use of temporary or permanent stanchions, beams and bracing
- connection
- erection camber diagrams to show the vertical position of the structure at
each stage of the erection process
- design calculation to cover the various stages in the erection process

- type of equipment to be sued during erection.

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iv. Site workmanship, welding, and inspection during and after erection shall
comply with the appropriate requirements of the preceding clauses of these

v. During erection the Contractor shall take special care to avoid permanent
distortion, the locking-in of secondary stress and impairment of the fatigue
resistance of the permanent works.

vi. Removal of temporary attachments by burning shall be on the waste side with
ample allowance for finishing by grinding, this requirement applies equally to
exposed and subsequently embedded parts.

vii. The Contractor shall provide an adequate communication system between

strategic points during erection, which shall be maintained at all times to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

viii. The use of permanent fasteners as service fastenings during assembly or

erection will not be permitted where such use is liable to cause damage to the
protective treatment provided to the fastener. Any fastening so damaged shall
be replaced at the Contractor's expenses.

ix. Each structural unit shall be accurately aligned by the use of steel shims, or
other approved methods so that no binding in any moving parts or distortion
of any members occurs before it is finally fastened in place.

x. Operations, procedures of erection and bracing shall not cause any damage to
works previously placed nor produce overstressing to any of the building parts
or components. Damaged parts caused by such operations shall be repaired as
directed by the Engineer at no extra cost to the Employer.

3} Inspection

inspection by the Engineer does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to provide
the necessary inspection of his own work, and that of his subcontractors, to ensure
compliance with Drawings and these Specifications.

The fabrication and erection facilities, materials and quality of workmanship of the
Contractor and his subcontractors shall be made available for inspection by the Engineer at
all times during the progress of work. The Engineer shall have the right to reject work not
satisfying the requirements of their governing references as mentioned herein before.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-38
be pped as
shown on Engineer.

2) Preparation

Hot-dipped galvanizing shall be in accordance with the requirements of Item 411 paint,
DPWH Standard Specifications, or equivalent. Prior to galvanizing, the surface shall be
cleaned of dirt, weld splatter, grease, slag, oil or other deleterious matters. The steel
surfaces shall be chemically desiccated and cleaned with abrasive blast or other suitable
method as approved by the Engineer.

3) Coating

The zinc coating shall consist of uniform layer of commercially pure zinc free from
abrasions, cracks, blisters, chemical spots or other imperfections, and shall adhere firmly to
the surface of the steel.

The weight of zinc coating per square meter of actual surface shall not be less than 550
grams. Any surface damaged subsequent to galvanizing shall be given 2 coats of approved
zinc rich paints.

403.5 Method of Measurement

403.5.1 General

The measurement of the structural steel shall be made in terms of kilograms (measured net
from contract drawings), completed and accepted.

Payment for the items shall be deemed to be the full compensation for all materials,
equipment, welds, laps (if any), bolts, studs, tools, labor, and any other incidental works
such as temporary bearings, steel bent and false works, erection girders, cranes, hoists and
any other incidental items such as geometric control required to furnish and erect the steel
bridge components in accordance with the Drawings and these Specifications.

The quantity of structure steel which constitutes the accepted and completed structure
shall be measured for the payment in the manner prescribed below:

403.5.2 Unit Basis

For pay items 403(1)a and 403(1)b measured in mass of steel structure, the mass to be paid
shall be computed based on the structural steel materials only, including all plates, gussets
and rolled sections. No reduction in mass shall be applied for bolt holes or weld

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-39

rates pay items 403(1}a and 403( compensation for
equipment, tools, transportation, incidentals, labor and materials, overhead and profit
relating to the furnishing, fabrication and erection of the specified steel structure

403.6 Basis of Payment

The following list is included in the cost of all structural furnished, fabricated, erected,
installed and accepted;

Raw material and associate material costs

Shipping and transportation cost
Charges, custom clearance, tax and duty
Fabrication cost including pre-assembly, bolting, shop welds, equipment and facility
costs in fabrication shop
Administration and design/calculation costs
Inspection and test costs
Any other incidental cost
Suitable crane cost for transport, assembling, dismantle, operation and rent, etc.
Steel bent pier; costs for construction/dismantle including its foundation, etc.
Launching girder costs for transport, assembling, dismantling, operation and rent, etc.
Site pre-assembling; cost for pre-assembling/dismantle of steel members including
preparation of base structure, unloading works, elevation adjustment work, welding,
bolting, coating if any, and non-destructive test.
Girder erection works; costs for joint works of steel members including bolting and
field welding, temporary bearing works, temporary support bracing at each work
stages girder erections.
Camber adjustment works
Geometric controls
Site welding and non-destructive tests
Installation/removal of scaffolding and safety net, and
Any other incidental cost

The quantities measured as provided in Section 403.5, Method of Measurement shall be

paid for at the contract price for the pay items listed below and included and included in
the Bill of Quantities.

Payment will be made under:

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404.3 Construction Requirements

Add the following Sub-Sections to Section 404.3:

404.3.7 Rebar Fabrication and Installation

Fabrication and installation of rebar shall be done by competent steel men to ensure good
workmanship. There shall be proper supervision by the Contractor for the "cutting" and
"bending" of reinforcing bars, and frequent checking of bar schedule and clearances, from
the beginning until the re-bars are installed.

404.3.8 Bar Bending, Splicing and Placing

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, the shop drawings indicating the
bending, cutting, splicing and installation of all reinforcing bars.

Welded splices, if approved by the Engineer, shall develop in tension at least 125% of the
specified yield strength of the bars.

404.4 Method of Measurement

Add the following paragraph to Section 404.4:

The quantity to be paid for shall be the calculated theoretical number of kilograms of
reinforcing steel bars, mesh or mats as determined from the net length of the steel as
shown on the drawings, incorporated in concrete and accepted. Reinforcing steel bars shall
not be measured and paid separately where structures are paid in unit, as they are deemed
included in the unit pay items of the structures.

The weight of plain or deformed bars or bar-mat information to ASTM Specifications

(ASTM-A615) will be computed from the theoretical weight of plain round bars of the same
nominal size as shown on the following table:

Bar Designation Size (mm) Unit/Weight (kg/m)

#2 6 0.222

#3 10 0.617

#4 12 0.888

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-41

#6 20 2.466

#8 25 3.853

#9 28 4.834

#10 32 6.313

#11 36 7.990

404.5 Basis of Payment

Replace the second paragraph of Section 404.5 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

404(1}a.1 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 (Substructure) kilogram

404(1)b Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 (Superstructure) kilogram

404(1)c Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 (Minor Structure) kilogram

404(2)a.1 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 60 {Substructure) kilogram

404(2)a.2 Reinforcing Steel, Grade 60 {Substructure} kilogram

Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

404(2)b Reinforcing Steel, Grade 60 {Superstructure) kilogram

404(2)c Reinforcing Steel, Grade 60 (Minor Structure) kilogram


405.1 Description

405.1.2 Classes and Uses of Concrete

The whole text under Sub-Section 405.1.2 is amended to read as follows:

Six {6) classes of concrete are provided for in this item, namely A1, AA1, P1, P2, Non Shrink
Grout and Lean Concrete. Each class shall be used in the specific part of the structure as
described herein below and as called for on the Drawings.

The classes of concrete are as follows:

Class AA1 For reinforced concrete substructures and superstructures and as

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-42

AA2 Structures

Class Al For parapet railing, levelling ,...,...,... ,....,. . . . 1"1'">

Edge beam, stub wall, drainage and minor structures and as indicated
on the Drawings.

Class Pl For PSC I - Girders

Class P2 For PSC Pier Copings, Rotating Pile Head

Non- Shrink Grout For Riser

Lean Concrete For thin layers underneath footings and where shown on the
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

405.2 Materials Requirements

405.2.3.1 Coarse Aggregates

Modify Table 405.1 to read as follows:

Sieve Designation
Mass Percent Passing
Standard Alternate CLASS
(mm) U.S. Std A1 AA1 P1 P2 Lean
63 2Xu
50 2
37.5 1X" 100
25 1 95-100
19 %" 100 100 100 100 -
12.5 X" 90-100 90-100 90-100 25-60
9.5 3/8" 40-70 20-55 40-70 40-70 -
4.75 No.4 0-15 0-10 0-15 0-15 0-5

405.4 Production Requirements

405.4.1 Proportioning and Strength of Structural Concrete

Modify Table 405.2 of Sub-section 405.4.1 to read as follows

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-43

Minimum I Maximum Size Minimum
of Cement Range in Of Coarse Comprehensive
Concrete for Conte nt Cement Slump Aggregate of 150x300
Use in Kg/m Ratio mm Square mm Concrete
Structures Kg/kg Opening Std. Cylinder
Classes of mm Specimen@
Concrete 28 days N/mm

280 0.68 50-100 20 21
320 0.57 50-100 20 28
380 0.41 50-100 20 38
380 0.41 50-100 20 35
Grout 440 0.41 50-100 20 41

250 0.74 100-200 40 17
Add the following Sub-Section under Section 405.4:

405.4.5 Protection of Concrete from Environmental Conditions

1) General

Precaution shall be taken as needed to protect concrete from damage due to weather or
other environmental conditions during placing and curing operations. Concrete that has
been damaged by weather conditions shall be either repaired to an acceptable condition or
removed and replaced.

2) Rain Protection

Under conditions of rain, the placing of concrete shall not commence or shall be stopped
unless adequate protection is provided to prevent damage to the other surface mortar or
damaging flow or washing of the concrete surface.

3} Hot Weather Protection

When the ambient temperature is above 32 oc (90 OF), the forms, reinforcing steel, steel
beam flanges, and other surfaces which will come in contact with the matrix shall be cooled
to below 32 oc {90 oF), by means of a water spray or other approved methods.

The temperature of the concrete at all time of placement shall be maintained within the
specified temperature range by any combination of the following:

- Shading the materials areas or the production equipment.

Cooling the aggregates by sprinkling with water, which conforms to the


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405.6 Basis of payment

Modify the third paragraph of Section 405.6 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

405(1)a.l-1 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(RC Pier Coping, Column, Footing and Shear Key)

405(1)a.l-2 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(RC Pier Coping, Column, Footing and Shear Key)
Pasig/San Juan River Bridge

405(1)a.2 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(Abutment Wall}

405(1)a.3 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(Deck Slab)

405(1)a.4 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter


405(1)a.S Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(Approach Slab)

405{1)a.7 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(Approach Railing and Sidewalk)

405{1)a.8 Structural Concrete, Class AAl, fc'=28 Mpa cubic meter

(Bridge Sidewalk)

405(1)b.l Structural Concrete, Class Al, fc'=21 Mpa cubic meter

{Parapet Railing)

405(1)b.2 Structural Concrete, Class Al, fc'=21 Mpa cubic meter

(Concrete Median)

405(1)b.3 Structural Concrete, Class Al, fc'=21 Mpa cubic meter

(leveling Concrete)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-45


1 meter

405(1)b.5 Structural Class 1 Mpa cubic meter

(Stub Wall)

405(1)b.6 Structural Concrete, Class AA1, fc'=21 Mpa cubic meter

(Minor Structure)

405{4) Structural Concrete, Class P2, fc'=35 Mpa cubic meter

(PSC Pier Coping, Rotating Pile Head)

405(6) Non- Shrink Grout, fc' = 41 MPa (Riser) cubic meter


The specifications for this ITEM, is revised herein to sufficiently cover not only Precast
Prestressed Concrete Structures but also Cast-in-Place Prestressed Concrete Structures, as
well. The revision also includes a modified method of measurement that is based on direct
payment of appurtenant items, which enter into the completed Cast-in-Place Prestressed
Concrete Structure.

406.1 Description

The whole text under Section 406.1 is revised to read as follows:

This work shall consist of pre-cast prestressed or cast-in-place prestressed concrete

structures constructed in reasonably close conformity with the lines, grades and dimension
shown on the Drawings or established by the Engineer and in accordance with the Standard
Specifications and/or in these Special Provisions. It includes prestressing by either the pre-
tensioning or the post-tensioning methods or by a combination of these methods.

This work shall include the furnishing and installation of any appurtenant items necessary
for the particular prestressing system to be used, including but not limited to ducts,
anchorage assemblies and grout used for pressure grouting ducts.

For cast-in place prestressed concrete, the term (/member" as used in this Section shall be
considered to mean the concrete structure or the part there of which is to be prestressed.

When members are to be constructed with part of the reinforcement pretensioned and
part post-tensioned, the applicable requirement of this Specification shall apply to each

406.1.1 Details of Design

When the design for the prestressing work is not fully detailed on the Drawings, the
Contractor shall determine the details or type of prestressing system for use and select
materials and details conforming to these Specifications as needed to satisfy the
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-46
on Drawings, design
stresses, friction and losses as well as spacing and ... ., ...... o.r shall be in

accordance with the Division I, Design, of AASHTO Standard Specifications Highway


The prestressing may be performed by either pre-tensioning or post-tensioning methods

unless the Drawings show only-pre-tensioning details or only post-tensioning details.

When the effective or working force or stress is shown on the Drawings, it shall be
considered to be the force or stress remaining in the prestressing steel after all losses,
including creep and shrinkage of concrete, elastic shortening of concrete, relaxation of
steel, friction and take up or seating of anchorage, and all other losses peculiar to the
method or system of prestressing have taken place or have been provided for. When the
jacking force is shown on the Drawings, it shall be considered the force applied to the
tendon prior to anchorage and the occurrence of any losses, including the anchor set loss.

406.1.2 Working Drawings

Whenever the Drawings do not include complete details for a prestressing system and its
method of installation, or when complete details are provided in the Drawings and the
Contractor wishes to propose any change, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the
Engineer working drawings of the prestressing system proposed for use. Fabrication or
installation of prestressing material shall not begin until the Engineer has approved the

The working drawings of the prestressing system shall show complete details and
substantiating calculations of the method, materials and equipment, the Contractor
proposes to use in the prestressing operations, including any additions or rearrangement of
reinforcing steel and any revision in dimensions of the concrete structure or member to be
prestressed, from that shown on the Drawings. Such details shall outline the method and
sequence of stressing and shall include complete specifications and details of the
prestressing steel and anchoring devices, working stresses, anchoring stresses, tendon
elongation, type of ducts, and all other data pertaining to the prestressing operation,
including the proposed arrangement of the prstressing steel in the members.

Working drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of the start of the affected
work to allow time for review by the Engineer and correction by the Contractor of the
drawings without delaying the work.

406.1.3 Composite Placing Drawings

When required by these Special Provisions, in addition to all required working drawings, the
Contractor shall prepare composite placing drawings to scale and in sufficient detail to
show the relative positions of all items that are to be embedded in the concrete, and their
embedment depth, for the portions of the structure that are to be prestressed. Such
embedded items include the prestressing duct, vents, anchorage reinforcement and

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-47

to ensure no
positions any embedded and concrete cover
during the preparation of such drawing conflicts are discovered, the Contractor shall revise
his working drawing for one or more of the embedded items or propose changes in the
dimensions of the work as necessary to eliminate the conflicts or to provide proper cover.
Any such revisions shall be approved by the Engineer before work on any affected item, is

All costs involved with the preparation of such drawings and with making the necessary
modifications to the work resulting there from, shall be borne by the Contractor.

406.2 Material Requirements

406.2.1 Concrete and Grout

The text under Sub-Section 406.2.1 is revised to read as follows:

The material for concrete shall conform to Item 405, Structural Concrete. The Concrete
shall be as shown in Table 405.2, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or specified in
these Special Provisions. Grout shall conform to Sub-Clause 406.2.3(3) and 406.2.3(4).

406.2.2 Prestressing Reinforcing Steel

The text under Sub-Section 406.2.2 is revised to read as follows:

It shall conform to Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

406.2.3 Prestressing Steel

Add the following paragraphs to Sub-Section 406.2.3

1) Prestressing Steel and Anchorages

Prestressing reinforcement shall be high-strength steel-wire strand or high-strength

alloy bars continuous without splice or coupling of the grade and type called for on the
Drawings or in these Special Provisions and shall conform to the requirements of the
following specifications.

a) Strand

Uncoated steel wire strand shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M203 (ASTM

b) Wire

Uncoated steel wire shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M204 (ASTM A421).

c) Bar

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-48

d) Post-tensioning Anchorage and Couplers

All anchorage and couplers shall develop at least 95 percent of the minimum specified
ultimate strength of the prestressing steel, when tested in an unbounded state, without
exceeding anticipated set. The coupling of tendons shall not reduce the elongation at
rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself. Couplers and/or coupler
components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to permit the necessary
movements. Couplers for tendons shall be used only at locations specifically indicated
and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplers shall not be used at points of sharp
curvature of tendons.

i. Bonded System

Bond transfer lengths between anchorage and the zone where full prestressing force is
required under service and ultimate loads, shall normally be sufficient to develop the
minimum specified ultimate strength of the prestressing steel. When anchorage or
couplers are located at critical sections under ultimate load, the ultimate strength
required of the bonded tendons, shall not exceed the ultimate capacity of the tendon
assembly, including the anchorage or coupler, tested in an unbounded state.

ii. Anchorage Devices without Distribution Plates

Should the Contractor elect to furnish anchoring devices of a type that is sufficiently
large and which is used in conjunction with a steel grillage embedded in the concrete
that effectively distributes the comprehensive stresses to the concrete, the steel
distribution plates or assemblies may be omitted.

Anchorage devices without distribution plates of types, which have not been pre-
approved by the Engineer, shall not be used until the Contractor furnishes certified
copies of prequalification tests, which demonstrate satisfactory performance under
conditions expected for the project. Prequalification tests for such anchorage devices
shall be performed in accordance with the requirements for testing special anchorage
devices in the AASHTO Guide Specifications for the Design and Construction of Concrete

For such anchorage system previously tested and approved on projects having the same
tendon configuration, the Engineer may waive additional testing provided there is no
change in the materials, design or details previously approved. The working drawings
shall identify the project on which approval was obtained, otherwise testing will be

iii. Supplemental Reinforcement

Any supplementary reinforcement required in the local zone of the anchorage, as

defined in the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Design and Construction of Concrete
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-49
general zone reinforcement, which is shown on the Drawings.

2) Corrosion Inhibitor

Corrosion inhibitor shall consist of a vapour phase inhibitor (VPI) powder conforming to
the provisions of Federal Specification MIL-P3420 or as otherwise approved by the
Engineer. When approved, water-soluble oil may be used on tendons as a corrosion

3) Cement Grout

Materials for use in making cement grout which is to be placed in the ducts after
tendons are post-tensioned shall conform to the following:

i. Portland Cement

Portland cement shall be Type I, II or Ill of the Specifications for Portland cement -
AASHTO M85. Cement used for grouting shall be fresh and shall not contain any lumps
or other indication of hydration or {(pack set".

ii. Water

The water used in the grout shall be potable, clean and free of injurious quantities of
substances known to be harmful to Portland cement or prestressing steel.

iii. Admixtures

Admixtures, if used, shall impart the properties of low-water content, good flow ability,
minimum bleed, and expansion if desired. They shall contain no chemicals in quantities
that may have harmful effect on the prestressing steel or cement. Admixtures, which, at
the dosage used, contain chlorides in excess of 0.005 percent of the weight of the
cement used or contain any fluorides, sulphites, and nitrates, shall not be used.

When a grout-expanding admixture is used as required or at the Contractor's option, it

shall be well dispersed through the other admixtures and shall produce a 2 to 6 percent
unrestrained expansion of the grout.

Amount of admixture to obtain a desired amount of expansion shall be determined by

tests. If the source of manufacture or brand of either admixture or cement changes
after testing, new tests shall be conducted to determine proper proportions.

All admixtures shall be used in accordance with the instruction of the manufacturer and
shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

4) Epoxy Resin Grout

Epoxy Resin grout shall be two (2) component mineral filled epoxy resin to ASTM C881
or equivalent approved by the Engineer.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-50
Contractor shall to
describing the epoxy resin for use and examples projects.

The epoxy resin shall be formulated such that after injection into the duct the resin
does not harden (cure) until after all the prestressing steel is stressed and anchored for
each precast concrete unit.

The epoxy resin shall have the following mechanical properties:

Table 406.1 Physical Properties After Hardening

Property Required Value

Comprehensive Strength 70 N/mmL

Tensile Strength 23 N/mmL

Modulus of Elasticity 5,800 N/mmL

Shear Adhesive Strength to Stand 13 N/mmL

Durometer Hardness 85 to 90

Shrinkage Rate During Hardening Below 1.0%

Heat Decomposition Temperature Above 300 oc

406.2.4 Packaging, Storing and Shipping

The text under Sub-Section 406.2.4 is revised to read as follows:

All the prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage and rust or other
results of corrosion at all times from manufacture to grouting. Prestressing steel shall also
be free of deleterious material such as grease, oil, wax or paint. Prestressing steel that has
sustained physical damage at any time shall be rejected. The development of pitting or
other results of corrosion, other than rust stain, shall be cause for rejection.

Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping forms for the protection of
the strand against physical damage and corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion
inhibitor shall be placed in the package or form, or shall be incorporated in a corrosion
inhibitor carrier type packaging material, or when permitted by the Engineer, may be
applied directly to the steel. The corrosion inhibitor shall have no deleterious effect on the
steel or concrete or bond strength of steel to concrete or grout. Packaging or forms
damaged from any cause shall be immediately replaced or restored to original condition.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-51

anchorage, end couplers, encased in
concrete or grout in completed work, shall be permanently nrt'r-.TnrTr.,r~ against corrosion.

406.2.5 Elastomeric Bearing Pads

This shall conform to Item 412, Elastomeric Bearing Pads.

406.2.8 Sampling and Testing

The text under Sub-section 406.2.8 is amended to read as follows:

All wire, strand, or bars to be shipped to the site, shall be assigned a lot number and tagged
for identification purposes. Anchorage assemblies to be shipped shall be likewise identified.

Each lot of wire or bars and each reel of strand reinforcement shall be accompanied by a
manufacturer's certificate of compliance, a mill certificate, and a test report. The mill
certificate and test report shall include the chemical composition (not required for strand),
cross-sectional area, yield and ultimate strength, elongation at rupture, modules of
elasticity, and the stress strain curve for the actual prestressing steel intended for use.

All values certified shall be based on test values and nominal sectional areas of the material
being certified.

The contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for verification testing, the samples described
in the following sub-articles selected from each lot. If ordered by the Engineer, the selection
of samples shall be made at the manufacturer's plant by the Engineer or his representative.

All samples submitted shall be representative of the lot to be furnished and, in the case of
wire or strand, shall be taken from the same master roll.

The actual strength of the prestressing steel shall not be less than specified by the
applicable ASTM Standards, and shall be determined by tests of representative samples of
the tendon materials in conformance with ASTM Standards.

All of the materials specified for testing shall be furnished free of cost and shall be delivered
in time for tests to be made well in advance of anticipated time of use.

i. Pre-tensioning Method Tendons

For pretensioned strands, one (1)sample at least 2.0 meters long shall be furnished in
accordance with the requirements of paragraph 9.1 of AASHTO M203 or length as specified
in the Standard.

ii. Post-tensioning Method Tendons

The following lengths shall be furnished for each 20 ton, or portion thereof, lot material
used in the work.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-52


• For strand to be with fitting - 1.5 meters between near


• For bars to be furnished with threaded ends and nuts - 1.5 meters between
threads at ends.

iii. Anchorage Assemblies and Couplers

Except for anchorage devices without distribution plates which are tested in accordance
with paragraph 406.2.3(1d) iii, the Contractor shall furnish for testing, one specimen of
each size of prestressing tendon, including coupling, of the selected type, with end
fittings and anchorage assembly attached for strength test only. These specimens shall
be 1.5 meters in clear length, measured between ends of fittings.

If the result of the test indicate the necessity of check tests, additional specimens, shall
be furnished without cost.

When dynamic testing is required, the Contractor shall perform the testing and shall
furnish certified copies of test results, which indicate conformance with the specified
requirements prior to installation of anchorage or couplers.

For prestressing systems previously tested and approved on projects having the same
tendon configuration, the Engineer may not require complete tendon samples provided
there is no change in the materiat design, or details previously approved. Shop
drawings or prestressing details shall identify the project on which approval was
obtained otherwise testing shall be conducted.

406.3 Construction Requirements

406.3.2 Prestressing Method

Add the following paragraphs to Subsection 406.3.2:

Prestressing steel shall be tensioned by hydraulic jacks to produce the forces shown on the
Drawings or on the approved working drawings of the Contractor with appropriate
allowances for all losses. Losses to be provided for shall be as specified in AASHTO Division I,
Article 9.16. For post-tensioned work, the losses shall also include the anchor set loss
appropriate for the anchorage system employed.

The maximum temporary stress (jacking stress) and the stress in the steel before loss due to
creep and shrinkage shall not exceed the values allowed in AASHTO Division I, Article 9.15.

The method of tensioning employed shall be one of the following as specified or approved:

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-53

Post-Tensioning: in wh reinforcing are in voids or
within concrete and are stressed and anchored against concrete after
development of the required concrete strength. As a final operation under this
method, the voids or ducts are pressure- grouted.

• Combined Method: in which part of the reinforcement is pre-tensioned and part

post-tensioned. Under this method, all applicable requirements for pre-tensioning
and for post-tensioning shall apply to the respective reinforcing elements using
these methods.

During stressing of strand, individual wire failures may be accepted by the Engineer,
provided not more than one {1) wire in any strand is broken and the area of broken wires
does not exceed two (2) percent of the total area of the prestressing steel in the member.

Prestressing forces shall not be applied or transferred to the concrete until the concrete has
attained the strength specified for initial stressing. In addition, cast-in-place concrete shall
not be post-tensioned until at least ten (10) days after the last concrete has been placed in
the member to be post-tensioned.

406.3.3 Prestressing Equipment

The text under Sub-Section 406.3 is revised to read as follows:

Hydraulic jacks used to stress tendons shall be capable of providing and sustaining the
necessary forces and shall be equipped with either a pressure gauge or a load cell for
determining the jacking stress. The jacking system shall provide an independent means by
which the tendon elongation can be measured.

The pressure gauge shall have an accurately reading dial at least 6 inches in diameter or a
digital display, and each jack and its gauge shall be calibrated as a unit with the cylinder
extension in the approximate position that it will be at final jacking force, and shall be
accompanied by a certified calibration chart or curve.

The load cell shall be calibrated and shall be provided with an indicator by means of which
the prestressing force in the tendon may be determined.

The range of the load cell shall be such that the lower ten (10) percent of the
manufacturer's rated capacity will not be used in determining the jacking stress. When
approved by the Engineer, calibrated proving rings may be used in lieu of load cells.

Recalibration of gauges shall be repeated at least annually and whenever gauge pressures
and elongations indicate materially different stresses.

Only oxygen flame or mechanical cutting devices shall be used to cut strand after
installation in the member or after stressing. Electric welders shall not be used.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-54

1 Sequence

When the sequence stressing individual tendons is not otherwise specified,

of post-tensioned tendons and the release of pre-tensioned tendons shall be done in a
sequence that produces a minimum of eccentric force in the member.

406.3.3.2 Measurement of Stress

A record of gauge pressures and tendon elongation for each tendon shall be provided by
the Contractor for review and approval by the Engineer. Elongation shall be measured to an
accuracy of 1.5 mm. Stressing tails of post-tensioned tendons shall not be cut off until the
stressing records have been approved.

The stress in tendons during tensioning shall be determined by the gauge or load cell
readings and shall be verified with the measured elongation. Calculations of anticipated
elongation shall utilize the modulus of elasticity, based on nominal area, as furnished by the
manufacturer for the lot of steel being tensioned, or as determined by a bench test of
strands used in the work.

All tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force as necessary to eliminate any take-up
in the tensioning system before elongation readings are started. This preliminary force shall
be between 5 and 25 percent of the final jacking force. The initial force shall be measured
by a dynamometer or by other approved method to check against elongation as measured
and computed. Each strand shall be marked prior to final stressing to permit measurement
of elongation and to insure that all anchor wedges set properly.

It is anticipated that there may be discrepancy in indicated stress between jack gauge
pressure and elongation. In such event, the load used, as indicated by the gauge pressure,
shall produce a slight overstress rather than under stress. When a discrepancy between
gauge pressure and elongation of more than five (5} percent in tendons over 15 meters
long or seven (7) percent in tendons of 15 meters or less in length occurs, the entire
operation shall be carefully checked and the source of error determined and corrected
before proceeding further.

406.3.4 Casting Yard

The precasting of prestressed concrete structural members may be done at a location

selected by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Modify the title and text of Sub-Section 406.3.5 to read as follows:

406.3.5 Placement of Ducts and its Appurtenances

406.3.5.1 Placement of Ducts

Ducts shall be accurately placed at locations shown on the Drawings or approved by the
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-55
Joints between sections of duct shall be coupled with posJtive connections, which do not
result in angle changes at the joints and will prevent the intrusion of cement paste.

After placing ducts, reinforcement and forms, is complete, an inspection shall be made to
locate possible duct damage.

All unintentional holes or openings in the ducts must be repaired prior to concrete placing.
After installation in the forms, the ends of ducts shall at all times be covered as necessary to
prevent the entry of water or debris.

406.3.5.2 Vents and Drains

All ducts for continuous structures shall be vented at the high points of the duct profile,
except where the curvature is smalt as in continuous slabs, and at additional locations as
shown on the Drawings. Drains shall be installed at low point in ducts where needed to
prevent the accumulation of water. Low point drains shall remain open until grouting is

The ends of vents and drains shall be removed one (1} inch below the surface of the
concrete after grouting has been completed, and the void filled with mortar.

406.3.6 Placing of Steel

Modify the title and text of Sub-Section 406.3.6 to read as follows:

406.3.6 Placing of Prestressing Steel

406.3.6.1 Placement for Pre-tensioning

Pre-stressing steel shall be accurately installed in the forms and held in place by the
stressing jack or temporary anchors and, when tendons are to be draped, by hold-down
devices. The hold-down devices used at all points of change in slope of tendon trajectory
shall be of an approved low-friction type.

Prestressing steel shall not be removed from its protective packaging until immediately
prior to installation in the forms and placement of concrete. Openings in the packaging shall
be resealed as necessary to protect the unused steel. While exposed, the steel shall be
protected as needed to prevent corrosion.

406.3.6.2 Placement for Post-Tensioning

All prestressing steel pre-assembled in ducts and installed prior to the placement of
concrete shall be accurately placed and held in position during concrete placement.

When the prestressing steel is installed after the concrete has been placed, the Contractor
shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that the ducts are free of water and
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-56
Anchorage devices or be set so
axis coincides with the axis of the tendon and anchor plates are normal in directions to
the tendon.

406.3.6.3 Protection of Steel After Installation

Prestressing steel installed in members prior to placing and curing of the concrete, or
installed in the duct but not grouted within the time limit specified below, shall be
continuously protected against rust or other corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor
placed in the ducts or directly applied to the steel. The prestressing steel shall be so
protected until grouted or encased in concrete. Prestressing steel installed and tensioned in
members after placing and curing of the concrete and grouted within the time limit
specified below will not require the use of a corrosion inhibitor described herein and rust,
which may form during the interval between tendon installation and grouting will not be
cause for rejection of the steel.

The permissible interval between tendon installation and grouting without use of a
corrosion inhibitor for various exposure conditions shall be as follows:

Very Damp atmosphere or over 7days

Salt Water (Humidity> 70%)

Moderate Atmosphere 15days

(Humidity from 40% to 70 %)

Very Dry Atmosphere 20days

(Humidity <40%)

After tendons are placed in ducts, the openings at the ends of the ducts shall be sealed to
prevent entry of moisture.

When steam curing is used, steel for post-tensioning shall not be installed until the steam
curing is completed.

Whenever electric welding is performed on or near members containing prestressing steel,

the welding ground shall be attached directly to the steel being welded. All prestressing
steel and hardware shall be protected from welded spatter or other damage.

406.3. 7 Pre-tensioning

After the full text, insert the following paragraph to Sub-Section 406.3.7, to read as

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-57

All strands to be stressed in a group (multiple strand stressing) shall be brought to a
uniform initial tension prior to being given their full pre-tensioning. The amount of the
initial tensioning force shall be within the range specified in Sub-Section 406.3.3.2 and shall
be the minimum required to eliminate all slack and to equalize the stresses in the tendons
as determined by the Engineer. The amount of this force will be influenced by the length of
the casting bed and the size and number of tendons in the group to be tensioned.

Either draped pretensioned tendons shall be tensioned partially by jacking at the end of the
bed and partially by uplifting or depressing tendons, or they shall be tensioned entirely by
jacking, with the tendons being held in their draped positions by means of rollers, pins or
other approved methods during the jacking operation.

Approved low-friction devices shall be used at all points of change in slope of tendon
trajectory when tensioning draped and pretensioned strands, regardless of the tensioning
method used.

If the load for a draped strand, as determined by elongation measurements, is more than
five (5) percent less than that indicated by the jack gauges, the strand shall be tensioned
from both ends of the bed. The load as computed from the sum of elongation at both ends
shall agree within five {5) percent of that indicated by the jack gauges.

When ordered by the Engineer, prestressing steel strands in pretensioned members, if

tensioned individually, shall be checked by the Contractor for loss of pre-stress not more
than 3 hours prior to placing concrete for the members. The method and equipment for
checking the loss of pre-stress shall be subject to approval by the Engineer. All strands that
show a loss of pre-stress in excess of 3 percent shall be pre-tensioned to the original
computed jacking stress.

Stress on all strands shall be maintained between anchorage until the concrete has reached
the comprehensive strength required at time of transfer of stress to concrete.

When prestressing steel in pretensioned members is tensioned at a temperature more than

25°F lower than the estimated temperature of the concrete and the prestressing steel at
the time of initial set of the concrete, the calculated elongation of the prestressing steel
shall be increased to compensate for the loss in stress, due to the change in temperature. In
no case shall the jacking stress exceed 80 percent of the specified minimum ultimate tensile
strength of the prestressing steel.

Strand splicing methods and devices shall be approved by the Engineer. When single strand
jacking is used, only one {1) splice per strand will be permitted. When multi-strand jacking is
used, either all strands shall be spliced or no more than 10 percent of the strands shall be
spliced. Spliced strands shall be similar in physical properties, from the same source, and
shall have the same "twist" or "lay". All splices shall be located outside of the pre-
tensioning units.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-58
cut mem
strip of adjoining concrete shall be cleaned and painted.

Cleaning shall be by wire brushing or abrasive blast cleaning to remove all dirt and residue
that is not firmly bonded to the metal or concrete surfaces. The surfaces shall be coated
with one thick coat of zinc-rich paint.

The paint shall be thoroughly mixed at the time of application, and shall be worked into any
voids in the strands.

406.3.10 Post-Tensioning

After the full text, add the following text to Sub-Section 406.3.10, to read as follows:

Prior to post-tensioning any member, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the Engineer that the prestressing steel is free and unbounded in the duct.

All strands in each tendon, except for those in flat ducts with not more than four strands,
shall be stressed simultaneously with a multi-strand jack.

Tensioning shall be accomplished to provide the forces and elongations specified in Sub-
Section 406.3.3.2.

Except as provided herein or when shown on the Drawings or on the approved working
drawings of the Contractor, tendons in continuous post-tensioned members shall be
tensioned by jacking at each end of the tendon. For straight tendons when only one
stressing end is shown on the Drawings, tensioning may be performed by jacking from one
end or both ends of the tendon at the option of the Contractor.

406.3.14 Composite Slab Construction

After the full text of this Sub-Section, insert the following Sub-Sections:

406.3.15 Grouting

406.3.15.1 General

When the post-tensioning method is used, the prestressing steel shall be provided with
permanent protection and shall be bonded to the concrete by completely filling the void
space between the duct and the tendon with grout.

406.3.15.2 Preparation of Ducts

All ducts shall be clean and free of deleterious materials that would impair bonding or
interfere with grouting procedures.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-59

Water used ducts or
(calcium oxide) 0.45 kilogram per gallon.

After flushing, all water shall be blown out of the duct with oil-free compressed air.

406.3.15.3 Equipment for Cement Grouting

The grouting equipment shall include a mixer capable of continuous mechanical mixing
which will produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed cement, a grout pump and stand-
by flushing equipment with water supply. The equipment shall be able to pump the mixed
grout in a manner, which will comply with all requirements.

Accessory equipment which will provide for accurate solid and liquid measure shall be
provided to batch all materials.

The pump shall be a positive displacement type and be able to produce an outlet pressure
of at least 1.0 MPa. The pump should have seals adequate to prevent introduction of oil,
air, or other foreign substance into the grout and prevent loss of grout or water.

A pressure gauge having a full-scale reading of no greater than 2.0 MPa shall be placed at
some point in the grout line between the pump outlet and the duct inlet.

The grouting equipment shall contain a screen having a clear opening of 3 mm maximum
size, to screen the grout prior to its introduction into the grout pump. If grout with a
thixotropic additive is used, a screen opening of 5 mm is satisfactory. This screen shall be
easily accessible for inspection and cleaning.

The grouting equipment shall utilize gravity feed to the pump inlet from a hopper attached
to and directly over it. The hopper must be kept at least partially full of grout at all times
during the pumping operation to prevent air from being drawn into the pre-tensioning

Under normal conditions, the grouting equipment shall be capable of continuously grouting
the largest tendon on the project in no more than 20 minutes.

, 406.3.15.4 Mixing of Cement Grout

Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by Portland cement and admixture, or as
required by the admixture manufacturer.

Mixing shall be of such duration as to obtain a uniform, thoroughly blended grout, without
excessive temperature increase or loss of expansive properties of the admixture. The grout
shall be continuously agitated until it is pumped.

Water shall be not added to increase grout flow ability, which has been decreased by
delayed use of grout.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-60
water minimum necessary
cement is used shall not exceed a water cement
water per sack 40 kilograms of cement.

The water content required for Type Ill cement shall be established for a particular brand
based on tests.

The pump ability of the grout may be determined by the Engineer in accordance with the
U.S. Corps of Engineers Methods CRD-C79. When this method is used, the efflux time of the
grout sample immediately after mixing shall not be less than 11 seconds. The flow cone test
does not apply to grout, which incorporates a thixotropic additive.

406.3.15.5 Injection of Cement Grout

All grout and high point vent openings shall be open when grouting starts. Grout shall be
allowed to flow from the first vent after the inlet pipe until any residual flushing water or
entrapped air has been removed, at which time the vent should be capped or otherwise
closed. Remaining vents shall be closed in sequence in the same manner.

The pumping pressure at the tendon inlet shall not exceed 1. 75 MPa.

If the actual grouting pressure exceeds the maximum recommended pumping pressure,
grout may be injected at any vent, which has been, or is ready to be capped as long as one-
way flow of grout is maintained. If this procedure is used, the vent, which is to be used for
injection shall be fitted with a positive shutoff.

When one-way flow of grout cannot be maintained, the grout shall be immediately flushed
out of the duct with water.

Grout shall be pumped through the duct and continuously wasted at the outlet pipe until
no visible slugs of water or air are ejected and the efflux time of the ejected grout , as
measured by a flow cone test, if used, it not less than that of the injected grout. To ensure
that the tendon remains filled with grout, the outlet shall then be closed and the pumping
pressure allowed to be built to a minimum of 0.5 MPa before the inlet vent is dosed. Plugs,
caps, or valves thus required, shall not be removed or opened until the grout has set.

406.3.15.6 Temperature Considerations

Grout shall not be above 90°F during mixing or pumping. If necessary, the mixing water
shall be cooled.

406.4 Method of Measurement

The whole text of Section 406.4 is amended to read as follows:

The quantity to be measured for payment for precast prestressed concrete members will be
the actual number of precast prestressed concrete structural members of the types and
sizes, installed in-place, completed and accepted. Each member will include the concrete,
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-61
'-::hii'TifTT\1 to
quantity of reinforcing structu or
Contract Pay items, which constitute the completed and accepted prestressed structure.

406.5 Basis of Payment

The whole text under Section 406.5 is amended to read as follows:

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section 406.4, Method of

Measurement, shall be paid for based on the contract unit price for each of the several pay
items listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. The price and payment shall be
full compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item. Such payment shall
constitute full payment for the completed prestressed concrete structure ready for use.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

406(1)b.1 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =13.00M)

406(1}b.2 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L = 14.00M)

406(1)b.3 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =1S.OOM)

406(1)b.4 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =15.50M)

406(1)b.S Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =16.00M)

406(1)b.6 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =16.50M)

406(1)b.7 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =17.00M)

406{1)b.8 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L = 17.50M)

406(1)b.9 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L = 18.00M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-62


406(l)b.11 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members,

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =19.00M)

406(1}b.12 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =19.50M)

406(1)b.13 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =20.00M)

406(1)b.14 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =20.50M)

406(1)b.15 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =21.00M)

406(1)b.16 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =21.50M)

406(1)b.17 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV {l =22.00M)

406(1)b.18 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =22.50M)

406(1)b.19 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =23.00M)

406(1)b.20 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =23.50M)

406(1)b.21 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type IV (L =24.00M)

406{1)d.1 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =16.00M)

406{1)d.2 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =16.50M)

406(1)d.3 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =17.00M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-63

Prestressed Structural
AASHTO Girder Type V (l =18.00M)
406(1)d.6 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each
AASHTO Girder Type V (l =18.50M)

406(1)d.7 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =19.00M)

406(1)d.8 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =19.50M)

406(1)d.9 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =20.00M)

406(1)d.10 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =20.50M)

406(1)d.11 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =21.00M)

406(1)d.12 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =21.50M)

406(1)d.13 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =22.00M)

406{1)d.14 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =22.50M)

406(1)d.15 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =23.00M)

406(1)d.16 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V {L =23.50M)

406(1)d.17 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =24.00M)

406(1)d.18 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =24.50M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-64

406(1)d.20 Prestressed Members, each
AASHTO Girder Type V (L =25.50M)
406(1)d.21 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each
AASHTO Girder Type V (L =26.00M)

406(1}d.22 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =26.50M)

406(1)d.23 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =27.00M)

406(1)d.24 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =27.50M)

406(1)d.25 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =28.00M)

406{1)d.26 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =28.50M)

406(1)d.27 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =29.00M)

406(1)d.28 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =29.50M)

406{1)d.29 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =30.00M}

406(1)d.30 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L =30.50M)

406{1)d.31 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L 31.00M)

406(1}d.32 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L 31.50M)

406(1}d.33 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L 32.00M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-65

406(1)d.35 Prestressed Structural Members, each
AASHTO Girder Type V (l = 33.00M)

406(1}d.36 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (l = 33.50M}

406(1)d.37 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V {l = 34.00M)

406(1)d.38 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 34.50M)

406(1)d.39 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 35.00M)

406(1)d.40 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 35.50M)

406{1)d.41 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 36.00M)

406{1)d.42 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 36.50M)

406(1)d.43 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V {L = 37.00M)

406(1)d.44 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 37.50M)

406{1)d.45 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type V (L = 38.00M)

406{1)e.O Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=24.50M}

406(1)e.1 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=33.50M)

406{1)e.2 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=34.00M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-66

406(1)e.4 Prestressed Structural Concrete each
AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=35.00M)

406(1)e.S Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=35.50M)

406(1)e.6 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=36.00M}

406(1)e. 7 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=36.50M)

406(1)e.8 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=37.00)

406(1)e.9 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=37.50)

406(1}e.10 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=38.00)

406(1)e.11 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=38.50)

406(1)e.12 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=39.00)

406(1)e.13 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI (L=39.50)

406(1)e.14 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI {L=40.00M)

406(1)e.15 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI Modified (L=40.50M)

406{1)e.16 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

AASHTO Girder Type VI Modified (L=41.00M)

406(1)e.17 Prestressed Structural Concrete Members, each

ASHTO Girder Type VI Modified (L=41.50M)

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-67


406(3) Prestressing Steel Ducting and Anchorage) kg


This Section shall be read in conjunction with ITEM 405:

407.1 Description

This Item shall consist of the general description of the materials, equipment, workmanship
and construction requirements of concrete structures and the concrete portions of
composite structures conforming to the alignment, grades, design, dimensions and details
shown on the Plans and in accordance with the Specifications for piles, reinforcing steel,
structural steet structural concrete and other items which constitute the completed
structure. The class of concrete to be used in the structure or part of the structure shall be
as specified in Item 405, Structural Concrete.
407.2 Material Requirements

1. Concrete and Concrete Ingredients

Concrete and concrete materials shall conform to the requirements in Item 405, Structural
Concrete. Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or specified in Special Provisions, concrete
shall be of Class A.

2. Reinforcing Steel
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

3. Structural Steel

Structural steel shall conform to the requirements of corresponding materials in Item 403,
Metal Structures.

4. Bridge Bearing (Eiastomeric Bearing Pad)

Elastomeric bearing pads shall conform to Item 412, Elastomeric Bearing Pads.

5. Paints

Paints shall conform to the requirements in Item 411, Paint.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-68




a) AASHTO M 115 Asphalt for dampproofing and waterproofing.

b) AASHTO M 116 Primer for the use with Asphalt in dampproofing and waterproofing.

c) AASHTO M 117 Woven cotton fabrics saturated with bituminous substances for use
in waterproofing.

d) AASHTO M 118 Coal-Tar pitch for roofing, dampproofing and water-proofing.

e) AASHTO M 121 Creosote for priming coat with coal-tar pitch damp-proofing and

f) AASHTO M 159 Woven burlap fabric saturated with bituminous substances for use
in waterproofing.

g) AASHTO M 166 Numbered cotton duck and array duck.

h) AASHTO M 239 Asphalt for use in waterproofing membrane construction.

7. Concrete Curing Compound

Curing compound shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 148 Liquid membrane-
forming compounds for curing concrete.

8. Joint Filler

Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or in Special Provisions, materials for expansion joint
filler shall conform to the requirements of the following specifications:
a) AASHTO M 33 Preformed expansion joint filler for concrete.

b) AASHTO M 153 Preformed sponge rubber and cork expansion joint fillers for
concrete paving and structural construction.

c) AASHTO M 173 Concrete joint sealer hot poured elastic type.

d) AASHTO M 213 Preformed expansion joint filler for concrete paving and structural
construction-non-extruding and resilient bituminous types.

e) AASHTO M 220 Preformed elastomeric compression joint seals for concrete.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-69


407.2.2 and

shall be in accordance with item 405, Concrete.

407.3 Construction Requirements

407.3.1 Handling and Placing Concrete: General

Concrete shall not be placed until forms and reinforcing steel have been checked and
approved by the Engineer.

If lean concrete is required in the Plan or as directed by the Engineer prior to placing of
reinforcing steel bar, the lean concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of
17.0 MPa (2,400 psi).

In preparation for the placing of concrete all sawdust, chips and other construction debris
and extraneous matter shall be removed from inside the formwork, struts, stays and
braces, serving temporarily to hold the forms in correct shape and alignment, pending the
placing of concrete at their locations, shall be removed when the concrete placing has
reached an elevation rendering their service unnecessary. These temporary members shall
be entirely removed from the forms and not buried in the concrete.

No concrete shall be used which does not reach its final position in the forms within the
time stipulated under "Time of Hauling and Placing Mixed Concrete".

Concrete shall be placed so as to avoid segregation of the materials and the displacement
of the reinforcement. The use of long troughs, chutes, and pipes for conveying concrete to
the forms shall be permitted only on written authorization of the Engineer. The Engineer
shall reject the use of the equipment for concrete transportation that will allow
segregation, loss of fine materials, or in any other way will have a deteriorating effect on
the concrete quality.

Open troughs and chutes shall be of metal lined; where steep slopes are required, the
chutes shall be equipped with baffles or be in short lengths that reverse the direction of
movement to avoid segregation.

All chutes, troughs and pipes shall be kept clean and free from coatings of hardened
concrete by thoroughly flushing with water after each run. Water used for flushing shall be
discharged clear of the structure.

When placing operations would involve dropping the concrete more than 1.5 m, concrete
shall be conveyed through sheet metal or approved pipes. As far as practicable, the pipes
shall be kept full of concrete during placing and their lower end shall be kept buried in the
newly placed concrete. After initial set of the concrete, the forms shall not be jarred and no
strain shall be placed on the ends of projecting reinforcement bars.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-70

Detailed working drawings and supporting calculations false work shall be

by the Contractor to the Engineer. No falsework construction shall start until the Engineer
has reviewed and approved the design. The Contractor shall provide sufficient time for the
Engineer to complete this review. Such time shall be proportionate to the complexity of the
falsework design and in no case be less than two weeks.

The Contractor may review the falsework drawings at any time provided sufficient time is
allowed for the Engineer's review before construction is started on the revised portion.

Assumptions used in design of the falsework shall include but not be limited to the

1. The entire superstructure cross-section, except for the railing, shall be considered to
be placed at one time, except when in the opinion of the Engineer, a portion of the
load is carried by members previously cast and having attained a specified strength.

2. The loading used on timber piles shall not exceed the bearing value for the pile and
shall in no case exceed 20 tonne per pile.

3. Soil bearing values and soil condition (wet and dry) shall be designated by the
Contractor on the falsework drawings. Falsework footings shall be designed to carry
the loads imposed upon them without exceeding estimated soil bearing values or
allowable settlements.

4. The maximum loadings and deflections used on jacks, brackets, columns and other
manufactured devices shall not exceed the manufacture's recommendations. If
requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish catalogue or other data
verifying these recommendations.

5. If the concrete is to be prestressed, the falsework shall be designed to support any

increased or readjusted loads caused by the prestressing forces.

6. Joints supporting slabs and overhangs shall be considered as falsework and designed
as such.

For the construction of falsework over and adjacent to roadways where falsework openings
are required for maintaining traffic, the Contractor shall provide any additional features for
the work needed to insure that the falsework will be stable if subjected to impact by

The falsework design at the locations where said openings are required shall include but
not be limited to the following minimum provisions:
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-71
cap or


c. Falsework members shall be at least 300 mm clear temporary protective railing


The falsework drawings shall include a superstructure placing diagram showing proposed
concrete placing sequence and construction joint locations, except that where a schedule
for placing concrete is shown on the Contract Plans, no deviation will be permitted there
from unless approved in writing by the Engineer.

The falsework drawings shall show pedestrian openings which are required through the

Anticipated total settlements of falsework and forms shall be indicated by the Contractor
on the falsework drawings. These should include falsework footing settlements over 20 mm
will not be allowed unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer. Deck slab forms between
girders shall be constructed with no allowance for settlement relative to the girders.

Detailed calculations by the Contractor showing the stresses deflections, and camber
necessary to compensate for said deflections in all load supporting members shall be

After approving the Contractor's falsework deflection camber, the Engineer will furnish to
the Contractor the amounts of camber necessary to compensate for vertical alignment or
anticipated structure deflection, if these are not shown on the drawings. The total camber
used in constructing falsework shall be the sum of the aforementioned cambers.

407.3.3 Falsework Construction

The falsework shall be constructed to conform to the falsework drawings. The materials
used in the falsework construction shall be of the quantity and quality necessary to
withstand the stresses imposed. The workmanship used in falsework shall be of such
quality that the falsework will support the loads imposed on it without excessive settlement
or take-up beyond that shown on the falsework drawings.

When falsework is supported on piles, the piles shall be driven to a bearing value equal to
the total calculated pile loading as shown on the falsework drawings.

Suitable jacks or wedges shall be used in connection with falsework to set the forms to their
required grade and to take up any excessive settlement in the falsework either before or
during the placing of concrete.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-72

Should unanticipated events occur, deviate more mm
those indicated on the falsework drawings, which in the opinion of the would
prevent obtaining a structure conforming to the requirement of the Specification, the
placing of concrete shall be discontinued until corrective measures satisfactory to the
Engineer are provided. In the event satisfactory measures are not provided prior to initial
set of the concrete in the affected area, the placing of concrete shall be discontinued at a
location determined by the Engineer. All unacceptable concrete shall be removed.

407.3.4 Removing Falsework

Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or permitted by the Engineer, falsework

supporting any span of a supported bridge shall not be released before 14 days after the
last concrete, excluding concrete above the bridge deck, has been placed. Falsework
supporting any span of a continuous or rigid frame bridge shall not be released before 14
days after the last concrete excluding concrete above the bridge deck, has been placed in
that span and in the adjacent portions of each adjoining span for a length equal to at least
half the length of the span where falsework is to be released.

Falsework supporting deck overhangs and deck slabs between girders shall not be released
until 7 days after the deck concrete has been placed.

In addition to the above requirements, no falsework for bridges shall be released until the
supported concrete has attained a compressive strength of at least 80% of the required 28-
day strength. Falsework for cast-in place prestressed portion of structure shall not be
released until after the prestressing steel has been tensioned.

All falsework materials shall be completely removed. Falsework piling shall be removed at
least SO em below the surface of the original ground or stream bed. When falsework piling
is driven within the limits of ditch or channel excavation areas, the falsework piling within
such areas shall be removed to at least SO em below the bottom and side slopes of said
excavated areas.

All debris and refuse resulting from work shall be removed and the site left in a neat and
presentable condition.

407.3.5 Formwork Design and Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare drawings and materials data for the formwork and shutters to
be submitted to the Engineer for approval unless otherwise directed. The requirements for
design of formwork are the same as described under Section 407.3.9.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-73

structure and with
leave the finished works true to dimensions shown on
Engineer and with the surface finish as specified.

Formwork and shutters to be constructed shall be in accordance with the approved Plans.

The inside surfaces of forms shall be cleaned of all dirt, mortar and foreign material. Forms
which will be removed shall be thoroughly coated with form oil prior to use. The form oil
shall be of commercial quality form oil or other approved coating which will permit the
ready release of the forms and will not discolor the concrete.

Concrete shall not be deposited in the forms until all work in connection with constructing
the forms has been completed, all materials required for the unit to be poured, and the
Engineer has inspected and approved said forms and materials. Such work shall include the
removal of all dirt, chips, sawdust and other foreign material from the forms.

The rate of depositing concrete in forms shall be such to prevent bulging of the forms or
form panels in excess of the deflections permitted by the Specification.

Forms for all concrete surfaces which will not be completely enclosed or hidden below the
permanent ground surface shall conform to the requirements herein for forms for exposed
surfaces. Interior surfaces of underground drainage structures shall be completely enclosed

Formwork for concrete place under water shall be watertight. When lumber is used, this
shall be planed, tongued and grooved.

Forms for exposed concrete surface shall be designed and constructed so that the formed
surface of the concrete does not undulate excessively in any direction between studs, joists,
form stiffeners, form fasteners, or wales. Undulations exceeding either 2 mm or 1/270 of
the center to center distance between studs, joists, form stiffeners, form fasteners, or
wales will be considered to be excessive. Should any form of forming system, even though
previously approved for use, produce a concrete surface with excessive undulations, its use
shall be discontinued until modifications satisfactory to the Engineer have been made.
Portions of concrete structures with surface undulations in excess of the limits herein
specified may be rejected by the Engineer.

All exposed surfaces of similar portions of a concrete structure shall be formed with the
same forming material or with materials which produce similar concrete surface textures,
color and appearance.

Forms for exposed surfaces shall be made of form materials of even thickness and width
and with uniform texture. The materials shall have sharp edges and be mortar-tight.

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consisting or as necessary
to prevent spreading the forms during concrete use of ties consisting
twisted wire loops to hold forms in position will not be

Anchor devices may be cast into the concrete for later use in supporting forms or for lifting
precast members. The use of driven types of anchorage for fastening forms of form
supports to concrete will not be permitted.

407.3. 7 Removal of Forms and Falsework

Forms and falsework shall not be removed without the consent of the Engineer. The
Engineer's consent shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the safety of the
work. Blocks and bracing shall be removed at the time the forms are removed and in no
case shall any portion of the wood forms be left in the concrete.

Falsework removal for continuous or cantilevered structures shall be as directed by the

Engineer or shall be such that the structure is gradually subjected to its working stress.

When concrete strength tests are used for removal of forms and supports, such removal
should not begin until the concrete has attained the percentage of the specified design
strength shown in the table below.

Minimum Time Minimum Percentage

Design Strength
Centering under girders,
beams frames or arches 14 days 80%
Floor slabs 14 days 70%
Walls 1 day 70%
Columns 2 days 70%
Sides of beams and all other vertical
surfaces 1 day 70%

In continuous structures, falsework shall not be released in any span until the first and
second adjoining spans on each side have reached the strength specified herein, or in the
Special Specifications. When cast-in-place post tensioned bridges are constructed,
falsework shall remain in place until all post tensioning has been accomplished.

Falsework under all spans of continuous structures shall be completely released before
concrete is placed in railings and parapets. In order to determine the condition of column
concrete, forms shall be removed from columns before releasing supports from beneath
beams and girders.

Forms and falsework shall not be released from under concrete without first determining if
the concrete has gained adequate strength without regard to the time element. In the

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-75

opinion of the Engineer,
crib, and when the forms so intact not be exposed to view in finished structure.
All other forms shall be removed whether above or below the ground line or water level.

All forms shall be removed from the cells of concrete box girders in which utilities are
present and all formwork except that necessary to support the deck slab shall be removed
from the remaining cells of the box girder.

To facilitate finishing, forms used on ornamental work, railing, parapets and exposed
vertical surfaces shall be removed in not less than 12 nor more than 48 hours, depending
upon weather conditions. In order to determine the condition of concrete in columns,
forms shall always be removed from them before the removal of shoring from beneath
beams and girders.

Falsework and centering for spandrel-filled arches not be struck until filling at the back of
abutments has been placed up to the spring line. Falsework supporting the deck of rigid
frame structure shall not be removed until fills have been placed back to the vertical legs.

407.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of structural steel, structural concrete, reinforcing steel or other Contract Pay
Items shall constitute the completed and accepted structure which shall be measured for
payment in the manner prescribed in the several items involved.

407.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as provided in Section 407.4, Method of Measurement shall be

paid for at the contract price for the several pay items which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item. Such payment shall
constitute full payment for the completed structure ready for use.
Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Method of Measurement

407{1) lean Concrete {fc' =17.0 Mpa) cubic meter


The whole text under Section 412 is amended to read as follows:

412.1 Description

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-76

The Contractor may propose alternative bearing designs review by

The bearing design loads, movement capacities and other design criteria shall be as shown
on the Drawings.

412.1.2 Code and standard

Alternative bearing shall be designated and installed to a standard not less than that
required in the specifications.

412.2 General

a) Elastomeric bearings for structures should be anticipated to have a function of force

dispersion and shear spring for horizontal reaction.

b) Elastomeric bearings shall consist of laminated elastomeric pads or assembles of

laminated elastomeric pads, steel bearing plates, steel base plates, steel shear keys,
steel joint protectors and steel bolts as indicated on the Drawings and as specified

c) The bond between the elastomer and the steel laminate shall be such that, when a
sample is tested for separation, failure shall occur within the elastomer and not
between the elastomer and the steel.

412.3 Materials

The materials for the structure bearings, including rubber bearings, steel components, bolts
and other items shall be as specified on the Drawings.

The Contractor shall prepare comprehensive documentation on the bearings he proposes

to use. The documentation on the bearing shall include the following minimum
requirements to be submitted to the Engineer for acceptance:

i. Details of the type of structure bearings, including materials, and the name and
address of the manufacturer.

ii. Shop drawings and of any additionally or revised reinforcement detail drawing.

iii. A certificate for each type of structure bearing showing the manufacturer's
name the date and place of manufacture, certification that the structure
bearings comply with the requirements stated in the Contract and results of
tests carried out on the bearings.

iv. Details of fixings to superstructures and substructures.

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Schedule and delivery, name and address

testing laboratory.

All materials used in the manufacture of the bearing assemblies shall be new and unused
with no reclaimed material incorporated into the finished assembly. All bonding of
components shall be done under heat and pressure during the vulcanizing process. The
bond shall be continuous throughout the plan area with no air spaces greater than 0.25 mm
within the bonding material. The bearing assemblies shall be furnished as complete units
from one manufacturing source.

The materials for the elastomeric bearings and assemblies shall comply with the following

1) Elastomeric Materials

The elastomeric materials of the compounds shall be 100% virgin natural rubber or
durometer 60 hardness or meeting the requirements of Table No. 412.1.

2) Internal Steel Laminates

The internal steel laminates for the laminated elastomeric bearing pads shall be rolled
steel sheets complying with JIS G3101 or the required approved equivalent AASHTO

3) Laminated Elastomeric Bearing Pads

The characteristics of the elastomeric bearing pads shall be within the following listed

Table 412.1 Requirements of Elastomeric Bearing Pads

JIS Standard l Physical Properties I Value
JIS K6253 Hardness
G=0.8N/mm2 so± s
G=1.0N/mm2 60± 5
G=1.2N/mm2 Gs±s

JIS K6251 Tensile strength, min. kN/m2 15000

Ultimate elongation, min.% 450

Heat Resistance (70 hours@70°C)

Change in tensile strength(25% strain}%
G=0.8N/mm2 -10"'+30
G=1.0N/mm2 -10rv+30
JIS K6257 G=1.2N/mm2 -10"'+100

Change in ultimate elongation, min% -50

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-78
JIS Standard Physical Pr UfJei Lie::. 'alue
'l'''IJ' e~sive Set
J!S K6262 22 hours @ 70"C max. %
G=l.ON/mm2 25
G=1.2N/mm2 35
JIS K6259 so±5 pphm ozone in air by volume, 20% strain, 40 "C No Cracks
96 hours mounting
JIS K6256 Adhesion to Steel (90° peeling test)
Peel Strength, min (N/mm) 7
JIS K6261 Low Temperature Test-Durometer Change
The temperature of durometer hardness change, max 0
( - 30°(
JIS K6258 Determination of the effect of liquids
Water temperature 50°(, 72 hours, max% 10
JIS Standard Physical Properties Value
Structural Steel. The internal steel laminates for the
Laminated elastomeric bearings shall be rolled mild steel
sheets conforming to SS400 JIS G3101.
Overall Vertical Rubber Dimension
Average total rubber thickness 160mm or less -0"' +5%
Average total rubber thickness over 160mm -0"' +Bmm
Overall Horizontal Rubber Dimension
Rubber length SOOmm or less -0"' +Smm
Rubber length over SOOmm, less 1500mm -0"' +1%
Rubber length over 1500mm -0"' +15mm
Flatness Less than

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a certification by the manufacturer that the
elastomer, in the elastomeric bearing pads to be furnished conforms to all of the above
requirements. The certification shall be supported by a certified copy of the results of tests
performed by the manufacturer on the samples of the elastomer

412.4 Workmanship

412.4.1 Storage

Structure bearings shall be stored off the ground on level supports and in a manner that it
will not damage or deform or contaminate of the bearings.

412.4.2 Marking of Bearings

Structure bearings shall be marked by the manufacturer with the type and numbers stated
on the Drawings or with the manufacturers own either type or other numbers. A schedule
shall be provided which relates the manufacturer's own type or numbers, to the type or
numbers stated in the Drawings.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-79

As part of the documentation to be submitted, the shall provide a declaration
compatibility stating that the bearings are suitable functioning under actual
conditions in respect of support and general arrangement of the adjacent structure.

412.4.3 Corrosion Protection

Bearings shall be protected against corrosion by a protective coating selected by the

Contractor to suit the environment of the Site. The Contractor shall provide evidence for
acceptance by the Engineer of the satisfactory use of the proposed protective coating in a
similar movement subject to similar use elsewhere.

412.4.4 Grouting

Grout for grouting base plates and holding down bolts shall be proprietary non-shrink grout
type. The grout shall not bleed or segregate. The suitability of the grout and grouting
procedure proposed by the Contractor shall be verified by a test grouting in an
arrangement where the dimensions and positions are the same as will be experienced in
actual use. The test shall demonstrate an undisturbed grouting operation and a complete
filling of the total bearing area.

412.4.5 Installation

Structure bearings shall be installed as recommended by the manufacturer and bridge

bearings, which have been pre-assembled, should not be dismantled.

The levels of substructures stated in the Drawings on which structure bearings are to be
installed shall be adjusted to suit the thickness of the bearing, if alternative bearings are
accepted, so that the superstructure is at the specified level after completion.

412.4.6 Tolerances

The centerline of structure bearings shall be within 10 mm of the specified horizontal


The level of structure bearings shall be within 3mm of the specified level.

The relative levels for two bearings on the same pier shall be within 2mm of the specified

The inclination of structure bearings shall be within 1 in 500 of the specified inclination.

The horizontal axis of structure bearings shall be within 0.002 radian of the specified

412.5 Inspection and Testing

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-80

The completed structure bearings on a basis,

412.7 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured shall be paid for at the contract price for the several Pay Items
which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all documentation and
submittals, materials, labor, equipment, tools, testing, supervision, transportation, shipping
and storage costs, test assembly and incidentals necessary to complete the work.

The payment shall be deemed to include full compensation for all additional materials and
work not shown on the Drawings or specified, which are necessary to complete the

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

412(1)a.l Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

{SSOmm x 300 mm x 60 mm)

412(1}a.2 Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

{SSOmm x 350 mm x 60 mm)

412{1)a.3 Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

(600mm x 400 mm x 60 mm)

412(l}a.4 Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

(606mm x 306 mm x 60 mm)

412{1}a.S Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

(600mm x 300 mm x 58 mm)

412(1}b.l laminated Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

(576mm x 576 mm x 120mm)

412(1)b.2 laminated Elastomeric Bearing Pads each

(876mm x 876 mm x 120mm)

412{2)a Compressible Pads, t =SOmm square meter

412(2)b Compressible Pads, t =70mm square meter

412(2)c Compressible Pads, t = lOOmm square meter

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-81

Unit 1\lleasu


412(3 )b Bearing Shoe Fix Type set

(1140mm x 1060mm)


413(2).1 General

Preformed sponge rubber and cork expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural
construction shall conform to the applicable requirements of AASHTO M 153. Technical
details and samples are to be furnished for approval of the Engineer prior to the placement
of any purchase orders by the Contractor.

The expansion joint system shall be a complete proprietary system designed by the
manufacturer to withstand structural movement and harsh environmental conditions,
installed to suit the same dimensions of the joint gap, bonded with a two-component epoxy
adhesive and pressurized during the adhesive cure time. In addition, the expansion joint
system shall be for application on the specified type of surface indicated on the Plans.

413(2).2 Material Requirements

This specification covers preformed expansion joint fillers for concrete construction. Joint
filler in strip form cut from the sheets as manufactured. Joint filler strips must specify
thickness, widths and lengths; strip widths are available from 60mm in increments of 13

413{2).2.1 Materials- Sponge Rubber

The joint filler shall consist of preformed strips of a durable, elastic sponge rubber
compound, using synthetic rubber or natural rubber as a base and containing no reclaimed
rubber or factice. Unless otherwise specified, the sponge rubber shall have a cement gray
color to blend with concrete in appearance.

Preformed strips of expansion joint fillers shall be of such character as not to be deformed
or broken by ordinary handling when exposed to atmospheric conditions. Pieces of the joint
filler that have been damaged shall be rejected.

413(2).2.2 Physical Requirements

Test Specimen -The sample to be tested shall be cut from the sheet as manufactured and
shall be representative of the sheet stock.

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In case to comply with the above requirements} test given
three applications of a load sufficient to compress the material to 50 percent of its
thickness before test. The load shall be released immediately after each application. At the
end of one hour after the third application, the specimen shall have recovered at least 90
percent of its thickness before the test.

Compression - The load required to compress the test specimen to 50 percent of its
thickness before test shall be not less than 340 nor greater than 10350 kPa.

Extrusion -The test specimen shall be compressed to 50 percent of its thickness before test
with three of the edges restrained. The amount of extrusion of the free edge shall not
exceed 6 mm.

Density- In the case of sponge rubber {Type I) expansion joint filler only, the density of the
air -dry filler shall be not less than 480 kg/cu.m.

413(2).2.3 Dimensions and Permissible Variations

The preformed strips shall conform to the dimensions specified. Strips of the joint filler
which do not conform to the specified dimensions within the permissible variations of± 1.5
mm in thickness,± 3 mm in depth and± 6 mm in length shall be rejected.

413(2).2.4 Sampling and Test Method

At least one (1) sample 152mm (6") long, or longer or each profile type shall be submitted
to the Engineer for approval.

Size and samples shall consist of sufficient materials to provide at least five test specimens.
Test Methods shall determine the properties prescribed in this specification in accordance
with T 42.

413(2).2.5 Rejection and Re-Test

Material that fails to conform to the requirements of this specification shall be rejected.
Rejection should be reported to the manufacturer or supplier promptly and in writing. In
case of dissatisfaction with the results of the test, the manufacturer or supplier may
request re-testing.

413{2).3 Construction Requirements

413{2).3.1 Preparation and Installation

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-83

and applied.

No installation may be in rainy weather, or when is expected within one

hour before installation. All surfaces must be completely dry prior to applying adhesive.

Note that the gap size will change with cold and hot temperature extremes. Gap
measurement should optimally be carried out at the mid-point of the average temperature
range for the area of installation.

Relative movement between components and supports of a preformed expansion joint

filler shall be prevented during installation of the joint and during placing and hardening of
concrete and mortar under the components. Joint components shall be free to move
longitudinally relative to each other.

When one side of a fabricated expansion joint is being set, the other side shall be free from
longitudinal restraint. Strong backs or templates used to locate the sides of a joint shall not
be fixed to both sides at any one time.

The gap between preformed expansion joint fillers and the adjoining road surface or nosing
shall be made good after installation of the joint with material that has properties similar as
practicable to those of the material in the adjoining road surface.

The adhesive shall be mixed according to manufacturer's directions only after all
preparation of gap and profile is complete. The adhesive shall be applied to the inner gap
walls in an even manner. In the same even fashion, the adhesive shall be applied to outer
rigid side walls of profile.

Excess adhesive shall be cleaned away. The epoxy adhesive shall be adequately cured prior
to the removal of the valve to bleed off the air pressure.

413(2).3.2 Protection from Construction Vehicles

The expansion joint system shall be protected from damage due to the passage of
construction vehicles. Heavy construction vehicles will not be permitted to cross the joint
without specific and written permission by the Engineer. Any damage to the expansion joint
system from construction vehicles shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense.

413{3) Expansion Joint, Thormajoint

413(3 ).1 Description

An elastomer modified asphaltic plug joint used in both repair works and new installation. A
combination of elastomer-modified binder and selected single size BJ200 stone or approved

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Asphaltic plug thormajoint or approved uivalent expansion

413(3).2.1 Movement Capacity

Horizontal : up to SOmm depending on size table

Vertical/twisting :up to 3mm

Size width : SOOmm (nominal)

Thickness : SOmm (minimum)

Gap treatment : Install wood board before asphalting to suitable thickness to be

Inserted on the gap and appropriate size of steel plate with
locating pin placed during installation of thormajoint.

413(3).2.2 Components of Thormajoint:

1. Binder Grade

The binder fills the gap and the voids between the single sized aggregates. Its purpose is to
impart flexibility to thormajoint so that it could accommodate the various movements of

BJ200 is elastomer-modified bitumen, formulated to combine good fluidity for the

installation process and flexibility with the following properties:

Softening: Greater than 9SQC

(Ring and ball method ASTM E28)

Flow resistance: Less than 5% @ 65QC (BS2499) Cone

penetration: 10-30 dmm (When
tested @25QC, 150g, 5 sec. - ASTM

Extension Test: To pass 3 cycles of extension to 50 % at

rate of 3.2 mm/hr and 25QC

Safe heating Temp.: 22QQC

Pouring Temp. 190 to 210QC

Safe heating time: 7 hours

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-85

use a It
will also ensure a constant ratio of stone to is im its
optimum combination of flexibility and load capacity.

stone size selection specifications:

Joint Depth Stone Size

SOmm to 75mm 14mm or 20mm
76mm to 100mm 20mm
100mm+ Verify with manufacturer

Grading Limits Specified Size and Maximum Flakiness For Aggregates

BS Test Sieve 20mm 14mm
(nominal size)
Grading Limits
28.00 mm 100 -
20.00 mm 85 to 100 100
14.00 mm 0 to 35 85 to 100
10.00 mm 0 to 7 0 to 35
6.30 mm - 0 to 7
5.00 mm - -
3.35 mm - -
2.36 mm 0 to 2 -
600J..lm - 0 to 2

75J.lm 0 to 1 0 to 1
Maximum Flakiness
Index 25 25

Caulking - Premolded expansion joint filler (sponge rubber type) conforming to AASHTO

413(3).3 Construction Methods

A. Layout

In cases where the trench are not preformed, layout the exact center of the expansion joint
measure the desired joint width; normally SOOmm wide and chalk mark the edge. Cut the
full width using a concrete cutter to the desired depth a strict minimum of SOmm is
observed. In cases where the thickness is below the 50 mm minimum, the deck shall be
chipped with the prior approval of the Bridge Engineer to attain the required depth.

B. Cleaning

The cut joint shall be cleaned thoroughly, use compressed air to remove all visible dust.
Wire brushed the sides as well as the deck to remove all other loose particles in the trench.

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D. Hot Lance Cleaningj Pre-heating

Using the hot lance, the trench cleaned and preheated by using this compressed air flame
torch. This shall remove all remaining debris and shall completely clean and pre-heat the

E. Priming

Heat the binder to its working temperature of 190 to 210QC and prime the trench with the
binder. Ensure that all surfaces are covered black with the binder. Ensure that the top of
the joint filler was also filled with binder up to the deck level.

F. Plating

Place the steel plate on top of the gap, normally steel plates are cut to 1 ml and pre drilled
with 6 mm hole at 3 equal places. Ensure that the plate is located on its center to the gap

G. Binder

Pour binder on top of the plate and ensure that all steel plate surfaces including its sides
are covered with binder.

Pour Binder on top of the stone layer, rake the stone to spread it evenly in the trench.

H. Stone Laying

Prepare pre- washed bagged stone, normally gabbros, granite family, by putting it inside a
mixing tub and with the hot lance heat the stone whilst the tub is rotating until it reached
the working temperature of 150 to 180QC.

A premix or one layer of stone can be put in the trench, rake to spread it evenly, giving
attention that the side of the trench is also filled evenly with stone. Make sure not to lay
the stone more than 25mm per layer.

Stone size are normally 14 mm or 20 mm in diameter, depending on the size of the joint,
pre-washed, clean and packed in 20 to 23 kgs. Polybags.

I. Pouring

To ensure that each stone is covered with binder and each stone are touching each other.
Flood the trench with binder. Repeat stone laying and binder pouring process until the
stone and binder layer is approximately 20mm to 25 mm below the wearing surface.

J. Topping

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K. Compaction

Walt for the temperature to drop then, using a vibrating plate compactor, compact the
finished expansion joint to level the joint with the wearing surface. Make multiple passes to
ensure that the joint is properly compacted. This will prevent the joint from setting down
on the later stage after opening to traffic.

L. Top Screed Surface

After compaction, prepare a binder topping and pour the heated binder on top of the
compacted joint. Wearing a heavy-duty heat resistant hand gloves, manually screed the
topping. Avoid a too thick binder topping and ensure that there are visible signs of stone
after finishing the top screed. The top screed binder shall also serves as the waterproofing
top surface.

M. Cleaning

Clean the surrounding area and pour water on the finished joint

413.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of preformed expansion joint filler to be paid for shall be the number of
square meter completed in place and accepted. Expansion joint, thormajoint shall be
measured per linear meter.

413.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section 413.4 shall be paid for at the
Contract Unit Price for each of the particular item listed below that is included in the Bill of
Quantities, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing
of all materials required, including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

413(2} Preformed Expansion Joint Filler, t = 20mm square meter

413(2}a Pre Molded Expansion Joint Filler, t = 12mm square meter

413(2}b Pre Molded Expansion Joint Filler, t = 20mm square meter

413(2)c Preformed Expansion Joint Filler, t = 25mm square meter

413(3}a Expansion Joint, Thormajoint linear meter

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In order to mm1m1ze traffic disturbance during construction the viaducts, and

superstructures, the 450 tonnes pier head is turned 90 degrees. A device is proposed to be
used in this project, the Sosrobahu, a named derived from a classical Javanese legend
meaning a thousand (sosro) shoulders (bahu).

SPL417.2 Material Requirements

The Sosrobahu device is a hydraulic non-friction rotating device, it is a flat jack with a
diameter of 80 em. Technical code landasan Putar Bebas Hambatan Sosrobahu {LPBH 80).
The device is place in the center of the pier. A gap of 20 mm is made between the pier and
pier head. The pier head is then cast over the pier parallel to road axis. After post-
tensioning of the pier head, oil is injected into the device until the force produced by the oil
pressure nearly equals the weight to the pier head, then the pier head is turned 90 degrees.
Oil pressure is then released and the gap injected with non-shrink grout. Four {4) post-
tensioned U-cables of total ultimate capacity of 600 tonnes are then inserted through the
pier head and pier, post-tensioned and grouted.

SPL417.3 Construction and Requirements

SPL417.3.1 Sequence of Installation of Sosrobahu:

Attach anchor bolt on pocket followed by installing the tripod {Fig. 7)

Attach Sosrobahu on its place (Fig. 8}

The Sosrobahu after fixing and grouting (Fig. 9)

Position of Sosrobahu on the column before working of pier head formwork (Fig. 10)

Filling the space/gap with material (thickness of 20 mm) (Fig. 11)

After the construction of the Pier, Sosrobahu is installed at the neck below the pier head.
Pier head is then cast parallel to the road axis, after post-tensioned U shape cables are used
to connect the Pier head to the Pier. A total of 200 tonnes prestressing force is applied by
the four (4) U-cables.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-89


Sequence of Installation of Sosrobahu:

Fig. 7 Fig. 10

Fig. 8 Fig.ll

Fig. 9
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

SPL 417.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as provided in Section SPL 417 .4, Method of Measurement shall
be paid for at the contract price for the several pay items which price and payment shall be
full compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item. Such payment shall
constitute full payment for the completed structure ready for use.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Method of Measurement

SPL 417 Sosrobahu and Pier Head Rotation each


SPL 418.1 Description

Dowel bars means a reinforcing steel bar conforming to the proviSions of Item 404,
Reinforcing steel, placed into a hole of specified dimensions drilled into a concrete
structure, and bonded to the concrete by epoxy adhesive.
Epoxy Adhesive means a two-component system consisting of resin and hardener used for
the bonding of dowels that will satisfy the equivalent bond requirement of concrete.
SPL 418.2 Epoxy Adhesive Product Data

At least one week prior to the trial installation of a dowel bars, the Contractor shall submit
the product data sheets and specifications for the epoxy adhesive to be used for the dowel
bars to the Engineer. Material specifications shall conform to the relevant requirements of
Part I of the Technical Specifications, "Materials Details."

The following shall be included:

a) Manufacturer and supplier of the epoxy adhesive;

b) Detailed mixing and placement procedures, including hole preparation;
c) Allowable temperature range, ambient and concrete, for installation of the epoxy
d) Curing time to obtain full capacity of the dowel.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-91


Contractor shall drill holes to required dimensions, place epoxy adhesive

properly position the dowels as specified in the Contract Documents. Steel reinforcement
and other existing embedments shall not be cut or damaged by the drilling process. The
Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately of any potential conflicts with
embedments such as existing steel reinforcement, utility ducts and post tensioning
hardware. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer if the concrete in the vicinity of the
dowel locations is cracked, delaminated or otherwise not structurally sound prior to drilling
the holes. Holes that are started but not completed shall be cleaned and filled with a
proprietary product acceptable to the Engineer.

The Contractor's operations shall not cause spalling, cracking or other damage to the
surrounding concrete. Concrete spalled or otherwise damaged by the Contractor's
operations shall be repaired in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. The holes shall be
cleaned using compressed air to remove all deleterious material including dust, debris and
water prior to placing the epoxy adhesive. The handling and placement of the epoxy
adhesive shall conform to the manufacturer's written instructions. All excess epoxy
adhesive shall be struck-off flush with the concrete surface and removed from the
surrounding concrete surface area. Dowels shall be dean and free of deleterious material.

The Contractor shall maintain dowels within the specified dimensions during the setting of
the epoxy adhesive and shall prevent the loss of epoxy adhesive from the holes. All debris
resulting from the peration shall be disposed of as specified in the Contract documents.

Prior to installing of dowel specified in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall
perform a trial installation of that dowel at locations selected by the Engineer. Trial
installation shall consist of a set of three dowels. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract
Documents, the location of the trial installations will correspond to locations of dowels
shown in the Contract Drawings as part of the work.

The Contractor shall conduct pull-tests on the trial installations in the presence of the
Engineer. Each of the three dowels in a set must be capable of achieving the test load
specified by the Engineer, without any movement of the dowels, for the trial installation to
be considered acceptable.

If the trial installation is not acceptable, the Contractor will not be permitted to install that
dowel type in the work until all the following have been carried out to the satisfaction of
the Engineer:

a) the Contractor has submitted a written explanation for the failure,

b) the Contractor has identified corrective action to be taken,
c) the Contractor has repeated the trial installation with acceptable results.
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-92
If the Contractor changes the installation procedure for the dowel from used in
associated trial installation, the Contractor shall repeat the installation as specified in
this Special Provision prior to incorporating dowels installed using the changed installation
procedure into the work.

SPL 418.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities for reinforcing steel including dowels and structural concrete shall be the
final quantities placed and accepted in the completed structure which shall be measured
for payment in the manner prescribed in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel and Item 405,
Structural Concrete respectively.

Dowel bars shall be measured per set including the epoxy adhesive for anchor bolt grouts
that shall be measured per piece of capsule used to fill a hole installed and accepted.

SPL 418.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities for reinforcing steel including dowels and structural concrete shall be the
final quantities placed and accepted in the completed structure and shall be paid for at the
corresponding unit price provided in the Bid Schedule which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, preparing, fabricating, placing, curing and for all labor,
equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment for dowel bars shall be measured per set including the epoxy adhesive to fill a hole
as installed and accepted and shall be full compensation for furnishing and installation of
dowel bars and epoxy adhesive and for furnishing other materials, labor, tools and
incidentals necessary to complete the items.
Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 418 Dowel Bars, 12mm dia. x 600 (Including Epoxy) set


SPL 419.1 Description

Rubber Properties V-Fenders readily absorb the high energy impacts inherent in the
berthing, mooring and pushing that marine structures and vessels encounter. Under the
severe loads that cause other materials to crush, splinter or buckle, Longwood rubber
fenders simply compress, then return to their original shape. This resiliency preserves the
fenders, the structure and the vessel to eliminate replacement expense and out-of-service
Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-93
SPL 419.2 Material Requirements

Rubber fender components are manufactured from the highest quality Natural Rubber
(NR), optionally Styrene Butadiens SBR based compounds which meet or exceed the
performance requirements of European Union specification EAU-E 62 or Equivalent
"Acceptance Requirements for Fender Elastomers", long-lived properties of the specially
compounded rubber used for marine fenders.

Marine fenders are available in a range of rubber compounds to meet the most demanding
service conditions. A variety of property profiles have been developed to provide increased
resistance to oil, chemicals, weather, ozone, severe loads, grinding impacts and
temperature extremes. All are designed to provide an excellent combination of tensile
strength, resilience and energy absorption.

There are many service factors which must be considered when making a decision on which
type and size of fender is best for a given application. These include:

• The type of pier structure.

• The type and size of the vessel it will handle.
• The berthing velocity of the vessels.
• The method of berthing.
• The sea currents and wave actions involved.

Typical Specifications are listed in the table below.

Property Testing Standard Condition Requirement

Tensile Strength ASTM 0412 Aged for 96 hours at 70° C 16MPa (Min)

Elongation at Break ASTM 0412 Original 400%

Hardness ASTM 02240 Original 78° (Max) Shore A

Compression Set ASTM 0395 Aged for 22 hours at 70° C 30% (Max)

Tear Resistance ASTM 0624 Die B 70 kN/m

Ozone Resistance ASTM 01149 1ppm at 20% strain at 40°C No cracking visible by eye

Seawater Resistance DIN 86076;Section 7.7 28 days in artificial seawater Hardness ±2°(Max) Shore A
at 95°C at ±2°C Volume +10/ -5% (Max)

Abrasion Resistance BS 903.A9 Method B, 1000 revolutions 0.5 cc (Max)

Bond Strength BS903.A21 Method B 7 N/mm (Min)

Steel to Rubber

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-94

SPL 419.3.11nstallation

Important conditions for a smooth and on-time fender installation on site require
components to be not only supplied in correct quality and quantity but also to match each
other properly.

SPL 419.3.1 Performance Testing

Testing moulded1 and wrapped cylindrical2 fenders is carried in-house, with the option of
third party witnessing, using full size fenders in accordance with the PIANC3 guidelines

1. All fender units do have a unique serial number which can be traced back to
manufacturing and testing records.
2. Fenders are tested under direct (vertical) compression.
3. Compression speed is 2- 8 em/min.
4. Test temperature is 23° C ±so C .
5. Reaction force is recorded at intervals to at least a deflection at which the permitted
minimum energy absorption is achieved.
6. Energy absorption is determined as the integral of reaction and deflection,
calculated using Simpson's Rule.
7. The result of the first compression cycle is not to be recorded.
8. The average performance from the second and third compression cycles is less than
the permitted maximum reaction and more than the permitted minimum energy
9. Sampling is 10% of fenders {rounded up to a unit).
10. If any sample does not satisfy the specifications, sampling of the remainder is
increased to 20% of fenders {rounded up to a unit), excluding non-compliant units.
11. If any further sample does not satisfy the specifications, 100% of remaining samples
will be tested. Only units which satisfy the specifications shall be passed for
shipment. The non-compliant fenders will be rejected.

SPL 419.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of Rubber Fender shall constitute the completed and accepted structure which
shall be measured for payment in the manner prescribed.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-95


complete the

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL419 Rubber Fender each


515.1 Description

The work shall consist of Mechanically Stabilized Earthwall constructed in accordance with
this Specification and in conformity with the lines, levels and details shown on the Drawings
or as directed by the Engineer.

515.2 Materials Requirements

515.2.1 Concrete Facing Panels

Concrete shall have a cylinder compressive strength at 28 days of 30 Mpa with a minimum
cement content of 330 kg/cu.m. and a maximum free water/cement ratio of 0.55. coarse
aggregate shall be in accordance with the grading requirement for Class AA1 concrete
shown in Table 405.1 Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregates.

Unless notified otherwise, at least two test cylinder shall be made per production cycle and
tested at 28 days.

515.2.1.1 Cast-in-Elements

a) Tie- Strips

Tie strips shall be bolted {or clamped) in the position shown on the Drawings when
pouring concrete. Tie strip plates separation shall not be less than 8 mm nor greater
than 10 mm unless noted otherwise.

b) Dowels

The dowels shall be rigid plastic bars with a diameter of 20 mm (0+, -2mm). The
dowel shall be cut in such a manner as to neither bend nor distort the dowel ends.

c) Tube

The tube shall be rigid plastic, with an internal diameter of 30 mm (+/-2mm)

d) Reinforcement

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-96


The lifting anchors shall not be displaced from correct position and alignment
when pouring concrete.

515.2.1.2 Appearance

The exterior face of the concrete panels shall be uniform and must not show significant
variations from one panel to other. Panels should be free of honeycombs, stains or deep
cracks on the face.

Cement, aggregate and release agent of the same type and from the same source, shall be
used throughout the project.

515.2.1.3 Casting

Panels shall be cast with face down on a flat area, with the exterior face at the bottom of
the mould and the tie strips facing upward.

515.2.1.4 Tolerances

All dimensions, unless noted otherwise, shall be within +/-5mm except as follows:

a) The height of the panels shall be within +/- 3mm.

b) The difference between the lengths of the diagonals shall not exceed 10 mm.

c) Twist or warp shall not exceed 5 mm.

d) Tie strip plate separation shall not be less than 8 mm nor more than 10 mm.

e) Dowel straightness shall be within 2 mm.

f) Length of reinforcing strips shall be within +/-75 mm.

515.2.1.5 Moulds

The panel dimension shown on the drawings shall be controlled. The Contractor shall
ensure that the moulds as supplied will produce panels within the tolerance specified

The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the moulds apart from any expected
reasonable wear and tear.

515.2.1.6 Handling

Panels shall be handled so as to avoid chipping or cracking of the concrete, scratching of the
front face and deformation of dowels and tie strips.

Panels shall be stored in the following manner as to prevent straining of the front face.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-97


not on or

c) points are one above through

515.2.2 Joint (For Concrete Panels)

Filler for the vertical joints shall be flexible open cell polyurethane foam strips of 40 mm
square cross section.

For the horizontal joints the filler shall be either (i} resin bonded cork filler board
conforming to ASTM D 1752 or (ii) rubber pad with shore hardness 85 + 0.5.

515.2.3 Reinforcement and Tie Strips

Steel reinforcement strips shall be hot dipped galvanized and shall comply generally with
ISO 1460 and 1461.

Reinforcement strips shall be ribbed flats of Grade 350 or as specified in the Drawings.

Reinforcing strips shall be cut to length and holed in the specified locations. Reinforcement
shall be inspected to ensure that it is free from defects that may impair its strength or

No plastic material shall be used as reinforcement for permanent structures.

515.2.4 Bolts and Nuts

Bolts and nuts shall be strength Grade 8.8 as per BS 3692 or approved equivalent, metric
size M 12 with hot dip galvanized or approved equivalent protective coating. The
galvanization shall comply with ISO 1460 and 1461.

515.2.5 Fill Material

The fill materials to be used in the mechanically stabilized wall shall be free from any
organic or other deleterious material, conforming to the physical, chemical limits as defined
in this Specification or as shown on the Drawings.

Should the Contractor intend a modification for filling materials, the Contractor shall
submit written proposal for evaluation of the Engineer for the proposed substitution of fill
material, description of the proposed works to be performed and a programme for its
execution/value engineering. The proposed modification shall not entitle the Contractor
to additional cost or additional time.

515.2.5.1 Physical

The angle of internal friction of saturated soil specimen by shear box test should not be less
than 36 degrees.

515.2.5.2 Chemical

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-98

ii. Soluble Salts

Where the resistivity of the material (see SPL 513.2.5.3} is in the range of 1000 to 5000
ohm-em or the material is of industrial origin, the concentration of chloride (CI) and
(SO/} shall be checked and shall not exceed the following limits.

Land Structure Structure Close to River

Cl (mg/kg) 200 100

S0 4 (mg/kg) 1000 500

iii. Sulphides

Where the origin of the material raises the possibility of the presence of sulphide, the
concentration of the sulphide shall be checked and shall not exceed 300 mg/kg for
structures outside water and 100 mg/kg for structures in water.

515.2.5.3 Electrochemical

The resistivity of the backfill material shall be determined on a saturated specimen after
one hour of soil-water contract at 25 degree centigrade.

The resistivity of the material shall be greater than the following limits:

Land Structure Structure Close to River

Resistivity 1000 3000

515.3 Construction Requirements

515.3.1 Excavation and Foundation

Excavation for the base of the wall shall be in accordance with the limits designated on the
Drawings. When concrete panels are specified, lean concrete levelling pad shall be cast
accurately to line and level as detailed on the Drawings. The levelling pad shall be cast at
least 12 hours before placement of walls panels.

515.3.2 Wall Erection -Concrete Panels

Excavation for the base of the wall shall be in accordance with the limits designated on the
drawings. When concrete panels are specified, lean concrete levelling pad shall be cast
accurately line and level as detailed on the Drawings. The levelling pad shall be cast at least
12 hours before placement of wall panels.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-99


During backfill placement, trucks and heavy vehicles shall be kept back 1.5m from the rear
face of the wall and crawler trucks shall not be directly in contact with the reinforcement.
The backfill within 1.5m behind the wall shall be compacted with hand-operated
compacting machine with a weight not greater than 1 ton.

The compaction operation of mechanically stabilized wall shall be undertaken with the
objective of preventing excessive ultimate settlement of the backfill material. The backfill
shall be compacted to not less than 95% standard proctor density and the minimum bulk
density after compaction should not be less than 1800 Kg/m3.

In general, 15-25 passes by 8 ton vibratory roller may sufficiently compact the granular
backfill to the required specification of 95% standard proctor density.

During construction, the contractor shall not make any changes or substitution for
approved materials without written consent of the Engineer.
515.3.4 Tolerance

Differential settlement shall not exceed one percent along the wall after completion. Local
variation of up to 30 mm or more measured by a 4.5 meters straight edge along the wall
face shall be allowed subject to the approval of the Engineer.

515.3.5 Drainage

515.3.5.1 Subsoil Pipe

The subsoil pipe, when indicated on the Drawings, shall be 100mm or more diameter half
round perforated pipe wrapped round with gee-textile cloth or equivalent of PVC pipe with
4 nos. 10 mm diameter concentric holes staggered at 150 mm spacing longitudinally or as
directed by the Engineer. lay of subsoil pipe shall be in accordance with the levels
designated on the Drawings.

515.3.5.2 Temporary Drainage

During construction of the mechanically stabilized earthwall, temporary drainage shall be

constructed to divert any surface run-off away from the structures. At the end of each day
any surplus backfill behind the structure shall be levelled-off at a gentle slope so that any
surface run-off can flow into the temporary drainage.

515.4 Method of Measurement

The area of mechanically stabilized earthwall to be paid for under this Item shall be the
number of square meters (m ) of the earthwall completed and accepted in accordance with
the Drawings and this Specification or as otherwise required by the Engineer.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page F-100

Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section SPL 5 above, shall be paid
for at the contract unit prices for each item of work, which prices and payment shall be full
compensation for the furnishing, placing and compacting as necessary of all materials and
appurtenances and for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, tools and incidents necessary
to complete the Item.

Payment shall be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

515 Mechanically Stabilized Earthwall (MSE Wall) square meter

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Excavation for conduits to be placed on embankment shall be undertaken in accordance

with Method as shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

500.4 Method of Measurement

Add the following paragraph to Section 500.4 to read as follows:

The quantities to be paid for, for each class and diameter of new pipe culverts, shall be the
lengths of pipes between the outside faces of the headwalls, measured along the axis of the
pipes, as installed in place, completed and accepted.

500.5 Basis of payment

Modify Section 500.5 to read as follows:

The accepted quantities of conduit, determined as provided for in Section 500.4, Method of
Measurement shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per linear meter for the conduit of
the types and sizes specified completed in place. The price and payment shall be full
compensation for excavation for culverts, furnishing and placing all materials, including
granular bedding and backfill and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

500(1)a.1 RCPC, 610 mm diameter, Class II linear meter

500(1)a.2 RCPC, 610 mm diameter/ Class IV linear meter

500(1)b RCPC, 760 mm diameter, Class II linear meter

500(1)c RCPC, 910 mm diameter, Class II linear meter

500(1)d RCPC, 1070 mm diameter/ Class II linear meter

500(1)e RCPC, 1220 mm diameter, Class II linear meter


502.1 Description

This item shall consist of the construction, reconstruction or adjustments of manholes,

inlets and catch basins in accordance with the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or as determined by the Engineer. It shall also include placing and compacting of
gravel base for catch basin to the required thickness shown on the Drawings.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-1

All concrete used for these structures shall Class Al and shall be in accordance with
requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete. However, where pipes or culverts located
within the carriageway having a cover less than the minimum depth of 0.60 meters, a high-
strength concrete Class AAl shall be used.

Reinforcements shall conform to the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

Steel steps shall be 20 mm diameter gray iron or steel bar.

Mortar to be used shall be one (1) part by volume of Portland Cement and two (2) parts of
approved sand with water as necessary to obtain the required consistency.

Material for metal frames and gratings shall be in accordance to the dimensions as shown
on the Drawings shall be hard and durable, pre-painted and corrosion free as specified by
the Engineer.

Gravel for foundation fill shall be in accordance to the requirements of Item 201, Aggregate
Base Course or as selected and approved by the Engineer.

Excavation and backfilling work shall be executed in accordance with Item 103, Structure
Excavation and it shall be in conformance with the lines, grades, depths and dimensions
indicated on the Drawings or as required and approved by the Engineer. Surplus material
shall be disposed to the area directed by the Engineer.

All concrete construction shall conform to the requirements in Item 405, Structural
Concrete. All holes in concrete hollow block structures shall be filled with cement mortar
specified in Section 502.2 of this Specification. Inside surfaces and outside surfaces of all
masonry shall have a plaster coat of~ "thick.

When the height of manhole exceeds 1.22 m, steps or ladder shall be provided at 0.40
meters interval and it shall be gray iron steel.

Positions, sizes and number of sewer or storm drain conduits entering manhole shall be in
accordance with the designed Drawings or as determined by the Engineer to suit field

Concrete lined ditches shall be constructed, reconstructed, realigned or restored as to the

type, lines, shape and dimensions as shown on the Drawings.

502.4 Method of Measurement

Add the following paragraph to Section 502.4 to read as follows:

Excavation for manholes, inlets and catch basins will not be measured for payment and
shall be deemed to be included in the corresponding Pay Item under Section 502.5.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-2

lined realigned or restored along roadway
or as indicated on the Drawings will be measured and paid for by the total in meter
inclusive of mortar jointing and compaction, completed and accepted by Engineer.

502.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, determined as provided in Section 502.4, Method of

Measurement of the Pay Items in the Bill of Quantities will be paid for at the Contract unit
price which shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing of all materials and
for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Modify the third paragraph of Section 502.5 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

502(1}a Manhole Junction Box Type With Concrete Cover each

502(1)b Curb Inlet Manhole each

502(2) Curb Inlets each

502(3}a Catch Basin with Precast Concrete Cover each

502(7} Adjusting Manhole each


506.1 Description

Modify Section 506.1 to read as follows:

This Item shall consist of furnishing and placing of dwarf stone wall in accordance with this
Specification and in conformity with the lines, grades and sections and dimensions as
shown on the Drawings or as ordered in writing by the Engineer. This work also includes
construction of weep holes.

506.2 Material Requirements

Modify the following Sub-sections to read as follows:

506.2.1 Stones

The stone shall be clean, hard, durable and suitable in all aspects for the purpose intended
and shall be subject to the Engineer's approval.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-3

Add the following to Sub-Section 506.3.1 to read as follows:

506.3.1 Excavation

The bed for the Dwarf Stone Wall shall be excavated to the required depths and to the
design slope properly compacted, trimmed and shaped as shown on the Drawings.

506.4 Method of Measurement

Modify Section 506.4 to read as follows:

The Dwarf Stone Wall shall be measured by the number of cubic metre in place, completed
and accepted by the Engineer in accordance with the Drawings. Only accepted work will be
measured for payment and the computation of the quantity thereof will be based on the
volume within the limiting dimensions designated on the Drawings or as determined by the
Engineer. No separate measurement shall be made for filter materials.

506.5 Basis of Payment

Section 506.5 is deleted and substituted with the following:

The quantities measured as provided under Sub-Section 506.4, Method of Measurement
shall be paid for at the Contract unit price as listed in the Bill of Quantities, which price and
payment shall be full compensation for excavation and preparation of the bed, for
furnishing and placing all materials including weep holes, filter materials and backfill to
bring the Dwarf Stone Wall to the line, grades and dimension as shown on the Drawings
and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

506 Stone Masonry cubic meter


517.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing and installing drain pipes, fastened with steel straps
that are either bolted to pier copings or welded to steel girders in various locations of the
bridge.,or as indicated in accordance with this Specification and in conformity with the lines
and dimensions as shown on the Drawings or as established by the Engineer. longitudinal
drainage for structures shall be provided by scuppers (catch basin) or drain pipe which is of

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-4

provided with pipe supports, where required on

Contractor shall submit working drawings to the Engineer for review. All working
drawings shall show full detailed dimensions, sizes for all component parts of the structure.
The required grade of steel for each individual steel fabrication shall be dearly indicated.

517.2 Material Requirements

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC} pipe shall meet the requirements specified in one of the following
specifications: ASTM D 3034, D 2241, D 1785, D 2665, D 2680, F 789, F 679 or AASHTO M
304M (D 2729).

Galvaniced Iron Pipe shall meet the requirements specified in one of the following
specifications: ASTM A 53, AASHTO M 36 or M 218.

Steel strap shall meet the requirements of Item 712, Structural Metal; Item 409, Welded
Structural Steel, and Item 411, Paint, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways,
Bridges and Airports.

Anchor Bolts and bolts fastener shall meet the requirement of Item 712, Structural Metal,
DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

Paint materials shall conform to the requirements of Item 709, Paints, DPWH Standard
Specifications, Volume II, Highways, Bridges and Airports.

517.4 Method of Measurement

Drain pipe shall be measured by the linear meter for pipe of the type and size specified.

517.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, determined as provided in Section 517.4, Method of

Measurement of the Pay Items in the Bill of Quantities will be paid for at the contract unit
prices, which shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials and
for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

517(1)a Drain Pipe, 150 mm dia. PVC Pipe (Deck Slab) set

517(1)b Drain Pipe, 200 mm dia. PVC Pipe (Deck Slab) set

517(1)c Drain Pipe, 250 mm dia. PVC Pipe (On Grade) linear meter

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-5

f\lum Un

m meter

5 meter

Drain Pipe, 150 mm dia. G. I. Pipe (Deck Slab) set

517(2)b Drain Pipe, 200 mm dia. G. I. Pipe (Deck Slab) set

Add the following Work Item to Part G of DPWH Standard Specifications


SPL 521.1 Description

This item shall consist of the construction of reinforced concrete box culverts in accordance
with this Specification and in conformity with the elevations and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or established by the Engineer.

SPL 521.2 Material Requirements

Unless otherwise specified on the Drawings or in the Bill of Quantities, concrete to be used
shall in accordance with the Specifications described in Item 405, Structural Concrete.

Steel reinforcement shall be in accordance with Specifications described in Item 404,

Reinforcing Steel.

Lean concrete used as leveling concrete shall have a thickness of 50mm as shown on the
Drawings or as pecified by the Engineer.

SPL 521. 3 Construction Requirements

SPL521.3.1 Preparation of Foundation Bed

The foundation bed shall be excavated to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings, in
accordance with requirements of Item 103, Structure Excavation or as directed by the

SPL521.3.2 Concrete Works

All concrete works under this Sub-section shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Item 405, Structural Concrete and Item 407, Concrete Structures.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-6

as specified.
be constructed .6 in Volume II of these
Technical Specifications DPWH Standard Specifications
2004 Edition, "Formwork Construction".

SPL521.4 Method of Measurement

Note: As the Basis of Payment is in linear meters of completed structure, the following
methods of measurement for the different components comprising the structure shall be
for purposes of determining the unit price per linear meter of the completed structure
and is not an indication that such components are being paid separately.

The quantities determined for this Section shall be measured in accordance with the

1) The volume of excavation will be measured in cubic meter in accordance with Item 103,
Structure Excavation.

2) Reinforcement will be measured in kilogram in accordance with Item 404, Reinforcing

Steel, complete in place and accepted.

3) All concrete works inclusive of formworks will be measured in cubic meter in accordance
with Item 405, Structural Concrete, complete in place and accepted.

SPL 521.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities, measured as provided for in Sub-section SPL 521.4, Method of
Measurement shall be paid at the Contract Unit Prices shown in the Bill of Quantities. The price and
payment shall be full compensation for structure excavation, furnishing and placing of materials,
including backfill and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL521(1)a RCBC, 700mm X 440mm linear meter

SPL 521{1)b RCBC, 610mm X 800mm linear meter

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page G-7


Modify Sub-Section 600.2.2 to read

Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings, concrete shall be Class ({All and shall conform
to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.

600.4 Method of Measurement

After the word "required" of Sub-Section 600.4, replace the word "dimensions" with the
word "'types and dimensions".

Modify the second paragraph of Section 600.5 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

600{1} Concrete Curb linear meter

600{3} Concrete Curb and Gutter linear meter


601.3 Construction Requirements

601.3.2 Cement Concrete Sidewalk

Modify first paragraph of Sub-section 601.3.2 to read as follows:

Excavation shall be made to the depths and width required that will permit the installation
and bracing of forms. The bed course material shall be placed in accordance with the Item
200, Aggregate Subbase Course.

601.4 Method of Measurement

The area to be paid for shall be the number of square meters of sidewalk measured,
completed in-place and accepted.

601.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity as determined in Subsection 601.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for
all the contract unit price per square meter for Sidewalk which price and payment shall
constitute full compensation for furnishing and placing all materials for asphalt sidewalk,
concrete sidewalk, expansion joint material, for excavating and compacting the foundation
bed, for furnishing and placing cinders, gravel or other permeable bed course material, for
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-1
Pay Number

601 Concrete Sidewalk, t =100 mm square meter


602.1 Description

This Item shall consist of right-of-way monuments, maintenance marker posts, kilometer
posts and/or guide posts, furnished and installed in accordance with this Specification at
the locations, and in conformity with the sizes, dimensions and design, shown on the Plans,
or as required by the Engineer.

602.2 Material Requirements

Concrete shall be the class designated on the Plans and shall be composed of materials
conforming to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.

Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

The metal material shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as stipulated
in the Special Provisions.

Paints, if required, shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as stipulated
in the Special Provisions.

Warning reflectors, if required, shall conform to the requirements shown on the Plans, or as
stipulated in the Special Provisions.

602.3 Construction Requirements

Construction or fabrication and installation of monuments and posts shall be as shown on

the Plans or in the Special Provisions and shall include the attaching of warning reflectors
and the painting of posts, if required. Each monument and post shall be set accurately at
the required location and elevation and in such manner as to insure its being held firmly in
place. In constructing precast monuments, the forms shall not be removed until after the
concrete has hardened. Monuments that are warped shall be rejected. The exposed surface
of the finished monuments shall be uniform, of even texture, and shall be free from holes,
cracks and chipped edges. The precast monuments shall not be transported to the work
until the concrete has been cured.

602.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be paid for shall be the actual number of right-of-way monuments,
maintenance marker posts, kilometer posts and/or guide posts furnished, placed and
accepted by the Engineer.

602.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities determined as provided in Subsection 602.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid
for at the contract price per unit of measurement respectively, for each of the particular Pay Item
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-2
Pay Item N Description Measurements

602(5 )a Delineator, Type A each

602(5)b Delineator, Type B each

602(5 )c Delineator, Type C each


603.4 Method of Measurement

Modify the first paragraph of Section 603.4 to read as follows:

Guardrail shall be measured by linear meter from center to center of end posts including
lengths of end pieces measured from center of post. End anchorages and terminal sections
will be measured as units of each kind as shown on the Bill of Quantities.

603.5 Basis of Payment

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

603{3)a Metal Guardrail (Metal beam) linear meter

Including Post

603{3)b Metal Guardrail End Piece each

603(5) Concrete Guardrail Including Post linear meter


604.2 Materials Requirement

604.2.6 Hardware

Modify Sub-Section 604.2.6 to read as follows:

All angles, flat bars, bolts, nuts washers and other associated hardware shall conform to the
requirements of AASHTO M 187 and shall be galvanized.

604.4 Method of Measurement

Delete the paragraph and substitute the following:

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-3

Modify Second paragraph to

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

604(5) Fence (Safety Median) linear meter


605.2 Materials Requirement

605.2.1 Sign Panels

Add the following paragraphs to Sub-Section 605.2.1:

The sign blanks shall be free from laminations, blister, silvers, open seams, pits from heavy
rolled in scales, ragged edges, holes turned-downed corners, or other defects which may
affect their appearance or use for the intended purpose.

All blanks shall be as nearly uniform in thickness as is practicable and shall be commercially
flat. All shearing, cutting and punching shall be done prior to preparation of the blanks for
application of reflective materials or paint.

The sheared edges of all signs blanks shall be straight and smooth, free from tears or
raggedness. All corners shall be rounded unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. All
punched or drilled holes shall be round, free from tears, raggedness or distortions of the

605.2.2 Reflective Sheeting

Amend Table 605.1 to read as follows:

Table 605.1- Reflective Brightness of Traffic Signs Surfaces

Color Angle of Angle of Minimum Reflective

Incidence Divergence Brightness Value
Compared with
Red -40 15
20° 0.5° 10
50° 0.5° 3
White -40 0.5° 75
20° 0.5° 70
50° 0.5° 70
Yellow -40 0.5° 35
20° 0.5° 35
50° 0.5° 10

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-4

0 .:)r:o 0.50

605.2.3 Post and Frames

Amend Section 605.2.3 to read as follows:

a) Single and Double Post Support

Posts for road signs shall be either G.l. pipe conforming to ASTM A 501. All posts shall be
thoroughly cleaned, free from grease, scale and rust and shall be given one coat of rust
inhibiting priming paint and two coats of gray paint in accordance with Item 411, Paint.

Framing when required shall be extruded aluminum section conforming to ASTM B221.

b) Overhead Road Signs (Cantilever, Butterfly and Gantry Support)

Tubular steel support members for Overhead Road Signs shall conform to the requirements
as specified on the Drawings. All members shall be thoroughly cleaned, free from grease,
scale and rush and shall be given one coat of rust-inhibiting priming paint and two coats of
gray paint in accordance with Item 411, Paint.

Other structural steel members shall conform to ASTM A283 Grade D.

The exposed portions of the fastening hardware on the face of the signs shall be painted
with enamel matching the background color.

605.5 Basis of Payment

Modify second paragraph of Section 605.5 to read as follows:

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

605(1}a.1 Warning Sign, 600 mm Triangle, Single Post each

605(1}a.2 Warning Sign, 750mm x 650mm Triangle, Single Post each

605(1}a.3 Warning Sign, 900mm Triangle Mounted on Single Post each

605(1)b Warning Sign, 900mm Triangle Mounted on Bridge each

605(1)c Warning Sign, 900mm Triangle Mounted on Ramp each

605(2}a.1 Regulatory Sign, 900mm Mounted on Single Post each

605(2)a.2 Regulatory Sign, 867mm x 750mm, Triangle, each

Mounted On Single Post

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-5

Mou on

X on

605(2)b.3 Regulatory Sign, 600mm x 800mm Mounted on Bridge each

605(2)b.4 Regulatory Sign, 400mm x 300mm Mounted on Bridge each

605(2)b.S Regulatory Sign, 900mm Dia., 400mm x 1000mm each

Mounted on Single Post (Bridge)

605(2)b.6 Regulatory Sign, 900mm Dia., 400mm x 1000mm each

Mounted on Single Post (At- Grade)

605(2)c Regulatory Sign, 900 mm dia. Mounted on Ramp each

605(3)a.1 Informatory Sign, 700mm x 8550mm (Gantry Support) each

605{3)a.2 Informatory Sign, 1600mm x 2100mm, 2100mm x each

4650mm (Gantry Support)

605(3)a.3 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 3750mm, 2100mm x 4500mm, 2250mm x 4950mm
(Gantry Support)

605{3)a.4 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 2700mm, 2100mm each

x 3600mm, 2100mm x 4800mm, 2250 x 4050mm
(Gantry Support)

605{3)a.S Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm, 2250mm each

x 3900mm, 2250 mm x 4950mm (Gantry Support)

605{3)a.6 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm, 2100mm each

x 4500mm, 2100mm x 4950mm, 2250mm x 3150mm
{Gantry Support)

605(3)a.7 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3750mm, 2100mm each

x 4500mm, 2100 mm x 4950mm, 2250mm x 3150mm
(Gantry Support)

605(3)a.8 Informatory Signs, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 4650mm, 2250 mm x 3750mm (Gantry Support)

605(3)a.9 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm, 2100mm each

x 4500mm, 2100 mm x 4950, 2250mm x 3900mm
(Gantry Support)

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-6


605(3)a.ll Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 3750mm, 2250mm x 4500mm (Gantry Support)

605(3)a.12 Informatory Sign, 2 -2100mm x 3150mm, 2100mm each

x 4050mm, 2100mm x 4950mm (Gantry Support)

605(3)a.13 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 4050mm, 2100mm x 3900mm (Gantry Support)

605(3)a.14 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm, 2100mm each

x 3750mm, 2100mm x 4500mm, 2100mm x 4950mm
{Gantry Support)

605(3)a.15 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm, 2100mm each

x 3900mm, 2100mm x 4500mm, 2100mm x 4950mm
{Gantry Support)

605(3)a.16 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 3900mm, 2100mm x 4050mm, 2100mm x 4900mm
{Gantry Support)

605(3)b.1 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm, 2100mm each

x 4050mm, 2100 mm x 3900mm, {Overhead Butterfly Support)

605(3)b.2 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 2600mm, 3150mm each

x 4350mm (Overhead Butterfly Support)

605(3)b.3 Informatory Sign, 2-3200mm x 3900mm each

{Overhead Butterfly Support) On Ramp

605(3)c.1 Informatory Sign, 600mm x SOOmm (KM Marker Type A) each

605{3)c.2 Informatory Sign, 600mm x SOOmm (KM Marker Type B) each

605(3)c.3 Informatory Sign, 650mm x 300mm {KM Marker Type B) each

605(3)d.1-b Informatory Sign, 1200mm x 2400mm (Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605{3)d.2 Informatory Sign, 1500mm x 3450mm (Cantilever Support)each

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-7


605(3)d.S Informatory Sign, 1500mm x 4200mm, Support) each

605(3)d.6-b Informatory Sign, 1600mm x 2600mm (Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605(3}d.7-a Informatory Sign, 1700mm x 2000mm {Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.7-b Informatory Sign, 1700mm x 2000mm (Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605{3)d.8 Informatory Sign, 1900mm x 2000mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.9 Informatory Sign, 2020mm x 3780mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.10 Informatory Sign, 2020mm x 4210mm (Cantilever Support) each

605{3)d.11 Informatory Sign, 2020mm x 4380mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.12-b Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 2600mm (Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605(3)d.13 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3150mm {Cantilever Support) each

605{3)d.14-a Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3450mm (Cantilever Support) each


605(3)d.14-b Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3450mm (Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605(3)d.15 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3600mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.16 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3750mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.17 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 3900mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.18 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 4050mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.19 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 4500mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3}d.20 Informatory Sign, 2100mm x 4950mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.21 Informatory Sign, 2200mm x 3540mm (Cantilever Support) each

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-8




605(3)d.24 Informatory Sign, 2500mm x SOOOmm (Ca Support)

605(3)d.25 informatory Sign, 2550mm x 3150mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3}d.26 Informatory Sign, 2550mm x 3750mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.27-a Informatory Sign, 2550mm x 4200mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.27-b Informatory Sign, 2550mm x 4200mm(Cantilever Support) each

On Ramp

605(3)d.28 Informatory Sign, 2550mm x 4550mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3}d.29 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 2000mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.30 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 3750mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.31 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 3900mm (Cantilever Support} each

605(3}d.32 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 4050mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.33 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 4500mm (Cantilever Support) each

605{3)d.34 Informatory Sign, 2700mm x 4950mm {Cantilever Support) each

605(3}d.35 Informatory Signs, 3150mm x 4350mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.36-b Informatory Sign, 3300mm x 4200mm (Cantilever Support) each

605{3}d.37 Informatory Sign, 3300mm x 4950mm (Cantilever Support} each

605(3)d.38 Informatory Sign, 3450mm x 4200mm {Cantilever Support) each

605(3}d.39 Informatory Sign, 3450mm x 4500mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)d.40 Informatory Sign, 4050mm x 5100mm (Cantilever Support} each

605{3)d.41 Informatory Sign, 2- 1200mm x 2400mm (Cantilever Support) each

605(3)e.1 Informatory Sign, GE2- 1- 1900mm x 2000mm each

(Mounted On Double Post) At-Grade

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-9


measured as described in Sub-section Measurement
shall be paid for at the exact contract unit of the Pay shown in the Bill of
Quantities which price and payment shall constitute compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, excavation cavities, preparation of surfaces, applying adhesive and
mortar and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work

Payment will be made under:

Pay item Number Description Unit of Measurement

607(2)a Reflectorized Pavement Stud each

(Raised Profile TypeL RPS-05

607(2}b Reflectorized Pavement Stud each

(Raised Profile Type), RPS-22

607(3} Reflectorized Chatter Bar RPS-01 each


610.5 Basis of Payment

The quantity as determined in Subsection 610.4, Method of Measurement, shall be paid for at
Contract unit price per square meter for Sodding which price and payment shall be full
compensation for preparing the earth bed, for furnishing, placing, staking, top dressing and watering
the sod, and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

610 Sodding square meter


611.4 Method of Measurement

Modify Section 611.4 to read as follows:

The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of trees of each size called for in the Bill of
Quantities furnished, planted and accepted with the necessary mulch, topsoil, water,
fertilizer and other incidentals to complete the Item.

The diameter of trees will be measured at a height of 1.4 m (54 inches) above the ground.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-10

as in
at contract unit price each trees
Quantities furnished, planted and accepted wh price payment shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing all labor, tools and incidentals necessary to complete Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

611(1) Trees (Furnishing and Transplanting) each

611{3) Seedlings each


612.4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of pavement marking to be paid for shall be area as shown on the Drawings of
symbols, lettering, hatching and the like, completed and accepted.

612.5 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as determined in section 612.4, Method of Measurement, shall be

paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the Pay Items shown in the Bill of
Quantities which price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing and
placing all materials, sampling and packing, for the preparation of the surface, and for all
labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic square meter

Pavement Markings (White)

612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic square meter

Pavement Markings (Yellow)


620.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing and installing chevron signs in accordance with this Specification
and to the details shown on the Plans, or as required by the Engineer.
620.2 General

620.2.1 Function

The chevron signs shall be used to guide drivers through a change in horizontal alignment of
the road such as curves and less than sharp turns. Chevron signs shall also be used to

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-11

1 Sign

It shall conform to the requirements of 1, of Item 605 - Road

Sign, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.

620.4 Construction Requirements

620.4.1 Excavation and Backfilling

It shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 605.3.1, Excavation and Backfilling, Item
605- Road Sign, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.

620.4.2 Erection of Posts

It shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 605.3.2, Erection of Posts, Item 605 -
Road Sign, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.

620.4.3 Sign Panel Installation

It shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 605.3.3, Sign Panel Installation,

Item 605- Road Sign, DPWH Standard Specifications, Volume II.

620.5 Method of Measurement

The quantities of chevron signs shall be the number of such sign of the size specified,
including the necessary posts and supports, erected and accepted.

620.6 Basis of Payment

The quantities measured as determined in Section 620.5, Method of Measurement, shall be

paid for at the contract unit price shown in the Bid Schedule which price and payment shall
be full compensation for furnishing and installing chevron signs, for excavation, backfilling
and construction of foundation blocks, and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

620(1}a Chevron Signs, 400mm x 300mm (Hazard Sign) each

620(1}b Chevron Signs, 400mm x 500mm (Hazard Sign) each

620(1}c Chevron Signs, 400mm x 1000mm (Hazard Sign) each

620(1}e Chevron Signs, 750mm x 650mm (Hazard Sign} each

Add the following Work Item to Part H of DPWH Standard Specifications


SPL 623.1 Description

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-12

Modular is specially designed to view
on coming headlights, work lights or other glare. rnishing,
installation and maintenance of modular glare screen u mounted on concrete barrier.
The glare screen are modular with components consisting of a vertical blade, a base and
horizontal base rails.

SPL623.2 Materials Requirements

Concrete barriers shall conform to the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete.

The glare screen system shall be made of durable impact resistant, non metallic, polymeric
materials. All materials shall be new. The blade, base and rail shall be made of high impact
polymeric materials with sufficient strength to withstand 5 impacts beginning with 15 mph
and progressing through 25 Mph, 35 Mph, 45 Mph and 55Mph respectively. The device
used for impacting the glare screen shall be a horizontal steel bar with plastic covered steel
plate attached to simulate truck bumpers, trailers and wide or overhanging loads. The
lowest point of impact by the steel plate will be 10 inches above the top of the barrier wall.
After 5 impacts all blades will remain attached to the system, stand erect, be serviceable
and exhibit no delaminating or cracking. Additional information and testing procedures and
test results shall be supplied by the manufacturer.

SPL 623.3 Construction Requirements

I. Pre-casting of Concrete Barriers

The pre-casting of concrete barrier shall be done at a location selected by the Contractor,
subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Concrete forms shall be mortar-tight, true to the dimensions and lines of the barrier and
with the sufficient strength, rigidity, shape and surface smoothness as to leave the finished
works true to the dimension shown on the plans or as required by the Engineer and all
exposed surfaces of the concrete, surface texture, color and appearances.

The inside surface of forms shall be cleaned of all dirt, mortar and foreign material. Forms
which later be removed shall be thoroughly coated with form oil prior to use. The form oil
shall be of quality form oil or other approved coating which will permit the ready release of
forms and will not discolour the concrete.

Concrete shall not be deposited in the forms until all works in connection with the
construction of forms has been completed, all required materials are incorporated in the
unit to be poured and the engineer has inspected and approved said forms and materials.

Placing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Item 407, Concrete Structures.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-13

or steam cu

a. Handling

Extreme care shall be exercised in handling, moving and storing precast concrete members.
Lifting shall be done only by using the lifting hooks as provided for.

Storing shall be done in such a manner and locations approved or as directed by the

Concrete barriers shall not be shipped on transported until test or concrete cylinders,
manufactured of the same concrete and cured under the same conditions as the barriers,
indicated that the concrete of the particular concrete panel has attained a compressive
strength of the concrete in the panel at a minimum age of 14 days.

b. Installation

The Contractor shall install precast concrete barriers in conformity with lines shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

II. Modular Glare Screen

A. The base rails shall be manufactured and assembled to provide rails that will not cantilever
into traffics Modules are adaptable to any length barrier and should not span any two
barrier sections.

B. The system will require a non metallic base, designed so the flexible blade can be retained
in place by two friction locking pins. These pins can be easily removed for maintenance.

C. The combined effect of the blade width and spacing will provide a minimum 22 degree cut-
off angle.

D. The system shall be designed to be installed using an anchor directly into the barrier wall at
each blade and base location. Blades will not be bolted directly to the base rail. Attachment
shall be by means of a mechanical system specified by the manufacturer.

Reflective sheeting may be placed on blades in the color, position and intervals as required
and approved by the Engineer.

SPL623.4 Method of Measurements

The quantity to be measured for payment for Concrete Barriers shall be by linear meter of
Concrete Barriers installed in place, completed and accepted.

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-14

accepted as prescribed in at
Contract Unit as shown in the Quantities, which price and payment be
compensation for furnishing, installing and all labor equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 623(1)a Concrete Barrier, Removable/Relocatable linear meter

SPL 623(1)b Concrete Barrier, Single Face (Along Median} linear meter

SPL 623(1)c Concrete Barrier, Double Face (Along Median) linear meter

SPL 623(2)a Emergency Median Opening, linear meter

(Removable Barrier With Chain)

SPL 623(2)b Modular Glare Screen each

Add the following Work Item to Part H of DPWH Standard Specifications

ITEM SPl 624 Crash Cushions

SPL 624.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing and placing of crash cushions in accordance with the
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The crash cushion decelerates impacting vehicles
ranging in weight from 820 to 2000 kg (1810 to 4410 lbs) and traveling at speeds up to 113
km/hr (70mph) during head-on impacts.

SPL 624.2 Materials Requirements

Crash cushion consist of a number of sand filled polyethylene plastic modules that are
installed in a specific geometric array in front of a hazard. Each module in the array consist
of a one-piece barrel, a lid and, in some modules, a cone insert. The cone inserts are used
to adjust sand capacities and ensure that the center of mass is at the proper elevation to
discourage ramping.

SPL 624.3 Installation

Crash cushions shall be placed in an array designed as shown on the Drawings or as directed
by the Engineer. The lightest barrels are at the front of the array with progressively
increasing weights from front to rear. The barrels may be filled and assembled off-site away
from the hazard and traffic. The one-piece barrel has a solid bottom allowing for lifting and
transporting barrels when assembled and filled to ease installation and refurbishment. To
install the system, measurements are taken and barrel locations are marked on the
pavement. The barrels are palced in their proper locations with no assembly required as
inother systems. The cones are inserted (if applicable) and the sand.
Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-15
num in

accepted quantities measu as prescribed in Section 624.4 shall be paid at

contract price as shown in the Bill of Quantities which price and payment shall be
compensation for furnishing, installing and for all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL624 Crash Cushion set

Add the following Work Item to Part H of DPWH Standard Specifications


SPL 625.1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing, installing and maintain at all times for the duration of
the contract warning lights for guidance of traffic through the work zone in accordance with
the prevailing government rules and regulations and where applicable, in accordance with
the design details included in the Drawings.

SPL625.2 Materials Requirements

The Contractor shall submit a sample of the warning lights to the Engineer for approval.

SPL625.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be measured and paid for shall be the number of warning lights installed
and accepted by the Engineer.

SPL 625.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section SPL 625.4 shall be paid at the
Contract unit price as shown in the Bill of Quantites which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, installing and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL625 Warning light {Solar Panel Pole) each

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-16


The specification covers the material, noise reduction

performance requirements of concrete panel or acrylic/polycarbonate panel noise barrier.
This product will be used in conjunction with steel support posts to provide noise
abatement along highway, industrial facilities, and in other applications requiring long term
outdoor durability, vandal resistance and ease of construction.

SPL 626.1.1 Design

The Contractor shall provide design calculation, shop drawings, erection method, and
detailed erection plan for approval of the Engineer. The design per requirements shall be in
compliance with the AASHTO Guide Specifications for Structural Design of Sound Barriers

The Contractor shall determine the final plan location, grades and elevation for
ground/viaduct mounted noise barrier wall, furnish plans and elevations to develop the
foundation drawings, including a complete elevation view of each wall section including top
and bottom elevations, project final ground/viaduct elevations established in the field, for
the duration of the project and no adjustment shall be made after shop drawing approval.

SPL 626.2 Materials Requirements

SPL 626.2.1 Material

SPL 626.2.1.1 Concrete Panels

•Size Limitations - Precast panel sizes are typically confined in one direction to
approximately 4.5 m (15ft) due to limitations in shipping, with no limit on length other than
by size and weight for handling. The minimum thickness is usually directly related to the
amount of concrete cover required over the reinforcing bars or mesh, and typically about
100cm (4 in) plus an additional 25 em (1 in) in total to allow for the reinforcing and any
surface texturing.

• Minimum Cover Over Reinforcing- Panels and posts should be checked to ensure that the
minimum concrete cover over the reinforcing is maintained during the casting operation.
Adequate cover is critical in preventing or slowing down the penetration rate of salt laden
moisture from reaching the reinforcing bars. This results in the corrosion of the bars and
subsequent spalling of the concrete surface along with the drastic deterioration of the
structural properties of the components.

• Dimensions - All precast or cast-in-place concrete products should be checked for proper
dimensioning of key features.

• Visual Inspection - All precast and cast-in-place concrete products should be visually
examined to identify any unusual and unwanted features which will affect the structure,

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-17


it is an in achieving a
ensure a panel-to-panel color consistency, a surface-applied
than use of integral colors or pigments in the concrete mix.

SPL626.2.1.2 Transparent Panels

•Dimensions- In order to enhance transparency, it would be preferable to use large pieces

of material and to limit the number of supporting brackets. While transparent plastic
sheeting materials are available in lengths exceeding 5 m (16 ft), the same is not true for
tempered or laminated glass. Manufacturing constraints limit of the maximum dimensions
of glass plates. In addition, as the area of the panel increases, the thickness must also be
increased to maintain structural integrity, thus increasing weight and cost. To reduce the
need for thicker material, it is common to use smaller post spacing and/or framed panels
that can be stacked between posts. Size of panels is also limited by handling capabilities.

• Edge Conditioning - To avoid thermal and stress cracking, all edges must be smooth and
without defects. This is extraordinarily critical if the edges are not cut in a straight line.

• Dimensions - The panel, profiles, size, and thicknesses should be verified since any
deviation from that specified in the design plans will affect the structural strength,
durability, and performance of the noise barrier system. Of particular importance with the
transparent sheeting material, whether it is glass or one of the plastics, is the strict
adherence to the tolerances for the mounting hardware and the sealants to avoid uneven
stress points which can result in material fracturing or warping. Such consequences can
occur if a panel is placed between two posts with insufficient room for expansions or
inappropriate expansion or caulking material. If too much room is provided at the panel to
post connection points, the panel can actually become separated from the posts under
certain conditions which will result in substantial contraction of the barrier material and/or
excessive panel movement caused by vibration or wind.

Physical and Mechanical Requirements

Standard of Aery! I Polycarbonate panel JIS K 6718 I JIS K 6735

Sound Transmission Loss More than 25 dB for 400Hz

More than 30 dB for 1000Hz
Strength of Panel Enough strength for Wind Loading

Deflection of Panel Less than 1115

Translucency performance Less than 7 for Yellowness

More than 75% for Transmittance
Impact resistance Rate of Scatter prevention 99%
Less than Sm distance of Scatter
Burning resistance Must be prevention of fire spreading

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-18

As on the contract drawings as

a) Prior to construction, shop drawings shall by Contractor including

fabrication details, handling/transportation, construction procedures for all wall
elements to include connections for approval of the Engineer.

b) Fabrication of panels shall be in accordance with the approved Drawings and

Quality control plan.

SPL 626.3.2 Workmanship

The noise barrier panel shall exhibit good workmanship and be free of burrs, cracks, or
other objectionable defects, which would adversely affect the barrier's performance or
serviceability. Panels assembled together with caulked joint shall not permit light leaks
through horizontal joints.

All damaged panels will be rejected either at the fabrication shop or the construction site
even after installation, but prior to acceptance of the project.

SPL 626.4 Method of Measurement

The quantities to be measured and paid for shall be the actual lengths of noise barriers
installed and accepted by the Engineer.

SPL 626.5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantities measured as prescribed in Section SPL 616.4 shall be paid at the
Contract unit price as shown in the Bill of Quantites which price and payment shall be full
compensation for furnishing, installing and all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 626 Noise Barrier linear meter

Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project Page H-19




SPL1040.1 Description

This Item shall consist of constructing the toll plazas at designated location and limits of
construction including all necessary facilities and accessories in accordance with the plans
and these specification or as directed by the Engineer.

SPL 1040.2 Scope of work

a) Toll Plaza Toll Island

b) Toll Plaza Pavement
c) Toll Canopy
d) Toll Plaza Storm Drainage System
e) Toll Plaza Sanitary and Water Supply System
f) Toll Plaza Toll Collection and Electrical System Ducting and Manholes

SPL1040.3 Shop Drawings:

With reference to the design drawings, the Contractor shall prepare and submit for
approval shop/fabrication drawings for the works mentioned on the scope of works.
Contained in the drawings when applicable shall include the following:

a) lines, grades, dimensions and cross-sections

b) Details showing reinforcing bar sizes, cutting, bending, arrangement including
c) Spot details showing joint connections.
d) location, schematic plan of fabrication shops for fabricated item e.g. toll booths.
e) Methodology (fabrication, installation/erection} when applicable.
f) Schedule of openings (doors and windows) showing type sizes and materials
specification when applicable.
g) Schedule of finishes indicating materials to be used, colors, textures and methods of
h) Formworks and Falsework design and drawings including design calculations
i) Design calculations (where necessary)
j} Geotechnical Investigation reports (where necessary)
k) Others as requested by the Engineer.

SPL 1040.4 Materials Requirements


Concrete shall not be placed until forms, steel and embedded
materials such as conduits, electrical provisions, etc. have checked and approved by
the Engineer.

Concrete in each form shall be place continuously joints in the concrete due to stopping
work shall be avoided as much as possible such joints when necessary, shall be constructed
to meet the approval of the Engineer.

Construction joints shall be made only where shown on the plans or as called for in the
pouring schedule unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has hardened, the surface of
the hardened concrete shall be roughened as required by the Engineer, in a manner that
will not leave loose particles of aggregates or damaged concrete at the surface. It shall be
thoroughly cleaned of foreign materials and laitance the cleaned concrete surface shall
then be thoroughly coated with mortar of approved proportion of sand and cement. The
new concrete shall be place before the grout or mortar has attained initial set.

Production and placement of concrete shall be in accordance to the requirement of Item

405, Structural Concrete and Item 407, Concrete Structures respectively.

Forms, placing and compaction and curing of concrete shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Item 407, Concrete Structures

The Concrete surfaces of the various concrete structures shall be finished as follows:

i. Bumper Blocks - Class 2 Rubbed Finish, in accordance with the requirements

prescribed in Sub-section 407.3.7, Concrete Surface Finishing

ii. Top of Tollbooth Islands - Class 3, Floated Finish, in accordance with the
requirements prescribed in sub-section 407.3.7, Concrete Surface Finishing.

iii. Curbs- concrete surface finish shall be in accordance to the requirement prescribed
in Section 60.3, Construction Requirements of Item 600, Curb and/or Gutter.

The Class of concrete and uses shall be as follows:

Class Al - For Curb and/or gutter and toll island

Class AAl - For Bumper block or bullnose or crash barrier

Materials for concrete shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Item 405, Structural



b) Forms materials falsework and formwork shall conform to requirements

prescribed in Item 407, Concrete Structures.

c) Paints

Paints shall conform to Item 411, Paint.

SPl1040.4.2 Toll Plaza Pavement

a) Pavement

Pavement materials shall conform to the requirements of Item 311, Portland and
Cement Concrete Pavement.

b) Reinforcing Steel

Wire mesh or bar mats and dowel bars shall conform to the requirements of Item 404,
Reinforcing Steel.

c) Forms

Forms shall be of wood or steel of sections conforming to the plans or as approved by

the Engineer.

d) Joint Fillers

Joint fillers shall be as specified on the plans and shall conform to the requirements
prescribed in AASHTO M 173

SPl1040.4.3 Toll Plaza Metal Roofing and Accessories

SPl1040.4.3.1 Scope of Works

This Specification shall cover the roofing requirements of the Toll Plaza Canopy inclusive of
the Tollbooths and Maxi- Booths.

SPl1040.4.3.2 Materials

SPl1040. Metal Roofing

Metal roofing sheet shall be rib-type, 0.60mm thick, fabricated from cold-rolled steel sheet
tempered with 55% Aluminum and Zinc coating. Finish coating shall be Polyvinyllidene
Fluoride (PVDF) Panel profile shall be 300mm with a 38mm seam height.


specification to shapes/sections as shown on Drawings. Sheet shall
be 0.60 mm.

SPL 1040. Fasteners and Fixation

Use appropriate connectors as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the

Engineer. The color finish of all exposed fixation and fastening devices shall be the same as
the roof sheets. Apply fasteners in a neat, consistent, even and standard manner. Apply
strip of butyl rubber-based caulking compound along all end lap joints and passing over pre-
drilled fixation holes. Use tekscrews for roof eaves area, where roof frames are exposed.

SPL1040. Gutters

Gutters shall be 0.6 mm thick Stainless steel (Type 304) bent sheets, formed as indicated in
the plans.

SPL1040. Insulation

Insulation shall be reflective type insulation: double faced aluminium foil, reinforced with
woven Polyethylene fabric, conforms to ASTM E84. Test Standard for Surface Burning
Characteristics of Building Materials and NFPA 255 Test methods.

SPL 1040. Submittals

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval the following:

SPL 1040. Shop Drawings shall show among others, the following information:

• Roof Framing Plan/Elevation

• Fastening system

• Roof penetration details

• Flashing details

• Ridge Roll detail

• Gutter Detail

SPL 1040. Material Samples shall be submitted e.g.

• Color swatches of standard and custom colors

• Roof Panel -300mm X full width of roof section

• Catalog and Technical Literature

SPL1040.4.3.2. 7 Execution

on the storm screwed on

purlins along the slope.

c) Cut and bend the lower most tip rib alongside every metal connector, to act as
temporary fix. These should be riveted when the layout is finalized.

d) Clip metal connectors to the opposite male rib of panel. Check the alignment and screw
the metal connector into the purlins.

e) Fasten the roofing sheets to the steel purlins by means of self-drilling screws on 0.60 mm
thick preformed metal fastening systems. These are then tool seam locked together in the
final attachment process.

SPL 1040. Flashing and Counter Flashing

Provide flashings, sealants and counter flashings at all critical points to prevent water

SPL 1040.4.4 Toll Plaza Ceiling Finishes

SPL 1040.4.4.1 Scope of Work

The work in this Division shall cover all requirements for all ceiling finishes for the Toll Plaza
Canopy, Toll Booths and Maxi-Booths

SPL 1040.4.4.2 Materials

SPL 1040. Aluminum Composite Panel

a) Ceiling material shall be 4mm thick Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP) conforming to
ASTM 8209.

b) Ceiling Panel frames shall be galvanized steel per manufacturer's standard and as
approved by the Engineer

SPL 1040. Acoustical Ceiling Tile-Glue-on Type

a) Acoustical unit shall be 600mm by 600mm by 25mm thick tile made from Vinyl Paint
coated mineral fiber core.

b) Ceiling shall be directly attached to the underside of the insulated roof panel.

c.) Choice of adhesive shall be as recommended by the tile manufacturer.

SPL 1040.4.4.3 Execution

SPL 1040. Aluminum Composite Panel Ceiling

a)Verify the framing and locations of building systems elements to be affected by the ceiling

b) Remove and replace warped, punctured or discolored ceiling panels.

c) Installation shall be done by duly accredited technicians of the ceiling manufacturer or its
authorized agent.

SPL 1040. Acoustical Ceiling Tile

a) Examine surfaces of acoustical units for unevenness, irregularities, and dampness of the
material that would affect the quality and execution of the work.

b) Check the substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the
acoustical ceiling shall be directly attached to. Do not proceed with the work until
satisfactory conditions have been corrected.

c) Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions or as may be directed by the


d) Edges of ceiling tiles shall be aligned and in close contact with metal supports. Arrange
units so that units less than 12.5 mm {1/2") width are minimized.

e) Wall mouldings if required shall be installed at intersections of suspended ceiling and

vertical surfaces. Corners where wall mouldings intersect shall be mitered.

f) All joints around pipes or electrical outlets penetrating the ceiling shall be sealed. A
continuous ribbon of acoustical sealant shall be applied on vertical web. Sealant shall
comply with relevant requirements specified herein.

g) Clean soiled or discoloured unit surfaces after installation. Touch-up scratches, abrasions,
voids and other defects in adjoining painted surfaces. Damaged or improperly installed
units shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense.

SPL 1040.4.5 Toll Plaza Column Cladding

SPL 1040.4.5.1 Scope of Works

The work shall cover requirements for furnishing of materials, equipment, labor and other
incidentals for the complete cladding installation at the Toll Plaza Canopy, Toll Booths, and
the Maxi-Booths

SPL 1040.4.5.2 Submittals

The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval prior to any commencement of the
work the following:

SPL 1040. Shop Drawings shall show the following information:


~ot Polycarbonate wall cladding

~ot Intersection at door and window openings

~ot Intersection at concrete wall

~ot Cladding to Polycarbonate siding connection

~ot Fascia/Gutter

~ot Cladding joints -vertical and horizontal

• Typical fastener connection detail

SPL 1040. Product Catalog and Technical Literature for:

• Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP}

• Polycarbonate Sheet ( PC}

SPL 1040. Material Samples

• Polycarbonate sheet -300mm by full width of sheet

• Fasteners, and accessories---------- for ACP and PC

• Color swatches-------------------------- for ACP and PC

• Aluminum Composite Panel- 300 mm by 300mm

SPL 1040.4.5.3 Materials

SPL 1040. Aluminum Composite Panel

Aluminum Composite Panel: shall be 4mm thick Aluminium Alloy conforming to ASTM B
209: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate. Finish
coating shall be Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) finish coating system.

SPL 1040. Fasteners

Fasteners: Stainless Steel Self- tapping screw, and structural adhesive tape.

SPL 1040. Polycarbonate Sheet

Polycarbonate sheets shall be 10 mm thick twin-wall, unbreakable, clear and smooth on all
sides, ultra-violet stabilized and scratch resistant.

SPL 1040. Framing

Framing for cladding shall be gage 25 galvanized steel meeting ASTM A527 and A525 or
(a) Verify building and to receive
material prior to start of fabrication and subsequent

(b) Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instruction and approved Shop Drawings.

(c) Protect the Aluminum Composite Panel from galvanic corrosion.

(d) Cladding installation shall be performed by duly accredited technicians of the

manufacturer or its authorized representative.

SPL 1040.4.6 Toll Plaza Floor and Wall Finishes

SPL 1040.4.6.1 Scope of Work

This Specification shall cover all requirements of the Toll Plaza inclusive of the Tollbooths
and Maxi- Booths.

SPL 1040.4.6.2Materials

SPL 1040. Ceramic Tiles

(a) Unglazed Vitrified Ceramic Floor Tiles: 200 mm x 200 mm x 6 mm thick

(b) Homogenous Glazed Ceramic Wall Tiles: 200mm x 400 mm x Smm thick

(c) Grout: Polymer Modified Material conforming to ANSI108.12 or approved equivalent

(d) Adhesive: Mastic Type conforming to ANSI A 136.1 (Type 1 and 2) or approved

SPL 1040. Vinyl Composition Tiles

(a) Floors 300mm x 300mm x 3 mm thick homogenous vinyl composition floor tiles

(b) Baseboard: 100mm high x 4mm thick polyvinyl chloride toe cove base

SPL 1040. Cement Finishes

(a) Cement shall be Portland cement conforming with the requirements of ASTM C-150:
Standard Specification for Portland Cement

(b) Sand shall be clean and hard material. Sand shall be free from deleterious substances
and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C-33: Standard Specification for Concrete

(c) Water shall be clean and potable

(d) Bonding compounds shall conform to ASTM C-631: Standard Specification for Bonding
Compounds for Interior Gypsum Plastering


hardener. Colored, non-metallic rer
approved by Engineer

SPL 1040.4.6.3 Execution

SPL 1040. Floor and Wall Tile Installation

a) Tile shall be installed on metal surfaces.

(1) Before spreading the adhesive, lines of borders shall be established and the work shall
be centered in both directions to permit the pattern to be laid with a minimum of cut lines.
The wall tile shall be installed ahead of the floor tile.

(2}Sub-floor and wall backing shall be thoroughly cleaned, free of oil or grease substance
and other deleterious substance which will affect the tile's adhesion.

(3) As required floor shall be pitched to drains.

{4) Keep tile joints parallel and straight over the entire area by using straight edge.

(5) Tile installation shall start from the centerline outward, and adjustments at walls shall
be made.

(6) Full face of tile shall be battered before setting in place.

b) Tile Installation at Edges

(1) All intersections and return shall be perfectly formed. All cuttings and drillings
shall be neatly done without marring the tile. The cut edge of the tile against any
trim, finish, built-in fixtures, etc. shall be carefully grounded and jointed.

(2) Around electrical outlets, plumbing pipes, or fixtures and fittings, tile shall be
fitted close so that plates, collars or covering shall overlap the tile. No split tile shall
be permitted, except in those locations where pipes or trim shall make cutting

c) Accessories: Unless otherwise definitely indicated in details, accessories shall be located

in consultation with the Engineer. Fixtures shall be set flush with face of tile, true to plumb
neatly and symmetrically spaced as regards to plumbing fixtures, corners or rooms, trim
and tile joint. Whenever plumbing fixtures are encountered, accessories shall be spaced as
regards to center of fixture. Secure accessories firmly with plaster of Paris and grout or
point joint around it.

d) Grouting

(1) After tile has sufficiently set, force a maximum of grout into joint by trowel, brush or
finger application.


on one

be it
filled with grout using a rubber float
area shall be opened after two (2) days.

(4) Before grout sets, strike or tool the joints of cushion edged tile to the depth of the
cushion. Exercise special care in removing any surplus grout by carefully wiping out joints,
both horizontal and vertical to the required depth.

(5) Fill all joints of square-edged tile flush with the surface of the tile. Fill all gaps or sips.

(6) Remove any excess grout.

e) Removal of Condemned Tile: Prior to the final acceptance of the tile work, the Contractor
shall at his own expense, remove and replace condemned tiles.

f) Cleaning: upon completion of the various portions of this work, remove all unused
materials, rubbish, etc. that have accumulated as a result of his work. After the pointing has
sufficiently set or hardened, all tiles shall be thoroughly cleaned. Sponge and wash tile
thoroughly with clean water after the grout has hardened, then clean by rubbing with damp
cloth or sponges and polish clean with dry cloth. All traces smears or dust accumulations
shall be completely removed. In cases where acid solutions are required to clean the face of
the finish tile work of surplus grouts used for pointing, all exposed hardware shall first be
covered by heavy coating of Vaseline to protect the metal from the possible effect of the
acid or its fumes. Acid solutions shall not be used for cleaning glazed tiles.

The Contractor shall give the tile work one through final cleaning when so instructed.

SPL 1040. Vinyl Tiles

a) Surface Preparation: Sub - base floor shall be a smooth plane surface; free of score
marks, grooves or depressions; scrape free all foreign materials and brush clean.

b) Installation

(1} Installation of vinyl tiles shall not begin until work of all other trades including
painting has been applied and completed.

(2) Contractor shall maintain the rooms at a minimum temperature of 70 degrees

Fahrenheit (21 degrees Centigrade) for at least 48 hours before installation and 48
hours thereafter.

(3) Installation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

SPL 1040. Cement Finishes

1) Cement Finish of Concrete Floors on Fill or on Ground

(a) Concrete floor without specific finish, and whenever shown on Drawings as
cement finish shall be given a wearing surface of 1:2 cement mortar 50 mm nominal
on Drawings, in
as specified.

The construction joints the concrete floors on fill shall coincide with V-
grooves to avoid formation of slight construction cracks later.

(b) Surfaces of concrete floor slabs and similar concrete surfaces exposed after
removal of forms shall be kept moist for a period of at least seven (7) days by
thoroughly wetting said surfaces 3 times a day. They shall be protected from falling
debris and from the strong rays of the sun to avoid unsightly surface cracks caused
by premature drying and hardening.

2) Cement Top Finish of Reinforced Concrete Slab

(a) Where so indicated, cement top finish for reinforced concrete slab shall be a
nominal SOmm thickness cement mortar with the minimum water content.

(b) Where so indicated or possible, top finish shall be worked integrally with
structural slab before concrete has set. If placed after the slab has set, the slab shall
be further roughened in addition to the ranking required, with a pick or similar tool
to remove balance, loose particles, plaster and anything that would prevent bonds
and then cleaned by sand blasting or equivalent method or device. After sand
blasting, clean slab shall be thoroughly wet and kept wet for 4 hours before finish is

(c) Cement mortar shall be poured continuously until entire section is completed,
floated manually or by machine, struck off with a straight edge, compacted by
rolling or tamping, floated with wood float, all high or low spots eliminated, steel
troweled to a hard smooth finish and graded to drain where required.

(d) When the finish is used as a base for other finishes, thickness shall vary
accordingly to attain the required floor finish level.

(e) No cement dusting is allowed to hasten finishing work.

3) Concrete Floor Hardener

(a) The volume of floor hardener to be used will depend upon the service
requirement of the floor.

{b) Following the levelling of concrete slab and after bleed water disappears, dust
over the floor hardener in quantities specified by the manufacturer.

{c) Apply the hardener in 2 or 3 shakes floated after each application and to
troweled only after final floating. Float thoroughly into the surface and follow with
steel troweling.

(d) As soon as floor has attained its initial set, apply curing compound or water.

1040.4.7 .1 Scope Works

This Specification shall cover the painting requirements Toll Plaza.

SPL 1040. General

a) All work shall comply with the requirements of BS 6150 or equivalent standard.

b) Manufacturer's complete technical data for each material item; paint system
specification and recommendations for each type of application shall be supplied to
Engineer prior to commencement of work.

c) Painting Schedule

(1) Shop-Painted Items: Surfaces of fabricated and assembled items that are finish
painted by the manufacturer, or specified to be finish painted under other sections
of the specifications are exempted from the following schedule requirements for
surface preparation and painting. Shop-primed items shall receive surface
preparation and finish painting as required by this Division.

(2) Buildings: Interior and Exterior Finish Schedule are listed in the Drawings.

{3) Colors and Tints shall match the respective color specimens selected by the
Engineer. Undercoats shall vary slightly from the color of the next coat.

(4) Surface Preparation and Pre-Treatment: Cleaning and pre-treatment of surfaces

prior to painting shall be accomplished in accordance with the detailed
requirements specified.

Cloths and cotton waste that might constitute a fire hazard shall be placed in closed
metal container or destroyed at the end of each day. Upon completion of the work,
staging, scaffolding, and containers shall be removed from the site or destroyed in
an approved manner.

d) Samples and Confirmation Testing: Paint proposed for use shall be stored on the Site in
sealed and labelled containers, or segregated at the source of supply, sufficiently in
advance of need to allow 30 days for testing. Upon notification by the Contractor that the
material is at the Site or sources for which the use of proprietary brands has been
approved, shall be taken by random selection from the sealed containers by the Contractor
in the presence of the Engineer. The contents of the sampled containers shall be so
thoroughly mixed as to render the sample truly representative. Samples shall be clearly
identified by designated name, specification number, batch number, project contract
number, intended use, and quantity involved. Samples may be tested before approval, or
materials may be approved for use based on the test reports furnished.


manufacturer's name manufacturer, all plainly
legible at the time of use. Materials shall conform to specifications shown in the
painting schedule herein and to requirements hereinafter specified. All paints and
primers to be used for this work shall be high quality and provided by one manufacturer
per type of paint.

b) Primers: Shall be the applicable type chosen from among the following:

(1) Alkali resisting primer

{2) Epoxy clear primer
{3) Wood clear primer
(4) Metal primer red oxide
{5) Epoxy filler primer
(6} Epoxy zinc rich primer
(7) Metal primer chromate

c) Finishing Paints: Shall be solvent based appropriate to the surfaces to be painted and
shall fall among the following:

(1) Vinyl acrylic emulsion

(2) Polyurethane enamel
(3) Epoxy enamel
(4) Alkyd paint finish
(5) Acrylic
(6) Automotive lacquer
(7} Chlorinated rubber base traffic paint

d) Storage, Mixing and Thinning

(1} General: At time of application, paint shall show no signs of hard settling,
excessive skinning, levering, or other deterioration. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred,
strained, and kept at a uniform consistency during application. Where necessary to
suit conditions of surface, temperature, weather, and method of application,
package paint may be thinned immediately prior to application in accordance with
the manufacturer's directions.

(2) Atmospheric Conditions: Paints other than water-thinned coating shall be

applied only to surfaces that are completely free of surface moisture as determined
by sight or touch.


SPL1040. Cleaning, Preparation, and Pre-treatment of Surfaces

1) General

operations. Such removal shall

b) Exposed nails and other ferrous metal on su to painted with water-

thinned paints shall be spot-primed with zinc duct, zinc chromatic primer.

c) Surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned before applying paint or surface

treatments. Surfaces not to be painted shall be in a new condition or shall be wire-
brushed and touched up to remove all evidence of rust, corrosion, or abrasion. Oil
and grease shall be removed with dean cloths and cleaning solvents shall be of low
toxicity and shall have a flash point in excess of 38 degrees centigrade. Cleaning and
painting shall be so programmed that dust and other contaminants from the
cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces.

2) Plaster Surfaces

a) Plaster surfaces to be painted shall be prepared by removing efflorescence, chalk,

dust, dirt, grease, oil, asphalt, tar, excessive mortar, and mortar droppings, and by
roughening to remove glaze. Immediately before coating, surfaces to be painted
shall be uniformly and thoroughly dampened with neutralizer of approved facility,
with no free surface water visible, by several applications of potable water with a
fog sprayer, allowing time between the spraying for the water to be absorbed.

3) Ferrous Surfaces

a) Ferrous surfaces that have not been shop-coated shall be solvent-cleaned to

remove oil and grease. Surfaces that contain loose rust, loose mill scale, and or
other foreign substances shall be mechanically cleaned by power wire brushing or
sandblasting. After cleaning, one coat of ferrous metal primer shall be applied to all
ferrous surfaces to receive paint other than asphalt varnish.

Shop-coated metal shall be protected from corrosion before and after installation by
treating corroded areas immediately upon detection. Abraded or corroded spots
shall be repaired with material similar to the shop-coat, but shall be over-coated
with the specified ferrous metal primer prior to application of finish coats.

4) Galvanized and Zinc-Copper-Alloy Surfaces

a) Galvanized and Zinc-Copper-Alloy surfaces to be painted shall be solvent-cleaned

to remove oil and grease and then treated with vinyl-type wash coat as hereinafter
specified. Galvanized and zinc-copper-alloy surfaces not to be painted shall be

5) Fiber Cement Surfaces

a) Shall be dry and clean prior to application of the specified first-coat material. Oil,
grease, or rust stains shall be carefully removed by the use of suitable solvent. Wire
brushing will not be permitted. After the first coat application allow sufficient time


a) Concrete floor to
and free from chemical contaminants. The Epoxy painting procedure shall be as
recommended by Manufacturer. First coat white shall be at 5 sq.
meter per liter.

The drying time at 30 degrees Celsius is about 12 hours and curing time at 30
degrees Celsius is 3 days.

SPL 1040. Paint Application

1) General

a) The finished surfaces shall be free from runs, drops, ridges, waves, laps, brush
marks, and variations in color, texture, and finish. Coverage shall be complete, and
each coat shall be so applied as to produce film of uniform thickness. Special
attention shall be given to ensure that all surfaces including edges, corners, crevices,
welds, and rivets receive a film thickness equivalent to that of adjacent painted

b) Adjacent areas and installations shall be protected by the use of drop cloths or
other approved precautionary measures. Metal or wood surfaces adjacent to
surfaces to receive water-thinned paints. The first coat on plaster shall include such
repeated touching up of suction spots or overall applications of primer-sealer as
necessary to produce a uniform colour. The first coat on both faces of wood doors
shall be applied at essentially the same time.

2) Coating Progress

a) Sufficient time shall elapse between successive coats to permit proper drying.
This period shall be modified as necessary to suit adverse weather conditions. Oil
base or oleo resinous solvent-type paints shall be considered dry for recoating when
the paints feel firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderated pressure of the
thumb, and the application of another coat of paint does not cause lifting or loss of
adhesion of the undercoat.

Coating shall be as follows:

(1) Exposed concrete cement plastered and fiber cement ceiling board surfaces

{a) Type 1: VAE1 (Acrylic Solvent Base): shall be roller or brush; VAE2 shall be
spray, and VAE2 for fiber cement, spray system shall be mixed powder.

First Coat: 1 coat of alkali resisting primer

Second Coat: 2 coats of acrylic I weather resistant

Final Coat : Semi-gloss finish


coat +

Second 2 coats + EP

(2) Metal Surfaces

(a) Type I : AP1 for Steel surface finish (Brush; roller); AP3- for steel surface
finish (Spray system}

First Coat: 1 coat of metal primer chromate or red oxide primer or equal.

Second Coat: 2 coats of alkyd, weather resistance, each coat 40 microns and
for steel jamb shall be spray system.

(b) Type II: Polyurethane Finish: P.U.F. For Steel Galvanized.

First Coat: 1 coat of epoxy filler primer

Second Coat: 2 coats polyurethane enamel, each coat 40 microns.

(c) Type Ill: EP For Steel structure. (non Exposed)

First Coat: Epoxy Zinc rich primer 40 microns -dft.

Second Coat: Epoxy sealer coat 40 microns- dft.

Third Coat: Epoxy sealer coat 40 microns- dft.(d)

(d) Type IV : PUF For steel structure exposed

First Coat: Epoxy zinc rich primer 40 microns- dft.

Second Coat: Epoxy sealer coat 60 microns- dft.

Third Coat: Epoxy sealer coat 60 microns- dft.

Fourth Coat: Polyurethane enamel 35 microns- dft.

{e) Type V: Reflectorized paint

First Coat: 1 coat of red oxide primer

Second coat: 2 coats of alkyd type traffic paint Dft= dry film thickness

SPL 1040. Test

After completion, thickness of the paint applied shall be measured at random by a digital
micrometer to be provided by the Contractor. Thickness of paint that is non-complying shall
be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost.

SPL1040.4.8 Toll Plaza Aluminum Doors and Windows


cover Maxi-

1040.4.8.2 Materials

1) Doors

Aluminum alloy shall consist of extruded shaped and sheet materials complying with ASTM
B221: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded. Bars, Rods, Wire,
Profiles and Tubes, alloy 6063-TS. Aluminium sheets and strips shall comply with ASTM
B209: Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate; alloy and
temper best suited for the purpose. Provide hard aluminum over stainless steel screws,
nuts, washers, rivets, and other miscellaneous fastening devices.

Aluminum extrusions shall be powder coated finish and be uniform in appearance to

produce a class 1 architectural finish and shall have powder coating of not less than 0.007"
thick with minimum weight of 32 mg. per square inch.

Doors and sidelights shall be of sizes and type indicated on the Drawings.

2) Windows

(a} Aluminum Fixed Window: Powder coated mullions and frames with sections appropriate
for and adapted to steel framing, with grooves and snap on sibling to accommodate other
components and weatherstrips and provisions for neat fixation to one another using
concealed hardware connectors. Complete with snap on glass fasteners, vinyl inserts,
mohair wool pile weatherstrips, neoprene setting block and 10 mm (7 /16") dia. steel
tension rod threaded at both ends, 6 mm {1/4") thick glass panel with integrated
deadlocking device and self-closing mechanism.

(b) Aluminum Sliding Windows: Aluminum sliding windows shall be provided with nylon
sheave. Sliding panels shall be suspended with concealed roller overhead tracks with
bottom guide pitch outward and slotted drainage. The sliding panels shall be provided with
interior handles. The locking device shall be a spring loaded extruded latch that
automatically engages special frame hips.

3) Fasteners

(a) Provide hard aluminum or stainless steel screws, nuts washers, rivets and other
miscellaneous fastening devices.

{b) Exposed Fastening: Countersunk stainless steel Phillips head screws spaced not more
than 300mm on center.

Concealed Fastening: Cadmium plated self-tapping screws.

4) Anchors

Steel with a hot-dipped galvanized finish: Provide anchors on the backs of the sizes and
shapes as indicated for securing aluminium frames to adjacent construction. Reinforced and


The required hardware for aluminum doors and windows shall comply with relevant
provisions of the Specifications SPL1040.4.9, 11Toll Plaza Hardware".

6) Glass and Glazing

Glass and glazing for aluminium doors and windows shall comply with the requirements
under the Glass and Glazing Specification.

SPL 1040.4.8.3 Execution

1) Fabrication

(a) All frames shall be factory prefabricated in accordance to the designs and
dimensions indicated in the Drawings. Minimum metal wall thickness shall be 3mm
except glazing beads, mouldings, and trim which shall not be less than 1.5mm.
Frames that are to receive fixed glass shall have removable glass stops and glazing

(b) Cut, join and fit rails and stiles to hairline joints securely reinforced and jointed
by means of concealed fastening wherever possible.

(c) Protective Coating: clean all surfaces and apply a protective coating of clear
water-white methacrylate-type lacquer, resistant to alkaline mortar and plaster
immediately after fabrication. Covering shall not chip, peel or flake due to
temperature or weather, and shall protect against discoloration and surface damage
from transportation, storage, and construction activities. Covering shall be readily
removable without affecting the finish. Covering shall either be adhesive paper,
waterproof tape, or strippable plastic and may not be removed even after
completion of installation.

2) Installation

a) Set and anchor frames as shown in details and in approved shop drawings.

b) Set frames plumb and square and brace where necessary to prevent distortion. Set
frames without springing, forcing or distorting the product.

c) Secure frames in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

d) Wedge clear of structure window frames set in prepared opening 4. 76 mm (3/16") to

allow for caulking.

e) Protection of aluminum from dissimilar materials:

(1) Aluminum to dissimilar metals: where aluminium surfaces come in contact with



one coat

(b) Applying good quality caulking materials between the aluminium and the
dissimilar metal.

(2) Drainage from dissimilar metals: Paint dissimilar metals used in location where
drainage from them passes over aluminum as specified above, to prevent staining of

(3) Aluminium to masonry and concrete: when aluminum surfaces is in contact with
mortar, concrete, or other masonry materials one coat of heavy-bodied bituminous

(a) Adjust all frames and attach hardware before glazing. Secure all windows
and doors to be watertight and all hardware operating free and easy.

(b) Upon completion and installation, thoroughly clean surfaces of windows

and Frames in accordance with the recommended procedure of the

Do not use abrasive, caustic or acid cleaning agents.

3) Adjustments

(a) Adjust all frames and attach hardware before glazing.

(b) Secure all windows to be watertight and all hardware operating free and easy.

4) Cleaning

Upon completion and installation, thoroughly clean surfaces of windows and frames
in accordance with the recommended procedure of the manufacturer. Do not use
abrasive, caustic or acid cleaning agents.

SPL 1040.4.9 Toll Plaza Finish Hardware

SPL 1040.4.9.1 Scope of Work

This Specification shall cover the requirements of the Toll booths and Maxi-Booths

a) Furnish and install all materials and equipment and perform labor required to fully equip
in the most satisfactory conditions all finish hardware for doors, windows and other
operating members.

b) Include nails, spikes, bolts, long screws, etc., as necessary.

c) Furnish in place all hardware not herein specifically mentioned but necessary to leave the
work complete. All such hardware should there be any, shall conform in every respect to

hardware and accessories for Engineer's approval.

SPL1040.4.9.2 Materials

Finish Hardware e.g., locksets, Hinges, Door Closers/Handles shall be made from Type 304
stainless Steel material.

SPL 1040.4.9.3 Execution

1) Installation

a) All hardware shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's standard


b) All work shall be installed plumb and true and secured with proper fastenings so as to
make all work rigid and firm.

c) After installation, all finishing hardware shall operate and function smoothly and
efficiently in accordance with their expected operating performance.

d) All works which are to receive hardware shall be inspected and any defect must first be
rectified before installing the finishing hardware.

e) Exposed items of hardware: After hardware has been properly fitted, all exposed items
such as knobs, plates, pulls, locks, etc. shall be removed until final coat of finish has been
applied, and then hardware installed.

f) Door Knobs, Lock and Latch Strikes:

(1) All locks, latch strikes and strike boxes be installed in door frames at the same
height from the floor.

(2) Door knobs shall be located so that the center of the knobs is 0.97m {38") from
the finished floor, and/or directed by the Engineer.

(3) All lock turn to be non-ferrous metal. All lock mechanisms to be free of dye cast

(4) All locks are to be interchangeable and reversible without any alterations to the

{5) The face of each lock to be bevelled 3mm {1/8") in SOmm (2") to conform to the
level of the door.

{6) Roses to hold firmly in place without the use of wood screws. Knobs to be
securely fastened to spindles without the use of set screws.


(9) Provide Fixed -Pin Hinges for out-swinging doors.

2} Protection

a) Hardware which might be damaged by the construction work shall be protected

during the progress of the building work and uncovered upon completion.

b) Protection must be provided at all times including during painting operation.

3) Cleaning

a) Upon completion of the work, all hardware shall be cleaned and polished and left
in perfect operating condition.

b) Any hardware that may have been damaged shall be replaced.

SPL 1040.4.10 Toll Plaza Glass and Glazing

SPL 1040.4.10.1 Scope of Work

This specification shall cover requirements of the Tollbooths and Maxi-Booths.

1) Materials Requirement

a) Doors and Windows: Use 6mm thick Tinted Safety Glass Panels; tint shade shall be
as approved by the Engineer

2) Quality

a) All glass shall be of uniform quality and free from excessive distortions.

b) All glass shall be clean and polished glazed quality.

3) Glazing: Use Structural Silicone Sealant for all Glass setting requirements

SPL 1040.4.10.2 Execution

1) Glazing

a) Prevent glass from all contact with metal or any hard or sharp materials to
prevent edge chips, cracks and other defects by use of resilient shims placed at
quarter points.

b) Employ only skilled installers.

c) Use stops in sizes permitting a "good grip" on the glass. Secure stops on doors
with screws. Use non-corrosive clips to secure glass in aluminium frame except
where blazing beads are required.
d) i

f) ground, and glass

g) Set all glass before painting.

h) Remove all smears from glass.

2) Cleaning

All glass shall be cleaned of any extraneous materials and washed by the Contractor, using
materials and methods recommended by the glass manufacturer before final acceptance
and occupancy.

3) Breakage and Faulty Installation

a) Glass breakage caused in executing the work or by faulty installation shall be

replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

b) Improperly set glass which does not fully meet requirements for its grade shall
not be accepted and shall be replaced by the Contractor at his own expense.

4) Protection

a) Protect all glass from damage, breakage, staining, etching, differential aging,
abrasion, scratches, and impact during construction and until final acceptance of
the Work, replace unless satisfactory corrective measures can be made at the job
without removing the damaged glass, as directed by the Engineer.

b) Glazed openings shall be identified with a colourful flag, festoon, or tape

suspended near, but not in contact with the glass. Tapes or banners may be
attached to the sash at head, jambs or site with a non-staining adhesive or by any
convenient, mechanical means. Do not mark or coat glass partially or completely
with "X", or uS" or other symbols with soap, wax cleaning powders or other

c) The Contractor shall replace lost and damaged materials at his own expense.

SPL1040.4.11 Toll Plaza Sanitary and Water Supply Systems

SPL 1040.4.11.1 Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories

SPL 1040. Scope of Work

The work shall cover the requirements of the Maxi- Booths for the supply and installation of
all fixtures, trims and accessories necessary for the completion of the work as shown on the
Drawings or as maybe directed by the Engineer. Items not stated but are necessary for the
complete Installation, are deemed to be included in the Contract and no extra claims shall
be made thereto.


screws, handles, etc.

b) Sample swatches of materials, man rer's Only

approved samples shall be used.

c) Manufacturer's latest manual describing materials, fabrication and methods of


SPL 1040. Materials

1) Plumbing Fixtures

a) Water Closets

(1) Water Closet (One-Piece Type- FT): shall be vitreous china, free standing one
piece water closet, elongated bowl with built-in tank with fittings, lever type
actuator, box rim design, siphon vortex flushing system complete with tank trim
fittings, seat & cover with plastic hinges, seal gasket & floor flange and screws & cap

b) Lavatories

(1) Lavatory (Wall Hung): Shall be vitreous china, wall hung lavatory with rear
overflow holes, fitting ledge suitable for single faucet holes on centers complete
with faucet, standard fittings, trap and lavatory brackets and other accessories.

c) Urinals

Urinals: shall be vitreous china, wall-hung washout urinal, flushing rim, integral trap,
19mm top and shall be provided with water saving flush system.

2) Plumbing Accessories

a) Mirror: shall be 6mm facial mirror with 6.35 mm thick marine plywood backing on
aluminium frame.

b) Toilet Paper Holder with Hood: shall be vitreous with stainless steel hood.

c) Soap Dispenser: Shall be corrosion-resistant valve, polyethylene container and

visible soap level; bright polished, chrome plated mounting bracket.

d) Kitchen Sink (for Pantry): Shall be made of stainless steel self-rimming single
compartment 609.6 mm x 762.0 mm (24" x 30") complete with supply fittings,
strainer traps, dual control lever with flexible hose and other accessories. Faucet
shall be made of stainless steel.

Elevated Water Tank

Elevated Water Tank (where required) shall be in conformity with the Drawings (Drawing



water tan

Concrete footing and pedestal tank shall Class A and to

requirement of Item 405, Structural Concrete. Placing of concrete shall be in accordance to
the requirements of Item 407, Concrete Structures.

Reinforcing Steel shall be in accordance to the requirements in Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

Excavation shall be in accordance to the requirements of Item 103, Structure Excavation.

Septic Tank

Septic tank where required shall be conforming as shown in the Drawings and this
Specification or as directed by Engineer.

The septic tank shall be reinforced concrete of Class A concrete conforming to the
requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete and Item 407, Concrete Structures.

Reinforcing Steel shall be conforming to the requirements of Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

Excavation for the septic tank shall be in accordance to Item 103, Structure Excavation.

SPL 1040.4.12 Toll Plaza Drainage System

Reinforced concrete pipe culverts shall conform to the requirement of Item 500, Pipe
Culverts and Storm Drains and shall be of Type II unless otherwise specified on the plans.

Catch basins manholes and inlets shall conform to the requirement of Item 502, Manholes,
Inlets and catch Basins. Concrete for these structures shall be Class A and shall conform to
the requirements of Item 405, Structural Concrete Reinforcing steel shall be in accordance
to Item 404, Reinforcing Steel.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes, where called for in the plans shall meet the requirements
specified in ASTM A-120.

SPL 1040.4.13 Toll Collection and Electrical System Ducting and Manholes

The work to be done under this sub-section shall consist of the provision of underground
PVC ductings including pullwires, handholes, cable pits etc. in conformity with the plans and
this specification.

a) Conduit

Plastic duct shall be UPVC schedule 40 and shall conform to NEMA standards. Endbell
fittings shall conform to NEMA standards.

b) Concrete Encasement, Handholes and Cable Pits



Reinforcing Steel shall conform to prescribed Item 404,

Reinforcing Steel.

d) Pull Wires

Pull wires shall be No. 12 gauge galvanized wire installed in each run of conduit.

SPL 1040.4.13.1 Construction Requirements

Prior to the execution of work, the Contractor together with the Engineer or his authorized
representative shall conduct pre-construction surveys and investigations to confirm the
suitability of the design and methods of construction to the actual site conditions.

Should the actual conditions, as determined during such surveys and investigations, require
changes in the design, the Contractor shall inform in writing, the Engineer of such
condition, including all facts and data gathered for his review and evaluation. Adjustments,
amendments and revision to the plans shall be as directed by the Engineer.

SPL 1040.13.1.1 General

The Contractor shall stake out the toll plaza and its facilities in the presence of the Engineer
in conformity to lines, grades and dimension shown on the plans or as directed by the

SPL 1040.13.1.2 Installation of Conduits

The conduits shall be of the nominal inside diameter designated on the plans and each run
of conduit shall be for the distance indicated on the plans or directed by the Engineer.

When so approved by the Engineer, the contractor may substitute a larger size of the
conduit than that designated for the run; however, any additional costs shall be at the
contractor's expense and no adjustment of compensation will be allowed.

Each run of conduit shall be one size for its entire length from outlet to outlet. Standard
conduit fitting shall be used.

The conduit shall be pitched for drainage. Unless otherwise shown on the plans, drainage
shall be provided by drilling holes in the conduit at the low points. All burrs resulting from
such drilling or from any cutting or threading of the conduit shall be removed before it is


SPL1040.4.13.2 Underground installation

Unless provided, underground conduit shall be placed at least 60 em below the finished
grade and shall extend at least 60 em beyond the edge of the proposed shoulder or curb.

The trench shall be excavated true to line and grade to afford the conduit uniform bearing
throughout its length. Backfilling shall be carefully tamped in place. At least 0.50 cu. ft. of gravel
shall be placed under each drainage hole. Excavation and backfilling shall be in accordance with
Item 103, Structure Excavation.

Where encasement is required the conduit shall be encased in conformity with the
drawings. placing of reinforcing steel and concrete shall be in accordance with Item 404 Reinforcing
Steel and Item 407, Concrete Structures.

Unless the contract provides for the installation of cable, the end of each run of the conduit
shall be capped with standard conduit caps or otherwise appropriately plugged to preclude
infiltration of water and soil. If threaded caps are used, the thread shall be lubricated.

All field thread not covered by fittings and all other conduit areas on which the galvanizing
has been removed or damaged by construction operation or otherwise shall be painted
with one coat of asphalt Type RC-70 or one coat of tar, or otherwise waterproofed in a
manner acceptable to the Engineer.

SPL 1040.4.13.3 Test Requirement

Mill Certificates of manufactured materials such as steel and aluminum sections shall be
submitted to the Engineer.

All other material shall be subject to the test required for each corresponding material

furnishing and placing all materials and all labor equipment, tools and other incidentals
necessary to complete the works and to satisfy the requirements of this Item.

SPL 1040.5 Method of Measurement

The quantity to be paid for shall be the number of the various types of toll plaza completed
and accepted as per the requirements of the Specification and the required scope given in
Section SPL 800.2, Scope of work, and as called for in the Drawings or as directed by the

Earthwork shall not be measured or paid under this Item.



Payment willl be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 1040(1)a Toll Plaza Canopy, Zobel TP 1 A lump sum

SPL 1040(1}b Toll Plaza Canopy, Zobel TP 1B lump sum

SPL 1040(2) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Dilao TP 2 lump sum

SPL 1040(3) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Berde TP 3 lump sum

SPL 1040(4) Toll Plaza Canopy, Plaza Berde TP 4 lump sum

SPL 1040{5) Toll Plaza Canopy, V. Mapa TP 5 lump sum

SPL 1040(6)a Toll Plaza Canopy, Aurora Blvd. TP 6 A lump sum

SPL 1040(6)b Toll Plaza Canopy, Aurora Blvd. TP 6B lump sum

SPL 1040(7} Toll Plaza Canopy, Kaliraya TP 7 lump sum

SPL 1040(8) Toll Plaza Canopy, Kaliraya TP 8 lump sum

SPL 1040(9) Toll Plaza Canopy, Del Monte TP 9 lump sum

SPL 1040(10) Toll Plaza Canopy, Del Monte TP 10 lump sum

SPL 1041{1} Toll Booth, Type 1 unit

SPL 1041(2} Maxi Booth, Type 2 unit

SPL 1041(3) Maxi Booth, Type 3 unit


SPL 1110(1).1 Description

This item shall consist of furnishing and installing the Expressway lighting system as
required by the plans and as described in this Specifications. The work shall include the

a) Electrical services, including all conduits, junction boxes, fittings and wmng from
Meralco supply meter to lighting luminaires via control/switch to lighting panel boards.

b) Lighting control/switch



f) Grounding system for luminaires

SPL 1110(1).1.1 Basis of Design for Expressway Lighting System

SPL 1110(1).1.1.1 Introduction

1.1 Expressway lighting system shall be provided for proper and adequate illumination
of the roads in order to promote safety.

1.2 The design of the Expressway lighting system will be governed by road dimensions,
mounting height of the luminaires, and the distribution and maintenance
characteristics of the luminaires.

SPL 1110(1).1.1.2 Codes and Standards

SPL 1110{1}. Introduction

The design, specifications and installation of all electrical equipment shall comply where
applicable, with the latest edition of the following Codes, Standards and Publications and
any supplements thereto:

• Philippine Electrical Code (PEC Part I and II)

• National Fire Protection Code (NFPA 70)
• Illumination Engineering Society {IES) Lighting Handbook
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Publications
• National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Publications
• American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)Publications
• Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers (lEE) Green Book and Gray Book

SPL 1110(1).1.1.3 Design Criteria

SPL 1110(1}. Power Supply System

• The power supply system for the proposed project shall be derived from Power
Utility Company's nearest overhead secondary lines, 380/220VAC, 3 phase, 4 wires,

• The proposed Expressway lighting system shall be designed with its own service
pedestal equipped with lighting control/switch that will control the lighting circuits.

• Power to all pole-mounted lighting fixtures shall be supplied using low voltage
cables via underground or in concrete ducts.



• The load demand factor lighting 100%.

1110(1). Lighting System

• Expressway lighting system shall be designed in accordance with the Philippine

Electrical Code and IES Lighting Handbook.

• Roadway will be classified as major road that will serve as the principal network for
through traffic flow.

• The average illumination level to be used shall be 2 fc (21.52 lux). The maximum
allowable uniformity ratio for the installation shall be 3:1.

SPL 1110(1).1.2 Fungus Control

All electrical equipment and material, except otherwise specified, shall be treated to resist
moisture and fungus. Electrical components such as switches, breakers, fuses, contacts and
heater elements shall not be treated.

Other materials and component which are inherently fungus-resistant or protected by

hermetically sealing, need not be treated. All other circuit elements which have a
temperature rise of not more than 75°F when operating at full load shall be coated with
fungus-resistant varnish. Circuit elements include but are not limited to cables, wires,
contactors, panels, terminals and terminal junction blocks, capacitors and coils.

SPL 1110(1).1.3 Corrosion Protection

Fasteners, hardware, conduit clamps, bolts, nuts, washers and similar materials used for the
assembly of electrical equipment and for the support of the conduit and equipment shall be
either of a non-ferrous metal or coated steel.

SPL 1110(1).1.4 Lighting Panel Board

SPL 1110(1}. General

lighting panel board shall be designed and fabricated with concrete pedestal mounting as
indicated on the drawings. Enclosures shall be fabricated in accordance with NEMA
requirements and shall be watertight and dust-tight, suitable for outdoor installation and
shall be rated as specified in the drawings.

SPL 1110{1). Circuit Breakers

The molded case circuit breakers shall be of the thermal-magnetic type having inverse-time
tripping characteristic on overload and instantaneous trip on short circuits, shall be
equipped with arc quenchers, shall have quick-make and quick-break toggle mechanism,
and shall have trip-free operating handles. Each multi-pole breaker shall have a common
trip so that an overload on one pole will automatically cause all poles of the breakers to


type of connector shall furnished on the load side

SPL 1110(1). Lighting Control System

The main control system shall be designed with power cost saving consideration. For this
reason, the lighting points shall be group into two (2); 1) Lightings will be switch {(On"
starting at 6PM to 6AM and 2) The other group of lightings will be switch uOn" starting 6PM
up to 12:00 midnight. This scheme will reduce the power level of at least 30 %. The lighting
will be controlled by a clock timer by photocell and can be switch manually or

The aforementioned timer and photocell is combined into one enclosure and shall be
housed together with the power contactor, MCB and terminal blocks. The housing may be
mounted on the streetlight pole or on concrete pedestal 1.83 meters high (minimum). The
lighting control circuit arrangement is shown on the drawings. The Control/Switch shall be
rated as indicated conforming to NEMA ICS 6 with brand and manufacturer or approved
equivalent as approved by the Engineer.

SPL 1110(1}. Timing Relay

The Expressway lighting timers shall be group as "A" and ({B", where Group A shall be switch
on from 6PM to 12 Midnight and Group "B" shall be lit from 6 PM to 6AM.

SPL 1110{1). Terminal Blocks

Terminal blocks for wiring shall be rated at least 600 volts and 25 amperes for control and
50 amperes for power and shall be molded-block type to accommodate ring lugs, furnished
with binding head or washer-head screws having serrated or grooved contact surfaces, lock
washers and insulating barriers between terminals.

Each terminal block shall have a removable cover and marking strip. Arrangement and
location of the block shall be such that incoming and outgoing cables can be supported.
Grommets shall be provided at all holes furnished for wires and cables. Adjacent rows of
terminal block shall be separated at least 150 mm edge to edge.

Where wires are terminated at terminal blocks, circuit designation, as shown on the
schematic and wiring diagrams, shall be machine lettered, stamped, engraved, or neatly
marked with permanent ink on the side of the terminal strips. One spare blank marking
strip shall be furnished with each terminal block. The terminal arrangements shall group the
conductors in each cable. Conductors shall be marked at each end with clip-on marking

SPL 1110(1).2 Expressway Lighting Poles and Luminaires

SPL1110(1).2.1 Poles


Provide galvanized steel poles having mm1mum 4.5-mm ick steel with mm1mum
yield/strength 227 MPa and hot - dipped galvanized finish. Provide a pole grounding
connection designed to prevent electrolysis when used with copper ground wire.

Provide anchor base with galvanized steel anchor bolts, threaded at the top end and bend
90 degrees at the bottom end. Provide galvanized nuts, washers and ornamental covers for
anchor bolts. Galvanizing shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A- 120 for
the poles and A-153 for the fittings.

SPL1110(1).2.2 Brackets and Supports

NEMA-SH 5. Pole brackets shall not be less than 50 mm diameter steel secured to the pole.
Slip-fitter or pipe-threaded brackets may be used, but brackets shall be coordinated to the
luminaires provided and all brackets for use with one type of luminaires shall be identical.
Brackets for pole-mounted streetlights shall correctly position the luminaire not lower than
the mounting height indicated. Special mountings or brackets shall be as indicated and shall
be of metal which will not promote galvanic reaction with the luminaire head.

SPL1110(1).2.3 Anchor Base Assemblies

Anchor bolts shall be steel rod having a minimum yield strength of 345 MPa; the top 300-
mm of the rod shall be galvanized per ASTM A-153. Anchor bases for steel poles shall be
structural quality hot rolled carbon steel plate having a minimum yield strength of 248 MPa.

SPL 1110(1).2.4 Luminaires

UL-1572. Provide luminaires complete with lamps of the number, type and wattage
indicated. The detailes, shapes and dimensions are indicative of the general type desired,
but are not intended to restrict selection to luminaires of any particular manufacturer.
luminaires of similar designs and equipment light distribution and brightness
characteristics, and of equal finish and quality will be acceptable as approved.

SPL 1110(1).2.4.1 Expressway lighting Fixtures

Expressway lighting fixtures shall be mounted, with 250-watt high pressure sodium lamps.
The housing shall be die-cast aluminium with electrostatic surface painting, with charcoal
filter for optical chamber, IP65. The luminaires shall be with purity anodized alumina
reflector and tempered glass with silicon sealing. Light distribution shall be M-S-111.
Luminaires shall be similar to "G.E. INALUX" or approved equivalent.

SPL 1110(1).2.4.2 Under Carriageway Lighting Fixtures

Under carriageway lighting fixtures shall be mounted under carriageway, suitable for wet
locations, IP 65 with aluminium housing with high purity anodized reflector. The glass door
shall be vandal resistant with a thermal resistant property over 250 degrees. Fixtures shall
be similar to "G. E. TUNNEL" or approved equivalent.

watts and 400 watts to

watts HPS and 34000 400 watts metal halide.

SPL 1110(1).2.6 Ballasts for High-Intensity-Discharge (HID) Luminaires

UL 1029 AND ANSI C82.4 and shall be constant wattage transformer CWA or regulator, high
power factor type. Ballast shall be designed to operate on the voltage system to which they
are connected. Provide single lamp ballasts with a minimum starting temperature of minus
30°C. Ballasts shall be constructed so that open circuit operation will not reduce their
average life. High Pressure Sodium (HPS} ballasts shall have a solid state ignitor/starter with
an average life in the pulsing mode of 10,000 at an ignitor/starter case temperature of 75
oc. Average life is defined as the time after which 50% will have failed and 50% will have
survived under normal conditions.

SPL 1110(1).2. 7 Flood Light/Luminaire

Luminaires shall be made of die-cast aluminium housing, powder coated suitable for all wet
conditions, IP 65 and corrosion resistant with integrated ballast housing with thermally
protected ballast. Reflector shall be made anodized aluminium material that give excellent
distribution to aesthetically light the steel arc. The luminaires shall be similar to G. E. Beam
Trimmer II or approved equivalent. Flood light (For Toll Plaza) is mounted on 7.62 and 12
meters poles with 400 watts metal halide as specified on the Drawings.

SPL 1110(1).2.8 Conduit

SPL 1110(1).2.8.1 Rigid Steei/IMC Conduit

Rigid steel or IMC conduit shall be galvanized and shall conform to ANSI Standard C-80.
Fittings of types approved by the Engineer shall be provided as required for connection to
junction, pull and outlet boxes and to equipment. Brand shall be "Mathushita" or approved

SPL 1110(1).2.8.2 Rigid Plastic Conduit

Plastic duct for concrete encased and direct burial shall be PVC schedule 40 and shall
conform to NEMA Tc6 type. End bell fittings shall conform to NEMA TC9. Brand shall be
uNeltex", Mold ex or approved equivalent.

SPL 1110{1).2.9 Outlet Bodies

Outlet bodies for pull boxes and junction boxes shall be cast or malleable iron for exposed
locations and stamped galvanized steel where embedded in concrete.

SPL 1110(1).2.10 Wires and Cables

Wires and cables shall meet the applicable requirements of Philippine Electrical Code for
the type of insulation, jacket and conductor specified. Wires and cables manufactured more
than 12 months prior to date of delivery to the site shall not be used. Conductors shall be


coding be all uctors. Color
shall be green grounding conductors.
as follows:

Phase A Black
Phase B Blue
Phase C Red
Neutral White
Grounding Green

Wires and cables shall be (/Phelp Dodge" or approved equivalent.

SPL 1110{1).2.11 Splices and Termination Components

Provide solder less connectors on all splices.

SPL 1110(1).2.12 Expressway lighting Pole Footing

All street lighting pole footings shall be of reinforced concrete with dimension as indicated
on the Drawings. Concrete shall be Class A and together with the requirements of the
DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways, 2004 Edition.

All materials furnished for the work shall meet the requirements for the class of materials

SPL 1110{1).2.12.1 Reinforcing Steel

Reinforcing Steel shall conform to the requirements of Item 404 of DPWH Standard
Specifications for Public Works and Highways, 2004 Edition: Volume II - Highways, Bridges
and Airports.

SPL 1110(1).2.12.2 Materials

All materials, not specified herein, used in the work shall conform to the requirements
specified on the Drawings. Samples of materials to be used in the work shall be furnished
for testing as requested by the Engineer.

The contractor, at the request of the Engineer, shall furnish a complete list of materials to
be used in the work, including name and address of manufacturer, catalog number,
specifications and other identification.

During construction, the contractor shall not make any changes in or substitutions for
approved materials without written consent of the Engineer.



work shall be done in accordance

local government and with the requirements of the Power Company that will eventually
furnish the service. Nothing contained herein or as shown on the Drawings shall be
constructed as to conflict with the requirements of these codes which are hereby made
part of the work of this item.

SPL 1110(1).3.2 Contractor Submittals

a) The Contractor shall be required to submit shop drawings which shall include data,
shop drawings and report shall employ the terminology, classifications and methods
prescribed by the IES Lighting Handbook, as applicable for the lighting system

SPL 1110(1).3.2.1 Manufacturer's Data

When data that described one type, size, model, or item is submitted, the data shall be
clearly marked to indicate which type, size, model, or item is being provided. Data shall be
sufficient to show conformance to specified requirements.

(a) Luminaires (lighting poles, under carriageway lights, flood lights, LED rope
lights) including lamps and ballast
(b) Poles and Brackets
(c) Circuit Breakers
{d) Conduit and fittings
(e) Conductors
(f) Ground rods

SPL 1110(1).3.2.2 Shop Drawings

(a) Luminaires: include dimensions, accessories and installation and construction

details. Photometric data, including Zonal lumen data, average and minimum ratio
aiming diagram and candle power distribution data shall accompany shop drawings.

(b) Poles: Include dimensions, wind load determined pole deflection, pole class and
other applicable information.

{c) Lighting Panel Board: Include dimensions and arrangement of circuit breakers and
other accessories. Submit wiring diagram to show interconnection of each electrical

(d) Mounting Installation of luminaires (lighting poles, under carriage lights and


entrance and concrete
in plans or as required by utility company and as
Engineer. rigid conduit with THHN conductors shall run down
and into the panelboard. Electrical components shall be mounted to back panels or
control panels with machine screws and wired as shown in the plans or as directed. Forms
for the footings shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened properly not less
than 24 hours after the concrete had been placed.

SPL 1110(1).3.3.2 Installation of Lighting Panel Boards

The Contractor shall install the panel boards at the locations indicated in the plans.
Electrical components shall be installed in the enclosures in proper position and shall be
completely wired and ready for operation. All power and control wires and cables shall
enter the control equipment enclosure through conduits.

SPL 1110(1).3.3.3 Wiring Method:

Wiring method shall be insulated conductors installed in conduit, except where specifically
indicated otherwise, or required by PEC to be installed. An insulated equipment grounding
conductor shall be provided in all branch circuits. Provide insulated, green - colored
conductor for grounding conductors installed in conduits or raceway.

Service Entrance Conduit: Rigid Steel Conduit

Conduit in Floor slabs/concrete structure: Rigid Steel Conduit with Encasement Sch. 40

Exposed Conduit: Rigid Steel or IMC Conduit

SPL 1110{1).3.3.4 Installation of Conduits

Electrical conduits and fittings shall be installed in their correct positions by using conduit
plastic or concrete spacer and locations as shown in the Plans.

Conduit and fittings to be embedded in concrete shall be held securely in position while the
concrete is being placed. All threaded conduit connections shall be painted with red-lead
sealing compound or glyptic varnish.

Conduits emerging from concrete surfaces shall be terminated with conduit couplings and
pipe plugs.

Exposed conduits shall be RSC or IMC conduit supported by pipe straps, wall brackets or
hangers fasten by concrete inserts or expansion bolts on concrete or brick; fasten by
machine screws, welded threaded studs, or spring-tension clamps on steel work.

Underground PVC duct lines shall be encased with concrete. The concrete encasement
surrounding the bank shall be rectangular in cross-section and shall provide at least 76mm
of concrete cover for ducts. Separate conduits by a minimum concrete thickness of SOmm.
the top of concrete envelope shall not be less than 0.46m below grade except that under
kinks, indentions or deformations, which
sharp edges at the end of each piece cond shall be removed with a taper reamer.
Bushings shall be installed on the ends of conduits at boxes cabinets to protect
conductors from abrasion. Locknuts and bond nuts shall be installed to provide tight
grounded connections between rigid steel conduits and boxes.

During construction, the ends of conduit terminating at cabinet control boards or outdoor
boxes shall be sealed with approved sealing materials to keep the conduit dry and to
prevent the entrance of foreign matter into the conduits.

SPL1110(1).3.3.5 Splices

Make splices in accessible locations. Make splices with a solderless connector and cover
with an insulation material equivalent to the conductor insulation.

SPL1110(1).3.3.6 Electrical Conductors and Grounding

Electrical conductors and grounding wires shall be furnished and installed by the
Contractors. All insulating tapes and compounds, solder, flux and connectors for making
grounding connections shall be made with approved type solderless connectors and all
connections shall be mechanically and electrically tight and secure. The Contractor shall
furnish all grounding connectors. The Contractor shall install Electrical conductors and shall
make all required connections as shown on wiring diagrams to be furnished or as directed
by the Engineer. The conductor shall be installed so that there will be no cuts or abrasions
in the installation of protective covering of the conductor. No splices shall be made in
conductors, except at boxes, outlets or cabinets. Tapping of connections shall be made
using copper split bolt connectors and wire nuts connectors or approved equal.

SPL1110(1}.3.4 Test and Guarantee

When the installation is reported as completed and ready for acceptance, tests as directed
shall be made by the Contractor, at his own expense, in the presence of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall provide electric power required for field test.

SPL1110(1).3.4.1 Devices Subject to Manual Operation:

Each device subject to manual operation shall be operated at least three times,
demonstrating satisfactory operation each time.

SPL1110(1).3.4.2 Test on 600-Volt Wiring:

Test all 600-volt wiring to verify that no short circuits or accidental ground exist. Perform
insulation resistance test on all wirings using an instrument which applies a voltage of
approximately 500 volts to provide a direct reading of resistance. Minimum resistance shall
be 250.,000 ohms.


to assure

Make resistance measurements in normally dry weather, not less 48 hours

rainfall. Submit written result. The maximum resistance to ground of the grounding system
shall not exceed 25 ohms. Where the resistance obtained exceeds 25 ohms, contact the
engineer for further instructions.

Submit written results of each test to the Owner/Engineer for approval and acceptance.
The contractor shall at once remedy defects and any part of the work not satisfactory to the
Engineer, free of cost to the Government.

The contractor shall furnish a guarantee covering all labor and materials for period of one
(1) year from the date of final acceptance of his work and shall agree to repair and make
good at his expense all defects, which may develop during that time, if in the opinion of the
Owner/Engineer such defects arise from defective workmanship or materials.

SPL 1110(1).4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of Expressway lighting to be paid for shall be the lump sum of double and
single luminaires to include all foundations, conduits, junction boxes, all wiring from electric
utility company supply, meters, panel boards, service entrance pedestal, light poles, cables,
luminaires, mast arms, all fittings, fasteners, hardware, conduit clamps bolts, nuts, washers,
concrete foundations, terminal blocks, capacitor coil, and all other necessary materials and
accessories needed for moisture and fungus control, corrosion protection and all other
incidentals needed to make the system operational and accepted to comply with the
requirements of the latest edition of the PHILIPPINE ELECTRICAL CODE, PART I & II, 2000
and the NATIONAL SAFETY CODE and any other ordinances including payment of necessary
permits from other concerned government agency, completed and accepted.

SPL 1110(1).5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each
of the particular items listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. Such price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing all materials, and all labor,
equipment, tools excavation and backfilling including all necessary tests, electrical permits,
which may be required and all other incidentals to make all the lights in full operation in
accordance with the requirements of this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 1110(1)a Expressway Lightings, Section 1 lump sum

(Main Viaduct, Ramps and At-Grade Section)




Expressway Ughtings, Section 3 lump sum

(Main Viaduct, Ramps and At-Grade Section)

SPL lllO(l)d Expressway Ughtings, Section 4 lump sum

(Main Viaduct, Ramps and At-Grade Section)


SPL1110(2).1 General

This section presents lighting design for Toll Plaza Electrical and Lighting System

for Skyway and Toll ways for Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project.

SPL1110(2).1.1 Aims and Requirements

The aim of Skyway and Toll way lighting is to ensure safety and smooth road traffic at night
and during poor weather condition. Good lighting also improves highway capacity.

The lighting system must be able to function with low power consumption and running

To attain the said above requirements:

1. Arrange lighting depending on Skyway alignment

2. Provide adequate lighting for driving to see other road users and facilities

3. Provide sufficient lighting to see and avoid parked vehicles or obstruction


4. Grouped the lightings into two (2L to lit or ((on" from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM
and the other group to lit from 6:00pm and "off" at 12:00 midnight.

SPL1110{2).2 Lighting Codes and Standards

The lighting system shall be based or conform to:

• Toll Expressway Design Guidelines, DPWH

• IES lighting handbook

• Philippine Electrical Code, Part I & II

• National Safety Code and

• Other International Road Lighting Codes and Standards


The proposed types of poles and lumina ire are as follows:

a. 7.62 m height with a single 1830 mm arm with 1-250W HPS luminaire

b. 9.15 m height with a single 1830 mm arm with 1-250W HPS luminaire

c. 9.15 m height with a double 3000 mm arm with 2-250W HPS luminaire

d. 12 m height flood light lumina ire with 2-400W metal halide

e. 7.62 m height flood light with 2-400 W metal halide

f. Undercarriage pendant mounted luminaire with 1-250W HPS lamp

g. Undercarriage pendant mounted flood light luminaire with 2-400W lamps

The single arming 7.62 m pole will be installed along ramps with an eight {8} meter wide
roadway, whereas, 9.15 m pole will be installed along roadways with a 14 meter wide and
at 30 meters maximum spacing to maintain average illumination level of 2 foot candles.

Double arming, 9.15 m height pole with an arm of 3 meters will be installed along the
median of the Skyway and spaced at 30 meter at maximum spacing.

Flood light poles, 12 m and 7.62 m height with 2-400W metal halide lamps will be installed
to illuminate toll plazas and its toll ways.

Toll Plaza without canopy or located underneath of Skyway will be illuminated by an

undercarriage pendant mounted flood lighting fixtures with 2-400W metal halide lamps.

The underneath of Skyway will be illuminated by 250W undercarriage pendant type fixture.

SPL1110(2).2.2 Spacing of Lamps On Curved Road Section

On curved sections of Skyway, driver's vision is affected by headlights of incoming cars. For
this reason increased lighting levels are advisable on curved sections with radius of 200m or
less, and in these locations the pole spacing is reduced to 20m or less (See Figure 1 and
table 1).


FIGURE 1 Spacing of Lamps on Curve Road Section

Table 1: Curve line road distance should be adopted as follows

r(m) r>300m r>250m r>200m r<200m

Distanc H<9.15m S<35m S<30m S<25m S<20m
e (s) H>9.15m S<40m S<35m S<30m S<25m
(Pole to

r- (Curve line radius)

H - (Pole height)
SPL1110(2}.2.3 Lamp Type

High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulbs were selected due to the following reasons, as follows:

• Commonly used lamp type

• Lower power consumption and low maintenance cost
• High power factor
• Long life
• Excellent luminous efficacy
• Good economic compromise

High Pressure Sodium bulbs to be use are 250W for 9.15m pole and 2-400W metal halide
for flood lighting.

SPL1110(2).2.4 Toll Plaza Area Lighting and Power Supply

Safety and high lighting levels are provided in front of the toll plaza. Since the risk of
accident is high, where traffic queues are likely, metal halide lamps are to be used. The said
lamp has good lighting levels, color rendition and also long life.400W metal halide lamp is
preferred for this location.



generator set shall also be provided to supply power in case normal power
failure. The generator set shall be a silent type with a weatherproof enclosure and

SPL1110(2).2.5 Main Lighting Control System

The main lighting control system shall be designed with power cost savings. Due to this,
lighting points shall be group into two (2) that the lightings will be "on" starting at 6PM to
6AM. Whereas, the other group will be "on" starting at 6PM until 12 midnight. Thus,
reducing power cost level at least 30%.

The lighting shall be controlled by Kakatiya brand control/ switch, with catalogue no.
SWADEEP-02EC 3P or similar and/ or approved equal. Kakatiya brand of control/ switch was
made that the usual or basic device, such as photocell detector and clock timer that are
used for switching street lightings is compacted into one, known as Nature Switch which is
inside in an enclosure. Also,in the enclosure, contactor and circuit breaker are contained in.
The said control/ switch can also be installed on a lighting pole with a minimum height of
1.83 meters.

SPL1110(2).2.6 Power Source

The power will be coming from the existing overhead distribution lines of Meralco, a local
electric utility company. This electric utility company will be responsible to connect then
service drops to the service entrance cap on every service entrance pedestal pole.

The service entrance shall be 380/220VAC, 3 Phase, 4 wire and 60HZ.

SPL1110(2).3.0 General Design Criteria

The principal criteria in the design of the street lighting system for this project are average
intensity and uniformity of illumination. Average intensity of illumination, expressed in
horizontal surface, is a measure of the total illumination on the roadway surface.
Uniformity, expressed in terms of average/minimum or maximum/minimum intensity
ratios, describes how the total illumination is distributed on the roadway surface.

The values used in the design for average intensity of illumination and uniformity ratio are
as recommended by the Philippine Electrical Code Part It Illuminating Engineering Society
(IES) of the United States and CIE. In general, all criteria used in the design are IES & CIE,
PEC Part 1 & 2.

SPL1110(2).3.1 Definition of Terms

The definition of terms used in this illumination design report are given below:

Lumens -A unit of measure of the quantity of light. One lumen is the amount of light that
falls on an area of 1 ft2 every point of which is at a distance of 1 ft. from a source of 1
candela (candle). A light source of one candela emits a total of 4 (12.57) lumens).
unit is 1
over an area

unit is a 1

Horizontal Footcandle- One lumen distributed uniformly over a horizontal surface 1 in

area. Thus, horizontal foot candle is a measure of the light strikes the pavement surface.

SPl1110(2).3.2 Design Data

Evaluation of Roadway Conditions

a. Kind of Facility

Under IES classification for roadways, this project fits the Major Arterial category. {See
Chapter 8- Appendices under 5. 7- lighting Design).

b. Area Classification

For area classification, this project Intermediate-urban (See Chapter 8 -Appendices under
5.7 lighting Design).

c. Roadway Dimensions

Grand way level carriageway fifteen meters (15m) average width.

Second level carriageway-13.7meters {13.7m) average width.

Ramps @ 6.5 meters average.

SPl1110(2}.3.3 Selection Of Illumination levels


luminance (l) 2.0 lux

Overall Uniformity (Uo)
{Uo-l min/lavg) 0.4
longitudinal Uniformity each
lane {Ui) (Ui-l min/l max) 0.7
Glare Control Mark 6

Direction of Maximum Intensity 0-67 degrees

Maximum permissible value of Intensity at:

90 degrees from nadir- 10 cd/1000 lumens

80 degrees from nadir- 30 cd/lumens

The luminaires shall be of purpose built design incorporating the specified number of



a. Median or Bracket -For

luminaires are located along the median or central island. This
arrangement was used along the median of the carriageway.

b. Single side - This arrangement scheme, in which the luminaires are located
on one side of the carriageway.

c. Under carriage lighting - This type of lighting was used to illuminate the
undercarriage of the Skyway level which will augment also ground level
carriageway lightings.

SPL1110{2).3.5 Selection Of Light Source

The light source currently used in modern roadway lighting designs are mercury, metal
halide, high pressure sodium and low pressure sodium vapor lamps. For this project, high
pressure sodium vapor lamps was selected for its excellent luminous efficacy, good lumen
maintenance, lamp life and acceptable color. Higher lamp costs and more complex ballast
system could be listed as its disadvantages. However, due to the advantages, this type of
lamp provides an economic compromise ideally suited for general roadway application.

The guidelines in the selection of the wattage rating for the lamp are: the guidelines of
economy, ease of maintenance and availability of materials. The largest light source
practicable should be used. Since lamps with higher wattage rating give higher output, it
follows that the higher wattage rating the lesser the number of supports that could be used
for the same illumination level. From the standard lamp ratings of 50, 70, 250, 400 and
1,000 watts, the 250 watts rating was selected for greater illumination and economic power
consumption for carriageway levels and 250 watts rating was selected for under bridge

SPL1110(2).3.6 Selection Of Luminaires

The principal criteria in the selection of luminaires are availability of manufacturer in the
local market, quality, availability of its photometrical data and its application according to
IES classifications. The luminaires used in computations for this project is cat. no. M-250
(semi-cut off type M-S-111 General Electric and for the undercarriage lighting, Appleton
lumenmaster, 250W low bay HID Prismatic luminaire was used.

Luminaire Photometrical Data

The luminaire photometrical data which is needed in the design are described below.

a. lsofoot candle or lsolux Diagram - The relative luminance at any point whose
position is known in terms of the height can be read directly from the diagram.
Chapter 8 -Appendices under 5. 7 - Lighting Design shows the Iso lux Diagram of
General Electric M250. Luminaires of similar characteristics can be used.


c. Lamp Maintenance Factor - Maintenance factor is actually the product of
lamp lumen depreciation (LLD) factor and lamp dirt depreciation (LDD)
factor. The values used in the design for LLD and LDD, 0. 73 and 0.80 respectively,
were obtained from the data of lamps with the same wattage and type
manufactures by General Electric Company of the United States.

The value of the maintenance factor would be:

= 0.73 X 0.86
= 0.628
d. Rated Lamp Lumens -The luminous output of General Electric for street lights,
250W is given as 27,500 lumens (other lamps having equal or greater lumens can
be used).

e. Rated Lamp Lumens for Undercarriage Lighting- The luminous output of lumen
master, 250W is also given as 27,500 lumens (other lamps having equal or
greater lumens can be used).

SPL1110(2}.3. 7 Consumptions

Mounting height of luminaire is selected at 30 ft. or 9.15 meters for the following

1. Adequate illumination

2. Ease of maintenance

Maximum Spacing

A. The formula for maximum spacing from the IES Handbook is:

S= (LL) (CU) (LLF) I EW

LL - Lamp Lumens
cu - Coefficient of Utilization
LLF - Light Loss Factor
E -Average Illumination (Lux)
w -Curb to curb street width (meters)
LLD - Lamp Lumen Depreciation
LDD - Luminaire Dirt Depreciation


Distance to M.H.

Width I Mounting ::::10/9.1::::1.09

where h:- mounting height or pole height

From Chapter 8- Appendices 5. 7- lighting Design - Utilization Factor Curve:

Utilized Lumens or CU = 0.45 or 45%

There is no curb side light utilization since luminaire is mounted directly over
street curb.

2. Solving for the Light Loss Factor (LLF)

Lamp Lumen Depreciation {LLD) from Chapter 8 -Appendices under 5.7 -

Lighting Design 0. 73.

Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD) from Chapter 8- Appendices under 5.7 -

Lighting Design =0.86.

Light Loss Factor (LLF) = LLD x LDO

= 0.73 X 0.86
= 0.628

3. Solving for Maximum Spacing (S):

s = (27,500) (0.45) (0.63) I (15) (10)

S = 51.98meters or 52 meters

Note: use 30 meters as the minimum distance for uniformity with existing
flyover illumination in Metro Manila

SPL1110(2).3.8 Design Computations

1. Size of Conductors

Its maximum allowable voltage drop which governs the selection of the conductor
size to be used can be determined by means of the voltage drop formula for 3

VD = 2 K X I X L I CM X 0.866

%VD = VD I 380 X 100%


VD =voltage drop for 3 phase circuit


l =one way

K = resistivity =12
2. Power Source:

The service available from the Meralco utility lines for street lighting system
is 3801220 volts, 60HZ, 3 Phase, 4 wire.

System layout

a. Service Points - Since the system is stretched for over 4 kilometers it is

necessary to provide several points located strategically along roadway to
minimize the size of conductors to be used and provide a more efficient
system. For this project, one (1) service point was provided.

b. Allowable percentage of 2% voltage drop at maximum was used in this


3. Overcurrent Protective Devices:

The branch circuits of the street lights originate at the Panel boards(LP) and
protected by molded case circuit breakers rated as indicated on the single
line diagram. Control/Switch located at service entrance pedestal, control
the street lights.

Example: "LP-1"

For circuit No. 1:

1r =24 luminaire + .J"ix 380 =11.4A

D = 300 meters or 984 feet Allowance% Voltage Drop= 2% or 7.6 V@ 380V

CM = 11.4 X 12 X 2 X 984 I 7.6 v X 0.866

Note: Referring toNEC Table 8 we have a size of 22mm (4AWG) conductor

with 41,7400 CM


VD = 11.4 X 12 X 2 X 984 I 41,740 CM x 0.866 = 5.58 volts

%VD = 5.58 I 380 X 100% = 1.46%

In this project, the maximum size of wire that will use based on the farthest
distance encountered is 38 mm2. Another size of wire used is 22 mm2, 8
mm2 and 5.5 mm2 mainly for rampways.


4., THH

5. The to

6. size circuit breaker to be used shall as per schedule.

SPL1110(2).4 Method of Measurement

The quantity of Toll Plaza Electrical and Lighting System to be paid for shall be lump sum to
include all foundations, conduits, junction boxes, all wiring from electric utility company
supply, meters, panel boards, service entrance pedestal, light poles, cables, luminaires,
mast arms, all fittings, fasteners, hardware, conduit clamps bolts, nuts, washers, concrete
foundations, terminal blocks, capacitor coil, and all other necessary materials and
accessories needed for moisture and fungus control, corrosion protection and all other
incidentals needed to make the system operational and accepted to comply with the
requirements of the latest edition of the PHILIPPINE ELECTRICAL CODE, PART I & II, 2000
and the NATIONAL SAFETY CODE and any other ordinances including payment of necessary
permits from other concerned government agency, completed and accepted.

SPL1110(2).5 Basis of Payment

The accepted quantity as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price for each
of the particular items listed below that is included in the Bill of Quantities. Such price and
payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and installing all materials, and all labor,
equipment, tools excavation and backfilling including all necessary tests, electrical permits,
which may be required and all other incidentals to make all the lights in full operation in
accordance with the requirements of this Item.

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 1110(2)a Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Zobel TP 1 A

SPL 1110(2)b Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Zobel TP 1 B

SPL 1110(2)c Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Plaza Dilao TP 2

SPL 1110{2)d Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Plaza Berde TP 3

SPL 1110(2)e Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Plaza Berde TP 4

SPlll10(2)f Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum

V. Mapa TP 5

& lump sum

1110(2)h Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting sum

Aurora Blvd. TP 6 B

SPL1110(2)i Toll Plaza Electrical & lighting System, lump sum

Kaliraya TP 7

SPL1110(2)j Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum

Kaliraya TP 8

SPL 1110(2)k Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Del Monte TP 9

SPL 1110(2)1 Toll Plaza Electrical & Lighting System, lump sum
Del Monte TP 10


sum to
such amounts, supplies or ".""" ...' 11
relates, as the Engineer shall have instructed
Conditions of Contract.

SPL 800.1 General

Removal, relocation, restoration of affected utilities/facilities and inclusion of public utilities

and site facilities that are essential to the Works under the Project Contract and such works
shall be strictly coordinated by the Contractor with the respective owners of the utility

Removal, relocation and construction of new pedestrian footbridge which is essential to the
Works under the Project Contract and such works shall be strictly coordinated by the
Contractor with the Engineer and the concerned Local Government Agency. The Contractor
is instructed to recognize the following stipulations in the Conditions of Contract:

a) The Work Program to be submitted, as required by the Conditions of Contract shall

be the basis, reference or factor that will determine for any negotiations and
arrangements to be made by employer to the respective owner of water supply,
communications, electrical and gas supply utilities and other facilities. It is essential
for the Contractor to provide the details on the priorities and sequences of his
construction activities and operations and any particulars that may be required by
the Engineer on the said program.

b) The Work Program to be submitted as required in the Conditions of Contracts shall

be the basis, reference or factor that will determine for any negotiations and
arrangements to be made by the Employer to the concerned Local Government
Agency. It is essential for the Contractor to provide the details on the priorities and
sequences of his construction activities and operations and any particulars that may
be required by the Engineer on the said program.
c) No works shall commence on any parts, portions or sections of the site of the Works
that may affect or disturb the functions or the original conditions of public utilities
and site facilities unless the permission has been first secured from the respective
owners of the facilities with the approval of the Engineer.

d) The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent any loss, damage or
injury occurring to the Works, to the personnel and property of the Client, the
Engineer and the Design Team, and to other third persons. The Client and the
Engineer and the Design Team shall not, in any way, be liable or responsible for any
and all personal injuries or damages to property suffered by the Contractor in the
performance of their duties.


800.4 Method of Measurement

Provisional Sum under this item has been provided in the Bill of Quantities for this purpose.
Measurement and Payment will be made in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.

SPL 800.5 Basis of Payment

Payment will be made under:

Pay Item Number Description Unit of Measurement

SPL 800.1 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Road Sign P. S.

SPL 800.2 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Light Post P. S.

SPL 800.3 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Traffic Light P. S.

SPL 800.4 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post {Steel) P. S.

SPL 800.5 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post {Concrete} P. S.

SPL 800.6 Remove, Relocate and Re-install Electric Post (Wooden} P. S.

SPL 800.7 Remove, Relocate and Re-install NGCP Post P. S.

SPL 800.8 Remove, Relocate and Re-install PLOT Post P. S.

SPL 800.9 Remove Existing Street Lights Including Post P. S.

SPL 800.10 Removal of Existing MWSS Pipe P. S.

SPL 800.11 Remove and Replace Existing Footbridge P.S.






3 ProJect
andicative of the test the
and reference should be made to the Contract
Documents for details of all '!i'~~~:::.!'enn shall be read in with
Section 8.3 B = Other General and other sections of the Technical

Description Item Test of Control Frequency Control limit Remarks
102 Excavation 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93 For every 1500 cu. m. Test will be made
2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93 or fraction thereof or before materials
AASHTO T90-92 every change in soil excavated are
properties one ( 1) PI< 6 incorporated into the
complete test. LL <30% work as fill
3. Laboratory AASHTO T99-93
For every layer of 20
(No CBR Test 4. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 cu. m. or > 95% of MDD em incorporated
Required) S.Field Density AASHTO T191-93 fraction thereof, at thickness.
least three (3) density

103 Structure 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93 For every 1500 cu. m. 75mm>100%, Same as Item 102
Excavation 2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93 or fraction thereof or #200<15%
AASHTO T90-92 every change in soil PI< 6
properties one ( 1)
complete test. LL <30%
~· Laboratory AASHTO T99-93
(No CBR Test
~. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 cu. m. or
fraction thereof, at
least three (3) density > 95% of MDD
5. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 test.

104 Embankment 1. Gradation AASHTO T88-93 For every 1500 cu. m. 75mm>100%, Swell factor or
2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93 or fraction thereof or #200<15% shrinkage factor test
AASHTO T90-92 every change in soil PI< 6 whichever is
properties one (1) preferred shall be
LL <30% submitted for
3. Laboratory AASHTO T99-93 complete test.
Compaction evaluation and

4. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 500 sq. m. or > 95% of MDD For every layer of 20
fraction thereof, at LL>80% em incorporated
AASHTO T191-93 least three (3) density thickness.
(No CBR Test ~. Field Density test
w >100%
Required) > 90% ofMDD

105 Sub-Grade +20mm, '-30mm

Same as item 104
Preparation from design level
> 95% of MDD
200 Aggregate Sub- 1. Gradation AASHTO T27-93 For every 300 cu. m. or #200<66%, of
base Course fraction thereof 0.424mm pass
2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93 PI< 12
AASHTO T90-92 LL <35%
For every 500 cu. m. or
3. Laboratory AASHTO T180-93 fraction thereof Loss<SO%
Compaction 12% max
50% min.

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project


----· •y~··~·· of ...,HJIP/l"'II"'V Control limit Remarks

For every layer of

150 mm of
compacted depth
based on results of
compaction trials.

Aggregate Sub- For every 500 sq. m. or

200 4. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 >100% MDD
base Course
fraction thereof, F70 as CBR>25%
set of 3 in-situ density

5. Quality Test

6. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 sq. m. ±20mm

of fraction thereof +10mm, '-20mm
from design level
202 Crushed 1. Gradation AASHTO T27-93 For every 300 cu. m. or #200<66%, of Quality test includes
Aggregate Base fraction thereof 0.424mm pass Gradation Atterberg
Course PI< 6 Limits, abrasion,
LL <25% soundness and CBR

2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93


3. One Fractured Face BS 8-12

4. Laboratory AASHTO T180-93 For every 1500 cu. m. Loss<50%

Compaction or fraction thereof 12% max

5. Quality Test

6. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 For every 500 sq. m. of 100% MDD
fraction thereof 80%

7. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 cu. m. ±10mm For every layer of 15
or fraction thereof +Smm, em or 20 em
'-10mm from compacted depth
design level based on the results
5mm of compaction trials
300 Aggregate 1. Gradation AASHTO T27-93 For every 300 cu. m. or
Surface Course fraction thereof
Gravel Surfacing
2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93

3. Compaction Test AASHTO T180-93 For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof
4. Quality Test

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

ll..'ll::l:S«.;rGpUO!n Item Test of Control frequency Contro~ Remarks

'5. Field Density AASHTO T191-93 01 set of th1 in-

situ density tests for
every 500 sq. m. or
fraction thereof

6. Fractured Face BS 8-12 For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

7. CBR Test AASHTO T193-92 For every 2500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

301 Bituminous 1. Quality Test For every 40 metric

Prime Coat, tons or 200 drums or
MC-70 fraction thereof

302 Bituminous Tack 1. Quality Test For every 40 metric

Coat, SS-1 tons or 200 drums or
fraction thereof

310 Bituminous A. Bituminous Materials

Surface Course, l.Quality Test For every 40 metric
Hot Laid tons or fraction thereof
(AC Surfacing B. Aggregates
Course, AC Pen.
Grade 85-100) 1. Gradation AASHTO T11-91 For every 75 cu. m. or
AASHTO T27-93 200 metric tons or
fraction thereof

2. Atterberg Limits AASHTO T89-93


3. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof
4. Fractured Face BS 8-12 For every 1500 cu.
m.jor fraction thereof
e)Bulk Specific

C. Mix
1. Extraction For every 130 metric
tons or 75 cu. m. of
bituminous concrete
2. Swell and Marshall AASHTO T245-93
Stability Test

3. Grading Test AASHTO T30-93

AASHTO T164-93

4. Laboratory
Compaction AASHTO T166-93

D. Hydrated Mine
1. Quality Test For every 100 metric
tons or fraction thereof

E. Com12acted
AASHTO T191-93 For every 100 linear
1. Field Density Test meter or fraction
thereof of newly
2. Thickness compacted pavement
Determination but not more than
i Test three (3) samples shall

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

'·•'"';;;;;jl""''!l.Jlll..IUUI• of Control ''""''"11""'"' '"'lf Contro! limit Remarks

be taken

311 Portland Cement A. Cement

Pavement 1. Quality Test For every 2000 bags or
fraction thereof

B. Fine Aggregate

I. For source not yet

tested or failed in
previous Quality

a. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m. Quality Test includes

or fraction thereof Gradation, Bulk
Specific Gravity,
Absorption, Mortar
Soundness, Organic
Impurities, Limit
Weight and % Clay
Lumps & Shale

2. For source
previously tested
and passed quality

a. Grading Test AASHTO T27-93 For every 75 cu. m. or

fraction thereof
b. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.
or fraction thereof

C. Coarse Aggregates
1. For source previously
not yet tested

a. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m. Quality Test includes

or fraction thereof Gradation, Bulk
b. Grading AASHTO T27-93 For every 75 cu. m. or Specific Gravity,
fraction thereof Absorption and

D. Water

1. Certification from
Project Engineer
2. Quality Test if some
is questionable

E. Joint Filler

1.Poured Joints AASHTO M137-93 Per shipment on each

Quality Test type of ingredients

2.Pre molded Joint Per shipment on each

Filler type of fillers

F. Sgecial Curing
Agents Per shipment

1. Quality Test

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

No. o........"'II<"~;"", of Contro! w•.
Contro~ ""'
n.<::IIIIM<!:l!ll "'-"'

G. Steel Bars
For every 10,000 kg or Quality Test includes
1. Quality Test fraction thereof for Bending, Tension
each size and Chemical

H. Concrete
Quality Test includes
1. Slump Test Per batch Gradation, Bulk
2. Yield Test Per batch Specific Gravity,
3. %Air Content Per batch Absorption, Mortar
4. Flexural Per 330 sq. m. of Strength,
Strength on 1 pavement or 75 cu. m. Soundness, Organic
set of 3 cone. of cone. placed each Impurities, Limit
beam samples day or fraction thereof Weight and % Clay
Lumps & Shale
I. Comgleted Pavement Five (5) holes per km.
per lane or 5 holes per
1. Thickness 500 m. when two (2)
determination by lanes are poured
concrete core drilling simultaneously

404 Reinforcing A. Bar Reinforcement


1. Quality test for For every 10,000 kg or Per size of bars

Bending, Tension fraction thereof
and Chemical

B. Wire and Wire Mesh

1. Quality Test Per shipment Per type of wire


405 Structural A. Portland Cement

Concrete ~

1. Quality Test AASHTO M85-93 For every 2,000 bags 10 to 30"C Note 1-Quality
or fraction Thereof includes
gradation, % wash,
bulk specific gravity,
absorption, mortar,
strength, unit
weight, soundness,
organic impurities,
% clay lumps & %

B. Fine Aggregate

1. Gradation AASHTO T11-91 For every 75 cu. m. or

AASHTO T27-93 fraction thereof

2. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

Oc>:~>!..IIIJIUUII of
. Contron Umit - '
I!'IJI:':III€:i!H 11'\.:ll·

c ~oarg;,Jill..qreaate

1. Gradation AASHTO Tll-91 Far every 75 cu. m. or Note 2. Quality test

AASHTOT27-93 fraction thereof gradation, bulk
specific gravity
~. Quality Test For every 1,500 cu. m. absorption, abrasion,
or fraction thereof soundness, soft
fragments and unit
D. Water

1. Quality Test AASHTO T26-79 Every source

E. Pre-molded Filler
for Exgansion

1. Quality Test AASHTO T42-92 For every shipment

F. Fresh Concrete

1. Compressive AASHTO T22-92 One set of three

Strength Test AASHTO T23-93 samples for every 75
cu. m. or fraction
1 set of 3 cone. AASHTO T119-93 Every batch during
Cylinder sample pouring

G. PCCP Accegtance

1. International AASHTO T119-93 Entire length of road

Roughness Index ASTM E 950 for both directions prior
Class I to issue of taking over
AASHTO PP43 certificate

Reinforced 1. Quality Test for AASHTO M170 1 pipe for every 50 Note: Mortar for
Concrete Pipe Strength, pieces for each size joints will be the
Culverts Absorption & same as Item 405


1. Set of 3 concrete For not more than 25

cylinder for pipes cast in the field
strength test

2. Inspection Report Representing 25 pipes

of each size

3. Cement, FA & CA, Same as item 405

Mortar for joints

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

Dc::l!~~n-il.ll~nuu! of Co11t1·o! frequency limit Remarks

504 Cleamng & 11 i;:,pccuull Report Structure

of Existing

505 Grouted Riprap A. Cement Quality One for every 2000

Test bags or fraction thereof

1. Quality Test

B. Fine Aggregate

1. Quality Test For every 1500 cu. m.

or fraction thereof

~. Grading For every 75 cu. m. or

fraction thereof

c. Stone

1. Inspection Report

D. Water

1. Certification from RE
or Quality Test if source
is questionable

2. Quality Test if source is


506 Stone Masonry A. Cement Same as item 405 Same as item 405
B. Water
c. Fine Aggregates Same as item 405

600 Concrete Curb A. Cement Same as item 405 Per Station Laid
B. Joint Filler Same as item 311

603 Guardrail A. Steel Posts

1. Quality Test or Mill For each type of

Test Certificate material used

2. Inspection Report For each type and

shipment of metal

605 Road Signs Inspection Report from Each type of Road Sign
the Project Engineer

606 Pavement Paint Quality Test One 20 liter can for

Marking every 100 cans or
fraction hereof or PNS

Structural Metal 1. Quality Test or Mill AASHTO For every 10,000 kg or

Test Certificate Specifications every shipment, one
mill test certificate
2. Inspection Report
from the Engineer

Metro Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project



Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- ----

1. Soil Erosion • Roads have sufficient cross fall so that the rainwater flows Entire road section, During project Minimal (already Design Consultant and PMC, IC md

To avoid erosion and damage . away from the road itself.

Road structures have effective drainage systems (side-
drains, culverts and sufficient turnouts) with consideration of
culverts, and crossing
with rivers /creeks.
and design.
part of standard
design practices).
appointed contractor/s Concessionaire

to the road

. alterations in precipitation patterns due to climate change.

Crossing water flows are properly taken care of (bridges,
culverts). Alterations in precipitation patterns due to climate

. change should be considered.

Water retention structures within the ROW are incorporated
to increase water holding capacity and reduce the speed of
runoff where feasible, reducing the risks of road sections
being damaged.

2. Loss of vegetation . Conduct topographic survey and reflect in the map all the
trees and vegetation that will be affected. This will be
Entire road sections
and construction sites.
During project
Minimal (already
part of standard
Design Consultant
appointed contractor/s
and PMC. IC
To minimize cutting of tress. considered by the Design Engineers in preparing plans to and design. design practices).
lessen impact on trees.
" Coordinate with the National Directorate for Environment, I
Forestry and Agriculture to determine their requirements

.. relative to tree cutting

Locate optional construction sites/activities away from them .
Ensure construction personnel are aware of sensitive areas .
" Awareness about endangered species and their habitats.
" In a situation where the proposed construction will pass close
to these areas, provide signs to confine machines and
a Inspect quarry and gravel extraction sites and ensure that
appropriate permit will be obtained prior to construction

. activities.
Removal of fallen trees should be included in the project cost
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)


3. Flooding Drainage area, rainfall data, type of terrain and land cover will be Low-lying areas During project Minimal Design Consultant and PMC. lC
considered by the Design Engineers in designing drainage preparation and appointed contractor/s I Concessionaire
To lessen occurrence of structures. design
flooding in low lying areas

4. Road Accident Ensure that all occupational health and safety requirements are in Entire road section During project Minimal (already Design Consultant and PMC,
place on construction sites in work camps. and construction sites preparation and part of standard appointed contractor/s Concessionaire
Install lights and cautionary signs in hazardous areas. design. design practices)
To avoid accidents during Establish footpaths and pull-off bays along roads; through
and after operation of the villages; and near markets, schools, and other community
road facilities.
Include safety instructions for the construction activities in the
contract documents(see also section A.3.10 Safety and Health);
Ensure sufficient visibility along the road section according to
standard specifications.

5. Removal of Structures/ Works will be restricted to the right-of-way? of the existing road; Private property close During project Still to be Design Consultant ld I PMC,
land Acquisition Projected impacts and negotiate proposed measures have been to the road sides preparation and Determined appointed contractor/s Concessionaire
Resettlement discussed in advance with the affected community; work with design.
local government officers and nongovernmental organizations.
To minimize damaged to Conduct suNeys before activities commence to identify all
private and public property members of affected populations.
Identify other land-based natural resources, infrastructure, and
seNices that will be lost to the affected community.
Identify suitable land (if possible land having the same clan
ownership) for resettlement/re-establishment of the natural
resource base.
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)



6. Soil Erosion • Reduce the time surfaces remain bare. j All areas where Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for
• Keep vegetation clearing to a minimum. clearing is required. phase. project costs. the project
• Avoid disturbance on steep slopes.
To minimize the amount of • Keep vehicles on defined tracks.
sediment lost from the site: • Construct necessary temporary/permanent control structures.
• Encourage re-vegetation after construction activity finishes by
applying Bio-engineering measures where appropriate.
• Rehabilitation of landslide sites and areas with obvious erosion
problems as shown above to prevent further damage and repair
existing ones.

Bio-Engineering Measures for Road Rehabilitation

More than 500 trees per hectare is recommended combined

with Vertiveria zizanioides (Vertiveria grass) or other
suitable local species and erosion control blankets.

7. Sedimentation • Install control structures at the outset of construction phase. All areas where Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s PMC.
These may need to include silt traps along flow lines. clearing is required. phase. project costs. the project
To minimize impact of • All disturbed areas that are not to be paved should be re-
Storm water containing vegetated or prepared for natural re-vegetation after final land
Sediment on streams and shaping.
coasts: • Phase ground disturbance so that it is limited to areas of a
workable size.
• Schedule construction so that large areas of soil are not laid bare
during wet seasons.
• Contain construction areas using a bund or trench, or isolate
them from other surface run-off, and clean and rehabilitate them
when construction is complete.
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)


• If the road is on loose or unstable rock, slope the batters gently;

high batters will need steps or horizontal benches, and re-
vegetation and/or bio-engineering will be necessary.
• Avoid discharging water on to unstable slopes or old landslips .
• Install Bio-Retention Systems to filter sediment polluted surface
run off.

Dumping areas Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC and
8. Generation of Spoils • Include all drainage provisions suggested for construction sites in
project costs. the project Concessionaire
the site plans. phase.
To minimize clogging of • Choose the location for stockpiles or spoil heaps to avoid blocking
drainage lines. surface run-off or drainage lines. If this is not a ridge crest of flat
plain site, the base should be leveled and contained.
• If the spoil heap or stockpile containing fine sediments is to
remain bare for an extended period in a high rainfall area, cover it
to prevent erosion and sediment runoff.
• Conduct stability calculations of spoil heaps and stockpiles to
safeguard against major slips occurring.
• After discussions with community groups there may be plans to
use spoil locally. If so, a clear and level site must be prepared on
which the spoil can be dumped.
• Where possible, use spoil to backfill quarry areas or waste
disposal pits before they are re-vegetated.

9. Generation of Construction camp, Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC IC 1d
borrow pit area phase. project costs. the project Concessionaire
Hazardous Wastes/Off- • Secured properly the wastes within construction sites.
Site Wastes • All inorganic solid waste/hazardous wastes should be collected
by a registered hauler. Disposal should be done on approved
To minimize water/air location. This includes paper used in bitumen spraying.
pollution, health impacts.
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)


• Hazardous substances or wastes should be appropriately

stored and handled. In general, petroleum-based products and
wastes need to be stored and handled on sealed
cement/concrete flooring with overflow bunds to prevent
contamination of surface and groundwater resources. Roofing
structures will be installed to prevent contamination of storm

• Clean up areas with spilled fuel oils. The same is considered as

hazardous waste and should be disposed through a registered

• Use above-water table pit latrines, septic tanks or composting

toilets at construction camps. These septic tanks need to be
designed to allow proper maintenance and regular inspection.
Practice waste segregation. Compost organic wastes or use as
animal food.

10. Flooding
• Divert run-off from non-construction areas (temporarily) around the I Road alignment Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for
construction areas to keep the natural flow separate from phase. project costs. the project Concessionaire
construction run-off.

• Pass storm water run-off from construction areas through a gross

To minimize water ponding, pollutant trap (to filter plastics, cans, etc.) and over a vegetated
impact of contaminated run-off surface (i.e. bio-engineering) to remove petroleum-based organic
water pollutants before discharge into culverts or drainage systems.

• Design drains and culverts to remove all run-off water without

scour. On steep slopes culverts may need to be stepped using
rock slabs or gravel in gab ion baskets.

• Store oil and bituminous products at a contained location (i.e.

cement flooring and roof cover) away from drainage lines in an
appropriate manner.

• Control surface run-off pollution at base camps, asphalt mixing

plants (AMP), vehicle storage and repair sites to avoid
contamination with sediments, sewage and hazardous substances
(i.e. hydrocarbons).
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)



11. Air Pollution Cleared areas, quarry During dry I Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, and
• Spray water on exposed surfaces during dry season site. periods. project costs. the project Concessionaire
To insure there is no health • Cover construction materials during transport and if necessary
risk or inconvenience due to cover also the stockpiles or materials being stored.
dust production.
• Asphalt Mixing Plants (AMP) should be located in sufficient
distance from residential areas, worker housing sites and other
sensitive areas to minimize impact of dust pollution

• Regular maintenance of construction equipment.

12. Noise pollution • Use modem and well-maintained equipment (with mufflers where All construction areas, Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC
appropriate) access routes, and phase project costs. the project Concessionaire
quarry sites
To insure nuisance from noise • As needed, use noise screens or barriers near sensitive areas
is minimized: • In village areas, carry out construction activities during daytime.

• Advise local people should there be blasting or unusual

unavoidable noise.

• Locate workers' camps in sufficient distance from noise generating

activities(i~ton~ ~rusb!tJg_,f\I\IIP).
13. Generation of Traffic • The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval a Construction area Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC.
on District Centers Traffic Control Plan phase project costs. the project Concessionaire

The Contractor shall keep open to traffic existing roads

during the performance of the Works.

To minimize traffic jam and Traffic control devices and services shall be provided and
traffic- related accident maintained both inside and outside the Project limits as
needed to facilitate traffic guidance should this be

Nighttime operations shall be illuminated by a lighting

system approved by the Engineer. The lighting system
shall be positioned and operated to preclude glare.

The Contractor shall ensure that all works are adequately

sign posted especially where restrictions on the width of
the highway are imposed due to construction works.

Environmental Management Plan (EMP)



- Utilization of flagmen is necessary to direct the flow of traffic for

any restriction to traffic (reduction to one-lane-whatever is the
duration time).Where appropriate the traffic controllers or
flagmen shall be provided with communication equipment.

14. Extraction of All proposed quarry To quarry Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC
construction materials • the areas to be quarried and the removal sequence; sites. development to project costs. the project Concessionaire
• the channel and bank stability in the area to be quarried;

• methods, which will be used to protect the channel banks, avoid

causing discontinuities in the bed, and minimize erosion
impacts upstream and sediment Ii
• loading problems downstream of the quarry site; and methods
for containing oil leaks or spillages to prevent pollutants
reaching the river.
15.Employment During the project implementation, it is expected that there will be Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC md
Generation significant positive impact in terms of employment generation. The area phase project costs. the project Concessionaire
Contractor will be required to give priority to the locals when hiring
manpower for the project. Training should also be provided to
workers to enhance their skills on construction works. Duties in office
and other project-related activities could be offered to women.

16.0ther social disturbance Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC. iC !nd
• For affected utilities (water connections, power supply), coordinate area phase project costs. the project Concessionaire
with the concerned companies, Local Government and even the
affected people in advance should there be interruptions on water
and power supply

• Control run-off and manage sediments near garden and plantation


• Include women ancl <:>!_her community groups in project activities. I

17. Safety and Hearth Risks Occupational health and safety risks of road works can be Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC md
limited by clearly defining procedures for handling materials, area phase project costs. the project Concessionaire
conducting tests, paving, operating heavy equipment, and
constructing trenches. Specific requirements and training may
be needed to:

• Ensure all occupational health and safety requirements are in place

on construction sites and in work camps;

• Install lights and cautionary signs in hazardous areas;

• Establish footpaths and pull-off bays along roads through villages,

near markets, schools and other community facilities;

• Limit time of exposure to dust particles, chemical, and noise;

• Ensure safety and inspection procedures; and I

• Safe handling of toxic materials, explosives, and other hazardous

•Access to construction camps will be controlled.

• House cleaning and waste management requirements.

• Workers should be provided with Personal Protection Equipment

(PPE). They should be required to wear it while on duty.

• Penalties for violation of rules and regulations will be employed if


• General Health and Safety Awareness for construction workers will


•Introduction to health and safety issues on construction sites

including main areas of risk to workers and others,

•Awareness campaign to minimize spread of HIV/AIDS and STD,

including information on methods of transmission and protection
measures, Prohibition of drugs, Prohibition of alcohol on construction

• Education on basic hygiene practices.

18.Cultural Heritage Contractor will coordinate with the PMC, Local Government if Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC, IC Hld
there will be impact on cultural and historical sites. area phase project costs. the project Concessionaire


South Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

19.Abandonment Phase Establish a site re-vegetation plan (i.e. Quarries, AMP, work camps). Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for PMC. IC Jd
Where possible involve local communities to provide materials and area phase project costs. the project Concessionaire
• Effect on land use implement re-vegetation.

• Solid Waste Generation Formulate and implement of Solid Waste Management Plan Within the project Construction Included in the Appointed contractor/s for
area phase project costs. the project

20. Road Accident Entire road Section As required. Included in the Concessionaire f'\t::;!t'Vd! H

• Regular monitoring and inventory of risks for erosion and drainage operation of Government
problems Concessionaire Agencies
Minimize road accident
• Conduct routine maintenance like grading, grass cutting, drain
clearing, pothole patching and shoulder repairs

• Measures to slow traffic; e.g. install speed bump at selected places

(e.g. settlements, schools, markets, etc)

• Off-road let down stops for public transport.

• Dust suppression sealing.

• Improvements in road signage and pavement markings.

• Attention to road accident blind spots.

21.Noise Generation/ Timely maintenance action helps in reducing environmental Entire road Section As required. Included in the Concessionaire \CIC'\!Ql!l

Erosion/Flooding impacts like erosion, flooding, road accidents and traffic noise. operation of ;overnme1n
This project aims at rehabilitating roads to maintainable Concessionaire Agencies
standards, which is environmentally beneficial during operation
To avoid drainage problems, provided routine maintenance is successful.
aggravation of erosion, and
reduced visibility:

South Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project




1.Soil Erosion Compliance check for soil All areas where clearing is Loss of materials Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC, and IC in
erosion and run off required and along steep should be included in standard contractorIs coordination with
To avoid erosion and management procedures. slopes. controlled through supervision) relevant
damage to the road appropriate Government
Verbal or formal complaints control measures Agencies
Collapse of slopes
2.Loss of vegetation Inventory/records Alignment Loss of vegetation Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC, 1d IC in
should be avoided included in standard contractor/s coordination with
through supervision) relevant
appropriate Government
control measures Agencies
3. Sedimentation Compliance check and All areas where clearing is Diversion and Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC. ld !C
geotechnical Field Inspection. required. retention of storm included in standard contractor/s coordination \ivith
To minimize impact of water appropriate supervision) relevant
Storm water containing No increase of Government
Sediment on streams and Verbal or formal complaints. drainage Agencies
coasts: problems or water
logged areas.
No waste can be
dumped into the

4.Generation of Spoils Compliance check and Dumping areas. Construction and Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and PMC and IC
waste included in standard contractorIs coordination with
To minimize clogging of Verbal or formal complaints Materials should supervision) relevant
drainage lines. be controlled. Government
No waste can be Agencies
dumped into the I

South Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

5. Air Pollution Compliance check and Cleared areas, quarry site WB Roads and Continuous during dry periods Concessionaire and PMC, 1d IC in
Environment: A (minimal costs, included in contractor/s coordination with
To insure there is no health Verbal or formal complaints Handbook(see standard supervision) relevant
risk or inconvenience due to International, Best Government
dust production. Practices? and Agencies
the Environment '
and WHO
Guidelines), as

6. Noise generation Compliance check and All construction areas, WB Roads and Continuous during dry periods Concessionaire and appointed PMC, md IC in
access routes, and quarry Environment: A (minimal costs, included in contractor/s coordination \Nith
Ensure nuisance from noise Verbal or formal complaints sites Handbook(see standard supervision) relevant
is minimized International, Best Government
Practices? and Agencies
the Environment
and WHO
Guidelines), as

7. Extraction of construction Compliance check All proposed quarry sites As laid out in the From quarry development to Concessionaire and appointed PMC and IC i
materials. detailed design for closure (to be determined contractor/s coordination with
Minimize long-term impacts project and GoTL relevant
of quarrying and gravel Verbal or formal Complaints guidelines Government
extraction, identify for solid Agencies
rock quarries
8.Generation of Hazardous Compliance check All proposed quarry sites WB Roads and Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC. md IC in
Wastes/Off-Site Wastes Environment: A included in standard contractor/s coordination with
Handbook (see supervision) relevant
International ,Best Government
Avoid contamination from Verbal or formal Complaints Practices? and 1 Agenc1es
solid wastes and sewerage. the Environment I
and WHO
Guidelines), as

9.Safety and Health Compliance check All construction and quarry WB Roads and Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC 1d IC i
sites. Environment: A included in standard contractoris coordination with
Ensure maximum safety of Handbook(see supervision) relevant
construction personnel and Verbal or formal International ,Best Government
local residents. Complaints Practices? and Agencies
the Environment
and WHO
Guidelines), as

South Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project


10.Social or Community Verbal or formal complaints. Potential road alignment WB Roads and Continuous: (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC, and !C i
Concerns and quarry sites Environment: A included in standard contractorIs coordination with
Handbook (see supervision) relevant
Minimization of social Project progress reports. ADB Government
disturbance and maximize Resettlement Agencies
community benefits. Guidelines and
international ,Best
Practices?), as
11.Avoid disturbance by the Compliance check Construction camp As listed in the Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC, 1nd IC i
construction workers EMP. included in standard contractor/s coordination with
supervision) relevant
Verbal or formal Complaints Government
12.Health and Safety Compliance check Construction camps and As listed in the Continuous (minimal costs, Concessionaire and appointed PMC, md IC i
Awareness for construction Construction sites EMP. included in standard contractor/s coordination with
workers Verbal or formal Complaints supervision) relevant
13.Abandonment phase/Site Counting of replanting. All construction and camp No increase of After completion of construction Concessionaire and appointed PM C. 1d IC in
de-commissioning Agreement with Communities sites soil erosion (Minimal costs, included in contractor/s coordination with
Minimize on going impacts standard supervision). relevant
after construction is Government
completed Agencies

14.Peoples Safety Compliance check Sensitive areas No significant Semi-annually after completion Concessionaire Relevant
(settlements, schools, increase in of works for one year Government
Mitigate increased vehicle Verbal and formal complaints markets) accidents or Agencies
speed (to over 80 km/hour). by Communities. accident spots

15.Rehabilitation and Compliance Check Entire road section Blocked overflow Semi-annually after completion Concessionaire Relevant
Maintenance of Practices drainages, road of works for one year Government
sections wet Agencies
Avoid drainage problems, Verbal and formal complaints and/or with
aggravation of erosion by Communities. sediment deposits
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South Metro-Manila Skyway Stage 3 Project

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