XLRI Workbook

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WAT PI Workbook

Congrats for XLRI Call.

How to use this workbook!

This is a consolidation of 52 XLRI Jamshedpur, WAT PI Experiences. These are consolidated from various online
XLRI WAT* PI happens in Jamshedpur / Delhi / Hyderabad.

Candidate Profile is also given in most cases, for you to understand the Personal Interview better.

After reading the entire Document you are required to check on your dashboard:
1. Interview (Video)
2. Functional Dossiers – If you want to pursue MBA in Marketing, choose that dossier first.
3. SOP / Form (Check out Jagesh Golwala (IIMA, Raj Doshi (IIMA),
4. Sample AWT from the dashboard

WAT / AWT / AWA – All of these are same terms of Writing test assignment of various IIMs.


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2. This is just a repository of the past interview experiences, if a candidate was rejected or approved it was on the
decision of the respective panellists and should not ne generalized to associate to all such candidate profiles.

3. The views or opinions expressed in this document are only consolidation of student’s reviews submitted across various
profiles and not personal opinions of CATKing or its team members

4. "The performance represented is historical" and that "past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results”

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Interview and WAT Experience–1 .................................................................................................................... 5
Interview and WAT Experience 2 ..................................................................................................................... 8
Interview and WAT Experience 3 ................................................................................................................... 10
Interview and WAT Experience 4 ................................................................................................................... 11
Interview and WAT Experience 5 ................................................................................................................... 16
Interview and WAT Experience 6 ................................................................................................................... 19
Interview and WAT Experience 7 ................................................................................................................... 23
Interview and WAT Experience 8 ................................................................................................................... 25
Interview and WAT Experience 9 ................................................................................................................... 27
Interview and WAT Experience 10 ................................................................................................................. 30
Interview and WAT Experience 11 ................................................................................................................. 33
Interview and WAT Experience 12 ................................................................................................................. 36
Interview and WAT Experience 13 ................................................................................................................. 39
Interview and WAT Experience 14 ................................................................................................................. 40
Interview and WAT Experience 15 ................................................................................................................. 43
Interview and WAT Experience 16 ................................................................................................................. 45
Interview and WAT Experience 17 ................................................................................................................. 46
Interview and WAT Experience 18 ................................................................................................................. 47
Interview and WAT Experience 19 ................................................................................................................. 48
Interview and WAT Experience 20 ................................................................................................................. 50
Interview and WAT Experience 21 ................................................................................................................. 55
Interview and WAT Experience 22 ................................................................................................................. 58
Interview and WAT Experience 23 ................................................................................................................. 61
Interview and WAT Experience 24 ................................................................................................................. 64
Interview and WAT Experience 25 ................................................................................................................. 67
Interview and WAT Experience 26 ................................................................................................................. 70
Interview and WAT Experience 27 ................................................................................................................. 72
Interview and WAT Experience 28 ................................................................................................................. 75
Interview and WAT Experience 29 ................................................................................................................. 77
Interview and WAT Experience 30 ................................................................................................................. 79
Interview and WAT Experience 31 ................................................................................................................. 82
Interview and WAT Experience 32 ................................................................................................................. 85

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Interview and WAT Experience 33 ................................................................................................................. 87
Interview and WAT Experience 34 ................................................................................................................. 88
Interview and WAT Experience 35 ................................................................................................................. 92
Interview and WAT Experience 36 ................................................................................................................. 94
Interview and WAT Experience 37 ................................................................................................................. 95
Interview and WAT Experience 38 ................................................................................................................. 97
Interview and WAT Experience 39 ................................................................................................................. 99
Interview and WAT Experience 40 ............................................................................................................... 103
Interview and WAT Experience 41 ............................................................................................................... 104
Interview and WAT Experience 42 ............................................................................................................... 105
Interview and WAT Experience 43 ............................................................................................................... 106
Interview and WAT Experience 44 ............................................................................................................... 110
Interview and WAT Experience 45 ............................................................................................................... 113
Interview and WAT Experience 46 ............................................................................................................... 114
Interview and WAT Experience 47 ............................................................................................................... 115
Interview and WAT Experience 48 ............................................................................................................... 117
Interview and WAT Experience–49 .............................................................................................................. 120
Interview and WAT Experience–50 .............................................................................................................. 121
Interview and WAT Experience–51 .............................................................................................................. 124
Interview and WAT Experience–52 .............................................................................................................. 127

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Interview and WAT Experience–1
XAT 98.997%



24 months workex with Hindalco + 7 months workex with NGO ASRA

Center: ITC Grand Central


WAT: They first of all asked us to write the WAT. Wrote about why ethics were essential for long term success. About
Hard work building empires which weren't fragile. Gave examples of Atalji and David. Showed how their values stood
the test of time. Talked about different aspects of success and how values and success built on that stands the test of

GD: Spoke 3rd in the GD, have points as to the meaning of Finishing first. How the success is defined. Gave examples
about how Vajpayee's brand of politics led to bipartisanship and one of the most successful periods in India. How his
values and ethics led to his legacy. And how even after his death he is revered. Good discussion, made multiple entries
and summarized the topic. We were done after 25 minutes.

PI: I was the first one in again.

Prof Gurunathan, a ma'am M1 and another sirP2

P2: Calls me up

Me: good afternoon sirs and ma'am.

M1: Please take a seat and give your file to Sir.

M1: So, Durga you've worked at Hindalco, what role were there?

Me: Explained

M1: Wow so you had a lot of responsibilities, how did you manage?

Me: Explained

M1: But if you loved your job what's the reason you switched to an NGO?

Me: Explained

M1: Okay I understand. But what if the situation arises again?

Me: Explained they seemed satisfied.

M1: Okay Durga tell me about 3 incidents at Hindalco which taught you a lot about workplace and leadership.

(This part of my interview took something about half an hour)

Me: Explained the first incident. Cross questions about that from all panelists.

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Me: Ma'am I actually forgot the exact question you asked.

M1: Repeated the question

Me: Second incident. This time Gurunathan sir, gets involved a lot of cross questioning and about my actions.

Me: The Third incident. This was the one where I think I fucked up my P1. Reiterated a event when I was manhandled
by one of my workers. Gurunathan sir sits up and basically for 10-15 mins we both have a discussion. He asked me the
underlying reasons as to why this happened

Me: Gave reasons about why I thought this happened.

Gurunathan: Your HR department failed miserably.

Me: I'm sorry sir, but I would like to differ, the process existed but I chose to confide in my manager who was a father

Gurunathan: Durga you're getting it wrong. You're defending your organization and your actions, we're not
questioning them. It's just that your organization failed in this regard.

Me: Again tried to explain that it probably was my fault.

Gurunathan: Okay tell me why did you confide in your manager and not in a department meant to deal with these
types of situations?

Me: Tried something he wasn't satisfied.

Gurunathan: Okay Durga, lemme try something tell me if I'm correct. And damn he discovered the real underlying
reasons, something that even I couldn't manage after 7months of experiencing the event.

Me: This is totally correct sir. I'm really sorry I couldn't reach there myself, but this is the only reason I want to be at
the best HRM program in Asia pacific regions, interact and learn from teachers like you. And if given the chance I'll get
back to you with a more detailed and accurate reasoning. All the panelists smile

Gurunathan: Ha ha that's a good one.

Gurunathan: Okay I'll give you a hypothetical situation. You're at XL HRM, but unfortunately that year XL doesn't have
good placements and you end up again at Hindalco, what extra will you do to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Me: Gave two to three solutions

Gurunathan: Will this be sufficient to make the situation better

Me: Told them how it is a continuous process and will help in long run.

P1: Okay so Durga, that fellow called you a gadha. That must have hurt but tell me what differs a gadha from a horse,

Me: gave qualities of both in accordance to Leadership and team

P1: Okay so a donkey is more suitable to be a corporate leader and member

Me: Explained how different jobs require different personalities and how in some roles horses would do better and in
some a gadha.

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P1: Okay tell me about the different contract labors you had.

Me: Explained the scene

P1: What rights do they have?

Me: Told.

P1: Bas?

Me: Told them I'm not aware of other rules

P1: Starts riling me now. Asks different citations, notifications blah blah other legal and technical stuff from contract
labors act.

Me: I'm really sorry sir, I only know the basics. Haven't studied it properly.

P1: Okay tell me about your work at NGO

Me: Explained

P1: So, you've studied at DAV CA PUR?

Me: Yes sir.

P1; Tell me about your principal

Me: Told

P1: Who took your English in 9th and 10th?

Me: (Dafaq) but told. He seemed to know them. More discussions on my school and college.

P1: Do you know the deputy judge who has recently been appointed from that place?

Me: no sir

P1: Okay tell me so you know why that place is famous for?

Me: I say sir food is pretty good and cheap. Apart from that the people are known to be a tad boastful.


P1 and Gurunathan: So, you think you're humble

Me: yes

Gurunathan: Are you humble because it pays off or just because it is the right thing to do?

Me: explain it and end it with how it helps me in the end even though my family instilled the values.

P1: Some questions about NGO

Me: Explained

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P1: Okay I'm done.

P1 and M1: Please take two toffees. Thanks.

Total time :50-55minutes.

Verdict: Converted HRM in the first list

Interview and WAT Experience 2

Class X: 10 CGPA
Class XII: 96%
UG (BCom): 79.xx%
Work experience: 15 months in Audit in SRBC & CO LLP (a network firm of EY)
XAT: 99.5x percentile
February 23
WAT and GD: Monopolising railways is bad. (Something along that lines)
Decent. But it was in a regular room in ITC with the bed taken out and plastic chairs. No desk to put paper on so I had
to use a portfolio file. So, writing the WAT and even doing a GD with 11 people (8 applicants+3 panelists) stuck in the
room was uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
P1: What is role of auditor today?
A: Sir look at the financial news of the last 9-12 months. There is complete lack of accountability in corporations as we
can see in the IL&FS issue, the ICICI and Chanda Kochhar issue. With great money comes great responsibility and even
greater greed. So the auditors ensure that companies follow code of conduct, laws of land and financial reporting
requirements. They help to make sure that shareholders, no actually stakeholders, are not misled or cheated on by the
company. I would say that there has never been a greater need for CAs today than before.
P1: So you’ve studied Companies Act 2013 and Ind AS? What is the major change in terms of Consolidation of
A: The method of identifying companies to be consolidated has shifted from largely voting share based to control
P1: What do you mean by control?
A: Sir control is the ability to influence or manage the decision making of a company. For example if Company X buys
90% of what Company Y sells, it is said to wield control and accounts of Company Y will need to be consolidated to
Company X.
P1: Is 90% sales enough to justify control?
A: Sir so other factors are also there but in this case I think it will be consolidated.
P1: Why was there a shift from voting based to control base?
A: (Thought for a bit. Couldn’t think of anything. Started a sentence but realised I had absolutely no clue. Said I don’t
P1: If you were in the ministry and had to convince the others for this change, what would you say?
A: Sir I don’t know but if I had to guess it would probably be because promoters sometimes don’t have majority stake
in companies but still have influence so to ensure promoter or promoter company does not use his/her influence in a
wrong manner and to bring accountability (this is sanitised version. I genuinely had no idea and so rambled a bit)
P3: What do you think of jobless growth in India?
A: Sir I think the threat of jobless growth has roots in Industrial Revolution.
P3: Threat? It is actually there.
A: (Can’t remember but I said something weird here and then the following) so basically right from the time we moved
to a machine-oriented approach there was going to be a situation of jobless growth.

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P3: Which is the sector which has most employment?
A: I’m not really sure but I think it is the service sector.
P3: Then how would it be affected by industrial revolution?
A: (Should have said industrial revolution is just the beginning but didn’t strike then) Sir technology affects all the
sectors. Anyway, I believe that we would now be moving towards growth in jobs in innovation or technology related
P2: What are mean median and mode?
A: They are statistical tools-
P2: Are they just statistical tools?
(Had no idea so stayed silent)
P2: They are measures of central tendency.
A: Okay.
P2: When are they used?
(Blank face)
P2: When is mean used, median used, mode used?
A: When the data is more or less uniform, mean would be the best measure.
P2: What is uniform?
A: So where there is little deviation.
P2: What is deviation?
A: Basically, where observations are closer to mean. Xi-xbar is low.
P2: What is Xi and Xbar?
A: Xi is the observation. Xbar the mean.
P2: So xi-Xbar is deviation?
A: No square of that and then its sum divided by N is variance and its square root is standard deviation.
(A short back and forth I don’t remember)
P1 wrote this.
2017-18 Per Capita Income 10k 40k
2018-19 Per Capita Income 12k 42k
Interpret 3 things from this.
1. sir rate of growth of per capita income in A is faster this indicates A has lesser income inequality.
2. While the absolute PCI of A and B is same, because B has a greater base (40k) there is a lower increase in per capita
income. So it is not growing as fast as it should.
3. Assuming that total income of both is same, A has higher population than B.
Then he added some other data point which I can’t remember and to which I gave iffy answers.
P1: Okay. Thank you.
P3: What is this Amrut Mody School of Management?
A: Sir my college. Part of Ahmedabad University.
P3: Who is the promoter?
A: Sir chancellor?
P3: No promoter.
A: Sir it is by Ahmedabad Education Society of which the Chairman/trustee is Mr Sanjoy Lalbhai, the promoter of
Arvind Industries.
P3: Okay thanks.
Verdict: I thought the interview had gone horribly. Certainly, the poorest interview I had given that year. But
miraculously, converted. Not joining though.

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Interview and WAT Experience 3

XLRI BM Interview 2019 was my favorite interview experience because of the level of sarcasm of the professors!!!


General, Humanities (Psychology Hons), Fresher

WAT and GD Topic

Abortion should be banned. Even a mother has no right to kill her child.

Interview Summary

Panel comprised of three senior male professors.

Interview started with a discussion on my research paper, the methodology used, it's robustness and limitations.

Then it moved to a detailed discussion based on what I spoke in the GD. (All the interviewees before me were also
questioned mostly on their stances in GD)

The professors tried putting you into scenarios where your propositions from the GD stood contradicted or invalid.
Questions with no clear answers were deliberately thrown to test your critical reasoning skills. Following are some

In the GD, I had said that legalizing abortion can help regulate the underground practices of unsafe abortion mostly
carried out after sex determination by quacks or untrained professionals. The professor remarked, “Following your line
of reasoning, we should legalize Marijuana and drugs too. What's your view on that?”

Since I had spoken in the favor of legalizing abortion, I was asked to recommend a cut off date for allowing that. The
professor cleverly used the word ‘kill the child’ instead of saying “abort the fetus” to make your opinions sound grave.
He would say things like “So till what time is it okay to kill the child? Three months of pregnancy, just one day before
pregnancy? On the day of delivery?”

And the professors were smart enough to sense any sort of beating around the bush. They cut me to pieces when I
tried to ease my way out out of a difficult ethical dilemma by using heavy words. As soon as I mentioned, “an enabling
social infrastructure”, the professor retorted by saying, “No big fat words please, you've already done that in GD”.
They wanted crisp and clear answers and extracted the same out of you, by hook or by crook. Any diplomacy you tried
to take shelter in was burnt to shreds.

I loved how they openly shared a sarcastic laugh at one of my propositions to set up a committee which could deal
with individual cases of abortion determining the intent of abortion, the medical implications if any and then approve
the decision based on the validity of the case. They grilled me for good 10 minutes on this idea. They asked me to
chart a blueprint of the committee.

• They legit asked me to write down in words who all will comprise the committee. Since I wrote parents as
members too, they asked what about the grandparents wishes? Why don't they have a say?
• As the members I mentioned were four in number. They asked me what would happen if there is a tie of
votes? Two people want it, two don't? Who will have a greater say? Why?
• Since I had mentioned that a medical professional be a part too, they asked me to specify what professional?
A gynecologist? A physician? What qualifications?

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• When I added that a gynecologist trained in clinical/counseling psychology would be a good fit. One of them
remarked, “Great, she's creating jobs for herself!” :P

At some point they had asked me to enlist the stakeholders of this entire exercise of abortion legalization. I mentioned
that it involves the parents, the legal jurisdiction, the medical team supervising the pregnancy and in broader sense
the greater socio-cultural fabric of the country too.

One of the professors remarked, “Wow who's left?”

The quietest professor of the lot, promptly quipped, “Americans? What about Americans?” (Bow before the God of

And another professor pointed out the great mistake I had committed, he said you've included everybody but the
unborn child. Isn't he/she a stakeholder? It was a moment of epiphany for me. I did not shy away from admitting my
error. I apologized for it. And he says, “Yes, now that's a good answer!”

There were lots of other dicey scenarios put forth to push one's reasoning and defending abilities to the limits.

It was a wonderful experience to say the least. Regardless of how they might have perceived/evaluated my
performance, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and laughed at their quirky remarks long afterwards too! :D

Verdict: Awaiting!

Interview and WAT Experience 4

Profile: Engineer (IT)

10/12/Grad/XAT: 95 / 95.2 / 72.62 / 97

Work Ex: 7 months in Consulting (till XAT 2019)

Date: March 3, 2019

Location: ITC Grand Central, Mumbai


WAT/GD Topic: Alcohol is injurious to health. Hence, it's consumption and production should be strictly restricted in

We were asked to sit according to the serial numbers assigned to us. Guess what, mine was first.

We were given 15 minutes to write, which was immediately followed by 20 minutes of GD. The discussion was good,
and not a fish market. Everyone got a chance to speak. I neither opened, nor concluded, but pitched in 4-5 times with
decent points.

Next was PI, and I was the first one to be called in.

There were 3 male professors. Let's call them P1, P2 and P3. And I'm X.

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A brief character sketch -

P1 was like that friend who keeps pulling your leg in a group. Irritating at times, but after all, a friend.

P3 was the one who supports you and backs you when all the drama around you is acting against you.

And P2 was the neutral one, who silently sits, enjoys what's happening.

So here it goes -

* Meet and greets, asked to have a seat *

* P3 takes my file and starts going through it *

P1: So X, what do you think about your performance in the GD?

X: Sir I feel it was good, however it could have been better.

P1: Why do you think so?

X: There were some more points in my mind which I couldn't speak in the duration of the GD.

P1: So name 2 people, who you think were the leaders of the GD.

X: Spoke about a boy and girl.

P1: Why didn't you take your name? (I sensed this was coming; nice one prof)

X: Sir as I said, I am comparing myself to my personal expectations, and there were some more points which I wanted
to discuss.

P1: What were those points?

X: Told

P1: Why didn't you say then?

X: I was taking the discussion in that direction, however a fellow concluded. And I don't think it's wise to bring up new
points after a conclusion.

P1: Okay okay. Now let's do one thing. I'll make a statement, and you have to give me arguments to support it. Are you

* Yes of course! This is something I can do. Bring it on prof! *

X: (In a super-excited tone) Yes sir, I'm ready.

P1: "You will not get shortlisted for XLRI."


P1: Go on, this is the statement.

* Whattay double-edged sword. If I prove myself as unfit, I die. If I don't, I die. *

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(Well played sir! *Virtual handshake*)

X: Okay. So I will not get shortlisted for XLRI because my percentile lies in the lower brackets, and when the
mathematical formulas plays a role, I might be pushed down the ranks, no matter how well my PI goes.

P1: Very good. You're thinking practically, I like it. Go on.

X: (Wut? What do you mean go on?) More arguments? For the same statement.

P1: Oh yes yes, same statement.

X: Another reason would be, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't open or conclude the GD, hence might lose on some
brownie points that my friends must've earned.

*All 3 laugh here*

*I laugh too; as if I had an option*

P1: What else?

(Are you kidding me? Do you want me to write my own rejection note?)

X: That will be all sir. As per me.

P1: You don't have any other weakness?

X: Not related to this process sir.

P3: You can also discuss any general weakness that you may have.

(Thank you for jumping in P3!)

X: Told.

P3: Can you give an example of this? Maybe at your workplace, or a personal one would also do, if you’re comfortable.

X: Told. A good discussion followed, where they asked a few questions, also threw in some advices.

P1: So X, how would you rate yourself in every aspect of the process? WAT, GD, PI, etc.

X: Told then that I'm a fairly good writer and an orator, according to me I did well in the WAT and GD. PI is yet to
happen and I believe it'll be good.

*All smile again*

P1: Okay then let's continue with your PI. What is the collar of Virgin coconut oil?

X: What? Collar? I didn't understand sir.

(What kind of scientific things am I being asked?!)

P1: Yes, collar. Can you tell me?

X: I'm sorry sir, but I don't think I know this.

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(Shocked as if this is something we learn in the womb)

X: (Smiles smiles) No sir, I don't.

P2: (Hands over a paper) Draw this.

X: What, sir?

P2: Look at the paper. I have written 2 equations. Draw the graph and integrate.

X: Done

P2: (Looks at the paper) What will be the area of this curve on the graph?

X: Marked the area under the graph.

P2: Why not the 3rd and 4th quadrant?

X: Because area is positive.

P2: But your equation gives negative result as well.

X: (Had some reasons but didn't want to sound stupid as I wasn't confident) I'm confused here, sir.

*smiling looking at the paper*

P2: Haha, are you? It's okay.

P1: What is the collar of this bottle?

X: (Are you kidding me?) I don't know.


X: Sir do you mean ‘colour’?

P1: Yes, collar!

X: (2 millisecond flashback; everything made sense now) Oh! It's colour! Can I answer the previous one as well?

P1: Sure, go ahead.

X: Colourless/Transparent.

P1: How many seats are there in Lok Sabha?

X: Gave an estimate, not the exact figure. Discussed Rajya Sabha in detail.

P1: Who is the Vice-President of India?

X: (That’s easy). Sir its, …

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[I blanked out. Legit. I couldn’t recall that name! No this can’t be happening right now!]

X: (Trying to think really hard and blabbering while I think) I knew his name, umm, can’t recall. President is Ram Nath
Kovind, and …

* P1 interrupts *

P1: Ram Nath Kovind???

P3: He said President ....

P1: (Sheepishly smiling and fake-shocked reaction) But sill! Is that how you address your President?

X: Umm, “‘Sir’ Ram Nath Kovind”?

P1: He is so senior in age!

X: Sir, I’m okay with addressing him like that.

P1: (Finally smiles) Okay.

P3: So X, can you tell us about your job? What do you do?


* Explained them with a lot of enthusiasm and details, drew a graph too, to support my statements *

P1: Why isn’t this curve like this? (Drew a different curve)

X: Explained.

* All 3 were convinced here and listened carefully *

P1: You’ve lived in Delhi and now in Pune. What conclusions do you draw from both these cities?

X: Had a 5-minute-long discussion here. The discussion was good, informal and I’d say, positive? All of us were smiling
at the end of it.

P3: Who is the MLA that represents you?

* P1 and P3 started discussing whether I should name Delhi’s MLA or Pune’s. Finally, it was Delhi’s *

X: Sir, AAP is the party in power, headed by Arvind Kejriwal.

P3: He is the MLA?

X: No, the CM, sir.

P3: Toh MLA batao. Tumhari constituency ka. You know your constituency?

X: No sir, I am not aware since I haven’t gotten a chance to vote yet.

P3: So, you don’t believe in democracy?

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X: I completely do sir. But I happen to be in Pune during election, so it’s infeasible to vote.

* All agree, all nod *

P1: Okay X, I think we’re done. Do you have any questions for us?

X: No sir.

P3: (With a big smiling face) Take a toffee.

X: (Took 1) Thank you sir.

P3; Only 1? Take one more!

* Took another *

P3: Do you have a girlfriend?

X: No sir.

P3: Haha okay.

* All say thank you and wish me luck *

As I stood-up and started walking away, P1 says -

P1: Hey X, what other calls do you have?

X: SP Jain sir.

P1: No IIMs?

X: No sir. I didn’t do well in CAT this time.

P1: Okay, thank you. All the best!

AND I WALKED OUT. It was over.

Overall, it was a great great experience. The entire conversation was carried out in a very good and positive tone. Even
though I couldn’t answer many questions, it didn’t feel like a stress interview.

The professors were very smart and fun to interact with. The overall duration was around 20-25 minutes.


Verdict: Didn't convert.

Interview and WAT Experience 5

XLRI BM- Welcome Hotel Bangalore

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11th March 2019

10th: 95(CBSE)


B.tech(EEE ,NIT Trichy): 88

Workex: 8 months

XAT: 99.139

WAT/GD topic: Social media is affecting productivity in offices and that of students rather than acting as an aid(on
these lines).

WAT was moderate. Wrote about how it depends on the person using it and parental guidance is necessary for
students. Gave examples of FB at workplace, Linked in, how we get to know views of people from across the world.

GD was also okayish. Many started to speak at the same time and people were trying to be heard. We discussed about
moderation in use, parental guidance, FB at workplace, Linked in, various groups which help us prepare for
competitive exams and how technology can be used to improve education in govt. Schools.

There was a guy who was trying to pitch in but no one was giving him a chance. I interrupted at one point and asked
them to give him a chance (Don't know how the panelists would view it)

PI: I was 6th in the panel.

There were 3 interviewers, all male. (P1, P2, P3 in that order). P1 was serious throughout.

I entered and greeted all 3. They took my file and asked me to sit.

P1: So tell me, what sets you apart from the other 7 people in this panel.

Me: Started telling that most of the products we use are not eco-friendly and cause pollution. The ecofriendly goods
aren't cheap and people do not prefer. Gave an example of pencils made of wood vs paper. Said that I want to learn
about various methods so we can make them cheaper and the norm.

P1: How do you know that other people don't have the same idea?

Me: Told them that I came across only a few such people, and even if there are it is good and I would like to work with
like-minded people.

P1: Told to take a scenario and compare eco-friendly and non eco-friendly options.

Me: Started with a Construction site and trucks which have been checked for pollution. Went a little off track so took
another eg: plastic bottles and homes made of it. Told it is cheaper and can be easily made. Said about Govt. housing
schemes and that it takes time to make.

P1 and P2: Why will people want to live in plastic houses? You said people don't prefer concrete/cement houses.

Me: Told that I never said concrete would not be preferred and that we have to convince them and show them

P2/P3: Compare other types of eco-friendly housing.

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Me: Don't remember what I said but it was something stupid.

P3: Do you actually know anything about it or just saw some posts on Fb and are saying.

P2: Asked about housing in hilly areas

Me: I said wood and there was some conversation in this front that I do not remember.

P1: What proof do you have that you have done something on this eco-friendly front?

Me: Told there was no such written thing but I had tried to use ink pens (interrupted me and pointed to a ballpen in
my hand)… I told I had tried to use till 12th/1st year but they affected my handwriting, leaked all over and cost a lot.
So while switching to ball pens I thought about this

P2: Anyway, What should we ask you on: Politics, Economics, Engg etc?

Me: Said B.tech. Asked which branch, I said EEE. Saw the company and asked something. I replied. He started asking
differences between electric motors and electric vehicles.

This q took a little time with me trying to understand what exactly they were asking and then told I had no idea about
how electric vehicles work.

P2: Then speak about electric motors.

Me: Said AC motors are largely used and started describing an Induction motor.

P2 interrupted in between and asked me to describe potential difference to a layman.

Me: Gave example of reservoirs and dams and then gave the analogy in electrical terms.

P3: You have only 4 months work-ex. Why do you want to do an MBA now?

Me: Told it was 8 months as of date and that as I want to go on a different field and startup it would be good if I
started early.

P3: What do you read?

Me: Fiction.

P3: Any business-related stuff?

Me: No, but I follow the newspaper. Asked me about any eco-friendly things that I saw in the newspaper in the past 1
month. I blanked out at this point and thought for sometime. Told about an fb post I had seen about biodegradable

P3: Name a few entrepreneurs who deal with eco-friendly goods.

Me: Told about a couple in Hyderabad who make such plastic bottle houses and about one of my schoolmates who
sells such products.

P1: Again on plastic bottle houses. What purpose will be solved?

Me: Told that they end up in landfills and don't degrade. Using this we can avoid that.

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P1: Name another use of plastics in your industry (which is Construction).

Me: It is used for laying roads. Told I did not know the exact process as I am from Power Transmission.

P1: Whose idea was it to start using plastic in roads?

Me: Don't know.

P1: Okay. Anyhow you are correct on the roads thing. We are done.

I thanked them and got up to leave. They asked me to take a toffee.

I have no clue how to rate it though.

Verdict – Rejected

Interview and WAT Experience 6

XLRI BM: (Didn’t apply for HR)

PG Handle: madscorer

Date: 10 March 2019 (Same as last year)

Location: Welcome Hotel, Delhi

10th/12th/Graduation: 9 CGPA/93.8%/77.05%

XAT: 99.976 %ile

Profile: Mechanical and Automation Engineer (2018 Graduate)

Work Ex: Maruti Suzuki as a Graduate Engineer Trainee (8 Months)

WAT and GD: There is more money for Indian companies in foreign markets than there is in Indian markets.

Wrote Well, touched upon archaic labour laws, Indian companies that have made fortune in the Indian market like Ola
and Flipkart, about variable voting right shares, talked about the more consumption-centric market like the USA and
how they good for growth in the short term, Indian market size, the population and long term benefits. Also wrote and
talked about how large companies are trying to enter Indian Markets.

With over 20 minutes for the GD, there was plenty of time for everyone to make their own points.

Next was the PI and I was the 3rd person to be called in.

I went in, greeted them and took a seat with my folder on my lap. Now apparently for some reason, I was sweating
before even entering the room, so decided to keep my handkerchief in my hand and kept wiping my sweat throughout
the interview but with full confidence on my face and in my speech.

The 3 panelists asked questions one by one and hence I have segregated questions of each panelists. I ‘ll refer to each
panelist as P1 (Female), P2(Male), P3(Male) and myself as M.

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Panelist 1:

1. So where are you from?

M: From Delhi, Ma’am.

2. Always lived in Delhi?

M: Yes Ma’am, born and raised in Delhi.

3. Which subject do you see yourself taking up at XLRI?

M: Ma’am, I haven’t yet fixated on a functional area but I do have an interest in Marketing and Economics.

3a. How did you develop this interest in Marketing and economics?

M: As far as Marketing is concerned, I first got introduced to the various concepts of marketing was when I started my
own website back in the 2nd year of college….

*cuts me in between*

4. Tell me more about your website.

M: It was a content website. I used to write about different topics that interested me and I had significant knowledge
about like fitness, travel, facts etc. I monetized my website and I actively marketed it and learned a lot about various
concepts like SEO, Social media marketing, backlink generation but soon realised that my know-how of things on the
topic is just not strong enough and the knowledge is quite patchy and hence this inclination towards marketing.

5. Do you still write on it?

M: No Ma’am.

6. Why not?

M: As I said, I was just not prepared to run the website successfully with limited knowledge of the subject as well as
limited knowledge about how to manage various aspect related to it. And very honestly, being a college student, it was
a bit heavy on the pocket to renew the domain name and website.

7. One challenging situation you faced at Maruti?

M: During the on-job training period, I was assigned a task to validate and improve WIS. *Further explanation of the
process* …… One of the processes wasn’t being followed by the operator. When I looked further into it, I realised that
the process mentioned in the WIS, though safe was not ergonomically feasible and would lead to fatigue while the
process followed by the operator wasn’t safe though ergonomically feasible. So in order to ensure operator
ergonomics as well as safety, I recommended that we need to implement door carrier to achieve that goal.

8. So what was the challenge in that?

M: The challenge here was to convince my manager to get the system implemented because being in the training
phase, your word isn’t taken seriously and any serious recommendations that you make are simply shrugged off. So I
had to convince the people above, about the need of the balancer.

9. How did you overcome that?

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M: All I did was present my view ahead of them in a coherent manner with all the proofs and present a valid
argument. I then took him to the location to show the situation and what all quality as well as safety hazards that
entail the current process. Ultimately my suggestions were moved forward for implementation.

9a. Do you like your manager?

M: Yes Ma’am, he is a really good manager and a person. Being in Maruti, you need significant operating knowledge
which is gained over time. So in the initial days, he was always there to help me out whenever I needed him and that
really helped me do better at my job.

9b. What if he makes a decision that he thinks is good but you think is crazy and would harm the company, what will
you do?

M: Well, the first thing is that I’ll give him the benefit of doubt since he has much more experience than what I have. I
would listen to his point of view and try to understand it.

*Cuts in between*

9c. No, you have seen his side of the story and analyzed the situation and the decision still sounds absurd, what will
you do?

M: Well, in that case, I’ll present my argument to him. Present all the facts and proofs and reasons why I think that the
decision is not the best one. Even then if he doesn’t accept it, I’ll trust the process because Maruti has a foolproof
system wherein any major decision that affects the company will go through a lot of seniors and will ensure that any
issues in the decision-making process are ironed out. But Yes, I will do my part in my own capacity.

10. Any campus placements last year?

M: Yes Ma’am, I was placed in Infosys.

11. Why chose Maruti over Infosys?

M: Because it is related to my undergrad subject and it gave me an opportunity to implement the theoretical learnings
that I got during Engineering.

12. What did you learn in Maruti?

M: One of the things that you learn working at Maruti is discipline, you have to punch your I card at 9 AM sharp, 1
minute late and you will be marked as absent for first half. So they follow the Japanese doctrine of “On time is late
and early is on time”. Another thing is Equality. Everyone eats in the same canteen, from the operator to the
Managing director. Everyone wears the same uniform no matter at what level he or she is.

Panelist 2:

13. 2 words that you said during your answer, first, was “Ergonomics” the right word used?

M: Yes Sir, As the task dealt with how the operator worked and his position while executing the task, hence the word
“ergonomics” was used by me. *Went on about ergonomics a bit*

14. How do you analyze if the employees in your department are working or not?

M: As far as Maruti is concerned the KRAs filled by the employees include their productivity improvement measure.
We can see how has the production at line been affected.

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15. Anything else?

M: We can also look at the rejection reduction in the line where the person is stationed and responsible for proper
production facilitation.

16. Anything else?

M: Ummm, can’t really think of any other measures, sir.

17. If the price of 10 sensors is 10 lakh rupees, it that a good investment?

M: Can’t say, until we do a cost-benefit analysis of the same. (He said that that’s what he wanted to hear from the

18. You said protectionism is good, is it really?

M: (I answered the question but the Person sitting next to me made that point. He then again asked a certain question
on a point said by the other guy to which I told him that the point was made by the guy sitting next to me but I will be
more than happy to present my views on the same, he said, no no, it’s ok)

19. You used the word monetize. What does that mean?

M: Sir, “monetize” means that something is starting to generate income i.e., it has been monetized. As I placed ads on
my blogs hence it was monetized although they didn’t generate any significant income. Although the main motive was
to garner user data, their interaction pattern with the website and the advertisements.

20. So was it really monetized?

M: Okay, I see your point here sir. But I still believe that the adverts are inherently there to generate income so it was

Panelist 3:

21. Okay, I will give you a situation. (Gave me a situation of workers and the time taken by them to complete 3 jobs.
Something related to operation research.)

M: Solved it by elimination but failed to convert it into an LPP problem to minimize the time taken although my
answer was correct

22. But it is just one of the solutions. How will you justify that it is the best solution?

M: Sir, there is a certain concept in operation research that is used to find the optimal solution but I can’t seem to
recall its name or the method. But I can justify the solution. (I took all the 6 cases one by one and showed that my
solution was the one with the minimum time possible)

OK, Ashish, That will be all from our side. Please have a snack from the table.

There was this spread of different stuff on the table but I had my eyes fixated on that fruit cake and as soon as he
said that I said thank you and proceeded towards the fruit cake in a hurry and picked one up, they all start laughing
a bit, I join them and start smiling sheepishly.

I ate the cake before even leaving the room. All in all, a really fun interview and equally fun panel. One of the best
experiences I had this season. It was just as fun as my IIMC interview (Waitlisted there).

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VERDICT: Direct Convert!

Interview and WAT Experience 7

XLRI HRM Interview

GEM Fresher, XAT Percentile - 99.52

It was an extremely weird experience! I made too many hilarious blunders!

Place: ITC Grand Hotel, Mumbai

GD and WAT topic: A person must take in consideration the inherent differences between men and women to become
a good leader.

WAT went well, but could only make 3 entries in the GD

PI: There were 3 panelists - P1, P2, P3

I was the 7th person to be interviewed in my panel. I entered the room and greeted them. (Got no response, not even
a smile)

The panelists ask me to sit down and P2 extends his hand. So I shake hands with him.

P2 - No no, give me your folder.

(Mega facepalm moment)

Me - I'm sorry sir (Gave the folder)

In my mind I thought this is the worst possible start!

P3 - You did not speak anything substantial in the GD. You spoke only 3 points. Why?

Me - Sir I tried to speak but was interrupted several times. And I knew that sufficient time will be given (They'd earlier
said that GD will last for 20 mins) so I let others speak.

P1 - So you're a fresher engineer?

Me - Yes sir

P1 - Campus placement ho Gaya?

Me - Yes sir

P1 - Okay great! We'll meet you after 2 years. Thank you

(And he returned the folder to me)

Sitting in the chair I thought wtf I going on today!!

(I was still seated in the chair)

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P1 - I said thank you, you can leave. 2 saal job karo. We'll meet after 2 years.

Me - But sir I do not want to go for job right now. I think pursuing MBA will help me achieve my career goals.

(Now the normal interview starts, which again was extremely stressful)

P2 - Convince me why should we take you

Me - Told them the standard answer that I had prepared.

P3 - Which city are you from?

Me - Ahmedabad

P3 - Which city have you done your graduation from?

Me - Again Ahmedabad

P3 - Have you been to any other cities other than Ahmedabad?

Me - My home is in Ahmedabad, but I have travelled many places in India.

P1 - Gujarat is such a great state. Why would you leave Gujarat and come all the way to Orissa?

Me - (Confused because XLRI is in Jharkhand but still answered why leaving Gujarat would benefit me)

P3 - But why would you leave Ahmedabad and come to Ranchi?

Me- (Again confused coz XLRI is in Jamshedpur.)

P2 - Do you know in which city of XLRI?

Me - Sir Jamshedpur

P2 - Jamshedpur is in which state?

Me - Sir Jharkhand

P2 - Then why did you agree to come to Orissa?

(Awkward silence)

P2 - What do you do in your leisure time?

Me - Sir I play the guitar and I have also received training in Indian classical vocals.

(P2 then asked a few questions on music but I couldn't answer all of them)

P1 - What are your views on social media? Do you think it's a kind of addiction and waste off time?

Me - Sir, anything if practiced in excess is harmful. But I personally don't feel social media is addictive. It sometimes
can be a really good source of entertainment.

P1 - What about cigarettes? Should they be banned?

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Me - I don't think they should be banned. It is clinically proven to be harmful. So the cigarette companies should
display a warning message on the packet, which they already do. Now it is a personal choice, whether one wants to
smoke cigarettes.

P1 - But cigarettes are dangerous and cause cancer. So there should be a ban on cigarette companies.

Me - As I earlier said that the companies do give a warning message, and they also contribute towards the GDP an
generate employment, they should not be banned.

P2 - Should terrorism be banned?

Me - Yes sir

P2 - But terrorism also gives employment to people, and also contributes to the GDP of some country. So according to
your argument it should not be banned.

Me - Sir cigarettes and terrorism cannot be compared. (I spoke about the motive behind terrorist attacks, loss of
innocent lives and how it is different from cigarettes)

P1 - (Unconvinced by my answer) Rants more about terrorism and brings out flaws in my argument.

Me - (Trying to defend myself) Honestly speaking, I am not aware of the reason why cigarette companies are not
banned yet. But there must be some reason.

P3 - Acha tell me one thing, why do people say words like frankly, honestly, etc. before a sentence? Were they not
honest until then?

Me - I think people say such words when they want to admit some mistake. I had said the word “honestly” because I
think that I should've known the reason behind why cigarette companies are not banned yet.

P3 - Thank you, you may leave

Result - Convert

Interview and WAT Experience 8


Date - February 23. 2019(Afternoon slot)

Venue - Welcom Hotel, Bangalore


X - 89.50% (Gujarat Board)

XII - 92.62% (Gujarat Board)

BTech (Mechanical) - 81.2% [NITK Surathkal]

XAT - 99.80

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

WAT and GD topic - Getting all the golden eggs may not always kill the goose.

I knew the story from where this topic was taken but for a WAT topic, I felt it to be quite weird and I didn’t have much
to write in my WAT. So my WAT was below average.

The floor was thrown open for discussion immediately after our WAT. All of us waited for 15-20 seconds for someone
to start but noone did. So I began the discussion. Spoke about the story from where this topic came from. But our
subsequent discussion was random. We spoke random points which did not lead to any conclusion. I pitched in twice
apart from my introduction. Overall, it was an average GD.


There were 3 panelists. 2 of them sat beside each other (M1 and F1) while the third one(M2) sat behind them. (I don’t
know why)

M1: You started the GD. What did you mean by your statement ‘....’?

Me: Told

M1: Explain me using examples.

Me: Couldn’t answer convincingly.

M1: Do you love mechanical engineering? (Trap question, I thought :p)

Me (after 5 seconds): I’d rather say I like mechanical engineering.

M1: So you’re okay with leaving mechanical? (Knew this was coming)

Me: Gave a generic answer

M1: Have you seen those toys where you rotate the key and then the toy moves on its own? How do those work?

Me: I’m not sure, sir. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to guess.

M1: Go ahead

Me: Basically, there is transmission of power. For that, there could be small gears inside and those could have been
responsible for the same. (I didn’t add much since I felt I was horribly wrong)

F1: Recently there was an attack in Pulwama. Have there been similar attacks before? Where?

Me: Pathankot, Uri.

F1: Have you watched the movie ‘Uri Attack’?

Me: Yes ma’am, I have.

F1: What do you think about the movie?

Me: Spoke about the need to make people aware of such surgical strikes carried out by India. At the same time, I also
questioned the timing of the film’s release

F1 agreed and nodded

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F1: What is the biggest problem faced by India?

Me: Policies not reaching the grassroots, not benefiting the people who actually need it. (No idea how I came up with

F1: Give me an example.

Me: There were many things I could have spoken about but I couldn’t come up with anything

F1: What are your views on cow slaughter? Should it be banned?

Me: Told

P2(finally he speaks): Comment on the following statement-” Smart people opt for CS/IT, code all night and start their
own venture. Crazy people opt for mechanical”

Me: Asked for a minute to think and spoke pretty well then

P2 was satisfied

P1: Which IIM calls do you have?

Me: C, L, K, I, S and CAP

P1: If you convert both XL and C, which one would you join?

Me: Calcutta

P1: We’re done. Thank you.

Verdict: Straight convert

Interview and WAT Experience 9

Location: Bangalore

Date: 3 March. Afternoon Slot


X/XII/BTech: 95/95.8/80.5

BTech in ECE from NIT Tiruchirappalli (2017)

Work Ex. 1.5 years at Capgemini

WAT & GD Topic: Should alcohol production and consumption be restricted as it is harmful for health.

WAT: Wrote about Assam tragedy with 150 killed and about tackling Production, Distribution and Consumption i.e
make it unprofitable to Produce alcoholic beverages, monitor and enforce regulation on illegal manufacturing, make it
not worth the effort for people who want to consume alcoholic beverages.

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GD: Same topic. Talked about same stuff I wrote. At some point in the GD, I noticed that the guy sitting next to me
hadn’t a chance to speak, so I brought him in asking his views.

Told a line like " Just like from a young age, we are taught fire is dangerous, parents should give their kids something
that tastes bad and keep saying this is alcohol and this is its taste and kids would have that ingrained that alcohol
tastes bad and should not try it. " (This point would later get asked in the PI)


Q1: So Akhil, what is the meaning of your name?

Ans: Told that it means everything, whole.

Q2. What was that point you said about alcohol to kids?

Ans: Clarified that I meant about teaching kids from a young age that alcohol is bad, tastes bad and not those kids
should be given alcohol to consume.

Cross Questions: Isn’t that unethical?

I said that when a white lie serves a higher purpose, it is ok. We have examples from Mahabharata about Aswathama
etc to win the war.

Cross Questions: Suppose you told me that you will study well in XLRI and I take you in and you don’t study. What
about that?

Ans: Said that if I don’t study, I won’t get a good job what I want as my grades would be lower or I could even fail.

Cross Questions: But you lied to get to the higher purpose of getting into XLRI then right?

Ans: The higher purpose is not to get into XLRI, but to achieve what one aims to achieve by getting into such mgmt

Cross Q: Ok what about when I am an entrepreneur and my business will fail if I don’t get funding and If my business
fails, 1000s will lose their jobs. What if I cook my books to try and get a loan from a creditor?

Ans: Well the creditor will do his research and auditing to before giving you a loan and if u cook your books, you will
get found out.

Cross Q: But is it ethical or not >?

Thought a minute. "Well, its a grey area. tbh"

(Interviewer was smiling during this exchange and I was also smiling and replying. Although at some point, when I was
thinking, I was looking out of the window behind the panelists).

Q3: Ok you are from ECE. Tell me what Communication subjects you have learnt?

Replied about Mobile Comm, Analog & Digital Communication, Networks etc

Cross Q: Tell what about this 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G etc we are hearing about. Explain about these and not in
terms of speed of the network.

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A: Started saying about the technology in 3G, 4G and 5G. He cut in saying, " Explain as to a layman about what is there
in 6G that is not there in 5G etc? "

Said that as of now, 5G trials are going on. He cut in saying " What are you talking about, it is there in China"

I told him that "Sir, I have done some internships in these things. As of now we are just trialing 5G with Huawei and
Nokia. It is not yet under implementation worldwide." Then I explained about what is there in 5G not there in 4G etc.
Couldn’t remember some terms or differences/struggled to explain them like VoIP.

Q4; Ok, Tell me how an MBA would help you in your job at Capgemini?

Ans: told them that as of now I am working on implementation side. With an MBA I would get to work on the Strategy
and Planning side of getting the project and planning it.

Cross Q: So you want to work in Strategy?

A: Yes Sir

Cross Q: Tell me what book you have read in Strategy?

(I have started reading a book called Good Strategy/bad Strategy, but I forgot the name at that particular point).

A: Well Sir,at this point, I am unable to remember the name of the book. Its at the tip of my tongue, but it isn’t coming

Cross Q: Ok tell me the name of the author

A: Sorry sir, I seem to have forgotten

Cross Q: Isn’t this a white lie? (Smiling)

A: Smiled back and said that I could show you that I have been reading the book from my kindle.

Thought a few seconds (I was able to visualize the cover of the book, but unable to remember the name) (Then I

A: Sir, the book name is Good Strategy/Bad Strategy.

Q: ok who is the author

A; Sir I am unable to recall that, but his surname starts with Z I think (Wrong, the name is Richard Rumelt.)

Q: Ok what did you read in it.

A: Told him about the case on Desert Storm and about a company going bankrupt because of bad strategy/

Q: Which company?

A: (Smiling) "Sir, I said a company because I forgot the name of the company"

Panelists: Ok we are done, Thank you. Have a toffee.

Result: Reject

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Interview and WAT Experience 10

My profile: B.E. in Information Science & Engineering from JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru. Work
experience of two years with Cognizant, Bengaluru. I had quit my job in November 2017 to focus completely on my
MBA preparation (Aditya Kulkarni's answer to What made you resign from your previous job?).

Acads: 90.4/83.17/67.34

XAT Percentile: Overall->99.41 and GK->99.76

XLRI HRM interview experience: I was shortlisted only for HRM. Missed the sectional cutoff for quant as far as BM is

24/02/2019 afternoon slot at Bengaluru.

GDWAT topic: To reduce gender imbalance in the society, should quota be introduced for women students in MBA

Did decent in both. Made some 4-5 entries in GD and tried to present both sides of the argument in both GD and WAT

PI: Was the first candidate to be interviewed. 3 panelists, 2 males P1 and P2 and 1 female P3

P2: Asked me about the location of my college, 12th grade institute, and school

Me: Answered

P2: Are you a Kannadiga?

Me: Yes, sir.

P2: But your surname suggests different. Are you from North Karnataka bordering Maharashtra side?

Me: Yes, sir.

P1: So you did your engineering in Information Science. Was your work experience based on your curriculum?

Me: They were a bit different sir. I worked on software testing.

P1: What were you testing for?

Me: The quality of the software, sir.

P1: How do you determine the quality of the software? What should be the qualities of a good quality software?

Me: It has to run end-to-end without any issues/errors. There shouldn’t be runtime errors and the software should be
completely free from bugs.

P1: How do you test software? And how would you get and use the data for testing?

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Me: Software can be tested manually or by using an automation tool. (I didn’t explain manual testing properly). I was
into automation testing where I used the Worksoft Certify tool for testing applications for the client. We prepared
datasets and used the data given by the functional team.

P2: In which subject do you have an academic interest?

Me: Sir, subjects as in the subjects of the past or the subjects that I’ll be learning in future?

P1 and P2: Anything would do.

Me: I have a passion for history, Indian history in general and Karnataka history in particular. I like to read and write
about it.

P3: You write about it also?

Me: Yes, ma’am. I have written extensively about it on Quora for which I’ve been recognised as a Top Writer for 2
consecutive years in 2017 and 2018.

P2 and P3: Apart from writing which’s an important academic attribute, what are other quality you have that is
required for HRM?

Me: I have been an avid quizzer since my school days, participating and winning prizes in quiz competitions for which I
was recognised as the Best Quizzer by my school. My interest in quizzing has inculcated into me an inclination for
curiosity which means that I’m always willing to learn more. (Could have answered this better)

P2: Which period do you focus on in history?

Me: Generally ancient history prior to 10th century but also focus on Vijayanagara history between 13th and 16th
centuries when Vijayanagara was the second largest city in the world.

P2: Which was the first?

Me: Beijing, China was the first. Vijayanagara was the second and it was five times the size of Paris and many
European travellers who visited it described it as the greatest city in the world.

P1: What do you look for while reading history? Political or cultural aspects?

Me: I try to look at everything, political, cultural, economic, and so on.

P1 and P3: How do you judge the authenticity of Indian history?

Me: It’s very difficult to judge the authenticity because most of Indian history is undocumented and there aren’t many
authentic historic sources in the area.

P3: Have you read any original texts of history?

Me: So far I haven’t read any original text but I plan to read the Arthashastra which has been translated by former IFS
officer Rangarajan.

P3: What are the sources you refer to with respect to history?

Me: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s eleven volume series “The History and Culture of the Indian People” is the most
comprehensive work on Indian history. For Karnataka’s history, I refer to books written by Suryanath Kamath. Apart
from these, I also refer to other writers on Quora. Basically, I refer to both online and offline sources.

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P3: What has happened to blogging these days? Why are people preferring to write on Quora and similar websites
instead of blogging?

Me: Actually, the problem with blogs is that the reach is limited whereas with Quora and Medium, the reach is more
and sometimes these websites themselves promote your content which is why people are preferring them to blogs.

P3: How do you respond when you come across contradicting viewpoints on history?

Me: Yes, history is written by many people with contrasting perspectives. So, contradictions are normal. I read both
viewpoints, analyse, and then come to an understanding.

P1: Can you give an example where you have come across such contradictions?

Me: Started something but couldn’t proceed so asked them for some time to think. They said ok. After a few seconds, I
gave the example of Tipu Sultan who’s seen as a hero by some people and as a villain by some people. Explained how
he helped the temples in his kingdom but at the same time, spoke about the atrocities committed during his invasion
of Kerala.

P2: So, Tipu Sultan helped in the restoration of temples but also committed atrocities. What would be your analysis?

Me: I would say that he was good with minorities in his own kingdom but not so good rather bad with people in rival
or enemy kingdoms. Generally, we can say that history is seldom black and white. Mostly it’s in the shades of grey.

P3: Are you biased towards any point of view with respect to history?

Me: Well, I believe that we all have some inherent biases within us. Nobody can be 100% neutral and same is the case
with me. There may be some inherent biases within me which I may or may not be knowing.

P3: Why did you take up engineering while you were interested in history? And why did you take up Information

Me: At that time, I was interested in engineering. I grew up in Bangalore which’s the IT capital of the country and I was
also interested in computers. I thought that a career in IT would be good for me in Bangalore and for that, I felt that
Information Science and Engineering would be the right choice.

P3: Do you have any regrets on not taking history and instead taking engineering while pursuing graduation?

Me: No ma’am. I don’t have any regrets. With more of technology coming into the industry in the future, people will
be expected to upskill themselves. I believe that my technical background will benefit me in these circumstances and
help me upskill myself faster.

P2: Since you spoke about Vijayanagara, let me ask you few questions. When was the Battle of Talikota fought?

Me: 1565.

P2: Sure?

Me: Yes, sir. Exact dates are a bit debatable. Some sources say that it was 23rd January 1565 and some say that it was

P2: That’s ok. Who were the belligerents?

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Me: Vijayanagara Empire under Aliya Ramaraya who was the son-in-law of Krishna Deva Raya and an alliance of
various Deccan Sultanates such as Bidar, Bijapur, Golconda, etc.

P2: These Sultanates were a part of which kingdom previously?

Me: The Bahmani Sultanate.

P2: Do you have any other academic interest apart from history?

Me: No, sir.

P2: Thank you, Aditya. We’re done now.

Then I left by saying thank you.

Overall a 10-15 minutes interview I think. They didn’t check my file or anything. Also, didn’t face cross questions
either. Felt that I could have answered some questions especially relating to my work experience a bit better.

Verdict: Straight convert :)

Interview and WAT Experience 11

XLRI BM interview

Date: 26th February 2019 (Morning slot 8.30 am)

Location: Welcom Hotel, Bangalore

10th: 99.04%, 12th: 96.67%, B.E (Electronics & Communication): 9.79

Work experience: 18 months

XAT score: 98.639 percentile

WAT topic: Abortion should be prohibited. Even the mother should not have the right to abort her child.

Same topic for GD.

Made some points regarding how abortion is needed in cases such as sexual assault and rape and also how abortion is
needed in case the life of mother is in danger. Gave example of Savitha Halappanavar who lost her life during
childbirth due to no abortion rule in Ireland. Also told how this is a much bigger problem in Catholic countries where
pro-life is considered greater than pro-choice. A fellow panelist said instead of abortion, the child could be given for
adoption to childless parents. Countered this argument by saying we should also consider the career of the woman
with unwanted pregnancy, since she has to bear the child for 9 months and she should have the right to decide
whether she wants to go through with it or not.

GD went on for more than 20 minutes, and most of us had run out of points. So one of us concluded and that was the
end of the GD.

Interview – Panel of 3 members.

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I was second in my panel, was made to wait for 20 minutes outside after the interview of first candidate was done,
might be just to test my patience.

Interviewer asked for my documents, went through my marksheets.

Interviewer: So you have completed your entire studies in Mysuru. Have you been a hostelite or day scholar?

Me: Day scholar

Interviewer: So I suppose you never faced problem of food or anything during your entire education. Pretty lucky guy.
So what do you think is the population of Mysore?

Me: 10 to 15 lakhs.

Interviewer: That seems like a pretty large range, I need a better approximation.

Me: It was somewhere around 10 lakhs during 2011 census. Not sure of the number right now. (Later checked it was
9.21 lakhs in 2011, and approximated to be around 10.14 lakhs now)

Interviewer: Ok, so now you are working in Bangalore, can you tell me more about your work?

Me: Avaya provides contact center and unified communication solutions. I am currently working on a product called
Flex which is part of contact center solution stack. So any company which requires a customer support solution which
can route calls to specific agents based on their expertise and problems faced by customers buys our solution.

Interviewer: So tell me what have you learnt during you work experience apart from technical knowledge?

Me: I have learnt how to interact with various people in order to get things done and have also learnt how to
implement projects at an industry standard (Fumbled a lot while answering this, and it seemed the interviewers
weren’t satisfied).

Interviewer: So you said you interact with various teams at different locations. Who all do you interact with?

Me: We have teams in US, Ireland and Pune with whom we interact a lot.

Interviewer: So what difference do you feel in interacting with people from Ireland and US?

Me: Their accents differ a bit. The American accent is much easier to understand where as it takes some time to get
accustomed to the Irish accent.

Interviewer: So now you have decided to do a Masters in business management which enables you to become a
manager. Can you tell me what all a manager does?

Me: A manager usually analyzes what all resources he has and tries to achieve the goal by managing his resources. The
resources may be people, money and so on.

Interviewer: So what do you think is the difference between a manager and a leader?

Me: A leader is one who sets a long term vision and motivates people to achieve it. The long term vision is usually
broken down into short-term goals which managers try to achieve using their resources.

Interviewer: So can you tell me what all should be considered when a government takes a policy decision?

Me: There are various factors, depends upon which sector the decision affects.

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Interviewer: Ok, let me give you an example. Assume you have two trees in your home, one is a mango tree and one is
an acacia tree. The government decides to widen the road and remove one tree. You have a choice to keep one tree
and remove the other. But you have to cut down one tree. Which tree will you keep and what is the reason?

Me: I would probably keep the mango tree since it gives fruits and better shade.

Interviewer: Let me now tell you that you do an analysis and figure out that the acacia tree has better economic
output when compared to the mango tree. Now what would you do?

Me: I would keep the acacia tree.

Interviewer: So ultimately you would think of the economic return while making a decision. So now tell me what all
should the government consider while making a policy decision?

Me: Any policy decision would involve some sort of expenditure. The Government should analyze whether that
decision would give a better economic return in the future. But at the same time, a policy decision at such a high level
has both pros and cons. So the Government should also see whether the decision benefits the majority of the
population or not. If it adversely impacts a large chunk of population, then the government cannot take such a

Interviewer: (seemed satisfied) Ok moving on, can you tell me what your hobbies are?

Me: Playing badminton, reading novels and following cricket.

Interviewer: By following cricket, do you mean you just follow the results of games or do you remember the statistics?

Me: I try to remember some of the statistics, but I don’t think I am extremely confident about it.

Interviewer: Ok, so what kind of shuttle do you use for playing badminton?

Me: Mavis 350.

Interviewer: You mean those green plastic shuttles?

Me: Yes

Interviewer: What kind of court do you play in?

Me: Synthetic court.

Interviewer: I don’t find a lot of synthetic courts around, where do you play?

Me: No, there are various such courts available in Bangalore and you can book them online.

Interviewer: Ok, so do you watch movies? What sort of movies do you watch?

Me: I do watch movies, but not a lot. I watch some of the popular movies in Kannada, English and Hindi.

Interviewer: Ok, you must have read about the Oscar awards that were given away yesterday. Do you know which
movie was adjudged the best?

Me: Roma

Interviewer: Are you sure?

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Me: I think so, I know for sure it got an award for best director and best cinematography.

Interviewer: But that doesn’t mean it got the award for best picture. Which was the movie that got the best picture

Me: I think it was the Green something, I can’t seem to remember its full name. Mahershala Ali got the award for the
best supporting actor for that movie. (The right answer was Green Book).

Interviewer: (Going through my marks cards). You seem to have pretty good record in your academics. I wanted to ask
you about your favourite subject but you seem to have scored pretty well in all of them. So let me ask you some basic
questions. Being an electronics student, you must have a sound background of mathematics. So where did you actually
use Fourier transforms and Laplace transforms that you learnt in mathematics?

Me: Fourier transforms are mainly used for transforming a signal from time domain to frequency domain. The
measurement of bandwidth and other parameters becomes easier in frequency domain.

Interviewer: I can measure the bandwidth in time domain itself. Why do you need to transform it to frequency

Me: As I told you, it is easier to measure the parameters in frequency domain, especially for a non-periodic signal
which has a lot of frequencies.

Interviewer: Ok, so where do you use Laplace transforms?

Me: Laplace transforms are used to model the transient response of circuit elements such as capacitances and
inductances, especially in an AC circuit. Laplace transformation makes the analysis of such circuits easier.

Interviewer: Ok I think we are done here. Any questions you have for us?

Me: How do you think the interview went?

Interviewer: That’s unfair, we can’t answer that.

Me: Ok, thank you

Result: Waitlisted

Interview and WAT Experience 12



X: 9.8 (CGPA)

XII: 90.2%

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Btech: ECE: IIT(BHU) Varanasi: 8.5 CGPA

Workex: 2.5 years in Nvidia

XAT: 99.34 percentile (My GK percentile? Well some things are better left unsaid!)

After a bad IIMK interview, I had to make sure I ace this one. I had the afternoon slot. We were all made to wait in a
room, where everyone was discussing how royally they had messed up their previous interviews (people being
modest? Maybe!)


This was a combined process, we were first given a topic and had to write an essay on it. This was followed by a group
discussion on the same topic.

GD Topic: India’s diplomatic responses to the terror activities sponsored by Pakistan have made the country

The topic could not have been better! This was a time when the Indo-Pak ties were at an all-time low (Pulwama attack
and the subsequent air strike by IAF). So everyone had a lot to talk about!

WAT was supposed to be for 15 mins. At the end of 5 mins, when I had barely finished the introduction, we were
asked to give back our answer sheets. Unable to understand what’s happening, none of us could conclude our essays.
*A very depressing moment indeed! *

GD Time!

GD went pretty smoothly. I was the second person to speak and contributed some valuable points. I was able to give a
direction to the GD and to some extent, take the lead on deciding who should speak.


The GD was immediately followed by interviews. I was the 7th person to be interviewed and had a lot of time to kill.
Sitting outside the interview room and waiting for your turn is a very unique experience in itself. You have no idea
what’s going on inside and your only source of information is the candidates that go in before you. They are the only
ones who can deliver you the news - and for my panel, the news was bad. People were frustrated by their interview.
Apparently, the panelists didn’t seem interested in anyone. My morale (which was already at an all-time low), dipped
further. Then came my turn!

There were three panelists (same people who coordinated the GD). I went in and greeted everyone.

P1: Tell me something about yourself

Me: *a well-rehearsed answer*

P1: *who kept noting down points from my answer* So your hometown is Indore. Have you visited *a village name I
don’t remember*?

Me: No Sir, I have never even heard of it. I was actually only born in Indore. I grew up in Noida.

P1: Ok! So what other places have you been to around Indore?

Me: *listed around 7 places*

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P2: Your surname sounds like ‘lord’

Me: I wish it was lord! :P

P2: *laughing* What’s the story behind your surname? Where are you from originally?

Me: *I was expecting this answer and had done good research* Sir my ancestors are from Gujarat. They were
merchants. In the late 1800s, they migrated to MP and we have been living here since.

P1: Describe your job profile

Me: *answered*

P1: Why are there no fabrication facilities in India?

Me: Sir because opening a fab requires a big investment. You need support from the Government and also good RnD
labs. Even Nvidia does not have its own fab. In fact, most companies do not. They outsource the fabrication process.

P3: Does Samsung have it?

Me: Yes Sir they are a much bigger company than Nvidia. They have their own fab.

P3: Do you know what's happening with TSMC?

Me: No sir I am not aware.

P3: Which newspaper do you read?

Me: Hindu and the Economic Times.

P3: *opening my grade sheets* What did you study in reliability engineering? Define *a term he mentioned which till
date I don’t know the meaning of*.

Me: I am not sure what that means. I can tell you about MTBF.

P3: Okay. Write down the formula for MTBF

Me: *Can I not explain orally? * <I tried to derive the formula, but was unsuccessful>

P3: *draws a graph* What does this graph represent?

Me: Sir it can represent a lot of things. *Blabbers about what all I can understand from the graph*

P3: *unsatisfied* Ok!

P1: What are your hobbies?

Me: *answered*

P2: Itni sari hobbies? (So many hobbies?!)

Me: I like to keep myself busy.

P3: Tumhari toh bahut sari girlfriends hongi? (You must be having a lot of girlfriends)

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Me: *blushes*

P2: List some of your achievements


P2: Thank you!

Overall, the interview was decent. I did get stuck in between.

Verdict: Converted!

Interview and WAT Experience 13

Location- Bangalore

Date- 27–02–2019

Course- BM

Work ex- 20 months

After reaching the center we were divided into groups and taken into separate rooms for our WAT and GD.

WAT- Should people from military be given reservation in business schools.

No clarification was given if it was for people serving in the military or the family members of people serving in the

We were given around 10 minutes and were asked to write to fill about one side of the given sheet.

GD- Topic was same as WAT

7 aspirants in the GD (Actual number was to be 9, but 2 aspirants did not turn up)

No time was given to think. This was the most peaceful GD I have attended till date (more peaceful than IIFT GD).
Everyone got the opportunity to speak. A weird thing happened in this GD: one aspirant thought it was almost time so
he just started summarizing. This summary was followed by a summary from another aspirant. Then everyone went
silent. But the moderators did not speak anything. After an awkward silence of about 50–60seconds, we started with
the GD again. (It was very strange, negative marks for everyone on the panel for sure)


After the GD we were asked to wait for our turns for the interview.

My interview:

3 interviewers, all male M1, M2, M3

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As soon as I entered, they asked me to sit and:

M2– So Kush do you have a twin brother (also mentioned Luv-Kush)?

Me- No sir

M1– Which company do you work for?

Me- Answered

M1- A lot of questions about the company and current project. Also questions on how the current project will help the
company's business, challenges faced from competitors, etc.

Me- Answered (there were cross questions, tried to answer everything)

M2– So you are a Jain, do you know about the Tirthankaras? Also do you know about a famous Jain Temple in

Me- Answered (Not completely satisfied the Jain Temple response, I was also not very sure)

M2– Should kids do long fasting (ethics)

Me- Answered stating the benefits of fasting, but should not overdo it only to show it to other people of community.

During my GD I started with points for the reservation, then bought in a different perspective on why only people from
military should be given reservation, but the other aspirants quickly suppressed my point.

M1– Question on why did you bring the other perspective, explain.

Me- Answered, how not just people from military but also firemen, police should be entitled to similar benefits. Also
joining military is a personal choice, so why reservation for a personal choice.

M3 was going through my certificates and scorecards all this while.

M3– Multiple questions on acads

Me- Tried answering most of them using simple English and with the help of examples (not very convinced with my
answers, I had lost hold on the subjects so did not know the test book definitions)

Result- Awaiting

Interview and WAT Experience 14

Class X: 10 CGPA

Class XII: 96%

UG (BCom): 79.xx%


Work experience: 15 months in Audit in SRBC & CO LLP (a network firm of EY)

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XAT: 99.5x percentile

February 23

WAT and GD: Monopolising railways is bad. (Something along that lines)

Decent. But it was in a regular room in ITC with the bed taken out and plastic chairs. No desk to put paper on so had to
use portfolio file. So writing the WAT and even doing a GD with 11 people (8 applicants+3 panelists) stuck in the room
was uncomfortable and claustrophobic.


P1: What is role of auditor today?

A: Sir look at the financial news of the last 9-12 months. There is complete lack of accountability in corporates as we
can see in the IL&FS issue, the ICICI and Chanda Kochhar issue. With great money comes great responsibility and even
greater greed. So the auditors ensure that companies follow code of conduct, laws of land and financial reporting
requirements. They help to make sure that shareholders, no actually stakeholders, are not misled or cheated on by
company. I would say that there has never been a greater need for CAs today than before.

P1: So you’ve studied Companies Act 2013 and Ind AS? What is the major change in terms of Consolidation of

A: The method of identifying companies to be consolidated has shifted from largely voting share based to control

P1: What do you mean by control?

A: Sir control is the ability to influence or manage the decision making of a company. For example if Company X buys
90% of what Company Y sells, it is said to wield control and accounts of Company Y will need to be consolidated to
Company X.

P1: Is 90% sales enough to justify control?

A: Sir so other factors are also there but in this case I think it will be consolidated.

P1: Why was there a shift from voting based to control base?

A: (Thought for a bit. Couldn’t think of anything. Started a sentence but realised I had absolutely no clue. Said I don’t

P1: If you were in the ministry and had to convince the others for this change, what would you say?

A: Sir I don’t know but if I had to guess it would probably be because promoters sometimes don’t have majority stake
in companies but still have influence so to ensure promoter or promoter company does not use his/her influence in a
wrong manner and to bring accountability (this is sanitised version. I genuinely had no idea and so rambled a bit)

P3: What do you think of jobless growth in India?

A: Sir I think the threat of jobless growth has roots in Industrial Revolution.

P3: Threat? It is actually there.

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A: (Can’t remember but I said something weird here and then the following) so basically right from the time we moved
to a machine-oriented approach there was going to be a situation of jobless growth.

P3: Which is the sector which has most employment?

A: I’m not really sure but I think it is the service sector.

P3: Then how would it be affected by industrial revolution?

A: (Should have said industrial revolution is just the beginning but didn’t strike then) Sir technology affects all the
sectors. Anyway, I believe that we would now be moving towards growth in jobs in innovation or technology related

P2: What are mean median and mode?

A: They are statistical tools-

P2: Are they just statistical tools?

(Had no idea so stayed silent)

P2: They are measures of central tendency.

A: Okay.

P2: When are they used?

(Blank face)

P2: When is mean used, median used, mode used?

A: When the data is more or less uniform, mean would be the best measure.

P2: What is uniform?

A: So where there is little deviation.

P2: What is deviation?

A: Basically, where observations are closer to mean. Xi-xbar is low.

P2: What is Xi and Xbar?

A: Xi is the observation. Xbar the mean.

P2: So xi-Xbar is deviation?

A: No square of that and then its sum divided by N is variance and its square root is standard deviation.

(A short back and forth I don’t remember)

P1 wrote this.


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2017-18 Per Capita Income 10k 40k

2018-19 Per Capita Income 12k 42k

Interpret 3 things from this.


1. sir rate of growth of per capita income in A is faster this indicates A has lesser income inequality.

2. While the absolute PCI of A and B is same, because B has a greater base (40k) there is a lower increase in per capita
income. So it is not growing as fast as it should.

3. Assuming that total income of both is same, A has higher population than B.

Then he added some other data point which I can’t remember and to which I gave iffy answers.

P1: Okay. Thank you.

P3: What is this Amrut Mody School of Management?

A: Sir my college. Part of Ahmedabad University.

P3: Who is the promoter?

A: Sir chancellor?

P3: No promoter.

A: Sir it is by Ahmedabad Education Society of which the Chairman/trustee is Mr Sanjoy Lalbhai, the promoter of
Arvind Industries.

P3: Okay thanks.

Verdict: converted.

Interview and WAT Experience 15

Profile: Bsc(physics-maths double major)

10/12/Grad/XAT: 89.6/ 81.08/ 88.5 / 98.68

Work Ex: Fresher

Date: March 21, 2019(Morning slot)

Location: ITC Grand Central, Mumbai

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Course: HRM

Wat and gd topic: Should smoking be banned as it is injurious to the health?

(15 min for WAT and 20 min for group discussion)

It was a rather well-behaved group, everyone spoke.

PI experience:

3 members in panel 2 males (M1 and M2) and one female(F1).

Me: Greeted them good morning.

M1: So Poorva are you working somewhere?

Me: No Sir, I am still in college as I have double majored.

M1: But why did you double major?

Me: Because I liked both the subjects (Physics and maths).

M1: What do you mean by liking a subject.

Me: To feel a connection with that subject.

M1: So you don’t feel a connection with any other subjects?

Me: That isn’t the case Sir.

F1: So if not MBA what would have been your next preference.

Me: If I don’t make it this year I will get a job and try again next year.

F1: What kind of job?

Me: Spoke about working in IT or coaching center (bad choices I know).

M2: Can you name the mathematician who made it from an Indian village to England and did impeccable research?

Me: Ramanujan Sir.

M2: Who was his research advisor?

Me: Couldn’t answer.

M2: What is Schrodinger’s cat (saw it on one of my certificates).

Me: Answered.

M2: Is light a wave or particle?

Me: It is both Sir.

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M2: Why?

Me: Duality of light.

(A discussion about wave functions and probability followed).

M1: Have you read Brief History of time?

Me: I read it 3 years back. Nowadays I mostly read books on business and fiction.

M1: Recently read business book?

Me: Zero to one.

(A discussion on the book).

M1: Any other non-fiction that you read recently?

Me: The Kite runner (I know I know).

F1: That’s a fiction book.

Me: Sorry, I meant Thinking fast and slow.

(Questions on the book).

M1: So why can’t we measure the position and speed of a particle at the same time.

Me: Answered.

Interview ended. Got 2 toffees instead of one.

Updated verdict: Converted.

Interview and WAT Experience 16

XLRI HRM 2019–21

XAT Percentile: 94.07

Graduation Background: Bachelor of Engineering in IT

WAT and GD Topic: Should capital punishment be made compulsory for crimes against women?

The PI panel consisted of 3 individuals (let us assume them to be P1, P2, P3)

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P2 - Which famous personality of India had the same name?

(Indira Gandhi’s maiden name was Indira Priyadarshini)

P2 - Who was she?

P2 - What did she do in 1971?

P2 - How would she have reacted in the current scenario? (This question was in reference to the Pulwama terror

P2 - Are you going for MBA HR from XLRI because you didn’t get a call for MBA BM? (Cross questioned a lot here)

P1 - In your GD, you said that capital punishment should be made compulsory for crimes against women. Isn’t dowry
also a crime? Will you carry out a death penalty against the perpetrator?

(I answered that in some cases, the perpetrator can be reformed while in others, the crime is so barbaric that capital
punishment is justified)

P1 - How will you decide the severity of the crime and whether a person can be reformed or not?

(Again, a lot of cross questioning took place)

P3 gave me an equation to solve and plot a graph for the same.

P3 - Where do you stay?

P3 - You’re from SIES right? How do you reach your college?

P3 - Is the highway outside your college a state highway or a national highway?

P1 - What is the relevance of your final year project?

Verdict: Not Selected

Interview and WAT Experience 17

XLRI HRM Interview Experience

Background: Engineer (CSE)

10/12/Grad/XAT: 91.2 / 93.8 / 80/ 98.7

Work Ex: 30 months in IT

Date: March 21, 2019

Location: Delhi

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

GD and WAT:

Topic: Smoking is injurious to not only the person who smokes but also to the people around him. Should smoking be
banned in the country?

We were given 15 minutes to write on the topic followed by a GD of 15 minutes.

Interview and WAT Experience (Duration - 15 minutes)

There were 3 male professors P1, P2 and P3.

P2 - Who is the India Head of your company?

Describe the work you do

P1- (He had a newspaper in his hand)

*Pointing to the Jet Airways news*

You must be knowing the details of this issue. Describe the role of an HR in this case

What would you do if you were an employee of the company?

What would you do if you were the CHRO?

There was a long discussion on it

P3 - (He was going through my file)

Tell me a bit about your extra-curricular activities. Some questions on that.

Tell us something that you think we should have asked?

Overall it was a good experience and more of a discussion with the panel. All the panelists were very calm and were
listening very carefully to what I was answering and cross questioning on that only.

Verdict: Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 18

I had my XLRI HRM interview in February 2017. The GDPI experience was really interesting because of its uniqueness.
XLRI holds a group discussion with a batch size of 8–10 students for around 40 minutes (hell lot of time). There were
three professors for moderating the group discussion round.

The GD round started with one of the professors writing the topic on the white board. The topic read: “Diversity at
workplace is overstated”. The discussion went on very well and in an organised manner. But after half an hour, new
points stop popping up in your mind so there I took the chance of summarizing the GD and coming to conclusion.

After that we were told to sit in the waiting room and were given psychometric test. It contained around 150 simple
questions meant for testing your behavior and personality. Then came PI round. I was the last person in the panel for
the interview round. I will try to keep it short and crisp.

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PI round: (GEM Fresher)

There were two male professors (P1 & P2) and one female professor (P3).

P1: Have you taken any placement from your college? (Started with this question straightway)

Me: Yes. (Told about the company, the kind of work and my profile).

Then there was some cross questioning on my profile and the kind of work I would do there.

P3: Okay, so you have got a decent profile in your company and seem to be a more of technical guy. Your present
profile is quite different from that of HR course that you want to pursue. So why HR? (question which is a must in
HRM interview and for a fresher “LIFE and DEATH situation”).

Me: Told. (Don’t know if they were convinced).

P2: What is the difference between a leader and a manager? (question which should be dealt smoothly).

Me: Gave a decent answer (according to me) and gave my definition of a “LEADER”. Then continued with the
difference and gave good examples to support my point.

P3: Hypothetical situation: You are an HR Manager and you have gone to a campus for recruitment. There, you met a
very meritorious girl and you had made up your mind to take her but during interview, she tells you that she is
expecting her first baby. So, she would be actually contributing to the company after 1.5 years. Will you take her now?
(A perfect situational question for an HR Manager)

Me: I was taken aback for a second as answer to this question has to be framed really well as this would act as a
bridge between me and XLRI. Answered the question with an affirmative and gave reasoning for it.

So, this is how my interview ended.


Interview and WAT Experience 19

XLRI (HRM) GD/PI- 1/03/2017- New Delhi- Morning Slot

X/XII/B.Tech- 95/95.6/76.4(in final sem)

A little background. Last 3 months surrounding XL process would probably remain the most fuck all of my life even till I
reach 90. The day I set my mind to MBA preparations, XL BM (Business Management) had a really high priority in my
mind . Confidence as you may call, I was dead sure of landing up at XL BM after XAT. Results were out on 25/01/2017.
Cut offs for BM were ~96. I scored 99.xx. Comfortably above the interview cut-offs, still lower than what I expected.
But as things stood, I missed the sectional cut-off of a section by 0.1 points. Yes. 0.1. The whole fiasco affected me
more than it should have had. It took me 20 days to sincerely digest that I wouldn’t be appearing for the interview of
the institute that I had already converted thrice in my mind over last 20 days. I had a call from XL HR though, which I
wasn’t aiming for.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Human psychology, as I learnt, is a very illogical thing. I was going for an HR interview, unprepared, aiming to “show it
to them” that they were wrong to not let me into the BM process. Rebelliousness is not trait, it’s a stimulus.

GD- “Should 5 years of service in rural areas be made compulsory for every MBA graduate? .

Time- 40 minutes. 7-way discussion-judged by 3 inspectors sitting in different corners. GD went smooth, I thought.
Managed to drop a lot of solid value points and also managed the flow of the discussion.

PI- 3 members judging the GD were the panellists as well.

P1(an old professor), P2(male, ~40), P3(female, ~40)


P2- You have a beautiful name. What does it mean?

Me- Thank you, Sir. It means truth.

P3- So how far do you follow your name? Do you speak truth?

Me-*my anti-XL desperate self-taking over* No, sir. I don’t.

P3- *surprised* You don’t? See, we appreciate that you’re really being frank and open, but this is an interview.

Me- No. I don’t. If speaking false gets my job done, I lie.

*all look at each other*

P2- Great. So we see you’ve done thoroughly well in the XAT but have missed the DM cutoff. Let’s get to a Decision
Making question then.


P2- Say you’re an HR of XYZ firm where employees are on a strike for a 15% salary hike. Manager wants you to give
9%. What will you do?

Me-I’ll hire research consultants and try understanding what a reasonable hike should look like. In any case, my
decision would be skewed towards employees, since doing wrong with lives of 50+ employees would be unethical.

P3- Manager says he can’t give over 9% hike and would fire you if you over engage in negotiations.

Me- I’m ready to be fired. But can’t see the wrong happening.

P3- But didn’t you vow to lie to make profits?

Me-*facepalm*. Silence.

P3- Anyway, moving on, where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

Me-*trying to hide my absolute ignorance about an HR career* I see myself climbing the ladder of corporate word.
(Yes, that’s exactly what I said).

P3- That’s it? No long term goals?

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Me- There’s nothing like a long time goal. What I thought was a long-term goal 4 years back, isn’t one now. It’s the
environment that one is in that defines his goals and aspirations.

P3- You don’t have a goal? So you left Economics after 12th and did Engineering. Now you’re 21 and want to become
an HR. Then you’ll say HR isn’t my road. What was the role of economics and engineering in you life at all?

Me- The food I ate in KG isn’t inside me now, but it helped me give the nutrition to be what I’m today. The stories I
read in grades 1,2,3 isn’t in my memory now, but they gave me the lessons in English that formed the bricks of

*Everybody laughs*

P2- You should be a philosopher and not an engineer. So where are you placed from college?

Me- XYZ (one of the BIG 3 management consulting) as Analyst.

P2- Every student from our institute dreams to be in this firm. You’re 21. An engineer. Then why HR, really?

Me- *2 minutes of making up cliche HR skills and trying to prove how I would hate the back-end work in XYZ.
Mentioning “CAT” for “XAT” at least thrice and realizing it later*.

P1- So in your essays you wrote about the toughest time in your last 2 years. What was it?

Me-*MY MOMENT* Acing your entrance and still not getting a call for my preferred course.

P1- But that’s not what you mentioned here.

Me- I know. *Thug Life*.

*silence. smiles”.

P1- So what does your family think about you?

Me- They think I am overconfident.

P1- *smiles*. I think the same. You may leave. And tell your CAT percentile before you leave. “CAT” and not “XAT”.
*Laughs around*

Me- 99.xx.

Verdict- Selected.

Interview and WAT Experience 20

XAT – 99.883%ile

10th – 10 CGPA

12th – 95.8%

Grad Score – 8.76 (Upto 7th Semester), MNNIT Allahabad

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B.Tech in ECE, Fresher.

Day 1 was my interview for BM.


First we were asked to fill out a questionnaire and it was quite a long one by any standards. Especially with your GD-PI
process about to start. Groups were pre-sorted and the names were announced. Aspirants from respective groups
moved to different rooms for the GD process. A normal group consisted of 9 members and was adjudicated by 3
people who were later to be the ones interviewing us.

GD Topic: Trump is just another name for Modi

Duration: 40 mins

We did not stick to the instructed format for the GD. The adjudicators didn’t seem to mind and it was the case for the
morning slot as well as other GDs happening simultaneously. As expected, the discussion veered towards judging
Trump for his actions instead of comparing the two leaders. However, I helped the group back on course and soon
very interesting points came up. All members were extremely courteous to each other and the discussion was civil and
substantial. Some ended up speaking more than others but overall it was a good GD. I think I did very good in this
round. The key, I suppose, was that I controlled the flow of discussion and made some very interesting points. All
those days following Trump and his presidency was finally bearing fruit.

I was the last person in the group to be interviewed. Although agonising, the wait helped me soothe my nerves and get
into a comfort zone. Conversing with fellow aspirants furthered my confidence and I believed I could hold my own
against them. I think that feeling is very important for a fresher. It was a good 2 hours or more before my turn came


(3 Panelists, P1-Old Male, probably a professor; P2-Middle Aged Man, probably an alumnus; P3- Middle Aged Lady,
Admission Office Administration I think)

P1 looks at me and the paper in his hand.

P1- You’ve changed your frame.

(I wore a more formal frame for the interview.)

Me (A bit surprised and nervous) – Yes sir.

P3 – Is your name Pratush or Pratyush?

Me – Ma’am it’s Pratush. (Inside Me- Every single time, story of my life)

P1 – Tell me Pratush, what are your favourite subjects?

Me- Sir, my favourite area is 2g,3g and LTE.

(P1 seemed confused. I realised I had made the mistake of using technical acronyms way too soon.)

Me – Sir, Mobile Communications. I tend to focus on the communication side of my branch. Besides this, I also have a
keen interest in Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming and Algorithmic Programming.

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P1 – What else do you like to do?

Me- Sir, I have a deep passion for sports.

P3 interjects – By passion, do you play sports or what?

Me – Ma’am, I play for my college football team. I also like to watch and follow sports such as Football, Cricket and

P1- Okay, But tell me what do you do apart from studying?

Me- Sir, like I said I follow sports religiously. Apart from that I am very involved in diverse extra-curricular activities in
my college. I like to debate and participate in MUNs. I’m a part of many clubs in my college and I have organised
several events in my college, most recent of which was, me being the Festival Secretary (the highest student post) of
my college’s technical fest. Sir, I’m also part of the Electronics Society of my college wherein we teach our juniors to
help them gain that extra edge when it comes to placement and higher studies. Also, I like to read and follow the
major happenings around the world. I tend to focus more on the whys and hows of things and forming an opinion of
my own on the matter.

P2- So, you like to read and follow news. Name one recent geopolitical event that will have a major impact on the

Me- Yes sir. I suppose the recent rise in protectionism and right wing separatism is an important development. It
started, you could say, from Narendra Modi to Brexit and more recently Trump winning the presidential elections. Also
there is an increasing tilt against globalisation. If you look at Europe, In France Marine Le Pen is becoming a force to
reckon with in the presidential race. In Germany too, the Alternative to Democracy is gaining huge leads something
unheard of a few years back.

P2- Why do you think this is happening?

Me –Sir, change is the only constant. I believe the world is undergoing a change in ideology. Having seen the effects of
globalisation, I think people now believe it has lived its life. Within every person, there is an underlying feeling of me
first, others later. Country first, others later. I think this feeling is gaining steam with every passing day. Globalisation
helped the world. But it helped only certain sects of the society. The income divide today has led people to doubt
globalisation and hence they seemingly tend to be tilting towards protectionism. But like its previous counterpart, this
phase too shall pass.

P2- Tell me the major differences between the economic policies of Trump and Xi Jinping.

Me –Sir, both of them are very strong leaders with…

P2 –No, tell me about the difference in economic policies.

Me – Okay sir. As we know, Trump is increasingly in favour of protectionism and bringing manufacturing blue collar
jobs back to America while Xi by nature of his country’s situation is for globalisation and outsourcing of jobs. One more
important difference is Trump has seemingly many knee jerk decisions to his credit. Xi is more of a balanced leader.
Doing away with the TPP completely does more harm than good for the US. The treaty wasn’t anything special in the
first place, but it would have kept China at bay. By completely disbanding with TPP, China stands much to gain as it is
the only major force left behind and can make important deals and increase their influence in the Pacific.

P2- You talked a lot about Trump. Even in the GD, you were quite vocal about not judging Trump for his policies and
now you don’t seem to be much in favour of his policies.

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Me –Sir, it is not my personal opinion….

P2- No, of course not. But you say, China’s influence is increasing and Trump is not doing anything about it, But did he
not make his position known on One China One Policy?

Me – Sir, as far as I remember, The US Administration recanted a few days later and, in a statement, said that they
supported One China One Policy.

P3 – Yes, he is correct. Okay. So tell me about this reservation.

(I had written in my pre-interview questionnaire about reservation system in India and I was prepared for this.)

Me- Ma’am, I feel that the reservation system should exist in India but needs urgent reforms. I’m against a blanket
economic based reservation and also a blanket caste-based system. India is a complex country and no one simple
solution will do. I believe we need a more holistic system in place, something that is based on not one single factor.

P3 – What is this holistic system? All this is very vague. What do you mean by holistic system?

Me- Ma’am holistic means something that is based on more than one factor unlike the present system. I’m saying
there shouldn’t be only one blanket system. We need a more comprehensive system in place. For instance, a blanket
economic system states that all families with income below say 200 will be eligible for reservation. But, the
demographics of the country will lead to differences. A family in Odisha might be able to afford good coaching and
schooling for a student but the same amount of money won’t be enough to meet even half the expenses of a family in
cities like Delhi. When I say holistic, I mean, a system that encompasses the level of opportunities made available to
the student based on the demographics of the country. At the same time, like I said earlier, no system is permanent.
Change is the only constant and hence this system too shall be subject to continuous reforms.

P3 – What have you done so far in this matter?

Me- Ma’am, you mean at my level for reservation?

P3- Yes.

Me – Ma’am currently I’m not in a position to bring about a huge change in the situation. But I try to do my bit at
college. Being an upstanding student of my college, I am very well respected in my college and people tend to listen to
me when I speak. So, I try and initiate discussions on the matter among my juniors and batchmates. I try and spread
awareness about this because I believe only when the best minds come to think of it collectively, can we arrive at a
solution. The country needs it now more than ever.

P1- Do you really think that people are not aware about this?

Me – Sir I think people are fully aware of the situation but our country’s mechanism is such that the decision makers
are reluctant to make any meaningful progress in this direction. Sir, no politician in his right mind would even touch
the reservation system. It is political suicide. Any party will stand to lose their vote share if they even start a discussion
on this.

P1- Don’t you think then that it is the right approach?

Me- Sorry Sir, I didn’t get you.

P1 – Don’t you think that the decision makers not taking any steps in this regard is the correct thing to do?

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Me – Sir, I’ll tell you what exactly is wrong with this system and why we need reforms at the earliest. The reservation
system was conceptualised on the principles of equality of opportunity and autonomy. Let’s take the example of Tina
Dabi, the IAS rank 1 holder for last year civil services exam. Her grandfather was in the administrative service. Her
father and mother both are IES qualified working professionals. For her, there was as a matter of fact more
opportunities and complete autonomy to make a career for herself of her choosing. She did not qualify the general cut
off in the Prelims. Taking nothing away from her, but without reservation, she would not even get the chance to
appear for the subsequent rounds. This is why we need change. Abuse of opportunities is happening and the system
needs urgent reforms.

P1 – So, you’re a communications engineer?

Me – Yes, sir.

P1 – Do you hear the radio?

Me – Occasionally sir.

P1 – So, now we have different stations at every city and each has different things being broadcasted. But back during
World War II, we had BBC broadcasting one thing over the entire world. How is that?

Me – Sir, the technology we use today is different from back then. The radio you are talking about is FM and it uses
Frequency Modulation and hence has a very short range. Back then BBC broadcasted through analog radio antennas
which are designed specifically for long range communication.

P1 – What is the frequency they transmitted on?

Me – Sir, currently FM transmits at a frequency range of 88 to 108 MHz.

P1 – What about BBC?

Me – Sir, I’m not quite sure about the exact.

P1 – Still?

Me – Sir, if I were to hazard a guess, since it is long range, the wavelength must be pretty low meaning very high
frequency. I’m not quite sure about the numerical value.

P2 & P3 say in unison – Okay Pratush.

(P3 corrects herself and pronounces my name the way I had mentioned earlier. I let out a smile.)

P2 – Oh so you smile as well. (Turning to P1) All the time he was so serious. Now he’s smiling.

(I let out an even bigger grin)

Me – Thank you Sir.

I leave with a relaxed smile on my face.

DAY 2 was my HRM interview. The interview was pretty standard and chilled out. Was grilled a bit though on my
internship at The Indian Economist.

GD topic for HRM was difficult though: Ever increasing MBA salaries are not sustainable in the long run. We were
made to follow the rules as specified on the website. All in all, a pretty standard GD-PI process the next day.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Verdict: Converted both BM and HRM. Joining BM at XLRI this June!

Interview and WAT Experience 21

XLRI is one of the most prestigious institutes of the country. Owing to the reputation of the B-school, the interview
experience was bound to be interesting and XLRI did not disappoint me.

So, here it goes….

I was shortlisted for XLRI (HRM) programme and had my interview scheduled on 12th March, 2016 at St.Xavier’s
College, Mumbai - Morning Slot

I went to the college on 12th Morning and was made to sit in a waiting room alloted to HRM students. We had 10
people(approx) who had been called for that slot. After almost 30 minutes , we were called into a classroom next to
our waiting room and were made to sit in a circular fashion for the GD. We all had to carry a pen and a paper of our
own. There were two lecturers of XLRI as panelists for our GD-PI process.

Group Discussion -

One of the panelists wrote the topic for the GD on the board

“Money is the sole factor for progress and promotion at workplace” (I do not remember the exact statement but it
revolved around how money is the only reason why anyone would want to do well at work).

HRM topics were usually behaviour based as they wanted to test how the HR managers-to-be would deal with
common workplace issues. Some other topics for HRM GDs were - gender bias at workplace, should workplace love
relationships be banned etc.

For anybody who appeared for this year’s GD process would know, this year the entire process for the GD had
changed and structured into a pattern of discussion of Pros, Cons, Implementation issues etc. We discussed the
situation giving various examples - startups, big firms, their HR policies etc. People also quoted Ayn Rand and some
other authors. The panelists were observing us while scribbling something on a sheet as soon as someone made a
noteworthy quotation or added a valuable point to the discussion. Overall the GD was peaceful and everybody got
ample airtime. I , for one, had no idea how the GD went because the entire pattern change of GDs was baffling for
everyone and everybody was struggling to put up their points while sticking to the framework of the GD.


We were again made to wait in the waiting room and the panelists gave us all our sequence numbers, the order in
which we were going to be called in for the interview. This was going to be my first ever stress interview and little did I
know of what was to come. With no expectation and a little dread i decided to face it (As if I had an option :P)

My number was 5th in a group of 10 people.

Let us call the panelists - P1 and P2.

P1: Where are you from?

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Me: Allahabad, Sir

P1: Oh thats great, How clean do you think is Allahabad city. What is its ranking in the recent survey of the cleanest
cities in India?

Me: Sir, I do not know about the ranking but it is a fairly clean and peaceful city, though a lot more needs to be done.

P1 to P2: Sir, this ma’am says that Allahabad is a clean city! (With a hint of sarcasm)

P2: Woah…okay …nice to know any city in India is clean for that matter! (Already looking at me with contempt)

Me (Smiling- cuz had no idea what else to do :P)

P2: Ok so you are from Infosys, Pune?! and you must have done your training at Infosys, Mysore. Why do you think
companies first train their employees?

Me: tried to explain how students from different streams, different educational backgrounds come to the same
company, so they have to bring them on the same level. Blah Blah

P2: So if you are saying that an Electronics Engineer can be at par with a Computer Science engineer, just by getting
some 3 months training, then why even bother doing B.Tech.. invest so much money for nothing… anyway what use is
the knowledge that you gained from your college.

Me: Tried to explain how you learn a lot more things and personality development and blah blah

P2: No, I will take a class 12th student and put him/her into Mysore training and let them work with Infosys. I think the
plan would work

Me:(Smiling and explaining something) :P

P1: Madam (with all the sarcasm and bitterness) what do you think you have written in the form for this question
(Pointing towards my form). What do you think you are trying to prove here? We have been interviewing candidates
for the past 15 years, what do you think you are signalling here - that you are good at both acads n extra currics…

Me: (Calmly): Told him why I wrote, what i wrote and what was my intention for including extra currics in the answer.

P1: (Pointing to another question- this time he had triple underlined an answer that he seemingly didnt approve of)
Read the question again and read your answer aloud…

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Me: (Calmly read the answer) Told him reason why I had wriiten that answer. One point that I realised I should have
not mentioned as it was redundant, I calmly apologized for it.

P2: What do you think is trust? Give me one incident at workplace where you thought you had gained your seniors’
trust? Why do you think it was trust? What did you do to earn that trust. Maybe they had no other option... It wasnt

(He kept on refuting everything that I said)

Me:(I was 80% convinced that they did not like me and wanted me to return crying from the room.. so i decided to not
lose calm for the one last time :P)

P1: Have you read Mahabharatha? Do you follow Krishna? What were his teachings?

Me: Gave some fundas around fight for truth and righteousnes…

P1: So Krishna preached wrong means to attain victory. Would you give up on Ethics, if need be, for the welfare of
your firm?

Me: Told them how in the past in all such Ethical dilemmas I have chosen Ethics or unethical means

P1: But right now you said that you do follow Krishna, then why not follow his teachings?

Me: Some funda around how I have my own priciples that I follow.

P1: If you dont follow unethical means you will never be successful.

(Some more grilling followed)

Me: (Now it had been 25 minutes of grilling and I was on the verge of breakdown)

P1:(Suddenly started smiling): Okay, relax. The interview is over. Now tell us who gave you more stress... was it him or
me? Your marks wont be affected with this

me: (baffled for a sec) Sir, the questioning on ethics was the toughest part for me.

P2: (laughing)

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

P1: (To my utter disbelief!!! This gentleman stands up - goes to water filter kept on a table next to ours... fetches me a
glass of water!!!) Relax, nothing to worry, the interview is over.

Me: (Thanking him genuinely for the glass of water :))

P2: Thank you so much for coming. It was a pleasure to meet you. You have a very charming personality. We liked your
enthusiam and energy. Good to see you.

Me: (Still trying to fathom what just happened - Smiled - thanked them, stood up and kept the glass of water back to
the next table).

As I moved out I had no idea how the interview had gone because of the contempt, disbelief, sarcasm that I faced for
25 minutes. But the last minute gave me hopes that I might have done something right :)

Verdict: Straight Convert :)!!!!

Interview and WAT Experience 22

10th- 10 CGPA


Graduation- 7.90 CGPA

XAT Score- 98.166

Course- BM

Date-30 March, 2018

Location- Delhi

Slot- Morning

My batch of nine aspirants consisted of seven boys, one absentee and me.

Before the GD, we got a few minutes to interact with one another. (It really helps to have small talks with fellow mates
before the process initiates. The GD definitely gets smoother after that.)

After waiting for about 10 minutes, we were called in for the GD.

PANELISTS- Two male professors- m1, m2 and one female professor- f1.

Few key points (may skip if extra details are not required)-

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

● The ambiance of the room helps. It might anchor your performance.
● Your seat position matters a lot. Although you don't get to cherry pick your number as it is already
provided to you in the beginning, do prep yourself up a tad bit more if your numbers are at the

TOPIC OF GD- Is the culture of India identified largely as agrarian?

DURATION- About 25 minutes

GD went smooth. I made 3–4 entries and got ample opportunities to speak. (same did not happen in HR interview)

The panelists observed us keenly and had their tacit grins and smirks throughout.

After the GD, we were summoned back to our waiting room.

My code was 7 so had quite some waiting by my side. Each interview stretched to about 25–30 minutes.


Positions- m1, f1, m2

M1- (Looking at my form) Vedika Murdia right? What does your surname mean?

Me- Sir, ‘Murdia' during earlier times referred to the Jain classes involved in business.

M1- But what does it mean?

Me- Sir, it means the Jain business class.

M1- Okay.

M1- So, your upbringing, schooling and graduation all done from the same city, ha? Possessive parents I suppose.
Would they let you come to Jamshedpur?

Me- (Smiled) Yes Sir. They will. Similar to how they let me travel alone to Delhi for this interview and for the previous
one. They understand the importance of moving out and have faith in me.

M2- Your college is CTAE right? Okay, tell me if you were to compare colleges on qualitative, quantitative, measurable
and non-measurable aspects, how would you do?

Me- (Bought myself 30 seconds)

Sir firstly, qualitative and quantitative collectively form measurable. Now-

Qualitative- Placements (in terms of brand value of a company)

Quantitative- Diversity (in terms of gender ratio)

Non-measurable- Campus life.

M2- Nodded in affirmation. Tell me why are you so eager to do MBA? You haven't even completed your graduation
yet. What's this hurry? And don't give the typical coaching institute answer please.

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Me- Sure Sir. Firstly I would want my studies to continue without gaps. Secondly, I idealized one of my seniors who had
opted for MBA. I followed suit. Thirdly, being a fresher has its own pros. It is always better for me to first know and
then apply.

M2- Okay. Tell me then from all the fields of MBA, which ones would definitely require work-ex?

Me- Told

M1- Now compare two old age homes for us on the same aspects as you did the colleges.

Me- Did

M1- Now, if you were to travel from Rajasthan to Jamshedpur, how many states do you cross? Name them.

Me- ( I couldn't recall the map of India -_-) Sir,it lies at the border of Orissa and Jharkhand. So it's a travel from West to
East. (Named a few states. Forgot the rest.)

F1- So let's say you are a new powder company. Name one city of India where you would launch your product and

Me- Ma'am, I would opt for a tier-1 city, say Delhi or Mumbai because the market penetration would be more owing
the size of the market. People are more prone to experiment in metropolitan areas given that right advertising is

F1- Delhi or Mumbai? Why not Chennai?

Me- (Thought for a while) Since I am a powder company, my product largely serves in humid climate. I would opt for
Mumbai because the product would sell the most their adhering to its weather.

F1- Okay. Now tell me how baby products like Cerelac are marketed?

Me- Ma’am, baby foods like Cerelac aren’t marketed in the conventional manner because mothers tend to rely more
on these artificial edibles instead of the conventional breast-feeding that is mandatory in the rudimentary years. This
leads to the babies being deficient in specific nutrients.

F1- Yes true. So how do they market them?

Me- Sorry, ma’am, I am not aware of this. But if I might make a guess, since Cerelac is a product of Nestle, most of the
people use it as a pseudonym for baby products as its the only dominant brand in the market.

F1- Still, they have to market it. Otherwise the brand would perish. Think.

Me- (Thought for a while) Sorry ma’am. I don’t know.

F1- It’s okay. You may leave.

Me- Thank you Ma’am and Sir.

Verdict- Converted!

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Interview and WAT Experience 23

Venue-XLRI, Jamshedpur.


Time: -8:45

Xat score-98.166




Grad-88.1, B.tech in Electronics and Instrumentation from NIT Rourkela.

Work ex of 7 months with TATA Steel, jamshedpur works.

There were 10 candidates and I was the 4th one to be interviewed. candidate 6 was absent.

The topic of the GD was “Abortion should not be prohibited by law, and it should be at the discretion of the mother.”

We were given 2 minutes to think.

And then I began the gd. told about 2 major stakeholders and put forward their perspectives. and then again pitched
in with 7–8 more points. The total span of the gd was 25 minutes.

4–5 of us spoke well I feel. There was one guy who did not speak much.

Time for the interview.

Three panelist,

A-Leftmost-lady in her 40s

B-Middle-old man in his 60s

C-Rightmost-gentleman in his 50s.

Was asked for the folder by C.

The following questions were asked by B.

Q.1.>what is your most significant achievement?

A.1>talked about my CAT percentile. explained that I have been an 99 percentile throughout my life. but I had never
given my 100%. But this time I really wanted to go for an MBA, that's why gave my 100%.

Q.2>do you think a score reflects what sort of a person you are?

A.2>no sir, I may be a bit biased in my view sir because of all the hard work that I have put into it.

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Q.3>what about XAT?

A.3>told that I was on an industrial trip in the month of December and did not get time to prepare and hence I did not
perform to my capability.

Q.4>okay so this is not your best,so how should we judge?

A.4>told I see the process of selection is fair enough, the CAT/XAT are the preliminary tests and we have gd which
reflect how we perform in a team and them we have Pi where we get to know what kind of a person someone is.

Q.5.>coming to GD, Do you think you dominated the GD? is it by default or something which happened? and if I am
not wrong you started the GD, have you been trained on how to start a GD?

A.5>from my experience of past GDs they tend to get skewed in one direction. I wanted this gd to evaluate both the
aspects ,and hence I started and listed both the viewpoints so that we stick to the subject matter.

Q.6.>Tell me a subject which you like right from 10th,12th and grad?

A.6>control system

Q.7>in a control system what do you prefer. controlling the output using the input or using the process?

A.7>told that usually the process is difficult to control so we make changes in the input to accommodate the output.

Q.8.>B was not satisfied. asked why can't we change the process, gave me a situation? want to control corruption?
tell me what should be my inputs.?


Q.9>what do you mean by ethics?

A.9>struggled a bit but gave an example of a person killing another person, where it is ethical to kill the person who is
killing. compared it with morals where a moral person would not kill any of them.

Q.10>so ethics is doing the right thing and morality is doing the right thing right?

A.10.>helped me here I just nodded.

Q.11.>give me an example of doing the right thing the wrong way?

A.11>if a person is creating disturbance l,it is right to shut him, if you slap him. then you did the right thing in the
wrong way.

Q.12.>points out to my XAT form? and says you have got 100% in 10th?

A.12.> shocked!100%? Told him that I was unaware of it maybe a mistake on my part. explained him the grading
system. that my actual percentage would be anything between 90–100 percent.

Time for LADY -A

Q.13.>what is your role in TATA STEEL?

A.13>told about MTT and that I was still being trained.

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Q.14.>had a prepared question, but had to quip it based on my response., any frustrating situation which you faced in
the compony?

A.14.>told that my association with TATA Steel has been an amazing one. talked a bit about classes on dining
etiquettes, dressing etiquette and finance, marketing classes.

Q.15.>why did the company give you these classes?

A.15.>told that in future it may happen that I have to represent the company, and in such a case that company wants
me to give my best.

Q.16.>So the company has invested a lot in you? is it ethical on your part to leave the company?

A.16.>told that I have contributed to the company during my internship and before leaving I will be doing another
project, I will repay the faith that they have put in me.

Q.17.>any frustrating experience from your college?

A.17.>talked about regional politics in elections and how the deserved one often loses.

Q.18.>what changes would you bring?

A.18.>told about a preliminary screening based on points accumulated.

Q.19.>so where is the will of the students in this?

A.19.>told about one zone voting for the other zones. that would eliminate the bias.

Q.20.>what sort of roles are you looking at after your MBA?

A.20.>told about my courses in finance and about my inclination also said that I would like to take up other courses
and then decide on what field and what job I would go for.

Q.21.>if after your MBA you have only 1 jobs and that company is not ethical? will you join?

A.21.>no I wont.

Q.22.>you would be having a long of 20 lakhs on your head. how will you manage?

A.22.>told that with hard work I can achieve anything I want, and I will manage somehow but I wont join that

C takes over.

Q.23.>tell me about the TATAs?

A.23.>asked him that should I talked about the Tata group or Tata steel?

Q.24.>talk about the TATA group?

A.24.>one of the biggest group socially responsible and ethical… interrupted me in between.

Q.25.>why ethical?

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A.25.>talked about the Tata finance fraud of 2001, where they could have very well disowned the company, but they
stood up to it and the TATA group was ready to pay for the fraud.

Q.26.>which company is unethical?

A 26.>told that I would not take names but there is one company which I have heard which arm-twists the
government to get its things passed.

Q.27.>so if you are selected for such a. Company would you work?

A.27.>No. I won't

Q.28.>what if you join the company and you are not aware of the such practices and then they ask you to do it?

A.28.>no I won't do and resign.

Q.29.>what if the action does no harm to anyone and the government officials are delaying the process to get some
bribe? will you?

A.29.>no its against my personal ethics.

So we are done .do you have any questions?

A.30.>asked a prepared one.

A and B answered it quite enthusiastically.

Verdict. Rejected.

Interview and WAT Experience 24

XLRI Interview and WAT Experience.


XAT - 98.3%

Venue - XLRI Jamshedpur /Afternoon slot

GD- Advertisement in print media has lost it's relevance in the age of digital media.

Decent GD. Since the topic was such, the GD was civilised. No fish market. Everyone contributed. I started the GD and
made decent entries

PI- I was 8th to go.

3 panelists. 2 middle aged professors(P1/P2) and 1 young alumnus(P3). Aditya - A

P1- Cool and calm P2- Heard that he was grilling P3- Observer/HR questions

*Greeted everyone *

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P1- So, Aditya. You are from Giridih. You were born and raised there?

A- Sir, I was there till my Xth and then bla blah.

P1- What about your parents?

A- Answered.

P1- Okay, so you studied in NIT Kurukshetra and then got placed in tipl. Tell me about that.

A- Explained.

P1- So, you are an operation engineer. What's your role?

A- Explained.

P1- cross questions

A- explained

*P3 who was just observing till now jumped in*

P3- You talked about Elon Musk in the GD. He was in the news recently. Why?

A- Talked about Falcon.

P3- Correct. But why is he investing in this mission? I don't think it will profit him.

A- Talked about his vision of setting a civilization in an alternative planet.

P3- But do you think it is possible in your or his lifetime?

A- No sir. But in the next 10-15 years at least we can have picnic in space. * I don't know why but yes I used the word
picnic *

*Everyone started to laugh*

P3- So, he is doing all this for picnic?

A- No sir, I meant like scientists and researchers definitely want to go there and explore. So they will pay Elon.

P3- So scientists and researchers wil go there, do picnic and come back. *Everyone was laughing. Except me :/*

A- No sir, I meant to say for research purposes.

P3- Okay, leave that.

*Now, a little pause and P2 looked at me with the most devil smile. *

P2- What are your interests?

A- Sir, I love writing and

P2(Cuts me) - What do you write?

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A- Sir, poem and

P2(Again cutting me in) - Can I see some?

A- Sure. *pulled out one poem and article. *

P2- Aree ye toh plain paper pe hai. Kuch publish nhi kiye ho?

A- Not yet sir.

P2- Ye kya baat hui. Aise toh kisi ka bhi likha leke aa jaoge.

*Read my poem*

P2- Aree ye kya likha hai last line mei, mujhe samjhao.

A- Tried to explain.

P2- Not convinced. Connect nhi hua.


Do one thing write two lines.


P2- Okay. Deep likh diya bhut. Laughs.

P2- Kavi ban jao. Kya rakha hai MBA mei.

A- Blabbered something.

P2- Aree bhaai kavi bano, kuyn career spoil kar rhe ho. MA kar lo english literature mei.

A2- No sir. Blah blah

P2- Okay.

P1- Normal distribution curve?

A- Explained vaguely.

P1- it's useful?

A- Of course sir.

P1- What is the mean and sigma of a standard normal distribution curve?

A- Sir, mean is the average… (Another blunder)

P1- Laughing. Bhaai mean ka definition thodi pucha. To P2- Isne suna hi nhi standard normal distribution ke barei mei.

P2 again takes over.

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P2- Will temperature of say afternoon for entire year follow a normal distribution?

A- I don't think so sir. It depends on geographical locations and blah blah.

P2- Any recent major economic news related to India?

A- pnb scam. Npa.

P2- Kuch aur?

A- Fiscal deficit.

P2- Nah. Something else?

A- Sorry sir. I can't recall.

P2- Okay, so kaviji aap ek kaam kijiye. Imagine a beautiful girl, walking up to a hill full of beautiful flowers. Kuch 4
pankityan suna dijye ispe.

A- Sir, can I think for 2 mins.

P2- Aap kavi hain. Aapko sochne ki kya jarurat hai. Acha raat tak likh dijiye.

A- Wrote 6 lines.

P2- Dikhao.

*Expressions of amazement (most probably sarcastic). Waah waah waah. Mzaa aa gya.

P2- Aap kavi ban jaiye. Jharkhand se waise bhi kam kavi nikle hain.

A- It's just an interest sir.

P2- Haan toh career bnao isme.

A- Sir, I think having diverse interests is helpful in making a person what he is.

P3- Okay. *Laughing *Kuch aisa jo coaching walon ne prepare kraya aur humne na pucha ho? You want to talk about

A- No sir. I guess you have covered all the aspects.

P3- Khush ho na interview se? Kahin bahar jake bolo bekaar interview le liya inhone.

A- Smiles. Yes sir.

Okay. Thank you.

Interview and WAT Experience 25


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10th- 96

12th- 88

UG- 88

UG degree- BTech in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Technology; PGD Engineering Management from Edu Qual.

Work ex- 34 Months; ALE Heavy lift Engg. as Project Engineer; Site Manager in UAE.

XAT score- 99.476 percentile

Interview for which course BM/HR- BM

Interview center and Date:

Mumbai; 15th March

GD topic: Are our industries staring at a future, where in only robots will be employed?

GD experience: Group put forward a lot of points, everyone spoke... I spoke the least. But points put forward were
quite different relevant relating to present day scenario about robots used in SB... Healthcare... Why so? Explained
how it is a work scope specific scenario related to hiring robots.

PI Experience: Three Male panelists- P1; P2 and P3… Left to Right

P3 ushered me in...I wished everyone a good day...

P2- Well Gautham; you are from Kerala? Do you have any recent updates that is interesting from Kerala? Told them
about a bandicoot type robot deployed to clean sewers... first of its kind in the country...

P3- You seem to know much about the topic, even the current affairs piece was in line with the gd topic, yet you spoke
the least? Are you soft-spoken or an introvert?

Told him about the situations wherein I'm usually soft-spoken; corrected that I was an ambivert rather than an
introvert and told him about having good rapport in HL industry with with both clients and workforce which is
essential with real life experiences.

P1- Basic Acad related questions about Naval Architecture and how a ship floats and sinks? P2- you can explain even
by writing.

Explained with a diagram and the forces. Both scenarios. They agreed.

P3 glanced my folder in the interim… asked about PGD in Engineering Management.

Explained the details about what and how I studied. Telling him it was only a 3-to-4-month course awarded by
Eduqual, UK. Asked me about the marks… I wrote 60 pc on the xat form. They asked why? I said there was only a pass
certificate... with either first class or the second class as grading. But to pass you need first class, so since I had passed I
had written the lowest pc as system needs a value there. They said that you could have filled 100 as well as there were
no marks awarded... that would have looked good on the CV given you have stellar acads throughout… I said that'd be
cheating myself… anyway I was sure that if I'd be interviewed I can tell why this was rather than boosting my CV at the
same time had to present to the panel about the fact thay I'd had the certificate as well; that's what I did and was
ethically better. They said it was.

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Asked on work-ex and why I had resigned in Feb?

Told them about the job requirements and new project commitments clashing with GDPI season and the negotiations
with co and why It was inevitable to put in the papers.

P2- You won a Japanese government award for the best ship design project and asked ne into the details.

I explained my thesis in a nutshell about the technical difficulties, first of a kind design and was a standalone project
built from scratch. They were impressed upon the technical aspects. Told them about ClassNK the Japanese ship class
society and the award.

Asked to explain about work ex and tbe heavy lift sector in general.

Explained it to them, both about sector and company and my daily job from both site and office point of view.

Asked what sort of a role I expect post MBA and the various companies!

Answered them... and the various companies which can probably offer the roles targeted.

Do you see ALE taking you back, when you leave XLRI post MBA?

I waded into the type of roles and possible ALE responsibilities which can come in after two years with feedback of
industry and said there are chances xyz....

Situation in Middle East and GCC in a Nutshell.

Answered them...

Why is Shipbuilding sector under looked in India?

Told him about the pragmatic on field challenges with ABG Shipyard etc. And about government shipbuilding...

Why is cruise tourism not surviving in India?

Told him about cruise scenario and how Chennai and Kochi see cruise traffic; ships like the Allure of the Seas making it
here. Explained a Pestel (without the legal as I couldn't think much about it) approach of what is holding it back and
added that it is surviving, not thriving though but with a dovish future.

Asked about start-ups in Marine Space.

Correlated with make in india and the start-up i worked for and how it is performing today and how new start-ups
have come up.

Tips for GD and PI: Be Yourself... Be confident… that's it… I actually had the air of someone who'd nothing to lose

GD/PI experience: Could have done better in my Gd as I'd points… went with a clear head in PI as it was my last
interview of the season and had nothing to lose... felt relaxed during and post interview... rest with God...

Verdict- Waitlisted at 100+. -

Verdict (updated) - Converted,

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Interview and WAT Experience 26
10th - 10

12th - 89.4

UG - 7.95

Graduation - B.Tech Electricals and Electronics ,NIT Delhi

work ex- 6 months in IT

Course - BM

Interview centre and date-

Mumbai, 10th march afternoon slot

There were three panelists. 2M and 1F

GD topic: would indian companies do better abroad

GD experience -

All the panelists spreaded out. We were a group of 8 candidates (6M 2F) with two absent. Someone started with
something about flipkart and amazon. Then a girl said something about cultural stuff and patanjali. I was fourth or fifth
to start. My take on the topic was, it’s not all black and white, whether a company will do better abroad or not and
depends on a lot of factors. As someone had mentioned something about cultural products a built up on that point
saying, if a company does business in something unique then it has a chance to succeed. Like I am from Madhubani,
Bihar and our mithila paintings are world famous. So, company doing business in that area can do great. Next my point
was capital requirement. My point was companies of a country work according to the competitive advantage they
have. In India having cheap labour is our competitive advantage and in western countries capital abundance is their
advantage. That’s why people from over here go to America to work. Had our companies a lot wealthy they would
have gone offshore and done great. Also mentioned flipkart saying it’s not that flipkart doesn’t want to go abroad it’s
just that operating in India itself is causing it so much loss that it can’t even think of going abroad. Then I also raised
points about having quality products is necessary to do better. I justified with the example of bullet trains and how the
project to develop a part was given to japanese company owing to their better efficiency which earlier was supposed
to be given to some indian one and also that amazon has been able to do better in India coz of it’s much better service
than flipkart. Someone brought up the issue of government patronage as well. As the GD was supposed to go on for 20
minutes and last 2 minutes were for conclusion, at the end I said,” I think times about to be up. Let’s conclude.” No
longer had I said it the panelists said you people can stop. Time’s up. Then they took a group picture of us and we left.

PI experience

Same panelists. Was third to go. F(P2) in middle. P1 on my left and P3 on right.

P2. From the moment you entered this center what all the things you found discriminatory?

Me: discriminatory to whom

P2: just discriminatory

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Me: I said there is waiting room for students but not for their parents (as one of the candidate was accompanied by his
father). Also in the canteen while students were sitting on the desks and having snacks a guard tool juice and drank
standing in a corner.

P2: How can you say that’s discriminatory? That guard works here.

Me: I felt it discriminatory coz the guards might feel they can’t or shouldn’t sit with the students.

P2 gave me a piece of paper with a 2x2 table. Columns were what do you thing about yourself and what do others
think about you. Rows were good and bad. I filled leadership and working with people as good about myself. In bad
about myself I wrote communication skills. For what others think, good was my sense of humour and bad was:
overfriendly and doesn’t take well to criticism. Explained overfriendliness with an example. I think they were satisfied
with my explanation

P3: you mentioned competitive advantage in the gd. What is it?

Me: again explained the things that i said in gd about cheap skilled labour being our foray and capital being the
competitive advantage of western countries

P3: Do you think Trump’s curb on H1 visa was ethical?

Me: Yes sir

P3: why

Me: Because he came to white house with the promise of protectionism and saving american jobs and he fulfilled his

P3: So if I fulfill my promise to someone it would be ethical?

Me: Yes sir. As soon as I said this, I knew I had made a mistake and I started saying very fast no no sir and P2 and P3
giving an example of robbing a bank for fulfilling a promise.

P3: So now tell us whether the decision of Trump was ethical or not?

Me: I would like to take some time.

P3: No problem

Me (after few seconds): Yes, sir it was ethical because Trump only fulfilled his promise and in doing so he didn’t do
anything wrong. What he did was to ask Indian companies to increase the salary of H1 visa holders’ at par to their
american counterpart and there was nothing wrong in that.

P3: Then why was so much cries in India?

Me: It’s simple sir. Earlier suppose they had to pay someone Rs. 1000 now suddenly they have to pay Rs. 1500. Of
course there would be cries.

(Meanwhile P2 was going through my files. I had kept a printout of my quora page with the stats.)

P2(smiling): You write on quora also.

Me: Yes. Just started recently.

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P2: But you have kept it here for us only to take a look. Right?

Me: Yes ma’am. I mean I got some good views with my initial answers itself. So…

P1: Do you know about trade wars.

Me (thinking now I’m screwed): Yes sir. Bits

P1: Have you heard about this whole deal about Harley Davidson.

Me: yes sir. Initially the tariff was 100%, which later was reduced to 75% and recently in a speech Mr. Trump said that
Mr. Modi called him and told him that it was further reduced to 50%. i also mentioned Mr. Trump was not still happy,
but this the volume of export import of bikes are so less these issues won’t escalate to a trade war. However, the
recent decision of Mr. Trump to impose stiff tariffs on aluminium and steel can escalate to trade wars. Coz EU and
China are both threatening with reciprocal gestures.

P1: So what should we do.

Me: Sir, India should wait and watch. For now EU and China have threatened action but now taken any. Also Trump
had exempted Canada, Mexico and Australia from the tariff. And India’s share in total steel import of America is only
2.5% so we can negotiate on this line and ask for exemption.

P1: So do these trade wars affect FDI?

Me: Yes sir. They adversely do. Mentioned how walmart once a time tried to enter Indian market but wasn’t allowed
to. Alse recently walmart wanted to buy 40% stake in Flipkart…

P1: You say 40%

Me: Yes sir, 40%. But since filpkart is backed by alibaba and softbank they didn’t agree to more than 30%. Anyway if
suppose at this point a trade war escalates then India might bring some new restrictions and this deal won’t go

Leave now.

No candy.

Verdict: Direct converted

Interview and WAT Experience 27

XAT percentile: 98.73

GK Score: 2.8

Interview Centre: Bangalore

Educational Profile

X: 87.8%

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XII: 81.2%

Undergrad Major -: 81.45 (IPU, Delhi)

Any other professional certification or course undertaken: IP Certification, Ericsson

Work profile (if applicable): Network Engineer

Organization: Ericsson Global India

Number of months :18

Sector/Industry: Telecom

Special achievements at work: Power Award, IP Certification

Regarding GD/Group Exercise

GD/GE Topic: Is PM form of govt (India) better than President form of govt (US).

Number of participants: 11(2 absent)

Duration: 2 Min to think and 20 min for GD.

Brief snapshot of discussion: Decent GD and since topic was such no fish market, yours truly started teh GD and also
pitched in 2~3 more times… In the end everyone was told to summarize in 20 seconds each.

About the panel

Panelists Intro:

3 panelists all male profs...

Dont remember their names …also faces are blurry so can’t look them up

Some words about the panel and its general behavior/conduct:

Great panel. No stress at all, started my PI with a smile and finished it smiling.

PI Questions:

Q: Why did you start the GD?

A: Told it gives me confidence and I believe I did it nicely.

Q: What is your height? Does it give you confidence as well?

A: Yeah... blah blah...

Q: Why did you bring up Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi party?

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A: Told about anti-corruption the sole direction of the party...

Q: How will Kejriwal be as a PM?

A: Told will focus on Anti-corruption, Jan Lokpal Bill... but too early to tell what other he has to offer.

Q: What are you currently reading in the news?

A: Chopper gate ... blah blah

Q: Oh you are from Telecom...

A: Yes sir

Q: So tell me about the motion of a snake and how it senses the surroundings ?

A: Told vibrations sensing etc…

Q: No draw the graph and show me ...

A: Drew an analog curve with an equation y=mx+c where c is ambient noise in environment is perceived vibrations by
snake, m is distance of source, x is intensity of sound source...

Q: Ok ok, can Snakes see red colour?

A: I said snakes are colour blind sir and see in Grayscale...

A few questions on this more..

Q: What is TRAI?

A: Answered

Q: Its head?

A: Kapil Sibal (Dammit why did I say this)

Q: How did Telecom Boom in India?

A: told about license raj, PV Narasinha Rao and new and improved policies with FDI in telecom and reduction in price
of spectrum..

Q: So which is the gravest threat to telecom market now?

A: Spectrum refarming, High price of spectrum... blah blah

Q: Ok Dhruv tell me why we shouldn’t select you?

A: I talk too much at times (Not articulate) and am a little dominating..(they laugh)

Q: So what qualities a manager should have?

A: Blah blah...

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Q: Ok Dhruv do you want to tell us anything lese than this?

A: Told about hobbies..

Ok Dhruv Thanks,

ME: May I ask a question sir?

Them: Sure

Me: What does the logo of XLRI mean after redesign?

Them: Told something that its just a logo… doesn’t mean much

I thanked them and left.

Total duration = 20 mins

Chilled out panel with 1 prof very sweet and smiling,1 prof normal and 1 prof not smiling at all!

All in all a good experience

Result: Converted BM (Direct Convert)!!

Interview and WAT Experience 28

10th: 95.4%

12th: 91.6%

B.tech IIT Roorkee : 88%

Work Ex: Citigroup (20 months)

Initially there was a GD round and the topic was “Is absolute freedom of speech and expression a myth? “

Interview: There were 3 male interviewers. Two in mid 40s and one in 60s

P1: So Shipra In what field did you pursue your engineering?

Me: Sir, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.

P1: And then you went on to do cfa. Why

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Me: I took up various elective courses during my undergrad such as economics and banking which incited me to
venture out in the field of finance. Being an engineering student, I thought having to pursue a curriculum-based study
like cfa would help me develop my basics. Thats the reason I took up CFA level 1 in June, 2017. I am appearing for level
2 in coming June.

P2: Ok Shipra tell me something which you have done in the last 2 years which you are proud of.

Me: Joining toastmasters is something I am proud of as it helped me improve my communication and leadership skills.
(Was about to mention my cfa and development of knowledge of finance but he didn't let me finish. In hindsight I
should have mentioned this before toastmasters.)

P2: Why did you join toastmasters. Even people around you can tell you your areas of improvement.

Me: Yes but toastmasters help you develop it holistically be it your grammar, body language, the filler words you use.

(He seemed unconvinced and by this time P1 started using WhatsApp on his phone. So I decided to look at him and
answer. He was forced to pay attention then)

P1: You have HR shortlist as well. How do you justify HR.

Me: Sir I didn't appear for HR interview as I think BM is the right choice for me.

P2: Tell me something you want to work upon.

Me: Being a fresher I am the junior most in my team so I sometimes have a hard time saying no for other people's
work. which affects my own productivity. My mentor at Citi has helped me having turnaround for such situations
(quoted a relevant example)

Secondly being the VP PR for toastmasters club it sometimes becomes difficult for me to delegate work to someone
who is more senior to me.

(They seemed not so happy but then i had no choice but to be confident)

P3: So have you heard of the story of the rabbit and the turtle.

Me: Yes sir

P3: Could you please elaborate

Me: It based on the premise that slow and steady wins the race. there was a rabbit and a turtle (interrupted)

P3: So basically, tortoise won the race. Now suppose you are hiring an employee for a firm to deliver message from
one floor to another, who would you hire?

Me: A tortoise. Because a rabbit might win a race or two. but in the long run a tortoise would be consistent and hence
good for the organisation.

P3: So basically, you will hire the slower one.

Me: Even though the tortoise is slower as of now but since he is very hard working and dedicated he can be taught and
trained to be more effective.

P2: So basically, you want to teach a fish how to fly?

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Me: I disagree with the analogy drawn here as the fish will die once it comes out of the water whereas for people like
tortoise who are hardworking and dedicated like tortoise can definitely be trained. When I joined citi 2 years back I
knew nothing about technology, Citi could help me become a good technologist because I was determined like a
tortoise and not overconfident like a rabbit.

P3: So you are working in a bank, you know how critical it is that if a bank receives an information even nanoseconds
late, how much a bank could lose.

Me: But what if that information never arrives or only arrives once in a while.

(By this time I was tired of explaining my point)

P2: So Shipra what went wrong in our decision, You also intuitively feel that we should hire the rabbit so what went

Me: Sir I don't think we went wrong. We just have different opinions. A rabbit might win a race or two but a tortoise is
good for an organisation in the long term.

P2: Ok Shipra Thanks

Interview and WAT Experience 29


XLRI interview experience.


XAT - 97.3%

Venue - St. Xavier’s Mumbai

GD- Don’t remember the exact topic but it revolved around the hot international affairs at that point of time. I
remember putting up points related to Trump, Catalonia Issue etc.

Decent GD. Since the topic was such, the GD was pretty civilized. Everyone got a chance to speak. I made 3–4 entries
and tried to come up with fresh perspectives whenever possible.

Learning: Try to be abreast of all major current affairs. Since XL has a long GD, most of the people get a chance to
speak. Try to come up with relevant and fresh points. Don’t beat around the bush. If you are not very sure of the topic,
listen, try to decipher and then speak instead of blabbering random points. Try to listen to everyone. And if possible
jot down important points you made on a paper after the GD is done. A lot of times they ask GD related followup
questions in the interview.

Interview - I was the First to go.

3 Panelists (All Male, Middle aged)

Greeted them and then they offered me to sit down.

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P1 - Tell me something about yourself

Me - Started blabbering the already prepared answer. Told them I used to work for Grofers. I was stopped then

P2 - Grofers has been infamous for its high attrition and for firing it’s employees. What’s your take on that?

Me - Told them how Grofers had a massive plan for expansion which fizzled and they had to let go of almost 20–25%
of their workforce. Shut down many of their departments like Content etc. And that I thought that there was lack of
planning from their part.

P1 - Have you fired anyone? What can be done so that this doesn’t have any repercussions for the company?

Me - Yes, I have fired a couple of people due to low performance even after repeated notices. Told them that referring
these employees to the Company’s associates, providing a handsome severance package and making them understand
that they were forced to make this decision.

P2: Would this be sufficient?

Me - Told them how Grofers referred a lot of these employees and it saved them from a huge backlack. It’s not fool-
proof but these should work to an extent.

Some questions related to GD which I don’t remember but I quoted a couple of points which others had put up and
how I felt that those were logical and added value to the discussion according to me. A lot of followup questions
regarding the GD and the points I made. Tried to defend my stance to the best extent possible.

P2 - Gave me 4 points and told me to plot them and calculate the area enclosed.

Calculated it in about 2–3 minutes but he wasn’t content and asked me if there’s a better way to solve.

Identified that the shape was of a trapezium. Calculated the area much more quickly this time.

P3 - Asked me why XL?

Me - Told him about the XL culture and about Maxi. How it was one-of-a-kind initiative and about Prof. Sharad Sarin as
this was his brainchild.

It was a 40–45 mins interview.


Read about XL and the famous committees, Bodhi Tree, popular faculties. Everything about your profile should be on
your fingertips. Be very thorough with your work ex.

Listen, listen and listen - Be it in GDs or during Interview. Be very attentive

Ethical - XL has a separate course on ethicality. Don’t be unethical in your approach to any question no matter what.

Honest - The profs are extremely experienced and would catch you in a whisker. Be original. If you don’t have a 5 year
plan all thought out, tell them that you are still into the evaluative phase. But be thorough why MBA would be the
logical solution to what you wish to achieve.

Pressure Handling - They try to counter question on anything and everything. Sometimes it can put a candidate under
pressure. Keep smiling and try to justify your point of view (if you feel you are right). But if during the discussion you

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realize you are wrong, you can admit it and tell them you’ll read/introspect more about this. They like people who are
open to learning and admitting their mistakes.

Verdict - Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 30

Group Discussion

There were 10 candidates in my panel and we were arranged to sit across a round table. Soon the topic was disclosed
which was: "The true guardian of democracy should be autocratic in nature."

I started the GD with first clarifying the difference between being autocratic & assertive and that the latter is what’s
required, talked about how being autocratic can go wrong, too much concentration of power in one hand, eg of
Gaddafi, talked about Nehru being a great example of guardian of democracy as he strived for first elections asap after
independence, need to be accommodating in nature eg civil law code not being there, Cauvery case stretched for too
long, etc....

Other points that were discussed were Maldivian crisis, Brexit, Finance Bill being guillotined, Role of Judiciary, etc.

Overall nice GD.

Personal Interview

Interview Panel: P1(Lady in her mid-30's), P2(Guy in his early 30s), P3(Bald Guy, early 30s).

P3: Pls give me the documents folder. (started flipping through it)

P2: What are you currently doing?

Me: Told

P2: What's your work profile?

Me: Explained

P3: What is the HR aspect in your work?

Me: My primary role is to manage people at site on a daily basis.

P3: What are the challenges that you face doing it?

Me: Since the workers that I deal with are semi-skilled and unskilled people who are not much educated. So
communication is the first challenge.

P3: But they understand Hindi right? So hows that a challenge?

Me: Making them understand importance of the project requirements from quality, safety, cost and timeline
viewpoint is the challenge which comes due to gap in education. At times, their priority is to just get it done with the
daily chores as per the wages they get.

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P3: But there isn't there a supervisor for that purpose?

Me: Yes but occasionally I have to intervene. Gave a recent example of a problem my team faced during the

P3: But I think this was more of a technical problem that you resolved rather than HR issue?

P2: So one of the HR issues you told is Communication which is not accepted. What else?

Me: One such issue would be managing the Health and Safety aspects during the execution phase which arise due to
the inherent risks and hazards of oil and gas industry.

P3: Who governs the safety regulations of construction?

Me: In our case it is the Director general of Mines and safety who sets such regulations and also ensures their
implementation through periodic audits.

P3: What are some of the safety regulations?

Me: Explained about work at height, PPEs, Radiography safety rules, etc.

P3: But these safety aspects should be self-governed and instead of organization taking care of the safety of each
employee, every employee should be self-aware and take care of himself.

Me: But since at times the work is executed by contractor workforce which may or may not be aware of the hazards
and potential consequences, it becomes imperative for us to brief them about it.

P2: In case of any incident involving a contractor employee, who is deemed responsible for the loss?

Me: It depends on what the root cause is which comes out after a detailed investigation. Usually, it's the Contractor
company who bears the cost, in extreme cases of fatality even the operating company provides a compensation to the
family of the deceased.

P2: Mention three advantages of hiring a contractor for a job instead of executing it in- house.

Me: The flexibility in hiring and firing and the cost benefit as the parent company doesn't have to worry about the
employee benefits of the workers like gratuity, accommodation, etc. Couldn't think of another advantage.

P2: So what is the rate or amount of gratuity as per the rules.

Me: Around 4.5 % of the basic salary.

P3: What is the mode of communication that is there between you and the contractor?

Me: both Verbal and written(mails).

P3: in written apart from mail what other method of communication that you use.

Me: Told about Tool box talk on paper.

P3: Can you directly communicate with the contract workers?

Me: Yes

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P3: But your job is to instruct their supervisor, right?

Me: Yes, but due to the physical limitation of the supervisor who can't be there for all the jobs in that area, if I see
some issue with the work, I can instruct them directly.

P3: In Engineering you must've studied fluid mechanics, so what are the different kinds of turbines?

Me: don't remember much but one would be Kaplan turbine. Tried to explain in layman terms but struggled to do so.
Told him it's been quite sometime that I studied the subject.

P3: (laughing)Such definition is not expected from a Mechanical engineer. What is a v-notch.

Me: Can't recall exactly but it is used to measure steady flow rate across a section.

P3: What is Reynolds no.?

Me: It is used to determine the viscous forces and type of flow between laminar and turbulent.

P3: In machine drawing, what are the first angle view, 2nd angle view, etc.?

Me: they are basically used to depict a 3d object in a 2d representation. Talked about plan, elevation, isometric view.

P3: What is the difference between the three views.

Me: told him.

P3: Can you draw the isometric of a cube.

Me: drew and some questions based on it.

P3: You must have studied Strength of materials, what is Charpy test?

Me: told

P3: What is Brinell hardness no.? what is the standard used to measure it?

Me: told

P3: Did you study surveying?

Me: No

P1 (at last, wakes up): You have call from BM as well? What other calls?

Me: Told.

P1: One last question, if you are the HR manager. Suppose one of the contractor employees whose job performance is
excellent is suffering from obesity due to junk eating habits and he refuses to work on his fitness, what will you do?

Me: Firstly, I will get in touch with him and tell him about the health hazards, in an informal manner. Maybe try
organize health awareness workshops for motivation.

P1: but he doesn't want to change his lifestyle.

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Me: in that case as an HR manager, if the performance at work is good then I wouldn't interfere much with it as
though I can show concern about his well-being, but at the end of it it's his personal sphere. There are limits to which
an HR manager can intervene otherwise it will be like intruding into his life.

P3: okay thank you. We're done.

Verdict: Converted.

Interview and WAT Experience 31

Location: Delhi

Profile: 93/91/7.54, XAT 99.91 percentile, Work-ex: Decision Analyst in ZS Associates and Mathematics Faculty in a JEE-
coaching institute before that

GD Topic: “The government is solely responsible the growing unemployment in the country.”

Wasn’t great. Spoke 2 times. Made some different points from the rest.


3 Male Professors. All 50+. I was 8th to go in.

P2: Are tum yahi ho is photo wale (indicating to my photo on the form that I had filled while applying for XAT. They
had a printout of it)

Me: Yes Sir. I look completely different with a beard

P2: Why did you shave? We would have liked to see you this way. You are looking good in this

P1: When did you cut your beard?

Me: Just yesterday.

P1: Oh, you cut it just for the interview.

Me: Yes Sir, I had a month-old beard until yesterday.

P1: How many people in your batch keep beard?

Me: In ZS, where I work, around 70-80% people keep beard. But most of them don’t grow it too much.

P1: So they keep it trimmed.

Me: Yes Sir. Though one or two keep longish beard (indicating with my hands how long)

P1: Many youngsters want to keep beard nowadays.

Me: Yes Sir, just yesterday I was reading how keeping a beard help people with a bad jawline in looking good.

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P1: In our times, most people preferred to be clean shaven. Now people keep all sorts of beards. Why do you think this
shift is happening?

Me: Youngsters are increasingly seeing beard as a fashion statement. Also, some famous personalities who have
beard, like Ranveer Kapoor and Virat Kohali, have made it famous recently.

P1: If you have to list five Indian states having highest HDI, how would you do it?

Me: I would start with finding the factors that are used to calculate HDI

P2 hands me over a pen and notepad.

P1: List down the component factors:

Listed Literacy, income level, life expectancy, and infant mortality.


P1: Why do you think infant mortality is a factor in finding HDI?

Me: Sir I think infant mortality indicates the ability of our society as a whole in providing adequate nutrition to the
new born, also it indicates the health and economic status of the generation higher than the newly born babies. The
less the infant mortality, the more prosperous a society is.

P1: Who calculates the HDI for different countries?

Me: I don’t know exactly, but it’s a UN body.

P1: A UN body…

Me: I think UNESCO.. No, what am I saying, UNESCO is related to culture and heritage. It might be WHO.

P1: Did you study economics in your course?

Me: Yes Sir, there was a course on Managerial Economics in our 2nd year.

P1: Managerial Economics…What did you study in it?

Me: We learned the basics of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. We learned what is fiscal policy, what is
monetary policy, and things like what’s the effect of change in interest rates or inflation on an economy.

P1 keeps looking at me.

Me: And there was a concept of Labour and Capital as well. For example, we learned that as a country transitions from
a developing country to a developed country, it cannot continue to grow at the same pace as it was growing before. It
would require much more innovation and intensive capital to continue growing at the same rate.

P1: What was your stream in B.Tech?

Me: Electronics and Communication Engineering.

P1: Where did you do your training from?

Me: BSNL Dhanbad.

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P1: What did you do there?

Me: We were given an overview of how telephonic and mobile communication work. For example, when we place a
phone call, it’s first connected to the BTS, after that it’s transferred to the receiver.

P1 is done. P3 puts my form in front of P2, after circling something.

P2: So you worked in a training firm for some time, opened a training firm of your own, then left it within a month, and
started working in this ZS Associates.

I explained that I didn’t leave what I started. The website was not letting me input the experience in ZS without
entering a closing date for it.

P2: But still you left it and joined ZS.

P2: But what is this platform about (the one I started)?

P2: Who is managing it right now?

P2: But it requires full time effort, how can you handle it with another job?

There were 2-3 more questions on the same line.

P2 is done.

P3: What was your stream?

(He was looking into my file throughout, so maybe he didn’t hear earlier)

Me: Sir, Electronics and Communication.

P3: And you are currently working at ZS. What do you do?

Me: I work as a Decision Analyst.

P3: No, I don’t the specifics of it. Explain your work to me.

Me: Sir ZS is primarily involved in three sectors: Pharma, MPS – that is Medical Products and Services, and the third
one they have named Priority Industries – it contains everything except Pharma and Medical Products, like airlines and
technology companies. I work in the MPS division. Our clients are manufacturers of Medical Products like syringes,
gloves, facial masks etc. They approach us for salesforce structure, sizing, better territory alignment etc. So we take
their data and the other market data, analyse it and provide solutions to their problems.

P3: What kind of data do you need?

Me: *Answered*

P3: How do you analyse it, what’s the process?

Me: *Answered*

P3: How do you calculate the market potential?

Answered with an example.

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P3: If you have to improve the primary education in the country, what kind of data would you need, how would you go

Me: Sir, from the ZS way…

P3: No, not from the ZS way, explain from an analyst’s viewpoint.

Me: Sir, first I would like to gather data about students and schools. I would like to know things like how the students
are spending their time, how many classes are conducted daily, what are the subjects having high failure rate, how
many hours are spent on extracurricular activities, are the students feeling demotivated or stressed when exams
approach. Then I would like to analyse the data of better performing schools or students and see what they are doing

P3: Okay, that will be all. You can collect your file.

Me: Thankyou Sirs.

P1: Thankyou Nitesh. What does Nitesh mean by the way?

Me: Sir, it’s a synonym of Lord Shiva. It’s made from Nit+Ish – the God of everyday.

Verdict: Converted.

Interview and WAT Experience 32


DATE:22nd March

VENUE: Paharpur business centre, Nehru place

XLRI is epitome of the prestigious human resources management course as it is known as the CHRO factory all over

I reached my venue precisely on time and within 5 minutes of the inception of the stipulated time limit, we were

I took 3-4 entries and made sure that I speak both in favour and against the topic. Spoke well enough and went back to
the waiting area.


I was to go 8th in my panel so it was a long wait. Soon I was called by one of the panelists. I entered the room and 3
panelists were sitting in front of me *let's call them P1, P2, P3*

I greeted them " A very good morning sirs' and mam *not realizing it was afternoon *

P2 - Pranav, when was the last time you had a look at your watch?

Me- *Realizing my mistake* - Sir, whenever i meet someone special, i always greet them good morning in order to
freshen up the mood and start afresh.

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P3 - So Pranav, you are from Ryan international school, Rohini

Me- Yes sir.

P3- So is it the next in line for the infamous crimes Ryan is famous for?

Me- *Figurative Facepalm * - No sir, Ryan is a prominent figure in the schooling sector ....

P3-Okay, tell me what could have been done in order to combat the heinous crime which took place in your school?

Me- Formulating stringent policies and effective implementation with a set of proper improvising strategies should be
taken into consideration in order to combat this problem.

P1- Can a CCTV be installed inside the washroom premises?

Me-Though I am not very sure sir, but a smart answer would be no as it eschews the adherence to Right to privacy act.

P1- What is the say of law of land in this context?

Me- Sorry sir, I don't know.

* 2 of them started laughing at me and one was looking at me like ' why do you even exist ' from this point to the end
of the interview *

P2- Tell me, what are the 4 p's of marketing?

Me- *told*

P2- Write down rest of the p's as well.

Me- * wrote and passed on the piece of paper to him but he discarded the piece immediately*

P2- what is the difference between marketing and sales?

Me- *told*

P3 -What is meant by Veblen goods?

Me- *told, as I was speaking, P2 interrupts in between and asks do you have a girlfriend? Before I can answer he says
that you look in a rush, do you have a date with her?

Me- * trying to be smart * - Yes sir, now that you have mentioned it, I do have lots of girlfriends' and they have
motivated me to reach here on this platform to sit in front of a man of your stature .... ( Though it was a bundle of lies'
from my mouth)

P2- So basically, you are a student, you are preparing for further studies, you are dating, you are engaged in ECA, you
are quite a multitasker, aren't you?

Me- This again shows my managing abilities sir.

P1- what is Maslow's need of hierarchy?

Me- *told*
P3- what is Risk Amercilo aperitif model?
Me- Mam, I don't even know how to pronounce it, I have never heard of it!

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P3- Just answer what is appreciative inquiry at least?
Me- *Dumbface* - *told*
Panelists - Okay Pranav you may leave now.
Thanked them and left.
Result – Awaited

Interview and WAT Experience 33

XLRI Interview and WAT Experience (BM):

Date: March 20, 2018.

Location: Mumbai

XAT: 96.461, 10th/12th/Grad: 84/79/8.07. Work ex: 10 months as Data Engineer. Degree: Computer Engineer .

GD topic:

The true guardian of democracy should be autocratic in nature.

Duration: 30 minutes. 10 candidates. Everyone got fair chance to speak. One of the best GD experience as all three
panels were very carefully examining all the candidates and good amount of time didn’t lead to fish market.

Personal Interview:

3 Panelists. All male. Approx age: P1: 35, P2: 60, P3: 35

P1: Tell us something about your job? What is your role.

Me: Answered about it, led the discussion towards data visualization.

P1: How is a bubble chart better than a bar chart.

Answered. He seemed quite satisfied with the answer.

P1: You have data of infant mortality, avg life expectancy and literacy rate. They’ve no correlation between them so
how would you visualize it in one chart. Asked me to draw the same.

Around 5–6 minutes discussion with P1 about job.

P3: Two things you don’t like about your company.

Me: General diplomatic answers (He seemed satisfied with one point and not with second)

P3: Tell us about your clients. You don’t need to name them just industry/domain.

Not much further discussion on it.

P2: What do you do in your free time.

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Me: Answered about my hobbies.

P2: Which books you’ve read?

Me: Named a few but then no further discussion on it.

I failed to answer the best ones which could’ve derived the interview more in that direction.

P2: Tell me about the last trip you had.


P2: What did you learn from the trip?

Answered it but he wasn’t fully satisfied.

That’s it. Overall an average interview 17–18 minutes long.

Verdict: Not Converted.

Interview and WAT Experience 34


XAT Percentile: 97.8xx GK: 72.xx

Profile: 2 Startups + 6 Month Work Ex, BMS (Fin) 80+/80+/70+

WAT-GD: Greatness is not in achieving some great position but in showing great character throughout life.

Performance: 4/5

P1: Economics Prof | P2: Maybe Alumni | P3: Law Prof

Started with greetings.

P1: Were you benched in TCS?

Me: No.

P1: Why did you leave then?

Me: Because I wanted to start something my own & I have 2 start-ups right now. I joined TCS, because it allowed me
to work for myself giving me more freedom & time.

P1: How many?

Me: Mam, two.

P1: Tell me about both start-ups.

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Me: Told.

P1: When did you start the first one?

Me: Told.

P1: Both of them are like your little baby. If you are coming you XLRI then both of them will suffer. What you think
about it.

Me: Told about my team & effort we put to operate & survive. And my continuation with the team.

P1: Have you raised any rounds?

Me: Told.

P1: How much investments you have made?

Me: Told, giving share of each partners.

P1: So, you are giving me total investment made in both venture?

Me: No, Told about my contribution in building websites, managing AdWords, social media so very limited amount
required for second one which we have already earned.

P1: Why not other people are involved in your second start up?

Me: Told about the experiment we are doing, and a target number when all other member will jump in.

M1 (one who was seating behind the window curtain, & joined us when I used the word startup very first time): You
made a point in GD that people are not interacting with each other and because of that we are lacking something to
be a good character. Right? So, what did you mean?

Me: Told.

M1: So, you didn’t mean, we do not interact because we don’t like each other?

Me: No.

M1: Why MBA as you can always work in this field & can grow like 5-10 Bn dollar company?

Me: It seems very easy when we make statements like that. But If you see current companies which are making it big
have atleast 4-5 years of struggle & many of the start-ups are not even in 1mn club. To be able to get there you need
better clarity & though process…… & something on the same rhythm.

M1: So, why start up without MBA? (kinda surprised, normally you expect why start up after MBA.)

Me: Told about the experience I gained & kind of risk taking ability that I have, which I could not have gained. Also
mentioned 2 successful Pivots.

M1: Why you call it successful?

Me: Told about the major problem we solved. Achievements in numbers.

F1 (re-enters): So, you are making *****, is it sufficient?

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Me: Told about the expectation. & revenue from second venture which is showing some good sign.

M1: So, tell me about your revenue model for both start-ups.

Me: Told.

M1: How are you planning to scale it?

Me: Told some plans & market maturity & my expectation.

M1: How will you manage your fees?

Me: Loan.

M1: Scenario of me getting a job at BCG and dropping the idea of startup and joining these companies to repay you

Me: told about my planning to repay my debt & reason why I am not much interested in placements.

M2 (Law Professor): So, how many directors?

Me: Told.

M2: Like we have ADHAR no, anything you have to prove you own these companies as I can see it is in existence.

Me: Told about PAN, CIN, DIN, some documents which had.

M2: What is DIN & CIN and where it is used?

Me: Told.

M2: So, tell me where you register a company?

Me: Told. (Not satisfied)

M2: No, I mean where you register it, you cannot go to registrar directly right?

Me: Told about CA & CS involvement. (I should have mentioned my co-partners involvement in these works)

M2: Ok. Which registrar you are talking about.

Me: Told.

M2: Which documents are required for registration?

Me: Told (he was asking specifically for MoA & AoA but I never got the clue)

M2: So, how am I as your client secure from any fraudulent activities while using you platform?

Me: Told about verification of service providers, our position between Users & Service Providers, our limited
responsibility, our efforts in legal matter to solve issues.

M2: So, you mean you have almost no responsibility, what kind of business you are doing?

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Me: Told about role of middleman & how much one can get involved & boundaries from where our role is only to co-
ordinate with the policeman & other executives.

M2: Ok, tell me about the exact service you offer, I mean I have idea but I want to have a clear picture.

Me: Told about our wide range offerings.

M1 (re-enters): Why did you started your 1


one, I mean there should be a story for choosing this particular area?

Me: Told about my involvement in my Dad’s business from my jr college & what problems I used to face on a daily

M1 (Continuing): What other calls you have?


M1: You did get the call through CAT right?

Me: Told.

M1: Why only IIMS and no any other calls.

Me: Told. & I also had the call from the same.

M1: Wait, you tried last year also. & when did you start you venture.

Me: I appeared for the interview after spending around 6 months of struggle, so I’m serious about it.

M1: Don’t worry, we were just trying to know the timings of your activities.

M2: So, when is your HRM interview?

Me: Didn’t apply sir.

M2: Bhai pakka business hi karega lagta h.

All started laughing.

M1: You can leave now. We are done.

Just when I left my chair

M2: Do you have any question?

Me: No.

M1: Have a mentos.

Me: Thank you sir | Thank you Sir | Thank You Mam.

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Verdict: Straight Rejection

Interview and WAT Experience 35


Venue - Paharpur Business Centre, Nehru Place, New Delhi



Science graduate in chemistry from Delhi University.

GD TOPIC - Online existence is achieved at cost of real-life achievements. (As much I could recall)

Being a vague topic, group members started putting in some absurd points and the discussion was stopped inside 6–
7minutes. XLRI GD has allowed time of 40 mins.



1. OLD MALE IN 50s - x

2. YOUNG MALE IN 30s - y
3. OLD FEMALE IN 50s - z

Y calls me to the room, entered, wished the panel and was asked to seat.

X - So, Bsc Chemistry. You are a science graduate. Very good.

Me- Yes Sir

X- So, Himanshu you have a nice hairstyle short and crisp. You are from armed forces?

Me- No Sir, I am a defense aspirant.

X - What you are doing about it.

Me - Told.

X- Why u are not getting selected.

Me- Told about SSB Interview and Uncertainty. But I am trying my best.



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Y was hell-bent on past academics and grilled me hard on why I am so bad in graduation subject (chemistry). Asked me
what you have been doing if u don’t know chemistry. Explained.

Y- So, can I ask from physics?

Me- Yes Sir, you can but I have last studied physics 4years earlier in 12th. I am Chemistry Hons graduate.

Y - So, maths?

Me- Sir, same


Z- Tell me what is mean and mode?

Me- Explained

Z asks a few very basic maths questions.

Me- Answered

Y- Tell me what u know?

Me- Explained, I have been preparing for UPSC exams and the subjects I am good with. Political Science, Economics,
Current Affairs etc.

Y - Shouting. Why the heck u came here. U better go for IAS. Why you want to do an MBA. (with an extremely negative
tone and expression).

Me- Silent.

Y - You don’t know science. Cunning smile. Points to X and Z. Picks up my file and goes through that.


X - So, u told arts subjects are favorite. Tell me PREAMBLE of the Indian Constitution.

Me- Sung the whole preamble. We the people of India….

Meanwhile, Y was done with the file and interested in the preamble song.

X- What were the amendments made?


X- Tell me the three big economic reforms taken by Indian Govt in first 50years after independence.



Z - Tell me about the various sectors of the economy.

Me- Told.

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Z - What is Fiscal Deficit?

Me- Told

X- Asked about Fundamental Rights, Right to privacy.


Few more general knowledge questions and they were done.

Wished them thankyou and came out.

Knew with such kind of interview, thinking about selection will be stupid.

Learned a few important lessons.

Hope u enjoyed reading my experience. Have a great day.

Verdict. Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 36

XAT 2018. 95.75%ile. GEM fresher. Got selected for XLRI HRM interview.

20 min gd. Topic- does ranking of business schools convey the true picture of management education in India?

6 candidates (all male) turned up out of 10. So less of a fish market but points got repeated over and over again.

Interview: 3 panelists, all male, p1(60) p2(50) p3(40)

P2(most probably a Bengali from Kolkata): So you have studied in South Point High School. Where is it located?

Me: Sir, it's located in the southern part of Kolkata, in the ballygune area.

P2: Which board is the school affiliated to?

Me: Sir, when I was studying, we studied in WB board but gradually the school converted to cbse board.

P1(might also be a bengali from kolkata): Why do you think that the good schools in Kolkata are converting to cbse
from west bengal board?

Me: The syllabus of the national competitive examinations are mostly at par with the cbse board and that's why I feel
that the good schools are getting affiliated to cbse.

P3: tell us what have you prepared for this interview?

Me: Sir, I just went through the generic interview questions asked in bschool interviews and nothing much.

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P1: So tell us about some generic bschool interview questions.

I gave some of them and they asked me to answer the same.

P3(extending one of the generic questions, "Will you hire someone who had done money laundering in your company
to save his family?")- Now tell me, what if you come to know that his situation is real bad in his family but he's actually
a company espionage?

Me- *answered*

P3- now can you think of some other cases of the same situation?

Me- could only answer one. P3 and P2 grinned.

P2- Tell us about your hobbies.

Me- told about playing keyboard, reading novels etc.

P2- Who's your favorite Bengali author?

Me- Swaradindu Bandopadhyay. Justified the same.

P3 and P2- How do you think Satyajit Ray and Swaradindu Bandyopadhyay's detective novels are different?

Me: Satyajit Ray's feluda can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but to understand and enjoy Swaradindu
Bandyopadhyay's byomkesh, one needs to be matured enough.

P1- now tell us some strengths and weaknesses that you have.

Me- told.

P2 and P3 asked some more questions about my punctuality(strength).

P2- OK, so we are done. Have some toffees.

A plate of toffees were kept from which I took one.

P2(laughing)- Take one more for your punctuality.

Me- took one more, thanked them for the interview.

Verdict- Awaited.

Interview and WAT Experience 37

Location- Bangalore

Date- 27–02–2019

Course- BM

Work ex- 20 months

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After reaching the center we were divided into groups and taken into separate rooms for our WAT and GD.

WAT- Should people from military be given reservation in business schools.

No clarification was given if it was for people serving in the military or the family members of people serving in the

We were given around 10 minutes and were asked to write to fill about one side of the given sheet.

GD- Topic was same as WAT

7 aspirants in the GD (Actual number was to be 9, but 2 aspirants did not turn up)

No time was given to think. This was the most peaceful GD I have attended till date (more peaceful than IIFT GD).
Everyone got the opportunity to speak. A weird thing happened in this GD: one aspirant thought it was almost time so
he just started summarizing. This summary was followed by a summary from another aspirant. Then everyone went
silent. But the moderators did not speak anything. After an awkward silence of about 50–60seconds, we started with
the GD again. (It was very strange, negative marks for everyone on the panel for sure)


After the GD we were asked to wait for our turns for the interview.

My interview:

3 interviewers, all male M1, M2, M3

As soon as I entered, they asked me to sit and:

M2– So Kush do you have a twin brother (also mentioned Luv-Kush)?

Me- No sir

M1– Which company do you work for?

Me- Answered

M1- A lot of questions about the company and current project. Also questions on how the current project will help the
company's business, challenges faced from competitors, etc.

Me- Answered (there were cross questions, tried to answer everything)

M2– So you are a Jain, do you know about the Tirthankaras? Also do you know about a famous Jain Temple in

Me- Answered (Not completely satisfied the Jain Temple response, I was also not very sure)

M2– Should kids do long fasting (ethics)

Me- Answered stating the benefits of fasting, but should not overdo it only to show it to other people of community.

During my GD I started with points for the reservation, then bought in a different perspective on why only people from
military should be given reservation, but the other aspirants quickly suppressed my point.

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M1– Question on why did you bring the other perspective, explain.

Me- Answered, how not just people from military but also firemen, police should be entitled to similar benefits. Also
joining military is a personal choice, so why reservation for a personal choice.

M3 was going through my certificates and scorecards all this while.

M3– Multiple questions on acads

Me- Tried answering most of them using simple English and with the help of examples (not very convinced with my
answers, I had lost hold on the subjects so did not know the test book definitions)

Result- Awaiting

Interview and WAT Experience 38


● DATE: 20 March, 2018 (Afternoon slot)

● VENUE: Delhi


● Xth - 87.4%
● XIIth - 83%
● Grad (Engineering) - 68.9%
● Work Ex - 12 Months till June 17
● XAT Percentile - 99.45

Every interview with GD and PI as two consecutive stages gives you an opportunity to impress the interviewer even
before the PI actually starts. Keeping this mind I gave more than 100% in GD round itself, not leaving anything for later
and somewhat succeeded.

GD TOPIC - Could India replace China as the manufacturing hub in near future?

GD EXPERIENCE - 30 minutes - 10 people. Started the GD by pointing out how various macroeconomic factors make for
a strong case for manufacturing in India. Discussed scope of food manufacturing industry, how service sector hasn't
been able to capture unskilled workforce, why China is slowing down and what India can learn from China. Towards
the end brought out how flying geese paradigm explains the opportunity in front of India. Overall, our group had a
peaceful and productive discussion. The panelists observed us carefully throughout the discussion. I personally felt I
had a decent GD.

After my GD round, I was already feeling upbeat and ready for the interview. I was 6th in my panel.


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I1 - Started the interview and thereon, moved to observers role

I2 - Was trying to corner me with some weird questions after every 4–5 minutes

I3 - Focussed on WorkEx and Acads(a bit)

As I entered the room I wished the panel Good Morning (at 4PM!).

I2 - Good Afternoon

Me - * Damn! Why in XL interview only!?* Sir, Morning brings around positivity and ray of hope. I will still wish all of
you Good Morning

All three smiled back in agreement

Felt as if this was the perfect mistake to commit.

I1 - What does LNM stand for in your college name(LNMIIT)


I1 - Who's the vice chancellor?

I had never heard of a vice chancellor in my college and I told them the same.

I1 - Your dad works in XYZ company. A lot of people from this company live in Dwarka.

I was wondering how does he know all this(while just stupidly smiling)

I2 - Have you ever tried fried ice-cream?

Me - No sir

I2 - Can you tell me how it's made?

Me - Sir, as I have no idea about this I won't like to mere speculate.

I1 - okay, then have you tried fire ice-cream?

Me - No sir (What's going on! Are you guys trying to play with me!? Ughh)

I2 - Then what have you done in life. People at your age do so many fun things. Why don't you?

And he didn't let me reply only.

I1 - Asked a few basic things about family, dad's company


I3 - Some questions on workex (cross questioned 4–5 times)

Answered all to the best of my ability

I2 - Your marks are otherwise fine but why is your grad score so poor. Padhe nahi kya? ( Hits the dark spot)

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Had anticipated this question. Gave my prepared answer well and was able to convince them.

I3 - Chalo electronics padhe ho na, kuchh bhi bata do electronics se

I1 to I3 - Sir aapka mobile kharab hai na. Dedo inhe

I caught the hint of mobile and asked them if I can explain them about mobile communication. They agreed and the
matter was solved after a couple of cross questions. Huge sigh of relief

I1 - What is mean, median, mode. Give differences and tell us how they can be useful for an ice-cream vendor.


I3 - (Took out a paper. Wrote 2πr and πr^2). Asked me what is written here. Their physical significance.


I3 - You know the circumference of a circle. Derive it's area


I3 - Thank you we are done!

As I got up, all three of them pointed towards my pen that I had left at the table.

Took the pen. Wished them and got out.

Overall I feel that since, I could impress them in the GD round, they were a little easy with my PI. Interview lasted
around 25 minutes.

Verdict - Straight convert :)

Interview and WAT Experience 39

My profile:

General /Engineer (NIT Jaipur- ECE)/ Male.

XAT score: 99.395

Work ex: 28 Months (I worked for OFSS Pune as a developer)

10/12/UG: 92.6/92.2/6.2

I’m also a published writer and had a start-up back in college.

Date: 13th March Afternoon slot, Mumbai (XIMR).

I reached around 1.15 PM, a few candidates were already there, and the process started at 2, no document
verification was done.

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GD Topic: Is religion an economic activity? 40 Minutes (We were 8 people).

In the time that we had waited outside, we had discussed how GD at XLRI is different from others and decided not to
let it become a fish market. So, one of the guys began with a point for the topic and rest of us added to it. After about
20 minutes we started discussing the points against, which was quite a difficult task. Many of us deviated a lot. This
was the time I gave some good points. By the last 10 minutes we were discussing the criteria for the arguments and
decided the best arguments in unison. Overall it was done quite well; I do believe my performance could have been
better. It was quite a long GD and everybody got a chance to pitch in multiple times.

Interview: (It’s a long one, went for around 30 minutes)

I was the second last guy to be interviewed, yet again; I don’t know what these b-school interviews have against me.
There were three people (All Male, in their 40s) in the panel.

Every interview took around 25-30 minutes, started at 3 PM, my turn came at 6.00.

As I went in, I was asked if this was a tiring day, to which I said yes. Out of the three people in the panel, two (P1, P3)
had my forms (the questionnaire etc. that we’d filled). The one person in the middle (P2) asked me to hand over my
folder. And this happened for the first time in the last 9 years since I gave my first interview that somebody wanted to
look at my certificates!

This is how it went on after that.

P1: So Shubham, as I can see in this form, class X 92.6, class XII 92.2, and then MNIT Jaipur, 6.2. How much did you
enjoy your life in college?

Only if I had a penny every time I was asked that. I’d started laughing midway when he was asking the question, and
the other two panelists too were smiling, knowing that I know the question.

Me: There’s no excuse for that performance, sir. I lost my focus and performed badly.

P1: What made you lose your focus?

Me: Although I’m not blaming my activities for my bad academics, but I had my own startup in college, and I also was
too much into writing and published my first book in 2012 and I guess somewhere I had to pay the price with my

(From there on it was all about my book)

P1: Tell me how the MRP of a book is decided. What are the important factors?

(Answered; told in detail about the pricing in the industry)

P1: So how do you explain the prices today, do you think self-publishing is better than traditional?

(There were a few more questions in the same topic)


P3: What was your book about?

(Told. I kept smiling throughout, since it was a humor/fiction book and the name is ‘My EX Fell in Love’, one ought to
get nervous saying that to such a senior person)

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P3: Tell me three things that you’d tell a new writer who wants to get published.

(I told him about the issues I faced and the mistakes I made. As soon as I mentioned the second point, i.e., define your
target customer, he cut me off and asked me about my target customers)

(I told him about their age and other demographic data. He wasn’t convinced and asked me for more. This went on to
the extent that I even told him the eating habits of a few of my readers. (I didn’t even have to make anything up; this
was actually easy to tell))

(P2 (who was looking at my certificates till now), asked me a few more questions about the book, the publisher etc)

P1: Ok, enough about the book. Tell me about your startup.

(I explained the b-plan and why we’d started it.)

(P1 then asked a few cross questions about the start-up and its domain that I answered)

P2: So how do you think management is going to help you in your career?

(One of the 50 shades of why MBA question)

I answered it, connecting this to my start-up and before I could complete, P1 interrupted: I think you’re only coming to
MBA to get a good brand name in your profile, that will make it easier for you to get funding.

Me: Sir as much as I agree that XLRI would be a big addition to my resume, I don’t think NIT Jaipur is a small brand
name or the fact that I was a student entrepreneur was not enough to get me funding.

P1: So why didn’t you go full time with your start-up, or writing for that matter?

Me: For writing, it was never the plan. I wrote the book because I wanted to, not because I thought I’d make it a
profession. For the start-up, I didn’t have a vision.

(And then I said a few more things like where I lacked and how I plan to learn that in MBA)

P3: So does your family know about your writing?

Me: Of course!

P3: Did they like your book?

Me: My parents did, so did most of my friends. My sister didn’t.

(Everybody laughs)

P3: So how did you take her criticism?

Me: (Told how she disliked my work and gave me a few things to improve which I did, and how she really liked the
things I wrote next)

P2: By the things I wrote next, do you mean another book?

Me: Yes sir. (Shouldn’t have said it I guess. Blunder!)

P1: So why didn’t you publish it?

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Me: Sir I had to halt the project, I couldn’t think of an ending that’s worth the story I’d written.

P1: So what if you come to XLRI and then think of an ending and end up compromising your studies here?

(This started sort of an argument where all the three panelists tried to tell me that I’m a good writer, that was evident
to them from the questionnaire too, and I should not even think of MBA and go to full time writing instead and I kept
defending my decision till what seemed like an eternity)

As soon as this ended, all three looked at each other and asked me to go. 20 minutes, and the interview was over! I
stood up, and then P3 realized he’d something to ask and asked me to sit again.

(This was followed by some basic questions about publishing and business, and some more grilling on why I am not
going for writing full time)

(I was also asked about my performance in GD, to which I said it was average, and I’d rank myself at 4 out of 8. When
they asked me who the best was, I named one guy, then I also named one for the worst, which kind of surprised them,
but I was pretty confident with my reasons for both)

P2: Can you tell me someone who started writing around the same time as you but managed to make it big?

Me: Nikita Singh. Her first book came around a few months before I started writing and today she’s one of the
bestselling authors in the country.

P2: So what does it take to be her?

Me: (I mentioned the need of a network and many other things and how I wrote a story with her)

P2: You have all that don’t you? You’ll probably ditch us in the middle of your studies!

Me: Even if I do, and even if I can make it as big as her, I don’t think I’d be ditching anybody. (Followed by how her
work has degraded with time and how I don’t want to be a part of that Engineer turned MBA turned Author clan, and
write good books even if I do)

P3: Shubham, look me in the eye and tell me one thing, don’t you think if you manage to get one bestseller in the
coming years, you’d leave everything and take up writing? Am I wrong?

Me: No.

P3: (Looks at the other panelists) told you.

Me: I’m sorry sir but by no I meant I’m disagreeing with you. Sorry for not making it clear. I don’t know if what you say
can happen or not, but saying that by succeeding in one thing I’ll fail in the other is wrong. I’ve paid the price once in
my academics and it’s not happening again. No matter what B-School I go to, I can tell you I’ll be one of the best there,
regardless of what I do apart from academics.

This is the time it came to an end. P1 asked me if I have a copy of the book to gift him, I said I wish I’d brought one. To
which P1 jokingly said bring a copy to the college if you get selected.

As I stood up to go out, they offered a candy, and then asked to take one more as I took one. And then asked to take
another one (Well, more candies for me!) by this time everybody was laughing, I don’t even know why.

Some FAQs:

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1. Duration: XLRI-BM interviews go on for about 25-30 minutes on an average. I reached the centre at
1.15 and my interview was over at 6.30, I’m assuming the last guy left at 7.
2. Your certificates matter. Take them.
3. Make sure you know your questionnaire responses and video inside out.
4. Be very very clear about your reasoning and opinions. Express yourself.
5. For all I know, XLRI interviews don’t focus that much on your knowledge of academics or the world
around you, it’s more about how much do you know yourself.
6. Sorry for taking so much time of those who read this, this was probably the longest and the most in
depth yet chilled out interview I’ve had, I just had to share this.

The post was originally published on PagalGuy. My other interview experiences can be read here: IIFT, MDI, IIM-

Since I am a student at XLRI, my experience of the campus life can be read in this The Hindu Business line article

PS: Consider this disclaimer number 2, I am a member of ExLink, the committee that takes care of admissions and
branding at XLRI. As much as I’ve tried to remain neutral in this post, this is my personal opinion and does not reflect
the committee or institutes at any point.
Verdict - Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 40

XLRI (BM) 21st March 2019

XAT 99.13, BCOM, 14 months of workex, CFA (Level 3 complete)

GD/WAT: Junk food decreases vitality and productivity. So, should govt substantially increase taxes on junk food?


1. Why did you leave your job?

2. Form mentions St. Xavier's College, Kolkata as under Calcutta University, is it really? (I told them its autonomous but
under calcutta university which is state university so rectified mistake)

3. what is demographic dividend? (Gave a proper google definifion, so he asked me when did I hear about this, did the
other group members tell me that they had been asked the same question. I told them I knew about it from before but
yes I did hear from others that they were asking about this). So then asked me to compare the demographic dividend
of India with that of other countries.

4. what is the skills india program? how will upskilling workers help, give example?

5. How does an Equity Research Analyst (my job profile) analyse a company? What all does he/she see?

6. When do you use what financial ratio? (Talked of using a number of ratios and not just 1, especially in the Interview
and WAT Experience of debt analysis. Also P/B for banks, EV-EBITDA for mergers acquisitions)

7. Differentiate between mergers and acquisitions and give us real life examples.

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8. Differentiate between economies of scope and economies of scale. What is diseconomies of scale?

9. both learning curve improvement and economies of scale increases revenue, so how are they different?

10. What is tobin's q ratio?

11. Supply chain management question- what is horizontal and vertical integration?

12. What is break even analysis?

13. Asked about family background? And how have I been funding myself given the fact I quit my job 6 months back
and have no other source of earning.
Verdict: Rejected

Interview and WAT Experience 41

XLRI Interview Experience (BM-2017–19)


Bachelor of Business Studies- College of Business Studies (University of Delhi)- Final Year

XAT- 99.973 percentile

Date: March 4, 2017

Venue: Delhi

GD Topic: Should Sanskrit be made the national language of India?

GD went smoothly, we were able to follow the prescribed guidelines and discuss the implementation

Interview: 3 Panelists- All male, let’s call them P1, P2 and P3

P1: So what is the course you have done?

M: Bachelor of Business Studies, Sir

P1: What are the projects and internships you have done during the course?

M: Told about my internships at a boutique investment bank and a startup

P1: What is a boutique investment bank?

M: Explained

P1: So what all did you do in your internship?

M: Explained whatever I did in my internship, clarified the meaning of Pitch Books in the process, also mentioned
corporate valuation and a business consulting project.

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P1: So how did you go about the consulting project?

M: Explained the project in detail. He seemed interested and kept asking questions. Felt like a discussion more than an

P1: You also mentioned valuation, how would you value the firm you did the project for?

M: Mentioned various approaches, felt that I wasn’t clear in my explanation at a couple of points, but got through it,
amidst a few cross questions

P2: You have already done so many of the things we teach in MBA, you understand Marketing and Finance well, why
do you even want to do an MBA? (P1 at this point asks for my folder and starts going through it)

M: Gave the well-rehearsed why MBA answer

P2: Talked about another approach to evaluate the company in my project and asked if I agree with it, and if I would
use it instead of the approaches I mentioned

M: Highlighted the merits and demerits of the approach and tried to make it clear that the valuation method depends
upon the industry wide accepted methods and the opinions of the evaluator and the client. All this happened with a
few cross questions and me trying to justify everything to the best of my ability. There was also some discussion about
why valuation actually is needed and why it is done

P2: What can be a source of revenue for Airtel other than the mobile phone billings and DTH business?

M: Talked about selling or renting out of mobile towers.

P2: How does Google make money?

M: Answered

P3: So what are your hobbies?

M: Mentioned that I am an avid table tennis player

P3: What is top spin?

M: Held my palm up and asked them to imagine a ball there. Explained the mechanics of how the shot is played and
why it is played. Used the other hand to mimic a racket

P3: Any other hobbies?

M: Mentioned that I keenly follow the standup comedy scene in India. This was followed by some discussion about my
favorite comics and how the scene originated and developed. Also, some discussion about why Kapil Sharma is as
popular as he is. (At this point the panelists looked at each other, nodded and said that they were done. I thanked
them for their time and left)

Verdict: Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 42

Date - 29th March 2018

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Location- Delhi

Course - HR

XAT- 94.27

GD Topic - Is HR an important function or are technical people required in it or not. (Something like this, don't
remember exactly)

Spoke well and made good 4–5 points, talked about role of HR in detail and in my company. Concluded the GD

PI - 3 Professors, All Male (Got a toffee as Soon as I entered)

P1- Why do you want to enter in Management and Why MBA?

A) Answered briefly.

P1- You have done BBA. Yes Sir.

P1- So you're working in EY

A) I was working, explained my role and position briefly and told I left it

P2) Why did you leave such a good company and you may not get it again

A) Justifed my decision and Answered, seemed satisfied

P3 - (I had spoken about some labour laws in GD) Since you already know about it in GD can you tell me about some
reforms in it.

A) Told about Labour Laws followed by reforms going on

P3- Asked what would I do to reform these laws and how to include informal economy and small business in it, asked
about FICCI and it's role in reforms Currently going on.

A) Told about some laws and modifications required and what could possibly be done.

P3) Gave me a case study where I just joined a company as an HR and on my first day I have to go to custom or some
official department office to get my product but officer isn't releasing the goods and what will you do. (It was an ethic
based case study?

A) Told about going through legal routes and not indulging in anything unethical

They asked if I would like to mention anything. I didn't but asked a question regarding XL and it's focus on Ethics to
which they all laughed and said we won't answer it. You can find it out when you come to XL

Result- Converted it.

Interview and WAT Experience 43

XLRI HRM GD/PI experience

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

1:45 PM on 1.03.2017 in the XLRI campus, Jamshedpur


ICSE (Xth): 95

ISC (XIIth): 97

B. Tech. (Chemical Engineering) from NIT Allahabad: 8.45

XAT: 99.06


GD (30 minutes) topic: 5 years of service in rural India should be made compulsory post-MBA

9 people in the GD. It was kind of chaotic. There were few people who were speaking over and above the others. After
a point, everyone was looking to snatch opportunities to speak.

I quoted a few comprehensive facts in the GD (For example, 884 million people live in rural India, of which 36% are
illiterate. Of the 64% literate ones, only 5.4% are high school graduates and only 3.4% are college graduates). Facts like
these were picked up by the group and extensively used in the summarisation process.

INTERVIEW (20-25 minutes)

P1 (male prof), P2 (female prof), P3 (Senior male prof)

P1 took my file and began going through the certificates

P3: So, 884 million. How do you know so many facts, man? Is it a part of your preparation?

Me: Sir, I am very much interested in politics and hence, read quite voraciously. So if I ever come across a fact which
arrests my attention, I record it on my phone, and go over them regularly; I can use them in my conversations and they
also constantly remind me of how much of what exists is still so painful and so much is still to be done for humanity. If
you permit me, I can tell you a few more interesting and surprising facts.

This was followed by me quoting facts for 2-3 mins. The professors were showing astonishment and amusement at
several facts. The last fact I stated was that the IITs have a combined faculty shortage of 36%, with KGP leading the
pack with 46% shortage.

P1: So, what do you think is the faculty shortage at XLRI?

Me: Sir, your placement statistics don't point towards any shortage at all.

(This was followed by general laughter)

P1: So you are interested in politics. A few days back, Virender Sehwag was in the news, but not for his batting. Do you
know anything about it?

Me: Explained the entire Gurmehar Kaur incident as had happened. Also stated that although I am keenly inerested in
politics, I detest the firebrand student politics that seems to have become the order of the day since the BJP has come
to power.

P1: You are a chemical engineer. So tell me, is soap made from oil?

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Me: Yes Sir, soap is made from fat/lye, same as oils.

P1: So how can oil in soaps remove oil from hands?

Me : Sir, soap is amphiphilic. So a part of it is hydrophilic, which attaches itself to a water molecule, and the other part
is hydrophobic, which attaches itself to the oil molecule. In this way, it accentuates the dirt removal properties of the
water molecule, as it individually cannot attach itself adequately well to the dirt.

P1: What is a molecule?

Me: Sir, we need to understand the difference between an element and a compound first. The simplest form in which
substances occur naturally is called an element. Two or more elements together make up a compound. So a molecule
is the smallest form in which a compound can exist, without losing its identity.

P1: What is the minimum number of atoms required to make a molecule? Also give an example.

Me: Sir, a minimum of 2 atoms are needed to make a molecule. For example, 1 atom of Na and 1 atom of Cl together
make 1 molecule of NaCl.

P1: What happens when you break a molecule?

Me: You will get the constituent atoms and a lot of energy is taken. The identity of the molecule will cease to exist.

P1: What is that energy called?

Me: Sir, it is called the energy of formation. Sometimes, energy of dissipation is also used to refer to it.

P1: What is the formula used to calculate it?

Me: Sir, I do not know.

P1: Yes, you must have forgotten.

P2: If you are so much interested in politics, why do you want to do an MBA?

Me: Ma'am, I have been a student of science all my life. Science, for all its wonders, doesn't help understand laws,
economics, finance and other areas which are pivotal for success in public life. At XLRI, I will have subjects such as
Development Economics, which directly deals with efficient public policy as a driver for overall economic growth.
Subjects like Labour Law Applications and Industrial Jurisprudence will teach me about existing laws, their
shortcomings and possible alternatives. I strongly feel that in the days to come, the paucity of jobs, which the youth
today confronts, will be a major challenge for any policy framer. Even for this, XLRI offers interesting courses like
Managing Redundancy. So, upon graduating from here, I will be armed with the necessary knowledge in the necessary
areas to really make a difference. Besides, one of XL's HR alumni is Mr. K. Pandiarajan, the ertswhile School Education
Minister of Tamil Nadu. So, I even have inspiration to be found here.

P1: Can you tell me a bit about Pandiarajan?

Me: Sir, he is a part of the Paneerselvam camp and was expelled from AIADMK by Sasikala just before she went to

P1: Was he always a part of the Paneerselvam camp?

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Me: No. He was a Jayalalithaa loyalist and after her demise, once Paneerselvam came into his own, Pandiarajan threw
his weight behind him.

P3: You said that the situation pains you. So what have you done about it?

Me: I haven't done anything grand yet. I humbly concede that my knowledge base is woefully small for me to be truly
effective if I take up active public service right away. But I am sustained by the truth that my intentions are pure. I have
been involved in several teaching-related activities, with primary and high-school children as I feel that education is of
utmost significance for the upliftment of lives. Now, in my college, I can see that there is a healthy atmosphere of
debate and discussion over politics. People want to be aware of these issues. I feel that I can take some credit for it
because of the societies facilitating these discussions which I have set up in college. On graduation from XL, once I
have the necessary know how, I will be in a position to do far more.

P1: Tell me one thing that you particularly like to do.

Me: Sir, I love to write. I am also the Chief Student Editor of my college magazine.

P1: And one thing that you absolutely dislike doing?

Me: Sir, I don't like attending parties and am not very good at socialising with people. I like to be in my comfort zone,
around my friends, not attempting to introduce myself to new people. I know that this introverted nature of mine may
prove to be a deterrent in the career that I have envisaged for myself. I have been working on it and have also made
improvements, but I still have a long way to go.

P1: Are you sure you are an introvert? You spoke well in the GD.

Me: Sir, in matters of debate and discussion, I am always in my element. I can talk with anyone on these issues for any
amount of time. But in parties...

P1: You can't gel in?

Me: Sir, let's just say I have trouble shedding my serious side.

(This was followed by general laughter)

P2: Do you wish to get into politics completely seriously and properly?

Me: Yes, ma'am. This may sound like a childlike ambition to you, but I wish to be the PM of India. If not that, the
HRD/Education Min. And I will get there.

P1: You will get there?

Me: Yes Sir, I will get there.

P1 looks at P2 and smiles

P2: Rohan, had you been in colleges like JNU or DU, you would have had a good launching pad to prepare yourself for
politics. Since you aren't affiliated to such a university, how are you preparing yourself for politics?

Me: Ma'am, firstly, I am fundamentally against these student unions which swear loyalty to one party or another, and
have reduced centres of educational and acdemic excellence to focal points for petty politics, hooliganism and
patronising behaviour.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

P2: Okay. Tell me how are you preparing yourself for peaceful politics.

Me: Ma'am, I read a lot. I have a set of political heroes, who were instrumental in changing lives and uplifting people
through amazing feats of leadership. By reading about their decisions, policies and ideas, I have a vague idea of how
one country became the world leader in education while another saw a record number of movement of people from
poverty to the middle class. I have heard Bill Clinton's lectures, read Lee Kuan Yew's and Barack Obama's books and
also regularly read informative and reputed journals, newspapers and reports to get an insight into important issues.
Once I join XL, I will also have the necessary technical knowledge to complement my existing idelogies, which I have
received, through extensive reading, from people who I consider champion leaders and statesmen and my role

P2 (nodding): So you want to learn before working hands-on. Okay.

P2: One last question. Will you be sitting in our placement process?

Me: Ma'am, I am glad that you brought that up. I am very much interested in XL's unique initiative called "Parivartan",
which places students in the social sector, in organisations which do noble work for the betterment of society, at large.
I would prefer this to the conventional placements any day. Could you also maybe tell me a little about it?

P2: Actually, I don't know much about it. Maybe Sir (pointing towards P3, the senior prof) can tell you.

P3: You already know enough. (: p)

P2: So, thank you Rohan!

I shook the hands of all three panelists and left!

Verdict: straight convert.

Interview and WAT Experience 44



1 year of workex in Cloud industry.

GD: can women make better managers than men when given multiple tasks?


There were three male professors. I came to know about the fact that two of them taught OB At XL later.

P2: you're from Institute of Technology but which University?

Me: Sir, it's Institute of Technology, Nirma University.

P2: So, does nirma still sell washing powder.

Me: Yes sir, it does.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

P1: So Dhruv, what makes you come here today?

Me: Sir, as in by transport?

P1: No, what makes you select this particular date?

Me: Sir, my sister was traveling to Canada on 3rd March so I selected 5th March for this interview.

P1: Ohh, Canada. What's she doing there?

Me: she's a pharmacist there.

P1: why don't you pursue your MBA from Canada? There are some pretty good colleges there.

Me: Sir, I'm aware that Canada has some very good colleges when it comes to MBA but I want to work for India and
that's why I'm planning to do it from here itself.

P2 was looking at my docket during this and jumps in.

P2: So, you had organizational behavior in your cirrculum. What did you learn?

Me: Sir, in OB we had structures of organizations and how they worked. How employees can contribute to the
organization and server to its vision and mission. How change management occurs at an organization and bits and
parts about it.

P1: (seems satisfied) okay. So, how did they evaluate you in Yoga and meditation?

Me: Sir, we had yoga and meditation as a supplementary course during our first sem…

P1:(cuts me in between) Yes, but how did they evaluate students?

Me: Sir, we had a Yoga tutor who came every Saturday and during our final exams, they called in five students and told
us to do different pranayams and yoga positions. We were asked to do different pranayams such as Kapal Bhati,
Bhastrika, etc.

P2: okay. What did you learn in mechanics of solids?

Me: (completely stumped) Umm, we had teachings on how pressure and tensions work and things in line of that.

P2: What are the things in line?

Me: Sir, I might not recall it since it was way back in 2013.

P2: What did you learn in Critical thinking?

Me: Sir, Our institute director took this course and we had types of thinking and why critical thinking is required along
with types of arguments and how to counter these arguments. We also learned about fallacies in this course.

P2: Can you jot that down?

Me: Sure sir. (Did it as instructed. Wrote how assertions should be first made and then how counter arguments should
be made)

P2: Dhruv, what were your in GD?

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Told them my arguments and also told them that I was advocating the story for since they have been a part of
patriarchal society.

P2: Now can your analyze this as per the points that you've written down.

Told them how I analyzed the assertion and went on to form my counter argument. Also told them how one of the
candidates was constantly countering my point.

P2: Do you agree with him?

Me: No, sir. He was saying that markets decide the underdogs but what I feel is, Generations decide the underdogs not
the markets.

P2: Analyze his arguments based on the elements of critical thinking.

Did the same. Told my reply as a counter argument to what he was saying.

P3: (Suddenly jumpes in) but did yoy mention this during your GD?

Me: No, sir I couldn't do it at that time because it'd derail the conversation.

P3: stick to what you've said in GD and then Analyze it.

Did it.

P2: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Me: Sir, I believe technology is going to be a pivotal part in future and that's why I would like to work as a manager at a
tech firm.

P2: What do you think about the fact that AI is going to replace our jobs?

Me: Sir, I would like to quote Yuval Nohal Harrari from 21 lessons from 21st century that AI is only going to eliminate
the monotonous jobs and it'll only result in humams doing more productive jobs in the future.

P1: Analyze his argument via critical thinking.

Did it.

P1: Can there be any other view?

Me: I didn't get you.

P2: what's your view?

Me: I agree with what he said and in the long term it could be better for humanity, too.

P1: Analyze your statement via critical thinking.

Me:(Ohh man, did it.)

P1: (Again) Can there be any other views?

Me: Sir, I believe there can always be a liberal view…

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

P1:(cuts me) from where does the liberal view come?

Me: As in there can always be counter arguments to what I said in terms of critical thinking.

P1: Okay.

Asks others if they want to ask anything. Everyone shook their head.

All: Okay, Dhruc. Best of luck.

Me: Thank you sir.

That's all.

Results: Awaited

Interview and WAT Experience 45

XLRI BM Interview and WAT Experience

Background: Engineer (CSE)

10/12/Grad/XAT: 91.2 / 93.8 / 80/ 98.7

Work Ex: 30 months in IT

Date: March 17, 2019

Location: Delhi

GD and WAT Topic:

In a democracy, people are as responsible as politicians for the problems.

Personal Interview:

2 male professors P1 and P2 and one female professor F1

P1: How is your name pronounced?

What is the meaning of your name?

What qualities do you have? Tell me your strengths

Why do you want to do an MBA?

P2: (He was going through my file)

You had a subject Soft Computing. What did you learn in it?

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

What is soft computing? How is it different from hard computing?

What is probability?

What is an event?

Take a real-life example and explain event, sample space, outcomes, probability

F1: Describe your job role

Take a pen and paper. Guess the number of cars in Delhi. Explain your approach

Ok, we are done.

Result: Waitlisted

Interview and WAT Experience 46

XL HRM: Mumbai

Profile: CA

GD/WAT: A person's greatness in society is not by Big positions but the character of the person (Something on that

PI: 6th to be interviewed (Average 20 mins interview for all)

Three in panel all Male

M2: Why HR after CA?

M2: What role fits u best in HR? - I said Compensation & Benefits

M2: Tell me about recent trends in Compensation & Benefits?

M2: Assume you own a Football team, who is in cup final? Prize money 200 Mn. U want to distribute 100Mn to
players. How will u develop a incentive system for it?

(Lot of discussion on this)

M2 say's he is done.

M3: Gives me today's Economic times, Headlines Azim Premzi donates 21Bn to charity. Do you think he has a good

M3: I think he is a cheat, just a systematic fraud and now show of charity? Argued against it

M3: Why not pay employees more, IT workers are paid less he is cheating with employees, looting them? Then said Bill
gates is same, and started discussing the same thing abt him.... Argued Against it.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

M1: Tell me about kotak committee, whose recommendations are to implemented from next year? (In the meantime
M2 takes my profile and Writes OUT on each page with like mega font size)

M1: I said not aware abt it completely but it has do with corporate governance? Kept grilling me gave me some hints
too But did not know the exact recommendations!

M1: Thank you you may go

Verdict – Converted

Interview and WAT Experience 47

Class X: 10 CGPA
Class XII: 96%
UG (BCom): 79.xx%
Work experience: 15 months in Audit in SRBC & CO LLP (a network firm of EY)
XAT: 99.5x percentile
February 23
WAT and GD: Monopolising railways is bad. (Something along that lines)
Decent. But it was in a regular room in ITC with the bed taken out and plastic chairs. No desk to put paper on so had to
use portfolio file. So writing the WAT and even doing a GD with 11 people (8 applicants+3 panelists) stuck in the room
was uncomfortable and claustrophobic.
P1: What is role of auditor today?
A: Sir look at the financial news of the last 9-12 months. There is complete lack of accountability in corporates as we
can see in the IL&FS issue, the ICICI and Chanda Kochhar issue. With great money comes great responsibility and even
greater greed. So the auditors ensure that companies follow code of conduct, laws of land and financial reporting
requirements. They help to make sure that shareholders, no actually stakeholders, are not misled or cheated on by
company. I would say that there has never been a greater need for CAs today than before.
P1: So you’ve studied Companies Act 2013 and Ind AS? What is the major change in terms of Consolidation of
A: The method of identifying companies to be consolidated has shifted from largely voting share based to control
P1: What do you mean by control?
A: Sir control is the ability to influence or manage the decision making of a company. For example if Company X buys
90% of what Company Y sells, it is said to wield control and accounts of Company Y will need to be consolidated to
Company X.
P1: Is 90% sales enough to justify control?
A: Sir so other factors are also there but in this case I think it will be consolidated.
P1: Why was there a shift from voting based to control base?
A: (Thought for a bit. Couldn’t think of anything. Started a sentence but realised I had absolutely no clue. Said I don’t
P1: If you were in the ministry and had to convince the others for this change, what would you say?
A: Sir I don’t know but if I had to guess it would probably be because promoters sometimes don’t have majority stake
in companies but still have influence so to ensure promoter or promoter company does not use his/her influence in a
wrong manner and to bring accountability (this is sanitised version. I genuinely had no idea and so rambled a bit)
P3: What do you think of jobless growth in India?
A: Sir I think the threat of jobless growth has roots in Industrial Revolution.

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

P3: Threat? It is actually there.
A: (Can’t remember but I said something weird here and then the following) so basically right from the time we moved
to a machine-oriented approach there was going to be a situation of jobless growth.
P3: Which is the sector which has most employment?
A: I’m not really sure but I think it is the service sector.
P3: Then how would it be affected by industrial revolution?
A: (Should have said industrial revolution is just the beginning but didn’t strike then) Sir technology affects all the
sectors. Anyway I believe that we would now be moving towards growth in jobs in innovation or technology related
P2: What are mean median and mode?
A: They are statistical tools-
P2: Are they just statistical tools?
(Had no idea so stayed silent)
P2: They are measures of central tendency.
A: Okay.
P2: When are they used?
(Blank face)
P2: When is mean used, median used, mode used?
A: When the data is more or less uniform, mean would be the best measure.
P2: What is uniform?
A: So where there is little deviation.
P2: What is deviation?
A: Basically, where observations are closer to mean. Xi-xbar is low.
P2: What is Xi and Xbar?
A: Xi is the observation. Xbar the mean.
P2: So xi-Xbar is deviation?
A: No square of that and then its sum divided by N is variance and its square root is standard deviation.
(A short back and forth I don’t remember)
P1 wrote this.
2017-18 Per Capita Income 10k 40k
2018-19 Per Capita Income 12k 42k
Interpret 3 things from this.
1. sir rate of growth of per capita income in A is faster this indicates A has lesser income inequality.
2. While the absolute PCI of A and B is same, because B has a greater base (40k) there is a lower increase in per capita
income. So it is not growing as fast as it should.
3. Assuming that total income of both is same, A has higher population than B.
Then he added some other data point which I can’t remember and to which I gave iffy answers.
P1: Okay. Thank you.
P3: What is this Amrut Mody School of Management?
A: Sir my college. Part of Ahmedabad University.
P3: Who is the promoter?
A: Sir chancellor?
P3: No promoter.
A: Sir it is by Ahmedabad Education Society of which the Chairman/trustee is Mr Sanjoy Lalbhai, the promoter of
Arvind Industries.
P3: Okay thanks.
Verdict: converted

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Interview and WAT Experience 48

XAT 98.997%



24 months workex with Hindalco + 7 months workex with NGO ASRA

Center: ITC Grand Central


WAT: They first of all asked us to write the WAT. Wrote about why ethics were essential for long term success. About
Hardwork building empires which weren't fragile. Gave examples of Atalji and David. Showed how their values stood
the test of time. Talked about different aspects of success and how values and success built on that stands the test of

GD: Spoke 3rd in the GD, have points as to the meaning of Finishing first. How the success is defined. Gave examples
about how Vajpayee's brand of politics led to bipartisanship and one of the most successful periods in India. How his
values and ethics led to his legacy. And how even after his death he is revered. Good discussion, made multiple
enteries and summarized the topic. We were done after 25 minutes.

PI: I was the first one in again.

Prof Gurunathan, a ma'am M1 and another sirP2

P2: Calls me up

Me: good afternoon sirs and ma'am.

M1: Please take a seat and give your file to Sir.

M1: So, Durga you've worked at Hindalco, what was were role there?

Me: Explained

M1: Wow so you had a lot of responsibilities, how did you manage?

Me: Explained

M1: But if you loved your job what's the reason you switched to an NGO?

Me: Explained

M1: Okay I understand. But what if the situation arises again?

Me: Explained they seemed satisfied.

M1: Okay Durga tell me about 3 incidents at Hindalco which taught you a lot about workplace and leadership.

(This part of my interview took something about half an hour)

For GDPI preparation, visit courses.catking.in | 8999118999 | www.catking.in

Me: Explained the first incident. Cross questions about that from all panelists.

Me: Ma'am I actually forgot the exact question you asked.

M1: Repeated the question

Me: Second incident. This time Gurunathan sir, gets involved a lot of cross questioning and about my actions.

Me: The Third incident. This was the one where I think I fucked up my P1. Retireated a event when I was manhandled
by one of my workers. Gurunathan sir sits up and basically for 10-15 mins we both have a discussion. He asked me the
underlying reasons as to why this happened

Me: Gave reasons about why I thought this happened.

Gurunathan: Your HR department failed miserably.

Me: I'm sorry sir, but I would like to differ, the process existed but I chose to confide in my Manager who was a father

Gurunathan: Durga you're getting it wrong. You're defending your organization and your actions, we're not
questioning them. Its just that your organization failed in this regard.

Me: Again tried to explain that it probably was my fault.

Gurunathan : Okay tell me why did you confide in your manager and not in a department meant to deal with these
types of situation?

Me: Tried something he wasn't satisfied.

Gurunathan: Okay Durga, lemme try something tell me if I'm correct. And damn he discovered the real underlying
reasons, something that even I couldn't manage after 7months of experiencing the event.

Me: This is totally correct sir. I'm really sorry I couldn't reach there myself, but this is the only reason I want to be at
the best HRM program in Asia pacific regions, interact and learn from teachers like you. And if given the chance I'll get
back to you with a more detailed and accurate reasoning. All the panelists smile

Gurunathan: Ha ha that's a good one.

Gurunathan: Okay I'll give you a hypothetical situation. You're at XL HRM, but unfortunately that year XL doesn't have
good placements and you end up again at Hindalco, what extra will you do to ensure this doesn't happen again.

Me: Gave two to three solutions

Gurunathan: Will this be sufficient to make the situation better

Me: Told them how it is a continuous process and will help in long run.

P1: Okay so Durga, that fellow called you a gadha. That must have hurt but tell me what differs a gadha from a horse,

Me: gave qualities of both in accordance to Leadership and team

P1: Okay so a donkey is more suitable to be a corporate leader and member

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Me: Explained how different jobs require different personalities and how in some roles horses would do better and in
some a gadha.

P1: Okay tell me about the different contract labors you had.

Me: Explained the scene

P1: What rights to they have?

Me: Told.

P1: Bas?

Me: Told them I'm not aware of other rules

P1: Starts riling me now. Asks different citations, notifications blah blah other legal and technical stuff from contract
labors act.

Me: I'm really sorry sir, I only know the basics. Haven't studied it properly.

P1: Okay tell me about your work at NGO

Me: Explained

P1: So, you've studied at DAV CA PUR?

Me: Yes sir.

P1; Tell me about your principal

Me: Told

P1: Who took your English in 9th and 10th?

Me: (Dafaq) but told. He seemed to know them. More discussions on my school and college.

P1: Do you know the deputy judge who has been recently been appointed from that place.

Me: no sir

P1: Okay tell me so you know why that place is famous for?

Me: I say sir food is pretty good and cheap. Apart from that the people are known to be a tad boastful.


P1 and Gurunathan: So, you think you're humble

Me: yes

Gurunathan: Are you humble because it pays off or just because it is the right thing to do?

Me: explain it and end it with how it helps me in the end even though my family instilled the values.

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P1: Some questions about NGO

Me: Explained

P1: Okay I'm done.

P1 and M1: Please take two toffees. Thanks.

Total time :50-55minutes.

Verdict: Converted

Interview and WAT Experience–49

DATE - 24th March 2021

I had a Zoom interview for the XLRI BM program

XAT - 99.7

Academics - 76/85.8/77.8

Profile: I did my undergrad from NIT Jaipur in Electrical Engineering and graduated in 2021 itself, so I'm a fresher.

Duration: 25 min (2:45 PM – 3:10 PM) I had three interviewers two of them are male and one is female.

M1- From where are you joining for this interview?

Me- Sir currently I am in my home town Alwar, Rajasthan.

M1- Tell me something about important or famous things from your city?

Me-Told, so while telling them I told them about the Bhangarh fort in Alwar and stated that it is the fourth most
haunted place in the world and the most haunted place in Asia.

M1- How can you say it is the most haunted place in Asia, on what parameters these rankings were given?

Me- Sir I am not sure about the parameters, perhaps from the real-life experiences or observations.

M1- You are an electrical engineer use that knowledge and tell me.

Me- Told them about the variations in the magnetic fields and how there are devices that are used to measure these
variations like magnetometers and electromagnetic field detectors.

M1- okay, so tell me what did you learn in Jaipur apart from engineering?

Me- Told them about chess, diversity, and how living on my own made me more responsible

F1- You have worked in an NGO tell me about that?

Me- Told in detail about it with its motive, area of work, target section, etc.

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F1- (Out of the blue she asked me) Proof that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, we tend to take that thing
for granted but prove that thing for me using pen and paper.

Me- Proved.

And then she asked me one more maths problem and later asked me to draw a graph for a given equation which I
answered after that she look convinced.

M2- You have done one core internship in a Power station tell me what is load factor with its formula?

Me- Answered successfully, I got lucky here as the power system is a very vast topic but I revised this part beforehand.

(I think he was convinced).

M2- What are the business implications of keeping the maximum power output of a plant high as we require lesser
power output for most of the time?

Me- I couldn't able to understand the question so I answered what I studied and know about the load factor and tried
to articulate my answer around that only.

After long grilling on the same topic.

M2- Can you support your answer with an example?

Me- I mentioned the Texas power cut which happened around that time.

M2- I am done.

F1 asked a few more general questions and was done. I believe I gave satisfactory and honest answers and she looked

M1: Okay so we are done. Asked me to leave.

Verdict: Straight Convert.

Interview and WAT Experience–50

Academics: 10th-95, 12th-92, Grad-8.1(upto 7th Semester)

Profile: General Engineer Female (Fresher)

XAT score: Overall-97.89(V&LA-95.08, QA-83.36, DM-99.74) ; GK-79.98(I suck :P)

Had my BM interview on 19th March 2021 and HRM on 22nd March 2021. (We were given a choice for the selection of
interview dates ~ was grilled around this, read further!)

Will be discussing about HRM Interview here!

-> My slot was around 4:30 in the evening on Zoom. At around 5pm, I was asked to enter the call. (Was very nervous &
thrilled and the wait added to it)

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-> There were three male professors. Will be referring to them as P1, P2, P3.

-> P1 had very normal expressions on his face, P2 kinda intimidated me as he maintained a straight face throughout
the interview and P3 kept smiling, gave a very positive vibe.

So the Interview starts,

Me: Good Evening sirs.

P3: Hi Akshika, seems like we kept you waiting for quite long, you look nervous! Have some water if you want.

Me: Smiled and said, “Thankyou Sir, I'm fine” (which I was not, totally!)

P1: Okay then let's start the interview. Akshika, you're doing Btech, right?

Me: Yes sir, I'm in my final year.

P1: So did you sit for your campus placements or yet to appear for those?

(I wanted to go like, LoL, we don't do that stuff at our college ~ Pantnagar people can understand)

Me: No sir, I didn't. Actually, we don't have alot many(saying zilch would have been very depressing) companies
coming to our campus. There were a few that traced us through online mediums but I didn't go for those.

P1: So the placement scenario at your college isn't good. How long has it been like that?

Me: Have been in this college for almost four years and noticed that the graph isn't going up instead witnessed a
downfall since a few years.

P1: And what are the possible reasons for that?

Me: Sir, it's a government college. All the employees have been in the same positions for years now and it's like they
have lost interest in thriving for any improvements. (All my frustration coming out ~ Was trying to be brutally honest
but then remembered, blaming all of it on authority might not be a good option! So gave some more points like how
covid also affected the process) Also, recently we had a change in our exam pattern as we shifted from internal to
external examination process.

P1: What's with that? I mean what are the differences?

Me: Explained to him how the rules and regulations for exams were stricter in external pattern, like, Backlogs in more
than two subjects led you to a year back with no provisions for medical issues & compartment. Students faced a lot of
trouble, pulled off court cases etc. Basically concluded with.., the amount of time students must have invested in
building their skillsets was wasted in dealing with pressures regrading exams and not everyone was able to cope up
with that.

P2(jumped in): Akshika, when a change is decided upon, a lot of thought is put into it. I'm sure your college's
administration must have had some positives in their mind regarding this shift. What do you think those would have

Me: Maybe the college administration visioned a more rigid curriculum that may force students to bring out their best
and achieve greater academical heights.

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P2: So why did it backfire? Like you said, wasn't healthy for students.

Me: Sir, I believe adaption should accompany change. But the speed with which it came into effect was way faster
than the students, or even the teachers, could process. There was no room for adjusting to it which further fostered
trouble on both ends. (Gave me a ‘hmmm look' with a straight face :/ Couldn't really make out was he satisfied or not!)

P1(Thank God, he came back): You said there was no time to adapt but you have a cgpa above 8, so how did you

Me: Sir, as I mentioned earlier, not all were able to cope which also implies there were some who did. A few quick
learners exist everywhere. (shouldn't let go of a single chance to appear confident) :P

P1 & P3 laughed.

P2: Akshika, I went through your questionnaire and I can't find anything that we could talk about. (we were given a
form with some HR questions related to our life, prior to the Interview) Tell me something other than what's
written here!

(This guy sat there just to make me nervous)

Me: Tried thinking about a major Life event. (You know that moment when you actually have a 100 things to talk
about in a domain but as soon as someone puts it up as a question, you can't remember a single thing!) This was that
moment of the interview where I went blank and then nervously talked about a very normal sort of moment.

He didn't engage :/

P3(finally): (smiling) Hi Akshika, so you have mentioned about organization of various fests in your college. What
moment related to that brought you the most joy?

Me: We have a celebrity night on the last day of our tech fest. I remember this moment from my first year when the
students were going mad about the celeb performing on stage and I could see that they are enjoying something, we
have worked so hard for. It made me extremely happy when I saw people so excited about an event that we created &
brought to life.

P3: Ohh, must have been a nice feeling. (smiles)Who was the celebrity?

Me: Darshan Raval. XD

P3: What other celebrities have you managed to call on campus?

Me: The local train, Akhil Sachdeva, Nalayak Band etc.

P3: During this stint with executive body, how you changed or progressed as an individual?

Me: Talked about how organization of fest involves so many facets like bringing people together, arranging logistics,
communicating with sponsors, meeting deadlines under pressure etc. It helped me grow in all aspects & especially
nurtured my soft skills. One major change I feel is the lessened hesitation in talking to people for the first time. I mean,
I would have came across as a totally different person in this interview, if I had not been a part of this body.

P3: Nice. Can you recall any moment from your college life that affected you or your thought process?

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Me: (had only one thing in mind, people close to me know, if only I had the guts to say it as it is) Anyways, told him
how due to some medical emergency, I had to rush home without my laptop and other things, just a week before the
interview. Was very difficult to mentally prepare myself after that and also, had to arrange all the resources required
in given time. This episode made me realize how situations can change in a moment and you still have to show up for
certain things because that's how you live!

(Smiled back at me)

P1: Akshika, you gave your BM interview, right?

Me: Yes sir, on 19th.

P1: Why did you choose a date for HRM after BM?

Me: (I seriously didn't realize where's this going) Sir, my first preference was always HRM…(P1 cuts me)

P1: We know, we know that from your form but why didn't you give HRM's Interview first?

Me: As I said, HRM was always my preference so I thought it would be a good idea to get familiar with the interview
process. (Said this without thinking)

P2: (came in to roast me) Akshika, I really appreciate your honesty but imagine if one of us would've taken your BM
Interview too, would you have said the same thing? It's like you're telling us on our face that you gave it just as a
practice Interview.

Me: (just realised what I did but had already been through 3/4th of the interview so was quite confident at that
moment) Sir, having priorities doesn't mean you aren't considering other options! Joining XLRI will always be an
honour for an MBA aspirant like me.

(After this answer, I wanted to pat myself on my back because guess what, P2 finally smiled!!!)

P2: So which interview was better, according to you?

Me: BM's interview because it was a fun interactive conversation kind but yes, this was an interview kind of interview!

(All smiled :P)

P1: I like your honesty.

Me: Thankyou sir!

“Okay Akshika, now you can leave the meeting.”

VERDICT: Waitlist number-71(15th May); Converted in the first list (27th May)!

Interview and WAT Experience–51

Profile: 88.29/96.60/75.29 (8.12) (10/12/Grad- B. Com)

Qualified CA with 11 months work ex

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XAT: 98.80

Three professors: All seemed to be in their late 50's. 2 from Finance and 1 from OB (P1, P2, P3 and M- Me)

P1: Why didn't you complete CA?

M: Said I'm done with CA and that I've been working in the field of Audit for 11 months

P1: Asked if I've done articleship

M: Yes, 3 years of articleship.

P1: Asked me why I have a break from Aug 2019 to March 2020

M: Explained about the courses we have to complete post CA to get our membership. Also said that I'd appeared for
CAT/XAT at the same time.

P1: Asked me to explain my work completely

M: Answered in detail specifying certain major audits that I had undertaken.

P1: Asked me which audits I've been to and about what is ethical and unethical

M: Explained. Tried more to stress on concept of Materiality in Audit rather than specifically speaking too much on

P1: So what is the concept of materiality in audit?

M: Explained the concept stating that it could be both an amount as well a critical area.

P1: Materiality is the amount right?

M: Not necessarily sir

P1: What are you saying, are you sure materiality in audit does not imply amount?

M: Explained that amount is one aspect but if the area is critical, you can report the same even if the amount is not
very high. Gave an example of how I did find a default in the NPA amount of a bank and even though it was a small
amount, the area was critical and that since the audit time was just 7–10 days, there could be a larger default which
was not noticed due to sampling error in audit, so it was necessary to report it.

Now P2 comes in

P2: Difference between Ind AS and AS

M: Answered

P2: Difference between manufacturing and bank audit

M: Explained (tried to speak how the sampling error might be higher in bank audit as one of my points, long discussion
on same).

P2: Stopped me in between, and asked me about the recent changes in audit

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M: Explained wrt NFRA, RBIA, etc. Tried to stress more on the changes made as a result of scams etc. as I had a good
idea about it and the same were major adjustments.

P2: What recent changes have taken place in ITR?

M: explained

P2: In how long you'll understand a client's business as an auditor

M: Explained wrt to different types of audit. He specifically asked for external audit, so spoke as to how it depends on
engagement letter and then with the discussion with our engagement team, we can get a basic idea. Plus how the
auditors are appointed for a certain period to get a good understanding and how we use the work of another auditor.

P2: Explain to me step by step in detail as to how you'll help a charitable trust escape taxation

M: Explained that I've not worked in this domain but yet tried wrt to a corporate entity

P2: Stopped in between and asked to speak for individuals

M: I couldn't answer this

Now P3 comes in

P3: Difference between private and public bank

M: Answered

P3: Is RBI a private or public bank

M: Tried explaining it's a Central Bank acting as a regulatory authority. Don't know why they didn't accept it though I
was pretty confident on it (later found that RBI was nationalised in 1949. For the first time, the professor made a very
weird expression)

P3: Explain to me step by step as to how will you audit the RBI

M: Tried my best in accordance with the audits I've been to but was stopped in between

P3: Adarsh, I hate financial ratios, it only covers one aspect of entities, can you explain why we use them instead of
multiple variables

M: tried linking it with Casa/net margin, debt equity/interest coverage and a lot more to show how financial ratios are
interconnected and hence can be used

P3: no, I'm not satisfied, try considering a portfolio, why do we only consider risk/return, why not anything else, i find
it very illogical

M: I couldn't understand the question tbh, tried linking it with arbitrage pricing model

P2 interrupted: You're a CA, you should know sir is referring to Sharpe Ratio Adarsh

M: I apologized and accepted I couldn't understand the question (honestly first time I got a bit scared in the interview).
I did explain what Sharpe Ratio meant though.

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P2 explained what he meant

Then they said thank you and asked me to log off.

The interview went on for around 30–35 mins. To be honest, most of the interviews I'd read about were not so
technical. Yet, I guess I fared well and was happy with my performance (apart from that RBI question).

Result: Converted :)

Interview and WAT Experience–52

Profile: I did my undergrad from IIT Kanpur in Economics M. Sc. Integrated 5-year course) graduating in 2013. I then
proceeded to pursue M. Phil. & Ph.D. from Tilburg University (2013–19)

XAT Percentile: VARC (97.27)/DM (85.93)/QA (96.67)/OA (98.67)

Work Ex: I taught UG & Masters level courses as a part of my doctorate and also had an opportunity to run a
Randomized Control Trial (RCT) in Nairobi in 2015. Duration of my work ex was 45 months (Sep 2015-June 2019)

Duration: 40 minutes (9:27 AM - 10:07 AM) I had four interviewers all male

Q1> Introduce yourself?

A> Told about my educational journey from undergrad in IITK to M.Phil. and then research work in Tilburg University.
Mentioned my hobbies and places I have stayed/visited.

Q2> Why didn't you finish your PhD?

A> Explained that my research work was not going so well in the last leg. Although, I had finished two papers the
second paper still needed more refinement and I had not started on the third paper. Additionally, my teaching
experience gave me an insight that this was not something I enjoyed doing so much and would like to stop. All this
motivated me not to further extend my contract beyond June 2019, and thus I came back home.

Q3> Lots of students face difficulties especially in their final years of research during PhD. Since you have an option
of finishing your doctorate don't you think you should finish that and then start your corporate journey as many
financial firms hire PhDs. This way the 4 years you spent doing research will not go to waste?

A. Finishing my doctorate will take about 18-24 months and after that I will again be applying for corporate jobs be it
in India/Europe. Although, some PhDs do get hired, but a vast majority choose to go to academia or a post doc career
which is basically the same as PhD researcher with added administrative/teaching responsibilities with a miniscule pay
bump. I agree that risk is still there that some firms might see my age as a disadvantage, but I am confident an MBA
degree from a top school will allow me at least chance to access most interviews and I have enough confidence in my
abilities that I can crack most of them given a chance. Additionally, I don't believe the 4 years I spent in PhD research
were a waste. I learned deep analysis work, ability to read and assimilate complex academic journals, present an idea
at multiple stages of research, look at a problem with a bird's eye view and also analyze a particular vulnerability of
any economic model with laser-like focus. It might seem that the skill set I learned are applicable only in academics,
but I believe they are extremely useful in the corporate world as well because they too need deep thinkers and
problem solvers albeit in a different setting.

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Q4> We have looked at your profile, and we think that you will fare better if you gain some years of corporate
experience and then apply to one of the executive MBA programs from XLRI/IIMs.

A> My profile is very uni-dimensional in the sphere of academic work that too primarily in Economics/Finance. Since, I
want to work in the corporate sector I need a strong signal which will show that I am interested and prepared for a
corporate job. When I was applying for jobs I couldn't access many jobs which fit very well with my profile because I
didn't have an MBA degree or because the firm thought that my resume left me predisposed towards an academic
career. Doing an MBA will right away give me an exposure into various facets of the corporate world like
operations/supply chain management/consulting/marketing in just two years along with boosting my profile with a
strong signal that I am committed to a corporate career. That's why I want to do an MBA now to ensure that my next
10/15 years of corporate life has a healthy growth rate with multiple prospects.

Q5> Assuming you don't get an MBA seat this year what are your alternate options?

A> I am confident that I will crack at least one of my interviews but in case they are not my top choices I will start
applying again for jobs, do some research on ISB's executive program and give GMAT/CAT/XAT in the coming cycle.
Whether I decide to continue in my job and wait a couple of years before reapplying for an MBA is something I have
not put much thought and I will do that post the result declaration of XLRI, FMS & IIMs.

Q6> You are 31 years old which puts you at almost 6/7 years older than most of the cohort. In our experience
students with your profile often fail to have an overall MBA experience?

A. I have spent my entire adult life either studying with or working with or teaching students who were from various
age groups as I was taking classes for undergraduate as well as masters students. I also took multiple courses during
my UG & M.Phil with Masters/PhD students who were much older than me. I believe at the end of the day all MBA
students are thorough professionals who will care about my contribution to the team/class and not focus on cosmetic
factors like age, corporate experience etc.

Q7> The problem you were facing in job interviews you will face again at the end of your MBA as you will be 33 with
no corporate experience to speak of. So, why will firms even decide to shortlist you?

A> I will have a potential MBA degree from a top B-school and assuming I have performed well academically I believe
age will not be such a strong factor to deny my candidature. I may have to face tougher interviews or work harder to
convince the panel that I will be a good fit for the firm, but I know I can not only handle that but possibly even excel in
them too.

Q8> Justify the reasons why you are not a good candidate for the MBA program?

A> My age and lack of corporate experience are factors work negatively against my candidature but my resume, field
and academic experience compensate for the above-mentioned factors.

Q9> What did you do in Microfinance?

A> I worked on setting up lending contracts which are self-enforcing and don't require a collateral, a feature prevalent
in micro-finance. The Model assumes homogeneous agents where the group member chooses to work diligently and
monitor his partner(costly peer monitoring) to ensure compliance. I extend the multi-agent principal-agent model with
costly peer monitoring developed in Carli & Uras (2017) by relaxing the assumption of perfect monitoring. The core
result of one of the agents receiving a higher expected return to compensate for higher volatility is preserved albeit
under more stringent conditions. Finally, I evaluate a threshold level of imperfect monitoring beyond which a
sustainable joint-liability contract is no longer feasible.

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Q10> Since you have given multiple interviews what parameters will you use to judge various interviews that you
have given?

A> (I was confused with the question and mentioned some of my interview experiences, but then the interviewer
interrupted and asked me to provide parameters to evaluate interviews) I mentioned duration of interviews, depth of
questions asked & areas covered by the questions, and finally focus on personality traits apart from academics/work

Q11> What do mean by personality traits apart from academics/work experience?

A> Hobbies, future plans, suitable career choices etc.

Q12> What would be career choices post MBA?

A> Right now finance & consulting are the obvious alternatives as my economics education has large overlap with
finance and PhD experience has trained me to solve intricate problems using multiple points of entry. But, I have not
had exposure to other industries and my final decision regarding my career will be made while doing the MBA as I will
be better informed about the corporate sector on the whole.

Q13> What are your hobbies, and what have you achieved in them?

A> I am an avid quizzer, and I was runner's up in quarter-finals of All Asia Bournvita Quiz Contest in 2003. Also, my first
and only time featuring on live television (some chuckles from the panel). I enjoy debating and won various
debate/extempore competitions in schools but lost touch during my undergrad. I restarted debating in Tilburg and
participated in WUDC 2014 held in Vienna - a pan-European parliamentary style debate competition, and was ranked
14th among 70+ speakers. Apart from these I enjoy reading novels both fiction and non-fiction, but I am particularly
fond of historical/mythological fiction like Shiva Trilogy by Amish, books by Ashwin Sanghi and Dan Brown. Last but not
the least I am a big Harry Potter fan.

Q14> Given one of your hobbies is debating, debate against the motion "Reservation is useful in modern India"

A> (I asked for 30 seconds of thinking time) I have 3 arguments against it. Firstly, the benefits of reservation are mostly
appropriated by the elites in the sub-groups which have reservation status making the benefits unreachable for the
individuals who really need them. Secondly, legacy reservation rule is problematic as kids and grandkids of individuals
who have enjoyed the benefits of reservation still get to use the reservation even though they often have a very
comfortable upbringing with access to all benefits similar to or even better than a middle class general candidate.
Finally, even after gaining a position in any firm/government institution the question still lingers that was their
appointment based on meritocracy or was it just filling a quota leading to the same problem of divide and disrespect
which reservation was supposed to solve.

Q15> How does RBI control liquidity?

A> Two methods namely, bond purchases and interest rate adjustment. RBI sells bonds to absorb excess liquidity from
the economy and vice-versa. It changes rates or the CRR to motivate banks to lend more/less to public thus indirectly
affecting the money supply.

Q16> What are the responsibilities of the Central Bank?

A> Primary responsibility is controlling inflation though it also coordinates with the Finance ministry while adjusting
exchange rates, fiscal deficit etc.

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Personal Analysis: There was a lot of back and forth primarily in my initial questions, but the interviewers were very
cordial. Overall a smooth experience.

Status: Rejected

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CATKing IIM WAT PI Schedule 2021-22


Monday Marketing Mondays 10 to 11 pm

Tuesday Current Affair | Industry Insights (GD/WAT) 10 to 11 pm

Wednesday How to Crack Interviews 10 to 11 pm

Thursday How to Crack Case Study/SOP 10 to 11 pm

Friday Finance Fridays 10 to 11 pm

Saturday Personal Interview Must Do Questions 10 to 11 pm

Sunday Concept Builders: GD/WAT 10 to 11 pm

Note: This schedule will be followed every week till March. Some variations may be there as per
the B-School interview schedule Students will be informed about it in due course.

For More Details about the CATKing IIM WAT PI Preparation course with IIM A, B, C, L, SPJIMR
Mentors, Contact 8999118999 or Visit: https://www.courses.catking.in/iim-wat-pi-courses/

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