Pyrosoft Operation Instructions - Portables SB

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Fire Simulator


The Layout

Notebook computer (1) Projection screen (1)
Video projector (1) Uprights (2)
Control console (1) Crossbars (2)
Speaker pair (1) Feet (2)
Extinguisher (1) Screen wall (1)
Instruction manual (1) Screws 5cm/2” (4) (1)
Screws 7cm/3” (2)
Cables set (1) Blanket (1)
Red (1) Roller mat (1)
Yellow (1)
Purple (1)
Audio (1)
USB/Serial (1)
Video (1)

Extension (1)
AC Power (2)

We’re here to help!
These instructions will help in the assembly and operation
of the fire simulator but also consider phoning us during
setup to get your simulator up and running quickly.

Empty the shipping case of all parts. Remove the sleeves
from the control console and laptop storing them in the
shipping case. Please note when repacking, the video
screen wall should NEVER be folded. It always needs to be
rolled with the crossbars aligned at one end forming a

When the projection screen is unrolled, two crossbars are

loose and the uprights are permanently attached to the
rear side of the screen. The slots on the crossbars face the
rear of the screen.

Foot Assembly
The foot is a permanent
assembly consisting of a
horizontal tube and a shorter
upright. The longest section
faces the rear of the screen.
The long 7 cm (3”) hand
screw passes through the
base of the foot, then the
larger diameter section of
the upright and into the
lower crossbar with the
Pyrosoft label facing the
front. A smaller hand screw is
pushed through the foot upright and threads into the
screen upright about 15 cm (6”) above the floor.
The opposite side is assembled in the same manner. The
upper crossbar can be attached with the larger diameter
tube on the same side as the lower crossbar, using two
small 5 cm (2”) hand screws.

Mounting the Screen
After both crossbars are installed, tip the
screen upright, expand the frame to full
size and tighten the adjustment knobs.
Now push the plastic fasteners along the
crossbar into the slots on the frame.

Video Projector
Place the projector directly on the floor
along the back wall of the training room with
this very manual serving as a ramp
underneath the projector so it tilts the
projector downwards. Position the projector or screen so
the sides of the image just overlap either side of the
screen. Finally adjust the projected image height either
using the front foot adjustment or by pulling the projector
higher on the shipping case lid.

Position the notebook computer
at either side of the screen and
about a meter (1 foot) ahead of
the screen. From there the
instructor has easy access while
still interacting with the students.

Stereo Speakers
The speakers contain the infrared detectors
and their position is important. They should
face the screen approximately 1 meter (3
feet) behind and about .3 meter (1 foot) in
on either side. Place the master speaker with
the volume control on the student’s right side

opposite where the white indicators are located. The
secondary speaker is positioned on the opposite side, the
same side as the white indicators.
The speakers are equipped with infrared detectors used
for tracking nozzle movements and while their position is
not critical, they must be located as shown on the
diagram on the first page. Alternatively the speakers can
also be positioned even with the screen on either side.

Cable Connections
The cables are identified with
coloured sleeves and there are
corresponding labels on the
control console.

Video Cable - Plug one end of the long black 15 pin video cable
into the projectors Computer In – 1 receptacle. The other end
plugs into the notebook video socket.

Speaker Cable - Connect the speakers together using the shorter

purple cable and then using the yellow cable; plug the master
speaker into the control console receptacle marked “Speaker”.

Extinguisher Cable - Connect the red cable into the extinguisher

and the other end into the control console receptacle labeled

Audio Cable - Connect the black audio cable into the “Audio”
receptacle of the control console with the other end inserted
into the earphone jack of the notebook.

USB Cable – Plug the USB / Serial cable into any USB port on the
notebook with the other end plugging into the 9 pin serial port of
the control console marked computer.

Power Cables - Finally plug in the power cable to the control

console and projector, switch on the projector and the
notebook computer.

Please note the AC power cable to the control console should
be the last cable plugged in and the first cable unplugged. The
individual cables should not be plugged in or out with power
applied to the control console.

Packing the Screen

1) Unroll the screen blanket and lay it

on the floor behind the screen. Now
tip the frame over on top of the
blanket so it covers it and pull the
black plastic screen fasteners out of
the slots along both the top and
bottom crossbars, leaving the upright fasteners including
the corner fasteners permanently in place.

2) Unthread the lower 2 screws holding the feet to the

frame and store the feet to one side.

3) Also remove the screws from the upper crossbar.

4) Prepare the screen to be rolled by aligning it with the

blanket and loosen the adjustment knobs to shorten the
crossbars to the same length as the uprights that are
permanently attached to the screen.

5) Lay the 18” wide mat along one end of the screen,
tucked under the upright so it forms a tube as the screen is

5) Lay the 2 crossbars against the upright by forming a

triangle and begin to roll the blanket, screen and mat
onto the upright / crossbar bundle until completely rolled.
Attach securing straps to keep the bundle together and
store lengthways into the shipping case.

Software Operation

Fire Grounds
You have set up the Pyrosoft Fire Simulator
and now it is time to ignite and extinguish a few fires.
Welcome to the Flameware software. These instructions
begin by offering only the information necessary to
commence fire training quickly and then evolve into more
detailed explanations of all the features available.

The Launch Menu

After powering the notebook or by clicking on the Pyrosoft
Flameware icon from the desktop, the Launch Menu
appears. Three buttons will be visible, Classroom, Fire
Grounds and Video Studio.
Click the Fire Grounds button and after a brief delay an
image of a test field will appear with a fuel spill in the

Press the “I” key to ignite your first fire or press the lit button
on the fire extinguisher. Press a second time to pressurize
the fire extinguisher. Now go ahead and pick up the fire
extinguisher, squeeze the handle to open the valve, hear
the extinguisher discharging and see the flames react as
you sweep against the fire.

Software Registration
When the projector is connected to the computer, a
window may display indicating the software has not been
registered. This window can also be accessed at any time
by pressing the spacebar, then Help, Registration. It
contains the license number that needs to be phoned or
emailed to Pyrosoft to unlock the software. Contact
Pyrosoft at the email address or phone number listed
below and include the license number and the number of
tokens to be purchased.

You have full use of the system whenever the projector is
not connected to the notebook computer. The notebook
will display a split screen showing the instructor and
student views on the single display. The fires can even be
extinguished by pressing the lower row of keys on the
computer keyboard from Z to /.

Press the Escape key to leave the fire grounds at any time.

Keyboard Assignments

Keyboard assignments are

very intuitive.

• ‘I’ key pressed once, ignites the fire and mimics the
lit button on the extinguisher

• ‘I’ key pressed a second time will pressurize the


• ‘U’ key pressed in place of the ‘I’ key insures the fire
is extinguished with the next attempt.

• ‘E’ key extinguishes the fire instantly.

• ‘S’ key Start / Stops the fire

• ‘Z - /’ lower row of keys extinguish the fire simulating

the use of a fire extinguisher.

• Computer volume keys control the audio level.

• Space bar access other menus

Hazard Properties
Press the ‘H’ key to open the Hazard properties screen. Use
the slider bar to increase or decrease the level of difficulty
of several fire and agent parameters.
Select from the fires listed in the upper left or create your
own fire scenes using the Video editor.

This ends the summary containing critical information

necessary for operating the fire simulator.

Other Important Features

We encourage you to read on to learn more about
utilizing other features and options to their fullest.

Auto Adjustment
Below the “Fire Properties Adjustment” in the Hazard
Properties window you will notice the Auto Adjustment
section. For instructors who may not be very familiar with
the difficulty adjustments or for those that would rather
have the computer monitor and provide an acceptable
level of difficulty, we have introduced a “Degree of
Difficulty” setting.

We tend to use time as the main criteria determining if fires

are extinguishing too easily. So the computer monitors this
time and if the fires are extinguishing faster than the Auto
Adjustment time selected, the difficulty level is gradually
raised. It will be lowered if the time taken to extinguish the
fire is longer than the time selected. So over time the
difficulty setting should on average reflect the time you set
here. To enable this function, set the “Seconds to
Extinguish” to a discharge time you believe will be
challenging but not frustrating.
Just like “Auto Pilot” this control allows you to spend more
time with your students and less time working the difficulty

Virtual Firefighter This firefighter is quite accomplished

and can come in handy in certain situations. Many

companies have requested we incorporate a second
operating fire extinguisher so training can be conducted
using 2 students to fight the fire. There is more chance for
success, extinguishing a fire in this manner than 2 students
fighting sequentially. We are unable to incorporate a
second fire extinguisher easily due to power constraints
and the need to redesign the control console to
accommodate a heftier power supply. So while only one
student can fight the fire at a time, a virtual firefighter can
assist by working with the student. To enable the firefighter
just select it by clicking the radio button and move the
slider to a number other than zero. Each number
represents 10% of the fire and the firefighter will contribute
to extinguishing that percentage of fire randomly through
the fire area. You can have the virtual firefighter
concentrate their efforts on the left or right side of the fire
by checking the small box at either end of the slider bar.
Another use of the firefighter is to assist the student is
extinguishing the left or right corner of the fire if a sensor is
out of position or blocked. If the left side of the fire is
always tough to extinguish, just have the firefighter take
care of that corner by setting the level to 1 or 2 and check
the left box. Now the fire will extinguish in a balanced
There is another good reason to have this firefighter on
standby. Let’s say you set up the system, the students are
starting to enter the classroom and for whatever reason
the simulator is not responding. The extinguisher could be
malfunctioning, or the sensors are not working or what if
you don’t even see a power light on the control console.
No need to cancel the training until the problem can be
identified and corrected. Just call on the virtual firefighter
by checking both the left and right boxes and setting the
slider all the way to 10. The fire will be extinguished, the
results are random and the student believes they are
extinguishing the fire. Not the best but no reason to cancel
the training.
The firefighter only starts fighting the fire when the student
is squeezing the extinguisher nozzle handle. But what if that
cannot be sensed due to the malfunction? In that case

just press the enter key on the notebook as soon as the
student starts fighting the fire to signal the virtual fire fighter
to also commence attacking the fire. They will fight the fire
as they normally would and training can still be
conducted by the instructor on sweep speed, direction
Let’s try this. Press the ‘H’ key, select the Virtual firefighter
radio button and slide the slider bar all the way to 10. Exit
the hazard dialog box and press the ‘I’ key once to ignite
the fire and again to pressurize the extinguisher. Once the
fire has fully ignited, press the Enter key and watch the
firefighter in action. The fire can still be made to extinguish
faster or slower by adjusting the difficulty level

Press the space bar and select Quick Keys to see all the
key assignments.

Spacebar Menu
Press the spacebar on the
keyboard to display the new pop
up menu. You can access all Training Ground functions from
this menu.

Quick Keys Click the Quick Keys button or press

‘Q’. The list that appears will guide you through the other
single key presses. Press the spacebar again or the Escape
key to exit the menu.

Statistics From the spacebar menu select

Statistics. The first half of this display provides information on
how the fire scene was derived. This becomes more
important as you start creating your own fire scenes
described later on. From the Training Grounds perspective
the Statistics area records
the number of fires
ignited this session and a
running total as well as
fires missed and an

estimate of the fuel consumed and extinguishing agent
released. We use the computation powers of the computer
to monitor the training session and use agent flow and burn
rate factors to derive the quantity of training materials
consumed so the user can appreciate one of the benefits of
choosing simulation.

Results Data In the Results Data area you can click

the View Statistics button to display the data in a format that
can be saved or printed as a hard copy. You can also call
up the window to enter and display student names and view
their results. This feature will be described later on.

Splash Screen To the right

of the Statistics window you will
see two entry boxes for Splash
Screen customization. Whatever
is typed into the upper box will
be shown at the top of the splash
screen displayed via the projector. For instance you could
enter the company name where the training is taking place.
The lower entry box is reserved for the trainer to display their
name which will appear on the same splash screen near the
centre. By checking the default box, the name entered will
be displayed each time Flameware is run. By leaving the box
unchecked the name only appears during the current
session. Type names into both boxes, then click Close and if
you are still in the Fire Grounds, press the escape key to exit
and look for the names you typed on the splash screen.

Volume Control Press the spacebar to display the

menu and click Help, Audio Control. You can set the volume
for individual components such as extinguisher discharge
sounds. You can even select a sound profile specific to a

particular fire extinguisher and control the volume

Help The help key provides another window

that offers access to further documentation on the
Flameware modules. On the right side there are set up
options allowing adjustment of the display surfaces to match
the projector being used, Language and Audio control. The
software version can be seen by clicking the About
Flameware button and changes to the registration level can
be made selecting the Registration button. This is also the
access point for loading training tokens which enable rental
software in 4 hour blocks.

Student Results Some companies prefer to keep a

hard copy of who attended the Fire Safety training so we
have included a small application to support that. Press the
spacebar and select Student Results. Input student names
and then just highlight the name of the student about to fight
the fire and the results will be assigned to them. Using the File
Menu section the results can be saved and later emailed or
printed out as a hard copy. The file format is compatible with
any Windows operating system.

From the Launch Menu click the
Classroom button to select a
preloaded PowerPoint training
program or one you have loaded
using a USB drive. PowerPoint has
been integrated into Flameware
and is operated in the normal fashion with the slides
displaying on the video projector. Press Escape to exit any
PowerPoint program.

Video Training Programs

The Pyrosoft Fire Simulator is a full multimedia training
centre and so training DVD’s or streaming internet content
can be displayed on the projection screen by using the
features inherent in the computer that comes with the

Video Studio
Here the student gets to practice
fighting fire on equipment they
work with every day. Burn anything
using the new Pyrosoft Video Studio
Editor. Our process captures flame
related pixels from any video clip and
resizes and reshapes the flame to adapt to dissimilar
backgrounds. The best way to learn is usually by doing so
let’s create a custom fire scene in less than 5 minutes by
selecting the Video Studio button

The Lawn Mower

• Click Custom Scene, click Load Image and select
the lawn mower
• Click Load Video and select Spill Fire Component
• Draw a line under the right front wheel by pressing
the left mouse button and dragging the mouse.
Keep in mind the red line must be one continuous
• Press Play

How easy was that?

• Moving to the Fire Scene Editor Tool kit located on
the left side, move the vertical slider downwards to
lower the height of the flames.
• Click the Position radio button and move the
horizontal slider to reposition the fire to the back
wheel on the right side.
• At this point you can click Record to produce your
first fire scene video. The video may play slowly
during the recording session but will run at the
normal speed afterwards.
• Click Exit to leave the editor and then select Video
Studio again to create another scene

The Waste Paper Basket
• Click Custom Scene, then Load Image and in the
Office folder, select the Waste Paper Basket
• Click Load Video and select Spill Fire Component
• Draw a red line from the left side of the can to the
right just under the upper rim
• Press Play.
• Not so good this time but we can do better. Click
the << button to start at the first frame where we
can make further edits.
• Move to the left tool box and click Remove Flame,
then click the Thicker button twice
• Select free hand and position the cursor on the rim
of the can and follow the rim from one side of the
can to the other with the green colour.
• Now fill in the space between the red line and the
rim of the can. The red line is below the rim and the
side of the can from the red line to the rim is
coloured in green.
• Now press Play
• The fire burns from within the container
• An easier method to accomplish the same result
would be to select free hand and draw the initial
red line along the lip of the container.

The Truck
• From the Launch Menu click Video Studio to re-
enter the editor
• Click Custom Scene, then Load Image and in the
Mine folder, select Mine Truck
• Click Load Video and select the Spill Fire
Component Video
• See the two vertical pipes left of centre? Draw a
solid red fire line under both of them.
• Use your Remove Flame tool and colour over the
top of the vertical pipes in green. You may want to
thicken the green line slightly.
• Now press play and watch the fire burn behind the

The Stairs
• From the Launch Menu click Video Studio to re-
enter the editor
• Click Custom Scene, then Load Image and in the
Other folder, select Stairs
• Click Load Video and select the Spill Fire
Component Video
• Select Free Hand and draw a red fire line along
about 5 steps and risers
• Use the Remove Flame tool in straight hand mode
to colour over the spindles and in Free Hand mode
to draw over the railing.
• Now press play and the fire conforms to the stairs
and burns behind the railing.

Multiple Fires
Click record and save this last video under a name of your
choosing. Now click to exit the program and re-enter the
Video Studio. Load the last background scene again but
this time draw the red fire line in a different location and
load the component video. Now view the video and
adjust the flame height.
Next click the Merge button and select the last custom
video you just saved. Now click record and save that
video under another name. You should see your custom
fire scene with two fires burning.
This is an example of how to create a multi-fire video. Any
number of fires can be included using this method.
You can exit the editor and enter the Training Ground to
select your fire scenes for viewing.

With this tool you have the ability to create countless fire
scenes involving equipment the students work with every
day. All you need are some digital photographs and your
own imagination.

Component Videos
The Pyrosoft Simulator uses only digitized video of real fire,
not computer generated facsimile fires. In these examples

we always used the same component video of actual fire
and shape or masked out the flames to customize it to the
scene. But what about creating fire scenes involving other
materials like rubber, wood panels, electrical arcing,
Christmas trees, computers……? From Asphalt to Zirconium
different materials behave and burn differently. So we
need the ability to also create different component videos
used to create these unique fire scenarios. If you have old
film clips of fires or have the facilities to burn equipment,
simply record a video of the event. Then pass the video
through our Component Video Editor and capture just the
flames and smoke as a component video which can be
applied to the very same background or other
backgrounds as we just did.

Here is how it works.

Component Spill Fire
• From the Launch Menu click Video Studio to re-
enter the editor
• Click Component Video, then Load Video and
select Original Ansul Spill
• Click Play until the fire is established, about 200
frames in and click Stop
• Position the cursor anywhere over the fire, click to
hold down the left mouse button and drag your
mouse around the flames area for no more than 3 –
5 seconds
• Click Play and notice how the software has “learnt”
how to identify fire related colours
• On Filter Tools, click Include to add fire pixels if
necessary by dragging the mouse again
• Click Exclude and drag the background area to
remove colours from the filter
• Click Undo to remove colours mistakenly included
or re-load the video to start fresh
• As an option you can also select Smoke as the
object if you wish to include colours associated
with smoke. This is sometimes difficult since several
background objects with similar colour may also be
unintentionally included by the filter

• When your fire filter is complete, if you are using the
spill fire set the start frame to 1200 and the stop
frame to 2550. Within these frames the fire is
relatively centered. Click record to create the
component video which will be accessible when
creating your own custom fire scenes.

You can now isolate the flames from any fire video and
reapply them to a background, extending the versatility of
the Video Studio Editor.

We appreciate any comments or suggestions you have for

improving the zero emission training experience.

Here are some suggestions that may help resolve
minor operating issues. Refer to the indicator lamps
on the front of the simulator server.

Fire Does Not Extinguish

First, press the ‘I’ key twice.

Test: The Ext. Pressurized lamp does not light.

Solution: The communications port may not be initialized.
At the Desktop click on the Pyrosoft Toolbox and select the
Utilities folder, Device Manager. Select Ports, Prolific, Port
Settings, Advanced and check if the Port is set to Com 1. If
not reset it to Com 1. Disregard any warning about the
port already in use. Step back to the Device Manager
reinsert the USB communications cable into a different USB
port and repeat these steps until all USB ports have been

Test: The power light is not lit on the server.

Solution: Insure the power cord is connected to the server
and a live AC power source.

Test: When squeezing the extinguisher nozzle valve,

the Ext. Valve lamp is not lit.
Solution: The switch under the handle may need re-

Test: Lift the extinguisher handle and depress the

switch plunger with you finger.
The extinguisher pointing lamp doesn’t light.
Solution: The rubber tip may be missing from the top of
the switch plunger.
Solution: The extinguisher cable may be worn.
Solution: The server may need to be returned for
Solution: The extinguisher lamp may need replacing.

Test: Both speakers are equipped with infrared

Solution: Refer to setup instructions to insure proper

When All Else Fails

Test: The fire will not extinguish and everything

suggested has been tried. The show must go

Solution: The Virtual Firefighter can extinguish the fire in a

discrete way. Refer to the operating instructions on
enabling this functionality. The instructor can still
critique the technique of each student and the fires
will extinguish as if the simulator were fully

Video Display Problems

Test: The same image appears on the notebook

and projector.
Solution: Insure the video cable is plugged into the
computer and projector before launching
Solution: Right click a free space on the Desktop and select
Graphics Options, Output to Extended Desktop,
Built-in Display + Monitor.

Test: The ratio of width and height of the computer

image is different than the computer display.
Solution: Right click a free space on the Desktop and select
Graphics Properties, Advanced, OK and select

Display: Built-in Display. Select the highest resolution

Test: The ratio of width and height of the projected

image is different than the projection screen.
Solution: Right click a free space on the Desktop and select
Graphics Properties, Advanced, OK and select
Display: Monitor. Change the resolution to one that
is appropriate for the screen aspect ratio.

Audio Problems

Test: There is no sound coming from the speakers

Solution: Insure the audio cable is plugged into the
computer with the other end is plugged into the
Solution: Insure the computer volume is not set to mute and
the volume is high.
Solution: Insure the speaker volume is set high.
Solution: Unplug the audio cable from the computer and
you should hear sound coming from the
computer’s built-in speakers that can act as an
alternative until the sound issue is resolved.
Solution: If the computer speakers are reproducing the
correct sound, return the server for repair.

Warranty Information

The Pyrosoft warranty does not apply to products that are

not Pyrosoft-branded, even if packaged or sold with
Pyrosoft products. These products will have the benefit of
a manufacturer's warranty provided by the product

Notebook Computer 2 years Manufacturer’s Warranty

DLP Video Projector 1 year Manufacturer’s Warranty
Video Projector Lamp 90 days Manufacturer’s Warranty
Extinguishers 1 year
Wire/Cables 2 years
Speakers 2 years
Detection System 2 years
Control Console 2 years
Projection Screen 2 years
Projection Frame 2 years

In the event that you need to return your Pyrosoft product

for repair or replacement, please use packing materials
that insures no damage to the product.

International Customers
• Commercial Invoice will be required
• Estimated Value of the item being returned
• Description
• Harmonized Tariff Schedule Number (HTS) is
9023.00.00.00 Instruments, apparatus used for
educational purposes.
• The words: "In Warranty Replacement" should be
printed on the proforma. This acknowledges to
customs that the item is being repaired and is not
• Country of Origin. Canada

The cost of sending an item to the service center for
warranty service is paid by the customer and the shipping
address is;

Pyrosoft Repair Centre

73 Crittenden Drive,
Keswick, Ontario
L4P 4E3

(905) 476-8891

October 29, 2013

0 $ | phone: (416) 579-1234 | toll free: (855) 398-3473
[email protected]


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