Not A Demon - Locations

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01. Griygend 02. Owine

08. Zaross

07. Joron 04. Slaso

05. Acolas

06. Qrine

the isle
01. Griygend Troubles
Rough stone buildings and a
Dust storms from the South are punishing
fortified wall give the place an 1 the outskirts of the city, and locals blame
austere look. They are deeply
the new construction sites.
invested in road construction,
particularly in an ambitious project Sinister visitors from a remote village are
to go through the mountain range
2 causing havoc.
that crosses the isle from West to East. Rumors of
possible pirate attacks from an unknown land have Political disagreements have delayed the
kept the captain awake at night.
3 arrival of crucial supplies.

Fisher boats have not returned this morning,

People of interest 4 and locals fear the worst.
Nadam Bidan. Healer. Speaks in a deep
1 An unnatural amount of wolves has been
voice. Richer than they appear. 5 spotted just outside the city, their numbers
Heihnur Beshel. Engineer. Always tells
2 anecdotes. Ashamed of a past crime.
growing every day.

"Crystal lily" seed consumption is on

3 Gakuf Decrud. Guard. Uses big words. Hides 6 the rise amongst the youth, and
a crown relic at home. gangs fight for the control of
Nane Glarsk. Bounty hunter. Rubs chin while its distribution.
4 talking. Leads a revolutionary group.

Ildru Gregyega. Miner. Avoids eye contact.

5 Has assumed a new identity.

Tsao Kia. Librarian. Speaks in riddles. Dances

6 in cemeteries under the moonlight.
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02. Owine Troubles
Built on a group of small islands,
A symbolic artifact has been stolen from the
all locomotion is done through 1 museum and locals are inconsolable.
canals and bridges. Their bay
hosts annual water festivities An underwater archeological discovery has
that attract hundreds of people, 2 brought about fear and ambition.
especially from Zirie. However, the
condition of their waters has been rapidly changing, The two most influential factions have been
and the authorities have been doing everything
3 fighting for turf and locals are caught in the
they can to cover it up. crossfire.

An uncontrollable wildfire has been going on

People of interest 4 for weeks, and it is threatening buildings on
Vi Ralaz. Biologist. Winks frequently. Hides a the outskirts.
1 secret lab underground.
A celestial body with a fiery tail has been
Mua Duen. Jeweler. Cracks knuckles. Knows 5
2 dark secrets of the nobility.
spotted in the night sky, and locals are
terrorized in face of this unknown phenomenon.
Valo Nakrukt. Ferryman. Stands a little too
3 close to others. Collects skulls. 6 The decision to build a skyscraper in the central
plaza has been received with mixed feelings.
Malim Masta. Guide. Pushes up glasses.
4 Contracted a strange sickness.

Gror Simask. Diver. Points index finger while

5 talking. A masked vigilante.

Somzoc Mevore. Outcast. Jingle coins in a

6 pouch. Noble living in disguise.
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03. Zirie Troubles
The largest city in the isle.
A new illness has been rapidly spreading
Notorious for their painters 1 across the most populated neighborhoods.
and sculptors, the crowded,
narrow alleys constantly display The unexpected death of a charismatic figure
their exceptional artistic deeds. 2 was received with fervent accusations.
Their mayor has suffered some
backlash due to a few controversial policies lately, A valuable treasure has been dug up and
and whispers of a possible revolt started to spread.
3 there's debate on how to use the riches.

Waste has been piling up on the streets, and

4 authorities are at a loss on what to do.
People of interest
A circus troupe arrived in town, and they
1 Jerein Bisho. Gravekeeper. Mumbles words. 5 have been linked to a rise in house theft.
Plotting a grand heist.

Vibel Rarsk. Artist. Accentuates sentences A landslide has blocked the main river, and the
2 6 resulting lake poses a threat to the city walls.
with whistles. Practices a forbidden religion.

Tut Uay. Innkeeper. Sweats excessively. Has

3 precognitive dreams.

Ofih Pikhei. Carpenter. Purses lips while

4 thinking. Working on a monumental invention.

Dui Haoy. Chimney sweep. Glances sideways.

5 Child of a local lord.

Innj Selbusan. Banker. Runs hand through hair.

6 Keeps a killer beast as a pet.
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04. Slaso Troubles
Confined between mountains,
Some wild beasts said to be extinct are
the river and the sea, they 1 awakening from a long hibernation.
learned to live on their own.
The harsh climate forged a Harvest this year has been seriously
people that cherish the coziness 2 affected by an early winter.
of their homes. From their
watchtowers, they keep a longing look over A massive murder of crows have covered
the southern islands, from where songs tell of
3 the city and the council of elders can't
the return of The Seer. agree on the interpretation of such omen.

Strangers arrive by boat; they speak a

People of interest 4 tongue no one can comprehend.
Glem Glenodz. Town watch. Bites fingernails.
1 The birth of the first twins in a century has
Spreads gossip about the council of elders. 5 led to their family being ostracized and
Stur Elfsoar. Animal breeder. Checks pocket watch persecuted by superstitious groups.
2 repeatedly. Keeps a book of prophetic poems.
A group has decided it's past time they
Quip Waom. Astrologer. Twists multiple rings on 6
3 fingers. Fled the war and lives in shame.
went exploring the northern mountains;
their families are exasperated.
Feten Celdulu. Performer. Has recurring
4 apocalyptic nightmares.

Colma Stutsk. Explorer. Constantly apologizes.

5 Raised by the secret mountain folk.

Qads Hesime. Falconer. Speechifies explanations.

6 Sells information to crime lords.
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05. Acolas Troubles
Known for its beautiful A minor earthquake destroyed the statue
architecture and lush flower 1 of a former lord, and a quarrel followed
fields, they are particularly regarding its reconstruction.
proud of their floral-themed
pastries. Standing on top of the A man calling himself the Duke of Acolas
mountains, the city is mostly
2 has arrived with his caravan and demands
peaceful, if a little isolated and narrow-minded. regency over these lands.
Their rapidly aging population has been a
source of concern lately. A colossal serpent has made its way to the
3 flower fields, and nobody seems equipped
People of interest or brave enough to find it and deal with it.

Tizith Mekdahr. Baker. Escaped a high-security Locals accuse the small group controlling
1 4 the windmills of overcharging for their
prison tower in the North.
service and products.
Jaled Dakhe. Noble. Tosses hair. In the brink
2 of bankruptcy. Experiments with mechanical workers have
5 gone terribly wrong.
Gezof Shorsk. Alchemist. Licks and bites lips.
3 Betrayed their mentor. A pharmacist is pushing for the wide
6 distribution of an elixir believed to prolong
Theh Lue. Clockmaker. Tilts head from side to
4 side. Part of a secret society.
life; lines are already forming in front of
their lab, but authorities are worried.
Ci Sidirsk. Hunter. Squints eyes. Their twin
5 inexplicably disappeared years ago.

Nushis Findub. Floriculturist. Clenches hands

6 tightly. Accused of a crime they didn't commit.
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06. Qrine Troubles
Most of the inhabitants live on
A cloud of grasshoppers has been spotted
one of the four major buildings. 1 flying in this direction, and it will hit the
Archways, galleries, patios and
gardens in a couple of days.
balconies of bright white stone
connect the various sunlit blocks
A renowned blacksmith disappeared, and
surrounding tropical gardens. Life is 2 rumors say they have been kidnapped.
mainly lived on the long verandas that house stores
and workshops, although the most observant locals A soldier declared dead at war has returned
have been noticing a few cracks on the walls, and 3 after a decade, and authorities are trying to
subtle tremors under their feet. silence their stories.
People of interest Their acclaimed library has been partially
4 destroyed by fire, and new evidence
Soti Vog. Mason. Answers with monosyllables.
1 Tasked to protect a valuable ancient artifact. suggests arson.

Sahnim Nami. Professor. Twiddles thumbs. One of the few buildings detached from the
2 Wanted dead by former student.
5 main structure has collapsed, the owner
accuses the merchant guild of sabotage.
Jao Tu. Winemaker. Sniffs and rubs nose.
3 Conducted illegal experiments. A faint string of dark oil has been observed
6 in some samples of their otherwise high-
Nanis Chadz. Lamp lighter. Scratches head.
4 Digging a massive hole in their backyard.
quality running water.

Ti Grukriv. Philosopher. Breaks out into laughter

5 abruptly. Uncovered horrid truths about this land.

Borgos Trovyavo. Gardener. Nods rhythmically while

6 talking. Announced as "the chosen one" at birth.
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07. Joron Troubles
Built on top of the ruins of a
A remaining monument of the old era
fallen fortified city, the 1 has been attracting pilgrimage and the interest
landscape brims with makeshift
of foreign powers.
shelters of fabric and bamboo.
People tend to come and go,
The longest rainy season in decades has left
so it is hard to tell a local from a 2 dozens of shelters destroyed, and traditionalist
visitor. Despite the transitory aspect,
groups are opposing the construction of more
they are masters of shipbuilding and cabotage.
permanent housing.
Recent wood shortages have put some pressure
on their already frugal lives. A beloved public figure has announced that they
3 have been receiving life threats.
People of interest
A low-pitch humming noise has been scaring
1 Grumas Condilel. Shipwright. Spins a tool in their 4 farm animals and keeping locals awake at night.
hand. Has tested experimental implants.
A procession of clerics has been welcomed in
2 Pire Umulbi. Tinkerer. Breathes deeply between 5 the city, but their increasingly outrageous
sentences. Involved in a recent large-scale explosion.
demands are putting a strain on their supplies.
Zoza Stesk. Navigator. Gazes off into space.
3 Holds fake documents. Their esteemed Old Tree is dying, and opinions
6 are split between trying to save it or removing it
Sopoh Pahro. Street magician. Rocks back and
4 forth on heels. Heir to a legendary fortune.
before its fall causes a catastrophe.

Bhahlir Rhastun. Fortune-teller. Speaks of self in

5 the third person. Wants to see the city fall.

Kinna Kaz. Hermit. Quotes quaint sayings. Spy for

6 a band of marauders.
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08. Zaross Troubles
A sprawling city on the West
Rumors of the leader stepping down have
coast. Scholars have flocked 1 prompted prominent businessman to move
to their rural communities,
abroad, and people fear for the local economy.
where they spend their lives
diligently working on a mysterious Sea level has been rising rapidly for the past
encyclopedia. Townsfolk don't mind 2 months, and relocation of local families has
them, for they are busy with their herbal trade. sprung debate.
But wanderers have begun to settle and build a
crude form of worship around that book. A wealthy merchant arrived, offering a hefty
3 price on the last remains of the city's woodlands;
and opinions are divided.
People of interest
A huge crack in the ground has appeared
1 Ahlin Junna. Monk. Answers questions with 4 overnight, and locals are debating if they should
questions. Double agent for a secret cult.
crawl into it to explore, or fill it up immediately.
Shinzat Stagika. Herbalist. Gesticulates wildly.
2 Deceived their masters during training. Ancient scriptures have been discovered
5 suggesting an impeding doomsday; panic is
Per Gromodz. Glassblower. Walks back and forth.
3 Witnessed crimes committed by the city's leader.
starting to spread.

Injured soldiers with a strange uniform wash up

4 Melu Finskehr. Architect. Long pauses mid- 6 in the west river.
sentence. Commits random acts of vandalism.

Telne Shun. Researcher. Eyes always shifting.

5 Struggles with gambling.

Mo Chuluv. Candlemaker. Gets idioms just a little

6 wrong. Survived a mysterious fire long ago.
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