Increase Supply 2021

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Milk Production and Increasing Supply

by nursing or pumping to send a message “transfer” (amount baby drinks at breast), and
to your body that you need more milk. For help you make a plan for more effective feedings.
most breastfeeding moms, this means either
Use your hands
nursing or pumping every two to three hours.
You can also help your baby drain your breasts
Empty breasts tell our body to make more
by using gentle breast massage or a breast
milk. Full breasts tell our bodies we don’t need
compression to squeeze the colostrum or milk
into your baby’s mouth while latched. This goes
2. Empty your breasts EFFECTIVELY for the pump, too—it doesn’t always get every last
Focusing on frequency alone may not do drop. Massage breasts while pumping and then
the trick. You may be nursing or pumping try hand expressing for a few minutes after your
frequently but not emptying effectively and pump stops extracting milk. Research shows
therefore your body isn’t getting the message when we use our hands while pumping, our milk
The first few days and weeks postpartum are the
it needs to make more. To increase milk production increases.
most important in terms of establishing a strong/
production you want to be sure to nurse FRE-
full milk supply for the long-term. Frequent Check your pumping parts
stimulation (8-12 times a day) either by nursing First, asses that you are using the best size
baby or using a breast pump, is critical! breast shields/flange for you. Proper breast
shield fit is critical to ensure both comfort and
Best practices to ensure To empty your breasts effectively:
optimal pumping output. If you don’t think the
successful breast milk
Address latch issues pump is emptying your breasts effectively,
production and increase supply:
Sometimes, your baby can be latched and consider trying a different shield size. Check the
1. Empty your breasts FREQUENTLY “nursing” but not actually drinking. This can be instructions or the manufacturer’s website for
Breastfeeding is a “demand and supply” due to issues such as a shallow latch, a sleepy information on sizing information and options.
process, meaning the more milk your baby (or baby, or even an anatomical issue like a tongue Also, check your pump parts to ensure they aren’t
pump) demands, the more milk your body will tie. If your baby isn’t drinking, address the worn down and in need of replacement. This
supply. Therefore, the best way to increase underlying cause. A certified lactation consultant includes membranes and batteries.
milk supply is to empty breasts frequently can help assess baby’s latch, evaluate milk

Source: Jane Morton, MS, Stanford University 1

3. Step away from the app 6. Discuss galactogogues (herbal supple-
Don’t obsess over timing your feeds. Just ments) with your health care provider
because your app says you may be done feed- Many moms believe that making lactation cook-
ing, it doesn’t mean your baby is. Follow your ies with ingredients like oats, brewer’s yeast,
baby’s cues and allow him to nurse as long as and flax seed meal can help boost your supply.
he wants. The whole “ten minutes a side” is The research isn’t solid on this, but it can’t hurt.
old advice—when we cut our babies off pre-
maturely because our apps say it’s time, we Additionally, some doctors and lactation con-
could be sabotaging our milk production. sultants will recommend herbal supplements
to help boost supply. Anecdotally, many
4. Offer both breasts every feed
moms report success with taking herbal rem-
After your baby drains one breast, offer the
edies like Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle.
second one—even if you think she’s done. Of-
ten with increased milk flow from the full side,
Again, the studies on this have had mixed
the baby will become active again on the sec-
results but, it may be something to consider
ond side. If baby is sleepy after first breast, try
once you’ve checked in with your health care
burping, undressing baby, or changing baby’s
provider about any side effects, contraindica-
diaper to wake them so you can feed baby on
tions, or drug interactions.
the second side and ensure a “full” feeding.

5. Hydrate
You don’t need to go overboard here, but
properly hydrating yourself is important.
Drink enough to quench your thirst. Hydrate
throughout the day, and make sure you have a
glass of water nearby when you start to nurse
or pump. Keep an eye on your urine—if it’s
very concentrated (dark yellow in color and/
or has a strong odor), that’s a sign you likely
need to hydrate more.

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