Umbar & Near Harad Gazetteer - Second Draft

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A. Places in Nen Umbarii

Aelin-Kelia These are caves located on the edge of the Talath Naur,created by the
passage of the river Cuivierant and its tributaries.

Annabrith River River on the coast just south of Nen Umbar, in practice often the
border for Umbar –controlled area.

Ardumir One of the fiefs & castles within Nen Umbar, situated at the southern coastal
entrance to Nen Umbar, also the name of the nearby town.

Barazon Large coastal port of Nen Umbar at the southwestern end of the Cirith
Glingal pass on the Great South Road, an important town for trade and strategic due to its

Batina Large village just south of the city of Umbar.

Bur Anwarmen A town on the Marös peninsula.

Bur Baldin Small town at the northeastern end of the Cirith Glingal pass on the Great
South Road, also important as located at the junction of a number of trade routes

Caldûr One of the fiefs & castles within Nen Umbar, the fief is based at the end of
Cape Umbar, the northern entrance to the harbour.

Cirith Glingal aka Glinfalas 'Gleaming Stone Pass' (Sin.). This pass through the hills
guarding the northern entrance to Nen Umbar is so named because of the colours created
by the sun at certain times off the walls of the pass. Site of a battle in SA 2280.

Cuivierant Forest A small forest on the Cuivierant River.

Cuivierant River This river empties into the bay opposite the city of Dusâlan, smaller
than the Gondeithel river.

Dat Akhor aka Asni Dat. Small bay just north of Nen Umbar, on which are
situated the ports of Dibis & Eithel Angir.

Dibis A coastal village on the Sakal an-Khar, near Nen Umbar.

Dol Annabrith Town on the coast just north of where the Annabrith river issues into
the sea.
Dusâlan Pop. 5,000. Vigorous market town on the Gondeithel estuary, on the frontier
between Umbar's territority and Bellakar, also contains a citadel built by Hyarmendacil. The
town controls waystations in the desert for the caravan trade.

Eithel Angir aka Sukh Akhor (Ad.), Sook Asni (Har.). Pop. 1,500 - a small, safe
harbour town 3 leagues south of the Ethir Harnen, the harbour is north of the town, with
the garrison on the south.

Eradas One of the fiefs & castles within Nen Umbar, situated on the eastern coast of
Cape Umbar.

Erelond This is the only settlement of any size on Tol Uialgaer.

Esgar A coastal village of Nen Umbar near Isigir, known for the reeds that grow
around it.

Gondeithel River & Nan Gondeithel This river forms the border between Umbar and
Bellakar, & the river has over many years carved out a wide valley through the desert lands
called Nan Gondeithel, with high cliffs on either side of the valley. The river meets the sea
at the city port of Dusâlan.

Hyarmen aka Hyarmentië. The Great South Road, goes all the way along the coast for
most of its length from Hyarpendë (opposite Pelargir) for some 4,500 miles to Gobel
Metharn in the far south. It was originally built by the Numenoreans in the Second Age
from 2284 to 2432 SA, this original stretch went from Pelargir to Gobel Ancalimon, Amrûn
and finally Umbar.

Isigir One of the fiefs & castles within Nen Umbar, situated on the northern coast
of Nen Umbar. The castle was built during Ar-Pharazon's reign.

Karab Tarid Har. 'Horse Head Point' Small town on Tol Glingal in Nen Umbar,
originally a pirate haven but later became the centre of the slave trade.

Khurd aka Azrunarika-tarik (Har.'Pillar of the Sea Eagles'). A ruined town,

often used as a haven by pirates as it has a secluded harbour but the ruins are rumoured to
be the haunts of undead. Its Haruze name is due to the large finger of rock that rises out of
the ocean near the ruins.

Marös One of the fiefs within Nen Umbar, also the name of a small commercial
town (pop. 2,900) that caters for the rich agricultural area of the Marös peninsula.

Nen Umbar 'Havens of Umbar'. This great natural harbour was first settled by the
Sakalai or 'coastal folk', until discovered by the Numenoreans. The harbour has numerous
small inlets and bays ideal for the anchorage of ships.

North Reef Called the Sea Fence (Sin. Iath Gear), a reef that was formerly islands.
Numeros Pop.1800. A small harbour town and fishing industry centre facing the sea,
midway between Caldur & the ruins of Vamag. The fishermen of the town have a
reputation for being adventurous, and their boats are prized.

Pellardur One of the fiefs & castles within Nen Umbar, situated on the southern and
south-eastern coasts of Nen Umbar.

Rath Khand The Khand road goes northeast from Umbar to Khand. It was
originally constructed by Numenor in 2285 SA, and was paved from Umbar to Amrûn.

Saraloni Coastal town of Nen Umbar on the Marös peninsula, halfway between
Marös and Barazon.

Sarkaana A ruined settlement & fortress on top of the escarpment near the southern
fork of the Gondeithel river, rumours of a mysterious gold trade coming from here has led
Umbar to send many attempts to find this trade and control it.

Stone Fields Large area of natural stones & rocks, where Umbar has many quarries
and mines, nominally part of Ardumir & Pellardur's fiefs.

Suk Avaloi Small coastal town at the mouth of the Cuivierant river where it issues into
the sea at the Gondeithel estaury, considered part of Bellakar

Suul-dhurn Ruins of a former evil temple, believed to be used by various cults

including the Mulkerhil.

Thonibar Small strategic town situated at bottom of escarpment in Nen Umbar

and at the southern end of the Pellardur forest.

Tol Glingal aka Tol Glingol, Temple Isle. An Island in Nen Umbar, close to Marös,
notorious for being the slave trade capital.

Tol Uialgaer This island is claimed by Umbar as an outpost for trading and military
activities, it has one settlement called Erelond. The Guild of Venturers has a base here.

Umbar Sak.'Sunken Vale'. This ancient term is used both for the whole natural
harbour area, properly termed ' Nen Umbar', and for the City at the far eastern point of the
harbour. The city has a population of around 35, 000, and is the principal trading centre of
North-Western Middle-Earth, bigger even than the Gondorian cities in terms of its trade.
Umbar is situated around two natural harbours, one in the north and one in the south.
Originally founded as a small trading station by Baian of Numenor of the Guild of Venturers
in 8th century SA.

Ureloni Village on the southern coast of Nen Umbar, midway b/w Ardumir &
Vamag Ruins of a former site of evil, it was settled by a Numenorean lady who
according to legend became one of the Nazgûl.

B. Places of note in City of Umbar (see City Map)

1. Abad Tar Calion Aka 'The Place of Temples'. This palace was built originally along with
Tarma Tar-Calion as a building to give thanks to the Valar, it has always been associated with
worship since - in the late Third Age it became The Dark Citadel, before it was reconsecrated
by King Elessar I in the early Fourth Age. Note that it is a long way from the Hero's Shrine!

2. Ar-Pharazon's Isle Artificially constructed island in the west of the city which is
government property, upon which Seaward tower rests. The island is separated from the
mainland by a man-made canal for ships, and a bridge goes over the canal at Seaward
tower. The island houses military & naval barracks, although city residents can also use the
island for training. So named as legend ascribes the order for the island from Ar-Pharazon.

Black Aka Dawn, a Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council

City Watch Quarters (Aka Castle Rock) Tower by the Eastern Gate of Vinyamar, the
headquarters for the City Watch, with the top floor being the accommodation of the current
Captain, Valdumir, whereas all other members have their own residences. The ground floor
has an office and a bedroom for the officer on duty. The other floors are used by the watch
as needed. All the Watch are paid by the Haven Captains, so their loyalties generally are to
the Captain that pays them more. This also means that unless the Watch receive orders
signed by all six Haven Captains, they tend to ignore most disturbances, especially in Lower
Umbar, and are slow to act. The Watch are also responsible for all executions. In the Fourth
Age this place becomes the Prince of the Sands' Residence and the City Watch are removed
to the Eastern part of the city (right in the slums!)

Council of Captains' Hall (formerly the Governor's Palace). This residence was
originally an old town-house of the Second Age, but became government property because
of its central location next to the city's main square. It is colloquially referred to as 'The
Silent Tower' by the locals, implying the place where the powerful and influential meet.

Council Assembly (formerly the Town Hall, known locally as The Ivory Hall).
Opposite the Council Captains' Hall and the seat of Government (where the entire Assembly
meets) - the Hall proper within is known as The Ivory Hall, a large circular hall with a domed
roof, where it is illegal to shed blood. Also in the building are the city offices, offices for all
the Captains etc. Those considered less important (such as the Gondorian Ambassador)
have offices in the basements.

Drunken Southron Inn A typical inn of the harbour area, where one must occasionally
expect to defend one's belongings and/or life, the innkeeper is Perion, rumoured to have
many Underworld contacts.

Dulimer's Forge Also the Armorer's Guildhall, in central Vinyamar, run by one of the
few dwarves who resides in Umbar, it is a 3 story stone building surrounded by forges,
where any weapon or armour can be obtained.

Fasthold Aka Farside, a Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council Captains.

Flame A Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council Captains.

Golden Crown Inn Considered one of the best inns in Umbar (and priced to
match!), located outside the western (Harbour) gate of the main wall.

Great Armament This is a huge ship-house of Numenorean engineering, it was

built during the reign of Tar-Ancalimon. It is so big that full-rigged sailing ships, even the
Palanristi, can sail into it to be refitted and repaired.

Harad Gate The Rath Corsair ends at the South Gate of the City, beyond
which the Great South Road continues on down the coast.

Harbour Gate Aka Western Gate(which locals usually call it, reached from the Rath
Bad Nez, this is the most heavily guarded and watched gate of the city - beyond is the
Necropolis and the Bay (the original Harbour, hence the name)

Hero's Shrine A Temple inside the Uinendili dedicated to the heroes of Umbar, it
contains statues of war heroes including Ar-Pharazon, Ar-Gimitzor, Sangahyando, Castamir,
Angamaite & Ilandra, it is a place popular for corsairs to worship in.

Merchant's Guildhall 4-story building with a domed roof and a place for much
trading, opposite the Abad Tar Calion.

North Harbour The Northern harbour for the city of Umbar, properly Vinyamar.

Rath Bad Nez The main street in Upper Umbar, it runs north from the Toll Castle
protecting the entrance to the southern harbour up to the Southwestern Gate of the First
Wall (of Vinyamar), where it meets the Rath Corsair.

Rath Corsair The main thoroughfare of the city, it runs southeast from where it
joins the Rath Bad Nez from Upper Umbar, over the Artisan's Island to Lower Umbar,
through the main square all the way to the Harad Gate.

Red Aka Desert, a Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council Captains.
Seaward A Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council Captains.

South Harbour The Southern Harbour for the city of Umbar.

Square of Judgement Aka The Crimson Rigging because a marble pole in the likeness
of a ship's mast stands permanently in the middle of this square, which is just outside the
Southeastern gate of Vinyamar (near Dawn Tower). This is the place of execution and of
public trials, very popular (especially when an execution is occurring).

Tar Cirya Earnil's Tower (aka Minas Earnil), built by King Earnil I of Gondor in
the middle of the Southern Harbour. The tower has six floors and is eighty feet high, it also
has quarters for the Admiral of the Haven.

Tarma Tar Calion The monument built to commemorate the humiliation of

Sauron by Ar-Pharazon of Numenor, it stood on the highest hill of the headland above the
city and was a great pillar crowned with a Covenant Stone. It was rebuilt in the early Fourth
Age during King Elessar's reign (see Nen Umbar Map as it is outside the city).

The Blood Scryer Mrishma Kal'Akbir is the name of the fortune-teller who lives
here, she tells fortunes only in blood, and known (and feared) by locals as 'The Blood Hag'.

The Dead Calm Another middle-class inn of Umbar.

The Dead Reckoning Small guildhouse of the navigators and artists, best place to
buy maps.

The Death's Head This inn is run by a very shadowy personage named Adumir
Valkad, but the inn is well known as the best place to hire a knife, as Valkad was rumoured
to be one of the best many years ago.

The Drunken Goose Another typical dive near the docks of Umbar (in a back alley)
rumoured to be the place to hire those good at finding people and things.

The Horseman Inn A middle-class inn, like most middling inns on the Rath Corsair
and away from the docks.

The House of Studded Midnight Jeweller's place, notorious as the place to sell any ill-
gotten gains.

The Iron House A 3 story prison in Eastern Umbar in the middle of the slums, it also
contains a torture chamber (late Third Age only) known as The Song Chamber by locals.

The Serpent Pit This notorious gambling den has a circular pit dug into the middle of
the floor for a fighting arena. As the Slavers' Guildhouse is next door this place is
frequented by slavers who bet their money on their slaves - this place is avoided by the
The Red Sunset A middle-class tavern

The Theatre One of the mysteries of this city to Gondorians is how inordinately
fond the locals are of this building, which is very old, situated on the Western side of

The Twilight Trickster A wealthy gambling tavern (not far from The Theatre),
frequented only by the best and richest, run by a former pirate named Berhir.

The Warrens The slang term for the slums of Umbar in the Eastern parts of the city,
patrolled by gangs of thugs and urchins, where many of the current lords started their
careers. The best known gangs are the Bloody Scroll, the Tattered Flag, the Shadow
Walkers, the Black Dragons and the Dark Lord's Wish. Usually the gangs fight each other,
although they have been known to carry out work in the docks.

Tol Cirya Island in the 'North Harbour', immediately opposite the town of Vinyamar.

Training Centre Known to locals as The School of the Corsair's Blade, privately run by a
former corsair Isdath, by reputation one of the best fighters of his generation. The school is
a 3 story building, well designed and has many rooms and yards for training.

Uinendili The original Guild of Venturer's guildhouse was destroyed, but King Earnil
rebuilt it as a huge monument to ships and all things of the sea, it includes all things naval
and contains the Admiralty offices, the Hero's Shrine and a big meeting hall to find ships,
captains and hands.

Vinyamar aka Upper Umbar. The original settlement of Nen Umbar on the north
harbour, now part of the City of Umbar.

Westerly Aka Harbour, a Tower within Vinyamar, owned by one of the Council
C. Places in Near Harad & Ethir Harnen
Amrûn (Sin. 'Sunrise', aka Korb Taskral, 'Stone Kings City' in Har., aka Korb
Devral, Ayn Arom). Pop. 20,000. Traditionally this city has been the capital of the most
powerful Haruze kingdoms of Near Harad on many occasions, this large city is located at the
junction of three major trade roads, the Rath Khand, Men Harad and Men Harnen, and also
where the Ode Pezar river joins the Harnen river. Many common folk also call it 'the

An Karagmir Desert village located on the Rath Khand, not far east of Umbar. The
'Burning Walk' runs from this village southeast to the oasis of Sud Sucanna.

An Pharaz Desert village on the Great South Road, roughly between the Ethir
Harnen and Nen Umbar.

An Sakal Desert village in the Eraguk of Harondor inside a river valley, the small
river (Sakal river) leads to Bay of Belfalas.

An Tarim Desert village on the Great South Road about 50miles south of the
Ethir Harnen

An Zalim Desert village at the headwaters of the Ode Zalim river, set (as per
with all rivers in the area) in a large gorge.

Arysis A realm southeast of Lurmsakun along the foothills of the Ered


Ausk Dubat aka Emyn Gonngaran 'Redstone Hills' (Sin.). Large range of hills
that extends from the Ephel Duath to the Emyn Imladrim.

Ausk Harmaka aka Emyn Imladrim 'Hills of Many Gorges' (Sin.) Range of hills
just north of the Harnen river, also name of a town in these hills.

Bar Numendur aka An Ruilin. A town on the Ruilin river and Great South Road, about
25miles south of Ramlond along the Great South Road, on the edge of the desert.

Bellakar Realm south of Umbar, border is traditionally the Gondeithel river.

Blacksand Vale Site of a major battle (1049 TA) about 15 miles southwest of Gobel
Ancalimon, where the King of Gondor won a great victory against the Southron Alliance,
and subsequently took the title of Hyarmendacil I.
Bogath A town on the Ode Auchel river in Chelkar

Burning Walk Ta. Kek Yanan. This trade route runs from An Karagmir southeast to
the oasis of Sud Sicanna and continues onwards to the town of Tul Poac. The route follows
the escarpment that separates the Dune Sea to the west from the Mirror of Fire to the east.
Unpaved, but reasonably wellmarked, it is the only significant road through the westem part
of the hostile Inner Lands of Far Harad. Travellers on this route must contend with scores of
nomadic raiders.

Chelkar Har.‘Sheltered Home’, region immediately south of the Mtns of

Shadow & east of Harnen river.
Dune Sea Name given to the great desert of Harad, because much of it consists
of high shifting sands, much like a wave-tossed sea.

Engiz A city in Chelkar, became prominent in the 9th century TA when its fezir
rulers became rulers of all Near Harad (Autarb).

Enmahadh A town of Lurmsakun on the Ode Pezar river.

Eraguk S. ‘Aegardh' (Fell region), a steppe grazing area north of the Ausk Harmaka,
used by the urdwan

Ershawar A town on the southern slopes of the Caradhram Nurn mountains,

near a tributary of the Ode Auchel river in Chelkar.

Ethir Harnen aka Harnun Dat (Har.), Zayan-an-Kharurush. This is the deep bay
where the Harnen river empties into the Bay of Belfalas.

Falai Coastal plain north of Ethir Harnen, fairly narrow in extent.

Feah A town of Pezarsan, on the southern bank of the Ode Pezar, opposite
the city of Korondaj on the northern bank.

Gizar A Town in Chelkar on the Ode Auchel river.

Gobel Ancalimon aka Kadar-un-Belabar. Founded in 2281 SA by Tar-Ancalimon.


Gobel Mirlond (Si.'Jewel haven-town), aka Mirlond, Caras Mirilond, Zimralond (Ad.),
Kas Marzuk (Har.'Castle of the Ill-tempered'). Pop.10,000, this city is the capital of Harondor
and is a very important trading post, it was founded by Tar-Ciryatan about the same time as
Umbar. It is also the usual centre of disputes between Gondor & Umbar. The Haruze name
was based on the Umbarean garrison commander who did not get along with Haruze.

Hamat Maresh Har. 'City of Heroes', aka Maresh. The main city of Lurmsakun, on the
Rysis river in the foothills of the Ered Harmal, also on the border with Arysis (realm
For places in Harondor or near Mordor, see 'Mordor Gazetteer'
Includes all places shown on main Regional Map of Nen Umbar
southeast of Lurmsakun). The city is so named because so many of its leaders have been
martyrs in the numerous invasions by the Variags.

Harnen River aka Kharurush (Har.), Saromis 'River of Arom' (Haw.). This river issues
from the Cirith Núrn, flows south to Amrûn, then turns west towards the sea and empties in
a wide bay known as the Ethir Harnen.

Harondor 'South Gondor', aka Harmaka (Har.) As the name suggests, regarded
as part of Gondor by Gondorians, this land is bounded by the Poros river in the north, Ephel
Duath in the northeast, Harnen river in south & southeast & the Bay of Belfalas to the west,
Gondor's claim to this land is often disputed by Umbar and/or Near Harad, especially the
north bank of the Harnen river.

Haruzan aka Al Amrûn. This is the Haruze name for Near Harad, which includes
the Harnen river valley, Harondor and all the lands in between down to Nen Umbar and the
true desert.

Has AdrI Pop. 4,000. Large fishing town on the coast, often also a pirate base, it
is located on Adri Bay (Harnen Bay), and a large naval battle was fought just off shore b/w
Gondor & Umbar in TA 1663.

Has Annun Pop. 2,000. Fishing & fortified town on the coast of Harondor on Adri
Bay and often a disputed town, as Barad Harn is only just over twenty miles north of it.

Has Faday Large village on Southern Ethir Harnen where the Ode Zalim river
issues into the Harnen.

Has Sabiya Large village on Northern Ethir Harnen about two days west of
Tharven on the Men Falas.

Has Yayb Large village on Northern Ethir Harnen, about two days east of Gobel
Mirlond on the Men Falas.

Isles of Shegga These are a long stretch of numerous islands of differing sizes and
reefs stretching southwest from Ras Oda b/w a few miles to 10 miles off the mainland coast,
and are notorious for both shipwrecks and pirates.

Ithilgonnost Sin.'Moonstone Fortress'. This fortress was built according to legend

in the mid-TA by a Haruze noble, and is so called because of a wondrous magical gem in the
fortress' walls. The fortress is less than a day's march south from Sook Oda.

Kas Auchel A town on the Ode Auchel river in Chelkar.

Kas Shafra Fortress & town on the Sakal An-Khar coast, about forty miles from
the Ethir Harnen.
Kha-on (Khand) V. ‘Land of horses and sun’. The upland semi-arid region b/w Mtns of
Shadow and the Mtns of the Golden South. Traditionally the land that the raiders (known
as Variags) came down into the river valleys from.

Kiba Pop. 3,000. Large port town on the southern Ethir Harnen

Korb Chelkar A town on the Ode Auchel river in Chelkar.

Korb Ugata Har.'Burning Dwelling of the Ancients'. A holy shrine to Ladnoca &
believed to be an ancient Colruh place. The original city was destroyed by the Numenoreans
because of the city's involvement in Adunaphel's rebellion.

Korondaj The capital city of Pezarsan, on the northern bank of the Ode Pezar.

Kres Lugal Har. 'Rift of Gloom', aka Sin Imlad Fuin. This gorge in the Ausk Dubat
hills is where the Ode Auchel river meets the Harnen river, and the ruined fortress of
Lugarlur is nearby. The main road to Mordor also goes through this gorge as the
surrounding hills are difficult to traverse.

Kruk Fedalk Site of a f/u battle a month after Blacksand Vale.

Kupsha Not far south of Kal Nargil is this small town on the Upper Harnen
river in Chelkar.

Lonely Islands Archipelago of 9 islands, about 900 miles west of the coast at Narak
Zadin and the Annabrith river, regarded as the westernmost point of Middle-earth. The
main islands are called Kirithani and Tol Avradi.

Lugarlur Nur.'Gloomward Tower', aka Kal Nargil. This is the ruined fortress of
the former Queen of Near Harad the Autarb Ard (Adunaphel), it lies in the Kres Lugal.

Lurmsakun Har. 'Basin of Flowing Waters'. A realm of river valleys & oases b/w
the Ode Pezar river in the north and the Rysis river in the south, otherwise is very hilly and
semi-arid, it was established by the Kibic in 1033 SA, and is considered part of Near Harad
(although it lies next to Lower Khand) because the people are mainly Haruze. The land is
the draining basin for the rivers of Khand and the western Ered Harmal.

Men Falas Sin.'Coastal Way'. Goes along the coast of Harondor, all the way to
Tharven on north bank of Harnen river.

Nen Falastir Site of a ruined palace and tower, halfway b/w Barad Harn & Eithel
Turin in Harondor.

Noz Peka Var.'Knife River'. This tributary of the Ode Pezar river, most of the
settlements of Lower Khand are along this river.
Oasis of Five Palms Oasis where in 1045 TA Talasc Imocra massacred his rivals, it is on the
Rath Khand about 60 miles northwest of Umbar in the Urdwaith.

Ode Auchel Har.'River of the great sheltering’, aka Sin. Sirdim. The river that flows
through Chelkar, formerly Ode Lugal ‘River of Gloom’.

Oud Ilaz Har.'Ilaz Crossing'. This is a small Haruze city on the Upper Harnen
river at the junction with the Ode Auchel river, has always been a prosperous trading

Ode Pezar ‘ Knife River’, V.Noz Peka, site of a battle in SA 1988 b/w Variag clans,
joins the Harnen river at Amrun.

Pezarsan Har.'Realm of Pezar'. This is a region of Near Harad east of Amrûn,

centred on the Ode Pezar river and the Rath Khand road.

Rak Chelkar Har.'Chelkar Road'. This road follows the upper Harnen river from
Amrûn, through the Kres Lugal towards Chelkar.

Ramlond Sin. 'Walled Haven', aka Kas Shadoul (Har. 'The Echoing Castle'),
Abarloni (Ad.). Pop. 19,000. The largest settlement on the southern bank of the Ethir
Harnen, it is a major port city and greatly admired by sailors around Middle-earth, so named
for the 50 ft. high wall that surrounds the lower city & harbour, known as 'Pharazon's Wall'.
Founded in 2281 SA by Tar-Ancalimon. Haruze name based on the echoing passage that led
to the galleys from the prison.

Ras Arish Name of the northern cape ending at the Ethir Harnen.

Ras Oda Name of the southern cape of the Ethir Harnen.

Redcliff Coast The mainland coast within the reefs of the Isles of Shegga south of the
Ethir Harnen, so called as the coastline here is of towering cliffs of red sandstone, and is
riddled with 'cuts' that are ideal bases for pirates.

River of graves A river in the Ausk Dubat, site of a battle

Rysis river A river that runs southwest from the Ered Harmal, through Arysis
before expiring in the Mirror of Fire.

Sakal An-Khar Har.'Southern Coast', aka Formendor (Sin.). The coastlands between
Nen Umbar and Ethir Harnen.

Salasso River This river forms a border between Umbar & Near Harad.

Suk Abarrim Pop.2,000. Port town on South Ethir Harnen, about two days north
along the Hyarmente from Ramlond.
Suk Oda Pop.2,000. Port town on the Ras Oda peninsula.

Talath Naur Si.'Fire Plains'. The desert flatlands area surrounding Nen
Umbar, to distinguish from the Urdwaith (the hills).

Taloc Passage A ford on the lower Carnen river only a few miles north of the town of
Tharven, also the site of a major battle in TA 987 where King Tar-Ciryandil of Gondor was
victorious against the Southrons.

Tharven Fortified town on the north bank of the Harnen river, opposite the city
of Gobel Ancalimon.

Tiras Amrûn Sin.'Amrûn Watch'. This is a fortified town on the other side of the
Harnen river valley opposite the city of Amrûn, it was founded by Gondor to try and counter
Umbar's influence in Amrûn.

Tirith Argon Sin. 'Watch of the Stone King'. Pop. 1,600. Ancient fortress & town
built by Tar-Ancalimon in 2281 SA to keep watch on the western Harnen valley, it is opposite
the city of Amrûn.

Trihja Pek Haruze town in the River Valley of a tributary of the Ode Pezar, about
10 miles east of Amrun.

Undertown Name of the lower part of the city of Ramlond, where the harbour
and docks are located.

Urdwaith The dry semi-arid hill country between Nen Umbar and the Harnen
river valley, land of the Jelut nomads.

Velarith S. ‘God’s Safety’, aka Valarith. A mountain valley refuge in the Ered Harmal
founded by Telgir the Mystic, considered a legendary place by most common folk

? Site is unknown, but according to legend is a hill with wells about 7 days
march from Umbar along Hyarmente where Ar-Pharazon received Sauron’s surrender.


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