Zelalem Bogale Proposal 1 New One
Zelalem Bogale Proposal 1 New One
Zelalem Bogale Proposal 1 New One
DEC, 2020
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..............................................................................1
1.2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM............................................................................2
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS...........................................................................................3
1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY...................................................................................3
1.6 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................4
1.7 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY............................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................5
2. LITRATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................5
2.1 THEORTICAL LITRATURE...................................................................................5
2.1.1 THEORIES OF INVESTMENT........................................................................6
2.1.2 CLASSICAL THEORIES OF INVESTMENT..................................................6
2.1.3 NEOCLASSICAL THEORY OF INVESTMENT............................................6
2.1.4 KEYNESIAN THEORY OF INVESTMENT....................................................7
2.1.5 ACCELERATE THEORY OF INVESTMENT................................................7
2.1.6 INVESTMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT....................................8
2.1.7 DETERMINAT OF INVESTMENT..................................................................8
3. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................10
3.1 STUDY AREA........................................................................................................10
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................10
3.3 SOURCE OF DATA...............................................................................................10
3.4 TARGET POPULATION.......................................................................................10
3.5 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES..................................................................11
3.6 METHOD OF DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION.............................11
4. Time budget and cost budget.........................................................................................12
4.1 Time budget.............................................................................................................12
4.2 Cost budget..............................................................................................................12
Investment activity plays a crucial role in the economic growth of a country. Investment can
increase a country’s productive capacity, provided that investment expenditure regards
durable goods that have comparatively long useful lives and embody the latest technological
advances. In addition, changes in investment expenditure can potentially result in shifts in the
level of employment and personal income by affecting the demand for capital goods.
Although gross fixed capital formation usually represents a substantially smaller fraction of
an economy’s total expenditure compared to consumption expenditure, it is a highly volatile
component that causes strong fluctuations to a country’s economic activity. (Gofe, 2018).
The role of investment to the development of a nation is very large. Investment increases the
productive capacity of an economy. It is a very important to utilize untapped resource to
create job opportunity for citizen, to increase foreign currency through import substitution
and export promotion of a nation and facilitate the communication and cultural exchange of
society. Investing is putting money to work to start or expand a project or to purchase an
asset or interest where those funds are then put to work with the goal to income and increased
value over time (Cheni, 2019)
In our country there is huge amount of idle resource which is not mobilized to investment
activity due to inefficient and ineffective utilization of resource which results in low level of
income. Because of low level of income, it is difficult for the people to allocate their income
for investment activity out of their consumption. To develop the investment activities in
urban areas, facilitation of the infrastructure facilities, ownership right policy, identification
of potential investment opportunities, access of information about investment activity, given
incentives and promotion of investment opportunities for investment are very essential steps
to be undertaken. (Gofe, 2018)
Investment is a sizable out lay of funds that commit a firm some course of action. The form
lies on specific procedures to analyze and select. Those investment sectors examine required
rate of return, rate of expected inflation and the risk involved which are basic to invest in any
kind of investment and investment area. The required rate of return is the minimum return an
investor expects to achieve by investing in a project. An investor typically sets the required
rate of return by adding a risk premium to the interest percentage that could be gained by
investing excess funds in a risk free investment (Tejvan Pettinger, 2019).
This research is conducted in one of the urban center, Aleta wondo town, which is located in
southern of Ethiopia. The town is established long years ago. But still the investment activity
is in its infancy stage.(Source)
Now a day the town has its own investment offices to encourage private inventors and
foreign investors through giving major incentives to potential investors and promotional
activities about investment opportunity in the town. The investment office is also responsible
to facilitate infrastructural facility for investment activities, about marketability of project,
technical and advisory service to investors. But due to problems both on private investors and
government side, the investment activity in the town is very limited.(source )
inadequate and deteriorating infrastructure and poor institution. Additionally, there is another
problem come up and no solutions gain.
This study will analyze causes for the low level of investment in Aleta wondo town and
indicate what should be done to enhance this activity.
activity in the town by giving major incentives and promotion of investment opportunities
through different promotional methods.
The study has been consisting four chapters. The first chapter constitutes back ground,
statement of the problem, research question, and objective of the study, scope of the study,
significance of the study, limitation of the study and organization of the study. The second
chapter has been deals with both having two sub components; the theoretical review and the
empirical review. The third chapter consist the source of data, method of data gathering and
sampling techniques. The fourth chapter deals with the time and budget schedule budget
estimated cost break down.
output ratio shows how much capital is needed to produce a dollars’ worth of output.
(Agarwal, 2019)
As investment activity is affected by social, political and economic condition, there are
some criteria have to be considered before starting investment activity. That before
starting investment activity, one investor must know and analyze in what area he is going
to invest, the available funds he/she has for investment, the economic and political
situations and profitability. In addition, an investor should know the advantage for the
society. That is the quality and quantity of goods and service to be produced,
employment, export and utilization of natural resources. ( Tejvan pettinger, 2019)
according to this theory rate of investment is determined by the speed with firms adjust
their capital stocks towards the desired level. (W.Jorgenson, 2017)
undertake. Investment also has an important influence an employment and today
determines economic activates of tomorrow by building up resource of capital that will
be used to produce goods and services. Capital investment results when businesses
purchase capital goods. Investment is long term in natures that allow companies to
generate revenue for years by adding or improving production facilities and boosting
operational efficiency. (ROSSI, 2019)
3.2 SOURCE OF DATA Types of data and methods of data collection techniques
To achieve the general and specific objectives of the study, both primary and secondary data
will be collected. Primary data will be collected through structured questionnaire distributed
to individuals engaged in investment activity in the town and oral questions for the manager
of investment office. The secondary data will be obtained from written materials available in
the investment office of the town.
The target population for this study is investors who engage in different investment activities
and concerned government officials who give important information about investment
activities in the town.
3.3 DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUES Sampling Technique and Sample Size
To answer the questions 30 investors will be selected by random sampling. That is all
random samples are based on randomly procedure (methods).
The study variables about investment activity that are collected through the above methods of
data collection are important to investigate their impact on investment level of the town.
These include information about opportunities and types of investment, economic incentives
given for investors (access of land to invest, exemption from taxes, advisory service etc) and
promotion of investment opportunities in the town for local and forging investors through
advertising, mass media, newspaper, magazine by governmental bodies to promote the
investment activity in the town.
2 Problem
formulation and
report preparation
3 Research design
4 Data collection
5 Data analysis
6 Report writing
7 Presentation and
4.2 Cost budget
No. Items Quantity Pric P
1 Internet fee 40hrs 10 400
2 Paper 53 0.5 26.5
3 Pen 2 10 20
4 Binder 1 35 35
5 Typing cost 53 5 265
6 Printing cost 53 1 53
7 Miscellaneous 1 100 100
8 Note book 1 30 30
9 Total 929.5
Accross country research survey arabian journal of business and management review ,