MI21007 Elements of Rock Mechanics MA 2016

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Sub: Elements of Rock Mechanics (MI21007)

Autumn Semester: 2016-2017 End-Sem Exam
Number of students: 69 Full Marks: 50

Instruction: Answer any four (4) questions. Write all parts of question in one place.
"No queries will be entertained during examination"
Q1. (a) For a uniaxial compression stress 0" , axial strain e is developed in a cylindrical body. [3]
If the strain energy density is defined by U( 0"), show that
e = --'--~
(b) A rock is failed under triaxial loading condition with failure stress of 80 MPa for a [4]
confining stress of 5 MPa. If the rock breaks along a inclined plane having its normal
directed 75° from the horizontal axis, determine the normal stress and shear stress on
the inclined plane just before failure.
(c) The stress state at a point is given as (J == [X2 + Y
x+ y
Find the body forces under which the given stress field maintain equilibrium
Q2. (a) Fill in the blanks and write your answers against each question in serial order on answer [3]
(i) Darcy's Law states that for linear flow condition, discharge velocity is proportional
(ii) For plane strain condition, out-of-plane normal strain is and out-of-plane
normal stress is
(iii)Rock mass contains and hence RMR is less than _
(iv) Uniaxial compressive strength, UCS and elastic modulus are found to be of 50 MPa,
20 GPa respectively. If the Poisson's ratio of the rock is 0.25, volumetric strain is

(b) Write briefly about a) elastic modulus of rock and b) Axisymmetric condition [3]
(c) Three strain gages are used to obtain normal strain in y [4]
150 )If.
three directions inside a rock pillar as shown in the
figure. If the modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of
the rock is 10 GPa and 0.25, respectively, find the major 120e/
i x
and minor principal stresses. Assume plane stress
condition. 1).l8 == 10.6 m/m. 250 .I~
300 ,LIZ

Q3. (a) Clearly write the boundary conditions for which "Kirsh Solution" is derived. [2]
(b) With neat sketch define "stress concentration" and "stress relax" zones around a [2]
circular tunnel.
(c) A tunnel of radius 4 m is constructed in a far field stress condition having Po = 10 MPa 13]
and k = 1.5. A uniform support pressure of 2 MPa is applied all along the tunnel
boundary. Find the ratio of the maximum to the minimum tangential stress those are
developed on the tunnel boundary.
(d) Briefly discuss the importance of lining or internal support pressure around a circular 131
tunnel. Show that for hydrostatic stress field condition radial displacement can be
expressed as u =_ (Po - P, )a
r 2Gr
Q4. (a) Show that most unit weight of soil sample can be expressed as y = Gsy",(1- n)(1 \\I) 131
where, Gs = specific gravity of soil solids, n = porosity of soil sample and w = moisture

1 of2
(b) A natural deposit of clay soil with water content 23.5% indicated a
field bulk unit weight of 18kN/m3: Grain specific gravity was t t t t [3]

2.65. Determine
(i) the void ratio 5m K1 = kl5

(ii) field dry unit weight, and

2m K2 = kl2
(iii)degree of saturation
(c) Water is flowing vertically through 3 rock beds as shown in the 3m K3 = kl3 [4]
figure. If K, denotes the hydraulic conductivity of /h layer in cm/s,

Q5. (a)
determine the equivalent hydraulic conductivity in terms of k.
Compare the following
t t t t [2]
(i) Stress and Pressure
(ii) Insitu stress and Induced stress
(iii)Deformation gage and Strain gage
(iv)Shut-in-pressure and Break-down-pressure
(b) Classify the methods of Insitu stress measurement as suggested by International Society [2]
of Rock Mechanics (lSRM). To determine complete stress tensor at a point how many
insitu tests are required in each suggested method.
(c) Comment on the world wide trend of distribution of insitu stresses versus depth below [3]
ground by neat sketches.
(d) Three flatjack tests have been made close to each other in the wall of a long, straight [3]
horizontal rectangular tunnel as shown in figure. It is assumed that the flatjacks are in
the same stress field. The slots for the flatjacks were cut normal to the side wall (xy
plane) of the tunnel, and were oriented relative to the tunnel axis as shown below. The
cancellation pressure for each of the flatjacks A, Band Care 5.5 MPa, 7 MPa and 8
MPa, respectively. It is given that the modulus of elasticity and poisson's ratio of rock
mass is 2GPa and 0.25 respectively. Compute the horizontal (O"xx), vertical (O"yy) and
shear ( rXy) stress in XY plane.

y I I_'_-_A_'
L--: x
_" __8_~

3._~_. _c"<_'_'6-_00--,'

Transverse section

Q6. (a) Define the following for quantification of rock joint by neat ketches [3]
(i) Roughness
(ii) Persistence
(v) Weathering
(vi)Scanline survey
(b) Discuss the "Stand up time" with respect to rock quality based on self-support [2]
characteristics of rock mass.
(c) In a joined rock mass, discuss the effect of direction of excavation on rock mass [2]
(d) What are the parameters used in RMR and Q system of rock mass classification. What [3]
are reasons of inclusion of these parameters in these classification systems. How rock
mass rating are true representation of a rock mass characteristics.

---End of Question Paper---


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