B. Unit 6-1 Pedagogy Companion

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Unit 6-1 Pedagogy Companion

Creative Expression of Emotive Message

Unit Overview
Students should have the opportunity to explore their creative selves beyond the daily learning processes in school. If used in a proper manner, this creativity can
help students to project their emotions and feelings clearly. This unit aims to push students to make positive associations. Based on these associations, the
students will create greeting cards. Students will learn how to use a drawing tool (Ex. MS Paint). This will also help the students understand their emotions better.

Learning Grid
Real-life Knowledge Design Cycle

B: Develop Ideas: B(ii) Develop several design ideas

C(ii) Demonstrate technical skills

Best practices for designing a Greeting or an Invite.
C. Create Solution: C(iii) Follow the design to create solution

C(iv) List changes made to the design

Digital Tools & Resources Foundational Abilities & Key Qualities

Introduction to Drawing/Painting tool Thinking - Creative. Communication, Collaboration-Empathy

Learning Process At-a-glance
In this unit, students will use the drawing/painting tools such as MS Paint or something similar. They will design a creative invitation/greeting with an emotional
message using the drawing/painting tool on a topic of their choice. Students will design a greeting card by using their artwork as the cover page and writing a
message on another page. Students will edit their designs for the artwork. Students will use tools for creating visual messages and think about other uses for
these tools. Students will present their greeting cards in the front of the classroom.

A: Trying out the basics of Drawing tool

Identify and create basic shapes
Create a simple emotions chart
B: Developing real-world objects using Drawing tool
Draw real world objects on Drawing tool
Create a scenery painting on Drawing tool
C: Co-Create a Design using Drawing Tool
Co-create a design on Drawing tool
D: Designing a Greeting Card
Create a greeting card
Edit and finalise the design
Summarise learning about the drawing tool
E: Presentation & Assessment
A: Trying out the basics of a drawing tool

A Trying out the basics of a drawing tool Expected Duration: ⌚100-140 minutes #Home tasks: 2

Objectives Class Task Overview ATL Skills & Learning outcomes Home Task Overview

A1 SW identify and create Identify all basic shapes: circle, square, rectangle, ATL Skills: Creative thinking, The students will
basic shapes on a pentagon, hexagon, octagon, oval and star shape. Collaboration identify different
drawing tool. (MS Paint Learn how these basic shapes are created through objects that can be
or any other tool, could the drawing tool. (Students should be aware of all Learning Outcomes: Students will made using basic
also be on paper) shapes and at Least five shapes should be drawn by be able to create outlines of shapes such as
them) different objects. trees, flowers,
houses, etc., and
practice them on the
drawing tool.

A2 SW understand how to Students will create a simple emotions chart. They ATL Skills: Critical Thinking, The students will
use shapes and colours will identify 8 emotions and write them next to the Information literacy skills construct their own
to create an emotions shapes created in the last class. Then, for each emotions chart by
chart (MS Paint or any emotion, they select a colour that represents that creating more
other tool, could also be emotion for them, and fill it in the shape.This Learning Outcome: SWBAT will shapes and filling up
on paper) emotional chart would be useful in demonstrating present data using shapes and more colours.
data effectively in the future. colours (on a drawing tool)

A1 Identify and Create Basic Shapes

Objective SW identify and create basic shapes on a drawing tool. (MS Paint or any other
tool, could also be on paper)

Assessment Criteria C. Create Solution (ii) demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the

Learning Outcome Students will be able to create outlines of different objects.

Teacher Script: We see many shapes every day in our lives; for example we
have ‘rectangular’ blackboards or a ‘circular’ sun or moon. Now, look at your
Context Setting: surroundings and identify as many shapes as you can. {Students will identify
(create excitement some shapes within the classroom}
about shapes)
Did you know that you can make similar shapes on your computer screens?
Guess the tool with which we can do so?

⌚5-7 minutes {Teacher will give hints so that it becomes easier for the students to guess Ms
The teacher will create and show the students one basic shape on the drawing

In small groups of three, students identify all basic shapes: circle, square, A1 - Identify and Create Basic

Group Activity rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, oval, star; and create at least five of Shapes
10-15 minutes them through MS Paint.

⌚5-7 minutes
Reflection Did you find it easier to draw the shapes on MS Paint as compared to drawing it
on a paper?
Were you able to find different ways in which you could represent these shapes
on your computer screens? How?

Consolidation Each group now has an idea about how to draw different shapes on MS Paint.

⌚3-5 minutes Think about what kind of objects you can make using these shapes.

A1 Home Task
Home Task The students will identify different objects which can be made using basic A1 - Identify and Create Basic Shapes
Instructions shapes other shapes around them such as trees, flowers, houses, etc and (page b)
practice them on the drawing tool.
⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring it to the class
Review & Follow up Discussion with the group and use it in the next task.

A2 Create a Simple Emotions Chart

Objective SWBAT understand how to present data on a drawing tool

Assessment Criteria B. Developing Ideas (ii) develop a range of feasible ideas which can be correctly
interpreted by others

Learning Outcome SW will learn to design through shapes and colours on the drawing tool)

Teacher Script:If you are told that you have a surprise picnic tomorrow, how
would you feel? Many of you might be joyful or excited. Similarly, if you’re told
Context Setting: that you have failed a test for which you prepared very hard , what would your
reaction look like then? Many of you might feel sad or hopeless.

We experience many emotions in our everyday lives; Now Imagine if you could
⌚15 minutes note and think about our emotions on a regular basis using a mood board, do
you think it will make your life easier? If yes, then how? (Teacher will take

With each of the shapes made earlier, students in a small group will now create A2 - Create a Simple Emotions

Group Activity
10-15 minutes
a simple emotions chart. They will identify 8 emotions and write them beside
each of the shapes created in the earlier class . For each emotion, each student
will be asked to fill in a colour that represents the emotion for them.

This emotions chart would be useful in showing data properly in the future.

5 minutes
How were you able to associate different colours with your varied emotions?
Do you think it is a good way of keeping track of your changing feelings or
Consolidation Each group now has an idea about how to represent data using shapes and

⌚2-3 minutes colours and relate it with different things.

A2 Home Task
The students will make their own emotions chart by creating more shapes A2 - Create a Simple Emotions Chart
Home Task and filling up more colours. (page b)

⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring it to class

Review & Follow up Discussion with the group

B: Developing real-world objects using drawing tool

B Developing real-world objects using drawing tool Expected Duration: ⌚80-120 minutes #Class Tasks: 2 #Home tasks: 2

Objectives Class Task Overview ATL Skills & Learning outcomes Home Task Overview

B1 SWBAT draw real world Students identify the various natural areas around ATL Skills: Creative thinking, Students visit a local park or
objects on MS Paint (or them and describe how they feel when they visit Reflection garden; identify and draw one
any other tool, could also parks, zoo’s, forests etc. object of nature they connected
be on paper) Ask them to pick out an element of nature that Learning Outcomes: SWBAT with. Make sure it is a different
makes them happy and draw it on MS Paint. present objects of nature on a one than the one they drew in
drawing tool. class.

B2 SWBAT learn how to Show students a BBC eLearning video that contains ATL Skills: Communication, Students draw nature and
create a scenery scenery and views of jungle, forest and nature. Using Thinking answer how it makes them feel.
painting on MS paint (or that as a reference point, ask students to draw more
any other tool, could also objects around their favourite object that will help it fit Learning Outcomes: SWBAT
be on paper). in the drawing better. expand their designs.
Discuss with students how spending time in nature
makes them feel.

B1 Draw real-world objects using drawing tool

Objective SWBAT understand how to design real world objects on MS Paint.

Assessment Criteria C. Create Solution (ii) demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the

Learning Outcome SW deepen their understanding of MS paint by designing an object of real world

Teacher’s Script: Think about how you feel when you see a rainbow. Does
it make you feel happy or excited? (Take yes/no responses)
Context Setting: A lot of times when we look at things in nature, we feel a particular emotion. For
example, when we see a puppy, we might feel joyful or excited. Similarly, some
people feel very happy when it rains, while some might feel sad. This is because

⌚5-7 minutes
we associate different elements of nature with particular feelings.

What if you are told that various natural elements can be drawn using the
shapes that you have identified and drawn in the previous sessions.

Group Activity
10-15 minutes
Students would be divided into small groups of 4.
They will identify the various natural areas around them and describe how they
feel when they visit parks, zoo’s, forests etc.
B1 - Draw real world objects using
drawing tool

They will then pick out an element of nature that makes them happy and draw it
in their notebooks. Later, they will replicate it on a digital drawing tool when

10 minutes
Do you think learning to draw the basic shapes has helped you in creating your
favourite natural element?
Did you feel the same emotions in you as when you saw those elements for the
first time in nature?

Consolidation Students were able to identify the elements of nature and represent them using

⌚2-3 minutes a drawing tool. .

B1 Home Task
Home Task Students visit a local park or garden, and identify and draw one object of B1 - Draw real world objects using
Instructions nature they connected with. Draw that on MS Paint. Make sure it is a drawing tool (page b)
different one than the one they drew in class
⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring it to class

Review & Follow up Discussion with the group and use it in the next task.

B2 Create a scenery using drawing tool

Objective SWBAT learn how to create a scenery painting on MS paint

Assessment Criteria C. Create Solution (ii) demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the

Learning Outcome SWBAT analyse what they are drawing and create multi object paintings on MS
Paint .

Context Setting: Teacher’s Script: In the last class we identified our favourite elements from
nature and then presented them using drawing tools. . But don’t you think that
there is something missing? (facilitator takes responses).

⌚5-7 minutes ESR: You drew only one element of nature, not all of them and that’s why the
representation of the area that was identified was incomplete.
For example, if I /to draw a rainbow, it might seem incomplete. But if I added
some clouds, birds, rain and the Sun to the same picture, it will look complete.

Thus, the drawing of your favourite element or object without the background
elements feels incomplete.

Group Activity
10-15 minutes Students watch a BBC eLearning video that contains scenery and views of
jungles, forests and nature. Using that, ask students to draw more objects in the
B2 - Create a scenery using
drawing tool

background of their favourite object that will help it fit in the drawing better. Video - Nature Makes You Happy |
BBC Earth

10 minutes
Did you notice any difference in the drawing of your element with or without the
background elements?
Which one was looking better and why do you think so?

Consolidation Students are now able to draw different elements on the drawing tool and add to

⌚2-3 minutes it with the help of other background elements.

B2 Home Task
Home Task Students draw nature and answer how that makes them feel. B2 - Create a scenery using drawing
Instructions tool (page b)

⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring it to class.

Review & Follow up Discussion with the group and use it in the next class.
C: Co-Create a Design using Drawing Tool
C Co-Creating a design using Drawing Tool Expected Duration: ⌚40-100 minutes #Class Tasks: 1 #Home tasks: 1

Objectives Class Task Overview ATL Skills & Learning outcomes Home Task Overview

C1 SW learn how to respond Get students together in a pair. Ask them to select a ATL Skills: Collaboration, Creative Find out how images of scenery
to each other and partner who they haven’t interacted with much thinking and photographs of nature have
co-create a design on earlier.. Ask each pair to together design scenery, been used in posters and greeting
MS Paint taking ideas from their favourite objects in nature. Learning Outcome: SWBAT work cards.
with each other, furthering
communication skills and

C1 Co-create a design on Drawing tool

Objective SW learn how to respond to each other and co-create a design on MS Paint.

B. Developing Ideas (ii) develop a range of feasible ideas which can be correctly
Assessment Criteria interpreted by others
C. Create Solution (ii) demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the

Learning Outcome SWBAT work with each other, furthering communication skills and

Teacher’s Script: Let’s Recap

Context Setting: {Teacher will repeat the core elements taught in the previous classes.}

Imagine the dream world and by using all the elements, ideas and shapes

⌚10 minutes
understood by you in the previous classes, you have to design scenery.
Think about the various elements that you would want to have in your world and
think about which shapes will help you in drawing them.

10-15 minutes
Students in pairs (Make sure that the students select a partner with whom they
haven’t interacted earlier) collectively design a scenery, taking ideas from their
favourite objects in nature that they have already practised in previous classes
C1 - Co-create a design on
Drawing tool

and as a part of their homework.

This will be helpful to see how they respond to new partners using drawing tools.

10-15 minutes
Was your drawing of the dream world in the scenery different from your partner’s
drawing ?
Which other elements were used by your partner?

Consolidation Each student is able to imagine a complete world and present it as a scenery

⌚2-3 minutes using digital tool

C1 Home Task
Home Task Find out how images of scenery and photographs of nature have been C1 - Co-create a design on Drawing
Instructions used in posters and greeting cards. tool (page b)
Jot down these examples.
⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring them to the class.

Review & Follow up Discussion with the group.

D: Designing a Greeting Card

D Designing a Greeting Card Expected Duration: ⌚120-160 minutes #Class Tasks: 3 #Home tasks: 3

Objectives Class Task Overview ATL Skills & Learning outcomes Home Task Overview

D1 SW create a greeting Ask the pair of students to use their drawings as the ATL Skills: Creative thinking, Students look at other greeting
card from their learnings cover of a greeting card. On another page, ask them Communication cards and find out the kind of
on MS paint (or any to write a message, making their painting into a language they use in them.
other drawing tool). greeting card of their choice. Learning Outcome: SW develop
real world association with drawing
tools and understand their multiple

D2 SW edit and finalise the Each pair is asked to improve their design and ATL Skills: Collaboration, Critical Make one more greeting card for
design minimally alter it if required. thinking family or friends or anyone else
They will prepare one final document that contains they wish to give a greeting card
the cover and written text of a greeting card, made Learning Outcome: SW to using the skills learned during
through real-world object design. understand the importance of this unit.
editing and improving.

D3 SW improve the Ask students how the process was and what they ATL Skills: Reflection, N. A.
greeting card based on learnt. See if they are more confident about Communication
their learnings designing objects and how they will use MS Paint in
the future. Learning Outcome: SW learn how
to reflect and consolidate.

D1 Create a Greeting Card

Objective SW create a greeting card from their learnings on MS paint (or any other
drawing tool).

Assessment Criteria C.Creating the solution (iii) follow the plan to create the solution, which functions
as intended

Learning Outcome SW develop real world association with drawing tools and understand their
multiple uses.

Teacher’s Script: Let’s discuss!

Context Setting:
In the last class, you all were asked to find out more about the uses of
photographs and images of scenery in greeting cards and posters. One by one

⌚5-7 minutes
share your observations in the class.

Discuss with the students what kind of greeting card they would want to make
and for whom.
{Teacher takes inputs and gives suggestions}

Group Activity
15-20 minutes
Students would be divided into the same pairs.
Students in pairs use their drawings as the cover of a greeting card (Ask
students to refer to the samples given in the student companion). On another
D1 - Create a Greeting Card

page, they have to write a message, making their painting into a greeting card of
their choice.

10 minutes
Now that you have understood the various elements of drawing tool , where else
do you think this tool can be used apart from greeting cards? {Teacher will take
inputs, eg; posters; wedding cards; business cards and calendars.}

Do you think there is any difference between your greeting cards and the
professional ones you see in the market?
Take a few responses. (What are the differences?)
Ask the students to identify the possible elements of the drawing tool that could
have been used in the professional one.

Consolidation Each student is now able to understand various elements of the drawing tool

⌚2-3 minutes and is able to use them to make his/her imagination come to life. .

D1 Home Task
Home Task Students look at other greeting cards and find out the kind of language they D1 - Create a Greeting Card (page b)
Instructions use in them.

⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Students bring a sample sentence for their greeting cards to class.

Review & Follow up Discussion with class.

D2 Edit and Finalise the Design
Objective SW edit and finalise the design

Assessment Criteria C.Creating the solution (iv) justify changes made to the chosen design and plan
when making the solution.

Learning Outcome SW understand the importance of editing and improving.

Teacher’s Script: Raise your hands if you are a movie lover. {Students raise
their hands}. Do you know that every movie goes through a difficult process of
Editing is one of the most important elements in movie making.
Why do you think it is so? {teacher takes in responses}.
Context Setting:
ESR: Editing is important because it helps remove anything that is not
good/fitting for the final movie, it also helps change or add anything that can

⌚5-7 minutes
make the movie better to watch.

Since many of you know the importance of improving the first drafts to produce
the final piece. You must also know that editing plays an important role in
graphic designing also. So the professional greeting cards, calendars, and
business cards that you see in the market are not always the same designs that
the creators made on the first attempt.

Group Activity
10-15 minutes
Students in the same pairs would try to improve their design and minimally alter
it if required.
They will prepare one final document that contains the cover and written text of
D2 - Edit and Finalise the Design

a greeting card, made through real-world object design.

10 minutes
Do you think that editing your drafts made any difference?
Do you think reworking an idea helps?

Consolidation Each student is able to understand the importance of editing and the impact it

⌚2-3 minutes has created on their designs.

D2 Home Task
Home Task Make one more greeting card for family or friends using the skills learned D2 - Edit and Finalise the Design (page
Instructions during this unit. b)

⌚3-5 minutes
Submission Bring it to class.

Review & Follow up Discussion with the group.

D3 Summarise learning about the drawing tool

Objective SW process their learnings.

Assessment Criteria C. Create Solution (ii) demonstrate excellent technical skills when making the Consolidate learning

Learning Outcome SW learn how to reflect and consolidate.

Context Setting: Teacher’s Script: Let’s recap!

{revision of the previous lessons as well as doubt-clearing session}
⌚5-7 minutes
⌚10-15 minutes
Group Activity Students share their opinions on the process and their learnings. Judge their
confidence about designing objects and whether they will be able to use drawing
tools in the future.
D3 - Summarise learning about
the drawing tool

10 minutes
If you could change or add anyone new element into what you have used till
now, what would that be?

Consolidation Each student now knows how to use drawing tools to create complex real-life

⌚2-3 minutes objects.

E: Presentation and Assessment
E ⌚120-150 minutes #Class Tasks: 2 #Home tasks: 1

Objectives Class Task Overview Home Task Overview

E1 Divide-up Presentation Review the Guidelines for presenting your work in unit 6-1, Each student prepares and practises
Tasks & Prepare prepare a presentation structure, and divide up the presentation his/her part of the presentation.
Presentation sections among group members for preparation.
Ask students to complete the Student Activity Log for this unit Unit 6-1 Student Activity Log
and submit.

E2 Present in Class One by one, each group presents, and the teacher asks Please Download the excel file here:
(5 minutes presentation and questions. Teacher takes down notes during the presentation. Unit 6-1 Assessment Guidelines
2 minutes Q&A for each Students also online share their tour plan with the teacher. For Read the “Assessment Task” and
group, 1-2 periods) this Unit, Teachers assess students based on the Unit 6-1 “Instructions” tab on the Excel file.
Assessment Guidelines.

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