SWOT Analysis Sample - Biomass

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Views on the international market for energy biomass in 2020: results from a scenario study
Jussi Heinimo
Department of Energy and Environmental Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, and

International market for energy biomass 547

Received 12 March 2008 Accepted 21 July 2008

Ville Ojanen and Tuomo Kassi

Department of Industrial Management, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to clarify the alternative future scenarios for the international biomass market until the year 2020 and identify underlying steps needed toward a vital working and sustainable biomass market for energy purposes. Design/methodology/approach Two scenario processes were conducted for the study. A heuristic, semi-structured approach, including the use of preliminary questionnaires as well as manual and computerised group support systems (GSS), was applied in the scenario processes. Findings The scenarios estimated that the biomass market will develop and grow rapidly as well as diversify in the future. The scenario analysis shows the key issues in the eld: global economic growth including the growing need for energy, environmental forces in the global evolution, the potential of technological development in solving the global problems, capabilities of the international community to nd solutions for the global issues, and the complex interdependencies of all these driving forces. Research limitations/implications Further research is needed involving analysis of the probabilities of the technological and commercial elements in each scenario. It is also important to conceptualise the scale and directions of biomass trade streams and determine the inuences of the scenarios from the viewpoints of different actors. Practical implications The results of the scenario processes provide a starting point for further research analysing the technological and commercial aspects of the scenarios and foreseeing the scales and directions of biomass streams. Originality/value In this study, scenario processes supplemented by a GSS are applied for investigating the future development of the biomass market. Keywords Group decision support systems, Energy sources, Energy management, Globalization, Sustainable development, Finland Paper type Research paper

The authors are deeply grateful to the participants in the scenario workshops as well as IEA Bioenergy Task 40, EUBIONET II, and Andrea Ramrez Ramrez at the Copernicus Institute of Utrecht University for their contribution to the realisation of the international scenario workshop. This work has been conducted with the nancial support of the ClimBus technology programme of the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES).

International Journal of Energy Sector Management Vol. 2 No. 4, 2008 pp. 547-569 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1750-6220 DOI 10.1108/17506220810919063



1. Introduction Global supply of energy is facing several increasing challenges. Energy consumption is on a moderate increase, especially in rapidly developing countries. The overall size of the world energy market nearly doubled between 1971 and 2003, driven by rapid expansion in energy use in the developing world, where population and energy activity have grown. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has projected an increase in primary energy demand of 1.6 per cent per year until 2030, when the cumulative increase will be equal to half of current demand. At present, fossil fuels oil, coal, and natural gas dominate the world energy economy, providing 80 per cent of the worlds primary energy supply of 449 EJ/yr (IEA, 2005). Increased international awareness of climate change has increased international collaboration on environmental issues. Most of the industrialised countries have committed themselves to a signicant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions up to 2012 in ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. In the light of the UNs Climate Change Conference 2007 held in Bali and the ambitious targets of the European Union for renewable energy, the mitigation of climate change will remain a strong trend over the next few decades. One of the most important means of attaining this goal is to increase the proportion of total energy consumption from renewable energy[1] sources. In addition, efforts to decrease dependence on fossil fuels and to diversify the energy supply are also important factors promoting the use of renewable energy sources. Biomass[2] is the largest source of renewable energy at present, covering approximately 11 per cent of the worlds total energy consumption (IEA, 2005). Several studies have researched the production potential of biomass for energy at local, regional, and global levels (Berndes et al., 2003). Most of the studies estimated that the use of biomass for energy production can be increased considerably from the current level over the current century, when fossil fuels become scarce and more expensive. In view of the Kyoto Protocol, the use of biomass for energy production will increase especially strongly in the industrialised nations, which are aiming to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases. The market for biofuels[3] is developing rapidly and becoming more international. For example, the areas from which biofuels are procured, especially by large biomass users, are expanding quickly, and more biomass than before is being sourced from abroad, including from other continents. It has been observed that some areas have a biomass potential that exceeds their own consumption and that in some other areas the demand for biofuels surpasses the local production potential (Ranta, 2005; Smeets et al., 2007). Consequently, some areas seem to be becoming net suppliers of bioenergy[4] to areas that have fewer biomass resources. Although biomass has the potential to become a more important source of energy, the remarkable increase in biomass use for energy requires parallel and positive development in several sectors, and there will be plenty of challenges to overcome. A vital and well-functioning international biomass market will be one of the key factors combining the production potential and the growing demand for biomass. The decisions made by politicians, the strategies of market actors, and the direction of research activities will have a signicant inuence on the future development of the biomass market, and because of this several stakeholders and other parties have ambitions to contribute to the development of the market. To support the positive development of the market and to make the most of the development, a more

comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics is needed. For instance, there should be an increase in awareness of factors affecting future developments and in knowledge of interactions between the markets for biomass and other bio-products. Systematic and proven methods are available for foreseeing alternative development paths and increasing capabilities to confront unexpected development. Scenario planning is one of the most frequently applied methods for evaluating future development routes. Several earlier scenario studies have investigated the future development of energy and environmental issues on a global scale. For instance, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has created scenarios focusing on the future development of greenhouse gas emissions (IPCC, 2000). In addition, Brown et al. (2001) have studied scenarios focusing on a clean energy future. Their study concentrated on how the clean energy technologies are able to address the challenges of the energy and environment sector. Also Shell has utilised scenarios to identify opportunities and challenges in the global business environment (Shell, 2005). The methods of group assessments and group decision support systems provide tools for the scenario process to efciently collect and rene knowledge from experts. Various examples of the successful application of the decision support system in scenario research can be found; for instance; in the multi-period scenario development (Blanning and Reining, 2002), for the assisting decision makers in the promotion of renewable energy sources (Georgopoulou et al., 1998) and in the strategic innovation processes (Bergman, 2005). In this study, scenario processes supplemented by group support systems (GSS) are applied to investigate the future development of the biomass market. The main objective of the study is to clarify the alternative future scenarios for the global biomass market until the year 2020, and, on the basis of the scenario process, to identify underlying steps needed towards a vital, functional, and sustainable biomass market for energy purposes. The sub-objectives that are addressed in the research are to determine and analyse the main factors inuencing the development of the biomass market. Two equivalent scenario processes were conducted for this study. The rst was carried out with a group of Finnish experts, and the second involved an international group. This paper is organised as follows: an overview is presented of the biomass potential and trading for energy. Then, the research methods and process that are utilised to meet the objectives are introduced, before the results from the scenario process are presented. Following that, the results and the process are analysed and the research process discussed. Finally, conclusions are presented. 2. Overview of biomass potential and energy trading 2.1 The long-term potential of biomass in the worlds energy supply Despite the current minor role of bioenergy, biomass has, in the longer term, the potential to become a much more signicant component of the worlds energy supply. A review of 17 studies carried out in 2002 revealed widely different conclusions on the contribution of biomass in the global energy supply from below 100 EJ/yr to more than 400 EJ/yr in 2050 (Berndes et al., 2003). However, it was claried nonetheless that the largest biomass production potential will lie in large-scale energy plantations located in areas with a climate favourable for maximising the production of biomass. The major reason for the differences is that the most crucial parameters land availability and yield levels in energy crop production are very uncertain and are

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subject to widely varying opinions. Recently, several new studies have addressed the issue (Hoogwijk et al., 2005; Smeets et al., 2007). In the most optimistic scenarios, bioenergy offers more than the current global energy demand, without competing with wood production, forest production, and biodiversity. Table I gives a summary of biomass production potential in the light of the latest studies, by biomass category, and shows the assumptions made in the determination of this potential. The biomass production potential as described in the latest studies seems to be best in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Eastern Europe, as well as Oceania and East and North-East Asia, which have the most promise of becoming important biomass producers in the long-term (Faaij and Domac, 2006). 2.2 International trade of biomass for energy purposes In many areas, at regional and national level, the biomass production potential cannot meet the demand. Typical examples are industrialised countries such as EU members, the USA, and Japan. On the other hand, there are areas where biomass production potential exceeds local demand e.g. many areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. However, local use of biomass is often more reasonable than exporting, and for this reason imported biomass will constitute only a limited proportion of the global energy use of biomass. Ethanol, vegetable oils, fuel wood, charcoal and wood pellets are the most important products that currently are internationally traded for energy purposes. Nevertheless, the international trade volume for these products is much lower than that for biomass for other purposes. The scope of international trading of biomass for energy purposes in 2004 has been estimated at 0.8 EJ/yr. The trading represents approximately 5 per cent of the total use of biofuels in industrialised countries. Indirect trade of biofuels through trading of industrial round wood and material by-products composes over two thirds of the trade, with the remaining amount accounted for by products that are traded primarily for energy purposes, bioethanol, palm oil and wood pellets being the most important commodities. It can be expected that also increasing amounts of other vegetable oils (e.g. soybean oil or jatropha oil) and solid biomass streams will be traded (Heinimo and Junginger, 2007). Taking the local production and usage potentials into account, Hansson and Berndes have estimated the global biofuels trade ow potential between world regions to be, in favourable conditions, 80-150 EJ in 2050 (Hansson and Berndes, 2006), which can be seen as a theoretical upper limit for international biofuels trade. Compared to the long-term potential, the development of international trade of biomass for energy use is in its initial stage. 3. Methodology 3.1 Scenario planning Scenario planning is a structured strategic planning method that is used to make exible long-term plans. It is applied to policy planning; in organisational development; and, more generally, when strategies are needed for testing against uncertain future developments. Scenario planning is a method for learning about the future by understanding the nature and impact of the most uncertain and important driving forces affecting the future. Usually, scenario planning yields 3-5 diverging scenarios descriptive of a future situation. In a scenario, hypothetical situations are

Biomass category 0-700 (more average development: 100-300) ,60-150 15-70

Main assumptions and remarks

Potential bioenergy supply up to 2050 (EJ/yr)

Energy farming on current agricultural land

Biomass production on marginal lands Residues from agriculture

Forest residues



(0) 5-55 5-50 ( )

Organic wastes

Combined potential

Potential land surplus: 0-4 Gha (average: 1-2 Gha). A large surplus requires structural adaptation in the direction of more efcient agricultural production systems. When this is not feasible, the bioenergy potential could be reduced to zero, On average, higher yields are likely because of better soil quality: 8-12 dry tonne/ha yr is assumeda On a global scale, a maximum land surface of 1.7 Gha could be involved. Low productivity, 2-5 dry tonnes/ha yr.a The net supplies could be low due to poor economic conditions or competition with food production The potential depends on yield/product ratios and the total agricultural land area, as well as the type of production system: extensive production systems require reuse of residues for maintaining soil fertility. Intensive systems allow for higher utilisation rates of residues The sustainable energy potential of the worlds forests is unclear some natural forests are protected. Low value: includes limitations with respect to logistics and strict standards for removal of forest material. High value: technical potential. Figures include residues from processing Use of dried dung. Low estimate based on global current use. High estimate: technical potential. Utilisation (collection) in the longer term is uncertain Estimate on the basis of values cited in the literature. Strongly dependent on economic development, consumption, and use of bio-materials. Figures include the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and waste wood. Higher values are possible with more intensive use of bio-materials Most pessimistic scenario: no land available for energy farming; only utilisation of residues Most optimistic scenario: intensive agriculture concentrating on better-quality soils In brackets: average potential in a world aiming for large-scale deployment of bioenergy 40-1,100 (200-400)

Note: aCaloric value: 19 GJ/tonne of dry matter Source: IEA Bioenergy (2007)

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Table I. Overview of the global potential of biomass for energy until 2050 for a number of categories and the main preconditions and assumptions that determine these potentials



interspersed with expected extrapolations of trends to list a combination of events that describes how a situation might occur. The scenarios usually include plausible but unexpectedly important situations and problems that exist in some small form in the present day. Scenarios are possible routes to the future, but they do not represent any kind of probabilities in the future development. Scenario creation expands peoples thinking and simultaneously increases knowledge and understanding of the unknown subject. Scenario planning helps policy-makers to anticipate hidden weaknesses and inexibilities in organisations and methods. When disclosed years in advance, these weaknesses can be avoided or their impact reduced more effectively than if similar, real-life problems were considered under the duress of an emergency. Scenario planning is especially useful when the research object is facing changes and when the uncertainty of the research question is high and there are multiple resolutions to the issue (Borjesson, 2007). Earlier literature (Schwartz, 1996; Wack, 1985) emphasises that scenarios differ from forecasts. For instance, according to the denition of Schwartz (1996), scenarios are alternative plausible stories that may show how the world might develop. Scenario planning approaches have been used in various organisations for decades; General Electric and Shell (Schoemaker and van der Heijden, 1992; Wack, 1985; Verity, 2003) are well-known examples of large rms that have been among the pioneering adopters of scenario approaches as strategic management tools. In strategic planning, scenarios are argued to be especially efcient when uncertainties related to business and the future play a signicant role in the industry (Walsh, 2005). However, scenarios mean different things for different people (Schoemaker, 1993) and can be analysed on different levels quite exibly. The exibility and widespread applicability and the fact that the scenario literature demonstrates several schools of thought may, however, also limit their everyday use in companies (Verity, 2003) or lead to misuse of scenarios (Godet and Roubelat, 1996). At their best, however, they can aid in facilitating and structuring the interaction between an organisation and its environment, sharing and disseminating individuals personal knowledge, illuminating future possibilities and threats, and building a holistic understanding of the alternative views of the future (Bergman, 2005; Schoemaker, 1993; Schwartz, 1996; Wack, 1985; Wilson, 2000). The above-mentioned schools of scenario planning can be basically categorised as falling into two main groups: (1) the intuitive style, which emphasises alternative views, challenging implicit assumptions and organisational learning; and (2) the formal style, which emphasises the use of computers, models, and processes grounded in analytical rigour (Verity, 2003). On the other hand, we can distinguish among three approaches as suggested by Bergman (2005): (1) the intuitive (Schwartz, 1996; Wack, 1985); (2) heuristic (Schoemaker, 1991; van der Heijden et al., 2000); and (3) statistical (mathematical) models (Godet, 1994). Mathematical models for scenario development often become complex and thus might not be easily applicable for the purposes of this study, while, on the other hand,

approaches that rely solely on intuitive processes in scenario development might provide results that are not reliable enough. In this study, the process model can be treated as a heuristic approach aiming to obtain a holistic picture of the issue with the help of a semi-structured phased process, which also includes some elements of an intuitive approach. The construction of scenarios typically can be seen as a process with several phases. In the earlier literature, different authors present numerous ways to implement the process and different numbers of phases in the process. For example, Schoemaker identied a total of ten steps for completing the scenario process (Schoemaker, 1993). In his review of previous literature, Walsh (2005) summed up the process in six main phases: (1) identication of future actionable issues or drivers of change; (2) creation of a framework for conceptualising data pertaining to issues or drivers; (3) development and testing of a large number of scenarios (e.g. 7-9); (4) reduction to smaller numbers of ultimate scenarios (e.g. 2-4); (5) construction of scenarios; and (6) examination of scenarios and identication of issues arising from them. Basically, the process can be simplied into four main phases as follows (Bergman, 2005): (1) Structuring the scenario process. This includes background analysis of the scenario context and delimitation of the focus. (2) Exploring the scenario context. This includes determining the main stakeholders and driving forces and the key environmental uncertainties that are changing the operational environment. Also the signicance of the main driving forces is explored. (3) Development of scenarios. This phase provides alternative future scenarios related to the issue being considered. (4) Implementation of the scenarios. Stakeholders can formulate strategies that account for environmental changes and exploit future opportunities with an acceptable risk level. Scenarios also serve as a platform for the evaluation of new business ideas and policies, assessing their market potential and possible impacts, through, e.g. posing what if questions. 3.2 Group support systems in the scenario process Scenario processes can be implemented exibly in many ways and by using different manual and computerised group work methods or decision support systems in processes. If scenarios are used in the proper way and with the help of suitable methods, there is a possibility of preventing the impact of important contributors to decision failure namely, bounded rationality, a tendency to consider only external variables, the stickiness and friction of information and knowledge, and mental models that include decision premises or policies (Chermack, 2004). Thus, far, relatively few studies have focused on the use of GSS in the scenario process. However, GSS have shown their possible efciency in scenario processes as well as in other areas of strategic planning. For instance, Blanning and Reining (2002)

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have studied the possibilities of GSS in multiperiod scenario development. Additionally, there are general benets in supporting a group to promote its co-operation and effectiveness via GSS, among them parallel communication among group members, equal and anonymous opportunities to contribute ideas and opinions, elimination of exaggerated domination of a single participant in a meeting, the possibility of rapidly determining the area of agreement and disagreement of the group members, and management of the schedule and agenda of the meeting, as well as effective automatic electronic documentation capabilities (Jessup and Valacich, 1992; Turban and Aronson, 1998). These points may be helpful also in the scenario process, as the typical features of scenario processes are complexity, uncertainty, and interdependency (Schoemaker, 1993). When the context and focus of the study concern especially an emerging market, such as the international biomass market as in this study, the benets of GSS have even greater potential in promoting the scenario process. Todays GSS laboratories are designed to look like an ordinary meeting room with computers for each participant. GSS are equipped with software that aids and supports group decision-making. GSS laboratories usually allow 10-14 persons participation for efcient group work to meet the targets set (Elfvengren, 2006). 3.3 Process approach of the study The approach of the study involved collecting and rening tacit knowledge of experts to clarify the visions for the international biomass market. Figure 1 depicts the process that was followed in two separate and partly parallel processes, each with a separate group of experts participating. The scenario process can also be seen as a heuristic process (Schoemaker, 1991) with intuitive and systematic elements, and it can also been seen as a participative scenario process (Rotmans et al., 2000) wherein business decision-makers and policy-makers also play a signicant role and thus does not involve only a small group of technical experts who are to be responsible for design and development of scenarios. The process in its entirety takes several months to complete. The preliminary work for structuring the scenarios was carried out with the help of literature reviews concerning the issue and two preliminary questionnaires. The aim of the preliminary questionnaires was to collect a list of driving forces inuencing the biomass market as initial data for the workshops. Both questionnaires were carried out via the Internet by means of the Webropol software tool. The questionnaire sent to international experts, which mainly concentrated on driving forces, included 11 questions. It was sent to the workshop participants and the members of the EUBIONET II project. Driving forces were elicited by asking which factors promote or hinder the development of the bioenergy market and the use of bioenergy in the transportation sector; in energy production; and in the generation of heat, electricity, or both. In total, 14 experts from 27 responded to the questionnaire. The scope of the questionnaire sent to Finnish experts was larger: it focused both on scale-type questions and on gathering the driving forces inuencing the international biomass market. In addition, in the Finnish questionnaire the questions on, e.g. driving forces, were posed from the Finnish point of view. The questionnaire in the Finnish scenario process was sent to a total of 90 experts, of whom 32 answered. The questionnaire contained, all in all, 21 scale-type items and open questions concerning the development of the international biomass market from the Finnish point of view. The respondents represented companies, research and

Literature reviews

Preliminary questionnaire on driving forces

Expert knowledge

International market for energy biomass 555

WORKSHOP Mapping of the influencing driving forces

Clustering of the driving forces

Evaluation of the significance of the clusters Definition of Scenarios dimensions and preliminary naming of scenarios

Formulation of scenarios and presentation of formulated scenarios

Formulation of preliminary value networks and business models related to the scenarios

Adjusted scenarios Expertise of workshop participants SWOT analysis and commenting on scenarios

Fine-tuned scenario descriptions Further research

Analysis of the scenarios

Figure 1. Phases of scenario processes applied in the study



development organisations or teaching institutions; public authorities; and other associations or interest groups. A signicant proportion of the work was completed in two equivalent intensive one-day workshops that included the phases from Mapping of the driving forces through Formulation of preliminary value networks and business models (Figure 1). The results of the preliminary questionnaire (i.e. the experts opinions on the main driving forces of the international biomass market, and the literature reviews) were then analysed and utilised as preliminary data for the workshops. The participants in the workshops then expressed their opinions on the additional driving forces. The rst workshop was conducted from the perspective of Finnish actors and the second from a global perspective. A total of 27 experts participated in the workshops, in which the tentative scenarios were formulated. The international scenario session was held in the Policy Lab of Utrecht University in The Netherlands, and the Finnish session was at the GSS laboratory of Lappeenranta University of Technology. Both groups of experts applied the same process approach. The rst half of the workshop was supported by computerised GSS, with the same software, GroupSystems, utilised in both cases. By means of computerised support systems, the workshop participants could very efciently and anonymously generate a large number of ideas for driving forces simultaneously in about 10 min. Then the participants also had the possibility to comment anonymously on the ideas generated and ask questions about them. These two steps together took about 20 min. After that, so-called clusters , i.e. groups including similar types of driving forces were created and named through a general discussion. The driving forces were then grouped into appropriate clusters. A suitable number of clusters is generally six to ten clearly distinct groups. The clusters signicance in relation to the development of the international biomass market was then evaluated by the workshop participants anonymously with the help of the GSS. The scale used in the voting was 1-10 (10 very signicant cluster). The latter parts of the workshops were supported by manual group work. First, the whole group of participants formulated the scenario dimensions, through a general discussion and partly on the basis of the prioritised groups of driving forces. Alternative future development routes (i.e. scenarios) were then named and positioned on a map of dimensions, showing the drivers and areas emphasised in each scenario. The experts then formulated one to two pages of tentative descriptions of each scenario the scenarios in smaller groups, including the state of the international biomass market in 2020, the driving forces inuencing the development, and the path leading to the future state. In the Finnish workshops, the participants also had time for preliminary discussion of value chains, networks, and actors related to the scenario, in the same small groups. The international workshop had difculties to run to time and a discussion on value networks was passed. Each group presented their scenario descriptions, and the others commented on the presentation. The researchers following the sessions took notes about comments and ideas came up. After the workshops, researchers adjusted scenario drafts were sent them to the participants for comments. The participants were also asked to consider the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats included in the scenarios. As a result, the scenario descriptions were validated and further ne-tuned and analysed by the researchers.

In addition, they perfected SWOT analyses for analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each scenario. 4. Results 4.1 Preliminary surveys Despite the different perspective of the preliminary questionnaires among international experts and in Finland, the gathered driving forces concerned the same issues on a large-scale, e.g. the price competitiveness of bioenergy, subsidies, taxes, R&D, imbalance between supply and demand, international agreements and sustainability. In addition, both the international and Finnish bioenergy experts agreed that the trade of liquid biofuels will develop strongly. At an international level, the most frequently mentioned promoting factors of international biomass trade were the high fossil fuel prices together with environmental issues and national or international agreements, action plans and legislation. In addition, research and development activities, e.g. new technology development, subsidies and sharing knowledge how to utilise biomass resources, were considered as an enhancing factor for the utilisation of bioenergy. A remarkable observation is that the number of political promoting factor was the largest. It can be deduced that political decisions and actions probably are the most effective way to enhance the development of the bioenergy market and the utilisation of biomass. An important factor, which can hinder the development of the utilisation of biomass, is logistics. At the moment, there are difculties all the way from the collection of biomass from the source to the utilisation and commercialisation: for instance low competitiveness because of a free energy market, high supply chain costs, lack of capital and appropriate technology and expensive investments. In addition, biomass is considered difcult to handle and use at the consumer level. The sustainable availability and production of biomass is also questioned. The most hindering factors can be related to economical, social and technological issues. Decision-making of politicians does not seem to be a hindering factor at least on a large-scale, although at the moment there are, according to experts, no sufcient nancial incentive systems and standardisation. Finnish experts think that the bioenergy sector will grow and diversify in Finland in the future. The entire bioenergy sector, except the production and use of peat, is expected to grow steadily or strongly. Over half of the respondents agreed that in Finland especially the production of forest chips and wood pellets will develop very strongly. Also the domestic use of wood pellets and production of liquid biofuels are estimated to grow slightly or quite strongly. There was no remarkable difference between the opinions and answers of different respondent groups. 4.2 Driving forces and clusters In the international scenario workshop, in total, 81 separate driving forces affecting the biomass market were ideated. The driving forces were grouped into 10 clusters representing larger entities (Table II). Economical and political aspects are the rst ones in order of importance when thinking about the development of the international bioenergy market. The economy cluster consists mainly of efciency, cost-efciency and competitiveness issues, and the policy cluster is compounded of a great variety of political instruments, e.g. agreements, taxes, subsidies and obligations. They also include the largest amount of

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Cluster International workshop 1. Economy 2. Policy 3. Environment 4. Technology 5. Production 6. Trade 7. Communication 8. Consumers/suppliers 9. Entrepreneurs 10. Social Total Finnish workshop 1. Economy 2. Policy 3. Competition 4. Environment 5. Technology 6. Globalisation Total

Number of driving forces per cluster 10 17 7 8 7 8 7 4 9 4 81 12 18 15 7 17 8 77

Signicancea 8.57 8.50 8.00 7.50 7.29 6.86 6.79 6.57 6.14 5.86 8.55 8.45 7.18 5.82 5.55 5.09

Deviation 1.16 1.56 1.84 1.83 2.13 2.14 1.53 2.50 2.44 2.85 0.93 0.93 1.40 1.33 1.97 1.51


Table II. Clusters of driving forces in the workshops

Notes: aThe mean value of the votes. The scale used in the voting was 1-10 (10 very signicant cluster)

driving forces, ten in the economy and seventeen in the policy cluster, which also implies their signicance in the development of the international bioenergy market. The number of different driving forces in the environment cluster is not at the level of the economy and policy clusters, but it became clear during the workshop discussion that environmental driving forces, e.g. climate change, emission targets and the use of fossil fuels, have a remarkable role in the development of the international bioenergy market. Even if the consumer and social clusters are at the tail end in the order of importance, they contain important and maybe crucial driving forces which can change the pace of the bioenergy trade. Ultimately, customers and consumers are the key factors in the development of bioenergy trade because their positive opinions could make large-scale bioenergy trade acceptable. Also social aspects have to be taken into account to ensure sustainable development all over the world, e.g. the expansion of international trade may cause unfavourable development in poor areas if large-scale export of local biomass starts. According to the international experts, a balanced approach between social, economical and environmental issues is needed. In the Finnish scenario drafting during a rst part of the workshop, 77 separate driving forces were delineated and the forces were grouped into six clusters (Table II). It can be noted that the economy and policy clusters are in the rst place in order of importance in inuencing the development of the international biomass market. The low deviation of the economy and policy clusters indicates the unanimity of the participants about their signicance. The group of economical driving forces consists for instance of price, cost and economy development, whose changes strongly affect the

consumer habits of energy and therefore are linked with the development of biomass. The policy cluster includes agreements, taxes and legislation, and in addition, the harmonisation of the biomass market. Finnish experts agreed that, together with the economy and policy clusters, competition issues have an important role in the international biomass market. Within the competition cluster, attention is paid among other things to different usage for example in the case of forest biomass, i.e. bioenergy producers and forest companies are competing for forest biomass in some cases. Finnish experts also recognised that globalisation creates special features on the bioenergy market even if it is put in the tail end in order of importance. In addition to global energy consumption issues, Finnish experts also highlighted the challenges that separate energy policies and cultures create. A global market and trade necessitate networking and international co-operation, which can be challenging for smaller companies. 4.3 Scenarios The clusters and their signicance were taken into account in denition of the scenario dimensions. In both workshops, globalisation and economic and political considerations were included in the scenarios representing the state of the international biomass market in 2020 (Figures 2 and 3). In the international workshop, four scenarios were drafted. The Finnish workshop for one crafted three preliminary scenario descriptions.
Economy and welfare Rich global village Emphasis is on the global market and important global actors, as well as on economic performance and maximisation of economic welfare. The world is seen as a papradise full of biomass ready for utilisation. Global In the Green prosperous World, emphasis is on the global market and important global actors as well as on environmental, policy related and social aspects and driving forces. The energy consumption has decreased and the emphasis is on the local market with relatively small actors, as well as on environmental, policy-related and social aspects and driving forces. Rich local village Regional barriers limit the global trade, and emphasis is on the local market with relatively small actors, as well as on economic performance and the maximisation of economical welfare. Local

International market for energy biomass 559

Green prosperous Environment and Policy

Small is beautiful

Figure 2. Scenarios created by the international group of experts. Scenario dimensions are as the titles of axes presented as normal text and the names of scenarios in italics. Central ideas of each scenario are presented in text boxes


Policy and environment The EU rolls The emphasis of the scenario is on environmental issues that strongly affect the politics of the energy sector. The EU has also become the forerunner of renewable energy,and energy consumption has grown.


Figure 3. Scenarios created by the Finnish group of experts. Scenario dimensions are as the titles of axes presented as normal text and the names of scenarios in italics. Central ideas of each scenario are presented in text boxes

Technology and competition Technological vision Technological vision stresses the importance of know-how, technology and efficiency. Distributed energy systems are in use in both heat and electricity production.

Global and economy Energy capitalism

Energy capitalism is a scenario where commodity exchange of biofuels has become true and large quantities of bio-based products are traded.

The international workshop ended up using scenario dimensions similar to IPCC (2000). However, the clusters and their importance were naturally taken into account in the crafting of the scenario descriptions. A comprehensive descriptions of the scenarios are found in Heinimo et al. (2007). In the Finnish workshop, the ideas were grouped into six clusters, economy and policy being the most important groups. Also in the international workshop the clusters including driving forces related to economy and policy were considered as the most important groups among the ten clusters that were created. The policy cluster also contains the largest number of driving forces in both cases, and driving forces in it have an inuence on each alternative scenario created. It also stresses the signicance of policy-making in the development of the international biomass market. Although the environment cluster was not the rst in order of importance, environmental aspects have notable roles in the scenarios of both workshops. A signicant observation is that the international experts agreed that communicational aspects, such as motivation and promoting the image of bioenergy as well as customer awareness, are important, together with other forces, in enhancing the development of the international biomass market and trade. In addition to the communication aspect, consumer and entrepreneur perspectives were highlighted more in the international workshop than in the Finnish workshop. The international group of experts stressed stable investment and market conditions as an enhancing factor. Finnish experts, in turn, partly concentrated on more detailed aspects of the international biomass market, in the technology cluster, for instance. Besides, the technology development, quality aspects were also strongly emphasised.

It was recognised in the Finnish workshop that international standardisation related to the technical characteristics of biomass fuels is an important subject promoting the development of the biomass market. A signicant observation is that the international experts agreed that communicational elements, such as motivation and promoting the image of bioenergy as well as customer awareness, are important, along with other forces, in enhancing the development of the international biomass market and trade. In addition to the communication angle, consumer and entrepreneur perspectives were highlighted more in the international workshop than in the Finnish one. The international group of experts stressed stable investment and market conditions as an enhancing factor. Finnish experts, in turn, concentrated in part on more detailed aspects of the international biomass market on the technology cluster, for instance. Besides, technology development, quality aspects were strongly emphasised. 5. Discussion 5.1 Evaluation of the scenarios Reviewing the scenarios and the intermediate results of the processes, including the preliminary questionnaire, driving forces, and clusters, enables identication of the scenarios that will lead to the most desired outcome. Accordingly, the worst scenarios can be identied. The international biomass market is a broad issue, and, depending on the position and viewpoint of the stakeholder, analysis will yield various outcomes as the most desired scenario. The key characteristics of the scenarios crafted by the international group are represented in Figure 4. When considering the volume of international biomass trade, Rich global village would most likely result in the most voluminous trading globally. Also a strong fear of high fossil fuel prices intensely boosts the growth of international biomass trade. However, the biomass trade is only seen as a means to gain economic prosperity and it is centred into the hands of a few leading players, who set the rules and dominate the market. The activity as a whole is effectiveness orientated and the large trade volumes and internationalisation of the biomass market are not the only generally accepted objectives concerning the international bioenergy trade. The main priority along with the large trade volumes is to develop the biomass market according to the principles of sustainable development. The overall attitude in Rich global village might be too self-centred to meet this objective. Small is beautiful for one would be a proper option in terms of sustainable development, because people are aware of environmental issues and it can be called a recycling society. However, if does not qualify because it is an isolated community and trade barriers are set to prevent the development of international trade. Rich local village, on the other hand, would be the worst case scenario, because its two main priorities are the localisation of the biomass market and economic performance, paying less attention to ecological aspects. On the grounds of the objectives, large trade volumes internationally and the use of biomass in accordance with sustainable development, Green prosperous seems to be the scenario with the most desired results. It rises to the challenge of extensive international trade and sustainable development of the biomass market. The key characteristics of each scenario from the Finnish workshop are represented in Figure 5. From the global perspective of the vital and well-functioning biomass market, The EU-rolls would be the future state to reach for because a cohesive

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Economy Rich global village Trade from key locations The EU as a leader Focus on existing resources No trade barriers International commodity market of biomass Fear of high fossil fuel prices Global Certification system for sustainable bioenergy trade International agreements steering the development Education Positive public opinion for bioenergy Isolation/localisation Low international trade Recycling society Environmental awareness Rich local village Trade barriers (import duties) Economic performance Local market Limited resources Efficiency in terms of economical welfare Local


Figure 4. The main features of the scenarios created by the group of international experts

Green prosperous Small is beautiful Environment and Policy

Policy and environment The EU rolls Harmonised subsidies in the EU Wide import of bio-based products to the EU Security of energy supply Environmental issues European-wide green electricity certificates Clear usage targets of bioenergy

Technology and competition Technological vision Commercialisation of key bioenergy technologies Decentralised and efficient production units Biofuels commercially available (spot-market, exchanges) Certified biomass products Biorefineries

Global and economy Energy capitalism Free trade and global market of biomass Procurement of biofuels from different continents Acquiring large land areas Conflicts between local people and big companies No subsidies for bioenergy and agricultural production

Figure 5. The main features of the scenarios created by the group of Finnish experts

biomass market area has taken form, and incentive and subsidy systems have been harmonised. Also clear use-targets of biomass and bioenergy are set to strongly enhance the use of biomass and bioenergy. In addition, environmental aspects affect the development of the biomass market according to the general objective connected with the biomass market development. The other two scenarios Technological vision and Energy capitalism are not as wide in their outlooks. From the Finnish national point of view neither the EU-rolls nor Energy capitalism would be the best choice for which to strive. In Energy capitalism, the possibilities of a single state to inuence the energy market have decreased, and the EU-rolls will lead a remarkable import of bio-based raw-materials and fuels. Technological vision, for one, would be the future state of bioenergy markets to strive for in terms of Finnish success. Finland has a vast amount of technological knowledge and long-term experience on the utilisation of wood in energy production. In addition, Finland has know-how to conduct research and development activities in the eld of bioenergy, which are the main priorities in the Technological vision scenario. In addition to the research and development activities, attention should be paid to basic research in the eld of bioenergy. Finland should also promote the production of liquid biofuels and heat and power production in decentralised production units, which would improve economical vitality in all parts of the country, pull down regional unemployment and reduce, e.g. the transportation costs of raw-material from source to production unit as well as enable more efcient usage of by-products, e.g. from harvesting and other local production of bio-based raw-materials. In this scenario, forest derived biomass is an important source of energy and Finland has the great potential to benet from it. Finland should emphasise more and more the signicance of the knowledge related to the whole forest energy chain. Also integrating the production of liquid biofuels into forest industry and plants opens up new opportunities. As a whole, Finland should invest in a position as a high-level bioenergy technology and knowledge society and thus improve its competitiveness at the global level. One strong similarity can be found between the scenarios created by the international and the Finnish experts: all scenarios foresee increased utilisation of biomass as an energy source. In addition, all scenarios include a few other common features that can be regarded as critical factors dening the future development of the biomass market: . price competitiveness of bioenergy; . energy policy (taxation, subsidies, and R&D); . imbalance between biomass supply and demand (resources); . international agreements; . sustainability issues of the utilisation of biomass; and . strong development of liquid biofuels in the coming years. From the standpoint of a vital and well-functioning international biomass market, the scenarios Green prosperous and The EU rolls will have the most desirable outcome. These scenarios include several ideas about the actions that should be realised before the desired state is achieved. At a global level, the fundamental requirement for a well-functioning international biomass market is the removal of

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trade barriers. The global green policy derived from international climate agreements also has to be prioritised. A strong policy is needed to guide actions toward global and sustainable development of the biomass market. At a regional level, such as in the EU, national subsidy schemes for bioenergy often distort the market for biomass and result in several separate market areas for biomass. The global biomass market has to be seen as an opportunity, and countries should recognise the importance of worldwide co-operation to ensure the positive development of the global biomass market. A well-functioning certication system ensuring that biomass is produced in a sustainable way is seen as a needful tool to promote the market. Dissemination of information to consumers is important because positive public opinion has a strong inuence on politicians. It is impossible to develop the biomass market if, at the customer level, biomass is regarded as an unsustainable energy source. Green prosperous stands for a strongly developing biomass market full of opportunities. Therefore, attention must be paid to research and development activities, which should concentrate on the development of production technologies and make use of potentials of new raw-material resources (e.g. crops) as well as on business opportunities. In the EU, the emphasis should be shifted from national energy policy measures toward harmonised subsidy systems for bioenergy. Furthermore, the import of biomass to the union should not be limited by political measures but seen as a cost-effective and sustainable measure to achieve the challenging climate targets. Also strong coupling of environmental elements and biomass market development is necessary. 5.2 Discussion of the methodology and the scenario process There exist alternative methods of future studies which can be applied to clarify the future views of international biomass market. Generally, future studies can include methods for, e.g. collecting information, rening and integrating information, and for creating alternative views on future. In this paper, the main emphasis was to clarify the alternative scenarios in an emerging market. For this purpose, the use of widely known and utilised scenario process approach was a clear choice and methodological starting point in the research design. However, the scenario process itself, as a whole, may include several alternative supportive methods that can be utilised. In this study, the good access that researchers had to expert networks to Finnish and global networks made it well possible to utilise the expertise knowledge in the early phases of the research. For collecting the information that in this case was related to the inuencing factors and driving forces of biomass market development, a web-based expert survey was implemented. Other type of alternative or complementing methods in this type of research can be, e.g. studying political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors in a structured way applying PESTEL analysis (Walsh, 2005) or collecting expert information via DELPHI method (Linstone and Turoff, 1975). Some aspects of these and also the available quantitative statistics were utilised in this study for complementing the information collected from the chosen experts. The collected driving forces were then also revisited and complemented in the GSS-based workshop. On the basis of earlier experience and the general benets of using GSS in the complex problem areas, the use of GSS was here limited to the early

phases of the workshop. The creation of scenarios was made by manual group work after the structuring and categorisation of driving forces with the help of the GSS. On the basis of a synthesis of various methodological choices we developed the novel approach which is presented in Figure 1. The aim of the phased process was to optimise the benets of various supporting tools by using them in the right phases of the process in a right way. The use of GSS in this heuristic scenario process is grounded on the basis of its expected efciency and quality of results in this problem area, which: . is wide, complex and not easily structured by nature; . requires the participation of large number of experts who may have divergent opinions on topic; and . will have future inuences on multiple areas, people and organisations. According to the direct feedback given by the participants in the process and the workshops, GSS were seen as a positive means for achieving the objectives specied. The main benets of the workshops were mentioned to be efciency and productivity, better handling of the whole complex issue, anonymity in respect of sensitive issues, a good work atmosphere, and open discussion of the subject. Criticism was related mainly to the handling of the schedule and lack of time. For instance, in the international workshop the description work on the scenarios would have required more time because the discussion was very lively in the small groups, participants represented very different types of organisations and cultures, and there were also language barriers in relation to some concepts. On the other hand, to achieve success in the scenario process in general and a multidisciplinary viewpoint on the complex issue, it was very important to have a heterogeneous group of people, representing different types of organisations, as well as different socio-economic and cultural factors, inuencing the description of alternative scenarios. As a whole, the international biomass market forms a complex and extensive subject and therefore there were slight difculties in putting the pieces together. 6. Conclusions and recommendations The development of the international biomass market is a very broad issue, the general characteristics of which are: . complexity; . uncertainty; and . interdependency. Because of these characteristics, a heuristic, semi-structured approach to the scenario process was presented, including the use of preliminary questionnaires as well as manual and computerised GSS. The international group of experts saw economic development and welfare versus environmental and social policies as the main driving forces at a global level. The contradiction between economy and environment is not visible in the scenarios in the form of a particular level or speed of economic development. This may depend on the fast development of technologies in each case, though in different directions. The other dimension in the scenarios of the international expert group was global

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versus local aspects in the evolution of the world energy economy as driving forces in the scenarios. Also, here the outlooks are different at a general level, but both developments appear positive on the whole. A critical observer might say that the economy may not attain at the local level the economic benets associated with the global word. The Finnish expert group consciously applied a Finnish perspective on the energy future of the next few decades. According to them, in total, three dimensions featured in the alternative driving forces of the energy future: EU domination in the The EU rolls scenario, global market forces in the energy market in Energy capitalism, and domination of technology and competition in the Technological vision scenario. All of these scenarios bring different and varying elements into the energy future for a small open economy such as Finland. An overall conclusion drawn from this scenario analysis is that of the enormous opportunities related to the utilisation of biomass as a resource for global energy use in the coming decades. The current use of bioenergy is about 50 EJ/yr, and the potential of biomass as an energy source in 2050 ranges from the current level of use to 400 EJ/yr. This range is so wide that serious questions arise relating to conclusions based on these analyses. More research is needed to understand future bioenergy evolution. The scenario analysis does, however, show the key issues in the eld: . global economic growth, including a growing need for energy; . environmental forces in the global evolution; . the possibilities of technological development for solving global problems; . the capability of the international community to nd solutions for these global issues; and . the complex interdependencies of these driving forces. The study could be criticised for the fact that its key element the biomass trade at the global level became too dominant a factor in the evaluation. This may have biased the results toward utilisation of bioenergy. The scenarios were seen as a useful tool for analysing the complex, uncertain, and interdependent whole of energy development at the global level. The scenarios are possible routes to the future. They do not represent any kind of probabilities related to future development. The scenarios created give only one overview of how the use of bioenergy and biomass markets may look in 2020. Despite this, the scenarios offer a good overall view of the alternative future states of the international biomass market and therefore suggest that there is not only one possible path to take but are several alternative ways. The creation of the scenarios does not mean that one and only one scenario will be the reality in the year 2020; in fact, the scenarios may be realised in parallel. This may help to identify possible future events and development in the coming decades. The scenarios created in the study reinforce the picture of the future of the international biomass market as a complex, multi-layered subject. Many different and credible alternative future states show that the biomass market will develop and grow rapidly as well as diversify. The results of the scenario process also open up new discussion and provide new information and collective views of experts for the purposes of policy-making. For rms, the scenarios provide knowledge that can be

utilised in strategic decision-making and, e.g. in technology roadmapping of alternative future development routes. The tentative scenarios at the rm level need to be focused on more precise action scenarios and on ways to develop new business models and innovative product and service concepts for dealing with the challenges of the future in the international biomass market. Further research is needed here also, for analysis of the probabilities of the technological and commercial aspects of each scenario as well as on what each scenario means in quantitative terms. For the practical use of the scenarios, it is also important to conceptualise the scale and directions of biomass trade streams and determine the inuences of the scenarios with the help of quantitative research from the viewpoints of different actors in the value network.
Notes 1. This refers to renewable non-fossil sources of energy (wind, solar energy, geothermal energy, wave and tidal energy, hydropower, biomass, landll gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogas). 2. This refers to the biodegradable fraction of products, wastes, and residues from agriculture (including vegetable and animal substances) and forestry and related industries, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste. 3. Fuels produced directly or indirectly from biomass. The biofuel may have undergone mechanical, chemical, or biological processing or conversion or may have had a previous use. The term refers to solid, gaseous and liquid biomass-derived fuels. 4. This refers to energy derived from biofuel. References Bergman, J. (2005), Supporting knowledge creation and sharing in the early phases of the strategic innovation process, Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis 212, doctoral dissertation, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta. Berndes, G., Hoogwijk, M. and van den Broek, R. (2003), The contribution of biomass in the future global energy supply: a review of 17 studies, Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 1-28. Blanning, R. and Reining, B. (2002), Multiperiod scenario development using group support systems: an application to the future of Hong Kong, Journal of Organizational Computing, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 105-19. Brown, M.A., Levine, M.D., Short, W. and Coomey, J.G. (2001), Scenarios for a clean energy future, Energy Policy, Vol. 29, pp. 1179-96. Borjesson, M. (2007), Scenario planning resources, available at: www.well.com/ , mb/ scenario/#What_is_Scenario_Planning (accessed 3 January 2006). Chermack, T. (2004), Improving decision-making with scenario planning, Futures, Vol. 36, pp. 295-309. Elfvengren, K. (2006), Group support system for managing the front end of innovation: case applications in business-to-business enterprises, Acta Universitatis Lappeenrantaensis 239, doctoral dissertation, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta. Faaij, A. and Domac, J. (2006), Emerging international bio-energy markets and opportunities for socio-economic development, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. X No. 1, pp. 7-19.

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