MathMammoth Grade6-A Sample 2022

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Foreword ................................................................................... 5
User Guide ................................................................................. 7

Chapter 1: Review of the Basic Operations

Introduction .............................................................................. 11
Warm Up: Mental Math .......................................................... 13
Review of the Four Operations 1 ........................................... 15
Review of the Four Operations 2 ........................................... 21
Powers and Exponents ............................................................ 24
Place Value ............................................................................... 27
Rounding and Estimating ....................................................... 31
Lessons in Problem Solving .................................................... 34
Chapter 1 Mixed Review ........................................................ 38
Chapter 1 Review .................................................................... 40

Chapter 2: Expressions and Equations

Introduction ............................................................................. 43
The Order of Operations ........................................................ 45
Expressions, Part 1 ................................................................. 47
Terminology for the Four Operations ................................... 49
Words and Expressions .......................................................... 51
Expressions, Part 2 .................................................................. 53
Writing and Simplifying Expressions 1:
Length and Perimeter ............................................................. 55
More on Writing and Simplifying Expressions .................... 58
Writing and Simplifying Expressions 2: Area ...................... 61
Multiplying and Dividing in Parts ......................................... 66
The Distributive Property ....................................................... 70
Equations .................................................................................. 74
Solving Equations .................................................................... 76
Writing Equations ................................................................... 80
Inequalities .............................................................................. 82
Using Two Variables ............................................................... 86
Chapter 2 Mixed Review ........................................................ 90
Chapter 2 Review .................................................................... 92

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Chapter 3: Decimals
Introduction ............................................................................ 97
Place Value with Decimals .................................................... 99
Comparing Decimals ............................................................. 101
Add and Subtract Decimals ................................................. 103
Rounding Decimals ............................................................... 105
Review: Multiply and Divide Decimals Mentally .............. 108
Review: Multiply Decimals by Decimals ............................. 110
Review: Long Division with Decimals ................................. 113
Problem Solving with Decimals ............................................ 115
Fractions and Decimals ......................................................... 117
Multiply and Divide by Powers of Ten ................................ 120
Review: Divide Decimals by Decimals ................................. 122
Divide Decimals by Decimals 2 ............................................. 125
Convert Customary Measuring Units .................................. 127
Convert Metric Measuring Units ......................................... 131
Convert Between Customary and Metric ............................ 134
Chapter 3 Mixed Review ...................................................... 136
Chapter 3 Review .................................................................. 138

Chapter 4: Ratios
Introduction ........................................................................... 143
Ratios and Rates .................................................................... 145
Unit Rates ............................................................................... 149
Using Equivalent Rates ......................................................... 151
Ratio Problems and Bar Models 1 ....................................... 155
Ratio Problems and Bar Models 2 ....................................... 158
Aspect Ratio ........................................................................... 161
Using Ratios to Convert Measuring Units ........................... 163
Chapter 4 Mixed Review ...................................................... 167
Chapter 4 Review .................................................................. 169

Chapter 5: Percent
Introduction ............................................................................ 171
Percent .................................................................................... 173
What Percentage …? ............................................................. 177
Percentage of a Number (Mental Math) .............................. 179
Percentage of a Number: Using Decimals ........................... 182
Discounts ................................................................................ 185
Practice with Percent ............................................................ 187
Finding the Total When the Percentage Is Known ............ 190
Chapter 5 Mixed Review ...................................................... 192
Review: Percent ..................................................................... 194

Sample worksheet from ©2022 Taina Miller
Math Mammoth Grade 6 comprises a complete math curriculum for the sixth grade mathematics studies. The
curriculum meets and exceeds the Common Core standards.
In sixth grade, we have quite a few topics to study. Some of them, such as fractions and decimals, students are
familiar with, but many others are introduced for the first time (e.g. exponents, ratios, percent, integers).
The main areas of study in Math Mammoth Grade 6 are:
• An introduction to several algebraic concepts, such as exponents, expressions, and equations;
• Rational numbers: fractions, decimals, and percents;
• Ratios, rates, and problem solving using bar models;
• Geometry: area, volume, and surface area;
• Integers and graphing;
• Statistics: summarizing distributions using measures of center and variability.
This year starts out, in chapter 1 of part 6-A, with a review of the four operations with whole numbers (including
long division), place value, and rounding. Students are also introduced to exponents and do some problem
Chapter 2 starts the study of algebra topics, delving first into expressions and equations. Students practice
writing expressions in different ways, and use properties of operations and the idea of maintaining the equality of
both sides of an equation to solve simple equations. We also briefly study inequalities and using two variables.
Chapter 3 has to do with decimals. This is a long chapter, as we revise all of decimal arithmetic, just using more
decimal digits than in 5th grade Students also convert measuring units in this chapter.
Ratios (chapter 4) is a new topic. Students are already familiar with finding fractional parts, and now it is time to
advance that knowledge into the study of ratios, which arise naturally from dividing a quantity into many equal
parts. We study such topics as rates, unit rates, equivalent ratios, and problem solving using bar models.

Percent (chapter 5) is an important topic because of its many applications in real life. The goal of this chapter is
to develop a basic understanding of percent, to see percentages as decimals, and to learn to calculate discounts.

In part 6-B, students study number theory, fractions, integers, geometry and statistics.
I heartily recommend that you read the full user guide in the following pages.

I wish you success in teaching math!

Maria Miller, the author

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User Guide
Note: You can also find the information that follows online, at .

Basic principles in using Math Mammoth Complete Curriculum

Math Mammoth is mastery-based, which means it concentrates on a few major topics at a time, in order to study
them in depth. The two books (parts A and B) are like a “framework”, but you still have a lot of liberty in
planning your child’s studies. You can even use it in a spiral manner, if you prefer. Simply have your student
study in 2-3 chapters simultaneously. In sixth grade, chapters 1 and 2 should be studied before the other chapters,
but you can be flexible with all the other chapters and schedule them earlier or later.
Math Mammoth is not a scripted curriculum. In other words, it is not spelling out in exact detail what the teacher
is to do or say. Instead, Math Mammoth gives you, the teacher, various tools for teaching:

• The two student worktexts (parts A and B) contain all the lesson material and exercises. They include
the explanations of the concepts (the teaching part) in blue boxes. The worktexts also contain some advice
for the teacher in the “Introduction” of each chapter.
The teacher can read the teaching part of each lesson before the lesson, or read and study it together with
the student in the lesson, or let the student read and study on his own. If you are a classroom teacher, you
can copy the examples from the “blue teaching boxes” to the board and go through them on the board.
• There are hundreds of videos matched to the curriculum available at . There isn’t a video for every lesson, but there are dozens of
videos for each grade level. You can simply have the author teach your child or student!
• Don’t automatically assign all the exercises. Use your judgment, trying to assign just enough for your
student’s needs. You can use the skipped exercises later for review. For most students, I recommend to
start out by assigning about half of the available exercises. Adjust as necessary.
• For each chapter, there is a link list to various free online games and activities. These games can be used
to supplement the math lessons, for learning math facts, or just for some fun. Each chapter introduction
(in the student worktext) contains a link to the list corresponding to that chapter.
• The student books contain some mixed review lessons, and the curriculum also provides you with
additional cumulative review lessons.
• There is a chapter test for each chapter of the curriculum, and a comprehensive end-of-year test.
• The worksheet maker allows you to make additional worksheets for most calculation-type topics in the
curriculum. This is a single html file. You will need Internet access to be able to use it.
• You can use the free online exercises at
This is an expanding section of the site, so check often to see what new topics we are adding to it!
• Some grade levels have cut-outs to make fraction manipulatives or geometric solids.
• And of course there are answer keys to everything.

How to get started

Have ready the first lesson from the student worktext. Go over the first teaching part (within the blue boxes)
together with your child. Go through a few of the first exercises together, and then assign some problems for
your child to do on their own.
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Repeat this if the lesson has other blue teaching boxes. Naturally, you can also use the videos at
Many children can eventually study the lessons completely on their own — the curriculum becomes self-
teaching. However, children definitely vary in how much they need someone to be there to actually teach them.

Pacing the curriculum

The lessons in Math Mammoth complete curriculum are NOT intended to be done in a single teaching session or
class. Sometimes you might be able to go through a whole lesson in one day, but more often, the lesson itself
might span 3-5 pages and take 2-3 days or classes to complete.
Therefore, it is not possible to say exactly how many pages a student needs to do in one day. This will vary.
However, it is helpful to calculate a general guideline as to how many pages per week you should cover in the
student worktext in order to go through the curriculum in one school year (or whatever span of time you want to
allot to it).
The table below lists how many pages there are for the student to finish in this particular grade level, and gives
you a guideline for how many pages per day to finish, assuming a 180-day school year.

Lesson Number of Days for tests Days for the Pages to study Pages to study
Grade level
pages school days and reviews student book per day per week

6-A 166 92 10 82 2 10

6-B 157 88 10 78 2 10

Grade 6 total 323 180 20 160 2 10

The table below is for you to fill in. First fill in how many days of school you intend to have. Also allow several
days for tests and additional review before the test — at least twice the number of chapters in the curriculum. For
example, if the particular grade has 8 chapters, allow at least 16 days for tests & additional review. Then, to get a
count of “pages/day”, divide the number of pages by the number of available days. Then, multiply this number
by 5 to get the approximate page count to cover in a week.

Lesson Number of Days for tests Days for the Pages to study Pages to study
Grade level
pages school days and reviews student book per day per week

6-A 166

6-B 157

Grade 6 total 323

Now, let’s assume you determine that you need to study about 2 pages a day, 10 pages a week in order to get
through the curriculum. As you study each lesson, keep in mind that sometimes most of the page might be filled
with blue teaching boxes and very few exercises. You might be able to cover 3 pages on such a day. Then some
other day you might only assign one page of word problems. Also, you might be able to go through the pages
quicker in some chapters, for example when studying graphs, because the large pictures fill the page so that one
page does not have many problems.
When you have a page or two filled with lots of similar practice problems (“drill”) or large sets of problems, feel
free to only assign 1/2 or 2/3 of those problems. If your child gets it with less amount of exercises, then that is
perfect! If not, you can always assign him/her the rest of the problems some other day. In fact, you could even
use these unassigned problems the next week or next month for some additional review.

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In general, 1st-2nd graders might spend 25-40 minutes a day on math. Third-fourth graders might spend 30-60
minutes a day. Fifth-sixth graders might spend 45-75 minutes a day. If your child finds math enjoyable, he/she
can of course spend more time with it! However, it is not good to drag out the lessons on a regular basis, because
that can then affect the child’s attitude towards math.

Working space, the usage of additional paper and mental math

The curriculum generally includes working space directly on the page for students to work out the problems.
However, feel free to let your students to use extra paper when necessary. They can use it, not only for the
“long” algorithms (where you line up numbers to add, subtract, multiply, and divide), but also to draw diagrams
and pictures to help organize their thoughts. Some students won’t need the additional space (and may resist the
thought of extra paper), while some will benefit from it. Use your discretion.
Some exercises don’t have any working space, but just an empty line for the answer (e.g. 200 + _____ = 1,000).
Typically, I have intended that such exercises to be done using MENTAL MATH.
However, there are some students who struggle with mental math (often this is because of not having studied and
used it in the past). As always, the teacher has the final say (not me!) as to how to approach the exercises and
how to use the curriculum. We do want to prevent extreme frustration (to the point of tears). The goal is always
to provide SOME challenge, but not too much, and to let students experience success enough so that they can
continue enjoying learning math.
Students struggling with mental math will probably benefit from studying the basic principles of mental
calculations from the earlier levels of Math Mammoth curriculum. To do so, look for lessons that list mental
math strategies. They are taught in the chapters about addition, subtraction, place value, multiplication, and
division. My article at also gives you a
summary of some of those principles.

Using tests

For each chapter, there is a chapter test, which can be administered right after studying the chapter. The tests
are optional. Some families might prefer not to give tests at all. The main reason for the tests is for diagnostic
purposes, and for record keeping. These tests are not aligned or matched to any standards.
In the digital version of the curriculum, the tests are provided both as PDF files and as html files. Normally, you
would use the PDF files. The html files are included so you can edit them (in a word processor such as Word or
LibreOffice), in case you want your student to take the test a second time. Remember to save the edited file
under a different file name, or you will lose the original.
The end-of-year test is best administered as a diagnostic or assessment test, which will tell you how well the
student remembers and has mastered the mathematics content of the entire grade level.

Using cumulative reviews and the worksheet maker

The student books contain mixed review lessons which review concepts from earlier chapters. The curriculum
also comes with additional cumulative review lessons, which are just like the mixed review lessons in the student
books, with a mix of problems covering various topics. These are found in their own folder in the digital version,
and in the Tests & Cumulative Reviews book in the print version.
The cumulative reviews are optional; use them as needed. They are named indicating which chapters of the main
curriculum the problems in the review come from. For example, “Cumulative Review, Chapter 4” includes
problems that cover topics from chapters 1-4.

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Both the mixed and cumulative reviews allow you to spot areas that the student has not grasped well or has
forgotten. When you find such a topic or concept, you have several options:

1. Check if the worksheet maker lets you make worksheets for that topic.
2. Check for any online games and resources in the Introduction part of the particular chapter in which this
topic or concept was taught.
3. If you have the digital version, you could simply reprint the lesson from the student worktext, and have
the student restudy that.
4. Perhaps you only assigned 1/2 or 2/3 of the exercise sets in the student book at first, and can now use the
remaining exercises.
5. Check if our online practice area at has something for that
6. Khan Academy has free online exercises, articles, and videos for most any math topic imaginable.

Concerning challenging word problems and puzzles

While this is not absolutely necessary, I heartily recommend supplementing Math Mammoth with challenging
word problems and puzzles. You could do that once a month, for example, or more often if the student enjoys it.
The goal of challenging story problems and puzzles is to develop the student’s logical and abstract thinking
and mental discipline. I recommend starting these in fourth grade, at the latest. Then, students are able to read
the problems on their own and have developed mathematical knowledge in many different areas. Of course I am
not discouraging students from doing such in earlier grades, either.
Math Mammoth curriculum contains lots of word problems, and they are usually multi-step problems. Several of
the lessons utilize a bar model for solving problems. Even so, the problems I have created are usually tied to a
specific concept or concepts. I feel students can benefit from solving problems and puzzles that require them to
think “out of the box” or are just different from the ones I have written.
I recommend you use the free Math Stars problem-solving newsletters as one of the main resources for puzzles
and challenging problems:
Math Stars Problem Solving Newsletter (grades 1-8)
I have also compiled a list of other resources for problem solving practice, which you can access at this link:
Another idea: you can find puzzles online by searching for “brain puzzles for kids,” “logic puzzles for kids” or
“brain teasers for kids.”

Frequently asked questions and contacting us

If you have more questions, please first check the FAQ at
If the FAQ does not cover your question, you can then contact us using the contact form at the Math website.

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Chapter 1: Review of the Basic Operations
The goal of the first chapter in year 6 is to review the four basic operations with whole numbers, place value and
rounding, as well as to learn about exponents and problem solving.
A lot of this chapter is review, and I hope this provides a gentle start for 6th year math. In the next chapter, we
will then delve into some beginning algebra topics.

Special notes for this chapter: problem solving

This chapter doesn’t have many new concepts – only the concept of exponents and powers. Besides reviewing
how to perform the four basic operations with pencil and paper, students also get some practice for problem
Solving (word) problems in math works much the same way as solving problems in real life. You may start out
one way, come to a “dead end”, and have to take an entirely different approach. Good problem solvers monitor
their progress as they work, and change course if necessary.
Here is a list of general tips and strategies for solving mathematical problems that you can share with your
• If you cannot solve the original problem, try to solve an easier, related problem first. This may help you
find a way to solve the original. For example, if the numbers in the problem seem intimidating, change
them temporarily to really easy numbers and see if you can solve the problem then. Or reduce the details
mentioned in the problem to make it simpler, solve the simpler problem, then go back to the original. You
can also try special cases of the problem at hand at first.
• Drawing a sketch, a diagram (e.g. a bar model), or making a table can be very helpful.
• Check your final answer if at all possible, using a different method. For example, division problems can
be checked by multiplication and subtractions by addition. Multi-step problems can often be solved in
different ways or in a different order.

At the very least, check that your answer is reasonable and actually makes sense. If the problem is
asking how many days of vacation someone might get in a year, and you get an answer in the thousands,
you can tell something went really wrong. And, once you find your answer is wrong – maybe it doesn’t
make sense – it is NOT time to cry and give up. Do you know how many times Thomas Alva Edison tried
and failed, until he finally found a way to make a commercially viable electric light bulb? Thousands of

Perseverance is something that is very necessary when you encounter problems in real life, and I don’t
mean math problems. Everyone fails, but it is those who keep trying who will ultimately succeed. Every
successful entrepreneur can tell you that. Failing is not a sign of being stupid. It is a sign of being a
human. ALL of us make mistakes and fail. ALL of us improve as we keep trying.
• Often, it is easier and neater to perform paper-and-pen calculations (long addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division) on a grid paper.
• The space in the worktext may not be enough. Use as much scrap paper (extra paper) as necessary.
• Remember to include a unit (if applicable) in the answers to word problems.

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General principles in using the curriculum
Please note that it is not recommended to assign all the exercises by default. Use your judgment, and strive to
vary the number of assigned exercises according to the student’s needs.
The specific lessons in the chapter can take several days to finish. They are not “daily lessons.” Instead, use the
general guideline that sixth graders should finish about two pages daily or 10 pages a week in order to finish the
curriculum in about 36 weeks.
See the user guide at in the beginning of this book or online at
for more guidance on using and pacing the curriculum.

The Lessons in Chapter 1 page span

Warm-Up: Mental Math ......................................... 13 2 pages
Review of the Four Operations 1 ........................... 15 6 pages
Review of the Four Operations 2 ........................... 21 3 pages
Powers and Exponents ............................................ 24 3 pages
Place Value ............................................................. 27 4 pages
Rounding and Estimating........................................ 31 3 pages
Lessons in Problem Solving ................................... 34 4 pages
Chapter 1 Mixed Review ........................................ 38 2 pages
Chapter 1 Review ................................................... 40 2 pages

Helpful Resources on the Internet

We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter. This list of links includes web
pages that offer:
• online practice for concepts;
• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.
We heartily recommend you take a look at the list. Many of our customers love using these resources to
supplement the bookwork. You can use the resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept
better and even just for some fun. Enjoy!

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Chapter 1: Warm-up: Mental Math

Warm-up: Mental Math

To multiply 2,000 × 120, simply Solve division by thinking of You can add in parts.
multiply 2 × 12, and place four multiplication “backwards”:
zeros on the end of the answer: 76 + 120 + 65 = ?
5,600 ÷ 70 = ?
2,000 × 120 = 240,000 First add 70 + 120 + 60 = 250.
Think what number times 70 Then, 6 + 5 = 11.
will give you 5,600. Lastly, 250 + 11 = 261.
Since 70 × 80 = 5,600,
then 5,600 ÷ 70 = 80.

The order of operations is:

1. Parentheses 2. Exponents; 3. Multiplication and division; 4. Addition and subtraction.

To calculate 9 × 80 − 10 × 70, first solve 9 × 80 In the expression 4,500 ÷ (5 + 45) × 80,

and 10 × 70 . Subtract only after those calculations. solve 5 + 45 first. Then, divide.
9 × 80 − 10 × 70 4,500 ÷ (5 + 45) × 80
= 720 − 700 = 20 = 4,500 ÷ 50 × 80
= 90 × 80 = 7,200

1. Solve in your head.

a. 410 + 2 × 19 b. 3 × 50 + 4 × 150 c. 70 × 80 − 40 × 50

= = =

d. 14 + (530 − 440) e. 45 + 56 + 35 f. 300 ÷ 5 − 400 ÷ 10

= = =

2. Solve in your head.

a. 17 + _________ = 110 b. 345 + ___________ = 1,000 c. 3 × 40 + __________ = 500

3. Divide. Remember that division can also be written using a fraction line.

240 72 5,600 420 420

a. = c. = e. = g. = i. =
4 9 10 20 70

7,200 450 8,000 10,000 7,200

b. = d. = f. = h. = j. =
100 9 200 50 800
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Chapter 1: Warm-up: Mental Math

4. Solve. Notice carefully which operation(s) are done first.

a. 500 − 40 − 3 × 50 = __________ b. 1,020 − (40 − 10) × 20 = __________

c. 42,000 − 12,000 + 3 × 5,000 = __________ d. (70 − 20) × 70 = __________

210 6,300
e. + 3 × 15 = __________ f. 250 × 4 + = __________
2 70

5. Find a number that fits in place of the unknown.

a. x ÷ 70 = 40 b. 20 × M = 1,200 c. 500 − y = 320

6. Find the rule that is used in the table and fill in the missing numbers.

n 130 250 360 410 775 820 1,000

n − ____ 215 375

7. Find the rule that is used in the table and fill in the missing numbers.

n 3 5 12 15 25 35 60

200 1,000

8. Rick cut off a 50-cm piece from a 6-meter board, and then he divided
the rest of the board into five equal pieces. How long was each piece?

9. a. Evelyn works 8 hours a day and earns $104 daily. What is her hourly wage?

b. How much does Evelyn earn in a five-day work week?

How much does she earn in three months (which is 13 weeks)?

(You may use paper and pencil for this one.)

10. Alexis and Mia baked biscuits for 2 1/4 cups of flour
a bake sale. They used this recipe, 3 teaspoons of baking powder
but they needed to triple it: 1/3 cup of honey
1/2 cup of butter
a. Triple the recipe for them. 3/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves
b. How many biscuits did they bake? 3/4 cup of walnuts
Makes 2 1/2 dozen biscuits.
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Chapter 1: Powers and Exponents

Powers and Exponents

Exponents are a “shorthand” for writing
repeated multiplications by the same number.
For example, 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 is written 25.
5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 is written 56.
The tiny raised number is called the exponent.
It tells us how many times the base number is
multiplied by itself.

The expression 25 is read as “two to the fifth power,” “two to the fifth,” or “two raised to the fifth power.”
Similarly, 79 is read as “seven to the ninth power,” “seven to the ninth,” or “seven raised to the ninth power.”
The “powers of 6” are simply expressions where 6 is raised to some power: For example, 63, 64, 645 and 699
are powers of 6. What would powers of 10 be?

Expressions with the exponent 2 are usually read as something “squared.” For example, 112 is read as
“eleven squared.” That is because it gives us the area of a square with the side length of 11 units.
Similarly, if the exponent is 3, the expression is usually read using the word “cubed.” For example, 313 is
read as “thirty-one cubed” because it gives the volume of a cube with the edge length of 31 units.

1. Write the expressions as multiplications, and then solve them in your head.

a. 32 = 3 × 3 = 9 b. 16

c. 43 d. 104

e. 53 f. 102

g. 23 h. 82

i. 05 j. 105

k. 502 l. 1003

2. Rewrite the expressions using an exponent, then solve them. You may use a calculator.

a. 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 b. 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8

c. 40 squared d. 10 × 10 × 10 × 10

e. nine to the eighth power f. eleven cubed

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Chapter 1: Place Value

Place Value
h t o h t o h t o h t o h t o Read this number as:
2 0 9 3 5 6 0 7 5 8 5 5 4 0 2 “Two hundred nine trillion,
trillions billions millions thousands ones three hundred fifty-six billion,
period period period period period seventy-five million, eight hundred
fifty-five thousand, four hundred
The letters “h t o” stand for hundreds, tens, ones. and two.”

To write this number in its expanded form, take each digit’s value, and write them all as a sum:
200,000,000,000,000 + 9,000,000,000,000 + 300,000,000,000 + 50,000,000,000 + 6,000,000,000
+ 70,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 800,000 + 50,000 + 5,000 + 400 + 2

This is easier to write using exponents:

2 × 1014 + 9 × 1012 + 3 × 1011 + 5 × 1010 + 6 × 109

+ 7 × 107 + 5 × 106 + 8 × 105 + 5 × 104 + 5 × 103 + 4 × 102 + 2 × 100

Remember that in powers of 10, the exponent tells you how many zeros are in the number.
For example, 1011 = 100,000,000,000 has eleven zeros.
Notice especially: 100 = 1 (the number 1 has no zeros!).

h t o h t o h t o h t o h t o
The number system we use is based on place value.
This means that a digit’s value depends on its 0 0 0 6 3 0 9 5 7 8 1 2 4 9 8
position or place within the number. trillions billions millions thousands ones
period period period period period
Our number system is called a decimal, or base-ten,
system (from the Latin word decima, a tenth part). The digit “6” is in the hundred billions place.
The value of each position or place is one-tenth of Its value is 6 × a hundred billion, or 600 billion.
the value of the previous place. The digit “5” is in the ten millions place.
Its value is 5 × ten million, or 50 million.

1. Write the numbers in the place value chart. Answer the questions.

a. 89 million, 2 thousand, 4 hundred

What is the value of the digit “9”?
trillions billions millions thousands ones
______________________ period period period period period

b. 142 billion, 2 million,

139 thousand
What is the value of the digit “3”? trillions billions millions thousands ones
period period period period period

c. 5 trillion, 47 million, 260

What is the value of the digit “4”?
trillions billions millions thousands ones
______________________ period period period period period
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Chapter 2: Expressions and Equations
In this chapter students start learning algebra – in a nutshell, the way to “do arithmetic with variables”. Algebra
enables us to solve real-life problems abstractly, in terms of variable(s) instead of numbers, and it is a very
powerful tool.

Special notes for this chapter: algebra

The chapter focuses on two important basic concepts: expressions and equations. We also touch on inequalities
and graphing on a very introductory level. In order to make the learning of these concepts easier, the expressions
and equations in this chapter do not involve negative numbers (as they typically do when studied in pre-algebra
and algebra). Integers are introduced in part 6-B, and then Math Mammoth grade 7 deals with algebraic concepts
including with negative numbers.

We start out by reviewing the order of operations. Then the lessons focus on algebraic expressions. Students
encounter the exact definition of an expression, a variable, and a formula, and practice writing expressions in
many different ways. They study equivalent expressions and simplifying expressions. Length and area are two
simple contexts I have used extensively for students to learn to write and simplify expressions.

In these lessons, students have opportunities to write real-world scenarios in terms of variables. In other
words, they decontextualise – they abstract a given situation and represent it symbolically. Then, as they learn
algebra, they learn to manipulate the representing symbols as if they have a life of their own, without necessarily
attending to their referents, and to reason abstractly about those quantities represented by the variables.

The other major topic of the chapter is equations. Students learn some basics, such as, the solutions of an
equation are the values of the variables that make the equation true. They use properties of operations and the
idea of maintaining the equality of both sides of an equation to solve simple one-step equations. I have also
included a few easy two-step equations.

Next, students solve and graph simple inequalities, again practicing the usage of variables to represent quantities.
Lastly, they are introduced to the usage of two variables in algebra, including how to graph that relationship on a
coordinate plane. This is an important topic, as so many real-life situations involve a relationship between two
quantities, and graphing that relationship is an important tool in mathematical modeling.

You will find free videos covering many topics of this chapter of the curriculum at (choose 6th grade).

The Lessons in Chapter 2 page span

The Order of Operations ........................................... 45 2 pages
Expressions, Part 1 ................................................... 47 2 pages
Terminology for the Four Operations ....................... 49 2 pages
Words and Expressions ............................................ 51 2 pages
Expressions, Part 2 ................................................... 53 2 pages
Writing and Simplifying Expressions 1:
Length and Perimeter ............................................... 55 3 pages
More on Writing and Simplifying Expressions ....... 58 3 pages
Writing and
Sample Simplifying Expressions
worksheet from 2: Area ......... 61 5 pages 43
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Multiplying and Dividing in Parts ............................ 66 4 pages
The Distributive Property ......................................... 70 4 pages
Equations .................................................................. 74 4 pages
Solving Equations .................................................... 76 4 pages
Writing Equations .................................................... 80 2 pages
Inequalities ............................................................... 82 4 pages
Using Two Variables ................................................ 86 4 pages
Chapter 2 Mixed Review........................................... 90 2 pages
Chapter 2 Review ..................................................... 92 4 pages

Helpful Resources on the Internet

We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter. This list of links includes web
pages that offer:

• online practice for concepts;

• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.

We heartily recommend you take a look at the list. Many of our customers love using these resources to
supplement the bookwork. You can use the resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept
better and even just for some fun. Enjoy!

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Chapter 2: The Order of Operations

The Order of Operations

The Order of Operations (PEMDAS)
1) Solve what is within the parentheses (P).
2) Solve exponents (E).
3) Solve multiplication (M) and division (D) from left to right.
4) Solve addition (A) and subtraction (S) from left to right.

Note: From now on, we will use the raised dot · for the multiplication symbol. This is because
we will be studying algebra, and × can be confused with the letter x, often used in algebra.

So, for example, we will write 5 · 2 to signify five times two.

10 + 50
Example 1. Solve 200 − (10 − 4 + 5)2. Example 2. .
12 − 6
1. Solve what is within the parentheses: This expression is not the same as 10 + 50 ÷ 12 − 6.
10 − 4 + 5. Since subtractions and Instead, the fraction line works as a grouping symbol,
additions are on the same level, solve grouping together what is above and below the line,
them from left to right: 10 − 4 + 5 = 11. so that the division is to be done last. The expression
The expression is now 200 − 112. is actually (10 + 50) ÷ (12 − 6).
2. Next, solve the exponent: 112 = 121. First, solve the expressions above and below the line (as
The expression is now 200 − 121. if they were grouped using parentheses), and lastly divide:
3. Lastly, subtract. 200 − 121 = 79. 10 + 50 60
= = 10
12 − 6 6

Example 3a. Here is an expression that Example 3b. Let’s rewrite the expression from 3a. using
has only multiplications and divisions: the fraction line for division—it will become easier!
20 · 2 ÷ 4 · 10.
Notice, there is a division by 4:
Those operations are on the SAME level in
the order of operations, but that does not mean 20 · 2 ÷ 4 · 10
that multiplications are solved before This means that 4 needs to be in the denominator.
divisions. Instead, they are solved in order
from left to right. The expression can be written as 20 · · 10 or
20 · 2 ÷ 4 · 10 20 · 2
as · 10 (either is correct).
= 40 ÷ 4 · 10
Comparing to the original expression 20 · 4 ÷ 4 · 10, it
= 10 · 10 = 100
looks quite different, but it is now easier to see what needs
done. Verify that you get the same answer as in example 3a.

1. Put parentheses into the equations to make them true.

a. 100 − 50 − 50 = 100 b. 200 ÷ 10 + 10 + 5 = 15 c. 50 + 50 · 4 − 10 = 390

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Chapter 2: The Order of Operations

2. Rewrite each expression using the fraction line, then solve. Compare each expression in the top row of
boxes to the one below it. Hint: Only whatever comes right after the ÷ sign needs to be in the denominator.

a. 64 ÷ 8 · 4 b. 64 ÷ (8 · 4) · 2 c. 4 · 8 ÷ 4 · 2

d. 64 ÷ (8 · 4) e. 64 ÷ 8 · 4 · 2 f. (4 · 8) ÷ (4 · 2)

3. Find the value of these expressions.

a. 150 + 2 · 10 b. 52 · 23 c. 32 · (150 + 900) ÷ 3

12 + 9 52 23
d. e. f. + 103
4+1 32 8

g. (6 + 6)2 · (15 − 5)2 h. 40 + 80 ÷ 2 · 4 − 15 72

i. ·7

4. Write the expressions in a shorter way, using multiplication. Find their values.

a. 20 000 − 500 − 500 − 500 − 500 − 500 − 500 − 500

b. 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 70 + 120 + 120 + 120 + 120 + 120

5. Write the expressions in a shorter way, using exponents. Find their values.

a. 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 · 2 + 5 · 5 · 5

b. 5 · 100 · 100 · 100 − 2 · 10 · 10 · 10 · 10 · 10

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Chapter 2: Writing and Simplifying Expressions 1: Length and Perimeter

Writing and Simplifying Expressions 1:

Length and Perimeter
If the length of each line segment is y, then the total
length of the line segments is y + y + y.

y y y = 3y As you know, the shortcut for repeated addition is

multiplication. So, we can simplify the sum
y + y + y, and write 3y in its place.

The expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent expressions. This means that they have the same value no
matter what value y has.

b b a a b = 2a + 3b

Here, we can write the total length as b + b + a + a + b, which is equivalent to b + b + b + a + a, which

simplifies to 3b + 2a. We can also write it as 2a + 3b, because you can add in any order.
However, we cannot simplify the sum 2a + 3b any farther! The a and the b are not the same! Trying to add
them would be like trying to add 2 meters and 3 liters. The expression is now as simple as it can get.

The total length here is x + 6 + x, which simplifies to 2x + 6.

x 6 x

1. Write an expression for the total length of the line segments in simplified form.

x x x x x

x y y x

n n m n

z 8 z z

x q 3 q

z x x y 9 z

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Chapter 2: The Distributive Property

The Distributive Property

The distributive property states that a(b + c) = ab + ac
It may look like a meaningless or difficult equation to you now, but don’t worry, it will become clearer!
The equation a(b + c) = ab + ac means that you can distribute the multiplication (by a) over the sum b + c
so that you multiply the numbers b and c separately by a, and add last.
You have already used the distributive property! When you separated 3 · 84 into 3 · (80 + 4), you
then multiplied 80 and 4 separately by 3, and added last: 3 · 80 + 3 · 4 = 240 + 12 = 252.
We called this using “partial products” or “multiplying in parts.”

Example 1. Using the distributive property, we can write the product 2(x + 1) as 2x + 2 · 1, which
simplifies to 2x + 2.
Notice what happens: Each term in the sum (x + 1) gets multiplied by the factor 2! Graphically:

Example 2. To multiply s · (3 + t) using the distributive property, we need to multiply both 3 and t by s:

, which simplifies to 3s + st.

1. Multiply using the distributive property.

a. 3(90 + 5) = 3 · ___ + 3 · ___ = b. 7(50 + 6) = 7 · ___ + 7 · ___ =

c. 4(a + b) = 4 · ___ + 4 · ___ = d. 2(x + 6) = 2 · ___ + 2 · ___ =

e. 7(y + 3) = f. 10(s + 4) =

g. s(6 + x) = h. x(y + 3) =

i. 8(5 + b) = j. 9(5 + c) =

Example 3. We can use the distributive property also when the sum has three or more terms.
Simply multiply each term in the sum by the factor in front of the parentheses:

= 5 · x + 5 · y + 5 · 6, which simplifies to 5x + 5y + 30

2. Multiply using the distributive property.

a. 3(a + b + 5) = b. 8(5 + y + r) =

c. 4(s + 5 + 8) = d. 3(10 + c + d + 2) =
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Chapter 2: Using Two Variables

Using Two Variables

Often in mathematics—and in real life—we study the relationship between two variables.
Example 1. The equation y = x has two variables, y and x.
There are many values of x and y that make that equation
true. For example, when x is 4, then y is (1/2) · 4 = 2.
Some of the values of x and y are listed below.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y ½ 1 1½ 2 2½

x 6 7 8 9 10
y 3 3½ 4 4½ 5

We can plot or graph these (x, y) pairs as points in the coordinate grid.
These ordered pairs actually are a function. We will not study the exact definition of a function here, but you
can think of a function as a relationship between two variables.
In this lesson, you will study only linear functions. The word “linear” comes from the fact that the graphs of
those functions look like a line. There exist many other, different kinds of functions as well.
Example 2. One towel costs $4. If you buy 17 towels, the cost is 17 · $4 = $68.
In this situation, we are interested in two variables whose values can change:
1. The number of towels a person buys is a variable. (It can vary!) Let’s denote the number of towels by N.
2. The total cost varies according to how many towels are bought. Let C be the cost.
There is a very simple relationship between N and C: C = N · $4
(This means the total cost is the number of towels times $4.)
This is normally written as C = 4N because in algebra we write the number in front of the variable
(not vice versa), and we omit the multiplication sign between a number and a variable.
The table below shows some possible values of C and N.
(x) N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 15 20
(y) C 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 40 60 80

From this table, we get lots of number pairs. Some of them are
plotted on the coordinate grid you see on the right.
You may have seen coordinate grids that have x and y-axis. This time we will
label our axes N and C, according to the names of the variables. If this seems
confusing, think of the variable N as the “x”, and the variable C as the “y”.
In this situation, we think of the variable N as the independent variable, and the variable C as the dependent
variable, because its value depends on the value of N according to the given equation (C = 4N). In other
words, we let the value of N vary (sort of independently), and the values of C are what we calculate or
“observe,” noticing how they depend on the value of N.
The independent variable is always plotted on the horizontal axis.
We could look at this situation just the opposite way also: let the cost be the independent variable, and study
how the number of towels depends on that. Then, we would plot C on the horizontal axis, and calculate N
using an equation that depends on C (it would be N = C/4).
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Chapter 3: Decimals
In this chapter we study all four operations of decimals, the metric system and using decimals with measuring
units. Most of these topics have already been studied in 5th grade, but in 5th grade we were using numbers with
a maximum of three decimal digits. This time there is no such restriction, and the decimals used can have many
more decimal digits than that.
However, since the topics are the same, consider assigning only one-fourth to one-half of the exercises initially.
Monitor the student’s progress and assign more if needed. The skipped problems can be used for review later.
We start out by studying place value with decimals and comparing decimals up to six decimal digits. The next
several lessons contain a lot of review, just using longer decimals than in fifth grade: adding and subtracting
decimals, rounding decimals, multiplying and dividing decimals, fractions and decimals, and multiplying and
dividing decimals by the powers of ten.
Since the chapter focuses on restudying the mechanics of decimal arithmetic, it is a good time to stress to your
student(s) the need for accurate calculations and for checking one’s final answer. Notice how the lessons often
ask students to estimate the answer before calculating the exact answer. Estimation can be used as a type of
check for the final answer: if the final answer is far from the estimation, there is probably an error in the
calculation. It can also be used to check if an answer calculated with a calculator is likely correct.
In the lessons about multiplication and division of decimals, students work both with mental math and with
standard algorithms. The lessons that focus on mental math point out various patterns and shortcuts for students,
helping them to see the structure and logic in math. I have also explained why the common rules (or shortcuts)
for decimal multiplication and decimal division actually work, essentially providing a mathematical proof on a
level that sixth graders can hopefully understand.
The last lessons deal with measuring units and the metric system, rounding out our study of decimals.
Consider mixing the lessons here with lessons from some other chapter. For example, the student could study
decimals and some other topic on alternate days, or study a little of each topic each day. Such somewhat spiral
usage of the curriculum can help prevent boredom, and also to help students retain the concepts better.
You will find free videos covering many topics of this chapter at

As a reminder, check out this list of resources for challenging problems:
I recommend that you at least use the first resource listed, Math Stars Newsletters.

The Lessons in Chapter 3 page span

Place Value with Decimals ........................................... 99 2 pages
Comparing Decimals .................................................... 101 2 pages
Add and Subtract Decimals .......................................... 103 2 pages
Rounding Decimals ...................................................... 105 3 pages
Review: Multiply and Divide Decimals Mentally ....... 108 2 pages
Review: Multiply Decimals by Decimals .................... 110 3 pages
Review: Long Division with Decimals ....................... 113 2 pages
Problem Solving with Decimals ................................. 115 2 pages
Fractions and
Sample Decimals ...............................................
worksheet from 117 3 pages 97
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Multiply and Divide by Powers of Ten ........................ 120 2 pages
Review: Divide Decimals by Decimals ....................... 122 3 pages
Divide Decimals by Decimals 2 .................................. 125 2 pages
Convert Customary Measuring Units ........................... 127 4 pages
Convert Metric Measuring Units ................................. 131 3 pages
Convert Metric Measuring Units ................................. 134 2 pages
Chapter 3 Mixed Review ............................................ 136 2 pages
Chapter 3 Review ....................................................... 138 4 pages

Helpful Resources on the Internet

We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter. This list of links includes web
pages that offer:

• online practice for concepts;

• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.

We heartily recommend you take a look at the list. Many of our customers love using these resources to
supplement the bookwork. You can use the resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept
better and even just for some fun. Enjoy!

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Chapter 3: Place Value with Decimals

Place Value with Decimals

The various places on the place value chart are positioned
symmetrically around the ONES place.
From the ones place, we have tens to the left, and tenths to the right.
Two places away are hundreds to the left, and hundredths to the right.
Three places away are thousands to the left, and thousandths to the
right and so on.

4 5 7 3. 9 1 6 0 7 2

In expanded form:
1 1 1 1 1
4 · 1,000 + 5 · 100 + 7 · 10 + 3 · 1 + 9 · + 1· + 6· + 7· + 2·
10 100 1,000 100,000 1,000,000

Using decimals: 4 000 + 500 + 70 + 3 + 0.9 + 0.01 + 0.006 + 0.00007 + 0.000002

Example 1. Example 2.
6 123
6 hundred-thousandths is or 0.00006. 123 ten-thousandths is or 0.0123.
100,000 10,000
It has five decimal places, the same as one There are four decimal places, the same as
hundred thousand (100,000) has five zeros. ten thousand (10,000) has four zeros.

Example 3. 7 millionths is 0.000007. It has six decimal places, the same as one million has six zeros.
0.000007 also happens to have six zeros, if you count the zero in the ones place. However, think of it as
having six decimal places, instead, because that allows you to easily convert, for example, 453 millionths or
6,795 millionths into decimals: 0.000453 and 0.006795. They do not have six zeros, but they do have six
decimal places.

465 Example 5.
Example 4. 465 hundredths is . 2,180,964
100 2,180, 964 ten-thousandths is .
As a decimal, it needs to have two decimal places 10,000
because it is so many hundredths. (You can remember As a decimal, it needs to have four decimal places
that because 100 has two zeros.) So it is 4.65. because it is so many ten-thousandths (and 10,000
has four zeros). So it is 218.0964.

1. Draw lines to match the expressions that have the same value.

0.00006 6 parts per thousand 15

6 100,000
0.0015 15 hundred-thousandths 100,000
0.000006 15 ten-thousandths
6 1,000
0.00015 6 hundred-thousandths 1,000
0.006 15 parts per million
0.000015 15 thousandths 6
100,000 15
0.015 6 millionths 1,000,000
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Chapter 3: Place Value with Decimals

2. Write as decimals.

a. three thousandths b. 34 tenths

c. 1 and 1934 millionths d. 34 ten-thousandths

e. 907 millionths f. 837 hundred-thousandths

g. 52 hundredths h. 8 hundred-thousandths

i. 3 and 17 thousandths j. 91 millionths

k. 1 and 56 thousandths l. 2 and 28 319 millionths

m. 291 ten-thousandths n. 4 and 5 millionths

3. Write as pure fractions, not as mixed numbers—that is, the numerator (the number on the top) can be greater
than the denominator (the number on the bottom).

a. 0.09 b. 0.005 c. 0.045

d. 0.00371 e. 0.02381 f. 3.0078

g. 2.9302 h. 2.003814 i. 5.3925012

j. 0.0000031 k. 3.294819 l. 45.00032

4. Write in expanded form, as a sum of fractions. Follow the example.

1 1
a. 2.67 = 2 · 1 + 6 · + 7·
10 100

b. 0.594

c. 45.6

d. 0.004923

e. 0.00000506

5. Write as decimals.

2 8 6 5 5 9
a. 60 + 5 + + + b. 5 + + +
10 100 1,000 100 1,000 1,000,000

1 3 7 1 3 4
c. 700 + + + d. + +
1,000 100,000 100 100 10,000 1,000,000

9 3 5 2 1 1
e. +6+ + f. +2+ +
100 10,000 10 100 1,000 100,000
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Chapter 3: Rounding Decimals

Rounding Decimals
Let’s review the rounding rules for decimals once again. Rounding to the nearest ten:
This time you will practice with “longer” decimals! Look at the ones digit.

1. Find the digit that you are rounding to. You can
draw a “cut-off line” after that digit to help you. 32 5.067248 ≈ 330

2. Look at the next smaller place (the digit after that). If that Rounding to the nearest hundredth:
digit is 4 or less, round down. If it is 5 or more, round up. Look at the thousandths digit.
3. If you round up, the digit in the place that you are rounding to ↓
will go up by 1. If you round down, that digit stays the same. 325.06 7248 ≈ 325.07
4. All the digits after the place you are rounding to become
Rounding to the nearest ten-thousandth:
zeros... BUT, if those are decimal digits, we do not write Look at the hundred-thousandths digit.
them! We simply cut off those decimal digits.

For example, 0 . 2 7 4 9 1 ≈ 0 . 2 7 5 . 325.0672 48 ≈ 325.0672

1. Round to the place (digit) just before the dashed line.

a. 2 . 6 7 2 ≈ b. 3 . 0 5 5 2 3 c. 2 . 2 6 5 4 d. 0 . 0 4 8 9 7

2. Round to the nearest hundredth.

a. 7 . 2 4 8 b. 0 . 0 2 4 9 9 c. 1 . 3 5 8 d. 4 . 9 7 6 1 1

3. Round to the nearest thousandth.

a. 7 . 2 4 9 3 9 2 b. 0 . 0 2 6 8 4 c. 1 . 3 9 4 5 2 d. 4 . 9 0 8 4 7 2

4. Jack bought coffee for $1.80, rolls for $0.95, a meal for $6.75 and two “kids’ meals” for $6.15 each.
a. Estimate the total cost by rounding
the numbers to the nearest dollar.

b. Estimate Jack’s change from $30.

c. Find the exact cost and

the error of estimation.

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Review

Chapter 3 Review
1. Write as decimals.

a. three ten-thousandths b. 39,234 hundred-thousandths

c. 4 millionths d. 2 and 5 thousandths

2. Write as fractions.

a. 0.00039 b. 0.0391 c. 4.0032

3. Write as decimals.

3 2 17 11
a. b. 1 c. d.
4 5 20 25

4. Fill in the table, noting that 1 micrometer is 1 millionth of a meter ( of a meter).

Organism Size (fraction) Size (micrometers) Size (decimal)

amoeba proteus meters _______ micrometers 0.0006 m
10 50
protozoa from to m from 10 to 50 micrometers from _____ to _____ m
1,000,000 1,000,000
1 5
bacteria from to m from ______ to ______ micrometers from _____ to _____ m
1,000,000 1,000,000

5. Write in order from the smallest to the largest.

a. 0.0256 0.000526 0.0062 b. 0.000087 0.000007 0.00008

6. Round to...

0.37182 0.04828384 0.39627 0.099568

the nearest hundredth

the nearest ten-thousandth

7. Calculate in your head.

4 5 22
a. 0.02 + b. 0.7 + c. 3.021 +
1,000 100 1,000

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Review

8. Calculate. Remember to line up the decimal points.

a. 2.1 – 1.09342

b. 17 + 93.1 + 0.0483

9. Find the value of the expression y + 0.04 when

a. y = 0.1 b. y = 0.01 c. y = 0.0001

10. Divide in your head. For each division, write a corresponding multiplication.

a. 0.48 ÷ 6 = b. 1.5 ÷ 0.3 = c. 0.056 ÷ 0.008 =

11. Multiply in your head.

a. 3 · 0.006 = b. 0.2 · 0.6 = c. 0.9 · 0.0007 =

12. 327 · 4 is 1 308. Based on that, figure out the answer to 32.7 · 0.004.

13. a. Estimate the answer to 8.9 · 0.061.

b. Calculate the exact answer.

14. Solve the equations by thinking logically.

a. 3 · _______ = 0.09 b. 0.2 · _______ = 0.024 c. 0.03 · _______ = 0.0015

15. Solve the equations. If necessary, round your answers to three decimals.

a. 0.4p = 90 b. 0.03x = 5.2 c. y + 0.056 = 0.38

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Review

16. Jim cut seven 0.56-meter pieces out of a 4-meter board.

How much is left?

17. Multiply or divide the decimals by the powers of ten.

a. 106 · 21.7 = b. 100 · 0.00456 =

c. 2.3912 ÷ 1,000 = d. 324 ÷ 105 =

e. 105 · 0.003938 = f. 0.7 ÷ 104 =

18. Find the value of the expression +1
when a = 2.068 and b = 0.8.

19. Divide, giving your answer as a decimal. If necessary, round the answers to three decimal digits.

a. 28.2 ÷ 2 b. 0.11 ÷ 15

4 5
c. d.
9 11

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Review

20. Fill in the entries missing from this table.

Prefix Meaning Units - length Units - mass Units - volume

centigram (cg)

deci- deciliter (dl)

ten = 10 decagram (dag)

hectoliter (hl)

21. Change into the basic unit (meter, liter, or gram). Think of the meaning of the prefix.

a. 34 dl b. 89 cg c. 16 kl

22. Convert the measurements into the given units.

a. 2.7 L = _______ dl = ________ cl = ________ ml

b. 5,600 m = ________km = _________ dm = _________ cm

c. 676 g = _______ dg = ________ cg = ________ mg

23. You have eleven empty soda bottles. Six are 350 ml, two are 2 liters and three are 9 dl.
What is the total amount of water that you can put into them?

24. Convert into the given units. Round your answers to 2 decimals if needed.

a. 56 m = ____________ km c. 2.7 L = ___________ ml e. 0.48 km = ___________ m

b. 134 g = ____________ kg d. 0.391 kg = ___________ g f. 2.45 m = _____m _____ cm

25. For a parade, each of 230 children needs a ribbon that is at least 60 cm long.
If you buy a 150-m roll of ribbon, how long will the ribbons be if you divide
the roll equally?

26. A scientist measured the length of some tadpoles caught

from a pond. The recorded lengths are below, in
centimeters. Find the average length of the tadpoles.
3.2 3.1 3.4 3.1 3.5 2.9 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.1
3.4 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.6 3.4 2.9 3.4 3.1

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Chapter 4: Ratios
In this chapter we concentrate on the concept of ratio and various applications involving ratios and rates.
The chapter starts out with the basic concepts of ratio, rate and unit rate. We also connect the concept of rates
(specifically, tables of equivalent rates) with ordered pairs, use equations (such as y = 3x) to describe these
tables, and plot the ordered pairs in the coordinate plane.
Next, we study various kinds of word problems involving ratios and use a bar model to solve these problems in
two separate lessons. These lessons tie ratios in with the student’s previous knowledge of bar models as a tool
for problem solving.
Lastly, students encounter the concept of aspect ratio, which is simply the ratio of a rectangle’s width to its
height or length, and they solve a variety of problems involving aspect ratio.
This chapter contains lots of opportunities for problem solving, once again. In the lessons that use bar models,
encourage your student(s) to communicate their thinking and explain (justify) how they solved the problems. It
doesn’t have to be fancy. All we are looking for is some explanation of what the student did and why. The bar
models provide an excellent way for the students to demonstrate their reasoning here. Essentially, they are
practicing constructing a mathematical argument.
Once again, there are some free videos for the topics of this chapter at (choose 6th grade).

The Lessons in Chapter 4 page span

Ratios and Rates .................................................. 145 4 pages
Unit Rates ........................................................... 149 2 pages
Using Equivalent Rates ...................................... 151 4 pages
Ratio Problems and Bar Models 1 ...................... 155 3 pages
Ratio Problems and Bar Models 2 ...................... 158 3 pages
Aspect Ratio ....................................................... 161 2 pages
Using Ratios to Convert Measuring Units ......... 163 4 pages
Chapter 4 Mixed Review .................................... 167 2 pages
Chapter 4 Review ............................................... 169 2 pages

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Helpful Resources on the Internet
We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter. This list of links includes web
pages that offer:

• online practice for concepts;

• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.

We heartily recommend you take a look at the list. Many of our customers love using these resources to
supplement the bookwork. You can use the resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept
better and even just for some fun. Enjoy!

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Chapter 4: Ratios and Rates

Ratios and Rates

A ratio is simply a comparison of two numbers or other quantities.
To compare the circles to the triangles in the picture, we say that the ratio of
circles to triangles is 5:4 (read “five to four”).
We can write this ratio (in text) in many different ways:
• The ratio of circles to triangles is 5:4 (read “5 to 4”). • The ratio of circles to triangles is .
• The ratio of circles to triangles is 5 to 4. • For each five circles, there are four triangles.

The two numbers in the ratio are called the first term and the second term of the ratio.

In this picture, the ratio of males to females is 4:3. However, the ratio of females
to males is 3:4. The order in which the terms are mentioned does matter!
We can also compare a part to the whole. The ratio of males to everyone is 4:7.
4 3
Also, we can use fractions to describe the same image: of the people are males, and are females.
7 7

1. Describe the images using ratios and fractions.


The ratio of circles to pentagons is ____ : ____ The ratio of hearts to stars is ____ : ____

The ratio of pentagons to all shapes is ____ : ____ The ratio of stars to all shapes is ____ : ____

of the shapes are pentagons. of the shapes are stars.

2. a. Draw a picture: There are hearts and circles,

and the ratio of hearts to all the shapes is 1:3.

b. What is the ratio of hearts to circles?

3. Look at the picture of the triangles and circles. If we drew more triangles and circles
in the same ratio, how many circles would there be …
a. … for 9 triangles?

b. … for 15 triangles?

c. … for 300 triangles?

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Chapter 4: Using Equivalent Rates

Using Equivalent Rates

Example 1. If Jake can ride his bike to a town that is 33 kilometers away in 45 minutes,
how far can he ride in 1 hour?
Let’s form some equivalent rates, starting with
33 kilometers per 45 minutes and hoping to ÷3 ·4
arrive at so many kilometers per 60 minutes.
However, it is not easy to go directly from 45 33 kilometers 11 kilometers 44 kilometers
minutes to 60 minutes (1 hour). So, first you = =
45 minutes 15 minutes 60 minutes
figure the rate for 15 minutes, which is easy.
Why? Because to get from 45 minutes to 15
minutes you simply divide both terms of the ÷3 ·4
rate by 3.
Then from 15 minutes, we can easily get to 60 minutes: Just multiply both terms by 4.
We find that he can ride 44 kilometers in one hour.

1. Write the equivalent rates.

15 km $6
a. = = = b. = = =
3 hr 1 hr 15 min 45 min 45 min 15 min 1 hr 1 hr 45 min

3 cm 115 words
c. = = = d. = =
8m 2m 12 m 20 m 2 min 1 min 3 min

2. a. James can ride 10 kilometers in 16 minutes. How long will it take him to ride 55 kilometers?
Use the equivalent rates.

10 kilometers 5 kilometers 55 kilometers

= =
16 minutes minutes minutes

b. How many kilometers can James ride in 40 minutes?

3. An automobile can go 80 kilometers on 8 liters of gasoline.

a. How many liters of gas would the automobile need for a trip of 95 kilometers?
Use the equivalent rates below.

80 kilometers 10 kilometers 95 kilometers

= =
8 liters liters liters

b. How far can the automobile travel on 15 liters of gas?

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Chapter 4: Using Equivalent Rates

Example 2. You get 20 erasers for $5.00. Cost (C) $2.50 $5.00
How much would 22 erasers cost?
You can solve this problem in several Erasers (E) 1 2 10 20 22
ways. Let’s use a table of rates this time.
First, find the cost for 10 erasers, and then the cost for 2. After that, you can get the cost for 22 by adding.
Ten erasers will cost half of $5.00. Two erasers will cost one-fifth of that (divide by 5 to find it!).
Lastly, add the cost of 20 erasers to the cost of 2 erasers to get the cost for 22 erasers.
Note 1: In the table, each pair of numbers is a rate. For example, $5.00 for 20 erasers (or $5.00/20 erasers) is a
rate, and so is $2.50 for 10 erasers.
Note 2: Let’s write an equation relating the Cost (C) and the number of Erasers (E). You will find that easily
from the unit rate (the price for one): C = 0.25E. In other words, the cost is 0.25 times the number of erasers.

4. Finish solving the problem in the example above.

5. How many erasers would you get for $1.75?

6. On average, Scott makes a basket nine times out of twelve shots when he is practicing. How many baskets
can he expect to make with 200 shots? A table of rates can help you solve this.


7. a. Three pairs of socks cost $9. Fill in the table of rates.

The variable C stands for cost, and p for pairs of socks.

C 9
p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Each number pair in the table is a rate, but we can

also view them as points with two coordinates.
Plot the number pairs in the coordinate grid.

c. Write an equation relating the cost (C) and the

number of pairs of socks (p).

8. a. You get 30 pencils for $4.50. How much would 52 pencils cost?



b. Write an equation relating the cost (C) and the number of pencils (P).

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Chapter 4: Using Equivalent Rates

9. When Kate makes 4 liters of tea (a pot full), she needs five jars for the tea. From this, we get the rate
of 4 liters / 5 jars.
a. Fill in the table. The variable t stands for the
amount of tea, and j for the number of jars.

t 4
j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

b. Plot the number pairs from the table in this

coordinate grid.

c. How many jars will Kate need for 20 liters of tea?

d. If Kate has 16 jars full of tea, how many liters

of tea is in them?

10. a. A train travels at a constant speed of 130 kilometers per hour. Fill in the table of rates.
h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b. Write an equation relating the distance (d) and the number of hours (h).

c. Plot the points in the grid on the right. The variable h

stands for hours, and d for distance.

11. Another train travels at the constant speed of 96 km

per hour. Fill in the table of rates. Then, plot the points
in the same coordinate grid as for the train in #10.
h 1 2 3 4 5

h 6 7 8 9 10

12. How can you see from the graph which train travels

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Chapter 4: Using Equivalent Rates

13. The plot shows the walking speed for two people (t is in minutes, d is in kilometers). Your task is to fill in
the two ratio tables below. To make that easier, first find the dots that are at places where the lines cross,
so that you can easily read the coordinates.
(Hint: For some of the points, you will need to use decimals and whole numbers.)

Person 1 (red dot)

t (minutes)

Person 2 (blue dot)

t (minutes)

a. What is the speed of the first person

in kilometers per hour?

b. What is the speed of the second person

in kilometers per hour?

14. Train 1 travels at a constant speed of 165 miles in three hours.

Train 2 travels 315 miles in seven hours. Which train is faster?

15. Find which is a better deal by comparing the unit rates: $45 for
eight bottles of shampoo, or $34 for six bottles of shampoo?

16. In a poll of 1,000 people, 640 said they liked blue.

a. Simplify this ratio to lowest terms:

640 people out of 1,000 people = _______ people out of ______ people

b. Assuming the same ratio holds true in another group of 100 people,
how many of those people can we expect to like blue?

c. Assuming the same ratio holds true in another group of 225 people,
how many of those people can we expect to like blue?
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Chapter 4: Ratio Problems and Bar Models 1

Ratio Problems and Bar Models 1

Often, ratio problems become easy by drawing a bar model.
The ratio of blue shirts to green shirts to yellow
shirts is 3 to 5 to 1. If there are 7,200 shirts in all,
how many of them are of each color?
Look at the bar model. There are a total of 7,200 shirts.
We draw 3 “blocks” for the blue shirts, 5 “blocks” for the green shirts and 1 “block” for the yellow shirts
to show the ratio of 3 : 5 : 1. It is obvious one “block” means 7,200 ÷ 9 = 800 shirts. So there are a total
of 2,400 blue shirts, 4,000 green shirts and 800 yellow shirts.

Juice concentrate is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:8. If you want to make 5 liters of juice, how much
concentrate and how much water do you need?
Let’s draw a bar model. (In reality, of course,
the juice and water mix, but for the purpose of
calculating, this model is helpful.)
There are a total of 9 equal parts, so we simply
divide 5 liters by 9. First, change 5 liters to 5,000 milliliters, and then divide: 5,000 ml ÷ 9 ≈ 555.56 ml.
However, that is way too accurate. Measuring cups do not normally let us measure to the nearest milliliter,
and not even to the nearest 10 milliliters, so let’s round this to the nearest 50 ml to get 550 ml.
So we need 550 ml of juice concentrate and 5,000 ml − 550 ml = 4,450 ml of water.

1. A factory makes shirts in a ratio of 1:3:3:1 for the sizes S, M, L and XL, respectively.
a. Draw a bar model. What is the ratio of small (S) shirts to the total number of shirts?

b. In a batch of 1,000 shirts, how many of them are of each size?

2. The instructions on a box of juice concentrate say to mix 2 parts of concentrate to 5 parts of water.
a. If you want to make 3 liters of juice, how much
concentrate and how much water do you need?

b. Let’s say that you have 1/2 liter of concentrate left. According to
the instructions, how much water would you need to add to that?

How much diluted juice does this make?

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Chapter 5: Percent
This chapter is all about the basics of the concept of percent—a very important topic in regards to real life. We
focus on how to calculate percentages (e.g. what percentage is $20 of $50) and how to find a certain percentage
of a given number or quantity (e.g. what is 20% of 80 km). In seventh grade, students learn about percent of
change and how to make comparisons with percent.

The lessons emphasize the connection between percentages and fractions and decimals in various ways. After
all, percentages are fractions: the word percent simply means “a hundredth part,” and the concept of percent
builds on the student’s previous understanding of fractions and decimals.

Specifically, the student should be very familiar with the idea of finding a fractional part of a whole (such as
finding 3/4 of $240). Students using Math Mammoth have been practicing that concept since fourth grade, and
one reason why I have emphasized finding a fractional part of a whole in the earlier grades is specifically to lay a
groundwork for the concept of percent. Assuming the student has mastered that, and can easily convert fractions
to decimals, then studying the concept of percent should not be difficult.

In this context of thinking of percentages as fractions, students learn how to find a percentage of a given number
or quantity using mental math techniques. For example, students find 10% of $400 by thinking of it as 1/10 of
$400, and thus dividing $400 by 10. They also learn to find a percentage of a quantity using decimal
multiplication, both manually and with a calculator. For example, students find 17% of 45 km by multiplying
0.17 × 45 km.

In fact, in cases where mental math is not a good option, I prefer teaching students to calculate percentages of
quantities using decimals, instead of using percent proportion or fractions. That is because using decimals is
simpler and quicker. Also, this method is often superior later on in algebra courses, when students need to write
equations from verbal descriptions, and symbolically represent situations that involve percentages.

The last lesson of the chapter teaches students how to find the total when the percentage and the partial amount
are known. For example: “Three-hundred twenty students, which is 40% of all students, take PE. How many
students are there in total?” Students solve these with the help of the visual bar models, which they are already
familiar with.

As the lessons constantly refer back to fractions and decimals, students can relate calculations with percentages
to their earlier knowledge, and thus see the logical structure of mathematics. It will also prevent students from
memorizing calculations with percentages without understanding what is going on.

As a reminder, it is not recommended that you assign all the exercises by default. Use your judgment, and strive
to vary the number of assigned exercises according to the student’s needs. Some students might only need half or
even less of the available exercises, in order to understand the concepts.

You will find free videos covering many topics of this chapter at

The Lessons in Chapter 5 page span

Percent ....................................................................... 169 4 pages
What Percentage...? ................................................... 173 2 pages
Percentage of a Number (Mental Math) ................... 175 3 pages
Percentage of a Number: Using Decimals ................ 178 3 pages
Discounts ................................................................... 181 2 pages
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Practice with Percent ................................................. 183 3 pages
Finding the Total When the Percent Is Known ......... 186 2 pages
Chapter 5 Mixed Review ........................................... 188 2 pages
Review: Percent ......................................................... 190 2 pages

Helpful Resources on the Internet

We have compiled a list of Internet resources that match the topics in this chapter. This list of links includes web
pages that offer:

• online practice for concepts;

• online games, or occasionally, printable games;
• animations and interactive illustrations of math concepts;
• articles that teach a math concept.

We heartily recommend you take a look at the list. Many of our customers love using these resources to
supplement the bookwork. You can use the resources as you see fit for extra practice, to illustrate a concept
better and even just for some fun. Enjoy!

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Chapter 5: Percentage of a Number (Mental Math)

Percentage of a Number (Mental Math)

100% of something means all of it. 1% of something means 1/100 of it.

Since one percent means “a hundredth part,” calculating a percentage of a quantity is the same thing as
finding a fractional part of it. So percentages are really fractions!

How much is 1% of 200 kg? This means how much is 1/100 of 200 kg? It is simply 2 kg.
To find 1% of something (1/100 of something), divide by 100.
Do you remember how to divide by 100 in your head? Just move the decimal point two places to the left.
For example, 1% of 540 is 5.4, and 1% of 8.30 is 0.083.

To find 2% of some quantity, first find 1% of it, and double that.

For example, let’s find 2% of $6. Since 1% of $6 is $0.06, then 2% of $6 is $0.12.

To find 10% of some quantity, divide by 10.

Why does that work? It is because 10% is 10/100, which equals 1/10. So 10% is 1/10 of the quantity!
For example, 10% of $780 is $78. And 10% of $6.50 is $0.65.
(To divide by 10 in your head, just move the decimal point one place to the left.)

Can you think of a way to find 20% of a number?


1. Find 10% of these numbers.

a. 700 _______ b. 321 _______ c. 60 _______ d. 7 _______

2. Find 1% of these numbers.

a. 700 _______ b. 321 _______ c. 60 _______ d. 7 _______

3. One percent of Mother’s paycheck is $22. How much is her total paycheck?

4. Fill in the table. Use mental math.

percentage ↓ number → 1,200 80 29 9 5.7

1% of the number

2% of the number

10% of the number

20% of the number

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Chapter 5: Percentage of a Number (Mental Math)

5. Fill in this guide for using mental math with percentages:

Mental Math and Percentage of a Number

50% is . To find 50% of a number, divide by _______. 50% of 244 is _________.
10% is . To find 10% of a number, divide by ________. 10% of 47 is __________.

1% is . To find 1% of a number, divide by ________. 1% of 530 is __________ .

To find 20%, 30%, 40%, 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90% of a number, 10% of 120 is __________.
• First find __________% of the number, and 30% of 120 is __________.
• then multiply by 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
60% of 120 is __________.

6. Find the percentages. Use mental math.

a. 10% of 60 kg __________ b. 10% of $14 __________ c. 10% of 5 m __________

20% of 60 kg __________ 30% of $14 __________ 40% of 5 m __________

d. 1% of $60 __________ e. 10% of 110 cm __________ f. 1% of $1,330 __________

4% of $60 __________ 70% of 110 cm __________ 3% of $1,330 __________

7. David pays a 20% income tax on his $2,100 salary.

a. How many dollars is the tax?

b. How much money does he have left after paying the tax?

c. What percentage of his salary does he have left?

8. Nancy pays 30% of her $3,100 salary in taxes. How

much money does she have left after paying the tax?

9. Identify the errors that these children made. Then find the correct answers.

a. Find 90% of $55. b. Find 6% of $1,400.

Peter’s solution: Patricia’s solution:
10% of $55 is $5.50 1% of $1,400 is $1.40.
So, I subtract 100% − $5.50 = $94.50 So, 6% is six times that, or $8.40.

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Chapter 5: Percentage of a Number (Mental Math)

Some more mental math “tricks”

90% of a quantity 25% of a quantity

First find 10% of the quantity and then 25% is the same as 1/4. So, to find
subtract that from 100% of it. 25% of a quantity, divide it by 4.

12% of a quantity 75% of a quantity

First find 10% of it. Then find 1% of it, and use that 75% is 3/4. First find 1/4 of the
1% to find 2% of it. Then add the 10% and the 2%. quantity and multiply that by 3.

10. Find percentages of the quantities.

a. 50% of 26 cm ____________ b. 25% of 40 mm __________ c. 80% of 45 m ____________

d. 75% of $4.40 ____________ e. 90% of 1.2 m ____________ f. 25% of 120 kg ____________

11. Fill in the mental math method for finding 12% of $65.
10% of $65 is $__________. 1% of $65 is $___________. 2% of $65 is $___________.

Now, add to get 12% of $65: $___________ + $___________ = $___________

12. Fill in the mental math shortcut for finding 24% of 44 kg.
25% of 44 kg is __________ kg. 1% of 44 kg is ___________ kg.

Subtract __________ kg − __________ kg = __________ kg

13. From her cell phone bill, Hannah sees that of the 340 text messages
she sent last month, 15% were sent during the night at a cheaper rate.
How many messages did Hannah send at night? During the day?

14. A herd of 40 horses had some bay, some chestnut and some white
horses. Thirty percent of them are bay, and 45% are chestnut.
How many horses are white?

15. A college has 1,500 students, and 12% of them ride the bus.
Another 25% walk to the college.
How many students do not do either?

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Chapter 5: Percentage of a Number: Using Decimals

Percentage of a Number: Using Decimals

You have learned that finding 1% of a number means Next, let’s write those percentages as decimals.
finding 1/100 of it. Similarly, finding 60% of a We get:
number means finding 60/100 (or 6/10) of it.
1% of 90 60% of $700
In these types of expressions, the word “of”
↓ OR ↓
translates into multiplication:
0.01 · 90 0.6 · $700
1% of 90 60% of $700
↓ OR ↓ This gives us another way to calculate a certain
percentage of a number (or a percentage of some
1% · 90 60% · $700 quantity):

To calculate a percentage of a number, you need to make TWO simple changes:

1. Change the percentage into a decimal.
2. Change the word “of” into multiplication.

Example 1. Find 70% of 80.

Making the two changes, we write this as 0.7 · 80.
(Remember, in decimal multiplication, you multiply just as if there were no decimal points, and the answer
will have as many decimal digits as the total number of decimal digits in all of the factors.)
So, when you multiply 0.7 · 80, think of multiplying 7 · 80 = 560. Since 0.7 has one decimal digit, and 80 has
none, the answer has one decimal digit. Thus, 0.7 · 80 = 56.0 or just 56.
You can also use common sense and estimation: 0.7 · 80 must be less than 80, yet more than 1/2 of 80, which
is 40. Since 7 · 8 = 56, you know that the answer must be 56—not 5.6 or 560.

Example 2. Find 3% of $4,000.

First, write this as 0.03 · $4,000. Next, multiply without decimal points: 3 · $4,000 = $12,000.
Lastly, put the decimal point so that the answer will have two decimal digits: $120.00.

Example 3. Find 23% of 5,500 km.

Write this as 0.23 · 5,500 km and use a calculator. The answer is 1,265 km. This makes sense, because 10% of
5,500 km is 550 km, and 20% of it is 1,100 km. Therefore, 1,265 km as 23% of 5,500 km is reasonable.

1. “Translate” the expressions into multiplications by a decimal. Solve, using mental math.

a. 20% of 70 b. 90% of 50 c. 80% of 400

_______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______

d. 60% of $8 e. 9% of 3,000 f. 7% of 40 L

_______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______

g. 150% of 44 kg h. 200% of 56 students i. 2% of 1,500 km

_______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______ _______ · _______ = _______

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