E Health
E Health
E Health
on setting up of
National eHealth Authority (NeHA)
held on 04th April, 2016
Minutes of Meeting
A National Consultation on National eHealth Authority (NeHA) was held under the
chairmanship of Secretary (HFW) on 4th April, 2016 at AIIMS, New Delhi as per agenda given
in Annexure 1. Senior Officers from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), DeitY
and representatives from more than 23 States attended the meeting. There were also
representatives from the World Health Organisation (WHO), Association bodies (IMA, FICCI,
NATHEALTH and NASSCOM), private healthcare providers and healthcare IT experts along
with vendors participated in the meeting. List of participants is at Annexure – 2.
Meeting Proceedings
The national level meeting started at 10.00 A.M. with felicitation of guests with flower bouquets
followed by Shri Sunil Sharma, Joint Secretary(eGov) giving a welcome address with a brief
introduction to the attendees about the Vision and Goals of National eHealth Authority
1. Shri Bhanu Pratap Sharma, Secretary (HFW) suggested putting all modules on cloud and
mentioned that such work is already going on. He said that a connected platform is being
created which will be ready by June 2016. He also said that by this year end, an EHR
standard system would be ready. He mentioned that NeHA will look on the overall policy, on
how IT can be clubbed with Healthcare Systems along with MCTS and HMIS.
He mentioned that nowadays, we have many mobile health applications which are
successfully using Information Technology to monitor many diseases. He emphasized that
NeHA will be an important body and it will look into overall policy standards to bring IT and
health care together.
2. Dr. Aruna Sharma, Secretary (DeitY) emphasized on the setting up of a controlling body
which directs hospitals across the country to maintain their patient’s health records in
standardized electronic format. She also said that appropriate IT management systems need
to be developed and put in place which can take care of the patients. She said that DeitY is
willing to support the MoHFW in all possible ways for achieving Digital Health.
3. Shri C.K. Mishra, AS & MD mentioned that the Indian healthcare system is very complex
system and technology is the only way to fill the existing gaps between the patients and the
medical system. He mentioned about three major challenges in health sector: Making health
facility accessible, affordable and maintain the quality of service.
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He also said that technology is a good supplement for Human resource and knowledge and
will play a big role in coming future in the Healthcare domain. In order to handle critical
factor, i.e., management of Healthcare in our country, he further emphasized the need to have
strong IT systems in place.
4. Shri Sunil Sharma JS (eGov) said that we need to encourage EHR creation across the
country. There is need to create a unique code in order to maintain online medical record for
each person in India. He highlighted that there are over 30 countries who are building robust
laws and structures for adoption of EHR standards. He then emphasized that with the goal of
development of EHR standards, the suggestions from participants are being considered for
5. Prof. M.C. Mishra (Director, AIIMS) said that nowadays patients all over the country are
generally misusing antibiotics by taking antibiotics without consultation from doctors. He
then mentioned about existing system in place at AIIMS which enables to track antibiotic
usage by the patients undergoing treatment at AIIMS. With such system in place, they were
able to bring down misuse of antibiotics.
He also said that lots of opportunities in collating the EHR records exist in India these days
and interoperability of EHR can lead to tremendous time & cost savings for both patients and
the health set-ups. He encouraged the use of EHR systems with necessary technology for the
benefit of people in long run.
6. Shri K.B. Agarwal, AS (eGov), mentioned the first issue that needs to be addressed is the
absence of Aadhaar numbers across the nation. He said that unless we also have unique
identifiers for each Health facility as well in place, we cannot move forward successfully.
He emphasized for making the whole system interoperable and also mentioned that a
National Identification Number (NIN) process has been started wherein all government run
health facilities will be assigned a unique identification number. He suggested that EHR in a
standard format should be developed and deployed throughout the country by providing an
enabling environment.
He said about an upcoming technology – Internet of Things (IoT) should be made available
at the hospital level. He also mentioned that National Law School of India University from
Bengaluru has been looped in to form a policy and legal framework.
7. Dr. Rajesh Narwal (WHO, India) mentioned about the basic supporting pillars of
Healthcare and role of ICT in providing access of quality healthcare to everybody. For this
ICT can be a key enabler. He emphasized that critical gap of human resources need to be
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filled up at the first level. Coming to numbers, he pointed out that there are more than 100
crores of people in India and thus there is strong need for integration between the existing as
well as newly developed health systems.
On Indian Healthcare System he said that we need to understand and develop a unique
model of our own which suits our country’s population. He also emphasized on the need for
interoperability between healthcare systems across the country for a seamless transition
between government and private healthcare providers.
8. Shri Sunil Sharma, JS (eGov) mentioned about standard set up for achieving
interoperability. He mentioned that first level of consultation in this matter was done in
March 2016. Approach and policy framework and policy framework needs to be evolved for
making use of ICT in the Health sector. He specifically emphasized for development of
interoperable mechanism between states and different health facilities.
9. Prof. S.N. Sarbadhikari, Project Director, CHI presented the Concept Note outlining the
Aim, Vision and Goal of NeHA:
Aim: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is taking various initiatives in
the areas related to use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in
Healthcare. In order to guide and support India’s journey in eHealth and consequent
realization of benefits of ICT intervention in Health sector in an orderly way, the Ministry
proposes to set up National eHealth Authority (NeHA) as a statutory body for promotional,
regulatory and standards related roles.
Vision: Attainment of high quality health services for citizen through cost-effective and
secure use of information and communication technologies in health and health-related
Goal: To ensure development and promotion of eHealth ecosystem in India for enabling the
organization, management and provision of effective people-centric health services to all in
an efficient, cost effective and transparent manner.
Prof. Sarbadhikari mentioned that till 2015, we had received 500 comments and suggestions
on NeHA, which were very useful for further improvement. He also explained about
National eHealth policy for health adoption in the country which includes data management,
privacy and security, policy guidelines for health records of patients visiting the health
10. Dr. Rajesh Narwal (WHO) discussed on how eHealth and ICT is transforming healthcare
domain and mentioned that in 2005, there were 51 terms associated with eHealth as per
WHO records. He said that scope of eHealth needs to be broadened i.e. for the domains
which fall under eHealth. Dr. Narwal also discussed importance of critical inputs like
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political & financial support, inter- departmental cooperation and collaboration between
states for functioning of regulatory body.
11. Shri Rajendra Pratap Gupta gave suggestions on standardization of EHR at hospitals, state
and micro level. He said nation-wide guidelines should be in place for EHR standards. He
also gave an important suggestion on renaming National eHealth Authority to "National
Digital Health Authority", to keep in line with "Digital India" and also to broaden the scope
of the Authority, so that mHealth and Tele-Health also could be included in its purview.
12. Mr. B S Bedi, Advisor - CDAC discussed about user acceptability of EHR. He emphasized
that for an EHR system to run successfully, it should be made user friendly so as to be
acceptable to Doctors / paramedics who would be main operators / users.
13. Ms. Manisha Mantri, Pune explained how ICT can help effectively in storing, recording
and receiving the sharable and transferable medical records. She briefed the participants on
EHR standards, structured terminology, coding systems, Healthcare information exchange,
security, privacy and emphasized much on data security and privacy along with making the
whole system on EHR.
14. During the discussion several delegates put forth their views. Shri K. B. Agarwal, AS
(eGov.) MoHFW summarized the discussion points observing that there has been consensus
amongst the participants on the proposal for creation of the National e-Health Authority
(NeHA) which would lay and regulate standards in the e-Health domain and catalyze and
promote e-Health initiatives in the country.
15. Presentations of eHealth applications were given by four States (Tamil Nadu, Gujarat,
Himachal Pradesh, and, Kerala). The Panel was chaired by Shri Sunil Sharma, JS (eGov),
MoHFW and panellists were: i) Shri Sunil Bhushan, STD (NIC), (ii) Shri Srinivasan
Ramakrishnan, Advisor, NISG and (iii) Shri Jitendra Arora, Director (eGov), MoHFW.
States highlighted the challenges being faced by them during carrying out eHealth
initiatives. They echoed the sentiments that improved healthcare delivery can be improved
substantially by providing medical personnel with better access to data, faster data retrieval
and higher quality of data.
16. The meeting evolved with Vote of Thanks delivered by Shri Ankit Tripathi, Additional
Director, CHI.
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Annexure 1: Meeting Schedule
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Annexure 2 : List of Attendees
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