Mechanical CPR Assist Device

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Optimized Resuscitation

Cardiac massage and ventilation

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In case of cardiac arrest it is It features precise mechanics and
decisive to perform quick and works thus without any source of
effective resuscitation to save a energy. Therefore, this resuscitation
person’s life. device is particularly suitable for
The animax offers the possibility application on the road.
for an optimum and continuous One assistant is sufficient to put the
CPR (cardio pulmonary resusci- animax quickly on a patient; also the
tation). device is adaptable to each patient’s
individual chest size.
animax alternates automatically
between cardiac massage and
ventilation in a rhythm of 30:2.

Save lives —
high tech for effective resuscitation
Individual and complex resuscitation —
an easy exercise with the animax

For a successful resuscitation The ventilation volume also auto- patient’s potential bloating. To mo-
several factors must be con- matically adjusts between 500 ml nitor this closely there is a pressure
sidered simultaneously. With and 600 ml. There is an integrated manometer attached to the mask’s
the animax these measures excess pressure valve to avoid a valve.
are simplified thus helping the
user to perform CPR in an Due to its ingenious design, it is easy
optimum way. Depending on to find the exact pressure point for
the patient’s chest size the successful resuscitation, which is
depth of pressure adjusts itself kept throughout the whole procedure.
between 40 and 50 mm. The device alternates automatically
between cardiac massage and venti-
lation in a rhythm of 30:2.

Resuscitation with animax can be

performed effectively and without
problem by one assistant only. The
physical power necessary for CPR
with the animax is considerably lower
than it is the case performing CPR
Spiro-set with filter, mask’s valve
and pressure manometer

The overstretch pillow keeps the

patient’s head supported and in
an overstretched position, while
the bow connecting the elastic
straps to the mask rotates thus
the straps adjust themselves.
This assures a particularly good
adhesion of the facial mask.

Oxygen can be added to the air

for ventilation if necessary. The
Ventilation connector with excess
connection for air is linked to the pressure valve
oxygen supply so that the attached
reservoir bag is filled with oxygen,
if needed.

Connector for air and for oxygen

Help within seconds —
animax is ready to operate at once

If you can immediately begin the extends automatically thus the width
resuscitation procedure, the patient’s and height adjust symmetrically.
chances for survival are best. The
innovative design of the animax’s The correct pressure point can be
portal frame makes the device ready found easily because the device
to use in an instant. centers itself automatically.
Also there is a guide plate on the
The portal frame makes it
easy to quickly put the
It is quick and easy to put the device pressure stamp indicating the
device on a person. on a person because of the combi- correct distance from the extension
nation of the scoops and the height of the breast bone. If the pressure
- as well as width adjustment. If you stamp’s guide plate points in the
push the push buttons located on direction of the breast bone’s
the grips you can adjust the extension, the animax is vertically in
animax in height and width simul- the correct position.
taneously. The frame with the scoops

The pressure stamp’s guide

plate indicates the distance to
the actual pressure surface.
Delivery package and accessories —
for optimized resuscitation

The animax comes in a special bag, Accessories* for the animax

which can be used as a backpack
as well. Part of the delivery package
are the spiro–set, the overstretch-
pillow for a dummy, an extra mask,
a syringe, a ventilation hose, the
mask’s valve with manometer, PEEP-valve PEEP-valve-adapter
scissors, a reservoir bag plus valve,
a bacteria/vires filter, and two tubes.
The spiro-set consists of a facial
mask, elastic straps and frame for
the facial mask, and an overstretch
pillow for patients. *All these parts are available and can be
ordered as accessories.
Mechanics ingeniously put into practise —
save lives with animax

Our aim at AAT is to build an e asily and quickly put on the a lteration of cardiac massage
aid for optimum resuscitation patient due to the symmetrical- and ventilation in the rhythm
by means of highly developed ly adjustable portal frame of 30:2
and innovative technology.
It is our philosophy to help t he depth of pressure automati- a utomatic adjustment of the
people; therefore, we developed cally adjusts to the patient’s ventilation volume
the animax. chest size
We invest our entire knowledge resuscitation that physically
and skill, based on long ex- e asy and quick localization of spares the assistant
perience in the rehabilitation the pressure point because of
technology, into emergency the pressure stamp
medicine. Animax is concept-
ualised to solve complex tasks
with mobile and userfriendly


Ventilation/compression diagram Technical and medical data

target group adults

Ventilation application one person

weight of the animax 9.8 kg

weight of the bag plus accessories 4.5 kg

assembly time approx. 20 seconds

automatic alteration 30:2

ventilation volume 500 - 600 ml

depth of pressure 40 - 50 mm
animax corresponds to the guidelines for me- bag’s height 38 cm
dical products 93/42/EEC.

bag’s length 53 cm
In the interest of progress we reserve the right for
technical changes. bag’s depth 18 cm

AAT Alber Antriebstechnik GmbH Tel.: + 49 .74 31 .12 95 - 0 · Fax: 12 95 - 35

Ideen bewegen mehr Postfach 10 05 60 · D-72426 Albstadt info@ ·

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