Teaching Practices and Benefits Module (Written Report)
Teaching Practices and Benefits Module (Written Report)
Teaching Practices and Benefits Module (Written Report)
EM 501
Effective Teaching
1 Practices
In the ever-changing education environment, effective teaching
practices are helping educators enhance their instructional style.
Using these teaching methods allow them to adjust their teaching
strategies to fit both the students and the material, recognizing that
different students learn in different ways. By incorporating effective
teaching practices into your teaching plans, you may have more
opportunities to engage students in the learning process and
support their academic accomplishments. Understanding different
effective teaching methods allows you to decide which ones to use
when you teach.
How teachers design curriculum and what they do to facilitate learning inside
and outside the classroom has a powerful effect on student motivation and the
approaches they adopt to learning.
Here are some practices that teachers used in the teaching and learning process:
1. Enjoy the field of education
Teachers who express a passion for their work can inspire their students. It's
important to create engaging lesson plans to show students you're invested in their
academic growth. Students often appreciate knowing you're enthusiastic about the
subject you teach, and if you model this behavior, they may become motivated to
participate more in classroom activities or research the material during leisure time.
Maintaining a friendly demeanor throughout the day can help make your classroom
space welcoming toward all students. Effective teachers understand they can play
an important role in a student's life aside from their academic career. It may be
helpful to provide support in the classroom for their social and emotional needs, such
as encouraging teamwork during activities and offering helpful advice outside
of class periods.
4. Be prepared
Effective teachers have a robust knowledge of their course material and spend a lot
of time planning their curriculums. They exert daily effort to ensure they can perform
high-quality instruction and complete grading deadlines. Consider reviewing
coursework every day so you can best answer student questions during class. It may
also be helpful to research classroom strategies recommended by other teachers and
educational specialists.
5. Manage a weekly schedule
Successful teachers optimize their lesson plans to best use their time in the
classroom during weekdays. They often design lesson plans that involve multiple
learning steps, like a lecture on the material followed by individual assignments or
group-based classwork. Providing enough time during the school day for your
students to complete their work or finish an activity is also important.
6. Use clear language
Teachers who explain complicated ideas in simplified ways can help their students
learn more efficiently. They use multiple mediums to convey lesson material,
including diagrams, slideshows, demonstrations or supplementary videos. When
they assign projects, they provide distinct steps to address any potential concerns.
It may be helpful to use a steady speech pattern when introducing new concepts to
your class and incorporate a readable font size to any lecture materials.
7. Set reasonable expectations
Effective teachers communicate their standards to students and apply them to their
own practices. They may adjust standards to better address different learning styles
and ensure every student can achieve their goals. For instance, if a student
communicates an issue with a grade, a constructive teaching habit would involve
listening to their concern and addressing it afterward. It's important to outline your
policies at the beginning of a semester so students can ask questions and express
their thoughts.
• Examine how physical set-up and teacher role affects student expectations
Here are a couple of questions that serve as indicators of whether one’s teaching
practices have clear goals and a strong scaffold:
Complete me!
________ _______
An Effective
_______ _______
The individual differences of students are firmly at the center of a highly
effective teaching practice. While the teacher should follow a well-defined structure
and work toward precise goals, the instruction should be balanced between the
content standards and the individual learners’ needs. A good way to find balance and
lower the discrepancy is to employ positively-oriented support structures for
students who need it. If children are expected to be successful, then they need the
right tools and resources through which they can achieve that goal.
There are many benefits to using effective teaching practices. Consider the
• Helps students achieve their learning goals. Effective teaching can help
you assess the needs of your students, allowing you to understand which
classroom strategies may be helpful. You can also lead more constructive
one-on-one meetings with students to learn the best ways to support them.
• Increases student engagement in the classroom. Good practices can help
you design interesting lesson plans and encourage an overall enthusiasm for
the material. Effective teaching methods may also help you form positive
relationships with students.
• Enhances the quality of your feedback to students. If you use effective
teaching practices, you can better understand how to measure the progress
of your students. You can also respond to their inquiries with relevant and
accurate information.
• Improves your relationship with families. A student's family is often an
important aspect of their overall education, and effecting teaching can help
you maintain a constructive relationship with them.
Great emphasis has been laid on the teachers to use effective teaching
strategies and method for improved learning by many researchers and educationists
but on the other hand, one must also understand that the amount of students’
learning in a class also depends on their native ability of cognition and as well as
their prior preparation. Teachers should prepare mental set through rapport with
students before they start teaching. With the passage of time, the importance of
instructors’ teaching style is being spread and the teachers are taking initiative to
improve their teaching strategies for students’ improved learning by getting enrolled
in such programmes which help them reflect upon their teaching practices and
improving them as per requirement. The teachers who are willing for professional
development in this area are able to deliver even complex and complicated content
effectively, helping the students generate their interest and eagerness for more
opportunities of learning in a conducive environment, making all the individuals feel
that they are being taught in their own unique way being unique themselves.
What are the different teaching practices you employed in your class? Cite scenarios and
list down the benefits you get from that practice/s.
Is it effective?
The Impact of Effective Teaching Strategies on the Students’ Academic Performance and Learning
Outcome - GRIN