This document discusses the role of public spaces in connecting communities and the challenges that exist. It provides an overview of different typologies of public spaces based on context/use and functions. The document outlines how public displays could help bridge gaps between communities that occupy the same public space at different times, or are distributed across multiple spaces. It presents four scenarios illustrating how situated public displays could enhance social interaction within and across communities in public spaces.
This document discusses the role of public spaces in connecting communities and the challenges that exist. It provides an overview of different typologies of public spaces based on context/use and functions. The document outlines how public displays could help bridge gaps between communities that occupy the same public space at different times, or are distributed across multiple spaces. It presents four scenarios illustrating how situated public displays could enhance social interaction within and across communities in public spaces.
This document discusses the role of public spaces in connecting communities and the challenges that exist. It provides an overview of different typologies of public spaces based on context/use and functions. The document outlines how public displays could help bridge gaps between communities that occupy the same public space at different times, or are distributed across multiple spaces. It presents four scenarios illustrating how situated public displays could enhance social interaction within and across communities in public spaces.
This document discusses the role of public spaces in connecting communities and the challenges that exist. It provides an overview of different typologies of public spaces based on context/use and functions. The document outlines how public displays could help bridge gaps between communities that occupy the same public space at different times, or are distributed across multiple spaces. It presents four scenarios illustrating how situated public displays could enhance social interaction within and across communities in public spaces.
Nemanja Memarovic Marc Langheinrich University of Lugano University of Lugano [email protected][email protected] ABSTRACT through the Internet. Endowed not only with output, but Public spaces are important building blocks of local also input capabilities (e.g., sensors), they could constitute a communities. They facilitate social encounters, create a novel global communication medium. sense of belonging, and can provide relaxation, excitement, and learning opportunities. However, a single public space This new medium could be used in several ways: it could may be shared by different social groups only at different promote social diversity in a public space and ease the times, effectively keeping those groups separate. At the communication between different communities occupying same time, other social groups may share common interests the same space; it could help shrinking the distance yet do so across physically separated spaces. Public between distributed communities by enabling synchronous Displays can play an important role in bridging such gaps in and asynchronous inter-community communication; it social interaction – across spatial barriers, temporal could enhance the context of a place by providing place to barriers, and social barriers. The following article discusses people communication; and it could familiarize visiting the role of public spaces in the social fabric of communities members of a community with a community-relevant place. and outlines the challenges in bringing separated This position paper attempts to outline the challenges of communities together, based on a literature review in urban transforming today’s one-way public displays into a future design studies and related disciplines. It then describes the communication medium. It briefly summarizes current potential of public display technology to address those scholarly work on public spaces and their typologies, and challenges with the help of four illustrating scenarios. identifies general opportunities for providing social Author Keywords Public space; Public displays; interaction within and across communities that occupy public spaces. Finally, it presents four scenarios that ACM Classification Keywords H.5.1 [Information illustrate the potential of situated public displays in bridging Interfaces & Presentation] Multimedia Information Systems separated communities, and in communicating the notion of General Terms Design a place to people. PUBLIC SPACE TYPOLOGIES INTRODUCTION We encounter public spaces everywhere we go: town The question ‘What is a public space?’ can be analyzed centers, parks, and public streets are all common settings of from different perspectives. Gehn and Matan [4] contrast our everyday life. They are a passing scenery on our way to and discuss two different views dominant in the literature: work, a place where we run into friends and “hang out”, or one focuses on a space’s context, the other on actual use of an opportunity to sit down and relax for a moment. But the space. The first approach defines public space as a ‘kind whoever “we” might be, “we” are not the only people of hybrid of physical spaces and public spheres’, where the occupying the public space. Different social groups, e.g., public sphere is the area of social life where people can based on race, religion, age, or gender, reside in and across freely meet, discuss, and create political opinions. In this public spaces. More often than we might expect, these view, the important defining element of a space is its groups form communities that have difficulties interacting historical, political, and social context and how those affect with each other, even though they inhabit the same space. people’s perception of the public space. The second view At the same time, groups may be distributed across multiple defines public space as ‘open public locations… where physical centers where different group members meet, in citizens can gather, linger or wonder through’. In this view, turn making it difficult to create a sense of community public space is defined by its actual everyday use. among them [3]. Public displays have the potential to In their seminal book on public spaces, Carr et al. [3] bridge those gaps between communities, both within and follow the second view and define public space as ’the across public spaces. Today’s public spaces see an common ground where people carry out the functional and increasing deployment of large digital displays: in shopping ritual activities that bind a community, whether in the malls, universities, museums, buses, in train stations or normal routines of daily life or in periodic festivities…[it] even on building facades. While many of those displays are is the stage where the drama of communal life unfolds.’ still singular installations that simply run some slideshow of Carr et al. subsequently classify eleven different types of a locally connected computer, it is easy to envision that in public spaces, based on how people use the space: public the future, all of these displays could be interconnected parks, squares and plazas, memorial, markets, streets, playgrounds, community open spaces, greenways and simply watching what other people do. A bench in the park parkways, atrium/indoor marketplace, found/neighborhood can provide an escape from the everyday fluster of work, spaces, and waterfronts. Although their typology is based noise, and crowd. on public spaces in the US there is significant overlap with There are five types of needs in public spaces: comfort, spaces in other countries. relaxation, passive engagement with the environment, While Carr et al.’s typology of public spaces focuses on active engagement with the environment, and discovery. usage, Carmona [1, 2] offers a typology that instead uses Comfort is one of the basic human needs and without it, it is aspects of function, perception and ownership, resulting in very difficult to see how other needs can be achieved. The no less than 19 different types: natural/semi-natural urban level of comfort can influence the amount of time people space, civic space, public open space, movement space, stay in a place. Also, psychological and social comfort is a service space, left over space, undefined space, ’deep and pervasive need‘ that extends the overall ‘interchange’ space, public ‘private’ space, conspicuous experience of a place. Relaxation is the state of the body space, internalized space, retail space, ‘third place’ spaces, and mind at ease. One of the factors that raise the level of private ‘public’ space, visible private, interface spaces, user comfort is the contrast to the adjacent urban environment. selecting spaces, private open space, external private space, Passive engagement with the environment is the need of and internal private space. connecting with the setting without being actively involved. The most common passive activity is “people watching”. In contrast to these two rather concrete typologies, Iveson Active engagement with the environment represents more [5] uses political-economical analysis in order to describe direct interaction with the space itself and people in it. how the conception of public space can change its use. He People want to socialize in pubic places with friends, differentiates between four different models: the ceremonial acquaintances, and strangers, e.g., ’parent socializing model of public space, i.e., public space “that represents the appears to be as important as child play in a triumph of public over the market through state ownership playground/park.‘ Also, strangers are more likely to and large-scale civic design”, the community model of socialize if there is an unusual event going on creating the public space, i.e., public space that fosters community, the effect of “triangulation” whereby the special feature of the liberal model of public space, i.e., public space that is open place is a link between the people and stimulates strangers to all and ignores all social differences, and the multi-public to socialize. Ultimately, public space is ’a place to bump model of public space, i.e., public space comprised of into friends and neighbors, share news, gossip, and lobby different people with different opinions. According to officials.’ Discovery represents the desire for stimulation, Iveson the first three models have flaws: the ceremonial challenge, and enjoyment we all have in exploring new model doesn’t include openness by virtue of being the things, which would be in this case exploring new parts of state’s apparatus; the community model could lead to the space. The need for discovery is usually met by homogenization of the people occupying the space by traveling or by meeting new people. To make the place making them belong to the same community (outsiders are more interesting either people have to bring suitable items not welcomed); the liberal model that is ‘open to everyone’ with them, e.g., books, or the place itself has to provide could be interpreted as ‘open to everyone like us’. In some sort of stimulation that will endure people’s stay. contrast to the three mentioned models, which assume uniform representation of the public space, the multi-public Rights model sees the public space comprised of multiple publics ’The rights to use a public space and have a sense of control coexisting in the same space at the same time. This goes within it are basic and overarching requirements.’ [3] along with the findings from Holland et al. [6] reporting These requirements are achieved through access, freedom that different social groups often occupy the same space. of action, appropriation, claim, change, and ownership and disposition. Access refers to the ability to enter space. It can Needs, Rights, and Meanings be physical, visual, or symbolic: Is the space physically Public space typologies tell us how we can classify and available to the public? Can potential users of the space see describe the public space, but they do not tell us what into it and conclude that it is a public space that is people seek and do in them. Carr et al. [3] conclude that welcoming them? And is there a presence of cues (boards) ’most people go to public open spaces for specific reasons.’ and people (security guards) indicating who is welcomed in They describe the necessary qualities that public spaces the place? Freedom of action involves ’the ability to carry should support in order to address human necessities more out the activities that one desires, to use a place as one effectively. They call them “human dimensions of public whishes but without the recognition that a public space is space” and they include the needs, rights, and meanings. shared.’ However, the interests of one group may be a Needs potential threat for another (e.g., teenagers and elderly), Human needs in public spaces vary from immediate needs creating the necessity of balance between different groups for food, water, or rest, to less obvious long-range purposes, and activities in the place. Also, some groups are often like the need to exercise. They provide opportunities to neglected in public spaces, such as people with disabilities, connect with other people by running into friends, or by women, or the elderly. Claim represents stating a possession of the space. Different groups are subject to ’public spaces allow people to meet on ostensibly neutral time-sharing of the space, e.g., teenagers and the elderly ground in planned and unplanned ways, to interact with occupy the space at different times. In order to achieve their others within the context of the whole community.’ goals in the space, people need a certain degree of spatial Drawing from those two works, we will summarize the control over it. Control can provide evidence that people problems facing different communities in-and-across care about the space, that it belongs to someone, and that public spaces as well as those between places and people. people, even non-users, value and respect it. One of the Different communities occupying the same space important qualities of a space is its change over time. This The concept of time-sharing a space most prominently change can be permanent, e.g., a new fountain, or temporal, emerges between different age groups, e.g., the elderly and e.g., moving the chairs in a café. Also, events, like concerts, teenagers. Holland et al. argue for the “provision of protests, celebrations, can occupy the space and change its difference” in public places and conclude that ’being able to use. Although public spaces are supposed to be owned by be seen in public – and to be able to see different types of the public, ownership and disposition refers to the social groups – may go some way to enabling everyone, difference between legal ownership and the ultimate right and children and young people in particular, to observe of possession. difference, and thereby perhaps, promote tolerance for Meanings social diversity.’ [6] People build links to the world that go beyond the Distributed communities immediate experience of a setting. These links are created ’People like to remain connected with the public life of over time through activities occurring within the space, their villages, towns and cities.’ [6] According to Carr et al., ultimately giving places meanings. Carr et al. borrow a places are a core driver for enabling people to connect with description of a meaningful place from Kevin Lynch’s book larger communities. While virtual communities (e.g., online A Theory of Good City Form (1981): ’A good place is one social networks) provide one way to connect distributed which, in some way appropriate to the person and her communities, their “hiding-behind-a-screen” access model culture, makes her aware of her community, her past, the runs the risk of isolating users from their immediate web of life, and the universe of time and space in which surroundings. Places can also improve connections between these are contained.’ Certain criteria have to be satisfied in neglected communities, e.g., people with disabilities. order for a space to become meaningful: it has to be legible, i.e., it has to have special cues that differ it from other Place-to-people communication places, it has to provide relevance, i.e., it has to provide for Places sometimes “send the wrong message” to its visitors, people’s needs on the individual level and it has to comply in particular relating to the perceived safety of a place. with the cultural norms and practices on a cultural level, Places can get reputations that they do not deserve. A place and it has to create connections itself and its users. can look dangerous to strangers when instead it is safe. Also when we approach a place for the first time we do not Connections exist on several levels: they can be individual, know anything about it: who is occupying the place, what group, connections to the larger society, biological and activities are going on, what can be done in it etc. psychological, and connections to other worlds. Individual connections help us in creating a sense of ourselves and PUBLIC DISPLAYS AS COMMUNICATION MEDIA represent links in our lives between different stages in life. In our vision, public displays can be more than just simple Group connections are created through social interactions advertising machines. By becoming a novel communication with other people, where the “others” may be closely media, public displays can act as ”community glue” that associated groups or communities. Connections to the helps bringing hitherto socially separated communities larger society represent connections on a large scale, closer together – may it be due to their spatial separation, connecting a culture, community, or nation. Biological and temporal separation, or even social separation. They also psychological connections suggest that people are drawn to have the potential to tell us more about the place itself. We places that “stimulate associations with human spatial will illustrate their potential through four short scenarios. archetypes”, e.g., “Lincoln father figure sitting in the “Surprising hobbies…” womblike cave of his monument”. Connections to other Maria is a 76 years old retired librarian. When her first worlds include fantasy places like Disneyworld or places grand kid, Barbara, was born 10 years ago, Maria often that suggest ’cosmic and universal connections‘, like took care of her during the day, sitting in the park with her Stonehenge. and feeding birds. Even though Barbara has since moved CHALLENGES FOR SOCIAL INTERACTIONS away with her parents, Maria still enjoys going back to the Carr et al. make a strong connection between public space park and feed birds now and then, since it reminds her of and community: ’the common ground where people carry the time she spent with Barbara. When she comes to her out the functional and ritual activities that bind a favorite spot a little later than usual today though, she community… it is the stage where the drama of communal notices a number of teenagers sitting in the grass nearby, life unfolds‘. Similarly, Holland et al. [6] conclude that dressed all in black. Maria sits down uncomfortably, watching the kids out of the corner of her eye as she is quite intimidated by their looks. While occasionally glancing at a “How cool is your skate park?” nearby public display, however, she begins to notice some Eric is a teenager on vacation with his family. How dull is follow-me community-ads that apparently belong to those that, he thinks. He would rather be at SK8, his favorite black-clad kids. Can it really be that they are advertising skating park back home, hanging out with his friends and their classical music concert? Indeed, it seems that most of kickin’ some cool flips with “Mercedes”. “Mercedes” is the those teenagers are actually in a youth orchestra, as Maria name of his skateboard and he never leaves home without notices, which will give an open-air concert in the park later it. When he exits the hotel he sees something that looks like this week featuring Bach compositions. ‘Well,’ Maria a skate park nearby. When closer inspection shows that it is decides, ‘if they like classical music then they can’t be that one, Eric is first thrilled, then anxious: ‘What if all the threatening after all!’ She makes a small mental note to call people inside are, like, amateurs?’ He is pretty good with her daughter later and invite her over for the concert – this Mercedes and he only wants to hang out with skaters that might be a good opportunity to see Barbara again! are as skilled as or even better than him. Luckily he sees that there is a public display at the park showing some of “In the nick of time!” the recent tricks performed at the park. “Skull” just did an “Where is he?” Jane thinks while she is waiting for Mike, “Air walk grab” this afternoon, and “Death at the disco” is her violin partner for tonight’s concert. Jane is a senior and usually doing “Kickflips” around this time. Scanning the plays piano at Roosevelt High. She and Mike are supposed display, Eric finds a number of skaters in the park that do to perform for her end-of-the-year recital. ’The concert is really cool tricks, and he decides to give it a try. starting in 10 minutes. Did I send him the right address?’ she wonders. The problem with her recital started yesterday CONCLUSIONS when her standard violin partner, Stan, caught the flu. They Public places play important role in a community life: they had practiced Strauss’s Sonata for Violin and Piano in E- provide a place for social encounters, entertainment, and flat Major together during the last few weeks. When she got relaxation. Often enough, however, different social groups Stan’s message she immediately posted a message looking occupying the same space might not “play well” together. for someone to replace him to the new “EduNote” system, At the same time, physically separated communities might which connects public displays in high schools throughout miss out on important social encounters. Public displays the city. Mike was the first one to respond to her post – her have the potential to bring communities within and across message caught him as he was on his way to violin practice public places closer together, to communicate the notion of and he got interested in meeting someone from Roosevelt the place, and even to connect visitors to a local High who shared his interest in Strauss. ’In the nick of community. Based on a literature review in the social time!’ she thinks as she sees Mike carrying his violin. ’If he sciences, we created four scenarios that illustrate the plays well as he looks maybe I’ll get an A.’ potential of public displays for improving social coherence. We are currently in the process of designing a testbed in “Something else for a change…” order to trial some of these applications in realistic settings. Visiting a new city can be hard, especially if you have only one day to explore it. Jane knows that. She has been ACKNOWLEDGMENTS traveling on business for more than ten years and visited This work was in part funded within the European Union literally hundreds of cities. To prevent her from burning out Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under on the road, Jane usually tries to explore a bit of the city she grant agreement no. 244011. is in, even if it is only for a short evening. Back in the early REFERENCES days, she did not like it that much: wandering the streets 1. Carmona, M. Contemporary Public Space: Critique and alone… ’God knows what might happen‘, she often Classification, Part One: Critique. Journal of Urban thought. But today’s ubiquitous public displays usually help Design 15, 1 (2010), 123-148. her “reading” a place much better than before. Many public 2. Carmona, M. Contemporary Public Space: Critique and spaces have systems that visualize the activities that happen Classification, Part Two: Classification. Journal of in them over the course of the day, giving Jane a chance to Urban Design 15, 2 (2010), 157-173. quickly assess her own personal comfort levels. And if an 3. Carr, S., Francis, M., Rivlin, L.G., and Stone, A.M. area has a particularly interesting mix of activities, Jane Public space. Cambridge University Press (1992). usually ends up in a cute bar or restaurant, meeting 4. Gehl, J. and Matan, A. Two perspectives on public interesting people during the course of an evening. As her spaces. Building Research & Information 37, 1 (2009), meeting went well, Jane feels like experimenting: She 106-109. notices a bar where nearby displays show that it is popular 5. Iveson, K. Putting the public back into public space. with people her daughter’s age. ‘Why not something else Urban Policy and Research 16, 1 (1998), 21-33. for a change?’ she thinks. When she enters, she is 6. Holland, C., Clark, A., Katz, J., and Peace, S. Social pleasantly surprised, as it is all decked out in a 60s design: interactions in urban public places. Policy Press (2007). ‘Wow, it seems my teenage days are finally trendy again!‘