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BSBOPS503 Student Assessment Tasks 06-10-20

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

First published 2020

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Business Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Business
Services Training Package.

Introduction 4
Assessment Task 1: Project 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 11
Final results record 13

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

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BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

The assessment tasks for BSBOPS503 Develop administrative systems are outlined in the
assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and
knowledge that you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Business Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

BSBOPS503 Develop administrative systems describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to plan for or review the requirements of administrative systems and
procedures for implementing, monitoring and reviewing the system.
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete one assessment task:
 Assessment Task 1: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a
project portfolio.

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Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Assessment Task 1: Project

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a
number of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:
 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates a business environment including a
meeting space and computer and internet access
 your learning resources and other information for reference
 Project Portfolio template.
Ensure that you:
 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Business Works
Student User Guide
 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide
 adhere with Rockford College’s submission guidelines
 answer all questions completely and correctly
 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced
 submit a completed cover sheet with your work
 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Business Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information on:
 where this task should be completed
 how your assessment should be submitted.
Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide.

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Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This project requires you to plan for, implement and monitor an administrative
system. This must be a system that makes use of new digital technologies and
applications to manage data.
This project can be based on a case study business or you may like to base this on
your own business, or a business you are currently working for or a familiar with. It
is important that this business has organisational policies and procedures related to
obtaining quotes and purchasing. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you
want to base this on your own business or one you work for.
You will also need to discuss and collaborate with people who work for, or are
involved, in this business as you need to meet with the stakeholders several times.
Fellow students can be involved in these meetings and play the roles of system
users and other stakeholders as relevant.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below.
The planning that you complete for this assessment needs to be implemented so
bear this in mind when planning for your new administrative system. It is
recommended that you choose a Cloud based administrative system that includes
both a free and premium (paid) option. You will need to obtain quotes during your
assessment and also install and implement your chosen system. Choosing one
that offers a free version as well as a premium option will mean that you can easily
implement your chosen system without difficulty or expense!

Case Study of Serif Pharmaceuticals, Inc

Rocky Lawaju

Objective of Meeting

 Use of Digital technology

Massive volumes of information may be stored in very small spaces thanks to digital technology.
On small devices like mobile phones, a lot of media can be carried around, including pictures,
music, movies, contact information, and other reports.

 Business enhancement

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Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

In order to improve or convert a business, both the business and the people aspects must undergo
transformation. As it affects "business as usual," the impact and extent of the change will either be
incremental or transformative.

 Customer Engagement
The development of a relationship between a company and a customer that extends well
beyond a transaction is known as customer engagement. Every time a company interacts
with a consumer, they intentionally and consistently add value, which boosts customer

Case study of Business policy

Members of the Company's Board of Directors (the "Directors"), as well as all employees
and officers of Serfi Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its affiliates (the "Company") are subject to
the terms and conditions of this Trading Policy (the "Policy"), which codifies the Company's
standards for trading and permits the trading of securities of the Company or other publicly-
traded companies while in possession of material non-public information.
1. Scope of policy
The Policy forbids trading in the Company's and other firms' stocks in specific
circumstances and is applicable to Directors, executives, and employees of the Company.
It also applies to all Insiders.

2. Few Transactions Have Exceptions

Not all transactions involving the Company's securities are covered by this policy. The
following exceptions are designed to make a variety of frequent transaction types easier.
 Exercises of stock options. The Company's stock option plans do not cover the simple
exercise of stock options for cash.
 Upon the Vesting of Restricted Stock, the Net Settlement. This Policy does not apply to
shares that are surrendered to the Company or to shares that are retained and withheld
from distribution to the relevant officer, director, or employee by the Company.

1. Contraband Transactions
The Company believes that it is illegal and inappropriate for Insiders to make short-term or
speculative investments in the Company's securities or to participate in other activities that could
result in unintentional violations of the insider trading laws. As a result, the following additional
limitations apply to Insiders' trading in Company securities:

(a). Short sales: No Insider shall sell Short any Securities of the Company.
(b) Trading options: On the company's securities, no Insider may purchase, sell, or trade puts, calls,
or any other derivative securities.
(c) Margin trading and pledging No Insider is permitted to keep Company shares in a margin
account or use them as collateral for loans.
(d). Hedging With regard to company securities, no Insider is permitted to engage in hedging,
monetization transactions, or similar agreements.

2. Policy Procedures

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Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

The likelihood of finding information on the following topics is reasonably high in specific
• Significant modifications to the company's prospects;
• Financial results, forecasts of potential profits or losses;
• Substantial asset write-downs;
• The completion dates or outcomes of preclinical or clinical experiments;
• Information on the company's or its goods' scientific, medical, or financial data development;
• Developments involving important legal disputes or probes by governmental bodies

Conclusion of the meeting

The aforementioned instruction manual largely pertains to the Cabinet and the Cabinet
Committee, but much of it also applies to the recording of minutes at other meetings. In terms
of attributing opinions to certain speakers, there can be a requirement for a specific change.
The notion of the impersonal manner in recording a debate may need to be partially
abandoned because a statutory board or committee is not jointly responsible. The staff of the
Cabinet Office may, for instance, be required to act as the secretariat for a conference that has
no collective responsibility but is a gathering place for people with divergent viewpoints who
are trying to find a solution to issues that are affecting the community. In such cases, it is best
to attribute opinions to specific people.

2. System planning

Make sure you are familiar with the business you are basing this assessment on
and have read through the necessary background information, relevant policies and
procedures and that you have identified all stakeholders. It’s important at this step
that you have your business or case study approved by your assessor.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1 of your Project Portfolio.
Once you are comfortable with what you need to do, arrange a meeting with the
system users and other stakeholders who may need to be involved during this
stage of the planning.
 Key elements:
Bring tremendous changes in the organization's possibilities financial results,
projections of future profit or misfortunes huge compose downs in resources. Check
the courses of events or the consequences of preclinical examinations or clinical
preliminaries logical, clinical or monetary information connecting with the Company's
items or items under advancements in regards to critical prosecution or government
office examinations.
Organizational planning: Help with execution of this Policy flowing this Policy to all
Directors, officials and representatives of the Company and guaranteeing that this Policy is
revised as important to stay fully informed regarding insider exchanging regulations
checking on and supporting Approved Plans (as characterized beneath) or corrections or
amendments to such Plans, and alluding such plans or revisions to such. Plan to the
Board or a properly delegated council thereof for endorsement if required or generally
Developing a schedule:
(i)On December 16 the end of the second trading day after the public release of the fourth
quarter and year-end financial statements
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Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

(ii) The end of the second trading day after the financial results for the first quarter is
(iii) Starting on June 16 and continuing through the end of the second trading day after the
public announcement of financial results for the second quarter;
(iv) Between September 16 and the conclusion of the second trading day after the
public announcement of financial results for the third quarter
 Resource planning: Resources data isn't restricted to verifiable realities, however
may likewise incorporate projections and figures. Concerning a future occasion,
like a consolidation or securing or improvement of another item, the point at which
exchanges or new item improvement not set in stone to be still up in the air by
adjusting the likelihood that the occasion will happen against the greatness of the
impact the occasion would have on an organization's tasks or stock cost would it
be a good idea for it happen. Hence, data concerning an occasion that would
generally affect stock cost, like a consolidation, might be material regardless of
whether the likelihood that the occasion will happen is somewhat little. If all else
fails about whether specific non-public data is material, assume it is material.
Risk planning: It involves important litigation or government agency investigative
developments; impending insolvency or liquidity issues alterations to earnings projections,
or unanticipated profits or losses in important operations significant managerial changes
exceptional borrowings

3 .Stakeholder meeting

Meet with the system users and relevant stakeholders (at least three other students
or people). Discuss and take notes so you can complete Section 1 of your Project
Portfolio after the meeting. The meeting should last for approximately 20 mins.
At the meeting:
 Discuss the organisational requirements and policies including any legislative
requirements such as data security and privacy
 Brainstorm suitable options to meet requirements
 Ask for feedback on any systems they may have used previously and what
they believe the pros and cons are of those systems
 Discuss the budget
 Discuss how a new system can best be implemented and how they would
prefer to be trained in its usage.
During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

 Use a presenting style and vocabulary to suit the audience and situation

This can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video
record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide you
with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions above and
meet the timeframes allocated.


Serif Traders Staff

• Shyam Shrestha
• Shayin Shakya
• Kareena Manandhar
• Sujam Mainali
• Trisha Neupane
• Jibesh Tamanag
• Krishna Bajracharya
• Piyush Sigdel

Presentations, Purpose of Meeting, and Overview

Shyam presented the Serif Traders staff and experts. He made sense of that the
reason for the gathering was to acquire input on the assessment measures. Trisha
gave an outline of the task setting. A PowerPoint presentation for a part of the
gathering incorporated a show of the primer assessment measures. Duplicates of
the plan and rundown of fundamental assessment measures were given to all
Project History, Objectives, Scope, and Schedule
• Piyush gave a concise outline of the task history and residue conditions at the
course that have prompted the venture.
• Piyush introduced an outline of the goals of the venture.
•Trisha gave an outline of the timetable, the primary undertakings in the project
extent of work, and the investigations that will be directed of the calculated other
• Extra open doors for an Agency/Organization Stakeholder Meeting will be the
point at which the draft project expectations are given to the County to audit.
Primer Evaluation Criteria and Round-Robin Discussion
Shyam, Trisha, and Piyus introduced the primer assessment rules and portrayed
how they will be utilized to assess proposed other options and in choice of the
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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

favoured other option. Following this outline, every office/association partner was
permitted as long as 5 minutes to remark on the proposed assessment models and
the task overall. The remarks are joined; coordinated by point.
Subsequent stages and Meeting Adjournment
• I depicted the forthcoming strides in the venture including advancement of
conceptual options.
• Meeting Minutes and other task data will be posted on the County's site, and
Logan gave that data.
• Connection 1: Preliminary Evaluation Criteria List
• Connection 2: Agency/Organization Stakeholder Meeting Discussion Notes

• Connection 3: Agency/Organization Stakeholder Meeting Presentation

4. Complete your planning

After the meeting, complete Sections 1 and 2 of your Project Portfolio.

When you complete Section 1, you need to:
1.Obtain quotations from suppliers or developers
2.Justify the choice of supplier or developer in line with organisational
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence – review
the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 1 of the Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

When you complete Section 2, include the following activities into your
implementation strategy:
3. System initial roll out – how will information about the system be
communicated to staff and how will you encourage full participation from
the outset?
4. Procedure development – how will procedures be documented and which
procedures need to be developed as part of the roll out?
5. Training and support – how will training and support for staff using the
system be implemented and managed immediately and for future staff
training needs?
6. Monitoring – how will monitoring processes for usage, security and output
take place and during which frequencies and timeframes will these
activities take place?

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

7. Continuous improvement – how will improvements identified be managed

and implemented?
Show your colleagues you met with in the previous activity step the training and
support plans you have developed and confirm with them that they believe these
will be suitable. Consider feedback and work this into your planning as and if
relevant. If you modify your plans then save the original copy of your Project
Portfolio as Draft and your revised copy as Modified.
Submit to your assessor.
Mohan Shrestha
Mohan traders
Gongabu, kathmandu

Sub: Letter to Place a Purchase Order

Sir, this is Rocky from Serif Pharmaceuticals and I might want to put in a request for
a portion of your particular items (Paracetamol).We initially began utilizing your
items/quite a while back (more) and till today we have not gotten any objections
from our clients with respect to the items that your organization makes
Remembering that, we might want to ensure that our relationship continues to get
more grounded. I might want to submit a request of (1000Parecetamols). I wish to
get them in multi week time (More). Much obliged to you for your liberal way of

Yours earnestly,
Rocky Lawaju
Serif Pharmaceuticals
1 - Identifying need
The acquisition cycle generally begins with a similar part - need.
An association perceives the need to get merchandise, items or administrations
and readies the business case to do as such. When this need has been perceived,
the association then, at that point, distinguishes precisely exact thing their
prerequisites are. These necessities are then reviewed in a Contract Notice, which
is distributed for welcoming providers to delicate.

2 - Supplier assessment and determination

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

When the Contract Notice has been distributed and providers have applied to
delicate, the purchaser should then look at the applications and recognize a not
insignificant rundown of possible providers, which will at last wind up as a waitlist of
three, which the victor will come from. There is nobody method for assessing
providers, and purchasers will choose their favoured competitors in light of the
necessities of every individual venture. In any case, the goal is generally to lessen
risk and amplify worth to the purchasing association.

3 - Purchase request
As well as arranging the best cost for the merchandise, items or administrations
which are to be obtained, associations should invest energy surveying the
conditions of the agreement and ensuring they are getting the most ideal
arrangement that anyone could hope to find. When these terms have been
concurred with the provider, they will be reviewed in a conventional agreement
called the Purchase Order, which will frame the expectations including value, detail
and agreements of the item or administration along with any extra commitments.

4 - Delivery
When the terms have been concurred and the Purchase Order is marked, the
following stage is the conveyance of the administrations or items in light of the
particulars which have been concurred. When the merchandise is recieved, the
purchaser will accommodate the products with the Purchase Order before
instalment is made. Was the task followed through on time? Are the items or
administrations which were conveyed those that were settled on in the Purchase
Order? Assuming everything looks great with the conveyance, and the purchaser is
content with the merchandise got, instalment will be made.

Encourage the members of the team to fully participate by inviting their input and
suggestions on how to do things better. Ask questions, listen to their answers, and ,
whenever possibe, implement their solutions. Happy employes are enthusiastic and
positive members of the team,and their attitude is infectious.
Stay with them associated with the
Obviously characterize your assumptions.
Try not to gloss over horrendous tasks.
Be predictable.
Set a genuine model.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Request input.
Show you give it a second thought.
Reward inventiveness.

3. Implement roll out activities

Implement the following activities from your strategy:

1.Develop and distribute procedures to staff (the group you have been
collaborating with for this assessment)
2.Develop and complete a training session for these staff members and provide
them with support as they learn how to use the new (or modified) system
(approx. 15 to 20 mins)
3.Respond to and document at least one unplanned contingency during the
implementation process (your assessor can assist you at this point if you don’t
come across an issue).
Complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio as part of your evidence for this step.
Your assessor will also be observing you as you complete these activities.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in your in Section 3 of the
Project Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.

The training session can either be viewed in person by your assessor or you may
like to video record the session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can
provide you with more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instructions
above and meet the timeframes allocated.

Our organization is to give drugs to general society as quickly as time permits as
there has been many instances of medical conditions our centre is to assist
individuals settle their medical problems with drug store meds. We have been doing
same from the year 2012 and we expect to do it for longer.
This multi-disciplinary Training Program in Social Policy is pointed toward
examining the ramifications of populace wellbeing highlight the significance of
remembering medical problems for a country's improvement arranging and
examine choices for strategy detailing and program/administrations' execution. It
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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

likewise targets giving a wide and forward-thinking comprehension of the

complicated and sweeping outcomes of life span. Members are supported to
develop and carry out fitting strategies that guarantee the personal satisfaction and
prosperity of people in their own country.

The program comprises of talks, courses, site visits and studios. Points managed
include: grasping the responsibilities of the Delfi International Plan of Action on
Health along with the Regional Implementation Strategies;
investigating methods of help the cooperation of all partners to be specific: states,
common society, the family, the
local area and the more established people themselves; gathering and scattering
the best information and proof based rehearses accessible with respect to
satisfactory strategy reactions to populace maturing and observing advancement
towards the accomplishment of the Priority Directions and Recommendations of the
Delfi Plan of Action.

4. Complete monitoring activities

Assume it’s been three months since the roll out. You have received the following
feedback from users:
User 1
It is pretty good, but sometimes I need a file and it is not where it should be. When I
look again in a few hours again, it is usually there. It is quite frustrating! I must say
that sometimes I would rather go back to the old system I used to.
User 2
I take the file out of the shared folder and work on it on my desktop. I then upload it
when I am finished, so it is pretty much the same as just working on my desktop.
User 3
I can see how it should be more straightforward than what I am used to, but it isn’t
always. With the old system I would receive a file to work on, I would do that, and
then send it back to my manager. Now I am not sure what has been done by
And sometimes I can’t find the file at all.
User 4
It is pretty good, but sometimes the file that I need isn’t anywhere, even if I do a
search for it. It is always there when I look the following day, but not always when I

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

want it.
User 5
Not bad, but it is complicated. Like, has another editor already corrected the file, or
should I be doing it. I am sure that I have edited a file that was recently proofread
by someone else, as there were no mistakes in it.
User 6
I like it. I have no complaints. It does what I need it to do.
User 7
I have found it pretty easy to use, and I know where all the files are now.
I have had no security issues with the system, but I do a backup of all my files
every Friday afternoon, just to be sure.
Additionally, a new staff member will begin next month and is due to undergo
systems training as part of their induction.
You now need to analyse the issues raised, develop solutions, and notify the users
of any modifications you make to the system.
You will also need to make further modifications to your procedure and training
session in preparation for the new staff member. Read through the requirements of
your portfolio and work through the activities.
Complete Section 4 of your Project Portfolio.
You are also required to attach certain documents as part of your evidence –
review the documents you need to attach as outlined in Section 4 of your Project
Portfolio and make sure you attach these upon submission.
Worker preparing is significant in such countless ways. It assists with further
developing representative. Commitment and increments representative
maintenance. In the event that done well, it likewise decidedly affects effectiveness,
advancement and efficiency. Normally, preparing is really great for workers and at
last, your benefit and clients.
Delicate abilities
Driving this is a flood of industry change, computerization, and mechanical
progressions. The advanced working environment requires versatile, basic scholars
who can convey really and know about their worth as well as their areas of

Customize worker advancement

Moving toward working environment improvement with a one-size-fits-all mindset is
balancing to a developing, enhanced work environment - representatives should be
evaluated on and recognized for their particular abilities, mechanical familiarity, and
learning approach.

Underline advanced learning

Managers need to decrease protection from advancing by connecting with ability
through the current stages they as of now decide to invest their energy in. Spry
learning philosophies that attention on speed, adaptability and cooperation are the

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

eventual fate of learning and advancement.

5. Submit your completed Project Portfolio

Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all
questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and
grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary attachments as
Submit to your assessor for marking.

Assign a preparation program supervisor

Survey preparing requirements of representatives
Configuration programming to address association need
Put forth objectives and benchmarks
Be inventive with the educational program
Be straightforward with motivators
Urge pioneers to lock in
Staffing Plans and Assessments
Staffing plans and needs appraisals are introduced in Slides . Facilitators ought to
audit this data and use it alongside their experience information to lead the
1. Conceptualizing Staffing Analysis
A few potential responses are:
What is the time period?
What number of individuals would we like to reach?
What administrations will we be giving?
What errands do these administrations incorporate?
What amount of time does it require for to do these assignments?
What abilities will be expected to offer these types of assistance?
Do we as of now have individuals with these abilities?
What is the geographic extent of the undertaking?
2. Staffing Assessment Case Study
Permit 45 minutes to work in little gatherings, then, at that point, 15 minutes to
interview in whole. Facilitator direction for the case study can be tracked down.
Section 1: Start this meeting with conceptualizing.
1. Request that members work with their accomplices to pick a situation in their
association that is significant for their projects. It very well may be the program

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

supervisor, M&E official; OVC people group specialist, volunteer, or another. It

ought to be a place that they know about.
2. Advise them to list the errands that the individual in that position needs to attempt
to finish the work.
3. Give members a couple of moments to list errands.
4. Get some information about the position, its title, and the assignments that
should be done.
5. Did the errands incorporate any administrative or administrative obligations?
6. Are detailing and recording liabilities included? Are administration conveyance
obligations recorded and are they sufficiently explicit? Shouldn't something be said
about preparing or data they will give or give?
Section 2: Then direct members to the contextual analysis and the worksheets in.
Note that we can utilize this to perceive how we could take this rundown of
undertakings and use it to appraise how long would be required and the number of
individuals may be required for the gig.
There are fundamentally three moves toward assessing staffing needs:
1. Characterizing the particular exercises that should be completed
2. Concluding who ought to complete those exercises
3. Assessing how long will be expected to complete the exercises
Talk these through with members. Be clear, and don't add excessively. Keep it
3. Work force Policies
Facilitators ought to involve the data about staff strategies and their experience
information to talk about the point.
4. Strategy Feud
This is truly intended to be a pleasant activity that gets everybody up and moving,
gets a little energy streaming and gets individuals thinking and snickering a little.
Break members into two gatherings.
.Every strategy that matches a strategy on our rundown gets two focuses. Each
extra legitimate strategy that isn't a rehash in various terms gets two extra focuses.
Groups get 10 minutes. It would be shrewd in the event that they partitioned into
more modest gatherings and utilized flip graphs. The group with the most focuses
wins. Potential reactions are recorded in Slides You can offer a little prize (like
chocolate) to the triumphant group.
5. Strategy Implementation
Facilitators ought to involve the data about approach execution in Slides 4.28-4.30
and their experience information to introduce the data on viable strategy
advancement, survey, and execution.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

6. Strategy Case Study

The approach contextual investigation is introduced on Slide 4.31. Permit 15
minutes for the members to work in gatherings and 10 minutes to interview in
entire. Request that each gathering work on this at their tables. Have them perused
the contextual investigation cautiously (keep the slide up) and afterward heed the
7. Activity Planning
While giving staff time to deal with their activity plans for this meeting have them
thoroughly consider how their association plans and how they could reinforce it by
making it more key and nitty gritty and guaranteeing a strong reasoning and
thought behind it. Members ought to again allude to the activity plan format that
they got in Session
2. Inquire them to thoroughly consider their faculty strategy archives, how complete
they, and is required.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Plan for the new or modified

administrative system by:
8. Identifying and adhering to
requirements including
organisational, legislative and
budget considerations
9. Consulting with users
10. Obtaining quotations
11. Selecting system from supplier
or developer according to
administrative procedures
12. Develop an implementation
strategy that detailed roll out

Implement the system by:

13. Completing the relevant roll out
activities including procedure
development and training
session development
14. Running the training session
and considering the participants
learning need and preferences
and engagement in the session
and adjust as required
15. Encouraging staff buy in and
16. Supporting staff in learning the
new system and monitoring their
17. Dealing with contingencies to
minimise impact to users?

RC-BSBOPS503-SAT-V1.1 Page | 20
Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Monitor the system by:

18. Monitoring usage, security and
output from user feedback
19. Analyse the changing needs and
develop solutions
20. Adjust procedures and training
and notify staff of these changes

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


RC-BSBOPS503-SAT-V1.1 Page | 22
Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au
BSBWRT301 Write simple documents Trainer Guide

Final results record

Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type y Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Project Portfolio S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College
Level 3, 633 Princess Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216
ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C
Phone: +61285935200 | Email: [email protected] | Web: www.rockford.edu.au

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