Getting More 2

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How to Negotiate to Achieve

Your Goals in the Real World

STUART DIAMOND is a negotiation teacher and adviser. He teaches a negotiation course at The Wharton
School and Penn Law School where he is an adjunct professor. Mr. Diamond is president of Global Strategy
Group, a consulting company which advises companies and governments on negotiating foreign investments
and other persuasion skills. He specializes in cross-cultural negotiations and has advised more than half the
Global 100 companies and a quarter of the Global 500 companies. Mr. Diamond was previously a journalist at
the New York Times where we won the Pulitzer Prize as part of the team which investigated the space shuttle
Challenger disaster. Mr. Diamond is a graduate of Columbia University, Harvard Law School and Rutgers
The Web site for this book is at

ISBN 9781-77544-683-5

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Getting More - Page 1

No matter what you do in life, you can get more of whatever you want by becoming a better negotiator.
Many people make the mistake of trying to go from the picture they have in their head to their goal in one step. That usually doesn’t
work because it’s too big a step to take. Instead, when negotiating, always try and be incremental. Figure out the answers to four key
questions along the way and you then know what it will take to move them there bit-by-bit.

Mental What are Who are they, What will it take How can we
picture my goals? what do they want? to persuade them? get there?

1. The twelve strategies of negotiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 2 - 4

The twelve strategies are a different way of thinking about negotiation. These are the building blocks for
negotiations. You won’t use all twelve every time you negotiate but you need to know them all because
they will all crop up at different times and in different contexts. Master these twelve strategies and you’ll
become a better negotiator.
The Twelve Strategies of Negotiation

Goals are the key to any negotiation 1 7 Use their standards, not yours

It’s never about you – it’s always about them 2 8 Be 100% transparent and ethical

Be prepared to make emotional payments 3 9 Make sure you communicate and frame well

Never forget every situation is different 4 10 Always focus on the real problem at hand

In everything you do, be incremental 5 11 Embrace differences, they help negotiations

Find ways to trade items you value unequally 6 12 Prepare – Make a list and practice

2. The Getting More Negotiation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 5 - 8

This negotiation model brings the twelve strategies together in a road map for getting more every time you
negotiate. Each section address one of the four questions you have to answer to go from having a mental
picture of what success would look like to realizing your goal.

1è Goals – long term and short term 11è Brainstorm – come up with ideas
2è Problems – in reaching goals 12è Incremental – steps to reduce risk
3è Parties – decision makers, others 13è Third parties – enemies, influencers
4è What if no deal – worst case scenario 14è Framing – create a vision, questions
5è Preparation – time, information sources 15è Alternatives – to improve deal if possible

Mental What are Who are they, What will it take How can we
picture my goals? what do they want? to persuade them? get there?

6è Needs/interests –of all parties 16è Priorities – deal breakers, giveaways

7è Perceptions – pictures in people’s heads 17è Who presents – how and to whom
8è Communication – style, preferences 18è Process – agenda, deadlines, time
9è Standards – theirs and norms 19è Incentives, commitments – for them
10è Reexamine goals – why yes, why no 20è Next steps – who does what
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